First Indian Wars

First Indian Wars
This is how the British shot at the Indians during the "expeditions" that destroyed entire tribes. Frame from the movie "Chingachgook, the Big Serpent" (1967)

Perhaps all along the vast stretch of the frontier,
which separated the possessions of the French from the territory
English colonies of North America, there are no
more eloquent monuments of cruel and ferocious
wars of 1755-1763 than in the area lying at the headwaters of the Hudson
and near neighboring lakes. This area represented
for the movement of troops such facilities,
that they were not to be ignored.

James Fenimore Cooper "The Last of the Mohicans"

Indians with and without tomahawks. Captain John Smith's first British colonists arrived in America in 1607 and founded the settlement of Jamestown there, naming it after the English King James I. The king granted the colonists a charter that allowed them to establish a colony in Virginia.

At first, the settlers maintained good-neighbourly relations with the indigenous people - the Algonquin Indians, united under the rule of the famous leader Pouhantan. But after his death, relations deteriorated, and the first Indian war began, which lasted from 1622 to 1637. Every year, the colonists organized three campaigns against the warriors of the old leader Opecancanaf. Then it seemed that they managed to agree on peace, but already in 1641 hostilities began again and continued until 1669.

The Three Counties militia cavalry, 1659. They were traditionally dressed in leather and cloth and armed with muskets and pistols. Allied Indians were supplied with matchlock muskets.
Liliana and Fred Funken. Encyclopedia of weapons and military costume. Wars on the American Continent of the 2003th-5th Centuries. Cavalry and artillery. M.: Astrel, XNUMX, p. XNUMX

Soldiers of the Militia and Regulars of the British Crown from 1675 to 1748. 1. Militia soldier in half armor, circa 1630. 2. Indian irregulars, "King Philip's War", 1675-1677. (The Iroquois, which the British used in Canada to fight the French, lost 50% of their soldiers in hostilities). 3. Militia soldier, "King Philip's War" 1675-1677 4. Militia soldier, "Queen Anne's War", 1701-1713 (Until 1754, the militia did not have a permanent uniform). 5. Seneca Irregulars, King George's War, 1744-1748. (These so-called Indian Wars, including "King William's War" in 1689-1697, were officially fought between France and England, but the Indians were always the main victims of these wars.) 6. Soldier of the Oglethorpe Regiment (42nd English Regiment of Foot), 1742. 7. Soldier of the Spotswood Regiment (later Goosha), 1740 (this regiment would later be called the 43rd Infantry or American Regiment).
Liliana and Fred Funken. Encyclopedia of weapons and military costume. Wars on the American Continent of the 2003th-5th Centuries. Infantry - Navy. M.: Astrel, XNUMX, p. XNUMX

The most surprising thing was that none of the newly arrived Europeans on the continent in any way considered the murder of an Indian as a crime. Moreover, the endless expeditions for the ruthless extermination of the Indians were carried out with the blessing of the church, while the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” simply did not apply to the Indians! However, why be surprised, given what all these people left behind in Christian Europe: the burning of heretics and auto-da-fé with public torture in the squares.

At the same time, the population of New England grew very rapidly. Already in 1646, there were already 27 English colonists on the American coast from Maine to Georgia. Such a number of pale faces could not be dumped into the ocean by any union of Indian tribes. The neighboring Dutch and Swedish settlements were also absorbed by the British, so that the number of Europeans on the coast increased even more.

It was then that the mass destruction of the Algonquin tribes began - the Mohicans, Narrangansets, Mohegans, Pokamtuks, Massachusetts. All of them were destroyed with great zeal, besides, the reward for the scalp of an Indian was constantly increasing, and the scalp of a child cost exactly the same as the scalp of an adult! There were no differences in the price of the scalp of a woman and a man, so it was a real genocide.

However, sometimes the local Puritans even negotiated with the Indians and concluded agreements with them. For example, with the Indians of the Delaware tribe and their leader Lapounaisa, in 1686, the Walking Purchase agreement was concluded, proposed by the founder of the Pennsylvania colony, William Penn. Under the agreement, each male colonist received from the Indians as much land as he could pass in ... a day and a half! For the island of Manhattan, the Dutch paid 24 dollars at all, and the colonists mined the territory of New York in the following way: in one night they massacred the Indians of the Wappinger tribe who lived there.

Naturally, such a confrontation between the two races required, firstly, weaponsand second, organizations. In conditions when the Indians had to be attacked now and then, and then reflect their response, all fit-for-age male settlers were automatically enrolled in the militia or local militia. Moreover, the infantry, although it played a certain role, could not be compared with the cavalry.

That is why most of the "militiamen" were just cavalrymen. As a rule, they had the same equipment as the European light cavalry, that is, Morion helmets, which were produced in huge quantities, cuirasses and half-cuirasses, since they protected well from Indian weapons and, above all, from arrows. Equipment was purchased at their own expense, and it cost a lot. So, starting from 1740, each police cavalryman had to have two pistols and a carbine. And since all weapons were imported into the colonies from the metropolis, their price was very high.

And then the ever-expanding British colony faced a new enemy: the French colonists, who were friends of the Indians and were often even related to them by blood ties. The reason for this attitude, however, was not in some special kindness and humanity of the French, but only in their numbers.

The French did not migrate to America en masse. There were few of them, and there was no reason for them to quarrel with the Indians over land. And it would have been even more stupid to quarrel over hunting prey, since the virgin North American forests at that time were simply teeming with game. What can I say, if the parents sent the child to the forest to get a turkey for dinner with ... a stick! And he walked through the forest, found sleeping turkeys on the lower branch of a sprawling tree and ... beat the biggest one, or even more than one, on the head with a stick.

That is why the British fought the Indians from the very beginning, but the French did not.

The last war of the 1675th century between the colonists and the Indians was the so-called "King Philip's War", which lasted from 1676 to XNUMX. This was followed by the officially declared "Indian Wars" already between England and France:

• King William's War 1679-1689,
• Queen Anne's War 1701-1713,
• King George's War 1744–1748,
• "War with the French and Indians": 1754-1763.

"War with the French and Indians": Anglo-French and Indian War 1754–1763 French troops: 1. Officer of the Bearn regiment. 2. Soldier of the Regiment du Berry. 3. Soldier of the Royal Roussillon Regiment in marching uniform. 4. Soldier of the Burgundian regiment in summer marching uniform. 5. Sergeant of the Queen's regiment. 6. Drummer of the Queen's Regiment. 7. Drummer of the Languedoc regiment in marching uniform. 8. Soldier of the Artois regiment. 9. Soldier of the Artois regiment in winter marching uniform. 10. Messenger-hunter. 11. Standard-bearer of the Royal Roussillon Regiment. 12. Standard-bearer of the Queen's regiment. 13–18. The Indians are allies of the French. Number 13 depicts a baptized Indian. Among the Indians, the practice of stretching the earlobes by hanging heavy earrings on them was widespread.
Liliana and Fred Funken. Encyclopedia of weapons and military costume. Wars on the American Continent of the 2003th-7th Centuries. Infantry - Navy. M.: Astrel, XNUMX, p. XNUMX

Raiding was the usual form of warfare in the colonies. Both individual farms of the colonists and small towns were attacked, and some of them were robbed several times. The French, who were outnumbered by the British, were engaged in inciting the Indians, their allies, to carry out similar raids.

It was quite easy to do this, because as early as 1570, five tribes of the Iroquois: Seneca, Cayuga, Oneida, Mohawk and Onondaga united in a confederation, which was ruled by a council of 50 leaders (sachems). In 1722, the Tuscarora tribe was admitted to the association, and it became known as the Six Iroquois Tribes. So it was enough for the French to win the trust of its leaders in order to influence the entire alliance. True, the Hurons, Erie and Susquehannocks were distrustful of this alliance and did not enter into it, but the French found approaches to them as well.

Here it also occurred to the British colonists to use the old enmity between the Iroquois and the Delawares, to whom they began to supply firearms in large quantities.

