Secrets of the success of Stalin's industrialization

Secrets of the success of Stalin's industrialization

Periodically, articles come across that level the role of the leadership and people of Soviet Russia in pre-war industrialization, they say, almost all enterprises were built by Americans. This topic is interesting and very instructive, it makes sense to dwell on it in more detail.

Tsarist Russia was industrialized, but in the flames of the Civil War, the Bolshevik-Trotskyists successfully solved the problem of turning the country's industrial potential into ruins. After defeating Trotsky in 1929, Stalin set about building a military-industrial potential. During the two and a half pre-war five-year plans, about 10 dual-purpose plants were built in the USSR.

Indeed, a significant part of them were designed and built by the Americans, a large number by the Germans (over 70 contracts for the construction, supply of equipment and training of personnel), Austrians and even the Czechs.

In this regard, special mention should be made of the contracting company Albert Kahn. This German-American, the father of Detroit industry, stood at the origins of Soviet industrialization. Of course, he was not a philanthropist, Soviet Russia sold grain to finance industrialization until the moment when it did not threaten mass starvation, and then was stopped by Stalin's order.

In Moscow, Kahn opens a branch of Albert Kahn Associates Inc, which was named Gosproektstroy. Albert's brother, Moritz, traveled to Moscow with a staff of 25 American specialists who helped the Soviet government set up a design bureau staffed by several thousand Soviet architectural and engineering designers.

In total, Gosproektstroy was able to train about 4 specialists and designed and organized the construction of over 000 facilities. Of course, there were also Ford, Austin, Cooper Engineering and others. The Great Depression raged in America until 500, there were no orders.

It is believed that the Americans designed and built about 1 plants.
How much - it doesn’t even matter, let’s be honest: the more foreigners worked to establish the industrial potential of the USSR, the more one can respect the genius of Stalin.

"Special" work of Soviet designers

However, the most interesting experience that deserves careful study and application is the "special" work of Soviet designers.

Foreign specialists designed and built enterprises together with Soviet engineers who were engaged in solving the most important task of the party and government - reprofiling:

- agricultural engineering plants were designed according to the profile aviation;

- plants of medium machine building - according to the profile of artillery and mortar;

– car factories – armored vehicles and light tanks;

- tractor - heavy tanks;

- bread - gunpowder;

- pasta - for the production of shells, bullets and slow powders;

- sentries - for the production of fuses.

Lev Isakov writes about this in detail.

The Americans laughed at the Russians when, for example, at the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, Soviet engineers demanded that 50-ton span loads be taken into account instead of 5-ton ones. The Americans counted money, while the Russians thought about heavy tanks.

All 10 thousand enterprises were aimed at defense production, and even though they were not always profitable as automobile, tractor or combine, they were effective as tanks, artillery or aircraft. Such a systematic, comprehensive militarization of industry and agriculture, the world economic story didn't know and still don't know. Indeed, even the deployment of a network of MTS (machine and tractor stations) in the countryside meant the pre-mobilization readiness of the country's auto-tractor fleet. The first MTS appeared in 1927-1928, and by 1937 their number was about six thousand.

We all remember this and even feel grateful to foreigners for their help, but what should we do now, pay and repent or kiss the shoes of Americans or Germans for factories? Imagine that a neighbor helped you 50 years ago. You remember this, but now he is trying to rob you, how should you behave?

An important point was that the sites for the evacuation of factories from the west of the USSR to the east were prepared years before the war.

As a result of all this work, the Soviet economy acquired extraordinary controllability and the ability to expand military production almost instantly.

For comparison with our "respectable partners": the mobilization of the industry of Great Britain required 22 months, of which nine months without direct influence of the enemy, and the US economy, not at all affected by the war, was mobilized in 36 months.

The economy of the USSR, under the devastating impact of the war, was mobilized in 3-4 months for the main industries and in seven months in full.

How do you like it, Elon Musk, historically more precisely - Albert Kahn? Recognize that the students have surpassed the teachers. No assault or even sincere enthusiasm could provide such a result without the systematic and thoughtful work of the pre-war years.

In addition to the actual industrialization, Stalin also carried out a purge of the state administrative apparatus and the command staff of the Red Army. Both before the war and during. There were excesses, but there was also a significant increase in the combat capability of the Red Army.

By the mid 30s. again a situation arose in which the Trotskyists accumulated forces in the upper strata of the state and society that threatened a real coup. Supporters of Trotsky's ideas promoted their people to all levels of power: to the Politburo, the leadership of the army and fleet, Adviсe. This especially affected the sphere of ideology: the political department of the army and navy, cultural enlightenment, universities and academies. They worked as professional talkers: editors of central and local newspapers and magazines, lecturers and journalists.

There is nothing new under the sun. It must be understood that the Trotskyists-internationalists today are pro-Western liberals, for whom the elimination of the sovereign Russian state is the same task as for the Trotskyists of the 30s.

Today, however, corruption and failures in the defense industry and foreign policy remain practically without consequences.

What to do now?

Are there opportunities for repurposing now?

In some cases, no doubt. This is faster than starting production from scratch, but it is even more important to plan systematically.

True, to do this, the owners and officials need to do what they have forgotten how to do - put the interests of the Motherland above their own and step on the most sensitive - their own profits. And we need an act of state will aimed at mobilizing the rear and industry, nationalizing the financial system and a number of defense enterprises. However, it seems that they also forgot how to “start in earnest”.

Learn from Comrade Stalin.
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  1. -26
    4 March 2023 05: 57
    So I wonder what the USSR paid for the secrets of the success of Stalin's industrialization?
    Or is that also a secret?
    1. +12
      4 March 2023 06: 07
      Take an interest in the activities of the organization "Torgsin". For example§ion=8&id=183
      1. +4
        4 March 2023 10: 15
        It should be remembered that industrialization and GDP are not the same thing.
        But the well-being of the people (on average), the economy and GDP are almost the same thing.
        The economic recovery began in 1921. With the introduction of the NEP.
        But in 1929, when the NEP was closed, on the contrary, the GDP growth rate decreased.
        Much more interesting in the graph is the GDP of the United States.
        At the end of the 20s, when the world finally came to its senses after the 1st World War, and no one wanted to fight, their well-being began to fall sharply. And then they make Hitler Chancellor of Germany, giving him huge loans. And immediately their GDP flooded uphill. So much so that so far this growth rate has not been repeated.
        But it was worth the 2nd World War to end - and again their economy began to fall. But then they began to unleash conflicts around the world - and they began to grow again.
        No wonder they support the Kyiv Nazis. It is such a useful tradition for them.
        1. +8
          4 March 2023 16: 04
          Quote: Shurik70
          The economic recovery began in 1921. With the introduction of the NEP.
          But in 1929, when the NEP was closed, on the contrary, the GDP growth rate decreased.

          One is not connected with the other, since the NEP in the 29th essentially exhausted itself - not in all sectors, of course, but it could not give such growth rates further
        2. +4
          4 March 2023 19: 14
          Quote: Shurik70
          As soon as the 2nd World War ended, their economy began to fall again. But then they began to unleash conflicts around the world - and they began to grow again.

          Only in US wars and can exist:
          White House Meeting:
          - We must do something with our enormous debt ...
          - And let's cancel the dollar, introduce something else!
          - No, let's just give up all debts and send all nafig!
          “Gentlemen, well, we cannot do that.” We are gentlemen, highly decent people, faithful to high moral principles, word and honor. Let’s better stir up the third world war!

          Looks like they've already screwed up?
    2. +10
      4 March 2023 06: 10
      Katasonov has good lectures on this subject.
    3. +7
      4 March 2023 06: 28
      Mr. ee2100 looks straight into the root..... Yes, they paid the same as now. Only now they managed without industrialization. Heh .. Heh .... and immediately took up the bobos ......
      1. +15
        4 March 2023 10: 14
        In general, a strange question .. And what did England pay for the industrialization? America? China? No one on the planet has carried out large-scale industrialization only on their own. For this is a very, very costly undertaking .. Only the bourgeoisie did it due to the total robbery of the rest of the planet, China - due to the greed of the bourgeoisie, having paid at first with cheap labor force, and only the USSR did it for its hard-earned money ..
    4. Fat
      4 March 2023 06: 36
      hi Good morning Alexander. Today is Saturday, after a stormy Friday drinks . An article about miniatures in Shpakovsky's chivalric novel in the "opinions" section, and an article by Yevgeny Frolov, typical for the "opinions" section, with a recipe for "saving Russia" got into the "history" request
      1. +3
        4 March 2023 08: 27
        Good morning!
        Probably right. We should change places.
        Shpakovsky's article reminded me of a review of films and series.
        The only thing missing was a mark for courtesy drinks
        1. +4
          4 March 2023 11: 20
          Shpakovsky's article reminded me of a review of films and series.
          Me, by the way, too.
    5. +8
      4 March 2023 07: 12
      There is no secret, in special stores (formally for foreign specialists who arrived) they accepted gold and other valuables from people, and rye flour was the most popular commodity.
      1. +19
        4 March 2023 07: 28
        Well, how was the gold confiscated from the Americans, we will keep silent!? The secret was that there was no optimization, but there was a need. And the game was worth the candle! Enough already about the poor workers and collective farmers. Did they buy tanks and planes with bread cards? Or were there oligarchs then? Why don't the current army oligarchs buy anything? What did Abramovich do for us? How much money did he invest in our army? Or is he a beggar? And why did he help the outskirts? Did he make a fortune there or in Russia? Judging by his actions, the outskirts helped him become rich, and Russia robbed him!
    6. +7
      4 March 2023 09: 51
      Quote: ee2100
      So I wonder what the USSR paid for the secrets of the success of Stalin's industrialization?
      Or is that also a secret?

