Ukrainian Minister: Ukraine is not under an arms embargo, and therefore partners can supply virtually any weapon


British Foreign Secretary poses for photographers at tank in Estonia, declaring NATO's readiness to confront Moscow "in the event of an attack on Ukraine," and the Minister of Foreign Affairs lists weapon, which is necessary for such a confrontation. One gets the impression that the heads of the foreign ministries of these countries have ceased to understand what tasks are inherent in the foreign ministries within the framework of the legislation. As if the Foreign Ministers of Britain and Ukraine decided that they work in the Ministries of Defense.

The head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Dmitry Kuleba, said that “to resist Russian aggression,” the Armed Forces need the following weapons from partners: anti-missile systems, air defense systems.

Also, as Mr. Kuleba notes, Ukraine needs effective military communications systems that would be as reliable and secure as possible.

At the same time, the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry criticized those foreign politicians who propose to stop supplying weapons to Ukraine. According to Kuleba, "this is a dangerous pro-Russian narrative that Moscow will hasten to take advantage of."

The Ukrainian minister added that Ukraine is not under an arms embargo, and therefore "partners can supply virtually any weapon."

Assessing the statement of the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, experts in Ukraine say that Kiev is trying to convince the United States to expand the range of supplied weapons. In particular, Kiev wants the Americans to supply their Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine. However, the United States is currently not considering the possibility of such supplies. Moreover, the Biden administration is discussing the issue of suspending the provision of military-technical assistance to Ukraine. This, according to those around Joe Biden, can reduce the degree of tension. Apparently, this is what Kuleba considers "a dangerous pro-Russian narrative."
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  1. +2
    1 December 2021 10: 59
    As if the Foreign Ministers of Britain and Ukraine decided that they work in the Ministries of Defense.

    And what to take from them, and there and there a woman.
    1. 0
      1 December 2021 11: 58
      They sold everything of their own, or in the Donbass they lost it in battles, they survive on handouts ...
    2. 0
      1 December 2021 12: 20
      Quote: tihonmarine
      As if the Foreign Ministers of Britain and Ukraine decided that they work in the Ministries of Defense.

      And what to take from them, and there and there a woman.

      Not women, but Euro-convertible))
      Kuleba is a wild monkey, which was not even entrusted with a grenade))
      1. 0
        1 December 2021 12: 34
        The massacre will begin - everything that needs to be thrown at once, as in Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria ...
        1. +1
          1 December 2021 13: 41
          But in return, the Russian Federation can deliver something unpleasant to some countries? Kim for example, Cuba, Iran, Venezuela? Football is usually a game in which there are more than one goal.
          1. -4
            1 December 2021 20: 52
            Kuleba: "Everyone should supply (or better just give) various weapons. But the LPNR - no way !!!"
          2. 0
            2 December 2021 23: 48
            As a rule - the gate at the back!
      2. 0
        1 December 2021 12: 36
        Quote: Anchorite
        Kuleba - wild monkey

        Better to be a woman than a primate with a grenade.
  2. +1
    1 December 2021 11: 01
    The Ukrainian minister added that Ukraine is not under an arms embargo, and therefore "partners can supply virtually any weapon."
    Well, they can and do!
    But not all of them.
    And far from everything!
    More often they slap on the back with approval!
    They shake their hand.
    1. -1
      1 December 2021 11: 37
      ..Dmitry Kuleba said that "to resist Russian aggression" the Armed Forces of Ukraine are needed ...

      Give this monkey with glasses a banana, it will be more comical.
  3. +1
    1 December 2021 11: 04
    Well, they will put it ... and what will you integrate into? The bulik hole? Or do "diplomats" think that several air defense installations (and even shitty ones) by themselves protect the sky, like "turn it on and forget it"? Loshariki! The Ruins has a budget of 10 yards of greenery per year, which is a lot, but the hryvnia alone cannot quickly build up a defense (and even more an army for offensive and holding) against such a powerful enemy as our Army.
  4. +3
    1 December 2021 11: 04
    Russia, too, should have supplied some types of missile weapons to Ukraine, under its own power, directly at the coordinates of weapons depots ... Yes
    1. -1
      1 December 2021 11: 22
      This is unlikely to help, need galloperidol in tanks! And rabies vaccinations.
  5. -1
    1 December 2021 11: 08
    partners can supply virtually any weapon
    And they are ready to allow even nuclear deployment (voices on this issue have already been sounded). Suddenly, this path in a roundabout way will lead to such a desired and long-awaited NATO.
    1. KCA
      1 December 2021 11: 32
      And then suddenly the miners of Donbass will find an underground warehouse with tactical charges of 152mm caliber and a whole division of the mothballed Msta-S self-propelled guns, lost in the confusion of the collapse of the USSR ...
    2. 0
      1 December 2021 11: 48
      Quote: rotmistr60
      Suddenly, this path in a roundabout way will lead to the desired and long-awaited NATO.

