New Camorra and Sacra Corona Unita structures

New Camorra and Sacra Corona Unita structures

Raffaele Cuotolo

As we recall from the article Camorra: myths and reality, a single criminal organization did not exist in Naples and Campania. In the 70s of the twentieth century, Raffaele Cutolo tried to create such a community. Vito Faenza, a journalist for the Corriere del Mezzogiorno newspaper, wrote on this occasion:

“You have to understand that the Camorra is not the Sicilian mafia. It does not have a "dome", that is, a pyramidal structure with a top ... A real attempt at centralization was made only once during the time of Raffaele Cutolo, in the early 80s. It led to the largest mafia war, in which 1981 people died in 273 alone. "

The new Camorra organization

Raffaele Cutolo was born in 1941 in the commune of Ottaviana, which is located about 20 km from Naples. Unlike many of his "associates", Cutolo was not a hereditary Camorrist, but already at the age of 12 he gathered a gang of neighboring teenagers, which hunted for petty theft on the streets and even robbed small shops. He committed his first murder at the age of 21. He was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment, but the appellate court reduced this term to 24 years. He served his punishment in the Pogge Reale prison (Naples), where he earned a reputation as a "tough guy" by challenging the boss of one of the Camorra clans, Antonio Slavone, to fight at knives. He refused the fight, saying:

"Young people want to die young at any cost."

Soon, this boss was released and was badly wounded by one of Cutolo's friends who shot Slavone with a shotgun. After this assassination attempt, the authority of the young bandit literally skyrocketed. A group of prisoners formed around him, which became the basis of the New Camorra organization - Nuova Camorra Organizzata.

The "new Camorra organization" was split into two divisions: the Cielo coperto ("closed skies"), which included Camorrists in prison, and the Cielo scoperto ("clear skies"), whose members were at large. It was the Closed Skies activists who became the main recruiters of the New Camorra: prisoners who did not want to join this organization were severely beaten and even died under unexplained circumstances. On the other hand, the Camorrists, who recognized the power of Cutolo, could hope for regular parcels from the outside during their imprisonment, getting a "job" when they were released, and their families received subsidies from the "Clear Sky". And soon under the command of Cutolo was a whole army of seven thousand people.

The Cutolo organization consisted of batterie (rank and file fighters) who were subordinate to picciotti - the leaders of the individual groups. These, in turn, were controlled by "helpers" (sgarristi), who, while Kutoli was in prison, were subordinate to Santisti. This high position was held by Cutolo's own sister, Rosetta. We will tell you a little about her in the next article dedicated to the women of the Camorrra.

Rafaelo's subordinates bore the title "cutoliani" (cutolians) and when they met they kissed his left hand (like a bishop), while Cutolo modestly called himself "king of the Camorra" and said:

“I am the messiah for suffering prisoners, I administer justice, I am the only true judge who takes from the usurers and distributes to the poor. I am a true law, I do not accept Italian justice. "

And also:

“The Camorrist must be humble, wise and always ready to bring joy where there is pain. Only in this way will he become a good camorrist before God. "

At this time, in prison, he already had a personal chef (prisoner Giovanni Pandico), who served him daily lobster and champagne. As a "prison uniform", Cutolo wore the most expensive brands of clothing and shoes. Employees of the Italian Ministry of Justice later calculated that only from March 5, 1981 to April 18, 1982. Cutolo spent the equivalent of $ 29 on food and clothing (the purchasing power of dollars was then significantly higher than it is now). During this time, Cutolo spent another 26 thousand dollars to help the Closed Skies Camorrists.

Cutolo became the prototype for Frank Vulziviano, the protagonist of the 1986 Italian film Camorrist.

Still from the film "Camorrist", 1986

The song Don Raffae (performer - Fabrizio De Andre) is dedicated to him, in which the foreman of the carabinieri prison of Poggio Reale complains about his life and claims that the only bright spot in it is communication with prisoner Raffaelo Cutolo:

"I consult with don Raffaele,
He explains life to me, and we drink coffee with him ...
There are a lot of injustices, and what about our authorities?
Shock, resent and promise
Then everyone is sent with dignity.
My brains are already boiling
Fortunately, there is someone who answers me.
This smartest and greatest man
I ask you to explain what is happening in the world. "

Raffaelo Cutolo is one of the characters in the book "Gomorrah", written by journalist Roberto Saviano (currently under government protection). In this book, Saviano claims that from 1979 to 2006. the Camorrists killed at least 3 people.

