Europe before a choice: the division of the banking system or world war

Europe before a choice: the division of the banking system or world warThe prospects for the financial collapse of the transatlantic region and the explosive state of the Middle East region exacerbate the threat of a third world war like never before. The actions of courageous people are necessary in order for events to take a different path and avoid catastrophes.

The debate around “quantitative easing III” clearly shows how far it all went - the question is being discussed whether the Fed, the European Central Bank and the central banks of other countries should print an unlimited amount of money to postpone the collapse of the transatlantic banking system, or wait a minute. Part of the financial establishment around US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is convinced that only a flood of liquidity markets can prevent a collapse in the very near future. Others fear that hyperinflation will not allow Obama to be re-elected.

The pretentious statement by European Central Bank Chairman Mario Draghi that he would do “everything” to save the euro, including direct funding from governments and banks, provoked strong protest. The head of the Bundesbank, Jens Weidman, threatened to resign in protest against the hyperinflationary policy. An even more fierce struggle unfolded between those in the establishment who wanted to introduce a separation of the banking system, as it was during the action of the repealed American Glass-Stigoll law, and those who in imperial traditions believe that only new wars can be held in power.

Reasons for war

Meanwhile, the Middle East is a copy of the Balkans in 1914 year - a chessboard, on which the imperial players move the pieces, and where one shot can lead to a world war.

Potential World War I detonator # XXUMX - Syria

Goebbels would have envied Western media coverage of Syria. At one time they came up with a fake about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and just as today, President Obama and French President Hollande speculate on the threat of using chemical weapons by the Syrian government - an excuse for Western military intervention. In fact, US and UK special forces are conducting a secret aggressive war against the Assad government, hand in hand with Islamic fundamentalist Salafists, Al Qaeda and the PKK (Kurdish separatists), funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The former chief of staff of the French Air Force, General Jean Fleury, warned the French government against military intervention, including the establishment of a no-fly zone. General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States, also warned against putting into practice the idea of ​​establishing a flight-free zone over Syria. During a trip to London, Dempsey expressed concern about the worst case scenario in Syria, when she would become an “unstable state with all the risks that would follow.”

Syria has a military alliance with Iran, in addition, a NATO military operation in Syria will lead to a confrontation with Russia and China.

Detonator of World War №2 - Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities

Here, too, are pawns on a chessboard: a dubious statement by the IAEA about the alleged acceleration of the Iranian nuclear program, contrary to the latest estimates of all American intelligence services (national intelligence assessment of the situation). Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu says he wants to appeal to the UN General Assembly in New York at the end of September to “openly tell the world the truth about the regime of terror in Iran, which represents the greatest threat to world peace.” Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have repeatedly stated that they would strike at Iran.

General Dempsey stressed that the strike by the Israel Defense Forces on Iran would “put off, but probably not destroy, Iran’s nuclear program.” He added that the Israeli attack on Iran would cause widespread consequences in a very volatile region.

War prevention

Thus, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States clearly expressed the position of the American military towards Syria and Iran: they do not support confrontation with Russia and China. Behind the scenes, the US and Russian military are developing a strategy to prevent war; without such a strategy, a catastrophe would have happened.

In this context, the open letter of Rep. Republican Walter Jones, President Obama, is of particular importance. Jones claims that another war without the approval of Congress will violate the exclusive constitutional right of Congress to declare war, and this will be grounds for impeachment.

Most of all, in this situation, the lack of public awareness that we are on the verge of a third, this time thermonuclear war, is scary. During the Caribbean missile crisis, President Kennedy said that those killed during the nuclear war would be happier than the survivors, who would have to suffer from radiation and other consequences. During the crisis in connection with medium-range missiles, scientific conferences were held at the beginning of the 80-s on the effects of the nuclear winter, then hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets.

And today, when the threat of human existence?

The dictatorship in the media and the conformism of all parliamentary parties led to the fact that there is not even talk about it.

But there is a way out. It is necessary to immediately implement the separation of the banking system in the traditions of the Glass-Stigoll Roosevelt law, to restore the sovereignty of monetary and economic policy, and with the help of the credit system to start implementing an infrastructure program in Southern Europe, the Mediterranean region and Africa.

If you continue to issue money without limit and move to hyperinflation, as was the case in 1923, reconcile with the dictatorship of bankers implanted through the European stability mechanism and surrender to the world empire, when any government that opposes such a policy is swept away by color revolutions and subversive activities, the question will be raised about the survival of all mankind.
21 comment
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  1. +4
    27 September 2012 07: 17
    yeah, the Americans are shaking and shaking the world ... in vain the Arab world has stirred up, it still comes back to them, have a nice day
    1. 3581782
      27 September 2012 07: 44
      Yeah! The East is a delicate mechanism, and these idiots climbed to repair it with a sledgehammer and crowbar.
      1. +1
        27 September 2012 11: 41
        Quote: 3581782

        Yeah! The East is a delicate mechanism, and these idiots climbed to repair it with a sledgehammer and crowbar.

