State of emergency declared in Karakalpakstan due to mass protests in the republic


The riots that broke out on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan have been going on for the third day, the situation remains very tense. Additional units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Guard of Uzbekistan are being drawn into the republic.

Riots broke out in the capital of Karakalpakstan on July 1 after the Uzbek authorities announced plans to deprive the republic of autonomy and the right to secede from Uzbekistan. Unsanctioned rallies began in Nukus, which escalated into attacks on law enforcement officers. The crowd got into fights with the police. At night, the confrontation only intensified, someone actively added fuel to the fire.

On Saturday, the authorities said that a group of organizers who tried to seize the authorities of the autonomy had been detained. Despite the measures taken, the riots continued, in some places turning into violent clashes. A state of emergency has been introduced in Uzbekistan, which will be in effect until August 2.

Last night, clashes between protesters and law enforcement officers continued, despite the imposed curfew, it came to the use of firearms by security forces. weapons. It is alleged that the authorities gave orders to law enforcement officers to harshly suppress the protests, the number of injured has already exceeded several dozen. There are data on the dead, but there is no exact information on them.

The Uzbek authorities declare their refusal to amend the Constitution, the corresponding message is sent to the mobile phones of the residents of Karakalpakstan, but the protests continue, gradually spreading to other cities. Rallies are reported in Kunrat, Kankal, Taktakopyr, Karaozek. The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirzeyoyev flew to the capital of the autonomy for the second time.
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  1. +1
    3 July 2022 12: 29
    The footage of blood-stained asphalt at the crossroads is impressive... There is a serious notch
    1. +17
      3 July 2022 12: 35
      I don’t think that the reason is a change in the status of autonomy. Well, where can this piece of the Hungry Steppe with the dried up Aral go?
      1. avg
        3 July 2022 13: 00
        Quote: dmi.pris
        Here the ears of the third party are clearly sticking out

        Nothing but various "cultural and humanitarian" NGOs are very dissatisfied with the rapprochement between Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation. Russian schools are being built, branches of Russian universities are being opened, they want to revive the aircraft factory. Who will like it? You need to protest, but the slogans can be different, up to leaving Uzbekistan and joining the EAEU.
        1. +5
          3 July 2022 13: 45
          You don’t know that Karakalpakstan was part of the RSFSR. It’s true for a long time. The laws do not need to be redone. Read on what conditions Karakalpakstan became part of Uzbekistan in 1993. Nukus rebuilt after the collapse of the USSR and very much. Look at the photo.
          1. +4
            3 July 2022 14: 43
            Encircle the English and American embassies with a cordon, and do not let anyone out.
            Track all calls from there and immediately detain subscribers.
            There will be no riots in a week.
            And those detained during the search of the house will have so much money hidden from taxes (mainly in dollars) that it will be enough for two annual budgets of Uzbekistan.
          2. 0
            3 July 2022 16: 45
            By the way, about rebuilding .. Yes, there are new buildings but the architecture is gloomy. Behind the new building are quarters of old one-story buildings, adobe houses .. Uzbekistan is a fairly wealthy state compared to the same Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan.
          3. 0
            3 July 2022 20: 25
            Quote: tralflot1832
            You do not know that Karakalpakia was part of the RSFSR. True for a long time.
            Karakalpak ASSR was part of the RSFSR in 1932-36
            In 1990-92, since April 26, 1990, the SSRK, entered directly into the USSR
            A republic was formed in 1992 Karakalpakstan
        2. +8
          3 July 2022 15: 45
          Quote: avg
          Nothing but various "cultural and humanitarian" NGOs are very dissatisfied with the rapprochement between Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation.

