Lithuanian authorities: We do not have tanks to transfer them to Ukraine, but we are still in a tank coalition to support this country

Lithuanian authorities: We do not have tanks to transfer them to Ukraine, but we are still in a tank coalition to support this country

The Lithuanian government has stated that it intends to continue to support Ukraine, making an interesting addition:

We do not have much of what Ukraine would like to receive from partners, but we have a goal - to continue to provide assistance to this country.

The Lithuanian Cabinet of Ministers said that since February last year, Lithuania has transferred to Kyiv weapons and ammunition worth several hundred million dollars.

In the Lithuanian government:

We do not have tanksto transfer them to Ukraine, but we are still in a tank coalition to support this country.

Lithuanian authorities:

This coalition in the world is called "Leopard". We emphasize that we are together with Ukraine, for example, by supplying ammunition.

Recall that several units of Leopard 2 have already been delivered to Ukraine. The first four arrived in Ukraine in mid-March from Poland by road on special tractors. It was alleged that these tanks had already appeared in the Donbass, in the region of Konstantinovka and Chasov Yar. In the same area, the enemy is forming a shock fist of several tens of thousands of military personnel in order, allegedly, to unblock Bakhmut and move east. It is believed that the Ukrainian offensive could begin in April. Moreover, it may not be limited to the Artyomovsk direction.
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  1. +8
    24 March 2023 11: 40
    It's a sin to laugh at the poor ........
    1. +4
      24 March 2023 11: 52
      These wretched 30 countries.
      And they very well saturate the APU with equipment.
      We should not laugh at them, but at those who underestimate the ability of NATO to supply equipment to Ukraine.
      These are the real fools.
  2. +9
    24 March 2023 11: 42
    We do not have tanks to transfer them to Ukraine, but we are still in a tank coalition to support this country
    Is this a new Baltic joke? We don’t have tanks and much more, but we still shout loudly and help Ukraine with this. Against the background of Russophobia, they became completely painful, and first of all on the head.
    1. +1
      24 March 2023 19: 06
      Military assistance from Lithuania, about 500 euros, of course, a trifle, INTO already there.
  3. +10
    24 March 2023 11: 44
    There are no tanks, but you hold on ... Somewhere I heard something similar lol
  4. +5
    24 March 2023 11: 50
    They make themselves into something worthwhile and something meaningful, blather something, as if the adoption of some decisions depends on them. In fact, they are nobody and there is no way to call them. They don't have ANYTHING. They live on handouts from the EU. An ordinary servant, but a force, like a commissar (Sharikov, Heart of a Dog). I despise them
  5. +5
    24 March 2023 11: 58
    Two Barrels rode; one with wine
    Here is the first one - without noise and step by step
    Another gallops rushing;
    From her on the pavement and knocking, and thunder,
    And a column of dust;
    A passer-by to the side rather shrinks from fear,
    Hearing her from afar.
    But no matter how loud that barrel is,
    And the benefits in it are not as great as in the first.
    Who shouts about his deeds to everyone incessantly,
    That's right, it makes little sense,
    Those who are truly deeds are often quiet in words.
    A great man is only a lump in business,
    And he thinks his mind is strong
    No noise...
    I.A. Krylov
  6. +4
    24 March 2023 11: 58
    We are waiting for a similar statement from Estonia in a year, so in 3 ...
    PS: if, of course, the tribaltic extinctions exist in the current similarity
  7. +1
    24 March 2023 11: 58
    That is, Lithuania admitted that they have tank troops, from the word at all? I won’t be surprised that they don’t have the Air Force and Navy, air defense, electronic warfare, but they have an army and stand guard over democracy, as many as 1,5 thousand as units of the KECH (service personnel of the occupation forces, cooks, plumbers, etc.) . .
  8. +3
    24 March 2023 11: 59
    No, but what? In the "tank coalition" is honorable. laughing
    1. 0
      24 March 2023 13: 05
      Yes, they are in the club. This is only if in Lithuania some night VIP club is called that. "Tank Coalition".
    2. 0
      24 March 2023 13: 37
      Honorable in the "tank coalition"
      Is there a toilet like a toilet in the tank? The Baltic states were taken into a coalition, clean the sewers? feel
  9. +5
    24 March 2023 12: 03
    Sounds idiotic. As if some Andorra said: "We do not have nuclear weapons - but we are still in the world nuclear club!"
  10. +4
    24 March 2023 12: 09
    Lithuanian authorities: We do not have tanks to transfer them to Ukraine, but we are still in a tank coalition to support this country
    . Is there any point in discussing this?
  11. 0
    24 March 2023 13: 18
    Rogue, but they have heaps of Russophobia.
  12. 0
    24 March 2023 15: 39
    A familiar Lithuanian trend: "We don't have tanks, but there is an opinion on what to do with them."
    1. 0
      24 March 2023 19: 09
      I would add - not yet. I would add - not yet. There will be 3-7 years later.
  13. +3
    24 March 2023 15: 43
    A "strong" move, this could only come from the Chukhons
  14. 0
    24 March 2023 19: 23
    Involuntarily, the words from the fable are recalled: "Ay, Pug knows she is strong ......"
  15. 0
    25 March 2023 11: 37
    Quote: rotmistr60
    We do not have tanks and much more, but we still shout loudly and help Ukraine with this

    Have you completely read the article?
    Here it is, for example:
    "Since February last year, Lithuania has transferred weapons and ammunition to Kyiv for several hundred million dollars" (with)
    Firstly, several hundred million dead presidents is, for a poor and small Lithuania, a very large amount. And this despite the fact that they clearly understand that the chances of getting this amount back are less than flying to Mars
    And, secondly, did anyone give us a gift for a similar amount? We, unlike Ukraine, buy everything from Iran, no gifts. And, for example, we can’t even buy from China (friend, no?) - they don’t sell it.
    Here is such an anecdote, as you put it
  16. 0
    25 March 2023 22: 26
    Ich denke, dass einer der Hauptprobleme der Reaktionen Russlands eine fast schon naiv-nostalgische Reminiszenz an den "großen waterländischen Krieg" ist und man glaubt ihm auf ähnliche Weise
    begegnen zu können...!?

    DAS ist eine gefährlicher Irrtum!!

    Dieser Krieg ist etwas völlig neues und auch für Russland zutiefst gefährliches und darf deswegen auf keinen

    Russland wäre gut beraten sich die Tatsache zu vergegenwärtigen, dass
    man eine ATOM-MACHT ist und angesichts der diversen, unmenschlichen
    und dreisten Drohungen der Russland umgebenden, US-bezahlten und
    politisch arrangierten FEIND-Staaten, diese Tatsache voll auszuschöpfen!!

    Die Angelsachsen waren von jeher Feinde des russischen Volkes und
    haben weltweit Kriege angezettelt, in denen sie weitüberwiegend Andere
    fur ihre Interessen haben bluten lassen!
    Es ist höchste Zeit, die USA und insbesondere auch den Briten endlich
    die "Rechnung" für ihr jahrhundertelanges Morden und Intrigieren zu
    präsentieren und sie auf ihren eigenen Territorien mit der blutigen
    und unverzeihlichen Realität ihres Fehlers Russland anzugreifen
    mit im wahrsten Sinne ALLEN MITTELN zu konfrontieren...!!!
  17. 0
    27 March 2023 14: 10
    Well, if you rummage through the swamps, then maybe a couple of Tigers will be found.