September 17 1939 year in the fate of the Belarusians

In order to understand what the 17 day of September 1939 of the year means for each Belarusian who loves his Motherland, it is necessary to recall the circumstances of the appearance of the second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on the map of Europe. As soon as this state appeared, the Polish dictator Jozef Pilsudski attacked Soviet Russia, which was ravaged by civil war and intervention, and seized in the east part of its territories - Western Ukraine, Western Belarus, and pieces of Lithuania.

Not limited to seizures in the east and gifts to the Treaty of Versailles, Poland was also active in the west - in territories with the German population ... After organizing riots in Upper Silesia, the Poles occupied it too. At the same time with Katowice. Then Poland seized Galicia from Austria, and a little later, in the 1930, added to her acquisitions pieces of Czechoslovakia, which she shared with the Nazis. All these “feats” were not difficult to accomplish, since Russia and Germany were defeated by their own revolutions, and Austria-Hungary, with the blessing of England, was dismembered by the victors.

August 17 The Soviet-Polish negotiations began in Minsk on 1920 in Minsk, and Pilsudski secretly prepared the segmentation of the next part of the Lithuanian territories from the Sejm. On October 9 of the same year, the forces of the associate of Pilsudski, General L. Zeligovsky, turned out to be within Lithuania (I would especially note non-Soviet) and, capturing Vilna and the Vilno region, proclaimed there the “middle Lithuania”, which they immediately attached to Poland.

All attempts by the League of Nations to return Lithuania to the Polish-occupied lands were unsuccessful. And the more empty was the protest of the Soviet government, which at that time sought peace with Poland. The day before the signing of the Riga Peace Treaty, all Polish diplomatic missions abroad received specific instructions: “We should continue to support elements hostile to Soviet Russia, both Russian and Ukrainian, Belarusian and Caucasian. Our interests in the east do not end along our borders ... We are not indifferent to the fate of the land historical Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, separated from us by the future Riga Treaty. "

18 March 1921, the treaty was signed, and Poland became almost an empire, in which the Poles made up only 65% of the total population. By the way, Poland at that time had one of the largest armies in Europe: 700 thousand people, while 14 thousand officers. The French army numbered 660 thousand people, and Germany, according to the Versailles Treaty, reduced its army to 100 thousand people. Now we had to consider everything with Poland, especially if we take into account its close relations with France.

A few words about the "humanism" of almost European Rzecz Pospolita. According to 2 (intelligence) department of the General Staff of the Polish Army, in February 1919 - October 1920. more than 146 thousand Red Army soldiers were taken prisoner. The fate of tens of thousands of these people is extremely tragic - they died from the inhuman conditions in the concentration camps of the Pilsudski regime, which appeared in Europe much earlier than the Nazi ones. For example, one of the favorite activities of the Polish (the best in Europe) cavalrymen was to put Red Army prisoners in prison throughout the huge cavalry parade ground and learn how to “ruin up to the waist” from all over the “heroic” shoulder, at full speed. Brave lords cut unarmed and exhausted prisoners "on the fly, with a turn." There were many placings for "training" in the cavalry felling. Just like the death camps. In Bialystok, Pulawy, Brest, Pikulice, Korosten, Zhitomir, Alexandrov, bows-Lomzynski Island Rombertove, Zdunskoy Will, Torun, Dorogusk, Plock, Radom, Przemysl, Lviv, Fridrihovke, Zvyagele, Dabie, Strzalkowo, Tuchola, Baranavichy ... Garrisons of brave cavalrymen stood in every town. Only in one of the Polish death camps, Tuchola, more than 22 thousand prisoners of war died from the nastiest mockery, cane discipline, cold, famine, epidemics ...

In relation to the occupied territories, Pilsudski pursued a tough policy of polonization. Closed Orthodox churches. Ukrainian and Belarusian schools and cultural organizations were persecuted. By the middle of the 1930-s, 43% of Belarusians were illiterate, and there were not two hundred Belarusian students all over Poland. 17 June 1934 of the year by order of Pilsudski in the Brest region, not far from the border with the USSR, a new concentration camp was opened in Bereza Kartuzskaya, this time for political prisoners.