      I don't think there are any secrets. First of all, the United States asked for food for factories and technologies, as far as I remember, refusing to accept even gold. Hence the famine in Ukraine, in the Volga region and in Kazakhstan. Acceleration required full dedication, therefore, a very strict production discipline, as a result, rather strong repressions. In general, as a rule, there is only one price for any acceleration - blood. But, in my personal opinion, Stalin's industrialization, despite its sacrifices, was an absolute boon for the people. It allowed our people and state to survive and develop. If it were not for her, then there was no one to even count the victims.
    7. +3
      4 March 2023 13: 09
      Royal gold, requisitioned gold, export of grain and timber, art objects. There is no secret.
    8. -14
      4 March 2023 13: 10
      Quote: ee2100
      Or is that also a secret?

      It's not a secret . Free labor force, powerful repressive apparatus.
      The communists promised the people - Power to the Soviets, land to the peasants, factories to the workers! What did you get? -The power of the CPSU (b), land for collective farms, factories for people's commissariats! On top of everything else, it's a lie! hi
      1. +4
        4 March 2023 21: 55
        Quote: fif21
        On top of everything else, it's a lie!

        But now in the West and in Ukraine the kingdom of truth and freedom. laughing Laughing out loud.
      2. +1
        5 March 2023 10: 53
        Free labor force, powerful repressive apparatus.
        The communists promised the people - Power to the Soviets, land to the peasants, factories to the workers! What did you get?
        Maksim Katz-Varlamov-Pikuli-Shevtsova-Tsargrad and all that sort of thing was listened to on YouTube?
      3. +1
        5 March 2023 18: 29
        One should not confuse the ideological people who built communism and died at 41-45 (the political instructor covered the machine gun with his chest first) and the opportunists (such as Khrushchev and marked).
      4. +2
        5 March 2023 21: 55
        Quote: fif21

        The communists promised the people - Power to the Soviets, land to the peasants, factories to the workers! What did you get? -The power of the CPSU (b), land for collective farms, factories for people's commissariats! On top of everything else, it's a lie! hi
        Uh-huh ... "We thought the gentleman is kind, and the gentleman is evil ...".
        If you were a little more literate, you would pay attention to the fact that the "commies" established democratic legislation in the country ....

        But the descendants of the serfs do not care. You are still living today as in the 17th century, electing a person called "president" to the Kingdom for life. Under any laws in Russia, the Monarchy.

        And you absolutely do not care that both Yeltsin and Putin are non-partisan and what political forces stood behind them and now stand - only God knows .... As if "just people" .....

        Heh. Heh ..... People, people - oh what an excellent !! ... But the little people ...... Yes ... with ....
  2. Eug
    4 March 2023 06: 27
    As for me, the main factor in such a rapid development of the industry is the effectively working social elevators, which allowed really talented Personalities to become the head of the ongoing transformations. The most striking example is Malyshev, at the age of 28 - an assistant driver, at 34 - Prince Tankogradsky. The recruitment system was tough but effective. An interesting question is the contradictions between the peaceful and military economies. From the point of view of the military economy, the mobilization stocks of materials at enterprises, 50-ton cranes instead of 5 tons are a definite plus, but from the point of view of the liberal economy that dominated after the collapse of the Union - "dead" capital, which must be disposed of by involving in circulation . This is what the American advisers to Chubais and Gaidar were doing, while destroying the mobilization potential of Russian industry and not only ..
    1. +5
      4 March 2023 08: 21
      Quote: Eug
      As for me, the main factor in such a rapid development of the industry is the effectively working social elevators, which allowed really talented Personalities to become the head of the ongoing transformations. The most striking example is Malyshev, at the age of 28 - an assistant driver, at 34 - Prince Tankogradsky. The recruitment system was tough but effective.

      This is extremely debatable. If it were so, the IVS would not constantly mention the acute problem with personnel.
      And yes, social elevators have two sides. When Lomonosov went up, no one lifted him on the elevator.
      And in the USSR it was - "I already got this d / urak !!! Let's move it upstairs - to the district / region / region / republic !!"
      And hop - and Gorbachev in Moscow General Secretary.
      Everyone saw how it worked in the army. "He is studying at the Academy and he is no longer in my unit" ...
      Well, constant cleaning by shooting - created nervousness among the population. Well, it was impossible to say that the people's commissar d / urak failed everything, they had to sculpt Article 58 for them.
      And when all at the top consistently turn out to be "Polish / Japanese / English spies" - this is at least strange
    2. +3
      5 March 2023 13: 47
      Here, here, I recently heard on KP radio about a forum in Krasnoyarsk, at which one large oligarch spoke about how to equip Mother Siberia. But he didn’t say a word that the pre-established reserves in the port and road infrastructure in the Far East made it possible to survive the reorientation of cargo flows, from the point of view of effective owners, this is unnecessary spending.
  3. 0
    4 March 2023 06: 42
    Return Chubais to the government!
    Gaidar, step ahead!
    Shokhin to the Central Bank!
    Aven-in the tank industry!
    Al. To return Koch from exile and to appoint director-supervisor of the Stalin Museum.
    All in good time.
    Decisions matured 20-30 years and implemented them in the Stalinist industrialization only because of the slowness of the Romanovs-Guchkovs.
    Eliminating the backlog from England, Germany and other leaders from "100 years" to 20 years is not a leap forward into the future, it is only a leap from the past to the present.
    And now also.
    Fantasy brought to life is the future.
    Real unparalleled in the world should appear in Tosno and Uryupinsk. And not at Deripaska's dacha. Then it doesn’t matter what spill the liberals are sitting in the government
  4. +4
    4 March 2023 06: 50
    Periodically, articles come across that level the role of the leadership and people of Soviet Russia in pre-war industrialization, they say, almost all enterprises were built by Americans.
    I would say this: "Those who are trying to compare the position of the USSR then and Russia now avoid this detail in every possible way." Now some people like to shout that "then everything was done in a decade, but now ..." Yes, a lot was done, but without the ability to buy entire factories on a turnkey basis, it would be impossible to industrialize in such a short time, but such screamers only cause a backlash in the form of poking your nose at the fact of foreign aid.
    Tsarist Russia was industrialized, but in the flames of the Civil War, the Bolshevik-Trotskyists successfully solved the problem of turning the country's industrial potential into ruins.
    How much intent was there, and how many consequences of the war itself is difficult to say, but those who love Churchill's phrase about the plow and the atomic bomb always forget that Stalin did not come to power after Nicholas II.
    1. +17
      4 March 2023 07: 40
      Quote: Dart2027
      those who love Churchill's phrase about the plow and the atomic bomb always forget that Stalin came to power not after Nicholas II.

      Here after all and there is nothing to object. As rightly noted. After all, after the Romanovs, Russia was led by various people. After the February Revolution, what an economic breakthrough Russia made under the leadership of the Provisional Government. Directly reached the level of developed economic countries. And the Bolshevik-Trotskyists who came to power threw it back centuries ago. laughing laughing laughing
      Quote: Dart2027
      Tsarist Russia was industrialized

      It’s not even possible to argue here in the 10 pre-war years in the Russian Empire as many different types of cars were produced as in the whole of 1913 by one Peugeot plant in France. The advanced and progressive tsarist industry is evidenced by the fact that in 4 years it was able to produce multi-engine aircraft in less than six months in Germany. Moreover, on their planes, Russian aircraft builders put aircraft engines from downed German planes, albeit sometimes. but the fact is... No, of course we remember that at that time in Russia even spokes for bicycles and strings for pianos were imported from abroad. And even specialists have not heard anything about the most beautiful and high-tech radio factories of the Russian Empire. laughing laughing laughing
      1. -6
        4 March 2023 08: 04
        Tsarist Russia quietly built ships of the first rank. The same battleships and even (!) Dreadnoughts. How many dreadnoughts did the USSR build? And how many ships of the 1st rank did our Russian Federation build?
        What cars are you comparing...
        1. +3
          4 March 2023 10: 00
          Tsarist Russia quietly built ships of the first rank. The same battleships and even (!) Dreadnoughts. How many dreadnoughts did the USSR build?

          The Soviet Union built built tens of thousands of tanks and aircraft that are not inferior to Western models .. And how many tanks and aircraft were built under the tsar?

          As for dreadnoughts and battleships - and you look whose power plants were on most of them ... Do you know? How can one seriously talk about the type of industrial power of a country that did not even produce its own bearings ?? Not to mention the ICE...
          1. +2
            4 March 2023 10: 41
            Quote: paul3390
            How can one seriously talk about the type of industrial power of a country that did not even produce its own bearings ?? Not to mention the ICE...

