Kriegsmarine combat swimmers: first blood


The head of the German youth organization "Hitler Youth" Artur Axman talks with volunteers from the "Hitler Youth" - pilots of human-controlled torpedoes. In the foreground is the "Neger". Photo source:

“At a time when knowledgeable people already realized that Germany was doomed to war, I had a unique opportunity to participate in the creation of a completely unconventional organization within the structure of the armed forces, in which personal initiative and responsibility were valued more than dependence on superiors and subordination. Military ranks and distinctions, not supported by personal qualities, did not have much significance among us. "

- Vice Admiral Helmut Gueye, Commander of Formation "K".

The strategy of intensifying the conduct of hostilities, conceived by Grand Admiral Doenitz, made itself felt almost immediately after the formation of Formation "K": the newly formed German naval saboteurs received a little more than a couple of weeks to prepare, after which they were thrown into battle.

In the first article of the series (Kriegsmarine combat swimmers: compound "K") we briefly considered history education and basic facts about this unconventional structure of the German armed forces during the Second World War. In this article, we will analyze in detail their "Italian debut".

It is difficult to say whether the rush of the Kriegsmarine leadership was actually justified. The Italians, who have achieved the greatest success in the field of naval sabotage, took several years to solve the technical problems of using human torpedoes ("Mayale") and to train a handful of pilots for this type of weapon. The Germans tried to go this way through short-term intensive practice, but the results were, perhaps, absolutely deplorable.


On the night of April 13, 1944, a whole flotilla "Negerov" arrived in a place called Pratica di Mare, which was located 25 km south of Rome. The size of the compound was quite impressive - for the first combat use, the leadership of the Kriegsmarine allocated as many as 30 human torpedoes. This, however, caused unexpected problems with the selection of pilots - there were more volunteers than the boats themselves.

Kriegsmarine technicians prepare the Neger human-guided torpedo for a combat operation. Photo source:

The transportation of the "Neger" to Italy was carried out in absolute secrecy. Human torpedoes were moved by rail, and then by road, being covered with canvas covers. It is known that the Germans faced a number of difficulties during this event - there were no preliminary exercises for the transportation of this type of weapons, and the soldiers of the "K" formation simply did not have any experience in this matter.

The start of the operation, however, was further complicated by the air supremacy, which by the time of 1944 already had the Allies. In this regard, the "Neger" were placed not directly off the coast, but in a pine grove, which was at some distance from the sea.

The above circumstances imposed their difficulties on the search for a coastal deployment point - the saboteurs could not find a single, even the smallest, bay. Moreover, they did not have cranes or winches with which they could launch the Neger from the unequipped coast to a depth, and they could not find at least some suitable beaches - most of the investigated allowed to go into the sea for 100 m, not losing the bottom underfoot.

However, the Germans, in the end, were lucky: in 29 km from the anchorage of ships in Anzio, which was chosen as an object of attack, near the settlement of Torre Vajanica destroyed by bombs, there was a place where sufficient depth began 20-30 meters from the coast ... The great distance from the target imposed its own difficulties, however, the estimated range of the "Negerov" made it possible to cover the required distance (29 km to Anzio and a little more than 16 km back, to the first line of German trenches).

The first sabotage was planned for the new moon, which falls on the night of April 20-21. Intelligence reported that a convoy of Allied ships embarked on the raid in Anzio - according to known data, the ships usually stayed at anchorage for at least 3-4 days. The weather was favorable, the nights were dark, and the stars were clearly visible in the sky - this allowed the pilots of the "Neger" to have additional landmarks, in addition to wrist compasses.

This, however, did not end there: to help the combat swimmers, the Wehrmacht fighters on the front line had to set fire to some shed around midnight and maintain a bright flame for several hours. As all returning pilots confirmed, this fire was clearly visible from the sea. Having passed it on the way back, they could safely sink their carrier torpedoes, not doubting that they would get to the coast occupied by the Germans. In addition, the German anti-aircraft battery fired a series of lighting shells every 20 minutes in the direction of the port of Anzio. True, its range was not enough to illuminate the ships in the roadstead, but the shells indicated the required direction to the Neger.

