The Russian embassy commented on the words of the American senator about the nuclear strike on Russia


The Russian Embassy in the United States drew attention to the statement of Republican Senator Roger Wicker to Fox News. In it, a representative of the American legislative body reflected on the situation in Ukraine and recommended that Joe Biden, in the event of an armed attack by the Russian Federation on Independence, consider the issue of US military intervention, up to and including a preemptive nuclear strike against Russia.

The reaction of Russian diplomats is reported on Facebook by the Russian embassy in Washington.

Diplomatic officials consider such statements by a representative of the US Legislature to be extremely irresponsible. The embassy advised the senator to carefully study the joint statement of the leaders of the United States and the Russian Federation, made this summer, which spoke about the inadmissibility of unleashing a nuclear war, since there will be no winners in it.

Wicker represents the state of Mississippi in the US Senate, where the branches of the largest companies specializing in the production of weapons are located. Based on this, Russian diplomats suggested that the senator expresses the interests of manufacturers weaponsrather than the American people.

In conclusion, Wicker was advised to take his country's security issues more seriously.

Recently, Ukraine and the West have regularly accused Russia of aggressive intentions. The Russian authorities reject these accusations and declare that they are not planning to attack anyone.
71 comment
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  1. +5
    9 December 2021 12: 39
    Wicker represents the state of Mississippi in the US Senate, where the branches of the largest companies specializing in the production of weapons are located.

    Much like political suicide. Is he a sent Cossack in the republican order or what?
    1. +21
      9 December 2021 12: 49
      No, it's not political. This person really decided to commit suicide. And also take millions with you. Dangerous psycho.
      1. +3
        9 December 2021 12: 56
        Quote: 210ox
        Dangerous psycho.

        Old (70), and even a poisoned cockroach. He's like that, you can talk to him.
        On April 16, 2013, the senator received a letter by mail containing a white powder, presumably ricin.
        True, if you listen to Vika Nuland, turn off the light. fool
        1. +3
          9 December 2021 13: 30
          Colombian snow came to the gentleman, and he raised a noise .. Indeed, the cuckoo left the clock.
        2. +1
          9 December 2021 13: 42
          Old, well, well. And how many leading states are there to presidents? So, in its prime ... My father over there is 81 working, wants, and also gives me advice on work. He used to be with N.D. Kuznetsov worked, old school.
      2. +1
        9 December 2021 14: 20
        Quote: 210ox
        No, it's not political. This person really decided to commit suicide. And also take millions with you. Dangerous psycho.

        like Zhirinovsky?
        Also a representative of the legislative body, the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
        1. +2
          9 December 2021 15: 42
          Every village has a full-time guy
      3. +2
        9 December 2021 14: 25
        the issue of US military intervention up to the delivery of a preemptive nuclear strike against Russia.
        Quote: 210ox
        This person really decided to commit suicide

        He does not consider retaliation. According to the principle, what for us?
      4. 0
        9 December 2021 17: 17
        Quote: 210ox
        Dangerous psycho.

        I can guess his name with three strokes. wassat
    2. +1
      9 December 2021 12: 55
      This game, Mr. Wicker, can be played together, you will come to us, well, and will arrive on the return line.
      1. +2
        9 December 2021 13: 06
        Well, what to take from the wretched one who does not understand that the blow may be followed by a response from which not everyone will hide.
      2. +3
        9 December 2021 13: 08
        what is it to him? he is already old to die soon out of anger and writhes, he wants to take more with him to the next world, but you need to take a closer look who serves them and makes decisions, if it happened so immediately and they do not understand that everything happened because of the old senile
      3. +8
        9 December 2021 13: 09
        You just need to officially declare that we will aim a dozen extra missiles specifically on the state of Mississippi on this occasion. Alaverdi, so to speak. And convey this fact to the voters of this rascal.
        1. 0
          9 December 2021 19: 41
          Quote: paul3390
          You just need to officially declare that we will aim a dozen extra missiles specifically on the state of Mississippi on this occasion. Alaverdi, so to speak. And convey this fact to the voters of this rascal.