            Well, what are you saying, in the Republic of Ingushetia there were the first motor ships in the world. And the internal combustion engine was produced, the "best in the world" Russian Diesel, have you forgotten? laughing laughing drinks Or I forgot that it was the factory owned by Ludwig Nobel, although after his death it passed to his sons, but ... how interesting
            After the Russian-Turkish war and the conclusion of the Paris Peace Treaty, the Russian government transferred state orders abroad, Ludwig Nobel's enterprise began to produce civilian products: tanks, drilling tools, wagons, steam pumps and boilers, mainly supplying the oil production of the Nobels.
            The plant on the territory of Russia does not do anything just for Russia !!!! Oh, so interesting. Read more
            At the end of the 1899th century, Emmanuel Nobel acquired a license from Rudolf Diesel for the production of diesel engines. Unsatisfied with the production of a finished sample, engineer Gustav Vasilyevich Trinkler created dozens of new types of diesel engines with an original design at the plant before the revolution. Here, in 1908, the world's first diesel engine powered by crude oil appeared; abroad it became known as "Russian diesel". In 1900, the plant created the world's first diesel engine with direct crankshaft reverse... In 1912-540, the plant manufactured 87 diesel engines, including XNUMX marine ones.
            WOW POWER!!! FOR TWELVE YEARS 450 engines!!!!! and what could the "damned Bolsheviks" do?
            After the Bolshevik revolution, the plant was actually stopped. In 1923 he resumed production. In 1926, the volume of output exceeded the level of 1913; by the beginning of the 1930s, the plant provided a third of the needs of Soviet factories, power plants and ships in diesel engines
            For 7 years, "illiterate bastard Russians" were able to do more than in an industrialized country called the Russian Empire in 13.
          2. +1
            4 March 2023 12: 33
            The Soviet Union built built tens of thousands of tanks and aircraft that are not inferior to Western models .. And how many tanks and aircraft were built under the tsar?
            I don’t know exactly how many tanks were built under the tsar, but I’m 100% sure that much fewer tanks were built under the princes than under the tsar laughing
            The level of comments is just amazing.
            1. +3
              4 March 2023 15: 50
              I love touching people... Especially liberals.. Doesn't it bother you that the difference is only 20 years? And during the Republic of Ingushetia - did other countries actually quite successfully produce both tanks and planes? And - thousands? Of all the warring countries - only the adored Republic of Ingushetia and Turkey could not do them?
        2. +3
          4 March 2023 10: 25
          Quote: Dmitry Ivanov_8
          The same battleships and even (!) Dreadnoughts.
          So what? Battleships of the "Poltava" or "Borodino" type, those that successfully drowned in the Russian-Japanese? Italy also built battleships, and with its own steam engines, and so what? They built dreadnoughts, but what was the use of these SAMOTOPs. Some stood throughout World War 1 in Helsingfors. Others in Sevastopol. Well, the truth is, for some unknown reason, they were able to drown one in Sevastopol on the roadstead. The German "Goeben" and "Breslau" were even more able to spoil the blood of the Russian imperial fleet than all these useless toys like Russian dreadnoughts. Therefore, the Soviet government did not build them, knowing about their futility in World War 1, and those that survived until the Great Patriotic War and stood almost without getting out of their bases. Torpedo boats, submarines, destroyers and other MOs have done more harm to the enemy than all these hopeless irons. And on the other hand, RI built armadillos and dreadnoughts, but she could not provide the peasants with iron plows, harrows and other agricultural equipment. More than 60% of the villagers used a wooden plow. it's about the culture of agriculture.
          Quote: Dmitry Ivanov_8
          What cars are you comparing...
          So we compare the machines, the very ones that could plow the land and transport crops with various goods. On magnificent battleships and dreadnoughts, you can’t take bread from the village to the nearest city or the “best steam locomotive in the world” ... so you and your dreadnoughts are past the basin.
          1. 0
            4 March 2023 18: 31
            Therefore, the Soviet government did not build them, knowing about their futility in World War 1

            You either do not know history very well, or you deliberately distort the facts. Battleships were laid down, as many as four pieces, but they could not be built. Google: battleship "Soviet Union" or "Project 23".
        3. +1
          5 March 2023 18: 41
          The time of dreadnoughts faded after the creation of submarines, almost died out after aircraft carriers, and ended after the creation of missiles. For curiosity, read about the eagles and other missile ships of the USSR, including nuclear ones.
      2. -1
        4 March 2023 08: 07
        It's not even possible to argue
        It's not that it's impossible. It's pointless. "Everyone writes history, and everything in their own way. If anyone ever tries to figure out these ... historical notes, he will go crazy! ... "(c) laughing
        1. -4
          4 March 2023 10: 51
          Quote: parusnik
          It's not even possible to argue
          It's not that it's impossible. It's pointless. "Everyone writes history, and everything in their own way. If anyone ever tries to figure out these ... historical notes, he will go crazy! ... "(c) laughing

          If only according to our comments, then it is quite possible. laughing laughing laughing After all, everyone used to think that the most ancient profession... Journalist!!! After all, it was they who described the first acts of the Lord. But!!! It turned out that there is an older profession than a journalist. And about it journalists also have been written down in the Bible. True, they did not specify what and how. BUT!!! The Bible says "... And the Lord said, let there be light. - And there was light." Why did the light appear? Yes, because the ancient electricians mounted and connected lighting fixtures to the first source of electricity !!! laughing laughing laughing So the Electrician is the oldest profession on earth, then journalists. And only then there are women with low social responsibility. laughing laughing laughing good
      3. -2
        4 March 2023 08: 25
        Quote: Fitter65
        Here after all and there is nothing to object.

        That you are self-critical.
        Quote: Fitter65
        The advanced and progressive tsarist industry is evidenced by the fact that
        when the need arose for its own aircraft engines, it launched their production in two years. Yes, they did not have time to industrialize, this is a fact, but RI was not a country "with one plow" either.
        1. +2
          4 March 2023 11: 11
          Quote: Dart2027
          when the need arose for its own aircraft engines, it launched their production in two years. Yes, they did not have time to industrialize, this is a fact, but RI was not a country "with one plow" either.

          And how many did she make? Your Russian? The aircraft "Ilya Muromets" (by the way, the first in the world that "had no analogues") until 1915 was supplied with Russian engines, then "wuxia industry ended." Yes, aircraft engines were produced under a French license, this is like an analogue of the modern Russian automotive industry - they stopped supplying components, and cars are not produced. In the same way, components were brought in, the engine was assembled, no ... Well, that means no. Moreover, even then, components were supplied to the Republic of Ingushetia for engines already outdated in the west. Therefore, aircraft engine building in the USSR developed for so long and hard. There was no historical school, because when compulsory education was introduced in Germany, serfdom was abolished in the Republic of Ingushetia. And after 10 years in Germany there was already a compulsory general secondary. And in the "advanced industrial power" only parochial schools, and even then not everywhere, and not for everyone.
          Quote: Dart2027
          Yes, they did not have time to industrialize, this is a fact, but RI was not a country "with one plow" either.

          Not that they didn’t have time, they didn’t even intend to. Yes, RI was not a country with one plow, many also had a wooden harrow. And almost everyone has a drum roll, because you can’t get anywhere, this is the greatest progress - an iron sickle, or even two ... Instead of reapers ... By the way, in ballet we are still ahead of everyone ... I remember very much Russian monarchs loved to support ballerinas by the waist, so the ballet industry developed in tsarist times ...
          1. -2
            4 March 2023 12: 32
            Quote: Fitter65
            Yes, aircraft engines were produced under a French license, this is like an analogue of the modern Russian automotive industry
            And in the USSR they immediately began to produce their own? The same - started with copying. And, by the way, it’s better not to compare the automotive industry of the USSR and the same Germany.
            Quote: Fitter65
            And after 10 years in Germany there was already a compulsory universal secondary
            Bismarck's phrase that the schoolteacher defeated the French is loved to repeat ... That's just the fact that the Germans had one and a half to two times more troops, for some reason they don't like to remember this.
            Quote: Fitter65
            Therefore, aircraft engine building in the USSR developed for so long and hard. There was no historical school
            Well, yes, but in other countries, aircraft have been operated for several centuries.
            Quote: Fitter65
            Not that they didn’t have time, they didn’t even intend to.
            According to whom?
            1. +6
              4 March 2023 14: 25
              Quote: Dart2027
              And in the USSR they immediately began to produce their own? The same - started with copying. And, by the way, it’s better not to compare the automotive industry of the USSR and the same Germany.

              For those who do not know, the USSR was born on the territory of the Russian Empire, which had no educated population, no developed industry, not to mention high-tech industry. Therefore, Soviet Russia, unlike tsarist Russia, bought factories with engineers and technologies, in contrast to a screwdriver assembly, morally
              obsolete technology (Renault-Nissan to your hand). Yes, they sold the USSR not the best, but not the worst either. If something, the best jet fighter of the Korean War, the MiG-15, took off in the English Royles-Reuss Ning. By the way, you obviously don’t know why the PS-84 began to be called LI-2, and A.N.T. and his comrades sat down in a sharashka for a while? They saved the people's money back then. Maybe you don’t know where the legs grow from our Al-21, what is there and where was it taken as a basis? But I digress. At the expense of the automotive industry in Germany and Russia.
              The first automobile production was founded in 1888 in Germany by Karl Benz and, under license from Benz, in France by Emile Roger.
              So for general development, look at how many cars Germany produced before the war, I wrote about Russia and the Peugeot plant above ... How many car factories were there in RI? I answer
              By 1912, there were only 2 operating automobile plants in Russia: the Russian-Baltic Carriage Plant (RBVZ) in Riga, which had been producing the famous Russo-Balts since 1909, and the Puzyrev Plant (RAZIPP) in St. Petersburg, which began producing cars of its own design in 1911
              and how many were built under the USSR. We will not talk about the AMO that assembled Fiat-15 from the supplied parts.
              Quote: Dart2027
              Well, yes, but in other countries, aircraft have been operated for several centuries.

              Compared to tsarist Russia, yes. The fact that Mozhaisky built a steam locomotive with wings (oh, he was the first, had no analogues), this does not mean that this is really the first plane that took off, even in the USSR they did not claim that he had taken off from the ground. If anything, then until 1912 all Russian "airplane pilots" received a patent for flying in France. And given the speed of development of aviation and its accompanying technologies, tsarist Russia lagged behind the West by a millennium. Therefore, they tried to catch up until 1941. Although they are technologically behind, they have strategically surpassed
              Quote: Dart2027
              Bismarck's phrase that the schoolteacher defeated the French is loved to repeat ... That's just the fact that the Germans had one and a half to two times more troops, for some reason they don't like to remember this.

              As I see it, you don’t understand history and numbers. you should study in the second grade of a secondary Russian school so that you can count. Well, while you do not know how to count, then I myself. on figures taken not in Russian archives. I explain. France at the time of this war had -2 people (TWO MILLION) in its armed forces. German Union -000 740 1 people We consider. 494 412 - 2 000740 1 = 494 712 in favor of France (that is, it is not 506-028 times more Germans, but about 1,5 French ... more than Prussians). So the GERMAN teacher really won, and not the Russian USE.
              1. -7
                4 March 2023 16: 03
                Quote: Fitter65
                For those who do not know, the USSR was born on the territory of the Russian Empire, which had no educated population, no developed industry, not to mention high-tech industry.
                For those who do not know, building factories for savages is absolutely pointless. The USSR tried.
                Quote: Fitter65
                So for general development, look at how many cars Germany produced before the war, about Russia
                Quote: Dart2027
                And, by the way, it’s better not to compare the automotive industry of the USSR and the same Germany.

