How Western Powers Helped Hitler End Czechoslovakia

How Western Powers Helped Hitler End Czechoslovakia
Sudeten Germans greet representatives of Nazi Germany passing in cars. October 1938

Sudeten question

After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a number of states were created on its ruins, including Czechoslovakia.

The Czechs, who were actively working to create a "new order" in Europe and helped the Entente to fight with Russia, were able to achieve the maximum borders of the new state.

Prague also avoided the reparations assigned to Austria, and was able to create an economically quite developed country on the basis of the industrial potential and gold (and other valuables) mined in Russia by the Czechoslovak corps.

But Czechs were less than half the population.

Slovak and German (Sudet) separatism immediately arose, since there was a large German community (more than a quarter of the country's population).

Already by the 90th century, the Germans made up the majority of the population of the Sudetenland region (about 1938%). The number of Sudeten Germans in 3,3 reached XNUMX million people.

In addition, the Czechs pursued a nationalist policy. German schools were closed, Czech schools were opened instead. Until 1937, Germans who did not know the Czech language were prohibited from holding public office. It was proposed to settle Czech colonists on the lands confiscated during the land reform.

The German Nazis despised the Czechs, whose state was artificially created after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles at the expense of part of the German lands. The main industrial wealth of the country was created by the German Sudetenland. Therefore, Nazi Germany considered it its duty to annex the Sudetenland to the Reich.

Since 1935, the Sudeten German Party operated in the Sudetenland (it was founded on the basis of the Sudeten German Patriotic Front, existed since 1933). Party leader Konrad Henlein demanded the fulfillment of the promise of the Czech government to build a state modeled on Switzerland, where all peoples had broad autonomy.

Henlein enjoyed the material support of Nazi Germany. Through the German embassy, ​​the Sudeten Fuhrer received money, campaign materials, instructions, etc.

Members of the German party, which began to represent the entire Sudeten community, began to control the socio-economic life of the region. The Sudeten separatists were actively supported by the German security service and the Gestapo.

German agents were active in the Sudetenland and in Czechoslovakia as a whole. In 1936 alone, 40 career intelligence officers were sent through Switzerland to Czechoslovakia. They created spy networks, collected information and campaigned.

Through their agents and the Sudeten Germans in Berlin, they received information of a political, economic and military nature and knew almost everything about Czechoslovakia.

The Nazis were also interested in the military-economic and strategic potential of Czechoslovakia. The Czech industry of Czechoslovakia, including the military, was one of the most developed in Europe. Czechoslovakia was one of the world's leading exporters weapons. Thus, the Skoda factories at that time produced almost as much military products as the British military industry produced.

The country itself was located in the center of Europe, and it was necessary to solve the Czechoslovak question in order to develop further expansion. The Czech Republic had a first-class and well-armed army, strong border fortifications. Prague concluded agreements with the USSR and France on mutual assistance.

Thus, Hitler needed to dismember and destroy Czechoslovakia in order to destroy the foundations of security in Europe.

A Czechoslovakian military patrol stops a truck for inspection on the road during the Sudeten German Uprising. September 1938

"Green option"

At the end of 1937, the Wehrmacht headquarters provided Hitler with the Grun (Green) plan.

It was finalized in the spring of 1938 in connection with the annexation of Austria (How Hitler annexed Austria).

In April 1938, Keitel proposed a surprise attack on Czechoslovakia. But, according to Hitler, the Wehrmacht was not yet capable of such an operation, especially with the threat from France and the USSR. Berlin, taking into account the policy of Western countries, wanted to solve the Czech problem mainly through political and diplomatic means.

The Germans planned to capture Bohemia and Moravia. For the first time, emphasis was placed on propaganda, information and economic warfare against Czechoslovakia.

Clear goals were set: to intimidate Prague, to undermine its will to resist; support the "fifth column" in the face of the Sudeten Germans and Slovaks; influence neutral countries in the direction necessary for Germany; in the economic direction to contribute to the collapse of Czechoslovakia.

The reason for the war was to be a loud provocation, for example, the murder of a citizen of the Reich, a diplomat.

The Wehrmacht was supposed to deliver a powerful blow with the main forces to the center of the country from north to south. Blitzkrieg idea. 4 days were allotted for the defeat of the Czechs and the occupation of the Czech Republic and Moravia, with the expulsion of the remnants of the Czechoslovak army to Slovakia. At this time, minimal forces covered the western border.

Bunker of the Czechoslovak line of fortifications in the Sudetes ("Beneš Line")

The first crisis

The Third Reich skillfully aggravated the situation.

A volunteer corps of Sudeten Germans is being formed (about 15 thousand people). German intelligence arms and supplies volunteers. The corps was supposed to help seize power and then act as a police force.

Four SS battalions were deployed to the aid of the Sudeten Nazis. At the same time, sabotage and reconnaissance groups were sent to Czechoslovakia, which, at the time of the Wehrmacht's invasion, were supposed to disorganize the rear of the enemy, destroy communications (bridges, tunnels, communication centers), and attack military factories.

The Sudeten-German Party, after the Anschluss of Austria, is acting bolder, heading for the inclusion of the Sudetenland in the Reich.

In May 1938, the Henleinites intensified pro-German propaganda, demanding a referendum on the entry of the Sudetenland into Germany. The municipal elections, which were scheduled for May 22, were announced by the German party as a plebiscite on the question of joining the Sudetenland to the Reich.

At the same time, Hungarian, Slovak, Polish and Ukrainian nationalists are activated. The German special services are establishing contacts with them, establishing interaction with the Sudeten German Party.

There is a provocation at the border, during the action of the Czech police, two Sudeten Germans are killed. The German press launches a furious anti-Czech campaign. Berlin pushes troops to the Czech border.

Thus began the first Sudeten crisis.

At first, Hitler hoped to pull off the Austrian option, that is, to break the will of the Czech leaders so that they themselves capitulate.

The Czechoslovak government was informed of the Fuhrer's claims. Minimum program: autonomy for the Sudeten Germans. Prague was warned that if Hitler's demands were not met, the country would be crushed in a week by strikes from the north, west and south. A particularly strong blow will come from the south, where Hungary will go over to the offensive.

The Czech leadership was offered to "save themselves and Europe, both from the nightmare of a world European war and from the nightmare of Bolshevism." It would have been best if President Beneš or Prime Minister Goxha went to Germany and negotiated personally with the Fuehrer.

The Czechs did not fall for this provocation.

Prague conducts a partial mobilization of troops, the army enters the Sudetes and occupies border fortifications. Moscow and Paris declare support for Czechoslovakia (Soviet-French and Franco-Czechoslovak treaties of 1935).

France, in which in April 1938 the government headed by Daladier came, announced that the country would be "faithful to all the pacts and treaties that it had concluded." This was an official confirmation of France's obligations, including those under the 1924 Franco-Czechoslovak Treaty of Alliance and Friendship and the 1925 Pact on Mutual Guarantees.