"Lots and lots of Nettie Bumpo" (the hero of Fenimore Cooper's Leatherstocking novels) - this is what the hunters of the North American forests looked like, who enrolled in the Minutemen with the outbreak of the Revolutionary War.
Liliana and Fred Funken. Encyclopedia of weapons and military costume. Wars on the American Continent of the 2003th-13th Centuries. Infantry - Navy. M.: Astrel, XNUMX, p. XNUMX

For a long time in the police, everyone chose the clothes they wanted, and only in the middle of the XNUMXth century did the first semblance of a police uniform appear: in particular, policemen had to wear white pants, commanders had to decorate hats and hats with galloons. But most often the form of policemen consisted of a "hunting shirt" made of suede and tight leather trousers.

It should be noted that the population of the English colonies was fifteen times greater than the number of French colonists. That is, to defeat the enemy in battle cost nothing to them. But ... the militia was exclusively engaged in protecting its own territory and categorically refused to fight outside the territory of its commune. That is why all these border wars, so masterfully described by Fenimore Cooper, dragged on for so long. The settlers willingly destroyed the Indians for the sake of their land, but categorically did not want to fight the French, since such a war would excommunicate men from home for a long time, and did not give much profit!

"War with the French and Indians": Anglo-French and Indian War 1754–1763 British troops. 1. "Colonel's banner" or "Royal banner of the 1st battalion, 1768. Having received the name "Royal", this regiment had the right to wear the image of the Order of the Garter on the banner. 2. "Adjutant banner" or "regimental banner" of the 1st battalion. 3. "Royal banner" of the 4th battalion. 4. Banner "regimental colors" of the 4th battalion. The shaft of the British banners was 3 m long, the dimensions of the silk cloth were approximately 1,98x1,82 m. 5. A soldier in everyday uniform, 1755-1763. Blue pants were the privilege of the royal troops. Galloon buttonholes were usually worn by officers. 6. Soldier in marching uniform, 1755-1763 Trousers of "royal" blue color (in the absence of a suitable fabric, they were often sewn from green cloth). 7. Grenadier. 8. Grenadier 1768 in a new type of grenadier cap. 9. Soldier of the light company of the "new" 62nd Infantry Regiment. 1775
Liliana and Fred Funken. Encyclopedia of weapons and military costume. Wars on the American Continent of the 2003th-9th Centuries. Infantry - Navy. M.: Astrel, XNUMX, p. XNUMX

However, even with the Indians, the settlers very often preferred to fight with the hands of soldiers stationed in many frontier forts ...

A still from Chingachgook, the Big Snake (1967) showing typical methods of colonial robbery
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  1. +17
    April 2 2023 04: 24
    Good day everyone. Thanks to the author for an interesting topic and excellent illustrations
    1. +14
      April 2 2023 05: 31
      I join the kind words of Dmitry!
      At the same time, the population of New England grew very rapidly. Already in 1646, there were already 27 English colonists on the American coast from Maine to Georgia. Such a number of pale faces could not be dumped into the ocean by any union of Indian tribes.

      The main argument in the confrontation between the pale-faced and the natives of America is the metal weapon. You will fight a lot with a spear with a stone tip against an arquebus. Hence the desire of the first policemen to wear archaic cuirasses and half-cuirasses. As soon as the Indians were fed up with firearms, both iron armor and helmets disappeared.
      1. +14
        April 2 2023 08: 03
        The main argument in the confrontation between the pale-faced and the natives of America is metal weapons.

        European diseases were the main argument. From which the tribes died out almost without exception. For some, there were simply no fighters left. For example, the Arikara on the prairies - after just one smallpox epidemic at the end of the 30000th century, their number fell from 6000 to XNUMX .. But this is the result of just one epidemic .. And so in every tribe ..

        If all these warriors were alive, perhaps there would be no USA. And so the Indians resisted for almost 300 years.
      2. +2
        April 2 2023 17: 53
        However, even with the Indians, the settlers very often preferred to fight with the hands of soldiers stationed in many frontier forts ...

        I'm wondering one more thing ... Will there be future articles about Hessian soldiers or not?
  2. +10
    April 2 2023 04: 59
    I wonder what was the number of Indian tribes, detachments?
    The attitude of the American settlers to the war was amused: they fight for their land, for the state - pipes.
    1. +9
      April 2 2023 06: 02
      I wonder what was the number of Indian tribes,

      Over the millennia that have passed since the settlement of North America, the number of its inhabitants has grown many times over. More and more new tribes settled on previously empty lands. When Europeans began to explore this part of the world in the 250th century, Indians were already living everywhere - from Alaska in the north to Tierra del Fuego in the south. However, historians do not know the exact number of Indians in North America at that time; even the number of Indian tribes is unknown: according to some estimates, there were XNUMX of them, according to others - more.
      1. +9
        April 2 2023 06: 43
        By language, the Indian tribes of North America are combined into several families. The main ones are as follows: Algonquins: Arapaho, Blackfoot (“black-footed”), Cree, Montagnier, Naskapi, Ojibwe, Ottawa, Mohican, Delaware, Cheyenne, Shawnee, etc.; athabaskans: kuchins, tatsanotins (yellow-knife, that is, “yellow knives”), chipewai, dogrib, apaches, navajos, etc.; Iroquois: Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onon-Daga, Seneca, Tuscarora, Huron, Erie, Cherokee, etc.; Muskogee: Chickasaw, Natchee, Creek, Seminole, etc.; Sioux: Assiniboine, Winnebago, Dakota, Mandan, Hidatsa, etc.; Uto-Aztec family: Kiowa, Comanche, Shoshone, Paiute, Ute, Hopi, etc. The number of these tribes in different time periods was strikingly different - wars, epidemics, loss of food supply. Here the question can only be raised regarding the number of a certain tribe in a certain period of time. As for the number of their military detachments that the tribe could put up, Edwin Thompson Denig in October 1851, after negotiations with the leader of the Absaroks at Fort Union, wrote:
        With her decision, she is able to immediately set up 160 tents of warriors, this is a fifth of the entire tribe

        IMHO, about the same 20% of the number of their tribe could make other Indian tribes warriors - the remaining 80% - this is apparently the protection of the camp, hunters, old people, children and women
      2. +2
        April 2 2023 17: 56
        Quote: Richard
        However, historians do not know the exact number of Indians in North America at that time.

        This is more likely to be known to paleontologists, anthropologists and soil scientists-foresters - the fact is that bison hunting, hunting in forests, change the original soils and ecosystems of forests, tundras, prairies and pampas (recall one more half-forgotten word). From the assessment of changes, one can judge the age-averaged number of people and growth rates.
        In the end - you can take the same biogenic methane from samples of Antarctic or even better eternal cave ice - its concentration fluctuations include fluctuations in the abundance of the main food base of aboriginal people in the New World - bison. The ice of local caves is even better - Antarctica is far away and gas is from all over the globe, but captured by a bubble in frozen water in a local cave, and methane will be almost all local, from the nearest ecosystem. All sorts of permafrost-cave explorers are already doing this ...
    2. +12
      April 2 2023 06: 48
      Quote: Tlauicol
      they fight for their land, for the state - pipes

      The first settlers in North America were the Puritans and the Independents. They lived in their closed communities and they wanted to spit both on the state and on the king ... wink
      1. +7
        April 2 2023 07: 46
        Quote: Luminman
        Quote: Tlauicol
        they fight for their land, for the state - pipes

        The first settlers in North America were the Puritans and the Independents. They lived in their closed communities and they wanted to spit both on the state and on the king ... wink

        Yeah, like: the states gave them land and rights, but they didn’t give them responsibilities. My house is on the edge. Handsome!
        1. +7
          April 2 2023 08: 29
          Quote: Tlauicol
          Yeah, like: the states gave them land and rights, but they didn’t give them responsibilities. My house is on the edge. Handsome!

          Why not? Mennonites - you can say brothers in faith Protestants / Puritans, from the Reformation era, the period of religious wars of 30 years in Europe, fled / moved and looked for other territories to live. The New World was no exception for resettlement either.
          Perhaps it was beneficial for England, the Netherlands, Sweden to develop new lands. If I'm not mistaken, the first colonists were hard to find at first.

