How to raise a couple trillion out of thin air or the financial pyramid of the millennium

How to raise a couple trillion out of thin air or the financial pyramid of the millennium

The legendary digital "gold" - bitcoin - from a toy of crypto-banks and anarchists, back in 2010, suitable only for buying pizza (at the then rate of a couple of pizzas - 10.000 BTC), by 2013 had become a standard means of payment for a variety of goods disapproved by the state on all kinds of darknets. sites. By 2019 - into an instrument of speculation and accumulation.

By now, it has become a full-fledged and respected investment vehicle in the world of Wall Street and expensive suits, and its turnover exceeds the revenues of Amazon and Apple. In a word, bitcoin has become a tool in which even states are not ashamed to invest.

This article is not aimed at a technical analysis of its protocols and a description of the cryptocurrency economy in general. Equally, the goal is not to study its merits and demerits - there is a huge amount of such materials on the network. It offers a controversial point of view on the sharp and unexplained colossal jump in its value over the past year.

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As we can see from the charts, the starting point is the end of autumn - the beginning of winter of 2020, when bitcoin began to grow sharply and inexplicably in price. The downturn in January 2021 is quite understandable (more on that below), then bitcoin (like ether and a couple of other cryptocurrencies) breaks through all imaginable ceilings, capitalizing on stratospheric amounts of trillions of dollars.

This is a very interesting fact, which is equally interestingly superimposed on the coronavirus epidemic and panic that has swept the world. All traditional means of investing money for this year have considerably sagged (I think everyone remembers that even oil for a short time acquired a negative value, and companies were almost ready to pay for its export), but useless zeros and ones of hashes on disks jumped like this as even Apple did not grow in the golden days of Steve Jobs.

Additionally, interest is fueled by the fact that bitcoin is a 100% intangible asset. It is not backed by anything at all and in any way - this is its difference from any traditional currency, which is provided at least by the economic growth of the issuing state. This can be clearly seen in the example of Russia and the United States: depending on the growth of the economy, the currency of a country becomes harder and more expensive - and this is logical.

Bitcoin, on the other hand, does not have an issuer as such (we will keep silent for now that more than half of the mining capacities are concentrated in China, this is a topic for a separate article) - and no one is responsible for it.

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Basically, Bitcoin is backed by only one factor - the fact that it is being bought. And they buy it because it grows - and it grows because they buy it.

We've already seen this somewhere, haven't we? ..

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But to pull oneself out of the swamp in the style of Baron Munchausen like this, an initial impetus was needed - the market had to spin up the scheme so that it could generate the money supply on its own.

So how did Bitcoin get such a huge boost in the worst investment year since the Great Depression? How from a "dark horse" for illegal money transactions, it became a legalized means of payment, under which they want to put ATMs in New York?

For a possible answer to this question, we need to turn to US monetary policy.

If you do not delve into the topic, the dominant economic ideology of the West since the early 1980s is the so-called "Chicago school", the most prominent thinker of which is considered to be the notorious Milton Friedman. It is the ideology of the Chicago school that underlies the practical strategy of overcoming the economic crises of the US Federal Reserve System.

What is its essence?

In short: any economic crisis arises from a growing imbalance between goods and money. It develops either into deflation (a textbook example is the crisis of overproduction and a massive drop in prices during the Great Depression), or into inflation (and that can develop into hyperinflation, a typical example is Weimar Germany, but the inhabitants of Russia will also remember the more familiar and close 90s ). There is also a third option - a monstrous mutant of stagflation (also familiar to us firsthand), combining an economic recession and a depressive state of the economy (stagnation and rising unemployment) with rising prices - inflation, but in general it can also be described in terms of an imbalance in production and money supply in handling.

A huge number of methods of dealing with such situations have been invented - from the socialism of President Roosevelt's "New Deal" to the release of prices and Gaidar's "shock therapy". However, not all of them ended with at least partial success ...

The Chicago school (again omitting numerous details) briefly offers this option: we see a crisis caused by a lack of finance - we pour more money into the economy, and everything is getting better thanks to the "invisible hand of the market" - you just need to push it a little. How does it look in practice?

For example, if such a method was used during the beginning of the Great Depression (the Fed was organized shortly before that in 1911 - it was later recalled for a long time that she had failed her first aptitude test in dealing with crises), then as soon as the people ran banks to cash out their stocks, bonds and all kinds of securities (in banks, of course, there was not enough money - this caused panic growing like a snowball, and the market collapsed completely, like a house of cards), the Fed had to immediately pour megatons of liquidity into the banks ( there are different ways for this, more on that below).

Then the banks would have resisted - and the market followed them.

We will not touch on the question of the rationality of such a strategy here (it is presented in a very simplified manner, and many generations of economists have broken so many copies here that it will be enough to ensure chivalry for the entire Hundred Years War) - we will only touch on how this can be done.

If we just turn on the printing press, then we will follow the path of Germany, Zimbabwe and Russia in the early 90s, when the currency, instead of injecting new forces into the economy, simply adds ballast to it. It just depreciates faster than it gets printed.

The Chicago school did not think so primitively - instead of the vulgar printing of money, they did much more subtle.

The process was launched - the affected banks began to receive loans, which poured liquidity into them through the sale of government bonds.

It is worth saying that this method can work brilliantly only in a situation where the state itself is world-famous as reliable and secured, paying on debts with interest (albeit tiny) and stable during crises. With Russia, this, alas, will not work - it publicly declared a default in 1998 and refused to pay all the bills - accordingly, we no longer have faith here.

But in the United States, this focus has been successfully working for a hundred years.

As a result, the Fed approached 2008 fully armed: it saved almost all precious banks and hedge funds that tried to play with the objective laws of supply and demand (using a massive mortgage pyramid) and lost to them to smithereens.

After that, the US economy was poisoned by millions of various derivatives, not backed by anything but word of honor, faith and hope of top managers for billions of dollars. However, the second Great Depression was averted. How? By stamping several trillion dollar public debt bonds (on the chart this is the point of the Great Recession in 2008) and, accordingly, injecting liquidity into the economy.

Then everything is simple - the bonds were thrown into the international market (in fairness, the United States has indeed been gradually paying interest on these bonds for a century now, so they are considered super reliable and are being actively bought) and, in general, the plan worked. The United States ran into even greater debts to the whole world, but saved its economy.

And then 2020 came. It turned out to be even more crisis - and again for man-made reasons, and mostly of a political nature.

U.S. government debt as a percentage of GDP from 1900 to 2020. Photo source:

The meaning of life of any politician in any country, which determines his modus operandi, is to be elected again and again.

For the United States, this is especially important - any elections they have, due to the peculiarities of the system, turn into real battles. A particularly luxurious titanomachy happened before our eyes just a few months ago: the unpopular populist Trump lost to the popular populist Biden - and this happened largely because of COVID-19.

Faced with a pandemic of the next version of SARS, several strategies could be chosen. It was possible to save the economy, like Sweden and Belarus, by abandoning quarantine measures. The economy could have been sacrificed in favor of populism.

At first, Trump tried to push through the first path, but the United States is not Scandinavia (where the people are generally apolitical and calm, and extremely trust the government) and not Belarus (where you can't mess with the president). In the United States, it is impossible to stay in power by swimming against the tide and pushing a point of view that is not held by the majority. As a result, in many ways, it was Trump's attempts to sit on two chairs - to save the economy and his chair, cost him both the loss of his chair and the failure in the economy.

Biden, on the other hand, gained popularity due to the fact that he immediately promised not socialist, but communist payments to all those affected by the epidemic - and mainly to the most marginalized segments of the population.

And then the main question arose - where to get the money?

Stamping dollars is not an option (hello 1920s Germany!). Stamping bonds like 2008? It will not work - bonds can only be sold during a growth period, and the economy of the whole world collapsed in 2020, and did not show any progress.

But the United States urgently needed trillions of liquid dollars, and then bitcoin enters the scene - finally we got to the main hero of the occasion ...

In 2016-2019, Bitcoin was still looked at very suspiciously: they were paid for drugs and weapon, speculated, sanctioned Iran, some muddy people from China and North Korea withdrew money in bitcoin ... In a word, it was quite problematic to trade it legally.

But a holy place is never empty: in the wake of cryptocurrency problems, the Bitfinex exchange platform (which at first denied everything, but you can't hide an sewn in a sack - this history unearthed in an array of materials related to the activities of companies registered in exotic offshore zones, published in early November 2017 following an investigation organized by the Suddeutsche Zeitung newspaper) quickly organized Tether Limited in 2015.

It was registered, of course, offshore.

The company stamped a bunch of its own USDT (US Dollar Tether) tokens, each of which, by a willful decision of Tether, was equated in value to the dollar. Naturally, the company claimed that the tokens were secured and liquid, but there was no confirmation of this.

Affiliated with it, Bitfinex immediately began trading cryptocurrency for the above-mentioned tethers, taking all the difficulties of withdrawing bitcoin upon itself (tether was not a cryptocurrency, but a token of an officially registered company - it could be bought 100% legally and without any problems).

