The United States imposes a permanent ban on the exchange of information on missile defense with Russia

The United States imposes a permanent ban on the exchange of information on missile defense with Russia

The United States will no longer share information with Russia on missile defense systems, a ban on this is enshrined in the 2023 defense budget agreed by committees of the US Congress.

The document prohibits the exchange of information with Russia on missile defense systems, and the ban is permanent, not adopted for any specific time. In addition, the defense budget extends for another five years the ban on cooperation with Russia in the military sphere.

A permanent ban on the exchange of information with Russia related to anti-missile defense systems is established.

- the document says.

Among other provisions of the document concerning Russia, one can note an instruction to the Pentagon to take measures to reduce the dependence of military installations in Europe on Russian energy resources. The US will also take further action to "reduce dependence" of India on Russian weapons. Those. in US plans to replace everything available to the Indian army weapon on made in the West, preferably in the States.

As previously reported, a special commission of the US Congress, formed from representatives of both chambers, agreed on a draft defense budget for fiscal year 2023 (beginning October 1, 2022). According to published data, the budget promises to be a record high for the entire history existence of the USA. The amount allocated for military needs is at the level of $858 billion, although "only" $2022 billion was allocated for 778.
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  1. +11
    7 December 2022 10: 46
    But what about the words that missile defense is against Iran and Korea?) Again, gentlemen, lie wassat
    1. +5
      7 December 2022 10: 59
      Quote from Buyan
      But what about the words that missile defense is against Iran and Korea?)

      We remember, we remember how they talked about missiles in Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania. lol
      In the hope that in Russian schools they study geography in the same "deep" way as in American ones. And no one except the Americans knows how to use the ruler on Google Maps.
    2. +3
      7 December 2022 10: 59
      Quote from Buyan
      But what about the words that missile defense is against Iran and Korea?

      Erm... Has anyone ever believed this? I don’t know such people, except perhaps in our government and the Moscow Region. And in general, they withdrew from the ABM treaty a long time ago. The main thing is that our people do not continue to share information on our missile defense as part of "goodwill gestures"
      1. +1
        7 December 2022 11: 57
        And is it "ours" or theirs to share information with us? Why share? Because they lied, lie and will lie, and if someone dares not to believe, will he be punished for it?
    3. 0
      8 December 2022 09: 12
      Quote from Buyan
      Again gentlemen lie

      Americans were, are and will be squeakers.
  2. +4
    7 December 2022 10: 46
    The United States will no longer exchange information with Russia on missile defense systems
    Take your toys ... (c)
  3. +7
    7 December 2022 10: 51
    The United States is an enemy forever without a statute of limitations and the essence of the situation. You can't resurrect the Indians with these creatures.
  4. +9
    7 December 2022 10: 53
    it means that attacks on the Russian Federation are being prepared ????? like with the airfield, it means it will fail with others?
  5. +1
    7 December 2022 10: 55
    The US will also take further action to "reduce dependence" of India on Russian weapons. Those. in the US plans to replace all weapons available to the Indian army with those produced in the West, preferably in the States.

    Are they deciding something for India?
    1. +4
      7 December 2022 11: 22
      Quote: Alexandr22
      Are they deciding something for India?

      They decide for everyone. Just recently they explained to Europe what kind of gas to buy. Europe resisted for a long time, but still agreed. So it will be with India.
  6. +4
    7 December 2022 10: 56
    The United States is aggressive against Russia...the best defense is an offensive...and our country needs to be more aggressive towards the United States.
    1. +4
      7 December 2022 11: 07
      I agree.
      But, if Russia still does not behave like this, then why:
      - is there anything else to hope for?
      - Lack of political will?
      - or just - weak and "not ready"?
      About HPP is no longer funny.
      1. +3
        7 December 2022 11: 42
        All this together I guess. Because they destroyed their industry and are dependent on everyone. War is primarily engineers and factories. We have one trade, and they are not afraid of traders.
      2. +4
        7 December 2022 11: 56
        Quote: I dare_notice_
        - is there anything else to hope for?
        - Lack of political will?
        - or just - weak and "not ready"?

        There are many traitors in the government and among officials. Why did Stalin win the war? Because it was 37 years old. Maybe it's long overdue.
      3. -1
        7 December 2022 16: 58
        Quote: I dare_notice_
        I agree.
        But, if Russia still does not behave like this, then why:
        - is there anything else to hope for?
        - Lack of political will?
        - or just - weak and "not ready"?
        About HPP is no longer funny.

        Russia has been under US rule since 1987, in case you haven't noticed. All this "confrontation" is exclusively on TV screens, and on both sides, all with one goal: not to take your hands out of the pockets of the electric cattle. During all this time, the authorities of the Russian Federation have not done anything that would benefit the people of Russia, or at least to the detriment of the United States.
  7. +3
    7 December 2022 10: 56
    Obviously, our demands for the extension of START 3 and for eclipse inspections on compliance with START, the United States pissed off. "I was offended," we won't show you our missile defense system for this.
    1. +2
      7 December 2022 11: 05
      Obviously, our demands for the extension of START 3 and for eclipse inspections on compliance with START, the United States pissed off.