          Example: an agreement between such communities and the authorities was most likely similar to the invitation of Catherine II to develop the uninhabited lands of the Russian Empire.
          The Mennonites entered into an agreement with the Russian government on resettlement, signed in January 1788. In addition to the usual conditions for all settlers (exemption from all taxes for a period of 10 years, allocation of a land allotment of 65 acres per family, also 500 rubles for travel and farming), Mennonites were promised exemption from military and civil service, internal religious self-government. In turn, the Mennonites undertook to give on a common basis apartments and carts for the troops passing through their villages, to maintain roads and bridges in good order, and to pay a land tax of 15 kopecks from a tithe of convenient land. In subsequent years, these privileges were confirmed by a letter of Paul I (September 6, 1800). Manifesto of Alexander 1 (February 20, 1804) and the decree of Nicholas I (November 19, 1838).
          1. +9
            April 2 2023 12: 18
            the agreement between such communities and the authorities was most likely similar to the invitation of Catherine II to develop the uninhabited lands of the Russian Empire.
            The ancestors of Academician Boris Viktorovich Raushenbakh (comrade-in-arms of S.P. Korolev, taught a course in celestial mechanics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in the 70s) were Mennonites.
            1. +7
              April 2 2023 12: 45
              Quote: Aviator_
              The ancestors of Academician Boris Viktorovich Raushenbakh (comrade-in-arms of S.P. Korolev, taught a course in celestial mechanics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in the 70s) were Mennonites.

              As all our ancestors usually say: young people do not honor the customs and do not follow the traditions of their ancestors.

              Alas, times change people, many Mennonites also settled in Western Siberia, and before the revolution. I have Siberian kerzhaks in my ancestors from my grandmother, wink but he ran to discos, hugged girls before the wedding, served in the army with a fellow countryman from Altai, a German from a village founded by Mennonites, with PKM he was like a god. Yes

              And the descendants of the first Mennonites after a while became scientists, military men, doctors, workers of the national economy, good peasants in state farms, etc.
          2. +1
            April 2 2023 21: 31
            "The Mennonites made a treaty" in my opinion is this an English religious sect? Katya knows better. I am interested in religious sects insofar as, and so I am indifferent to them
        2. +9
          April 2 2023 08: 48
          Quote: Tlauicol
          states gave them land and rights, but did not give them duties

          The king gave them land only so that they quickly left England and did not annoy anyone's eyes. They were potential rebels...
          1. +13
            April 2 2023 09: 36
            Probably more sectarians who threatened the young Anglican Church with their existence.
            I was more fascinated by the parallels on the other side of the earth.
            For the island of Manhattan, the Dutch paid even 24 dollars, and the colonists mined the territory of New York in the following way: in one night they massacred the Indians of the Wappinger tribe who lived there.

            A little later, in 1740, on the Stone Belt, N.N. Dimidov buys land from the Bashkirs along the Serga River for 21 gold rubles (according to other sources, 250 silver rubles). In 1742 and 1743, the first metal was produced by the two ironworks Verehne and Nizhneserginsky.
            Prior to that, in 1736, the Russian settlement on the site of the Upper Seryoga had already been burned by the Bashkirs. In response, the Revdenskaya and Bilembaevskaya teams approached the Tatar village of Arakaevo, but agreed on peace. The situation is interesting in that the breeders of the factories were different; the first was behind the Demidovs' house, the second - Strogonovsky. Yekaterinburg reacted to the complication only by sending a disabled team to the Klinovskaya fortress.
            So in search of adventure it was not necessary to go to AMERICA.
            1. +8
              April 2 2023 09: 54
              If you have a talent for adventure, they can be found outside the outskirts. The difference is sometimes only in scale.
              1. +6
                April 2 2023 11: 01
                If you have a talent for adventure, they can be found outside the outskirts.
                "There will always be a quest for a maniac adventurer!"
                1. +6
                  April 2 2023 11: 17
                  Because the master is here -
                  Nice guy, Robin Hood.
              2. +7
                April 2 2023 13: 07
                If you have a talent for adventure, they can be found outside the outskirts.

                "He who seeks will always find!" (c)

                1. +4
                  April 2 2023 17: 08
                  And yet we continue to step on the same rake.
                  1. +5
                    April 2 2023 17: 29
                    So no one ever cleans gardening tools. laughing

                    1. +1
                      April 2 2023 23: 08
                      While pruning time.

                      “Well, I don’t understand, do you? The cat is another matter. Elephants are useful animals
            2. +6
              April 2 2023 10: 17
              Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
              The territory of New York was obtained by the colonists as follows: in one night they massacred the Indians of the Wappinger tribe who lived there

              And they also captured Britain like this: they simply massacred all the Celts. And those who did not have time to cut out, they migrated to the mainland. The classic tactics of "civilizers" ...
              1. +12
                April 2 2023 11: 16
                just slaughtered all the Celts. And those who did not have time to cut out, they migrated to the mainland
                At all times, up to very recent times, it has been a quite common technique and no one has seen anything reprehensible in it. The same American Indians did not colonize Europe, slaughtering Europeans along the way, for only one banal reason - they could not.
                And the uncut Celts from the island (the Bretons) now make noble cider in France Yes
                1. +5
                  April 2 2023 12: 05
                  Quote: Bolt Cutter
                  quite common technique

                  Blankets infected with smallpox - a technique also common? Or scalps? Did everyone practice too? Racism, also invented on the islands. Neither the Dutch nor the French used this ...
                  1. +9
                    April 2 2023 12: 09
                    Or scalps?
                    The scalps were removed by the Indians themselves in civil strife before the arrival of the whites.
                    Blankets contaminated with smallpox
                    Wells were poisoned in antiquity.
                    Racism, also invented on the islands.
                    And blacks were also invented on the islands belay ?
                    1. +6
                      April 2 2023 12: 28
                      Quote: Bolt Cutter
                      Were blacks also invented on the islands?

                      No, they were just imported. By the way, the signs "only for whites" were removed quite recently. And the late queen even remembered the "White Man's Burden" very well ...
                      1. +7
                        April 2 2023 12: 37
                        The "whites only" signs have been taken down recently.
                        In London, the subway was launched when serfdom was abolished in Russia (almost 2 years later), so what? And racism existed even when there were races, that is, always.
                      2. +2
                        April 2 2023 12: 42
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        racism has existed since the time of races, that is, always

                        There has never been such racism in the performance of "civilizers" ...

                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        Underground launched in London

                        And in London, LGBT communities arose when no one in Russia even knew about it ... The current under-king and his eldest son are confirmation ...
                      3. +3
                        April 2 2023 12: 48
                        in Russia, no one even knew about it
                        At the Imperial Court, the so-called bumpiness (apparently from the English buggery) was practiced back in the Crimean War. The same Kozma Prutkov wrote about the army of those times laughing "whoever does not disdain a soldier's ass will also be a company commander's niece." Again Tchaikovsky in the subject Yes .
                        And modern LGBT culture originated in New York, in the Greenwich village area, in the 60s. Something like this.
                        Such racism
                        All racism was fellow .
                      4. +2
                        April 2 2023 14: 44
                        Well, LGBT was also present in the Russian Empire. Prince Yusupov, etc.
                      5. +1
                        April 2 2023 15: 33
                        Quote: Alex013
                        Well, LGBT was also present in the Russian Empire. Prince Yusupov, etc.

                        Was there openly? With fully protected LGBT rights? And same-sex marriages concluded?
                      6. 0
                        April 3 2023 19: 34
                        Quote: Luminman
                        With fully protected LGBT rights? And same-sex marriages concluded?

