Teach everyone and learn about everything!


Rat in the maze. An important experience, not fun at all!

And an angel in a knee-length sweater
Pet you ... Understand -
In cat's paradise, no one is lazy
For cats to be human.
Sleep calmly at your feet, my friend.
I also have dreams -
What is lit in the starry sky
Feline your country.

Nika Batchen. "A song for a little friend".

Information field of people and animals. Material "What can the knowledge of ... cats give people?" aroused great interest of VO readers. Many would like to read its sequel. And now it's time for him to appear.

Let me remind you of its main idea.

Cats, and they live side by side with me all my adult life, have greatly changed their behavior during this time. Moreover, even those cats that grew up in the house and did not communicate with other animals have acquired manners typical of other, "sociable" cats.

There is only one conclusion from this: there is a certain information field in which animals communicate with each other and inform each other -

"there you can",

"so good",

"But this should not be done."

Cats know something about all this ... They know, but they won't tell!

But these are cats, what about humans?

In my childhood, the attitude of adults towards children was quite consumerist. Children were loved, yes, but at the same time their place in the life of adults was very modest. They should have been, but only when adults wanted it. Not to hinder them, but to their first desire to do whatever they demand. They bother them less, ask less, and, in general, “be less”.

But how did we all, children - my comrades, know about this? From the words and behavior of adults? Probably, but only such an attitude towards children was not particularly manifested in their actions. Rather, they wanted it. And we knew about this wish of them. Felt. The question is how and how?

Again, as a child, various amazing events happened to me. So at the age of seven, I absolutely knew from somewhere that I would have a blonde wife and a daughter. Well, I would understand if it came to my mind at the age of 14. But at seven? And such a strong confidence ... In the end, when everything happened exactly like that, I was not even very surprised. I knew it would be this way.

What do they think when they look at you like this?

Compared to my peers, I was very good at drawing. I had an album, colored pencils, and then paints, and there were a lot of drawings. When guests came, I had to show it (this was part of the then ritual of communication between hosts and guests), and I was usually told:

"You, probably, will be an artist ?!"
Flattering, isn't it? It was quite possible to say: "Yes!" and adults just wanted it. But somehow I firmly knew that I would not be an artist. No, I say, I won't, I will be like a mother ...

There were many such strange forecasts.

That I will be the author of many books - when I said this, my mother always made fun of me,

"You won't get out of you with so many mistakes as a writer",

that I will have a tan leather coat, and that in it I will be a journalist and much more.

In a dream, I somehow saw a straight street, on the left there was a white stone wall, on the right rows of palm trees, then sand, the sea and in it a fast moving white ship. Further, for some reason I looked at the same thing from the mountain, and the palm tree was on the left. Well, sleep and sleep, you never know what dreams. But then, finding myself in Spain in the town of Malgrad de Mar, I immediately recognized this place - next to my hotel. And the white fast ship is a pleasure catamaran.

But what about the view from the mountain? There were no mountains there then.

But now five years have passed. I again found myself in Spain, went up the mountain to the tower of St. John, turned to look at the sea and - here it is, a palm tree to the left, below the emerald sea and on it - a white catamaran. That is, in one dream, two events were grouped at once, separated by a whole five-year plan, and I saw them again long before they came true.

I once had a chance to see this room in a dream, and three years later I saw it live. To say that it was a shock is to say nothing. The scariest photo in my life! Made to never forget

At the same time, as a child, I read Ivan Efremov's novel "The Hour of the Bull", and it was written there that it is children who have the ability to "direct ray" and can foresee their future. That is, he also knew something about such "predictions", and he knew so much that he decided to insert it into the novel.

I remember that I read that passage very carefully and thought that this is what scientists should pay close attention to, because here the door opens to something that is able to change the whole history humanity. I thought, and did not think about it anymore, because this problem did not concern me in any way.

But nothing from our life goes away forever.

I began to notice that many people have recently begun to talk about the fact that if, they say, an adult is given some modern gadget, be it a smartphone or something like that, then without studying the instructions and detailed explanations, he will understand it will be very long. And, even having "figured it out", it will still be "blunt". But if this "toy" is in the hands of a child, then he simply will not need any explanations - a small child will easily understand what, how and where to press, and even find in it a bunch of functions unknown to its owner. How can this possibly be?