                Quote: Fitter65
                and how many were built under the USSR.

                On August 16, 1966, a general agreement was signed in Moscow between the Italian company Fiat and the Soviet Vneshtorg on scientific and technical cooperation in the development of passenger cars. Within its framework, a project for the construction of an automobile plant on the territory of the USSR was approved. This agreement also determined the models themselves: two cars in the “norm” configuration with sedan (VAZ-2101) and station wagon (VAZ-2102) bodies, and a luxury car (VAZ-2103). The Fiat 124 was immediately identified as the prototype for the “norm”, which received the title “Car of the Year” in 1967. Themselves could not have had to buy from the Italians.
                Quote: Fitter65
                Compared to tsarist Russia, yes.
                And in what century were they launched?
                Quote: Fitter65
                Therefore, they tried to catch up until 1941.
                Yes, so successfully that until the very end they lagged behind.
                Quote: Fitter65
                France at the time of this war had in its armed forces

                Battle of Sedan - 200000 for the Germans and 120000 for the French. Strange isn't it? And the reason is that 2 million are all French put into operation after mobilization. The actual size of their army was 500, plus various reservists, about 300. Prussia had a regular army of 700 thousand. More nonsense will be the victim of the exam?
                1. +6
                  4 March 2023 18: 21
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  For those who do not know, building factories for savages is absolutely pointless. The USSR tried.

                  That is why the USSR, along with the industrialization program, simultaneously, and even earlier, launched a training program.
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  Battle of Sedan - 200000 for the Germans and 120000 for the French.

                  So the problems of the stupid French, the German policeman did not care. If you, in the presence of more manpower, could not use it at the right time and in the right place, then this is your problem.
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  And the reason is that 2 million are all French put into operation after mobilization. The actual size of their army was 500, plus various reservists, about 300. Prussia had a regular army of 700 thousand. More nonsense will be the victim of the exam?

                  Victim of the EGE, do you even comprehend what you write? In reality, Trudovik taught you mathematics. You write about the French
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  The actual size of their army was 500, plus various reservists, about 300.
                  ...okay 800 army. in stock
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  Prussia had a regular army of 700 thousand.

                  800000-700000= 100000 French superiority
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  More nonsense will be the victim of the exam?
                  Well, if you believe it, then most likely yes ... Well, about Italian cars in the USSR.
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  The Fiat 124 was immediately identified as the prototype for the “norm”, which received the title “Car of the Year” in 1967. Themselves could not have had to buy from the Italians.

                  I explain again. When children in Europe learned the multiplication table, in the Russian Empire there was still a wooden plow .. And if during the Great Patriotic War we were able to get, or accidentally got to us, some technologies for the production of cars of different classes and carrying capacity. Example Studebaker US6 -ZiS-151-ZiL-157-ZiL-131. There
                  Oddly enough, the Ural-375 went sideways. Once again, I will explain to you that the USSR initially did not have modern technologies, and engineers, of the level that they were in the West in 1922. No need to stupidly compare Germany -1950 and the USSR. It was Germany, into which the United States poured billions, and to be more precise, into its factories in Germany, to which "specialists" came, and the USSR, which itself, without foreign aid, rose, which not only suffered damage in people, but also considerable material damage ... Therefore, we had to buy Western technologies such as Fiat-124.
                  1. -4
                    4 March 2023 19: 39
                    Quote: Fitter65
                    That is why the USSR, along with the industrialization program, simultaneously, and even earlier, launched a training program.
                    Where did they get the teachers from? To teach someone you need to know yourself. Moreover, everything was after the Civil War and mass emigration.
                    Quote: Fitter65
                    So the problems of the stupid French, the German policeman did not care.
                    So it's not the teachers.
                    Quote: Fitter65
                    Victim of the EGE, do you even comprehend what you write? In reality, Trudovik taught you mathematics.
                    That is, you consider the French army with reservists, and the German without them. Will there be more nonsense?
                    Quote: Fitter65
                    Once again, I will explain to you that the USSR initially did not have modern technologies, and engineers, of the level that they were in the West in 1922.
                    Yes, yes, yes, well, very sophisticated technologies for the production of cars. How backward he was, that this could not happen in the second half of the 20th century. By the way, in the 80s, it is rather sad to compare the Soviet auto industry with foreign ones.
                    Quote: Fitter65
                    That is, you confirm that the Russian Empire, as the future foundation of the USSR, was a dark and illiterate country.
                    That is, you are unable to read that in a country that does not have its own backlog, it is basically pointless to try to build factories.
                  2. 0
                    5 March 2023 08: 55
                    Quote: Fitter65
                    Therefore, we had to buy Western technologies such as Fiat-124.

                    Not "therefore" winked Then there was no EG .. In the relevant ministries and all sorts of State Plans, they considered that if they develop and design themselves, it will be longer and more expensive. Well, intelligence was strained, and she whispered - FIAT has a wild crisis and problems, so ... more will come out cheaper ..
                2. +4
                  4 March 2023 18: 38
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  For those who do not know, building factories for savages is absolutely pointless. The USSR tried.
                  That is, you confirm that the Russian Empire, as the future foundation of the USSR, was a dark and illiterate country.
                3. +4
                  4 March 2023 18: 53
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  For those who do not know, building factories for savages is absolutely pointless. The USSR tried.

                  The USSR built the First Automobile Plant for the Chinese. FAW.
                  Plow with might and main.
                  1. -5
                    5 March 2023 10: 56
                    Quote: Mordvin 3
                    The USSR built the First Automobile Plant for the Chinese. FAW.

                    China was far from being the most backward country. I'm talking about different African republics.
      4. +7
        4 March 2023 13: 14
        In general, tsarist Russia was predominantly an agrarian country, which, in particular, is evidenced by its exports. And it was mainly agricultural exports.
        1. +4
          4 March 2023 14: 53
          Quote: Alexey Lantukh
          In general, tsarist Russia was predominantly an agrarian country, which, in particular, is evidenced by its exports. And it was mainly agricultural exports.

          Back in 1982, I wrote a report, not for the government. laughing, so purely undergraduate, about the industry of Siberia in 1913 ... The numbers are exact, I don’t remember anymore. but roughly speaking, Russia delivered in 1912-13 6 million poods of pure butter, of which about 4,1 were supplied from Western and Eastern Siberia. such pride, yes, we fed Europe, and then ... damn it, and we ourselves swelled from hunger ... In the spring, when only juveniles through the ground, the first greens will be thrown out, my grandmother Dubovitskaya Pelageya Vyacheslavovna, the kingdom of heaven to her, always cooked nettle cabbage soup. From young nettles, it was delicious. And she said, nettle saved Russia more than once ...
      5. +7
        4 March 2023 14: 19
        Quote: Fitter65
        And even specialists have not heard anything about the most beautiful and high-tech radio factories of the Russian Empire.

        It’s also about the production of bearings. Without which, own mechanical engineering, engine building, and machine tool building are in principle impossible. It’s not for nothing that the British considered (and tried) during WWII that if you destroy the production of bearings in Germany, then the maximum effect will be obtained at minimal cost.
      6. +1
        5 March 2023 13: 52
        Yeah, the great Russian car company Russobalt had a little over six hundred cars before being evacuated from Riga, cool.
    2. +6
      4 March 2023 07: 59
      We must not forget that the help was far from disinterested. From the 29th year, the Depression-crisis raged there! And where was the Amer bourgeoisie to go? Until the X-hour, there were sanctions against us. Well, they did not want to cooperate with us. Or they wanted to, but on their terms. And when they were pressed not like a child, they became accommodating. Was there a crisis in 2008?! Was. But not like then. Was there another covid pandemic? Was. But in the interests of pharmacists and WHO. Read for the US. Is today's Russia itself to blame for the sanctions? How? Attacked Ukraine? The outskirts of the historical part of Russia! Russia is the successor of the USSR and I think it may well claim the territory of the USSR! When Russia took all the debts of the Union and paid them off, no one protested! The outskirts demanded their part of the debt?! No! Therefore, the territory of the outskirts is a legal part of Russia! We've already paid for it! Why were sanctions imposed on Russia? Elementary Watson! Today in Russia is capitalism. What's this? This is competition. A good competitor is a dead competitor! Question. Why would the US help a competitor? Competitor is your killer! Kill your killer! That's the whole logic of capitalism! There is no reason to help Russia to the states today! Will you give your hitman a rifle and ammo? Therefore, today the states do not help Russia, but try to finish it off. Of course, for the company (whom to kill) includes Europe and China. Outskirts is a fog of competition. The states considered that Russia had fallen technologically and became a supplier of raw materials. Europe has the technology but no raw materials. The operation on the outskirts should weaken the position of Russia and Europe, and at the same time China as a factory for production. After all, a lot of products went to Europe! Or someone thinks that the United States is engaged in charity and assistance? Decided to help Kazakhstan? Oh well! Then the fate of Iraq and Libya awaits him! How did they help in Afghanistan? We gave power to the radicals! Kazakhs! Open your eyes!
  5. +10
    4 March 2023 06: 52
    For the young USSR, the need for a strong economy was a matter of survival. Without the economy, there would be no us. At best, they would sit on a tree with an imported banana in their hands ...
  6. +3
    4 March 2023 07: 04
    I wonder how to call repurposing and system scheduling without coercion? The capitalist used to count profits before, and he himself will not change his self-consciousness. Subsidies from the state to stimulate production are likely to be plundered by efficient managers. For a new industrialization, a new Stalin with a whole system of planning and control over production is needed. And control was severe. For marriage, they could hang the label of a pest and shoot.
    1. +1
      4 March 2023 09: 30
      Quote: Glock-17
      And control was severe. For marriage, they could hang the label of a pest and shoot.

