"The latest Russian weapons only on paper": the Polish press criticized the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation


An article by Przemyslaw Zematsky appeared in the Polityka edition. Unlike other Polish authors, Zematsky decided not to scare his compatriots with horror stories about Russian missiles aimed at Warsaw, but, on the contrary, to debunk the "myth" of Russian superweapons.

Of course, Zematsky starts with Poseidon. He writes that it is this weapon is currently the most popular innovation of the Russian defense industry. The Western press dubbed "Poseidon" the "doomsday torpedo." But Zematsky, of course, understands Poseidon much better than American or British analysts ... He believes that since the media learned about the project more than five years ago, during this time, no official confirmation of the creation of Poseidon has come , the "doomsday torpedo" is still in question. Apparently, to convince Mr. Observer of his existence, "Poseidon" had to be directed to the target ...

At the same time, Zematsky recalls the enormous superiority of the United States over Russia in the number of aircraft carriers (11 versus 1, and even that is under repair). But the absence of aircraft carriers, Russia, according to the Polish author, compensates for the incredible fertility in terms of creating projects of the latest weapons. For example, we are talking about the "aircraft carrier-catamaran" project, which will have two hulls connected to each other.

However, according to Zematsky, the case with the aircraft carrier-catamaran did not advance far beyond the model presented at the Army-2018 exhibition. Another project is the promising MiG-41 interceptor fighter, the technical characteristics of which are much talked about, but so far the air vehicle has not become a reality. The fighter could be the fastest in the world, but it is not known when it will go into production or if it will be launched at all.

Zematsky concludes that Russian projects in the field remain only on paper. That is, it is "Putin's paper weapon", which is very difficult to turn into real weapons, almost impossible. After all, Russia, according to the Polish author, after the collapse of the USSR was deprived of the opportunity to produce the latest weapons. This was due to the destruction of a single production chain that existed within one country. For example, many industries remained not only in the union Belarus, but also in Ukraine. Why, then, in Poland they reflect so much about the Iskander OTRK in the Kaliningrad region and ships with the Kalibr missile launcher in the Baltic, if all this is "only paper" ...

According to the Pole, the Russian economy demonstrates low growth rates, which also cannot but become an obstacle to the full development of industries for the production of modern weapons. Therefore, if the projects under consideration become a reality, then in many years and even decades. For example, MiG-41 - in 2035-2040.

But why does Russia need to create "paper tigers"? Zematsky believes that discussions about new weapons are needed in order to demonstrate their superiority to the West. It is more profitable for the Kremlin to intimidate the West in order to protect itself in foreign policy than to admit the truth. In fact, Zematsky believes, the information about the new weapon is comparable to the Soviet statements about a nuclear strike, from which the West will not be able to defend itself.

In addition, there is also a relying on domestic consumption: for the Russian man in the street, information about new weapons should demonstrate that the years of Putin's rule were not in vain, that the country has made great progress in the field of weapons. By doing this, the Kremlin may try to somewhat reduce the degree of dissatisfaction with the socio-economic course of the Russian government and the events that are currently taking place in the country.

Of course, there is a certain grain of truth in Zematsky's words. It is difficult to deny economic problems, backwardness in a number of modern technologies, but at the same time, one should not adhere to such a skeptical position. And here the question arises, why should Zematsky and other similar authors convince Polish and Western readers of the ineffectiveness of Russian weapons? Is it to create confidence in the safety of a war with Russia? After all, such myths were already circulating in the West, in particular in Germany, before the attack on the Soviet Union in 1941. Now we see a resurgence of these myths after 80 years. In addition, the task of such as Zematsky is to create a negative aura around Russian weapons to reduce competitiveness, to criticize the Russian military-industrial complex even on a far-fetched reason.
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  1. +42
    26 March 2021 13: 17
    If so, let them sleep in peace, and not arrange weekly tantrums.
    1. +6
      26 March 2021 13: 21
      However, they cannot sleep well, something that still worries them. Just now, they cannot understand ... the mysterious Russian soul.
      1. +8
        26 March 2021 13: 24
        Russia Aggressive-hype, money
        Russia kollos on feet of clay - HYIP, money.
        All you need to know about Inosmi
        1. +4
          26 March 2021 13: 46
          In-in. One might think that Zematsky's maxims are not "paper" weapons, also aimed more at the Polish consumer. Of course, the domestic military-industrial complex has an abundance of problems, but why does he not say a word about Iskanders, or Daggers, or Zircon, which very soon should complete tests and go into production?
          1. -9
            27 March 2021 15: 19
            Well, kill me, even a small shot about Zircon getting somewhere Silence But such propaganda has a place to be In the early 60s, huge boxes, such as the latest missiles, were carried at parades along Red Square. Why create a carrier for it, if it is not of limited range Well, they fired from some kind of swamp and, like, it will come by itself So there are a lot of questions
            1. +2
              28 March 2021 08: 24
              Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
              Well, for the life of me, even for a small shot about Zircon getting somewhere Silence
              Skeptics, antipatriots and Russophobes will not be convinced even by this. They will say that it was not Zircon, that video editing was done, etc. By the way, does the United States show the tests of its missiles in all details? It seems to be not. However, people like you blindly believe in American propaganda, but not in Russian. Double standarts.
              1. -2
                28 March 2021 09: 43
                Why won't he convince? Show And skepticism is not born out of nowhere. Our native state lies too much, and it is godless
                1. +1
                  28 March 2021 13: 02
                  In war as in war.
                  This fleet is yours! This is the charter:

                  Whoever has more strength is right.

                  Nobody will ask: "Whose wealth?

                  Where is it taken and at what cost? "

                  War, trade and piracy -

                  Three kinds of essence of one

                  Our nevertheless tend to underestimate the real characteristics. And in America, they tend to be overstated and strongly.
                2. 0
                  April 12 2021 10: 30
                  Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
                  Too much our dear state lies, and it is godless
                  Takes an example from the USA. There are so many lies coming from America that against their background Russia looks pale and naive. Disbelief is a personal subjective opinion based on value judgments, not facts.
                3. 0
                  April 13 2021 09: 09
                  I again met a man who knows everything about everything. Do you need the Zircon hit, in your presence or your participation in the Poseidon trials? Order! Only for you! fellow
                  1. 0
                    14 May 2021 13: 09
                    you'll see soon
            2. +1
              April 1 2021 16: 01
              Well, here's not a zilch-setting on combat duty of Vanguards and Daggers. If Russia is unable to produce the latest weapons, then how to explain the emergence of these two?
              And about the Poseidon carriers, yes, it can be installed permanently off the coast of Kamchatka, for example, but stationary coordinates make this product vulnerable, in the event of, say, a preemptive strike. And then the carrier can launch it from anywhere in the world ocean, and go guess from which one.
              1. -1
                April 1 2021 16: 43
                Well, to name the Vanguards and the dagger know-how, the language does not turn Iskander he is Iskander Yes and the Avngard with a stretch And Poseidon on the carrier is many times easier to find The carrier, if my memory serves me since the 20th century
                1. +1
                  April 1 2021 17: 59
                  Normal)))) Tell me which ballistic product before the avant-garde had a planning warhead, similar speed, variability in flight altitude? At best, only a "bus", that is, a disengagement panel, could shift the warheads away from the classic ballista (and thereby complicate the process of removing the warhead from the trajectory). And then by values, in comparison with what the vanguard can do, incomparable with all the ensuing tasks for missile defense. And before the dagger, what kind of cruise missile flew on hypersound for 1000 km? If this is not know-how, then what should they call it? As for Poseidon, the carrier does not matter what century, but what is important is that he changes coordinates. Withdrew, the same Khabarovsk from the shores of Kamchatka ... and there at once depths of several kilometers ... and where-xs will emerge. Have you, at least once, dare to ask at 1135 or 1155 tried to find a submarine in a given area? I assure you that this is an extremely difficult task. However, to discover this one. But where is the guarantee that by the time of detection, all torpedoes will not be fired? And if this product is delivered permanently ... then reconnaissance is not asleep and, like ballistic missile silos, its coordinates will be approximately known. With all that it implies. True, such stationary installations can be included in the "Perimeter" system, but this is a completely different question.
      2. +2
        26 March 2021 13: 30
        A similar dilemma worries them:
        It is necessary to declare that the Russians are strong in order to get money for weapons for the war - but at the same time it must be said that the Russians are weak and you can quickly wage a victorious war ...
        1. +4
          26 March 2021 14: 29
          Believe / not believe is voluntary. Let them not believe. But they may be unpleasantly surprised when the moment of verification comes. lol
          1. +2
            26 March 2021 15: 55
            Zematsky concludes that Russian projects in the field remain only on paper. That is, it is "Putin's paper weapon", which is very difficult to turn into real weapons, almost impossible.