At 21:20 on April 1944, XNUMX, the first operation of German naval saboteurs started.

To ensure the launching of the Neger into the water, the ground command allocated 500 soldiers, and it was by no means an easy job: they had to drag the transport carts with the Neger into the sea so far that the torpedoes would surface themselves. The infantrymen must go into the water up to their necks, pushing a heavy load: 60 people were required to transport one cart.

The pilot of the German man-controlled torpedo "Neger" sits in the cockpit before leaving for a combat mission. Photo source:

The operation did not go according to plan already at this stage: the infantrymen considered the task entrusted to be another stupidity of the high command, and began to actively sabotage the descent of the Negerov. The soldiers threw human torpedoes on the shallows, refusing to push them into the sea, as a result of which only 17 vehicles were launched and headed for Anzio. The remaining 13 fell victim to the Wehrmacht soldiers shirking from work and were blown up in shallow water the next morning.


Before the start of the operation, the pilots were divided into three battle groups. The first, led by Senior Lieutenant Koch, was supposed to round the Cape at Anzio, penetrate into Nettun Bay and find enemy ships there. The second, more numerous, under the command of Lieutenant Zeibike, was supposed to attack the ships that were in the roadstead near Anzio. The other five pilots, under the command of Midshipman Pothast, intended to infiltrate the port of Anzio itself and fire their torpedoes at ships that might be there, or along the quay wall.

Among the successfully launched 17 "Negers" was the entire Koch group - she had the farthest journey, and she was launched first. In addition, about half of the devices of the Zeibike group and only 2 torpedoes from among those on which were to penetrate the port of Anzio were afloat.

In this composition, the flotilla entered the first combat mission.

“We assumed that enemy escort ships, designed to protect the main force, would drop depth charges from time to time. If I was on the right course, I should have heard these breaks soon.

Having heard nothing of the kind, I decided already at the beginning of the second hour of the night to take a new course - to the east, as I was afraid that I had been carried too far out to sea. However, my fears did not materialize. Going on a new course, within ten minutes I saw the lights in front of me.

Apparently I was near Anzio. At 1 hour 25 minutes. I noticed a small vessel ahead of me on the right, passing by me at a distance of about 300 m. No guns were visible. The vessel, judging by its dimensions, could have been a tender. It was heading for Anzio. Its silhouette was still distinguishable against the background of lights for some time, then it disappeared.

About 1 hour 45 minutes I saw another small, apparently patrol ship, this time standing still. I turned off the electric motor so that the escort vessel could not see me or hear the noise of my engine, and drifted past this vessel. I was sorry to spend a torpedo on it, since I still hoped to meet large landing and transport ships. "

- Ober-Fenrich Hermann Voigt, member of the raid on Anzio.

One way or another, the difficulties of the operation did not end with only one launching of human torpedoes into the water. The German combat swimmers had a long journey (more than 2,5 hours) in the cramped cabins of the Negerov. But the biggest problems started when they got close to Anzio ...
Perhaps what happened next at least caused confusion among the German naval saboteurs: they went to the port, hoping to arrange a real massacre among the ships of the allies, confirming the viability of the idea of ​​asymmetric naval war, and as a result they only discovered that both Anzio's raid and the port itself were ... empty.

However, the gloomy genius of the German military machine gathered his bloody harvest that night. Despite the absence of Allied transport ships, both patrol ships and port infrastructure were located in Anzio - they were the victims of the combat swimmers that unfortunate night.

1. Ober-Fenrich Voigt sank an escort ship in the roadstead.

2. Ober-Fenrich Pothast sank a steamer in the harbor.

3. Ober-viernschreibmeister Barrer sank a transport.

4. Schreiber-Chief Corporal Walter Gerold blew up an ammunition cellar under an artillery battery in the harbor.

5. Sailor Herbert Berger (17 years old), torpedoed and destroyed the port fortifications. For this operation, he was awarded the Iron Cross of the 2nd degree and received the rank of corporal.

The results of the operation were twofold.

