It's time to open your eyes to the realities of the special operation



Terrorist Power #1

The systemic problem, which became apparent by the end of the sixth month of the special operation, has several aspects at once. First of all, we are accustomed to calling what is happening a special operation to “demilitarize and denazify” the Kyiv regime. It's time to add the term anti-terrorist operation to this definition. Any military action sooner or later leads to an escalation, but when one of the parties frankly slides into terrorist acts, it crosses all possible red lines. This means that it is necessary to work with this enemy in an appropriate way.

We see the PFM-1 “Lepestok” mines scattered in the Belgorod region, the children of Donbass left disabled after explosions on these infernal cars, the shelling of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, sabotage against Russian civilian infrastructure, and finally the murder of Daria Dugina in Moscow. This is not military action, not armed resistance - this is a real terrorist war declared to Russia by Zelensky's pack and his Western puppeteers.

Look, the Nazis, who settled on the territory of Ukraine, act so prudently. Every "self-respecting" terrorist organization invariably takes responsibility for a bloody event - whether it's the execution of non-Christians in the United States or blowing up a car on a busy European street. Because they are fighting for an idea, even if it is understood in the most perverted and cannibalistic sense.

With the assassination of Daria Dugina, Zelensky’s henchmen not only dealt a painful blow in the very heart of Russia, but also refused to recognize this terrorist attack.

On the one hand, it is inconvenient for the hesitant West - after all, Kyiv has frankly slipped into medieval cruelty. It is France, Germany and the United States that will understand and forgive any antics of the Ukrainian regime. And often they will help in execution.

But the world is full of countries that have so far refrained from assessing what is happening - which is why Zelensky remains silent. They give priority in recognizing the terrorist attack to the jackal telegram channels made in Ukraine. Here, the already inflamed brains of Nazi propagandists savor the tragic death of a girl so much that the question arises - are we actually fighting the Nazi regime of the XNUMXst century?

There is a strong feeling that the post-Maidan authorities managed to drive a large part of the Ukrainian people back to the cave times. Only instead of clubs and stones, these criminals have HIMARS and Javelins. It is even surprising how Ukrainians have learned to discredit themselves. Here it is impossible not to quote the words of Arestovich, who was preparing for the presidency:

“The worst enemies of Ukrainians are themselves.”

The second reason why Kyiv will never recognize the facts of terror is the timid hope of a surge of discontent in Russia. Zelensky and the General Staff are significantly silent, as if hinting at internal executors from among the Ministry of Defense and the FSB. The logic is primitive to the point of impossibility - the fear of uncertainty among the Russians will force them to look for enemies around. Here one can only paraphrase Arestovich's words:

"The worst enemy of the Kyiv regime is himself."

However, even among the Russian public there are many who promote, so to speak, an alternative point of view on the murder of Dugina. We will not give the names of these telegram channels, which are very well disguised as a patriotic guise, so as not to advertise these garbage dumps once again. Garbage heaps, they are garbage cans, but several tens of thousands of sympathizers swarm in them.

Bad world

The second aspect of the current difficult situation is the relative tranquility of the Russian public. The first treacherous wave subsided - everyone who wanted to leave left, who wanted to return - returned. Most amazingly, they returned with open arms. Maybe someone will explain why the "patriot" Urgant was not banned from entering the country and allowed to continue to joke at corporate parties? But now it’s not about that, but about Russia, in which there is no special operation. More precisely, it is, but on TV and the mentioned telegram channels. The President of Russia outlined the contours of the issue back in July:

“After all, the country lives an ordinary peaceful life: summer, holiday season, cultural life. And the guys plow there under bullets, you know, they risk their lives and lose their comrades in battle for the sake of the Motherland.

Has anything changed since then? Excuse me, but I still don’t fully understand the purpose for which the Army-2022 forum was held, mass entertainment in Crimea has not been cancelled. If to raise the patriotic spirit, then it works much more effectively on the battlefields. Or when launching an anti-terrorist operation throughout the liberated territory and in the border regions of Russia. First of all, in the same Crimea.

Strikes against targets on the peninsula are often delivered not from Ukraine, but from Crimea itself. It is now that the Kyiv terrorists are symbolically hitting the roofs of the command and warehouses of military equipment. And who will stop them tomorrow, for example, from attacking a busy gas station in the center of a resort town? The fact that the regime in Ukraine has no moral principles was perfectly shown to us by the murder of Dasha and anti-personnel mines in Donetsk and the Belgorod region.

Tavrida-ART. August 2022. Crimea. Source:

The most amazing thing is that Russia is perfectly able to cope with such a threat. Suffice it to recall the roadblocks and total checks of documents in the Chechen Republic in the most dashing years. Where is a similar level of protection that prevents the Nazi Vovk from entering our country? If the state cares about the holiday season and the decrease in the incomes of Crimeans, then, believe me, any sane person is ready to pay with their comfort and income in exchange for security.

From the latest facts obtained by eyewitnesses. In every village under the control of the allied forces, at least five individuals are engaged in adjusting enemy artillery. That is, for us it is enemy, but for gunners it is quite our own. In Sevastopol, there were not, and there are no checkpoints with checking documents and searches of those who do not inspire confidence. Just as there are no checkpoints in a number of social networks hiding behind pseudo-patriotic slogans.

This complacency also infects citizens who have not fully realized the tragedy of the situation and seriously believe that a special operation is somewhere over the horizon. For example, they post photos with the location of the Russian air defense, not understanding the catastrophic nature of such actions. Or they film the passage of military echelons to the deployment point. Of course, some filmers deliberately act in the interests of the enemy, but this is only a consequence of the ongoing underestimation of the situation in the border areas.

Now about GPS. More precisely, about the possibility of using this option not only in Ukraine, but also in the border areas of Russia. Recently HIMARS arrived at the Donetsk Administration building. Naturally, it was corrected according to the American positioning system. Theater of the absurd, honestly. Tourists go to Crimea looking at the displays of navigators, and nationalists use similar signals to guide missiles. Correct, not quite similar, but the principle and sources are similar.

A rhetorical question in this regard. Maybe, after all, finish these games with high-precision weapons? Americans sounded the alarm back in 2019:

"Russia is stepping up targeted use and development of spoofing technologies to achieve tactical and strategic goals at home and abroad."

That is, the military and special services have suppression technologies. The West continues to build up GPS-based weapons in Ukraine - long-range 155-mm artillery shells, corrected from the satellite, will soon appear. There will be more problems with these "suitcases" than with missiles - the size of the targets is incomparable, and air defense will be powerless.

You can't talk to terrorists. Under no circumstances. Only deprive them of the opportunity to resist and accept unconditional surrender. But for this, society will have to be transferred to the new realities of perception of a special military operation. Everyone should truly understand that the fate of our Motherland is now being decided.
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  1. +46
    26 August 2022 04: 10
    But what about loot? Recognize as terrorists and that's all... Gas and oil will not shake.. And not only that... Who needs it? Hosts Russia definitely doesn’t need it, but money doesn’t smell ...
    1. +32
      26 August 2022 07: 52
      Quote: SaLaR
      Recognize as terrorists and that's it ... You can't pump gas and oil ..

      Gas is sacred, transit through Ukraine is out of war. Non-brothers in winter will still steal gas from the pipe.
    2. -19
      26 August 2022 07: 59
      And let's all tomorrow
      ... send. We will not sell gas and oil to anyone. So what? What will you live on?
      1. +30
        26 August 2022 08: 35
        Quote: DeGreen
        And let's all tomorrow
        ... send. We will not sell gas and oil to anyone. So what? What will you live on?

        And there is no need to be a fool here. The majority are well aware of the benefits of oligarchic ownership and the lack of a proper industrial base in Russia and training for production.
        Russia has no right to trade with unfriendly hostile states under any pretext. Russia has everything. There is no desire of the authorities to recreate a socially just society.
        And recently (I got the impression) falling into some kind of stupor suggests confusion from the results of the NWO and the prospects for the future integration of the liberated territories into Russia. Say why? A "Jack" or "Ace" torn from the deck will not pass into the leadership of the administration. Residents there are already accustomed to evaluating people by real results and real deeds, and not by clan affiliation.
        1. +19
          26 August 2022 09: 02
          Quote: yuriy55
          A "Jack" or "Ace" torn from the deck will not pass into the leadership of the administration. Residents there are already accustomed to evaluating people by real results and real deeds, and not by clan affiliation.

          But who will ask them (the inhabitants)? In our regions, and in the country as a whole, do they ask a lot?
          1. -9
            26 August 2022 09: 07
            Quote: Adrey
            But who will ask them (the inhabitants)? In our regions, and in the country as a whole, do they ask a lot?

            They will ask. Especially those who liberated their cities with weapons and hung red flags on tanks and buildings.
            1. +14
              26 August 2022 09: 28
              Quote: yuriy55
              They will ask. Especially those who liberated their cities with weapons and hung red flags on tanks and buildings.

              That is, are you sure that our guys who are fighting there after will ask? At least 10 \ automatic to the State Duma? wassat
              1. -4
                26 August 2022 14: 45
                We have a tradition: first, "Brothers and Sisters ...", and then - the Leningrad case.
          2. -17
            26 August 2022 09: 10
            1. Whatever Victory the NWO ends with, I will be glad.
            2. And if the result does not meet my expectations, I will not judge my Fatherland.
            3. The fate of Russia is not decided on the NMD, just as it was not decided in Afghanistan, Korea, Czechoslovakia, Hungary.
            4. Special operations were, are and will be, but Russia will always remain.
        2. 0
          31 August 2022 10: 10
          You talk nonsense. Just like a communist or a liberal
      2. +6
        26 August 2022 08: 39
        No one has been able to poop and dance at the same time.
        1. -6
          26 August 2022 12: 42
          Quote: SaLaR
          No one has been able to poop and dance at the same time.

