When will the “new citizens” of Russia join the army?

When will the “new citizens” of Russia join the army?

And again about Israel

In modern stories it is very difficult to do without demonstrating the parallels between Russia and Israel. First of all, in terms of conducting permanent hostilities. In terms of the ability and ability to deliver preventive strikes, the Russian Army and the IDF are indeed similar, but in terms of attracting new citizens to military duties they are very different.

How is military registration organized in Israel? After receiving the so-called Teudat Zeuta, that is, a passport, a new citizen is allowed to acclimatize in the country for a year. Then he is drafted into the army. Israeli rules govern a complex recruiting process. If a repatriate is over 28 years old and entered the country quite recently, then he is released from the army. In other cases, the service life can reach 32 months. In the army, recruits are taught Hebrew by necessity, and the three-month period of learning the language is counted towards the term of service.

For reference, last year the number of repatriates who arrived in Israel broke all records and amounted to 70 thousand people. According to the Jewish Agency, half of them are Russians. But the Jewish state cannot compete with our country - in 2022, 691 people acquired Russian passports, most of whom are from Tajikistan. 45 thousand came from Armenia, 42 thousand from Kazakhstan and 27 thousand from Uzbekistan - the number of expats from the rest of the republics of the former USSR is estimated at around twenty thousand. This year, the dynamics slowed down growth - from January to March, more than 106 thousand people from neighboring countries received citizenship of the Russian Federation. Naturally, Tajiks are among the leaders with 45 thousand registrations. The exact age and sex composition of the new citizens is not available, but it can be assumed that Russia now has at least 200-300 thousand new conscripts.

Mostly young people under the age of 30-35 enter the country, so the calculations look plausible. Naturally, the question arises - when will the freshly baked citizens join the army? Not necessarily immediately to the NWO, but upon conscription for military service. Apparently, it's tough right now. There is no clarity even with the registration of new citizens for military registration, not to mention the real conscription. To solve the problem, a draft law was submitted to the State Duma on depriving evaders from military registration of acquired Russian citizenship. The wording from the explanatory note is absolutely correct:

“Persons admitted to Russian citizenship take an oath in which they undertake to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation. Communication of knowingly false information regarding the obligation to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the current norms of the Federal Law "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation", is the basis for the termination of Russian citizenship.

The author of the project is a deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Mikhail Matveev. In his Telegram channel, he brings an instructive video from Orel. The military registration and enlistment office came to the workers of the local waste processing plant and handed out summonses.

Nothing seems to be remarkable. If you do not take into account that all conscripts are from Uzbekistan and, according to Mikhail Matveev, have recently received Russian citizenship. Uzbeks, of course, are unhappy with this turn of fate and turn to Shavkat Mirziyoyev for help. The video shows summonses and opened passports of citizens of Uzbekistan. Where the Russians are is unclear. Exactly as in the explanatory note to the bill:

“A situation arises when foreign citizens acquire the citizenship of the Russian Federation, not having the intention to bear the obligations established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for citizens of the Russian Federation, including military duty, but at the same time receiving rights in the form of social guarantees, access to the education and healthcare system and etc.”

Dual Citizens

The situation with the mass distribution of Russian passports has many facets, some of which cannot be called positive. For example, a “newborn” citizen of Tajikistan cut the throat of a Russian woman, and refused to communicate in court without an interpreter. How a person received a passport of the Russian Federation, not understanding a single belmes in Russian, remained a mystery. How the possibility of conscripting men with acquired passports into the ranks of the Russian Army remains a mystery. There are several opinions on this matter. First, people from neighboring countries cannot currently hold weapon and even more so to participate in hostilities. Alexander Khodakovsky, deputy head of the DPR department, voices the idea. Direct text from the author's Telegram channel:

“We don't have enough armed prisoners, let's add more migrants. There will be an oil painting. In time, we will see something that will not seem small. ”

As a solution to the problem, Khodakovskaya proposes organizing a kind of construction battalions, more precisely, options for performing alternative service. Citizens with acquired passports should be sent to expand the military infrastructure, including to new regions of the country. It is worth remembering about the civilian sector, which requires restoration - extra hands will definitely not interfere here. The only question is - why give passports into the hands of people to whom we ourselves do not trust weapons? Maybe it's easier to limit yourself to a residence permit or some other tools? Especially when the proud owner of citizenship does not understand Russian. It is impossible to generalize, but judging by the incident in Orel, new citizens do not throw away their old passports. When convenient, such Russians, and when not, citizens of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and so on.

If a “new citizen” of Russia from Tajikistan has registered with dual citizenship and managed to serve in his homeland, then he cannot be called up for military service, as well as mobilized. And participation in a special operation is interpreted as mercenary

It is not clear whether in the former countries of deployment of newly minted holders of Russian passports, they are deleted from the lists or not. It is known for sure that dual citizenship is preserved by a special agreement with Tajikistan. Now it is clear why so many “new citizens” in Russia come from this republic? Last year there were 174 thousand and this year there are already more than 45 thousand. And here the most interesting begins. The agreement between Russia and Tajikistan on the settlement of issues of dual citizenship states that

“Persons who have completed military service in accordance with the legislation of one Party shall not be subject to conscription in accordance with the legislation of the other Party, and military service in accordance with the legislation of one Party is considered as the performance of the corresponding military duty in relation to the other Party.”

That is, he served in Tajikistan urgently - in Russia you are not subject to conscription. Further in the document in black and white:

"The parties are not bound by the provisions of this paragraph in the event of mobilization."

Under the contract, persons with dual citizenship can serve, but in Tajikistan there is article 401 “Mercenary” for participation in armed conflicts. The term is up to twenty years. Last year, the Embassy of Tajikistan warned its compatriots about the existence of such an article in the light of the special operation. Therefore, when someone talks about expanding the mobilization resource at the expense of "new citizens", it is necessary to make a big reservation. In the case of the natives of Tajikistan, in the first place. Since May of this year, diplomats and security officials of the Central Asian republic have made a list for all participants in the conflict in Ukraine. The article "Mercenary" threatens everyone - both those who are on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and those who are fighting in the Russian Army. The governments of other countries are behaving in a similar way, abundantly supplying their citizens to Russia.

