The second plane with US military assistance landed in Kiev


The United States and NATO allies have been literally flooding Ukraine in recent days weapons, causing the delight of Kiev. Following eight military transport aircraft of the British Air Force, two American aircraft landed at the airport of the Ukrainian capital with military assistance.

The previous week for the Ukrainian authorities will certainly be remembered as a week of large arms deliveries. Distinguished, as always, the two most active "defenders" of Ukraine - the United States and Great Britain. The British did not stint and handed over to the Ukrainian Armed Forces 2 (as the British press claims) NLAW anti-tank systems. The United States also supported the impulse of the allies by sending two planes with "lethal weapons" to Ukraine.

The first aircraft that delivered M141 Bunker Defeat Munition (SMAW-D) hand-held disposable grenade launchers and a batch of Javelin anti-tank systems to Kiev landed on Saturday, January 22. Exactly one day later, on Sunday evening, January 23, a second American plane landed in Kiev, also delivering weapons.

So far, nothing has been reported about the nature of the cargo of the second aircraft, only the joyful Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov unsubscribed on Twitter that this time the Americans transferred 80 tons of weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, "extremely necessary" against the background of the "Russian invasion".

The second bird in Kiev! More than 80 tons of weapons to strengthen the defense of Ukraine from our friends from the USA! And this is not the end. The cargo arrived under reliable protection

- wrote Reznikov.

Noteworthy is the supply of M141 Bunker Defeat Munition (SMAW-D) grenade launchers by the American Armed Forces, designed to destroy fortifications and bunkers. If the Javelin or NLAW ATGM can still be called "defensive weapons", then the SMAW-D is clearly offensive. No one has yet seen bunkers or pillboxes going on the attack.
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  1. +9
    24 January 2022 08: 18
    The world is rushing at all times to war. Only the deaf-blind-mute does not see this.
    1. +14
      24 January 2022 08: 29
      The world is not racing, but Ukraine and Russia are colliding. NATO will not send its contingent to Ukraine, I'm willing to bet. Maximum PMCs and advisers. If they organize a war, then to the last Ukrainian soldier. Only weapons and ammunition will help. hi
      1. +7
        24 January 2022 08: 50
        The world is not racing, but Ukraine and Russia are colliding.
        China-India, India-China-Pakistan, China-Vietnam-Japan, Greece-Turkey, Turkey-Syria, Israel ... well, you understand .... and this is just offhand. Well, it’s clear about us - if you give up the slack, they will fly in and tear it into components.
        1. -1
          24 January 2022 22: 43
          Nobody wants to fight. But give up too. Neither the US/West/NATO, nor Russia. Exit? Enter ITS troops to Ukraine before the opponent under a plausible pretext! So "The United States and NATO allies have been literally flooding Ukraine with weapons in recent days,", so they are going to transfer troops to" Eastern Europe "(lol) Getting ready! I hope the GRU and the Russian authorities do not blunder this time! smile
      2. +3
        24 January 2022 09: 12
        they are literally flooding Ukraine with weapons, causing delight in Kiev.

        Eshe!! More!! Enough! Enough! Have mercy!! Yes
      3. +6
        24 January 2022 09: 43
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        The world is not racing, but Ukraine and Russia are colliding. NATO will not send its contingent to Ukraine, I'm willing to bet.

        We ourselves are successfully colliding. Who among those present in 2013 could have guessed that by 2022 we would find ourselves in such a situation with Ukraine? Who would have told me in 2013 that we would be on the brink of war in a few years, then I would say that you are crazy, my friend, but how it turned out. It's almost a reality.
      4. +3
        24 January 2022 09: 57
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        NATO will not send its contingent to Ukraine, I'm willing to bet.

        They can create a second Afghanistan for the next 20 years.
        1. 0
          24 January 2022 13: 43
          It will not work out that the conditions of the terrain are not the same - and the reconnaissance and destruction systems have grown significantly since the days of Afghanistan.
        2. -1
          24 January 2022 15: 55
          Why not? The new owners will be welcomed, no one will shoot around the corner, and at the same time, at each corner there will be a couple of three Ukrainian beauties, ready to appease the new owner for a dollar. The climate is good. So they may well stay there for more than 20 years.
    2. +3
      24 January 2022 08: 47
      Quote: Olkhovsky
      The world is rushing at all times to war. Only the deaf-blind-mute does not see this.

