Demetrius Poliorket. The Living God, "The Besieger of Cities"

Demetrius Poliorket. The Living God, "The Besieger of Cities"
Sculpture of the head of Demetrius, Madrid, Prado Museum

Today we will return to the story of the collapse of the empire of Alexander the Great and the wars of his successors, the Diadochi, that lasted 20 years. The hero of our article will not be the most successful of them - Demetrius, the son of Antigonus One-Eyed, who during his lifetime became the patron god of Athens and earned from his contemporaries the telling nickname Poliorketes - "Besieger of the City".

Ancient authors about Demetrius Poliorcetes

Demetrius became one of the heroes of the famous "Comparative Lives" of Plutarch, and this historian paired him with the Roman Mark Antony, Caesar's comrade-in-arms, triumvir, husband of Cleopatra and rival of Octavian. And I must say that these are the only biographies given by Plutarch as examples of the fact that in a great man, in addition to valor, great vices can lurk. The appearance and character of Demetrius Polyorcetes Plutarch describes as follows:

“Demetrius was tall, although shorter than Antigonus, and his face was so handsome that they only marveled, and not one of the sculptors and painters could achieve complete resemblance, for his features were both charming, and impressive, and formidable, youthful courage combined in them with some indescribable heroic strength and royal grandeur. And his disposition was about the same, instilling in people both horror and, at the same time, ardent attachment to himself. In the days and hours of leisure, over wine, among pleasures and everyday activities, he was the most pleasant of interlocutors and the most pampered of kings, but in business he was persistent, tireless and stubborn like no one else.

And here is what Diodorus Siculus writes about Demetrius:

“He had an arrogant spirit and pride, and looked down not only on ordinary people, but also on people of the royal class, and what was most characteristic of him, in peacetime, he devoted all his time to drunkenness and feasts, which were accompanied by dancing and revelry, and in general, imitating the image, in the words of mythology, he was like Dionysus among people.

Becoming a living god in Athens, Demetrius really disappointed the citizens of this policy, and his favorite Lamia, hinting at the nickname of Demetrius himself (“Besieger of the City”) was called “The Destroyer of Cities” there. But we will talk about this a little later. In the meantime, let's return to the writings of Diodorus Siculus, where you can read the following description of this diadoch:

“In his wars, Demetrius was active and sober. For, being very well trained in the invention and design of many things beyond the limits of the art of architects, he was surnamed Polyorcetes; and he displayed such superiority and strength in his attacks that there seemed to be no wall strong enough to keep the besieged safe from him. Both his stature and his beauty showed the dignity of a hero, so that even strangers who came from afar, when they observed his prettiness, dressed with royal luxury, admired him and followed him everywhere in order to see him.

And further:

"The Greatest weapon was improved, and machines of all kinds were far superior to those that existed among others, and this man launched the greatest ships after this siege and after the death of his father.

Duris of Samos, a student of the philosopher Theophrastus, in his work Makedonika also accuses Demetrius of intemperance and desire for luxury. However, speaking of the Diadochi, Duris speaks positively only of Eumenes, whom he puts on a par with Demosthenes and Phocion. The other Diadochi got no less from him than Demetrius. His father, Antigonus, for example, he reproaches with a peasant origin, Polyperchon calls a drunkard, and Lysimachos a former robber. The same Plutarch reports that Ptolemy I Soter expelled his sons from his first marriage, and Lysimachus executed his son altogether. But Antigonus, according to Plutarch, was proud that he was not afraid to let his son approach him with a weapon in his hands, from which we can conclude that other Diadochi preferred not to risk so much.

Origin and early life of the Diadochus

Demetrius was born in 337 BC. e. and lived only 54 years, and the last three - in honorary captivity with his father-in-law Seleucus. The son of Demetrius, Antigonus, offered for his freedom not only all his property, but even himself, but Seleucus did not want to let go of such a dangerous rival.

So, let's start our story about this man and first say a few words about his father - Antigonus One-Eyed, whom the enemies called the Cyclops. And who, along with Eumenes, modern historians consider the most talented commander among the Diadochi of Alexander the Great.

Supposed depiction of Antigonus One-Eyed

Antigonus's ancestors once ruled Elimitis - historical region in Upper Macedonia. Thus, he was one of the most distinguished associates of Tsar Philip, Alexander's father. He received his nickname at the age of 40 during the siege of Perinth. Plutarch claims that, being wounded by an arrow in the eye, Antigonus remained in the ranks and, at the head of the detachment entrusted to him, forced the enemy to retreat to the city. Only after the end of the battle did he allow the arrow to be pulled out of the eye socket.

