Israel explained the reason for the air strikes on Lebanon


Information has been received that the Israeli Air Force has inflicted another blow on the adjacent territory. This time - in the southern part of Lebanon.

The missile attack on Lebanese territory was carried out at night. Striking at night has long been a tradition in Israeli combat. aviation.

How is the military operation explained in the IDF command?

The Israeli Air Force was said to have "attacked only targets that posed a threat to Israeli security." The report says that "the rockets destroyed the terrorist infrastructure that was used to shell the territory of Israel." According to the press service of the security department, shelling was conducted from these objects and territories.

From the statement of the press service of the IDF:

We emphasize that the State of Lebanon bears responsibility for any actions hostile to Israel that are carried out from the territory of Lebanon. It must exercise control over its territories and engage in countering terrorist activity.

Lebanese media, disseminating information about the air strikes, report that Israeli planes fired missiles in the area of ​​the villages of Mahmoudiya, Al-Aishya, as well as in the forest in the south of the country.

It should be emphasized that the day before, Israeli artillery fired at the southern part of Lebanon in response to rocket attacks on its territory.

There are no dead or wounded in Israel. At the same time, it was stated that 4 Israelis needed medical assistance due to the fact that they were in a state of shock - "in connection with rocket attacks and the sounds of a warning siren."

Thus, in recent years, Israel has been striking Lebanon, Gaza and Syria. At the same time, the IDF Air Force often uses the Lebanese airspace for its anti-Syrian operations. And it is unlikely that such actions will be coordinated with colleagues from the Lebanese Ministry of Defense.
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  1. AUL
    5 August 2021 07: 12
    It should be emphasized that the day before, Israeli artillery fired at the southern part of Lebanon in response to rocket attacks on its territory.
    Well, that's quite logical!
    1. +6
      5 August 2021 08: 15
      Maybe it's logical. Smiled at the passage about citizens in shock. Yesterday ukrovermacht staged a war near Dokuchaevsk. They are there a kilometer from the city center. The car alarms went off from the explosions, but people did not hide, they continued to calmly walk where they were going, chatting on benches near the entrances. Utes, PK (possibly ours), BMP-2 and SPG-9 worked. Maybe the boots from the BMP-1 were shot, or both.
      1. +3
        5 August 2021 09: 33
        Quote: URAL72
        Maybe it's logical. Smiled at the passage about citizens in shock. Yesterday ukrovermacht staged a war near Dokuchaevsk. They are there a kilometer from the city center. The car alarms went off from the explosions, but people did not hide, they continued to calmly walk where they were going, chatting on benches near the entrances. Utes, PK (possibly ours), BMP-2 and SPG-9 worked. Maybe the boots from the BMP-1 were shot, or both.

        So they got used to the war, and the northerners did not hear the siren for 15 years))
      2. +5
        5 August 2021 09: 45
        Nothing strange here. A person gets used to everything gradually, when there is no way out.
        Residents of TA and the surrounding area, Ashdod, in the majority also prefer not to notice the shelling.
        In the last war I saw the following picture: in Ashdod, on a bench, a man was eating a kebab or falafel, in the park behind him about 50 meters a rocket fell, he just turned his head, but continued to eat ...
        1. +7
          5 August 2021 11: 52
          Well, here you have embellished. What kind of rocket is this - stuffed with magnesium and saltpeter like a child's explosive package? At a distance of 50 m, even a 120mm mine will give you a wonderful concussion, shrapnel wounds, often with amputation of limbs, including the head or part of it. The blast wave would simply blow the passenger off the bench before he realized what had happened. And yes, unlike civilians, we fly more in positions, but no one is used to this. You can't get used to it.
          1. +1
            5 August 2021 11: 54
            I think so, or fragments or did not explode ..
            I do not understand, I just think what happened and I do not care to see at the same time.
  2. -24
    5 August 2021 07: 26
    in response to rocket attacks on its territory.

    Which is to be expected. As soon as Russia announced that it would defend the pro-Iranian terrorists in Syria, they immediately became bolder and began firing at Israel.
    And then some people turn their tongues to complain about the Russophobia of the Israelis? Maybe they should fall in love with those who are to blame for the missiles falling on their heads? fool
    1. +17
      5 August 2021 07: 46
      Oh, how?) Or maybe everything is not so banal and the interests of a peaceful solution to many issues there are not at all combined with Israel's eternal attempts to resolve its own? Ours are trying to prevent another massacre and not just protect someone there.
      1. -20
        5 August 2021 07: 59
        Quote: carstorm 11
        Oh, how?) Or maybe everything is not so banal and the interests of a peaceful solution to many issues there are not at all combined with Israel's eternal attempts to resolve its own? Ours are trying to prevent another massacre and not just protect someone there.

        Muddy demagoguery.
        Do you think the Israelis should silently endure rocket attacks for your goals? And with what fright actually?
        1. +20
          5 August 2021 08: 05
          Well then, why be surprised now that our reaction is getting tougher? Israel lays down on our interests. So we will lay down on it.
          1. -12
            5 August 2021 08: 16
            Quote: carstorm 11
            Well then, why be surprised now that our reaction is getting tougher? Israel lays down on our interests. So we will lay down on it.

            There is a nuance, your interests are from the plane of geopolitical influence, but for Israel it is a matter of the lives of its citizens. Can I tell you how it will end, or will you open a book on history? Israel will not back down on this issue, because there is nowhere, the sacrifice of its civilians is not discussed.
            The rake of the USSR apparently does not allow many of you to sleep.
            1. +8
              5 August 2021 09: 19
              For God's sake. I am not calling you to anything. To me the Jewish question is deeply lilac. Just stating a fact. Laurels there or something. I just see how the attitude has changed on our part, although for years they turned a blind eye to it. And that means that some kind of line has been crossed. It’s in vain. Previously, they could agree.
              1. -6
                5 August 2021 09: 33
                // I just see how the attitude has changed on our side, although they turned a blind eye to it for years //
                What is the expression of this change on the part of the Russian Federation ...
                1. +1
                  5 August 2021 09: 37
                  For so many years in Syria, how many times have representatives of our side stated that they shot down missiles of Israeli planes? Zero is the month of July this year.
                  1. -6
                    5 August 2021 09: 49
                    As I understand it, they claim that the Syrians were shot down by Russian complexes .. Maybe sales began to fall, for example ...
                    1. +3
                      5 August 2021 09: 51
                      Ours generally ignored this topic. Sales have nothing to do with it.
            2. +2
              5 August 2021 09: 20
              Can I tell you how it will end, or will you open a book on history?

              History says that sooner or later the Jews will once again be driven out and driven by the wind, scorched by the sun around the world.
              1. +5
                5 August 2021 09: 38
                They will crawl to Zhukovka laughing
              2. 0
                5 August 2021 18: 37
                Quote: Olkhovsky
                History suggests that

                History is a science that explores past, real facts.
                Unlike other peoples, Jews remember their history well.
                Quote: Olkhovsky
                sooner or later, the Jews will once again be driven out and driven by the wind, scorched by the sun throughout the world.

                And how do you imagine an exiled people who wander, persecuted, scorched by the sun around the world, with nuclear triad.
                And who is this hero who will subscribe to this?
                This is what history will not tell you.
            3. +1
              5 August 2021 11: 38
              This means that sooner or later Israel will be destroyed.
          2. +6
            5 August 2021 09: 20
            Quote: carstorm 11
            Israel lays down on our interests. So we will lay down on it.

            Puts ... Yes And we need to put ... Yes
          3. +1
            6 August 2021 00: 23
            .. our reaction is getting tougher ..

