Indian organizations filed a lawsuit in the Hague Court against the state of Chile, calling for the return of their territories to them

Indian organizations filed a lawsuit in the Hague Court against the state of Chile, calling for the return of their territories to them

The Mapuche Permanent Mission to the United Nations, the Mapuche Human Rights Commission and the Kimche Walmapu Indian Peoples Organization jointly filed a lawsuit against the State of Chile for violating numerous national and international rights in the Mapuche territories. Spanish lawyer Baltasar Garzon Real was proposed for the position of arbitrator.

Current treaties signed by the Spaniards and then by the State of Chile have been violated, according to a press release from the United Mapuche Organizations. They say the mining companies are abusing the treaties, which is causing desertification, drought, fires and pollution of areas where the ancient Indian people live. And this, in turn, is a quote: violated the rights of nature and the dignity of the Mapuche people, which leads to the systematic disappearance of Mapuche culture.

The Mapuche indigenous nation, which now numbers up to 1,5 million people, continues to demand the return of their ancestral territories, autonomy, self-determination, protection of culture and language. They are now also resisting the neo-liberal, extractive model they claim is carried out by post-Pinochet administrations through advocacy for logging firms, mining, hydropower and fisheries. The press release states that commercial and residential complexes have also been built in the original areas of Walmapu.

Also, the Indians of South America claim a long series of insults and numerous abuses by the state of Chile. The text of the complaint states that the administration under previous presidents enforced Chile's anti-terrorism law against the Mapuche, which consists of criminalizing Mapuche social protest and using private security to protect the interests of private landowners.

Today, the Mapuche suffer persecution, raids, detentions, false accusations, criminalization and even torture. Raids in their communities are carried out regularly. The police often take vehicles from the Indians, weapon for hunting, arguing this with anti-terrorist laws.

Appropriate measures must be taken to ensure that such acts do not go unpunished, and the only way to end this conflict is for the State of Chile to return the ancestral territories of the Mapuche and uphold the signed treaties.

- says a press release from the Mapuche Indian people.
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  1. 0
    13 March 2023 16: 38
    Current treaties signed by the Spaniards and then by the State of Chile have been violated, according to a press release from the United Mapuche Organizations.
    Well, what are you, Chile squinting, turn the arrows to the USA, and they have that. (they say case law request )
    1. +7
      13 March 2023 17: 59
      Why don't the Hurons, Osceols, Winnett, and the rest of the idears file a lawsuit against the USA?? or is it extremism if against the hegemon?
  2. +1
    13 March 2023 16: 39
    This will not work with the US. They tried to push through, but the Senate did not consider. And then Chile, you can click. So much for the duplicity of the Western court.
    1. +6
      13 March 2023 16: 43
      At first I thought that it was the Ukrainians who decided to present Chile's claims.
    2. -1
      13 March 2023 16: 47
      Quote: Azerbaijan2023
      This will not work with the US. They tried to push but the Senate did not consider. And then Chile, you can click. So much for the duplicity of the Western court.

      Read the letters carefully, which senate?
      Permanent Mission of the Mapuche to the United Nations, The Mapuche Human Rights Commission and the Kimche Walmapu Indian Peoples Organization jointly filed a lawsuit against the State of Chile
      1. 0
        13 March 2023 16: 56
        Quote: Mavrikiy
        Read the letters carefully, which senate?

        you misunderstood this. from the side of the rights of our country (the state archive and library) somehow visited the USA. There they met with representatives of the Indians. They themselves say that in the US Senate, as they raise the topic of the Indians, the conversation is immediately closed. That's what I want to say. When the UN wanted to destroy Gaddafi, they created resolutions in 1 hour and attacked this country an hour later, and for example, the same UN 4 resolutions were created so that my land was liberated from occupation and for 30 years the enemies of my country spat on these resolutions. What I want to say is that this is a UN organization that does not work according to conscience, but works where it is profitable.
        1. -1
          13 March 2023 17: 06
          From this place in more detail who was under the occupiers for 30 years?
          1. 0
            13 March 2023 17: 24
            Quote from Mitos
            From this place in more detail who was under the occupiers for 30 years?

            There are several UN resolutions relevant to the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, including:

            Resolution 822 (1993): In this resolution, the UN Security Council expressed its grave concern over the violence in Nagorno-Karabakh and demanded that all parties immediately cease fire.

            Resolution 853 (1993): In this resolution, the UN Security Council condemned the ongoing violence in Nagorno-Karabakh and demanded that all parties respect the truce.

            Resolution 874 (1993): In this resolution, the UN Security Council reaffirmed the inviolability of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and demanded that all armed groups cease hostilities immediately and unconditionally.

            Resolution 884 (1993): In this resolution, the UN Security Council reiterated its concern about the ongoing violence in Nagorno-Karabakh and demanded that all parties respect the truce and allow humanitarian assistance.
            1. The comment was deleted.
  3. +6
    13 March 2023 16: 42
    what about mexicanos? piss against the United States on the territories to present? there really is something to talk about .... and even Canadians ...
    1. +3
      13 March 2023 17: 08
      Quote: Nexcom
      what about mexicanos? piss against the United States on the territories to present? there really is something to talk about .... and even Canadians ..

      Absolutely right. Sometimes they try to raise this topic in the US Senate, the conversation is quickly tied up. Do not allow this topic to develop. And what did you expect from the ancestors of those who killed all the Bison so that the Indians would starve to death? These are the same people, only already in ties and wanting them not only in the United States, but everywhere, especially those who have oil.
    2. +3
      13 March 2023 17: 13
      Quote: Nexcom
      what about mexicanos? piss against the United States on the territories to present? there really is something to talk about .... and even Canadians ...

