Medieval helmets in illuminated manuscripts 476–1450

Medieval helmets in illuminated manuscripts 476–1450
It is in such helmets that after the movie "Alexander Nevsky" we represent almost all the knights, but such an idea is only partly true. Frame from the film "The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Ivanhoe"

With these words, he rather unceremoniously
removed the helmet from the head of the Blue Knight,
and gray curls appeared to the eyes of the audience
and the face that the Black Knight
did not expect to meet
under similar circumstances."

Walter Scott "Ivanhoe"

stories about weapons. Middle Ages. VO readers liked the appeal to articles on stories and the culture of the Middle Ages, that many of them began to propose to expand the series of “tales about weapons” and introduce into it a section devoted directly to the depiction of weapons of this era in miniatures.

There were already separate articles in this format on VO, in particular, material on swords based on the periodization of Ewart Oakeshott. But it was a long time ago. While the rest of the articles about armor and weapons, until recently, were generally based on photographs of exhibits from various museums. But after all, medieval miniatures from manuscripts are so bright and colorful that you simply don’t get tired of looking at them. After all, when we studied the Middle Ages at school, then all this wealth, in fact, passed us by. Remember our textbooks?

Miniatures, if there were, then, as a rule, in black and white drawing, and color ones were given only in small pieces, although, in my opinion, they should have arranged the entire textbook from beginning to end, showing at the same time the genesis of the book miniature itself of that era. But what is not, is not yet. But on the other hand, there is an opportunity here, at VO, to correct this lack of our education. Well, we start with the topic of weapons and armor, and the most important armor - helmets for the head!

Let's start with the fact that in the early Middle Ages, the helmets of both riders and foot soldiers were quite similar. The most popular, if I may say so, was a helmet made of vertical metal plates, curved in such a way that they form a cone. There were holes in the plates, with the help of which they were connected to each other with rivets. Helmets of this type were called Spangenhelm (German Spangenhelm), and the Byzantine infantry wore them in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries and even later. The following names for the Spangenhelm are “frame helmet”, since its plates were assembled on a frame, and “segment helmet”, since it consisted of separate segments.

What did he look like in the miniatures? And here's how: we look at a miniature from the Stuttgart Psalter, 801-850. State Library of Württemberg, Stuttgart. It just shows a warrior in a Spangenhelm helmet with a clearly visible outer frame

Let us turn again to the Stuttgart Psalter. All the defensive weapons of the warriors depicted here consist of a helmet and a round shield with a umbon - a protruding (and usually metal) hemispherical or conical part in the center. The helmet of the so-called "Phrygian type" with a pommel bent forward was popular among the warriors of the Carolingian era of the late VIII - mid-IX centuries, that is, the era of the reign of Charlemagne

At one time, we examined in great detail the embroideries from the 70-meter Bayesian Canvas. But here we have a miniature from Stephen Harding's Bible, 1109-1111. Burgundy, France. Municipal Library of Dijon. The warriors depicted on it are like two drops of water similar to the characters from the embroidery from Bayeux!

That is, it was a kind of uniform of an equestrian warrior of the XNUMXth - early XNUMXth centuries. But the main thing is that the helmet, as we can see, has practically not changed at all in more than a hundred years. The process of development of protective weapons was slowly going on, to be sure.

The giant Goliath throughout the Middle Ages was a very popular figure in medieval miniatures. This is how the artist depicted him in the manuscript of Beatus Liebansky, a church writer and theologian of the 1109th century, “Beatus of Silos”, XNUMX. Santo Domingo de Silos, Spain. British Library, London. He wears a conical helmet with a nosepiece, a very long mail shirt. And the quilted armored clothing is clearly visible. Round shield with umbon is richly decorated. Ankle-length mail stockings complete his attire. The sword has a handle of a very unusual shape, and it is not clear how it is held on chain mail. The "winged spear" (with a crossbar) was commonly used by riders. So, Beat of Liebansky's Goliath is clearly not some kind of dork, perhaps, who picked up a weapon for the first time, but ... a knight!

Changes in defensive weapons began during the Crusades. Already in 1100, first in Germany, and then in France, helmets with masks with slits for the eyes and holes for breathing began to be used. The so-called "pan helmets" or "pill helmets" also came into use. There is an image of such a helmet, dating back to 1170, on a painting in Rodeneg Castle.

The scene of the assassination of St. Thomas Aquinas - Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, which took place in London in 1170 - was very popular among miniaturists, as was the biblical story of David and Goliath. Pay attention to the warrior in the center. He is wearing a typical tablet helmet, and even with a chin rest. Miniature from the Psalms, 1200-1225 East Midlands, British Library, London

And here are the helmets in the illustration for the novel "Aeneid" by Heinrich von Veldekes, around 1215. Berlin State Library. It is obvious that helmets were also made from some of them for the "Ballad of the Valiant Knight Ivanhoe"

It turned out that "pills" (or "pots") are much more technologically advanced than segment helmets, as they are assembled from only two parts. They did not sit too tightly on the head, and blows from them no longer slipped, but they did not reach their goals either, since they fell along the L-shaped edge of the crown of the “pan”, which was more difficult to cut through than the smooth plate of the previous helmet 1,5 mm thick . They wore such helmets on a chain mail hood, under which they wore a quilted cap made of fabric. Together with helmets with masks, the first helmet decorations in the form of flags, raised palms and eagle paws also came into fashion.

Now it only remained to rivet a plate on the back of the head to them in order to get a helmet completely closed on all sides. And this was already done by 1214, when the knights of England and Germany, wearing such newfangled helmets, first appeared on the battlefield of Bouvina. Outwardly, it looked like a barrel or a bucket flattened from the sides, it was called topfhelm (German topfhelm - “pot helmet”). Topfhelm, called in England the name of the "grand slam", could withstand a direct blow to the face with a spear and well protected from arrows and sword blows aimed at the head. Globular-shaped balaclava helmets appeared - servillier or bascinet, which at the same time began to be worn under the hood of the hauberg or over it.

Since the "grand helmets" were usually painted, their owners were often called that: "knight of the red helmet", "knight of the blue helmet", "black knight". Miniature from the manuscript "History of the Holy Grail", 1250-1275. National Library of France, Paris

Often a cap was put on something like a bundle of stuffed matter, like a headdress among the Zulus; he had to support the helmet on his head and keep the right distance between him and the knight's face. In combination with a quilted cap, a chain mail hood, a leather balaclava, and even two layers of forged metal, this further increased the protection of the head.

A knight wearing a topfhelm helmet typical of his time. In addition, his shield and horse blanket, decorated with a lambel, indicate that this is a person of royal blood from the family of French kings, let's say this: the eldest son of the heir with a living father, grandfather or great-grandfather. "Collection of Songs", 1250-1300, National Library of France, Paris

To distinguish one knight, clad in metal from head to toe, the most fantastic helmet decorations began to be widely used. The very surface of the helmet was richly decorated with strips of metal, superimposed in the form of a cross on the front part and with a lily pattern at the ends. In addition, the helmet was also painted and even gilded. However, the "grand helmet" was heavy (it could weigh about three kilograms) and besides, it was very hot and stuffy in it. Therefore, they put it on their heads only immediately before the attack.

Heinrich von Frauenberg (1284–1305) is a famous knight-minnesinger of the Swiss canton of Graubunden, depicted during a jousting tournament. According to a miniature from the Manes Code, his topfhelm was decorated with two gilded paws of a bird of prey. Codex Manes, 1305 Heidelberg University Library, Baden-Württemberg

By the end of the XNUMXth century, a helmet popular in the Middle Ages appeared in France - the “chapelle de fer” (“iron hat”), which in England was called “chance”. All the same shallow helmet-pan, it had conical fields attached to it; later helmets of various shapes appeared, including hemispherical and conical, with the same fields.

Helmets of this type were both solid forged and riveted, assembled from several parts. They gave a good view, you could breathe freely in them, so some knights preferred the Chapelle de Fer to all others. Sometimes they were worn over a chain mail hood. And for infantrymen, the "chapelle de fer" was the main means of protection until the middle of the XNUMXth century.

However, by the middle of the next XIV century, "grand slams" almost completely went out of fashion and, if they met, it was only at tournaments. They were replaced by bascinets with cone-shaped crowns and a retractable visor, which was also removed. Bascinets could be worn all the time, including with or without an open visor, which was much more convenient than, if necessary, taking off and putting on a “big helmet” every now and then.

For the characteristic visor with a cone in front for the flow of air for breathing, these helmets were called Bundhugel or “dog helmet” (“dog muzzle”). And at first it was just a cheap balaclava, which was worn under the top helm, but gradually it began to stretch up and at the same time fall on the neck and temples. When a visor was added to it, they ended up with a helmet that was used by knightly cavalry riders for more than a century.

In this miniature, we again observe the scene of the murder of St. Thomas Aquinas. "Lives of the Saints", 1325-1350 National Library of France, Paris. But it was drawn a century and a half later, and the warriors on it do not correspond to 1170, but to their time. Moreover, it is interesting that the artist painted all the different helmets. The warrior on the left has a “chapelle de fer” (“iron hat”) helmet, and under it is a servillier helmet-balaclava; on the head of a warrior in the center is a “big helmet”, which by this time had received a pointed top; and on the one on the right - an early form of a bascinet helmet

Miniature from the manuscript "Mirror of Man's Salvation", 1350-1399. Nuremberg, Germany. Pierpoint Morgan Library and Museum, New York. The “grand helmet”, having taken it off the head, was usually worn like that, while remaining in the bascinet, which allowed breathing freely and provided complete freedom of vision

Miniature from the manuscript "Chronicles of France or Saint-Denis", 1380-1400. British Library, London. It depicts the Battle of Courtrai or the "Battle of the Spurs" in 1302. Notice the helmets: they are all early versions of the Italian barbute, which means that such a helmet appeared around this time. Although, on the other hand, maybe this is an attempt by the artist to depict a bascinet helmet, and also an early one ...