Antigonus was 26 years older than Alexander the Great, knew his worth, enjoyed authority in the troops - and the young king did not like this very much, who, firstly, did not trust his father's old associates too much, and, secondly, did not tolerate anyone's advice and teachings. And therefore, in 333 BC. e. 48-year-old Antigonus was removed from the active army and appointed governor of Great Phrygia. Defending this province, while the main army was in Egypt, he defeated the Persians at the Battle of Sardis. Antigonus's wife and son Demetrius came to Antigonus around 330 BC. e. After the death of the king, Antigonus managed to bargain for himself also Pamphylia and Lycia, which previously belonged to the navarch (commander fleet) Alexander the Great Nearchus. As a result, his possessions were larger than those of any other diadochi. However, Antigonus angered the regent of the empire - Perdiccas, refusing to fulfill his order to allocate troops to Eumenes, who was supposed to conquer Cappadocia. Not having the strength to fight the regent, Antigonus, with the treasury and a detachment of soldiers loyal to him, went to Greece, where he met with a warm welcome from the supreme strategist of Europe, Antipater, who ruled Macedonia, Thrace and all of Hellas. A coalition was formed, which, in addition to Antigonus and Antipater, included the ruler of Egypt, Ptolemy and Crater, the beloved commander of the Macedonian army, who at that time acted as the prostate (guardian) of King Philip III Arrhidaeus, the feeble-minded half-brother of Alexander the Great (the second king was the young son of Roxana). As a result, Perdiccas, who went on a campaign against Ptolemy in 321 BC. e. after an unsuccessful attempt to cross the Nile, during which about two thousand people died in the Macedonian army, he was killed by his own subordinates. The conspiracy was led by Python and Seleucus. But Eumenes in turn defeated the troops of the governor of Armenia, Neoptolemus (whom he later killed in a personal battle) and his friend Crater, who also died in battle.

Battle of Eumenes of Cardia and Neoptolemus during the Battle of the Hellespont. Engraving from 1878

The Macedonians did not forgive the Greek Eumenes for the death of Krater. Plutarch reports that at a meeting of troops in Triparadis in 319 BC. e. Eumenes was sentenced to death on the grounds that he:

"The stranger and foreigner slew the first and most glorious of the Macedonians with the hands and weapons of the Macedonians themselves."

At the same time, an agreement was concluded on the marriage of the son of Antigonus Demetrius and the daughter of Antipater Fila, who was older than him and even managed to be married twice (but her husbands quickly died). The matter was of national importance, and therefore no one asked the opinion of the newlyweds. In this marriage, Phil gave birth to a son, who was named Antigonus in honor of his grandfather. He will become the founder of a new dynasty of kings that will rule this country until it is conquered by Rome.

Antigonus II Gonatas and his mother Fila. Detail of a fresco from Pompeii, circa 40 BC. e.

In general, Demetrius married 5 times (without waiting for the death of previous wives), and these were dynastic marriages.

Meanwhile, a new war soon began, and now Antigonus became Eumenes' opponent - the best commanders among the Diadochi had to sort out the relationship. It was then that the military career of Demetrius Poliorcetes began.

Antigonus and Demetrius vs. Eumenes

Eumenes of Cardia was a confidant of Alexander the Great and the head of his chancellery - archigrammat, but other associates of Alexander contemptuously called him "Greek scribe". Like Perdiccas, Eumenes became a faithful defender of the interests of the heirs of the great Alexander and was therefore doomed: the other Diadochi were not going to cede the lands they received to either the feeble-minded Philip Arrhidaeus or the young son of Alexander and Roxana. Nevertheless, the war between Eumenes and Antigonus lasted three years, and he lost only because of the betrayal of his own soldiers - Argyrospides veterans, who exchanged their commander for property captured by the enemy in their camp. The first time Eumenes was betrayed was already in the first battle against Antigonus: in the battle of Orkinia, the commanders of two detachments went over to the side of the enemy. Eumenes took refuge in the mountain fortress of Nora, which Antigonus failed to take. Having entered into negotiations to avert his eyes, he, at the head of 500 horsemen, escaped from the surrounded fortress and came to Cilicia through Cappadocia. At first, Eumenes intended to go to Macedonia, where Olympias wanted to appoint him as the tutor of her grandson, the son of Alexander and Roxana. However, after the defeat of the fleet of his ally, Polyperchon, Eumenes had to change his plans and retreat to the east, where some satraps recognized his authority. One of them, Evdam, who killed King Por and ruled the lands in the Indus Valley, brought 120 elephants. The allies of Antigonus were the ruler of Babylonia, Seleucus, and the satrap of Medes, Python (the organizers of the conspiracy against Perdiccas). At the battle of Paretakene (317 BC), the 19-year-old Demetrius commanded the cavalry on the right flank. It was the blow of these units against the already victorious phalanx of Eumenes that then saved the army of Antigonus from defeat. The ratio of losses was in favor of Eumenes, however, the argyrospides demanded that he retreat to the convoy, where their wives and children were, as well as personal property. Without revealing a clear winner, the armies of Eumenes and Antigonus dispersed in different directions.

