US President Biden worried about Russia's desire to deploy nuclear missiles in Belarus

US President Biden worried about Russia's desire to deploy nuclear missiles in Belarus

The United States began to worry about the possible deployment of a Russian nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus. Even US President Joe Biden paid attention to this issue.

The head of the White House spoke about the fact that Russia's nuclear rhetoric is very dangerous. According to him, it causes concern. Of course, Biden did not say a word about the reasons for these statements by the Russian side.

They haven't done it yet, unless something happened while I was in the helicopter. Of course I'm concerned about this.

Biden told reporters.

Meanwhile, the United States has long kept its nuclear weapons at several military bases in a number of Western European countries, including Germany. For some reason, according to Biden's logic, this circumstance should not bother the Russian side.

Such a hegemonic position of the United States, living on the principle of "everything is allowed to us", cannot but cause irritation, and as a multipolar world is formed, such a position will only demonstrate its inconsistency. The world is rapidly changing and the "collective West" will no longer be able to dictate its will to the rest of humanity.

Recall that Russia spoke about the possible use of nuclear weapons and their deployment in Belarus only in the context of the aggressive policy of the United States and the West as a whole, including participation in the Ukrainian conflict and the expansion of the NATO bloc to the east. If the United States did not threaten the national security of the Russian state, then such a question would not have been raised by Moscow, which Biden, of course, preferred to keep silent about.
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  1. +6
    29 March 2023 11: 12
    Old man, don't be afraid of the grenade, it's manual laughing
    1. +4
      29 March 2023 11: 17
      Don't care about his concerns... What will they do? Will sanctions be introduced? I'm already wondering what else? Will albatross migration be banned? Schools of fish will turn. By the way, is the deployment of US nuclear weapons in Germany different?
      1. +2
        29 March 2023 11: 21
        It worries me that something besides his enuresis worries him. laughing
        1. +4
          29 March 2023 11: 28
          Quote: Argon
          It worries me that something besides his enuresis worries him. laughing

          Don't talk about grandpa. He has varied interests. He loves chocolate chip ice cream, for example... feel
          1. 0
            29 March 2023 11: 38
            He has varied interests. He loves chocolate chip ice cream, for example...
            Medicine income is unpredictable. laughing .... so start commenting on the tragedy with the shooting at school .... but in general it’s so tolerant ... white ice cream, black chocolate chips (almost) bully
            1. 0
              29 March 2023 12: 21
              Quote: Black
              white ice cream, black chocolate chips (almost)

              My favorite poet, V. Mayakovsky, also analyzed this issue
              to the carcass of a moron:
              "Ay bag er sorry, Mr. Bragg!
              Why sugar
              should do
              black negro?
              black cigar
              does not fit in your mustache -
              She is for a black man
              with black mustaches.
              And if you
              coffee with sugar
              then sugar
              do it yourself."
              A question
              does not go to waste.
              from white
              becomes yellow.
              turned out
              according to the beat
              threw away both gloves
              and left.
          2. -1
            29 March 2023 11: 44
            Quote: Zoldat_A
            He loves chocolate chip ice cream.

            not tolerant though
      2. +1
        29 March 2023 11: 38
        Quote: Black
        What will they do? Will sanctions be introduced? I'm already wondering what else? Will albatross migration be banned? Schools of fish will turn.

        America Gulf Stream ditch on the shoulder. Snowfalls in Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Paris are a direct consequence of the "little trouble" in the Gulf of Mexico. Thirty years ago, a Spaniard from Barcelona told me that they are VERY cold in winter - plus 8 ...

        And you are talking about herring ...
      3. 0
        29 March 2023 11: 55
        Quote: Black
        Schools of fish will turn. By the way, is the deployment of US nuclear weapons in Germany different?

        Don't blame the mirror, as they say. Once they announced the transfer of shells with depleted uranium to the Hetman’s army and over the past ten days they “rehearsed” a nuclear attack on St. Petersburg from the B-52 strategic bombers three times ... sorry to shave, infidels, you can play such games together.
    2. +11
      29 March 2023 11: 17
      So we are doing everything right! If the ocean got worried)
      1. 0
        29 March 2023 12: 21
        US President Biden worried about Russia's desire to deploy nuclear missiles in Belarus
        Today, 11: 10
        can in insanity, he doesn't care. chocolate chip ice cream - the meaning of life
  2. +2
    29 March 2023 11: 20
    So far, Russia's interests extend only to the territory of the so-called. "Union State", Biden has nothing to worry about.
    But when these missiles return to Cuba... they will appear in Venezuela, Nicaragua...
    that's when you can start.
    But for this, Russia must stop huddling in corners and become an Empire.
    1. +1
      29 March 2023 11: 39
      We have to wait until Biden is back in the helicopter. For him, it seems to be acceptable.
  3. +3
    29 March 2023 11: 21
    Finally, they stamped fresh punched cards for the can. Russia just started to do what Pindo has been doing for many decades.
  4. +2
    29 March 2023 11: 21
    US President Biden worried

    The fox was worried when the hare squeezed her between two birches and was about to break ... - a film by A. Nevsky
    How did it all end? It's simple, took and broke ...
  5. +2
    29 March 2023 11: 22
    Even US President Joe Biden paid attention to this issue.

    even... even!!! showed with a finger where to read .... so he voiced it .... after all, the president! wassat
    1. 0
      29 March 2023 11: 45
      Quote: Mouse
      showed with a finger where to read .... so he voiced it ....