            Our reaction has not changed in any way. The "comments of officials" have changed - most likely for commercial reasons.

            Israel lays down on our interests.
            is meaningless. First, we are not in Lebanon, thank God.
            Secondly, our actions in the Middle East are dictated not so much by state interests as by geopolitical ambitions (wishlist).
        2. +9
          5 August 2021 08: 20
          And Israel does not remind you of chubaty? All around the enemies, we will kill everyone. No, it's not a threat. The Jews position themselves as the dominant nation. A kind of USA in the region. Isn't that why they have been fighting without interruption throughout the history of their state.
          1. -8
            5 August 2021 08: 33
            Quote: gloomy
            And Israel does not remind you of chubaty? All around the enemies, we will kill everyone. No, it's not a threat. The Jews position themselves as the dominant nation. A kind of USA in the region. Isn't that why they have been fighting without interruption throughout the history of their state.

            And you can confirm your paranoid theories at least with something significant?
            At the moment, the facts are on the face. The Barmaleis have been trying (for decades) to shoot at Israeli civilians when they were hollowed out in Syria, the shelling of northern Israel stopped, as soon as Russia said that it would protect the Barmaleev, shelling immediately resumed.
          2. +3
            5 August 2021 09: 17
            And Israel does not remind you of chubaty? All around the enemies, we will kill everyone. No, it's not a threat. The Jews position themselves as the dominant nation. A kind of USA in the region. Isn't that why they have been fighting without interruption throughout the history of their state.

            Didn't the Arabs in the second half of the 20th century declared Israel their enemy? Was it not the Arabs who promoted the "rule of three" - there is no peace with Israel, there is no negotiation with Israel and there is no existence for Israel? And who attacked whom? And the Arabs attacked, oddly enough. But somehow bad Israel.
            Yes, Israel dominates the Region, despite the Arabs who have repeatedly tried to destroy it.
          3. +6
            5 August 2021 15: 58
            Not because, but because the surrounding countries for the most part set themselves the task of destroying Israel. True, over the past couple of decades, many have lost this desire. After receiving a certain number of buoys in the basket, we decided to trade with Israel and not fight!
        3. +1
          5 August 2021 11: 37
          And how are rocket attacks from territories occupied by Israel connected with Israel's shelling of countries that are not attacking it - Lebanon and Syria?
    2. +1
      5 August 2021 07: 51
      Speech about Lebanon, what does Russia and Syria have to do with it? Quite so.
      1. -13
        5 August 2021 08: 05
        Quote: Fungus
        Speech about Lebanon, what does Russia and Syria have to do with it? Quite so.

        Do you deliberately turn on the simpleton, and think that no one will notice?
        Or is it hard for you to fold 2 + 2?
        I will explain for you individually:
        The Barmalei grew bolder, believing that Russia would protect them from retaliation and attacks on the Syrian supply channels, so they allowed themselves these shelling.
        In other words, Russia contributed (through its actions and statements) to the militants' attack on civilians in northern Israel.
        Is the connection clear now?
        1. +8
          5 August 2021 08: 36
          Quite so. How did Russia contribute to the militant attack? Where are the proofs.
          1. -13
            5 August 2021 08: 41
            Quote: Fungus
            Quite that

            Is the record stuck?

            Quote: Fungus
            How did Russia contribute to the militant attack?

            Promises to protect them in Syria, where they manufacture and stock missiles. Repeat by syllables?

            Quote: Fungus
            Where are the proofs.

            Russian media are full of them. Even here there were two articles about it.
            1. +8
              5 August 2021 09: 12
              Is this where Russia promised to protect missile depots? Proofs in the studio. Or are you a fakecomet.
              1. -10
                5 August 2021 09: 19
                Quote: Fungus
                Is this where Russia promised to protect missile depots? Proofs in the studio. Or are you a fakecomet.

                I hear from the fakecomet. fellow
                1. +4
                  5 August 2021 10: 10
                  Why are you giving me the statement of some military observer? Are you really bo?
                  1. -11
                    5 August 2021 11: 09
                    Quote: Fungus
                    Why are you giving me the statement of some military observer? Are you really bo?

                    What would you read with your own eyes about the change in the policy of the Russian Federation in Syria. The "proofs" you wanted so badly. If you turn on the log on purpose, then there is nothing to discuss. request
        2. 0
          5 August 2021 14: 19
          So it is the pro-Iranian forces that bring pipes for the militants from which they then make home-made missiles? You probably have 2 + 2 = 22, because Iran cannot supply normal weapons, otherwise your rulers will not agree with the problem. At least sometimes include logic, in fact, they trained militants in Syria at American bases and for American budget money, but "is this different" in your opinion?
          1. The comment was deleted.
    3. +7
      5 August 2021 09: 13
      Quote: And Us Rat
      And then some people turn their tongues to complain about the Russophobia of the Israelis?

      For the opinion of the Israelis, we will listen, for example, from Misrad ha-Khutz, you tell us about your Russophobia.
      Quote: And Us Rat
      Maybe they should fall in love with those who are to blame for the missiles falling on their heads?

      Compared to the events mentioned in the news, you fell from Gaza - childish pranks, by the way, who is bashing out there in Gaza, the Saudis? With whom have you, especially in recent years, everything in openwork? fellow
      1. +6
        5 August 2021 09: 44
        Qatar and the Persians are in Gaza))
        Greetings! hi
        By the way, I do not think that Russia warned anyone about something, some incomprehensible infa flashed in the left-wing media - nothing more. And even then, as a reprint from the Arabs
        1. -2
          5 August 2021 12: 06
          Shalom! hi
          Quote: Krasnodar
          Qatar and the Persians are in Gaza))

          Thank you for the amendment, here you can add Turkey to the heap, and before the Saud at least! They planted 1 billion in the five-year plan for Gaza, which means that now Qatar plays a decisive role in financing the Gaza Strip, but this fact does not prevent official Israel from making the following statements:
          "The agreement between Saudi Arabia and Qatar contributes to the normalization of relations between Qatar and Israel if this country ceases contacts with Islamic extremists and becomes part of the moderate Sunni bloc. Relations between Israel and Qatar have enormous economic potential," Minister Eli Cohen explained.

          Sheer pragmatism and no xenophobia, and here we are being treated for Russophobia. Yes
          1. +3
            5 August 2021 21: 36
            That's right))
            contributes to the normalization of relations between Qatar and Israel, if this country stops contact with Islamic extremists and becomes part of the moderate Sunni bloc.

            That is, if it moves away from Iran, Israel forms an anti-Persian Sunni bloc from prosperous (economically) Arab countries laughing survived))
        2. 0
          5 August 2021 19: 05
          Quote: Krasnodar
          By the way, I do not think that Russia warned anyone about something, some incomprehensible infa flashed in the left-wing media - nothing more. And even then, as a reprint from the Arabs

          I expressed my point of view immediately after these statements.
          I guess there was such a statement.
          And it was due to the fact that the military-industrial complex received less funding this year, but the requirements remained the same and it is possible to continue to develop through sales abroad.
          And the sales fell, and the Ministry of Defense with these statements about the downed missiles by Russian complexes (and in the statement the emphasis on this) wants to attract the attention of potential buyers.
          The Russian leadership will not go to break the established order of data exchange with Israel.
          This will only lead to aggravation, which both sides do not want.
      2. -8
        5 August 2021 11: 02
        Quote: Dym71
        For the opinion

        PRO opinion.

        Quote: Dym71
        You for yours

        you are your PRO.

        Quote: Dym71

        Do you like anti-Semites to judge everyone by themselves.

        Quote: Dym71
        who is there in Gaza, the Saudis?