Fatal for Eumenes was the battle of Gabiene (315 BC). Demetrius in it already commanded all the troops of the right flank. In the center, Eumenes' argyrospides defeated the enemy infantry units that opposed them. He probably would have won if it were not for the betrayal of the satrap of Persis Peucestus, whose one and a half thousand cavalry detachment went over to the side of Antigonus. The breakthrough of the Median horsemen to the camp of Eumenes became fatal: the argyrospides, who were afraid of losing the wealth accumulated over many years, betrayed their commander to Antigonus. Eumenes was executed on the orders of Antigonus - despite the ardent intercession of Demetrius and the requests of Nearchus, one of Alexander's longtime and closest associates. More details about these events were described in the article. Eumenes of Cardia. The last defender of the family of Alexander the Great.

The beginning of the career of the commander

The strengthening of Antigonus after the victory over Eumenes worried the other diadochi, and therefore a new (already Third) war soon began, in which Demetrius first acted as commander in chief. His father left him to defend the Levant. Among his subordinates were such authoritative generals as Nearchus and Python. In 312 BC. e. the fighting was started by the ruler of Egypt, Ptolemy, and a former ally of Antigonus, Seleucus, who was expelled from Babylon.

Ptolemy I, sculpture from the Copenhagen Glyptothek

Seleucus I Nicator (Victorious)

The armies of the opposing sides met at Gaza. Ptolemy and Seleucus on the one hand, Demetrius and Python on the other, fought in the forefront, Python died in battle. This battle ended in the defeat of Demetrius, up to 8 thousand of his soldiers were captured, the military treasury was lost. Ptolemy then showed nobility by returning the treasury to Demetrius and freeing his associates, and Demetrius allegedly prayed that he would repay Ptolemy with mercy for mercy as soon as possible. The son of Antigonus did not lose heart and soon gathered a new army. In 311 BC. e. a new battle took place, in which Demetrius was no longer opposed by Ptolemy, but by his commander Kill. At Miussa, Demetrius attacked the enemy army and won, capturing the camp with the treasury and about 7 thousand prisoners. Meanwhile, Antigonus arrived in Syria, and Ptolemy chose, without entering into a new battle, to withdraw his troops to Egypt. But the Babylonian war of 310 was unsuccessful: in the spring of that year, Seleucus defeated the troops of Demetrius, in the fall - his father Antigonus.

In the next article, we will talk about the beloved woman of Demetrius - hetaera Lamia, who was called the "Destroyer of Cities." It will also tell about the expeditions to Cyprus and Rhodes, about how Demetrius became king and god, about the unfortunate battle of Ipsus, the last military campaigns of the son of Antigonus One-Eyed and his inglorious death in captivity.
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  1. +10
    13 March 2023 05: 31
    deserved from his contemporaries the telling nickname Poliorket - "Besieger of the city".
    His pioneering contribution to the development of siege warfare earned him the nickname "Besieger of the City", as they say, a skill you can't drink away.
  2. +9
    13 March 2023 05: 31
    Thank you Valery!
    I would like the Author, in addition to “cher shel fa”, to reveal the curious message of the beginning of the article:
    “The greatest weapons were perfected, and machines of all kinds were far superior to those that existed among others, and this man launched the greatest ships after this siege and after the death of his father.
    1. +8
      13 March 2023 09: 39
      Article plus!
      The text of your comment is too short and in the opinion of the site administration does not carry useful information.
      What do you say dear administration? smile
      Article plus! plus! plus! laughing
  3. +10
    13 March 2023 06: 07
    Thank you, Valery!
    That's interesting.

    I was hooked by the line "Let your son approach you with a weapon in your hands." The life of leaders is hard.
    1. +10
      13 March 2023 08: 35
      I was hooked by the line "Let your son come to him with a weapon in his hands."