True, Paris was afraid of the war and, first of all, looked at the position of London. Many French politicians wanted to find a way to abandon their obligations to Prague and come to an agreement with Berlin.

London's position was different.

The British leadership, seeking to send Hitler to the East (against Russia), expressed pessimism about the future of Czechoslovakia. As early as March 24, 1938, Chamberlain, speaking in Parliament, declared that the British Government could not assume any obligations in advance in an area where its interests "are not affected to the extent that they are in relation to France and Belgium."

Thus, the British were ready to satisfy the interests of Berlin at the expense of its neighbors, so that Hitler unleashed a big war with the USSR.

Moscow expressed readiness to defend Czechoslovakia, but Poland refused to let the Red Army through to help the Czech Republic.

Warsaw itself at that time was ready to take part in the division of Czechoslovakia and claimed Cieszyn Silesia (How Poland unleashed World War II with Hitler). Polish troops were concentrated near the Czech border, ready to partition Czechoslovakia along with Germany.

Italy also opposed the actions of Germany, fearing a further strengthening of the Reich.

The Soviet Union proposes to hold an international conference on this question. However, Prague, Paris and London refuse to hold the conference.

In Germany itself, the generals expressed fear that the crisis could cause a war on two fronts, against Czechoslovakia and France, whose military potential was much higher than the German one. Only the French army is two larger than the German one. Plus the possibility of war with the USSR. Such a war would be hopeless, disastrous for the Reich.

The head of the German General Staff of the ground forces, Beck, spoke out against the plan of attack on Czechoslovakia. In the headquarters game conducted by Beck, which took into account the intervention of England and France in the Czech-German conflict, it was noted that while the Germans were busy fighting the Czech defense lines, the French would have time to capture the entire Ruhr area.

This was reported to Hitler, in August Beck was sent into an honorable retirement.

His successor was Halder, who also had a negative attitude towards the Fuhrer's aggressive policy and was privy to plans for a military coup against the Nazi regime.

Thus, in May 1938, Nazi Germany was unable to "swallow" Czechoslovakia.

Hitler had to temporarily postpone the plan of aggression and move on to negotiations. But active military-political preparations for the seizure of the country continued.

How the West “helped” Prague

The Western powers, continuing the policy of "appeasement" of Hitler at the expense of "minor" neighbors, increase pressure on the Czech government, recommending an agreement with Henlein.

Thus, on May 7, the British and French envoys in Prague visited the Foreign Minister and demanded that Prague go "as far as possible" in meeting the demands of the Sudeten Germans, warning that if armed conflict should arise because of its "intransigence", the Western powers would not help Czechoslovakia.

In Washington, on the whole, they supported the similar policy of London and Paris.

US Ambassador to Germany Wilson reported to Washington on April 28, 1938, which is important

"to conclude such an agreement with Berlin ... which, so to speak, would channel Germany's aspirations and even her unshakable intentions in such a way as to ensure world peace."

At the same time, the Westerners almost directly informed Berlin that they were not going to fight for the Czechs and did not want a pan-European war, from which the Bolsheviks and Mongols would benefit.

Thus, the British ambassador to Germany, Henderson, told the Deputy German Foreign Minister Weizsäcker that the British government did not intend to “sacrifice at least one soldier” for the Czechs, and if Prague went to aggravate relations with the Germans, then England would not support them.

On May 23, French Prime Minister Daladier spoke with the German Ambassador Welczek. He expressed fears that the war would destroy Europe, and Cossacks and Mongols would appear there. Therefore, the war must be prevented, and "heavy sacrifices" must be made.

The idea was conveyed to Berlin that the “uncompromising” Czechoslovakia would be sacrificed.

In the Czech elite itself there was no unity on the issue of resistance to Germany and the future of the country.

The conservatives, represented by the Agrarian Party (the leading political force in the country), its leader and Prime Minister Milan Goggia wanted to establish "strong power" in Czechoslovakia and negotiate with Berlin. In particular, to make concessions to the Sudeten Germans and terminate the mutual assistance agreement with the Russians.

Another group included President Edvard Benes and representatives of big business. Benes was guided by the Western powers and, above all, France. The Czechoslovak president listened attentively to the advice of London and Paris and was ready to make big concessions in negotiations with Henlein and Berlin.

Prague went on about the West.

Negotiations began between Henlein and the Czech authorities, through the mediation of a special British representative, Lord Runciman. Negotiations went from the beginning of August to September.

The British followed the policy of "appeasement" of Hitler, sided with the Germans and demanded that Prague create the Sudetenland. Lord Runciman himself, in his report to the head of government Chamberlain, proposed to give the Sudetenland to Germany.

In early September 1938, Prague yielded to pressure and agreed to create German and Hungarian autonomies.

Meeting British Prime Minister Chamberlain at Munich Airport. September 29, 1938

To be continued ...
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  1. +11
    19 January 2022 04: 55
    A sore subject for the Anglo-Saxons, and indeed for today's Europe ... she diligently keeps silent and avoids talking about collusion with Hitler in 1938 ... all the time she puts pressure on the Molotov-Ribentropp pact ... unfortunate crooks.
    The modern Czech Republic has never learned the lesson of history ... again running into trouble.
    1. -4
      19 January 2022 09: 13
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      The modern Czech Republic has never learned the lesson of history ... again running into trouble.

      What lessons have the Czechs not learned and what specific troubles do they "run into"?
      1. +2
        19 January 2022 10: 28
        Well, what a naive question, dear Ashes of Klaas smile, The Czech Republic is a vassal of the United States and how a servant of this gentleman can fall under distribution for excessive Russophobia.
        Just like in the past for trying to serve two masters at once, Hitler and Wilson ... this is the lesson of history. hi
      2. +7
        19 January 2022 11: 16
        What lessons did the Czechs not learn

        Lessons of "friendship" with Western states...
        Notice the quotes...
        1. -3
          19 January 2022 11: 33
          Quote: Xlor
          Lessons of "friendship" with Western states ..

          In my opinion, the choice of the Czech Republic "with whom to be friends" in favor of the West is natural, no?
          1. +6
            19 January 2022 11: 35
            in my opinion, the choice of the Czech Republic "with whom to be friends" in favor of the West natural, no

            Exactly, in favor of the West...
          2. -1
            20 January 2022 11: 38
            Quote: Ashes of Klaas
            In my opinion, the choice of the Czech Republic "with whom to be friends" in favor of the West is natural, no?

            Natural to what?
      3. 0
        April 4 2022 10: 12
        Very simple. The Czech Republic never paid for its monstrous atrocities during the Second World War. Czech armored vehicles on June 22 accounted for a third of all armored vehicles in Germany. The losses of the USSR, whenever they occur, are the consequences of the events of the 41st year. It turns out that the Czech Republic accounts for about nine million Soviet people killed.
        For this they were supposed to be razed to the ground in the 45th. They were forgiven. This is the lesson the Czechs never learned.
    2. +6
      19 January 2022 13: 21
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      A sore subject for the Anglo-Saxons, and indeed for today's Europe ...