          And what? Have the Russians, who are forced to flee Uzbekistan due to all kinds of harassment from the Uzbek authorities and local nationalists, forgotten everything and forgiven everything (everyone)?
      2. +5
        3 July 2022 13: 25
        The Karakalpaks are a Turkic people, like the Uzbeks, but they are closer to the Kazakhs. Until 1930, the Karakalpak Autonomous Region was part of the Kazakh ASSR, which was then part of the RSFSR. Since 1930, Karakalpakstan directly became part of the RSFSR. And when Kazakhstan in 1936 received the status of a union republic, Karakalpakstan was separated from the territory of the RSFSR by the territory of the Kazakh SSR. Therefore, it was decided to include it in the Uzbek SSR. The problem is that the Karakalpaks themselves in Karakalpakstan are less than half of the population. At the same time, according to the Constitution of Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan has the right to self-determination, up to secession, by holding a referendum.
        1. -3
          3 July 2022 13: 32
          That's right. But before that, the Kazakhs drove them from their lands and they came to the Khan of Khiva and asked for land to live on. And now this land turns out to be theirs :( let them bring down but without land
        2. avg
          3 July 2022 13: 52
          Then the question is, what do their brothers want from Kazakhstan?
        3. 0
          3 July 2022 15: 14
          Nazarbay resettled them all in Kazakhia))
        4. 0
          3 July 2022 19: 38
          Quote: Sergej1972
          Until 1930, the Karakalpak Autonomous Region was part of the Kazakh ASSR,

          but wasn’t it the Kazakh SSR then?
          1. 0
            3 July 2022 22: 00
            For a while, yes, that was the name. But in this case it doesn't matter. Only not the SSR, but the ASSR until 1936.
      3. +2
        3 July 2022 13: 44
        Well, there is gas, oil, gold mining, large factories, and outwardly - a naked desert ...
        He himself provoked, it was not necessary to make this item.
      4. 0
        3 July 2022 14: 42
        Quote: dmi.pris
        Well, where can this piece of the Hungry Steppe with the dried up Aral go? Here the ears of the third party clearly stick out

        In Karakalpakstan (the former Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of the Uzbek SSR), Koreans seem to live compactly, I met them at the Soviet Union in a pioneer camp, they are good at karate and taekwondo ...
      5. +1
        3 July 2022 15: 55
        So even in the text of the article. Ban on secession from Uzbekistan.
        But I have an ambivalent feeling, Kazakhstan has already been helped.
      6. +1
        3 July 2022 17: 51
        Quote: dmi.pris
        I don’t think that the reason is a change in the status of autonomy. Well, where can this piece of the Hungry Steppe with the dried up Aral go?

        Specially looked at the map - for sure, ears! Kazakhstan is there, especially its most "muddy" places. I am tormented by vague doubts, but Kazakhstan, in its current form, is sharpening a knife on the sly...
    2. -7
      3 July 2022 12: 46
      Quote: svp67
      The footage of blood-stained asphalt at the crossroads is impressive... There is a serious notch

      And the ears are sticking out of the ocean, Sergey is sure .. This is a very dangerous situation if "Soviet Asia" is plunged into a bloody civil war .. There was an attempt and a serious one in Kazakhstan ..
      Gangs can pass through Kazakhstan like a knife through butter, and Tokayev behaves very strangely.
      I hope our authorities are preparing for different scenarios? I think this very seriously.
      1. +2
        3 July 2022 13: 49
        Where is Takaev's gold reserves? Trump famously bent Nazarbayev over his knee, blocking part of the gold reserves. Nazarbayev had to buy a lot of American ones so that Trump would have mercy.
        1. -1
          3 July 2022 16: 59
          Quote: tralflot1832
          Where is Takaev's gold reserves?

          Coming soon..hehe
          Quote: tralflot1832
          Trump famously bent Nazarbayev over his knee, blocking part of the gold reserves. Nazarbayev had to buy a lot of American ones so that Trump would have mercy.