Somewhere around 1400, a helmet appeared in Italy called selata (better known to us as sallet). Then he penetrated into France and Burgundy, by 1420 he had reached Germany and England, and a decade later he had already spread throughout Europe.

The sallet was shaped like a bell with a narrow slit for the eyes in front and an elongated nape at the back. Sliding it to the back of the head, it was possible to look out from under it. But in battle, he was pulled over his face, and a viewing slot was used for viewing. At the same time, the upper part of the face and nose were protected by a special protrusion that threw arrowheads and spears to the sides, and not down to the neck.

True, to fully protect the face, the sallet had to be worn along with a chin-bevor (could also be called a bouvigère or gorget). The latter was attached to the breastplate of the cuirass, covered the chin, but was not part of the helmet.

The German sallet had a nape in the form of an elongated tail; French and Italian - more like a bell. Salads were also worn by equestrian warriors, for example, French horse archers, and knights, and even infantrymen.

Dismounted knights in Bundhugel bascinets. "Great Chronicles of France", 1390-1405 National Library of France, Paris

Mounted knights in Bundhugel bascinets. "Queen's Book", 1410-1414 Paris, France. British Library, London

The barbute helmet, judging by the miniatures, was already known at the beginning of the 1450th century and was also an Italian invention. It covered the head from behind and from the sides, had a pointed or hemispherical upper part and usually a vertical y-shaped or T-shaped slit for the eyes and for ... a beard, since “barba” in Italian is a beard. By XNUMX it had also become the helmet of both knights and foot soldiers, and remained popular until the end of the XNUMXth century. I didn’t even disdain them to know, but it happened that they covered it with fabric and decorated it with chased gilded lilies!

Miniature from the chivalric novel "Guiron le Courtois", popular in the Middle Ages, 1420. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris. On the grass to the left next to the sword is a typical French salad. The visor on such helmets was usually not real, but was a reinforced armor on the front of the helmet. The rider on the right also has a bascinet, and with a bevor-preface that protected the chin

In the future, knightly helmets improved even more, only they were no longer worn with chain mail, but with forged metal armor. But that's a completely different story...

To be continued ...
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  1. +8
    26 October 2022 05: 10
    Amazingly embroidered selection of illustrations for the work. Thanks Vyacheslav Olegovich!
  2. +9
    26 October 2022 05: 29
    Good morning friends! smile

    Very beautiful and rich article, thanks to Vyacheslav for the excellent work! good

    But I look at these helmets and think how their muzzles sweat there, sweat flows, tickles, and you don’t scratch yourself. wassat

    This is some kind of iron nightmare, and the rest of the "buckets" are no better.

    1. +7
      26 October 2022 05: 50
      Good morning, Constantine!

      I don't want to get into a gas mask.
      1. +10
        26 October 2022 06: 25
        Hello, Sergey! smile

        Well, you compared, a gas mask - no romance,

        And then there are the knights. drinks
        1. +7
          26 October 2022 07: 44
          I even treat umbrellas with coolness.

          Breathe well.

          Only in winter you can’t do without a hat.
          1. +7
            26 October 2022 08: 19
            I even treat umbrellas with coolness.

            I can't stand them at all!
            1. +3
              26 October 2022 11: 52
              See how much they have in common. They didn't even talk.
              1. +2
                26 October 2022 12: 16
                In the evening I will send you one text written by me 12 years ago ...
                1. +1
                  26 October 2022 17: 10
                  I'll send you one text in the evening,

                  Throw me too, it's interesting for soap.
            2. +3
              26 October 2022 17: 27
              I even treat umbrellas with coolness.

              I can't stand them at all!

              So do I, but there are some very useful umbrella options for keeping yourself healthy. smile

              1. +1
                26 October 2022 17: 31
                In this sense, the cane seems to me a more universal option.
                1. +2
                  26 October 2022 17: 42
                  A cane in our time seems to be some symbol of foppery and show off, and an umbrella is a functional thing.
                  "Prick with an umbrella" is still not a prick with a cane. smile
                  1. +2
                    26 October 2022 17: 56
                    Remember the film "Va-Bank".
                    Meanwhile, the text sent.
                    1. +2
                      26 October 2022 18: 09
                      Text received, thank you. And I remember how Quinto stabbed the killer with a cane, of course. smile
                  2. +2
                    26 October 2022 19: 38
                    But with the plates there they were cruelly treated.
                    1. +2
                      26 October 2022 20: 48
                      But with the plates there they were cruelly treated.

                      I don't remember it at all.
                      1. +2
                        26 October 2022 21: 39
                        The traffic controller girl welded vinyl discs and poured them down.
                      2. +2
                        26 October 2022 22: 15
                        traffic controller girl

                        Is that what? I don't remember anything.
                      3. +1
                        27 October 2022 01: 20
                        This is her colleague. There was a whole network of surveillance.
                        And how Richard's things are thrown off - you can even reconsider.
                      4. +2
                        27 October 2022 04: 25
                        I'll probably just watch the whole movie. smile

                        At that time, I liked "Toy" more with the same Richard.
                      5. +2
                        27 October 2022 06: 06
                        Yes. The music there is amazing. Cinema is for the time being. But I already watched it at home.
                      6. +2
                        27 October 2022 06: 20
                        Pierre Richard and Francis Weber, he wrote the script for "Toys" especially for his friend - Pierre Richard.
              2. +2
                26 October 2022 19: 37
                Richard showed this convincingly.
                The first film with him, looked at the cinema.
                1. +2
                  26 October 2022 20: 50
                  The first film with him, looked at the cinema.

                  Idem. smile
              3. +2
                28 October 2022 23: 28
                Quote: Sea Cat

                So do I, but there are some very useful umbrella options for keeping yourself healthy. smile
                Early 20th century...
                1. +1
                  28 October 2022 23: 54
                  A fight between a suffragette and a criminal? Funny spectacle. good

                  There is me and you, and all but
                  Easy to arrange with umbrella.
          2. +2
            26 October 2022 17: 13
            Only in winter you can’t do without a hat.

            I hate hats and the buttoned top button on my shirt. After military service, is it such an idiosyncrasy?
            1. +2
              26 October 2022 19: 39
              Likewise. Checked now the top button - of course unbuttoned.

              However, what else can you expect from lazzaroni.
              1. +2
                26 October 2022 20: 55
                However, what else can you expect from lazzaroni.
                Our tramps are not like any of their lazzaroni, look what dreamers admire the landscape. Yes

                Not like everyone there ... negative
                1. +2
                  26 October 2022 21: 28
                  Exactly. From the Volga to the Yenisei.

                  I'm also trying to figure out the minimum number of words in a comment.
                  1. +2
                    26 October 2022 21: 37
                    I'm also trying to figure out the minimum number of words in a comment.

                    It is difficult, here everyone gets out as best they can. laughing
                    1. 0
                      27 October 2022 01: 21
                      Pictures are not our style.

                      (Four words is not enough).
                      1. +2
                        27 October 2022 04: 23
                        Ask anyone on Tverskoy Boulevard, Who is the best dancer of twist and rock and roll, Who is the best at playing Presley on the guitar - Everyone will answer this, everyone will answer: Of course, Vasya, Vasya, Vasya, Well, who does not know him? Yeh - Yeh! Vasya, Vasya, Vasya is a dude from Moscow. A dude from Moscow, a dude from Moscow.
          3. +1
            28 October 2022 22: 33
            Quote from Korsar4
            I even treat umbrellas with coolness.
            Umbrella not only protects from the rain - the umbrella also protects from the sun.
            1. 0
              28 October 2022 22: 54
              Suitable in combination with Japanese. I hope she doesn't have to take an umbrella on the Tokyo subway.
    2. +5
      26 October 2022 08: 26
      Why don't you scratch? Lifted the visor and scratch yourself).
      Or you can take off your helmet.
      Topfhelms are late, they began to be attached with chains to the armor, there are images when the helmet is thrown back, well, or handed over to the squire.
      1. +2
        26 October 2022 17: 53
        Why don't you scratch? Lifted the visor and scratch yourself).

        Not everyone has a visor. smile
        1. +1
          26 October 2022 17: 56
          "Dress in fashion" (c)

          In general, I wrote below, in the same message.
          Quote: Maxim G
          Topfhelms are late, they began to be attached with chains to the armor, there are images when the helmet is thrown back, well, or handed over to the squire.
          1. +2
            26 October 2022 18: 12
            In general, I wrote below, in the same message.

            Yes, of course, I read it. But I meant helmets of a certain type. wink

            1. +3
              26 October 2022 18: 20
              Jean de Joinville The Book of Pious Sayings and Good Deeds of Our Holy King Louis

              In the evening, at sunset, the constable brought us the royal crossbowmen on foot, and they lined up before us; and the Saracens, seeing that the crossbowmen put their foot in the stirrup of the crossbows[229], fled from us. And then the constable said to me: "Seneschal, everything is all right, go to the king and do not leave him today until he enters his tent." As soon as I arrived at the king, Monsignor Jean de Valery appeared to him and said: "Sir, Monsignor de Châtillon asks you to give him a rearguard." And the king did this very willingly, and after that he set off on his own. On the way, I made the king take off his helmet and gave him my helmet with a brim to be blown by the wind[230].

              Apparently, the king was wearing a closed helmet from the very beginning.
              1. +2
                26 October 2022 18: 28
                On the way, I made the king take off his helmet and gave him my helmet with a brim to be blown by the wind[230].

