Is the Free Syrian Army revolutionary or who is fighting against Syria?

Is the Free Syrian Army revolutionary or who is fighting against Syria?At a time when the Western press presents the Free Syrian Army as an armed revolutionary organization, for more than a year, Tierry Meyss has not ceased to state that, on the contrary, we are talking about a counter-revolutionary formation. According to him, this organization gradually passed from the hands of the reactionary monarchies of the Persian Gulf under the control of Turkey, acting in the interests of NATO. Such an assertion requires substantiated evidence ...

During the 18 months, Syria is in the grip of distemper, which does not cease to increase and develops into an armed conflict, causing the death of almost 20000 people. There are no disagreements on this issue, and as for rumors and opinions, they differ greatly.

Western countries and their media make it clear that Syrians allegedly want to live in a European way, that is, in a market democracy. Following the example of Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, they rose to fight with their dictator Bashar al-Assad. The latter suppressed the demonstrations in the blood. At a time when the Western powers want to intervene and put an end to these killings, Russia and China, for the sake of their own interests and disregarding the lives of people, are opposed to this.

On the contrary, all states that are not converted to vassals of the United States and their media believe that the United States has launched a pre-planned military operation against Syria. First, through the mediation of their allies in this region, and then directly themselves, they introduced armed gangs into the country, which destabilized the situation in it by analogy with the Contra gangs in Nicaragua. However, the latter found only weak support from the population and were defeated, while Russia and China prevented NATO from destroying the Syrian army and thus did not allow to change the balance of forces in the region.

Who is right and who is wrong?

Armed units in Syria do not protect democracy, they fight against it

First, the presentation of the Syrian events as an episode of the “Arab Spring” is nothing more than an illusion, since this “spring” has no valid reason. This is just a propaganda move, the purpose of which is to profitably present the disparate facts. If in Tunisia, Yemen and Bahrain indeed there have been popular demonstrations, then this has not happened in either Egypt or Libya. Street demonstrations took place only in the capital and only the capital bourgeoisie participated in them, and the Egyptian people never considered themselves to be involved in a theatrical performance on Tahrir Square [1]. There was no political disagreement in Libya. There was a Cyrenaica separatist movement against the power of Tripoli, followed by a NATO military invasion that cost the lives of 160 000 people.

The NourTV station in Lebanon successfully conducted a series of programs by Hassan Hamad and George Rahme entitled "The Arab Spring from Lawrence Arabi to Bernard-Henry Levy." The authors develop in them the idea that the "Arab Spring" is a new version of the performance of the "Arab uprising" 1916-1918, organized by the British against the Ottoman Empire. This time, the Western powers manipulated the situation and brought the Muslim brothers to power. Indeed, the "Arab Spring" provides for the creation of false public opinion. Now Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and the Gaza Strip are ruled by a single brotherhood, which, on the one hand, establishes the same moral principles, and on the other hand, it supports Zionism and pseudo-liberal capitalism, that is, the interests of Israel and the Anglo-Saxons. The illusion cleared. Some authors, such as the Syrian Said Hilal Alsharifi, mockingly call it "the NATO spring."

Secondly, the leaders of the National Syrian Council (NSS), who are at the head of the Free Syrian Army (PAS), can in no way be considered democrats in the sense that they support "the government of the people, with the help of the people and for the people" in accordance with the wording of Abraham Lincoln, borrowed from the French constitution.

For example, the first president of the NSS was Burkhan Shaliun, who graduated from the University of Paris. He was not at all "the Syrian opposition, persecuted by the regime", as he came and moved freely in his own country. He was also not, as he claims, a “secular intellectual”, since he was a political adviser to Algerian Abbasi Madani, president of the Islamic Liberation Front (IPF), who is now in exile in Qatar.

His successor, Abdel Basset Cid [2], came into politics just a few months ago and immediately showed himself to be a simple executor of American orders. After he was appointed head of the NSS, he did not undertake to defend the will of his people, but began to fulfill the “road map” that Washington developed for Syria: The Day after.

The fighters of the Free Syrian Army are by no means fighters for democracy. They recognize the spiritual authority of Sheikh Adnan al-Arura, a Takfirist preacher, who calls for the overthrow and assassination of Bashar al-Assad not for political reasons, but only because he is an Alawite, that is, a heretic in his view. All FSA commanders are Sunni, and all FSA brigades bear the names of Sunni historical persons. The "revolutionary tribunals" of the FSA condemn to death their political opponents (and not only the supporters of Bashar al-Assad) and the wicked, whom they execute in public by cutting their throats. The FSA program envisages ending the secular regime established by the Baath Party, the PSNP and the Communists, and establishing a purely Sunni confessional regime.