The German high command received them with enthusiasm - the raid on Anzio was considered successful. And the German military leadership had the hope that enemy superiority at sea could be leveled out by asymmetric means of waging naval warfare.

On the other hand, the very first combat operation of naval saboteurs showed not only the prospects for such an approach, but also the growing decline in the capabilities and resources of the Third Reich: the raid was carried out almost blindly, the "K" unit did not have any reliable and fresh information about the enemy in Anzio. The command could not even provide air reconnaissance, let alone anything more.

American soldiers inspect the German-controlled Neger man-torpedo, washed ashore on the beach in Anzio. Photo source:

Additional difficulties were imposed by the imperfection of the human torpedoes themselves, the combat effectiveness of which depended entirely on the luck and personal qualities of its pilot. Lack of communication, the possibility of coordinating actions and means of navigation, low speed, high accident rate, the complexity of deployment - all this imposed restrictions that made the "Neger" disposable weaponsnot suitable for mass use. However, we will talk about this in the next article.

One way or another, the combat debut of the German human torpedoes, despite the damage inflicted on the enemy and low losses, was unsuccessful.

From now on, the allies knew about the new threat - there was no more surprise factor. Moreover, the very next day the Americans one of the "Neger", the pilot who fell victim to an accident (on the night he was one of three dead marine commandos) and poisoned with carbon dioxide has been found - is it possible to estimate the new weapons of the Third Reich and to prepare for reflecting a new danger ...

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  1. +5
    April 26 2021 05: 26
    Very interesting, I'm waiting for the continuation hi
    1. +10
      April 26 2021 05: 44
      Albert, hi. hi
      I subscribe to the assessment.
      A very long time ago, I read a book about the affairs of this flotilla. One surname seemed familiar here - midshipman Pothast, if I’m not mistaken, it was he who, during the landing of the Allies in Normandy, torpedoed the Polish light cruiser Dragon from the Neger. The cruiser was severely damaged and the allies flooded it as a breakwater. Pothast was captured.
      1. +3
        April 26 2021 05: 53
        Good morning, Constantine! hi
        Did you survive? Lucky
        1. +7
          April 26 2021 05: 59
          He was sure that he had torpedoed the destroyer, but the British officer conducting the interrogation ended it with something like this: "Anyway, congratulations - you sank a cruiser, an old, but still a cruiser." And, yes, the Poles were not lucky again, they had only one cruiser, and that boy put the boy to rest. request
          1. +1
            April 26 2021 06: 10
            Instead of Jewish, can we write Polish happiness? laughing
            1. +1
              April 26 2021 06: 12
              It already depends on what to apply. smile drinks
              1. +1
                April 26 2021 06: 25
                laughing drinks
                To cruisers, for example wink
                1. +4
                  April 26 2021 07: 14
                  Israel never had a single cruiser in its fleet. And the hell did he need these expensive toys, against whom to use? Well, and the Poles ... they only needed it for show-off, Polish ambition, you know, there is nowhere to go. smile request
                  1. +3
                    April 26 2021 07: 19
                    Today's Israeli fleet is three frigates for every fireman, a bunch of small things and diesel German submarines, also for everyone. With its coastline, it is more than enough laughing
                    1. +7
                      April 26 2021 07: 21
                      That's what I'm talking about. Reasonable distribution of funds and efforts. BUT German a diesel engine in the Israeli fleet is five points!
                      Doenitz does not turn over in his coffin? laughing
                      1. +3
                        April 26 2021 07: 31
                        So also donated / subsidized by Germany - incl. for property seized during the Holocaust laughing
                      2. +4
                        April 26 2021 09: 01
                        Well, well done, they will benefit from everything ... and the Germans got fucked for "everything good." laughing
                      3. +2
                        April 26 2021 15: 41
                        The fact of the matter is that it is profitable было Germans, however, in the early 60s.
                        The reaction of the Israeli opposition to the establishment of diplomatic relations with the FRG in exchange for reparations:
                        The opposition in Israel opposed the conclusion of the agreement, believing that in this way the crimes of the Nazis would be forgiven and forgotten.

