Italian press: the armament of Russian attack drones initially coincided with American systems


Russia reached the finish line in the creation of drums drones. At the same time, she largely followed the path of the United States, adapting similar combat systems for use with UAVs.

As indicated in the Italian edition of Analisi Difesa, the starting point for the use of strike weapons from Russian drones was the 80-mm laser-guided S-8L unguided missile, created on the basis of the S-8:

The S-8L concept is the same as the American Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System, which turns 70mm Hydra 70 missiles into low-cost, high-precision missiles. weapon with the addition of laser guidance

- the author believes, comparing the initial equipment of Russian strike UAVs with American ones.

As explained, although an 80 mm rocket weighing 11 kg cannot hit Tanks, it is still a weapon suitable for the destruction of lightly armored vehicles, self-propelled guns and air defense systems. Its light weight allows it to arm even smaller drones, such as the new Termit, which can carry up to three S-8L units and, thanks to this, can become an inexpensive platform designed to strike ground vehicles.

At the same time, as noted in the Italian press, further developments have allowed the Russian military-industrial complex to create anti-tank weapons for unmanned platforms. Recently, a new X-UAV ammunition was presented, created on the basis of the Kornet ATGM. It was used from the Orion drone; the target was a helicopter-type drone, which was destroyed from a distance of 4 km.

According to the author, unlike the American AGM-114 Hellfire anti-tank munition, the weight of the X-UAV is two times less (25 kg), which makes it possible to equip unmanned vehicles with a large number of weapons. Like other missiles adaptable to Russian drones, the X-UAV is a universal means of destruction:

As a result of the fundamental decision of the Ministry of Defense, Russian attack drones have gained the ability to hit a wide range of targets: both air and ground.

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  1. 0
    22 January 2022 18: 24
    still to adapt these systems for aviation., the same KAB-20 will go very well for helicopters, and KAB-50/100 for su-34
    1. +2
      22 January 2022 19: 06
      Quote: Barberry25
      the same KAB-20 will go very well for helicopters

      from what height to drop?
      1. +3
        22 January 2022 19: 27
        In in . IMHO for a Cab helicopter this thing is completely unnecessary.
        The main weapon of the turntable is rockets.
        1. +1
          22 January 2022 19: 29
          Quote: kytx
          for a Cab helicopter, this thing is completely unnecessary.

          more like suicidal
          1. +1
            24 January 2022 12: 43
            Quote: Flood
            more like suicidal

            This is so far in the conditions of urban combat, it will not be necessary to demolish any wrecked barmaley, and (conditionally) in the neighboring building there is your own special forces and you need to act extremely jewelry.
            Warhead 80mm NURS - too weak for this and then they come to the rescue ... barrel bombs

            In order to get away from the "shooter", the Mi-8 needs to hover as high as possible, while the accuracy is reduced and the KAB would be appropriate.
            1. -1
              24 January 2022 12: 50
              + for an interesting example
              but this is an exception
              not a rule

              and corrected / guided munitions for use from low altitudes are hardly needed
              1. 0
                24 January 2022 13: 10
                Quote: Flood
                and corrected / guided munitions for use from low altitudes are hardly needed

                As in Syria - barmaley without MANPADS, with a light rifle. Mi-8 can statically hover 3500-4000 m, depending on the fuel and ammunition load. AK, PK and SVD will no longer reach him at such a height. We assume that the ZU-23 will also reach no more than 2000 m in height.
                The Syrians took advantage of this - they couldn’t get it from carts or other riflemen, and from 3000 m they threw several barrel bombs (until they hit), erasing the quarter.
                Having a normal air bomb with a moderator - it is possible to break through 5-6 floors and demolish supports of 1-2 floors - "folding the house" with the contents ...
                And having laser correction (a cheap attachment to a conventional air bomb) - you can do it on the first try and very accurately.
                Just the Syrian experience of using moms from helicopters reports that KABs are needed in the BC of turntables.
                1. -1
                  24 January 2022 13: 49
                  Quote: Dmitry Vladimirovich
                  As in Syria - barmaley without MANPADS

                  in conditions of dense buildings with civilians, point bombing from a height of 3 thousand meters at terrorists with rifles