      Greed and stupidity beat off all the brains !!!
      1. +1
        24 January 2022 14: 06
        Quote: Egoza
        The world is rushing at all times to war. Only the deaf-blind-mute does not see this.

        Greed and stupidity beat off all the brains !!!

        Look, the blind man, said the mute, how the legless one will run!
    3. +3
      24 January 2022 08: 55
      Quote: Olkhovsky
      The world is rushing at all times to war. Only the deaf-blind-mute does not see this.

      All the same, it's time to take a couple of boxes of pasta and a box of stew? What are the opinions?
      1. -1
        24 January 2022 15: 15
        since 2014, since March, I have collected stews, buckwheat. I restock periodically.
        Eh ... I would have known - I would have bought dollars.
        and now it looks like you need to take them
    4. +2
      24 January 2022 09: 11
      Judging by the published nomenclature, they are preparing to storm settlements.
  2. +4
    24 January 2022 08: 20
    then SMAW-D is clearly offensive. No one has yet seen bunkers or pillboxes going on the attack.

    Probably used against the defense of the LDNR.
    Recently, a DRG of the Armed Forces of Ukraine again took a fighter prisoner.
    1. +12
      24 January 2022 08: 25
      The author of the note read one line in the description of the weapon, but somehow "did not notice" another - the specified complex is multifunctional, to combat fortified structures, as well as lightly armored and unarmored vehicles.
  3. +1
    24 January 2022 08: 22
    Noteworthy is the supply of M141 Bunker Defeat Munition (SMAW-D) grenade launchers by the American Armed Forces, designed to destroy fortifications and bunkers. If the Javelin or NLAW ATGM can still be called "defensive weapons", then the SMAW-D is clearly offensive. No one has yet seen bunkers or pillboxes going on the attack.

    Even the shadows of the Kuev authorities are dangerous, and Fashington also began to shy away from both his own shadows and those of others, you never know the shadow will shoot at Fashington's democracy! laughing
    1. +1
      24 January 2022 08: 36
      Even the shadows of the Kuev authorities are dangerous

      That's for sure. Not for nothing:
      The cargo arrived under reliable protection

      In the air, from whom to protect him? So it is necessary to guard on the ground after unloading ... so as not to be stolen.
      1. -1
        24 January 2022 08: 41
        So it's normal, steal, sell, drink away! They brought the country, democracy in action, there is no money for food, steal, wrap, rub, bark, etc., all according to the training manual from Fashington! hi
        1. +1
          24 January 2022 09: 55
          Quote: Fantazer911
          They brought the country, democracy in action, no money for food, steal,