Syrian conflict was deliberately provoked by Western powers.

The intention of the Western powers to end Syria is known to all, and it fully explains the events taking place there. Here we recall a few facts that leave no doubt about the intentional nature of these events [3].

The decision to unleash a war in Syria was made by President George W. Bush during a meeting at Kemp David 15 September 2001, just after the spectacular events in New York and Washington. However, it was decided to carry out a military invasion in Libya, to show the ability to fight simultaneously in two theaters of military operations. This decision was witnessed by the testimony of General Wesley Clark, the former Supreme Commander of NATO, who did not agree with him.

After the fall of Baghdad in 2003, the US Congress passed two laws, representing the President of the United States on how to prepare one war against Libya and the other against Syria (Syria Accountability Act).

In 2004, Washington accused Syria of storing stocks in its territory. weapons mass destruction, which was never found in Iraq. This accusation completely failed when it was recognized that these weapons never existed and served only as a pretext for conquering Iraq.

In the 2005 year after the assassination of Rafik Hariri, Washington tried to enter the war with Syria, but he failed because Syria withdrew its troops from Lebanon. The United States fabricated false evidence against President al-Assad of organizing the assassination and created an extraordinary international tribunal to try him. However, in the end, they were forced to drop their false accusations after their manipulations became clear to everyone.

In 2006, the United States began to prepare the "Syrian revolution", creating the Syria Democracy Program. It was about creating and financing pro-Western opposition groups (such as the Justice and Development Movement). Secret funding for the CIA through the California Democracy Council has been added to official state department funding.

In the same year 2005, the United States agreed with Israel to start a war with Lebanon in the hope of drawing Syria into it in order to start a war with it. However, Hezbollah’s lightning win thwarted the plan.

In 2007, Israel attacked Syria by bombarding a military facility (Operation Orhard). But Damascus this time kept his composure and did not allow himself to be drawn into the war. The latest revisions of the International Atomic Energy Agency showed that we are not talking about nuclear facilities, as claimed by the Israelis.

In a 2008 year at a meeting that NATO annually organizes under the name of the Bilderberg Group, Arab Reform Initiative director Basma Kodmani and Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik director Volker Perthes briefly outlined the economic and political advantages of Alliance’s possible European military intervention to the American-European club of influential people. Syria.

In 2009, the CIA launched such propaganda tools against Syria as the BaradaTV channel in London and OrientTV in Dubai.

Add to this meeting, which was held in Cairo at the end of the first half of February, with the participation of John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Bernard-Henry Levy, the Libyans of Mahmoud Jibril (then the second person in the Jamahiriya government), the Syrians of Malik al-Abdeh and Amar Kurabi . This meeting was the signal for the simultaneous start of secret operations in Libya and Syria (February 15 in Benghazi and 17 in Damascus).

In February, the Department of State Department of Defense and the Department of Defense created the working group The Day After. Supporting a democratic transition in Syria (next Day. Supporting democratic transformations in Syria), which developed a new constitution for the Syrian government and a government program [2012].

In May 2012, NATO and the countries of the Persian Gulf created the Syrian People’s Brothers Working Group on Economic Support and Development, chaired by Germany and the United Arab Emirates. Syrian-British economist Ossam al-Qadi suggested then sharing Syrian wealth among the three member countries of the coalition for use on The Day After (that is, the day after the overthrow of the current government by NATO and the Persian Gulf) [5].

Revolutionaries or counterrevolutionaries?

Armed groups are not the result of the peaceful demonstrations that took place in February 2012. These demonstrations actually condemned corruption and demanded greater freedom, while the armed groups, as we have seen above, have Islamic roots.

The deep economic crisis that has broken out in recent decades has hurt the village hard. It was due to poor harvests, which were mistakenly perceived as temporary difficulties, whereas they were the result of long-term climate change. They were supplemented by errors in the conduct of economic reforms that disorganized the primary sector of the economy. This was followed by a massive outflow of the rural population, which the government was able to resist, and the departure of a part of the peasants to sects, to which the government did not attach much importance. In many regions, the rural population was not concentrated in the villages, but lived on isolated farms, and no one gave these phenomena proper importance until the victims of them united.