          Well, you can do the same, why can't others? They probably haven't been given Yes
      3. +33
        26 August 2022 09: 33
        And Stalin, during the Second World War, to whom did he sell uranium, oil, gas, strategic raw materials? Everything was done for rubles and on the patriotism of people. And they defeated the enemy and captured Berlin and stood in Europe for more than 40 years until the traitors sold the country. And now? Merchants are cashing in all over Ivanovo, making gestures of "good will", negotiating with the enemy, and Donetsk is still being shelled and people are dying. So, we don’t need to la-la, we’ll live on. All the loot that power from over the hill is not for the people. Gazprom pays millions of salaries to itself, but the people get horseradish (plant). chaos in the country.
        1. -17
          26 August 2022 10: 10
          Quote: Taimen
          And they defeated the enemy and captured Berlin and stood in Europe for more than 40 years until the traitors sold the country.

          Half of Berlin was given to the Americans as an occupation zone.
        2. -7
          26 August 2022 12: 14
          Quote: Taimen
          And Stalin during the Second World War to whom did he sell uranium, oil, gas, strategic raw materials? All on rublikov was done on the patriotism of the people.
          therefore, immediately after the war, a monetary reform had to be carried out .... The ruble of that one, greatly depreciated during the war ....

          120 rounds per day for each soldier in the NWO - about 250 rubles per DAY.
          And this is a small penny consumable ....
        3. -4
          26 August 2022 15: 55
          I agree! Hope it gets sorted out soon!
          1. -2
            26 August 2022 15: 56
            Comment to Taimen
      4. 0
        26 August 2022 12: 43
        And for the fact that they sell gas and oil to us better. Gasoline is expensive, the country's gas supply is not even 50 percent.
      5. -1
        26 August 2022 14: 43
        Do you live on sales from oil and gas? Interesting ... but can I?)
        1. 0
          26 August 2022 16: 50
          [Do you live on oil and gas sales? Interesting... can I?)] And you also live from this, only unfortunately you can't understand it.
          1. +2
            27 August 2022 01: 30
            Interesting... For example, they drive our gas "there". Europeans get real gas, we get euros on the accounts of European banks. Euros for which nothing is sold to us, in banks that freeze our accounts as soon as they want.
            I wonder where I lost myself in this scheme?
            Can you tell me?
      6. 0
        31 August 2022 09: 38
        But this is a question for Putin. Why, in 22 years, they have only got stuck more densely in the stupid trade in resources. In Germany, Japan, for example, there is no gas and oil. And nothing, they live. Why can’t we do this? ..
    3. -3
      26 August 2022 08: 54
      For the first time in many years, 6.5 lard bucks did not go over the hill as dividends. First! Well done, yes. Have so much from Russian gas
    4. -3
      26 August 2022 20: 15
      Politics always uses morality for its own purposes, yesterday's enemy can become a friend, who would have believed in the possibility of nazification of Ukraine 30 years ago? Well, let's recognize them as terrorists, start our own peacemaker website, start carpet bombing, use nuclear weapons, chemical, biological, start hanging dubious personalities, confiscate their property, deport them from the country, collect them in camps ... And then how will we differ from them ? The strength is not in the words of politicians and bloggers, the strength is in people.
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +16
    26 August 2022 05: 04
    So hundreds of all kinds of gatherings and exhibitions are now being held, just to hang out. It's like a cult trip to the theater for a market trader. Then the weight of the market will brag for a week. So with
    this rally "Tavria" in the Crimea. Silicon lips from the owners of grants and a screech to all the coasts. They gather for self-promotion, they are fed, watered, etc. Then it will be possible to show off like in a bazaar. And the country at that time was fighting against Nazism. Is that the participants of such a festival as in the Crimea, is it like fishing for live bait? Live bait in the pan is still useless
    small, but it can be provoked in order to catch a predator. Only this predator, Ukrainian terrorists.
    1. +32
      26 August 2022 05: 22
      On KP.RU there was a message about the deceased madam from Dom-2. So, they said about her that she was an escort, right in the same note she was called a star, enthusiastically listing where she served rich dads and in which countries she earned her causal place. Do you understand? The escort is a star! There are already news about sex workers. And this is considered the norm. I'm stunned.
      1. +22
        26 August 2022 08: 51
        Quote: Nexcom
        The escort is a star! There are already news about sex workers. And this is considered the norm. I'm stunned.
        We have ordinary pop singers receive orders for "Merit to the Fatherland"! Therefore, yes, star escorts in today's Russia, this is the bitter truth
        1. 0
          26 August 2022 10: 35
          And not alone, unfortunately.
          1. +9
            26 August 2022 11: 31
            Quote from AdAstra
            And not alone, unfortunately.

            I would add "not one". Immediately, Irina Nelson from Reflex comes to mind, who was awarded as much as the 2nd degree, and who is a typical representative of the “singing cowards” direction.
      2. -6
        26 August 2022 08: 52
        It has long been. Presumably she could blackmail one of the clients. Finally found in a ditch
      3. +1
        27 August 2022 00: 40
        Quote: Nexcom
        On KP.RU there was a message about the deceased madam from Dom-2.

        Dmitry, we have other examples.
        Examples of immortality...
    2. 0
      26 August 2022 16: 05
      Was at an event! Someone's henchmen, lured! It's a shame ....! Below, Nexcom writes about the stars (I would call it differently) at home2! Escorts.! How to ban this slag? Tik Tok, etc.
      1. -1
        26 August 2022 20: 16
        The Forbidden fruit is sweet.
      2. +1
        27 August 2022 05: 56
        And I don't call them stars. KR.RU calls them stars. I'm just against this kind of publicity. what kind of verbal juggling????
  4. +13
    26 August 2022 05: 18
    The article, somehow "one-sided" and far from fully disclosed the topic indicated in the table of contents ... an incomplete set of facts, some kind of emotions
  5. +27
    26 August 2022 05: 55
    But for this, society will have to be transferred to the new realities of perception of a special military operation. Everyone should truly understand that the fate of our Motherland is now being decided.

    I do not quite understand what exactly you want from society? Run around with bulging eyes, look for saboteurs under the bed, knock on each other and hold spontaneous rallies demanding a nuclear strike on Ukraine and the United States? Even in Kyiv, the population more or less lives its own life, albeit understanding the realities. Taking off the rose-colored glasses and increasing vigilance is now the task of the leadership of the country, not the population. The population just understands what is at stake.
    1. +2
      26 August 2022 09: 08
      Quote: DominickS
      I do not quite understand what exactly you want from society?

      Judging by everything, to prepare for something. And apparently not for cakes laughing
  6. The comment was deleted.
  7. +31
    26 August 2022 06: 12
    Let's take any idea, even those that unite millions and billions of people in other countries of the World.

    And what will we see in Russia? In Russia, none of them "works" at all. Neither at the bottom of society, nor at the top. Our lot, just like in Ukraine, is a mess and contradictions. The only difference is that they have already reached the finish line, but we have not yet. Because we don't care where we're going.

    Therefore, we are defenseless in information wars. That's why EVERYTHING is for sale.

    And if a society cannot fight its traitors and thieves, it will eventually only have to go to surrender.
    Chinese, Americans, Japanese, Koreans, Iranians... This is the meaning of the ancient saying that "we have no order, come and rule."
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +17
      26 August 2022 07: 28
      Quote: ivan2022
      And if a society cannot fight its traitors and thieves, it will eventually only have to go to surrender.

      In principle, it can, but they put you in jail for it. Therefore, we sit, we sniff into a tube. The specialists have already rung all the bells at the expense of the mobilization of the military-industrial complex, and things are still there.
  8. +9
    26 August 2022 06: 21
    It’s unlikely that you can change anything in just words. When you talk about the Cold War, and how the world was saved, someone will definitely screw it up, they say with a “bare ass.” Do you want to eat black caviar with spoons, and at the same time live in peace? It doesn’t happen that way. It’s another matter that all people in our society are in an equal position. Civil defense is for everyone, not for the elite. People must believe in the sober intentions of the elite. And this is not easy. Moreover, the state has not done anything on the Internet. We must not break something, but create our own. There are many prerequisites for this. You just need to use them. And use them in such a way that people reach for the Internet.
    1. +9
      26 August 2022 08: 50
      Instead, anti-Soviet rhetoric here and there
  9. +20
    26 August 2022 06: 28
    We must not "open our eyes", but stop hysteria "what are we for?". The enemies of the communists must finally understand that if they take any action of their own, they must also understand their consequences.
    And with Dugin, in general, everything is pointless, 99,9% of the citizens of the Russian Federation and Ukraine do not know who Dugin is, especially his daughter. And in this hysteria about Dugina, the main thing was lost, that the work of the special services of the Russian Federation is such that you can easily come to the Russian Federation, and undermine anyone, and leave calmly.
    1. +13
      26 August 2022 08: 16
      Quote: tatra
      ... you can easily come to the Russian Federation, undermine anyone and calmly leave.