        Qatar, courtesy of Israel. And they did not promise to defend Hamas.
        1. +2
          5 August 2021 11: 37
          Quote: And Us Rat
          Do you like anti-Semites to judge everyone by themselves.

          My anti-Semitism is your fabrications, the essence (nature) of which is similar to Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov's instinct for cats.
          My previous comment that there is no need to generalize in this case, but if you write for yourself, then it is much more honest and more specific, although where are you, and where are specifics ... negative
          1. -1
            5 August 2021 18: 35
            Quote: Dym71
            My anti-Semitism, this is your fabrication

            Nothing more than my Russophobia.

            Quote: Dym71
            My previous comment that there is no need to generalize in this case

            What is it?

            Quote: Dym71
            although where are you, and where is the specifics ...

            The vile slap.
            1. +3
              5 August 2021 20: 43
              Quote: And Us Rat
              What is it?

              I mean about the Russophobia of the Israelis in the continuation of your own comment.
              Quote: And Us Rat
              The vile slap.

              Today you are not the first to rank me among anti-Semites, earlier I asked for evidence in the form of examples (specifics) from my comments, to which I received an answer about your unique instinct for anti-Semites and nothing more. Is this not a vile slander?
              Quote: And Us Rat
              Nothing more than my Russophobia.

              And on my part there was no statement addressed to you, I suggested that you write about Russophobia on your own behalf, if it is not there, then they would answer that there is NO IT, why is it easier?
            2. -3
              6 August 2021 07: 04
              And for sho you Jews love that? themselves in their troubles and are to blame in most cases
        2. +1
          5 August 2021 19: 09
          As soon as a person speaks negatively about a boor (of Jewish nationality), the majority of Jews write him down as an anti-Semite. Why did it happen?
      3. +3
        5 August 2021 21: 25
        Quote: Dym71
        who is there in Gaza, the Saudis? With whom have you, especially in recent years, everything in openwork?

        Katar-uchi mate part.
        The Saudis don’t give a penny to plasticines
    4. +2
      5 August 2021 10: 12
      ..that she will protect pro-Iranian terrorists in Syria ..

      Good day! hi
      And when was this statement made?
    5. 0
      5 August 2021 11: 30
      In fact, it is Israel that protects terrorists in Syria, inflicting airstrikes on those who DO NOT ATTACK Israel, but only fight against Syrian terrorism.
      I gave you a minus you deserve.
      1. 0
        6 August 2021 10: 17
        .. by air strikes against those who DO NOT ATTACK Israel ..

        You have elegantly reversed cause and effect: the only reason Hezbollah is not attacking Israel is that the IDF regularly grinds militant bases, assembly shops and missile depots into the sand.
        Israel does not protect or support terrorists. He is simply engaged in his own defense.
        1. -1
          6 August 2021 11: 30
          This is just your unprovable assumption - after all, in Lebanon itself, Hezbollah has much more warehouses and personnel and opportunities to attack the Israeli aggressors, but they do not do this, however, you are delivering airstrikes not on Libya, but on Syria - where there was NO ONE ATTEMPT to attack Israel, but where Hezbollah is really and hard fighting against Syrian terrorists.
          That is, the fact that you practically do not attack Hezbollah where it has the ability to attack you, but attack it where it is fighting against Syrian terrorists, shows that you are PROTECTING them.
          And all your attempts to justify that "we are not attacking because we are bombing" are simply ridiculous for any reasonable person, from the territory of Syria for Hezbollah there are no goals in Israel, nor the ability to seize something, but the opportunity to interfere with the "green" is there, you are preventing them from doing this - you are protecting the terrorists. And do not lie about "defense" - defense only if there is an attack, but no one attacks you, you are constantly attacking like a mad dog rushing at everyone. And mad dogs are supposed to be shot.
          1. 0
            6 August 2021 12: 07
            Unfortunately, you are wrong. And on all counts.
            Firstly, you shouldn't use "you" and "your" in the text - I am a Russian, a Russian, and I have never lived in Israel.
            Secondly, you are mistaken, believing that Hezbollah does not attack from Lebanon: only TODAY morning a new rocket attack from Lebanon was recorded - there is no information about casualties and destruction yet. And the answer to it, if it will be (and it will almost certainly be) will go through positions or warehouses in Lebanon.
            And thirdly, about Syria .. Over the decades of its base in Lebanon, Hezbollah has turned from a gang of criminals into a real mobile quasi-army. They do not have tanks and aircraft, like the official Lebanese Armed Forces, but in terms of strategy and tactics of operational combat operations, they are far superior to these forces, which, among other things, was the result of combat experience in Syria.
            Nasrallah, who has not left the bunker for many years, does not consider it right and is not ready to start another serious war (especially now, during a terrible crisis) without being able to inflict the maximum possible damage on Israel. Yes, there are already thousands of missiles, but this is not enough, and the power of the missiles is not enough. Yes, fortified areas have been built, but their number and potential need to be further increased. The plans for an invasion under the guise of rocket attacks are ready, but there are still not enough forces to carry them out. THIS - increasing potential by assembling missiles in workshops, training crews and militants, contrabanding weapons - is being done by the IRGC and Hezbollah in Syria, IN THE FACT. And their war with ISIS, Nusra and with whom there still should not be assessed from our positions - they are not fighting with terrorists, but with COMPETITORS in the religious market. After all, when one gang "really and hard" is at war with another, they do it not because - I think you will agree - that the second are criminals, but the first guardians of the Law, but because some are crossing the road to others.

            Nasrallah is a wise madman. Sooner or later, he will try to start a war again (if he survives) and will lose again and will be finally destroyed. But how many lives of IDF soldiers, civilians in Israel and Lebanon will pay for this result this time? ..
            The task of the Israelis is to prevent or, if possible, delay such a development of events.
            Let's leave aside the flowery metaphor about "mad dogs", but I think you understand that a preventive attack (in this case, always limited and targeted) is one of the defense tools.
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +9
    5 August 2021 07: 28
    Lebanon is completely defenseless against the IDF. No army, no air defense. You can "get out" as you want ... So they scoff.
    1. -2
      5 August 2021 07: 57
      Interestingly, and in front of any rag-tag in the form of "rebels" and other rabble, who brought his defenselessness?
      1. +1
        5 August 2021 08: 11
        It was their own mistake, the experience of Jordan taught them nothing.
        1. -7
          5 August 2021 08: 34
          Quote: Avior
          It was their own mistake, the experience of Jordan taught them nothing.

          + the experience of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, now they are learning to solve problems from Syria and the Central African Republic. Yes I agree!
        2. 0
          5 August 2021 09: 45
          Quote: Avior
          It was their own mistake, the experience of Jordan taught them nothing.

          The Syrians then pressed them
      2. -3
        5 August 2021 08: 24
        Quote: Babay Atasovich
        Interestingly, and in front of any rag-tag in the form of "rebels" and other rabble, who brought his defenselessness?

        The boat was rocked by Arafat and his brothers, provoking a civil war. At first, they almost destroyed stable and well-fed Jordan, and when they were shot a little there and kicked in the ass, they moved to muddy the waters in Lebanon, stable and prosperous at that time.
        And Arafat and others like him - since 1964, have been KGB puppets.
        So it's a good question - who brought it up? fellow
        1. +4
          5 August 2021 09: 46
          Quote: And Us Rat
          Quote: Babay Atasovich
          Interestingly, and in front of any rag-tag in the form of "rebels" and other rabble, who brought his defenselessness?