Ultimately, despite the fact that Syrian society embodied the paradigm of religious tolerance, the movement of takhiris originated in it. It created the ground for the emergence of armed groups. The latter were generously funded by Wahhabi monarchies (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Sharjah) [6].

This triggered the arrival of new militants, among which you can find relatives of victims of mass repressions of the failed bloody coup of Muslim Brotherhood in 1982. Often they are guided not by ideological principles, but by personal moods. They are based on revenge.

They were joined by many gangsters and convicted persons attracted by easy money: the salary of each “revolutionary” is seven times higher than the average salary in the country.

Finally, professional militants are arriving from Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya and Iraq. In the forefront among them are the people of Al Qaeda from Libya under the personal guidance of Abdelhakim Belhadj [7]. The media represents him as a jihadist, which does not apply to him, because Islam has nothing to do with the war with the Muslim Brotherhood. First of all, they are just mercenaries.

The media of the Western powers and the countries of the Persian Gulf have been tirelessly reiterating the presence of deserters in the SSA. Of course, they are there, but it is not true that they deserted after they refused to participate in the suppression of political demonstrations. The deserters in question are almost always in such cases. In the end, in the army, numbering 300000 people will definitely find their religious fanatics and their gangsters.

Armed groups use the Syrian flag with a green stripe (instead of red) and three stars (instead of two). The Western press calls it the “flag of independence” because it was the national flag during the country's independence in 1946. In fact, we are talking about the national flag in the period from 1932 to 1958, when France granted the country a formal independence. Three stars symbolize the three confessions of the colonial period (alawits, Druze and Christians). Using this flag does not mean waving a revolutionary symbol. On the contrary, this means the desire to continue the colonial project, that is, to implement the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 and to carry out the restructuring of the “expanded Middle East”.

Over the 18 months of hostilities, these armed groups were structured and became more or less manageable. At this stage, the vast majority came under Turkish command under the trademark of the Free Syrian Army. In reality, they turned into an appendage of NATO, and the headquarters of the SSA even located on the territory of the NATO air force base in Insirl. The most ardent Islamists formed their own formations or joined al-Qaida. They are controlled by Qatar or the sidedeer branch of the Saudi royal family [8]. De facto they are associated with the CIA.

This gradual transition from the impoverishment of peasants to the influx of mercenaries into the country resembles the well-known events in Nicaragua when the CIA organized the Contras to overthrow the Sandinistas or when the CIA organized a military operation on the coast of Cuba in the Bay of Pigs to overthrow the supporters of Fidel Castro. This model is today guided by armed Syrian groups: in May 2012, in Miami, Cuban Contras organized training seminars for Syrian colleagues to conduct counter-revolutionary operations [9].

The CIA methods are the same everywhere. The Syrian Contras, for example, concentrated their actions, first, on creating the main bases (but none of them could resist, even the Islamic Emirate Baba Amr), then on economic sabotage (destruction of infrastructures and fires at large factories) and, finally, terrorism (the crash of passenger trains, terrorist acts in crowded places with the help of cars filled with explosives, the killing of religious political and military leaders).

As a result, a part of the Syrian people, which could have sympathy for the armed groups at the beginning of the events, believing that they represented an alternative to the existing government, gradually broke off any connection with them.

Not surprisingly, the goal of the Battle of Damascus was to bring into the capital of 7000 militants scattered throughout the country, and mercenaries in full combat readiness in the border areas. Numerous columns of pickups, preferring the desert roads, tens of thousands of Syrian Contras tried to penetrate into the country. Some of them were stopped by aerial bombardment and were forced to go back. Others, having seized the border posts, reached the capital. But there they did not find the popular support they had hoped for. On the contrary, the residents themselves helped the soldiers of the national Army to identify and destroy them. As a result, they were forced to retreat and declare that, in the absence of an opportunity to seize Damascus, they would capture Alep. On top of that, this suggests that they are neither rebels of Damascus, nor Alep, but foreign militants.

Contra penetration through the desert near Dera

Speaking of the unpopularity of the armed groups, one should dwell on the popularity of the regular Syrian Army and the militia self-defense units. The National Syrian Army is an army in which one serves by conscription, therefore, it is a people's army, and it is impossible to imagine that it could serve as a means of political repression. More recently, the government allowed the creation of quarterly police units. Citizens were given weapons, and they pledged to devote 2 daily hours of personal time to protecting their quarter under military control.

