Foreign Affairs: Russia Considers Three Scenarios for Ukraine Invasion


Despite a series of recent talks, the United States and Russia have failed to diplomatically resolve the issue of reducing tensions around Ukraine. Since the issue of the Russian attack has already been practically resolved, it remains only to find out how the Russian army will operate. This is written by the American edition of Foreign Affairs.

According to the publication, the United States has not been able to persuade Russia to solve the problem of Ukraine through diplomacy, the buildup of Russian troops on the border continues. Despite assurances from the Russian authorities that there would be no attack, Moscow began to build up military power, moving troops from the Far East to the west of the country, preparing a springboard for a full-scale invasion. The Russian army is now threatening Ukraine and from the territory of neighboring Belarus.

Since the invasion army is ready to attack and is only waiting for Putin's go-ahead, American experts suggest that Moscow is considering three invasion scenarios. Which scenario Russia ultimately chooses depends on Putin's wishes, the newspaper writes.

The first scenario provides for a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis. In this case, Moscow may officially recognize the "occupied Donbas", or annex it, following the example of Crimea. However, this option will bring nothing but additional headaches to the Kremlin, as Moscow loses the rest of Ukraine and the US and NATO deploy additional forces in Eastern Europe.

The second scenario involves a limited offensive to capture additional territories in eastern Ukraine. Under this option, the Russian army will capture Mariupol and Kharkov, a strike to the south is possible to create a land bridge to the Crimea and capture Odessa with further access to Transnistria. However, this option is unlikely, according to American experts, since the Russian army will have to wage war in the conditions of cities, and then fight the partisan movement in the occupied territories.

The third scenario implies a full-fledged large-scale offensive by the Russian army from all directions, involving aviation, fleet etc. In this case, there will be no occupation, the Russian army will quickly enter, cause significant damage to the country's economy, force the government of Ukraine to capitulate, and then come back. The whole task of this operation is to inflict such damage, after which Kiev will not be able to recover. The blows will be inflicted on factories and enterprises, warehouses, civilian and military infrastructure and, of course, on the Verkhovna Rada and the office of the President of Ukraine. This option in the US is considered the most likely.

Regardless of which option Russia chooses, the United States and Europe must respond with unprecedented measures that will cause enormous damage to the Russian economy and the Kremlin will no longer be able to threaten anyone. At the same time, the authors urge not to be afraid of Moscow's retaliatory steps, for example, limiting the supply of energy resources to Europe, promising that the United States will compensate for everything.
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  1. +22
    26 January 2022 13: 53
    Spit in the face with such hacks! Ugh! am
    1. 0
      26 January 2022 14: 06
      Quote: Alien From
      Spit in the face with such hacks! Ugh!

      Can I have a Bis? lol
      1. +11
        26 January 2022 14: 08
        Easy! Fuck them again! wink
        1. -1
          26 January 2022 14: 10
          Quote: Alien From
          Fuck them again

          Now it's right there wink
          1. +2
            26 January 2022 15: 07
            In this case, there will be no occupation, the Russian army will quickly enter, cause significant damage to the country's economy, force the government of Ukraine to capitulate, and then come back

            What's the point? For people to hang out?
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. -1
              26 January 2022 15: 14
              Quote: Civil
              What's the point? For people to hang out?

              But who knows what kind of cockroaches they have in their heads
              1. +3
                26 January 2022 15: 57
                Quote: Seryoga64
                But who knows what kind of cockroaches they have in their heads

                The abundance of Western fantasies about the Russian attack on Ukraine reminded me of an old joke:
                "A sadist stands in front of a masochist and slowly plays with a club.
                The masochist asks hopefully:
                - Are you going to hit me?
                Sadist lazily with a smile:
                “Maybe I’ll hit ... or maybe I won’t hit ...”
                1. 0
                  27 January 2022 16: 07
                  Well, I laughed while reading the writings of "Foreign Affairs"! According to the editors, Russia no longer needs the General Staff, you can contact them directly! They presented as many as three versions of "Russia's aggression"! But - the funniest thing - none of them stand up to criticism! Sure, operation to enforce the peace of Ukraine will be completely different SUCCESSFUL! smile And the US and NATO will screw up again! laughing
            3. -1
              28 January 2022 12: 27
              The question is different. laughing What will the Russian army do damage to? Economy? Do skakuas have an economy?
        2. +4
          26 January 2022 14: 23
          remembering that the "chief specialist of the State Department" could not find Syria on the map and simply indicated in her resume that she was special, it is not surprising that the Americans consider the most likely scenario to be the most INCREDIBLE
          1. +3
            26 January 2022 14: 31
            yeah, and we sent the marines to the "Belarusian Sea" laughing
            it's like "High Security Vacation" (hananamichi): stands - and here we have the sea
            1. +2
              26 January 2022 15: 34
              Psaka wrote ... exactly Psaka.
    2. +7
      26 January 2022 14: 13
      the authors urge not to be afraid of Moscow's retaliatory steps, for example, limiting the supply of energy resources to Europe, promising that the United States will compensate for everything.