          "Here's a weapon for you, go and take it from your neighbors!"
          1. +1
            25 January 2022 21: 34
            Yes, something like that, everything by American standards, nothing personal hi
  4. +5
    24 January 2022 08: 22
    They are stubbornly pushing Ukraine to abandon the Minsk agreements (Knowingly well that if they are carried out point by point and thoroughly, it will not be the same Ukraine at all). We, as guarantors, will have to make a fateful decision for Ukraine.
    1. +2
      24 January 2022 09: 39
      What are the Minsk agreements? What are you speaking about? They are only in our media. Ukraine and America needed them so as not to break the instrument (Ukraine) ahead of time, at 14m. And our leaders naively hoped that with the help of them they would exchange the LDNR for the recognition of Crimea, or at least divert attention from it. As a result, the problem has not disappeared anywhere, Ukraine itself does not want an exchange with a return to Ukraine, they restored the army to the state “better than before the war”, people in the LDNR have been living in limbo for 7+ years, And we have been prescribed sanctions and are trying to further isolate. Ukraine at one time was used as a battering ram, for unrest in the Russian Federation, and a variant similar to the collapse of the USSR. But not necessarily now.
      All that is needed from the company "Russia is about to attack" to rally its allies before the upcoming possible sanctions wars, after the provocation of the conflict in the Donbass. Germany is not yet carried out, in terms of the supply of weapons, the rest are waving to the states with a squeal.
      Does our leadership want war and is it preparing for it? He doesn't want to and doesn't get ready. They were satisfied with the intermediate situation, not peace, not war. And now, when Ukraine can (but not necessarily do this right now) launch an attack on the LDNR, after provocations, and when Russia is forced to fit in, the situation is frightening for our leadership, because there will be no benefits, and there will be no pluses from this, therefore, everyone pretexts (including tough statements that we’ll go and fit in), trying to avoid war.
      1. 0
        24 January 2022 09: 54
        You’ll have to fit in, there’s nowhere else to go, why were passports issued then. All this is calculated. Only NATO and the United States are worried, they will wash themselves or want to know what a military response is.
        1. +2
          24 January 2022 15: 17
          Yes, no one will fight for Ukraine, this is not a question at all. Why do they need it? When you break the hammer, will you start hammering nails with your fist? No. Therefore, no one will physically help the instrument to achieve certain goals. Only materially, and weapons. And the result will be good either, for them, they will kill the Armed Forces of Ukraine, or they will have little success in seizing territories. The main thing is to involve Russia, and once again to sanction
      2. -1
        24 January 2022 13: 50
        "But sanctions have been prescribed for us and they are trying to isolate us further." It will not be possible to isolate Russia as too large a territory and the world is very dependent on us in the same food and energy and in logistics the same. There will be no benefits, and there will be no pluses from this. It’s like it or not, but in Ukraine there are many highly profitable industries and resources that our state and business elite are not averse to seizing with it in the LDNR, you think the same thing why Russian passports are issued to the population there.
        1. +3
          24 January 2022 15: 20
          I didn’t see something, so that in the 14th someone wanted to clean up what the LPR, what production, and this is in a much better situation than now. The question was to keep their assets abroad, which could be taken away, in which case. Therefore, they covered all projects, including Novorossia. Personal pockets are much more important than some ideas, and Russians.
          1. -1
            24 January 2022 19: 16
            But now it is clear to the elite that sanctions against them and their property abroad will be introduced and are already being introduced - so the privatization of new ones and other ones from the Ukrainian oligarchs is quite justified and profitable if they lose somewhere on the new one and earn a lot.
            1. 0
              25 January 2022 00: 53
              Well, look what can pay back 20-30 million people who are not loyal, which will hang on the budget of the Russian Federation, with the collapsed ruble and a bunch of sanctions with a slide, and you will also need to pay other people's debts to "partners, otherwise they will have nothing to do with any they won’t be doing business with the Russian Federation, and this is a massive collapse of everyone, you can say a flood, and where do all these businessmen, companies, etc. run? With an outstretched hand to the state, “And what are we for? ". If now, during covid, the necessary companies are flooded with money, then in that situation, the financial losses for everyone will be colossal, and no one will lend money until "you liberate Ukraine, Crimea, Donbass, and you pay 100500 million reparations.
              Most of what was produced in Ukraine has been replaced with analogues, our own factories have been built, why do we need the dilapidated times of the USSR, which are giving away and led to bankruptcy enterprises? Business in Ukrainian is squeezing all the juices out of an enterprise, without any modernization, its bankruptcy, and that's it.
      3. +1
        24 January 2022 19: 24
        TerraSandera (Alexander)! It seems that in your comments the situation is generally described correctly. The only thing worth clarifying about "our guides naively hoped." It was more like another cunning plan, based on someone's interests, but not based on system analysis and strategic forecast. As a result, we have a further aggravation of the situation, a noticeable increase in assistance to Ukraine and a demonstrative rallying of the West ...
        1. +1
          25 January 2022 00: 44
          Alas and ah, unfortunately it is.
  5. +6
    24 January 2022 08: 25
    The United States and NATO allies have been literally flooding Ukraine with weapons in recent days, delighting Kiev
    Puppy enthusiasm of Kiev will eventually result in a major provocation in the Donbass to the delight of the sponsors. What the Americans with the British and the smaller "allies" are now doing.
    1. +6
      24 January 2022 08: 42
      It was they who rejoiced at the red "lines".
  6. +5
    24 January 2022 08: 30
    They supply gunpowder to the country, one spark is enough for Ukraine to explode. There are a lot of idiots there
    1. +5
      24 January 2022 09: 23
      So mattresses in any case in the black. They do not supply them with weapons for free, and if it flares up, they will impose sanctions on Russia from head to toe, exhausting their enemy as much as possible.
      1. -4
        24 January 2022 13: 53
        Sanctions encourage active work - so let it be imposed on our ministers and officials, it will be useful to shake fat and lose weight.
        1. +1
          24 January 2022 19: 27
          For ordinary citizens of Russia, this is more dangerous than for high-ranking leaders ...
  7. +7
    24 January 2022 08: 33
    The second plane with US military assistance landed in Kiev
    This does not add optimism to our relations with the Merkiatos. Rather the opposite.
    1. +1
      24 January 2022 09: 53
      Quote: aszzz888
      This does not add optimism to our relations with the Merkiatos.

