The Pentagon has offered to deploy additional US military forces to Eastern Europe


The United States continues to stir up hysteria over Russia's alleged invasion of Ukraine, while developing options to counter Moscow's designs. Another plan to strengthen the military position of the United States in Europe was proposed by the Pentagon, according to the American newspaper New York Times.

The publication, citing sources in the White House, reports that on Saturday at the presidential residence Camp David in Maryland, high-ranking Pentagon officials offered Biden several options for action designed to strengthen the US military presence in Eastern Europe, thereby frustrating Russia's plans to "conquer" Ukraine .

According to sources, one of the options proposed by the military provides for the deployment of up to 5 American troops in the territory of the Baltic countries and Eastern Europe with the possibility of a "tenfold increase" in case Russia escalates the conflict in Ukraine. At the same time, there is no talk of deploying troops in Ukraine itself.

Pentagon officials are offering to transfer part of the military contingent to Europe from the United States, and transfer part from European countries. The new forces must include, without fail, air defense, artillery and engineering units. In addition, the reinforcement should include warships and Aviation. The Americans hope to place ships in the Baltic, and fighters in Poland.

According to Pentagon analysts, such a decision would run counter to Putin's plans and "would not please" him at all. But this is only if Biden still approves this option, which in fact goes against the requirements for security guarantees put forward by Russia. The American President is to make a decision this week.

It should be noted that one of the key requirements of the security guarantees put forward by Russia is the cessation of NATO expansion to the east and the non-deployment of military bases in the territories of the former Soviet republics, as well as in the countries of Eastern Europe.
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  1. +1
    24 January 2022 07: 09
    Under the very same noise, bring more troops to Europe
    1. +6
      24 January 2022 07: 16
      "ultimatum" in action, as expected.
    2. +1
      24 January 2022 08: 08
      Quote: Mitroha
      Under the very same noise, bring more troops to Europe

      Hoping to arrange a small war game limited to the territory of Europe? And they themselves think to sit out overseas?
      1. +4
        24 January 2022 08: 17
        They amuse themselves with this hope, they say they will not be affected, well, well, Fashington is Fashington! hi
      2. 0
        24 January 2022 11: 42
        Quote: Starover_Z
        Quote: Mitroha
        Under the very same noise, bring more troops to Europe

        Hoping to arrange a small war game limited to the territory of Europe? And they themselves think to sit out overseas?

        The calculation that the European vassals will work for them, the main thing is more equipment, as with Ukraine. These are generally ready to lick Amer's boots for lace underpants.
        1. 0
          24 January 2022 22: 31
          All according to plan. And the plan is this: get ahead of the Russian army and bring NATO troops into Ukraine earlier! Does anyone believe the Americans that they are going to transfer troops to Poland? lol
    3. +3
      24 January 2022 08: 15
      Quote: Mitroha
      Under the very same noise, bring more troops to Europe

      Explain to me, please, somebody.

      America explicitly, openly stated that it would not fight for Ukraine. We do not yet threaten Germany, France, Great Britain. Although American soldiers will not fight for them either, despite the ridiculous "fifth point". Well, if only, for example, some Algeria wants to "occupy" them out of some fright - this is not the first time America has bombed a country without air defense.

      So why the hell is there such an American army in Europe that is not going to fight for anyone? For beauty? "Schaub bulO?" Who do they want to scare with their mannequin extras? I suspect that this is not a military plan of action, but a political one. Another "cheek puffing" before the "sixes".
      1. +4
        24 January 2022 08: 49
        Quote: Zoldat_A
        So why the hell in Europe is such an American army that is not going to fight for anyone? For beauty? "Schaub bulO?"

        I have an opinion that all this theater with the "Russian attack" will be used for the complete subjugation of Europe to the Americans, including the increase in the American contingent. And then you understand, the European army, a more independent policy, Macron's pouting lips, etc.
        And they are definitely not going to fight, if only with other people's bodies
        1. +1
          24 January 2022 08: 58
          Quote: Mitroha
          I have an opinion that all this theater with the "Russian attack" will be used to completely subjugate Europe to the Americans

          Where is next? And so "to the very tomatoes" ...
        2. 0
          24 January 2022 09: 24
          Quote: Mitroha
          And they are definitely not going to fight, if only with other people's bodies

          This is the calculation of the Pentagon, and there are those who will fight to the last militia and the women's battalion, for Uncle Sam / Kamikaze.
  2. +4
    24 January 2022 07: 16
    I read it with an error according to Freud. "Thus, having thwarted Russia's plans to" conquer " Europe. In the text of Ukraine. Probably my brain is already tired of this Ukraine. wassat
    1. +1
      24 January 2022 09: 25
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Probably my brain is already tired of this Ukraine.