Confuse the gift of God with scrambled eggs

At one time, President Reagan faced certain difficulties in trying to present his Contras as "revolutionaries." To do this, he had to create a whole propaganda structure, the Bureau of Public Diplomacy, which Otto Reich [10] was charged with leading. The latter bribed journalists in most of the media in America and Western Europe and began to stuff people with poisoned information. He launched, in particular, rumors that the Sandinists allegedly have chemical weapons and are about to start using them against their own people. Today, White House propaganda comes from the assistant to national security adviser for strategic relations, Ben Rhodes. Using well-forgotten old methods, he again spreads rumors about chemical weapons in order to discredit President Bashar al-Assad.

In cooperation with the British MI6, Rhodes managed to impose a ghost structure on the Western press agencies as the main source of information - the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SNS). The media have never wondered about the credibility of this structure, despite the fact that this council’s assertions have been repeatedly refuted by Arab League observers and UN observers. Moreover, this ghostly structure, which has neither room, nor personnel, nor expertise, has also become a source of information for European offices after the White House persuaded the withdrawal of their diplomatic staff from Syria.

Live correspondent Al-Jazeera Khaled Abu Saleh talking on the phone with the editors. He claims that Baba Amr was attacked by air and spreads this slander all over the world. Mr. Abu Saleh was invited by Francois Hollande to the 3 Conference of the Friends of Syria as an honored guest.

Ben Rhodes also organized a series of performances for journalists seeking thrills. Two television stations were installed, one in the office of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, and the other in the office of former Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora. The journalists, if they wanted to, were illegally transported, accompanied by guides, to the territory of Syria. For several months, they traveled from the Turkish border zone to a village in the mountains. There, they could produce videotapes with the participation of "revolutionaries" and "share their daily fate with the militants." To top it all, the most athletic of them could have visited, passing through the Lebanese border, the Islamic Emirate of Baba Amr.

It is very strange that many journalists themselves observed these monstrous falsifications, but did not draw any conclusions from this. So, one well-known photo reporter filmed "revolutionaries" Baba Amr, burning automobile tires, in order to squeeze in more black smoke and depict the bombardment of the city block. He distributed these images via Channel4 [11], claiming to have witnessed the bombing of Baba Amr, about which the Syrian Observatory on Human Rights told.

Or one more example. The New York Times reported that the photographs and video footage presented by the press service of the Syrian Free Army with images of gallant fighters are in fact fakes [12]. Military weapons turned out to be fake or, quite simply, it turned out to be children's toys. But this newspaper, nevertheless, continues to assure readers of the existence of an army of deserters numbering about 100000 people.

Reading the statements of the Syrian Free Army. Proud "deserters" are armed with children's toys.

According to the established rules, journalists prefer to lie once more than to admit that they are being manipulated. And if they know that they are being manipulated, it means that they consciously participate in spreading a lie, which is obvious to them. I want to know, dear reader, whether you want to close your eyes or decide to support the people of Syria in their fight against foreign aggression.
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  1. empty
    30 August 2012 10: 28
    Well, who would doubt it ... It's generally strange of course to see this Free Syrian Army with good weapons, a lot of ammunition, anti-tank weapons and air defense ... Support from abroad is there 100% winked
    In the West, of course, there is a very strong media company for "fooling" the townsfolk in terms of Assad, a dictator and a cannibal, and "white and fluffy" want to bring happiness to the Syrians winked
    1. Bismark
      30 August 2012 10: 44
      In Syria, citizens are waging an information war, which is not unimportant!
    2. +1
      30 August 2012 13: 22
      Already laid out this video, but who else has not seen repeat the link
      1. Bismark
        30 August 2012 18: 32
        Thank you for the video!
  2. +12
    30 August 2012 10: 33
    But what to breed here snot with refined sugar! A powerful group of terrorists and other rabble from all over the Middle East, northern Africa and even Central Asia and the Caucasus is fighting in Syria. These animals create the most ordinary bloody lawlessness under the gracious squealing of biased Western and Arab media. The West, using the hands of paid killers, under cover of false slogans and accusations, is trying to occupy another important bridgehead. And only animal fear of loss does not let the west into open conflict with the relatively strong Syrian army. If Syria did not have its defense potential there would have been garrisons of the most shitty killers under mattress flags.
    1. 0
      30 August 2012 17: 21
      You Dear BIG + !!
      Clearly, locally and most importantly, everything is truthfully said! And the fact that they are afraid of losses, and not only that 110%, otherwise they would have long ago dared Syria from the face of the earth. In the meantime, the heat is being raked by the wrong hands, unfinished fanatics of the 80s generation!
  3. +10
    30 August 2012 10: 42
    Is the Free Syrian Army revolutionary or who is fighting against Syria?