And again, there was a person who created a theory that allows you to explain this - the British doctor of biology Rupert Sheldrake.

First of all, he brushed aside the philistine talk that

[quote "these children are now",] [/ quote]
what they say is because

"Children learn a computer from birth, and we ..."

In fact, this is not about computers at all, this phenomenon has always been.

So, at the end of the 20th - beginning of the XNUMXth centuries, adults were scared of the "pig iron", an authoritative statement that you can go crazy from a speed of XNUMX miles per hour, and they were afraid to talk about electricity, but adolescents are all new items of scientific and technological progress mastered instantly.

And so it was in the past, and it is happening now. And so Dr. Sheldrake tried to answer this interesting question, using ordinary laboratory rats known to everyone as experimental animals.

His experience lasted as long as 20 years, so that the research base was developed simply fundamental. And what was done was this: generation after generation of rats were taught to navigate a complex maze. And the very first experimental animals passed through it for quite a long time, the subsequent ones passed the labyrinth faster, well, and the third generation literally slipped through all the obstacles in the labyrinth.

In such a cramped "hostel" old rats can teach something to the young, although how they do it is unclear ...

There seems to be nothing mysterious here, is there?

Old rats taught young rats how to go through the maze (another matter how they did it?), And those young, then, in turn, passed on this knowledge. That is, during the experiment, informational continuity of generations was observed.

This is also a rather surprising thing, because in all textbooks on cultural studies and not only on cultural studies, it is written that culture is not inherited. Ability for music, drawing, mathematics - yes. But in this case, it was not about the ability of the rats to learn, about their acquisition of knowledge of how to pass the maze.

However, there seems to be no surprise here. Everyone knows that rats are distinguished by intelligence and great intelligence, so there is no sensation here.

However, the most interesting thing about this experience was different.

The fact is that in addition to the enclosure with rats, so to speak, free to communicate with each other, there was another enclosure. Behind the wall, which completely isolated him from the first enclosure. No sound or smell could penetrate from the first rats to the second. And they didn't see each other. It was inhabited by very young rats, picked up literally on the street. They had no personal contacts with the “pioneers” of the labyrinth, but - and this is the most important and surprising thing, the “street” youngsters learned to overcome it just as quickly as those rats that were in the company of experienced “old people”. Sometimes they even surpassed them.

But where could they get this knowledge from? There was no one to teach them!

And now again a personal example. As a child, I learned to skate long and hard. And at the age of 14 he abandoned this business. But my granddaughter's father was a master of sports in skating and was engaged in figure skating. At the age of 7, they put her on skates, they thought that they would have to support, but she took it and went, and even made her leg - "up".

I skated with her and in three years I restored all my skills. But in three years! And she went right away and how ...

Where did she get the knowledge of how to balance, spin on ice and roll on one leg?

As a result, Rupert Sheldrake published the book "New Science" about life ", and ... she was met with hostility by the masters of science. Which is not surprising, since he encroached on the sacred: he again spoke about the pseudoscience-telepathy.

Well, Sheldrake explained the high learning ability of young rats very simply.

Due to some peculiarities of the young brain, he is able to receive information from peers. Moreover, there is a special mechanism for this. And this means young people (that is, our children) learn new things not due to the fact that they are "advanced" (father drank, mother drank - where does advancement come from, and even the descendants of such individuals can see it!), As well as perseverance and striving for knowledge (which has never been observed in adolescents in the entire history of mankind, they have something completely different in their minds!), but due to informing through some unknown channel.

That is, every child who has learned something new, unconsciously transmits this knowledge telepathically to his peers who live nearby. And they pass it on to others. And so the psychology of children and their perception of the world are changing.

The paths are paved for the cat! And she leaves them very reluctantly ... That is, her consciousness is higher than instincts. On the ground, paws are prickly, but here - good!

Another example with my granddaughter is also indicative.

TV at home is not for News, in any case, all 18 years, from the moment of her birth, we do not watch them, as well as everything else. TV for us is a movie. We never talked about social problems and the past with her, right up to school.