      "How they took it off the tongue." But, it would seem, cultured people, some studied with Aristotle. But "the housing issue spoiled."
    2. +6
      13 March 2023 13: 51
      Good day, Sergey! smile
      I join in the gratitude.

      Yes, you can't envy such a life. If I trust anyone completely, then my son.
      1. +4
        13 March 2023 20: 06
        Good evening, Constantine!

        If you do not trust the children, then something in the upbringing went wrong.
        Although, of course, different things happen in this life.

        But in this case, it looks like a dead end path.

        Burning head dawn
        Raises from his bed,
        And all earthly things send him greetings,
        Radiant meeting the deity.

        When in the prime of life, at noon,
        The luminary looks from a steep height, -
        With what delight millions of eyes
        Follow the golden chariot.

        When the sun completes the circle
        And rolls wearily into the sunset,
        The eyes of his worshipers and servants
        Already looking the other way.

        Leave your son, burying youth.
        He will meet the sun of tomorrow!
    3. +4
      13 March 2023 16: 18
      Then the Middle Ages, the closest relatives of the ruler - the worst enemies.
  4. +12
    13 March 2023 06: 56
    Good morning friends
    Everything flows on the street - we have +9.
    The dog was all wet like a sponge during the night, he was tired of wiping, they drove him into the house. Now eat and sleep

    Well, now I can have a cup of coffee and read Valery's article.
    Have a nice day, everyone!!!
    1. +13
      13 March 2023 07: 18
      And we have - minus 6. Yesterday, according to the national calendar, was Prokop Dorogoroshitel. Didn't cheat. The road was raining successfully. And then it turned to snow.

      Let's see what's up with the roads. However, the sky is blue. Spring is coming.
    2. +9
      14 March 2023 07: 09
      "Posting your pictures on the Internet is not much different from throwing them on the streets and has two medical diagnoses - narcissism and exhibitionism."
  5. +9
    13 March 2023 08: 26
    Tetradrachm of Demetrius Polyorcetes

    Drachma of Demetrius Polyorcetes
    1. +10
      13 March 2023 09: 03
      Demetrius placed his own portrait on his coins and was probably one of the first to do so in the Western world. Prior to this bold move, the head side of the coin was usually reserved for images of gods or honoring important deceased figures.
      The Athenians even addressed Demetrius as a living god in a special hymn, calling him the son of Poseidon and Aphrodite.
      PS.Site, something is junk. Is it just me?
      1. +4
        13 March 2023 14: 17
        My site is also down. Probably, the sharp article on Opinions distorted the physical space, and the signal went nowhere. My malicious comment disappeared because of this, and I was glad.
        Fluctuations in the empyrean promote survival.
    2. Fat
      13 March 2023 17: 26
      hi Greetings, Dmitry.

      Demetrius Poliorket.
      This medal is kept in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
      He is the one through whose fault frost fell on the vines
      And who by wickedness tore the goddess's cloak;
      He rendered divine honors to mortal men.
      That's who ruined the people, not a comedy.

      The Athenians praised Demetrius somehow very much. The most senseless, most stupid of all honors was this one: in connection with the intention of the Athenians to dedicate shields to the Delphic god, Dromoclides from the dema Sfett suggested asking for an oracle ... Demetrius! I will quote this sentence verbatim. "Good hour! May the people deign to determine: to choose one of the Athenians and send to the Savior, so that, having brought the appropriate sacrifices, he would ask the Savior how best, most quickly and most piously, the people can consecrate their gift; what the Savior says, let the people fulfill ". This kind of mocking flattery had a detrimental effect on the mind of Demetrius, which was already not very strong and healthy. (c) Plutarch of Chaeronea.
  6. +7
    13 March 2023 08: 49
    Demetrius's beloved woman was the hetaera Lamia, who was called the "Destroyer of Cities"

    a photo Fresco in Pompeii depicting Lanassa and Demetrius, circa 50-40 AD. BC.

    An extremely interesting character, but here, as they say, no comments - the Author himself will tell about her in the next article, I will not interfere
  7. +6
    13 March 2023 09: 25
    He was known for his inventiveness and extravagance when it came to siege equipment, and his prowess in this form of warfare earned him the nickname "besieger".