            That's good, let them count as Mr. Zematsky writes.
          2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +9
        26 March 2021 13: 48
        Smolensk birches disturb them)
      4. +4
        26 March 2021 14: 45
        Quote: marchcat
        But can't sleep calmly, something still worries them.

        Let them offer to smash Poland with "paper" weapons.

        If Poland disappears, then the weapon is not made of paper

        If there are no weapons, Poland will remain and let them sleep peacefully
        1. +2
          26 March 2021 14: 53
          Quote: Olgovich
          Let them offer to smash Poland with "paper" weapons.

          If Poland disappears, then the weapon is not made of paper

          If there are no weapons, Poland will remain and let them sleep peacefully

          Evil wink You! offended the Poles ... good
          1. +5
            26 March 2021 15: 33
            It is impossible to punish or offend them more than God offended.
            "Whom God wants to punish, he deprives him of reason."
            The rest of the empty Polish chatter is purely an effect on the nerves.
      5. 0
        April 8 2021 11: 02
        The quality of the paper worries them from which the Russian "paper weapon" is made. Painfully she is tough laughing
    2. 0
      26 March 2021 13: 30
      The Polish bell tower is high, from which you can better see the surroundings. )))
      1. +7
        26 March 2021 14: 09
        but a good meme can turn out
        now every time I meet a mourner at VO "everything is gone, Soviet junk" I will refer to him as "Pan Przemyslav Zematsky"
    3. +2
      26 March 2021 13: 39
      They reassure those Poles who decided to serve in the Polish Army.
      1. +2
        26 March 2021 13: 46
        Since the media learned about the project more than five years ago, but during this time no official confirmation of the creation of Poseidon has come, then the “doomsday torpedo” is still in question.
        Right now, let's stroke the laces and rush to report to you.
    4. +3
      26 March 2021 16: 31
      And Russia is also a myth - forget about it and live in peace! winked
    5. 0
      26 March 2021 18: 38
      Quote: Pereira
      If so, let them sleep in peace, and not arrange weekly tantrums.

      "Business, just business ... And nothing personal ....." ... Well, the "poor Polish journalist" needs to somehow "make money", but HOW?
      Well, here is the "proud pshek sulking", trying to somehow please overseas OWNERS!
      What is there to do? request
  2. +3
    26 March 2021 13: 19
    Maybe then the logs boast of their own breakthrough developments, embodied in iron?
  3. +2
    26 March 2021 13: 22
    And here the question arises, why should Zematsky and other similar authors convince Polish and Western readers of the ineffectiveness of Russian weapons?

    I tried to be original against the background of local hackers.
  4. +1
    26 March 2021 13: 27
    What else to expect from them? We decided to be loyal "allies" of the USA in Europe, only the "ally" has slavish habits, the Polyakhia itself survives due to the rich injections of loans from the rest of the Euro-hoes, therefore they see all such scribbles. And, in another way, the neighbors would share the polyakhia, but they forgot that such a misunderstanding existed. According to their own patterns, the feeble-minded Zelensky from Vukrostan, one rotten field of berries, yelps at Russia!
    1. +6
      26 March 2021 13: 32
      Well, they do not believe that Russia can produce and produce modern weapons, their own problem. Until recently, their brothers in mind shouted that the bridge to Crimea is a fake, Mosfilm cartoons, it cannot be hi Now the waiters are waiting for either a mud volcano or ice, which must destroy the "fake" lol
      In general, they resemble mongrels that bark at everyone and everything proudly from behind the fence. Even the windhi
      1. +3
        26 March 2021 14: 00
        Quote: VORON538
        In general, they resemble mongrels that bark at everyone and everything proudly from behind the fence. Even the wind

        I will not offend the mongrels, but our "experts", local, Voshnye, have long since multiplied the fleet to zero, and the country was recognized as completely destroyed and plundered. Is it any wonder at the same time how they evaluate us over the hill ?! It's amazing how the Latvians and Estonians haven't captured us yet wassat
        1. 0
          26 March 2021 14: 07
          These iksperds can be generally described as follows: "every gopher is an agronomist." Today they are specialists in the field of medicine and construction, tomorrow in education and at the same time in aircraft construction, a little later, specialists in space, not forgetting to blame the demography when discussing the problems of the automotive industry and energetics. Well, they are all involved in economics, electronics, programming and agriculture. own life lol
      2. 0
        26 March 2021 18: 00
        they resemble such mongrels who bark at everyone and everything proudly from behind the fence