                Caring for one's neighbor is highly commendable, but it follows from this that there was no visor on the royal helmet. smile
                1. +1
                  26 October 2022 18: 33
                  I mean, even if you have a helmet in the form of a bucket on your head, you can find ways to scratch yourself. winked
                  1. +1
                    26 October 2022 18: 48
                    Yes, of course, you can always try to dodge, the whole question is in what equipment is it more convenient.
                    1. +1
                      26 October 2022 18: 58
                      Well, the evolution of helmets eventually came either to helmets with visors, or even to open helmets.
                      Because breathe freely, look around the battlefield, and be able to scratch it is extremely important smile .
                      1. 0
                        26 October 2022 19: 18
                        Because breathe freely, look around the battlefield, and be able to scratch yourself is extremely important smile .

                        The last one is especially important! laughing drinks
              2. +2
                26 October 2022 19: 19
                Bravo, colleague! Here, few people can operate with primary sources.
                1. +2
                  26 October 2022 19: 25
                  Quote: 3x3zsave
                  Bravo, colleague! Here, few people can operate with primary sources.

                  Thanks for the compliment. hi
                  1. +3
                    26 October 2022 19: 39
                    Leave it, colleague!
                    When I suggest to comrades to read "The Book of Crafts", "The Diary of a Parisian Citizen", "The Chronicles of Froissart" ... Well, at least something translated into Russian!
                    No, they say, we will continue to "carry garbage to the masses", referring to "domestic manufacturers".
                    1. +1
                      27 October 2022 01: 25
                      Yesterday I held in my hands the Danish Chronicle of the XNUMXth century. Nice series. But it is impossible to read everything at the same time.
                    2. +1
                      27 October 2022 07: 15
                      Unfortunately yes.
                      And unfortunately sources suffer greatly from translations into Russian, the quality often leaves much to be desired.
                      Which for those interested in history is just a hoax.
    3. +7
      26 October 2022 09: 00
      And here I look at these helmets and think how their muzzles sweat there, sweat flows, tickles, and you don’t scratch

      Salads with bivor on the card.
      Recons and burgers praise them for their convenience.
      He raised his head, breathed, scratch if necessary, his face opened. About the ability to shift the helmet to the back of the head, the article indicates, but this apparently needs to be loosened
      1. +2
        26 October 2022 18: 00
        There bivor from two parts, it develops.
        The upper part can be moved down by hand.
        1. +2
          26 October 2022 18: 16
          There is a sallet with a visor, which is not to say that it is typical
          I wanted to say that even in the simplest salad with a simple bivor, you can open your face just by lifting your head.
    4. +2
      26 October 2022 14: 24
      I don’t think that this was a big problem, large metal was not as stuffy as plastic, and even before the era of firearms, wars were not as fast, until the enemy jumped in you could put on a helmet, one archer at a long distance did not pose a great danger because of the disgusting accuracy, in the vicinity it should be suicidal, because the knights do not go alone and the accumulation of archers is difficult to hide, here are the lice, yes, then it must have been a problem
      1. +2
        26 October 2022 14: 53
        "because of disgusting accuracy" I do not consider myself an expert on the bow, but on TV, they once said: a good bow, in experienced hands - a terrible force.
        I suggest that we ask Vyacheslav Olegovich or Eduard, he specializes in nomads and that era, perhaps he knows about bows
        1. +2
          26 October 2022 15: 04
          American advertising guarantees an excellent result of 3 inches at 50 yards, it’s like a 1911 Colt approximately, the helmet protects the head, that is, hitting the head aiming from 200 yards is very unlikely, this is without taking into account the trajectory which, when shooting at 50, requires determining the distance with an accuracy of 2 -3 meters, otherwise the arrow passes either half a meter lower or higher, by the way, the wind also talks about it, no bullet was dreamed of
      2. +1
        26 October 2022 17: 58
        lol, yes, that must have been a problem then

        Yes, it was a problem, and not just for knights. Yes

        1. +2
          26 October 2022 18: 42
          Yes, it was a problem, and not just for knights.
          Basically, it hasn't gone anywhere. Children repeatedly brought lice from school.
          1. +1
            26 October 2022 18: 47
            Children repeatedly brought lice from school.

            Gosha! We didn’t have that, we couldn’t even imagine!
            1. +1
              26 October 2022 18: 52
              We didn’t have that, we couldn’t even imagine!
              "Us" is when?
              1. +1
                26 October 2022 19: 16
                "Us" is when?

                In the nineties, my daughter and son had a difference of three years and they studied at the same school on Trubnaya Street, where I studied at one time. They also went to the music room, to the pool, and Kotka also went to the Fleet Eaglets Club. And everything is clean.
                1. +1
                  26 October 2022 19: 59
                  My elders studied at the "French Gymnasium" (I did not come up with the historical name of the school), but pediculosis was regular.
                  1. +1
                    26 October 2022 20: 46
                    but pediculosis was regular.

                    Weird. What years did you study?
    5. +2
      26 October 2022 14: 43
      Uncle Kostya, and you ask the reenactors about this, they must have an idea.
      4 years ago, it seems, I was already on the site, in our city, there was a duel: reenactors. They made armor for themselves: of various eras. I saw there: a boy, probably 16-17l in the style of a "black knight"
    6. +2
      26 October 2022 19: 21
      What kind of sweat is there? Any 14-year-old squire who put on this pan (and if it was with a comb or some kind of weather vane) felt like a mixture of Lancelot and almost God, all the women are for you! And no deodorant with anti-pesperant is needed.
      After all, there are enchanted things in the world: if a harmonica gets into any group of any age and gender, everyone will definitely blow into it until it is taken away, because others, except for the blower, do not like it very much.
      Well, the pot is on the head ... if you please, see how even the former Soviet people are changing very well, and there is no need to change the medieval noble don, he is an attachment to his coat of arms and feathers on his head, and his behavior is simply programmed by this.
      1. 0
        26 October 2022 19: 32
        What kind of sweat is there?

        No matter how don you are and how you show off, there is nowhere to go from physiology, neither the don nor his squire. request
  3. +6
    26 October 2022 05: 49
    Thank you, Vyacheslav Olegovich. Very interesting.

    One typo under the picture catches the eye. Thomas Becket is Thomas of Canterbury, not Aquinas. So?
    1. +7
      26 October 2022 06: 50
      Absolutely right! By the time Thomas Aquinas was born, Thomas Becket had been canonized for over forty years.
      1. +5
        26 October 2022 07: 09
        You think about one thing, the hand itself takes another, more familiar one. Unfortunately, this happens to me. Even at school, he dubbed the Iroquois Ikarese and firmly believed that this was the way it was.
      2. +5
        26 October 2022 11: 01
        Live a century - learn a century. laughing
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        By the time Thomas Aquinas was born, Thomas Becket had been canonized for over forty years.

        Sometimes I find such holes in my education that I am taken aback. If an hour ago I had been asked in what century Thomas Aquinas lived, I would confidently answer with a blue eye that he was a contemporary of Augustine the Blessed and John Chrysostom, that is, somewhere in the XNUMXth century. I wouldn’t even look into Vika, I was so sure that this was exactly the case. laughing
        That's what happens...
    2. +5
      26 October 2022 07: 01
      Thomas Becket (eng. Thomas Becket; also Thomas Becket or Thomas of Canterbury; spelling of the name Becket is sometimes found; December 21, 1118, London - December 29, 1170, Canterbury Cathedral) - one of the key figures in English history of the XII century, originally the chancellor of Henry II, then Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to 1170. Came into conflict with Henry II and was killed, possibly at the instigation of the king, on the steps of the altar of Canterbury Cathedral. Canonized by the Catholic Church in 1173, since the XNUMXth century it has been revered by the Church of England.
      1. +5
        26 October 2022 07: 16
        was killed, possibly at the instigation of the king
        Why "perhaps"? Then even the pontiff had no doubt that Henry was involved.
        1. +4
          26 October 2022 07: 20
          This is Internet material, Anton. Didn't change anything.
        2. +3
          26 October 2022 09: 59
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          Then even the pontiff had no doubt that Henry was involved.

          He was simply misunderstood, of course he did not call for anything like that. laughing
          Good afternoon Anton! hi
          1. +4
            26 October 2022 12: 00
            He was simply misunderstood, of course he did not call for anything like that.

            Heinrich is out of business! stop He just sighed inadvertently about the annoying priest, and the obsequious serfs already ran to kill. lol
            1. +3
              26 October 2022 12: 05
              Quote: Pane Kohanku
              He just sighed casually about the annoying priest, and the obsequious serfs already ran to kill

              Here I am about the same thing, of course, the serfs had to be punished for their idiocy, but then I forgave them, they are not from evil. hi
              1. +3
                26 October 2022 12: 20
                Here I am about the same thing, of course, the serfs had to be punished for their idiocy, but then I forgave them, they are not from evil.

                He moved his eyebrows, shook his finger, then moved away from anger and awarded the Maltese crosses for devotion. Yes
            2. +3
              26 October 2022 16: 00
              "obsequious serfs" in history all the time: "performers' mistakes"
              So Skuratov "accidentally" strangled Metropolitan Philip, and Grozny "forgot" to cut off his head.
              If Skuratov had acted arbitrarily, they would have cut off his head, but this did not happen.
          2. +4
            26 October 2022 12: 23
            Hello, Sergey!
            Becket's murder is the first shoots of absolutism.
            1. +4
              26 October 2022 12: 50
              Quote: 3x3zsave
              the first shoots of absolutism.