      And do not dispute, and there is nothing to argue. Yes
      1. +10
        26 August 2022 12: 12
        And it is not necessary, Irina is right.
        The office at one time profiled the Union, but now it bursts from the very beginning of the war, in intelligence, in counterintelligence, a rotten organization and there is zero sense in it.
    2. +12
      26 August 2022 08: 27
      Tatra, everything looks pointless, because it is deliberately pointlessly explained. In your reasoning, you are right, but this nonsense about the guilt of Ukraine in this terrorist attack is aimed at ensuring that everyone quickly turns away from this event as from nonsense.
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. +19
    26 August 2022 06: 37
    He knew back then...

  13. +16
    26 August 2022 06: 47
    The meaning is very simple, the collapse of power with all the consequences. There was a system, but now the system is unclear what! Some kind of fuss about Sobchak with Galkins is coming to the front pages! The author has not yet mentioned our church, which should be separated from the state, but really a business project! About our special operation ... gestures of goodwill and touching concern for the "peaceful" population! Shtob to declare this had to be agreed with the State Department!
    1. +9
      26 August 2022 08: 49
      Yeah. A 10-minute funeral costs 3. Good business. On the human mountain.
  14. +8
    26 August 2022 06: 51
    Quote: tatra
    We must not "open our eyes", but stop hysteria "what are we for?" .

    "Open your eyes" is one of our favorite stamps. What in other nations is simply called the word "betray", we call it cunningly:

    "my eyes opened up" .. "... and we were fast asleep and did not know anything, and now my eyes opened."
    There is another option, for especially smart ones: "to betray in time is not to anticipate, but to foresee."

    Russia is a country of "seemingly naive and gullible" sages and philosophers. Eyes that open and close regularly. .. Who yesterday were Christians and monarchists, then immediately atheists and communists, then at the same time - again believers and liberals and at the same time patriots and pagans, etc., etc. And every time their eyes "open".
    1. -1
      26 August 2022 08: 47
      Funny yeah...
  15. +17
    26 August 2022 07: 31
    Maybe someone will explain why the "patriot" Urgant was not banned from entering the country and allowed to continue to joke at corporate parties?
    I explain, someone must be joking at their corporate parties.
    1. +19
      26 August 2022 08: 21
      Someone must be joking at their corporate parties.

      And it is desirable that this someone be his own in spirit, in jokes, in smell Yes
    2. +12
      26 August 2022 08: 53
      Quote: parusnik
      I explain, someone must be joking at their corporate parties.

      Exactly! The naivete of local urapatriots is amazing
  16. +4
    26 August 2022 07: 47
    "It's time to open your eyes to the realities of the special operation." There will be no peace there until at least a patch with the name "Ukraine" remains on the map.
  17. +2
    26 August 2022 08: 00
    Until we, the whole country, recognize that Ukraine and its population pose a direct threat to Russia, nothing good will happen
    1. -6
      26 August 2022 15: 57
      It is necessary to "shmon" all over Europe, not only in Ukraine. Only then will they calm down.
  18. +10
    26 August 2022 08: 12
    You can't talk to terrorists. Under no circumstances. Only deprive them of the opportunity to resist and accept unconditional surrender.

    Israel has proven in PRACTICE long ago the effectiveness of just such an approach to the problem. This Russian co-conspiracy is just FUCKING...
    How so? What if a rabid dog gets hurt? At the level of demon-possessed prime ministers, they publicly offer to insult the Russian president, and we issue diplomatic pretzels and breed politeness with murderers ...
    1. +2
      26 August 2022 12: 25
      Quote: yuriy55
      Israel has proven in PRACTICE long ago the effectiveness of just such an approach to the problem. This Russian co-conspiracy is just FUCKING...

      Only here is the problem - to be like Israel, it is necessary that Ukrainians become Arabs ...
      With whom Israel is never going to live together.
      This means how to kill Israel - small Arab chats for screaming against patrols
      Bomb anything - kindergartens of the hospital school if Kassam flew in from there ..
      Do you understand?
      And at the same time, Israel has been at war with them throughout the history of its state. Are you ready to shell the cities and towns of Ukraine for 70 years - like Israel? Every day?
      Without prospects for a peaceful life?
      1. +1
        26 August 2022 17: 15
        Today is just an invasion of yur's. Can't you think outside the box anymore? Do you have any other colors besides black and white?
        Quote: your1970
        Without the prospect of a peaceful life?

        The prospect for a peaceful life is given by the proper attitude of the state to its own defense capability.
        A balanced and consistent foreign policy gives the prospect for peace.
        And all this is possible ONLY WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR OWN PURPOSE, IDEOLOGY, which allows you to build a socially just society, and not strive to get drunk to the very ass by any means, not show the world your own stupidity and greed, because only the people of the country can define statehood.
        In Sparta, children with congenital disabilities were thrown off a cliff. This is cruelty. But this is justified cruelty. It was a time when the country needed healthy and strong warriors to survive. That time is gone. The time has come when sick children are doomed to lifelong torment. When the state spends billions on crap (or simply leaves them in foreign banks), and parents are looking for millions (tens of millions) of rubles around the world for treatment. Do you need such a perspective?
        If a child was brought up in an anti-social society, then his re-education is the responsibility of the state (schools, educational institutions) in which he is planned to live.
        My position is this - rabid dogs should be destroyed, and not wait until they are corrected. A limb affected by gangrene must be amputated so as not to lose the entire body. At the same time, I believe that it is impossible to promote the ideas of philanthropy in the country while receiving multimillion-dollar incomes. I am not a willow in the oligarchs-philanthropists.
        And by the third trial, the offender must be sentenced to life imprisonment with working off his maintenance.
        1. +2
          26 August 2022 22: 06
          Quote: yuriy55
          And all this is possible ONLY WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR OWN PURPOSE, IDEOLOGY, which allows you to build a socially just society, and not strive to get drunk to the very ass by any means, not show the world your own stupidity and greed, because only the people of the country can define statehood.

          There was an ideology and there was Zhukov - with 3 kilometers of fabric in the country ..
          There was an ideology and there was blat
          There was an ideology and there was the people of the USSR - who betrayed the USSR and a socially just society ...
          Did ideology save the USSR? Unfortunately no....

          The people of the SSSS
          1. +3
            27 August 2022 05: 34
            Quote: your1970
            There was an ideology and there was Zhukov - with 3 kilometers of fabric in the country ..

            There was Zhukov and there was a victory for Fr. Hasan and on the river. Khalkin-Gol, there was a Victory in the Second World War ...
            Quote: your1970
            There was an ideology and there was blat

            There was an ideology and there was a nomenklatura that turned it upside down for its own good and for its needs ...
            Quote: your1970
            There was an ideology and there was the people of the USSR - who betrayed the USSR and a socially just society ...

            There was the people of the USSR, who created and built, and there were citizens of the USSR, who showed a different way of acquiring goods and services, who pushed through their own ways to achieve the goal (oil, please, get, serve.)
            The statehood of the USSR was betrayed not by the people, but by that clan superstructure, which decided to appropriate the labor of "freely assembled people" by deceit and forgery, betrayal and blackmail.
            Quote: your1970
            Did ideology save the USSR? Unfortunately no....

            Yes, it didn't. The people who turned into a layman believed in the infallibility of the Soviet leadership, otherwise, in turn, they simply betrayed their people and carried out a state-criminal coup, which is not customary to remember today ... True, no one has forgotten this, but granite monuments to thieves and lads on Russian cemeteries will be reminded of this for a long time ...
            Quote: Andrey_9
            Correctly !

            Not properly! Mean and vile ... But this is how it should be with the people who have turned into a flock of sheep. They did not save what the fathers and grandfathers defended. So reap the fruits of your own indifference and indifference.
            stop A normal Soviet person cannot curse his history. This is what scoundrels, speculators and bourgeois lackeys do. Everyone for whom social justice is a sickle for personal belongings, everyone who has not earned a single penny of labor in their entire life. Today they cannot explain anything to the people who demand an answer to the question: "What's next, gentlemen?"
            1. +1
              28 August 2022 23: 46
              Quote: yuriy55
              Yes, it didn't. The people who turned into a layman believed in the infallibility of the Soviet leadership, otherwise, in turn, they simply betrayed their people

              280 million believers in 100 people?
              It's somewhat offensive for 280 million - that you called them all sheep. Polls ...
      2. 0
        27 August 2022 08: 18
        Quote: your1970
        This means how to kill Israel- small arabs for screaming against patrols

        Baha Salim Abu Al-Ata
        Bachelor's Degree in Sociology
        Commander of the Northern Brigade of the Al-Quds Company. Al-Ata was tasked with the production of weapons in the Gaza Strip, and mainly the local production of Iranian-style missiles.

        Khaled Mansour, the organization's commander in the south of the Gaza Strip, was eliminated along with his assistants in Rafah. The last liquidated, along with Jabari, who launched the operation on Friday, led, according to the IDF, to liquidation of the top leadership of the organization in the Gaza Strip.

        Head of the Islamic Jihad organization Taysir al-Jabari
        And a few more smaller ones were liquidated as a result of the Dawn air defense system, which lasted 55 hours and about 1000 missiles were fired into Israel.
        1. 0
          28 August 2022 13: 48
          Quote: Vitaly Gusin
          according to the IDF, to the elimination of the top leadership of the organization in the Gaza Strip.

          How many times has Israel already destroyed the leadership? A month passes and there the new leaders shoot at the territory of Israel ...
          1. +1
            28 August 2022 18: 40
            Quote: your1970
            How many times has Israel already destroyed the leadership? A month passes and there the new leaders shoot at the territory of Israel ...

