The EU leadership called on Belarus to refuse to place Russian nuclear weapons on its territory

The EU leadership called on Belarus to refuse to place Russian nuclear weapons on its territory

The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, called on the authorities of Belarus to refuse to place a Russian nuclear weapon on the territory of the country. weapons, threatening otherwise with another package of sanctions.

Borrell wrote in his official account on one of the Western social networks that the deployment of Russian nuclear weapons by Belarus on its territory would mean "an irresponsible escalation and a threat to European security." The head of EU diplomacy also added that, in his opinion, the Belarusian authorities should stop this process, otherwise the EU is ready to impose further sanctions.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced plans to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. This move is a response to the intention of the British authorities to begin deliveries of depleted uranium ammunition to the Kyiv regime.

The Russian leader noted that by July of this year, the construction of a storage facility necessary for the deployment of nuclear weapons would be completed in Belarus. At the present time, 10 aircraft have already been deployed at Belarusian airfields, which are capable of carrying tactical nuclear missiles.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko first announced his desire to deploy Russian nuclear weapons in his country in 2021, even before the start of the Russian special operation in Ukraine. The reason for this was the statement by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg about his intention to deploy American nuclear weapons in Poland.

In Europe itself, experts believe that taking into account the hundreds of sanctions previously imposed against Minsk, the threat of new sanctions will not have any effect.
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  1. +8
    27 March 2023 09: 57
    The EU leadership called on Belarus to refuse to place Russian nuclear weapons on its territory

    Blink if Putin forced you. wink
    1. +16
      27 March 2023 10: 02
      The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, spoke out ....., threatening otherwise with another package of sanctions.

      Send this old enema to rest, and keep his threats to himself.
      1. +13
        27 March 2023 10: 16
        Scared! lol I think Old Man remembers well the nasty things from the gay people and the provocations of the Maidan in Belarus! And Tikhanovskaya, self-proclaimed, is still being held there. He has his own accounts for Europe. The new sanctions of Belarus are purple!
        1. +7
          27 March 2023 12: 26
          Dmitry, hi!
          Quote: Reptiloid
          I think Old Man remembers well the nasty things from the gay people and the provocations of the Maidan in Belarus! And Tikhanovskaya, self-proclaimed, is still being held there. He has his own accounts for Europe. The new sanctions of Belarus are purple!

          Maybe try to buy? "Cutlet" will be kicked out back to Belarus to be imprisoned? Will they promise to accept Belarus into the European Union? Will they promise to buy potatoes?laughing laughing
          Moldovans or Georgians would believe, not to mention Ukraine, and would be ready to rush into the knee-elbow. Old Man remembers European "generosity" - he almost drank "multi-vector" up to his ears.

          And therefore he will laugh at them, the wretched ones. And yes, he is mocking.
          1. +3
            27 March 2023 13: 03
            But why are our politicians so educated and can't send Europe with its three-letter sanctions? In plain text, without any diplomacy.. What kind of diplomacy can there be with barbarians?
            Same with Belarusians.
            1. 0
              31 March 2023 18: 18
              Quote: krot
              But why are our politicians so educated and can't send Europe with its three-letter sanctions? In plain text, without any diplomacy.. What kind of diplomacy can there be with barbarians?
              Same with Belarusians.

              Our diplomats have the simplest answer - remove your troops from Poland, the Baltic states, Romania, then we'll talk.
          2. +4
            27 March 2023 14: 48
            Quote: Zoldat_A
            ..... Maybe they will try to buy? ..... Will they promise to accept Belarus into the European Union? Will they promise to buy potatoes?laughing laughing ..... Old Man remembers European "generosity" - up to his ears there was almost a "multi-vector approach" ......

            Igor, hi good time! As I remember, even then they did not try to buy the Old Man. Immediately began to stigmatize am am blame all mortals! Impose sanctions. It was only about overthrowing him as a long-term dictator. No compromises were offered, there were no hints .. Poland tried most of all to split Belarus and hoped to increase its territory at the expense of it. prepared for special protest tactics precisely with the OMON, with the police
            Now the Old Man is probably happy! Even more will rejoice when by July all the preparations will be completed and they will be able to deliver the PROMISED!
            1. +1
              27 March 2023 18: 39
              Quote: Reptiloid
              As I remember, even then they did not try to buy the Old Man. Immediately they began to stigmatize, blame all mortals! Impose sanctions. It was only about his overthrow as a long-term dictator. No compromises were offered, there were no hints.