    1.Who is fighting against Syria - international capital
    2. Is the army revolutionary - the answer in paragraph 1
    1. empty
      30 August 2012 10: 44
      Quote: Apollon
      1.Who is fighting against Syria - international capital
      2. Is the army revolutionary - the answer in paragraph 1

      Tezizno, clear and true, just 5 plus. Additional confirmation of the aphorism "Brevity is the sister of talent" drinks
      1. +3
        30 August 2012 12: 09
        Thanks Alexey ............ I'm moved hi
  4. predator
    30 August 2012 10: 53
    In Syria, in fact, there is already a civil war. Sunnis against the Alawites, Shiites and Christians. B. Assad had to crush this speech in the bud.
    (The population of Syria is 20,2 million people (as of 2009). More than half of the Syrians are Sunnis, but the country has significant communities of Shiites, twelve, Ismailis, Nizaris and Alawites (16%), different directions of Christianity (10%) and the Ismailis.)
    1. +2
      30 August 2012 15: 25
      But after all, until the United States intervened in Syria, all religions lived together normally. Until someone from outside set fire to the fire of war.
  5. Yarbay
    30 August 2012 10: 56

    Quote: predator
    Sunnis against the Alawites, Shiites and Christians.

    This is so trying to imagine the state of affairs in the West!
    On the side of Assad, they are fighting, supporting power and the Sunnis, and there are many of them !!
    1. Gavrilon
      30 August 2012 11: 16
      Quote: Yarbay

      Greetings !!! I completely agree !!! Faith does not play much role when people understand that they want to plunge them into the bloody abyss of poverty of death and chaos.
      1. Yarbay
        30 August 2012 11: 47
        Anton besides there is no big difference between Sunnis and Shiites !!
        It’s just illiteracy and not knowledge of each other’s views, especially in countries
  6. +5
    30 August 2012 11: 12
    The fact that the amers support and finance the opposition in Syria, they do not even hide.

    Nonsense, they don’t even understand what they are doing, inserting a wedge between the Shiites and Sunnis, and between centuries the warring clans ...
    The world in the Arab segment is very fragile. There are no right and wrong people, this is not a Western way of life.

    Amer always, if they want to pick an apple from a tree, chop the whole apple tree, not thinking about the consequences.
    Examples: mass.
    If only the USA fed, educated, trained, equipped Al-Qaeda to fight the Soviet troops in Afghanistan. What is this feeding up right now? It makes the whole world cancer, including teachers, with terrorism. This is the East.

    These are still flowers ...
    Now, trying to fulfill their current goals: to seize, snatch, get rich, win the election, remove the unwanted, playing on religious feelings, old grievances and the thirst for power of the eastern clans, amers can blow up the whole Middle East.
    Little will not seem to anyone. It is from this region that the third world war can be born. And this is not a joke, no one will stand aside.
    The old woman Europe thinks to sit quietly in her ancient estates? No matter how. Have you been in the Old World for a long time? Have you seen the population? In Germany, an Arab caliphate is already roaming the streets, in France a full maghrib. In Finland (!!!) I saw women in a burqa on a ferry.

    You can not mindlessly touch that which is dangerous. You can’t upset the delicate balance when you don’t understand what it is based on. This is the East.
  7. Darck
    30 August 2012 11: 22
    I would like to know, dear reader, whether you want to close your eyes or decide to support the people of Syria in their struggle against foreign aggression.
    One system blames another system, and here you say do not believe that system, but believe ours. Honestly, all this smells of propaganda, both on this and that side .... So I’d better stay with my opinion.
  8. Novosibirsky
    30 August 2012 11: 22
    Is the Free Syrian Army revolutionary ..?

    Aha, revolutionary! Revolutionary armies seem to be formed from citizens of the state, and not from foreigners. It seems to me that they will want to try this scheme on us through the Caucasus. And this rag will be named after the example of the SSA in Syria - "CPA" - Free Russian Army. Which, in principle, is not surprising, CCA and CPA are names corresponding to the content ...
    1. +1
      30 August 2012 17: 06
      Quote: NovoSibirets
      It seems to me that this little scheme will be desired for us through the Caucasus.