      Actually, for the sake of which everything is started, the media screwed up
      1. +4
        26 January 2022 14: 15
        Maybe they really want to cover their gas to the Europeans at a horse's price!
      2. -6
        26 January 2022 14: 19
        Maybe you're right.
    3. +5
      26 January 2022 14: 15
      Russia has three invasion scenarios, and the Russian Ministry of Defense kindly shared all these scenarios with the editors of foreign affairs)))
      The mattresses have already returned))
      Soon these scripts will be sold to Netflix, and the series will be filmed) but the Russians don’t introduce everything))
      1. +5
        26 January 2022 14: 19
        "" and the Russians do not enter everything)) "" deeper and deeper until they choke))
        1. +15
          26 January 2022 14: 21
          Biden has already said, "if it's shallow" it doesn't count))
      2. UFO
        26 January 2022 15: 22
        To declare a no-fly zone, not enough - a naval blockade, not enough - a preventive strike on the trenches and "centers".
    4. +1
      26 January 2022 14: 18
      Quote: Alien From
      Spit in the face with such hacks!

      Better acid. Chamois. To get lost was unbearable. It may serve as a lesson to other similar artiodactyls. Everything has already been decided, will Putin attack? Have they already seen the plans of the General Staff? Read and present? The impunity of such publications leads to more and more intricate nonsense.
    5. 0
      26 January 2022 14: 23
      So we were "appointed occupiers!", Then we'll have to repeat 1945 already, to fill our flag on the Reichstag, so as not to return later, otherwise it's a bad omen ... And we'll destroy the United States, we'll arrange a revolution, with "local flavor", and with Russian housing and communal services ...
    6. +5
      26 January 2022 15: 18
      Gee-gee-gee, the third scenario is the most moronic, it is also the most likely, according to the United States!
      1. +3
        26 January 2022 18: 09
        Quote: Yrec
        Gee-gee-gee, the third scenario is the most moronic, it is also the most likely, according to the United States!

        They didn't mention anything about the fourth option. Russia will not send its troops to Ukraine at all, but will give it the opportunity to die economically on its own, cutting off all ties with this incomplete construction, after which the people there themselves will begin to drive the authorities with pitchforks, and at the same time they will get mattresses.
  2. +7
    26 January 2022 13: 55
    Well, all the Fashington newspapers and sources are sitting in our General Staff and the various bulk of Russian plans cannot stop being published.
    Did they not see the plan of total nuclear annihilation of the USA and NATO there? Why limit Ukraine? Insanity - so to the end!
    1. nnm
      26 January 2022 14: 04
      This is the next stage - when the mantras about the attack on Ukraine cease to operate. And then they will also say that they defeated us, because we were afraid to attack.
      1. +1
        26 January 2022 14: 10
        And that's what they'll say!
        Like, in 91 we were defeated and in 2022 the Russians also surrendered.
        As a result, Ukraine is on its way to NATO, the United States and Britain import weapons into / out without interference and reasons, and the Russians must remove their troops beyond the Urals!
        1. -12
          26 January 2022 14: 26
          As long as Russia is run by degenerates with accounts abroad, it will be so.
          You overlooked only one question - you will also have to pay reparations ... to the "victims" of aggression.
          1. -3
            26 January 2022 18: 44
            not only accounts, but also children and wives and houses in the USA, what kind of nuclear destruction of the main enemy can be, but simply surrendering positions
            1. -7
              26 January 2022 18: 46
              I know. I also watch YouTube.
            2. -1
              27 January 2022 13: 06
              You too. Don't waste time, dig caches. laughing
              1. -5
                27 January 2022 14: 03
                Today, only a person who is not at all informed in this matter can joke about caches today. Take an interest in the criminal chronicle for the past and the year before last ... things are already much more serious than the manufacture of caches.
          2. -1
            27 January 2022 13: 05
            Get it over with, you bastard. Go better hopak fighting rehearse. Soon, they say, you will be occupied. laughing
        2. 0
          26 January 2022 16: 34
          And about debts for weapons for those whom they protect, they forgot to add?
      2. UFO
        26 January 2022 15: 30
        We are not bears to dog with mongrels - they will get it in the nose (in the decision-making center) personally.
  3. +8
    26 January 2022 13: 55
    Date! They forgot to put the date!
    1. -3
      26 January 2022 14: 07
      Quote: Olga
      Date! They forgot to put the date!