            Please don't change the subject
            I replied only to your:
            "This means how to kill Israel - small Arab chats for shouting against patrols"
            1. 0
              29 August 2022 00: 01
              Quote: Vitaly Gusin
              Quote: your1970
              How many times has Israel already destroyed the leadership? A month passes and there the new leaders shoot at the territory of Israel ...

              Please don't change the subject
              I replied only to your:
              "This means how to kill Israel - small Arab chats for shouting against patrols"

              Well then, look at the number of dead Arab children at the border. There are such statistics ..
              They don't just kill Hezbollah leaders and the like. - civilians are also quite killed ...
              The joke is not in this - the joke is that by regularly killing civilians - it is impossible to agree on peace. They will fight like that - another 50, 100, 200 years ..
              The Arabs will not calm down from their regular shooting
              1. 0
                29 August 2022 06: 30
                Quote: your1970
                Well then look at the number of dead children

                Don't blame the mirror....
                1. 0
                  30 August 2022 06: 54
                  Quote: Vitaly Gusin
                  Quote: your1970
                  Well then look at the number of dead children

                  Don't blame the mirror....

                  I do not justify the Arabs inciting their children - but it is pointless for Israel to wait for peace ...
                  And yes, how be-Golan, as it were, legally Syrian ....
                  1. 0
                    30 August 2022 10: 40
                    Quote: your1970
                    but it is pointless for Israel to wait for peace ...

                    Yes you are right.
                    And this was understood by the "Arab League", which signed the "Khartoum Declaration" of September 1, 1967, which was convened in the wake of the Six-Day War in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The resolution is notable for containing (in the third paragraph) what has become known as "Three No": No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with him...
                    Bitten Palestinian Arabs who want to destroy Israel according to
                    "Palestinian Charter" (document of the Palestine Liberation Organization). Adopted in 1968 with the direct support of the USSR.
                    Only a few excerpts.
                    Paragraph 9. Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine. This is an overarching strategy, not a tactical moment. The Arab people of Palestine proclaim their absolute commitment continue the armed struggle.........
                    Paragraph 10. Militant actions (commando) form the core of the Palestinian People's liberation war. They should be strengthened, expanded, and mobilized all the forces of the Palestinian people.........
                    Paragraph 13. Arab unity and the liberation of Palestine are two complementary goals, the achievement of either of which facilitates the achievement of the other......
                    They don't want to understand that the world has changed.
                    Today, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Sudan spat on their bowlers and concluded diplomatic relations, economic and military agreements with Israel.
                    Whenever they have someone who will understand that more can be achieved from Israel by the world.
                    1. 0
                      30 August 2022 11: 54
                      Quote: Vitaly Gusin
                      Whenever they have someone who will understand that more can be achieved from Israel by the world.
                      and Israel will return Occupied territory??? Wow, we must try to live up to such an 8th wonder of the world: Israel - giving away what has been grabbed ..... lol lol

                      As the woman from Yandex said - "I can't live in a country that is at war and seizing other people's territories" and dumped me in ... Israel !!
                      1. 0
                        30 August 2022 12: 45
                        Quote: your1970
                        and Israel will return the Occupied Territories???

                        Please provide more details about which territories, then you can continue.
                      2. 0
                        30 August 2022 23: 46
                        Quote: Vitaly Gusin
                        then you can continue.

                        What for? I know about UN Security Council Resolution 2334 and you know about it. You won’t rush to fulfill it, so there’s not much point in the discussion ...
                        Arabs will kill you there or you will kill Arabs there - a private matter of the two neighboring states.
                      3. 0
                        31 August 2022 07: 07
                        Quote: your1970
                        What for? I know about UNSCR 2334

                        And I also know United Nations General Assembly Resolution 377 "in all cases where the Security Council, due to lack of unanimity among its five permanent members (P5), cannot act in accordance with the requirements for the maintenance of international peace and security, the General Assembly must immediately consider this issue and may make appropriate recommendations to the members of the UN regarding collective measures"
                        Based on this, adopted
                        Resolution EU-11/1
                        Resolution EU-11/2
                        Resolution EU-11/3
                        And all the resolutions written on the same paper (POSSIBLY TOILET)
                        You will be killed there or you will be killed there - a private matter of the two neighboring states. hi
    2. +1
      26 August 2022 15: 58
      Correctly !
    3. +2
      27 August 2022 06: 04
      Israel has proven in practice the effectiveness of just such an approach to the problem a long time ago.

      Israel does not have a joint business with terrorists and oligarchs from stra-terrorists do not go to friends.
      1. -1
        28 August 2022 13: 54
        Quote from tsvetahaki
        Israel has proven in practice the effectiveness of just such an approach to the problem a long time ago.

        Israel does not have a joint business with terrorists and oligarchs from stra-terrorists do not go to friends.

        Come on!!!!
        Their ONLY ally and friend (including all the oligarchs !!) - the United States is a terrorist country.
        A country in the 20th century that destroyed several states, made several dozen coups and not a single year without hostilities. Not only that, the United States also trained terrorist groups officially recognized by all countries ...,

        And yes - the killing of foreign citizens in other countries, regardless of their badness, is also terrorism. From Israel ...
  19. +26
    26 August 2022 08: 17
    Should GPS be suppressed on the front line and in the frontline zone? Well, it should be as obvious and obligatory as feeding a fighter 3 times a day! And ground GPS stations in our country are still working. But why is this surprising? As the 60-year-olds were shown the figurine and sent to look for work, declaring them young and healthy - this was not surprising. How the whole people was sent ... to self-isolation, removing all responsibility for the announced quarantine - it was not surprising, you forgot? And this is another scam called a special operation. Only not everyone pays, and not with money, but with blood.
    What should have been called a special operation ended a couple of weeks after it began. And do not interfere with Shoigu to hold his shows and do not touch the girls. And then he will go again to the front to set breakthrough tasks without giving anything for this. Better to sit like this.
    1. +6
      26 August 2022 09: 21
      Quote: Galleon
      Should GPS be suppressed on the front line and in the frontline zone? Well, it should be as obvious and obligatory as feeding a fighter 3 times a day! And ground GPS stations in our country are still working. But why is this surprising? As the 60-year-olds were shown the figurine and sent to look for work, declaring them young and healthy - this was not surprising. How the whole people was sent ... to self-isolation, removing all responsibility for the announced quarantine - was it not surprising, you forgot?

      Not that I disagree with you, but I will allow myself a small interpretation of your phrase:
      Quote: Galleon
      Only not everyone pays, and not with money, but with blood.

      Everyone will pay, at least the vast majority of citizens of the state of the Russian Federation. Only who is what, who is who, who how much ... But there will not be so many beneficiaries, and who will it be? hi
      1. +6
        26 August 2022 09: 49
        Yes, you can say that. Here the idea is wide, it is impossible to fit in a couple of phrases. And let's leave your question as it should be a question wink . For 22 years, rare people have not found this answer.
        1. +1
          29 August 2022 05: 08
          Quote: Galleon
          For 22 years, rare people have not found this answer.

          Not only rare, but also irreplaceable.
          Some parrots cause nothing but annoyance with their cries.
    2. +4
      26 August 2022 12: 28
      Quote: Galleon
      How the whole people was sent ... to self-isolation, removing all responsibility for the announced quarantine - was it not surprising, you forgot?

      And nearby, the people of SMERSH demand - forgetting about the quarantines of 2021 and not realizing that under SMERSH it was much tougher ...
  20. -6
    26 August 2022 08: 20
    NVO had to be carried out like Israel without entering the territory, hitting targets from its space with missiles and aircraft and negatively or no comments until they capitulate
  21. +2
    26 August 2022 08: 30
    Quote: NDR-791
    Quote: ivan2022
    And if a society cannot fight its traitors and thieves, it will eventually only have to go to surrender.

    In principle, it can, but they put you in jail for it. Therefore, we sit, we sniff into a tube. The specialists have already rung all the bells at the expense of the mobilization of the military-industrial complex, and things are still there.

    This is also contradictory. Our society, although it can, every time goes to the polls under the slogan: "And for whom else?"

    They are dissatisfied, but for 30 years a people numbering more than 100 million (!!) have not been able to nominate anyone from their midst as the leader of the people's opposition. And obeys the liberal group. This directly draws on the plot of the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Cockroach".
  22. 0
    26 August 2022 08: 46
    And the hunchback lives quietly for himself, and not only him. These are the ones who are to blame for today's events
    1. +1
      26 August 2022 12: 38
      For 22 years it was impossible to fix everything?
  23. +11
    26 August 2022 08: 52
    And the guys plow there under the bullets
    Here is what the author wrote about. If the word war is forbidden and the fighters do not fight, but plow. And they are not fighters, but guys.
    Suffice it to recall the roadblocks and total checks of documents in the Chechen Republic in the most dashing years.
    Then the generals were Soviet, and the current uniforms hung with badges, like a Christmas tree.
  24. +11
    26 August 2022 08: 53
    1) Ah, another explanation why everything is so, and not as promised ... I don’t believe it.
    As if in 30 years there are still naive believers in promises.
    2) Terrorist power - in the internet there are clear parameters of the state. terrorism.
    But!!! there is no disassembly for compliance in any article. Failed? I do not believe
    it means that someone needs to be promoted without understanding.
    3) Complacency .... Does something depend on citizens in general? did anyone ask them? no.
    And who is not used to forgetting everything on command, remembers that Putin, the Kremlin, the media said - we will not attack, they laughed at the "fools from the West", and as a result, time Z was predicted by Biden (true on the second attempt)

    As the Commander-in-Chief himself said ( verbatim), it is necessary to speak more truth, and then people will reach out ... (in the meantime, there, having beautifully done on the fly, and having failed literally everything, they "hate", they push their son from Omerika into the edro)
  25. +7
    26 August 2022 09: 00
    Our authorities now have no time to deal with the safety of our citizens.
  26. Eug
    26 August 2022 09: 02
    To begin with, it would not hurt to establish commandant's offices in every settlement ".... under the control of the Allied Forces" and at least issue a receipt for the surrendered hunting weapons (with permission), and not just confiscate. Those who like to give advice like "contact the relevant authorities" will answer - what are the relevant authorities and where to look for them?
    1. +1
      26 August 2022 09: 26
      Quote: Eug
      and at least issue a receipt for surrendered hunting weapons (with permission), and not just confiscate.