          Control missile ?!
    3. Maz
      9 December 2021 13: 34
      "Perimeter" and "dead hand" to help him
    4. -1
      9 December 2021 16: 04
      Is there really no senator in the Duma who would make a proposal on the possibility of APPLYING a preventive (not to be confused with preemptive) strike, purely for self-defense purposes?
  2. +4
    9 December 2021 12: 40
    Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Gerasimov any military provocations of Ukraine in Donbass will be suppressed. Only for that. And what is the entot senator from behind a puddle, still wants to bomb Russia? It's not over yet.
  3. Ren
    9 December 2021 12: 40
    After reading the article, for some reason I remembered the DMB movie:
    - From here, guys, our Motherland dictates its adamant will to the rest of the world community.
    - Maybe we gotta go?
    - We will definitely bang! And more than once! The whole world is in ruin!… But after.

  4. +6
    9 December 2021 12: 47
    The embassy advised the senator to carefully study the joint statement of the leaders of the United States and the Russian Federation, made this summer, which spoke about the inadmissibility of unleashing a nuclear war, since there will be no winners in it.

    On some VO discussion threads, I would like to give the same recommendation to individual commentators smile
    1. +3
      9 December 2021 13: 28
      Before making recommendations, you need to understand the essence of the issue under consideration. For a nuclear war "in principle" no one "drowns", we are all normal sane people. But when the site simulates variants of armed conflicts in which Russia finds itself in a knowingly losing situation, with a verdict. that everything was lost and it was necessary "before, but in no way ..." I always remind that we always have a trump card. which will nullify all hostile plans.
      1. +2
        9 December 2021 15: 42
        Regarding your trump card, it is precisely recommended to study the mentioned statement
        1. -1
          9 December 2021 15: 49
          And I don't want there to be other winners besides us because it is fraught (and Vova too, study another statement)
          Any major conflict between the superpowers will develop into a nuclear one, as soon as the scales swing in the wrong direction, the stakes are too high.
          1. +3
            9 December 2021 15: 58
            You see, you yourself understand why to study the mentioned statement
            1. -2
              9 December 2021 16: 00
              It looks like you and I understand differently.
  5. HAM
    9 December 2021 12: 50
    The USA is a country of unafraid idiots ...
    1. +6
      9 December 2021 12: 53
      Country of unafraid senators)
    2. +6
      9 December 2021 12: 53
      What about the officer, a citizen of Russia? Captured on the contact line more than a month ago? I'm talking about the intersection of provocations.
      1. +1
        9 December 2021 13: 03
        Quote: 210ox
        What about the officer, a citizen of Russia? Captured on the contact line more than a month ago?

        Silence, your "honor" hi
        1. +1
          9 December 2021 13: 24
          Alas, the appeal is out of order. Peasant son, me. request
          1. -2
            9 December 2021 13: 38
            Quote: 210ox
            Alas, the appeal is out of order. Peasant son, me. request

            For this reason, I put the rank in quotes, but about the officer, it’s true, there’s nothing to hear, I hope it might have already been exchanged quietly ...
      2. -1
        9 December 2021 14: 13
        Was there a boy?
  6. 0
    9 December 2021 12: 51
    they forgot that the Russian Federation has nuclear weapons, missiles, etc.)) play on words for its audience is not a big deal, but if even one missile flies towards the Russian Federation, then all the end of the world is a nuclear war! the main thing is not to allow them to make a global blow to the Russian Federation!
  7. +2
    9 December 2021 12: 55
    The whole "enlightened" world will ignore this statement, and if they react, they will call it a struggle for peace.
  8. +4
    9 December 2021 12: 58
    But purely legally, from the legal side, the United States has a legal right to a preemptive strike - an analysis of the US nuclear doctrine.
    The United States, according to the new survey, is ready to consider the possibility of using nuclear weapons only in exceptional circumstances to protect the vital interests of the country, its allies and partners... It is indicated there that if containment does not bring the desired results, the United States will try to put an end to any conflict with the lowest possible losses and on the most favorable terms for itself. For the first time in its published strategy, Washington announced the possibility of responding with a nuclear strike to an attack with conventional weapons.