This is associated with the first jump in the value of bitcoin in 2017-2018: the cryptocurrency first became mass, it began to be actively traded, demand went up, and the price also went up. For this business, more and more teters were minted - and other exchanges, seeing the monstrous benefits of the process, poured into the game.

As a result, by 2019, 80% of cryptocurrencies were backed, but not by the dollar, but by an incomprehensible little thing in the form of the Tether token (which, of course, is equal to the dollar and is provided by the word of honor of the Caribbean offshore!).

By 2020, the pyramid scheme has reached its highest point: the voices of common sense began to be heard louder and louder. Serious crypto investors began to withdraw from bitcoin (despite the continuous hype and growth of the exchange rate), because they understood that no Tether Limited would have enough reserves to cover at least 10% of the current cryptocurrency capitalization in teters.

It was clear that everything was based on parole and could collapse at any moment. Note that in the summer of 2020, the United States covered Gram - the tokens of the famous Pavel Durov, because of which he got into debt for a couple of billion dollars and was even forced to make peace with Russia. So the situation with cryptocurrencies and tokens of private companies was very, very tense in autumn 2020 ...

As a result (this is where our little conspiracy thesis begins) the two loneliness found each other.

On the one hand, there was bitcoin with a capitalization of half a trillion dollars - monstrously overheated, unsecured, but not yet collapsed and in dire need of moral support from serious people who would guarantee it liquidity. And the Biden government, badly in need of an injection of a trillion or two (in any form!) Into a half-dead economy, in order to finally announce the long-awaited economic growth to the whole world.

And then close the year with a profit, in the best traditions of Friedman, issuing bonds for this business (and paying the promised money to his African American electorate, becoming famous as the saviors of America) ...

The culmination of the Bitcoin adventure was a US investigation that uncovered a monstrous financial pyramid around tethers.

“For 22 months, the New York State Attorney General's Office has been investigating the inadequacy of providing Tether with fiat currency and using the issue of coins to cover the financial losses incurred at Bitfinex. While Tether and Bitfinex are subsidiaries of iFinex, the root of the problem lies with the third-party company Crypto Capital. In 2018, the regulator expressed doubts about the security of Tether with US dollars, and the prosecutor's check was provoked by a loan to Bitfinex in the amount of $ 850 million. It was suggested that the necessary coins were simply reprinted. The relationship between Tether and Bitfinex was never advertised, however, Bitfinex was the first to list the token, and the subsequent crisis with Crypto Capital revealed a direct connection between the two crypto companies. With the growth in turnover, the Bitfinex crypto exchange needed a large and reliable financial operator, but in 2017 Wells Fargo bank refused to cooperate with it. Then the management turned to Crypto Capital, based in Panama. Due to the complexity of working with recognized financial institutions, Binance, Kraken and EXMO worked with Crypto Capital at the time. In 2018, Crypto Capital was accused of fraud and money laundering from drug cartels, and its accounts were arrested in Poland, the United States and Portugal. <...> Since Crypto Capital was the main payment aggregator for Bitfinex, $ 850 million of the crypto exchange were reserved on its accounts. The seizure of accounts caused an acute liquidity shortage, and the fate of Bitfinex was in jeopardy. To avoid the risk of bankruptcy, Bitfinex took the missing funds from Tether, but did so in secrecy, prompting a new wave of accusations. "

- M. Petkov. “Is Tether a dummy? History and results of the investigation ”.

As a result, the New York prosecutor's office, thanks to its conscientiousness (and the fact that they started it back in 2018, when no one thought that bitcoin would be useful), almost broke the financial scheme of the century for respected people.

This is the reason for the strange dip in the value of bitcoin in January 2021, when the results of the investigation were made public, which, in censorship terms, can be formulated as follows: Tether is not provided with anything, and Tether Limited is a pyramid.

But respected people quickly came to their senses, and now the verdict has already been announced - the Caribbean Mavrodi receive a monstrous fine in the form of ... $ 18,5 million and are required to provide quarterly reports on the degree of provision of tokens with US dollars over the past two years.

A report to them was instantly made by a neighboring firm from the Cayman Islands - respected offshore auditors Moore Cayman (which no one had ever heard of before). It said - we have all the money, we can give it our word of honor, we saw it ourselves. The failed bitcoin rate gets accelerated enough to go beyond the atmosphere, and its capitalization begins to grow.

And then the cherry on the cake - Elon Musk and Tesla begin to invest in cryptocurrencies with terrible force! And not only Musk - all the top companies, hedge funds and banks suddenly wake up and start pouring liquidity into bitcoin by tankers. Musk and company are not muddy Tether, since they take a couple of billions, it means that it is good business. Investors are catching up, and, finally, the coveted summit is taken.

Now, the total value of the mined bitcoins can be used to redeem "Apple" - and there will still be a piece of "Google" left.

Everyone wins: bitcoin gets the longed-for liquidity with the guarantee of respected people, respected people recursively receive a guarantee of economic growth through investments in a product that is growing by leaps and bounds. The economy is growing, bonds are being printed, the population is receiving payments, the throne is not shaken - everyone is happy.

The only problem is that this growth is still fictitious, and still lags behind the growth of commodity production. And we are beginning to see the fruits of the so-called latent inflation - an increase in prices for microelectronics by 2-3 times (including even the cheapest Chinese penny chips based on antediluvian technical processes), a shortage of high-tech components (and no, it is due to the fact that “miners bought all the cards ! ”- only partially) and even a wild rise in US cheese futures!

Dynamics of futures for cheese in the United States. Photo source:

Given the unprecedented volume of money supply over the past year, we should expect wild commodity inflation that is not reflected in official statistics - but this, however, is a topic for a separate article.
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  1. nnm
    10 May 2021 11: 30
    I read the article with great interest. Thank you very much for the interesting materials.
    But there is a nuance:
    Stamping dollars is not an option (hello 1920s Germany!). Stamping bonds like 2008? It will not work - bonds can only be sold during a growth period, and the economy of the whole world collapsed in 2020, and did not show any progress.

    Colleague, I'm sorry, but neither the Treasury reports nor the Fed data support your claim. On the contrary, the reports of these departments show a record emission of cash dollars to flood problems, especially in recent months.
    And the catastrophic shortage of money in the system (more than 4 trillion already at the beginning of 2021). And judging by the Treasury reports, the Fed, first of all, it is the machine that is launched.
    The United States took the simplest and most dead-end path.
    1. -14
      10 May 2021 11: 46
      Yes yes ... I remember
      Dollar kirdyk, the end of the USA, cryptocurrency cheating ...
      Only a wealthy island of stability and prosperity will heal after 2050 ...
      1. nnm
        10 May 2021 11: 55
        What are you talking about ??? May I ask you to think more coherently?
        1. -4
          11 May 2021 06: 26
          Quote: nnm
          What are you talking about ??? May I ask you to think more coherently?

          How much can you expose the financial system of the West with a bare sirloin?
          1. nnm
            11 May 2021 06: 38
            What's the problem? Can't the world's sixth economy afford it? Have you tried to look at the statistics of industrial production without the tertiary sector of the economy? Well, first take a look, compare, and then come back and speculate about the nakedness of fifth points.
            And just do not start about the modern, post-industrial and global economy - these mantras, after the pandemic perfectly showed who and what is worth, will no longer be rolled out.
            1. +2
              11 May 2021 06: 42
              What's the problem? Can't the world's sixth economy afford it? Have you tried to look at the statistics of industrial production without the tertiary sector of the economy? Well, first take a look, compare, and then come back and speculate about the nakedness of fifth points.

              Stop hanging noodles. There are only 2 categories of state success - the average income of a citizen and his life expectancy. Average income at the African level. Life expectancy, current, and not "estimated age of survival" is also in the same place. And Pakistan and the DPRK also have nuclear weapons, anticipating the standard response.
              1. nnm
                11 May 2021 06: 43
                Colleague, stop talking nonsense. Qatar, in my opinion, is on the 1st place according to your criterion of "average income", China is on some 70+. Well tell me that China is a country with a naked woman laughing laughing laughing
                Likewise, in terms of life expectancy.
                1. -6
                  11 May 2021 06: 51
                  Qatar is a rich and successful country, there is no point in citing figures. In China, the minimum salary is $ 386 or 29 rubles. Moreover, the minimum wage rises annually. The minimum wage in the Russian Federation is 000 12 rubles.
                  1. nnm
                    11 May 2021 06: 54
                    Should you repeat the question of comparing the most powerful, according to your estimates, Qatar and voiceless, worthless China?
                    I asked you the simplest question based on your statements. Well, you immediately started hitting that ...
                    And when you compare the minimum wages, then why do you hold out in relation to China from the richest regions, while we take the national average. Well, then what about Moscow, don't you compare the Khants?
                    If you just do not understand what you are writing about - this is one thing, but if you just throw it on the fan out of obstinacy, then please spare me from your performance
                    1. -7
                      11 May 2021 06: 58
                      Should you repeat the question of comparing the most powerful, according to your estimates, Qatar and voiceless, worthless China?