              So now they will not stigmatize and scare. And they can try to buy nishtyaks. Unless the mind is not enough to understand that now it is a useless undertaking. Previously, it was necessary to buy - at the time of its "multi-vector", before Svetka-patty.

              Look, they are not trying to scare Erdogan anymore (non-invitation to the "democracy summit" does not count - this is not about that). They tried to scare - they realized that it was useless. Now nishtyaki promise.

              And further.
              Quote: Reptiloid
              Now the Old Man is probably happy! Even more will rejoice when by July all the preparations will be completed and they will be able to deliver the PROMISED!

              For some reason, it seems to me that they are already there. Because this is not a mine rocket, which you cannot put anywhere without a mine. These can be "according to the MTS workshops" to shove temporarily. For her, the lack of a stationary shelter is not critical.
              And the reason I came up with this idea is that to promise today to give in the summer is to give the same America time to take countermeasures. After all, there are Tribalts, Finns, Poles around - you never know what other rubbish ... We, of course, the Supreme Commander, along with the General Staff, are generous, but I would like to believe that not so much.
              1. +3
                27 March 2023 18: 55
                Yes, Igor laughing, and if so, what is the point of offering after all?
                .... there are many things, my friend Horatio, that I never dreamed of ....

                After all, how many times the GDP and the Old Man met, agreed! Something like this may have been discussed so many times.
                1. 0
                  28 March 2023 06: 54
                  Quote: Reptiloid
                  and if so, what is the point of offering after all?

                  What if he bites??
                  What else is left for the scoundrels to hope for? The Old Man is not afraid of threats, he spits on sanctions, following the GDP... Do not bomb. Belarus is not Libya, and in its neighbor friends it is not Egypt and not Algeria - it will cost more by itself.
    2. +12
      27 March 2023 10: 28
      And they themselves do not want to voluntarily take out the American nuclear weapons from the Netherlands, France, Germany, Britain and Italy?
      1. +2
        27 March 2023 11: 19

        Evil 55 (Evgeniy Kuznetsov)
        Today, 10: 28

        And they themselves do not want to voluntarily take out the American nuclear weapons from the Netherlands, France, Germany, Britain and Italy?
        No, no, what are you! So it's completely different))!
    3. Maz
      27 March 2023 11: 07
      Yesterday the barrel was threatened with sanctions, today there are calls, I wonder what tomorrow will be?
  2. +11
    27 March 2023 10: 01
    Zhopez Bolel with his sanctions is worn like a fool with a written bag. Idiot! I decided to scare a porcupine with a naked booty.
  3. +11
    27 March 2023 10: 01
    . "irresponsible escalation and threat to European security"

    Get the nuclear weapons out of Germany, for starters. And then ask for something.
    1. 0
      27 March 2023 14: 51
      have already passed
      already removed Saturns from Turkey
      and what, American nuclear bombs are still in Turkey at AB Indzherlik
      USA is waiting and just thirsty Caribbean Crisis-2
      Cuba needs give OTRK Iskander and place our arsenal there under the nuclear warhead
      and as a satellite of the S-400, S-500, S-350, BPRK Bastion with Zircons, electronic warfare, electronic warfare, Su-35, Su-34
      and how the Armed Forces of Ukraine to throw mines at the Gulf of Mexico - what's wrong with that (?) - the right to defense
      there are options - as by their own methods in their own face
  4. -3
    27 March 2023 10: 02
    1. If I were a king...
    then he would "announce his plans" AFTER he did the job.
    Well, that's it ...
    2. It will not be surprising if the leadership of Belarus "listens" to the call of Josep "in an official account in one of the Western social networks."
    Well it is there (in the social network) without getting out. )
    1. -20
      27 March 2023 10: 08
      1. The creed of our king is a bluff. Cartoons instead of missiles, threats instead of action.
      2. It will not surprise even if the Tsar himself heeds the call of Josep in the official account in one of the Western social networks. For see point 1.
      1. +4
        27 March 2023 10: 52
        Are you sure that tactical nuclear weapons are not yet in Belarus?
        1. 0
          27 March 2023 11: 22