      And how modern Poles resist, they don’t generally raise this issue, up to police persecution
  2. 0
    19 January 2022 05: 43
    Hmmm, are there any parallels with modern states?

    Ukrainians pursued a nationalist policy. Russian Schools closed, instead they opened Ukrainian.

    Russians despised Ukrainians, whose state was artificially created after collapse of the USSR due to part native Russian lands. The main industrial wealth of the country was created by Russian Donbass. Поэтому great Russia considered it her duty to join Russian east Ukraine.

    In this way, Putin had to be dismembered and destroyed Ukraineto break the foundations NATO.

    В 2014 году somebody suggested a surprise attack on Ukraine. But, according to Fishing season, the Wehrmacht was not yet capable of such an operation, especially when threatened by NATO. Ukrainian problem Moscow, given the policy of Western countries, wanted to solve it mainly through political and diplomatic means.

    Russia planned to capture east of Ukraine. For the first time, emphasis was placed on propaganda, information and economic warfare against Ukraine.

    Clear goals were set: to intimidate Kiev, undermine his will to resist; support the "fifth column" in the face Russian speakers; influence neutral countries in the right way for of Russia direction; in the economic direction to contribute to the collapse Ukraine.

    Formed militia (about 15 thousand people). Russian intelligence arms and supplies volunteers. The militia was supposed to help seize power and then act as a police force.

    Donbass after the Anschluss Crimea acts bolder, takes a course to turn on Donetsk areas within the Reich.

    In the year 201 DPR activate pro-Russian propaganda, demand a referendum on the entry ДНР areas included of Russia.

    And so forth ...
    1. +2
      19 January 2022 05: 52
      The same parallels can be drawn with respect to NATO and the United States.
      Unlike Russia, it was NATO that swallowed up all of Eastern Europe and now wants to swallow Ukraine and Georgia ... so your parallels with regard to Putin and Donbass are far-fetched, to put it mildly, unlike parallels with NATO.
      In the event of an attack on the LDNR by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, these republics will most likely be recognized as independent, with the ensuing consequences.
      1. -2
        19 January 2022 06: 01
        I'm just for drawing parallels. Let us, of course, carry them out and reproach our partners for bad behavior. But let's not forget about self-reflection and always ask ourselves: "have we turned into bad guys?"

        With regard to swallowing Ukraine and Georgia, as far as I understand, no one calls them to NATO and does not wait, do they strive to go there themselves? Why don't they want to be friends with Russia? And who wants to be friends with Russia? Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with Russia?
        1. +1
          19 January 2022 07: 52
          Those who want to be friends. smile
          But friendship with the United States ends badly for some countries.
          Either they run around in vassals in sixes or they turn out to be completely ripped apart ... and Russia always gives out gingerbread to friends for beautiful eyes ... you can’t do that.
          1. 0
            19 January 2022 08: 06
            Those who want to be friends.
            ... Russia has a wide circle of friends, and all as one lends a helping hand.
            1. +2
              19 January 2022 10: 33
              Friends are not chosen... smile what kind of people are there ... for me, the best friend who will not do you a dirty trick in difficult times and, on the contrary, will help at least with a kind word ... such a friend has been tested by time and deed.
              And the United States has situational friends ... as long as it is rich and strong.
              As soon as she finds herself in a deep crisis, let's look at her friends ... I'm sure most of them will turn their backs on the United States.
              1. -1
                19 January 2022 11: 09
                And can you name the friends of Russia, whom Russia did not choose, friends not partners?
            2. -5
              19 January 2022 12: 04
              Quote: Daniil Konovalenko
              ..Russia has a wide circle of friends, and all as one lends a helping hand.

              Well, they stretch out their hand, you know why ...
              1. -3
                19 January 2022 12: 10
                I'm just wondering what kind of friends Russia has today laughing And then there are too many beautiful words about friends who are not chosen. laughing
                1. -9
                  19 January 2022 13: 13
                  Quote: Daniil Konovalenko
                  I'm just wondering what kind of friends Russia has today

                  Well, kindergarten, by golly ...
                  1. -7
                    19 January 2022 14: 00
                    Well, maybe Cheburshka, with Gena the crocodile laughing
        2. +1
          19 January 2022 16: 54
          Quote from volandkit
          Why don't they want to be friends with Russia? And who wants to be friends with Russia? Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with Russia?

          Because the US and NATO calmly allow the native elite to steal with impunity as much as they can rake into their pocket.
        3. 0
          19 January 2022 18: 36
          Quote from volandkit
          ? And who wants to be friends with Russia? Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with Russia?

          These are just your fantasies and aspirations. Salo this year, well, not at all high quality, Polish in a word
        4. +2
          19 January 2022 19: 04
          Quote from volandkit
          I'm just for drawing parallels.

          Who was handing out cookies on the Maidan?
        5. 0
          19 January 2022 21: 59
          Quote from volandkit
          With regard to swallowing Ukraine and Georgia, as far as I understand, no one calls them to NATO and does not wait, do they strive to go there themselves? Why don't they want to be friends with Russia? And who wants to be friends with Russia? Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with Russia?

          In Europe, the population density is 300-400 people per sq. km., and in Russia 146 / 000 = ~ 000 people per sq. km. Fair? Not!

          Moreover, these 9 people both had a standard of living an order of magnitude lower than the European one under the Republic of Ingushetia, and they still have - nothing changes!

          The land is occupied and they cannot dispose of it, what do they do with such people? That's right, they are starting to solve the Slavic question!

          Who needs friendship with those who should have been destroyed long ago? With his pig snout and there, in the European family? Your place, dear, is in the gas chamber!

          Clarified your place in the European family, a lover of friendly relations?
          1. -3
            19 January 2022 22: 52
            A very interesting question. The course of your thoughts is interesting, for example, the population density of Moscow is 4900 people per square meter. km., and at the same time, hectares of land are distributed free of charge in the Far East, but for some reason not a single Muscovite will exchange a human settlement in Butovo for a hectare near Nakhodka. Why do you think a marketer from Berlin, a plumber from Krakow or a nurse from Budapest would want to exchange a comfortable city life in Europe for agriculture and conveniences in the yard in the village of Grachevka in the Oryol region? The same Germans are still digesting eastern Germany with great difficulty, and its infrastructural level of development was much higher than the average Soviet one, while the area is smaller than the Tyumen region.