What they ate, drank, how they played, what they wore - yes! About all sorts of "isms", Lenin and Stalin - no. For a long time she did not even know these names.

And somehow, when she was in the second grade, I told her without any ulterior motive that I was a communist in Soviet times.

She looked at me warily and asked in a low voice:

"Does Grandma Know?"

I remember we laughed for a long time then, and then I told her in detail what was what.

The answer was:

"Even so!"

And… everything.

“But where did you get,” I ask, “that being a communist is fear and horror?”

"Did they say at school?"


"But from where?"

"I do not know…"

I went to school to find out from their teacher, although I already knew her answer:

“What do you mean, we are strictly forbidden to talk on such topics.

And then we are second class! "

This means that there is no TV, newspapers, magazines, there is practically no communication with peers, and what is there is controlled, that is, there is no source of information, but there is information ...

Everything, as well as ... with the same cats!

In my time, they did not lie on their backs, they did not allow them to touch their stomachs. And now my kitty is sleeping peacefully on her back, legs spread out to the sides. And not only mine, judging by the same photographs of cat owners on VO.

And although Sheldrake's book is declared pseudoscientific. And even forbidden, it is important that it explains another and very important moment of our life: this is what we call

"Get into bad company" or "good".

It has been proven that among hooligans and alcoholics, children themselves quickly become hooligans and alcoholics, but among smart and advanced peers, they literally grow wiser before our eyes.

But this means that the point is precisely in the environment, and not only in the desire to imitate them, but also in the informational influence on the brain. And experiments with rats are good confirmation of this.

It is difficult to say how much a breakthrough in this area will help us know the future.

But the fact that thanks to this the learning process can become much more effective - undoubtedly!

Well, now some conclusions.

First of all, research in this area should be continued. It is necessary to identify the communication channel and "carrier frequency". This will make it possible to influence the consciousness of people already massively and directly.

And whoever manages to do this first will have a huge advantage over everyone else.

Neither atomic bombs nor hypersound are comparable in strength to weaponsthat changes human consciousness itself.

At the level of everyday life, children should read books even ... in the womb. Let them listen to beautiful music, do not swear in front of them, do not slander.

Surprisingly, our ancestors guessed that external information affects the development of the fetus.

Remember Pushkin:

“And it's no wonder that she is white:
The belly mother was sitting
Yes, I just looked at the snow! "

So, whoever plans to add to the family, let it be too late to tell their wives to look at the white snow and leaf through albums with works of art.

Your offspring will not get any worse from this ...
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  1. +1
    27 February 2021 15: 23
    Yes, I agree with almost everything.
    I observed this many times and wondered how and why children so easily and quickly master what we think long and hard. Below is just a problem. Children decide elementary
    I could give a lot of examples.
    The article is definitely a huge plus
    1. dSK
      27 February 2021 16: 02
      do not swear with them, do not slander.
      But if you are not with them do the opposite - this will help little, it is impossible to hide the state of mind of the parents from the children. As Alexey Ilyich Osipov, our Orthodox academic theologian, says: "If you want your children to be angels - do not be devils yourself", "oranges do not grow on an aspen tree". (Many of his lectures are posted on YouTube.)
      In a person there are weak electric currents (even the light bulbs in the hands of phenomena light up), radio waves. Therefore, genetically close creatures can communicate in their range. Children learn the skills that parents have many times faster.
      Sooner or later, scientists will learn to read thoughts and "broadcast" them.
      The whole question is, in whose hands these technologies will end up - in good or bad ...
      1. +6
        27 February 2021 16: 30
        Quote from dsk
        "If you want your children to be angels - do not be devils yourself", "oranges do not grow on an aspen tree"

        The topic of children and upbringing is generally controversial. Children are born different, and they may not be completely similar to their parents in character and to each other, despite the common genes, be absolutely different. Children are already born with varying degrees of wisdom and understanding, my youngest daughter often amazes me with her conclusions at the age of 6 .. It seems that she has lived more than one life ..
        How much does the upbringing of parents influence and does the upbringing at all, is a controversial issue, rather the environment .. it definitely affects the child more .. There are many examples in history when people grew up in an orphanage had "bad" genes, but became very good, and some even great people. Where does the orphanage get this from?
        Sooner or later, scientists will learn to read thoughts and "broadcast" them.