Without resolving the issues of attracting "new citizens" to military service at the state level, we risk ending up in a country where the possession of a passport does not guarantee equal obligations for all holders without exception. And this is the saddest conclusion from the current situation.
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  1. +47
    4 September 2023 04: 58
    Without resolving the issues of attracting "new citizens" to military service at the state level, we risk ending up in a country where the possession of a passport does not guarantee equal obligations for all holders without exception. And this is the saddest conclusion from the current situation.

    not only do we have the rule: "everything to friends - the rest of the law", and leadership with dual citizenship, but now we are being imposed "comrades" who are not our comrades at all, who will have all the rights and no duties. And the indigenous population are left with all the duties, and the right: to endure all this lawlessness.
    1. +35
      4 September 2023 05: 38
      I had a case last summer.
      I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop along with migrant construction workers. They were noisy and cocky.
      I made one remark that they are still guests here and it’s not good to behave like that at a party - bullying local people. And the young man answered me in Russian that they HAVE THE COMPLETE RIGHT to behave this way.
      “I wonder why you think so?” I asked.
      - Because St. Petersburg is our city, not yours! It is with you only in TEMPORARY USE, - he answered me.
      - Why did you decide so? Who told you this?
      So Allah told us! This is what the Quran teaches us. This city (St. Petersburg) and all of Russia will be ours! For this is our land! A you are here only temporarily. You don't have long to live and manage here.
      - Are you serious!
      - Of course yes!
      - And when will it happen?
      - Soon!
      - Do you go to the mosque? I asked.
      - Yes.
      - And how old are you, if not a secret?
      - Seventeen! he replied proudly.

      This 17-year-old foreign migrant from Central Asia spoke Russian well. you can say it's clean. Obviously, he is already the 2nd generation of foreign migrants in Russia.
      1. +19
        4 September 2023 06: 28
        And they speak in such a way that they know that their representatives are in power. At different levels. From the regional police department, the district administration and above
        1. +6
          4 September 2023 06: 45
          Experts have been writing about the creation in Russia of a "5th column" of foreign "labor" and "social" migrants since 2012!

          The ears of this foreign migration project in Russia and around the world stick out from Washington and stem from the monetarist policy of the “top” when they put into practice the bluff ideology of the Chicago economist Milton Friedman about the alleged existence in the world of the so-called. "free" and "pure" market for capital, goods and labor.
          It was for this political liberal bluff in favor of the US Federal Reserve bankers that M. Friedman received his Nobel Prize in Economics in 1976 for “achievements in the field of consumption analysis, the history of monetary circulation and development of monetary theory, as well as for practical demonstration of the complexity of economic stabilization policies."

          The bankers of the privately owned US Federal Reserve System collect enormous profits from this policy and at the same time destroy national states in their favor!

          The number of foreign migrants in Russia in 2014 was unofficially about 20 million.
          In 2022, the unofficial number of foreign migrants in Russia is estimated by experts at over 30 million and closer to 40 million people.

          See in detail the article on "VO" dated March 23, 2015 - Financial risks of the national security of the Russian Federation from foreign labor migration. - https://topwar.ru/71406-finansovye-riski-nacionalnoy-bezopasnosti-rf-ot-inostrannoy-trudovoy-migracii.html
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +16
        4 September 2023 07: 02
        yes, yes, I heard a conversation on the phone of one migrant, literally: "while they are doing denazification somewhere, we will be doing tajikization here. Through their women."
      4. Des
        4 September 2023 07: 46
        Three years ago I visited my son at the recruiting station in the Chelyabinsk region. A few kilometers from Chelyabinsk itself. Three hundred meters from this collection point there is a railway station "Railwayman", where I taxied by mistake. And there, bearded young guys come out: - "Yes, the collection point is further. Don't come here again, otherwise you will be punished. This is the territory of Islam."
        1. 0
          8 September 2023 12: 44
          As long as we have the territories of Islam, the Bible, the Spaghetti Monster, the Chupacabra, etc., and not the law, then what kind of state can we talk about?
          You have received a passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation - go serve, prove with arms in your hands that this is your new HOMELAND. No? Go to the old one - they will be deprived of citizenship, entry will be prohibited for 10 years for both them and their relatives.
          But the problem is that BUSINESS. Migrant workers are still beneficial to businessmen who do not live with them, but by saving on wages they make a profit, leaving the rest of the population with a headache. Now they are already saying that these ones are not very profitable, so we need to import cheaper ones. Apparently Afghans, Somalis, etc.
          Maybe the problem is that crazy migrants are a symptom, not a disease. And fighting a symptom without treating the disease means that this symptom will not go away, but will pop up again and again.
      5. +24
        4 September 2023 13: 41
        Quote: Tatiana
        So Allah told us! This is what the Quran teaches us. This city (St. Petersburg) and all of Russia will be ours! For this is our land! And you are here only temporarily here. You don't have long to live and manage here.

        Retribution is coming ... For stupidity, for imaginary greatness, for stupid jingoistic patriotism, for the beginning and "competent" conduct of the NWO (in which the predominantly Slavic population is being destroyed, against the backdrop of a sad demographic situation), for unwillingness / inability to solve internal problems, for an atomized society, for criminal naivety and faith in the "wise tsar", for flourishing corruption, for ideological discord, for doublethink and double standards.
        Again and again the question arises: WHAT is Russia bringing to Ukraine? Change of oligarchs (was "Ukrainian", became "Russian")? Crowds of boundless migrants? Empty slogans, from which it is either sad or funny? Laws, what drawbar? Show off? Hysterical mediocre propaganda? "Russian world", in which Russians are forced to create squads and public organizations in order to resist diasporas in their own country, on their own land?
        Karma, in a causal interpretation, will overtake sooner or later.
        1. +3
          4 September 2023 14: 42
          Quote: Hyperion
          <...> Karma, in a causal interpretation, will overtake sooner or later.
          I will explain a little and expand the meaning of your words.