The poster for the film "Gomorrah", directed by Matteo Garroni, 2008

In the criminal world, Cutolo was known under the nickname "The Professor", which he received in prison for the reason that the only inmate could read and write.

Naples at this time continued to be a major transshipment base for sending and receiving smuggled goods; the seaport of this city was widely used by Sicilian mafiosi. But Cutolo and his sister managed to negotiate with them.

Cutolo's influence was so great that in 1981, while in prison, he mediated negotiations with the terrorists of the "Red Brigades" who kidnapped a member of the regional government of the Campaign, Ciro Cirilli. These negotiations were crowned with success: Cirilli was released, although a ransom was paid for him. As a payment, Cutolo received the right of appeal, at which he managed to obtain a commutation of the sentence.

From all other Camorra clans, the Cutolo organization required the Imposta Camorra Aggiunta (Camorra Sales Tax) to be paid on all smuggled goods. It was this “tax” that became fatal for Nuova Camorra Organizzata.

Nuova Famiglia ("New Family")

In 1978, Cutolo had a dangerous rival - Michele Zaza, nicknamed Pazzo ("Crazy"), a native of the Mazzarella clan.

Michele Zaza

First, in 1978, he created the Onorata fratellanza ("noble brotherhood"), and in 1979, the Nuova Famiglia. One of the “foremen” of the “New Family” was Umberto Ammaturo, the lover of Assunta Marinetti, “Madame Camorra”, whom Roberto Saviano called “a beautiful avenger and a murderer” in the book “Gomorrah”. It will be discussed in the next article.

The main reason for the "uprising" of Zaza was the same "sales tax": in the first three months of the introduction of these levies, he had to pay Cutolo 4 billion lire (approximately 3 US dollars).

1980 to 1983 The New Family waged a war against the New Camorra Organization, in which hundreds of people were killed (more than 400, including random people) - and won. In 1993, Rosetta Cutolo surrendered to the authorities.

Sentenced to life imprisonment (more precisely, to nine life sentences) Raffaele Cutolo is still alive. Since his only son died in the "War of the Camorra", he decided to acquire a new heir (or - an heiress), and in 2007 there was a message about the birth of his daughter, who was artificially conceived.

Arrested in 1993, Michele Zaza died a year later in prison at the age of 49. After his death, the Nuova Famiglia he created disintegrated, but Michele Zaza's own clan "Mazzarella" now controls four communes in Campania and four districts of Naples. One of his heirs and successors, Chicho Mazzarella, fled Italy to Colombia in 2006, and then settled in Santo Domingo, where he bought a villa that became the headquarters of his clan, which continued to operate in Campania. They managed to arrest him only in 2009.

Sacra Corona Unita

It was Raffaelo Cutolo who became the founder of the Apulian criminal community Sacra Corona Unita. Many people translate this name as "Union of the Holy Crown", but corona in southern Italy is also a Catholic rosary. According to Cosimo Capodechi, who agreed to cooperate with the investigation, this is precisely what is meant: this is a hint that the SCU members “connected to each other like chain rings».

It all started with the fact that during the period of the greatest power of Nuova Camorra Organizzata, Raffaele Cutolo decided to organize its branches in Puglia as well. He appointed Alessandro Fusco as his confidant in this province. However, as we know, war soon began with Michele Zaza's Nuova Famiglia: Cutolo was not up to Puglia. But the seeds had already been thrown into the fertile soil. Another person took up the baton to create a new criminal organization. It was Giuseppe Rogoli - not a Camorrist, but a member of one of the families of the Calabrian Ndrangheta.

Giuseppe Rogoli

According to the most widespread version, Rogoli received the “blessing” for the creation of the new structure in Trani prison on the eve of Christmas 1981. However, the police say that this happened only in May 1983.