        Rather rabid mongrels. Those should be shot.
      3. +1
        26 March 2021 21: 46
        In general, they resemble mongrels that bark at everyone and everything proudly from behind the fence. Even the wind
        With your permission, I would like to correct it. They are mostly smart mongrels and do not bark afterwards. But pocket ones, home ones, well, which are almost sprinkled with perfume, yes, there is a lot of noise, but you can't see them yourself. The other day I saw one of these here, I almost crushed it, barely took my leg away, since I was tying loudly, otherwise I wouldn’t be tying it anymore. They look like pshek, just right.
  5. +5
    26 March 2021 13: 28
    But Zematsky, of course, understands Poseidon much better than American or British analysts ...
    Expectedly ... who else can surpass the English scientists, of course, the polite experts.
    1. +4
      26 March 2021 14: 24
      Their bile is already coming out of their ears from hatred and powerlessness ...
      1. +2
        26 March 2021 14: 33
        So all the critics can be asked - What are your achievements? ...
        1. +3
          26 March 2021 14: 36
          And they will all hide behind the United States ... but we know that they have a lot of inflated, especially prices ...
          1. +2
            26 March 2021 14: 44
            Military, everything, this is an expensive pleasure, in all respects! Moreover, the sweetest is production, the big brother is trying to paddle for himself ... especially now, he REALLY NEEDS!
            1. +2
              26 March 2021 16: 51
              And then, for this, he maintains NATO, this is his sales market ...
              1. +1
                26 March 2021 20: 51
                We have no doubts, but the gay Europeans ... let them figure it out on their own.
                1. +2
                  26 March 2021 21: 03
                  They are without the right and vote, occupied and have already come to terms with their position ...
  6. -4
    26 March 2021 13: 29
    Well, the Poles, I'm happy for you! Sleep well, the Russians will not come to you and ask you for the desecrated graves of our Soviet soldiers who saved your cities with their lives ..
  7. +1
    26 March 2021 13: 29
    The weapon is "paper", some solid "cartoons", so that the "valiant" Polish troops were able to hold out only 5 days against the eastern "aggressor" (according to the results of the CSU).
  8. +3
    26 March 2021 13: 33
    Lord, the years go by, and the animal fear of Russia is only multiplying ... And so much so that they are already hiring magazine pacifiers.
  9. +2
    26 March 2021 13: 33
    Only the Syrian Ash-Shams should not be spoken of, otherwise they will be upset.
    It turns out that they are sent en masse to the Hurias only by the power of PR.
  10. +6
    26 March 2021 13: 40
    "The latest Russian weapons only on paper": the Polish press criticized the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation

    I am embarrassed to ask, but how many hundreds of units are in service with this miracle in the Polish army?
    1. 0
      April 1 2021 22: 40
      Plastic or what?
      1. 0
        April 2 2021 14: 13
        Quote: Oumuamua
        Plastic or what?

        I think it is made of cardboard from ice cream cups!
  11. +3
    26 March 2021 13: 57
    "The latest Russian weapons only on paper": the Polish press criticized the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation

    Psheki don't know how else to head towards Russia! fellow lol
  12. +3
    26 March 2021 14: 07
    Peskov said we will not rush, but in the evening there may be a surprise from the Navy, what do you think we are experiencing on paper there?
  13. +1
    26 March 2021 14: 19
    Paper so paper, the most combat-ready is only inflatable models remained, let them sleep peacefully
  14. 0
    26 March 2021 14: 20
    Once Sakharov proposed a super torpedo project. by 5-50-100 megatons. The military replied, WE ARE WARRIORS, NOT KILLERS !!!
    1. 0
      31 March 2021 02: 39
      This is a bike. The names of the military?
  15. +1
    26 March 2021 14: 22
    Is it to create confidence in the safety of a war with Russia?

