Bloomberg: Western elites have not yet paid for past conflicts, but are fanning a new one in Ukraine

Bloomberg: Western elites have not yet paid for past conflicts, but are fanning a new one in Ukraine

For residents of most countries of the world, the current Ukrainian crisis is practically no different from other conflicts fanned by the West.

An article published in the American edition of Bloomberg says that the political elites of Western countries have not yet fully paid for all the military failures that occurred through their fault, but again they are making dubious decisions that could lead to change stories and geography - now in Ukraine.

According to the authors of the material, a new era in world politics has now begun: the EU countries and the United States have promised the Ukrainian authorities regular deliveries weapons, however, this step is fraught with certain dangers.

The article notes that, despite all the sanctions imposed, Russia does not seek peace negotiations, Russian citizens do not blame their leader, and most of them are convinced that Western countries have united against their country.

In addition, the authorities and peoples of the countries of the global South, most suffering from the economic consequences of the Ukrainian conflict, do not blame Russia for the situation. The author of the article argues that most of the world's population considers the Russian special operation in Ukraine to be something opposite to the American invasion of Iraq - when the country has to defend itself against growing threats against it. In India, considered a Western ally, a recent poll showed that the vast majority of respondents believe that the armed conflict in Ukraine was the fault of NATO or the United States, not Russia.

The future of the Ukrainian state seems very vague to the author of the material published in Bloomberg. This is due to the volume of weapons supplied to Kyiv, as well as the unprecedented level of corruption that flourished there even before the outbreak of armed conflict.
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  1. +4
    31 January 2023 10: 50
    The future of the Ukrainian state seems very vague to the author of the material published in Bloomberg.
    A vague future is not only for the Ukrainian state, but also for all participants in the conflict, direct and indirect, including the whole world ..
    1. 0
      31 January 2023 11: 14
      As it is rightly said, the future is not clear!
    2. 0
      31 January 2023 19: 09
      A vague future is not only for the Ukrainian state, but also for all participants in the conflict, direct and indirect, including the whole world ..

      But first of all, this uncertainty is for the Ukrainian territory. In any eventuality, her priority will be the last. All problems have enough.
  2. +6
    31 January 2023 10: 53
    "Die westlichen Eliten haben noch nicht für vergangene Konflikte bezahlt,
    sondern schüren einen neuen in der Ukraine"

    Spätestens seid Hiroschima und Nagasaki haben die USA mit
    den von ihnen angezettelten Kriegen in Korea, Vietnam (!!),
    Afghanistan, Iraq, Syrien, Libyen, Jemen und in der Ukraine,
    sowie auch in Serbien, eine derart hohe Rechnung offen, dass
    es geradezu danach schreit diesem Pack von Volkermördern
    finally the on account zu präsentieren...!!
    Sehr geehrter Herr Präsident Wladimir Putin, auch wenn die Umstände
    nicht ideal sind, ist das Szenario in der Ukraine dennoch eine Chance,
    diesem US-Volk von Kriegsverbrechern endlich DIESE RECHNUNG zu
    präsentieren...!! Lassen Sie bitte nicht zu, dass die USA zusammen
    mit ihrem nahöstlichen Krebsgeschwür Israel einen weiteren Krieg
    gegen den Iran anzettelt ohne dafür den Hochstpreis zahlen zu müssen...!!
    1. +3
      31 January 2023 11: 12
      Alle Greuel in der Welt werden von den führenden Eliten der Länder begangen, und sie werden von Kapitalisten geleitet, die nicht nur in diesen Ländern reich sind. Wie kann man diejenigen bestrafen, die sich in ihren Herrenhäusern auf der ganzen Welt verstecken? Kein Land, kein Führer eines anderen Landes kann das tun. Dieses SPRUT kann nur durch gemeinsame Anstrengungen der Völker vieler Länder zerstört werden, zusammen, eins für alle und alles für einen!
    2. +1
      31 January 2023 11: 17
      Die USA gehen in Trägheit ihrer imperialen Politik voran. Anders können sie es nicht, aber auch weil sie ihre Dominanzpolitik früher auch nicht mehr ausüben können.

      .MOSKAU, 31. Jan. - RIA Novosti, Andrej Kotz. Analysten des renommierten Zentrums für strategische und internationale Studien (CSIS) haben einen Bericht über die Folgen der Kämpfe in der Ukraine für die US-Armee veröffentlicht. Die Ergebnisse sind deprimierend: Die Amerikaner sind nicht bereit für einen großen Konflikt mit einer Großmacht - vor allem mit China. Darüber, warum sich diese Situation entwickelt hat, - im Material von RIA Novosti.