          The boat was rocked by Arafat and his brothers, provoking a civil war. At first, they almost destroyed stable and well-fed Jordan, and when they were shot a little there and kicked in the ass, they moved to muddy the waters in Lebanon, stable and prosperous at that time.
          And Arafat and others like him - since 1964, have been KGB puppets.
          So it's a good question - who brought it up? fellow

          Arafat was always on his mind, not a puppet))
          1. -2
            5 August 2021 10: 04
            Quote: Krasnodar
            Arafat was always on his mind, not a puppet))

            The Romanian lieutenant general Pachepa in 1972 declared to American officials that the PLO and Arafat himself collaborated with the KGB and the Romanian secret service. Palestinian militants secretly trained at the military bases of the Soviet bloc. Arafat, according to Pachepa, the USSR prepared and supplied for many decades with weapons and money, including through its satellites.
            For four decades, the PLO, with strong political contacts, was the largest, richest organization in the world. The world community, for the most part, believed that this was the merit of Yasser Arafat, who managed not only to create such an organization, but also to keep it in an iron fist. However, Yasser Arafat was only trying to present himself as an "independent player." In fact, he was completely subordinate to the Soviet KGB and the intelligence services of the Warsaw Pact countries, which trained PLO members, provided the material and technical base of the organization and gave clear instructions (on terrorist attacks).
            Yasser Arafat's closest friend and associate, PLO intelligence chief Hani Hassan, was actually an agent of the DIE, the Romanian KGB unit.
            The Soviet leaders of the "Palestinian project" insisted on transforming the conflict between Arabs and Jews from a religious jihad (a holy war of Muslims against "infidels") into secular nationalism and Palestinian self-determination. The West, undoubtedly, could understand and accept such an idea.
            Skillfully organized propaganda did its job - the Jews from the victims became the "oppressors", "subjugating" the Palestinian Arabs. "
            “With the help of the USSR, the ideas of jihad imported from Egypt in the 1960s were transformed into a“ liberation struggle ”against the“ oppressors ”. Since then, whenever Arabs carried out terrorist attacks, it was called "resistance." As Arafat was taught, in order to succeed in the struggle, it is necessary to develop appropriate terminology: the PLO should hide its true goals and create an image of a moderate organization for itself. Stop talking about destroying Israel, the KGB instructed, and turn the terrorist war into a fight for human rights. Then, the Americans will eat from your hand. It cannot be said that Israel is a small state and that its existence is threatened by its neighboring Arab countries. The situation must be presented in such a way that the Arabs are victims of the Zionist oppression and are under the pressure of international imperialism, ”his Soviet mentors taught Arafat.
            1. +4
              5 August 2021 10: 34
              Well, how many times did he throw Russians, do you know? ))
              1. -1
                5 August 2021 11: 05
                Quote: Krasnodar
                Well, how many times did he throw Russians, do you know? ))

                And what difference does it make? Did he stop feeding from their hand? No. Did you stop acting according to their patterns? Also no.
                1. +5
                  5 August 2021 11: 09
                  If we are a little more objective. This great leader never missed a single handout, no matter whose hand. And with such a position, I would not be surprised that I collaborated. And he substituted them when the wind blew in the other direction ...
                2. 0
                  5 August 2021 13: 22
                  Quote: And Us Rat
                  And what does that change?

                  Never mind! If after many years the name Yaser is transformed into "Zasser" in Russian, then even that will not change anything. By deeds, not only God judges, but also the human memory of a person! lol
                3. +3
                  5 August 2021 16: 22
                  He fed from many hands laughing
            2. +1
              5 August 2021 12: 33
              In 1985, Arafat's men captured a group of Soviet diplomats, including KGB officers, in Beirut. As far as I remember, there were killed.
              Arafat pretended not to have anything to do with this, but it is unlikely that such a case can be attributed to the actions of the puppet.
        2. +2
          5 August 2021 10: 12
          Quote: And Us Rat
          And Arafat and others like him - since 1964, were KGB puppets

          Mashedayan fans apparently! belay
    2. -5
      5 August 2021 07: 57
      Quote: Mountain Shooter
      Lebanon is completely defenseless against the IDF. No army, no air defense. You can "get out" as you want ... So they scoff.

      That is, it was necessary to remain silent in response to the rocket attack? Why do you do not advise the residents of the LPR / DPR to resign from the ukroarmiya's missile attacks? Or "is it different"?
      1. +1
        5 August 2021 08: 15
        So they would have helped them with intelligence at least.
      2. +5
        5 August 2021 08: 21
        Quote: And Us Rat

        That is, it was necessary to remain silent in response to the rocket attack? Why do you do not advise the residents of the LPR / DPR to resign from the ukroarmiya's missile attacks? Or "is it different"?

        Totally agree! good drinks In the name of the safety of Russian citizens in Donbass, it is necessary to destroy the sources of shelling of civilians using all available means, like Israel in the name of its interests! Or an invasion for a murdered student is a WORLD practice, you know, you know! fellow
        1. -5
          5 August 2021 08: 43
          Quote: Babay Atasovich
          I completely agree! In the name of the safety of Russian citizens in Donbass, it is necessary to destroy the sources of shelling of civilians using all available means, like Israel in the name of its interests!

          Absolutely right. drinks
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. +3
    5 August 2021 07: 58
    It should be emphasized that the day before, Israeli artillery fired at the southern part of Lebanon in response to rocket attacks on its territory.
    I agree, there should be a response if your territory and your people are being shelled.
  7. +6
    5 August 2021 08: 00
    Dear author!
    Why don't YOU write the truth?
    You should start your article like this
    At about 12:15 pm, rocket fire signals sounded in Kiryat Shmona, Tel Khay and Kfar Giladi in the north of the country.
    Local residents said they heard an explosion near Kiryat Shmona and a rocket fell.
    12:40. Clarification of the IDF: three rockets were fired from southern Lebanon, two fell on Israeli territory.

    And after that you can express everything that you think about Israel.
    1. +11
      5 August 2021 08: 15
      Your naivety brings tears of emotion :)
      In the News section lately, almost every second article in the style of "make editing".
      We took away some of the information in the expectation that no one would be looking for, so the necessary direction is ready: (((
    2. -1
      5 August 2021 08: 27
      Quote: Vitaly Gusin
      Dear author!
      Why don't YOU write the truth?
      You should start your article like this
      At about 12:15 pm, rocket fire signals sounded in Kiryat Shmona, Tel Khay and Kfar Giladi in the north of the country.
      Local residents said they heard an explosion near Kiryat Shmona and a rocket fell.
      12:40. IDF clarification: three rockets were fired from southern Lebanon, two fell on Israeli territory

      And I completely agree with you! good Every day there are sausages across the LDNR, and the Russian Federation does not rely on practice. And the author took the "world" experience of the media based on South Ossetia 2008 and Donbass - the main thing was "hit" and not "answered"! Well let's forgive him feel
    3. Maz
      5 August 2021 08: 28
      Quote: Vitaly Gusin
      Dear author!
      Why don't YOU write the truth?
      You should start your article like this
      At about 12:15 pm, rocket fire signals sounded in Kiryat Shmona, Tel Khay and Kfar Giladi in the north of the country.
      Local residents said they heard an explosion near Kiryat Shmona and a rocket fell.
      12:40. Clarification of the IDF: three rockets were fired from southern Lebanon, two fell on Israeli territory.

      And after that you can express everything that you think about Israel.