          The development of SOVIET Russia, the world's first socialist state, was twofold - controversial - in nature.
          On the one hand, the Russian people, who believed in the communist idea of ​​the Bolshevik-Leninists, and, being the bearer of the sovereign mentality, on all fronts of social construction he really created socialism within the framework of the whole country as his entire multinational Motherland. In fact, he had nothing else to do. But at the same time, on the other hand, in the former tsarist national outskirts, where feudal relations still prevailed and there was no own national proletariat, the power from the Bolshevik-Leninists and under their control received the petty national bourgeoisie and former local feudal lords. The national industry was already being built by the hands of the Russian and Russian-speaking peoples. Wherein everything that was really created national during the years of Soviet power in the once backward tsarist national outskirts - the national republics - is only the local national party and Soviet bureaucracy, as well as the national creative intelligentsia serving it (social scientists, writers, artists, etc.). This national party and Soviet intelligentsia objectively retained the national bourgeois-feudal mentality not only in relation to their own working people, but also in relation to the Russians who came, in their opinion, to “hunch at them” - up to the time of the so-called Gorbachev's "new thinking".
          In this way, national problems in the Soviet Union were not only from the very beginning of Soviet power, but also had a national-Bourgeois class character in relation to the Russian people. Counter bourgeois regarding the socialist revolution of 1917, the coup d'état in the USSR in 1991 as a whole only raised from the bottom to the surface the already existing national-bourgeois deformations during the construction of socialism in Russiathat the Soviet leadership tried not to publicize.
          The question arises: representatives of what nationality initially in 1917 and during the period of Gorbachev's "perestroika" led this process of liberal (bourgeois) departure from the model of classical socialism and why? How many "upstairs" among the next "reformers" of Russian history in the last century were ethnic Russians? In whose national interests were economic "reforms" carried out in the USSR on the recommendation of the IMF, that in the fallen former Soviet republics the Russians found themselves in a position of apartheid?
          In whose national hands did the country's wealth end up as a result of the "Gaidar-Chubais privatization" in the country, and who are they by nationality?

          And then what do we want in Russia from the non-Russian authorities "above" and its federal media?

          The existence of the Russian question in the USSR / RF must not only be taken into account, but also competently resolved, and not brought to a civil war, as in Ukraine, plugging it with Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation against the rise of national self-consciousness and national self-identification of the state-forming Russians in their own country and on their native land!

          Russia needs its OWN STATE IDEOLOGY - without any American supervision in the inherently colonial Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993!
          1. +5
            4 September 2023 15: 53
            Quote: Tatiana
            And what are we then want to in Russia from the non-Russian authorities "above" and its federal media?

            Every nation deserves its own government, right? Russians want to and wait for someone to decide and act for them. And so it happens: they decide and act. For them, but not for them.
            to want - not harmful. Harmful - only want.
            1. +1
              5 September 2023 18: 30
              Exactly !!! Smarter not to say!!! We live with this and will end ... unfortunately !!!
      6. The comment was deleted.
      7. 0
        7 September 2023 14: 47
        And for our residents there will remain an area enclosed by the Kremlin wall. We will defend ourselves against the new IGA.
  2. +14
    4 September 2023 05: 30
    in which the possession of a passport does not guarantee equal obligations for all holders without exception.
    In our country, and so, some are more equal than others and not everyone is the same, equal before the law, despite the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation. And this is the saddest conclusion from the current situation.
  3. +19
    4 September 2023 06: 03
    Alexander Khodakovsky, deputy head of the DPR department, voices the idea. Direct text from the author's Telegram channel:

    “We don't have enough armed prisoners, let's add more migrants. There will be an oil painting. In time, we will see something that will not seem small. ”

    I will add the opinion of Colonel Shuvalov.
    I won’t master Tajik and Uzbek in a short time, and therefore I won’t even be able to understand what they are babbling about among themselves. And don't think that migrants merrily caught on the streets are such foolish jamshuts. The enemy offers them a generous reward for surrendering with our technique, and this can be their real motivation to act.
    Civilians, squealing joyfully at the thought that “Russian streets will be cleared of multinationals by catching them for the army” - I’m just very happy for you. But what should I do with this goodness?

    In short, it is not clear what to do with these newly-minted "citizens". I myself somehow worked with two of them, it’s really unpleasant when they discuss something behind your back in their own way. And on a non-war it will be doubly unpleasant.
    1. +10
      4 September 2023 06: 30
      Here "your" citizens who have been living for more than one century, the same gypsies, you will force to serve ...
  4. +30
    4 September 2023 06: 17
    it’s not double standards in the West, it’s double standards in Putin’s Russia with respect to Russians
  5. +9
    4 September 2023 06: 37
    Without knowledge of the language and in Israel you will not get into the army. Knowledge of the language is a kind of loyalty to the new state. I would not be in a hurry to hand weapons to migrants. We already have a sad experience. First, the engineering troops, and then look in relation to our orders. We should not adapt to them. Immediately determine the length of stay in our country. And if everything is in order, then we can determine the permanent residence.
    1. +18
      4 September 2023 07: 00
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      First, the engineering troops, and then look in relation to our orders.

      Well, yes, let them dig trenches, but the Russian Vanka will die in these trenches. But after the expiration of the term, Jamshut will receive all the privileges as a member of the database. How, he dug a trench day and night!
    2. +13
      4 September 2023 09: 14
      Quote: Nikolai Malyugin
      Without knowledge of the language and in Israel you will not get into the army. Knowledge of the language is a kind of loyalty to the new state. I would not be in a hurry to hand weapons to migrants. We already have a sad experience. First, the engineering troops, and then look in relation to our orders. We should not adapt to them. Immediately determine the length of stay in our country. And if everything is in order, then we can determine the permanent residence.

      There are countries in the world with similar experience, even the USA ... as an option - if you want citizenship, go to the army for a contract, 10 years on business trips abroad and get your citizenship, if you don’t want to join the army - get a work permit and work at your construction / delivery, but no family or anything...
      But with foreign experience, we always have one problem - they will take only the bad one ... and the good one will be spoiled by the performance ...
  6. +14
    4 September 2023 06: 43
    Sooner or later, such a vicious practice of distributing citizenship would lead to something similar. But for a Russian to obtain citizenship is a problem of problems. You even have to pass a language exam; my sister and brother-in-law traveled from Tobolsk to Yekaterinburg! There was nothing closer to the center. As for military service, this is a very controversial issue. Somehow these people make me doubtful. At work I had to deal with how, for me, it’s better without them at all than what these people do.
    1. +25
      4 September 2023 06: 59
      Quote: Alexey 1970
      At work I had to deal with how, for me, it’s better without them at all than what these people do.