              Not to a greater extent than the murder of Gleb Svyatoslavich the sorcerer-"miracle worker" in Novgorod. smile
              The British then were much further to absolutism than we are now to communism ... smile
              1. +4
                26 October 2022 13: 32
                Before absolutism, the British were then much further,
                Where did I claim otherwise?
                1. +2
                  26 October 2022 13: 55
                  Yes, in none. Just with the same success, the very first "sprout of absolutism" could be called the murder of the leader of the auyg-uh tribe Mamababa Long shaman Dondobaharan Hoarse in 3568 BC.
                  1. +1
                    26 October 2022 14: 52
                    I'm talking about a very specific historical process of separation of power from the church.
                    1. +2
                      26 October 2022 16: 11
                      Absolutism, rather, is characterized not by the separation of the church from secular power, but by subordination to it, when either the supreme ruler becomes at the same time the immediate head of the church, or the church apparatus simply turns into a kind of ministry of state propaganda.
                      1. +1
                        26 October 2022 16: 24
                        This is the next stage. I'm talking about the first attempts of the authorities to free themselves from the influence of the church.
                      2. +1
                        26 October 2022 17: 51
                        Rather, subdue her. In Europe, secular power has never been under the power of the church in a global sense. Basically, there were searches for ways to coexist on the basis of cooperation, there were conflicts, there were distortions in one direction and the other, but the initiative and the common advantage were still on the side of the secular rulers. The Church defended itself more and endured, as, in fact, it should be.
                        Henry did not need to "free himself" from the influence of the church. He was simply tired of a particular pop who imagined himself.
                      3. +2
                        26 October 2022 18: 09
                        He was simply tired of a particular pop who imagined himself.
                        This priest, before being ordained to the priesthood, was the most devoted and intelligent slander of Henry, whom he promoted in every possible way to the position of Archbishop of Canterbury, in the hope that he would help him in resisting the pressure of the papal curia (here, by the way, it is worth remembering what he was Old Harry and his kingdom). But something went wrong and a faithful companion changed his slippers in a jump.
                      4. +2
                        26 October 2022 18: 20
                        Quote: Trilobite Master
                        Absolutism, rather, is characterized not by the separation of the church from secular power, but by subordination to it, when either the supreme ruler becomes at the same time the immediate head of the church

                        Was there absolutism in England at all? (even taking into account the subordination of the church directly to the king).
                      5. 0
                        26 October 2022 18: 28
                        under Heinrich and his daughter it is possible, but not before and definitely not after
                      6. +1
                        26 October 2022 18: 45
                        with Henry and his daughter, perhaps
                        Colleague, what are you talking about?
                      7. 0
                        26 October 2022 20: 28
                        Was there absolutism in England at all? (even taking into account the subordination of the church directly to the king).

                        Loving Henry XVIII bent everyone well. He quarreled with the Pope (with Spain too), carried out a true "Schism" on a religious basis in English society, abolished and gutted the monasteries. The dissenting first socialist in the world, Thomas More, was so simply beheaded. Hooligan! Voluntarism, in general, but in our house this is not expressed. laughing Of the six wives, at least one was a party member. A joke, a reference to the "Prisoner of the Caucasus". drinks
                        I don't remember if the fencing started during his time? If yes, then sheep can be sewn on him, as in the above film, Ivan. drinks

                        But can this be called absolutism ... Let those who know among us answer! Yes

                      8. 0
                        26 October 2022 20: 41
                        I think the monarchy of the Tudors and Stuarts can be quite attributed to the absolute.
                      9. 0
                        26 October 2022 21: 03
                        Yes. Especially the Stuarts.
                        In this a la russe style. "Absolute monarchy, limited by regicide")))
                      10. 0
                        26 October 2022 21: 26
                        However, I'm more about the fact that England retained a parliament.
        3. +4
          26 October 2022 11: 03
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          even the pontiff had no doubt that Henry was involved.

          Apparently, it was beneficial for him to think that way. smile
    3. +5
      26 October 2022 11: 14
      So I, too, was surprised at the "tragic death" of Thomas Aquinas stop
      1. +4
        26 October 2022 11: 34
        Anyone can make a mistake

        Teaching theology in Paris is a peaceful job. Usually.
        1. +5
          26 October 2022 12: 54
          I first learned about the existence of Thomas Aquinas in my childhood from a book dedicated to ... robots. It turns out that Thomas in his youth was a student of a sage (I forgot his name) who had a mechanical servant. And so Thomas mistook this same servant for the machinations of the devil and, in a religious fervor, screwed up with a poker!
          Here is such a story)))
          1. +5
            26 October 2022 13: 54
            And so Thomas mistook this same servant for the machinations of the devil and, in a religious fervor, screwed up with a poker!

            In the 18th century, the people were no longer so religious, so they did not rush with a poker at the "mechanical Turk". laughing

            I first learned about the existence of Thomas Aquinas in my childhood from a book dedicated to ... robots.

            I first learned in my first year. EMNIP, Thomas brought the doctrine of the soul to a new level, and this philosophy was called scholasticism.
            1. +1
              26 October 2022 19: 44
              A strong player was hiding in the "Turk" playing chess. I think Gunsberg.
              1. +1
                26 October 2022 19: 48
                Now looked. Gunsberg later played for Mephisto. But the principle is the same.
                1. 0
                  26 October 2022 20: 19
                  Now looked. Gunsberg later played for Mephisto. But the principle is the same.

                  It makes me want to say "for CSKA", and ArchiPhil and his cat Phil will support me! laughing
                  Remember the classics? By the way, Mashkov reads the text. I wonder if this very case is true? drinks
                  1. +1
                    26 October 2022 20: 54
                    I think it's a joke. But in honor of the 200th anniversary of the victory near Vienna over the Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa, a theatrical chess performance was played. Even the text of this chess miniature has been preserved. But black played poorly.
                    1. +1
                      26 October 2022 21: 24
                      But in honor of the 200th anniversary of the victory near Vienna over the Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa, a theatrical chess performance was played.

                      Do you remember the words of Nikolai Palych about "twice idiot"? Like, the first was Sobieski, who saved Austria from the Turks, and the second was me, who saved from the Hungarians. In general, he was right, based on the behavior of the young degenerate Franz Josef he had just saved during the Crimean War. negative

                      However, Alexander II took revenge on the half-wit in a couple of years for his father's betrayal. bully
                      Yes, and the very life of Franz Joseph punished for the great betrayal - the syphilitic son allegedly shot himself with his underage mistress, Sisi's wife was stabbed in the heart with an awl, the successor (of the same DB) was killed in Sarajevo with his wife, the empire received juicy cuffs from Brusilov, and, as a result, collapsed. request In general, one can only admire the Viennese waltzes of Strauss. hi

                      Vizier Kara Mustafa played a theatrical chess performance.

                      According to the Belarusian weak, very weak in plot and staging, the play "Pane Kokhanku", they say that the sought-for Pan was a good reenactor, acted out battles, in which they fired live ammunition... Yes, they were killed. He was just too rich! request The apotheosis of the degenerate gluttonous gentry who did anything for their amusement, "plunging Poland into the ass of an African American", How to say tolerant... negative Ugh. When Allah wants to destroy, He deprives the mind! No.
                      However, this does not teach the clairvoyant lords anything .... request
                      1. +1
                        26 October 2022 21: 32
                        And the videos are amazing. Suvorov, of course, comes to mind. Tamerlane. And "To the nearest millimeter".
                      2. +1
                        27 October 2022 09: 07
                        And the videos are amazing. Suvorov, of course, comes to mind. Tamerlane. And "To the nearest millimeter".

                        Yes indeed. Filmed very well. drinks drinks
  4. +8
    26 October 2022 07: 04
    Luxurious stuff! At least the fact that according to the jambs present in it, you can write a refutation article. I don't even know what to do...
    Thank you, Vyacheslav Olegovich!
    1. +5
      26 October 2022 07: 21
      Quote: 3x3zsave
      I don't even know what to grab.

      Anton! Write!!! I'll be very grateful to you!
    2. +6
      26 October 2022 07: 46
      Bosinney's replica of the Forsytes. Who would have appointed Anton.
    3. +2
      26 October 2022 09: 25
      At least the fact that according to the jambs present in it, you can write a refutation article. I don't even know what to do...

      As long as there is inspiration, grab that inspiration. Three pages should be enough. Yes
      Thanks to Vyacheslav our Olegovich for the article. I would like to continue, including, on the helmets of medieval infantry. hi
      1. +2
        26 October 2022 10: 03
        I would like to continue, including, on the helmets of medieval infantry.
        Chronologically: spangelhelm, capelin, sallet, morion.
        1. +3
          26 October 2022 11: 01

          And cabasset. And even morion-cabasset - with curved edges, but without a comb.
      2. +2
        26 October 2022 10: 44
        Quote: Pane Kohanku
        on the helmets of medieval infantry.

        It will, of course.
  5. +5
    26 October 2022 07: 22
    The helmet of the so-called "Phrygian type" with a pommel bent forward was popular among the warriors of the Carolingian era of the late VIII - mid-IX centuries, that is, the era of the reign of Charlemagne

    Are these helmets? Not really hats. Moreover, the warriors are not in chain mail and the helmet itself is more like a hat than a helmet.

    The Phrygian helmet was popular in 12th century Italy. Including helmet with visor.
  6. The comment was deleted.
    1. +3
      26 October 2022 08: 03
      Quote: also a doctor
      Manuscripts illustrated in Russian.

      Paul. This is the term used for illustrations in manuscripts. If we write a manuscript, then we should write illuminated. Doctors have their own vocabulary, historians have their own.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. +3
        26 October 2022 10: 04
        And in Russian it is correctly written: will we raise money for treatment abroad, or abroad?
        "Over the Hill"
        1. +4
          26 October 2022 10: 24
          Hello Anton! hi
          Personally, I am pleased to see that our highly qualified doctors are not only competent professionals in their highly specialized field, but also experts in one of the most difficult languages ​​on the planet. Not like some non-Christ from an Israeli medical center or a gay European in a German hospital ..
          Who knows Russian? And they undertake, by the way, to treat people negative
          1. +1
            26 October 2022 17: 37
            some kind of non-Christ from the Israeli medical center
            I knew you were an anti-Semite!
            1. +1
              26 October 2022 18: 00
              Just don't tell anyone about it.
      2. +5
        26 October 2022 11: 37
        Enlighten, be kind.