          Well, here is Takaeva, the same fate awaits ..
          There, in Kazakhstan, little Tony Blair worked well as an adviser to Nursultan Yakshi .hehe
          But the uranium mining company, under Russian control, so far We have been developing them in the Soviet Union (given to the Kazakhs), as well as gas developments ..
          The Bayan elite stuck there, and the rest of the vast territory is simply abandoned and overgrown with wheatgrass hehe
          But there state farms were virgin cattle, etc. they raised .. Now everything is covered with feather grass .. Damn it
          Lake fishing there THING!

          Kazakh cops there really collect cop baksheesh in greasy pants .. Well, if you fill your face, then a couple of thousand and a bottle can be dispensed with hehe
      2. 0
        3 July 2022 15: 16
        Unfortunately, nothing good for Asia. At the very place of relatives
    3. +10
      3 July 2022 12: 49
      Kharosh to carry the blizzard. They already gave the information that it was the protesters who were poured with paint so that it would be easier to identify especially active ones later
      1. -1
        3 July 2022 12: 55
        Quote: Shep
        They already gave the information that it was the protesters who were poured with paint so that it would be easier to identify especially active ones later

        Please God let this be true. But why use this color paint? Yellow then would be more bright. And somehow this paint spreads in puddles ... well, God forbid, God forbid
        1. -3
          3 July 2022 12: 59
          Yes, that is right. Although I am in favor of driving out these Karakalpaks with what they came back to the steppe and return the land of the Kharezm region.
          1. +2
            3 July 2022 15: 58
            Are you so cool? W we have in the Crimea, do not believe it. Crimean Tatars. From my point of view, they are newcomers here, they were not born here, but from their point of view, I am a newcomer, and what should I do? Well, maybe you need to somehow get along?
            1. -1
              3 July 2022 17: 01
              The problem is that the Karakalpaks are rebelling. This is just a data region. They went out into the street, their demands were heard. But they still do not calm down. And here is the steepness
    4. 0
      3 July 2022 15: 02
      On July 3, Polish journalist Agnieszka Pikulicka apologized on Twitter for spreading fake news about the supposedly blood-stained streets of Nukus.

      The video circulated on social networks, but later it turned out that red spots on the roads were formed due to water cannons: the protesters were dispersed with orange-tinted water
  2. +6
    3 July 2022 12: 35
    This has never happened since the 90s, and here it is again. By the way, then the Karakalpaks advocated leaving Uzbekistan and joining the Russian Federation, now what are the slogans.
  3. +10
    3 July 2022 12: 36
    "State of emergency declared in Karapalkastan due to mass protests in the republic"

    I don’t understand, the author of the article is a big prankster, he saw the name of the Republic of Karakalpakstan through a stick (and what stick was he thinking about?), Or is this illiteracy? winked
  4. 0
    3 July 2022 12: 41
    someone actively added fuel to the fire.
    Weird, who is this person? But aren't these various Western NGOs fueling nationalist sentiments and nationalists financially fueled by these organizations?
    1. -9
      3 July 2022 12: 52
      Quote: rotmistr60
      someone actively added fuel to the fire.
      Weird, who is this person? But aren't these various Western NGOs fueling nationalist sentiments and nationalists financially fueled by these organizations?

      They are the most Gennady! They are trying to involve Russia in another conflict .. This is all very serious!
      And Russia needs to act tough!

      I know what "asia" is and their smiles with hating eyes hi
  5. 0
    3 July 2022 12: 43
    But recently negotiations were held with the Americans. Looks like they didn't agree.
  6. -1
    3 July 2022 12: 43
    maidan, contagious and effective technique. Kazakhstan was, Kyrgyzstan was, now Uzbekistan. Everywhere there are "zapidentsy", everywhere, even in the USA, given what happened last year, there. In 2014, the Russian Federation quite clearly blunted and ignored the Maidan and the fact that the "partners" poked out on the arrangement of gatherings of the "opposition of the oligarchic opposition" with the ssykun, the manager of Yanukovych. The result is also bright - CBO, with huge losses and costs. Conclusion - crush in the bud
  7. +4
    3 July 2022 12: 49
    It's not hard to get people excited. Age-old poverty, underdevelopment of infrastructure, clan-bureaucratic structure.
    Even if the performances arose spontaneously, then someone will immediately "saddle" them.
    Muslim fundamentalists, emissaries of Kazakhstan, Anglo-American agents, Erdogan's Great Turanian missionaries...
    So who benefits from this?
  8. +2
    3 July 2022 12: 55
    Carastickastane (instead of Karakalpakstan, Qaraqalpaqstan .. Kunrat (instead of Kungrad, Qo'ng'irot)