      The trouble is that in the course of this Putin *his* era, the younger generation of the peoples of Russia is dying, but *these* are being imported en masse to replace them.
      Quote: Alexey 1970
      At work I had to deal with

      An example from the life of my factory. Not so long ago *this* was no more than a couple of percent, now? Well, a lot! On the city streets? A similar picture. What to do? It’s easier to ask this question than to answer it. It should have been asked to representatives * authorities* the day before yesterday.
    2. +4
      4 September 2023 07: 59
      What about military service?
      Wait, they’ll create a Foreign Legion.
      1. +5
        4 September 2023 08: 30
        Wait, they’ll create a Foreign Legion. hi It's definitely going to be a ticking time bomb.
        1. +4
          4 September 2023 08: 36
          And after the disbandment of many PMCs, this is the next step, in my opinion. smile
          1. +9
            4 September 2023 09: 18
            Ah this perishing quite instinct self-preservation lose. Although it feels like someone has no idea what is going on on the "land".
  7. +18
    4 September 2023 07: 04
    You can't serve them. But they are no longer janitors or builders. They are employees of medical institutions, employees of banks. They serve in the tax office and the police. As long as they endure. But imagine the Uzbeks in police uniforms, whom they will start detaining.
    1. +22
      4 September 2023 07: 10
      Quote: Gardamir
      But imagine the Uzbeks in police uniforms, whom they will start detaining.

      And if you look at the playgrounds, then ... a gloomy future awaits us.
      1. +8
        4 September 2023 07: 52
        a bleak future awaits us.
        A gloomy future is already 33 years old, or is the present still cheerful? laughing
        1. +11
          4 September 2023 08: 18
          Quote: kor1vet1974
          A gloomy future is already 33 years old, or is the present still cheerful?

          Alas. The point of no return has been passed by our * rulers *. But these are still flowers, berries ahead. Solving their small momentary tasks / was it impossible to use the citizens of Russia on a rotational basis from those places where city-forming enterprises were closed under the wise eye of the * great *? /. they imported and are importing * gasters *. They probably thought that they were obedient and hard-working people, but? As a result, we have a real occupation army organized and controlled by the upper * diasporas *. - to the right, the second step is the most severe control over those who enter. Next? We must think. hi
          1. +2
            4 September 2023 08: 31
            Next? You have to think.
            Yes, it’s a matter of the system, it has worn out over the years, it cannot be repaired, it needs to be changed. There are no plumbers, they reduced it. hi The vocational school was dispersed, there are no trained personnel. And cadres are everything.
            1. +4
              4 September 2023 09: 09
              Quote: kor1vet1974
              Yes, it’s a matter of the system, it has worn out over the years, it cannot be repaired, it needs to be changed. There are no plumbers, they reduced it.

              Yes, it’s just a disaster with * Plumbers * now. The glade * is cleaned * to the root. laughing
      2. +2
        5 September 2023 02: 58
        Visit classes in Moscow schools and find at least one Muscovite
      3. +1
        5 September 2023 13: 18
        "A gloomy future awaits us?" In this scenario, we will not have a future, we will live out the past.
    2. +13
      4 September 2023 07: 21
      They are healthcare workers Well, you can throw slippers at me, but so far I haven’t met a single qualified doctor from the representatives of the southern peoples, on the contrary, in 2016, after appendicitis, he was discharged to be observed on an outpatient basis, at the reception, a surgeon from Tajikistan, who speaks very bad Russian, poked some kind of knitting needle in the wound and gave out that there is something that I don’t know, go back to the hospital. By the evening the temperature is under forty and repeated emergency operation. So he did not see the inflammatory process. How can he heal anyone? It's not like laying asphalt to treat a person, not long ago my wife wanted to make an appointment with a surgeon, three surnames and all three "ibn hottab", went to a paid clinic.
  8. -14
    4 September 2023 07: 15
    All power to the Soviets!

    Quote: E. Fedorov (not the one)
    When will the “new citizens” of Russia join the army?

    When they grow up. Let me remind you. Going to meet the wishes of E. Fedorov, the age of conscription has been increased.
    1. +3
      4 September 2023 14: 19
      Quote: Boris55

      Quote: E. Fedorov (not the one)
      When will the “new citizens” of Russia join the army?

      When they grow up.

      When they grow up, they will "reform" here.
  9. +17
    4 September 2023 07: 43
    I don't understand the subject at all.
    We discussed it in all seriousness yesterday. how to destroy Russia through a grain deal. Today, how to force migrants to serve, that is, again, how to destroy Russia. Just understand that we do not need these. At all.
    Here they like to speculate why they didn’t come out to defend the Union. And now you do not see that there is a slow destruction of Russia? Real mines for statehood, not invented. Or do you want to wait another thirty years, then teach, the main Insh-Allah.
    1. +9
      4 September 2023 07: 52
      But maybe our rulers have such a goal?
      1. -2
        5 September 2023 15: 28
        goals are voiced to us every month ... the problem is that patriots bawlers don’t want to support beyond the sofa ... conscripts have increased the age. mercenaries millions. the convicts were raked out. right now we got to the Uzbeks ... but there is still not enough in the trenches
    2. +4
      4 September 2023 07: 58
      Real mines under statehood
      ...Nooo, you’re wrong here, mines are the prerogative of the Bolsheviks exclusively laughing Can today's sappers lay mines? They only know how to clear mines. laughing
      1. 0
        4 September 2023 15: 03
        Not the Bolsheviks, but Comrade Lenin V.I. hi
    3. +1
      4 September 2023 14: 20
      Quote: Gardamir
      And now you don't see