      It was already. In Chechnya, there was no one.
  9. Nechai
    30 August 2012 11: 52
    Quote: Aleks tv
    Amer always, if they want to pick an apple from a tree, chop the whole apple tree, not thinking about the consequences.

    Alexey, this is generally a distinctive feature of the Anglo-Saxon mentality. Constantly manifests itself in their life and business. "Live one day, and you will be happy."
    Quote: NovoSibirets
    It seems to me that this little scheme will be desired for us through the Caucasus.

    It has long been used. And not only in the Caucasus. There, so far they have succeeded with greater success than in the same Bashkiria or Tatarstan, for example.
    1. Novosibirsky
      30 August 2012 11: 59
      Quote: Nechai
      It has been used for a long time. And not only in the Caucasus.

      It’s clear that for a long time. I had in mind the consolidated roll-up, as they say by all means. It will only become possible after Iran. Otherwise, it is not very effective so far.
      1. Yarbay
        30 August 2012 12: 12
        Quote: NovoSibirets
        It is only after Iran that it will become possible

        Very often they write such a thing, but no one has answered my question that after Iran has not changed dramatically yet?
        Can you enlighten ??
        Does Russia have a land border with Iran?
        Russia does not border the NATO countries for years ??
        1. Novosibirsky
          30 August 2012 14: 14
          After Iran, in my humble opinion, subversive elements in the regions, especially in the Caucasus, are sharply intensifying, and we are expecting a sharp rise in the level of separatism in the regions, even in such stable ones as Siberia. The trial balloon has already been abandoned, the movement "We are Siberians", declaring the identity of the Siberian ethnos, proposing to put in the censuses the nationality not "Russian", but "Siberian", and other nonsense. I'm not even talking about the South of Russia, the Caucasus. I am convinced that the situation in Dagestan, Ingushetia, Chechnya will become more complicated to a critical level, it will simply blaze. Abkhazia and North Ossetia will inflame again. And further on an ascending basis. In the wake of these events, the Russian political arena will heat up inside. The national question will rise to a new, completely unknown hitherto level, I do not exclude pogroms, murders and other delights. Provocations are everywhere. In the west, there is anti-Russian hysteria, a fall in the ruble exchange rate, social protests, riots. The coming to power in the regions of centrifugal forces and leaders, as a result of independence referendums, military campaigns, and the star rushed over the bumps. laughing (I don’t predict any immediate intervention by a bloc such as NATO, there are no fools, everyone remembers the half-life of uranium).

          How's the prospect? laughing IMHO, in the victory of developed capitalism there are no obstacles. In fact, we are the only state left on the path of the pestilence of capital. If they fail to buy (of which I am not sure), they will certainly begin to democratize. China does not count, the Chinese are not warriors, but to agree or move is in their philosophy.
          1. Yarbay
            30 August 2012 18: 57
            In principle, you are writing a pretty possible option, but again I did not receive an answer !!
            Quote: NovoSibirets

            After Iran
            and where does Iran ??
            How will Iran be able to influence the possible events you describe and with what ??
            Is everything that you described can be done only after an attack on Iran ??
            And again, how can Iran be used against Russia on such a scale?
            1. Novosibirsky
              30 August 2012 20: 16
              Quote: Yarbay
              and where does Iran ??

              Probably a dissertation can be written on this topic, Yarbay ...
              On top, I'm sure you detail yourself.
              The movement of capital, in my opinion, on the way to world domination is progressive, systematic, orderly, with all its seeming chaos, then - "And" an independent player in the region, in fact, the only one remaining not loyal to the United States, plus oil-bearing, plus such " the company "is not fatal for the United States, but extremely useful for $ -r and apparently for Israel, for all its danger to the latter, the likelihood that And will receive the" product "is unacceptable for Israel, and overshadows all others! Further, I is a bridgehead for the control of all of Central Asia, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan. Access to China, the Caspian Sea. + And - the underbelly of Russia, with all that it implies, in the context of destabilizing the Russian South with interests for the future.
              But there are two general ideas. The first is the pedaling of Israeli interests. The second, and in my opinion, the most important motivation is that capital needs a big war to save the dollar and the existing economic model. They cannot afford a war with the North. Cor. it is still a nuclear power, whatever it may be, all the others are either too small, or so far too dangerous, but And that’s it. It is large enough for global economic and political shock therapy, strategically advantageous, from all the above sides.
              How will Iran be able to influence the possible events you describe and with what ??