        "Let's collect together all abroad" is also correct, only the meaning is somewhat different.

    3. +6
      26 October 2022 11: 22
      Quote: also a doctor
      Manuscripts illustrated in Russian.

      Are you sure it's in Russian?
      Illustration. German - illustrieren. Latin - illustrare (decorate, give shine). An illustration is a picture, an image in a book. The moment the word appeared in the Russian language dates back to the middle of the XNUMXth century. The noun came into Russian from German, which borrowed it from French. Related is: Polish - ilustracja.

      In Russian it will be either "decorated", meaning as "killed", only they were not beaten, but painted, or "written" in the same sense. Icons precisely pisаLi, so that such a design is quite possible for itself, and, most importantly, it is the most, that neither is Russian.
      So, Vyacheslav Olegovich, next time, so as not to annoy people, call the article "Medieval helmets in the written manuscripts 476-1450".
      1. +4
        26 October 2022 11: 27
        "Medieval Helmets in Recorded Manuscripts 476–1450".

        I'm ready for the second day fit in with laughter from your pearls, but this is different ... laughing "Decorate the underside." feel
        1. +4
          26 October 2022 11: 51
          Quote: Pane Kohanku
          "Decorate the Underside"

          Illustrate, Nicholas. Illustrate only. laughing
          1. +4
            26 October 2022 11: 57
            Illustrate, Nicholas. Illustrate only.

            I'm afraid that in this case I won't have enough fine motor skills and a palette of colors! request It will not work out of me Caravaggio, alas! wink
            1. +6
              26 October 2022 12: 11
              Quote: Pane Kohanku
              It will not work out of me Caravaggio, alas!

              An abstract impressionist can turn out quite well. You just need to adjust your diet.
              1. +4
                26 October 2022 12: 20
                Quote: Trilobite Master
                An abstract impressionist can turn out quite well. You just need to adjust your diet.

                At least you can make money on it, put it up for sale, like, for example, this genius of modern art: laughing
                1. +4
                  26 October 2022 12: 40
                  Watercolor... Phi!
                  Real geniuses create with oils. They press on the canvas directly from the tube and ... in short, a thin layer. Then it dries up and can be sold.
                  1. +4
                    26 October 2022 13: 43
                    They press on the canvas directly from the tube and ... in short, a thin layer.

                    These are not real geniuses, but miserable imitators. stop The real ones are applied not to the canvas, but to the tool of labor. soldier And then yes - a thin layer ... fellow
                2. 0
                  26 October 2022 22: 50
                  Yes, but the name is pretentious... Monsieur Gustave Courbet has already prepared a dish called "The Origin of the World" for us, there is something to see, just be careful, French cuisine is a bit heavy...
              2. +4
                26 October 2022 12: 22
                An abstract impressionist can turn out quite well. You just need to adjust your diet.

                I see you have the vision of an experienced virtuoso master. lol No, my body will not withstand such experiments! I am untalented! wassat
                1. +5
                  26 October 2022 12: 35
                  Quote: Pane Kohanku
                  No, my body will not withstand such experiments!

                  You misspelled "excrement" three times, Nikolai. Be careful. Yes
                  1. +4
                    26 October 2022 12: 42
                    Quote: Trilobite Master
                    You misspelled "excrement" three times, Nikolai. Be careful.

                    He wanted to write: experience... laughing
                    1. +4
                      26 October 2022 12: 46
                      He wanted to write: experience...

                      I'm a great writer! I wrote something, and school teachers and critics then translate for two hundred years, "what did I want to convey to everyone" ... laughing
                      1. +4
                        26 October 2022 12: 51
                        Quote: Pane Kohanku
                        I wrote something, and school teachers and critics then translate for two hundred years, "what did I want to convey to everyone" ...

                        It was the same with Socrates... hi
                      2. +5
                        26 October 2022 13: 01
                        It was the same with Socrates...

                        Plato wrote after Socrates. What he attributed to him there - only Zeus knows. request Along the way, Plato bought up and destroyed the works of his ideological opponent - Democritus. angry This is the main thing I remember from the year course in the history of psychology... wassat
                2. +4
                  26 October 2022 13: 31
                  Nicholas! No think a little. And you immediately - untalented ... Hang tubes and jars of red in front of the canvas and shoot at them from ... small things. Or go to a special shooting range and fire from the Beretta. As a result, the finished canvas - "Strength and weakness of the Beretta", "revolver, colt ... Izh-16 ...
                  1. +4
                    26 October 2022 13: 35
                    As a result, the finished canvas - "Strength and weakness of the Beretta", "revolver, colt ... Izh-16 ...

                    Vyacheslav Olegovich, it reminded me a lot of a sketch from Smeshariki. Yes And about talents, and about creativity.

                    1. 0
                      26 October 2022 22: 58
                      What the doctor ordered, otherwise Bunny not only ran out of paper, but his legs with handles fall off and his back hurts a lot ...
      2. +4
        26 October 2022 11: 32
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        "Medieval Helmets in Recorded Manuscripts 476-1450"

        I'm afraid, Mikhail, that such a title will require detailed comments of 10-15 pages, which, however, no one will read anyway. hi
        1. +5
          26 October 2022 11: 49
          Yes, and the patriots will immediately start writing something like
          AUTHOR NERUS. In Russian, the manuscripts are pissed.
      3. +4
        26 October 2022 12: 59
        I beg your pardon hi
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        Icons were painted

        And not "painted"?

        In general, of course, the language has changed a lot.
        1. +4
          26 October 2022 13: 19
          Quote: Senior Sailor
          And not "painted"?

          The profession was called "icon painter", as if. Although not the point. Here the main emphasis is correctly placed, otherwise it will not turn out to be an artist, but an iconoclast, there was such a heresy in Byzantium. laughing
          1. +6
            26 October 2022 13: 39
            Quote: Trilobite Master
            "icon painter"

            Well, in general, yes. However, it seems to me that "painted" also came from German)))
            Quote: Trilobite Master
            iconoclast, there was such a heresy in Byzantium.

            Well, not only there. Our "Judaizing", and later Molokans, also noted.
      4. +5
        26 October 2022 13: 27
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        "Medieval Helmets in Recorded Manuscripts 476–1450".

        In soaked ... After all, many got wet during long storage.
  7. +5
    26 October 2022 07: 43
    I look at this daub and think: how did people forget how to draw? Primitive bull artists were better at drawing, not to mention antiquity request
  8. +3
    26 October 2022 08: 33
    The phone received a decree to update the standard time. Thinking deeply about which belt to choose wassat )))

    Good morning, dear Vyacheslav Olegovich!
    Good morning dear friends!
    drinks hi love )))

    I just skimmed through the article so far - gorgeous illustrations, thank you. I'll read it thoroughly tonight. I suppose there will be excellent comments from everyone, as far as possible I will add my wretched ones)))
  9. +5
    26 October 2022 08: 56
    For the characteristic visor with a cone in front for the flow of air for breathing, these helmets were called Bundhugel or “dog helmet” (“dog muzzle”).

    It seems like there has always been a hundsgugel in literature, a hund is a dog (hunt, for really boring people)
    Pay attention to the helmets: they are all an early version of the Italian barbute, which means that such a helmet appeared around this time. Although, on the other hand, perhaps this is an attempt by the artist to depict a bascinet helmet, and also an early one.

    All bascinets. Open.
    1. +5
      26 October 2022 10: 36
      Quote: Engineer
      All bascinets. Open.

      I remember at the exhibition “Iron Age. Europe Without Borders” were pleased with the bronze “bascinets” around the turn of the II-I millennium BC. The oldest form of the helmet, however...

      I wonder if Illyrian-type helmets are related to the origin of the bascinet or "re-invention"?
      1. +3
        26 October 2022 10: 42
        I wonder if Illyrian-type helmets are related to the origin of the bascinet or "re-invention"?

        convergent evolution
      2. +2
        26 October 2022 13: 43
        The bascinet is believed to have grown out of an ordinary helmet, hemispherical, which was worn under a topfhelm, gradually acquiring a finished look.
        Well, the upper part was different, hemisphere, dome, spheroconic.
  10. +1
    26 October 2022 10: 02
    At the Battle of the Nations championships, athletes use a variety of helmets, and they show themselves quite well in terms of protection.
    1. +2
      26 October 2022 10: 15
      There are modified helmets. For example, a one-piece forged Wendel, which has a solid armor cover under the chain mail in the face area. Chain mail is just a decor "for historicity."
      Buhurt rules determine the specifics.
      Even the "best protective helmet in history" - arme is criticized in buhurt conditions and often requires optimization

      Threat I remember reading at Winkler's at school -
      a bascinet is an eminently perfect headpiece.

      Many years later I read from the burghers that the bascinet only minimally satisfies the conditions of the fights there. Too tight at the back of the head and sides.
      specificity decides
    2. +1
      26 October 2022 10: 39
      Oriental and Russian armor is almost never used now.
      Due to low protective properties.
      1. +3
        26 October 2022 11: 35
        Quote: Maxim G
        Oriental and Russian armor is almost never used now.
        Due to low protective properties.

        Tell me, how do you imagine Russian armor of the XIII - XIV centuries?
        1. +3
          26 October 2022 11: 53
          Quote: Trilobite Master

          Tell me, how do you imagine Russian armor of the XIII - XIV centuries?