    According to Plutarch:
    In his arsenal was a monstrous structure called "Helepolis" ("city ruler"), a mobile tower block up to 80 cubits (40 meters) high with a base of 50 cubits. This terrifying creature was filled with soldiers and was slowly moving towards the intended city with a squeal.
    He also had Helepolis "but smaller, the base of which was two ships

    rice .Demetrius Poliorketos Siege of Rhodes 305-304 BC. engraving

    a photo museum models of "Helepolises" by Demetrius

  8. +8
    13 March 2023 09: 39
    Sculpture of the head of Demetrius, Madrid, Prado Museum

    Powerful carrier!
    You don't see them anymore! wassat )))
    Good morning friends and have a great day! love )))
    I will read the article slowly - daytime worries, "to" them, as an unknown author wrote at the end of one of the neighboring houses.
  9. +6
    13 March 2023 10: 26
    In the next article we will talk about the beloved woman of Demetrius - hetaera Lamia, who was called the "Destroyer of cities"
    This is one of the ancient poets who called Lamia the "Destroyer of Cities", having beaten the nickname of her royal lover, but Demohar (Greek orator, politician and historian) called Demetrius himself "Myth", since mythology has its own Lamia, and he has his own.
  10. +2
    13 March 2023 11: 25
    Marginal note.
    Duris of Samos reproaches the father of Demetrius, Antigonus One-eyed, with a peasant origin. This means that even then the ancients noticed that the origin plays an important role in the thinking of the leader, and the peasant dangerously narrows the range of ideas to too utilitarian, characteristic of the common people. There is no breadth of views, there is no perspective thinking.
    There are contemporary examples.
    1. VLR
      13 March 2023 11: 56
      Here, rather, class arrogance - Duris of Samos claimed descent from Alcibiades and for some time was the tyrant of Samos. As for the peasant origin, it did not prevent Kiprensky and Tropinin from becoming excellent artists, and Opekushin from becoming a famous sculptor. Or - successful businessmen to the vodka king Smirnov and the kings of the capital's trade, the Eliseev brothers. Become Marshal Zhukov. In general, prejudice.
      1. +3
        13 March 2023 12: 33
        Valery, I meant the responsibility of a person endowed with supreme power. The person whose pedigree in the form of a whole host of worthy powerful ancestors forms the concept of honor and high responsibility for the country, and not just for the well-being of those close to him.
        1. VLR
          13 March 2023 13: 10
          So there are plenty of opposite examples: how many heirs to the throne, having come to power, destroyed their countries. And sometimes it was the commoners who appeared on time that saved the state. For example, Joan of Arc.
  11. +1
    13 March 2023 12: 28
    One more note.
    The entire subsequent article refutes the opinion of Duris of Samos about the peasant origin of Antigonus One-Eyed (Cyclops), the father of Demetrius.
    Like this wassat )))
    He was of royal blood, and therefore Demetrius.
    1. +4
      13 March 2023 12: 58
      The entire subsequent article refutes the opinion of Duris of Samos about the peasant origin of Antigonus One-Eyed (Cyclops), the father of Demetrius.
      Like this

      All subsequent!!!??? belay
      Wow! One of the two - you, Lyudmila Yakovlevna, are either a time traveler or the editor-in-chief of the "History" branch love
    2. +4
      13 March 2023 13: 26
      The entire subsequent article refutes the opinion of Duris of Samos about the peasant origin of Antigonus One-Eyed (Cyclops), the father of Demetrius
      Is it really that important? What is his origin? He is dear to us, like Demetrius, like a living god, like "Besieger of the city." laughing
      1. +2
        13 March 2023 14: 33
        He is dear to us

        good drinks wassat )))
        Having laughed, I supplement the comment, otherwise the site was indignant at its short length.
        Demetrius is not dear to me - interesting from afar.
        Looked into the historical distance.
        How to exist next to this? With caution! Too much energy, fast thinking, elements of satiety, now called majorism - a certain share.
        The positive thing about him is greed for life. Curiosity and lack of fear of innovation contributed to the development of engineering in his troops.
        Courageous, bold, strategist.
        Was )))
        1. +5
          13 March 2023 14: 41

          Demetrius is not dear to me - interesting from afar.
          And this is probably correct. Such an impression from the comments that it’s like at a ball at Woland’s.
          “I am in admiration,” Koroviev sang in a monotone, “we are in admiration, the queen is in admiration.
          “The queen is in admiration,” Azazello grumbled behind his back.
          “I am delighted,” the cat screamed "(c). love smile
          1. +3
            13 March 2023 16: 12
            I'm delighted, - the cat screamed

            And I love the ending of the Master's story more.
            There is peace and quiet. And in the evenings they drink tea and argue until they are hoarse among the shelves with books.
            And remember the departed, which will never return ...
            For a reminder of one of my favorite works to you, dear colleague, my weighty plus.

