“The longer the better”: the forces that do not allow to end the conflict in Ukraine

“The longer the better”: the forces that do not allow to end the conflict in Ukraine

It has been 8 months since the beginning of the Russian NWO in Ukraine. During this time, it became obvious that this conflict caused significant damage not only to the Russian economy, against which unprecedented sanctions were imposed, but also to the collective West itself. Moreover, some European countries suffered even more than ours.

Nevertheless, despite serious economic problems, the West continues to support Kyiv. Moreover, no matter how paradoxical it may seem, military and economic assistance to Ukraine continues to increase.

The reason for what is happening was explained by the Russian economist Oleg Komolov. According to the expert, the conflict in Ukraine has become a "bottomless barrel" in which billions of dollars of Western aid are buried. However, these funds do not disappear without a trace, but are deposited in the accounts of the largest military-industrial corporations. First of all, American.

It is they who, according to the Russian economist, do not allow to end the conflict in Ukraine. Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon Technologies, etc. All of them are now fulfilling multi-billion dollar contracts and making super profits.

In addition, these same companies are also aimed at "crowding out" Russia from the world arms market. After all, as the expert put it, the longer the war in Ukraine lasts, the more photos of broken Russian equipment will be distributed on the network, which in no way advertises our military-industrial complex enterprises.

However, not only weapons corporations, but also large financial organizations that receive huge profits from the growth of shares of those same military-industrial complex enterprises.

Based on the foregoing, the question arises: why the governments of countries, including the United States, whose economy is not in the best condition, do not try to speed up the resolution of the conflict in Ukraine, but instead, to their own detriment, “play” on the side of arms corporations.

Komolov explained that American, as well as European, enterprises of the military-industrial complex have a powerful lobby in the government of their countries, which allows them to "push" the decisions they need. So, according to open data, Lockheed Martin alone spent about $2020 million on lobbying in 13.

As a result, it turns out that the economies of developed countries are sliding into recession in order for arms corporations to receive super profits. It is these forces that will drag out the conflict in Ukraine to the last, because for these companies the principle “the longer the better” opens up huge prospects.

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  1. +4
    25 October 2022 11: 53
    However, these funds do not disappear without a trace, but settle on the accounts of the largest military-industrial corporations.

    - "To whom is war, and to whom is mother dear" ...
    1. +2
      25 October 2022 12: 03
      And who is the next dose. That's what a hired actor playing the president means.
      I read the next appeal nervously, confusedly, almost never taking my eyes off the text. He got a little excited when he said that wherever Russia comes, "degradation, natural disasters" and only in Ukraine everything immediately blooms in full bloom. I would have missed this speech by the ears, if Ze did not repeat the unforgettable feat of the amazing Jen Psaki, who is already many years old. But it will not lose its relevance for centuries:
      - We do not recognize the results of the referendum that took place in Donetsk and Luhansk. There were reports of election carousels, prefilled ballots, children voting and absentee voting.
      Matthew Lee asked what an "election carousel" was. Psaki said that she was just reading the text and did not know what it meant, she promised to check with her colleagues. Matthew noticed - we are not talking about children riding a carousel, are they? She replied: "I think not, they have their own technology there."
      About the calls of Sergei Shoigu in connection with the threat of the manufacture and use of a dirty bomb on the territory of Ukraine to the heads of the defense departments of several countries, Zelensky said: "The Russian defense minister set up a telephone carousel and called foreign ministers ..."
      I wonder how they will translate the carousel into the languages ​​of the civilized world and explain that this is not about the park and the kids.


    2. +2
      25 October 2022 12: 38
      the author does not understand at all the essence of US assistance to Ukraine ((((First of all, the conflict will not allow the US military-industrial complex lobby to end, arms deliveries are jobs and money to factories, and money does not come out of the USA, but directly on account of the debt written to Ukraine goes to US economy This "music" will be eternal, besides, it is safer to fight by proxy.
  2. +5
    25 October 2022 11: 53
    Straight common truths. And we thought
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +1
    25 October 2022 11: 55
    As a result, it turns out that the economies of developed countries are sliding into recession in order for arms corporations to receive super profits.
    And who and when worried about the life of ordinary citizens? The main thing is profit and excess profit ....
  5. 0
    25 October 2022 11: 55
    In response, it is necessary to throw MANPADS to the Basques, Ira, Scots, Serbs, Corsicans ...
  6. +4
    25 October 2022 11: 56
    As a result, it turns out that the economies of developed countries are sliding into recession in order for arms corporations to receive super profits. It is these forces that will drag out the conflict in Ukraine to the last, because for these companies the principle “the longer the better” opens up huge prospects.