    This is such a mess of the "lights of democracy." So we should treat such remarks accordingly - to increase combat readiness and at the Foreign Ministry level to record the publicity of the threat of the use of nuclear weapons.

    Or the option of neighing - sending Zhirinovsky on a tour of the United States - "stagnated" in the swamp of the State Duma, loses charisma and drive.
    1. -1
      9 December 2021 14: 14
      Wolfych will be sent to receive a visa to Warsaw.
      1. 0
        9 December 2021 14: 43
        ... Wolfych will be sent to receive a visa to Warsaw.

        Well, yes, we are now considered "homeless" (for the American State Department). And with this Warsaw - he will make a couple of speeches there with pleasure am

        We must let him off the leash). And let him shout at Foxnews.
        1. -1
          9 December 2021 14: 45
          it is wrapped at the border.
          and, I think, is fed up. It's not in the bathhouse with the boys ...
  9. +1
    9 December 2021 13: 00
    Senator in the United States?
    The United States has reached old Rome as far as the Senate and Senators are concerned. There Nero set up his horse as a senator. These senator reached the Nero horse.
    That would be understandable by KONYAAO, an attempt at a nuclear strike on Russia, will turn the United States and all its bases in a larger PARKING, and the senators into nothing.
    But such illiterate and stupid senators are lacking in one more old Rome!
    1. +3
      9 December 2021 13: 10
      Quote: Wolf
      Nero made his horse a senator

      If my sclerosis is correct, it was Caligula. He is Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus
      1. 0
        9 December 2021 23: 02
        Yes Caligula, I made a mistake in a rage, but this is not important Nero or Caligula the main role here HORSE SENATOR. smile
  10. +2
    9 December 2021 13: 00
    Roger Wicker (born July 5, 1951) hmm ... only 60 years old and so tired of life that it doesn't matter where to die, what's in the coffin, what's in the anti-nuclear bunker? Strange, three children, probably there are grandchildren or children are not from him, since they do not care about their future.
  11. +2
    9 December 2021 13: 01
    Ask this senator: and personally he is ready to die along with his entire family and all his America for the sake of Banderostan, since he offers such crap.
  12. +3
    9 December 2021 13: 03
    In conclusion, Wicker was advised to take his country's security issues more seriously.

    This one will not understand, but to whom it is sent - they will hear ...
    1. +1
      9 December 2021 13: 17
      What to understand, you need to have, what to understand ... and with this, for some, it is very difficult, if you look closely.
      1. +2
        9 December 2021 13: 30
        And there are many of them, which is very dangerous ...
        1. +2
          9 December 2021 13: 46
          Many, but varying degrees of hollowness of kumpola.
          This somewhat spices up the overall situation.
          It is clear that there are all enemies ... but not all are ready to rush to extremes.
          1. +2
            9 December 2021 14: 43
            This is encouraging that reason will prevail ...
            1. +1
              9 December 2021 14: 59
              It doesn't matter who, what and how, the main thing is not to overstep the edge.
              1. +2
                9 December 2021 15: 24
                A correct and good principle, but not everyone knows it and not everyone understands it ...
  13. +3
    9 December 2021 13: 16
    The Russian embassy commented on the words of the American senator about the nuclear strike on Russia
    ... Let's advise them from the windows, screaming "the Russians are coming", to jump out ... the impression is that they will return to this too, it is not long to wait.
    1. +3
      9 December 2021 13: 32
      Everything in history repeats itself and they themselves lead to this ...
  14. +3
    9 December 2021 13: 26
    Apparently this stupid person does not know that there could be a retaliatory nuclear strike, at least someone would tell him about it, or hopes to sit out in his bunker?
    1. +2
      9 December 2021 13: 35
      Quote: Svidetel 45
      Apparently this stupid person does not know that there could be a retaliatory nuclear strike, at least someone would tell him about it, or hopes to sit out in his bunker?