      Our Mikhail Evgrafovich, as usual, knew everything about the American grandfather in advance ...
      1. 0
        29 March 2023 11: 51
        showed with a finger where to read .... so he voiced it .... after all, the president
        So what? He went out himself, was able to articulate something, did not greet the ghosts, did not wet himself and did not fall - the leader! laughing
  6. AAK
    29 March 2023 11: 22
    Deploying a dozen Iskander launchers in Belarus is good, but not enough, it would be easier to return to the number of RSD-10s or its modern analogues based on the improved Pioneer-3 that were deployed there during Soviet times
  7. 0
    29 March 2023 11: 23
    That's good. Anxiety and a sense of danger contribute to the correct mental activity. And this, in turn, is an excellent prevention of various diseases, including Alzheimer's.

    We must still take care of the old man, not let his illness take over. More reasons to think, good and different!
  8. +1
    29 March 2023 11: 24
    US President Biden worried about Russia's desire to deploy nuclear missiles in Belarus
    And the fact that the United States is replacing its old atomic bombs with new ones in Europe and is teaching the Germans and Poles how to use them, does this not bother him?
  9. +3
    29 March 2023 11: 25
    Today Ryabkov annealed. The United States is violating the START treaty, they have not withdrawn from the treaty and are obliged to provide us with full information on the state of their strategic nuclear forces. And Russia has suspended its participation and therefore the United States does not owe anything. .We are able when necessary.
  10. +1
    29 March 2023 11: 26
    First, the United States declares that nothing terrible has happened and Russia is not going to use nuclear weapons. Then he suddenly convenes the UN Security Council on this issue in April and grandfather wakes up, who is also worried. And we were surprised at the initial reaction of the United States to the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, because. it (the reaction) did not fit into American behavior. And now everything fell into place - Russia threatens nuclear weapons, etc.
    1. 0
      29 March 2023 11: 59
      Quote: rotmistr60
      Then he suddenly convenes the UN Security Council on this issue in April and grandfather wakes up, who is also worried.

      So there was nothing to sleep in a helicopter, you have to work. And surprisingly, there is no Elon Max Starlink in the US President's helicopter.
  11. -5
    29 March 2023 11: 27
    The US itself is actively transporting nuclear weapons to Poland - they have something to worry about.
    However, these places are thousands of kilometers across the ocean from the United States, so US concern is unlikely to develop into deep concern.
  12. +1
    29 March 2023 11: 28
    How late; and if our Iskanders and Zircons end up in Cuba?
  13. 0
    29 March 2023 11: 32
    US President Biden worried about Russia's desire to deploy nuclear missiles in Belarus
    . It's finally here! Maybe someone in the know, he didn’t have the Balts / N / calmed by chance in his ancestor ???
    Although, grandfather is old, you can refer to this, if anything.
    1. 0
      29 March 2023 12: 07
      Quote: rocket757
      Maybe someone in the know, he didn’t have the Balts / N / calm by chance in his ancestor?

      There were no Balts, but there are Irish.
  14. +3
    29 March 2023 11: 35
    Give your grandfather an ice cream with crumbs and change his diaper, and he will calm down.
  15. 0
    29 March 2023 11: 42
    Is Joe by chance not worn in the arms of the White House? There are ladders - stairs full. wassat
  16. 0
    29 March 2023 11: 45
    It is necessary to give Iran and Syria the opportunity to deploy nuclear weapons, and then it will be normal
    1. +1
      29 March 2023 12: 03
      Quote from Daishi
      It is necessary to give Iran and Syria the opportunity to deploy nuclear weapons, and then it will be normal

      Neither Russia nor the United States have the right to transfer nuclear weapons to other countries, this is prohibited by Articles 1 and 2 of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. TNW in Belarus will be at the disposal of the nuclear-technical troops of the 12th Main Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense. This is a separate branch of the military, which can transfer tactical nuclear weapons to the troops only by order of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, that is, the president. And this management is subordinate only to him, directly
  17. 0
    29 March 2023 11: 45
    It's too late for a half-witted grandfather to drink Borjomi. Late!
  18. +1
    29 March 2023 11: 46
    and we are concerned about the presence of mattress nuclear weapons in Germany, Italy, Turkey, etc., as well as the desire to place it in Poland
    what shall we do?
  19. 0
    29 March 2023 11: 50
    The next sanctions will be introduced against some firms and citizens and that’s all, he must somehow show that he is against it. Americans reward with dollars and punish with confiscation of dollars.
  20. 0
    29 March 2023 11: 53
    They haven't done it yet, unless something happened while I was in the helicopter. Of course I'm concerned about this.

    Well, get the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in a neighboring state. Buy gauze bandages for the population, dig bomb shelters, extinguish the philistine hysteria, return to the nervous reality of the Cold War. This step is just a strategic balance, if there are American warheads on the territory of Germany and Italy, why can't our Belarusian allies have them?
  21. +1
    29 March 2023 12: 27
    It would be time to urgently put such missiles in Cuba, in Nicaragua ....