                        Why do landowners marry? They simply placed serf slaves under lock and key in their harems, and when the slave got tired of her, they gave her in marriage to produce young slaves and replaced them with a new one. In Circassia at the end of the 18th and 19th centuries there were even farms for the production of concubines and their sale to Turkey and Italy. Slavery in Russia received a second birth during the Gorbachev era. Several tens of thousands of slave women from the republics of the USSR were taken to Israel alone. No one knows how many in Bahrain and Oman, but apparently more and there the slaves were deprived of rights. Under Putin, there is no law on the confiscation of property and funds from slave traders and their relatives. This means that in modern Russia the slave trade lives and brings income without much risk. The fact that nurses and some categories of kindergarten teachers have a small salary in Russia compared to their Western counterparts suggests that the legislative and executive authorities encourage the involvement of children of the intelligentsia in prostitution. These categories are put in a cramped financial situation, they study for a long time and during their studies they do not have the means to support their families, children and purchase housing, while working they are regularly monitored by the state for venereal diseases. A very convenient group for recruiting into prostitution!
                      7. +1
                        April 3 2023 19: 28
                        Quote: Luminman
                        And in London, LGBT communities were born

                        In Russia, it was simply not advertised. There is a study by the historian Galkina on the topic of these perversions in Russia.
                      8. 0
                        April 3 2023 19: 27
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        In London, the subway was launched when serfdom was abolished in Russia

                        In Belgium, back in the 1950s, blacks were kept in zoos, and blacks were bought as toys for their children and transported such a "toy" in a cage. In the United States, the abolition of slavery began later than the abolition of serfdom in Russia. To the credit of the United States, the abolition there was quick, but blacks were not given land as serfs in Russia.
                  2. +8
                    April 2 2023 12: 14
                    Neither the Dutch nor the French used this ...
                    Come on! What the Belgians did in their colonies is generally beyond.
                    1. +5
                      April 2 2023 12: 29
                      Quote: 3x3zsave
                      What did the Belgians do in their colonies

                      Congo - the personal possessions of King Leopold. Government policy doesn't apply there...
                    2. +7
                      April 2 2023 13: 24
                      Well, why some Belgians, there were a lot of decent people. laughing

                2. +4
                  April 2 2023 12: 42
                  slaughtering the Europeans along the way

                  In general, such a massacre is not very characteristic of pre-Neolithic tribes. For there is nothing to share and nothing special to take from the enemy .. The Indians themselves said that before the arrival of the whites, clashes between tribes in which more than a dozen fighters were lost were considered extremely fierce and bloody ..
                  1. +5
                    April 2 2023 12: 54
                    pre-neolithic tribes such a massacre is not very typical.
                    Slightly tighten the development, and forward. The Aztecs turned around quite well on the subject of massacre.
                    1. +8
                      April 2 2023 13: 08
                      The Aztecs turned around quite well on the subject of massacre.
                      On which they got burned.
                      You can also remember the Araucans, they tumbled everyone in a row, from the Incas to the Spaniards.
                      1. -1
                        April 2 2023 13: 21
                        You can also remember the Araucans
                        The colonists of Uruguay completely destroyed their charruis - and now the most developed and safest country in South America.
                    2. +6
                      April 2 2023 13: 11
                      Maestro Lukin has a chic thing on this topic - Missionaries .. Whoever has not read it, I highly recommend it, a killer thing ..

                      “The Real Name of the Enemy will sound, and from now on there will be neither morning nor evening ...”

                      I'm listening to you,” Sehei said.
                      The parliamentarian, taken aback, stared at the tattoo of the strategist, certifying that the messenger was exactly the one to whom he was sent. No, the herald clearly did not expect to meet Sehei here. Coincidence…
                      trigger, so the truce should not make any sudden movements.
                      I'm listening to you,” Shohei repeated.
                      The herald of Arraya frowned, paused, concentrating, and slowly, diligently, syllable by syllable, uttered some absurd, unimaginably cumbersome word. A meaningless, almost unpronounceable set of sounds.

                      Just now, a few heartbeats ago, the herald of evening Array said the Real Name of the Enemy, known only to the Old Ones and the strategists.

                      Europeans, - with difficulty and as if to himself, he uttered this monstrous-sounding word. - Europeans...
                      1. +6
                        April 2 2023 13: 20
                        Maestro Lukin has a chic thing on this topic - Missionaries .. Whoever has not read it, I highly recommend it, a killer thing ..
                        This is a trilogy. But "Missionaries", the second part, was written first, still co-authored with his wife.
                      2. +6
                        April 2 2023 13: 33
                        Well, yes. Blind guides are a little worse, although - in principle, he does not know how to write badly. But the Rogue Evil Moon is another masterpiece ..

                        Well, the main thing here is the Real Name of the Enemy. After which - there will no longer be a division of one people in a stupid war ..
                      3. 0
                        April 5 2023 02: 28
                        Quote: paul3390
                        Maestro Lukin has a chic thing on this topic - Missionaries .. Whoever has not read it, I highly recommend it, a killer thing ..
                        Europeans, - with difficulty and as if to himself, he uttered this monstrous-sounding word. - Europeans...

                        good Exactly!!! Recently I recalled the plot, I couldn’t remember the name, I wrote about the plot about 2 years ago, they suggested the name to me here, I couldn’t find it in the comments ...
                        In the early 90s, I remember climbing through the attic of my grandfather's house, found in several old suitcases the files of the magazines "Technology of Youth" and "Science and Life", in some literary works were published, then I read this story avidly, if I'm not mistaken, there were illustrations engraving style... hi
            3. +4
              April 2 2023 17: 59
              Yekaterinburg reacted to the complication only by sending a disabled team to the Klinovskaya fortress.
              So in search of adventure it was not necessary to go to AMERICA.

              Vladislav, I am not strong in the reasons for the migration of peoples, but I can assume the following. After the Hundred Years War and the Reconquista, European countries are stupid nowhere was to expand. Nearby are aggressive neighbors with good armies, who always pile on if desired. Sheepskin is not worth the candle. Again, they were looking for ways to India and China. That is, the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries was caused by economic interest, then it turned into a political conquest / settlement of certain places. At the same time, Sweden (which had a certain scope in the East) was mastering Finland. Although the Swedes also managed to establish an American colony!
              Our situation was similar. From the west and south - potential enemies, it remained to go "For the Stone"! drinks
        3. +7
          April 2 2023 10: 49
          Quote: Tlauicol
          Yeah, like: the states gave them land and rights, but they didn’t give them responsibilities. My house is on the edge. Handsome!
          1. They took the land themselves. The fact that England claimed this land as her own did not interest them at all. Later, having gained strength, they showed the king that this was not his land. 2. What rights did the state give them? They rushed across the ocean, away from these "rights".
          1. +3
            April 2 2023 12: 37
            Quote: bk0010
            Quote: Tlauicol
            Yeah, like: the states gave them land and rights, but they didn’t give them responsibilities. My house is on the edge. Handsome!
            1. They took the land themselves. The fact that England claimed this land as her own did not interest them at all. Later, having gained strength, they showed the king that this was not his land. 2. What rights did the state give them? They rushed across the ocean, away from these "rights".