      Yes, it's petty. The main thing is that they will attack, destroy everything and leave
    2. nnm
      26 January 2022 14: 08
      So there is a "floating" date. Either we should attack Catholic Christmas, then in January, then during the Olympics ... but we all do not attack and do not attack.
      1. 0
        26 January 2022 16: 36
        Our grandmas suggest that everything is scheduled for February 23, but please, no one ...
  4. sen
    26 January 2022 13: 56
    According to the publication, the United States was unable to persuade Russia to solve the problem of Ukraine through diplomacy.

    So Putin proposed such a solution, but the United States desperately needs a war between Ukraine and Russia, as it once did with Georgia.
    1. +4
      26 January 2022 14: 14
      I think that if it comes to atatuy, it will be something like this ..

      Ukrovermacht is attacking the Donbass, it seems that they are kicked in the ass with a boot .. In response, the Russian Federation strikes at key points, and the LDNR corps, reinforced by the north wind, go to their administrative borders .. After that, recognition of the republics will finally follow. Whether they will go further is a question .. For I’m afraid that without our troops it’s weak for them to go to the Dnieper, and they definitely won’t be there .. Only fire and other support ..

      Although - it is possible that this whole canoe is really a banal tantrum before serious negotiations ...
      1. +2
        26 January 2022 14: 18
        Not for that so many things around the perimeter caught up to stop. I think that the operation will end on the western borders.
        1. +1
          26 January 2022 14: 48
          It is possible that it will start from the western borders. At least blocking military supplies from the west would not hurt.
          1. +1
            26 January 2022 14: 54
            Everything will start with the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a big offensive. It's a bit to the east
            1. -1
              26 January 2022 16: 04
              Then for what purpose did the Russian Federation deploy a division to the Brest region?
              1. +2
                26 January 2022 16: 17
                Teachings sir *shrugs*))
                But seriously, in order to make "peace enforcement" happen easier and on a larger scale))
              2. -3
                27 January 2022 13: 09
                “Curiosity killed the cat” (c) We have joint teachings, with good friends.
  5. +9
    26 January 2022 13: 59
    Well - let's put the task "inflict such damage, after which Kiev will not be able to recoverKuev is doing great on his own, without any of our troops and bombing...
    1. -5
      26 January 2022 14: 09
      Quote: paul3390
      and he does an excellent job, without any of our troops and bombing ..

      And if you don’t interfere with them, in 5 years they will completely finish everything
  6. +6
    26 January 2022 14: 03
    I didn’t find the main scenario of the Americans: Russian infantrymen straighten earflaps, attach bayonets to rifles of the 19th century model and, with shouts of URA, rush to the attack, they are overtaken by horsemen with sabers on their heads and cloaks developing in the wind on the virgin snow.
  7. +2
    26 January 2022 14: 05
    At the same time, the authors urge not to be afraid of Moscow's retaliatory steps, for example, limiting the supply of energy resources to Europe, promising that the United States will compensate for everything.