      ."Das Land ist nicht bereit für einen umfassenden Krieg", heißt es in dem Bericht. - Das Pentagon hat viele Waffen und Kampftechnik an Kiew übergeben, nachdem es seine eigenen Reserven für eine Reihe von Positionen erschöpft hat. Die Arsenale füllen sich sehr langsam auf, das Verteidigungsministerium hat nur einen kleinen Teil des Benötigten bestellt. Ähnliche Probleme gibt es auch bei europäischen Verbündeten, deren Militäreinheit einen finanziellen Hunger hat. "

      .Experten schätzen die Bestände der US-Armee an diesen Positionen als "niedrig" ein. Und es ist unrealistisch, die Produktion schnell zu erhöhen - in den letzten Jahrzehnten hat der MIC viele "überflüssige" Fabriken losgeworden.....Die CSIS hatte im Falle eines Konflikts wegen Taiwan eine Niederlage der USA gegen China vorausgesagt. Das Theater der Kriegseinsätze ist in dieser Richtung hauptsächlich Luft- und seetüchtig. Es ist unwahrscheinlich, Waffenlieferungen an Taipei zu organisieren, da die PLA-Marine die Insel sofort blockiert.

      The United States follows the inertia of its imperial policy. They cannot do otherwise, but since they used to pursue their policy of dominance, they, in fact, can no longer. They ran into the limits of their power.
      . MOSCOW, January 31 - RIA Novosti, Andrey Kots. Analysts from the reputable Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) published a report on the consequences of hostilities in Ukraine for the US Army. The conclusions are depressing: the Americans are not ready for a large-scale conflict with a major power - primarily with China. About why this situation has developed - in the material of RIA Novosti.

      . “The country is not ready for a full-scale war,” the report says. “The Pentagon transferred to Kyiv a lot of weapons and military equipment, having exhausted its own stocks in a number of positions. Arsenals are being replenished very slowly, the Ministry of Defense has ordered only a small part of what is needed. European allies have similar problems whose military-industrial complex is experiencing financial hunger."

      . Experts estimate the stocks of the American army for these positions as "low". And it is unrealistic to increase production quickly - over the past decades, the military-industrial complex has got rid of many "extra" factories ..... CSIS predicted the defeat of the United States from China in the event of a conflict over Taiwan. The theater of military operations in this direction is mainly air-sea. It is unlikely that it will be possible to organize the supply of weapons to Taipei, because the PLA Navy immediately blocks the island.
    3. +2
      31 January 2023 11: 17
      Quote: 1erWahrheitsMinister_1984
      Lassen Sie bitte nicht zu, dass die USA zusammen
      mit ihrem nahöstlichen Krebsgeschwür Israel einen weiteren Krieg
      gegen den Iran anzettelt ohne dafür den Höchstpreis zahlen zu müssen...!!

      Danke, du hast recht.
  3. +5
    31 January 2023 10: 59
    The elites of the countries of the world have lost all responsibility to society. On a blue eye they carry such things that you think - are they in their mind? And they've been getting away with it for a long time. That is why all this is happening. And not only in the West...
    1. +4
      31 January 2023 11: 23
      Because society is not able to hold the elite accountable. Not only technological progress has stepped far ahead, but also the containment systems of living and seemingly intelligent food and political technologies. In the past, constantly here and there, revolutions or at least riots and uprisings arose, today it’s quiet and smooth. The world has really become global and is managed by the impudent Saxon-Jewish clan very effectively.
  4. +1
    31 January 2023 11: 03
    The future of the Ukrainian state seems very vague to the author of the material published in Bloomberg.
    . What was it?
    In a Western publication, can they really publish some kind of analytics ???
    I can't believe my eyes...
  5. +2
    31 January 2023 11: 17
    The political elites of Western countries have not yet fully paid for all the military failures that occurred through their fault, but again they are making dubious decisions that could lead to a change in history and geography
    So in the end, it is not the elites who pay, both financially and physically, but the people in the countries under the control of these "elites". At the insistence of the United States, these "elites" put too much into the fight against Russia with Ukrainian hands in order to abandon it overnight and incur not only financial, but also image costs, and not small ones.
  6. +3
    31 January 2023 11: 17
    It is a sin to call a gang of devils an elite, but in Goebbels media it is customary, no matter what. However, nothing strange, the devils pay them for this.
  7. +1
    31 January 2023 11: 19
    And this, guys, suggests that our government is working wisely, not paying attention to idiotic cries, incl. inside the country "the rolling pin can be sung//let's get drunk"
  8. -1
    31 January 2023 11: 23
    There are more and more such articles coming out and it seems that it won't be long before negotiations, but we shouldn't relax. We all know what contracts and agreements with these ghouls are worth, we must firmly achieve our goals and not listen to their cries.
  9. +1
    31 January 2023 11: 25
    After Afghanistan, the striped, probably, someone did have something ....., it will also be after the outskirts, someone will have something, this does not concern the geyropa.
  10. +4
    31 January 2023 12: 03
    The West, with all its political, economic and military power, pressed the countries many orders of magnitude weaker. And then suddenly the Russians, with nuclear weapons, with traditions in military affairs
  11. +1
    31 January 2023 12: 46
    In the sense that the political elites of the Western countries have not yet fully paid for all the military failures that occurred through their fault? The West has not paid at all for its military initiatives, and there are no prospects of retribution. Only the defeated can be called to pay. In the same Ukraine, the West removes warblers and you realize your plans not even according to the minimum program. And even if we assume the complete military defeat of Ukraine and the dismantling of the UG, the West remains in the black.