                      Power is measured in watts. How is China's power measured and, most importantly, why? That's right - the goal of the PRC and Qatar is to increase the well-being of all their citizens. And to walk around shaking grandfather's orders, eating up the inheritance with the words "We can repeat" is a decline.
                      1. nnm
                        11 May 2021 07: 04
                        Please practice verbiage with someone else. I'm not interested in this.
                        Otherwise, I'll tell you how the depth of knowledge of an "expert" in economics, who uses the term "average income" at the macroeconomic level, is measured.
                        But for now, another question:
                        Russia is in 40+ place in terms of "average income", China is in 70+ ...
                        Is Russia economically stronger than China?))))
                        When you write something about something that you do not understand, then for a start you will learn to be silent and listen, be silent and listen, and not carry empty demagoguery to the right and to the left.
                      2. -5
                        11 May 2021 07: 11
                        Quote: nnm
                        When you write something about something that you do not understand, then for a start you will learn to be silent and listen, be silent and listen, and not carry empty demagoguery to the right and to the left.

                        You cannot answer how the "power of the economy" is measured and why this mythical power is needed. Try to avoid exact numbers. Once again, the raison d'être of the state is the social security of all citizens. 2 criteria for success - citizen's income and life expectancy. Not millions of tons of oil, coal or any other raw materials extracted. Not the amount of budget expenditures. Not the cost of yachts and football clubs.
                        Two clear figures for the reporting period.
                      3. nnm
                        11 May 2021 07: 16
                        Colleague, thanks for the dialogue, but your attempt to climb onto the podium and talk nonsense from it at the level of the head of the cleaning department did not impress me too much. For this, let me take my leave. Yours faithfully hi
                      4. -10
                        12 May 2021 15: 33
                        That is, you couldn’t answer your opponent in fact.
                        But they were able to climb onto the podium and talk nonsense ..))
                      5. ANB
                        11 May 2021 11: 01
                        ... Once again, the raison d'être of the state is the social security of all citizens.

                        Socialist state.
                        And now we have capitalism.
                        Yeltsin canceled socialism.
                      6. -7
                        12 May 2021 15: 31
                        Russia is in 40+ place in terms of "average income", China is in 70+ ...
                        Is Russia economically stronger than China?))))
                        When you write something about something that you do not understand, then first you will learn to be silent and listen,

                        So he just figured it out .. that's why he answered - power / power - are measured in watts .. these are conventional concepts for the country .. And for a particular person, this power does not solve anything at all .. If his wallet is empty, what does it matter to the strength of the state behind him ..
                      7. -10
                        12 May 2021 15: 28
                        Power is measured in watts. How is China's power measured and, most importantly, why? That's right - the goal of the PRC and Qatar is to increase the well-being of all their citizens. And to walk around shaking grandfather's orders, eating up the inheritance with the words "We can repeat" is a decline.

                        Nicely said .. and quite right !!
                    2. -11
                      12 May 2021 15: 27
                      Should you repeat the question of comparing the most powerful, according to your estimates, Qatar and voiceless, worthless China?

                      There are only 2 categories of state success - the average income of a citizen and his life expectancy.

                      You are arguing about different things ..
                      Personally, I also agree that MY income and MY life expectancy are more important ..
                      And not the strength and power of an abstract State ..

                      To live in a "weak" / "weak-willed" / "vassal" state, having a high income, and not straining (conditional Qatar), or crawling in the mud for a bowl of risk, but threatening everyone with missiles, and yelling about greatness and self-sufficiency (China, RF - substitute at your discretion) - I think the choice is obvious ..
      2. +6
        10 May 2021 12: 05
        Quote: Civil
        Dollar kirdyk, US end, cryptocurrency cheating.
        Only a wealthy island of stability and prosperity will heal after 2050 ...

        In 1999, when they began to send one to the store, for bread, I gave 6.5 re for a loaf of black. Yesterday I bought exactly 40. But yes. Crypto is a deception, and the steadily falling ruble, falling even to the dollar, even to bread, even to the cue ball, is an example of honesty and stability. Yes
        1. +29
          10 May 2021 14: 10
          Indeed, the ruble is not reliable. By the way, under Primakov, a method was tested to stabilize the financial system of the Russian Federation. Then it worked out, but everything was quickly canceled. And the changers are now in power
          1. +6
            10 May 2021 17: 07
            Quote: Lannan Shi
            But yes. Crypto is a deception, and the steadily falling ruble, falling even to the dollar, even to bread, even to the cue ball, is an example of honesty and stability.

            What do you want from the Russian ruble if ruble so-called "Markets" pegged to the US dollar even under Gorbachev ?! (And also currencies of all and other countries.) The Central Bank of Russia is essentially a branch of the IMF and the World Bank, which are instruments of the US Federal Reserve.
            Those. if the USSR / RF were dollarized as a result of the so-called. "market" reforms "under Gorbachev-Yeltsin ?!

            First, on January 22, 1991, President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev signed a decree on the withdrawal from circulation and exchange of 50- and 100-ruble bills of the 1961 sample.
            The reform allegedly pursued the goal of getting rid of the excess money supply in cash circulation, and at least partially solving the problem of the deficit in the USSR commodity market ...
            And where did the shortage on the USSR commodity market come from? In connection with the departure from socialist construction to the prototype of capitalist relations - to self-financing.
            The USSR under Stalin had its own economy. Planned housekeeping. But under Khrushchev, the famous "Kosygin reforms", capitalist concepts were introduced - capital intensity. Which actually led to a disastrous result.
            Andropov supported the idea of ​​cost-accounting, and Gorbachev completed it with the initial accumulation of capital in the interests of the commodity mafia formed in the country. Inflation in the country grew due to an artificial shortage of goods and unused money in the hands of citizens who had nothing to spend on.
            Then on December 20, 1991, the State Bank of the USSR was abolished. All assets, liabilities and property of the State Bank of the USSR on the territory of the RSFSR were transferred to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. A few months later, the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Bank of Russia) was renamed the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia).
            The very first version of the law "On the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Bank of Russia)" was adopted on December 2, 1990, after the summer of 1990 B.N. Yeltsin won the elections by a huge margin and became the first president of Russia, and after six months of his presidency, he signed Federal Law No. 02.12.1990-394 of 1. The law was modified and supplemented, but on the whole its essence was preserved.
            The betrayal of the national sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the field of finance was laid down and reinforced in its very Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12 1993, which was compiled under the EBN under the patronage of Washington.
            Officially sponsored by this the colonial Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 were: Sergei Shakhrai, Anatoly Sobchak, Alekseev Sergei Sergeevich and the Constitutional Conference of the Russian Federation.

            The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 only consolidated the COLONIAL position of the Russian Federation in this matter.
            As a result, we have in the country there is COLONIAL legislation, which, it seems, is impossible under the comprador power to be canceled in any way by peaceful means.
            1. 0
              11 May 2021 17: 56
              Is the current Constitution not colonial? Antipopular, for sure.
        2. +3
          10 May 2021 15: 11
          "In 1999, when they began to send one to the store for bread, I paid 6.5 rubles for a loaf of black." - Do not tell me what your parents' salary was in 1999.
      3. +5
        10 May 2021 13: 20
        Yes yes ... I remember
        Dollar kirdyk, the end of the USA, cryptocurrency cheating ...

        What are the doubts? There can be no financial pyramid in the USA?

        But what about the Bernard Meindoff Foundation, which warmed Americans up to 64 billion dollars?

        The end of the USA will not come, but the fact that in bitcoin which is essentially nothing, digital garbage in which for some reason famous people in the USA like Musk are publicly influenced by billions of dollars is a fact! Why are they doing that? Why are they promoting bitcoin?

        It seems to everyone that the shepherds are driving the sheep to be sheared or to be slaughtered.
        1. -2
          10 May 2021 15: 14
          Cryptocurrency is already accepted as payment for space launches - Musk's office in 2022 will send a private office satellite to the moon for a crypt.
          1. nnm
            11 May 2021 06: 28
            And can you buy the same bread in the nearest store for bitcoins?))
            The functions of money have been invented oh, if not in vain. And bitcoin does not match many of them. And its main problem is that the leading economies do not directly own it. Therefore, they will switch to national similar technologies, which will again tie electronic money to the policy of national central banks
            1. +5
              11 May 2021 08: 17
              It is useless to explain to many "stoned" crypto-miners. The same rabid defenders of MMM shares were in unforgettable times. We saw how it all ended.
              1. 0
                15 May 2021 00: 36
                Cryptocurrency is never MMM, so an idiotic comparison and yes, I have been getting a significant profit from the crypt for 4 years.
            2. +4
              11 May 2021 10: 03
              Quote: nnm
              And can you buy the same bread in the nearest store for bitcoins?))