          All right.

          From 47 minutes.
          1. +3
            26 October 2022 12: 15
            I know this channel, I saw this video.
            Moreover, I don’t understand what made you think about the low protective properties of Russian armor.
            1. +4
              26 October 2022 12: 34
              The video lists why Russian armor is not suitable for HMB.
              I agree with everything, except for the orientalization from the 14th century.

              From myself, I’ll add, full armor, along with closed helmets, either deaf or having a full-fledged visor, are designed to protect primarily from a ram attack with a spear, which ensures high resistance to them from the rest of the then edged weapons.

              In Russia and among nomads close to us, armor has never specialized in protection against this.
              1. +4
                26 October 2022 13: 12
                For HMB, none of the authentic armor is suitable - everything needs to be improved, redone.
                In historical realities, before the appearance of white armor in Europe, Russian armor provided quite satisfactory protection. Helmets with masks, bracers, greaves, brigantine-type armor - all this in combination gave even better protection than it had until the middle of the XNUMXth century. most European knights.
                Quote: Maxim G
                I agree with everything, except for the orientalization from the 14th century.

                What's wrong with orientation?
                1. +3
                  26 October 2022 13: 23
                  I am not a supporter of Kirpichnikov's theory, continued by his students Dvurechensky and Zhukov (in the literal sense, they learned from him).
                  Both in terms of orientalization, and in terms of the synchronous development of European and Russian armor.

                  The masks of Russian helmets, or which are attributed to Russian helmets, had primarily a status function, and were not intended to protect against ramming.
                  1. +2
                    26 October 2022 13: 36
                    That is, there was no orientation? Explain, I'm really interested.
                    As for the masks, they, of course, could not protect against a ramming blow, but they gave quite suitable protection from the rest, that is, their practicality was quite up to par.
                    1. +3
                      26 October 2022 14: 42
                      Orientation according to Kirpichnikov, when a heavily armed cavalry warrior, similar to the Western European one, was replaced by a more lightly armed one, according to the Eastern model, I believe that there was none.

                      In my opinion, the traditional Russian cavalry was originally and throughout its existence in the steppe manner, adjusted for the sedentary population, and the bad equestrian composition characteristic of Russia.
                      Further development followed the path of improving weapons, including improving armor.
                      At the same time, it must be said that specialization for mounted spearmen, archers, crossbowmen, heavy and light cavalry, etc. in Russia, as well as among the steppe people, they did not come.

                      There was a universal equestrian warrior, whose panoply included both a spear, a bow, and a bladed weapon, who was well or poorly armored, armed, had a good or bad horse.
                      Approximately in Europe, early medieval warriors, from the time of the Battle of Hastings, and earlier, are similar to this.

                      As for half masks and full masks, if the latter are, of course, Russian masks, then these are things that existed for a certain period and aim to emphasize the status of the owner, by analogy with Viking helmets with half masks. Naturally, they gave some protection from arrows, glancing blows.

                      But the point is different - in Russia and among the steppe neighbors, the main headgear was an open helmet, which gives a good overview and does not make it difficult to breathe.
                      1. +5
                        26 October 2022 17: 40
                        That is, you think that there was no orientalization because Russian military equipment has always been orientalized? There was no heavy cavalry, only universal?
                        I have no such conclusions.
                        Then the European knightly cavalry was even more versatile until the XNUMXth century, and it is considered the standard of heavy. Europe was still running exclusively in chain mail, and in Russia scaly armor, bracers and leggings were already used.
                        In principle, I do not know evidence of the massive use of horse archers or crossbowmen either in Russia before the XNUMXth century, or in Europe. There was no division into mounted spearmen and swordsmen either there or there. Light cavalry in Europe - also, if it was, then in the form of mercenary contingents from the steppes and other Arabs, Moors, etc., its own was exceptionally heavy.
                        No, something doesn't add up.
                        In the battle on the Vozha, there was clearly a ram spear strike by the Russian cavalry against the Tatars, but not a single source contains anything about the massive use of bows by Russian horse soldiers.
                        There was no Russian cavalry "universal" until the advent of local cavalry. So, I think Kirpichnikov, and with him Dvurechensky and Zhukov, are right.
                      2. +1
                        26 October 2022 17: 44
                        Quote: Trilobite Master
                        I have no such conclusions.

                        I think you should dive deeper into the topic.
                        The term universal you did not understand.

                        All about orientation.

                        Universal cavalry.
                  2. +1
                    26 October 2022 14: 00
                    Quote: Maxim G
                    The masks of Russian helmets, or which are attributed to Russian helmets, had primarily a status function, and were not intended to protect against ramming.

                    And what about the other - protection is not needed? Especially the eyes.
                    1. +1
                      26 October 2022 14: 22
                      Quote: Illanatol
                      And what about the other - protection is not needed? Especially the eyes.

                      How did we get eye protection in Russian helmets?
                2. +3
                  26 October 2022 14: 10
                  Quote: Trilobite Master
                  Helmets with masks

                  I don’t know about masks: there are doubts about their prevalence in Russia, it seems to me that this is a mostly nomadic topic. At least the main part of the archaeological finds is associated with nomads: Torks, Bulgars. EMNIP literally 2-3 pieces can be associated precisely with the Russian layers, for example, a find in Izyaslavl. Of course, close contacts with nomads suggest the possible borrowing of this element of weapons, but there are few finds. hi
                  1. +3
                    26 October 2022 14: 26
                    The disguise discussion can be very interesting, provided the participants are familiar with the topic.
                    EMNIP literally 2-3 pieces

                    Like only two - Serensk and Izyaslavl. Both masks were found in the layer with fires, which suggests that they are most likely combat masks. However, there are no mouth openings. How to breathe normally is absolutely incomprehensible.
                    Review article about medieval helmets with masks. The best one according to me
                    1. +2
                      26 October 2022 14: 32
                      Quote: Engineer
                      The disguise discussion can be very interesting, provided the participants are familiar with the topic.

                      I remember that this topic has already been discussed hi
                      1. +4
                        26 October 2022 14: 35
                        Well, like "discussion" at that time was conditional.
                        Now you can do comparativism and attract information on Roman masks. Moreover, according to Vasin and Pyatysheva, they come from Roman masks)
                        Plus there is also Negin, a well-known maskophile, although not to say that he is from academic circles)
                      2. +3
                        26 October 2022 15: 11
                        Quote: Engineer
                        Moreover, according to Vasin and Pyatysheva, they come from Roman masks)

                        They distinguish the Byzantine-Russian type and believe that in Russia they were borrowed from Byzantium: to be honest, I did not quite catch the confirmation of this relationship.
                        They include masks from Constantinople, 2 masks from Serensk and Izyaslavl and, for some reason, a mask from Volga Bulgaria, which is clearly done with a stretch, since the circumstances and place of its discovery are unknown.
                        Thus, more or less reliably, we have only 2 masks from the territory of Russia (Serensk, Izyaslval) and a much larger number of them from the "nomadic" area. But the latter, for some reason, are considered later in relation to the Russians and descended from them. Here I did not understand why.
                        Correct me if I'm wrong somewhere.
                      3. +3
                        26 October 2022 15: 26
                        Masks from Lipovets, Kovaley and Bulgar, according to the most plausible estimate, date from the first half of the 13th century with a spread of 12-14th century. It is in the article below.
                        It can be assumed that they are the same age as Russian masks.
                        There are later masks from the Golden Horde area.

                        The question of protective properties is open. Skeptics point out that the masks are too close to the face. Optimists say that everything is fine if you take into account the balaclava, although this does not look too convincing.
                      4. +3
                        26 October 2022 16: 13
                        Quote: Engineer
                        It can be assumed that they are the same age as Russian masks.

                        It turns out that we have a rather extensive area of ​​use of such masks: from Byzantium to the Volga Bulgaria, including Russia, the steppe, and possibly going further to the east. In the bulk, they exist at about the same time - the 12th-14th centuries, and who borrowed what from whom seems to me not at all clear. It can be assumed, based on archaeological finds (in Russia, only 2 are known for sure), that these masks were more widespread in the steppe proper.
                        Their origin from Byzantium: somehow not very convincingly outlined, I didn’t see any serious evidence (maybe I missed it), but I won’t argue, maybe so.
                        The question of protective properties is open. Skeptics point out that the masks are too close to the face. Optimists say that everything is fine if you take into account the balaclava, although this does not look too convincing.

                        Here are more questions for the reenactors. It seems that Negin had something about this in his last book "Roman Decorated Armor", I'll look in the evening. hi
                      5. +3
                        26 October 2022 16: 25
                        Junkelman rode with Roman masks in the 90s. Everyone has since referred to him, or rather, to those who refer to him. Alas, I speak German about zero.
                        Negin is a special case.
                        Versions that Roman masks are ceremonial and / or for training fights during equestrian competitions,as far as i can tell , prevail. Negin is one of those who, in the minority, thaws out the option of combat use. There is also the problem of horse saffron among the Romans adjoins this topic.
                        I respect Negin very much and am happy for him (the publication in Osprey is definitely a success), but sometimes he gets carried away in reconstructions so that it becomes embarrassing.

                        Their origin from Byzantium: somehow not very convincingly outlined, I didn’t see any serious evidence (maybe I missed it), but I won’t argue, maybe so.

                        Section origin the article I mentioned. Although a chronological gap of almost a thousand years is obtained, the temptation is too great.
                      6. +3
                        26 October 2022 16: 53
                        Quote: Engineer
                        Although a chronological gap of almost a thousand years is obtained, the temptation is too great.