            Yes, we still think in terms of Lebensraum, land, agriculture, but this problem in Western countries has long been considered and solved. People live in dense buildings, maximum in cottage-type houses, in a more or less comfortable climate, with a developed urban environment, and 10-15% of the population is effectively engaged in agriculture and provides everyone with food in excess (to such an extent that states regulate production, support massive exports, undertake to purchase surpluses, etc.). The problem of industrial production is also effectively solved by specialization and outsourcing, efficient logistics, automation, miniaturization. The main employment is in the service sector, which does not require huge spaces, but needs an efficient transport and communication system, opportunities for workers to live and relax, and not milk a cow at 4 in the morning. The only thing that Russia has is resources - cheap qualified personnel, so far close in culture and mentality, unlike China, the Middle East, Latin America, oil, gas, timber, etc. But there's no point in pumping trillions for war, reconstruction, infrastructure development, and so on. All these resources are not too urgent, replaceable, and everyone understands perfectly well that it is cheaper to buy than to take away. And since Russia is located on the very edge of Europe, the problem of integration for significant countries is not very acute until the Kremlin begins to force it with vague threats and frankly boorish behavior. I'll even say more, Berlin and Paris don't care if Russia meets European standards or not. It may be in Russia's interests to catch up to the level of European partners, but it may not be. However, to be rude and lawless - is it really good?
            1. 0
              19 January 2022 23: 43
              Quote from volandkit
              The course of your thoughts is interesting, for example, the population density of Moscow is 4900 people per square meter. km., and at the same time, hectares of land are distributed free of charge in the Far East, but for some reason not a single Muscovite will exchange a human settlement in Butovo for a hectare near Nakhodka.

              Moscow is not Russia, and Russia is not Moscow!

              Quote from volandkit
              Why do you think a marketer from Berlin, a plumber from Krakow or a nurse from Budapest would want to exchange a comfortable city life in Europe for agriculture and conveniences in the yard in the village of Grachevka in the Oryol region?

              Well, I look - then the Poles, then the Swedes, then the French, then the Germans. What was missing from this?

              Quote from volandkit
              Yes, we still think in terms of Lebensraum, land, agriculture, but this problem in Western countries has long been considered and solved.

              She, this problem, was solved under the Third Reich. Did it help us a lot?

              Quote from volandkit
              But there's no point in pumping trillions for war, reconstruction, infrastructure development, and so on. All these resources are not too urgent, replaceable, and everyone understands perfectly well that it is cheaper to buy than to take away.

              You tell the Europeans now - "man does not live by gas alone!".

              Quote from volandkit
              The only thing that Russia has is resources - cheap qualified personnel, so far close in culture and mentality, unlike China, the Middle East, Latin America,

              They are so close in mentality that they were driven into barns and burned alive. With everyone, in the Reich, "war is like a war", and in the East - "a war of worldviews!".

              Quote from volandkit
              And since Russia is located on the very edge of Europe, the problem of integration for significant countries is not very acute until the Kremlin begins to force it with vague threats and frankly boorish behavior.

              If there is an opportunity to pump muscles, then why not use it? Mongol-Tatars, Poles, Swedes, French and Germans, at the peak of their power, took advantage of us, why shouldn't we? History shows that it is possible to lag behind economically, but at the same time very effectively conquer adjacent territories.
              Russia has gained strength, so why not take advantage of it? The window of opportunity doesn't open that often and closes very quickly!

              Quote from volandkit
              It may be in Russia's interests to catch up to the level of European partners, but it may not be.

              It's you, the Slavs, itching to catch up to the level of Europe, but the Volga Tatars do not need it. We do not position ourselves "a little in Asia and a little in Europe", because Europe is alien to us from the very beginning. But what we have been doing regularly for the last 400 years is pulling you by the ears at the next European invasion. Including the peoples of the Volga region, the Urals, Altai and Siberia.
              It’s strange how it is with you - they grew and gained strength in the eastern territories under Ivan the Terrible, but you are constantly rushing to Europe! Orientation problem?

              Quote from volandkit
              However, to be rude and lawless - is it really good?

              What did I say? That at the first opportunity the Europeans will drive you into the gas chamber? Do you still doubt it?
              I look at you and think - are you a propagandist or just another refined fool ... a check?
              1. +1
                20 January 2022 00: 13
                I agree with many. But I strongly disagree about Moscow. Moscow and Moscow region is Russia! Every seventh inhabitant of the country lives there. I myself have a lot of relatives and friends in Moscow and the Moscow region. And they are no worse than other Russians. I personally like Moscow as a city very much.
              2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      19 January 2022 08: 22
      Quote from volandkit
      Hmmm, are there any parallels with modern states?
      But let's not forget about self-reflection and always ask yourself: "have you turned into we into the bad guys?"

      Are you doing flood - article not about Donbass, not a word.

      2. Speak only for YOURSELF, self-reflective dill guy (bad, so bad)

      There are NO parallels, because Russia, unlike Germany, World did NOT unleash wars, her did NOT lose, did not commit crimes, and to be deprived, respectively, своих lands and people, in punishment (like Germany and Hungary) should not and could not under any laws.

      ukradina, respectively, did NOT win any war in order to have rights to Russian lands.

      Quote from volandkit
      ukrainian nationalistic politics.

      With the Nazis, yes, all normal people fought: they rebelled against them, dissolved and overthrown, depriving Nazi Germany of lands.

      Lovers of parallels can also replace Russia in their opuses with the FRG, and Donbass with the GDR.

      As far as the article itself is concerned, it is precisely the west created the nazis and indulged them in 1930-x and indulges and keeps them stolen now- Huge multibillion-dollar infusions
      1. -5
        19 January 2022 09: 05
        Quote: Olgovich
        You are flooding - the article is not about the Donbass, not a word.

        I agree.
        Quote: Olgovich
        There are NO parallels

        Well, if you wish...
        First: all these "ultimatums" and such cute "deadlines" are quite drawn to an illusory parallel with Munich, why not? Rude blackmail demanding a compromise and the invariable "otherwise we ...."
        Secondly, no one is going to fight for UA, as well as for Czechoslovakia in 38-39, this is crystal clear.
        Thirdly, just as the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic was tacitly (and publicly too) considered a "Versailles misunderstanding", so modern Ukraine is considered by some side as a "Belovezhskaya misunderstanding", which implies a hypothetical revision of borders and territories.
        Fourth, general: nationalism, as you know, always evolves from a dull fart under the covers to radical Nazism, which becomes the state mainstream. The rhetoric on the media platforms of both the Russian Federation and Ukraine is a complete confirmation of this.
        Fifth: we, like the post-war Reich, are disgusted by static. We suffer from phantom pains. Everyone. It doesn't matter if you crunch on a French bun or an authentic Soviet Borodino.
        Sixth: allusion Crimea - Sudetenland. Whether it is true or not is the third question. She is. We won't talk about her.
        Seventh: just like in the shadow of Munich, there are interested scavengers - the same, by the way, who looted in 1938 - Hungary and Poland.