    Yeah, they compensate in eleven years and in their favor.
    Then let the European bureaucrats tell their voters why they need such gifts from supporting American Wishlist.
    1. 0
      26 January 2022 16: 03
      Why didn't you give the beginning of this paragraph, which characterizes these bandits in the best way. Although they themselves breathe their last breath and perhaps this is their only chance to survive.
      Regardless of which option Russia chooses, the United States and Europe must respond with unprecedented measures that will cause enormous damage to the Russian economy and the Kremlin will no longer be able to threaten anyone.
  8. +2
    26 January 2022 14: 05
    Oh, these storytellers.
  9. +1
    26 January 2022 14: 07
    It is especially funny about the fact that the USA compensates everything for everyone!;)))
    What compensates? And where will he get so many?
    Another wiring from the US.
  10. +2
    26 January 2022 14: 12
    We need to organize a prediction in Luzhniki "Russia will attack - Russia will not attack" by analogy with the predictor octopus Regina, who indicated which team would win. And every day to determine whether Russia will attack / not attack someone. It's winter now. Many animals are still in hibernation. And octopuses are sold only in Crossroads and cannot predict anything. Unless cats strut. According to the first cat, you can use some. When the bears wake up, you can invite the bear. Or bring a dolphin from the Crimea. So we will guess.
  11. -1
    26 January 2022 14: 12
    However, this option is unlikely, according to American experts, since the Russian army will have to wage war in the conditions of cities, and then fight the partisan movement in the occupied territories.
    In the coming wars, there will be no need to storm and capture cities.
    1. +5
      26 January 2022 14: 27
      It does not disappear (if it fits into a hard time period), I'm talking about the capture of cities. If the operation is carried out quickly, then the need for an assault disappears, the entrances and exits from the country (ports and airports) are simply taken under control, and in cities administrative buildings (mountain / regional / district councils, police stations and security services), the rest is according to the situation. The partisan movement is possible only with the mass support of the population (and it will not be), this is the first time, well, and the second - outside the window there is snow and sub-zero temperatures (it drops to minus ten at night), a modern city dweller can partisan in such conditions only if he has the appropriate equipment and over-motivation (I don’t observe either one or the other among potential partisans). By the way, partisans without the support of the population very quickly turn into ordinary robbers (and how to deal with bandits has long been known).
      1. -2
        26 January 2022 15: 03
        Partisans do not have to hide in the forests. If something like this happens, it will be urban guerrillas. They will be based not in dugouts, but in apartments, their own and not only.
        1. +1
          26 January 2022 15: 10
          All the same, without the support of the population, they will be handed over nowhere. And modern cities are also full of cameras all the time. Of course, there will be those who will be against it, I think that there will even be those who will start doing something against it. But I would not call it a guerrilla war. Not that scale.
      2. +2
        26 January 2022 16: 40
        And they have already forgotten everything about Kovpak, now there are other heroes in Ukraine
        1. +2
          26 January 2022 16: 48
          Not everyone has forgotten, and the "heroes" you are talking about are not heroes for everyone here either. Although officially, unfortunately, everything is so. And Bandera Avenue connects with Shukhevych in Kiev, and many other things have been renamed. One pleases: no matter how the rope twists, but the end of it ... is already visible)
  12. -15
    26 January 2022 14: 15
    A very reasonable article. For average analysis will do.
    1. 0
      26 January 2022 16: 55
      Yeah, especially the third option, a purely American way of warfare - hit civilians. Our people will never fight with Ukraine like that, especially considering the family ties of the population on both sides.
      1. -5
        26 January 2022 17: 04
        I would like to believe.
        And think of a different alignment - the third option was postponed and ... continued senseless injection from both sides, and then, once - it flared up. In this case, the whole world will watch how towers fly off our tanks, how people die in Donbas and what fools we are. ... And you can't turn on the third option! The train will already leave... When it's no longer possible to stand on the sidelines at these dances... what will you do?..
        You are not a Suvorov fighter, if you knew how he fought, you would not exclude the third option.
    2. +1
      27 January 2022 09: 38
      For what, for what? Accurate analysis? belay
  13. +1
    26 January 2022 14: 17
    You give a separate section on VO
    News from/about Nezalejna
    Or notes from durd0ma