      Apparently they shot all the leaders, all the engineers, all the controllers of the Quality Control Department and the military acceptance of all factories producing 45 mm armor-piercing shells ??
      When SUDDENLY(!!!!) it turned out that 97% percent (several million !!) of the fired shells was a marriage. Because they overfulfilled the plan by reloading the shells ....
      Someone received awards and orders, someone at the beginning of the war fired at Wehrmacht tanks with these defective shells - and was very surprised what the hell .....
      Several million shells .....
      Nooo, they didn’t steal them, it’s just a waste / whether resources. For the sake of awards and medals ...
      1. +2
        4 March 2023 12: 53
        The Bolsheviks got an illiterate country, their cadres had to be raised from 0. Because of this, they had to be content with what they had and put either very young and inexperienced specialists and inspectors into production, or rely on those who remained from the Republic of Ingushetia to reforge and start instead of world-eating to work for the benefit of the people, unfortunately this did not always happen. Just the whole drama of that war was that a huge number of qualified personnel who were supposed to be engaged in the construction of socialism died. Anything can be in production conditions, there may be screwed up batches of products, but 97% sounds like a diversion or an oversight, as I already wrote the prerequisites were.
        1. +2
          4 March 2023 14: 28
          Quote: Nikanor1993
          Because of this, we had to be content with what we have and put either very young and inexperienced specialists and inspectors into production, or expect that those who remained from the Republic of Ingushetia will reforge and start working for the benefit of the people instead of world-eating, unfortunately this did not always happen

          Lenin has a phrase (I don’t remember verbatim, but ....) - that the fact that you have to use the royal cadres for the country is more dangerous than thousands of Denikins and Kolchaks ..
  7. -7
    4 March 2023 07: 10
    about 10 thousand dual-use plants were built.

    If you take it and start to stupidly look at what is at stake, then it suddenly turns out that there are simply no ten thousand "factories", except for regional bakeries and dairy plants of local importance, about 10k dual-use factories are not worth talking about at all.
    The sadness is that what was built by the same Deutsches worked until the mid-2010s, and Soviet copies until the mid-70s at most.

    agricultural engineering plants were designed according to the aviation profile;

    And they gave out the quality of products at the level of Soviet agriculture. An illustrative example is when, at the end of the war, it turned out that in our most difficult time, factories were producing defective aircraft engines for aircraft, which were not only discontinued, but generally written off as not subject to modernization and dangerous during operation. The relevant people then sat down for a couple of years for fraud, but who was actually to blame for the fact that everyone was afraid to say a word against the deceitful plans for the implementation of which there are neither people nor time to prepare them?

    As a result of all this work, the Soviet economy acquired extraordinary manageability.

    If only on paper.
    1. +1
      4 March 2023 07: 30
      The West has always understood that if the Russians got down to business, then there would be many victims, and how it would all end in the end... No questions asked.
      At first we ourselves thought that all the troubles were from Tsarism, then we thought that it was from Bolshevism, then from Capitalism. And now it began to dawn that this is all because we are not Germans and not Americans .....
    2. +10
      4 March 2023 08: 05
      Is there anything to say about the results of the breakthrough after the 90s? Are planes the best in the world today? Do we export or import nails? Are there Chinese hieroglyphs on shirts and shorts or our Cyrillic alphabet? Does China buy cars from us? China began production of the car Moskvich No. 3!?
    3. +1
      4 March 2023 15: 16
      Capitalism is a natural development of feudalism, in the vast majority of cases, the one who steered something under a monarch continues to steer under a democratic government, and this someone is not ready to reorganize under the paradigm that everything does not revolve around him, and people around him too. By the way, unlike socialism, capitalism had just an abyss of time to develop, but all this development boils down to the fact that those who were richer become even richer, and those who were poorer are driven even deeper into bondage. Socialism, on the other hand, developed under very extreme circumstances, so I had to very often resort to all sorts of crutches, respectively, to criticize what happened quite easily, but, for me personally, it is obvious that the concept of "everything for a person, everything for the good of a person" is much more worthy, than building yachts at the expense, at best, of the well-being of the people who plow for you.
  8. The comment was deleted.
  9. +6
    4 March 2023 07: 45
    Tsarist Russia was industrialized, but in the flames of the Civil War, the Bolshevik-Trotskyists successfully solved the problem of turning the country's industrial potential into ruins.
    Is that how they did it? Here it is in more detail, "pzhzhzhalusta" smile In the period from 1918 to 1919 alone, more than two dozen scientific institutes were established in the Soviet Republic, which simply did not exist in the Russian Empire. What is the point, without science, there is no industry. But who created them? other Bolsheviks? smile It makes no sense to analyze the article. Another "brew", on a historical topic.
    1. -2
      4 March 2023 09: 27
      Quote: parusnik
      In the period from 1918 to 1919 alone, more than two dozen scientific institutes were established in the Soviet Republic, which simply did not exist in the Russian Empire.

      And where did they get the teachers for these institutes, you may be curious? To open new ones, you need to have a prepared resource that has been created for more than one year.
      1. +1
        4 March 2023 16: 16
        Many educated people from rich or noble families, looking around the surrounding chernukha, nevertheless came to the conclusion that man is a friend, brother and comrade, in the West, too, Marxism was + - popular. And yes, engineers and other specialists also came from America. I don’t remember where, but I read the assumption that the construction of socialism in the USSR for the West was a kind of experiment, like to see whether such a thing would work or not, but, apparently, when it became clear that to get a 140-meter yacht with a bunch of personal servants with such a formation will not come out decided to score.
        1. -4
          5 March 2023 10: 59
          Quote: Nikanor1993
          Many educated people from wealthy or noble families, looking around the surrounding blackness, nevertheless came to the conclusion that man is a friend, brother and comrade, in the West, too, Marxism was + - popular.

          That is, there were still educated people who could teach? Who made them and why?
          1. -1
            6 March 2023 10: 06
            In order not to fly out of the top five advanced countries. It’s obvious, a plant is being built, a machine tool is being built there, you can’t put an illiterate person on the machine, a person having tasted the “fruit of knowledge”, so to speak, begins to notice that he is simply brazenly exploited, begins to realize his position relative to the position of the boss, well, then the strike, strikes, if the government is relaxed, then the situation is leveling off a bit, but our government decided to simply run into conservatism, which resulted in a very bloody revolution, since the Bolsheviks were able to lead the leadership. It is terrible to think into what kind of stall the people would have been driven into and how much more blood the white "knights" would have shed after the suppression of the revolution.
            Well, there were educated people, yes, there were even too many of them for the Republic of Ingushetia, the authorities could not physically attach them so that they would not begin to think about the colossal inequality.
            1. -2
              6 March 2023 19: 36
              Quote: Nikanor1993
              In order not to fly out of the top five advanced countries.

              That's it ... I'm not saying that there were no problems in RI - there were enough of them. But the cries that it was almost "Africa" ​​are also far from true.
  10. +4
    4 March 2023 07: 49
    Author! If you are a real person, and not a full name to mask the program for assembling an excursion into history from words and sentences, re-read what was published.
    Soviet Russia and the USSR; industrialized tsarist Russia and the victory of Trotsky by Stalin; the participation of foreign engineers in the industrialization of the USSR and podkovvrka to the Mask; the necessary purges of Trotskyists and successes in moving production quickly further east.

    ...proprietors and officials need to do what they have forgotten how to do - put the interests of the Motherland above their own and step on the most sensitive thing - their own profits. And we need an act of state will aimed at mobilizing the rear and industry, nationalizing the financial system and a number of defense enterprises. However, it seems that they also forgot how to “start in earnest” ...

    Why do the rear, industry, the financial system need to be nationalized, and defense enterprises (if they are mentioned separately, then they do not belong to industry) - only a few?
  11. +7
    4 March 2023 08: 41
    The country built (no matter with whose help) factories for the COUNTRY. She herself decided what to produce in dual-use factories. Having taken advantage of profitable production, now they are unlikely to think about the COUNTRY that gave them all this. business and nothing else. The country cannot regulate the state prices within. What prevents selling fertilizers, fuels and lubricants, equipment to farmers at cost and then asking - bread, milk, meat - also at cost. Press the fat at the level of 10-15 percent. Only the right of the State to trade in commodities on the foreign market. If you want to trade over the hill, arrange the processing of raw materials. Gold, uranium, aluminum and other things leaving the Country to nowhere did not benefit the majority of the population, and hence the Country.
    1. +2
      4 March 2023 09: 55
      Press the fat at the level of 10-15 percent.
      It means depriving business of the opportunity to develop and pay divine salaries. It is also worth presenting the quality of products in this situation and the quality of service in trading establishments.
      1. -6
        4 March 2023 14: 16
        Soviet service and Soviet salaries ☺
  12. +2
    4 March 2023 10: 03
    Supporters of Trotsky's ideas

    Interesting - what exactly does the author consider Trotsky's ideas to be?
  13. +5
    4 March 2023 10: 10
    Tsarist Russia was industrialized
    Yeah. The crunch of French bread. And if available government artillery factory in Motovilikha (Perm), he is not given an order for guns for coastal batteries, but start building a private plant in Tsaritsyn. The plant, later named "Barricades", produced its first production in 1929.
    1. +4
      4 March 2023 16: 02
      From Kolchak's airplane to
      red army trenches
      dropped wrapped in
      French roll proclamations.

      Father served with "dear gentlemen"
      (Own grubs and eight reds a year),
      And I, the kid, was honored:
      He often played with the snotty barchuk together;
      Barchuk in a wheelchair threatened me with a whip,
      And I ... drove.
      I don’t remember: either this “game” bothered me,
      Is it just that a man's foolishness took possession of me,
      But ... the "horse" went on strike and, having abandoned the game,
      To his father he huddled in a kennel.
      Barchuk, stubbornly, knocked on my window:
      "Well, drive me, Demyan, a little more!"
      And seduced me
      the striking horse,
      Roaring in the closet booming ...
      French bun!


      When I heard about "Kolchak's bun",
      I remembered barchuk.
      Well? Indulge in affection
      Harness, perhaps, again in the master's carriage ?!
      "Give me a roll, master. And then ...
      At least whip us all with a whip!"