      I bit the bit of a bay from the First Texas Cavescadron.
  8. +2
    24 January 2022 08: 50
    Pay attention to the nature of the supplied weapons.
    In order to fully oppose the Russian regular army (as they claim), this is not enough at all, but in order to carry out a provocation and provoke Russia, it will be enough.
    Everything is going at an accelerated pace, it looks like they want to coincide with the Olympics.
    1. +2
      24 January 2022 09: 48
      Unlikely. Too much media, big words, and a delay in implementation. In order to achieve at least some kind of effect, everything should be at least somehow sudden, but here they are pumping up the situation, we also pulled up part of the troops, for protection, this is not done so loudly. Although if they just want to sacrifice, to bind the Russian Federation into a war, it will do. And if they want more, then nothing will start now. You can pump up weapons for another half a year or a year to the noise, And conduct an offensive, for example, in the fall, when the hype subsides and everyone relaxes. Given past exacerbations, now all attention will go to the Olympics and the covid project, and the hype will subside after the adoption of a small package of sanctions.
      1. +1
        24 January 2022 19: 29
        The events of recent weeks are more likely a reaction to the "ultimatum" ...
  9. 0
    24 January 2022 08: 51
    .The cargo arrived under reliable protection

    Do I understand correctly that “soldiers were thrown in”? I think someone accidentally blurted out too much)
  10. +1
    24 January 2022 09: 29
    The second plane with US military assistance landed in Kiev
    . So the minke whales and the tie-eater were supplied with a variety of things, pushing them on an adventure, and then .... and then it turned out what happened.
    Someone needs to look at such recent events, it will be very useful.
  11. +1
    24 January 2022 09: 51
    The United States and NATO allies have been literally flooding Ukraine with weapons in recent days, delighting Kiev.

    And when mothers go to the funeral, then there will be delight, or motherly cry. ?
    1. +1
      24 January 2022 10: 50
      Quote: tihonmarine
      And when mothers go to the funeral, then there will be delight, or motherly cry. ?

      Vlad! THEIR children will not be there. They don't care about the rest!!!
      1. +1
        24 January 2022 11: 17
        Quote: Egoza
        THEIR children will not be there. They don't care about the rest!!!

        There is no doubt that they will not have children. Tears of ordinary Ukrainian women do not interest them.
  12. +2
    24 January 2022 12: 34
    M141 Bunker Defeat Munition (SMAW-D) - light multipurpose with a switchable fuse. They are used against strong fortifications, light trenches or sandbags, unarmored and lightly armored targets. It can be used to organize ambushes against a column on the march.
  13. 0
    24 January 2022 12: 36
    These are pushing Ukraine to war. Isn't it time for Russia to supply arms to Donbass.
  14. +1
    24 January 2022 12: 53
    Today, a New York Times article flashed, which said that the United States intends to transfer about 50 thousand military personnel to Eastern Europe (not to Ukraine), the Baltic states and Poland in the near future ... It seems that the diplomats are no longer solving anything, but only trying not to allow panic and chaos before the inevitable war.
    1. -6
      24 January 2022 14: 02
      From these 50000 who arrived, one fig will be of no use in Poland and the Baltic states, they will be like sprats in a barrel with the ones already available - the denser the easier it will be to gouge in case of emergency. And in the Baltic states, in the event of a war, this contingent will be surrounded from Kaliningrad to Belarus, only 80 - 90 kilometers - from the Baltic, ships for support will not fit there, everything is shot through by Bastions within a radius of 600 kilometers from Kaliningrad and the Leningrad Region - everyone in this trap is trap by artillery of MLRS OTRK and attack aircraft will be smeared.
  15. +4
    24 January 2022 16: 33
    Quote: Vadim237
    Sanctions encourage active work - so let them impose it on our ministers and officials, it will be useful to shake fat and lose weight

    And ordinary people will pay and lose weight as usual ...
    It's always like water off a duck's back hi
    1. -1
      24 January 2022 19: 19
      Our people are losing weight from the actions of numerous speculators within the country, it is they who basically raise the price tags for everything - and I am writing about import substitution, which officials at all levels of the organization of the beginning of the process should deal with.
  16. 0
    24 January 2022 19: 48
    "... to strengthen the defense capability of Ukraine from our friends from the USA" - Reznikov said it well. True, he did not understand, but he said well. laughing