              There is no bread, but Tesla - yes. The opposite is also true - whoever has money only for bread does not buy Tesla. What is the point of trading bread for bitcoins if there are almost no cryptocurrency holders in the queue for bread?

              The function of bitcoins is different. This is, first of all, an advanced method of transferring money (anywhere, across any borders), preserving it (no one can take it away) and confidentiality (no one knows whose crypto wallet). And that is why this is used by criminals of all stripes and malicious corrupt officials. Now big people are technically advanced, they accept all bribes in cue ball. Any governor or an official sitting on financial flows has a crypto wallet that you never dreamed of.

              Yes, and if you are already so impatient with bread for the crypt, then I can help you with this difficulty! Buy?)))
            3. 0
              15 May 2021 00: 34
              And can you buy the same bread in the nearest store for bitcoins?)) Can you imagine I can - I will sell the crypt, I will get money and I will buy bread and everything else. And it is even great to hide digital money from the tax authorities, they will not be able to bribe them and they will not be able to steal them, since their control will be conducted online, as well as the income and expenses of everyone.
          2. +1
            11 May 2021 10: 52
            Quote: Vadim237
            Cryptocurrency is already accepted as payment for space launches - Musk's office in 2022 will send a private office satellite to the moon for a crypt.

            And it will work. Personally, I have always had a prejudice towards cryptocurrency that is not financially secured in any way. And he was surprised when the billionaire Musk threw a couple of billion into the crypt (although no one will know when he will return them back). But we must admit that the popularity of cryptocurrency is based on the problems and disadvantages of fiat money. As long as she solves them, she will be popular.
          3. +4
            11 May 2021 11: 56
            Such "flagship" investments are just a way to attract the largest possible number of suckers who invest in the pyramid by orders of magnitude more. Therefore, a number of large funds and companies have gone to stir up trouble with cryptocurrencies, exclusively as a "barker". The weapon of the financial "goat-provocateur" is what these cryptocurrency pyramids are. The key word is Warming up, and it is directly voiced in the article.
    2. +2
      11 May 2021 13: 38
      Good day, dear nnm!

      Unfortunately, I could not continue the description of the process, because has exhausted the article volume limit)

      The processes you mentioned, of course, take place and have an explanation within the framework of the described material: speculation in bitcoin and bonds allowed formally pulling the economy out of the hole and showing its "growth". At the same time, there is no more money in the system - as you understand, all these frauds are pouring from empty to empty.

      This is where the third part of the plan comes in - the printing press is launched to tame the shortage of goods.

      If they did this in Summer / Fall 2020, they would have dropped the dollar hard. And so everything is fine - now the economy is skewed in the other direction and money can be poured into it. Taking into account the wild rise in prices, this will not really affect anything - on the contrary, it will balance.

      Essentially, bitcoin provided the US with capitalization for the later thrown in money supply.
  2. +13
    10 May 2021 11: 30
    As a small postscript, it can be added that the position of the financial hegemon allows the United States to avoid economic disasters over and over again.

    Well, it is worth recognizing the fact that they have very good economists who are able to coherently turn around adventures like the one described in the material.
    1. +1
      10 May 2021 11: 47
      Now they don’t carry gold in bags on donkeys .... I pressed the keys and sold it, bought it!
      1. +2
        10 May 2021 12: 35
        Quote: Anjay V.
        As a small postscript, it can be added that the position of the financial hegemon allows the United States to avoid economic disasters over and over again.

        As a small insert, we can assume that the financial hegemony of the United States was created artificially by the same people who today are trying to make the world believe in bitcoin. Unfortunately, at the right time, neither food nor water can be bought even for gold bars. It happened before. Only the gradual accustoming of people to "luxury" allows such manipulations. A state capable of creating final products (goods) without the participation of intermediaries, dollars and bitcoins, is worthless.
        Quote from Uncle Lee
        Now they don’t carry gold in bags on donkeys .... I pressed the keys and sold it, bought it!

        It's right. But there is also such a calculation with especially "diligent" traders:
    2. +4
      10 May 2021 12: 00
      The second article for today, which I put "+".
      And inspired an anecdote:
      Rabinovich, tell me, where do you get the money from?
      - Well, after all, from the bedside table.
      - No ... well, where do they come from in the nightstand?
      - Well, after all, Sarah puts ...
      - Where does Sarah get the money from?
      - Well, after all, I give ...
      - So where do you get them from?
      - Well, after all, from the bedside table!
      Regarding the dollar. ALL economies in the world "sit" on the dollar.
      Will the "evergreen" collapse and what will happen?
      1. +1
        11 May 2021 01: 28
        Apparently, it will not collapse. Will settle down- Yes, in ten years. Lose weight as a primary reserve currency, yes. and it will be thanks to Kipto and the Chinese digital yuan ...
        And if the United States guesses to jump into the crypto and lead it, it may even rise.
      2. 0
        16 May 2021 17: 00
        That is why it will not collapse, because everyone is sitting.
    3. +4
      10 May 2021 12: 53
      Quote: Anjay V.
      As a small postscript, it can be added that the position of the financial hegemon allows the United States to avoid economic disasters over and over again.

      "Gegemon" still owns an enviable internal market, political dominance, exclusive technologies, all-persuasive media holdings, effective intelligence services and diplomats.
      There is a huge technological army in reserve. If the Fed does not work, the Capitol legions will corny plunder "less democratic regimes."
      So, the dollar (possibly XBT) exists not only according to financial laws, but also according to political ones. If financial cowboys get tired of grazing cows, they will simply "shoot" the crisis. bully
    4. -1
      10 May 2021 12: 54
      Here you can see that you know what you are writing about! And when you talk about military issues, having no idea of ​​what the Suwalki corridor is, you get ... what you get.
    5. +2
      10 May 2021 15: 18
      But not only the United States has cryptocurrency. And the Blockchain system that accompanies crypt is a very promising direction, and digital money is also ripe for the world economy is the same Internet and digital control.
      1. -1
        10 May 2021 21: 48
        Quote: Vadim237
        But not only the United States has cryptocurrency. And the Blockchain system that accompanies crypt is a very promising direction, and digital money is also ripe for the world economy is the same Internet and digital control.

        Yes, there are future ones behind him, but still, it will be done by the states and the state crypt = will be more or less tied. and not jump a day from 10-30 percent up and down.
    6. 0
      13 May 2021 08: 34
      Quote: Anjay V.
      As a small postscript, it can be added that the position of the financial hegemon allows the United States to avoid economic disasters over and over again.

      Well, and, probably, it should be added that the rate on the crypt is associated not only with problems in fiat, but also with the emerging virtual world. Its "values" also need to be digitized. And there is an unplowed field. And we also need to somewhere to distill the surplus of monetary mass from crumbling financial instruments based on the value of real assets, which in the context of the contraction of the world economy cease to work. For all this, cryptocurrencies, the price of which is not tied to anything, is a very convenient tool. Therefore, I think, in the next five years, the crypt will only grow, as will the scale of its use.
  3. +2
    10 May 2021 11: 32
    And what is this toy like MMM provided with apart from a cheap divorce. We went through this when we were 90, many of them lost their money, cars, and apartments.
    1. +5
      10 May 2021 11: 35
      And what is this toy like MMM provided with apart from a cheap divorce. We went through this when we were 90, many of them lost their money.

      The same as paper money. When you pay by card, it is also just an electronic record.
      1. -3
        10 May 2021 11: 36
        Life seems to teach you nothing. So this is your problem. You tell this to the clients of MMM, Selenga and other pyramids.
        1. +6
          10 May 2021 11: 44
          Life seems to teach you nothing. So this is your problem. You tell this to the clients of MMM, Selenga and other pyramids.

          Mavrodi promised to buy boots. Bitcoin doesn't promise anything.
          1. -1
            10 May 2021 11: 46
            This is Lyonya Golubkov promised, do not confuse him with Mavrodi.
            1. 0
              10 May 2021 11: 56
              This is Lyonya Golubkov promised, do not confuse him with Mavrodi.

              Yes, Mavrodi chose the image of Leni as a folk character. love

              The cue ball is fundamentally different from MMM stocks. There were SHARES that could be bought for currency, mostly rubles.
              And Bitcoin is a currency, just an electronic one. You can pay with it in a store, exchange it for another currency, or buy MMM shares. laughing

              For example, now the exchange rate to the ruble is as follows:

              This is both the BUY rate and the SALE rate. There is no spread.
              1. -1
                10 May 2021 12: 01
                Use it, lafa has come for you, there is no difference in buying and selling rates. All these tricks are designed for narrow-minded people and, oddly enough, there are more and more of them. Do you have any idea why?
                1. +2
                  10 May 2021 12: 07
                  Use it, lafa has come for you, there is no difference in buying and selling rates. All these tricks are designed for narrow-minded people and, oddly enough, there are more and more of them. Do you have any idea why?

                  I guess.
                  The cue ball will play the role of a single world currency of developed countries.
                  It is designed for quick settlements without commission.