    Difficult to write? Maybe. But if you can't write, don't write.
  9. +1
    3 July 2022 12: 57
    But once Karakalpakstan was part of the RSFSR, they want to visit us again, pro-Russian sentiments are strong there
    1. -4
      3 July 2022 13: 04
      Let them bring them down))) but with a naked priest, as they came when the Kharezm Khan sheltered them. We will give the land back to the Kharezm region))
      1. 0
        3 July 2022 13: 18
        Is it true that the President of Uzbekistan is a Tajik? Bukhara? Or Pamir?
        1. 0
          3 July 2022 13: 51
          There were rumors that the previous president, Karimov, had Tajik roots. At least he knew the Tajik language.
  10. +1
    3 July 2022 12: 58
    London is starting to set fire to our Central Asia. There is only one question: who is next?
    1. -5
      3 July 2022 13: 03
      White master)))))) we have 5 countries here, we are our own))) we are not yours. Once you were ours, then we are yours. And schyas all for themselves and there are interests. Live for today
      1. 0
        3 July 2022 13: 36
        black mansur, sit in your own country exactly on your haunches with a pile of interest, otherwise we will demote you to a Jew - this is your favorite title.
        1. +1
          3 July 2022 13: 53
          Hmm) I'm happy for your upbringing
      2. +4
        3 July 2022 15: 00
        I know our Central Asia well. Been there. And I also know about "interests". Relatives lived there for the time being. They raised literacy, introduced medicine, fought epidemics... Cities, roads, factories, mines, conservatories were built.
        By the way, they also created "5 countries". Forgot?
        1. -1
          3 July 2022 17: 04
          No, no, I didn’t forget) but the creation of 5 countries were 3 khanates that were destroyed :) is also history. And so on
          1. 0
            3 July 2022 23: 03
            The khanate is not a state, but an organization for the robbery and oppression of the people. Our grandfathers and fathers liberated the peoples from the power of beys and khans, created a culture that was national in form and humanistic in content. There were opera and ballet theatres, drama theatres, academies of sciences, institutes, libraries, writers, film studios, the Russian language... And where is it all?
            1. 0
              3 July 2022 23: 47
              ))))))) Yes, yes, and even under the Khan they did not know the Russian language, and this is an indicator of ignorance. And the fact that people before that wrote and read in other languages ​​\u15b\u16bis not important, when in the XNUMX-XNUMX centuries they studied the star, don’t teach either, at that time Russian shavinists ran for labels to other khans, we forgot)))))
      3. 0
        3 July 2022 15: 18
        Neither we nor they will ask you. Before I had to think
    2. 0
      3 July 2022 15: 12
      Tojikiston I am shielding
      Your opinion?
    3. 0
      3 July 2022 15: 20
      The worst option is when Russia has to defend what it can, when there will already be chaos
      1. +1
        3 July 2022 16: 04
        Do you think that it is worth poking into every mess of Russia? Here with Ukraine, this is an existential threat, I don’t like pathetic words, but I’m sure that you understand. And then let Uzbekistan cope on its own, and if it fails, let it look at Ukraine.
        1. 0
          3 July 2022 16: 40
          Not in every one. But you have to watch everything.
        2. -2
          3 July 2022 17: 04
          We'll manage. Thanks :)
  11. +1
    3 July 2022 13: 00
    And this is another signal to the most cunning Kazakh who wrote off Russia ... Well ... Well
    Russia, here it is, nearby, but it will be far from Turkey
    1. The comment was deleted.
  12. 0
    3 July 2022 13: 18
    The author, correctly spelled Karakalpakstan or Karakalpakia.
  13. 0
    3 July 2022 13: 24
    Karapalkastan or Karakalpakstan? What is more correct? And then I just broke my head, what kind of country is this?
    1. -1
      3 July 2022 13: 34
      Republic of Karakalpakstan)))))
      1. 0
        3 July 2022 13: 47
        Quote: Shep
        Republic of Karakalpakstan)))))