    Who prevents Russian military corporations from flooding the Russian army with the latest weapons and nullifying the efforts of Western arms corporations? In our country, these events are behind the wall, we do not need to look for ways to supply.
    1. +3
      25 October 2022 12: 09
      The rusty bureaucracy interferes, and greedy officials both in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and in the top management of the defense industry at different levels open their mouths and pockets. Unfortunately, extreme and radical measures are needed here, which the current leadership of the country will never take, because it is the same flesh and blood. The situation, of course, will change, but extremely slowly, with a creak and not at all on the scale that the army and navy need
  7. -2
    25 October 2022 11: 57
    Well, American arms corporations benefit from this. Who said that it is beneficial to the United States as a country? You do not forget that the interests of any TNC and any state are always directly opposite. In general, Europe has already broken through the bottom, has actually been eliminated as an industrial competitor - there are convulsions left. About Eastern Europe, a stronghold of Russophobia...

    It’s not even clear who wins more - American TNCs or the state of the Russian Federation
  8. 0
    25 October 2022 11: 57
    136 billion dollars were withdrawn from Russia in the first half of the year alone. The West has also spent decently on military and other aid to Ukraine, but obviously not so much. US aid was estimated at 40 billion, I think. As you can see, this war is extremely beneficial for Western economies. It is financed from Russian money, and the West still has a good profit.
    1. 0
      26 October 2022 11: 58
      how much did you pay for gas and oil?
  9. +2
    25 October 2022 12: 01
    Quote: marchcat
    The main thing is profit and excess profit ....

    Marx wrote about this more than a century ago.
  10. +1
    25 October 2022 12: 05
    Thanks, Cap. Otherwise, we did not know the ultimate beneficiaries of this reality show. One thing is bad, it didn’t go according to our scenario, we had to improvise already in the course of the play
  11. +3
    25 October 2022 12: 05
    The main mistake of the SVO was that the key points of Ukraine's defense were not neutralized from the very beginning.
    Communications, energy, transport hubs, centralized control...all Lenin's postulates of the immediate seizure of power in Ukraine were violated.
    Key decisions were made very late and with a naive expectation that the enemy would raise his hands up ... he did not.
    The enemy quickly came to his senses, organized ambushes and inflicted heavy losses on our army ... then came support with weapons, ammunition, fuel, communications, etc. from abroad in a continuous stream that was never interrupted.
    There are criminal miscalculations of the high command, which did not foresee a negative scenario ... our army was bogged down in heavy battles.
    Now it is obvious that the war will be long and with unpredictable consequences.
    The complacency and naivety of the leadership's faith in the nobility of the enemy will cost our people dearly.
    The enemy is cruel and cunning and intends to destroy us by any available means and means.
    The situation is somewhat reminiscent of the Finnish war of 1939.
  12. +9
    25 October 2022 12: 15
    In addition, these same companies are also aimed at "crowding out" Russia from the world arms market.

    The countries of the first world have never bought and will not buy Russian equipment. All the rest are taken for several reasons: 1. Cheapness; 2. Ability to barter (palm oil, etc.); 3. Credit (which Russia will later forgive) 4. Backstage games (like Turkey's C 400).
  13. +5
    25 October 2022 12: 20
    Quote: yuriy55
    Who prevents Russian military corporations from overwhelm the Russian army

    They (corporations), in fact, do not belong to us, and if they do, then partially, like many strategic industries. The financial and banking system, headed by a diligent Yale graduate, who has been working for 30 years to ensure the profits and interests of hostile states that are waging a war of annihilation against us at our own expense, cannot suddenly start working differently, and so on. playing by their rules, set for the natives, which they consider us to be, and which we strictly observe. Otherwise, they (hucksters in power) were not trained, they were "sharpened" only to ensure flows and plunder the country, they did this all their best "working years", so why should they suddenly change in old age and suddenly think about developing their own state , which they never considered their own and did not associate the future with it, were here in the role of the colonial administration. And if we also take into account that a hereditary class society has been created in the country, and a "strange" personnel policy based on crime, nepotism and personal loyalty, when not a single minister has a specialized education and at least some experience and achievements in the sectors and ministries they lead, then it seems bad manners to talk about any progress in the country. Without the nationalization of the so-called. elites, national and professional, formed on the basis of personal professional qualities, regardless of the party affiliation of the leaders with the toughest, even indicatively inevitable cruel responsibility, but also the highest gratitude and honor, with a radical change in social policy, we will not see luck.
  14. +2
    25 October 2022 12: 23
    The rich always profit at the expense of the poor.
  15. +3
    25 October 2022 12: 34
    The author would like to write about what incentives can stop this flow of Western aid and what Russia needs to do to achieve this.
    Well, the stump is clear that an early victory. What else?
  16. +1
    25 October 2022 12: 39
    billions of dollars of Western aid. However, these funds do not disappear without a trace, but are deposited in the accounts of the largest military-industrial corporations. First of all, American.
    Is this something new?
    Yes, we often say that striping is the main interest, but after all, even there, there are those specific ones who BENEFIT THE MOST!
  17. 0
    25 October 2022 13: 01
    ALL is correct. The military-industrial complex arrived. Politicians have arrived. Perhaps all the blame on the machinations of opponents.