                  If you believe so much in paper money or an account on a savings account in Sberbank, then remember what happened to both after the collapse of the USSR. wink
                  1. +2
                    10 May 2021 12: 17
                    There was trouble, I agree, but exactly the same trouble will happen with these cue ball, if someone from the mighty of this world wants to warm their hands. And no less disastrous. And who will remain in the black, and those who have a subsistence economy. You will not eat bitcoins and you will not put on yourself, and it is impossible to live in it.
                  2. ANB
                    11 May 2021 12: 43
                    ... The cue ball will play the role of a single world currency of developed countries.
                    It is designed for quick settlements without commission.

                    No commission ????????
                    Read the Bitcoin mining rules. After the termination of the generation of new bitcoins, the income of miners is only due to the transfer commission. Also on an auction basis.
                2. +8
                  10 May 2021 12: 17
                  Quote: Ros 56
                  All these tricks are designed for narrow-minded people.

                  Ugums. Do you know the difference between the cue ball and the ruble? Yes, even from the dollar? The cue ball is finite. 21 million. And that's all. No longer. And this, as it were, inspires a little more confidence than the rubledollarotugriks. Koi "the most honest in the world" bureaucrats can print even in wagons, even in echelons. Do you have any questions about gold? Why is it growing? But it is also not supported by anything, except for a general agreement that it is extremely valuable. Although, to be honest, metal is frankly lousy. The entire modern financial system is based on the fact that people agree to believe that this thing is valuable. Although, in principle, it has no real value. And neither the dollar, nor gold, nor the cue ball, in principle, differ from each other in this regard. The only difference is the possibility and ways of increasing the volume. And that's all ...
                  1. +3
                    10 May 2021 12: 30
                    But it is also not supported by anything, except for a general agreement that it is extremely valuable. Although, to be honest, metal is frankly lousy. The entire modern financial system is based on the fact that people agree to believe that this thing is valuable. Although, in principle, it has no real value. And neither the dollar, nor gold, nor the cue ball, in principle, differ from each other in this regard. The only difference is the possibility and ways of increasing the volume. And that's all ...

                    I am reminded of Jack London's story "The Feathers of the Sun". About how a dude in Polynesia released his money and started buying assets from the natives. laughing

                    - You said that Fitu-Ive's money is just paper and nothing else. Well, what do you say about this English money? Answer as an honest man! .. We are waiting for your answer, Jeremiah.
                    "They ... They ..." mumbled the puzzled Jeremiah and kept silent helplessly: he was not strong in sophistry.
                    “Paper, plain paper,” Cornelius finished for him, imitating his faltering speech.
                    It was clear from the faces of those present that Cornelius had convinced everyone. And the king clapped his hands enthusiastically and said in an undertone:
                    - Everything is clear, perfectly clear.
                    1. 0
                      10 May 2021 12: 42
                      Quote: Arzt
                      About how a dude in Polynesia released his money and started buying assets from the natives.

                      Exactly what I'm talking about. Two identical, in fact, pieces of paper. The only difference is that 100 people agree to recognize one, and 500 million. And without consent to admit that the first, that the second have less value than a piece of toilet paper of the same size.
                  2. +2
                    10 May 2021 12: 49
                    Quote: Lannan Shi
                    The cue ball is finite. 21 million.

                    From the book "Cryptowumatics. How to Lose All Friends and Force All Yourself
                    hate "Alexei Markov:
                    “There are also technological vulnerabilities that we probably don't know about yet. In 2010, someone I was able to transfer 92 billion bitcoins to my wallet... I didn't have time to spend: the bug was found, the entire system was rolled back. But who knows what will happen next "
                    1. +2
                      10 May 2021 14: 50
                      Now I would like to recall a record ten years ago, when the system was far from perfect. For example, similar news from 2012 about Sberbank:
                      "The court sentenced Alexey Zlobin to three years in prison for spending 2 million rubles, which were mistakenly transferred to his card. The bank error cost the Sberbank client three years in prison."
                      1. -1
                        10 May 2021 15: 24
                        In Russia, there was one who was transferred to the account of 158 million, and he used this money for six months and drained almost everything - he is still sitting and still sticking out the bank.
                  3. 0
                    12 May 2021 14: 07
                    Each in his own way goes crazy, some on financial pyramids, others cue ball, which in fact is also a pyramid. For God's sake, use it, because no one forbids you. Here recently one died in the states, like Medoff was his name, they gave him under 150 years in prison, do not remember how much he warmed up a lot of people there, if I am not mistaken for fifty lard of green cut American paper. Good luck. hi
                3. +1
                  12 May 2021 09: 33
                  17th Murphy's Law: "The volume of reason on the planet is constant, despite the fact that the population is constantly growing"
      2. +4
        10 May 2021 12: 41
        Quote: Arzt
        The same as paper money.

        "Take it, take it. I'll draw another one for myself."
        Popandopulo ©
  4. +6
    10 May 2021 11: 39
    The crypto barge has taken place. Its capitalization is only growing. This is a kind of vacuum cleaner that sucks out excess money from the market for subsequent disposal by burning one or another crypto. This is on the one hand. In general, crypto is the currency of the future, the currency of agglomerations into which the world is already divided. State transnational corporations have become a hindrance, so they will be replaced by agglomerations with supranational laws and their own crypto currency.
    1. +4
      10 May 2021 12: 08
      Quote: Kuzya the Cat
      This is on the one hand. In general, crypto is the currency of the future, the currency of agglomerations into which the world is already divided.

      So far, this is the fulfillment of the millennial dreams of counterfeiters - the ability to print their "money" with impunity regardless of the state. And this always led to the collapse of those states that allowed it on their territory. All this is more like the actions of globalists aimed at completely crushing the very foundations of the state.
  5. +11
    10 May 2021 12: 03
    Nuuu, the cue ball is also interesting in that it is possible to make transnational payments without the attention of the fiscal authorities. In a situation when the nuts in the banking system around the world are cheerfully tightening, this is an extremely useful thing.

    Ruslan Karmanov says that the popularity of the cue ball is largely due to the illegal export of capital from China. And considering what mining capacities are deployed there, this is very similar to the truth.

    And the fact that Navalny was financed with the same cue ball. This is certainly a trifle, but indicative. That is, if you need to crank up some kind of financial dregs, then the cue ball is a very useful tool. And what will never be lacking is financial dregs. Therefore, the cue ball will definitely not suffer from a lack of popularity.
    1. +6
      10 May 2021 12: 15
      I agree, and therefore it is not worth comparing it with MMM, tomorrow it will not burst, like that bubble in 1994 - I know only one case when a man from work cashed out and bought an apartment right before this case, he says that no one warned from Moscow, by accident it happened - he’s lying, probably))). Eh, I would have known the buy-in (the cost of these bits in 2008), I would have lived in Sochi)))
      1. +11
        10 May 2021 12: 33
        But investing in the cue ball for a long time is also a game of roulette.
        Personally, it seems to me that the price of the cue ball depends on how much money is being pumped through it at the moment. If there is a lot, the price goes up. If the activity falls, the price also falls.
        Simply because the big players won't keep their funds in the cue ball - they're not exactly dumb. We bought a cue ball, pumped it "over the river", behind the river the cue ball was quickly cashed out until the price of the cue ball collapsed. The deed is done, we drink champagne for the health of the tax office.
    2. +1
      11 May 2021 11: 16
      Well, no matter how anonymously it turns out, the Americans forced the exchanges trading crypto currency to provide the entire history of transactions, the news flashed a week ago
      1. +1
        11 May 2021 13: 40
        Nobody forced anyone. The blockchain, on which the cue ball is based, stores absolutely all transactions (payments), anyone can look.
        But there are also means against this - "mixers".

        If you want absolute anonymity of transactions, use Monero.
        1. +1
          11 May 2021 13: 43
          I probably did not put it very correctly, the essence of the news was not so much about transactions, but about the real owners, that is, the removal of the anonymity of the owners of cryptocurrency wallets
          1. +1
            11 May 2021 13: 49
            The crypto wallet does not contain personal information. But, if the user is so stupid that he allowed him to indirectly link the wallet and his personality - my congratulations.
            1. +1
              11 May 2021 14: 36
              the bottom line is that when you withdraw the crypt, you will be asked to introduce yourself in full form. well, how would it be
              1. +1
                11 May 2021 16: 05
                Search the internet for the word "drop" and what it means.
    3. ANB
      11 May 2021 13: 07
      ... Nuuu, the cue ball is also interesting in that it is possible to make transnational payments without the attention of the fiscal authorities.

      The freebie is hiding behind. Digital Assets Law. And taking into account the fact that viewing transactions is available to everyone and all anonymity is only on the wallet, it will be fun.
      Navalny's translations were easily figured out.
      1. +2
        11 May 2021 13: 56
        And what is the law? The law also prohibits driving on the side of the road, but some radishes do drive, and it seems that they also multiply.
        Also, let me tell you a secret, there can be a lot of wallets. One "public" like that of Navalny (payments to him were tracked, but who paid - not) - everyone knows him and many, many others, about which no one knows.
        Ideally, if the payment is really pale, the wallet is started only for this payment.
        1. ANB
          11 May 2021 19: 14
          ... Ideally, if the payment is really pale, the wallet is started only for this payment.