      Gushchin, since you are such a lover of truth, I don’t write that it was only three missiles, and only one flew to the territory of Israel and flopped on empty lands without causing harm to anyone, and you ripped off the photo in your post from the fires that rage in the forests Israel is a nonsense, you petty sir. You juggle the facts, keep them silent and exaggerate as it is convenient for you, they pitied the poor, were on your side and indulged you. Disgusting of you. And you present yourself and position yourself as a fighter for the truth. Something you have one-sided. And peace has not been concluded with Lebanon either? TV response to one missile, artillery shelling and an air strike ... It is necessary in Donbass to respond to every mine like this and nod to the Jews in the direction of an example of the triumph of Israel's democracy
      1. +1
        5 August 2021 08: 54
        Quote: Maz
        And you present yourself and position yourself as a fighter for the truth. Something you have one-sided.

        Not for you.
        In your eyes, all the dew of God.
        1. Maz
          5 August 2021 11: 02
          Quote: Vitaly Gusin
          Quote: Maz
          And you present yourself and position yourself as a fighter for the truth. Something you have one-sided.

          Not for you.
          In your eyes, all the dew of God.

          TEL-AVIV, 5 August - RIA Novosti. Israeli aircraft attacked southern Lebanon, the Jerusalem Post reports, citing the army.
          According to the military, the target was objects in the areas from which rockets were fired in the direction of Israel the day before, and another area from which attacks have occurred in the past.
          As the newspaper notes, this is the fourth strike on Lebanon from Israel in a day. Prior to that, Israeli artillery opened fire three times in response to shelling of its border strip. Isn't it too different, Vitalik?
          This is how it should be in Donbass - brazenly, trampling on everything in the world, and shamelessly perversely ..... smack on the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and if the euro asks, then answer - and here is the example of Israel to help us. They are God's chosen America, and we take an example from them. mulberry is also a truce, and there is no peace treaty with anyone in Syria. Oh, they would be spinning in Kiev.
          1. +1
            5 August 2021 13: 14
            Quote: Maz
            and here is the example of Israel to help us

            But, but! THIS IS NOT THAT !!! THAT is a special case !!! Yes
            ..... at least I - blasted a neighbor, who went crazy in the direction of my family ..... as a simple person! wink
          2. +1
            5 August 2021 14: 01
            Quote: Maz
            Isn't it too different, Vitalik?

            It’s in your yard, you kick me in the face, and then they went soaked
            AND NOW ON THE TOPIC
            Prior to that, Israeli artillery opened fire three times in response to shelling of its border strip.
            But you forgot to add.
            That in the daytime there are many civilians in that area, artillery strikes were carried out in the desert area. In order to understand that any provocation will be answered instantly.
            Quote: Maz
            TEL-AVIV, 5 August - RIA Novosti. Israeli aircraft attacked southern Lebanon,

            And at night, when the normative people are asleep, the aircraft smashed the launchers.
            Quote: Maz
            This is how it should be in the Donbass - brazenly, trampling on everything in the world, and shamelessly perversely ..... smack on the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and if the euro asks, then answer - and here is the example of Israel to help us

            1 I already wrote that I am not going to understand other people's affairs.
            2 And yet the time has come either to take off the cross or put on panties.
            Living in Israel on taxpayers' money, you receive an allowance of $ 1000, and if with your wife, then about $ 1700, from 1/01/22 you will be added another $ 100, a discount on medicine, and some are generally free, a discount on electricity and TV and you can earn some money and earn another $ 900
            You imagine yourself as the defender of all Russia.
            First, become equal among them, then you will have Law say whatever you want about Israel.
            You may not answer enough of your minus. hi
    4. +3
      5 August 2021 08: 47
      Quote: Vitaly Gusin
      Dear author!
      Why don't YOU write the truth?
      You should start your article like this
      At about 12:15 pm, rocket fire signals sounded in Kiryat Shmona, Tel Khay and Kfar Giladi in the north of the country.
      Local residents said they heard an explosion near Kiryat Shmona and a rocket fell.
      12:40. Clarification of the IDF: three rockets were fired from southern Lebanon, two fell on Israeli territory.

      The fact that the Israeli Air Force in one bottle is a prosecutor, an investigator and an executioner has long been known to everyone. Why are you so concerned about the truth and then commit such a blunder as violating the borders of Lebanon with the Israeli Air Force to strike at a neighboring country. Lebanon is not at war with Syria. , and you drag the country into the conflict with your actions.
      Every time you want to pretend to be a victim, watch your hands!
      1. +3
        5 August 2021 09: 05
        Quote: APASUS
        Why are you so concerned about the truth and here you make such a blunder as violating the borders of Lebanon by the Israeli Air Force to strike at a neighboring country?

        And he cares for the safety of the citizens of Israel! He doesn't give a damn about the chaos in the neighboring country. But there is one "BUT"! Suddenly, the local barmaleev will have some kind of stale MANPADS of unknown "nationality" and they, at the next call through Libya to Syria, will shoot down some super F-16, then something will happen! I do not predict, I am just sure the rocket will have the inscription "Made in Iran", even if it is "Javelin" or the good old "Stinger"! Yes
        1. -1
          5 August 2021 09: 13
          Quote: Babay Atasovich
          He doesn't give a damn about the chaos in the neighboring country.

          The fact that you are floating in the mainstream of propaganda. it's your business
          But don't hang "noodles" on others.
          Israel offered aid to Lebanon

          Israel offered to help Lebanon in resolving the country's worst humanitarian crisis. This was announced today by Israeli Defense Minister Beni Gantz. The proposal was passed on to Lebanon through the UN peacekeeping contingent stationed in Lebanon. The press release of Gantz also indicated that Israel is concerned about the attempts of the Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah to attract Iranian investments to Lebanon.
          1. -1
            5 August 2021 09: 38
            Quote: Vitaly Gusin
            Israel offered to help

            Gingerbread in one hand, whip in the other. Old politics. Do not remind, in which country Israel began to suffer losses of the "Merkava" and retreated?
            1. -4
              5 August 2021 10: 12
              Quote: Babay Atasovich
              Do not remind, in which country Israel began to suffer losses of the "Merkava" and retreated?

              No need to pull the owl over the globe. Hezbollah requested a ceasefire in 2006.
              1. +2
                5 August 2021 10: 15
                laughing is it like a month ago? tongue laughing
                1. -4
                  5 August 2021 11: 06
                  Quote: Babay Atasovich
                  is it like a month ago?

                  What happened a month ago?
                  1. -1
                    5 August 2021 12: 59
                    And the representative of Hezbollah has the same problems with the chair and the representative of Israel, the fightings suddenly begin abruptly and just as abruptly stop! wink Politics, sir, and nothing personal! laughing
                    1. +1
                      5 August 2021 13: 02
                      All the troubles are absolutely on my side: I am NOT the Russian Federation, not Israel, especially not the West, I am a Soviet Russian stuck in Asia! I know better from the outside laughing drinks
            2. +2
              5 August 2021 14: 55
              Quote: Babay Atasovich
              Do not remind, in which country Israel began to suffer losses of the "Merkava" and retreated?

              1 Title of this article
              Israel explained the reason for the air strikes on Lebanon
              2 In any war there are successes and failures, the result is important.
              3 And the result is as follows
              Nasral requested a truce and agreed to Israel's terms and returned the bodies of the captured soldiers.
              It was quiet in the north of Israel for 16 years.
              Nasrallah has been hiding in basements for 16 years.
              Hezbalah violated the ceasefire agreement and Israel flies freely in Lebanon and the UN is silent.
              This night, for the first time since 2006, Israel bombed the launchers and took it all for granted.
              And you mean the destroyed tanks of which only 4 were irretrievably lost.
              1. -1
                6 August 2021 08: 31
                Quote: Vitaly Gusin
                Israel flies freely in Lebanon and the UN is silent.

                Looks like you really have problems with your head. What are you boasting about?
                1. +1
                  6 August 2021 11: 01
                  Quote: APASUS
                  What do you boast about?