    Moreover, about the criminal media write that while the SVO, business people, security officials, officials, deciders are dividing property with might and main.
  18. 0
    25 October 2022 13: 21
    Shallow swimming, the income of the American military-industrial complex? In the 70s, everyone also cried about expensive energy sources, but with the help of gullible Arabs, the Americans solved two tasks of feeding the dollar with oil, a technological revolution that ensured victory over the USSR. competition is intensifying between the West and Asia, and now the issue is being resolved with unsinkable raw materials for Asia in the form of Russia and, along the way, the concentration of financial and human capital, science, technology in America, by cutting the fat pig (Europe). Unfortunately, the war will not end, only stopping Ukraine to the level of Palestine at best.
    1. +2
      26 October 2022 11: 15
      There were no "gullible Arabs". The version about the "Arab boycott" was originally designed for very undemanding suckers, which was not so difficult before the advent of the Internet. And so Kissinger for a whole year before the memorable 1973 wandered around the capitals of the oil emirates / sultanates, explaining to the Arabs the essence of the "boycott" that was prescribed by him according to the script.
      The Arabs, by the way, were also thrown in the course of the play - in order to keep prices at a high level, the same KSA was forced in the period 193-85. constantly reduce production (from 12 million to 4,5 million barrels per day - the Saudis, as a result, have not yet reached the production level of 1973). And this niche was filled against the backdrop of high oil prices: the USSR (Zapsib), the USA (Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico), Norway and Britain (the North Sea) - all these new oil provinces came into operation just after 1973.
      1. 0
        26 October 2022 13: 13
        Then when I heard about the cool Arabs who declared a boycott with oil, I was small, naive, before, at least, it was presented like that.
  19. +1
    26 October 2022 11: 08
    If everything was so great in the American military-industrial complex, Lockheed Martin shares would not have fallen by 20% in a year, and their business owners are dumping them ...
  20. 0
    26 October 2022 15: 37
    Even more war-U, leading to a controlled (?) world chaos is beneficial to the globalists. The more countries and peoples worsen their standard of living, the easier it will be for globalists to accuse national states of incapacity.

    Global is simultaneously implementing a two-pronged plan to reformat the world. Part-A - "Bolshevik" in the demolition of the world order is similar to the demolition of the Republic of Ingushetia - "the worse, the better" - from those times. Part-B - gaining control over world finances according to the scheme for the benefit of the United States in the war of the USSR against Germany 1941-1945.

    I do not rule out that there are other parts that I do not know about.

    Why am I talking specifically about GLOBALISTS? Because I see how the USA and Great Britain are being destroyed, no worse than the EU and the Russian Federation ... I see how Russian GLOBALISTS openly laugh (!) In masks of "patriots" on central TV, contributing to the destruction of Europe, the USA and Great Britain .
  21. 0
    27 October 2022 00: 36
    I see the problem in the strong hatred towards the West and especially towards the US Jewish lobby. They are interested in money, but their policy is also aimed at the destruction of the Russian Federation and its division into small states controlled by the West and the United States. It may be good if Russian diplomacy is expressed better, that is, in such a way that even less educated people living in Western Europe can understand it. I consider this important for us, for Russia, as well as for us who do not agree with the policy of the United States and the West. Glory to the Russian Army. am
  22. 0
    30 October 2022 16: 37
    Maidan 2014 - did they do it too?
  23. 0
    17 December 2022 02: 23
    In fact, the list of unwilling is much wider. Oil and gas companies, automakers, aircraft manufacturers, all of them need to eliminate a competitor in the face of the EU and master this market. To do this, it is necessary to split Russia into pieces so that these pieces fight among themselves and stop any supplies to the EU.