        Already learned.
        1. dSK
          27 February 2021 16: 42
          Quote: Svarog
          Where does the orphanage get this from?

          What's so strange about that? It was in this orphanage that there were very good educators.
          1. +2
            27 February 2021 16: 42
            Quote from dsk
            Quote: Svarog
            Where does the orphanage get this from?

            What's so strange about that? There were very good teachers in this orphanage.

            Which one exactly? You don't know much about the orphanage ..
            1. +6
              27 February 2021 19: 33
              Vladimir: Even the Gorky colony could be used as an example. Now drug addicts are imprisoned. And drug addicts, burglars and completely depraved teenagers went to Makarenko. First, they were taught to work. And then these former criminals collected the FED camera. By our standards, this is the assembly of computers.
        2. +1
          27 February 2021 23: 28
          RENTV, or TVDRYN?
          1. +2
            28 February 2021 01: 02
            So that people do not think about some points, prohibitions are not effective To ridicule adding a spoonful of delirium to really curious things is more convenient ... in an age of relative availability of information right? In addition, you can make stuffing with frankly false and fantastic things diluting the information and "taking away" from the really promising (Moreover, it also brings income-class!) And this means (and even proves) that the conventionally "atomic bomb in the kitchen" is possible. .. Well, if you want it like that, "a lone researcher (or an uncontrolled group) is 100% able to find something that will give him critical advantages in this world" What? Who knows ... Perhaps exactly the ones described in the article
            1. 0
              28 February 2021 10: 13
              awdry. I agree with you 100%. You can't fool nature. Many people criticize gays, or vice versa, they are defended, and both are in vain. It was nature that wisely decreed that such idiots could not reproduce. Therefore, as many as necessary, there will be as many of them, but therefore they should not be allowed to adopt children. Why, but because this experience is akin, with all due respect to Michurin, Michurin's transformation of nature.
              1. 0
                28 February 2021 17: 10
                On this topic, there were some marches of minorities (in London it seems) when their scientists decided to sculpt a plaster for women during pregnancy in order to exclude the influence of some agent penetrating the body and causing deviations in the unborn child in terms of orientation ... 10-12 years ago it seems ... (if I am not mistaken in this case, the deviation is not inherited, but not the essence) There are cases of acquired such deviation, but this is already a breakdown of the psyche, of course. Psychological deviations in most cases require correction and treatment. especially in an advanced stage, by the way, I do not exclude that the next scientific breakthrough will happen in psychiatry in connection with research on the nervous and brain activity of a person
      2. 0
        27 February 2021 16: 45
        Quote from dsk
        Therefore, genetically close creatures can communicate in their own range.

        The clearest example, the twins. One fell ill, another immediately fell ill, and this even at great distances
        1. +1
          28 February 2021 14: 09
          One fell ill, another immediately fell ill

          Uh-huh ... You need to wash your hands with soap and water. Both twins, and the professor to wash the labyrinth with shampoo. And even then it will not help - rats perfectly distinguish smells, this is their signaling system. The labyrinth in the experiment should be disposable for each rat.
    2. +6
      27 February 2021 16: 09
      Quote: Lipchanin
      The article is definitely a huge plus

      When Shpakovsky does not write on political topics, the articles are really interesting. But then he did not fully disclose the idea .. Outlined an interesting topic.
      And the topic is really interesting .. animals have long been crossing the pedestrian crossings .. (if you noticed, of course) ..
      I believe that all living things have consciousness, there is also a collective mind, there is also an information field, to which not everyone can connect, but those who succeed can see interesting things and predict events.
      But the most important thing in this is that all this indirectly proves that there is no death. That there is an endless cycle of rebirth and transformation of energy.
      1. +1
        27 February 2021 16: 36
        When he writes on political topics, articles are also interesting, just the point of view of the author is different.
        1. +6
          27 February 2021 16: 42
          Quote: mr.ZinGer
          When he writes on political topics, articles are also interesting, just the point of view of the author is different.