From the memorandum of the Belostok voevode Ostashevsky to the Polish Ministry of the Interior, entitled “Problems of strengthening the Polish state in possession of the Belostok voivodeship”: “Sooner or later, the Belarusian population is subject to polonization. They represent a passive mass, without a broad popular consciousness, without their own state traditions. Wishing this process to be accelerated, we must overcome the ancient Belarusian culture ... In the rural volosts, where the Belarusian population lives, the material culture of the Poles should certainly be raised to the highest level. This is one of the principal conditions of Polish expansion ... In short, our attitude towards Belarusians can be formulated as follows: we want one thing and persistently demand that this national minority think in Polish - not to give anything and not to do anything in another direction. ” If it becomes necessary “to give this population something and to interest it or something”, this can be done only with the aim “that it thinks Polish and learn Polish in the spirit of Polish statehood ... land or private parcel of Polish estates took place under the condition that the lands were transferred into the hands of the Poles and, if possible, to the Belarusian elements, then only those who manifest polishing tendencies. The proletarianizing Belarusian element, going from the village to the city, is generally subject to faster assimilation than in the village ... The point is not to reduce the land holdings of the Poles, because from the point of view of the country's policy, those whose hands the land is above ... ”( GAOO GO, f.6195, op.1, d.28, l. 4, 16).

By 1939, all Belarusian schools were finally converted to Polish, and two-thirds of Orthodox churches were turned into churches. “Shooting cracks,” as the Belarusian and Ukrainian lands called the Poles, were only an agrarian and raw material appendage of their country, and also served as a source of cannon fodder. And the brave gentlemen planned to use it both in the East and in the West.

I thought of myself as a great power, the second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth dreamed not only about European, but also about African colonies! "Living space" is not enough! From the beginning of 1937, the Poles began to exaggerate the theme of their dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in solving colonial issues. 18 April 1938. The whole of Poland widely celebrated the Day of the Colonies. All this was accompanied by mass demonstrations demanding the provision of overseas colonies to the great Polish nation. In the churches sent solemn service on this occasion.

The plans in Europe are eloquently illustrated by an excerpt from the minutes of the meeting No. 25 from 3.10.1935, by the Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Army: “The rule is developing the East, and after that we will try to solve the West within the framework of the East plan.” (Explanation: the “East” plan is a plan for war with the USSR, the “West” plan is a plan for waging war with Germany.).

The 1938 report of the Polish General Staff, dated December 2, emphasized: “The dismemberment of Russia lies at the heart of Polish policy in the East ... Therefore, our possible position will be reduced to the following formula: who will take part in the section. Poland should not remain passive at this wonderful historical moment. The task is to prepare well in advance physically and spiritually ... The main goal is to weaken and defeat Russia ”(Z dziejow stosunkow polsko-radzieckich. Studia i materialy. T.lll. Warszawa, 1968. S.262, 287).

The USSR could reasonably consider Poland the most hostile state of all with which it bordered directly. In 1930-s. in the framework of military planning, the leadership of the Soviet Union proceeded from the fact that in the upcoming conflict Poland would be the main enemy in alliance with Germany. The fact is that even in 1932, in the event of war against the USSR, Poland undertook to deploy 60 divisions. By the way, the conclusion of 26 January 1934 of the German-Polish Treaty of Friendship and Non-Aggression became the apotheosis of the formation of Nazi Germany.

Interestingly, in 1939, the Poles began their mobilization before the Germans. Already 22 of March, that is, six months (!) Before the supposedly unexpected and treacherous attack of the Nazis, in Poland it was announced the start of the first partial and hidden mobilization (five units) to provide cover for the mobilization and concentration of the main forces of the Polish army! About how successful it was, testifies, for example, the entry in the diary of the Chief of the General Staff of the Ground Forces of Germany Halder from August 15: “Last information about Poland: Mobilization in Poland will be completed 27.08. Consequently, we will lag behind the Poles with the end of mobilization. To complete the mobilization by the same deadline, we must start its 21.08. Then 27.08, our divisions of the 3 and 4 lines will also be ready. ”

On August 18, 1939, the Polish ambassador in Paris, Y. Lukasevich, in an interview with French Foreign Minister J. Bonnet courageously declared that "not the Germans, but the Poles will burrow deep into Germany in the very first days of the war!" “... Dressed in steel and armor, led by Rydz-Smigly, we will march to the Rhine ...” - they sang in Warsaw ... However, for some reason, after a few days, on the very first days of September 1939, courageous Polish cavalrymen (the best in Europe) were quickly tired of chopping German cabbage Tanks. And after they were finally convinced that they were “not from plywood”, they handed over to the “true Aryans” land “from mozh to mozh” (from sea to sea) in two days and two weeks.