                        No amount of money, according to opponents of receiving reparations, can atone for the murder of six million Jews, and therefore Jews should not accept money from the murderers of their brothers and sisters. This position was formulated by the leader of the parliamentary opposition Menachem Begin in his famous speech on Jerusalem's Zion Square:

                        The head of the Jewish government, for the sake of profit, intends to go to trade in the honor of the people of Israel and make a deal that will stain the Jewish people with an eternal stain of shame ... Every German is a Nazi. Every German is a murderer!

                        At a meeting in the Knesset, Begin compared Ben-Gurion with a Roman procurator, and German money with a statue of a pig, which the Greeks brought to the Jerusalem Temple. “We will give our lives! We will leave our families, we will say goodbye to our children, but there will be no negotiations with Germany! " - Begin declared.

                        Knesset guards installed machine guns on the roof of the building to protect the deputies. The matter did not come to the shooting, although angry opponents of receiving reparations tried to attack the Knesset, knocked out the glass in its windows and were brutally dispersed by the police.

                        But the Germans needed to improve their image in the largest sales market - the American one. Because the Yankees, faced with concentration camps, ceased to respect the Germans (before that they only hated the Japanese), the guards and mocked the local population of the neighboring German city. After that, the Germans found a creative and inexpensive, on the scale of the Federal Republic of Germany, a way to show that we are not like that. laughing
                      4. +3
                        April 26 2021 20: 55
                        ..and Israel (well, America to the heap) is not at all embarrassed that the main death camps (that is, imprisoned specifically for the physical destruction of Jews and Russian prisoners of war by the way) were located neither in the territories of the Third Reich, but in the General Government ( namely in Poland) and a considerable% of the servants in these camps were precisely the Poles (by the way, the last MASS Jewish pogrom took place in the `` liberated '' RKKA Poland in 47-48 years) ... no, of course, the idea of ​​the Holocaust itself was born in Germany, but. .. both the Poles and our non-brothers from the UPA took part as performers ... although of course all the bigwigs were shoveled off by the Deutsche and the rest, as it were, are not in business ... and you in Israel still remember who killed your brothers in Lviv and in Babi Yar or all this, in current realities, is no longer relevant and are passed from the right sector (yes, the descendants of those same UPA) use UAVs, including those equipped with Israeli products ... well, those killed in the distant 1941 ... yes, they were- whether a boy .. ???
                      5. +2
                        April 26 2021 21: 30
                        Speech by Israeli President Rivlin in the Rada after the Maidan (2016)
                        "About 1,5 million Jews were killed on the territory of modern Ukraine during World War II in Babi Yar and many other places ... Many accomplices of the crime were Ukrainians. And among them, the OUN fighters (OUN - UPA - ed.) Stood out, who mocked over Jews, they were killed, in many cases they were handed over to the Germans ... ", - quotes Rivlin as the website of the TV channel" 112. Ukraine ".
                        "Relations between the Ukrainian and Jewish peoples today are directed to the future, but we cannot allow history, both with its terrible and its good events, to be forgotten," he added.