        I understand that I may be pulling an owl on a soccer ball in places, but at least this is more interesting than talking about "missiles in Venezuela" and Putin's genius. hi
        1. -1
          19 January 2022 10: 15
          Quote: Ashes of Klaas
          First: all these "ultimatums" and such cute "deadlines" are quite drawn to an illusory parallel with Munich, why not?

          belaydo not pull, because ultimatums-strictly from the West since 1991: "Russia MUST, MUST, MUST, otherwise ..." These are statements of ALL leaders of the West - look for: ".Russia should, has to, must ...".

          At the same time ... advanced with weapon to the East to hundreds of kilometers. .

          He is asked, just to leave this weapon in place.

          as Hitler-West
          Quote: Ashes of Klaas
          was considered a "Versailles misunderstanding", modern Ukraine is considered by some side as a "Belovezhskaya misunderstanding"

          Russia did NOT lose the world war in order to lose its lands, forcibly included in the Ukrainians.
          Quote: Ashes of Klaas
          to radical Nazism becoming the state mainstream. Rhetoric on media platforms and the Russian Federation,

          show Russian official "Heil Russia!" or "Russia uber alles!" on Russian medical sites, as they sound EVERYWHERE officially on Ukrainian medical sites
          Quote: Ashes of Klaas
          Sixth: the allusion to Crimea - the Sudetes. It exists.

          she is not: Crimea-always Russia.
          Quote: Ashes of Klaas
          in the shadow of Munich, there are interested scavengers - the same, by the way, who looted in 1938 - Hungary and Poland.

          yes: many try on Russia to tear, for this they stop Sherkhan
          Quote: Ashes of Klaas
          than tryndet about "missiles in Venezuela" and Putin's genius

          Any leader: Putin, Ivanov, Sidorov, etc., would have acted exactly the same way, having visual LESSONS of the HF, WWII, WWII, when the West that came from the West killed up to 50 million Russians.

          Or has the West...changed? belay And when is it? Maybe in Iraq, where he killed a million people with 5 million refugees and created ISIS? hi
          1. -4
            19 January 2022 11: 06
            Quote: Olgovich
            Russia did not lose the world war

            Formally, she lost the First Cold War. Interbellum is over, the Second Cold War will either end in revenge, or ... Well, you know how world wars end.
            Quote: Olgovich
            to lose their lands, forcibly included in the Ukrainians.

            What boundaries are you referring to? What status quo do you want? And what form of revision do you like?
            Quote: Olgovich
            to lose their lands, forcibly included in the Ukrainians.
            Let's be honest: no one seriously takes these ridiculous arguments "Lenin gave", "Stalin gave", "Khrushchev gave" seriously. This is nothing more than a useless polemical bogey.
            Quote: Olgovich
            it does not exist: Crimea is always Russia.

            I agree. And Czechoslovakia is always Austria-Hungary.
            1. 0
              19 January 2022 11: 18
              Quote: Ashes of Klaas
              Formally, she lost the First Cold War.

              The USSR lost.
              Quote: Ashes of Klaas
              What boundaries are you referring to? What status quo do you want? And what form of revision do you like?

              pre-Ussrovsky: before the created by violence USSR were voluntary OR, DKR as part of Russia. A lot of water, of course, has flowed under the bridge, so through a referendum.
              Quote: Ashes of Klaas
              no one is serious about these ridiculous arguments "Lenin gave", "Stalin gave", "Khrushchev gave" no longer applies.

              What about serious? Ukraine over the mustache?
              Quote: Ashes of Klaas
              I agree. And Czechoslovakia is always Austria-Hungary.

              Amen! Yes
              1. -7
                19 January 2022 11: 48
                Quote: Olgovich
                USSR lost

                And Russia, as the successor, bears this burden))
                Quote: Olgovich
                A lot of water, of course, has flowed under the bridge, so through a referendum.

                Announce the agenda of the referendum, please.
                Excuse me, do you seriously expect to return the Russian Empire with the help of publicity? laughing
                Quote: Olgovich
                Ukraine over the mustache?

                well, it is hardly possible to shove the "drug" genie back into the lamp with a tedious appeal to the decisions of the Council of People's Commissars or imperial rhetoric) We are now like an elephant standing in thought in front of a china shop.
                1. +4
                  19 January 2022 12: 13
                  Quote: Ashes of Klaas
                  And Russia, as the successor, bears this burden))

                  without the USSR, there is no USSR. Russia was before the USSR.
                  Quote: Ashes of Klaas
                  Announce the agenda of the referendum, please

                  or or
                  Quote: Ashes of Klaas
                  Excuse me, are you serious?
                  Do you expect to return the Russian Empire with the help of publicity?

                  why empire? FRR.

                  Quote: Ashes of Klaas
                  uh, pushing the "drug" genie back into the lamp with a tedious appeal to the decisions of the Council of People's Commissars or imperial rhetoric is hardly possible

                  normal Volka and Zhenya must be saved from gin under drugs, and let nursing drugs enjoy gin.
                  in front of a china shop

                  in front of the missile position
                  1. -5
                    19 January 2022 12: 46
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    or or

                    what exactly is "either or"? Is it a referendum or an ultimatum? And who do you think of as respondents? That is, the citizens of Russia should give carte blanche to the authorities for the occupation of a neighboring state? Or how?
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    why empire? FRR.

                    Well, let's not be cunning) Collecting lands with delegating the opportunity to escape to these lands? And what's in the future? "Stop feeding Ukraine!!"? After all, the "brilliant grandmaster" has only the "Chechen gambit" in his arsenal with an infusion of dough.
                    1. 0
                      19 January 2022 13: 34
                      It was interesting to read your "shootout" with Olgovich on the "parallels" with modernity in the comment above, but, unfortunately, everything eventually diverged towards monarchism and the allocation of a "brilliant grandmaster".

                      There are now no parallels in Russia with Czechoslovakia and Germany. Anglophile Hitler was allowed to create the Third Reich, but only in order to destroy or mortally weaken the USSR, which found itself outside the world system of capitalism, with the help of German "cannon fodder". The current Russia is in the world system of capitalism, and in fact under its leaders and masters. Ukraine is generally a bargaining chip "six", like Georgia.

                      An interesting question arises: who is the enemy for the West? Ukraine is a victim of another "color revolution" from the Anglo-Saxons, and a mini anti-Russia, Russia is in capitalism, lives under the IMF and WTO, fulfilling all the "Wishlist" of the West, sells its resources and scientific and technical groundwork. What is the catch, if we have "bad boys" in power, why did they not please the Western masters?

                      It's all about the potential, in the very nuclear missile shield that the renegades got from the Soviet Union. The current Russia with bourgeois power is still the only country in the world that can guarantee the destruction of the United States. The enemy of the West here is not traitors, thieves and bandits, fellow oligarchs who are dependent on their owners with giblets, but the Soviet legacy.

                      They are fighting with it, both openly the West itself, more precisely, the Anglo-Saxons, and our authorities, in their anti-people policy, optimization and reduction of the former power of industry, healthcare and education with science. Everything is puffed up, in ostentatious butting with the West, for ratings and drinking dough in service.