        I know few of them. Are they Kipchaks?
        1. 0
          3 July 2022 13: 55
          Yes, they are Kipchaks.
          1. +1
            3 July 2022 14: 01
            Quote: Shep
            Yes, they are Kipchaks.

            Then we understood each other.
      2. 0
        4 July 2022 06: 42
        Thank you! And then the writers of the article have no responsibility
  14. +2
    3 July 2022 13: 40
    I don’t quite understand what the Karakalpaks are counting on in case of separation. An analogue of the riots in Yakutia in 90 and 92 about leaving Russia (we have gold, diamonds, mammoths, America will help). It seems that the United States needs it more. There is no income from that area. The Aral dried up too.
    1. 0
      3 July 2022 13: 53
      Rather, they are counting on unification with Kazakhstan.
      1. 0
        3 July 2022 13: 59
        So they are free people) they can both come and go. The land is not theirs. They didn’t conquer it, but asked to live when the Kazakhs ran into them and drove them out of the steppe
        1. 0
          3 July 2022 15: 57
          Quote: Shep
          they can come and go. The land is not theirs.

          Generally aware. Khorezm state, Khiva khanate. And how is Auile-Ata, Ak-Mosque.
          In perspective?
          1. +1
            3 July 2022 17: 09
            If no joke, then the prospect is not so hot. It is necessary to calm and calculate the activists and find out whose they are. We are a neutral and peaceful country. Over the past couple of years, we have settled all disputes with neighbors in disputed territories. We all have enough 2 meters of land
            1. +2
              3 July 2022 17: 33
              Quote: Shep
              We all have enough 2 meters of land

              We all walk on oak. I want you to calm down as soon as possible. And then the British puppets developed here.
    2. 0
      3 July 2022 15: 31
      They rebelled not because they want independence, but because the draft of the new constitution of Uzbekistan, which is now posted for public discussion, removed the article that they could secede from Uzbekistan. 100% provocation from the Kazakh extremists, who were not killed at the beginning of the year, and their American masters.
      1. 0
        3 July 2022 16: 14
        There are 27% Kazakhs. They won't all follow. Moreover, there is nowhere to go. The history is rich, but it is history. They are far from rich.
        1. 0
          3 July 2022 22: 07
          Kazakhs are closer to Karakalpaks. There are fewer Karakalpaks in Karakalpakstan than Uzbeks. But there are more Karakalpaks and local Kazakhs combined than Uzbeks. Therefore, a lot depends on the position of local Kazakhs.
  15. 0
    3 July 2022 14: 23
    In order not to choke in blood tomorrow, to bleed the instigators and those who are especially active today. There will be fewer victims.
  16. +2
    3 July 2022 14: 45
    Quote from Pharmacist
    "State of emergency declared in Karapalkastan due to mass protests in the republic"

    I don’t understand, the author of the article is a big prankster, he saw the name of the Republic of Karakalpakstan through a stick (and what stick was he thinking about?), Or is this illiteracy? winked

    This, unfortunately, is already the general level of texts in VO. If the article is not signed, it means that the copywriter most likely wrote it on his knee for a bowl of rice.
  17. 0
    3 July 2022 14: 46
    Quote: Emergency
    In order not to choke in blood tomorrow, to bleed the instigators and those who are especially active today. There will be fewer victims.