          mikh-korsakov (Mikhail)
          Today, 10: 52

          Are you sure that TNW more not in Belarus?
          Apparently you wanted to say ALREADY in Belarus.
        2. -1
          28 March 2023 08: 26
          I'm not sure.
          But enemy reconnaissance ...
          If it were there, we would have heard the squeal by now.
  5. +6
    27 March 2023 10: 04
    The EU leadership called on Belarus to refuse to place Russian nuclear weapons on its territory
    Maybe first you will call on Germany to refuse to place American tactical nuclear weapons on its territory and forbid Poland to beg from the United States to place nuclear weapons on its territory? Or is it different? See how they sang.
    1. +3
      27 March 2023 11: 02
      Let him first call on his waiter to add beer to him after the foam settles, otherwise he steals, scoundrel. This demand is quite reasonable - everyone will support. Getting into politics is not smart. He repeats like a parrot "sanctions, sanctions" - that's the whole vocabulary. The old man from Europe had his oxygen cut off a long time ago. Therefore, your threats to him are already ... along with your Tikhanovskaya.
  6. +6
    27 March 2023 10: 07
    we are waiting for the call of the EU leadership on the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from the territory of Germany and Turkey and Poland's refusal to deploy it
  7. +4
    27 March 2023 10: 08
    This move is a response to the intention of the British authorities to begin deliveries of depleted uranium ammunition to the Kyiv regime.

    and to refuse to call on Britain from such intentions .... weakly ???
    1. +4
      27 March 2023 10: 16
      Quote: Mouse
      and to refuse to call on Britain from such intentions .... weakly ???

      Yes, as if the United States would not be bad to remove its nuclear weapons from Germany. wink
      1. +2
        27 March 2023 10: 25
        How can you? This is the nuclear weapons of freedom! American nuclear weapons should be in every democratic country.
  8. +3
    27 March 2023 10: 11
    what A generation of European and North American idiots has grown up, many of whom only drank milkshakes during the Caribbean crisis, while others were not even born into this world.
    What is the Caribbean crisis vulgar to these ....? It's like for every action there is a reaction. Then they deployed missiles in Turkey - you will receive missiles in Cuba in response. Yes
  9. +2
    27 March 2023 10: 16
    The EU leadership called on Belarus to refuse to place Russian nuclear weapons on its territory
    . What will happen, what will they answer?
    They will probably be sent far, and even further.
    1. +1
      27 March 2023 13: 25
      They will probably be sent far, and even further.

      well, or as an option - they will send deeper!
  10. +3
    27 March 2023 10: 21
    why don’t you call Poland and Germany for this, you hypocrites are finished?
  11. +3
    27 March 2023 10: 36
    otherwise the EU is ready to impose further sanctions.

    There would be an opponent, but there will always be sanctions.
    The reason for this was the statement by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg about his intention to deploy American nuclear weapons in Poland.

    Everything is possible for the white elves, but here the threat to the elves themselves is a mess, it is necessary to accuse the opponent of all mortal sins and unleash all controlled forces on him. Even if Yao does not appear in Belarus, the sanctions will continue until the West establishes full control over this territory, this is already a template. Later, such territory can be used to solve political problems elsewhere.
  12. +2
    27 March 2023 10: 42
    And the entire leadership of the gay union, led by a gynecologist, would not have gone somewhere else. We place our nuclear weapons wherever we want. It’s better to let them take a shovel and start digging a shelter for themselves, and Borel will be appointed foreman of earthworks
  13. +1
    27 March 2023 10: 50
    Since 2014, there has been time, in parallel with hypersonic directions, to plan + order + accept and put mobile tactical missiles on duty. And unlike "Poseidon", their presence cannot be demonstrated. BRZD is back in business?
  14. +1
    27 March 2023 11: 24
    Let Europe refuse to place American nuclear weapons on its territory at the beginning
    1. 0
      27 March 2023 13: 21
      at the same time from the German, guardian and arrogant!
  15. +1
    27 March 2023 11: 38
    I'm not a poet, I'll tell you in verse
    Go Josep, fuck you
    Little steps....
  16. +1
    27 March 2023 12: 09
    The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, called on the Belarusian authorities to refuse to deploy Russian nuclear weapons on the territory of the country, threatening otherwise with another package of sanctions.