                  I am not boasting, but explaining in detail to your question.
                  and in which country did Israel begin to suffer losses of the "Merkava" and retreat?
                  If you do not understand, I will repeat, but more clearly ..
                  the result is as follows
                  Nasral requested a truce and agreed to Israel's terms and returned the bodies of the captured soldiers.
                  15 years in the north of Israel it was quiet and residents did not hear the siren signals
                  Nasrallah has been hiding in basements for 15 years.
                  Hezbalah violated the ceasefire agreement and Israel flies freely in Lebanon and the UN is silent.

                  It took 54 days to achieve this result.
                  This operation was launched after the killing of four IDF fighters and the kidnapping of two of them.
                  and not for the sake of helping someone and testing their weapons in foreign territory for 6 years.
                  Quote: APASUS
                  Looks like you really have head problems there.

                  1. -1
                    6 August 2021 11: 19
                    Quote: Vitaly Gusin
                    I am not boasting, but explaining in detail to your question.
                    and in which country did Israel begin to suffer losses of the "Merkava" and retreat?
                    If you do not understand, I will repeat, but more clearly ..

                    Looks like I got to the point, your reaction is so ambiguous. I did not ask about where you lost your Merkavas. I just pointed out to you that your air force is violating the border of the sovereign state of Lebanon, and you are trying to flaunt it.
                    1. 0
                      6 August 2021 12: 43
                      Quote: APASUS
                      I just pointed out to you that your air force is violating the border of the sovereign state of Lebanon, and you are trying to flaunt it.

                      I WILL EXPLAIN ONCE AGAIN.
                      Second Lebanese War The war ended by agreement of the two sides.
                      And was accepted RESOLUTION 1701 (2006),
                      accepted Security Council at its 5511th meeting
                      from 11 August 2006 year
                      I will not cite it in full, but only what concerns your indignation.
                      - taking security measures to prevent the resumption of hostilities, including the creation of an area between the Blue Line and the Litani River free of any armed personnel, forces and equipment and weapons, except those related to the forces of the Lebanese government and UNIFIL deployed in the area as provided for in paragraph 11;

                      I brought a map where you can see the area where any military formations are prohibited except for the Lebanese army and UNIFIL.
                      But the fact is there are Hizbalah and Palestinian militias (i.e. they violated resolution 1701)
                      And even they dared to shell a peaceful Israeli city three times this year.
                      Therefore, Israel has every right DO WHAT HE DOES
                      And the world community does not see this as a violation on the part of Israel, in contrast to YOU.
                      1. -1
                        6 August 2021 12: 48
                        Quote: Vitaly Gusin
                        Therefore, Israel has every right to DO WHAT IT DOES
                        And the world community does not see this as a violation on the part of Israel, unlike YOU

                        And you are stubborn in your justification.
                        Israeli Air Force missile strikes on targets in the vicinity of the Syrian capital Damascus killed three civilians, and four more, including a child, were wounded by shrapnel from downed Israeli missiles, the Syrian news agency SANA reported on Monday. April 27. The report notes that the strikes were carried out from Lebanese airspace, most of the Israeli missiles were intercepted.

                        You were fired on from Lebanon and you decided to blast Syria for one thing.
                      2. 0
                        6 August 2021 12: 54
                        Quote: APASUS
                        And you are stubborn in your excuse

                        This is the topic.
                        Israel explained the reason for the air strikes on Lebanon
                        And I explained it to you very clearly.
                        You understood and jumped to another topic
                        But this, I YOU I will explain after the attack on the embraced by the IRGC in Syria.
          2. -1
            5 August 2021 13: 08
            Quote: Vitaly Gusin
            Israel offered to assist Lebanon in resolving the worst humanitarian crisis in the country.

            Poor Israel !!! Libya was the only one to help! That there is some kind of Syria with a dozen years of war ... On the other hand, it’s right, it’s cheaper to "yakat", they say, we stuck in once, a little bit of a numbness, we shot, and here is Syria !!! Yes, she was sausage a lot of countries - for what should Israel be responsible for all? !!! There is logic! good Yes
            1. +2
              5 August 2021 17: 41
              Quote: Babay Atasovich
              Poor Israel !!!

              In which economic survey did you see poor Israel?
              Quote: Babay Atasovich
              Help only Libya and that's enough!

              Libya, this is your headache.
              Israel even had enough money to pay Russia for the delivery of Sputnik to Syria.
              1. -4
                5 August 2021 20: 09
                Well, for that matter, the chegoit is not visible to the convoys of road trains to a neighbor who has been democratized for so many years with the help of ISIS and its derivatives, with humanitarian aid to help! laughing THERE are no people or only the Russian Federation should help people with their former favorite of the West, but later with the label of a tyrant ??? For me - the ONLY country where Christians, Buddhists, Muslims and, imagine, Jews can pray in any altar !!! They don't give a fuck who came to church, senagogue or mosque - God is One! I am not a believer, but from the bottom of my heart I respect true believers, they have to believe in WHAT! But this is WHAT many turn into politics and interpret to please themselves!
              2. 0
                5 August 2021 20: 32
                Quote: Vitaly Gusin
                Libya, this is your headache.

                Libya, Lebanon, Syria is YOUR headache with the Russian Federation, we do not even have the Taliban, but "from nowhere" "with the help of whom" the thrown ISIS members are a HEADACHE FOR US !!! And for the same Taliban, I hope so ... There should be one master! wink
            2. +3
              5 August 2021 18: 20
              Quote: Babay Atasovich
              ! Libya was the only one to help!

              Quote: Babay Atasovich
              and they, at the next call through Libya to Syria

              What have you got to the bottom of Libya ?! It's about Lebanon!
              1. +3
                5 August 2021 18: 46
                Quote: Ruslan67
                What have you got to the bottom of Libya ?! It's about Lebanon

                Well, why like this, just below the belt?
                Great guys!
                1. +1
                  5 August 2021 20: 25
                  Quote: stalkerwalker
                  Great guys!

                  Healthy! drinks Really now I'm tyapnu because of the Uryashniki of the Russian Federation and the Patriots of Israel! laughing
              2. 0
                5 August 2021 20: 13
                Quote: Ruslan67

                What have you got to the bottom of Libya ?! It's about Lebanon!

                Sorry, T9 is not cut down (unobtrusive service), and sometimes you do not have time to control it - my pain request
          3. -3
            5 August 2021 14: 30
            The shelling was humanitarian aid for the Lebanese !? Then why are you complaining about humanitarian aid from your neighbors?
        2. +3
          5 August 2021 09: 42
          Quote: Babay Atasovich
          And he cares for the safety of the citizens of Israel!

          Who is against it. But while protecting the peace of its citizens, Israel manages to lay in parallel, a couple more conflicts
          Quote: Babay Atasovich
          He doesn't give a damn about the chaos in the neighboring country.

          Here is the problem.
      2. +2
        5 August 2021 15: 19
        Quote: APASUS
        Why are you so concerned about the truth and here you make such a blunder as violating the borders of Lebanon with the Israeli Air Force?