      Yes, you can make a long pause on START 3. It is surprising that not only ordinary people, but also the leaders of states have ceased to be afraid of death. It seems that people brought up on computer games came to the leadership.
      1. +1
        7 December 2022 11: 21
        Maybe it just dawned on you that you need to have parity in terms of carriers of a vigorous loaf.
        1. +4
          7 December 2022 11: 38
          Until the US begins to physically fear Russia, there will be no forward movement. There was already the experience of the USSR, starting with the Caribbean crisis.
      2. -1
        7 December 2022 11: 26
        Quote: AlexGa
        It is surprising that not only ordinary people, but also the leaders of states have ceased to be afraid of death.

        Why fear death, it is inevitable, all people are mortal.
        1. +3
          7 December 2022 11: 39
          Why be afraid of death

          A lot of people think that until they look her in the eyes.
  8. +3
    7 December 2022 11: 08
    They openly press us from all sides and do not hesitate to admit that we are their enemy. But our elite sees them as partners, what is wrong with this world?
    How long will this shame and impotence continue?
  9. +4
    7 December 2022 11: 09
    One might think that earlier the exchange of information on missile defense was active. By placing their missile defense near the borders with Russia, they insisted that it was not against her and did not pose a threat, that's the whole exchange of information. The rest, like plans to reduce the dependence of military facilities in Europe on Russian energy carriers, are classified as la-la. Europe itself is trying to get rid of them, trying to replace them with expensive American LNG and small handouts from other countries. Squeezing out the Russian armaments segment in India is a dream for the future.
  10. +1
    7 December 2022 11: 10
    And what data about missile defense did we exchange, tell us.
  11. +1
    7 December 2022 11: 23
    I'm still waiting for China, India and Russia, despite some problems in relations, to tell the United States that in the event of kipish, they will hit them from three sides with all the arsenals of nuclear weapons. I wonder what the mattresses will say then and how will it be with the ban on Russian weapons?
    1. 0
      7 December 2022 16: 37
      This is impossible, and they are well aware of this.
      1. 0
        7 December 2022 18: 34
        Everything is possible, so why not try? Mattresses are cool, but definitely not omnipotent! The larger the closet, the louder the crash from the fall.
        1. 0
          7 December 2022 20: 48
          We are not that strong unfortunately
  12. +1
    7 December 2022 11: 24
    The United States imposes a permanent ban on the exchange of information on missile defense with Russia
    . Everything is concrete, clear... this is not even a new round of confrontation, this is a deepening, aggravation of what has always been!
  13. 0
    7 December 2022 12: 32
    Pass a federal law prohibiting negotiations with the United States on any issues related to the military sphere. For undefined period.
    1. +2
      7 December 2022 13: 05
      War is a consequence of the economy through politics.
      First of all, it is required to stop injections into the North American economy where it is not necessary for our own.
      That is, for example, the supply of titanium, uranium, etc. for dollars does not bring us any benefit, while the purchase of technology and electronics is the opposite. Accordingly, the answer should be competent counter restrictions, so that the payment received from Yusovites immediately goes to the native economy, and does not settle in foreign villas, yachts, etc.
      1. 0
        7 December 2022 17: 41
        Quote: JcVai
        competent counter restrictions, so that the payment received from the Yusovites immediately goes to their native economy,

        The death of Koshcheev was at the end of the needle... The death of the States was at the end of their financial power over the world. The dollar will collapse - there will be no hegemon.
        The whales are doing the right thing when Comrade. Xi goes to the Saudis to agree to trade oil for RMB (!), but not for dollars ... Can't we sell our uranium, titanium and other sweets for rubles? -- Can! Why don't we sell then? It turns out that the whole point is that the Russian (is it really Russian !?) Central Bank since the 90s is still a BRANCH of the Fed !!!
        And the Russian liberoid financial camarilla remains faithful servants of this m-r financial structure... That's why we have 56% of our gold and foreign exchange reserves ended up abroad in the form of US debt and other assets...
        And you are looking for: - WHO IS GUILTY?! wassat
        Maybe it's time to wake up and start acting in the interests of the country and its citizens, and not a bunch of oligophrenics, (ugh!) - oligarchs, mostly of burry nationality, but with Russian surnames ...
        And we are still surprised: - why is the death penalty not introduced? - Why is Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation not applied? - why is the whole burry-curly-haired party coming back?
        (Damn! Well, how naive these Russians are!!! am )
  14. 0
    7 December 2022 14: 43
    The States have become like a tightrope walker who walks a tightrope over an abyss without insurance and blindfolded ... you can’t forbid to die beautifully ...
    1. -1
      7 December 2022 16: 39
      On the contrary, the USA is a rope along which its overlords walk, therefore almost the whole world (