      However, we are already approaching the moment when only forceful suppression without any buns.
      1. +1
        4 March 2023 18: 09
        "Well, drive me, Demyan, a little more!"
        Is that Demyan Bedny? His style. By the way, the expression "Fascist vultures" is also his. There was a verse: ... "something about heavenly warriors / these are steel falcons beating vultures ..."
        1. +1
          4 March 2023 18: 29
          Yes, he is the most, as for me, a very relevant author, thanks to his work and the dirty everyday life surrounding us, he became interested in socialism, it’s a pity for the current government he is not very relevant, although the reasons are clear.

          I recently learned a little rhyme for myself, below is a link to the table of contents, there is a very dense collection of his work.
          PS one of the few poets whose work is pleasant and easy to memorize.
          1. +2
            4 March 2023 19: 05
            one of the few poets whose work is pleasant and easy to memorize.
            It was very relevant during the Civil War and World War II, the style of poetry is very simple and memorable. By now, perhaps, only the song to his poems "Seeing to the Army" has remained (As my mother saw me off / then all my relatives came running ...) And more than once it was said on the Internet that the expression "Fascist vultures" denigrates our troops , since these vultures feed on carrion, therefore, allegedly, our troops are like that. But the expression has long become a meme. Then I remembered that the mother of my school friend, who was a child during the Second World War, told in the 60s that she was learning these poems about falcons and vultures, and that was Demyan Poor
            1. +2
              4 March 2023 20: 53
              It will always be up to date.)
              In appearance, all sorts of collections of works by Lenin and Capital look difficult to digest (although Lenin wrote very smoothly and clearly, as for me), but with the help of such authors, people can be interested, I had a couple of friends who were originally related to the topic of communism Not good.
  14. +3
    4 March 2023 10: 26
    Tsarist Russia was industrialized

    Can you be more specific? A comparison plate, at least for the smelting of steel / cast iron, the production of electricity for Russia, France, England and Germany for 1913.
    And as for mobilization capacities, I have already written and will repeat again. I started my career at a defense enterprise, and I saw "mobilization capacities" myself. This is when 2/3 or even 4/5 of the site area is inactive, occupied by tables with machines on them under covers. And all this eats a communal apartment, etc. So a span of 50 tons instead of 5 is still trifles, it was built once and it stands, it does not ask to eat.
    1. -5
      4 March 2023 21: 05
      Roman, you are probably aware that the Republic of Ingushetia fully provided itself with food and light industry products and exported them abroad. In terms of industrial output alone, before the First World War, Russia ranked 5th in the world, and the growth rate was so high that the West decided to stop it before it was too late. The share of heavy industry products in the total volume was 40%. At the same time, 63% of the means of production and equipment were produced domestically. Compare with what is now. Someone will say that the industry was developed, someone will think it is not enough. Incidentally, we only reached the level of 1913 in terms of power supply by 1970. Of course, this was due to the large number of workers for the same money in the Soviet economic system, but this is also an indicator. Was developed or not, decide for yourself.
      1. +5
        4 March 2023 22: 22
        You are probably aware that the Republic of Ingushetia fully provided itself with food and light industry products and exported them abroad.
        And why, from such goodness, Stolypin began to destroy communal agriculture? It's about the food industry. And as the WWI began, so it turned out. that there are no own aircraft engines in the Republic of Ingushetia. It's about the industry. And the heavy aircraft of Sikorsky "Ilya Muromets" flew on imported engines, directly, like the RRJ-100 is now. As for exports abroad, yes, there was, but there was also a famine on a regular basis. And the peasants, liberated in 1861 from serfdom, had to pay redemption payments until 1925. Only after the revolution of 1905 was it decided to stop collecting redemption payments.
      2. 0
        5 March 2023 08: 43
        On agriculture. It was either thick or empty. On the one hand, the production level of the peasant community has not changed since the time of Mother Catherine. This is the same strip on which it is simply impossible to apply modern agricultural technology for those times. Again, education, well, there is no need to demand from a semi-literate peasant the use of agricultural practices, even "local significance." And on the other hand, large latifundia where grain was produced on an industrial scale using the latest technologies, using fertilizers, etc.
        1. +2
          5 March 2023 10: 19
          And on the other hand, large latifundia where grain was produced on an industrial scale using the latest technologies, using fertilizers, etc.
          An example of such a latifundia in the Republic of Ingushetia, pliz. So the whole point was that there were no such latifundia, and the marketable products of agricultural production were squeezed out of the half-starved peasantry.
  15. -3
    4 March 2023 10: 36
    Genius!? Don't think. He paid, they built it. They didn't build it because of his beautiful eyes. There is nothing ingenious about it. Just money.
  16. +5
    4 March 2023 11: 49
    Civil War Bolshevik Trotskyists successfully solved the problem of turning the industrial potential of the country into ruins.
    What a completely absurd conclusion.
    And why did the author decide that it was the Bolshevik-Trotskyists who were to blame for the post-revolutionary devastation?
    And what, in general, does the author have in the concept of "Bolshevik-Trotskyists"? request
    After defeating Trotsky in 1929, Stalin set about building a military-industrial potential.
    Another absurdity: it was not Stalin who started, but the Soviet people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, started
    All 10 thousand enterprises were aimed at defense production,
    another nonsense.
    I understand that the main goal of publishing the article was to get 1000 comments with amendments laughing
    1. +1
      4 March 2023 21: 17
      Lev, Trotsky had a lot of fiery ideas, one of them is about the ruins. He summarized as follows: kindle the fire of the world revolution, use Russia as brushwood. Stalin, on the contrary, nationalized the revolution, and did not allow the country to be turned into brushwood. There are a lot of materials about the Trotskyists and their philosophy, you can start reading this article here:
      1. +1
        4 March 2023 22: 43
        Wonderful material, I haven’t laughed in such a long time, is there anything else you need to read?

        While serving time in the Odessa prison, Trotsky diligently studied Marxism and Freemasonry, receiving literature from friends. He got himself "a notebook for Freemasonry with a thousand numbered pages ...". “By the end of my stay in the Odessa prison, the thick notebook became a real storehouse of historical erudition and philosophical depth. I think that this was important for my further ideological development, ”Lev Davidovich later admitted. Really, ideals of Marxism and Freemasonry he remained faithful to death.

        At first he was not particularly successful, but relying on huge money received from abroad, and on fighters, also imported from America, Trotsky became the head of the revolution. It is at the head, let there be no illusions about the sovereignty of Lenin. At first, the Trotskyists relied on former German prisoners of war, Latvians, Poles, Czechs, Chinese, and offenders of all kinds released from Russian and European prisons.

        In August 1918, Trotsky shot 10 Russian intellectuals in Petrograd.

        For many years Trotsky fought at the head of the Red Army, numbering up to 5 million people, the leading cadres of which he formed mainly from his friends. They reduced the ability to lead to obscene abuse and threats of execution. By the threat of reprisals against families, he forced former officers of the tsarist army to serve in the Red Army.

        And this is only a small part..
        Gentlemen, I sincerely advise everyone to read this material, at least some reason to roll on the floor with laughter in our difficult time.
      2. +2
        4 March 2023 22: 46
        Lev, Trotsky had a lot of fiery ideas, one of them is about the ruins.
        I know how the views on the communist revolution of Trotsky and Stalin differed
      3. +1
        8 March 2023 20: 16
        Te equivocas. Hay que leer a Trotski, no a los que escriben sobre el "Totskismo".
  17. -1
    4 March 2023 12: 39
    Foreign specialists designed and built enterprises together with Soviet engineers who were engaged in solving the most important task of the party and government - reprofiling:

    - agricultural engineering plants were designed according to the aviation profile;
    - bread - gunpowder;
    Absolutely, tractor factories were built with an eye to subsequently producing aircraft, bread production technology is the same 1: 1 with gunpowder production technology, it’s a sin not to lay such an opportunity, but distilleries were immediately designed with an eye to producing and bottling KS liquid laughing

    Respect to the author - amused love
  18. +5
    4 March 2023 14: 08
    An important point was that the sites for the evacuation of factories from the west of the USSR to the east were prepared years before the war

    Relatively recently, I learned that in Kuibyshev they began to prepare sites for new plants in the second half of the 30s. At the beginning of the war, many factories were evacuated to these sites (though not completely ready), including 2 aviation and engine-building plants. When I did an internship at one of these factories in the early 80s, there were German presses from the 30s in the procurement workshop.
    The perspicacity of that leadership is to be envied.
    1. +3
      4 March 2023 14: 35
      Quote from shikin
      The perspicacity of that leadership is to be envied.

      It's more of a professional...
  19. +2
    4 March 2023 14: 21
    Quote: Shurik70
    It should be remembered that industrialization and GDP are not the same thing.
    But the well-being of the people (on average), the economy and GDP are almost the same thing.
    The economic recovery began in 1921. With the introduction of the NEP.
    But in 1929, when the NEP was closed, on the contrary, the GDP growth rate decreased.

    Industrialization is the foundation for future growth. And what's the point of this GDP?
    Judging economic power by GDP is the same as judging a person's physical strength by their weight. Take a fat man off the couch and a boxer, a lightweight champion, into the ring - how will their meeting end?
  20. +5
    4 March 2023 14: 26
    Quote: Not the fighter
    And as for mobilization capacities, I have already written and will repeat again. I started my career at a defense enterprise, and I saw "mobilization capacities" myself. This is when 2/3 or even 4/5 of the site area is inactive, occupied by tables with machines on them under covers. And all this eats a communal apartment, etc.

    Did you lack "communal" in Soviet times? Electricity for example? Or was it too expensive?
    Well, market times have come with an "efficient" economy and reduced "mobile capacities" - has it become better and cheaper?
    1. 0
      7 March 2023 18: 21
      You can not one-sided approach to the then prices. Something then was really very expensive, unbearably expensive. Electricity was very expensive 4 kopecks. per kWh, which is equivalent to 4 rubles now, but now salaries are higher. Gasoline was expensive 30-40 kopecks. per litre. Some products were either too expensive or could not be purchased. Sugar was expensive, eggs were too expensive to list.
      But there was cheap milk and related dairy products.
      There was cheap travel in public transport and there was free medicine.
  21. +2
    4 March 2023 14: 28
    Quote: Dart2027
    And where did they get the teachers for these institutes, you may be curious? To open new ones, you need to have a prepared resource that has been created for more than one year.