                        Here I am about the same, maybe it took place
                        convergent evolution
                        "? hi
                      7. +4
                        26 October 2022 16: 57
                        Who knows.
                        There is also style. Dispassionate "statue-like" faces on Roman masks and similar Russian masks. The grinning faces from the range of nomads are very different.
                      8. +2
                        26 October 2022 17: 01
                        Quote: Engineer
                        and similar Russian masks.

                        well, there are only 2 of them, maybe from the workshop of one master? the noses are at least very similar
                      9. +3
                        26 October 2022 17: 10
                        Where is the source of inspiration from?
                        A runaway Byzantine migrant master from the time of the victories of the Asen brothers in the 1230s???)
                      10. +3
                        26 October 2022 17: 15
                        Quote: Engineer
                        Where is the source of inspiration from?

                        Mirror (bronze of course) laughing
                      11. +2
                        26 October 2022 17: 33
                        Quote: Engineer
                        There is also style. Dispassionate "statue-like" faces on Roman masks and similar Russian masks.

                        In general, 2 Russian masks do have some resemblance to the Roman ones, in the Izyaslav mask, for example, the mouth is characteristic, but given that both of them have been preserved fragmentarily, especially the Izyaslav one, the selection is so-so.
                      12. +2
                        26 October 2022 17: 38
                        There is no sample at all. For the 12th-14th centuries, it seems like 5 helmets
                        From memory there was also a helmet with a mask from Poland. Also with a grinning mug of Mongolian appearance and a mustache. Either a trophy or a cultural exchange of values.
                      13. +1
                        26 October 2022 17: 45
                        Quote: Engineer
                        There is no selection at all.

                        So what can we conclude by disguise? there must be a conclusion
                      14. 0
                        26 October 2022 17: 48
                        So what can we conclude by disguise? there must be a conclusion

                        Conclusion as usual on historical issues)
                      15. +1
                        26 October 2022 17: 57
                        Quote: Engineer
                        Conclusion as usual on historical issues)

                        I can offer my suggestion:
                        1) in a rather extensive area from Byzantium to Russia, Volga Bulgaria in the 12-14 centuries, elements of face protection were used - masks, with a high degree of probability we can talk about their combat use, despite the ambiguity of some points.
                        2) their origin and who borrowed from whom at the moment remains unclear. The version of the Byzantine-Roman origin has a place to be, but is rather weakly supported by evidence.
                        3) the opinion about their wide distribution on the territory of Russia does not seem to be very substantiated due to the weakness of the archaeological material presented.
                      16. +1
                        26 October 2022 18: 12
                        Pretty normal option
                        But we never found out how practical such protection was.
                        We have not found any material to fill the identified chronological gap.

                        Let's throw thoughts without conclusions

                        Look at the late medieval masks in the article of the same name.
                        Similar to mounds?

                        Why are Russian and Bulgarian masks similar?

                        How were the masks attached to the helmet?
                        On the Roman mask of Calcrise on the forehead, holes are traces of a hinge or loop
                        On a Roman helmet from Emessa, the loop has been perfectly preserved.
                        On the mask of Kovaly, a fragment of the hinge on the forehead lay next to
                        On the late Turkish mask, the loop on the forehead is clearly visible
                        Now look at the forehead of Serensk's mask? Where?????
                      17. +1
                        26 October 2022 19: 45
                        Quote: Engineer
                        But we never found out how practical such protection was.

                        Difficult question, but I can try to speculate hypothetically:
                        1) from a ram blow with a spear - most likely not, but the question is: it is now believed that it was used in Russia, but was it used in the steppe?
                        2) from a non-ram strike of a spear (poking) - probably yes, most likely of course not 100%
                        3) from throwing a javelin - rather yes
                        4) from an arrow - yes
                        5) from a crossbow bolt - no, but it was not used in this area or was almost never used
                        6) from a saber / sword strike - yes
                        7) from the blow of a mace and a slander - I think that yes, of course, they don’t pierce like that, but it’s quite difficult to contrive to hit them in the face. If, of course, you put the mask and “punch”, then it’s probably more likely to break through, but in a vertical position it seems to me quite difficult to get into a person’s face, usually they hit the helmet with them
                        8) what else have I forgotten?
                        If I gave the answers correctly, then the protective properties of the mask in the steppe area are quite worthy.
                        We have not found any material to fill the identified chronological gap.

                        They didn’t find it, but somehow it’s too big, and even in the historical period, it would be okay there in some kind of Neolithic.
                        How were the masks attached to the helmet?

                        And besides the hinge, what other options can there be? I can't even imagine anything.
                        Now look at the forehead of Serensk's mask? Where?????

                        Covered with tape? (joking of course)
                        Not saved?
                        By the way, I somehow met an interesting version (I didn’t check the authenticity) that already at a later time, the Kulah-Khuds tied scarves to their heads, they say it keeps well, it doesn’t heat up in the sun and it’s beautiful! hi
                      18. 0
                        26 October 2022 20: 09
                        Difficult question, but I can try to speculate hypothetically:

                        If the mask is hinged, then what is the limiter from below - so that the mask does not imprint on the face?

                        Not saved?

                        Even if the hinge is not preserved, there should be holes like on the Calcrise mask
                        If the mask was riveted tightly, then again there should be holes.

                        And besides the hinge, what other options can there be?

                        Pins on the sides for fixing on the Kuibyshev mask. She is a mask from a burial on the river. Kalka. Initially, the side holes were interpreted as holes for false decorative ears. The mask had both a frontal hinge and side mounts.
                      19. 0
                        26 October 2022 21: 09
                        Quote: Engineer
                        If the mask was riveted tightly, then again there should be holes.

                        And if there was not a hinge, but there were just rivets? in places opposite the eyes or may be higher. And the helmet was like from Lipovtsy - by the way, it also has a high probability that the mask was riveted.
                        Or there was a lateral hinge in the upper left part, which is lost.
                        Somehow, he must have held on.
                  2. +2
                    26 October 2022 17: 17
                    Quote: Mihaylov
                    the main part of archaeological finds is associated with nomads: Torks, Bulgars.

                    I think the point here is in the peculiarities of the funeral rite. Those masks that were found in the steppe zone, or rather on the borders of the steppe zone, were left by "their filthy" in burial places. Those found in Izyaslavl and Serensk are clearly lost in battle. Hence the difference in quantity.
                    How many helmets were found at the battlefields in general? If you count their total number (I can’t offhand, archeology is not my strongest side) and highlight the percentage “with a mask”, I think the numbers can be quite surprising.
                    Considering, however, the "similarity" of the masks from the graves and from the battlefields, the assumption that they were created in the same place seems to me very convincing, as well as the assumption that this place was Kyiv.
                    1. +1
                      26 October 2022 17: 30
                      Considering, however, the "similarity" of the masks from the graves and from the battlefields, the assumption that they were created in the same place seems to me very convincing, as well as the assumption that this place was Kyiv.

                      I didn’t quite understand, are the masks from the barrows and the Russian masks similar or "similar"?
                      1. +1
                        26 October 2022 17: 52
                        I beg your pardon, I think they are similar without quotes.
                      2. +1
                        26 October 2022 18: 44
                        What is the similarity?
                        Lipovtsy and Kovali - most likely Mongoloid features with long mustaches and a "smirk"
                        Serensk, Izyaslavl are rather Europeans without vegetation and with emphasized simple features
                        Similar Russian and Bulgarian masks
                        A clear stylistic continuity of late masks and masks from barrows is visible.
                      3. +1
                        26 October 2022 21: 13
                        Quote: Engineer
                        What is the similarity?

                        And the devil remembers her. smile
                        It seems that both of them depict Caucasians, and both of them have the same method of fastening to a helmet - a buckle on the forehead and holes for cords.
                        But even if these masks are from different workshops (I do not insist), then this does not really matter if we consider the issue of their prevalence in Russia and the Steppe.
  11. +7
    26 October 2022 10: 40
    To distinguish one knight, clad in metal from head to toe, the most fantastic helmet decorations began to be widely used.

    A similar tradition of helmet decorations has survived, though in a somewhat modified form, to our time: wassat drinks
    1. +3
      26 October 2022 10: 46
      Quote: Mihaylov
      A similar tradition of helmet decorations has survived, though in a somewhat modified form, to our time:

    2. +3
      26 October 2022 11: 29
      A similar tradition of helmet decorations has survived, though in a somewhat modified form, to our time.

      The hand of a professional from history and magic potions is immediately visible. wink Moreover, the hand is literally visible. laughing good
      1. +4
        26 October 2022 11: 35
        Quote: Pane Kohanku
        the hand is literally visible.

        "Hand of the Most High Fatherland saved!" hi
        1. +3
          26 October 2022 11: 49
          "Hand of the Most High Fatherland saved!"

          Do you know what the author, Nestor Kukolnik, blurted out later? laughing
          “If the sovereign orders me to be an obstetrician, I will immediately become an obstetrician,” the playwright Nestor Kukolnik boasted, having received a ring from Nikolai for the play “The Hand of the Almighty Saved the Fatherland.”
          There is also another opinion about the "obstetrics" of the Dollmaker:
          The words of the Russian poet Nestor Vasilyevich Kukolnik (1809-1868), which are cited in the memoirs of the composer M. I. Glinka. In his “Notes” there is the following recollection of N.V. Kukolnik: “Once during the evening he expounded the history of Lithuania in an unusually clear and efficient way at my request. When I expressed my surprise, he answered, smiling: “The sovereign will order, tomorrow I will be an obstetrician” (Russian Starina. 1870. Vol. II).
          1. +3
            26 October 2022 11: 59
            Quote: Pane Kohanku
            “The sovereign will order, tomorrow I will be an obstetrician”

            In it, in an amazing way, apparently, both freethinking and loyalty coexisted.
            Evil tongues claimed that somehow, while drunk, he praised himself: “The puppeteer is great! The puppeteer will be appreciated by the offspring!” hi
            1. +3
              26 October 2022 12: 33
              Evil tongues claimed that somehow, while drunk, he praised himself: “The puppeteer is great! The puppeteer will be appreciated by the offspring!”