      In the states, the applicants-applicants do not live long: either the brakes break, or the wind wraps the scarf tighter ...
      1. +1
        13 March 2023 17: 26
        Quote: isv000
        In the states, the applicants-applicants do not live long: either the brakes break, or the wind wraps the scarf tighter ...

        they will also be accused of terrorism. Sanctions and all.
    3. old
      13 March 2023 17: 20
      After filing such a lawsuit, the Green Party will immediately come to power in Mexico, which will withdraw it.
      1. 0
        13 March 2023 17: 49
        ... moreover, all those who have filed a lawsuit from the government will briskly drop their skates due to a sudden exacerbation of chronic diseases ... or a universal disease with COVID-XNUMX with a fatal outcome (this is if there is nothing chronic). Yeah.
  4. +2
    13 March 2023 16: 43
    It's a pity that the Hague Court did not exist when the colonists destroyed 40 million Sioux Indians in North America
    1. +1
      13 March 2023 16: 49
      Quote: Novichek)
      It's a pity that the Hague Court did not exist when the colonists destroyed 40 million Sioux Indians in North America

      Crimes against humanity have no statute of limitations. request
      1. +4
        13 March 2023 16: 56
        Quote: Mavrikiy
        Quote: Novichek)
        It's a pity that the Hague Court did not exist when the colonists destroyed 40 million Sioux Indians in North America

        Crimes against humanity have no statute of limitations. request

        They are now choking in The Hague .... God forbid, starting a business against the hegemon .....
      2. 0
        13 March 2023 17: 33
        Quote: Mavrikiy
        Crimes against humanity have no statute of limitations.

        Everything is simpler there, those people who destroyed them are no longer there, and the BLM workers also demolished all the monuments. so the United States will say that we recognize and even condemn, but there is no one to judge.
        1. 0
          13 March 2023 22: 35
          Quote from: topol717
          so the United States will say that we recognize and even condemn, but there is no one to judge.

          how is it someone? There, the Nigers knocked out compensation. Pay attention, the nigers who live now and have not been in slavery for a second are compensation for slavery. so there is a precedent. wink
    2. +2
      13 March 2023 17: 00
      Well, yes, long live the Hague court - the most humane court in the world!
      1. +1
        13 March 2023 17: 48
        Rather like this: The Hague court is the most Hague court in the world! Since humanity is clearly not about him!))
    3. +1
      13 March 2023 18: 31
      Quote: Novichek)
      It's a pity that the Hague Court did not exist when the colonists destroyed 40 million Sioux Indians in North America

      Have you messed with the numbers? laughing In 1800, the tribal union of the Sioux, consisting of the Dakota and Lakota tribes, was only 35000 people.
    4. +1
      14 March 2023 00: 42
      It's a pity the Hague Court did not exist

      It doesn't exist even now. There is no organization with that name.
  5. +2
    13 March 2023 16: 49
    I wonder whether Indian organizations are ripe for filing a lawsuit against the United States?
    1. +1
      13 March 2023 16: 57
      it is unlikely. Indians in the United States now benefit from just a little reminder of their oppression and chopping cabbage. God forbid anyone out there from white foams to owls will make a reservation - they will sue to death.
      1. 0
        13 March 2023 17: 51
        What, has anyone been sued? In my opinion, your statement is true regarding the situation of blacks in the USA, but the Indians do not enjoy the special favor of American justice at all.
    2. 0
      13 March 2023 16: 59
      Out of season...not ripe yet.... winked ..........
      1. +2
        13 March 2023 17: 38
        And if you water with urea - maturation accelerates! Vasya hi
  6. +1
    13 March 2023 17: 00
    The Indians are for that and the Indians that they count on the Hague court ..... request
  7. +2
    13 March 2023 17: 00
    Now the hegemon is not up to the Chilean Indians. Their time will come, but later. After Taiwan
  8. 0
    13 March 2023 17: 03
    And what, the sponsors of a similar party of the Indians of North America were not found, apparently? Their then, judging by the number, otginotsidili many times better.
  9. 0
    13 March 2023 17: 40
    And the Indians do not want to file a lawsuit against the states of the North American continent? After all, the white European occupiers (mainly the Angles with the Saxons) not only took away their land, but also genocide all the tribes, and the rest were driven into reservations that still exist.
  10. 0
    13 March 2023 17: 44
    Sheriff's Indians problems don't.. have.
  11. 0
    13 March 2023 17: 54
    Wrong Indians, as well as wrong bees. Nobody likes it. It is worth waiting for the landing explaining the rules of requirements.
  12. 0
    13 March 2023 17: 58
    Why are the Mexicans silent? A third of their lands were brazenly squeezed out by the "white brothers", and almost all the oil was sucked out.
  13. 0
    13 March 2023 21: 22
    The clowns filed a lawsuit with the circus, for another infringement of something there. The next instance is sportsloto.
  14. 0
    13 March 2023 22: 37
    It would be funny if the American Indians did this - that's where the genocide is.
  15. +1
    14 March 2023 00: 41
    Indian organizations filed a lawsuit in the Hague Court against the state of Chile, calling for the return of their territories to them

    The problem is that there are several international courts and arbitrations operating in The Hague, and it is impossible to understand from the article which of them is filing a claim and what, accordingly, its prospects for consideration may be. It cannot be ruled out that this is just a high-profile PR campaign to attract attention.
  16. 0
    15 March 2023 07: 57
    Quote: Novichek)
    40 million Sioux Indians in North America

    There were all of them, God forbid, several tens of thousands. More gathering and hunting simply can not feed. Yes, and the turkeys killed themselves. Beaver wars and all sorts of other entertainment.