                      The war with the West is the end for the bourgeois power in Russia, they are not able to put into action any ultimatum. As they did not recognize the referendum in the Donbass, but they recognized the elections from the junta in Kiev, they will continue to wipe it out. They have one sadness, a falling rating, for the erection of which stimulation from jingoistic patriotism is needed. Plus, to "optimize" the great Soviet heritage, cutting off "extra fingers", to the point of complete disability of Russia, and at the same time, not to be raised on bayonets and pitchforks for betrayal. The West plays along with them, like, oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, troops on the border of Ukraine, a vigorous miracle torpedo and so on ...

                      Whether the ashes of Klaas are knocking in your heart is a question, but Russia now needs its own Ulenspiegel to fight against foreign enslavement.
                      1. -2
                        19 January 2022 23: 20
                        It's all beautiful, noble and very abstract. I perfectly understand the desire to comprehend and see the cause of the mess and hopelessness around - an abstract "West", "Anglo-Saxons", "masters" appear who pull the strings and force our puppets to destroy their people. I personally think that the reality is much more banal and simpler - human nature. There is the greed and paranoia of the commander-in-chief, there is the sycophancy of subordinates who create an information bubble around the king, who has already gone so far from his own greatness, there are a bunch of people who stupidly cling to the regime, because it allows them to keep villas in Spain, yachts in the Mediterranean, houses in London. There are politicians in Western countries who have their own problems, elections, the crown, the economy, and then there's the smut with Russia, which they don't fucking need. And these policies are not abstract, but concrete now, for several years. And in a few years, these policies will change, and with them the foreign policy course will also change - someone will try to fulfill Pynya's wishes (like Sarkozy), someone will ignore (like Obama), someone will imitate (like Trump). And the moth will sit and sit and not understand how it is - 10 years ago, it seems, they discussed on the phone - peace, friendship, chewing gum, and then some one from the mountain imposes sanctions against the friends. And therefore, this abstract West does not have final decisions, even close, and their goal is to transfer this tangle of snakes to the next chosen administration, and then either a donkey or a padishah. And for our strategist, in 20 years, the roof starts to go from understatement and vagueness, especially since the bony one will knock soon and I would very much like Vladimir the Great, and not Vladimir Vatozhui, to be called in the textbook.

                        But the Ulenspiegels cannot appear in our country, they will immediately imprison them and put a mop in the anus.
                      2. -2
                        20 January 2022 10: 34
                        Quote from volandkit
                        I personally think that the reality is much more banal and simpler - human nature. ... who create an information bubble around the king, who has already gone from his own greatness,

                        I agree, the reality is much simpler: this is the usual persecution mania among psychopaths, whom everyone "chases and chases the kings with their retinues and puts mops into them - into the information bubbles of their Echo from the Far East
                        Quote from volandkit
                        There are politicians in Western countries who have their own problems, elections, the crown, the economy, and then there's the smut with Russia, which they don't fucking need.

                        so unnecessary that unceasingly rod to the East, but to solve "internal problems" lol -and to the South, where they killed millions of people in REALITY, made millions refugees, planted their own governments, filled the whole world in REALITY with hundreds of military bases and rockets with bombs.

                        And all this, (according to psychopaths) in general, there is a struggle for democracy and human rights
                        Quote from volandkit
                        And Ulenspiegels cannot appear in our country.

                        well, what Ulenspiegels ".. with a mop in their heads? belay
                    2. -1
                      20 January 2022 09: 57
                      Quote: Ashes of Klaas
                      that : exactly "either or"? Is it a referendum or an ultimatum?

                      it's RIGHT choice for people whom they have been deprived of for a hundred years: as they decide, so be it.
                      Quote: Ashes of Klaas
                      Gathering lands with delegating opportunities to these lands run away?

                      RETURN TO YOUR COUNTRY. It's not about the return of the lands (this is not the main thing), it's about returning to the Motherland, first of all, PEOPLE and only about this.
                      And if they want to live with Russia, then they should have the right to do so - together with their lands
                      Quote: Ashes of Klaas
                      And what's in the future? "Stop feeding Ukraine!!"? After all, the "brilliant grandmaster" has only the "Chechen gambit" in his arsenal with an infusion of dough.

                      Nonsense: Novorossia was the pearl of Russia, ALWAYS lived beautifully in Russia FOR CENTURIES, worked wonderfully and fully provided for itself and its Motherland.

                      and what, in the future, from some now about subsidized regions: "Stop feeding the Smolensk region !!"?
      2. AAK
        19 January 2022 19: 17
        Colleague, can you tell me which of the Western politicians, financiers or major intelligence officers was at the "origins" of the NSDAP in the early 20s? And if you also present their photos, for example - in the "Bürgerbroe" among the parteigenossen, it will be wonderful in general ...
    3. The comment was deleted.
  3. +10
    19 January 2022 06: 26
    About the unfortunate Czechs conquered by the Germans. D. Forti. "German armored vehicles in World War II":
    The Czechs put at our disposal all the necessary information about their tanks, - the German engineer Colonel Icken enthusiastically recalled. - The Czech officers were sure that their vehicles fully met the needs of the Wehrmacht ... Cooperation with the Czech officers was very fruitful and friendly. We have never had to deal with sabotage or any kind of resistance.

    A meeting of two hundred thousand Czechs on Wenceslas Square in Prague on July 3, 1942. At this meeting, the inhabitants of the Protectorate warmly expressed their loyalty and support to the Third Reich. This is one of the largest collections in the history of this area. According to the unrealized plans of the German fascists, the Czechs were ideally suited for the composition of the future occupation and punitive forces in defeated Russia. They already had invaluable experience, meanness they did not hold, but did not grow together.

    During the war years, the Czechs developed the Hetzer self-propelled guns. It is considered the best anti-tank self-propelled guns of World War II. Specially "sharpened" against the T-34. Was in service until the 70s.