            In fact, I imagine the story told in the article not so.
            A huge table, and on it on a mini scale, but with great accuracy, the reliefs of Greece, Egypt, Syria, Persia, the seas and straits, islands are reproduced ...
            Tiny policies, and between them troops run, now in one direction, then in the other direction. They run, roll back, surrender, take prisoner, and tiny ships move along the seas and straits, collide, fight among themselves, sink ...
            And against the background of all this phantasmagoria, the fates of the Heroes of ancient times flash with bright lights - outstanding people whose names entered History and largely determined the appearance of our civilization.
            And I'm standing at this table and watching)))
            1. -1
              13 March 2023 18: 40
              Lyudmila Yakovlevna, although we had "frictions", I am glad to see you on the site. It means that you are relatively healthy that you were able to return to the site.
              People aged 45+ have difficulty with bronchitis, and I suspect you have: chronic bronchitis.
              1. +2
                13 March 2023 18: 50
                Quote: Astra wild2
                It means that you are relatively healthy that you were able to return to the site.
                People aged 45+ have difficulty with bronchitis, and I suspect you have: chronic bronchitis.

                Hurry to see, ladies and gentlemen!
                Instant diagnostic session!
                For the first time on VO! Passage. From Khatsapetovka to Paris! laughing
              2. +1
                13 March 2023 19: 39
                I suspect you have chronic bronchitis.

                Hello! Are you on the wrong site?
                This is a VO site, history section, read the article and comment for a start.
                1. 0
                  13 March 2023 21: 11
                  And she was evicted from the communal apartment a long time ago, so she is getting out of the situation as best she can.
                  Another thing is funny, because it really doesn’t reach her how others evaluate her. laughing
              3. +3
                13 March 2023 20: 47
                Madam, I would answer you, but I'm afraid the paper won't hold up.
                Just in case, I remind you that you are not in the communal kitchen of Voronya Sloboda.

                One of the minuses from me, with all my heart.
        2. +4
          13 March 2023 16: 13
          He is capable of action. He is determined and smart. He is cheeky. He dared. He is strong. Not like the rest of the male brethren. And he has all these qualities too. It is difficult for such people to keep within the bounds of what is permitted.

          Good afternoon, Luda! Remember who it's about? smile
          1. +4
            13 March 2023 17: 26
            Good afternoon Kostya! )))
            I don't remember which of them - Fox or Humpbacked - were so characterized. Either way, they are bandits. Even at that time, completely different qualities were needed to obtain power.
            Civilization has degenerated wassat )))
            1. +2
              13 March 2023 18: 39
              to obtain power, completely different qualities were needed.

              Well, why, not only meanness in half with cunning, coupled with absolute unscrupulousness.
            2. +3
              13 March 2023 18: 39
              Quote: depressant

              It was Irina Sobolevskaya who described the gangster Fox in this way. bully
              Greetings to you Lyudmila Yakovlevna!
              1. +2
                13 March 2023 19: 29
                Greetings to you Lyudmila Yakovlevna!

                Good evening, Sergey Vladimirovich! )))
                The second time I take up this comment - for some reason my answer does not go through, the ring spins indefinitely. Hope this one goes...
                Glad to see you. But Fox and Hunchback - no. This is not the kind of story that interests me.
                And why did Kostya remember them? )))
                1. +1
                  13 March 2023 19: 39
                  Quote: depressant
                  And why did Kostya remember them? )))

                  I saw some analogy with Demetrius.
                  Quote: depressant
                  My answer is, the ring spins indefinitely. Hope this one goes...

                  *Freezes* the site a bit. Not much yet. Really again? Intruders? bully
                  Quote: depressant
                  But Fox and Hunchback - no.

                  Favorite character from this film is Sadalsky! He is *Brick*!
                  1. +3
                    13 March 2023 20: 12
                    . I saw some analogy with Demetrius.

                    Well, well, I admit it.
                    Everyone has their own analogies.
                    Somehow I can't get it to work. This is how Alexander could not understand to which god he owes good luck in this or that conquest, of which there were many. And therefore, in each conquered city, he erected statues of all the gods in a row - it is also useful for the future. But I wonder if he erected a statue of the deity Tyukhe, the prototype of Roman Fortune. I don’t even ask, because hardly anyone will answer this question. After all, Tyche is not a mythological god, she appeared with her wheel only in the era of Hellenism, and then turned out to be forgotten by everyone - Fortune erased the memory of her.
                    Zeus is remembered, Tyukhe is not.
                    Maybe that's why Tyukhe turned away from the Greeks? And at the same time persuaded Fortuna to turn away from the Romans.
                    I guess there was something like that
                2. +3
                  13 March 2023 21: 15
                  Luda, I didn’t remember the Hunchback, and it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that the movie is just really good. smile
                  1. +3
                    13 March 2023 21: 32
                    The important thing is that the movie is just really good.