  14. +3
    26 January 2022 14: 17
    According to the publication, the United States was unable to persuade Russia to solve the problem of Ukraine through diplomacy.
    should read: "the Anglo-Saxons could not persuade the Russian Federation to merge the Donbass with the outskirts"
  15. +1
    26 January 2022 14: 17
    .... said an unnamed source in the General Staff of the Russian Federation.))
  16. +1
    26 January 2022 14: 27
    American experts are cooler than British scientists ...
    1. +1
      27 January 2022 09: 39
      And Svidomo dreamers from the "square" are the coolest of all. laughing
  17. +2
    26 January 2022 14: 33
    Particularly pleased with the obligatory fad about the Rada and the Office of the Prezik. No, of course I'm all for it, but it's hard to imagine more nonsense. What is the meaning. Oh yes, the gentlemen have not been friends with meaning for a long time.
  18. 0
    26 January 2022 14: 42
    War is war, “come in and out” is some kind of nonsense)) Foreign authors have a poor idea of ​​what an avalanche of hatred will rise in Ukrainian society from millions of people who have suddenly lost their jobs, if their enterprises are put out of action. But this hate will be directed at us, and this will finally destroy not only the Ukrainian economy, but also that% of the conditionally tolerant attitude towards us in Ukrainians. society that still remains. So I don't believe in this scenario the least.
    There is a potentially unpleasant but possible and effective combination that is probably worth mentioning. Let’s say we don’t have goals to attack Ukraine, but we have information about Ukraine’s plan to close the final questions with the LDNR under informal noise. Suppose we even have draft versions of such plans. In this case, it would be possible to combine several goals at once, inside a blitz operation -
    Ukraine attacks the LDNR - we, motivated by the presence of many Russian citizens there, strike at the Ukrainian troops and clear the bridgeheads of these troops up to the outer borders of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions - the LDNR forces occupy these areas - our troops occupy positions convenient for the attack on Kharkov and Odessa - Further, we put an ultimatum to Kiev, linking the "peace" with a number of requirements. If all this is done quickly enough, then we will have at least some kind of casus beli, in the formal protection of the civilian population and Russian citizens, the further operation will be a greatly enlarged version of "peace enforcement in 2008". Taking control of Lug. and Don. the region will be produced in this case by the forces of the LDNR.
    In the event that Kiev overestimated our determination, we would receive a "package" that would settle the issue of Crimea, the LDNR, joining NATO, etc. However, if not, there would already be an unpleasant red line separating us from a completely bad option. Of course, if you do not assume that there are sufficiently organized proxies on the territory of the Odessa and Kharkiv regions, ready for such a development of events. In this case, we would have the opportunity to "depict Ukraine's rapid slide into the abyss of civil conflict on the basis of Kiev's short-sighted policy", "to help the occupied regions expressing a desire for sovereignty" and so on and so forth .. In this scenario, the line of execution is even thinner and faster than in past. Living up to this stage, but still not "reversing", Kiev would be in distress and on the verge of a real civil conflict - but, accordingly, we would receive damage from European sanctions close to the maximum.

    All this, an absolute hypothetical, in fact, in 8 years, Ukraine has really eaten all the baldness, there is no end to this boring story ..
    1. +4
      26 January 2022 15: 06
      I doubt that the purpose of such another publication of the American media is forecasting as such.
      This is the maintenance of noise, the formation of public opinion among Americans, the continuation of the "dehumanization" of Russians (aggressors and nonhumans). They free their people from remorse, because, as you know, you don’t feel sorry for non-humans ...
      Does it make sense to discuss real plans and outcomes here?
      1. +1
        26 January 2022 15: 31
        No, it doesn't make much sense. Is that interest from any forecasting as such from the point of view of the development of analytical abilities. I, like many others, hope that this does not happen in any form. However, I understand that the current situation is characterized as "unstable equilibrium", and, therefore, energy-consuming. And consequently, this or that power decision will take place on any interval of time.
  19. +1
    26 January 2022 14: 53
    they use sour winked
  20. 0
    26 January 2022 14: 56
    "Everyone in Biden's Headquarters is SMALL..."
  21. +1
    26 January 2022 15: 04
    Well, I'll fantasize too))):
    1. The Armed Forces of Ukraine inflicts artillery or mortar (uses chemical weapons) strike on the LDNR. Civilians/women/children are dying or suffering.
    2. In response, the LDNR goes on a counteroffensive and captures a small, but necessarily significant territory from Ukraine. Attempts to beat it back are severely blocked, including by the harsh "north wind".
    3. In Kiev and other large cities "unexpectedly" there are Maidans on the topic "Zelensky is a traitor" (other topics are possible, for example, purely economic content). Riots, clashes with the police and looting begin very quickly. At the same time, there are problems with gas supply, heating and other communal amenities.
    4. A group of "conscious" citizens (deputies, former deputies, former presidents) appeals to the CSTO with a request to save the country from a humanitarian catastrophe.
    5. Next: Putin will come and put things in order.
  22. +1
    26 January 2022 15: 19
    And the option of not crossing the border is not considered? :)
    1. 0
      26 January 2022 17: 12
      There's a chance... if you're lucky.
      On the nose of the Olympics in China. Next - March, spring and mud.
      The factor of surprise is still gone.
      APU mobilized and prepared. Serious losses are inevitable.
      1. +1
        27 January 2022 15: 52
        With all due respect, but IMHO there was no mobilization in Ukraine and no.
        The explanation for this: "Arestovich said that mobilization is a huge burden on the country's economy.