                  very peculiar
                  for this there is a UAV
      2. 0
        22 January 2022 19: 50
        well, KAB-20 may not come in for helicopters, but I think there are no complaints about upab-50/100? for helicopters, for example, s-8l will come in
        1. +3
          22 January 2022 23: 45
          you write "ZAYDUT" instead of "go" which means that your Russian language is not native. Did you study Russian in Sunday school at a synagogue or at another educational institution? And you immediately enrolled in weapons experts or what does it look like? I'm just curious how without getting your ass off your mom's couch you become an expert?
          1. -2
            23 January 2022 09: 05
            Well, you've become...
            1. -1
              23 January 2022 14: 26
              If about me. I once graduated from the university and I am a reserve officer. But unlike you, I do not pretend to be an arms expert.
              1. -4
                23 January 2022 21: 43
                exactly a reserve officer? otherwise they look more like a Russian language teacher) .. next time you either write on the case on the issue, or don’t write anything.
                1. 0
                  24 January 2022 00: 11
                  It's not for you to tell me what to write next.
                  You start by taking extra hours in language courses to avoid such blunders. Otherwise, you pose as an arms expert and write like a guest worker from Asia.
                  1. -3
                    24 January 2022 10: 14
                    your perception of my messages is your problem, if it causes hysteria in you, then it’s better not to write, take care of your nerves, otherwise you will end up in the hospital with a nervous breakdown or get drunk from shock)
                    1. 0
                      24 January 2022 12: 56
                      I don't have any hysterics about your posts. I just urge you to write competently and not like a guest worker. And don't worry about my health, I'll play the harmonica at your funeral.
                      1. -2
                        24 January 2022 14: 14
                        that's what I'm talking about - hysteria out of the blue, get treated tongue
      3. 0
        27 January 2022 11: 48
        5-6 t km ...... there the optics are powerful and you can illuminate directly from the plane.
  2. -21
    22 January 2022 18: 34
    With a lag of 25 years and still without "smart" devices, but with laser guidance.
    1. 0
      22 January 2022 18: 55
      Quote: stone
      With a lag of 25 years and still without "smart" devices, but with laser guidance.

      It remains to be hoped that this is from the series "smart learns from the mistakes of others." request
    2. +7
      22 January 2022 18: 59
      The groan is the main thing, do not stand still, they began to do simple things in order to create more complex systems - the walking one will master the road ...
    3. +7
      22 January 2022 19: 08
      Quote: stone
      With a lag of 25 years and still without "smart" devices, but with laser guidance.

      The "smart device" there is a UAV, and even the Yankees, who do not know how much money goes to military spending, have not yet thought of shoving artificial intelligence into mini-ammunition - there the efficiency will turn out to be less than the cost! fool
      1. +1
        22 January 2022 23: 04
        the complex should always be divided by cost - either it is a cheap carrier and expensive weapons (missiles with seeker, etc.), or it is an expensive carrier on board which has means of correcting (laser, radio channel, etc.) the flight of guided munitions, or modern sighting systems for automated bombing and use of NAR type of the same Hephaestus.
    4. +3
      22 January 2022 19: 18
      Quote: stone
      lagging behind in 25 years and still without "smart" devices, but with laser guidance.

      where does this number come from? 25, but 20 or 35? not so long ago, our officials called the backlog in the digital economy for 5-8 years.
      1. +2
        22 January 2022 21: 31
        Quote: Victorio
        where does this number come from? 25, but 20 or 35? not so long ago, our officials called the backlog in the digital economy for 5-8 years.

        good Bravo! I completely forgot to mention this, I wanted to add, but you were ahead of me! drinks
      2. -4
        22 January 2022 22: 11
        Even 28 years ago. Helifire was launched from him, though, in 2001. In any case, for decades wink
        1. +4
          23 January 2022 12: 06
          Quote: stone
          Even 28 years ago. Helifire was launched from him, though, in 2001.

          And from what pardon "hangover" do you think, starting from the "Traitor"? You would really scold from the First World War! drinks
      3. -2
        23 January 2022 12: 03
        Quote: Victorio
        not so long ago, our officials called the backlog in the digital economy for 5-8 years.

        The key phrase is "our officials". wink
  3. +13
    22 January 2022 18: 55
    Physics and mathematics are the same in the USA and in the Russian Federation, therefore, with the same requirements for performance characteristics, similar results are obtained.
    1. +14
      22 January 2022 19: 04
      Quote: Aaron Zawi
      Physics and mathematics are the same in the USA and in the Russian Federation, therefore, with the same requirements for performance characteristics, similar results are obtained.

      No longer ... there they began to revise physics and mathematics too complicated sciences for blacks laughing laughing
      1. +3
        23 January 2022 08: 06
        Not just for black white Americans, but for the 99% of whites. Tse Muscovite pseudosciences.
      2. -3
        23 January 2022 12: 05
        Quote: Alexey Sedykin
        No longer ... there they began to revise physics and mathematics too complicated sciences for blacks

        Do you want to compare our school curriculum? wink Geometry with drawing was cut, physics was stung - all according to the precepts of Soros.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. 0
            23 January 2022 12: 45
            and it is the same with literature.