      But what kind of d-e-b-i-l at such a time and in such a place would part with weapons? belay
      1. 0
        26 August 2022 12: 32
        Quote: Adrey
        Quote: Eug
        and at least issue a receipt for surrendered hunting weapons (with permission), and not just confiscate.

        But what kind of d-e-b-i-l at such a time and in such a place would part with weapons? belay

        And the one - who understands - that his military will slap him on the spot at any second - seeing from a gun and deciding that this is an unfinished terrbatovets ...
        And by the way, they will be right ....
        1. +3
          26 August 2022 12: 37
          Who will go for a walk with a gun on the street?
          Quote: your1970
          seeing with a gun and deciding that this is an unfinished terrbatovets ...

          Unfinished terrbatovets and with a double-barreled gun!? belay Believe it yourself?
          1. +1
            26 August 2022 13: 10
            Quote: Adrey
            Who will go for a walk with a gun on the street?
            Quote: your1970
            seeing with a gun and deciding that this is an unfinished terrbatovets ...

            Unfinished terrbatovets and with a double-barreled gun!? belay Believe it yourself?

            I believe.
            Those who were with Molotov in Sirenevo, they didn’t even have double-barreled shotguns .. just bottles ...

            And yes, if they come to you and you point them at home, the effect will be the same as on the street
            1. 0
              26 August 2022 13: 30
              Quote: your1970
              And yes, if they come to you and you are on them point the gun at home - the effect will be the same as on the street

              This goes without saying and makes perfect sense.
              1. +1
                26 August 2022 16: 45
                Quote: Adrey
                Who will go for a walk with a gun on the street?

                Quote: Adrey
                set the gun at home - the effect will be the same as on the street

                This goes without saying and makes perfect sense.

                And why then keep the gun
                Quote: Adrey
                But what kind of d-e-b-i-l at such a time and in such a place would part with weapons?
                You themselves they answered that it makes sense to store it in such situations - "they will kill you even on the street, even at home" - there is none!!!
      2. Eug
        26 August 2022 12: 43
        Consider me such a moron, but I broke up - consciously and voluntarily. And about the receipt, they hovered over me for 4 days - like come tomorrow, there is no time today, and on the 5th day (morning) - rotation and those to whom I handed over - decreased .. obviously it was not worth making inquiries, it’s more expensive for yourself.
    2. +1
      26 August 2022 09: 28
      You, my dear, confiscate the phone and PC, also on receipt with a promise to give it back someday.
  27. 0
    26 August 2022 09: 04
    Mironov apparently consulted with the author when he put forward his bill? Or vice versa? what
    "Coincidence? I don't think so." wassat
  28. -3
    26 August 2022 09: 53
    Quote: DeGreen
    And let's all tomorrow
    ... send. We will not sell gas and oil to anyone. So what? What will you live on?

    My dear, this is how we live and on and taxes on income from trade is a lot of things. Revenues to the budget "from gas and oil" are now hardly up to 15 percent. You were late with your grief, like, we live only at the expense of oil and gas. We were 15 years late. I woke up,
  29. +2
    26 August 2022 10: 31
    Quote: Nexcom
    Do you understand? The escort is a star! There are already news about sex workers. And this is considered the norm. I'm stunned.

    An escort is a delicate synonym for what is called "God forgive me". As well as an assessment of the type she is a star, it is clear to everyone that such a woman is a word that rhymes with the word "star". Brand. Well, for professional women this is normal, you rightly noticed, because advertising.
  30. -1
    26 August 2022 10: 43
    Quote: DominickS
    Taking off the rose-colored glasses and increasing vigilance is now the task of the leadership of the country, not the population.

    Wow, what a great guy you are. Yes, the fact of the matter is that now not only the authorities should be vigilant, but precisely that of ourselves. And this phrase, that, they say, oh, what are we supposed to knock chtoli, these words are from the time of the catastrophe. That's when the saboteurs told us that reporting something suspicious, about crimes, it's terrible, so, they say, it's impossible. Yes, it is necessary, it is necessary, to look around you, who comes from where, to whom suspicious personalities come. There would be someone to check, at least at the level of the local police. And then, fir-trees of a stick, this reptile, a terrorist, comes from x knows where, rents very expensive luxurious mansions and no one! not a word to the precinct. What, do you need to have the type of power with your eye everywhere, and we will be such nice guys to scold them? I repeat. We ourselves now need vigilance, but the authorities need it to be possible where to report quickly and to have someone to quickly check the information.
  31. +4
    26 August 2022 11: 20
    to whom does the author appeal to become pathetic? we have a deeply centralized state. all questions about changing the status of ours are addressed to the president of russia, supreme commander vladimir vladimirovich putin. he makes fateful decisions and he is solely responsible for the course of the special operation
  32. +10
    26 August 2022 11: 35
    The fate of our Motherland was decided when budgetary funds were stolen under slogans about "stability", "innovations", "import substitution", "sovereign democracy" and "no analogues".

    Urgant, Galkin and Roizman, who joined them, are to blame for this.
  33. +4
    26 August 2022 12: 31
    It's time to add the term anti-terrorist operation to this definition.

    Yesterday in the media, S. Mironov already made a stuffing about the fact that the NVO could go over to the CTO, and now the campaign has gone to work on the masses in this vein. Say, it is proposed to forget the NWO with its tasks and start making new plans. It's like with promises before the elections: one thing is promised, it is not fulfilled, no one asks why, and already new plans.
  34. +2
    26 August 2022 12: 38
    I remember when I served in the 90s, so we were in the service almost around the clock, resting and again on patrol: the subway, basements, entrances, streets, polling the people and the result was, we won!
  35. +6
    26 August 2022 12: 42
    Maybe someone will explain why the "patriot" Urgant was not banned from entering the country and allowed to continue to joke at corporate parties?

    And why not, why there were mass protests in the USA against the Vietnam War, the boxer Muhammad Ali refused to serve in the army at all, there were protests against the war in Iraq, why Urgant cannot be against the NWO, this is his opinion until martial law is declared in the country , not declared war everyone has the right to express their opinion against the policy of the state. And all these articles about discrediting are just an attempt to sit on two chairs, to do without martial law, but somehow tighten the screws.

    Has anything changed since then? Excuse me, but I still don’t fully understand the purpose for which the Army-2022 forum was held, mass entertainment in Crimea has not been cancelled.

    How is the current SVO legally different from a military company in Syria? Otherwise it cannot be, there is no martial law, which means peacetime.
  36. +1
    26 August 2022 13: 24
    Two points have not been disclosed: 1) what "realities of the special operation" are we talking about, 2) what does it mean to "open your eyes."
    And so everything is correct.
  37. -9
    26 August 2022 13: 42
    In the realities of the special operation, Roizman does not even receive house arrest in an open case of insulting the Russian Armed Forces. Can Fedorov also explain this?
  38. +1
    26 August 2022 13: 51
    You can’t hit with splayed fingers when you need to quickly and effectively strike with a FIST! And with all my might. Having mobilized all our possibilities. And if they were not there initially, then it was necessary - to prepare, prepare and again, prepare!
    Only by our decisive actions will the enemy be convinced of our superiority, a clear tendency to surrender will appear, hope for help from behind the "hillock" will "lose" (for the Ukrovsky leadership, and the "West" will demonstrate its impotence). A decisive victory will lead to minimization of losses on both sides, first of all, Ukrovskaya! By the way, this is the most humane!
    And that is exactly what our goal is! We do not need to produce thousands of "bloodlines" - but instead get a friendly all-Russian people! By dragging out the WZO or whatever it is, we only make its goals more and more unattainable!
    Or am I wrong???!!!
    To do this, it is necessary to accept (!!!) fundamental political and economic transformations in the Russian Federation - to nationalize stolen enterprises, to introduce the State. monopoly of foreign trade and close borders for "unfriendly" states!!! And Others are not quite marketable. but measures necessary for our survival!
    I'm afraid. that without this, we will not achieve a quick victory.
  39. +6
    26 August 2022 15: 20
    But for this, society will have to be transferred to the new realities of perception of a special military operation. Everyone should truly understand that the fate of our Motherland is now being decided.
    Yah? And who should do it? Those peppers that settled in Moscow? Aha! What! They just stroke the laces - and right away ... Don't they? We ourselves? Well, it's possible. Like Minin / Pozharsky ... But then the whole Moscow astronomy will have to be counted! How to be?
  40. kig
    26 August 2022 15: 25
    The second aspect of the current difficult situation is the relative tranquility of the Russian public.