The reason for such a long delay was that, thanks to the general mobilization of the regiments formed from Belarusians (Baranavichy, Slonimsky, Lidsky and others), they were forced to be the first to take the mortal blow of the German troops on the western borders of the Polish Ouchizna, who did not immediately surrender. Brave Polish lancers at this time, increasingly, instead of “Ura,” shouted the famous “Panov, fucking!”. This vigorous cry appeared immediately after the pansy was convinced that Germany, recently brought to Western poverty by complete alleviation of poverty and economic collapse, turned out to be “so much iron” (for tanks) that the Germans would be able to reach it to Smolensk.

To prevent this from happening, 17 September, when the then Polish government, abandoning its people, simply fled, and the German army approached Brest and Lviv and stormed Warsaw, the campaign of the Red Army began, ending with the annexation of western Belarus and western Ukraine to the Soviet state. D.Lloyd-George wrote to the Polish ambassador in London in the autumn of the same year that “... the USSR occupied territories that are not Polish and that were forcibly seized by Poland after the First World War ... It would be an act of criminal insanity to put the Russian advancement on a par with the promotion Germany. "

It is highly indicative that at first a different border was planned, passing much to the west — along the San and Vistula rivers — but this did not happen by the will of the USSR. The American historian William Shearer wrote in 1959 about Stalin’s decision to abandon the Polish territories proper: "Having well learned the lesson of the centuries-old history of Russia, Stalin understood that the Polish people would never reconcile with the loss of their independence."

Today's Polish historiography of those events is interesting for its scrupulousness - accuracy, up to a statement of the degree of courage of one or another ulan and the number of strokes of his sword. Only all this petty detailing does not give an answer to one big and essential question: why did such bold and desperate lancers in 1919 have passed their very large by European standards state in 1939 in a couple of weeks? For example, they took Minsk as easily in 1919 as they did in Warsaw in 1939.

The scowling reference to “stab in the back” and “war on two fronts”, to put it mildly, is not appropriate. In 1919, this same war on two fronts did not prevent Poland from simultaneously seizing huge chunks of territory in the East and in the West. Just a fact: by 1 September 1939, the Commonwealth had an 3,5-millionth mobilized army. For the entire September period of hostilities, this army killed about 66.300 people killed (less than 2%) and ... surrendered.

As for the "stab in the back," as noted by historian J. Gross in a monograph published in the United States by Princeton University Press (1988), at a time when the Soviet army entered the land of Western Belarus and Ukraine, the Polish administration The territories were completely disorganized as a result of the defeat of the Polish troops and the influx of refugees. In turn, local residents “were arming against the Poles and the Polish authorities. A large-scale civil war was averted, "notes the American historian," only thanks to the rapid deployment of Soviet troops ... ".

As an example of the actions of the Poles themselves, they can suppress the uprising of the local population in Grodno and Skidel in September 1939 by Polish ulans, gendarmes and ozonians (members of OZONE - the union of Polish nationalist parties created in 1935).

The uprisings began on September 17, when Poland no longer existed as a state, and the Polish army was crushed by the Reich war machine. The president and the government of Poland, who fled from Warsaw literally in the very first days of the war, by the middle of the month found themselves first in Romania, and from there they fled to Paris, then to London.

The workers of Skidel raised a rebellion as soon as they learned that the Red Army had crossed the border of the collapsed Rzecz Pospolita. The rebels seized the mail, the police station, and the police were disarmed and released to their homes. The same was done with the soldiers who were in a military echelon at the Skidel railway station ... A few hours later Polish soldiers appeared in the city, reinforced by a company of Grodno gendarmes ... In a small town, great atrocities began. 30 man punitive immediately shot. Shot and those who just turned up under the arm. Before being shot, they were mocked: they put out one's eyes, cut out tongues with others, and beat his fingers with the third with his butts. A wounded member of the underground KPZB district committee L.Pochimku cut off his ears, gouged out his eyes, cut out the stars on his chest and back.

Then they gathered up to two hundred people. Neither men nor women were dismantled. They were driven to the Orthodox Church, forced to lie face down, beaten with butts on their heads, forced to eat and kiss the ground, shouting: “That’s our land, Polish, you don’t live on it!” While some punitive people mocked Belarusians at the church, others threw grenades and torches in the houses of the supporters of the USSR. The neighbors were not allowed to extinguish, they were driven away by shots. 19 houses burned down, in some women and children burned alive. But the tragedy of the small town did not end there either.