    Some returned from exile, penal servitude, where their royal satraps were exiled for free-thinking.
  22. +9
    4 March 2023 14: 39
    Quote: fif21
    It's not a secret . Free labor force, powerful repressive apparatus.
    The communists promised the people - Power to the Soviets, land to the peasants, factories to the workers! What did you get? -The power of the CPSU (b), land for collective farms, factories for people's commissariats! On top of everything else, it's a lie!

    Free manpower has never existed anywhere, do not shine with ignorance.
    Even a convict (or a slave, if you like) needs to be supported, fed, clothed, guarded. All this costs money.
    The use of forced labor was not invented by the Bolsheviks. Peter the Great massively used the labor of serfs and convicts, and in "Europe" it was similar ...
    We got what we promised. The right of ownership does not at all imply the right to manage property, but implies the right to a part of the income from its operation. And the Soviet people had these incomes, thanks to which they did not have to pay for education, medicine, and so on, and they did not have much direct taxes.
    Workers were physically unable to manage plants and factories directly, this requires appropriate qualifications. People's Commissariats also used the profits for the development of production, and not for the purchase of foreign villas and yachts.

    Collective farms received land on a free and indefinite lease. Promised - done.
  23. +3
    4 March 2023 16: 12
    Tsarist Russia was industrialized, but in the flames of the Civil War, the Bolshevik-Trotskyists successfully solved the problem of turning the country's industrial potential into ruins.
    Awesome story and the same logic ...
  24. +3
    4 March 2023 16: 46
    [/ quote] In addition to industrialization itself, Stalin also carried out a purge of the state administrative apparatus and the command staff of the Red Army. Both before the war and during. There were excesses, but there was also a significant increase in the combat capability of the Red Army. [quote]

    What does the author suggest?
    Start purge as Iosif Visarionovich? So for this you need desire and balls of steel, and today neither one nor the other (only red lines, and even then impotent ones).
    Yeah ...
    And the factories, of course, were a feat!
    1. +2
      5 March 2023 08: 38
      Quote: Kok_Ivanov
      So it takes desire and balls of steel

      Also, God forbid you get out...
  25. +2
    4 March 2023 16: 58
    "Learn from Comrade Stalin" Stalin was a practical person, hence the "reprofiling": he perfectly understood that: WAR is inevitable, and if so, the corresponding equipment must be produced ..
    Now, some comrade will say: Stalin is necessary and he will be wrong.
    Suppose a miracle happened: in the morning Stalin will enter the Kremlin and he will not be able to do anything himself.
    Stalin had a party with vein discipline, and the current communists are as similar to the Bolsheviks as an elephant is to a ballerina.
    I have been thinking and saying for a long time: we need the mind of Lenin and the will of Stalin, and such people are "piece goods", they are born once 500 years.
    Who does not agree, let him refute
  26. +4
    4 March 2023 18: 45
    Tsarist Russia was industrialized, but in the flames of the Civil War, the Bolshevik-Trotskyists successfully solved the problem of turning the country's industrial potential into ruins.

    In the field, each gopher is an agronomist, in VO each button press is a historian. I beg your pardon for being harsh, but this is a reaction to nonsense, moreover, peremptory.
    1. +1
      4 March 2023 20: 14
      Under Stalin, anyone could report facts about shortcomings in production, or about abuse and fraud (not to mention cases of theft), and it was dangerous to openly violate technology or other rules. The percentage of conscientious people is not so great, the rest have to be closely monitored, it would be true to make it a duty of a citizen to report in serious cases (even for a fee), for example, an accountant reported fraud. It is necessary to accept historical experience, after Consul Crassus suppressed the uprising of Spartacus, it turned out that the treasury was stolen and a decree was issued that everyone who reports the fact will receive part of the confiscation of the criminal’s property. and the treasury was filled. Under Peter 1, there was the position of a fiscal, the stump is clear. that there were few fiscals and they did not follow the affairs of commoners. The task was to identify violations of the governing ones, and this was never canceled by the leading and at their insistent requests of the fiscals,
    2. +1
      4 March 2023 22: 51
      The author, simply out of ignorance, does not understand that "Bolshevik-Trotskyists" and "Bolshevik-Leninists" are the same Bolsheviks.
      But the Bolshevik-Stalinists are already slightly different Bolsheviks laughing
  27. -2
    4 March 2023 19: 50
    Quote: paul3390
    I love touching people... Especially liberals.. Doesn't it bother you that the difference is only 20 years?
    This difference does not bother you, but I think that 20 years for the development of weapons is a decent time, so your statement that they didn’t know how to make tanks under the tsar, and in the USSR T-34s were made by the thousands, to put it mildly, is absurd laughing
    1. +4
      4 March 2023 20: 33
      Quote: ee2100
      So I wonder what the USSR paid for the secrets of the success of Stalin's industrialization?
      Or is that also a secret?

      This question was answered by Andrey Petrovich Parshev back in 1999, in his book "Why Russia is not America" ​​there he gives a long list of equipment for the manufacture of weapons imported into the USSR before the war, samples of weapons and materials for its manufacture, and they paid with timber in logs with grain , even with fish glue and some kind of unenriched ore, that is, Stalin managed to change the labor of 2 collective farmers for the labor of 5 skilled workers
    2. +2
      4 March 2023 22: 25
      Quote: Lewww
      but I think that 20 years for the development of weapons is a decent time,

      The question is, why can't we replace the maize for 20 years?
  28. 0
    5 March 2023 02: 11
    An important point was that the sites for the evacuation of factories from the west of the USSR to the east were prepared years before the war.

    This was done by the NKVD apparatus.
  29. +1
    5 March 2023 02: 13
    Quote: agond
    Under Stalin, anyone could report where the facts about shortcomings in production, or about abuses .....

    Unfortunately, this was used to settle scores.
  30. +4
    5 March 2023 08: 24
    Quote: Kok_Ivanov
    So for this you need desire and balls of steel, and today neither one nor the other (only red lines, and even then impotent ones).

    First of all, you need support. Political, administrative, social ... Stalin had someone to rely on, he had real support, which made it possible to implement a huge number of plans.
    And now?
  31. +4
    5 March 2023 08: 31
    Quote: Lewww
    This difference does not bother you, but I think that 20 years for the development of weapons is a decent time, so your statement that they didn’t know how to make tanks under the tsar, and in the USSR T-34s were made by the thousands, to put it mildly, is absurd

    Well, tell us about the successes in tank building of such powers as Turkey, Argentina, Mexico in the indicated period.
    Tsarist Russia played in the same league with them, in some respects it was quite comparable.
    Pre-revolutionary Russia also had a completely militaristic economy. A lot has been done for the defense industry.
    Lessons were learned from the Crimean War and considerable efforts were made.
    But the Russo-Japanese War, and especially the First World War, clearly showed that the system works so-so and does not cope well with the main function.
    If they had coped well and successfully fought with the German, the revolutionaries would not have had a chance ...
    1. -1
      5 March 2023 17: 09
      Well, tell us about the successes in tank building of such powers as Turkey, Argentina, Mexico in the indicated period.
      What for?

      What is the significance of this question to my comment that it is not correct to compare the times of the Russian Empire and the pre-war USSR in terms of the number of tanks produced? fool
  32. -5
    5 March 2023 08: 45
    Another Stalinist vyser. What is genius? Scoop out all the valuables from the former. the aristocracy, the bourgeoisie and the clergy, to scoop out all the grain from the peasants, to drive all of the above for currency, to hire Western engineers with this currency and order turnkey factories in the West and, as a result, create a "mobilization type" economy that can only develop extensively administratively - command jerks, creating permanent deficits in the consumer sector and social sphere?!
    1. +1
      5 March 2023 16: 48
      Vyacheslav, unlike impoverished Russia, which was led by Stalin, we had 300 billion dollars, but they were simply stolen, no one built any turnkey factories, but what about factories, they didn’t even put a single brick in the foundation of the future factory. But we have the Gaidar Institute, and Kudrin was once recognized as a successful leader, according to the results of the year, probably because he invested a lot of our people's money in the development of the US economy.
  33. +2
    5 March 2023 12: 12
    Quote from: Barmaglot_07
    Take an interest in the activities of the organization "Torgsin"