    Indeed, and why do people not stand in lines at the military registration and enlistment offices? Very simple. The authorities failed to convince the people that Ukraine is all Bandera and Nazis (and now terrorists), that the NMD is vital for further prosperity, that NATO, which has always been close by and with which the fourth generation lives, has suddenly turned into a mortal threat, with which it is impossible not only to negotiate, but even just to talk. And our "we can repeat" for some reason did not frighten anyone.

    Power and people still live in parallel universes, and intersect only on election day.
  41. -5
    26 August 2022 15: 44
    The special operation is moving into another phase. Now the brutal fight against terrorism begins. Everything will go according to the Chechen scenario, only much harder and stronger! America will no longer hide its supplies, as in Chechnya. The real war is about to begin! That's not all !
  42. 0
    26 August 2022 17: 06
    Right now, all their problems and explosions on the territory of the Russian Federation will be blamed on Ukraine, since in 90 they blamed the Chechens
  43. 0
    26 August 2022 18: 03
    Respect to the author, but I would like to add that it is not the people who should become aware of the new realities, but the authorities, strange as it may seem. The impression is that the Kremlin and the Government are very relaxed. The country must quickly switch to mobilization tracks in the economy, security, and the media space. Stop with festivals, dances, etc. No one guaranteed that we would win. Only the highest tension of all forces and resources. WAKE UP! The enemy is on our doorstep!
  44. +1
    26 August 2022 18: 05
    It's time to open your eyes to the realities of the special operation
    . The question is... who should open their eyes? Who should start doing the right thing?
    Who should .... and who does not do what they should???
  45. 0
    26 August 2022 18: 41
    No one will recognize Russia as a terrorist state. .
  46. +1
    26 August 2022 18: 47
    "the post-Maidan authorities managed to drive a large part of the Ukrainian people back to the cave times"
    If you slowly raise the temperature, you can easily cook a live frog.
    Overton windows in action, they are in Ukraine and did not understand how, why and why, but it is considered that everything is normal ....
  47. 0
    26 August 2022 19: 31
    Quote: Eug
    Those who like to give advice like "contact the relevant authorities" will answer - what are the relevant authorities and where to look for them?

    There is one organ that they send to!
  48. -1
    26 August 2022 22: 43
    The West continues to build up GPS-based weapons in Ukraine - long-range 155-mm artillery shells, corrected from the satellite, will soon appear.

    they were late. GPS-corrected 155-mm artillery shells have long been in Ukraine and have been used for a long time.

    Maybe, after all, finish these games with high-precision weapons?

    the author proposes to inflict nuclear strikes on the territory of Ukraine and the territory of its overseas sponsors?

    Everyone should truly understand that the fate of our Motherland is now being decided.

    those who were able to understand this understood at the beginning of 2022, when, even before the NWO, the West began to openly land dozens of aircraft in Kyiv with weapons. Then it became clear that the war was inevitable and its start counted for days.
    The last straw was the statement of the descendant of the fascist underdog in Moscow that they say the genocide of Russians is ridiculous.
    After that, it became clear to the Russian people that only the language of arms remained to talk to the West and its rabid Bandera dog.
  49. +1
    27 August 2022 03: 29
    Quote: kig
    The second aspect of the current difficult situation is the relative tranquility of the Russian public.

    Indeed, and why do people not stand in lines at the military registration and enlistment offices? Very simple. The authorities failed to convince the people that Ukraine is all Bandera and Nazis (and now terrorists), that the NMD is vital for further prosperity, that NATO, which has always been close by and with which the fourth generation lives, has suddenly turned into a mortal threat, with which it is impossible not only to negotiate, but even just to talk. And our "we can repeat" for some reason did not frighten anyone.

    "The authorities and the people still live in parallel universes, and intersect only on election day.

    Well said. And most importantly - for sure.
  50. -1
    27 August 2022 07: 27
    Quote: codetalker
    I wonder where I lost myself in this scheme?
    Can you tell me?

    I'll give you a hint. Look at your belongings, household appliances, phone, car, etc. etc. If all this is domestic, then yes, you are excluded from this scheme. Relatively speaking, to buy an iPhone, you need to send a tank of oil over the hill, a / m Volkswagen ~ composition. So it turns out that by buying any imported item, you give away a certain amount of oil or gas. Another question is that the state does not give you a means of exchange (money) just like that, but forces you to work.
  51. +2
    27 August 2022 09: 15
    Our authorities pray for an hour in the morning, at lunch and in the evening so that the people do not realize the “new reality” for as long as possible. Does the author really want people to realize en masse that we are at war? Is it really not clear what will happen then?
  52. The comment was deleted.
  53. -1
    27 August 2022 15: 17
    A few words about ideology.... Its foundation is not metaphysical fabrications, not religious theoretical dogmas, not promises to build a bright, satisfying future, not empty calls to live together like Leopold the cat...
    Communist ideology was successful not in understanding historical empirio-criticism; it initially bought people with purely material promises of “land to the peasants, factories to the workers.” When it became clear to the peasants and workers that they had been fooled, and the “leading hands” wanted not only to continue the banquet, but to at least live like under communism, the so-called “force majeure” came. Further, it was possible to control the fooled only with the help of a goldfish, subjugating it... Since this is an unrealizable song from a fairy tale, the crazy people began to tear everything under themselves faster, even faster...
    And everything fell apart. And it was not the state that began to own factories and lands, but individuals like “Ivan Petrovich Sidorov, Fedor Afanasyevich Ivanov, ...etc...;)))))....
  54. +3
    27 August 2022 18: 11
    It's time to add the term anti-terrorist operation to this definition.

    Well, custom demagoguery has begun to push through the use of yet another term to justify a stagnating operation... :)

    This is not military action, not armed resistance - this is a real terrorist war

    The actions of the WWII partisans were also classified by Germany as terrorist...
    so, before writing nonsense, it wouldn’t hurt to know the history and cause-and-effect relationships...

    Sorry, but I still don’t fully understand the purpose of the Army 2022 forum; mass entertainment in Crimea has not been cancelled.

    Well... you don’t understand the basics, but still write articles...
  55. +1
    27 August 2022 18: 36
    Is this what I just read?
    My eyes still hurt.
  56. 0
    27 August 2022 18: 48
    Quote: Sunstorm
    Politics always uses morality for its own purposes, yesterday's enemy can become a friend, who would have believed in the possibility of nazification of Ukraine 30 years ago? Well, let's recognize them as terrorists, start our own peacemaker website, start carpet bombing, use nuclear weapons, chemical, biological, start hanging dubious personalities, confiscate their property, deport them from the country, collect them in camps ... And then how will we differ from them ? The strength is not in the words of politicians and bloggers, the strength is in people.

    There is no need to be better or worse; these are not the categories that need to be used in politics. It is necessary to respect the interests of Russia and its people, regardless of how it looks, including whether it looks different or not. If for this you need to shoot with confiscation, then you need to do it, but if for the benefit of the country you need more liberalism, then you need to do it already. We have a lot of emotional gestures and incomprehensible romantic humanism in politics, it’s time to become more practical and act not beautifully, but expediently.
  57. -4
    27 August 2022 18: 50
    I like how many people here who have only recently registered publish such opuses! I just want to take a rifle and go overthrow the government!
    “During the Second World War, who did Stalin sell uranium, oil, gas, and strategic raw materials to? Everything was done with rubles and on the patriotism of the people.”
    My dear, Stalin paid for everything in gold and what could he supply if the entire industrial center was under the Germans after just a few months of the war? And how?
    “And they defeated the enemy and captured Berlin and stood in Europe for more than 40 years until the traitors sold the country. And now?”
    The enemy was defeated by first allowing the Germans to reach Moscow and the Volga and the Caucasus! Forgot about it? And remind you of the price of this? So what now?
    “Traders are profiting to the fullest in Ivanovo, making gestures of “good will”, negotiating with the enemy, but Donetsk is still being shelled and people are dying.”
    Which traders can you name? and which of them are involved in gestures of goodwill and what benefit do they have from this? As for Donbass, this is because you are not there, you would have pushed the front back sharply!)))
    “They gave 380 billion zelengs to the enemy themselves and no one meowed, as they should.”
    I’ll probably tell you some news, but all this money did not belong to the state, it belonged to the Central Bank, which since its founding has been accountable only to the Fed and this money simply could not be withdrawn! Why does this take so long to explain! And you won’t understand either!
    “They didn’t even remember about pensions and salaries.”
    What is wrong with them?
    “So, la-la, there’s no need, we’ll have to live on it.”
    That's right, don't la-la!))))
    “All the money that power comes from overseas is not for the people.”
    And how is it?))) In the sense that frozen assets are frozen for them, although according to you they shouldn’t be!)))
    “Gazprom pays millions in salaries to itself, but the people get the horseradish (plant). It’s time to nationalize everything. Put an end to the mess in the country.”
    Some other crap inserted that is not relevant!))) In general, you are weighed and recognized as a TsPSOshnik and the locals who give you likes or the same ones, or simply by virtue of their minds, are not able to distinguish between them!
  58. -1
    27 August 2022 21: 35
    Such articles are probably written from the heart. Only the authors do not understand that at the helm of the state there are people who are definitely no more stupid than them. Why then don’t they ask questions about the reasons for such restraint by the Kremlin in relation to (I agree) the openly terrorist regime of Ukraine. The answer on the surface is that it’s not time yet. Russia is not ready for an escalation of the conflict, because a rapid advance with the seizure of the territory of Ukraine, which formally does not belong to Donbass, attacks on vital infrastructure and decision-making centers of Ukraine could cause the introduction of “NATO peacekeeping forces” with the corresponding UN resolution (by a majority vote, since no country in the world supports the seizure of Ukrainian territory). This NATO contingent can now easily be increased to 300 thousand with overwhelming air superiority. In such a situation, we could easily find ourselves in thermonuclear armageddon. To prevent this from happening, we will have to quietly build up a combat-ready army 3-4 times larger than the current one, transfer industry to a military footing, and place new weapons systems along the perimeter of the confrontation for a possible global disarming strike. Then you can make sudden movements without much fear for the fate of your own people, since it is unlikely that anyone will want to get involved with such an army. But there is no point in creating philistine shrill hysteria in the country and organizing a “witch” hunt. Professionals must work calmly and calmly. But our people are wise, they already understand that there is a war going on, and in war the enemy also has successes.
  59. -1
    28 August 2022 10: 44
    And what do you want from these government officials? For their consciousness it is not possible to understand the very meaning of the word Motherland.
    Unfortunately, with the current state of the Russian economy, and the actual situation in the Russian army, any protracted military conflict with Russia’s participation in it will result in the collapse of our statehood, into protectorates and small bandustans.
    I don’t like this conclusion, because all the signs of this collapse are obvious. A state that does not know where it is going and what kind of social system it represents has NO FUTURE.
  60. -1
    28 August 2022 18: 49
    The author, “everyone must understand that the fate of our Motherland is now being decided...” - excuse me, who are you talking about? To us, SVO readers, ordinary citizens? So we need to go to Crimea and border areas and set up checkpoints on the roads? Search everyone? Climb into an SU-57 and fly to bomb trucks with high-tonne shells for the Ukrainian Armed Forces? Ban Urgant from giving concerts, that is, forcefully not let him into the hall? Why are you writing all this to us? To the Kremlin. Or to the headquarters of the Northern Military District. This is not the place to explain the truisms to us.
  61. -3
    28 August 2022 19: 11
    Quote: Alexander Ra
    We have a tradition: first, "Brothers and Sisters ...", and then - the Leningrad case.