                    Good. Very. And this music in the final - how much tragedy!
                    I remember this scene - salvation - and it already aches! Such a symbol...
                    1. +2
                      14 March 2023 07: 15
                      Quote: depressant
                      I remember this scene - salvation - and it already aches! Such a symbol...

                      The film is wonderful, to be sure. Next to it, in MY opinion, you can put * Liquidation *.
                      Good morning Lyudmila Yakovlevna! hi
                      1. +2
                        14 March 2023 08: 37
                        YouTube started giving it to me after watching fragments of "Meeting Place". And when I saw the songs of Polina Agureeva, I got caught.
                      2. +3
                        14 March 2023 11: 11
                        Next to him, in my opinion, you can put * Liquidation *.

                        Here "Liquidation" absolutely did not "hook". Like almost all modern films and series. At best, they cause an indifferent reaction, at worst - irritation and rejection.
          2. 0
            13 March 2023 18: 29
            Uncle Kostya, it seems to me that this is one of the literary characters, but who?
            I don’t know why, but I remembered A. Tolstoy’s novel Gloomy Morning *, as Tolstoy described Makhno.
            1. +3
              13 March 2023 18: 41
              Quote: Astra wild2
              I don’t know why, but I remembered A. Tolstoy’s novel Gloomy Morning *, as Tolstoy described Makhno.

              It didn’t even stand nearby. Although? It’s also a classic. bully *Era of Mercy.* good
            2. +3
              13 March 2023 18: 59
              I remembered A. Tolstoy's novel

              Arkady and Georgy Vainers would obviously have been flattered by this comparison, and Fox would have clearly liked the comparison with the legendary dad. wink
              1. +2
                13 March 2023 19: 10
                Quote: Sea Cat
                Arkady with Georgy Vainers

                And I like this edition better.
  12. Fat
    13 March 2023 17: 10
    hi Thanks, Valery. Impressed by the article, I looked what else Plutarch wrote about Demetrius ... I liked this one:
    When Megara was taken and the soldiers were already beginning to plunder the city, the fervent requests of the Athenians convinced Demetrius to change his anger to mercy. He expelled the enemy guard detachment and declared the city free. While attending to the affairs of the Megarians, he remembered the philosopher Stilpon, who, it was said, decided to spend the rest of his days in solitude and silence. Demetrius sent for him and asked if any of the soldiers had carried away his property. "No," answered Stilpon, "no one. In any case, I did not see anyone who would carry away knowledge." Almost all the slaves were plundered by the victors, and when Demetrius, saying goodbye to Stilpon, at the end of a friendly conversation, remarked: “I leave your city free,” the philosopher told him: “What is true is true: you did not leave us a single slave.” smile
    1. +4
      13 March 2023 17: 31
      What an amazing dialogue!
      And, most importantly, what wit. Especially this one:
      Demetrius sent for him and asked if any of the soldiers had carried away his property. "No," answered Stilpon, "no one. In any case, I did not see anyone who would carry away knowledge."
  13. 0
    13 March 2023 18: 18
    Good evening
    Again, the editors put: Valery and Vyacheslav Olegovich together!
    My opinion: a big disgusting on their part!
    1. +6
      13 March 2023 18: 45
      Quote: Astra wild2
      My opinion: a big disgusting on their part!

      Well, what kind of disgusting thing did you find in the actions of the editorial office, huh? You were offered two !!! articles. Read and enjoy. What do you think is better? Zero or two articles? bully
      Do not please you, the right word!
  14. +1
    13 March 2023 19: 07
    "and his inglorious death in captivity". Vyacheslav Olegovich, and people like Demetrius do not have an enviable fate. They are too famous to be in the gray mass, various humiliations are prepared for them.
    I read that Augustus planned: to chain naked Cleopatra to his chariot during a triumph
    It is quite possible that Demetrius was waiting for a lot of humiliation
    1. +4
      13 March 2023 19: 12
      Quote: Astra wild2
      Vyacheslav Olegovich, and among such,

      And who are you, Vera, writing to?
      The author of this article is Valery. Valery Ryzhov. bully
      1. +2
        13 March 2023 19: 34
        And who are you, Vera, writing to?