        Nobody was going to repair anything. The meaning of the events in the destruction of the states of northern Africa and the Middle East, the creation of a powder keg. Shadow financial dealers understand and predict everything perfectly. They need war, they will achieve their goal at all costs. One of the most effective means is is a military and informational provocation. The spread of the situation in these troubled countries: terrorist attacks, the same film about Muhamed. I won’t be surprised if something else appears in the near future.
  2. bask
    27 September 2012 07: 33
    If Europeans continue to live by the brains of the United States, then the European Union itself will have collapsed preconditions. Finland has already announced its withdrawal from the eurozone, England is not going to enter. Change the grandmothers who have them for gold, here is my forecast.
    1. 3581782
      27 September 2012 07: 49
      The old woman Europe became decrepit. And there’s nothing to think about, and it’s hard to move. Only Germany is still not floating, all this Mr. supports.
  3. +2
    27 September 2012 07: 43
    So it seems to me, name 10 significant breakthroughs of the West in ten years, science, technology, medicine ... what else? A collection of rentiers trying to live off what, or whom ... Africa, Asia, the colonies ... then a little movement forward at the expense of the money sector ... and that’s it, zilch.
    And then this understanding comes to them, then there is anger from the compulsion to violate the status quo. If we really look at the world as such, we are unlikely to see a monolith of Europe ...
    1. +11
      27 September 2012 08: 11
      Quote: dark_65

      It seems to me, name 10 significant breakthroughs of the West in ten years, science, technology, medicine ... what else

      I call
      1. A war in Afghanistan.
      2. Warrior in Iraq.
      3. Prohibition of Mother-Father words in official documents.
      4. Propaganda of same-sex love.
      5. Georgian adventure.
      6. The financial crisis.
      7. The spread of the plague called democracy.
      8. The killing of Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya.
      9. Open support for terrorists in Syria.
      10: A forceful push of the world in 3 world.
      These are the "achievements" of the West hi
      1. SenyaYa
        27 September 2012 22: 36
        Absolutely right))) Mlyn democrats worse than the Nazis
  4. +6
    27 September 2012 07: 46
    The military is always smarter than politicians .... they, unlike these talkers, know the value of words and deeds ..... because the price is one ..... soldier's life ...
    It's funny that the politicians on the contrary consider the military stupid ...
    Let's hope that it is the military that will be able to prevent global conflict and world war ...... politicians honestly have no hope ..... especially when you see that there is only one smart politician in the world and this is the president of your country. .... and in the west, a ram drives a moron.
    1. +4
      27 September 2012 10: 34
      Thus, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States clearly expressed the position of the American military towards Syria and Iran: they do not support confrontation with Russia and China. Behind the scenes, the US and Russian military are developing a strategy to prevent war; without such a strategy, a catastrophe would have happened.

      It is politicians who unleash wars, and the military ends them at the cost of their lives.
  5. gojesi
    27 September 2012 07: 56
    alarmist article, about nothing! America has banned Israel from touching Iran! NATO will not support the Turkish strike against Syria. The West understands well that if this happens, Russia will immediately cover up Armenia by crushing Georgia and everything will be "legal", by their double standards. Nobody will vyaknet! China will begin to make incalculable gestures ... Everything is very shaky ... and then the elections are on the nose of Batrak Abram ... So for half a year we really live in peace! Everything will start as usual, probably because of the money ...
  6. tambu
    27 September 2012 11: 07
    progressive socialism is eager for freedom of the political arena ... amusing .... it’s a pity that greed is stronger today, and the idea is quite interesting ....
  7. +1
    27 September 2012 11: 52
    At the expense of "the US military is developing a strategy to prevent war" I strongly doubt it. Have they ever done this? Their job is to calculate the options for waging war. As for overcoming the economic crisis, many know what to do, but almost no one wants it, because a well-fed life here and now is more important for many than a healthy economy the day after tomorrow.
  8. +2
    27 September 2012 11: 54
    Potential World War I detonator # XXUMX - Syria

    Yes, not Syria’s detonator, but a bunch of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East who don’t want to work, but live for the allowance, and if they stop paying it or start tightening their screws, they start pogroms ... Here’s one and two detonators for Europe .. .
    1. +1
      27 September 2012 13: 02
      And even more specifically, then again the United States - the mind, honor and conscience of our era, the guiding and guiding force of dermocratic processes throughout the world.
  9. 0
    27 September 2012 12: 11
    Or did it, or desa!?
  10. 0
    27 September 2012 13: 07
    LaRouche is a well-known oppositionist in the West. But who is listening to him? Are we listening to Nemtsov?

    And the third world will enter the hot phase no earlier than 20 years. So far, no one needs it, not a single major player, including TNCs and world bankers. As soon as all the possibilities within the framework of information wars, economic sabotage, revolutions, local and maybe regional conflicts are exhausted, then the turn of the third world will come. Moreover, TMV war will not only be a struggle for resources, but also a war of extermination.
    1. Drappier
      27 September 2012 13: 30

      Well, don’t tell, it’s sometimes interesting to listen to him. laughing burns right
  11. wax
    27 September 2012 13: 09
    The modern world financial system has only one way of saving - war. Another way - a complete reform to limit the "inflation" of capital, unfortunately, is still fantastic.
    1. Drappier
      27 September 2012 13: 20
      Something similar wassat
  12. vladimir64ss
    27 September 2012 13: 51
    Europe can be saved by Germany's sanity "" The head of the Bundesbank Jens Weidmann threatened to resign in protest against the hyperinflationary policy. "" And scatter to his own apartments. They have no other options.
  13. escobar
    27 September 2012 13: 57
    Some say the euro will change, others that the dollar will collapse, others scare the collapse of the national currency, the fourth that the price of gold is inflated to the utmost - a damn of any stability.
    1. +2
      27 September 2012 15: 13
      Quote: escobar
      Some say the euro will change, others that the dollar will collapse, others scare the collapse of the national currency

      No money, no problem.
    2. +1
      27 September 2012 18: 36
      I personally started my farm, food will always be in price
      1. escobar
        27 September 2012 20: 20
        Quote: nikoli25
        I personally started my farm, food will always be in price

        If those who don’t have anything will not take away all living creatures ..... at X hour ..
  14. 0
    27 September 2012 19: 02
    Well, the handwriting of small-shavens is clearly visible, so over a century they have not learned anything new ...
  15. 0
    27 September 2012 20: 35
    getting closer December 21
  16. Che
    28 September 2012 11: 25
    To the author of the article +. Very reasonable opinion.