                      6. +3
                        April 27 2021 00: 03
                        Well, that means that everything went to everyone's pleasure and "the sheep are fed and the wolves are safe." laughing
                      7. +2
                        April 27 2021 00: 31
                        Well, how ... many people from the past, for the most part, generation, can not forget how they were destroyed by yesterday's neighbors on a national basis - some from self-interest, some from indifference (stupid following orders), and only a very small part because of hatred, ideology, etc. My peers, fellow tribesmen, feel very comfortable in German-speaking countries, I am one of them. Do I see modern Germans as enemies? Not at all - people are like people, and for the most part they are not bad. Do I think it's worth giving up reparations? Not at all - they squeezed out business, finance, property, and works of art from their Jews and Western Europe for much larger amounts than they paid the grandmothers. And they squeezed out stupidly killing people - you can't imagine worse.
                        Do I think they should have been destroyed at all? This is not the first and, I think, not the last, unfortunately, genocide in history. To cut all the Germans in a row would mean to become like their Nazi leaders, well, and any such humanistic and liberal crap laughing
                      8. +3
                        April 27 2021 00: 44
                        My mother and auntie reacted extremely sharply to the return of the treasures of the Dresden gallery to the Germans. They both survived the beginning of the Leningrad Blockade and the occupation in Pyatigorsk, where my mother's hospital was evacuated. Although my mother could not say anything bad about the Germans, our wounded were not thrown out of the hospital, much less finished off, our personnel were supplied with food at the level of their army. No reprisals, even though my mother was the captain of the medical service of the Red Army. But for my generation, the fate of this gallery did not care, and that is to say, we did not smell war.
                      9. +2
                        April 27 2021 00: 54
                        Quite right - we are not involved in this emotionally
                      10. +4
                        April 26 2021 16: 08
                        It seems that in the film: "Liberation", Hitler declared that the Germans were not worthy of him .. And here is a visual confirmation
                      11. +4
                        April 26 2021 16: 41
                        Yes, Hitler, in my opinion, no nation is worthy laughing more precisely, well on fig such a devil
                      12. +3
                        April 26 2021 18: 08
                        In fact, he has a different opinion on this matter. If she finds out she will freak out
                      13. +1
                        April 26 2021 18: 11
                        This he could laughing
                        Hello, Vlad! hi
                      14. +2
                        April 26 2021 18: 20
                        Alik, my compliments
                    2. +2
                      April 26 2021 14: 34
                      Quote: Krasnodar
                      Today's Israeli fleet is three frigates ...

                      Ship modelers use a 2/5 scale. Nothing prevents you from doing this with an ABM missile cruiser.
        2. +5
          April 26 2021 14: 30
          And he lived safely until 2011. After the war he worked as a teacher and school director.
          1. +3
            April 26 2021 16: 42
            Quote: Ryazanets87
            And he lived safely until 2011. After the war he worked as a teacher and school director.

            And my vocation was to teach ... not a fig ...
        3. +4
          April 26 2021 16: 13
          one surname seemed familiar here - midshipman Pothast, if I'm not mistaken

          In addition to the naval saboteur Karl-Heinz Pothast, the same surname was borne by Hedwig Potthast, the personal secretary and mistress of the Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler, from whom she had two children. Interestingly they are not relatives?
          1. +6
            April 26 2021 18: 17
            "from whom she had two children", of course: "an exemplary family man, he has not been noticed in relationships that defame him" (c)
            I did not know such details about him.
            1. +3
              April 26 2021 18: 24
              Svyatoslav, my compliments hi
              Just type in the search engine "Hedwig Potthast" Lots of information
            2. The comment was deleted.
      2. +6
        April 26 2021 15: 19
        Pothast, if I'm not mistaken, it was he who, during the Allied landings in Normandy, torpedoed the Polish light cruiser Dragon from the Neger

        light cruiser ORP "Dragon"

        24.01.1917-Laid down
        Displacement (standard / full) - 4276/4850 tons.
        Dimensions (length / width / draft) -146,5 / 14,02 / 4,41 m.
        Main Power Plant -2 × Brown - Curtis / 40000
        Travel speed (full / economical) - 29/10 knots.
        Cruising range (full / economical) 1480/6700 miles
        Fuel stock - 1060 tons.
        Crew -462 people.
        Belt / board - 76 mm.
        Deck -25 mm.
        Main artillery:
        5 × 152 mm guns;
        2 (1 × 2) 102 mm guns.
        8 (2 × 4) × 40 mm;
        12 (2 × 4; 4 × 1) × 20 mm.
        Anti-submarine weapons
        1 bomb launcher.
        Ships of the same type - ORP Conrad
        1. +4
          April 26 2021 16: 17
          Dmitry, Richard, and this Polish ship even fought or was it sunk without benefit?
          Did the Germans capture anything from the Polish fleet in 1939?
          1. +7
            April 26 2021 16: 42
            This is not a Polish, but a British D-class light cruiser
            In the First World War, in addition to "hunting for destroyers", "Dragon" was engaged in reconnaissance. After the end of the war, the cruiser served in different parts of the world - in the Baltic Sea, then for some time off the coast of Australia, then in the Mediterranean fleet. In the interwar period, it was subjected to major repairs, during which, however, no serious structural changes were made. Before the outbreak of World War II, he was reassigned to the Metropolitan Fleet and relocated to Rosyth.
            Transferred in 1943 to the Polish Navy (subordinate to the so-called London government). He took part in supporting the landing of allied forces in Normandy. On July 8, 1944, it was torpedoed by a human-guided torpedo and was seriously damaged. It was flooded on July 20 by the team in the area of ​​the Sord beach and was subsequently used as a breakwater.