So, like Cutolo, Rogoli took over the new structure while in prison. But if his own sister was in charge of the affairs of the head of the New Organization of the Camorra in his absence, Rogoli had to confide in a certain Antonio Antonico, who decided that leading the “mafia” (more precisely, “a mafia-type organization”) was not a tricky business, and he himself was not bad will cope. Rogoli's supporters repulsed an attempt at a "raider takeover" in a small war. However, it was not possible to preserve the unity, and therefore, in addition to Sacra Corona Unita, firmly established in Bari, Brindisi and Taranto, in Puglia there are groups Rosa dei Venti, Remo Lecci libera, Nuova Famiglia Salentina, who "conquered" the city of Lecce for themselves, as well as the Sacra Corona Libera youth gangs. There are 47 criminal clans in Puglia.

Since the Apulian clans are quite young, they do not have such strict family ties as in the criminal communities of other provinces. Nevertheless, in their rituals, they try to imitate the "elder sisters" - the Mafia, Camorra and Ndrangheta, furnishing them with even more theatricality, and the oaths are taken without fail "on blood." Joining a gang, a candidate swears only for himself, moving to the next level, he renounces all his relatives up to the seventh generation, candidates for the highest posts swear by their immortal soul.

Knowing well the “comrades in arms”From the neighboring provinces, Rogolo and his people at first acted cautiously and tried not to cross their path. First, they took control of the production of wine and olive oil in Apulia, and only then, in cooperation with the Albanians, they began to "work" with drugs and weapons, as well as in the field of organizing sexual services. There were also useful contacts in other regions of Italy. Sacra Corona Unita cooperates with the Campanian clan of Di Lauro on drugs, with the Calabrian families of Pesce-Belocco, Terano and Pyromallo - in the organization of gambling business in Italy and abroad.

Currently, the annual turnover of Sacra corona unita is estimated at 2 billion euros. Branches of this organization also appeared in Modena, Mantua and Reggio Emilia. Outside Italy, its positions are especially strong in Albania, but a presence is also noted in Spain, Germany, Great Britain and the United States.

Let's go back to the story of the Campanian Camorra.

Other Camorra clans

In 1992, Carmino Alfieri created another large Campanian criminal organization - Nuovo Mafia Campana, but was soon arrested, and this group also disintegrated.

The Casalesi clan had a great influence in Naples, uniting three criminal "families" - Schiavoni, Zagaria-Iovine and Bidognetti. In 2008, the Casalesi clan even tried to buy the Lazio football club. On behalf of the Camorra, through a Hungarian front company, the negotiations were conducted by the former striker of this team, Giorgio Chinali, who himself had previously been accused of extortion.

Giorgio Chinaglia, Lazio and North American Football League top scorer, Italy striker (14 appearances, 4 goals)

The same clan “sentenced to death” the journalist Roberto Saviano, the author of the book “Gomorrah”.

Roberto Saviano

In 2010, the "Nemesis" police operation was carried out against the Casalesi clan, which the Minister of the Interior Roberto Maroni announced

“The most significant anti-mafia operation ever carried out in the entire history Italian Republic. "

They say that then they managed to confiscate currencies, property and valuables worth 2 billion euros (this is the annual turnover of the entire Sacra Corona Unita). As a result, according to General Antonio Girone of the Carabinieri, Casales

"There were difficulties with paying salaries to subordinates."

In June 2011, he was forced to resign from the post of Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance, Nicolo Cosentino, who was accused of being

"Casalesi's main partner in government structures."

The leader of the Casalesi clan, Michele Zagaria, who has fled from justice for 16 years, was arrested in December 2011. This operation was attended by 300 police officers who cordoned off the village of Mascagni.

The arrest of Michele Zagaria, nicknamed Capastorta ("Krivoshey")

It was about this "cartel" that the series "Camorrists Clan" and "Undercover." Arrest of Zagaria ".

Camorrists clan, poster

A still from the TV series “Undercover. Arrest of Zagaria "

Despite the losses incurred, the Casalesi clan survived, and in December 2015 a new operation was carried out against it, which ended with the arrest of 24 people and the confiscation of a shopping center worth 60 million euros.

A billion euros were confiscated in May 2011 from the Polverino clan. And the Mallardo clan lost 600 million euros at the same time - 900 real estate objects, 23 companies and 200 bank accounts were arrested.