        “We can keep the reservists ready for a month, and since there is a strategic initiative in Russia, they can postpone the attack for a month. We will disband the reservists - and here they will attack or they will pretend to attack, bringing the crisis in Ukraine to a peak, ”he explained.
        1. +2
          27 January 2022 16: 11
          No need to keep reservists for a month. In Israel, in "troubled times" they did this: sudden gatherings. They have weapons zeroing, a day of shooting day and night, and a 2-3 day exercise with intense shooting and tactics. And - at home. If again "just about" - repeat. But already in short - people are "warmed up". And if - a war (in my case - it didn’t happen), the reservists join the battles quickly and without shock.
          1. +1
            27 January 2022 16: 50
            To do this, Zelensky and his so-called. The “Ze team” should not think about how Zelensky can be re-elected (he was going for 1 term, but “appetite comes with eating”). Here you need to think about how not to set up the army, but you can’t think about it, because Zelensky means peace, tranquility and, in general, the solution of all problems in a year (as he promised).
            And therefore, “All our citizens, especially the elderly, need to understand this, they need to exhale, calm down,” Zelensky urged and stressed that “the situation in the country is under control.”

            Then Poroshenko arrived, "number 2" in politics, a billionaire and really wants to become President of Ukraine again.
            Both Zelensky and Poroshenko will be very satisfied with the development of events that is bad for the Ukrainian army: the first will "calm down and rally the people", the second will yell "Get out" and both will curse the West and the Russian Federation.
            1. +2
              27 January 2022 17: 35
              APU will sit on the defensive.
              They don't go anywhere. They more or less learned how to shoot from howitzers and tanks. recourse
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. +2
                28 January 2022 12: 39
                Well, no one expects such a gift as "The Armed Forces of Ukraine sits on GPs and catches everything that arrives", but why is Santa Claus not joking ....
                IMHO, no one will play passive defense (not the sick), but they can try to "cosplay" Zvi Gringold.
          2. +1
            28 January 2022 12: 36
            No need to keep reservists for a month. In Israel, in "troubled times" they did this: sudden gatherings. They have weapons zeroing, a day of shooting day and night, and a 2-3 day exercise with intense shooting and tactics. And - at home.
            - Somehow I did not think that the reservists are not only in Ukraine. But just in case, I checked: “A three-day training session with reservists of the country’s combat army reserve (BARS) has started at the training grounds of the Southern Military District (SMD). The participants of the training camp take a general military training course, perform firing from regular small arms, study the design and combat capabilities of artillery weapons and military equipment.
            Also, the reservists receive the basic skills necessary to ensure and organize the protection and defense of military and state facilities." 26.01.2022 (11:45)
  23. +1
    26 January 2022 15: 29
    The second scenario involves a limited offensive to capture additional territories in eastern Ukraine. Under this option, the Russian army will capture Mariupol and Kharkov, a strike to the south is possible to create a land bridge to the Crimea and capture Odessa with further access to Transnistria. However, this option is unlikely, according to American experts, since the Russian army will have to wage war in the conditions of cities, and then fight the partisan movement in the occupied territories.