            The word "Dragon" is not in the Polish language, in translation into Polish this word would sound like "Smok", however, for a number of reasons, the English name was left. At one time, however, they wanted to name the ship ORP Lwów, however, in order not to irritate the Soviet government, the idea to name the ship in honor of Lvov was abandoned.
            1. +4
              April 26 2021 17: 43
              You know a lot. I respect informed colleagues. Thanks to the comments of such colleagues as: Viktor Nikolaevich or you, I learned a lot
      3. +10
        April 26 2021 19: 56
        Quote: Sea Cat
        A very long time ago, I read a book about the affairs of this flotilla.

        This is not the case?
        I also read an interesting documentary narration from the first persons with photographs
        1. +6
          April 26 2021 20: 30
          The operation did not go according to plan already at this stage: the infantrymen considered the task entrusted to be another stupidity of the high command, and began to actively sabotage the descent of the Negerov. The soldiers threw human torpedoes on the shallows, refusing to push them into the sea, as a result of which only 17 vehicles were launched and headed for Anzio.

          a photo Not unloaded, abandoned "Neger" on a trolley.
        2. +4
          April 26 2021 23: 43
          I read this one, I remember well how the cover looked. It's a pity the friends read it.
  2. +9
    April 26 2021 06: 29
    On the other hand, the very first combat operation of naval saboteurs showed not only the prospects for such an approach, but also the growing decline in the capabilities and resources of the Third Reich: the raid was carried out almost blindly, the "K" unit did not have any reliable and fresh information about the enemy in Anzio. The command could not even provide air reconnaissance, let alone anything more.

    human torpedo application. whose crews have already passed ... two weeks of training, became evidence of the agony of the Reich's military machine, already clinging to a straw ...

    Already in the next operation, all minesweepers, boats, anti-aircraft gunners, aircraft were hunting them with passion and successfully ...
    1. +9
      April 26 2021 08: 05
      evidence of the agony of the Reich war machine, already clinging to straws

      In my opinion, at the beginning of 44, everything was still not so obvious (for the Germans themselves), but the raid of human torpedoes in Anzio serves as a vivid proof of the exhaustion of Germany's resources. If they had active intelligence, the Nazi thugs would have staged a massacre in the port without any problems, despite two weeks of training and the imperfection of human torpedoes.

      Fortunately, they had no intelligence by that time ...
      1. +4
        April 26 2021 09: 05
        Their intelligence, in particular its chief Schellenberg, was already busy looking for "straw", for them it was already quite clear that the final collapse was inevitable.
        1. +3
          April 26 2021 09: 18
          Yes, it is more of a task for aerial reconnaissance. An indicator of how good the Allied air defense umbrella was.
          1. +3
            April 26 2021 09: 21
            With air reconnaissance there was dull, the author mentioned the total superiority of the Allied aviation.
            1. +5
              April 26 2021 16: 28
              Konstantin hi
              There is an excellent book on this topic by Becker Kaius "German Naval Saboteurs in World War II"
              You can read online or download it for free at the link:

        2. +5
          April 26 2021 16: 23
          Konstantin, good afternoon.
          As I remember from the movie, SD is political intelligence and it has no time for counting ships.
          It seems that this should be done by the Abwehr?
          1. +2
            April 26 2021 23: 53
            Officially, from the moment of its creation, SD was indeed considered the political intelligence of the party, but in the course of its activities it began to do everything that intelligence is supposed to do. During the war with the USSR, it even included punitive Einsatzgruppen and Yagdokommands, which, in addition to fighting the partisans, were engaged in elementary genocide of the local population (the Dirlewanger brigade, for example). As for the Abwehr, after the assassination attempt in 44, all military intelligence was reassigned to the SD.
      2. +5
        April 26 2021 09: 11
        Quote: Anjay V.
        In my opinion, at the beginning of 44, everything was still not so obvious (for the Germans themselves), but the raid of human torpedoes in Anzio serves as a vivid proof of the exhaustion of Germany's resources.

        definitely so
        Quote: Anjay V.
        If they had active intelligence, the Nazi thugs would have staged a massacre in the port without any problems, despite two weeks of training and the imperfection of human torpedoes.