        Before entering into a discussion, you need to know the subject.
        RESOLUTION 1701 (2006),
        Adopted by the Security Council at its 5511 meeting
        from 11 August 2006 year
        I will not cite it in full, but only as regards your indignation.
        - taking security measures to prevent the resumption of hostilities, including the creation of an area between the Blue Line and the Litani River free of any armed personnel, forces and equipment and armaments other than those of the Government of Lebanon and UNIFIL deployed in the area, as provided for in paragraph 11;

        In this area smoking Hizbalah is located, but they have advanced units and weapons there. Therefore, Israel also does not comply with this decision.
        Therefore, everyone is silent, except for those who do not tell the TRUTH!
        1. 0
          5 August 2021 21: 05
          Quote: Vitaly Gusin
          RESOLUTION 1701 (2006),
          Adopted by the Security Council at its 5511 meeting

          do not make me laugh!!! Think of Yugoslavia and below on the list! UN!!! Everyone has already paid attention to him! laughing
          1. +2
            5 August 2021 21: 44
            Quote: Babay Atasovich
            do not make me laugh!!!

            Yes, I agree, but in this situation it helped stop Lebanon from total destruction and there was no fighting for at least 15 years. And for Israel, this is a long time.
            1. 0
              5 August 2021 21: 48
              Okay, let's finish the uselessness - to me .... your and RF problems!
    5. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  8. -4
    5 August 2021 08: 21
    Quote: Author
    Striking at night has long been a tradition for Israeli combat aircraft ... Israel Air Force planes
    "Attacked only those targets that posed a threat to Israeli security."

    I will not mention the concept of "terrorist state", everyone knows that, the danger of Israel for others (and for Israel itself) is primarily in its unpredictability - today we saw a "threat to Israeli security" in Lebanon, tomorrow in Iran, the day after tomorrow in Russia ...
    all this gives rise to a desire among Israel's neighbors to protect themselves from a toxic neighbor \ _ (ツ) _ /
    1. -6
      5 August 2021 08: 47
      Quote: Gunter
      Quote: Author
      Striking at night has long been a tradition for Israeli combat aircraft ... Israel Air Force planes
      "Attacked only those targets that posed a threat to Israeli security."

      I will not mention the concept of "terrorist state", everyone knows that, the danger of Israel for others (and for Israel itself) is primarily in its unpredictability - today we saw a "threat to Israeli security" in Lebanon, tomorrow in Iran, the day after tomorrow in Russia ...
      all this gives rise to a desire among Israel's neighbors to protect themselves from a toxic neighbor \ _ (ツ) _ /

      Yes Yes. Wolves shameful decided to protect themselves from the horns of the bull, which they want to devour. lol
    2. AUL
      5 August 2021 10: 17
      Quote: Gunter
      the danger of Israel for others (and for Israel itself), first of all, in its unpredictability

      Something, Heinrich, your logic is not right! Everything here is absolutely predictable - they fired at Israel, so get a response. Yes, it would also be good on a 3: 1 scale, so that suddenly a number of people were discouraged.
      I wonder how you would react if Pskov, for example, were fired upon from Estonia? Or Berdyansk - from Mongolia? Would you turn the other cheek? So Jews are not Christians, they don't read the Bible, they have a Torah. wink Their logic is simple: fromеcling everything from us, and we will not touch anyone. But if touched - get a response. Everything is extremely simple.
  9. +5
    5 August 2021 08: 53
    Hmm ... they wanted one sovereign country to be bombed, they wanted another. And the Russians cannot deploy troops near their borders, just a pig squeal! I can’t even imagine what a stench it would be now if a pair of Su34 bombed the armed forces in order to force them to fight terrorists and fascists on their territory.
    1. +1
      5 August 2021 09: 12
      Quote: Marachuh
      Hmm ... they wanted one sovereign country to be bombed, they wanted another. And the Russians cannot deploy troops near their borders, just a pig squeal! I can’t even imagine what a stench it would be now if a pair of Su34 bombed the armed forces in order to force them to fight terrorists and fascists on their territory.

      Did I miss something? APU bombarded with hail Krasnodar or Rostov? And Donetsk region is still not the territory of the Russian Federation. There you can only use horse-drawn Buryat submariners to act - but not like Su34.
      1. -1
        5 August 2021 14: 25
        I'll probably tell you a secret, but yes, they fired at! And ammunition from the side of the ruins fell on the territory of the Rostov region! Any questions?
    2. -1
      5 August 2021 10: 16
      Quote: Marachuh
      Hmm ... they wanted one sovereign country to be bombed, they wanted another. And the Russians cannot deploy troops near their borders, just a pig squeal!

      Give at least ONE example of ANYONE of Israel's reaction to the deployment of Russian troops ANYWHERE except Syria.

      Quote: Marachuh
      if a pair of Su34 bombed the armed forces in order to force them to fight terrorists and fascists on their territory.

      Then Israel will frankly do not care. Not even mentioned in the media.
  10. Cat
    5 August 2021 08: 58
    How is the military operation explained in the IDF command?

    Personal dislike?
    1. 0
      5 August 2021 09: 13
      Quote: Gato
      How is the military operation explained in the IDF command?

      Personal dislike?

      The heat is exhausting. I'm tired of everything.
      1. Cat
        5 August 2021 15: 47
        I'm tired of everything.

        Have you tried cold beer?
        1. +1
          5 August 2021 16: 25
          Quote: Gato
          I'm tired of everything.

          Have you tried cold beer?

          Completed stage. Only hard liquor or cocky herb.
          1. Cat
            5 August 2021 20: 04
            badass grass

            Um .. Now the reason for the personal enmity is clear.
  11. -3
    5 August 2021 09: 19
    Israeli Air Force planes "attacked only those targets that posed a threat to Israeli security." And no more! No one else was touched with a finger ... and a "finger" too ... Moreover, the Government of Lebanon was then informed the address of the building where the cat abandoned the kittens! "All is well, lovely marquise!"
  12. +1
    5 August 2021 09: 27
    Israel's interests began to resemble those of the Gopniks. There is nothing surprising here - what curators, and such wards.
    The fact is that no one else in the world speaks Hebrew, and Judaism does not preach. There are practically no common points of contact ... request
    And why don't these Arabs like them? Maybe something with the mentality? To live happily ever after at the expense of observing only one's own interests and requests, notifying the world community about manifestations of aggression on a whim - isn't this the essence of all strife?
    1. -2
      5 August 2021 10: 28
      Quote: ROSS 42
      what curators, such and wards

      Yes Yes. Remind me who was and remains the main curator of all "revolutionary fighters" who do not like the United States, but like to arrange terrorist attacks, from Africa to South America? Who raised dozens of barmaley of all stripes, from Lumumba to the Red Brigades? wink
      You and the Yankees are no different. John = Ivan.

      Quote: ROSS 42
      And why don't these Arabs like them?

      Why doesn't the whole world love you?
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Maybe something with the mentality?


      Quote: ROSS 42
      To live happily ever after at the expense of observing only one's own interests and requests, notifying the world community about manifestations of aggression on a whim - isn't this the essence of all strife?

      In fact, this is how 85% of the UN members see you. Remind me of the balance of votes on resolution A / RES / 68/262?

      Although I know what you will answer:

      1. -1
        5 August 2021 13: 48
        Quote: And Us Rat
        Who raised dozens of barmaley of all stripes, from Lumumba to the Red Brigades?

        Here you distorted. The concentration camps were invented by the Northerners, and the Southerners and Hitler were tried, Stalin blessed the one-eyed bitch, and now for Israel he is enemy number one! ISIS, the Taliban and the rest of the zbrod, which is no longer terrorizing the locality, not the country, the very "whole World" - have these harmful KGB agents also muddied it? laughing Not for everyone, but "the whole World !!!" it knows and supports! wink
  13. +2
    5 August 2021 09: 30
    Quote: avib
    Did I miss something? APU bombarded with hail Krasnodar or Rostov? And Donetsk region is still not the territory of the Russian Federation.