    The central part of the memorial composition in honor of the Czech punishers in Chelyabinsk. Pay attention to the solemnity of the monarchists when laying wreaths at the memorial to the punishers.
    What do monarchists and other admirers of bulkokhrusts admire? In the summer of 1920, the last of 42 Czechoslovak transports went to sea from Vladivostok, on which, together with the looted property, 72644 legionnaires left Russia, 1726 their Russian wives, 717 children, 4914 invalids, as well as Russian officers, politicians, public figures who joined the corps. local figures, members of their families.
    Particularly scandalous was the dispatch of the steamer Legiya from Vladivostok, on which the Czechoslovaks took out the state property of the White Army for 3 million evils. rub. The White Guards indignantly published in the newspapers an incomplete list of state-owned cargo taken out on the Legia:
    • braids - 65.000 pieces;
    • horseshoes - 5.376 pounds;
    • plantar skin - 2.900 pounds;
    • medicines – 10.000 – zl. rub.;
    • Berthollet salt - 3.000 pounds;
    • rubber rings - 80.000 gr.;
    • cross saws - 300 pieces;
    • reapers — 38 pieces;
    • sheaves - 50 pieces;
    • plows - 50 pieces;
    • tea - 8.470 pounds;
    • motors — 5 pcs.
    Pay attention to the stolen rubber. 80000 grains is approximately 4,96 kg. Rubber at that time was the most scarce strategic material, it cost much more than gold, so its accounting was carried out in grains.
    In addition, according to the principle “Vaska the cat listens and eats”, to the furious cries of the military and civilian White Guard authorities, the Czechoslovaks, with impudent impunity, loaded onto the “Legia” and took out state-owned soap, pepper, candles, white underwear, notebooks, etc., and so on. Most of all, the White Guards were outraged by the export of the most scarce medicines by the Czechoslovaks, which doomed countless sick and wounded to death.
    There are 3652 dead and 739 missing Czechoslovaks left in Russia. Their graves are scattered today along the entire Trans-Siberian Railway. The most famous of them are located in Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Penza, Chelyabinsk, Vladivostok. In accordance with bilateral agreements on military graves, the parties undertook to maintain the graves in a decent condition. However, despite the reverent attitude towards the monuments to the interventionists and punishers in the Russian Federation, this agreement does not prevent the Czechs from desecrating the monuments to Soviet soldiers on their territory. How much they slaughtered to the last inhabitant of villages and villages in Siberia and Kazakhstan, we will never know. There are no monuments for them, or even preserved burial places.

    Demolition of the monument to Marshal Konev in Prague.
    1. +1
      19 January 2022 07: 55
      We have a short memory... we forgive such crimes for the sake of friendship... we can't do that.
      1. 0
        19 January 2022 08: 33
        Yes, it’s not short here, it’s just that politics is such a vile and dirty business that in order to achieve certain goals, you have to pretend that nothing happened and that all people are brothers, while quite concretely realizing that you are dealing with complete shit, which at the first opportunity, he will hand you over with giblets. What to do... The eternal question.
  4. +7
    19 January 2022 09: 34
    Quote: Ashes of Klaas

    Well, if you wish...
    First: all these "ultimatums" and such cute "deadlines" are quite drawn to an illusory parallel with Munich, why not?

    Because no. No one really threatened the Weimar Republic, did not concentrate troops on its borders. On the contrary, he pandered to Hitler both in foreign policy (turning a blind eye to the introduction of troops into the demilitarized zone and the Anschluss of Austria) and in the economy (no sanctions, active economic and technological assistance).
    Your analogy is lame, and on both legs.

    Secondly, no one is going to fight for UA, as well as for Czechoslovakia in 38-39, this is crystal clear.

    The USSR was ready to provide direct military assistance to Czechoslovakia, but all attempts were sabotaged by the "democracies" and Poland.
    The West may well provide military assistance to Ukraine in private mode (PMCs, commandos and other "paramilitaries").

    Fourth, general: nationalism, as you know, always evolves from a dull fart under the covers to radical Nazism, which becomes the state mainstream. The rhetoric on the media platforms of both the Russian Federation and Ukraine is a complete confirmation of this.

    As well as the rhetoric of the Western media, from which it no longer breathes nationalism, but simply Nazism and racism.

    Fifth: we, like the post-war Reich, are disgusted by static. We suffer from phantom pains. Everyone. It doesn't matter if you crunch on a French bun or an authentic Soviet Borodino.

    Most of all, NATO seems to be sickened by static. That's why it swells like crazy.

    Seventh: just like in the shadow of Munich, there are interested scavengers - the same, by the way, who looted in 1938 - Hungary and Poland.

    These scavengers are, in fact, members of NATO. So claims about their possible misbehavior - to Brussels and Washington, please.

    I understand that I may be pulling an owl on a soccer ball in places, but at least this is more interesting than talking about "missiles in Venezuela" and Putin's genius. hi

    But no more convincing, however.
    1. -4
      19 January 2022 10: 33
      Quote: Illanatol
      But no more convincing, however.

      I'm not going to convince anyone. I played along with those who like to draw parallels, nothing more.
      Quote: Illanatol
      No one really threatened the Weimar Republic

      And someone "really" threatens Russia?
      Quote: Illanatol
      did not concentrate troops on its borders.

      And now on our borders concentrated someone's large groupings with offensive potential? And what, there were no military-political blocs in interbellum? It was Munich that closed the clownish Little Entente, which included Czechoslovakia, didn't it?
      Quote: Illanatol
      The USSR was ready to provide direct military assistance to Czechoslovakia

      do not laugh. It's a comfortable bluff. Aleksandrovsky, in his words, "was sitting empty-handed", he had nothing to offer Benes.
      Quote: Illanatol
      the attempts were sabotaged by the "democracies" and Poland.

      of course, this was expected. And Stalin knew perfectly well that this would be the case. But he kept the peacemaker's face. And there were no attempts.
      Quote: Illanatol
      The West may well provide military assistance to Ukraine in private mode (PMCs, commandos and other "paramilitaries").

      But the USSR provided assistance with military materials to Czechoslovakia. But he didn't want to fight.
      Quote: Illanatol
      As well as the rhetoric of the Western media, from which it no longer breathes nationalism, but simply Nazism and racism.

      I'm talking about domestic media. Well, let's say the West is the Nazis, the racists at the same time. Do you think that counter-propaganda in this case should also be similar? I understand that the government coquettishly (nobless oblige) delegates what it cannot broadcast openly to various passionate media asses. Where will it lead? Ah, yes, yes, yes...
      Quote: Illanatol
      Most of all, NATO seems to be sickened by static.

      NATO is a military-political bloc, not a state. It "swells up" for somewhat different reasons and mechanisms than the chimeras "to take what is yours", "to return everything back", etc. NATO has degenerated into a bureaucratic shop and an incomprehensible collective farm, yes, but, nevertheless, putting an end to it like this, rudely recommending "collecting belongings" is unlikely.
      Quote: Illanatol
      These scavengers are, in fact, members of NATO.

      So what? Can't they have their own interests? What makes you think that NATO members live exclusively in corporate interests? There are precedents for bickering between them, right?
      1. +2
        19 January 2022 18: 46
        Quote: Ashes of Klaas
        And someone "really" threatens Russia?

        For the blind, engaged and stupid, no one
      2. +4
        19 January 2022 19: 06
        Quote: Ashes of Klaas
        I'm not going to convince anyone. I AM
        I'm trying to wash the black dog in the face of those who created Hitler.
        1. -6
          19 January 2022 19: 21
          Quote: Dart2027
          I'm trying to wash the black dog in the face of those who created Hitler.

          Not at all. And what, were there white and fluffy lapdogs? And who?
          1. +2
            19 January 2022 20: 43
            Quote: Ashes of Klaas
            Not at all. And what, were there white and fluffy lapdogs? And who?
            THE USSR. Well, he didn't want war.
            Quote: Ashes of Klaas
            And someone "really" threatens Russia?

