Poland sent to Moldova a large number of weapons and ammunition for the police forces of the republic

Poland sent to Moldova a large number of weapons and ammunition for the police forces of the republic

The West began to arm not only the army of Moldova, but also the police, the party weapons for the Moldovan police forces arrived the day before from Poland. This was announced by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Poland Mariusz Kaminsky.

Poland supplied Moldova with a large consignment of weapons, ammunition and other equipment to equip the police. As stated in Warsaw, on the territory of Moldova, attempts are allegedly being made to destabilize the situation by "pro-Russian forces", so the police of the republic should be fully armed and ready to stop the demonstrations.

What exactly was sent to the Moldovan police is not disclosed, it is known that the sender is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Poland, and six cargo planes were used to deliver the cargo to Chisinau - a pair of C-130 Hercules and four lighter C-295 CASA.

Independent and sovereign Moldova, which resists attempts at internal destabilization, needs our support. That is why I decided to hand over a huge cargo to the Moldovan police

- the Polish minister wrote in one of the social networks banned in Russia.

It is worth noting that the West has actively taken up arming Moldova, at present the European Union is implementing several military programs at once, within the framework of which it transfers weapons removed from the storage of the armed forces of European states to the Moldovan army. Chisinau has already begun to receive armored personnel carriers, and on May 31, Brussels handed over military equipment purchased with funds from the European Peace Fund (IEP), which also finances Ukraine.

It is known that the Moldovan army received Drones, laptops, means for disposal of explosive objects, etc. By the end of the year, the EU will supply Moldova robots-sappers, metal detectors, radar and radar equipment, vehicles and medical equipment.
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  1. +1
    4 June 2023 10: 53
    Independent and sovereign Moldova, which resists attempts at internal destabilization, needs our support. That is why I decided to hand over a huge cargo to the Moldovan police
    fool fool An independent and sovereign needs napalm, ask the US, they have experience ... requestSandu will definitely use it.
    1. +5
      4 June 2023 11: 01
      I feel that this Romanian Saia Mandu will send Moldova to the pig slaughter after Ukraine. am
    2. 0
      4 June 2023 17: 17
      I am from Moldova.
      We learn news of such a plan from foreign media.
      Our bureaucracy does not cover this.
      That Soros on his page will burn Maya,
      then Austin will blurt out.

      Madame Sandu, by the way, also learns news from the media.
      Apparently, her advisers do not report
  2. +2
    4 June 2023 11: 00
    They can also share their experience in the construction of concentration camps - in this they cut
  3. +3
    4 June 2023 11: 07
    Poland is climbing out of its skin to become the "beloved wife" of stripes without thinking that it will not work out to sit aside while inflating conflict in Europe.
    1. +2
      4 June 2023 11: 10
      In Poland, gypsy refugees from Ukraine have made a nightmare of the city .. Continue on the same course ..
    2. -1
      4 June 2023 12: 50
      Quote: DymOk_v_dYmke
      Poland climbs out of its skin to become a "beloved wife"

      Whatever you call it, beloved or unloved wife, but in reality, they are all just prostitutes.
  4. +7
    4 June 2023 11: 11
    After they began to arm the Georgian army and train military personnel, a 5-day war happened in South Ossetia. After they began to arm the Ukrainian army and train it, the military service began at first with the so-called. ATO in Donbas, and then Russia was forced to intervene. Today they began to arm Moldova, so Pridnestrovie should get ready? And of course, in such cases, one cannot do without the Poles - a pig will always find dirt.
  5. 0
    4 June 2023 11: 46
    Did they at least leave it to themselves? ... otherwise, you never know ...
    Everything will be distributed to everyone and there will be nothing left, a good uncle from across the ocean may not share it at the right time.
  6. 0
    4 June 2023 11: 47
    Meanwhile, in Poland itself, the barracks are gypsies from Ukraine. as they say, they actually occupied the city))) Well, as THEY write ... They would put things in order at home!
  7. +1
    4 June 2023 11: 51
    six cargo aircraft were used to deliver cargo to Chisinau - a pair of C-130 Hercules and four lighter C-295 CASA.
    Are there too many boards for the "police"? And how many police in Chisinau? bully
    1. Well, given that there is no army in Moldova at all, and all the forces of law and order are the police, then not much.