      Anyone who needs to see everything.
    4. 0
      2 October 2023 13: 29
      Those. Should only Russians and native Russians die?
  10. +15
    4 September 2023 07: 51
    We don't need these new Russians. We don't need them at all. And even as guest workers.
  11. +12
    4 September 2023 07: 54
    Forgive the author, but in general, are migrants needed in Russia? I understand, there are political ones, but in general, for labor and defense? For the country, they are not needed, and so, for the oligarchs, perhaps.
    1. +10
      4 September 2023 08: 22
      Quote: kor1vet1974
      , for the oligarchs,

      And here we are faced with the question. And what is actually more important for * Mr. * Putin: interests
      countries, or the interests of friends? By will, of course, by chance / sarcasm !!! / who became * oligarchs *? bully
      1. +9
        4 September 2023 08: 34
        more important for * Mr. * Putin: the interests of the country, or the interests of friends?
        The dictatorship of the bourgeoisie is in power, which expresses its interests and there is no need to go over to the individual. laughing
      2. +2
        4 September 2023 15: 04
        "... the interests of friends"
        From what I see. hi
        1. +1
          4 September 2023 22: 19
          And when it comes to domestic politics in Russia, most of the commentators here will agree with you. But just try saying A, and say B - that the SVO was launched and is being carried out in the interests of the same persons, then you will pick up minuses (so the goblin would be with them, just an indicator), or even get angry answers. Such is the dualism of public consciousness in the country.
          1. 0
            5 September 2023 10: 25
            We swam, we know.) This is not dualism, it is called a little differently. hi
          2. 0
            6 September 2023 12: 17
            having said B, say also C - many understand what for and why, but they preferred "their own" to other "oligarchs", because there is no other choice, or rather it was Prigozhin's march, but it was no less bloody and with unknown consequences. As the saying goes, choose the lesser of two evils. It is not necessary to consider the Russians for some kind of degenerates.
            1. 0
              6 September 2023 12: 22
              ... just remember that when choosing the lesser of two evils, you still choose evil.
  12. Des
    4 September 2023 08: 15
    All migrants (with us, --- because Jews and "Jews" go to Israel, but --- to their Jewish state) come to earn and develop new lands. Do not protect these lands, the state and the inhabitants. And use them for your own purposes as a consumable. As citizens, they, having received citizenship for bribes and other free methods of quick employment, will never be on the side of the natives. This is the trouble of the Russian Federation. In addition to educating an infantile generation (consumers, following the Western example), we have already imported millions of people who are ready to joyfully occupy land, schools, dictate their own rules and laws. Borrow, dictate. And they don't give a damn about us, since they all came from the republics of the former USSR. And there, after the collapse of the USSR, Russian-speaking people could be killed, robbed, raped, enslaved and simply mocked with impunity. Without any reaction of the local "authorities" and, most importantly, the reaction of the state of the Russian Federation then and now.
  13. -1
    4 September 2023 09: 30
    About migrants and migration. I will express my opinion on this matter. The problem is much easier to solve than it is portrayed to us. The world already has historical experience when a similar problem was solved in India by Mahatma Gandhi.
    We are not cooperating with the system that the British set up in India, with material civilization and its attendant greed and exploitation of the weak.
  14. +14
    4 September 2023 09: 54
    In recent years, Tajiks have been moving to Russia in villages in order to receive maternity capital for children already born in Tajikistan (this violates the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, but the Pension Fund does not care about the court), to live off child allowances, which were introduced in 2018 and expanded in 2022, now the average Tajik woman with 3 children receives 42 thousand rubles. per month for children under 17, as "low-income", while an ordinary Russian woman receives 0, because in order to receive child benefits in this amount, you need to have an income per family member of less than 3.5 thousand rubles. per month, that is, both husband and wife must have no official income, or have 10-15 minor children.

    Regarding the same Tajiks: about 90% of those who have received citizenship do not become registered in the military.
    It must be understood that no one in Russia needs Novorossians from Central Asia, except for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Labor (which make reporting indicators on their admission to citizenship). They live on benefits, do not pay taxes and strive to turn any part of the city into their own village. The army doesn't need them either. In fact, in 1943, the conscription into the army of representatives of "local nationalities" from all the republics of the USSR except Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus was stopped.

    With regard to 90% of Novorossians, there can be only one solution: a suitcase - a train station - Dushanbe.
    The solution to the problem is simple: deprivation of citizenship is centralized, based on formal criteria.
    1. Deprivation of citizenship of those "Novorossians" (and minor members of their families) who over the past 2 years have an income below 80% of the average for the region or receive child benefits as poor
    2. Deprivation of citizenship of those Novorossiyans (and members of their families) who did not register for military service within two months after receiving citizenship. He didn't get up on time.
  15. +11
    4 September 2023 09: 59
    Here, thanks to the efforts of the liberal party, which Yeltsin and Putin carefully cultivated, "old" citizens are fleeing the army and trying to get new citizenship, and you say new ones. If the Tajiks receive a summons, they will immediately burn with an unbearable love for their historical homeland.
    1. +1
      4 September 2023 22: 22
      Well, at least some benefit from everything that is happening is to strip the passports of those to whom they were almost scattered from a helicopter.
  16. +12
    4 September 2023 10: 03
    Quote: kor1vet1974
    Forgive the author, but in general, are migrants needed in Russia? I understand, there are political ones, but in general, for labor and defense? For the country, they are not needed, and so, for the oligarchs, perhaps.

    The oligarchs benefit from the use of migrant workers.
    The oligarchs do not need Tajik-Russians: they work less and have more rights than their compatriots without a Russian passport.
    Tajik Russians need:
    1. Representatives of bureaucratic circles for whom citizenship is an indicator of work: these are the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Labor
    2. To the social bloc: the Ministry of Labor, the Social Fund of Russia, because the more migrants, the more social spending, and the more social spending, the stronger Golikova's apparatus influence. It sounds absurd to a normal person, but that's how it works.
  17. +6
    4 September 2023 10: 06
    Quote: Alex 1970
    They are healthcare workers Well, you can throw slippers at me, but so far I have not met a single qualified doctor from the representatives of the southern peoples.