The Giuliano brothers, from the clan that controls Naples' historic district of Forcella, were friends and patrons of Diego Maradona, who played at the local football club.

Diego Maradona and Carmino Giuliano. For numerous photographs with Camorrists, Maradona was even called the "Face of the Camorra"

Salvatore Lo Russo testified in 2011 that Maradona asked him to find his Golden Ball (obtained in 1986), stolen from a traveling museum. The Camorrists found the kidnappers, but they had already melted the trophy. But the Argentine was returned seven expensive watches (actually, they brought eight, but one turned out to be "extra"). Lo Russo also admitted that he supplied Maradona, who was playing at Napoli at that time, with cocaine (as well as 12 of his teammates). There was nothing to hide Antonio then: during the police operation, his clan lost 100 million euros. It is curious that the co-owner of three pizzerias of this "family" was the defender of the Italian national team Fabio Cannavaro (recognized as the best football player in the world in 2006). It remains a mystery whether Cannavaro himself knew about such business partners. Mario Ballotelli from Manchester City and Ezequiela Lavessi from Napoli were summoned in September 2011 as witnesses in the case of Marco Ioria, who is suspected of laundering money from one of the Neapolitan bosses of the Camorra, Vittorio Pisani.

At present, according to Vito Faenza, already quoted by us, there are about 83 large criminal "families" "with 7 thousand branches" operating in the Campania. Their main sources of income are drug and arms trafficking, cigarette smuggling, racketeering, illegal migrants, and control over prostitutes. The Camorra clans are now working closely with Albanian "families" to organize drug trafficking and trade in "human goods".

Teenage street gangs, whose members are the personnel reserve of more serious structures, trade in theft and robbery.

By the way, some researchers argue that the famous phrase "wallet or life" appeared in Naples. Emigrants from the Italian Campaign brought it to the United States, where it became famous and spread all over the world.

Roberto Saviano claims that initially the bosses of the Camorra were sharply negative towards migrants from Africa. Back in the 80s of the twentieth century, one of the "dons" of Naples - Mario Luise, ordered to burn alive a kindergarten teacher who had rented an apartment to a Nigerian family. However, the profit from participation in the organization of illegal migration was so great that soon Luise was killed by his own subordinates, and the new boss ordered to organize the largest printing house in Italy for the production of fake passports.

Moreover, the tolerance of the current Camorra reached the point that one of her families was headed by Hugo Gabrele, who dressed like a woman, used makeup and demanded to call himself Kitty. He was arrested in 2009, and the police specifically noted that this was the first time they encountered a transvestite Camorrist.

The Camorra is also engaged in the production of counterfeit products (it was in the shopping centers that belonged to the Neapolitan clans in the 90s that for some time “branded” clothes and shoes were actively purchased by “shuttle traders” from all countries of the former USSR). Already familiar to us, Roberto Saviano testifies in the book "Gomorrah":

“The outskirts of Naples turned into one big factory, a real center of entrepreneurship ... The clans created enterprises for the production of textiles, for sewing shoes and leather goods, capable of independently producing clothes, jackets, boots and shirts, identical to those of the major Italian fashion houses. Real professionals worked for them, top-class specialists who had served for decades in the best Italian and European high fashion houses, who had seen the best examples of it ... Not only the work itself was impeccable, but also the raw materials, which were either purchased directly in China or sent directly from fashion houses to underground factories that won this order in an illegal auction. The clothing produced by the Secondigliano clans was not a typical counterfeit product, a gimmick, a pathetic imitation, a copy passed off as the original. It was "not real". Only the smallest thing was missing - the permission of the holding company, its brand, but the clans received this permission without asking anyone. "

But what Saviano said later - in an interview:

“Italian haute couture is sewn by illegal workers who earn 60 euros a month in countless small factories in Campania. Semi-finished products for production are imported from China, and then the “Made in Italy” tag is sewn onto them. I knew one of the workers who saw a satin dress he had sewn on TV on Angelina Jolie: she came in it to the Oscars. Madonna's shoes for Evita were made in Muniano, near Naples. "

Of his hometown of Casal di Principe, Saviano said:

“44% of the population have convictions under Article 416.2 -“ ties with criminal gangs ”. All local bosses are the sons of large landowners and construction entrepreneurs, all studied abroad at the best universities in the world. A real petty bourgeois Camorra. "

And further:

“Death is not an occupational risk, but an integral part of a lifestyle. Every newbie says to himself: "I want money, women, a good life and die like a man."