              His presence in the arena. Now is his time, simply put. The region is not destabilized enough. Iran, so to speak, cements it. I described the situation above.
              Is everything that you described can be done only after an attack on Iran ??

              I’m not talking about a banal strike in the form of a bombardment More precisely, not only about them, but about their consequences, about their benefits for all US-loyal players, and about the benefits of escalating the conflict into a regional war.
              And again, how can Iran be used against Russia on such a scale?

              If you are talking about AND the present, then nothing. And if about And defeated, then as a bridgehead.
              1. Novosibirsky
                30 August 2012 20: 49
                Ah, well, of course, the control of the strait is undivided, and there’s a lot of gingerbread, what can I say ...
              2. Yarbay
                30 August 2012 20: 51
                Quote: NovoSibirets
                Probably a dissertation can be written on this topic, Yarbay ...

                In principle, your position is clear to me!
                But you must admit it takes a long time and it is not known whether they will succeed!
                I mean what, I’m sure that it’s unlikely that they can influence the destructive forces in Russia through Iran, there’s no such ideological base!
                Wahhabis will never be able to establish themselves in Iran, at least 50 years for sure!
                And Shiites do not live compactly and in large numbers in Russia !!
                How can Iran destabilize the situation in Russia?
                I think there are more dangers for Azerbaijan than for Russia!
                Do you disagree?
                1. Novosibirsky
                  30 August 2012 21: 19
                  Quote: Yarbay
                  But you must admit it takes a long time and it is not known whether they will succeed!

                  What is time in such a global game ...
                  I mean what, I’m sure that it’s unlikely that they can influence the destructive forces in Russia through Iran, there’s no such ideological base!

                  In no case did I say this, of course not! On the contrary, I say that such Iran stabilizes the region, and in the interests of Russia. There are no threats from him and other mint.
                  Wahhabis will never be able to establish themselves in Iran, at least 50 years for sure!

                  Of course, unless Iran is trampled into the Stone Age, like Iraq, for example, Libya. About that and the speech, they need to change Iran.
                  And Shiites do not live compactly and in large numbers in Russia !!

                  I can not help but rejoice at this fact. laughing
                  I think there are more dangers for Azerbaijan than for Russia!

                  I think while the thick one dries, the thin one dies ... I admit that this wise thought can be used as an answer to your question. In general, Yarbay, it’s hard for me to talk about threats to Azerbaijan, frankly I’m not in the subject. Only at the level of general judgment.
                  1. Yarbay
                    30 August 2012 21: 36
                    Quote: NovoSibirets
                    I think while the thick one dries, the thin one dies ... I admit that this wise thought can be used as an answer to your question. In general, Yarbay, it’s hard for me to talk about threats to Azerbaijan, frankly I’m not in the subject. Only at the level of general judgment.

                    I say that we also have a land border, that is, in the event of a war, there may well be a large flow of refugees, and plus the Shiites of Iran are spiritually close to us!
                    1. Novosibirsky
                      30 August 2012 21: 41
                      Refugees will flow naturally. Do not go to the grandmother.
                      1. Yarbay
                        30 August 2012 21: 44
                        that is, destobilization and many other problems are possible !!
                      2. Novosibirsky
                        30 August 2012 21: 53
                        There can be no two opinions.
                        (take my leave, hang up with me)
            2. Novosibirsky
              30 August 2012 20: 37
              And here's another thing, I think the United States, Israel and other players in the region, such as, for example, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan cannot afford the emergence of an independent center of power in the region, pushing them to the second, and some to the tenth roles. And everything goes to that, with such a successful model of Iran's development. It is in the interests of most of the key players in the region to "tear and throw" Iran. And therefore, as according to Ilf and Petrov, at 12 o'clock in the evening the Crow suburb is doomed to blaze from 6 ends at once ...
              I have finished. laughing
              1. Yarbay
                30 August 2012 21: 05
                Quote: NovoSibirets
                And here's another thing, I think the United States, Israel and other players in the region, such as, for example, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan cannot afford the emergence of an independent center of power in the region, pushing them to the second, and some to the tenth roles. And everything goes to that, with such a successful model of Iran's development. It is in the interests of most of the key players in the region to "tear and throw" Iran. And therefore, as according to Ilf and Petrov, at 12 o'clock in the evening the Crow suburb is doomed to blaze from 6 ends at once ...