    Is the Leningrad Affair bad? I heard a ringing, but I don’t know where it came from. ..... Yeltsin's liberal patriots.....
  62. -3
    28 August 2022 19: 19
    Quote: Hoarfrost

    Half of Berlin was given to the Americans as an occupation zone.

    In 1991, their whole country was disgraced for “you live well”... In general, in peacetime.... Like, “It was Lenin and Stalin who planted the bomb.” And Peter the Great... joined them.
    Diagnosis - in my opinion, there is no other way to call such things.
  63. The comment was deleted.
  64. 0
    28 August 2022 19: 44
    Quote: ivan2022
    Diagnosis - in my opinion, there is no other way to call such things.

    1. humor neutral eto serjozna topic.
    2. winowaty w rozpade CCCP hruscew i gorbacew Petr Welikij i Mikolaj I tut newinowaty
    3. CCCP eto neudacnyj eksperiment realizacji komunisticeskoj utopii "praktika dokazatelstwo istiny"/lenin
  65. 0
    28 August 2022 19: 46
    Quote: ivan2022
    Leningrad case.

    kotoroje stalinskoje or gorbacewskoje?
  66. 0
    28 August 2022 19: 58
    Quote from usm5
    organize a witch hunt

    1.bditelnost naselenja polezna kontrazwedke. net "wedm agenty wlijanja i spiony dic na ohote
    2. 5 kolonna i wnutrennyj wrag eto glawnaja opasnost: opyt Russkoj Imperii dokazatelstwem
    3. wse wase predlozenja neispolnime pri otsustwe rezultatiwnoj kontrrazwedki
  67. 0
    28 August 2022 20: 04
    Quote: TatarinSSSR
    Ban Urgant from giving concerts, that is, forcefully not let him into the hall?

    hwatit sroka dla predatela mozna delo spjonaza w polzu Izraela nacat i pristrelit iz za soprotiwlenja pri zaderzanju ili popytki begstwa, nedurno ustranit pod cuzom flagom naprimer SBU
  68. 0
    28 August 2022 20: 18
    Quote: u4gr8Kk6p8
    what kind of social system it is, there is NO FUTURE

    1 demokracji net buduscego bezrazlicno ot strany "gore ot uma" kratcajsa i metka definicja demokracji.
    2. u durakow i mudrecow 1 golos durakow i negodajew namnogo bolse cem porjadocnyh i umnyh w elekcji izbiratele sobe pohozyh wybirajut durakokracja eto negatiwna selekcja kadr demokraticno wlast hitler,biden i zelenskij polucili,Aleksandr i Petr ob a Welikije po otcah unasledowali Cezar w grazdanskoj wojne pobedil i wlast trofejem wzjal
    3. Kazdyj narod polucajet wlast po zaslugam Russkij terpit nakazanje za careubijstwo
  69. 0
    28 August 2022 20: 25
    Quote: azkolt
    And during the Second World War, Stalin sold uranium, oil, gas, and strategic raw materials to whom

    stalin za dostawki hlama zapadowi zolotom platil wozmozno i ​​legirujuscimi metalami nelepo iz stalina jazyceskowo boga delat
  70. 0
    28 August 2022 20: 39
    Quote: azkolt
    belonged to the Central Bank, which since its founding has been accountable only to the Fed

    1.predatelstwo z wremen PMW endemicne w Rosji; koly predatelom polozene.
    2. people wse znajet nicego ne delajet takoje popustitelstwo gosizmene jawlajetsa posobniceswom
  71. 0
    28 August 2022 20: 56
    Quote: angara200
    Communist ideology

    1.komunizm=otwratitelna utopja polzujuscaja skotskimi instinktami ludej.
    2. CCCP derzalsa tolko terrorom durak hruscow prekratil terror cem CCCP na smert prigoworil
    3.komunisticeskaja ekonomika soprotiwlaetsa biologiceskoj nature celoweka Korolev Tupolew i Polikarpow stali zekami a beloemigrant Igor Sikorskij milionerom dla talantiwnoj molodezy wywod odin iz za etowo naucne i konstruktorske kadry predpocitajut boleje estestwenyj stro j
  72. 0
    28 August 2022 21: 07
    Quote: Mikhail3
    Is it really not clear what will happen then?

    1.grazdanskaja wojna 2.0 kolektiwnyj medinskij = partia mira protiw kolektywnogo Kadyrowa= partia pobedy
    2. grazdanska w dobawlenje do wnesnej nezelatelna.
    3. wy awtora serjozno obwinjajete podstrekatelem grazdanskoj wojny? tak w FSB zajawku wam slat nado
  73. 0
    28 August 2022 21: 22
    Quote: Alexey 34091
    I'll give you a hint. Look at your things, household appliances, phone, car

    1.wy demagog w prodaze net russkih smartfonow i laptopow awtomasiny ne russkije tolko zapadnyje w Rosji sdelane ja predpocitaju kitajsku techniku ​​moi dengi w USA ne pojedut; antywirus Kasperski i Telegram na kitajskoj technice ispolzowal zdu Rosijskoj konkurencji dla windowsa i androida Russkije oruzje ludse w mire no zakon zaprescajet AK 47 i RPG7 pokupit a tanki mne ne po karmanu
  74. 0
    28 August 2022 21: 26
    Quote: TatarinSSSR
    Ban Urgant from giving concerts

    mordu merzawcowi nabit i pinkow dobawit grazdaninu patriotu ispolnimo tolko faberge nado imet
  75. 0
    28 August 2022 21: 44
    Quote: lopvlad
    Bandera dog

    1.wy sobaki obideli Banderowcy eto tyfoizne blohi klopy i saranca
    2.horosij banderist mertwyj banderist!
    3. wse ukry nacisty nenacistow ili ubili ili w zastenkah SBU pytajut
    4. humanitarne koridory= duracka zateja naselenje wyhodit iw rjadah terobrony nasilstwenno ili dobrowolno budet strelat w bojcow WS RF
    5. kak partizantku pobedit germanskij opyt jest germancom wremeni ne hwatilo no metod wernyj prinjali bez sotrudnicestwa naselenja partizanit neispolnimo perebit ili wywezti naselenje partizanom konec
  76. 0
    28 August 2022 22: 06
    Quote: acetophenon
    Minin/Pozharsky type

    1.kto Minin 2 0 kandidatow ne widno tut Russkogo Napoleona= wojennogo diktatora nado Pozarskije najdutsa sposobnyh wojennyh hwatajet
    2.w russkoj istorii polozitelne primery byli Oficery Imperatorskoj Guardii wrednyh ustranjali i poleznyh na prestol sazali
    3. legitymnyj Russkij i Germanskij Imperator ziwet on w Petersburge wencalsa emu prestol wozwratit nado
    4 . wse nescastja Russkowo naroda wremen 1917-2022 eto nakazanje za rewolucju i careubijstwo
  77. 0
    28 August 2022 22: 15
    Quote: lopvlad

    the author proposes to launch nuclear strikes on the territory of Ukraine and the territory of its overseas sponsors
    awtor net ja da
    Nemedlennyje jadernyje udaryeto najludse iz wozmoznego nelzja zdat 22 06 1941 2.0
  78. 0
    28 August 2022 22: 33
    Quote: alexandr_vd
    minimizing losses on both sides, especially Ukrovskaya! By the way, this is exactly what is most humane!