Towards evening, of the two hundred people who had lain all day at the temple, they took away the “most active rebels” and drove them to execution to the shore of the Kotra. When the top five of the tortured people were snatched from the crowd of the doomed and put in for execution, a wedge with a red star appeared on board because of the little forest. This is to the rescue of the rebels in Skidel, the flying squad headed by Captain Chernyavsky hurried - two armored cars and two tanks. They were loaded weapons. The captain armed these weapons with peasants from the surrounding villages. With their help, Skidel was completely cleared of punitive.

From the Soviet report: “From the morning of September 19, from the tank battalions of the 100th and 2nd rifle divisions and the armored company of the reconnaissance battalion of the 2nd division, a motorized group of the 16th rifle corps was formed under the command of brigade commander Rozanov ... the task was set to attack Grodno.

Moving to the city, the Skidel motogroup collided with a Polish squad (about 200 people), who suppressed the anti-Polish performance of the local population. In this punitive raid, 17 was killed by local residents, including 2 teenagers 13 and 16 years. Turning around, the motogroup attacked the enemy in Skidel from both flanks. Hoping to stop the tanks, the Poles set fire to the bridge, but the Soviet tankmen sent cars through the fire and managed to slip through the burning bridge, which collapsed after the passage of tanks, to the other side of the Skidel River. ”

A similar tragedy occurred in those September days in Grodno. In two days about thirty people died from bullets, beatings and fire, including children, wounded and beaten up - up to one hundred. The agony of the second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for the residents of Grodno and Skidel turned into bloody battles. As a mortally wounded beast created by the Pilsudski regime, leaving political life, brought human sacrifices to its ambitions, avenging people for its own inconsistency and defeat in the war with fascist Germany.

According to historian A.D. Markov, practically everywhere in the east of the former Rzecz Pospolita, “Ukrainians, Belarusians and Jews organized rebel groups ... attacking Polish units retreating from the Germans ... The non-Polish population turned Polish banners, tearing white lines from them, reddened them columns of the Red Army ... indicated the places where the Poles hid weapons, participated in the neutralization of small Polish units "... This" non-Polish "population ranged from 67 to 90%!

The Soviet troops who entered the territory of the so-called “wrecks of the shoots” as liberators, avoided, where possible, clashes with Polish units. The chief of staff at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief of the Polish army, General V. Stakhevich, noted in his report: “Soviet soldiers do not shoot at our people, demonstrate their position in every possible way ...” Deputy Chief of Staff General Y. Yaklich wrote in those days in his diary: and motorized parts. Tanks go openly with white flags ... Our army is disoriented. Some have stubborn resistance, others miss the Soviet troops. They bypass them and move on. "

All Western researchers stated that the incidents at the time of the entry of the Red Army had a local character and did not accept wide dimensions. It was also noted that the Soviet troops were moving deliberately slowly, enabling the Polish units to withdraw to the Romanian border. It was especially slow to move south from Lviv.

The Nazis, as the German ambassador in Bucharest, Fabritius later admitted, “were furious that the Russians did not try to close the Romanian corridor for the Polish authorities and the army as soon as possible ...”. Most of these researchers come to the conclusion that the actions of the Soviet Union could not change anything, the defeat of Poland in the war with Germany was almost a fait accompli.