    Why bleed? The most violent should just be shot
  18. 0
    3 July 2022 14: 50
    Karakalpakstan, or am I mistaken?
    1. 0
      3 July 2022 15: 33
      You are not mistaken.
  19. 0
    3 July 2022 15: 05
    Riots broke out in the capital of Karapalkastan on July 1 after Uzbek authorities announced plans to deprive the republic of autonomy and the right to secede from Uzbekistan.

    Simply put, the Uzbek authorities violated two articles (73-74) of the Constitution of Uzbekistan at once....
    The territory and borders of the Republic of Karakalpakstan cannot be changed without its consent. The Republic of Karakalpakstan independently decides the issues of its administrative-territorial structure.

    The Republic of Karakalpakstan has the right to secede from the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of a general referendum of the people of Karakalpakstan.
    The Declaration of Sovereignty of Karakalpakstan was adopted in 1990. At the beginning of 1993, an interstate agreement was signed, according to which the Republic of Karakalpakstan became part of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the 1920s, Karakalpakstan belonged to Soviet Kazakhstan, and in 1932–1936 it was part of the RSFSR. Since 1936 - autonomy within the Uzbek SSR.

    The area of ​​Karakalpakstan is more than a third of the country's territory, however less than 2 million people live here. The Karakalpaks are the fourth largest people in Uzbekistan (752,7 thousand people). Karakalpakstan is rich in minerals, but due to the predominantly desert territory and salinity of the soil, it is impossible to engage in agriculture here. Therefore, since Soviet times, this territory has been a deeply subsidized region. The situation escalated after the death of the Aral Sea. Investments in new production facilities in the republic are directed exclusively at the expense of the central government.
    Maps of Uzbekistan (political, physical...)...
    If the central government of Uzbekistan does not increase subsidies to the autonomy, then a mess will grow in the latter ....
    1. 0
      3 July 2022 15: 38
      Quote: Lara Croft
      Simply put, the Uzbek authorities violated two articles (73-74) of the Constitution of Uzbekistan at once....

      Don't fool people. The constitution has not been violated, no one has canceled autonomy, and so on. So far, there are only discussions about amending the Constitution. And they are connected more with the term of the presidency, and in Karakalpakstan - the initiative of the local Cabinet of Ministers. Like to please, to excel. No one in their right mind will be disconnected, the region is subsidized. But someone waited for the moment and turned everything upside down in order to raise the peaceful people, as with a come true fact. And there further according to the scenario, which has already been worked out.
      This is directed, among other things, against the Russian Federation and China. Look who needs it. No wonder the Bandera people are so happy in their channels.
      1. +1
        3 July 2022 18: 27
        Quote: Azim77
        Don't fool people. The constitution has not been violated, no one has canceled autonomy, and so on. So far, there are only discussions about amending the Constitution.

        It's you do not fool the kind and gullible members of the forum.
        The reason for dissatisfaction was some of the items being prepared in Uzbekistan amendments to the constitution that encroached on the “freedom of Karakalpakstan”. In particular, the republic lost the definition of “sovereign” in the new version of the Basic Law, and it was also supposed to remove the provision that “the Republic of Karakalpakstan has the right to secede from the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of a general referendum of the people of Karakalpakstan”
        in this way, article 74 of the Constitution of Uzbekistan was canceled or modified .... which could not but please the population of the republic ....
        and for Karakalpakstan - the initiative of the local Cabinet of Ministers

        again, fool the kind and gullible members of the forum, how
        local Cabinet
        can amend the Constitution of Uzbekistan or initiate them so that the members of this cabinet are killed by their own?
        No one in their right mind will be disconnected, the region is subsidized.