          On withdrawal to fiat, the identity will be calculated.
          No one will leave large sums unchecked. So you can carry cash, it's definitely anonymous.
  6. +4
    10 May 2021 12: 04
    Commodity inflation has already arrived without any Bitcoin.

    Some goods for the holidays have already risen in price by 10%, despite all sorts of instructions from the President ...

    And Cryptocurrency .... they wrote that Sberbank, the Siloviks, Kadyrov, etc. are already earning on it.
    Not loners ...
    1. +2
      10 May 2021 12: 57
      And Cryptocurrency .... they wrote that Sberbank, the Siloviks, Kadyrov, etc. are already earning on it.
      Not loners ...

      Just those who have money to buy this asset. More precisely, exchange one currency for another. smile
  7. +3
    10 May 2021 12: 10
    Well, everything is according to the classics of the pyramids - those who entered on time receive a margin at the expense of those who entered the wrong time. The advantages of the cue ball over any classical pyramid are that the cue ball is generated not just from the air, but from some intangible useful activity - the provision of computing power by miners (as far as I understand). That, in comparison with the classical pyramid, allows you to involve much more people and organizations in the movement than actually participate in it, allow them to extract some intangible or limited material profit from this activity and through this moment contribute to the expansion of the ranks of participants necessary for the functioning of the pyramid.
    All this movement is extremely beneficial for a number of manufacturers - manufacturers of video cards and chips for them, related industries.
    In a sense, all this activity has a positive effect on the development of progress, both through the provision of bases for calculating something, and through the economic stimulation of the development of microelectronics and the expansion of the generation of energy efficiency.
  8. +4
    10 May 2021 12: 12
    I am very glad that I assembled the computer on time (late 19th) and bought a video card at an adequate price. And now the same video card brings about 400r per day
  9. 0
    10 May 2021 12: 19
    Here is a crook around, a crook sits on a crook and drives him around with a crook.
    Moreover, it is called a good deed.
  10. +3
    10 May 2021 12: 28
    The author, in my opinion, draws an erroneous analogy with MMM tickets issued by Mavrodi, which fundamentally distinguishes him from the case with bitcoins, which no one in particular issues.
    Although he himself emphasizes that the system is peer-to-peer
    Bitcoin does not have an issuer as such.
  11. +4
    10 May 2021 12: 31
    The main question is who invented it, who is behind it. The state is one thing, anonymous is another. Bitcoin exists in virtual, roughly speaking, in computer power grids. A shock to power grids with a short circuit and the end of bitcoin. What's the trick? You pay real money, but you get smoke from the fire. MMM against this background, almost an honest bank. Bitcoin is a global scam to nullify real money, external and internal debts to the population and countries.
    1. +2
      10 May 2021 13: 00
      The main question is who invented it, who is behind it. The state is one thing, anonymous is another. Bitcoin exists in virtual, roughly speaking, in computer power grids. A shock to power grids with a short circuit and the end of bitcoin. What's the trick? You pay real money, but you get smoke from the fire. MMM against this background, almost an honest bank. Bitcoin is a global scam to nullify real money, external and internal debts to the population and countries.

      This is also true for card payments. Tomorrow an electromagnetic pulse will cut off the electricity, ATMs will stop and sho? laughing
      1. 0
        10 May 2021 20: 00
        Two or three days at most and everything will be restored. The state will cope. There are contingency plans for this case. But who will deal with (save) bitcoin?
    2. +1
      10 May 2021 15: 26
      The Bitcoin blockchain system supports - in which case there will be no loss of the database.
  12. 0
    10 May 2021 12: 35
    T.N. "laws of self-regulation of the market" is an extremely voluminous concept.
    They called Putin an unsubstantiated murderer - the ruble sank. Musk's global PR leads to a fierce demand for Tesla securities, and as a result, the capitalization of an automobile company, which produces 0,5% of the car market, is the highest among automakers. Equal to Sberu, etc.
    The cost of solar panels Musk has jumped several times (economic feasibility is lower) - fluctuations in the price of securities, solved in the short term.
    In Turkey, the founder and operator of the cryptocurrency fled the country, blocking access to wallets - the fall of the lira is increasing. Stock market bubbles continue to grow as production and consumption fall.
    There are 2 market rules:
    - the price rises while the demand is high (supply / demand);
    - forced correlation of rates is inevitable. Here "parachute money" issued to the US population is unlikely to be enough (a significant part of it went to stock exchanges).
    Bubbles burst when they reach a certain size. This is physics, this is economics.
    1. 0
      10 May 2021 12: 50
      To know the limit of this bubble ... you can make a fortune by taking out your investments from it in time. smile
      1. 0
        10 May 2021 13: 18
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        you can make a state

        In the agricultural sector, I think everything will be relatively normal. Copper and rare earths.
        But the problem is that the market ceases to be a market one (such a tofthology) - not all real laws continue to work. Information rules the market. Often, specially treated / fake - to steer in the right direction.
        The wary Buffett even began to make mistakes.
  13. VLR
    10 May 2021 12: 57
    I was waiting for a comparison with the Dutch tulip rush of the 17th century (which also touched France and Germany a little): the analogy just suggests itself.
  14. +6
    10 May 2021 13: 12
    good article) Respect to the author for elaborating the material)

    there are only two nuances
    1) Peter Thiel and Elon Musk have been playing bitcoin since about 14th year, just not so clearly and not in such amounts as recently, which is very similar to their affiliation with the project.
    2) during the life of Steve Jobs, the cost of Apple certainly grew, but within the limits of the equivalence of the capitalization of the motorola, for example, it never exceeded the cost of the flagships of the technological and telecommunications market like Verizon, AT&T and Google. and only after the death of Jobs did the shares go into an endless speculative flight and now it is more expedient investment to heat the stove with dollars than buying Apple shares.
    After all, even in terms of the number of real products on the computer market, the production indicators of Apple are, on average, three times more modest than those of the flagships of Lenovo, Dell or NR. and although Apple is the leader in the mobile device market, the absence of fundamental innovative products shows the real state of affairs for the Apple brand. culmination with pumping up the value of shares before a massive sale of their gullible buratins with a subsequent return to real value with a drop of 10 times, at least, although this process can be delayed even for a decade - the trend has already been outlined). so it is not Bitcoin alone that is rich in the financial bubble of the US economy. although, yes, many top financiers openly call the crypt a financial pyramid.
  15. -3
    10 May 2021 13: 16
    What a fine fellow Andzhey V. is well versed in aviation and in the navy and in finance. I think soon we will see new sides and talents of this brilliant, versatile person. A specialist in all matters.
    The article is some kind of unrelated crypto-bullshit, where the United States cannot issue bonds since no one will buy them due to the crisis, then they print money under the cue ball.
    By the way, the graph of the US national debt in the article is completely speculative and has nothing to do with reality at all, it is a predictive type and even a fake retrospective.
  16. +6
    10 May 2021 13: 19
    There is a suspicion that all cryptocoins unattached to the Central Bank were created simply to protect the dollar mass. Now the world banking union is forced to paint zeros in a fire order to rescue the markets of "developed countries" and continue consumption, "as if not in itself." At the same time, a canopy of a couple of tens of trillions was created, which threaten to disperse hyperinflation in dollars and other proxies. To stop this it is necessary at some point to "burn" a significant part of this canopy, and ideally the whole. Tricky unicoms came up with cryptomass with the task of accumulating "extra" money in it. And when the capitalization of "dogoins" reaches at least $ 10 trillion, everything can be turned into a pumpkin with one decision - to declare USDt illegal and ban it. Everything. Everybody's Free. No one will have time to jump out ...
    1. +1
      10 May 2021 15: 35
      "Everything can be turned into a pumpkin in one decision - to make USDt illegal and ban it." The one who is the first to admit it will become 100% suicide. And digital currency is the future and an already established fact with the help of it it will be possible to control all the money and their annual turnover who when for what for how much, etc. - just heaven for the tax system and a nightmare for crooks, bribe-takers, since it will be impossible to hide such money, since everything will be stored online, both the person's income and his expenses.
      1. +3
        10 May 2021 17: 00
        You are confusing digital currency (digital money) with cryptocurrency (bitcoin as an example). They are not the same thing. The main difference: digital money has an issuer, a crypt does not. . Understand.
        1. -1
          10 May 2021 19: 50
          (digital money) with cryptocurrency (bitcoin as an example). There is absolutely no difference - the same units of calculation, only the second has an increase and decrease in mass as an element of calculation.
          1. 0
            10 May 2021 21: 57
            Quote: Vadim237
            (digital money) with cryptocurrency (bitcoin as an example). There is absolutely no difference - the same units of calculation, only the second has an increase and decrease in mass as an element of calculation.