    Torgsin was a noble office! It was created so that the hidden bourgeois and unfinished royal henchmen could go to the store and shop! Moreover, they did not take money from them, but valuable items - gold, silver, paintings, and so on. These uncomrades were not hired, but they had to live on something, so they took their property to Torgsin. By the way, it was closed quite quickly, since almost all the property of the counter-revolutionary elements was requisitioned in this way ... laughing
  34. 0
    5 March 2023 12: 51
    The main secret of success is Stalin. And his supporters in the government.
    Now what? Here is the result - Stalin has a superpower, and here is a super-duper. Living the last days.
  35. +1
    5 March 2023 12: 56
    Quote: North Caucasus
    Well, how was the gold confiscated from the Americans, we will keep silent!? The secret was that there was no optimization, but there was a need. And the game was worth the candle! Enough already about the poor workers and collective farmers. Did they buy tanks and planes with bread cards? Or were there oligarchs then? Why don't the current army oligarchs buy anything? What did Abramovich do for us?
    He bought iPhones for the fascists of Azov, that's the whole difference. The Jew favored the bearers of the ideology of those who during the years of WWII burned his consanguineous in stoves. I say that world Zionism is fighting against us, just like in 1941. sad
  36. +3
    5 March 2023 13: 54
    Everything is repeated, only instead of the followers of Trotsky - the followers of Soros.
  37. +4
    5 March 2023 14: 04
    What modern authors lack is objectivity, as in this article. What kind of passage is this in the style of the pseudo-historical magazine Diletant. Yes, you are definitely an amateur author if you write such that tsarist Russia was industrially developed, compared to whom, but further, but in the flames of the civil war, the Bolsheviks were Trotskyists, and that all the Bolsheviks were Trotskyists - stupidity - successfully solved the problem of turning the industrial potential in Russia into ruins. The Bolsheviks turned Russia's industry into ruins, before that even Mr. Goebbels did not think of blaming the Bolsheviks for this. .Yes, are you serious about the author. I want to remind you that in 1914 the tsarist government entered into a war that no one needed in any way, which ended in 1917-1918, lost half the country and smoothly outgrew even through no fault of the Bolsheviks into the Civil War, which lasted on the territory of the former Russian Empire in some of its parts until 1922. Denikins, Semenovs, Ungerns and other bastards who sold Russia wholesale and retail. I won’t go into history and details here, but who stole Russia’s gold reserves is that the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks restored the industry and economy of the destroyed country at the cost of incredible efforts and sacrifices. And you are the author of this write, more objectivity.
    1. +1
      5 March 2023 17: 13
      , and further, but in the flames of the civil war, the Bolsheviks are Trotskyists, and that all the Bolsheviks were Trotskyists is nonsense
      In the flames of the civil war, almost all the Bolsheviks were Trotskyists and they are also Leninists.
      And there were Bolsheviks who did not understand what kind of Bolsheviks they were laughing
      1. 0
        9 March 2023 19: 10
        Lenin condemned Trotskyism, Lenin himself publicly called Lev Davydovich more than two hundred times a political prostitute, their approaches often diverged. And here you will not believe it: even the attempt on Lenin was organized by the Trotskyists. But what to do, maybe read more of what the fiery comrade Bronstein himself told the city and the world.
    2. 0
      9 March 2023 19: 06
      Here is an objective picture.
      The main element of the national economy is personnel. The Trotskyists engaged in the Red Terror ideologically and systematically destroyed the royal cadres. This is in addition to destructive wars and the corresponding economic policy. Therefore, it was necessary to re-train Soviet specialists. The Solovetsky camp (SLON) was created by the Trotskyists in 1920 and closed until the repressions of Stalin. Then, Stalin repressed yesterday's punishers, the revolution devoured its children. Although not only, the innocent also got it. This is if it is objective. Both in Stalinism and in anti-Stalinism one must have a sense of proportion. And do not lose objectivity when it comes to Trotsky. But surprisingly, little is known about him.
  38. +1
    5 March 2023 16: 35
    Without a doubt, with all the costs of the Stalinist period of leadership, it is he who has been the most successful leader of Russia from the 20s of the 20th century to the present.
  39. +1
    6 March 2023 09: 39
    Quote: Lewww
    What is the significance of this question to my comment that it is not correct to compare the times of the Russian Empire and the pre-war USSR in terms of the number of tanks produced?

    Don't overdo it. You meant something else, that if autocracy had been preserved in Russia, then even then tank building would have developed well ... but this is clearly not the case, which I pointed out to you.
    Only the change of "ism" allowed our country to meet the challenges of the next global conflict quite adequately. In any other scenario, the fate of bourgeois Poland would await us at best, only there would be no one to liberate us (unlike the Poles).
  40. 0
    6 March 2023 10: 10
    Quote: Illanatol
    Don't overdo it. You meant something else, that if autocracy had been preserved in Russia, then tank building would have developed well.
    I didn't write that you liked it.

    I wrote that it is impossible to conclude that the Republic of Ingushetia was an industrially backward country, and the USSR, on the contrary, was passing it on, on the basis that tanks were not made in the Republic of Ingushetia, and thousands of them were riveted in the USSR.
    Here is the gist of my correction to your comment

    By the way, your passage:
    How can one seriously talk about the type of industrial power of a country that did not even produce its own bearings ?? Not to mention the ICE...
    also not true.
    In RI, both bearings and internal combustion engines were produced.
    Moreover, in diesel engine building, RI was a leader, even patents for individual tech. solutions were sold to other countries

    And in the USSR, bearings were not manufactured until 1929 - so, by the way
  41. 0
    8 March 2023 08: 47
    Quote: Lewww
    I wrote that it is impossible to conclude that the Republic of Ingushetia was an industrially backward country, and the USSR, on the contrary, was passing it on, on the basis that tanks were not made in the Republic of Ingushetia, and thousands of them were riveted in the USSR.

    What's in the forehead, what's on the forehead.
    If the Republic of Ingushetia had been a developed industrial power, it would have mastered the production of tanks (albeit not in thousands) in the shortest possible time, as England, Germany, and France did.
    How many Renault tanks did the French manage to produce before the end of WWI, huh?

    And the "developed" Republic of Ingushetia was only able to purchase them.
    Well, everything is relative.

    Quote: Lewww

    In RI, both bearings and internal combustion engines were produced.
    Moreover, in diesel engine building, RI was a leader, even patents for individual tech. solutions were sold to other countries

    At enterprises owned by foreigners, using foreign equipment and technologies?
    Well, what Russian plant produced engines for Muromets, can you please with a link?
    And the volume of production also matters. Did RI ICE and bearings export or import?
    And why, nevertheless, were these engines named after the German engineer Diesel, and not Ivanov or Petrov?

    Patents ... yes, patents were sold later. And then they bought products abroad, which were produced according to our patents.
    RI had one of the best scientific schools in the field of chemistry. But the products of the chemical industry were forced to be imported, and those enterprises of the industry that were still in the country belonged to foreign capital, mainly German.
    What Mendeleev wrote with anxiety and bitterness...
  42. 0
    8 March 2023 13: 26
    El "secreto" de exito de Stalin lo es a voces; consistió en que las condiciones salariales y laborales de los obreros, en su supuesto paraíso, no tuvieron que envidiar a las masas de obreros europeos durante la Revolución Industrial: Sobreexplotación, bajos salarios, y disciplina laboral y política de campo de concentración nazi. Puede incluso, que los Nazis copiaran a Stalin.en este punto. Tanto fue así, que los obreros europeos y americanos, al observar la situación de los obreros en la URSS, ya no vieron a esta, como faro guía a seguir. La burguesía mundial, respiro con alivio.
    Pero sigan, si así lo quieren, fabulando no ya sobre el comunismo, sino con la Historia del Stalinismo, y jamás entenderán el porqué de la debacle de la URSS, ni la crisis planetaria actual, íntimamente relacionada con la URSS y su hundimiento.
  43. +2
    8 March 2023 14: 51
    Tsarist Russia was industrialized

    Well, yes, yes, yes, it's funny. But the author of the article forgot to say that about 70% of the industry in Russia belonged to foreigners.
    Almost all gold mining is the same. Remember the Lena execution - it was not the police and the Cossacks who shot at the workers, but the protection of the mine. The mine was owned by the London-registered company Lena Goldfields. Platinum was exported in the ore state to England almost completely. Attempts to establish its smelting in Russia choked on the vine.
    The production of engines in Russia was almost completely absent.
    Aircraft manufacturing (during WWI) was almost completely absent. Several dozens of Muromets and fighters of their own construction (with English or French engines), against hundreds and thousands of German, English, French ... Automotive industry - exactly the same. The railway to the Far East was built with French money. They also sheared coupons from its operation.
    Let's also remember that a large, no matter how large, part of the Navy was built abroad, because. Russian shipyards gave out inadequate quality of construction. and if they were built, then for much longer. Defects and marriage were then eliminated for years. By the way, the same legendary cruiser "Varyag" was built in the USA. USA, as they were called then.
    You can still list the "development" of tsarist Russia for a long time, but not the right place.
  44. 0
    10 March 2023 12: 46
    Datos estadísticos económicos y sociales sobre la Rusia zarista, probablemente, la mejor recopilación que existe, en los primeros capítulos de "Historia de la Revolución Rusa".
    Impossible entender la Revolución Rusa, sus causas, desarrollo de los acontecimientos, roles personales y políticos representantes de las clases en pugna...
    Su lectura, disminuiría significantmente el analfabetismo histórico y politico sobre su propia hisoria y la de los pueblos afectados por aquel gigantesco acontecimiento.
  45. 0
    10 March 2023 18: 02
    Somehow the author is silent that during the Stalinist mobilization of the economy, everyone will have to feel the responsibility for parasitism, wrecking and sabotage. And those who can now steer production will continue to be in chocolate.
  46. 0
    12 March 2023 09: 58
    Almost any historical person can be characterized as + and -. If there had not been catastrophic miscalculations in the assessment of the Wehrmacht, then nothing would have had to be evacuated and, after the 45th, actually rebuilt again.
  47. 0
    13 March 2023 22: 36
    Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
    Quote: Shurik70
    The economic recovery began in 1921. With the introduction of the NEP.
    But in 1929, when the NEP was closed, on the contrary, the GDP growth rate decreased.

    One is not connected with the other, since the NEP in the 29th essentially exhausted itself - not in all sectors, of course, but it could not give such growth rates further

    Probably even in 1927
  48. 0
    April 14 2023 13: 40
    There is another, not discussed by the author of the article, but a very important factor. This is the quality of our law enforcement apparatus, which should carry out vital "Purges".
    Considering its modern "market" costs, it seems inevitable that huge "mistakes" and repressions are necessary for the country and, in fact, innocent people who have become victims of our modern way of life.
    I want to ask the forum members a question. Is there anyone among us who would not violate the laws of the Russian Federation ?? in particular - taxation? And did not have "left" income??
    Nevertheless, it is NECESSARY to put things in order! And start with legislation!
  49. 0
    April 25 2023 04: 20
    It is still not clear from the article what the secrets are, except that the Trotskyists were shot and factories were built with an eye on over-filing.
    In fact, the secret is simple: buying up Western technologies at the expense of the hungry and powerless existence of their own citizens.
  50. 0
    April 29 2023 21: 30
    A short anecdote: "Tsarist Russia was industrialized"...
  51. 0
    6 May 2023 10: 11
    Tsarist Russia was industrialized

    Funny joke...