            How is it: did you take it yourself? The colonies are owned by the king and run by trustees, the governors. Lands were sold, rented out, but not just taken. And the rights were given to them through the roof, and local legislation and the court too. Neither in India, nor in Australia such disgrace was not. And in America itself, the British had a lot of colonies except for 13 states. Everyone behaved decently, except for these, who recognized only rights, but not duties.
            1. +1
              April 2 2023 15: 23
              Quote: Tlauicol
              How is it: did you take it yourself?
              They sailed, drove out the Indians, cut down the forest, built a village, plowed up the fields. Like that.
              Quote: Tlauicol
              The colonies are owned by the king and run by trustees, the governors.
              Then the king is also in flight: the pope gave the western hemisphere to Spain. And the above approach is similar to the gangster one: he announced that this land is yours and you demand money. What did you do to make this land yours?
              Quote: Tlauicol
              Everyone behaved decently, except for these, who recognized only rights, but not duties.
              Rights were not given to them, but duties were generously hung. Forgotten because of what was all the fuss? No taxation without representation (No taxation without representation). They did not take the colonists to Parliament.
      2. Fat
        April 2 2023 13: 28
        hi You are talking about the British... However, the British Puritans were not the pioneers of North America. They came later and, basically, to the "ready" ...
        Pilgrims from England first settled in New England in 1620, creating the Plymouth Colony. Ten years later, the Puritans settled north of Plymouth Colony in Boston, forming the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
        During the first half of the XNUMXth century, the British supplied the Mohawk Indians, one of the Iroquois tribes, with so many muskets that it almost brought the entire Indian civilization to the brink of extermination. The Dutch of Rensselahrvik, on the Hudson River, sensing an opportunity to start a profitable business and knowing that their colony was completely independent of the States General, simply turned a blind eye to the law punishing the death penalty for supplying weapons to the Indians. They began to sell "firesticks" to the Indians for the price of twenty beaver skins for one musket; they also supplied gunpowder at a price of 10 to 12 guilders per pound. One guilder was then equal to 4 dollars in modern American currency. This lucrative trade has turned much of Rensselahrvik's population into arms dealers. As a result of this lively business, about four hundred Indians acquired muskets and learned how to use them. In 1643, some of the Mohawks began to supply muskets to the Mohicans, who went to war in New Holland. However, they did not touch the white aliens on the Hudson, because they were a source of weapons and ammunition for them. This war went on for two years. The States General then made peace with the Indians and attempted to impose stricter regulations on the arms trade. In 1650 the Dutch government passed a law that made all sales of firearms in New Holland regulated by the issuance of licenses to merchants, which was carried out by a special Council; muskets were to be sold for 6 guilders, pistols for 4 guilders; gunpowder is no more than 6 stivers per pound. The council had the right to prohibit trade if it considered a real threat of the use of weapons by the Indians. The board of the West India Company was not slow to express strong dissatisfaction with the law. This trading company immediately declared that the Indians were ready to buy and could pay for weapons at prices twenty times higher than those set by the Council. Under Peter Stuyvesant, from 1647 to 1664, new attempts were made by the government of New Holland to introduce honest trading practices and maintain friendly relations with the Indians. True, they had to go through three wars with the Indians, and only in May 1664 were peaceful relations restored. But by this time, Stuyvesant had an even more determined enemy. The rivalry in the fur trade and the intrigues of the New England colonists revived the old enmity between the British and the Dutch. Disagreements among Stuyvesant's adherents prevented him from organizing military resistance, and when the English fleet under full sail entered his harbor in August 1664, he was forced to surrender. The Dutch possessions went to the Duke of York, and New Amsterdam became New York. The Dutch merchants on the Hudson continued long after the British had gained the upper hand, and the English merchants who reigned in the former New Holland proved to be even more committed than the Dutch themselves to their trading methods. The profitability of trading operations for the Indians of New York continued to be much higher than that achieved in trade with the French by their allies in the Montreal area. In 1689, at Fort Orange (Albany), a Mohawk could exchange a musket for two beaver skins; in Montreal, the French demanded five skins for the same weapon. In Orange, one skin was paid for 8 pounds of gunpowder; however, in Montreal, four skins had to be given for the same amount of gunpowder. Similarly, in Orange, one skin was exchanged for 40 pounds of lead, and the French demanded three skins for the same amount. (c) Carl Russell.
        1. +2
          April 2 2023 14: 55
          I'm talking about British citizens. Who, with the permission of the king, left the metropolis, to whom the state provided transport, security, state apparatus, etc. Sold or leased the land. In 13 future states. They were all considered subjects of the crown.
    3. Alf
      April 2 2023 22: 45
      Quote: Tlauicol
      The attitude of the American settlers to the war was amused: they fight for their land, for the state - pipes.

      Your own garden under your feet, here, and the state is somewhere far away ...
  3. +9
    April 2 2023 05: 05
    As a child, Inchu-chun's son liked to watch Vineta ... smile the actors were colorful.
    Oh, there was a golden time ... not like now ... robots, cyborgs, soulless terminators ... no emotions other than firing.
    Vyacheslav, you plunge me into nostalgia with such articles.
    1. +9
      April 2 2023 07: 10
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Vyacheslav, you plunge me into nostalgia with such articles.

      I'm not getting any younger either, and I'm remembering the same thing... But what should I do?
    2. +14
      April 2 2023 09: 23
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Oh, there was a golden time ... not like now ...

      I try to avoid such refrains, but, damn it, they are so on the tongue and ask. smile
      The grass was greener, the trees taller, the sky bluer, and most of all, the women were younger. smile
      When I made my first slingshot out of a rubber bandage (I bought it together with the guys at the pharmacy), my father saw it, tried it and said: “Bullshit. In our time, slingshots were made from bicycle tubes. Those were slingshots! ... And this is not slingshot, but some crap ... "
      I took an old bicycle tube, made another slingshot, tried it. Yes, compared to my first - nothing at all! Complete crap. I'm to my father - what the hell, dad? He tried this and that. Well, yes, like, do not compare. "So, son, bicycle cameras were different in our time ... But the best slingshots were obtained from soccer ball cameras. These were slingshots ..."
      Damn, I found some old cameras in the attic, made another slingshot. Well, yes, it’s already better, but there’s still no comparison with the first slingshot. I decided not to pester my father anymore - well, him. Retrograde. Ask him - so his scarecrows pop louder and the carbide burns brighter and ... yes, everything is better with him, where are we before the great and powerful. In short, in matters of slingshots, dad was no longer an authority for me. smile
      I don't want to come to this myself...
      1. +8
        April 2 2023 10: 32
        I don't want to come to this myself...
        Our children never melted lead on a fire, did not collect candy wrappers from chewing gum, did not make slingshots, did not play "knives", did not fight in discos ...
        It's probably right.
        1. +3
          April 2 2023 15: 08
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          It's probably right.

          It recently turned out that my granddaughter has never heard the phrase "I told anyone!" in her entire life. And I, my childhood, it was a constant refrain from my grandmother and mother !!! And she never heard!
        2. +4
          April 2 2023 15: 19
          did not make slingshots,

          In fact, I was never fond of slingshots, I didn’t even have them at home.
          But he sculpted the most diverse "ignitions", it's a pity that there were not even photographs left. request

          1. +3
            April 2 2023 16: 04
            There was also a similar work, but passed me by. I switched from slingshots to TOZ-12.
            1. +3
              April 2 2023 19: 21
              And for me it was in parallel with my father's TOZ-8, then my cousin gave me a French RSC carbine. But a rifle is not a pistol, you can’t put it in your pocket and you won’t go for a walk with it in the evening. smile
              1. +4
                April 2 2023 19: 34
                We had a shooting range and a shooting section in the school basement. Someone was seriously engaged, but I just went to shoot-outs, since the military instructor knew me from the age of seven. I went to competitions a couple of times, gave below average results and since then I just went to play naughty.
                1. +2
                  April 2 2023 20: 26
                  You're lucky, we didn't have a shooting gallery. Not only that, military affairs were abolished very quickly in schools, so I did not pass this discipline. It's a shame, I really wanted to, and in the first or second grade I was so envious of high school students who marched in front of the school with "homemade" carbines on their shoulders. Funny. smile
                  1. +5
                    April 2 2023 20: 39
                    You're lucky, we didn't have a shooting range.
                    There is a sadness hidden here. There were no pistols in our range. Once, one of the senior comrades (and our shooting range was considered the best in two districts of the region, the police came to train), dragged "Margolin". They gave me a chance to shoot. I took the gun in my hands and realized that I died for a long barrel ...
                    1. +3
                      April 2 2023 21: 03
                      I took the gun in my hands and realized that I died for a long barrel ...

                      As I understand you ... Especially "Margolin", a miracle weapon. smile
          2. +6
            April 2 2023 18: 09
            But "ignitions" sculpted a variety of

            We didn’t sculpt the “ignitions” ourselves, but in the attic of the dacha in the 90s, my brother Lelik and I found one - the authorship of our uncle Vova. I said, uncle is very similar to you, Uncle Kostya. drinks
            And lead - yes, melted. And we went fishing a lot in the summer. Here are aircraft modeling gum - alas, I did not find it.
            1. +5
              April 2 2023 20: 36
              At the age of fourteen, through a rather cunning exchange, I traded for Walter 9 cal models. 6,35x15mm.

              There were no cartridges for it and there was nowhere to take it. Familiar craftsmen from the factory remade the small-caliber cartridge 22LR. I ate only the target ones, but still "stuttered" at the most unexpected moments. Hanging out with him every day as with a favorite toy. The result was predictable - they snitched and had to surrender. Issued a voluntary surrender and sent home. But we didn't stop there. laughing
              But that's another story. wink
        3. +2
          April 2 2023 20: 35
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          Our children have never melted lead at the stake.