            Mostly the United States, well, little things.
    2. +5
      19 January 2022 11: 24
      No one really threatened the Weimar Republic, did not concentrate troops on its borders

      And why threaten her and concentrate troops on her borders, when everything that can be taken from Germany was taken? Squeezed lemon...
      1. -3
        19 January 2022 15: 57
        Germany in March 1936 was already a little like
        Quote: Xlor
        Squeezed lemon...
  5. 0
    19 January 2022 10: 01
    The Czech industry of Czechoslovakia, including the military, was one of the most developed in Europe. Czechoslovakia was one of the world's leading arms exporters. Thus, the Skoda factories at that time produced almost as much military products as the British military industry produced.

    It causes me an analogy with the Taiwanese microprocessor industry and China ... recourse
  6. +5
    19 January 2022 14: 13
    Quote: Ashes of Klaas

    And someone "really" threatens Russia?

    Certainly. NATO and the USA, for example. Or is the meaning of their military power in defense against Iran and North Korea?

    And now on our borders concentrated someone's large groupings with offensive potential? And what, there were no military-political blocs in interbellum? It was Munich that closed the clownish Little Entente, which included Czechoslovakia, didn't it?

    Yes. What is the flight time for NATO attack aircraft to our most important centers using "jump airfields" in the Baltics and Poland? And what about the flight time of sea-based "tomahawks"?
    Were. Including those directed against Germany. However, the great powers (England, France, USA) did not have their own military bases in the countries of the "small Entente". And many countries of this "Little Entente" sided with the Reich, which changed the balance of power in general and made the Second World War possible and attractive for Germany.
    So in our time the situation is completely different and the war is more attractive to our potential opponents.
    It's okay to pull an owl on a globe, but a globe on an owl ... well, you understand.

    of course, this was expected. And Stalin knew perfectly well that this would be the case. But he kept the peacemaker's face. And there were no attempts

    No. Let me remind you that the USSR, France and Czechoslovakia had a triple military alliance, concluded with the active assistance of French Foreign Minister Barthou. The fact that the French would surrender their strong ally in Munich, creating a threat to their own national security, was an unpleasant surprise for the USSR.
    This was the last chance to end Hitler with little bloodshed, and the "democracy" did everything to ensure that he was missed.

    But the USSR provided assistance with military materials to Czechoslovakia. But he didn't want to fight.

    I was going to. He asked Poland to provide a corridor for his troops, but the Poles refused. Later, they will pay a heavy price for their refusal.

    I'm talking about domestic media.

    Worthy students of Western teachers.

    NATO is a military-political bloc, not a state.

    NATO is just a tool in the hands of the American elite, which allows them to keep Europe under control and guarantee a market for their military-industrial complex. The promotion of NATO is the promotion of the American "sphere of influence".

    So what? Can't they have their own interests? What makes you think that NATO members live exclusively in corporate interests? There are precedents for bickering between them, right?

    Only if they do not contradict the interests of the master.

    Wishlist lackeys Lord do not care.
  7. +4
    19 January 2022 14: 31
    Quote: Xlor

    And why threaten her and concentrate troops on her borders, when everything that can be taken from Germany was taken? Squeezed lemon...

    And that is why France will create a "small Entente" and start building the "Maginot Line" in 1929?
    Who said about the Treaty of Versailles: "this is not peace, but a truce for a period of 20 years"?
    And didn't we in the 90s resemble the same "squeezed lemon"?

    All the same, the Germans are their own for the West, but we are not. Yes, even though we would have become liberals and democrats three times, but still for them we are aliens who need to be destroyed as soon as possible.
    1. -8
      19 January 2022 15: 43
      Quote: Illanatol
      but all the same, for them we are aliens who need to be destroyed as soon as possible.

      what is paranoia? Where does such confidence come from that the West has an idefix to destroy us all? "We must have time to destroy them before they destroy us, because they are definitely going to destroy us so that we do not destroy them with a preventive destruction!!!"
      Mutual demonization is our everything.
      1. +2
        19 January 2022 18: 49
        Quote: Ashes of Klaas
        Where does such confidence come from that the West has an idefix to destroy us all?

        You do not compare yourself with us.
        "You are not my brother,...." © x / f "Brother"
        1. -6
          19 January 2022 19: 19
          Quote: Mitroha
          "You are not my brother...

          Well, I'm definitely lucky in this...
          1. +2
            19 January 2022 19: 42
            In the sense that you are not an ellipsis in this phrase? Well, yes, bonuses from this can only be received in the USA request
            1. -7
              19 January 2022 20: 16
              Quote: Mitroha
              In the sense that you are not an ellipsis in this phrase?

              no, no, the fact that my genealogy is not stained by a degenerate brother)
              1. +3
                19 January 2022 20: 53
                Quote: Ashes of Klaas
                Quote: Mitroha
                In the sense that you are not an ellipsis in this phrase?

                no, no, the fact that my genealogy is not stained by a degenerate brother)

                So after examining you, the doctors said a firm no to the continuation of dead-end development hi
  8. +1
    19 January 2022 16: 16
    Slovaks have a short memory, we are now enemies at the top. How they attacked their Prosecutor General when he went to the anniversary of the Russian Prosecutor's Office.
  9. The comment was deleted.
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. -4
    19 January 2022 22: 27
    How Western Powers Helped Hitler End Czechoslovakia
    I wonder what the author will write after "How the Western powers helped Putin end Ukraine" ..
  12. -1
    20 January 2022 08: 58
    Quote: Ashes of Klaas

    what is paranoia? Where does such confidence come from that the West has an idefix to destroy us all?

    To understand the mindset of the enemy, one must try to stand on his point of view.
    So, who are we from the point of view of Westerners, how do we look in their eyes?
    Outwardly - quite similar to them. But mentally they are very different, the value system differs greatly from the Western one, saturated with pragmatism (Roman, Jewish, German-Anglo-Saxon). In some ways we resemble the Celts, in some ways the Byzantines. It seems to be more technologically backward, but very combat-ready. Able to adopt Western technical achievements, but then use them against the same West. Repeatedly successfully resisted the best Western commanders. A great incomprehensible country that borders the West, but is not able to become part of it and does not want to be its colony. Incomprehensible and therefore unpredictable and frightening.
    In short, we are an immanent threat to them, real orcs.
    This is how we appear in Western "mass culture", starting with medieval popular prints and ending with completely fresh Hollywood blockbusters and computer shooters.
    How many Western books, films, games do you know in which Russians (not individuals as an exception, but Russians in general) are shown positively?
    That's the same thing.

    It is known that in the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" JR Tolkien presented the Germans in the form of orcs and goblins.
    The book was written under the impressions of the First World War, in which Tolkien was directly involved. But when P. Jackson filmed "The Lord of the Rings" under the orcs and Mordor, Western viewers saw no longer Germans ....