      they forgot about it! and so for such a Bosko must be given, he calls to kill the people of the Russian Federation and the people of the United States!
  15. +2
    9 December 2021 13: 37
    It is sad that the power of the United States is such, how to put it more mildly, rams out of their minds. Psychiatrist clients, are they not being tested for adequacy? It seems that until nuclear weapons are slammed across the United States, their brains will not fall into place. This is real life, not a game where you can save and roll back.
  16. +1
    9 December 2021 13: 39
    I watched both of this grandfather's interviews on December 7th, to Fox and CNN. The blizzard, of course, is a stormy one. To hell with him, well, what, like, the dementy old man does not drill, but, for a minute, he is the second person in the armaments committee.
    1. -1
      9 December 2021 14: 16
      well, at least he doesn't wash boots in the Indian Ocean ...
      1. 0
        9 December 2021 15: 15
        Quote: Barge_watchman
        well, at least he doesn't wash boots in the Indian Ocean ...

        actually, he plans to wash them at the World Cup.
        1. -1
          9 December 2021 15: 35
          I poked it.
          Indian, already out of date?
          1. 0
            9 December 2021 15: 54
            Quote: Barge_watchman
            Indian, already out of date?

            They are in Indian and so they wash their feet, what are we talking about?
            1. -1
              9 December 2021 16: 36
              Who?! belay
              Already there, children of lawyers?
              1. 0
                9 December 2021 19: 32
                Quote: Barge_watchman
                Who?! belay
                Already there, children of lawyers?

                Let's rewind:
                Quote: Ashes of Klaas
                I watched both interviews with this grandfather

                Quote: Barge_watchman
                well, at least he doesn't wash boots in the Indian Ocean ...

                Quote: Ashes of Klaas
                actually, he plans to wash them at the World Cup.

                Quote: Barge_watchman
                Indian, already out of date?

                Quote: Ashes of Klaas
                They are in Indian and so they wash their feet, what are we talking about?
  17. +1
    9 December 2021 13: 45
    Statement by Republican Senator Roger Wicker
    This one seems to have completely Ukrainianized and is ready to be sent to a psychiatric hospital. They have a bunch of people in the Senate who are ready to gallop to the chants of the maydanut with pots on their heads long ago.
  18. +1
    9 December 2021 13: 51
    Nuclear Weapons will be used sooner or later, Fools in the states are more and more in power!
  19. 0
    9 December 2021 13: 52
    Here's a window for you, uncle, here's a stool, don't wait in line ...
  20. +1
    9 December 2021 14: 04
    His place is in the fool, and it is not the Foreign Ministry that should comment on the nonsense, but local psychiatrists.
  21. 0
    9 December 2021 14: 10
    is this not the answer to the "nuclear ash"?
    1. +1
      9 December 2021 19: 34
      Quote: Barge_watchman
      is this not the answer to the "nuclear ash"?

      no, it's on "we are in heaven, and they will die." For a place in paradise, apparently, you have to hustle in line.
      1. 0
        10 December 2021 11: 51
        Oh, this. "Kvod licet Yovi, non licet bovi." I remember
  22. 0
    9 December 2021 14: 23
    Is Republican Senator Roger Wicker not afraid of being "preempted"? After all, the main thesis of historians justifying Hitler's attack on the USSR is also to "forestall" the attack. Thus, any adventures can be justified, and the winners are not judged.
  23. 0
    9 December 2021 14: 27
    Well, let's start with Mississippi. This Wicker also wants to go there. I wonder if there are piranhas in this river?
  24. 0
    9 December 2021 17: 16
    The Russian embassy commented on the words of the American senator about a nuclear strike on Russia: "He is just a suicide bomber."