Indian aircraft manufacturers are accelerating their stealth program and leveraging Russian technology


Russia provides India with technologies that Western aviation industry. This statement was made by Vice Marshal of Aviation N. Tiwari at an event organized by the Center for Air Force Research (CAPS) and the Society of Indian Defense Manufacturers (SIDM).

A senior military officer pointed to Russian autopilot systems that allow pilots to return aircraft to level flight with the push of a button. According to him, such devices are lacking in Western fighters such as the Mirage 2000. This feature was used in Indian Tejas aircraft.

He noted that the pilots are pleased with this machine, which has absorbed all the best from Russian and Western technologies. The vice marshal responded to criticism over the delay in launching LCA Tejas, stating that the first 4-5 years in the fighter's design and development cycle were devoted to building production and testing facilities.

The Director of the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) Girish Deodhare also spoke. He said that in the near future the preparation of metal for the body of the fifth generation AMCA Tejas MK2 fighter, which has stealth properties, will begin.

Initially, the Indians planned to build a generation 5 aircraft together with the Russians, but then they abandoned the Russian version. One of New Delhi's complaints against him was that the project did not provide for the use of stealth technology.

Summarizing what high-ranking officials said, it can be argued that now Indian aircraft manufacturers are accelerating their stealth program and relying on unique Russian technologies in the work on their aircraft.

At the same time, India does not say whose development in the format of stealth technology they are ready to use in the production of their own aircraft, passing off as their own.
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  1. +1
    14 September 2021 16: 44
    All Hindus dance and dance, but there is no sense. One stupid vinaigrette in the army.
    1. +5
      14 September 2021 16: 46
      Indian aircraft manufacturers are accelerating their stealth program and leveraging Russian technology

      It seems that they are paying someone extra ... And there is NO firm hope for Indian research and development partnership ... No.
      1. 0
        14 September 2021 17: 27
        Quote: ROSS 42
        It seems that they are paying someone extra ...

        Rather, someone pays extra responsibility for planning the development of the military-industrial complex
  2. +11
    14 September 2021 17: 00
    India has a huge population, an abundance of natural resources and a long history. Do not forget this.
    Once upon a time, quite recently, China could only copy the Soviet An-2 under a license ... And now we see a fundamentally different picture!

    India, since it wants to compete on equal terms in its region, has no choice but to create a powerful domestic military industry with a full range of products. And Russia's help is extremely important here ... To both sides. Indian money helped us a lot to preserve our defense potential in the 90s, for example.
    You should not laugh at the efforts of our partner - a real, even partly ally.
    There is also potential there, which requires disclosure and will give results in the future!
    1. +2
      14 September 2021 18: 01
      Once upon a time, quite recently, and China could only

      Once upon a time, the USSR had only plywood aircraft, and once from a destroyed country in 45 with propeller-driven aircraft, after 16 years a man was sent into space.
      The secret is only in the country's leadership, which is interested in development. And not 20 years of promises and fears of struggling times, with the need for migrants and foreign development of industry, we, like India, are also sorely lacking
      The problem of India is also in the minds, and specifically in the burbot castes, because of which many minds will never get like Lomonosov (to Moscow from Arkhangelsk), we conditionally do not have castes, but judging by how we cannot recruit 10 players, there are doubts
  3. +1
    14 September 2021 17: 17
    I wonder why do we provide them with technology? So that they kind of learn and stop buying equipment from us?
    1. Qas
      14 September 2021 17: 38
      Usually technologies are provided either in a truncated form or when you have something better, more perfect. But in the case of the Russian Federation, you cannot be sure of anything: we easily give up what we ourselves do not have in the ranks.
  4. +7
    14 September 2021 17: 28
    What is the fifth generation, in fact, China does not have it, what is there to talk about Indian fairy tales, let their tanks remember which ones stall in the highlands, their same Tejas
  5. +2
    14 September 2021 18: 12
    Indian aircraft manufacturers are accelerating their stealth program and leveraging Russian technology
    ... Do you already have something to discuss?
  6. -9
    14 September 2021 23: 20
    The title of the article is kind of muddy. Russia does not use stealth technology on its aircraft. And it is not known at all whether she possesses it
  7. 0
    15 September 2021 11: 50
    "A senior military man pointed to Russian autopilot systems that allow pilots to return aircraft to level flight with a simple push of a button. According to him, such devices are lacking in Western fighters" - is this the most important technology that worries the Indians so much ?? Moreover, the "panic button" has already appeared on modern Western aircraft.