German journalists: "Ukrainian efforts to liberate the territories may drag on for years"

German journalists: "Ukrainian efforts to liberate the territories may drag on for years"

The European and American press continues the series of publications on the Ukrainian counteroffensive. With all the caution of assessments, the message of most publications is the same - "Russia is defending itself more confidently and effectively than it was supposed in Ukraine and in the West."

German journalists from Bild write that the situation on the battlefield "does not allow us to say that for Ukraine everything will end in success in a short time."

Reporters from Germany:

Russia has been building powerful defense lines for 15 months. In this regard, Ukrainian efforts to liberate the territories may drag on for years.

Meanwhile, the American press persistently repeats the words spoken the other day by US President Joseph Biden. He stated that Ukraine received everything weapon, which she needs for the counteroffensive.

As Military Review has already reported, the US administration has decided that not all weapons and military equipment from the more than 2 billion military aid package "will be transferred to Ukraine in the coming months." That is, at the moment, its Western sponsors make it clear to the Kyiv regime that it will have to fight with the weapons that have already been supplied - at least at the current stage.
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  1. +3
    10 June 2023 13: 49
    Stretch for years: Bandera will go on foot to Australia and then they will be amnestied (like Khrushchev), the return will take another 15 years. Total 35-50 years before the change of rnzhima in Russia.
    Then again: "Bandera come, order navede"
  2. Mwg
    10 June 2023 13: 49
    German journalists: "Ukrainian efforts to liberate the territories may drag on for years"

    - Nah, the Ukrainians will run out faster ...
  3. +4
    10 June 2023 13: 57
    Satisfied with the ruins of NATO technology!
  4. +1
    10 June 2023 13: 59
    the message of most publications is the same - "Russia is defending itself more confidently and effectively than it was supposed in Ukraine and in the West."
    This means that the West can commit a serious and bloody provocation, which will overshadow the failures of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
    Ukrainian efforts to liberate the territories could drag on for years.
    Stretching the conflict for years is beneficial for the West, but not for us.
    1. +1
      10 June 2023 14: 22
      Stretching the conflict for years is beneficial for the West, but not for us.
      ... and this is from what bell tower to look at ... the empire of lies also has a limit of stability ... taxes are increasing, unemployment is growing, housing tariffs are growing, there are a dime a dozen beggars who have come in large numbers .... in short, this growing population can burst an abscess ..... we are no strangers to it .. it was different ... but the empire of lies is not all right now
  5. +1
    10 June 2023 13: 59
    Khokhryaks survived thanks to "friendship" with the Russians, like there were brothers. Now let's see how long they live when they show their face.
  6. +3
    10 June 2023 14: 03
    German journalists: "Ukrainian efforts to liberate the territories may drag on for years"
    . Living in their illusion...
    1. 0
      10 June 2023 14: 18
      Quote: rocket757
      Living in their illusion...

      This is a pragmatic German calculation. They are well aware that the prolongation of the war leads to the victory of the side with more resources. And the ratio of Russia's economic potential and NATO's financial capabilities is simply incomparable. But the existing financial system does not reflect the real economic potential. Because on the one hand, unsecured candy wrappers and a gigantic public debt, and on the other, real products, food and natural resources. Hence the cause of the conflict, Russia and China are in favor of a fair development of the world economy, and the United States and their mongrels are losing slaves who ensure their well-being with their product.
    2. +1
      10 June 2023 14: 40
      Living in their illusion...
      ... well, not quite an illusion .. the Palestinians have been wanting to take theirs from Israel for half a century, neighboring Syria has been wanting to take control of its own territories for how long, Indonesia and Timor still can’t figure it out .. well, there are frozen conflicts .. former Yugoslavia, Transnistria, South Ossetia and Adjara
  7. +2
    10 June 2023 14: 13
    Could the Banderlozhians quickly free the territory from themselves and go live with their ardently adoring Germans and other Scandinavians?
  8. 0
    10 June 2023 14: 25
    The Germans somehow quickly forgot the lessons of the last war, and the authorities there are far from being pro-German, so jelly or even jelly, hence the deflection on the deflection ..
  9. 0
    10 June 2023 14: 33
    sponsors make it clear that he will have to fight with the weapons that have already been delivered
    ... it’s wonderful that from different sides of the barricades they are insinuating that the junta has already mediocrely squandered this weapon
  10. +1
    10 June 2023 14: 49
    Quote: MVG
    - Nah, the Ukrainians will run out faster ...

    Do Russians breed like rabbits? winked We are already dying out without any military action. Ask how much the population is declining per year. crying
    1. -1
      10 June 2023 16: 07
      Ask how much the population is decreasing per year.
      ..and when was the last time you were at the First Call (Last)?, and arranged for a child (grandson) in Kindergarten? and when was the last time you were on the playground?...don't talk healthy
    2. 0
      10 June 2023 18: 47
      Quote: fa2998
      Do Russians breed like rabbits?
      You know a joke about how tourists ran away from a bear and one said to the other: I don’t need to run faster than the bear - it’s enough to run faster than you.
      So here too. In Ukraine, the birth rate is hardly higher than in Russia, and there are already slightly more inhabitants than our mobilization potential. Given the ratio of losses, the difference in human resources will be even greater. Therefore, without options, the Ukrainians will die out much earlier than the Russians.
  11. 0
    10 June 2023 15: 44
    stretch for years"

    For some reason, I remembered the phrase from The Witcher: "a year dragged on like a stench behind the people's militia." (With) lol
  12. +1
    10 June 2023 18: 40
    Ukrainian efforts to liberate territories could drag on for years
    Too optimistic. More like millennia. Although, formally, these are also years, of course ...