22 September 1939 was prepared by the British and French general staffs report, qualifying the actions of the USSR towards Germany as “pre-emptive” and noting that they were taken only when the final defeat of Poland became obvious, with which history played a cruel joke. As American historian B. Budurovich noted, in June 1936, Poland prevented the adoption of international sanctions against fascist Italy, which seized the territory of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) precisely because the latter, according to the Polish leader Y. Beck, allegedly “ceased to exist as a state”. In September, 1939 of the year and the second Rzeczpospolita itself collapsed in a similar way “to the waist”, ran “on all four sides”, as they say, “on the fly, with a turn”.
21 comment
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  1. +1
    19 September 2012 09: 19
    opana ... very interesting facts .. oh yes the Poles ...
    1. Stormtrooper
      20 September 2012 01: 08
      The article sins very much with inaccuracies. The territory of Western Ukraine (Volyn, Eastern Galicia, Podlasie) entered Poland not from Soviet Russia, but from the UPR. Well, at least they looked at the map of 1920.
  2. +2
    19 September 2012 10: 10
    I read somewhere, I don't remember where, an interesting study. It said that Poland rose and became something significant only when it was not ruled by Poles. The same Pilsudski was a half-Belarusian, half-Lithuanian. And with what words did he cover his subjects ... In general, since ancient times, the Poles have been a "bedding" for all surrounding countries.
  3. Zmitcer
    19 September 2012 10: 57
    Not even "one-sided", but a crooked article, where the Poles are painted just horror. aftar -beisha ab the wall or with .. write the truth .. Here you can write a lot, give examples, arguments, compare .. I will just note that today, all over Belarus, in 2012 !!, there are about a dozen Belarusian-language schools and so many kindergartens. The occupation, like the genocide of Belarusians, has been going on since the First Partition of the Commonwealth. Why don't you write about how Lenin gave Belarus to the Germans, and our capital, Vilno, was given to the criminals? And a concrete example: my ancestors, who were under the "occupation" of the Poles - western Belarus, had their own arable lands, several cows, horses, rode a rovar (bicycle), and my grandmother used Nivea cream. And those who lived in "free" Soviet Belarus, at night, gathered spikelets in the fields to feed themselves and worked for "sticks".
    1. Belarusian
      19 September 2012 12: 17
      The article was written by order and for a personal gingerbread from the fair-faced San Lu! Statue Bullshit stop
      1. -1
        20 September 2012 02: 09
        please explain, otherwise you know how to spit, we know it very well
    2. mongoose
      19 September 2012 12: 20
      "free"? it is with such a dominance of the occupiers of Jews with \ in the Soviet regime?
      1. Zmitcer
        19 September 2012 13: 38
        Quote: mongoose
        the occupiers of the Jews

        This is something new. can you clarify. As for the Jews, Vitovt also invited them to Vilno. And they made up a significant part of the urban population throughout Belarus. Maybe you do not quite understand the meaning of this word "occupier"?
  4. elfxnumx
    19 September 2012 11: 20
    recall the circumstances of the appearance on the map of Europe of the second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. As soon as this state appeared, the Polish dictator Jozef Pilsudski attacked Soviet Russia devastated by civil war and intervention,

    Pilsudski was not a dictator
    Speech appeared in 1918, and the war with the red army did not begin in 1919; therefore, this was not immediately (!)
    1. Brother Sarych
      19 September 2012 13: 14
      Actually, it was ...
      They started the war right away. as soon as we could ...
    2. wax
      19 September 2012 22: 05
      Precisely, not on the 1st day. And Pilsudski was not a dictator, but simply had unlimited power given by the Polish people.
  5. 0
    19 September 2012 12: 01
    , I’m not sure that it is necessary to associate all the atrocities of Poland with the entire Polish people .. In Russia, we have enough and enough executioners and scumbags .. And already traitors to the interests of the people ...
  6. Radarik606
    19 September 2012 12: 11
    "courageous Polish cavalrymen (the best in Europe) quickly got tired of chopping German tanks into cabbage. And after they were finally convinced that they were" not made of plywood " lol
    1. vsil1
      19 September 2012 12: 48
      No, they were tired in 1918 to chop red-bellied hi
    2. 0
      19 September 2012 13: 40
      As already got the mention of "the attack of the Polish cavalry on German tanks."

      The article is so-so neither "plus" nor "minus"
  7. +3
    19 September 2012 12: 12
    Well known are the words of W. Churchill about pre-war Poland as a "hyena of Europe", which well reflect the essence of this state.
  8. 0
    19 September 2012 12: 49
    Poland is the hyena of Europe. And that says it all, I wonder what the "last samurai (sorry) Litvin" will say to quotes from archival Polish documents about what awaited the Belarusians.
    PS I read Mr. "Zmitzer" or anything new in everything, and they are to blame. You should have read a couple of new books, otherwise you become boring monotonous and predictable.