    Punishers are kept in the cities of southern Ukraine for what, why were people burned in Odessa, Mariupol? Who will fight for this power there, it’s even funny
  24. 0
    26 January 2022 15: 39
    The "retaliatory measures" of the West are, of course, the isolation of the Russian economy. The "moment of truth" is coming, for leaders who even destroyed their own country 30 years ago in order to "become part of the civilized world." The exact same moment for the people who thought that "we are not responsible for anything ... we were fast asleep and did not know anything .... it's all them, they ... and they ...." - then, as always, in the end, all this ........ will have to be not "them", but again "dear Russians".
  25. +2
    26 January 2022 15: 41
    That is, these victims of the Western education system consider the most likely option in which Russia will enter without achieving any goals, kill all the dishes in Zelensky's office and in the Verkhovna Rada, and then go back? I really hope that analysts of the same "powerful" level sit in NATO headquarters as in Foreign Affairs magazine
  26. 0
    26 January 2022 15: 50
    The blows will be inflicted on factories and enterprises, warehouses, civilian and military infrastructure and, of course, on the Verkhovna Rada and the office of the President of Ukraine.

    And that's why to enter about this, tea is not the 40s ... and not even the 60s ... a) The Government of Ukraine copes with this very well, b) it’s somehow a pity to spend expensive CDs on 30-year-old dull buildings .
    At the same time, the authors urge not to be afraid of Moscow's retaliatory steps, for example, limiting the supply of energy resources to Europe, promising that the United States will compensate for everything.

    Yes, yes ... about the same as with gas supplies as recently as a couple of months ago. Tankers darted around like that... though for some reason past the EU to Asia. There stupidly paid more for the goods.
  27. +1
    26 January 2022 15: 54
    It is interesting, in such a developing situation, why do we sell coal to them, and Belarus supplies them with electricity? Without the necessary voltage in the wires, now you won’t gain much.
  28. 0
    26 January 2022 15: 58
    Foreign Affairs: Russia Considers Three Scenarios for Ukraine Invasion
    About this, even there, in the region of Kukuevsky, they stopped believing ... designed for stoned to the brim.
  29. 0
    26 January 2022 17: 36
    - Only three options?!
    - It's petty... No.
    - At least: "The blue book of scenarios for an attack on Ukraine"! laughing
    - This is how the headlines about the confrontation between the "Empire of Evil" should sound!... Otherwise, it's not serious, like that - there are three options and the gopniks "from the area" definitely have ...
    - To win a great victory, you need to fight with great enemies! wink
  30. -1
    26 January 2022 18: 01
    Despite the assurances of the Russian authorities that there would be no attack, Moscow began to build up its military power, moving troops from the Far East to the west of the country. to the troops and Poseidon, too, and they have a lot of conventional weapons. One Arleigh Burke has a hundred tomohawks with nuclear warheads. Maybe half of them don’t explode due to unpurified plutonium, but all the same. And Russia is unlikely to decide on them as Voevoda, probably never, because they have their own children, but in Russia they don’t! Therefore, they understand that it is possible to take a risk before it is too late, like Rome and Carthage. Maybe it was too early to throw the glove to them now, who knows ... China has been suffering somehow for a long time and is unlikely to come to the aid of Russia. But Cuba and Venezuela will not go so that aliens will place rockets on their territory, but they will not want to throw Cuba a second time,?
  31. 0
    27 January 2022 01: 55
    "necessarily by the Verkhovna Rada and the office of the President of Ukraine" that's right .. wassat
  32. +2
    27 January 2022 02: 15
    The third option is a cast of the American military operation in Iraq "Desert Storm". After that, Saddam Hussein was executed. Why then does Foreign Affairs not write about the fate of Zelensky? Should he be hung in this case too?
  33. Two
    27 January 2022 08: 33
    Well, right Edgar Cayce! Where not to spit! Everyone knows everything, they can do everything, but they can’t do anything.
  34. 0
    27 January 2022 09: 31
    Enchanting! "Sergey Kuzhugetovich, and be sure to bomb the Verkhovna Rada and the presidential administration!" - "As you wish, Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief!"
  35. 0
    27 January 2022 09: 56
    The first scenario is Calibrate Brussels, the second scenario is Calibrate Brussels. The third is similar to the first and second.
  36. 0
    27 January 2022 16: 53
    Russia is considering three scenarios for the invasion of Ukraine

    The most remarkable thing in all these scenarios is that they are considered by the Anglo-Saxons and their hats, but they are always attributed to Russia, as if Russia does not have its own experts and analysts.
  37. 0
    30 January 2022 20: 58
    I thought only in Ukraine the madhouse was dissolved, and their patients were massively promoted to deputies and experts. But no, the partners have the same thing because of the big puddle.