                But for the most part I agree, but the United States is so cunning that I assure you that Iran will be beaten well, but not destroyed, precisely so that these rich Arab dolls continue to pay and be tied to amers!
                To not even think to play an independent game !!
                1. Novosibirsky
                  30 August 2012 21: 26
                  Everything can be ... Who can predict what is on their mind. They know how to think and count, Herods are egg-headed.
  10. 0
    30 August 2012 12: 32
    Quote: Nechai
    It has long been used. And not only in the Caucasus. There, so far they have succeeded with greater success than in the same Bashkiria or Tatarstan, for example.

    I agree, Valery.
    Yes, the closer to the Urals, the more difficult it is for nations to quarrel among themselves. Everything here is simpler here, we hold on to each other, we have nothing to share. The family itself is large, multinational.
  11. Captain
    30 August 2012 13: 28
    Here is a good interview with Marat Musin, actually a dock. the movie downloaded and realized that not everything is so bad. This movie really cheered up. And who else is interested in our journalist (lady) in Syria periodically visits the priest and uploads photos and videos.

    Z.Y. But Marat is well done - everything speaks in plain text. People like these two journalists need to be promoted. Still, the war is on, informational.
    1. 0
      30 August 2012 16: 09
      Thanks for the links, namesake. Offset.
  12. +1
    30 August 2012 17: 17
    Even if there are local revolutionaries among the interventionists, financed by Western authorities, this is an excuse only to fight them more mercilessly.
    If you shake the noodles that we hang from birth and carry out an objective assessment of almost all the revolutions in the world, then it turns out that except Cuban, they are all crimes against the people, shedding seas of blood and bringing to power all sorts of marginals the genocide of these nations.
    Russian history is a clear confirmation of this. But not only Russian. Read about the revolution of the English or French and you will see there the same river spilled innocent people's blood.
    So the revolutionaries - like a mental infection - must be nipped in the bud. And earlier and mercilessly than frostbitten mercenaries.
  13. 0
    30 August 2012 18: 26
    They write from the field.
    News from Homs -
  14. bask
    30 August 2012 19: 22
    The beginning of this shit as an alkaid was laid in Afghanistan. this movement is purely a brainchild in conjunction with Pakistani intelligence. Against them, the US has never fought and used in all conflicts and provocations over the past 20 years. Recall 1 Chechnya on September 11. Livifa Kosovo is now Syria. was and cannot be in essence. If the people of Syria rise, it is already reported that they will defeat the bandits and terrorists. There will not be much blood and anarchy.
  15. +1
    30 August 2012 20: 55
    It is necessary to openly declare support for Assad and are not afraid of these universal people who are sleeping and see how to annoy the Motherland, there is no need to send manpower, there it is enough, support with weapons and support the Persians. - our forced allies.
  16. +1
    30 August 2012 21: 19
    Whatever the case, Syria, as before the DPRK, Cuba and Nicaragua, managed to fight back .... Of course, the question is, for how long, but so far the fact remains that if the States draw up this kind of collision, then the victims manage to fight back only thanks to the support of powerful States not sharing this abortion States. No one supported Libya - the result is obvious.
    We are waiting for the next arrival. I think capsules with chemical weapons are already in Syria. It remains only to undermine them near a large village, and when there will be casualties among the civilian population, including children, accuse the Syrian authorities of using chemical weapons. And then you know. The special services of Syria, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service and other states sympathizing with Syria cannot be relaxed, it is imperative to disavow this operation no later than at the stage of preparation for undermining, otherwise ....
  17. +1
    30 August 2012 21: 35
    Well, probably it will all end with wherever they find a spray with dichlorvos and under the pretext of protecting cockroaches and it will all start ... the solution is probably to put the latest fly swatter models in Syria ... capable of shooting down any US flies ....
    1. Che
      31 August 2012 14: 10
      +++ When we see real help to the people of Syria, there is no time to lose. Really our statesmen do not understand this.
  18. LiRoy
    30 August 2012 21: 49
    SAS and other special forces have been operating in Syria for a long time, without them the opposition would have long been crushed. These guys know their work well, at least recall Libya. Yemen.
  19. +2
    30 August 2012 21: 55
    The democratic godfathers led by NATO are completely insolent and want to turn the whole world into an area where they will establish their own rules. Spit on the principles of the UN Security Council and international law assigning the rest including GREAT countries endured the role. It is interesting whether the world community will find a place to put in place the presumptuous shitty democratic lawlessnesses, or will it reconcile to the role assigned to it?