          Our children had their own fun. The grandchildren will have their own.
          In children, the brain is sharpened on how to make money, and maybe this is right. Or maybe not.
          It’s bad that they don’t read books, they don’t know how to do something with their own hands, they can’t invent something new, but they don’t need it - everything you need can be bought in a store or on the Internet for money and it will be better and prettier than what you make yourself.
          Yes, we ourselves are already such, what do we expect from them? Which of us will sit, cut and paint, for example, a birch log wobbler for fishing? Or a knight's helmet?
          1. +4
            April 2 2023 20: 51
            It’s bad that they don’t read books, they don’t know how to do something with their own hands,
            Mine are read, at least, by the senior and average. And the middle and junior are quite able to work with their hands.
            As for the knight's helmet, I would try if someone taught me, it's just that I don't care about metalworking ...
      2. +7
        April 2 2023 10: 48
        When I made my first rubber band slingshot

        From aircraft model rubber is better. Power is limited only by the physical capabilities of the shooter.
        1. +5
          April 2 2023 11: 07
          If I remember correctly, model aircraft tires were sold in bundles and making four strong loops was quite an adventure.
          1. +5
            April 2 2023 11: 49
            We used a shock absorber for launching gliders, found in the skerries of the Pioneer House. Then everyone selected the section according to their capabilities. The father suggested the fastening technology and helped at the beginning, while they themselves filled their hands and gained strength.
            1. +6
              April 2 2023 12: 01
              Everywhere has its own specifics. For example, we very rarely made slingshots from wood. In a town where something was being built all the time, it was not a problem to get an aluminum cable of the required section. That's what they made from it. Eyelets for attaching rubber, made from trailers for the same cable, were considered special chic.
              1. +4
                April 2 2023 12: 19
                Yes, that its specificity - that's for sure. For one of his comrades, his father made a chrome-plated tube at a household goods factory using industrial equipment. But for some reason the idea didn't work.
          2. +7
            April 2 2023 12: 23
            If I remember correctly, model aircraft tires were sold in bundles and making four strong loops was quite an adventure.
            There was an elastic band of a rectangular section of beige color, it is generally wow, but the top quality was a white elastic band of a round section (Hungarian).
            1. +6
              April 2 2023 15: 10
              Quote: Aviator_
              round section (Hungarian).

              Favorite weapon in school! Loops on the fingers - fingers with a fork and paper staples for girls in their bare legs between a stocking and a skirt!
              1. +6
                April 2 2023 18: 10
                Loops on the fingers - fingers with a fork and paper staples for girls in their bare legs between a stocking and a skirt!

                In 2016, I liked your article "Office Wars", where you sculpted a catapult out of sticks and rubber bands. wink It was fun to read. laughing
        2. +6
          April 2 2023 13: 54
          But we didn’t have model aircraft tires. I never saw such a thing as a child.
          1. +3
            April 2 2023 17: 13
            But we didn’t have model aircraft tires. I never saw such a thing as a child.

            It seems that our childhood passed approximately in the same years, the middle of the last century.
            1. +4
              April 2 2023 17: 21
              No, Mikhail and I are somewhat younger, children of the eighties.
            2. +6
              April 2 2023 18: 12
              It seems that our childhood passed approximately in the same years, the middle of the last century.

              No, you are older. hi First your generation, then Anton / Mikhail / Corsair, then mine - "born in the 80s." There are devices, and crafts are different. request
      3. +5
        April 2 2023 11: 19
        Let's get there. You can't argue with nature.
        The eternal question - where is the line between the youth and the older generation.
        1. +7
          April 2 2023 14: 06
          Yes, there is no limit. You can become a fart-grandfather at thirty, or you can remain a juvenile debil at seventy.
          1. +3
            April 2 2023 16: 48
            So so alternative.

            "There is no need for unfulfilled dreams,
            No beautiful utopias.
            We old solve the issue:
            Who are we in this old Europe? " (from).
            1. +2
              April 2 2023 17: 57
              "Let Dunka into Europe!" (c) laughing

      4. +2
        April 2 2023 18: 32
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        In short, in matters of slingshots, dad was no longer an authority for me.

        It was necessary to cut the tongues from his boots into slingshots, then he would have shown authority.
        1. +2
          April 2 2023 19: 20
          There was no need - your own sneakers instantly became obsolete. A skin for a slingshot is an almost eternal thing.
        2. +2
          April 2 2023 19: 23
          Own experience says yes, Volodya? smile
  4. +7
    April 2 2023 05: 35
    As a representative of the "Brown Bear" tribe, I now understand why white people go to fight on the lands of the "Krivoy Rog" tribe, and do not fight among themselves, and why "Krivoy Rog" has a lot of guns that shoot fire. .
  5. +10
    April 2 2023 06: 11
    I was interested in an illustration from the work of Vyacheslav Olegovich.

    It turns out that these are the flags of the United States of America during the Revolutionary War.

    One of the first unofficial flags. A number of sources write that it was used before the uprising.

    The so-called Cowlens flag, a variation of the Betty Ross flag.

    The Benington flag used at the Battle of Benington on 16 August 1777 Moreover, the six-pointed stars are drawn with an error in the original. Yes, the number "76" is the year of signing the declaration of independence.

    The flag of Francis Hopkinson, and the second option. The first had six-pointed stars. I heard a story that it was a dressmaker who convinced congressmen to change stars to five-pointed stars. The last one showed how to cut a five-pointed star with one movement of scissors.
    R.s. I even fell a little into nostalgia for the school - I remembered how much work it was to draw them on tanks and planes.
    1. +8
      April 2 2023 06: 19
      On the left side are visible standards, the last one clearly of the cavalry unit.
      And a few more striped illustrations.

      Betty Ross shows her flag to George Washington. The picture was painted during the great-grandson of Betty. wink

      The original version of the flag adopted by Congress.
    2. +7
      April 2 2023 06: 21
      And in our drawing they showed how to fit a star into a circle.
      This is probably the only thing I liked about the course.

      Eh, a little less stupidity, and I would look at life differently.
      1. +5
        April 2 2023 07: 08
        Quote from Korsar4
        And in our drawing they showed how to fit a star into a circle.

        I don't remember such a thing. Already in the first grades, they drew some kind of cubes with balls.
      2. +8
        April 2 2023 09: 59
        Hello, Sergey!
        One of the most accurate shooters - trappers (fur hunters) had not only good weapons, but also looked very colorful. In Europe, something similar to find was very problematic. smile

        1. +6
          April 2 2023 11: 24
          Hi Constantine!

          How he loved to read about trappers.
    3. +5
      April 2 2023 06: 57
      Surprised, the star was drawn easily without lifting the pencil.
      1. +5
        April 2 2023 07: 14
        Quote from kuzma2
        the star was drawn easily without lifting the pencil.

        So it's five-pointed easy, but six?
        1. +5
          April 2 2023 18: 14
          So it's five-pointed easy, but six?

          It is necessary to ask the esteemed Israeli members of the forum! drinks
  6. +10
    April 2 2023 07: 36
    Captain John Smith's first British colonists arrived in America in 1607 and founded the settlement of Jamestown there, naming it after the English King James I. The king granted the colonists a charter that allowed them to establish a colony in Virginia.