      And not only yours.
  3. +2
    24 January 2022 07: 36
    "The Pentagon has offered to deploy additional military forces to Eastern Europe" ...
    Oh how terrible we are! And why did they drape from Afghanistan, along with all their sixes?
    Even North Korea could not be scared, and even more so Russia will not succeed! angry
    1. -3
      24 January 2022 07: 56
      Quote: Retvizan 8
      Even North Korea could not be scared, and even more so Russia will not succeed!
      North Korea is an empty place for them, what is, what is not ... that's why they spat on it. nothing to fight for.
      1. +3
        24 January 2022 08: 13
        In this case, the question is: "Why then did they start pressing North Korea if it was an empty place for them"?
        But in fact they screwed up to the fullest, Eun waved hell at them, Trump wiped himself off, called him a "great guy", and the aircraft carrier groups sailed home.
        1. 0
          24 January 2022 08: 47
          Quote: Retvizan 8
          In this case, the question is: "Why then did they start pressing North Korea if it was an empty place for them"?
          But in fact they screwed up to the fullest, Eun waved hell at them, Trump wiped himself off, called him a "great guy", and the aircraft carrier groups sailed home.

          checked "for lice" ... Eun, did not back down, well, they left. why do they need this SC? So, they tried to pontanitsya-did not work.
      2. +4
        24 January 2022 08: 17
        Logically. The main thing is that they cook there in their own fictional world on their own.
    2. 0
      24 January 2022 08: 19
      Quote: Retvizan 8
      And why did they drape from Afghanistan, along with all their sixes?

      Here they don’t drape - they are learning something, in spite of everything. Vietnam taught them not to go where there is at least the slightest chance of raking an answer and getting in a thick neck. The Afghan taught not to drape shamefully, but decorously, slowly, beautifully "to carry out the evacuation."
    3. 0
      24 January 2022 09: 29
      Quote: Retvizan 8
      Oh how terrible we are! And why did they drape from Afghanistan, along with all their sixes?

      Because the Army of Afghanistan went over to the side of Talban, Aa NATO and the US showed that they did not want to fight for the "freedom and democracy" of Afghanistan.
  4. +2
    24 January 2022 08: 02
    Pentagon officials offer to transfer part of the military contingent to Europe from the United States

    Will these officials also go to Europe with the army or will they remain at home? ))) it seems that the child received a box with soldiers under the Christmas tree and began to attach them to all rooms. Warrior ......!
    1. +1
      24 January 2022 08: 31
      Quote: Egoza
      Will these officials also go to Europe with the army or will they remain at home?

      They will remain in the "decision centers". And there it will go, perhaps forever.
  5. +2
    24 January 2022 08: 13
    deployment of up to 5 American troops on the territory of the Baltic countries and Eastern Europe with the possibility of a "tenfold increase"
    With the simultaneous pumping of Ukraine with weapons and promises of help. This "bubble" cannot inflate indefinitely, and sooner or later it must burst with an armed conflict and possibly develop into a large-scale war. So who escalates the situation and contributes to the escalation of the conflict? The question is purely rhetorical.
  6. +2
    24 January 2022 08: 14
    The US president is to make a decision this week.

    And the presidents of the countries of Eastern Europe can not even be asked. All for. belay
  7. +3
    24 January 2022 08: 39
    The Pentagon has offered to deploy additional US military forces to Eastern Europe
    Is this an addendum to the expected written response? angry
  8. +2
    24 January 2022 08: 44
    This is how "almost legally" they deploy American troops in Europe. They themselves came up with hysteria and quietly occupied Europe again.
    I think it will be more interesting further, you will have to pay for all this, and the Americans know how to count money
  9. +1
    24 January 2022 10: 32
    Another plan to strengthen the military position of the United States in Europe was proposed by the Pentagon, according to the American newspaper New York Times.

    How much can you discuss newspaper fakes. Freedom of speech - you can write any nonsense and at the same time not bear any responsibility for your words. The word "REPUTATION" has become a dirty word in most of the world's media.
  10. 0
    24 January 2022 12: 47
    In response, deploy a couple of mechanized divisions in the Donbass.
  11. 0
    24 January 2022 18: 24
    how is it with Blinkin, young Americans, do you want to die again for the interests of your politicians, are you tired of peaceful life? Do you again want to go back in coffins? etc. etc. request
  12. 0
    24 January 2022 22: 27
    Aha! We decided to reoccupy the newly captured territories. Fortunately, local traitors ... in the sense of power, already with open rolls.