            No, the first one can be attached to the country, its authority, its resources, its population. 2 only by faith (only if suddenly, all people massively do not recognize the tsyf.currency, then yes) blockchain technology - the future is unconditional, but only under the rule of states, and not speculators.
            1. 0
              15 May 2021 00: 44
              Since the states will come to digital currency and digital bitcoins, and even to the Blockchain system in the digital economy.
          2. 0
            11 May 2021 08: 12
            Here at least read what cryptocurrency is. very clearly explained. I found it especially for you.
            1. 0
              15 May 2021 00: 41
              I don’t care for this for 4 years from the crypt, I have large profits, all investments have already paid off 100 times.
  17. 0
    10 May 2021 13: 21
    Bitcoin is the ultimate currency, when the last hash is mined, everything will stop. It will be impossible to mine new bits. For mining, equipment and electricity are used, a lot. That is, it is not created for nothing, but resources, real physical and material, are wasted. And now, thanks to the injections of the mask, hedge funds, it has a justification in the form of a green piece of paper, and until it collapses with the cue ball, nothing will happen. However, then, most likely, too, since a lot of operations with real goods pass through it.
    1. 0
      10 May 2021 22: 00
      Quote: dementor873
      Bitcoin is the ultimate currency, when the last hash is mined, everything will stop. It will be impossible to mine new bits. For mining, equipment and electricity are used, a lot. That is, it is not created for nothing, but resources, real physical and material, are wasted. And now, thanks to the injections of the mask, hedge funds, it has a justification in the form of a green piece of paper, and until it collapses with the cue ball, nothing will happen. However, then, most likely, too, since a lot of operations with real goods pass through it.

      A complex topic, in fact, it is easy to collapse and easy to strengthen. It will depend on people, like Musk, or the leadership of the US Federal Reserve, China, and so on. Any ban or arrest of mine farms - and the course flies into dust, the words about the investment from Musk - growth again. Such fluctuations - the currency cannot have.
  18. +2
    10 May 2021 13: 30
    It would seem that where does the nutritious worms ???
    EU allows dried mealworms to be eaten

    Mealworm snack

    The larvae of the large flour beetle became the first insect allowed for food in the EU. The European Commission sees insect products as a chance to move towards a more sustainable food system.
    Dried mealworms, the larval form of the large mealworm, are legal in the European Union. The EU member states approved the relevant proposal of the European Commission on Tuesday, May 4. Insects are an alternative source of protein that can support the EU's transition to a more sustainable food system, the European Commission said.

    May cause allergies

    The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recognized these worms as edible in mid-January - as a whole larva as a snack or as a powder as an ingredient in a number of foods. However, the German Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) warned that the consumption of mealworms "can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people", so the packaging should be indicated accordingly.

    The French company Agronutris has applied for permission to eat the larvae. The EU decision allows it to be the only supplier of products containing these insects for 5 years. Then the market will be open to other players.
    And to the last,vid:T8MpNM_Ldc0,st:0
  19. +3
    10 May 2021 14: 49
    And if it is not crypts of all stripes that are primary, or rather their growth, but trillions of injections of unsecured euros and dollars? The oil bubble, like all resource bubbles, is inflated to the stop, you cannot inflate it at times, you cannot hide a dozen trillions. Shares have long been quoted not based on earnings per share, but on the mythical cost of the campaign. And it is necessary to dispose of this mountain of money.
    And suddenly, cryptocurrencies climbed up, plus there was also a shortage for electronics, prices increased by 30-40 percent, not counting video cards, which increased significantly.
    For two or three years, the life of the golden billion has improved. And then it will be necessary to plunder some kind of state from a dozen, and to plunder thoroughly. So that the current system could exist for another twenty or thirty years.
  20. 0
    10 May 2021 15: 54
    While the townsfolk procrastinate on a hackneyed topic.
    Quietly, but cruelly, ethnic groups "gut" new, not ruble, but $ millionaires.
    They kidnap exchange owners, crypto specialists, and extract passwords from online and "cold" wallets. Several people have already disappeared in Moscow, some have become disabled.
    The burden of unexpected (or overwhelming) wealth is not easy.
    The organs are silent.
    The state does not need alternative $ instruments.
    1. 0
      10 May 2021 19: 54
      The state does not need alternative $ instruments. And for this reason, when calculating for export deliveries, Russia more often refuses the dollar by switching to national currencies, and also reduces the share of the dollar in foreign investments and gold reserves. "Several people have already disappeared in Moscow, some have become disabled." - In isolated cases, hundreds of thousands of people are mining crypto in Russia.
      1. 0
        10 May 2021 22: 02
        Quote: Vadim237
        The state does not need alternative $ instruments. And for this reason, when calculating for export deliveries, Russia more often refuses the dollar by switching to national currencies, and also reduces the share of the dollar in foreign investments and gold reserves. "Several people have already disappeared in Moscow, some have become disabled." - In isolated cases, hundreds of thousands of people are mining crypto in Russia.

        Russia has increased the processing of payments abroad in Euros in direct proportion to the fall in settlements in dollars.
        1. 0
          15 May 2021 00: 45
          The Euro is not as inflated as the dollars that the US keeps on the printing press.
          1. -1
            15 May 2021 18: 59
            Quote: Vadim237
            The Euro is not as inflated as the dollars that the US keeps on the printing press.

            The Euro also depends on the Dollar, and so far the EU is more stable than the US and therefore the Euro is growing.
    2. 0
      12 May 2021 04: 37
      You just need to be generous with security.
      All these "rippers" tremblingly value their life and health.
  21. 0
    10 May 2021 15: 57
    "It is necessary to constantly increase emission volumes. This is emission! That is, printing money. It does not matter how it is formalized. In retrospect, you can always think of it. The bottom line is simple: if you do not throw money into the economy, it is a disaster",

    “Biden in this sense differs greatly from Trump, since Trump tried to support the real sector of the American economy with emission money, and Biden supports the financial one. Therefore, Trump did everything more efficiently in terms of using this emission money. But the end result is the same: inflation of financial bubbles, ”

    Earlier, US President Joe Biden signed a new stimulus package for the US economy approved by the US Congress. The program amounted to $ 1,9 trillion and includes direct one-time payments of $ 1,4 thousand for the majority of US citizens, as well as tax incentives for millions of families in the country. "(C)
    Mikhail Khazin.
    So, we do not know what Biden talked about with Putin. But there was a moment in Putin's own speech on May 9 that could be interpreted as a response to one of the proposals. Moreover, after this conversation, both Biden and his Secretary of State Blinken spoke about the need to normalize relations without stopping pressure on Russia on issues important to the United States. Biden even praised Putin's speech at the environmental summit. And I do not exclude that Biden hinted to Putin that in the conditions of the difficulties that have developed for Russia, the United States needs to be friends. And, apparently, to make his words more convincing, he began to organize an active run over Russia and Putin personally by his jackals from Eastern Europe. And in the same style as England a few years ago, that is, in the complete absence of objective grounds.
    And in this sense, the moment of Putin's speech is extremely interesting, in which he spoke about the loneliness of Russia at the first, most difficult and main stage of the Great Patriotic War. For several reasons at once.
    The first is already mentioned, since it can be interpreted as a response to offers of friendship. And the meaning of this answer is clear: demonstrate what our benefit is from this friendship, and then it will speak. In the meantime, your proposals resemble blackmail.
    Second. It is possible that the friendship proposal was in the "stop being friends with China" logic. Then, it would seem, the words about loneliness could be interpreted as addressed to China. But China has already answered, so the scope for interpretation is sharply reduced. This is most likely the answer to Biden.
    Third. Putin actually invited Biden to play the game "every man for himself" (only Russia and China).
    "We will not conquer, survive on your own" (c)
  22. +2
    10 May 2021 19: 44
    A very interesting and competent discussion, I started to understand at least a little. There is nothing to invest, but it’s a bit of a shame that someone is pumping by.
    I will try to summarize for myself.
    The bitcoin system is not profitable for the "owners of money" for permanent use, because it works past their pockets.
    However, they also benefit from this system temporarily.
    Also, crypt systems are beneficial as temporary, as they rightly write here, for future bankruptcy and write-off of tens of trillions of greenbacks.
    Then just ban it, and cash too.
    Well, you know what for.
  23. +2
    10 May 2021 22: 39
    The number of bitcoins has an upper limit: 21 million.
    And the algorithm will automatically stop working.
    To date, they have already mined 18.5 million.
    1. 0
      11 May 2021 06: 55
      But what will happen to the network after that?
      Will miners continue to receive rewards?
      1. 0
        11 May 2021 14: 50
        No, mining will end at once.
        All computers are in the trash.
        But the savings will remain. Only the password must not be forgotten wink
        Functions: forgot password - recovery - new password
        in bitcoin no.