    One interesting point that shows how much chance sometimes means.
    It would be more correct to say "colonists, among whom was Captain Smith", since the said Smith arrived in America under arrest for attempting a mutiny in the Canary Islands. After the landing, Captain Christopher Newport, who commanded the expedition of the London Company, was about to hang Smith. However, after opening the instructions given to him by the London Company after landing, he read that Smith's company was appointing one of the leaders of the future colony. This is what saved Smith. But Newport could do the opposite - first hang Smith, and then, with a clear conscience, take up instructions.
    1. +3
      April 2 2023 18: 15
      as the said Smith arrived in America under arrest for attempted mutiny in the Canary Islands

      EMNIP, this Smith left some memoirs - they say, he fought with the Turks, and was captured by them, and did he manage to fight under the command of the Moscow Tsar? So? hi
      1. +3
        April 2 2023 21: 06
        this Smith left some memoirs

        He is indeed a famous adventurer. He started fighting at the age of 16. He wrote a lot, everything about North America, his books and maps of New England compiled by him seriously helped in the colonization.
        He also wrote memoirs, there was something to write about.
        The true travels, adventures, and observations of Captaine Iohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Affrica, and America from Anno Domini 1593 to 1629: his accidents and sea-fights in the Straights: his service and strategems of warre in Hungaria, Transilvania, Wallachia, and Moldavia, against the Turks, and Tartars: his three single combats betwixt the Christian Armie and the Turks : after how he taken prisoner by the Turks, sold for a slave, sent into Tartarias: his description of the Tartars, their strange manners and customes of religions, diets, buildings, warres, feasts, ceremonies, and living: how he flew the Bashaw of Nalbrits in Cambia, and escaped from the Turkes and Tatars: together with a continuation of his Generall history of Virginia, Summer- Iles, New England, and their proceedings, since 1624 to this present 1629: as also of the new plantations of the great river of the Amazons, the iles of St. Christopher, Mevis, and Barbados in the West Indies / all written by actuall authors, whose names you shall finde along the history. London: Printed by JH for Thomas Slater. 1630 Folio.
  7. +7
    April 2 2023 08: 50
    But after his death, relations deteriorated, and the first Indian war began, which lasted from 1622 to 1637.

    In fairness, it must be clarified that the Anglo-Powhatan wars (there were three of them and they lasted from 1609 to 1646) were the first wars with the Indians of British settlers, but not the first Indian wars in general in North America
    The first Indian war between Europeans and the indigenous population of North America was the Tiguec War (1540 - 1541).
  8. +8
    April 2 2023 09: 11
    The French did not migrate to America en masse. There were few of them, and there was no reason for them to quarrel with the Indians over land. And it would have been even more stupid to quarrel over hunting prey, since the virgin North American forests at that time were simply teeming with game.

    Oddly enough, but it was precisely because of the hunting territories that they fought, moreover, the French too. The same Beaver Wars began in 1609 with armed conflicts between the Iroquois and the French and their Indian allies.
  9. +7
    April 2 2023 11: 08
    This area represented
    for the movement of troops such facilities,
    that they were not to be ignored.
    James Fenimore Cooper "The Last of the Mohicans"

    An interesting source for the epigraph was chosen by the author.
    The main plot takes place against the backdrop of one of the episodes of the European Seven Years' War - the war between the British and the French in North America. A small group of Englishmen and Indians are trying to save a couple of Englishwomen against the backdrop of a massive openly criminal murder of surrendered Englishmen by other Indians. The penultimate Mohican, by the way, was also killed by an Indian, not a white one. Compared to the text of the article, everything is the opposite :))
    Not to mention the fact that the once powerful Mohicans were exterminated not by Europeans at all, but by quite different Indians - the Mohawks, who were part of the Iroquois union.
    And in general, the Indians were quite able to exterminate each other. Indian wars are not only about the wars of the redskins with the whites, they are also their own bloody intertribal wars of the Indians themselves.
  10. +11
    April 2 2023 11: 32
    ,,, "Indian Wars" - how little these words have merged for our ear! It is traditionally believed that the wars with the Indians of North America, with all their "charms" - the deceit and perfidious behavior of the warring parties, the mutual massacre of the civilian population and the removal of scalps, is an exceptionally dirty page in the history of the British, Spaniards, French and our other "Western partners".
    However, in fact, Russia also made its contribution to the confrontation between the white man and the redskins.
    At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, a brutal and protracted war with the Indians broke out off the coast of Alaska, where the colonists of the Russian-American Company clashed in battle with the warlike Tlingit.

    Russian-Tlingit war 1802-1805 (Russian-Indian War) - a series of armed conflicts between Russian colonists and Tlingit Indians for control over the island of Sitka (now part of the state of Alaska, USA) and coastal waters of sea otter fishing.
    1. +8
      April 2 2023 12: 56
      Helmets are good, where are the crusader knights with their buckets on their heads. laughing good

      Hello, Sergey! hi
      1. +6
        April 2 2023 16: 38
        Quote: Sea Cat
        Helmets are good, where are the crusader knights with their buckets on their heads. laughing good

        Hello, Sergey! hi

        Having at your side such an enemy as the Chukchi and Aleuts, it’s not so with the defense that you will get upset!
        By the way, we fought with the first for almost two centuries.
    2. +6
      April 2 2023 18: 17
      However, in fact, Russia also made its contribution to the confrontation between the white man and the redskins.

      The head of Russian America, Baranov, after the first skirmishes with the Tlingit (dressed in armor!), Requested from mainland Russia at least old cavalry cuirasses! Like, "they are in armor - and we are without"! request
  11. +6
    April 2 2023 13: 25
    The most interesting thing is that in the United States they celebrate the day of the colonization of America on the date of the second, half a century after the arrival of the colony on the Mayflower ship. The fact that the same English colonists lived in Virgil for a long time does not matter to anyone. History is written by the victors, and the north won in the civil war.
    1. Fat
      April 2 2023 19: 22
      hi Eugene.
      Quote: evgen1221
      The most interesting thing is that in the United States they celebrate the day of the colonization of America on the date of the second, half a century after the arrival of the colony on the Mayflower ship. The fact that the same English colonists lived in Virgil for a long time does not matter to anyone. History is written by the victors, and the north won in the civil war.

      Virginia was founded by Walter Reilly back in the days of Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen, in 1585, hence the name. The colony was desolate. John Smith turned out to be more successful and founded Jamestown in 1607, which was abandoned by the British in 1699... The colony gave American legends "Princess Pocahontas"... However, it is obvious that the civil war in the USA has nothing to do with this case. request

  12. +7
    April 2 2023 13: 57
    Good afternoon! hi
    Thanks to the Author for the article, very interesting; colleagues, thank you also for the comments, each comment received my plus, and there seems to be nothing to add ...
    Have a nice day! hi
  13. +5
    April 2 2023 14: 48
    Thanks for the article Vyacheslav Olegovich, I immediately plunged into childhood. It is interesting to read about the interaction of the so-called. "peaceful" tribes with English settlers. I'm talking about "5 civilized tribes". Cherokee, Cree, Choctaw, Seminole. at first everything seems to be peaceful, and then everyone remembers about Osceola. And about the "road of tears". No peace treaties became an obstacle for the British, they immediately rewrote for themselves ...
  14. +5
    April 2 2023 14: 48
    bubalik (Sergey), dear, it seems that in the wars with the ears it began, as usual: "The Englishwoman is shitting." The Indians received firearms from an English ship ... And nowhere can I find details of what subjects of the British Empire did in Canton so that the skins of sea lions and sea otters from the Russian-American company would not be in demand in China. For some reason, the skins were taken for sale to China, and not to Russia ... Yesterday they recalled on the site about the medals of the Indians. Leonty Adrianovich Gagemeister (Ludwig Karl August von Hagemeister), in 1817, while in Fort Ross, presented a medal to the leader of the tribe, on whose lands the fort stood. But I didn’t find anywhere what the medal was made of, what was depicted on the medal and what ribbon it was on.
    1. +5
      April 2 2023 16: 25
      Today, 15: 48
      Ross, September 22, 1817
      ,, After this pleasant review, gifts were made to toyons and other, and the chief, Chu-gu-an, was entrusted with silver medal, decorated with the Imperial Russian coat of arms and the inscription "Allied Russia", and it was announced that this gives him the right to the respect of the Russians, why it is impossible to come to them without it, and imposes on him the duty of affection and help, if the case so requires; to which both he and others declared their readiness, expressing gratitude for reception.

      After the treat, at the exit from the fortress, it was fired in honor of the main toyonu from one cannon.

      That in our presence this was precisely the response of the main toyons, we testify to the undersigned.