        2. +1
          23 January 2022 14: 12
          Wait, we will hear from the bourgeois patriot liberal - "this is different."
        3. 0
          24 January 2022 16: 12
          Quote: Ingvar 72
          And you our school program don't want to compare? Geometry with drawing was cut, physics was stung - all according to the precepts of Soros.

          the son comprehends "science in the European school", Russian textbooks are simply a masterpiece in comparison with the local ones. I don’t know what will happen in high school 8-12, but for now, quiet horror
  4. +8
    22 January 2022 22: 21
    Yes, it seems like the Americans got hold of the T-55, and let him shoot at the absolute Abrams, at their training ground ... Well, what could be the Great Abrams, from some old Soviet T-55? However, the tower on Abrams jammed from the very first shot of the T-55 ...
    Maybe you shouldn't say so categorically that Russian drone ammunition is useless against tanks?
    1. +3
      22 January 2022 23: 06
      especially considering that a drone strike will always take place in a protected top.
      1. -3
        23 January 2022 08: 10
        The drone launches a guided munition from a distance of several kilometers. And he aims not at the roof (at a very sharp angle), but at the middle of the projection of the tank (almost perpendicular). That is, on the side of the hull or tower.
        1. +3
          23 January 2022 12: 31
          boy go back to school and learn geometry. using ammunition from a height of 4-5 km and a range of 4-5 km, it will fly at an angle of 45 or more degrees to the target. this can be seen in all videos of hitting the use of the WTO from drones and attack aircraft - ammunition always arrives from above. in order to get on board, my good guard or UAV must launch a rocket from a low altitude, that is, several hundred meters. Hits on board just happen as a rule when using low-flying helicopters and ATGMs.
    2. kig
      24 January 2022 02: 32
      Quote: Bratkov Oleg
      Yes, it seems like the Americans got the T-55, and let it shoot at absolute

      Very interesting, can you give me a link?
      1. 0
        25 January 2022 23: 51
        1. kig
          26 January 2022 02: 34
          Sorry, the T72 is mentioned here, and you write that the T55 fired at Abrams. It's like a completely different gun.
          1. 0
            26 January 2022 23: 09
            Memory failed
            1. kig
              27 January 2022 04: 50
              As for the tests of the T55 in the States, I found only one mention: in 2009, at the Aberdeen training ground, various shells were fired from this tank at different targets. When it came to the cumulative UBK4M. on the second shot, the projectile exploded in the barrel. Two of the crew died, one received burns to 70% of the body. The investigation showed that the barrel was quite normal, the shells too, so the cause of the explosion remained unclear. The only clue is that the shells were originally intended not for a tank gun, but for an anti-tank field gun. The tank and shells were received in 1995, used for various tests, then lay in warehouses.
  5. 0
    23 January 2022 07: 09
    It is quite possible to use attack helicopters as control points for reconnaissance and attack drones. And also for firing missiles from "closed positions" guided by drones.
    1. 0
      23 January 2022 11: 18
      Quote: riwas
      It is quite possible to use attack helicopters as control points for reconnaissance and attack drones.

      But why?
      Why did ground control points not please you?
      And also for firing missiles from "closed positions" guided by drones.

      From closed positions, you can shoot from an ordinary truck.
  6. +1
    23 January 2022 12: 43
    Quote: Alexey Sedykin
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    Quote: Alexey Sedykin
    No longer ... there they began to revise physics and mathematics too complicated sciences for blacks

    Do you want to compare our school curriculum? wink Geometry with drawing was cut, physics was stung - all according to the precepts of Soros.

    You know, you don't know. And do you know exactly what you stung? For example, what was taught in high school in my time for an average student of 16-17 years old is somewhat difficult to understand. So it is with physics and chemistry and with literature the same picture. To facilitate the program a little and did not interfere.
  7. 0
    24 January 2022 01: 06
    The S-8L has a range of 6 km and a maximum altitude of only 4 km, with such ammunition you can only operate if the enemy does not have any air defense systems with a radar, if Bayraktar can attack from 8 km, being outside the detection radius, for example, by a TOR (he is an UAV with 6 km just sees), then Orion is forced to use weapons at the sight of the SAM. To begin with, it's better than nothing, but for the effective use of Orion, this is clearly not enough! No.
  8. 0
    24 January 2022 12: 08
    Heavy drone drones are better than strategic bombers.