        1. 0
          11 May 2021 15: 09
          As I understand it, the network will not work without mining. request
          1. 0
            11 May 2021 16: 49
            Will be. Mining is just new bitcoins.
            1. 0
              11 May 2021 18: 04
              We need power for the network to work. Someone has to process transactions, and no one will do this for free.
              And the big question is about the cost of transactions.
              Already, they are about $ 50.
              If you transfer 5000 + $ - is it tolerable, but if you transfer $ 200-300?
              By the way (from my own observations), as a means of transferring money, one of the most convenient is Ripple. Cheap, fast.
  24. ban
    11 May 2021 06: 55
    Dear author!
    Advice - before you write nonsense, try to memorize or trade on a crypto exchange - maybe you will understand ...
  25. 0
    11 May 2021 09: 35
    Mining schmining. If there is an opportunity to make money by pumping money out of thin air. why not? Especially now, when the ether is growing by leaps and bounds. All this crap will last another two or three years, at least, and maybe more. The investment pays off in six months. If everything collapses, vidyuhi can be sold for half the price and not be left behind.
    1. 0
      11 May 2021 15: 10
      All this crap will last another two or three years, at least, and maybe more.

      For bitcoin - 100 years, until the last of 21 million is mined, at least.
    2. 0
      12 May 2021 00: 49
      Quote: zlobny tatarin
      The investment pays off in six months. If everything collapses, vidyuhi can be sold for half price

      Quote: BISMARCK94
      now the same video card brings about 400r per day

      Yeah, one of these "invested" recently presented me a box of video cards, with the words "your eyes would not see them", and "it will not be enough - come and take it back." To my objections that "the money is worth it," he waved his hand and said, "Well then, come with a bubble of horse meat, we'll sit down." He lost a lot on mining, but he thinks he got off easy ... That's it. request
      1. 0
        12 May 2021 09: 57
        If your lyricism is expensive, then you don't need to start. And "hardware", with the increasing complexity of calculations, every two or three years you need to buy a new one. The old no longer holds. That's why he brought you a box.
  26. -1
    11 May 2021 09: 53
    Laugh? Feel sorry for the author? I don’t know how to react to all this. But it's funny, yes) Author ... Well, why are you so "literate"? However, this is a rewrite of some Polish article, right?

    In general, the matter is as follows. It has long been established that the capitalist economy can exist only and exclusively when the share of "black", unaccounted for and tax-free money in it is at least 25%. A capitalist economy thrives when the share of that kind of money in it is at least 40%. This is how the United States became a vacuum cleaner of benefits for the whole world, sucking on itself about half of the world's resources, paying for them with a loosely controlled money supply.
    However, the United States itself cut a bough under itself, starting to persecute its political opponents and economic competitors with the help of accusations and monstrous fines for "money laundering". Capitalist economies were left without venture capital and "black" remuneration paid to the locomotives of the economy - people and firms that organize production spitting on all laws and regulations, but at the same time as efficiently as possible. This is what makes capitalism exist at all ...
    So that's it. Bitcoin is the very "black" money. The existence of capitalism without them is absolutely impossible. All the chatter in the article about why bitcoin has grown (and will continue to grow) is non-objective chatter in the style of the HSE - it seems to a person that he has acquired knowledge, but in fact he was fooled and raped. Be careful with this kind of "knowledge" ...
    1. +1
      11 May 2021 14: 03
      One amendment.
      This so-called, allegedly "capitalism" cannot, as they say, "not expand," in other words, it cannot eat someone (Gaddafi, Kussein, CIS, Africa, South America), and when there is especially no one to eat, rats eat each other and sacrifice something. Bitcoin will be inflated, expropriated, then they will inflate the "most honest" - "three-coin". In this sense, there is no difference with the dollar or any money when scammers play with the system.
      That is, it is correct to say that this system cannot be done not only without black money, but in general can not without all kinds of fraud and crime.
      In critical cases, this criminal capitalism is strained, and we hear the names Stalin, de Gaulle, Kennedy, Gaddafi.
      This capitalism is run by bandits.
      Amazing cryptocurrency? They will invent devices for determining the addresses of agents, puncture the address, liquidate. Introduce laws against crypt under the pretext of terrorism. They will expropriate, launch new projects of "honest" money.
      1. 0
        11 May 2021 14: 08
        But that crypt (or just their own money), which will be created by China, North Korea, India, Iran and Russia, is already different.
        1. 0
          12 May 2021 09: 10
          Yes, you understand) No matter how you create electronic candy wrappers, they will not be CRYPTO. Nobody, and this is completely natural, will believe that states will not monitor their own electronic currencies. Therefore, these pacifiers are not needed by anyone and will never be needed. All this will be absolutely no different from the current situation, and the idiotic projects of "state cryptocurrencies" are just another way to get out of the budget. For a while, the states will try to force users to use "new tools", but there is no particular sense in this, it will not work.
      2. 0
        11 May 2021 14: 24
        They will not expropriate it. There is no need. He is already extremely comfortable and badly needed. For an attempt to invent "devices" inventors will be found and killed. Criminal is not a definition for capitalism. He, in general, cannot be criminal, because under that social system it is the capitalists who write the laws.
        It's easier to ambush, and, at the same time, more difficult. The question is how to effectively make a project? The first option is to give it to the will of the elements. Let anyone do what they want, and we'll just wait for what comes out. And the second - let's act according to the project and plan. We will select leaders, recruit VET, test the performers and direct their work ... Well, here's capitalism and, accordingly, socialism.
        In principle, capitalism cannot solve the problem of managing the economy correctly. Spontaneously complex tasks can only be attempted by a complete ... that ... the site will not miss. If the USSR had a failure, any management specialist will tell you that the problems are not in the project itself, but in poor-quality management of it. Simply put, the bosses were chosen shitty. So they flunked the project. But spontaneous body movements from this still cannot become the correct way of action!
        How does capitalism exist? And on fuel from human greed. For solving a local problem effectively, individuals manage to get a lot of money. So they are trying. Only one person cannot solve the problem completely correctly, especially not in a capitalist environment. Local victories simply prolong the agony.
        But for such victories, fundamentally uncontrolled money is needed! So that the next "solver" could grab a lot, and he didn't get anything for it! That's what bitcoin is for. You can whip out money from anywhere, and bitcoin will clear it. This is not theft, this is cleaning, and the cleaning is super effective. That's what you need ...
  27. +2
    11 May 2021 12: 31
    My humble opinion is that the article is good, thank you, topical. It seems to me that the legs grow from famous persons. We need an anchor face value for the inflated and devalued stock exchange. Gold is not suitable - no matter how much you control its price, the yellow metal stubbornly works against the dollar, so they came up with a completely speculative instrument. I don't know what exactly will happen to cryptocurrency, but the fact is that it is a tried-and-true instrument of the future, supported at the highest level ...
  28. +2
    11 May 2021 16: 17
    Dutch tulips and everything previously associated with them are simply resting.
  29. +1
    12 May 2021 04: 07
    Quote: Stas157
    Quote: nnm
    And can you buy the same bread in the nearest store for bitcoins?))

    There is no bread, but Tesla - yes. The opposite is also true - whoever has money only for bread does not buy Tesla. What is the point of trading bread for bitcoins if there are almost no cryptocurrency holders in the queue for bread?

    The function of bitcoins is different. This is, first of all, an advanced method of transferring money (anywhere, across any borders), preserving it (no one can take it away) and confidentiality (no one knows whose crypto wallet). And that is why this is used by criminals of all stripes and malicious corrupt officials. Now big people are technically advanced, they accept all bribes in cue ball. Any governor or an official sitting on financial flows has a crypto wallet that you never dreamed of.

    Yes, and if you are already so impatient with bread for the crypt, then I can help you with this difficulty! Buy?)))

    A bit wrong ... As a way of transferring money with cue ball, so-so. Slow transaction confirmation, limited block size (accordingly, a limited number of transactions in one block), as a result, high fees, and with a tendency to constantly increase. And as a means of anonymizing a transfer, bitcoin is not at all, all transactions are perfectly tracked and, if desired, de-anonymized.
    Bitcoin chip in its global acceptance as a store of accumulation and speculation. Well, you can also cut plebs with it quite well.
  30. -13
    12 May 2021 15: 20
    This can be clearly seen in the example of Russia and the United States: depending on the growth of the economy, the currency of a country becomes harder and more expensive - and this is logical.

    Who would doubt that the economy in Russia has never grown ..
    And this is logical ..))
  31. +1
    12 May 2021 20: 32
    Quote: nnm
    Can't the world's sixth economy afford it? Have you tried to look at the statistics of industrial production without the tertiary sector of the economy?

    Have you tried?
    1. 0
      15 May 2021 00: 57
      This is how Bitcoins need to be downloaded - create
  32. 0
    19 May 2021 14: 43
    The most interesting thing is that now everyone wants to make money out of thin air. You can do them, but for the time being. Until the time when the last "dreamers" take the whole burden of the law of conservation of energy upon themselves. But this is all philosophical reasoning, it has always been and will be so, nothing can be done about it.