In Casal di Principe, a forty-year-old is already considered old. There are many 2007-year-olds in the cemetery. This year (XNUMX) alone, seventy people have been killed by the Camorra. "

When asked, “is it possible to live in Naples and not have contact with the Camorra?” Saviano replied:

"Only if you don't earn anything at all or you gaze at the heavens all day."

There are also legal sources of income: services, construction and waste disposal. Roberto Saviano claims to be trash

"It brings in no less than cocaine, but the business itself is quite complicated, only the largest clans are engaged in it."

Chiara Maraska, a journalist for the Corriere del Mezzogiorno newspaper and an activist of the Anti-Camorra movement, who placed government orders for the construction of real estate on a par with the drug trade, agrees with him:

"The garbage business is no less profitable than the drug trade or construction on the basis of government orders."

So, according to Italian law enforcement officers, the Casalesi clan we have already mentioned intended to participate in the restoration of buildings destroyed by the earthquake on April 6, 2009 in the settlements of the province of Abruzzo. Antonio Iovine, one of the bosses of this clan (and one of the heroes of the Saviano book), in the province of Caserta was engaged in construction, cement production, and garbage collection. At the same time, he was included in the list of 30 most dangerous criminals in Italy and was on the wanted list for 14 years. They managed to arrest him in 2010.

Arrest of Antonio Iovine. The cops are very happy, but Antonio does not look scared at all.

From time to time in Naples "garbage wars" begin: Camorra announces an increase in the prices for garbage collection; while negotiations are underway, landfills are sprouting on the streets of Naples. Therefore, Naples is one of the dirtiest cities in Europe.

In this photo we see Naples during one of the "garbage wars":

And here trash is burning on the streets of the Campanian city of Afragola:

Camorrists in movies and in life

Based on the materials of the book by Roberto Saviano, director Matteo Garroni made the film of the same name in 2008, which received the main jury prize at the Cannes Film Festival, as well as 7 David di Donateloo awards and 5 European Film Academy awards (in different nominations).

Shot from the film "Gomorrah"

The continuation of the history of this motion picture is enchanting: three actors who starred in the film were arrested for having ties with the Camorra. And one of them - Giovanni Venosa, was identified by accomplices who saw the film "Gomorrah" in prison. Venosa was sentenced to 13 years and 10 months on racketeering charges. And before that (even before filming the film), he was arrested for drug smuggling.

Giovanni Venosa in the movie "Gomorrah"

Bernardino Terraciano and Salvatore Fabricino turned out to be other actors of "Gomorrah" who in their free time worked as racketeers and drug traffickers.

In addition, the screenwriter of the film "Gomorrah" - Maurizio Braucci, said in an interview with the Belgrade TV channel "B-92" that one of the Neapolitan "families", which had "business interests" in Croatia, helped to hide from justice retired general Ante Gotovina ... He was wanted by an international tribunal on suspicion of crimes against the peaceful Serbian population (he was arrested in December 2005, in April 2011 sentenced to 24 years in prison, in November 2012 - acquitted).

In the next article we will talk about the women of the Camorra.
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  1. +13
    22 March 2021 18: 11
    Thanks for the detailed and readable material. Cutolo knew a little about the "modesty" of the "messiah" from fragmentary articles, but to such an extent everything was neglected there - it was very amusing.
    In the next article we will talk about the women of the Camorra.