    The heads of quite a few state healthcare institutions refuse to hire Russian doctors, and take Tajiks. The fact that they do not know Russian is the problem of the patient, but the loyal ones will not argue with the authorities.
    1. +7
      4 September 2023 10: 29
      Ours report for population growth, because this is an indicator of the implementation of various kinds of "demographic strategy", "strategy of the year 2150" and other things. Nothing but statistics exists in the bureaucracy there. This is a parallel reality, with which nothing can be done, since such a reality is an organic part of the system.
      And it is also impossible to change the system, somehow reform it, because the replacement of one detail scatters all the others. Management in such a position may have a certain margin of efficiency, but cannot do something truly new.
      That's why we invited representatives of the Afghan opposition to the Duma, when Iran concluded agreements with the Taliban, China new programs? And who stands for the interests of the Afghan opposition in general? Tajikistan. The question is why do we need it. Well, the answer lies in the plane, why do we need new Tajik citizens. Lobbying. Also, as it is almost openly said that there is a Turkish lobby. And how many "strange steps" there were in the same Syria.
  18. +16
    4 September 2023 10: 20
    In a good way, for every citizen who does not know the Russian language, those who issued him a certificate of knowledge of the Russian language should be imprisoned. And those who gave him a passport to check under a magnifying glass. How did he get a passport then? Unfortunately, the interests of many "respectable people" will have to be offended.
    As for the "new citizens". For the authorities, they are convenient in that they raise the birth rate and the population in general. We seem to have adopted a state program to increase the birth rate. It is clear that under such a system, the indigenous people do not want to multiply, and therefore they are imported so that they do not get stuck for non-fulfillment of the program.
    We must not forget that the main thing for us is the indicator, and it’s better not to talk about how it is achieved. and corruption has not been canceled. Our government lives behind a high fence and thinks to sit behind it.
  19. +7
    4 September 2023 10: 31
    When will the “new citizens” of Russia join the army?

    No need to pull this shobla into the army. The absence of a military ID somehow limits their access to law enforcement agencies and authorities.
    You can mobilize on the labor front. They urge "to work and earn" - so go ahead and you can with songs.
    For those who are not registered with the military and who have not served in the army, than to ask and persuade, it is necessary to limit access to social benefits, for example, not to accrue maternity capital. And transfers of money outside of Russia to impose a horse tax.
    1. +6
      4 September 2023 10: 37
      The author of the article, apparently as much as possible, emphasized that this bill is part of the same lobbying company, because no one will amend bilateral agreements. And now the question is, it turns out that this bill acts in the interests of Tajikistan, giving an implicit preference in the labor market and "citizenship" to the citizens of this country. They decided to tighten the Uzbeks in the labor market.
      The question, of course, is interesting, with what funds does a 9 million impoverished state use such a lobby within our "raw materials supergiant". But I will leave it unanswered.
    2. +3
      4 September 2023 17: 56
      The absence of a military ID somehow limits their access to law enforcement agencies.

      ,,, now you can go to work after grade 11.

      ,, due to the lack of people, even the upper age threshold was canceled.
  20. 0
    4 September 2023 11: 33
    Quote: nikolaevskiy78
    Ours report for population growth, because this is an indicator of the implementation of various kinds of "demographic strategy", "strategy of the year 2150" and other things. Nothing but statistics exists in the bureaucracy there. This is a parallel reality, with which nothing can be done, since such a reality is an organic part of the system.

    There is no single state system. There are feudal fiefdoms, each of them deals with its own issues, migrants have long been a private shop in which everything was decided by lobbyists: Golikova (Ministry of Labor, partly the Social Fund of Russia), the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, partly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. That's all.
    But now migrant lobbyists are creating problems for all other players:
    population dissatisfaction with migrants is a problem for the internal political bloc of the Kremlin and the regions; the growth of ethnic crime is a problem for the Investigative Committee; the increase in the number of gray employment is the problem of the Ministry of Finance; wasting trillions of rubles on low-income children (working illegally, alcoholics and migrants) is a problem for everyone, because the budget is not flexible, especially during sanctions and SVO.

    What we can do: convey information about the problem as much as possible to all levels that can be reached. The point of no return has not yet been passed. We are not a liberal state and the issue can be resolved quickly and effectively, without regard to any human rights.
    1. +1
      4 September 2023 22: 27
      We do not have a liberal state and the issue can be resolved quickly and efficiently, without regard to any human rights.

      Something like NWO inside the country? And it will definitely be more successful than the current one?
  21. +4
    4 September 2023 11: 38
    All this is sophistry. Everyone understands everything anyway.
    Asians are imported because it benefits the Government and the Capitalists. Pay less. There is no need to comply with living conditions. They will vote for whoever they are told to.
    And here's the call? To SVO? hardly.

    They counted the number of security forces in the country. Together we would sweep away Ukraine in the shortest possible time.
    But there is also security for deputies, officials, oligarchs and their friends, their yachts, dachas, palaces, apartments, property... Even more so, they would dare...
  22. +6
    4 September 2023 13: 28
    Without resolving the issues of attracting “new citizens” to military service at the state level, we risk finding ourselves in a country in which having a passport does not guarantee equal responsibilities for all holders without exception.
    No need to be completely involved , to the country of such "new citizens" and everything will be all right. I, a person born and lived in the USSR, do not suffer from nationalism, but the point is that the Eastern Slavs are Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, who during the time of the Union considered themselves one people disappear.
    We become less.Belarus and Russia may face a demographic catastrophe as early as the first half of the 2030s. By the way, such disappointing dynamics can be traced throughout the EAEU. If in 1991 the natural increase in these post-Soviet states was about 500 thousand people a year, then in 2019 the figures decreased by seven times. In Ukraine there is generally a pipe. The State Statistics Service of Ukraine recorded 25,7 thousand births monthly in 2019; 24,5 thousand in 2020; 22 thousand - 2021; 18 thousand – at the beginning of 2022. Now, as we can see, the average monthly number of births has fallen to 15,6 thousand. Well, residents of Central Asia are coming to take their place. There are 3 million Tajiks in the Russian Federation. The entire population of Tajikistan is 10 million people, that is, a third of the country's population has already moved to Russia. Yes it natural migration of peoples , at the expense of the Slavs. Their combat value zero. Even during the Second World War, Comrade Stalin realized this....
    On October 13, 1943, the USSR State Defense Committee adopted a secret decree No. GOKO-4322ss "On the conscription of conscripts born in 1926," which was personally signed by I.V. Stalin.