    The Ukrainian Armed Forces fired at the territory of Russia - there were casualties among the citizens of Russia.
    on the territory of Novorossiya 639000 citizens of Russia, civilians are dying under the shelling of Banderlog, among the dead are our citizens.
  14. +2
    5 August 2021 09: 51
    "The training of a regular brigade takes from one and a half to two years. But, unfortunately, you do not have this time. The course of a young soldier takes 6-7 months. I think that, given that most of the guys have passed the ATO, they have combat experience. , we can handle it in 4
    months ", - said the Israeli instructor Victor Verzner.
    1. -3
      5 August 2021 10: 35
      Quote: Gunter
      "The training of a regular brigade takes from one and a half to two years. But, unfortunately, you do not have this time. The course of a young soldier takes 6-7 months. I think that, given that most of the guys have passed the ATO, they have combat experience. , we can handle it in 4
      months ", - said the Israeli instructor Victor Verzner.

      Lazha. Bayan 7 years ago. Pshik from scratch, fake, after which nothing happened.
      But what really happened. fellow
      1. -2
        5 August 2021 14: 52
        Quote: And Us Rat
        But what really happened.
        Jack27 / 47780

        on the thief and the hat is on:
        "Thousands of Israelis are sitting and indignant in different Facebook groups against the aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine"
        these indignant Israeli Nazis train Banderlog to kill civilians, like Gaza ...
        1. +2
          5 August 2021 18: 44
          Quote: Gunter
          thousands of Israelis sit and resent in different Facebook groups the aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine

          А Ukrainian Jews should support Russia? fool

          Quote: Gunter
          these indignant Israeli Nazis train Banderlog to kill civilians

          Natsik here only you.
  15. -2
    5 August 2021 10: 03
    that 4 Israelis needed medical assistance due to the fact that they were in a state of shock - "in connection with rocket attacks and the sounds of a warning siren."
    pants changed laughing
  16. +5
    5 August 2021 10: 20
    Great presentation of the material in the editorial!
    I would not know what was the matter, I would not have understood why Israel was roaming there.
    On August 4, at about 12:15 pm, the northern border towns were fired upon by rockets from Lebanese territory. In Kiryat Shmona, Tel Khay and Kfar Giladi in the north of the country, signals sounded announcing rocket attacks.
    In Israel, it is believed that the shelling was carried out by militants of one of the Palestinian terrorist groups operating in southern Lebanon.

    In response, IDF artillery struck targets in southern Lebanon.

    According to the Lebanese TV channel Al-Manar, IDF artillery fired at targets near Majayun, as well as northeast of Al-Naqura (Armiz Hill). Targets in the areas of Tayr Harf, Rashaya al-Fukhar, Ebel al-Saki, Al-Khabariya, Kafr Shuba and Shebaa farms were also fired at.

    Now the UN will get more in the neck. There are 15 UNIFIL soldiers sticking out there. The territory from which Israel was fired is their area of ​​responsibility. They are there in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution No. 000 precisely in order to prevent such incidents.
    This year, Israeli territory came under rocket fire from southern Lebanon on 20 July, 19 May, 17 May and 13 May.
    1. -1
      5 August 2021 13: 35
      Quote: A. Privalov
      Now the UN will also get it in the neck.

      laughing I beg of you!!! South Ossetia - who needed Russian peacekeepers in the WHOLE WORLD ?! In the Central African Republic - what is the use of them at all? !!! About NATO's spit on him, I just keep quiet laughing Was Israel not afraid to hit them? wink Who is interested in him at all now? wassat
      1. +4
        5 August 2021 14: 13
        Quote: Babay Atasovich
        Was Israel not afraid to hit them?

        No, I was not afraid.
        They were given the signal "DRP" (Let's guys hide).
        1. +1
          5 August 2021 14: 17
          "A minute before the strike," and then: "who did not hide - I am not to blame!" good laughing drinks
  17. Maz
    5 August 2021 11: 08
    Quote: Vitaly Gusin
    Quote: Babay Atasovich
    He doesn't give a damn about the chaos in the neighboring country.

    The fact that you are floating in the mainstream of propaganda. it's your business
    But don't hang "noodles" on others.
    Israel offered aid to Lebanon

    Israel offered to help Lebanon in resolving the country's worst humanitarian crisis. This was announced today by Israeli Defense Minister Beni Gantz. The proposal was passed on to Lebanon through the UN peacekeeping contingent stationed in Lebanon. The press release of Gantz also indicated that Israel is concerned about the attempts of the Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah to attract Iranian investments to Lebanon.

    Well, you are a ltsemer Gushchin, and Israel is a pervert, Do you not understand why? For Lebanon to agree to Israel's deliberately rejected offer It's like a Jew to accept help from an SS man who worked in Mauthausen, Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, and Israel knew perfectly well that to accept his offer Lebanon cannot. But he replicated his steam very petty - the Jewish state, they say, are the angels of the world with the F-35, submarines with nuclear missiles on board and an arsenal of warheads in the Negev. So it doesn't work.
    1. +7
      5 August 2021 13: 03
      Quote: Maz
      Well, you are a ltsemer Gushchin, and Israel is a pervert, Do you not understand why? For Lebanon to agree to Israel's deliberately rejected offer It's like a Jew to accept help from an SS man who worked in Mauthausen, Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, and Israel knew perfectly well that to accept his offer Lebanon cannot. But he replicated his steam very petty - the Jewish state, they say, are the angels of the world with the F-35, submarines with nuclear missiles on board and an arsenal of warheads in the Negev. So it doesn't work.

      Tell me, Maz, is it not hypocrisy to accept a quite tangible living allowance plus money for renting an apartment (albeit not very large ones), free vaccinations against covid, and so on.

      You are apparently right.
      Israel is a pervert if it accepts such haters outgoing with malice, hatred and bile, and even pays them an allowance.
      1. +6
        5 August 2021 13: 08
        The maintenance and assimilation of each repatriate costs the Jewish state $ 30-50 thousand. So, for the information of the non-Jewish people. And to Mazu's note.
        1. +2
          5 August 2021 16: 38
          Quote: Shahno
          The maintenance and assimilation of each repatriate costs the Jewish state $ 30-50 thousand. So, for the information of the non-Jewish people.

          Good day!
          I don’t understand what I’m talking about, Pavel?
          It is a strategic investment that will begin to bring net benefits to Israel, starting with the children of the returnees.
          Quote: Shahno
          And Mazu to note.

          His grandchildren will beat everything off with a gesheft. bully
      2. +5
        5 August 2021 21: 32
        but paid attention to this time. Maz has an amazing ability to completely deaf (or go blind) with such a question.
  18. 0
    5 August 2021 14: 21
    Quote: avib
    Quote: Marachuh
    Hmm ... they wanted one sovereign country to be bombed, they wanted another. And the Russians cannot deploy troops near their borders, just a pig squeal! I can’t even imagine what a stench it would be now if a pair of Su34 bombed the armed forces in order to force them to fight terrorists and fascists on their territory.

    Did I miss something? APU bombarded with hail Krasnodar or Rostov? And Donetsk region is still not the territory of the Russian Federation. There you can only use horse-drawn Buryat submariners to act - but not like Su34.

    Of course I missed it. At the beginning of the civil war in Ukraine, the shells of the Ukrainian Armed Forces quite flew to the Rostov region.
  19. +1
    6 August 2021 10: 41
    A beautiful car after all, the F-15!
  20. 0
    7 August 2021 19: 27
    Also a reason for offense.))
  21. 0
    21 August 2021 10: 14
    "It must exercise control over its territories and engage in countering terrorist activity."
    Here, probably, Lebanon is offered to acquire all the necessary air defense equipment to obstruct the flights of Israeli aircraft over its territory?