    It may well be that this is a trial balloon ...
  16. +4
    26 March 2021 14: 30
    To be honest, I’m having a hard time thinking today. This Zematsky wants to repeat 1939 or what? Or, on the contrary, imagines himself a hero of 1920, who reflected Tukhachevsky's "campaign to Warsaw"? A direct reenactor of some kind.
  17. +1
    26 March 2021 14: 34
    Already in 1939 these boobies were cutting down "plywood" tanks with sabers. Their life teaches nothing ...
  18. +2
    26 March 2021 14: 38
    nude nude, but at the VPK pshek every month they release a new wunderwafe type PL-01 wassat
  19. +2
    26 March 2021 14: 39
    And who exactly is this Zematsky? The corporal was likewise thinking of a collos with feet of clay. And before him Napoleon. The rodent of ties was broadcasting about a paper tiger.
  20. 0
    26 March 2021 14: 40
    To be honest, I personally don't give a damn about the opinion of Poland from the high bell tower.
    In the event of a real war, no one will ask their opinions.
    Here is the opinion of the head of the transport department, it is interesting to listen to ...
  21. -1
    26 March 2021 14: 51
    laughing These are the times! But what about the achievement of the Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan line and the triumphant entry into Moscow? laughing
  22. +1
    26 March 2021 15: 07
    God forbid Pan Przemyslav Zematsky to test Russian "paper tigers" on his skin.
  23. +1
    26 March 2021 17: 53
    And the bridge is drawn ...
  24. +1
    26 March 2021 17: 57
    Is there a Crimean bridge?
    1. 0
      26 March 2021 21: 04
      I personally drove it. But only at night.
  25. -1
    26 March 2021 21: 04
    This eccentric is not on friendly terms with the head?
    Of course, Zematsky starts with Poseidon. He writes that it is these weapons that are currently the most publicized innovation of the Russian defense industry. The Western press dubbed "Poseidon" the "doomsday torpedo." But Zematsky, of course, understands Poseidon much better than American or British analysts ... He believes that since the media learned about the project more than five years ago, during this time, no official confirmation of the creation of Poseidon has come , the "doomsday torpedo" is still in question. Apparently, to convince Mr. Observer of his existence, "Poseidon" had to be directed to the target ...

    they invented the weapon themselves, and debunked it. Why does he describe all sorts of projects? Which did not even enter the stage of testing and discussion? The same can be said, for example, about the F-23, MBT, Comanche and much more. He wrote some nonsense.
  26. +1
    27 March 2021 21: 27
    Psheki out of envy can only criticize Russian weapons. They themselves have old stuff of the Soviet model of the 80s and cannot either repair or modernize themselves. What to take from them ... all that remains is that a complete ignore, that they are - that they are not ...
  27. +1
    28 March 2021 05: 44
    The Polish cavalry had already launched a saber attack on the "plywood" Soviet tanks.
  28. 0
    29 March 2021 09: 39
    I like reading Polish experts. Though not an ear or a snout in the promising weapon systems, which, due to their secrecy, are known only to those in Russia who are supposed to. And even more so
    These weapons are not applicable to Poland due to its geographical location and, in principle, is not applicable. In order for the memories of Poland to remain, neither Poseidon nor MiG-41 are needed, for this quite other weapons will be enough. "Poseidon" is generally not applicable in the Baltic Sea due to its depths, it is a "doomsday" weapon for the continental United States (the idea of ​​the great humanist A.D. Sakharov, the so-called T-15 project) or, as an exception, an asymmetric response against ocean AUG USA, which will also not operate in the Baltic (what's the point in them in the presence of a mass of coastal airfields). Poland has no long-range aviation and never will, so neither the Mig-31 in the classic configuration, let alone the Mig-41, can be used against it. The MiG-31 long-range intercept aircraft systems and the MiG-41 under development are not battlefield aviation, their main purpose is the air defense of the giant northern territories of the Russian Federation, where the deployment of air defense missile units is difficult, although other work was found for the MiG-31 - some of them were modernized for carriers hypersonic missiles "Dagger" Mig-31K (due to supersonic speed under Mach 2). But the MiG-31K with the "Dagger" complex is quite applicable, for example, for the destruction of such targets in Poland as the US missile defense base or the anti-aircraft missile defense positions of Poland itself. And the arguments about "paper" weapons are dilettante people who do not know much about the cycles of their creation and the specifics of certain types of weapons. Moreover, the service life of different types of weapons is different in time, the modernization resource is also different. In the days of the USSR, as a rule, with the adoption of a model of armament, the design bureau immediately began to work out options for its modernization or the development of new equipment for replacement. In the Russian Federation, in the 90s, this process slowed down somewhat, but did not stop, although due to financial problems, many samples did not go into series. Strategic nuclear forces were the priority. Putin V.V. Despite economic difficulties in fact, over 10 years at optimal costs, without collapsing the country's economy and social sphere, in general, it was possible to solve the urgent tasks of rearming the army and navy and bring the level of new and modernized equipment in the RF Armed Forces to 70% or more. A number of developments have a long-term perspective and planned work on them continues (the same PAK DA, PAK VTA, PAK DP, etc.). A number of, in principle, spent weapons (the same small-sized ICBM RS-26 "Rubezh", BZHRK "Barguzin", etc.) have not yet entered the series, this reserve has been temporarily postponed until better times. Russia is trying to adhere to the principles of defense sufficiency and asymmetric responses, and not to get involved in an arms race. And not to the representatives of a country that does not produce anything serious of its own from weapons and military equipment, in fact is incapable of defending itself and therefore stationing US military bases on its territory, to assess the armaments of the RF Armed Forces.
  29. 0
    30 March 2021 17: 16
    With the Poles, it's clear, there is a clinic full of help. But sometimes Russian officials should hold their tongue and not boast in the style of "by this year we will have a wunderpuper who has no equivalent in the world" before it appears in service, or at least as they say "in the flesh", and not in models, graphics and plywood.
  30. 0
    31 March 2021 06: 04
    You just need to apply Iskander to Poland, and all questions will be removed.
  31. 0
    April 1 2021 17: 16
    It is not for nothing that it is said that the Poles are inveterate and they cannot be denied courage: in the equestrian system for the German
    the tanks were moving. The unlucky ones will probably get in again if they trample on Russia
    then abandoned, as it always was before.
  32. 0
    April 1 2021 22: 54
    Well, let him think that everything in Russia is paper. We will tell our children to make a paper airplane, then together we will throw them in the direction of Poland (deliberately I write with a small letter), all that remains is to throw a match. It will puff, mom will not grieve.
    In general, it looks like paper is in his head. Dressing room. Yuzana.
  33. 0
    April 2 2021 19: 01
    it is "Putin's paper weapon", which is very difficult to turn into real weapons, almost impossible.