    This document stated: “Conscripts of local nationalities are not subject to conscription: Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Georgian, Armenian and Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republics, Dagestan, Chechen-Ingush, Kabardino-Balkarian, North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics and Adygea, Karachay and Cherkessk Autonomous Regions"
    . The leadership of the USSR decided that Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Turkmen and representatives of other Central Asian peoples would bring more benefits on the labor front in their homeland. The conclusion is simple, they are not needed in Russia, not under any guise, they are already surplus. For part of the money they earned, in the Russian Federation to form railway trains, and go home to villages, villages with songs. Do it in your republics what do you want, overthrow your khans, sultans, bais, etc. You will Smarter you will not quarrel with the Russian Federation, we will help you in any way we can, with money there, with equipment, like in the Union, go for it, but only in my homeland. Entry into the Russian Federation is only by strict quotas.
    1. 0
      2 October 2023 13: 36
      I don’t feel sorry for the Ukrainians. Let them die out.
      There's more room for us. Tajiks and migrants can also be used as cannon fodder
    2. 0
      2 October 2023 13: 55
      On the contrary, in 43-44 the number of Central Asians and Caucasians in the Soviet army increased sharply. The Slavs began to run out, and the government launched a massive conscription of nationalities.
  23. +1
    4 September 2023 14: 04
    If a “new citizen” of Russia from Tajikistan is registered with dual citizenship and has managed to serve in his homeland, then he cannot be called up for military service or mobilized.
    - It’s unclear about mobilization.
    The following quote contradicts this statement:
    "The parties are not bound by the provisions of this paragraph in the event of mobilization."

    Those. - service in the army is mutually taken into account, and during mobilization such people must be employed taking into account the previously acquired military qualifications. Is not it ? Another thing is that mobilization is not expected in our country yet, and such mobilized ones represent a dubious resource.
  24. +7
    4 September 2023 14: 20
    When will they go? But never. Other culture . “Religious chronic family-oriented man in the street” - I would call it that, and AS A RULE this quite accurately characterizes the picture.
    Family, work, wealth, religion are the four pillars of life among migrants, and this is more than enough for them. It will not work to shove patriotism or any simulation of it into this - FOR THIS IS A TRADITIONAL SOCIETY. The fact that these people are given a passport and citizenship, the fact that they live here for years, does not change their perception of things, because, I will repeat once again, this is a TRADITIONAL society. Its participants for the most part have an already formed culture of attitude towards things on a broad profile, more or less meticulously regulated.
    I would also note that all these citizenships up to the 2-3rd generation and at least partial assimilation are empty pieces of paper, because there is a different culture of attitude towards things and connections. As long as you keep in touch “with foreign countries”, you are actually sitting on 2 chairs, and at the right moment you can say “adies amigos!” riding off into the sunset.

    What to do about it? Distribute citizenship to culturally, ethnically and religiously alien nations to the Russian-speaking ethnic groups at a minimum - by establishing a quota for the overall issuance of citizenship depending on the proportion of the population of the Russian Federation professing Islam. That is, conditionally, if 10% of the population of the Russian Federation professes Islam, 10% of the migrants we need are recruited from among Muslims. This is all roughly and roughly estimated, but I think the essence is clear. So we at least avoid dangerous distortions.

    However, the skeptic in me says that all this shaking of air is empty - the current paradigm of thinking will remain unchanged. Our own culture demonstrates quite well the extreme inflexibility in anticipating problems or identifying them.
  25. +4
    4 September 2023 15: 26
    These citizens can only receive a residence permit. Citizenship must be obtained after being born in the territory and serving in the army. And all the guys, but we have a bardachello
  26. +5
    4 September 2023 16: 08
    Quote: APASUS
    These citizens can only receive a residence permit. Citizenship must be obtained after being born in the territory and serving in the army. And all the guys, but we have a bardachello

    Many Uzbeks do not even seek citizenship. Having a residence permit, you need to submit documents to the migration office every year, but you don’t have to renounce the citizenship of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan forbids second citizenship) and you can also receive child benefits at 14 thousand per month for a child and draw up pensions for the elderly.
    There are no obligations, but the rights are the same as those of citizens, in fact.
    1. -1
      5 September 2023 10: 10
      Quote: Ivan Seversky
      Many Uzbeks do not even seek citizenship. Having a residence permit, you need to submit documents to the migration office every year,

      Do you know how much these documents cost, all these RWPs, patents and others. Uzbeks are moaning in my production
  27. -2
    4 September 2023 19: 41
    And when will the "old citizens" go, for example, the author?
  28. 0
    4 September 2023 21: 02
    I'll let you know right away - I'm registered. He didn't hide/didn't hide anywhere.
    And what's all of this?!..
    Why is the second army of the world sitting on the defensive? This is what is not clear to me. Honestly... Gentlemen hi
    And they tell you. None of your fucking business.
    Well, not mine, so not mine ... request
  29. +1
    4 September 2023 21: 15
    Under the contract, persons with dual citizenship can serve, but in Tajikistan there is Article 401 “Mercenary” for participation in armed conflicts.
    International and national law treats mercenarism by no means not like service in the Armed Forces of another state and participation in hostilities!
  30. 0
    4 September 2023 23: 27
    Quote: UAZ 452
    We do not have a liberal state and the issue can be resolved quickly and efficiently, without regard to any human rights.

    Something like NWO inside the country? And it will definitely be more successful than the current one?