    I did not understand why the words "and" that is, the inhabitants of Muscovy used by the inhabitants of the West. Ukraine and Byelorussia have been granted by the Moder and the gemoyty (the inhabitants of Lithuania in their own terminology) remain?
    1. Zmitcer
      19 September 2012 13: 30
      Quote: Zhaman-Urus
      PS I read Mr. "Zmitzer" or anything new.

      wink no In this case, the Bolsheviks. Kick a dead lion, maybe a donkey. And our neighbors and "brothers" with great relish tore to pieces what was left of the ON, some territory, and someone else also history and former greatness (this is again about crumbs smile ) I'm not talking about the fact that AFTOR is lying, and Pilsudski is a collector of land and a liberator. No. I want to say that for us this date is not unusual. A lot of them. Aftor blames the Poles for everything, describes their atrocities, but it was the Bolsheviks (Lenin, Stalin) who offered the Germans to surrender all of Belarus, only to leave Ukraine (for example), which destroyed 300 Belarusians. They gave it to the Poles of Bialystok, to the jams of Vilna. Why actor did not remember about Slutsk rebellion 1920? Here we celebrate it, as it is symbolic and important in our history. in short .. an article in the oven, aFtoru ganba.
      1. Insurgent
        20 September 2012 21: 29
        The Bolsheviks created the Republic of Belarus if it weren’t for the revolution, neither Lithuania nor Belarus had the independence to drive that the Poles are white and fluffy. Yes, you will know how the Poles of Belarusian nationalists weaned their faces in shit in the literal sense
        1. Zmitcer
          20 September 2012 22: 41
          Quote: Insurgent
          The Bolsheviks created the Republic of Belarus

          How can you be taken seriously if you wrote each word with an error. laughing I wrote it, got into a conversation with cultural people
          Quote: Insurgent
          in the shit literally

          and what, to what, is not clear. I am quite seriously saying that if there is not enough knowledge, then there is no need to expose your stupidity to the show and write inadequate nonsense. And if there is such a desire to make an impression and insert your "5 cents", then give facts, arguments, and without verbiage.
  9. Brother Sarych
    19 September 2012 13: 21
    I can’t say that I liked the article, but in general everything written is true, although not all ...
    The Poles prefer not to remember these "feats" ...
    The reaction of all Litvinians was a little surprised, although not really - the hostility towards the Russians and the Soviet government overshadows everything, even the memories of the asshole of many generations of ancestors ...
    1. Zmitcer
      19 September 2012 13: 44
      Quote: Brother Sarich
      hostility towards Russians and Soviet power

      based on the facts and memory of the millions killed.
      Quote: Brother Sarich
      memories of the asshole of many generations of ancestors ...

      do not judge in your own way. I don’t care when I am rude to me personally, but in this case, if you don’t have enough intelligence and tact, then better keep silent.
      1. George IV
        19 September 2012 19: 51
        Wow! Belarusian liberal!
        Endangered species.
        You are not many there and are not allowed to multiply, because Old Man holds the eggs with a steel grip!
        1. Zmitcer
          19 September 2012 23: 09
          Quote: Georg iv
          holds the eggs with a steel grip