    Is that why all these naughty guys are so eager to try everything in their country? All instincts have atrophied? Do ordinary Poles (not those who are politically fugitive) think the same way?
  34. 0
    April 6 2021 17: 55
    What a woodpecker !?
  35. 0
    April 13 2021 09: 13
    After righteous labors in the apple orchard, it's good to doubt what you don't want to believe))
  36. 0
    April 18 2021 00: 30
    It is strange that the Pole did not turn to obvious examples!
    The hyped Su-57, Armata, Lada submarines - everything turned out to be a fighter !? Admission to the troops was promised "not earlier than 2027!?!
    Against this background, the more scientifically and technologically capacious hypersound looks fantastic!
  37. 0
    April 20 2021 08: 58
    Russia itself has created such a reputation for itself, when year after year it presented the world with "paper" novelties in the form of mock-ups, presentations or, at best, prototypes, which never reached either the Arms Commission or serial production. Not to mention the numerous "novelties" that turned out to be a restyling of old Soviet designs.
    But this approach has its own plus: real novelties more than once or not twice turned out to be a surprise, if not for intelligence agencies, then for the public, and had a truly stunning effect. You can recall the history of that very missile "Caliber". If anyone followed, he will remember how KB announced the start of development, which was supposed to be completed within 10 years. A year later, it was said that a prototype would be built within five years. After a short time, it was said that, perhaps, within three years, the project would be ready for testing. And each time the named terms were criticized: "Well, you know Russia - where does it get such technologies from; if it comes down to it, then a couple of decades later, or with much worse parameters." And a few months later, the "Caliber" was already hammering through Syria with might and main, and the whole world frantically calculated which territories were within their reach.
  38. 0
    April 25 2021 11: 15
    I really want to fight all these Polish Bzdislavs Zlowonski. Europe and Poland in particular have forgotten about the hundreds of thousands of those killed, about the "death camps" on their territory, a short memory turned out to be.
  39. 0
    22 May 2021 09: 43
    But . When our Calibers appeared in Kaliningrad, they began to sweat something and release moisture from all intimate places. And so not what everything is on paper.
  40. +1
    23 May 2021 06: 25
    Why show you? Are you just curious? It is possible to show the latest models of weapons for a specific purpose, for example, so that the enemy does not have a desire to carry out an attack and the illusion of irresponsibility does not arise. This is also a kind of information warfare technique. And not even all the military know the real new armaments. Knows the one who will use and maintain these weapons. So jedem das seine. Poles want to believe in it, let them believe.