        And it doesn't matter who.
        Whoever hit.
        The main thing is you know what.
        1. +3
          13 March 2023 19: 56
          Quote: depressant

          *Nulla dies sine linea.*
          Someone Pliny. Elder. laughing
          Freely translated *Not a day without a line.* laughing
          In a very free way.
          1. +4
            13 March 2023 20: 17
            If these lines are added together. But a long, complete thought is never easy.
            1. +4
              13 March 2023 20: 44
              As the poet said, "I have now become more stingy in desires."
              That's how I am.
              I try not to make long comments. For, as another poet said,
              But a long, complete thought is never easy.

              drinks )))
              I want simplicity and brevity. And then while you bring it to the house - it splashed, half of the water in the bucket is gone!
              wassat ))))
              1. +5
                13 March 2023 21: 28
                Since the tone has gone like this:

                Joy is given to the rude.
                Sorrow is given to the gentle.
                I need nothing,
                I'm not sorry for anyone.

                I feel sorry for myself a little
                Pity the homeless dogs.
                This straight road
                She took me to a tavern.
                1. +2
                  13 March 2023 21: 37
                  Since the tone has gone like this:

                  Such a tone?
                  Here you go:

                  Loneliness is shameless...
                  The door was opened with a master key and
                  Into my soul, like the First Cavalry,
                  And let's establish power

                  With the use of force and meanness...
                  What can you do to fight back??? Nothing...
                  And bitter in the oral cavity today
                  Aftertaste of various problems ... (c)
                  1. +3
                    13 March 2023 21: 51
                    Sparkling with iron compasses,
                    how cold you close the circle
                    not heeding the useless assurances.

                    And yet universal. Without much change in tone:

                    "Nothing! I tripped on a stone,
                    It'll be up and running by tomorrow."
                    1. +3
                      13 March 2023 22: 10
                      And yet universal.

                      The image of Demetrius does not go away - strong! So Valery created it, brightly, colorfully.
                      Was Demetri alone?
                      Undoubtedly! There are no more lonely people than tyrants and climbers.
                      1. +3
                        13 March 2023 22: 30
                        Mountains, probably, I love, first of all, low.
                        And climbers have good teams.

                        However, “Breakfast with a View of Elbrus” is quite about loneliness.
                      2. +3
                        13 March 2023 22: 57
                        However, “Breakfast with a View of Elbrus” is quite about loneliness.

                        Also loneliness...

                      3. +3
                        14 March 2023 03: 59
                        This is the beauty of life. In all its manifestations.
      2. +3
        13 March 2023 21: 24
        Do not find fault, the woman is also a person and she needs a drink. laughing

        1. +3
          13 March 2023 21: 41
          Kostya !!!
          You are a bright person!
          What does it say?
          Shine always, shine everywhere until ... (but let's skip this), shine and no nails - that's my slogan and the sun!
          Quote from you know who
    2. +3
      14 March 2023 03: 00
      Most likely you are wrong. In historical sources it is written that Demetrius died in an honorable exile in Apamea from drunkenness. Yes, and his son-in-law Seleucus was not cruel. It is unlikely that Seleucus would have deliberately humiliated the father of his wife, who soon became the wife of Antiochus, the son of Seleucus.
      1. VLR
        14 March 2023 06: 16
        Yes exactly. This will be discussed in the second article.
  15. 0
    14 March 2023 13: 48
    In the next article we will talk about the beloved woman of Demetrius - hetaera Lamia

    Here the author, especially taking into account his style, opens up space for another cycle, something like "Demetrius Poliokret - one of the greatest fuckers and hornmasters of the ancient world." In addition to the biographies of the three official wives of Poliokret (despite the fact that he was also a bigamist), the cycle will also include biographies of famous hetaerae, whom Poliokret "loved" - Mania, Demos, Leyna, Chrysis, Antikyra. And so that the reader does not get bored of the abundance of female charms, the biography of heterosexuals can be diversified with biographies of Poliocret's favorite boys. There are some very dramatic scenes like Democles.
  16. 0
    15 March 2023 09: 03
    We must begin to read with the myths and gods of ancient Greece.
    Who are Artemis Athena Zeus Poseidon Apollo Achelleos and many others.
    For example, Athena and Zeus Poseidon appeared in North Africa. Apollo came from Persia. Artemis was created by the Ephesian Achaeans.
    Achelleos appeared among the Celts.