    Why fight? Residence permits and temporary residence permits simply cannot be extended for the next year.
    And those deprived of citizenship should be paid compensation, say 600 thousand rubles per person (40 average salaries in Tajikistan) after crossing the border in accordance with the established schedule.
  31. +3
    5 September 2023 01: 02
    We need to be very careful when issuing Russian passports to migrants, especially if it later turns out that they don’t even know Russian.
  32. +3
    5 September 2023 01: 17
    The practice of dual citizenship is fundamentally vicious. A Tajik sincerely wants to become a Russian - for God's sake. But on the condition that he ceases to be Tajik
  33. 0
    5 September 2023 10: 37
    I don't remember where I read "can an entry in the registry made by a registry office employee turn a foreigner into a citizen?". Of course this is a rhetorical question, the answer is NO. wink
  34. NSV
    5 September 2023 11: 31
    When you find out how much this useless non-Russian has been spoiled by the current authorities, it becomes simply scary for the future of your children !!!
  35. +1
    5 September 2023 11: 52
    We need a complete revision of the recipients of citizenship. If you don't know the language, put your passport on the table and go home. And put things in order at home. There is no entry control.
  36. 0
    5 September 2023 12: 50
    Quote: APASUS
    Quote: Ivan Seversky
    Many Uzbeks do not even seek citizenship. Having a residence permit, you need to submit documents to the migration office every year,

    Do you know how much these documents cost, all these RWPs, patents and others. Uzbeks are moaning in my production

    Consider the expenses of the enterprise for you and a labor migrant with a salary of 50 thousand "on hand":
    1. You, as a citizen of the Russian Federation, pay 13% of personal income tax and 30% of UST, taking into account tax and social deductions, the company's salary costs for you are 75 thousand rubles.
    2.Uzbeks acquire a patent for 6.5 thousand rubles. out of his own pocket (patent - advance payment of personal income tax), the company's expenses for the Uzbek are 51 thousand rubles. he has already paid most of the personal income tax (15% - 6.1 thousand rubles), but they do not pay UST.

    Thus, you pay 3.3 times more than the Uzbeks, but they take money from them directly from their pockets, and you do not see them, which is why it seems that they pay more.
  37. +1
    5 September 2023 12: 54
    Quote: Des
    And there, bearded young guys come out: - "Yes, the collection point is further. Do not stop by here again, otherwise you will be punished.

    The saddest thing is that they are sure of their impunity, but even sadder is that if they "punish", then most likely they will get nothing. And this gives them even more confidence in the "rightness" of their actions.
  38. 0
    5 September 2023 14: 39
    From my point of view, the solution should be simple: let those who want to serve, let them serve, not to create national battalions, but to dilute according to existing ones. 2: who decided not to serve but has already received a passport and benefits, must return everything to the penny to the state budget and lose citizenship. This will also be a healthy sieve for those who want to integrate into Russian society, and who do not. Until the return of funds, prohibit exit from the Russian Federation and limit it for a period of, say, 5 years. If you don’t pay, then you can send it to the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service, where you will work until the debt is fully repaid ... There is no need to invent some kind of "construction battalions", because the ultimate goal is their integration into our society, and not isolated living ...
  39. +1
    5 September 2023 14: 44
    Dual citizenship should be abolished. If a person wishes to be a citizen of the Russian Federation, in this case he is obliged to swear allegiance only to her. This is an adequate practice, and has existed in many countries for centuries.
    We need to raise the value of citizenship. New citizens, whether they like it or not, who fall under the age of conscription, are required to do military service. This is a normal situation, as it should be. They don’t want to, let them return to their small lands with their parents and raise the economy there.
    We need to break this situation. The sooner the process starts, the better. People must understand and accept that this is a natural and unavoidable process in the life of the country.
  40. +1
    5 September 2023 15: 03
    Quote: kreck
    not only do we have the rule: "everything to friends - the rest of the law", and leadership with dual citizenship, but now we are being imposed "comrades" who are not our comrades at all, who will have all the rights and no duties. And the indigenous population are left with all the duties, and the right: to endure all this lawlessness.

    This is the main credo of the Noviope authorities.
    Specialists who escaped from the SVO it are lured by the authorities with low-interest mortgages and total indulgence from persecution;
    And we are left with the honorable duty to fight for the well-being of Turkestan large families, whose men are mired in bestial sin:

  41. +1
    5 September 2023 16: 51
    as soon as deputies start working for the people of Russia... that is: not in this century
    1. -1
      11 September 2023 13: 35
      Quote from: vvn_vl
      as soon as deputies start working for the people of Russia... that is: not in this century

      In the last century, in October 1993, the “people of Russia” watched on television as the defenders of the White House died. Deputies of the All-Russian Congress.

      In this century, deputies are already watching how the children of these observers die.

      And “not in this” there won’t be a shred of “people” left.
      Because what a people is like, so is its future.... crying
  42. -2
    5 September 2023 23: 43
    This is how the 5th column works, printing a provocative article inciting ethnic hatred. What prevents you from issuing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the military registration and enlistment office?
  43. 0
    5 September 2023 23: 48
    Here they are attracted to the police with might and main. Amazing results!
    We are waiting for them to put them in tanks and let them control Grads!
  44. osp
    6 September 2023 00: 53
    I read the article and smiled.
    What service for Tajiks?!
    What military record for them?!

    There is complete illiteracy, many do not even have school certificates!
    That is, there is no education at all.
    There is no military or civilian specialty!

    For military registration and enlistment offices and the army as a whole, the value of such "reservists" is zero.
    On a personal file they write "illiterate".
    And a draftee without a certificate can no longer be called up even for military service.
    And such are not subject to mobilization (without VUS).
    1. 0
      2 October 2023 13: 41
      They will be like hiwi, give it, bring it. Can they shoot with a machine gun? Carry cartridges? At worst, the Ukrainian will have an extra target. Distribute 1 into departments, look, they will make a man out of a monkey
  45. +2
    7 September 2023 04: 59
    Everything will be according to the Standard Model.
    For Russians - the front, taxes, Art. 282, a bullet in the head from a trauma or a knife after a military training from a new (and old) multinational Russian, artificial poverty from the Russian government, fines, new tariffs and prices in stores and gas stations, etc.
    1. 0
      10 September 2023 14: 35
      And this seems to suit you. And the "main" just to show off on TV, like at a youth forum. We need to prepare. Myself. To all. Learn to protect yourself and your family from.......many parasites in society.
  46. +1
    7 September 2023 05: 12
    The head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Maxim Reshetnikov, proposed increasing migration from Central Asia to cope with “abnormally low” unemployment. He made this statement during the “V Forum of Regional Social Innovations”.

    Standard Model
  47. The comment was deleted.
  48. 0
    9 September 2023 23: 15
    I wonder, when Putin signed agreements with regional kings, did he think about the consequences for the population?