        It is up to the local residents of the republic to decide, they are protesting for the deprivation of such a right, Karakalpakstan is an independent state that is part of Uzbekistan and has the right to secession .... according to the Constitution of Uzbekistan .... there would be no discussion of amending the Constitution in part restrictions on the constitutional rights of Karakalpakstan, there would be no unrest ....
        The central authorities are apparently far from their people, the nationalists of Karakalpakstan and the "sleeping" cells of ISIS and the countries of "developed" democracy will now take advantage of the clumsy work of the central authorities ....
        1. -1
          3 July 2022 20: 11
          Quote: Lara Croft
          some items from forthcoming amendments to the constitution in Uzbekistan

          Compare your "violated" with the quote you gave. How can something that is only being prepared be disturbed? So who is fooling whom then? If you don't know the topic, don't speculate on it.
          1. 0
            3 July 2022 21: 01
            Quote: Azim77
            How can something that is only being prepared be disturbed?

            There is such a thing as preparation for a crime, to which the prosecutor's office should respond in this case, only the very proposal to change the Constitution by violating an indefinite circle of persons should be punished by logging ....
            For example, in the "decaying" Germany there is a special service for this, which is responsible for observing the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany ....
            Any constitutional reform presupposes the existence of a package of laws and other regulations (which have passed legal, social, economic, linguistic and other examinations), as well as a feasibility study, I did not see all this ... there is a desire from above and a rebellion from below ... .and you can "hang noodles" as much as you like here, but the central authorities of Uzbekistan have no legal justification to deprive (express a desire) of its constitutional rights ...
            As I understand it, you "drown" for Krasnobaev from Tashkent .....
            1. 0
              3 July 2022 21: 42
              Answered below. The constitution, the articles from which you cite (they are wider on the topic - from 70 to 75) is now in force. Only go discussion amendments, this implies that there are no changes, cancellations of rights, etc. yet. Therefore, there is no justification for serious unrest, the seizure of administrative buildings. Those. there was no peaceful expression of desire. That's what it's about.
              In general, the main amendments were not focused on this issue. There it is more important about the terms of the presidency, etc.

              If you cite the example of the FRG, then it is very interesting whether East Germany still has the right to secede in the GDR?
              1. 0
                3 July 2022 21: 54
                Quote: Azim77
                Only go discussion amendments, this implies that no changes, no revocations, etc..

                And I see you are a "kind" forum member .... how do you feel about the possible sending of you to salt copies? Will you wait for your "business trip" to be approved?
                In general, the main amendments were not focused on this issue. There it is more important about the terms of the presidency, etc.

                This has already been written, which means that there was no explanatory conversation among the masses, everything was done in a blunder, from 50 million Uzbekistan they could not find their Tereshkova ....
                did East Germany still have the right to secede in the GDR?

                She never had that right. laughing The GDR became part of the FRG by absorbing the latter, and not by merging into one new state ...
                1. 0
                  3 July 2022 22: 11
                  While basically agreeing with you on the merits, I note that you seriously overestimated the population of Uzbekistan.) According to the Uzbek authorities, 35 million, that is, 15 million less than the figure you provided.
                  1. +1
                    3 July 2022 22: 26
                    Quote: Sergej1972
                    According to the Uzbek authorities, 35 million, that is, 15 million less than the figure you provided.

                    I'm sorry, I'll fix it ... t.s. "rounded"...
        2. -1
          3 July 2022 20: 58
          Quote: Lara Croft
          there would be no riots.

          It's rightly noted here. There are riots going on. If due to amendment discussions riots immediately into the Constitution, then this is already too much. It's another matter if they didn't discuss it at all and immediately made corrections, or even without making amendments they deprived the right. Then yes - "violated".

          Quote: Lara Croft
          The central authorities are apparently far from their people, the nationalists of Karakalpakstan and the "sleeping" cells of ISIS and the countries of "developed" democracy will now take advantage of the clumsy work of the central authorities ....