              But we practically don’t know anything about him ... Today, while I was looking for this quote, I discovered that he also wrote down historical jokes about his time.
              1. +2
                26 October 2022 12: 39
                Quote: Pane Kohanku
                But we don't really know anything about him...

                In general, yes, as a result, I remember only one play, and that which is mainly remembered by its name. Although he was quite popular in his time and considered himself much more capable than Pushkin (it seems that he was mistaken).
                Interestingly, his father is a Transcarpathian Rusyn. hi
                1. +2
                  26 October 2022 12: 48
                  Although he was quite popular in his time and considered himself much more capable than Pushkin (it seems that he was mistaken).

                  Something reminiscent of Yuri Loza. Everyone remembers only one of his songs, but from his point of view, he is the very best. laughing
                  1. +2
                    26 October 2022 13: 30
                    Everyone remembers only one of his songs,
                    Actually, I remember three.
                    1. +2
                      26 October 2022 13: 32
                      Actually, I remember three.

                      You yourself are a courtly minstrel, you are entitled to your position! tongue
                    2. +3
                      26 October 2022 13: 43
                      Quote: 3x3zsave
                      Actually, I remember three.

                      "The Raft", "I Can Dream" and ...?
                      1. +2
                        26 October 2022 13: 52
                        "... Living on a wondrous planet..."
                        "Country Love"
                      2. +2
                        26 October 2022 13: 56
                        "... Living on a wondrous planet..."
                        "Country Love"

                        In total, we have collected four compositions in the clubhouse. Bravo. laughing
                      3. +3
                        26 October 2022 13: 56
                        I don't remember this..
                        "Winter" is not bad yet.
                      4. +1
                        27 October 2022 17: 08
                        Quote: Senior Sailor
                        "The Raft", "I Can Dream"

                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        ... Living on a wonderful planet..."
                        "Country Love"

                        "Writ of execution" "One hundred hours together" "New Year's" "Bitch" .... etc. Hello everyone! drinks
    3. +4
      26 October 2022 14: 16
      Colleague Mikhailov, along my wall, there were 3 liter cylinders, and I poured the finished "product" into 2 lifelines for 5 liters, I have a total of 18 liters, I will fix it on Saturday.
      1. +4
        26 October 2022 14: 28
        Quote: Astra wild2
        along my wall, there were 3 liter cylinders, and I poured the finished "product" into 2 bytyly for 5 liters, in total I have: 18 liters, I will fix it on Saturday.
        What could be better than a real hobby?
        1. +3
          26 October 2022 15: 16
          I did not like the moonshine: unclear, pungent smell and strong. Can't compare to good wine
          1. +4
            26 October 2022 15: 18
            Quote: Astra wild2
            hazy, pungent odor and strong

            cloudy moonshine should not be drunk, it should not be like that drinks
            1. +3
              26 October 2022 15: 39
              cloudy moonshine should not be drunk, it should not be like that

              Seriously? I'm just somewhat unaware.

              1. +2
                26 October 2022 15: 52
                Quote: Pane Kohanku
                Seriously? I'm just somewhat unaware.

                Unless it has been deliberately given that look by coloring, or unless it is very bad.
  12. +4
    26 October 2022 10: 48
    Vyacheslav Olegovich,
    thank you
    wonderful story about helmets, read with rapture!
    1. +3
      26 October 2022 13: 35
      "But for the sake of your eyes, let's go even now!" Thank you! Following will be the same material about chain mail ... Until 1450
  13. +4
    26 October 2022 13: 45
    Colleagues, Vyachislav Olegovich, good afternoon.
    I am happy: Shpakovsky appeared in the history section, otherwise neither Vyachislav Olegovich nor Valery.
    I was going to "emigrate" to Zen, and now "emigration" will wait
  14. +1
    26 October 2022 13: 58
    Quote: Maxim G
    I’ll add on my own, full armor, along with closed helmets, either deaf or having a full-fledged visor, are designed to protect primarily from a ram attack with a spear,

    It is unlikely that any helmet, with or without a visor, saved from a blow with a spear at full gallop. Even at tournaments, knights died if they were hit by a spear in the "scoreboard".
    Another thing is that you still need to hit the head with a spear. Not such an easy task.
  15. +1
    26 October 2022 14: 03
    Vyacheslav Olegovich, of course I don’t remember all of Ivanhoe as a keepsake, but I don’t remember about: “the blue knight”, what episode is this? When did he hook up with Robin Hood?
    1. +3
      26 October 2022 14: 55
      Quote: Astra wild2
      what episode is this? When did he hook up with Robin Hood?

      Exactly. Richard, along with Wamba, fought off the Normans in disguise, and Locksley and his squad came to their aid.
      1. +2
        26 October 2022 15: 24
        I don't remember when the Normans attacked Richard?
        I won’t re-read the whole Ivanhoe, but from the monk Took to the fire of the castle I must re-read
        1. 0
          26 October 2022 18: 15
          Quote: Astra wild2
          When did the Normans attack Richard?

  16. -2
    26 October 2022 14: 43
    Medieval helmets in illuminated manuscripts 476–1450

    The publication is accompanied by stormy expressions of delight. I wanted to join, but did not find in the article medieval helmets from illuminated manuscripts of the XNUMXth, XNUMXth, XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries, as the author promised in the title of the article. That is, the author somehow could not combine the time frame for the existence of the European Middle Ages and the existence of European chivalry. The run-up, by historical standards, is not so great, some four centuries, but for a historian such blunders seem to be unacceptable.
  17. +3
    26 October 2022 15: 52
    Quote: Astra wild2
    When did he hook up with Robin Hood?

    It was the scoundrel Fitz Urs, John's minister and Richard's confidant...
    1. +1
      26 October 2022 19: 04
      Quote: kalibr
      It was the scoundrel Fitz Urs

      The fictional son of the same Fitz-Urs who took part in the murder of Thomas Becket. That is, one of the miniatures depicted by you!
      The circle is closed
  18. +3
    26 October 2022 15: 55
    Quote from Nephilim
    however, for a historian, such blunders seem to be unacceptable.

    Find manuscripts that contain miniatures with helmets of this period and you will make a revolution in science. Unfortunately, not all historical periods indicated by accepted dates have confirmation in manuscripts and miniatures. There are finds from just this time. There is, but archeology is beyond the scope of this material. In this cycle, only pictures.
    1. -3
      26 October 2022 18: 51
      Find manuscripts that contain miniatures with helmets of this period and you will make a revolution in science.

      Wait, where am I? After all, it was you who wrote: "Medieval helmets in illuminated manuscripts 476-1450". And they started four hundred years later. What's the point?
      1. +1
        26 October 2022 20: 01
        Quote from Nephilim
        And they started four hundred years later. What's the point?

        Re-read the article. It says that we know about something based on archaeological finds. But in this case, miniatures are considered as a source. The first manuscript depicting helmets is also indicated. Prior to this, archeology, and it also determines the chronology and scope of the topic where there are no pictorial sources. That is, we know what happened from 476 on there are no miniatures. By the way, there are also manuscripts of this time. They just don't have helmets. And it says at the beginning: moreover, the Byzantine infantry wore them in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries and even later. And 476 is the Fifth century! What else do you need?
        1. 0
          26 October 2022 20: 31
          I always read before writing something. Therefore, as a result of reading, the question arose - if the article about helmets is in pictorial sources, and those are known not earlier than the 400th century, why start XNUMX years earlier? Maybe this is an unknown stylistic device and I want to adopt it, and you react so violently.
          1. 0
            26 October 2022 21: 05
            Once again: moreover, the Byzantine infantry wore them in the 476th-12784th centuries and even later. And 204 is the Fifth century! And to start then, that the helmets have not changed since that moment. As for stylistic devices ... then here's the most responsive one for you. The material was read by XNUMX people. Comments - XNUMX. You alone found such a critic. That is, the value is extremely small and does not make the weather. Always neglect such in the future, so that you do not write. That people walk on their hands, that the chapel is a musical choir. This is the best stylistic device.
            1. -1
              26 October 2022 21: 35
              The material was read by 12784 people. Comments - 204.

              This is your favorite poster, which you have been waving for many years and has already worn out from constant use.
              As for "one critic" - so the comments on the site under the articles to the objective construct in the vast majority of cases have a very distant relationship. I am sure that it is worth making a small change in the experiment - and my comments will have a completely different reaction, including yours. What can you do. As Weil wrote, people are weak, pitiful and imperfect.
              1. 0
                27 October 2022 07: 19
                Quote from Nephilim
                This is your favorite poster, which you have been waving for many years and has already worn out from constant use.

                It can be said in another way: the truth does not fade from repetition. It is foolish to oppose yourself to everyone.
  19. 0
    27 October 2022 13: 08
    Quote: Astra wild2
    "obsequious serfs" in history all the time: "performers' mistakes"
    So Skuratov "accidentally" strangled Metropolitan Philip, and Grozny "forgot" to cut off his head.
    If Skuratov had acted arbitrarily, they would have cut off his head, but this did not happen.

    Who knows... Just business - nothing personal. Metropolitan ALREADY strangled. And Malyuta is an extremely useful frame. Therefore, only a strict reprimand and deprecation.
  20. 0
    18 January 2023 20: 49
    The article is quite interesting, only the author confused the illustration with the illumination.
    1. 0
      18 January 2023 20: 56
      I add that if you use the term "illumination" as "hand-painted", then everything is correct, but the concept of "illustrated" is more precise.