      There is a desire, but there is no possibility, the economic and financial system will not be able to withstand the load, to supply weapons according to NATO standards, no one after joining NATO will be, all at their own expense, and even deductions to the organization. And so many loans have been collected that the next country will not be able to withstand. Although the West may be planning to do so.
  6. +1
    1 December 2021 11: 19
    In particular, Kiev wants the Americans to supply their Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine.
    And sho there at Pan Ataman about the gold reserve or should they be delivered free of charge?
    1. 0
      1 December 2021 11: 55
      Quote: Vladimir 290
      And sho there at Pan Ataman about the gold reserve or should they be delivered free of charge?

      In capitalism, nothing is free, you have to pay for everything, and modern weapons, even these Patriots are not cheap, the old Kalashnikovs and the M-16s were supplied to Africa by the guys. If there is nothing to pay for gas, and they have only one hope for gas transit. But if this money is poured into weapons, then there will be nothing left for aspirin and purgen.
  7. +4
    1 December 2021 11: 26
    And there is no embargo for Donbass either, so moderate your appetites and cover the bread slicer.
    It is high time to raise the question of recognizing Ukraine as a terrorist state at the UN, since the materials have accumulated on the new Nyurberg. From the extermination of their own people, to attempts at genocide of neighbors.
  8. -2
    1 December 2021 11: 31
    I understand when the Angles or the Americans really want a war between Ukraine and Russia, so that the Russians cut each other, and they would make money on it.
    But why would the Ukrainians, who also call themselves patriots, call the war in their own country?
  9. -2
    1 December 2021 11: 32
    The Ukrainian minister added that Ukraine is not under an arms embargo, and therefore "partners can supply virtually any weapon."

    As it is not found. Even as they are, the almighty Vladimir Vladimirovich has banned the supply of the West with most of the range of weapons. They took everything under the hood. Even the UN did not pass resolutions. wassat
  10. -1
    1 December 2021 11: 44
    However, the United States is currently not considering the possibility of such supplies.

    Of course, to be afraid that the Ukropatriots will lose them.
  11. -2
    1 December 2021 11: 52
    Well, so, if Ukraine is not under an arms embargo, and has the right to receive any weapon from any supplier, then it looks strange to be dissatisfied with the fact that part of the Ukraine-LDNR receives the same from Russia.
  12. -3
    1 December 2021 11: 54
    Quote: Silver bullet
    This is unlikely to help, need galloperidol in tanks! And rabies vaccinations.

    This is a weak medicine. Need a Newbie. In quantities sufficient to completely heal the nation.
  13. 0
    1 December 2021 11: 58
    “We don’t need lard, and we don’t need bread!” Pan Kuleba grunted loudly.
    We will fight without slowing down,
    Just give us the leaky "Patriots"! "

    Zelensky Vova, Gauleiter of Ukraine
    He gazed gloomily at the surrounding ruins.
    The buffoon and the actor, a special breed.
    He is a "servant of the American people."
  14. 0
    1 December 2021 12: 42
    The head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Dmitry Kuleba, said that “to resist Russian aggression,” the Armed Forces need the following weapons from partners: anti-missile systems, air defense systems.

    Also, as Mr. Kuleba notes, Ukraine needs effective military communications systems that would be as reliable and secure as possible.
    And most importantly, Ukraine is ready to accept all this gratuitously, which means for nothing !!! And it's even better if the partners pay extra for the supplied weapons and equipment to Ukraine. And if they pay in advance, it will be just a song.
  15. -1
    1 December 2021 12: 43
    The LPR and DPR are part of Ukraine, there is no UN Security Council embargo against them, which means that Russia can supply weapons to Ukraine, what's the problem?
  16. -2
    1 December 2021 12: 59
    As if the Foreign Ministers of Britain and Ukraine decided that they work in the Ministries of Defense.
    These are the times. Look, our Minister of Defense is working instead of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and he is laying new cities and building BAM. Generalists so to speak
    1. 0
      3 December 2021 08: 13
      Or "free artists"
  17. -1
    1 December 2021 13: 13
    The Ukrainian minister added that Ukraine is not under an arms embargo, and therefore "partners can supply virtually any weapon."
    Aha, Welcome! We, although not partners, for the current Ukrainian elite, but if we get very hot, then most likely we will be able to supply, moreover, from the original packaging, several types of high-precision ammunition.
  18. -1
    1 December 2021 17: 04
    We are afraid of the Bandera regime to supply air defense systems, since the hostilities will disappoint their buyers, and you will be left alone with our ineffective weapons
  19. 0
    3 December 2021 08: 11
    They have not yet understood who they have contacted ?! Yes, Ukraine, no matter how much - it will not be enough, it's a hole!

    And someone, translate this ram from Baranya that English is to supply weapons, in Ukrainian it sounds like a donation, and to accept NATA as a member, in Ukrainian, sounds like taking it for life support ... And then I have the impression that they are speak different languages ​​and have misunderstandings.