          Partially true. The central authorities were guided by the information of the local authorities, the same Council of Ministers, which did not pay serious attention to the impact of these amendments. We didn't expect such a response. But due to external replenishment, he suddenly appeared and began to progress. Therefore, the borders were urgently closed and a curfew was introduced.
    2. 0
      3 July 2022 16: 07
      If the central government of Uzbekistan does not increase subsidies to the autonomy, then a mess will grow in the latter ....

      Excuse me, so they are subsidized and buzz like that? Or the picture is still somewhat different, I honestly don’t know, but I have already heard enough about subsidized Crimea, both under Russia and under Ukraine.
      You don’t have rash judgments, I don’t agree with everyone, but I’m interested in your opinion.
      1. -1
        3 July 2022 17: 12
        Data. There is nothing there because of the dried-up Aral. In the last 5-7 years alone, a lot of money has been spent there. A large oil refinery has been built. But still the region is dated
        1. -1
          3 July 2022 18: 32
          Quote: Shep
          But still the region is dated

          You're lying again. I gave links in the first post, it clearly says that even though the region is subsidized, there are a lot of resources, so we can say that it is subsidized not without the "help" of the central authorities .....
          1. -1
            3 July 2022 19: 45
            If you write somewhere above that elephants fly, do they fly?
            We all know that there are resources there. How can investments be attracted there. Factories are built and so on. But keep in mind that we are not Saudi with a bunch of petrodollars. And there is another point, the Karakalpaks themselves are rather lazy people, after all, the Kachevniks. And the Uzbeks are not in a hurry to go there with a worthless eco-goal.
            1. 0
              3 July 2022 20: 08
              Quote: Shep
              We all know that there are resources there.

              ... you probably don’t, because. above write that:
              There is nothing there because of the dried-up Aral.
              1. -1
                3 July 2022 20: 14
                ))))))))) what is the use of fossils if there is no money to dig it up and sell / process it.
                So there is nothing yet
                And those factories that have been built over the past 5-7 years are investments from the "central authorities" or attracted by the "central authorities".
                Half of Russia with such resources is still shredded in wooden boxes. Teach everyone how to live. Sorry if offended.
                1. +1
                  3 July 2022 21: 11
                  Quote: Shep
                  Teach everyone how to live.

                  But who needs you to teach you, for 70 years it didn’t work for the future, now even more so ...
                  The problem of Karakalpakstan did not appear today ...
                  1. 0
                    3 July 2022 23: 43
                    Offended)))) it's you now nobody needs.
                    1. 0
                      4 July 2022 00: 27
                      Quote: Shep
                      Offended)))) it's you now nobody needs.

                      WE need OURSELVES, this is enough for EVERYONE else to be offended ....
                    2. 0
                      5 July 2022 01: 19
                      Why are you all coming here to earn money?
                2. 0
                  5 July 2022 01: 18
                  And you wipe the ass with stones after you went on the street, but you talk about wooden toilets.
                  1. 0
                    7 July 2022 11: 14
                    We wash)))) not like you and G ... in 0ne
  20. +1
    3 July 2022 15: 32
    Author, aren't you ashamed? Well, after all, never in the text, including the title, did they write the name of the republic correctly.
  21. +2
    3 July 2022 16: 51
    USE students can't even write correctly... Karakalpakstan, not Karapalkastan. Google, ignoramuses and copy the correct name without relying on your knowledge.
  22. 0
    3 July 2022 17: 51
    authorities? Who is stronger and the power! No other alternative - one way to resolve issues. Power is a weapon. Who has more of it and who wins the power.
    1. 0
      3 July 2022 18: 33
      Quote from Maus
      Power is a weapon. Who has more of it and who wins the power.

      We also thought so at the end of the 94th ....
  23. The comment was deleted.
  24. 0
    4 July 2022 10: 33
    The President and the Parliament of Uzbekistan have stated that the sovereign sauce of Karakalpakstan will be preserved. It is obvious that now they will be looking for "scapegoats" who have advised the central leadership to come up with an initiative to amend the status of the republic.