          The point is not his point of view, but the fact that he deliberately attracts convenient facts and misses inconvenient ones, which is not an objective presentation of information, otherwise propaganda.
          1. +1
            27 February 2021 17: 14
            Alas, it was so, it will always be so, in the words of the opponent we will look for inconsistencies and exaggerations, because we do not share his point of view. But it's better to lose with a smart than with a fool to find
          2. +2
            27 February 2021 21: 11
            Quote: Svarog
            he deliberately attracts convenient facts and misses inconvenient ones, which is not an objective presentation of information

            Do you know this for sure? How can you judge this if you do not know in which direction the door opens in the archive? If the newspaper PRAVDA of the 30s was seen only in fragments in my own articles. Or omniscience descended on you from the information field? THERE WERE ALSO DOING THIS. They took convenient facts, and everyone else ... kept them secret. I'm just rebalancing!
      2. dSK
        27 February 2021 16: 39
        Quote: Svarog
        indirectly provesthat there is no death.

        The immortal soul retains all the "characteristics" of the personality.
        "Good News", the Gospel was written 2000 years ago.
        1. +5
          27 February 2021 18: 46
          In the scientific treatise of St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) "Spirit, Soul and Body" there are amazing facts about the world and man, including:
          There are other forms of energy in the world, unknown to us, and a person must have senses for their perception.
          The thought of one person is communicated to the thoughts of others.
          We have more than just five senses. We have higher-order perceptual faculties unknown to physiologists. All people have transcendental abilities
          The most important and deepest mental activity takes place beyond the threshold of our consciousness and never stops.
          We are immortal!
      3. +1
        27 February 2021 16: 59
        Quote: Svarog
        I believe that all living things have consciousness, there is also a collective mind, there is also an information field, to which not everyone can connect,

        I myself saw that our whole family was resting near the house, how my sister, who was 4 years old, played hide and seek with two newly born goats in the yard of my grandmother.
        How she taught them to play and how she told the rules .. request
      4. Fat
        27 February 2021 18: 58
        And Shpakovsky always tries to bypass politics. Experience.
        Digging well is a profession ... Somewhere they should touch.
        Of course, not everyone agrees with the views
        Vyacheslav Olegovich.
        Is it bad?
      5. +1
        2 March 2021 07: 32
        [quote = Svarog] [quote = Lipchanin] animals have long crossed the pedestrian crossings [/ quote]

        And not only do they cross, but also consciously use public transport; I have witnessed this and that many times in St. Petersburg.
        And along the labyrinth: experiments with mold, in the labyrinth are also interesting ...
    3. -3
      27 February 2021 16: 39
      Quote: Lipchanin
      Yes, I agree with almost everything.
      I observed this many times and wondered how and why children so easily and quickly master what we think long and hard. Below is just a problem. Children decide elementary
      I could give a lot of examples.
      The article is definitely a huge plus

      This is a fake, I think ... not a real problem for the first class.
      1. +3
        27 February 2021 16: 43
        Quote: Svarog
        This is a fake, I think ... not a real problem for the first class.

        Because it’s too tough for yourself?
        Checked, not fake
        1. +6
          27 February 2021 16: 45
          Quote: Lipchanin
          Because it’s too tough for yourself?
          Checked, not fake

          Well, let's.

          Decide ...
          1. -2
            27 February 2021 16: 49
            Quote: Mordvin 3
            Well, let's.

            "Not funny, girl"
            And your "humor" has not made anyone laugh for a long time.
            1. +2
              27 February 2021 16: 53
              Quote: Lipchanin
              And your "humor" has not made anyone laugh for a long time.

              What about your test? And if I put the typewriter in place 06, what do you say, huh?
              1. 0
                27 February 2021 17: 04
                Quote: Mordvin 3
                And if I put the typewriter in place 06, what do you say, huh?

                Yes, put at least on your balcony.
                The question is not where your car will be brought, the question is what number it is on.
                And from the answers I understood that you cannot answer correctly.
                I understand that when the head does not turn on, "criticism" and "sarcasm" comes out
                1. +1
                  27 February 2021 17: 27
                  Quote: Lipchanin
                  And from the answers I understood that you cannot answer correctly.

                  Well, I can, if I count backwards. Do you want me to ask you a problem from our first class, what we solved?