        "would" is not worth, alas, anything.

        And in reality they never staged a massacre to anyone, but they themselves disappeared.

        for the articles, thank you

        I saw these torpedoes live in TM in Shpayer and then I read a lot about them ...
        1. +3
          April 26 2021 13: 04
          for the articles, thank you

          Please, it's good to see that the topic is interesting)

          As I deal with the Germans, the Americans will be next.
          1. +4
            April 26 2021 18: 17
            As I deal with the Germans, the Americans will be next.

            Well, the most logical next should be the Japanese, as members of the axis and the most effective in naval sabotage operations in the years of the 2nd MV
            a photo Japanese Type I minisubmarine while moving to the scene of hostilities.
      3. +2
        April 26 2021 12: 33
        Quote: Anjay V.
        In my opinion, at the beginning of the 44th everything was still not so obvious (for the Germans themselves)

        Of course, if they have to upgrade the "Negro" ( "marten" mean).
        Why didn't you mention the use of "blacks" in the Channel? Still, they have the honor of incapacitating total cruising fleet of Poland .... in the face of the Dragon ...)))))))
        1. +4
          April 26 2021 13: 03
          Why didn't you mention the use of "blacks" in the Channel?

          Well, why are you in such a hurry, dear comrade?)
          There will be a separate article about this, not all at once)

          Here I would like to write specifically about Anzio. I don’t know how interesting and detailed it came out, but I tried.
          1. +2
            April 26 2021 13: 15
            Quote: Anjay V.
            Here I would like to write specifically about Anzio.

            Clearly, the question has been cleared.
  3. +4
    April 26 2021 09: 34
    I join the thanks!
    The topic is quite interesting.
    1. +3
      April 26 2021 13: 05
      Thank you, I'm glad to see that there are those who are interested in this topic as well as myself)
      1. +3
        April 26 2021 16: 45
        Quote: Anjay V.
        Thank you, I'm glad to see that there are those who are interested in this topic as well as myself)

        In addition, I want to note that Russian is not your native language, but you write in it flawlessly. good
        1. 0
          April 27 2021 11: 39
          Thank you for the praise, dear Krasnodar, but Russian is my native language :)
          1. 0
            April 27 2021 12: 34
            Oops feel
            Based on the name, I considered you a native of Poland hi
    2. +3
      April 26 2021 23: 22
      Thank you, dear Andrey. good
      The cycle of articles turns out to be great
      1. +1
        April 27 2021 11: 40
        Thank you very much for your kind words, Richard)
  4. +4
    April 26 2021 13: 22
    Video in the topic;

  5. +3
    April 26 2021 13: 48
    Captured German saboteur in the operation at Anzio

  6. +3
    April 26 2021 16: 44
    Good evening . Colleagues, I read about Italians in B. Kasparov's book, "White Sand".?
    And I read about the Germans, but I finished reading: "The Sign of Vishnu"
    1. +1
      April 26 2021 21: 01
      and what kind of Kasparov ??? Boris Minaevich Kasparov ??? he has a book "Ashes and Sand" (1965) is he ???
      1. +1
        April 27 2021 07: 12
        That's right Boris Kasparov. In my school years, I had a book: "Two stories" I remember one well - "A copy of Durer", and the second one I read about Italian sabotage boats, one of ours was sunk and it had some kind of museum relic. I remember that the code for the mine was Galileo's comet. More precisely the year when Galileo saw
  7. 0
    1 June 2021 17: 50
    the film was about them an experiment of Dr. Abst