    Again the most interesting thing for later! Okay, wait!
    1. +8
      22 March 2021 18: 36
      I join you! The author is an intriguer) well, we will not order it ... bully wait to continue good
  2. +10
    22 March 2021 18: 40
    M. yes) well, rabble) no matter what traditions they come up with in life, ordinary criminals and biomass. The only thing that deserves approval is garbage disposal and tailoring. And the article is good.
    1. +1
      22 March 2021 20: 29
      When did Valery have dregs? We have our patented "muddiness", you can see them almost every morning
  3. +8
    22 March 2021 18: 43
    The impression from what you read is quite depressing ... I don't know, Valery, do you fear revenge from the mafia structures that control the tourist business in Russia? Personally, after reading your latest articles, I want to go around Italy - just, just in case. smile
    I'm not talking about the similarity of the names Camorra and Gomorrah. What if the creator's patience runs out and he decides to resort to the once tried and tested method to make the world a little better? smile
    1. VLR
      22 March 2021 19: 12
      Yes, the defiant and provocative name "Gomorra" (consonant with the word Camorra), which Saviano gave to his book, did not like the Camorrists. Added "hayta". But in Italy there are different regions. If in Naples the guides directly warn tourists about the danger, literally intimidating them with their stories, then in Sicily, for example, street crime is now at an average level - precisely because there are "Domes" and the Dons are in control of the situation. They don't need extra hype now, they demand a lot of money for silence. Only those who get across the road are killed. The same applies to the Ndrangheta, which will be discussed later. The heads of Calabrian families now position themselves as respectable businessmen. One of the arrested bosses at the trial even reproached the regional government for incompetence and illiterate social and economic policies - and offered his help in the implementation of various projects. An article about the history and evolution of the Calabrian clans - Ndrangheta will be very interesting. Immediately after the article "Women of the Camorra", according to the plots of which you can shoot films - from detective stories to melodramas.
      1. +5
        22 March 2021 19: 46
        We will read, Valery, we will read ... smile
        And although I do not like crime and everything that is connected with it, your materials are little that I can read here with pleasure.
      2. +1
        22 March 2021 20: 42
        "you can make films, from detective stories to melodramas." Valery, tell me, is your fan, that is to me, as well as to my friends, will you still have materials of interest to us?
        Honestly: we get tired of the gangster reality and want to relax. Reading interesting materials
        1. VLR
          22 March 2021 20: 53
          I think they will. Three themes in development: some episodes of the 1812 campaign, the Celts and material similar to "Labyrinths of the World" with some mystical trail of tradition and legends. I have not yet decided what will go immediately after this cycle.
          1. +2
            23 March 2021 09: 15
            Perfectly . There will be something to wait
    2. +2
      22 March 2021 20: 34
      Mikhail, unlike you, I don't want to go around Italy.
      I am there only in my dreams, and in dreams there is no place for the mafia!
      1. +2
        23 March 2021 11: 14
        Mikhail, unlike you, I don't want to go around Italy.

        Vera, in relation to the climate, you practically live in Italy. wink Just replace the pizza with pita bread. love
        1. +1
          23 March 2021 19: 45
          I don't like pita bread, but pizza can be very good.
  4. +1
    22 March 2021 19: 00
    ... but the title picture (with, well, like, a killer and a girl) is where .. is it just art or a screen .. and then from which movie ???
    1. VLR
      22 March 2021 19: 16
      This is a shot from another Italian TV series about the Camorra, it seems, is also "Gomorra" (the shot from it was the last illustration of the last article - the "oasis" of a Naples Camorrist on the roof of a dull high-rise building). But what kind of season of this series - I will not say.
      1. -2
        23 March 2021 23: 36
        Quote: VlR
        But what kind of season of this series - I will not say.