                  Guess if you don't remember. Or you don’t know. Turn on your brain.
                  1. -2
                    27 February 2021 17: 36
                    Quote: Mordvin 3
                    Well, I can, if I count backwards.

                    Don't be there backwards. Although you are more accustomed to expand my posts like this
                    Just mentally rotate the picture 180 degrees.
                    Well, this is a task for children, it is not available to you. Grow and grow more
                    look for the solution below from other members of the forum
                    1. 0
                      27 February 2021 17: 40
                      Quote: Lipchanin
                      Well, this is a task for children, it is not available to you.

                      I just asked you a problem with cats. First grade. Poor to solve? This whole picture means one word. You will hardly find it on the Internet, I remembered so, because there was nothing to do.
                      1. -1
                        27 February 2021 18: 00
                        Quote: Mordvin 3
                        I just asked you a problem with cats.

                        I didn't ask anyone anything. This was an example.
                        But judging by your posts, you have only ideology in your head, but not thoughts.
                        It is impossible to think of more foolishness
                        Well, let's.

                        Decide ...

                        What about your test? And if I put the typewriter in place 06,

                        This is the dumbest answer I've ever heard.
                        And where is the "06"? request
                      2. +2
                        27 February 2021 18: 05
                        Wow, I beg your pardon, the sharpest, I screwed up, I did not understand that it was 90. I don’t remove the question about cats.
                      3. -1
                        27 February 2021 18: 24
                        Quote: Mordvin 3
                        I don’t remove the question about cats.

                        Put it under your pillow and sleep on it
                        I'm not going to play riddles and answers. If you find the word "answer" in my post, I will send the answer in a personal
                        The site is not the same and the topic of discussion, like my posts, is not about that.
                        I know a lot of riddles like cats.
                        "To the question that the sage asked, one hundred do.a.co.v will answer.
                        To the question of one doctor. 1000 wise men will not answer "
                      4. +2
                        27 February 2021 18: 32
                        Quote: Lipchanin
                        I'm not going to play riddles and answers.

                        So what kind of dog feces are you making riddles for?
                        Quote: Lipchanin
                        The site is not the same and the topic of discussion, like my posts, is not about that.

                        I see that your posts mainly concern Navalny's ass and clownery in the country 404. You are not capable of anything else, although you stood on the nightstand at Baikonur.
                      5. -2
                        27 February 2021 18: 45
                        Quote: Mordvin 3
                        So what kind of dog feces are you making riddles for?

                        Where did I make the riddle of the blabbol changeling ?????
                        I can see that your posts mainly concern Navalny's ass

                        That you lick
                        , although he stood on the bedside table at Baikonur.

                        And they didn't even let you go there
                        How predictable you are laughing
                        As you get in the ass, you turn everything upside down and take the conversation away laughing
                        Blablabol, well, tell me what my picture has to do with it as an example, mind blablabol, not a mystery, and Baikonur and country 404.
                        You are now completely like that reptile in the pan.
                        I won't even consider your letters on eran anymore No.
                      6. 0
                        27 February 2021 20: 19
                        Quote: Lipchanin
                        Where did I make the riddle of the blabbol changeling ?????

                        In China.
                        Quote: Lipchanin
                        Blablabol, well, tell me what my picture has to do with it as an example, mind blablabol, not a mystery, and Baikonur and country 404.
                        You are now completely like that reptile in the pan.
                        I won't even consider your letters on eran anymore

                        So what are you going to do, looking at my letters, or give you voice acting for my texts?
                      7. +2
                        27 February 2021 20: 35
                        Quote: Mordvin 3
                        In China.

                        Changeling laughing
                        Are you blabbing from China? laughing
                        I'm asking about it. Where is the word "question"? laughing
                        I will repeat the post laughing
                        Below is just a problem. Children decide elementary

                        Well, where did I say what to answer?
                        Do you know why I think I'm right?
                        For the fact that I write the truth and argue, your companions minus me
                        You are given a plus for your blabbiness, which I point you to and you only excuse yourself.
                      8. +1
                        27 February 2021 20: 42
                        Quote: Lipchanin
                        You for blandness, to which I point you to and you only excuse yourself,

                        And where did I balabolit? Did he solve the riddle about cats himself? I'm tired of it. Here, take it and calm down, admirer of Navalny's rolls.
                      9. 0
                        27 February 2021 20: 52
                        Quote: Mordvin 3
                        And where did I balabolic?