      On a genuine signed:
      Fleet Lieutenant Commander and Cavalier Leonty Gagemeister;
      the head physician, court adviser Kerner;
      adviser in charge of the fortress of Ross, Ivan Kuskov;
      navigational assistant 14th class Kislakovsky;
      commission agent Kirill Khlebnikov;
      commercial Prokofy Tumanin.
      Russia in California: Russian Documents on the Colony of Ross and Russian-California Relations, 1803-1850: In 2 vols. / comp. and prepare. A.A. Istomin, J.R. Gibson, V.A. Tishkov. M., 2005. T.1. pp. 257-259.

  15. Fat
    April 2 2023 14: 54
    hi For some reason, few people mention that during the time of Governor-General Stuyvesant, when he became interested in "squeezing" the settlements of the Swedes, the Dutch colonies fell under the protectorate of the Mohawk (Iroquois confederation).
    This happened in 1655, in the absence of the governor-general. Mohawk boys practiced climbing a wall set up by Stuyvesant (Wall Street).
    This protectorate lasted until 1664, when New Holland came under the control of the British.
  16. +6
    April 2 2023 15: 13
    Sea Cat (Konstantin), dear, here is the artist that he painted the first hunter, he WOULD send the beast to hunt in the forest. With the help of an ax, a knife and what grows in the forest, you can make one bag for an American mink, an American marten, an ilka. The upper log-crush will kill the beast immediately, and the mice will not be able to gnaw on the killed predator on the lower log-threshold and spoil the skin. A leg-grabbing trap often tears off the animal's fingers or the entire paw, and the crippled animal leaves. For larger animals: for a hare or rabbit, for a muskrat, for a Canadian otter, for a beaver, a fox, a hunter could make a mouth without nails and wire. And to buy traps - to pay money, to drag excess weight into the forest. And even if this hunter of the late 19th century bought or stole a couple of traps on someone else's path, he would take them out of a bag with coniferous branches with their mittens, which they don’t bring into the house. To the smell of the metal of the traps, stick the smell of a person, then wait a week for the smell to disappear ...
    1. +5
      April 2 2023 16: 08
      Eugene, good afternoon! smile
      the artist who drew the first hunter, would himself send the beast to hunt in the forest.

      Do you mean traps in his hand? To be honest, I just didn't pay attention to them. I myself have never been a hunter, although in the army, with a friend, a colleague in the taiga, I healed regularly with a shotgun or machine gun. But after the service, he only went a couple of times and did not get any pleasure, although there was always a weapon in the house. I loved and still love shooting just at a target, but hitting a bird... Why? There are enough of them in stores.
      And the artist? Let's forgive him for not knowing the subtleties of hunting, his picture came out beautiful and he depicted the musket accurately. smile
      And the rest ... the main thing is that everyone is lucky. wink drinks
  17. +6
    April 2 2023 15: 23
    The article is a definite fat plus! As for Fenimore Cooper, the French with the Iroquois in his novels were much prettier to me. I read it three times as a teenager. Until now, Cooper's six-volume book is in the library. Another grandfather in the USSR bought by subscription.
    1. +6
      April 2 2023 15: 30
      Quote: bandabas
      Until now, Cooper's six-volume book is in the library.

      Green with Indian patterns, right?
      1. 0
        April 3 2023 22: 16
        It was him. I don’t remember the year of publication. It is necessary to reach the parents (located with them).
      2. 0
        April 3 2023 22: 28
        And honestly, it was not written for youth (it is difficult to read, not to watch Indiana Jones). But, read it. There was romance.
    2. +5
      April 2 2023 16: 35
      As for Fenimore Cooper, the French with the Iroquois in his novels were much prettier to me. I read it three times as a teenager.

      It seems to me that F. Cooper himself in his books sympathized more with the French than with his compatriots. Although it is possible, only I had such an impression in my childhood.
      1. +3
        April 2 2023 18: 39
        Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
        It seems to me that F. Cooper himself in his books sympathized more with the French than with his compatriots. Although it is possible, only I had such an impression in my childhood.

        Did you mess with Mine Reid?
  18. +5
    April 2 2023 18: 23
    3x3zsave (Anton), dear, but have not yet floated on rafts at construction sites between driven piles, on rafts did not rise up the rivers at high tide, did not ride on ice floes on the rivers and on the sea. And the most interesting thing is that they didn’t crawl on geodesic wooden not high trihedral signs and on high triangulation towers consisting of 3 tiers, as in the city (on the site of one such high tower in Severodvinsk, on the shores of Lake Teatralnoe, there has been a drama theater since 1983 ) and in the surrounding forests ... Although no, with my eldest daughter in the mid-90s, on the right bank of the Solza River, we went to watch the ice drift, managed to climb a high tower in May, watched from above how dozens of flocks of turukhtans flew over the meadow birds, their males arranged tournaments on a mowed meadow. And then we also admired how ice powerfully carries Solz into the White Sea. All geodetic towers disappeared around the native city in the late 90s. Although until now, when registering cadastral passports, the coordinates of those towers indicate ...
    1. +4
      April 2 2023 18: 47
      like ice in the White Sea Solza powerfully carries.
      Hello, Eugene!
      The White Sea was in my childhood, only from the side of Kandalaksha. But the ice drift for the first time I saw already in St. Petersburg.
      1. +5
        April 2 2023 19: 36
        I had a chance to hang out on the BBC for a month. To Poyakonda by train, and then on the MRB chi-puff-chip-puff.
        They went under water there and got all sorts of things from the ground to the scientists. Luckily for us, there was a WFD from Kandalaksha at that time, so we quickly got along with the peasants and "mass fun in high latitudes" began. laughing
        1. +3
          April 2 2023 22: 09
          Biology base. Legendary place. And now acquaintances visit regularly.
          And so it wasn't.

          However, you can't reach all the points on the map.
          1. +3
            April 2 2023 22: 59
            It's a pity it wasn't. The beauty there is incredible. But the sea, in spite of August is very cold, swam in "wet" wetsuits, but then all the same "for warming" inside. smile
            1. +2
              April 2 2023 23: 03
              Spring has come. As soon as possible - on the street. Not everything is set up yet.
    2. +3
      April 2 2023 20: 35
      In my student youth, I still found, in some places, geodesic signs
      I have an old friend, old enough to be my father, an old geologist. Somewhere on Bureya, he froze his leg.
      His apartment is a mini-museum: photographs of tsarist geologists 1911 Sakhalin.
      A bunch of different stones and their equipment
  19. +5
    April 2 2023 18: 28
    bubalik (Sergey), dear, they pleased, so pleased! Thanks a lot!
  20. +3
    April 2 2023 20: 21
    Vyacheslav, now, he took the phone from his wife.
    Let him cook.
    1. +5
      April 2 2023 21: 07
      A well-deserved plus to a determined spouse! smile drinks
  21. +3
    April 2 2023 21: 19
    Vyacheslav, I argued with my wife: Apaches still exist, there are also Dalevars. Katya claims that the Mohicans also survived. Almost all major tribes still exist.
    And in my opinion: Mohicans and Seminoles are no more.
    1. Fat
      April 2 2023 22: 06
      The Seminole tribe of about 12 people owns lands in Florida and Oklahoma. The main business interests of the tribe are tobacco, tourism and gambling.
      In 2006, the tribe bought the world famous Hard Rock Cafe restaurant chain for $965 million.
      Mohicans: Currently, the descendants of the tribe (under the name Stockbridge) live in Wisconsin, west of Green Bay.
  22. +3
    April 2 2023 21: 55
    Vyacheslav, at the officer, in the frame from the film, it seems, is not a flintlock pistol, but a capsule type. Katya's friend, there is a book and saw a similar one there. I will force Katya to take this book
    My question is: flintlock and capsule guns, British and French, were the quality the same?
    You can make a comparison with: who was better armed.
    Now, the British and French use almost the same microchips, we began to supply similar ones to the army, but the French have better electronics
    Today I know, but what was the situation with weapons then?
    1. 0
      April 5 2023 07: 17
      Hello! I want to try to answer your question about guns.
      Better, of course, a primer shotgun than a flintlock. First, they, in comparison with flint ones, give LESS misfires. Secondly, the capsule allows you to shoot in any weather, but flint - only in good weather. Thirdly, capsules fired further than flintlocks (1500m vs 500m). This was proved by the Crimean War.