    1.humanizm na wojne wrednyj Von Klausewitz predelno jasno piset: porazenje na wojne itogom dobroty i humanizma
    2. wojewat nado bezposcadno i krowozadno po lekalam wojennyh genijew Cingis Hana,i Gustawa Adolfa 3.Generalissimus Suworow toze lisnym gumanizmom ne gresil pobezdenyh wragow presledowat i istreblat prikazywal po wzjatju Izmaila i Pragi ego soldaty rezali i trophe je brali; nikto nakazan ne byl
  79. 0
    28 August 2022 22: 43
    Quote: yuriy55
    Russia has everything. There is no desire on the part of the authorities to recreate a socially just society.

    1.samoje sprawedliwe bylo w Russkoj Imperi pered 1861 tolko Aleksander I nesprawedliwo krepostnyje prawo otmenil i wrednyje liberalnyje reformy wwel
    2. k sozalenju wtoryh Bennigsena i Pahlena ne naslos a sprawedliwost paradoksalno ispolnili narodniki terroristy
  80. 0
    28 August 2022 23: 25
    Quote: kig
    Indeed, why don’t people stand in lines at military registration and enlistment offices? Very simple. The authorities failed to convince the people that Ukraine is entirely Banderaites and Nazis (and now terrorists), that the Northern Military District is vital for further prosperity, that NATO, which has always been nearby tolko eto: potrebitelskij mentalitet i moja hata s kraju nicewo znat ne zelaju glawnoje
    2. u sowremjennyh Ruskih ne hwatajet Welikoderzawnego nacjonalizma = kraeugolnogo kamnja Imperii net mentaliteta hiscnika zawojewatela ohocego jasyr i trofei brat na nowyh teritorjah selitsa i tuzemcow pokorjat . pomestje i ukrokrepostnyh i sexrabinej polucit newozmozno
    3.Gerojsko predki wojewali "Za Weru Cara i Otcestwo zagranotrjadow w 1812 iz za nenadobnosti ne bylo
    4. w 1814 Russian Pariz wzjali i Ewropu oswobodili iz francuskogo iga.
    5. net wodusewlajuscej idei= net oceredej dobrowolcow
    6. bojec za dengi ostroznicajet- beret sebja pokojniku dengi bezpolezny a na posmertnyje nagrady jemu naplewat.
    7.najemniki nenadeznyje wragu netrudno ih perekupit USA deneg hwatit= pecatajut potokom
  81. -1
    28 August 2022 23: 56
    Quote: lithium17
    There is one organ to which they send! walajte duraka terroristow ili predateli zametil organow skolko ugodno zajawlenje delaj w etot kotoryj najudsym scitaes w aspekte profesjonalizma.
    2. bditelne i userdno stucasce naselenje klad dla kontrazwedki i kosmar dla inorazwedok i diwersantow . 3.nedurno w CCCP delali Pawlika Morozowa kumirom molodyh ludej i rezultatiwnyh stukacej zilploscadej wragow naroda nagrazdali
    4. sowremenno mozno nesowersennoletnih stukacej smartfonami nagrazdat i aplikacju dobawlat poleznuju daze obucat w iskusstwe hakerstwa i na ucet brat postuplenjem w prestizne wuzy nagrazdat tak molodyje kadry gotowit nado ne z nula ne wse genije opyt nelisnyj.
    5. halawnu komputernuju igru ​​Lowi Terrorista dla detej i podrostkow sdelat pust trenirujutsa
    6. konfiskowanom imuscestwem prigoworenyh nagrazdat kadry i wnestatnyh sotrudnikow po zaslugam
    7.dla wzroslyh nagrady pridumat nado dengi + order Grafa Beckendorfa=nacalnika III otdela .
    8. pensjonerom wyzsyj sortmedopeki i sanatorij wne oceredi+order+dengi
  82. -1
    29 August 2022 00: 24
    Quote: your1970
    yes - killing foreign citizens in other countries, regardless of their badness, is also terrorism. From Israel

    1.grazdanskaja moral na wojne neumesnaja daze wrednaja Izraelskij gosudarstwennyj terrorizm rezultatiwen wseh zestow dobrej woli i sdelek typa zernowoj.
    2. Izraelskij Genocid Palestincow wam ne nrawitsa turistom w Liban I dobrowolcem w Hamas wozmozno
  83. -1
    29 August 2022 01: 10
    Quote: rocket757
    Who should .... and who does not do what they should???

    1.wse grazdane RF dolzny userdno ispolnjat prikaz " terroristow mocit w sortire a skolko banderoteroristow zamoceno w Rosji posle ubijstwa Darii Duginoj? na terror narodowolcow i eserow Istinno Russkie Ludi otwecali pogromami
    BEJ abramowicej i 5 kolonnu SPASAJ ROSJU
    2.wopros k Patriarhu RPC pocemu wse ukry poka ot cerkwi ne otluceny i krestowyj pohod ne objawlen.
    3. woprosy k Gosdume pocemu 3 Otecestwenna Wojna ne objawlena a Ukraine ne objawlena terroristeckim gosudarstwom narawne z IGIL, pocemu Afganskije prawitelstwo Talibow RF ne uznalo de jure w sojuznikah u Rosji perebora net
    4. Who mesajut w afganistane dobrowolcow nabrat i za bojewyje zaslugi grazdanstwem RF nagrazdat iz za demograficeskih problem wojenkomaty normatiwa nabora na kontrakty ne wypolnjajut woinstwenne Pustuny z bojewym opytom i nenawistej k jankesom prigodne w pehote a pereucit wozmozno soglasno wakancji w Afganistane zalowanje rjadowego kontraktika WS RF eto prilicne dengi
    5. mobresurs Pustunow swyse miljona; u anglican polozitelnyj opyt rekrutacji Gurkhuw sdelajmy Pustunow Gurkhami RF po okoncanju sluzby i wozmozno pridumat stimul wozwrata odstawnyh soldat w Afghanistan esli imigracja nezelatelna
    6, wojenne pensjonery z semjami z wremjenem mogut stat wlijatelnym Russkim Lobby w Afghanistan
  84. +1
    29 August 2022 12: 13
    The point is not in the name, but in how exactly the Russian military-political leadership can prevent the worst-case scenario. So far it is impossible to prevent it. The pace of the operation is slow. The initiative is voluntarily given to the enemy in the person of NATO and its Ukrainian “consumables worth a million bayonets.” It is impossible to say exactly when the Ukronazis will be able to reach the nuclear reactors at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant with missiles or shells, but perhaps this is a matter of the next few days or weeks. Whether the radioactive cloud will cover, including, only the Russian units involved in the Northern Military District, or whether it will also capture the Kherson region, Novorossiya, Belgorod, Kursk regions is also difficult to say now, but we can assume now that the “slowdown” announced by the Russian Minister of Defense will cost our armed forces dearly and the civilian population. What else does “slowing down” the brain processes of strategic thinking and taking responsibility for the work that has begun include? The football principle: “if you don’t score, they will score a goal for you” also works in politics. NATO will take advantage of our “slowdown” in a comprehensive manner: intensifying actions against Russia in other directions, intensifying subversive activities in the liberated territories and on the territory of the Russian Federation, sending Polish troops or a special contingent of the Alliance to Western Ukraine, increasing the supply of long-range missile systems, etc. The name of the operation is no longer important. Other issues are on the agenda: the quantity and quality of shelters, the quality of gas masks, suits for protection against weapons of mass destruction, the mass purchase by the population of drones to help the army and navy, moral readiness for emergency mobilization, since the planned one is not carried out, urns for spitting out the bitterness of something seasoned with horseradish , developments! “Slowing down” the SVO is “grounding” the hopes and aspirations of millions of people.
  85. The comment was deleted.
  86. 0
    29 August 2022 14: 13
    Quote: kig
    Indeed, why don’t people stand in lines at military registration and enlistment offices?

    What, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have already taken Kursk and Orel and are preparing to attack the capital? “Get up, huge country!”?
    The operation is going slowly, but it is still moving forward and for most the conflict is just a picture on the screen, something like a heroic series.
    So you can drink beer and chips while listening to Konoshenkov’s next report.
    Ukraine strikes with its fist, and we strike with our finger. But our finger is still stronger than their fist.
    Don`t worry, be happy!
  87. 0
    30 August 2022 00: 50
    A raven won't peck out a crow's eye!
    And the capitalist - to the capitalist?
    As they say in Ukraine: “Oh, too!!!”
  88. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      4 September 2022 23: 01
      Dugin sowed the wind and received a storm.
      Extremism of any color is a terrible thing.
      And Dugin is an extremist, no matter what they say.
  89. 0
    1 September 2022 21: 41
    “when one of the parties openly slides into terrorist acts, it crosses all possible red lines” - You also write - “What are we for?” What did you expect? That they will voluntarily give up their ass? They fight as best they can and with the methods they can. What do they have to lose?
  90. 0
    1 September 2022 21: 43
    Quote: yuriy55
    They will ask. Especially those who liberated their cities with weapons and hung red flags on tanks and buildings.

    So big, but you believe in fairy tales.
  91. 0
    3 September 2022 17: 56
    It is France, Germany and the United States that will understand and forgive any antics of the Ukrainian regime. And often they will help in execution.

    France and Germany just won’t understand. There they were cured of Nazism after World War II. From the list described above, only the States, which have not experienced what Nazism is, are ready to play their game with any pieces.
    1. +1
      4 September 2022 22: 58
      Germany indeed, and - both the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR,
      they got rid of Nazism like the plague, only for this
      to survive.
      But in the Baltic republics of the USSR,
      Nazism was never eradicated.
      I know for myself that it was enough to go there,
      and feel it.
  92. The comment was deleted.