                        Everywhere. Already poking his nose.
                        Where did I ask you BLABLABOLA to solve the riddle?
                        And there are still questions. Read it.
                        Well, tell your adherents, let them argue at least after one minus
                        , a fan of Navalny's buns

                        Here's another laughing
                        No, and you won't find it, even though with a poisonous sting turn over all my posts where I even said a word behind the basement
                      10. +2
                        27 February 2021 21: 00
                        Quote: Lipchanin
                        even with a poisonous sting, turn all my posts where I at least said a word behind the basement

                        On, just here you mention his ass.
                      11. +2
                        27 February 2021 21: 07
                        Quote: Mordvin 3
                        On, just here you mention his ass.

                        With that in the place where you push food all right? belay
                        belay Is this post for him? belay
                        Well, you are not already spinning, worse
                      12. +1
                        27 February 2021 21: 10
                        Quote: Lipchanin
                        Well, you are not already spinning, worse

                        You already flopped over the stone with cancer. Be simpler.
                      13. -1
                        27 February 2021 21: 15
                        Quote: Mordvin 3
                        You already flopped over the stone with cancer.

                        The freak, never answered how this post can be attributed to the fact that I admire the basement laughing
                        On, just here you mention his ass.

                        But you just get out and did not bring more than one fact laughing
                      14. +1
                        28 February 2021 00: 31
                        Quote: Lipchanin
                        The freak, never answered how this post can be attributed to the fact that I admire the basement

                        I have not written anywhere that you admire him. I write that in almost every thread, where about Navalny, you remember his ass. And you have no more thoughts.
                        Quote: Lipchanin
                        But you just get out and did not bring more than one fact

                        So what facts do you need?
          2. +3
            27 February 2021 17: 35
            hi Only 2 and had time, or what ?! winked Uncle Vanya turned out to be fast as a fucking thing! smile
            1. -1
              27 February 2021 17: 42
              Quote: pishchak
              Uncle Vanya turned out to be fast as a fucking thing!

              Can you guess about cats? By God, I foolishly remembered school. They sat in the extended day, racking their heads.
              1. +3
                27 February 2021 17: 59
                hi It's easy, because my brains are on the sidelines! winked
                But the hardest thing (at least for me) is to force yourself to think! smile
                With Uncle Vanya's garden and his throwing knife - elementary observation, since two berries are missing on the picture bushes.
          3. Fat
            27 February 2021 19: 03
            Toka came in, did nothing ... (C)
          4. +3
            28 February 2021 00: 24
            Quote: Mordvin 3
            Well, let's.

            Vasya is dead. How can he eat something.
            Not a single answer.
            But. In the picture, the first bush on the left is missing one of the three berries.
            Uncle Vanya, confess, are you a Turk on the murder weapon?
      2. +2
        27 February 2021 17: 12
        Just real. The child would immediately turn the picture)
        1. 0
          27 February 2021 17: 29
          Quote: carstorm 11
          Just real. The child would immediately turn the picture)

          Well, you will not prove it TIGHT !!!
          They don't need logic, they care who you are "ideological"
          1. 0
            28 February 2021 14: 02
            Quote: Lipchanin
            Well, you will not prove it TIGHT !!!

            Not. Try experimenting.
            I solved your picture in 15 seconds, but that's not the point globally. Thinking is not taught at school now. The brain is being clogged with unnecessary information.
            The wife is an excellent student (but already in the Unified State Exam), the daughter is studying at a prestigious lyceum with a mathematical bias, but in my head, multiplying 33 by 2.5 is a problem for them.
      3. +2
        27 February 2021 22: 40
        Quote: Svarog
        This is a fake, I think ... not a real problem for the first class.
        Why? 87 is enough to know the numbers.
        1. 0
          28 February 2021 14: 04
          Not enough. Analytical thinking is needed, which is not taught at school now. hi
    4. +7
      27 February 2021 17: 00
      Colleague Lipchanin:
      Below is just a problem. Children decide elementary