          If you are so worried about this topic, come and support you too. At the same time, you will show deep respect to your "dad", maybe you will not only hold him with him.
          1. George IV
            19 September 2012 23: 46
            I knew that you were masochists there and were getting high from it!
  10. 0
    19 September 2012 13: 48
    The colors are thickened, but where is the lie?
  11. Vitmir
    19 September 2012 14: 11
    The article is extremely one-sided and those who are in the subject, especially the Belarusians, are simply ridiculous.
    1. wax
      19 September 2012 22: 11
      Well, yes, there is no wide historical canvas, it does not show how the Polish peasants lived, how the Belarusians, the Ukrainians lived, what they ate, what songs they sang ... By the way, if you write an article only about the songs of the farmers, it will immediately cease to be one-sided.
  12. Larus
    19 September 2012 14: 12
    What a pity that our media do not give any information what happened before the so-called. of the pact, but they only voice what comes to them from abroad, and it would not hurt the citizens of our country to talk in more detail about what happened then and why there is still no widespread condemnation by our government of the policies pursued by this jackal country.
  13. jury08
    19 September 2012 22: 04
    An odious little article. Without 2 RPs, there would be no BSSR and it would be simpler and safer for a simple Belarusian to live in RPs than in the BSSR — we all know from our ancestors! For me, it’s pan, that a comrade — forcing Belarusians to fight with each other — is one oiled world. As far as the Germans conquer the RPs, the Soviets fled to Moscow, on tanks!
  14. -2
    19 September 2012 22: 05
    Clairvoyant pans, put things in order among the natives, with their universal methods.
  15. wax
    19 September 2012 22: 26
    The Poles so many times noted their arrogant contempt for everything Orthodox, cruelty and looting on Russian soil, that contempt for the Poles penetrated the Russians at the genetic level. And no calls can change this fact. Only peace and good neighborliness for many decades could eliminate the relevance of mutual insults and even anger, but good neighborly messages from Poland are not observed. Poland will die, despite membership in the EU and NATO (and maybe that's why). Does she really think that a Stalin gift in the form of German lands in western Poland will be recognized for centuries: she herself is trying to revise everything connected with Stalin, while others are not holier than the Polish pope ..
  16. 0
    20 September 2012 02: 10
    And here is another point of view ...
    -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
    From an interview with political analyst Dmitry Vydrin on December 30, 2005:
    “This was the first visit of President Kuchma to Georgia. The first, I remember, was Eduard Amvrosievich Shevardnadze. And his toast was to the brave guys from UNA-UNSO.
    Our delegation looked at each other strangely, but, respecting the owner, drank to it. Then there were various toasts on duty: to peace, prosperity, friendship. The turn has not yet reached the presidential press secretary. I was just sitting between him and Nani Bregvadze, who had previously sang Russian romances for us and had already sat down at the table. Everyone was already a little drunk, so the press secretary's toast was rather fluffy. He said: "Let's drink to the Russians!" and paused.
    Everyone, naturally, looked at each other in bewilderment, and the press secretary smiled slyly and continued: "Since we - Georgians and Ukrainians - are lucky that there are Russians in the world. We learned from the Russians to take everything. We sleep with their most beautiful women, we took they have the best romances - Nani just showed that these are not theirs, but our romances - we take oil and gas from them without payment ... Therefore, let's drink to these suckers who feed us, give us drink and provide. "
  17. Kostya pedestrian
    20 September 2012 08: 55
    Esche odin iz kamney prdknovenia broshenyi v nash agarod.
    A koncovka statie prosto shikarnaia: Anglichane predajut svoego sojuznika Polshi i brosajutsia v obiatia novogo kymira CCCP i Stalina. Clacc!

  18. 0
    20 September 2012 10: 33
    In principle, I have nothing against the Polish people, although they have a very significant drawback: -Likes to beat themselves in the chest, shouting at the same time: - "I am a Pole!" And the Polish "state"! This, as Churchill correctly defined, is a real "hyena", ie. feeds on carrion, but is not averse to attacking a weaker one from under the tishka, using the moment. And the Russian people "annoy", above the roof. Even under the Tatar-Mongols, she seized a piece of Russian land, then repeatedly attacked the Russian people, obeying the order of the Pope, because it is known that the Poles are zealous Catholics, this was during the time of troubles, and during Napoleon's attack, and in 20 years. Poland in these cases served as a "battering ram" of Catholicism, against Orthodoxy. The role of Poland in the Second World War is also unattractive. Poland several times lost its statehood, due to its "scandalous" nature and aggressiveness. And modern Poland is pursuing a rather aggressive policy, strenuously wagging its tail in front of the United States. On its territory, it is planned to deploy missile defense elements directed primarily against Russia.
  19. Morani
    20 September 2012 23: 17
    Let’s say the Poles set up death camps in Bialystok, Pulaw, Brest, Pikulitsa, Korosten, Zhytomyr, Alexandrov, Lukov, Ostrov-Lomzhinsky, Rombert, Zdunsky Vol, Torun, Dorogusk, Plotsk, Radom, Przemysl, Lviv, Fridrikhovka, Zvidogelovka, Zvidrykhovka, , Tukhol, Baranovichi and destroyed there tens of thousands of Russian-Soviet (albeit red soldiers) And where is the memory, where is the grief over the innocent, where are the monuments with plaques? They are not there, and all because the jugashvilists wanted to scream for their own people.
    1. Kostya pedestrian
      21 September 2012 08: 37
      A kak naprimer Kostjusko (svoego roda poliak), no ochen dryzhestvenno obschalsia s Russkim tsarom after provala vostania.

      Tak zhe i poliaki s kotorymi si obschialsia ne agresivnye, tem bolee nikogda by ne skazal chto oni sposobny na takie zverstva ... Xotia,
      chego na sebia ne vozmesh radii, kak prvilno zametili gospoda, Velikoi Rommskoi Imperii Sviatogo Apostola Savla.

      Da, slava nashemy narody, chto symel zhestokix poliakov ostanovit ', a to pozhgli by vsex belorusov i poleshykov esche do proxoda fashistov.
      Neploxo brity soyznikam slivajut svoi greshki i agrekiny.