    For this gay girl, Tikhanovskaya has a president, and Lukashenka is not legitimate for them, so let them call her, they threaten her.
    And for the Old Man, their threats and calls are like water off a duck's back.
    1. 0
      27 March 2023 13: 22
      And for the Old Man, their threats and calls are like water off a duck's back.

      in general, they will be waist-deep laughing
  17. -2
    27 March 2023 13: 12
    Interestingly, this game can be played together.

    Of course, no one wants to think about the consequences of such decisions in advance. The main thing is to show the whole world "Kuzkin's mother", or at least intentions ....

    But what if the mattress covers, in response, decide to place tactical nuclear weapons in / on? Moreover, the aircraft will be prepared, the pilots will be trained in the use. In general, they will do exactly the same thing.

    Zakharova will start screaming about unreasonable escalation? Will the Kremlin start drawing new red lines? Another concern?

    Or is such a development of events impossible and improbable?

    No tantrums, please, justified answers to the studio. Those who are not capable of reasonable answers, you can simply sculpt cons, I will recalculate your number.
    1. 0
      27 March 2023 23: 32
      Your naivety sculpts you cons much better than others do.
      And in response, Russia can deploy strategic nuclear weapons in Cuba and/or Venezuela.
      Or maybe immediately hit on Ramstein and Rzeszow.
      Your mattress pads (and mattress pads) will become extremely unpleasant.
  18. 0
    27 March 2023 13: 17
    the Francoist fosterling is still juggling with words and the wrinkled turtle does not know that Russia has already poured oil for the entire Euro-Nazi camarilla!
  19. 0
    27 March 2023 13: 35
    Father sanctions on the drum. And let Geyropa tremble, especially logs and tribalts.
  20. 0
    27 March 2023 22: 16
    Stupid: it was necessary to recognize Batkin's victory in the elections, and now it's too late: "... alea iacto est ...".
  21. 0
    27 March 2023 22: 43
    Does Mr. Brothel really think diplomacy is done on social media? Who took this fool to his position? Or maybe he is too lazy to travel somewhere, to negotiate and try, that he prefers to push Eurodiplomacy somewhere in the networks prohibited in our country. If only he created a page in Odnoklassniki
  22. 0
    27 March 2023 23: 07
    It would be better if this unfinished fascist called on his Europe to abandon the deployment of American nuclear weapons
  23. 0
    28 March 2023 20: 51
    The US has 150 nuclear bombs in Europe. Namely: the bombs are located at six air bases in five countries: in Germany (Büchel), Italy (Aviano and Gedi), Belgium (Kleine Brogel), the Netherlands (Volkel) and Turkey (Incirlik). Special underground storage facilities have been built there for them. Their protection in peacetime is carried out exclusively by the American military.
    Does the head of European diplomacy not want to urge the US to remove these weapons from Europe? Or "it's different", as always? ;) Hypocrites are mean...
  24. 0
    28 March 2023 21: 04
    Joseph. Move your viper from brussels to lisbon. And sleep peacefully extra 15 minutes
  25. 0
    28 March 2023 21: 51
    This means that America can distribute nuclear weapons wherever they want, but Russia cannot, because it is dangerous for the United States and Europe. It's okay, a couple of thousand years will pass and Europe will be cleansed when the goby flies for it.
  26. 0
    28 March 2023 21: 53
    Don't have a hundred friends, but have 10 planes with vigorous bombs.

    Moreover, Europeans are not friends of sane people, which they have repeatedly proven to absolutely everyone from Africa to Afghanistan. From Yugoslavia to Syria
  27. 0
    29 March 2023 09: 21
    Belarus called on the EU to abandon the deployment of nuclear weapons.
  28. 0
    29 March 2023 09: 25
    Is this the EU leadership that calls the dad the last dictator of Europe, stirs up color revolutions in Belarus?
  29. The comment was deleted.
  30. 0
    30 March 2023 12: 06
    So "Old Man" can offer the FRG, for example, to refuse to deploy US nuclear weapons.