        Gomorra 3 - episodio 3: Inferno
  5. +2
    22 March 2021 20: 14
    "Giovani Venosa was identified by accomplices who saw the film:" Gomorrah in prison "who played Venosa? It's cool if he played a racketeer, the mafia man played himself, and even more fun in life is the mafia man, and in the film he fought against the mafia. Sur pure water
    1. VLR
      22 March 2021 20: 17
      Venosa had the role of one of the bosses of the Camorra
      1. 0
        23 March 2021 09: 13
        His former accomplices were outraged: Venosa is boss? Don't rush our sneakers. He is an ordinary bull
  6. +2
    22 March 2021 20: 24
    Valery, colleagues, good evening.
    Kayus: I was going to enter the site at 18:00, but YouTube fascinated.
    Moderators or administrators, what a fig Valery and Vyacheslav Olegovich put in the evening, and tomorrow we choke on "samsoniada" or their new brand: "Apukhtin"?
  7. 0
    23 March 2021 09: 28
    On the top photo, Mamzeli has a dumb tit. More precisely, its absence is alarming. If only there was no article about punt. laughing
    1. VLR
      23 March 2021 11: 25
      There will be everyone - from a "beauty queen" and a petite blonde imitating Uma Thurman to fat and ugly "matrons". But, as they say, in the Camorra they were "loved not for that" (and they were also killed not for their appearance).
      1. 0
        23 March 2021 11: 29
        Well, the woman is not fat, but sultry. There are such lighters! winked
      2. +2
        23 March 2021 16: 43
        Thank. Very interesting, I look forward to continuing
  8. +1
    23 March 2021 09: 31
    We sat in a restaurant in Palermo, next to a company of Italians celebrating something. Then one of the locals told me that it was Camorra celebrating someone's birthday. Remembering our 90s, I would not say at all that these are bandits ...............
    1. VLR
      23 March 2021 09: 59
      It's just that camorrists are very different: members of street gangs - typical gangsters, more serious people - dress stylishly, and very authoritative people want to look respectable businessmen, and their social circle is completely "bourgeois", bohemians, famous athletes like Maradona, municipal " effective managers "and politicians of different levels.
      1. +3
        23 March 2021 14: 46
        Valery, good afternoon and thank you, smile I knew nothing about the Komorra at all, only rumors.

        An interesting incident happened to my friend in the late eighties, he was on the tour. groups in Italy and, one evening, in some city, sat alone in an open cafe and drank wine. Nearby sat a small male company of Italians, and suddenly, an elderly man had an epileptic seizure. Well, my friend, a former paratrooper, immediately rushed to this company and immediately provided the necessary assistance. Drinking companions carried the victim to the car and one of them returned to my friend, smiling and bowing, put a silver ring with a stone in his hand and repeated "Don Carleone" several times (obviously believing that other mafia names are not known to Russo Dottore))). Well, my friend didn't fix it and immediately put the "nut" on his finger. They did not take money from him in this tavern for what he had eaten and drunk. He did not pay attention to this, but then things started much more interesting: in any Italian city, in currency exchange offices, he was always paid more money than was indicated in the exchange rate. And all his Russian "classmates" began to ask him to exchange money for them. So he did not remove the ring from his hand. Such is the story. smile drinks
        1. -4
          23 March 2021 20: 45
          Quote: Sea Cat
          Such a story

          Google the meaning of the expression velo pietoso at your leisure ...
          1. +4
            23 March 2021 21: 12
            There are several meanings, which you specifically had in mind, given that velo is translated as veil, veil, and pietoso is compassionate. You are Italian and you know better what meaning people attach to these words. And why are you doing this at all?
      2. -4
        23 March 2021 20: 36
        As usual, the article contains dozens of big and small mistakes, inaccuracies, "cinematic" and simply invented events and facts that do not correspond to reality.
        Is it so difficult to spend 15 minutes before sending an article "to print", go at least to the Italian Wikipedia and read an article about Cutolo in this case through transliteration and check it against your article? With this easy action, most of the errors that this and other articles abound with could be avoided.
    2. -3
      23 March 2021 20: 06
      Quote: APASUS
      We were sitting in a restaurant in Palermo, next to a company of Italians celebrating something. Then one of the locals told me that this Camorra is celebrating someone's birthday.

      Seriously? Neapolitan Camorrists celebrated their birthday in Palermo, which is in Sicily?) ... I'm sure the locals explained to you all these plausible details in the Sicilian dialect which you are fluent in
      1. +2
        23 March 2021 20: 18
        Quote: Liam

        Quote: Liam
        The Neapolitan Camorrists celebrated their birthday in Palermo, which is in Sillia?) ..

        I'm not a mafia expert like you, they are all the same to me
        Quote: Liam
        All these believable details in the Sicilian dialect which you are fluent in

        One Russian spoke to me, he has been living there for 15 years and came to visit him. I don't speak Italian at all, and even more so adverbs
  9. +1
    23 March 2021 13: 07
    Great sequel! I read it with pleasure.
  10. -2
    23 March 2021 20: 11
    Sentenced to life imprisonment (more precisely, to nine life sentences) Raffaele Cutolo is still alive.
    Cutolo died on 17 February 2021
  11. +1
    25 March 2021 13: 00
    Brilliant article. I've learned so much. I look forward to continuing.