      Parking lot N 87, you can see it right away. The car parks, running into the parking number with the trunk, that is, backwards. I’m never a driver, but I’ve seen cars parked many times. And every day children see it. In my childhood there were no parking lots, in my childhood they are, and even with numbers. I have never seen a parking lot with numbers, I determined the number by the position of the car, but they saw a parking lot with numbers. Those who have not seen and may perceive the test as a problem that needs to be solved. The rest just know it from infancy. Because wrapped in diapers, they saw it.
      1. +3
        27 February 2021 17: 03
        Quote: depressant
        Parking place N 87, uh

        Ha, exactly .. and I was looking for logic .. and then attentiveness .. hi
        1. +1
          27 February 2021 17: 29
          Quote: Svarog
          Ha exactly .. and I was looking for logic .. and then attentiveness.

          Less than a year laughing
          1. +3
            27 February 2021 18: 03
            Well, why are you so on a colleague! ))) Maybe in his childhood there were no parking lots and there were no dangerous parts of the environment. In my childhood there were details, and I just got used to noticing everything wassat ))))))
            1. +3
              27 February 2021 18: 10
              Look how these "colleagues" are! they minus me and cannot understand that I did not ask a problem, but gave an example?
              Well, everywhere they look for "enemies of the people" and translate into ideology laughing
              Flawed request
              1. +1
                27 February 2021 22: 14
                Quote: Lipchanin
                Well, everywhere they look for "enemies of the people" and translate into ideology

                I didn't even try to minus you .. minus my one, when you started to be rude to the dear Mordvin 3 .. There were no more minuses, but in the situation with the goats there was a plus .. so about the enemies of the people, I don't need it .. I think you are simply mistaken in many ways, but it happens that your comments are very correct and then it is always a plus.
      2. +1
        27 February 2021 18: 03
        Quote: depressant
        Parking lot N 87, you can see it right away.

        See comments laughing
        They're trying to prove me otherwise laughing
        1. +3
          27 February 2021 18: 23
          I looked and did not seem to find anything)))
          1. +2
            27 February 2021 18: 27
            Bad looked))
            This is a fake, I think ... not a real problem for the first class.
            1. +1
              27 February 2021 18: 42
              Well, for children from some wilderness, where there is no television, it is difficult. And the general energy field is unlikely to help. This is if there are still donkeys and camels ride, horses, and for animals, the parking methods are different wassat )))
              1. +3
                27 February 2021 18: 52
                Quote: depressant
                and for animals the parking methods are different)))

                Yes, and for another, too lol
        2. +2
          27 February 2021 22: 16
          Quote: Lipchanin
          Quote: depressant
          Parking lot N 87, you can see it right away.

          See comments laughing
          They're trying to prove me otherwise laughing

          In fact, you gave a good example. When I realized, not without the help of Lyudmila Yakovlevna)) then I appreciated and naturally plus.
      3. +5
        27 February 2021 19: 53
        I do not know the rules of parking and even such thoughts were not, "backward or forward" cars park!
        At first I tried to see the mathematical patterns in the numbers - everything turned out wrong, but time was running out, so I looked at the numbers easier - "topsy-turvy". winked
        It reminded me of sniper tests in the Soviet Army, and American IQ tests are also similar.
        1. +2
          27 February 2021 22: 20
          Quote: pishchak
          I do not know the rules of parking and even such thoughts were not, "backwards or in front" cars park!
          At first I tried to see the mathematical patterns in the numbers - everything turned out wrong, but time was running out, so I looked at the numbers easier - "topsy-turvy".

          I had exactly too ..
          and American IQ tests are also similar.

          Not really, there are no questions about attentiveness + ingenuity .. basically attentiveness + logic, starting, in a limited time, has to be with logic and it, if there is, compensates for inattention .. I didn’t work with this test)) In general, cool. . I liked the problem.
    5. +3
      27 February 2021 20: 38
      87. I didn't time it, but I think in 20 seconds. met :-)). I read an article on RIA. A mathematician saw a problem in a primary school child. A semicircle is drawn in the picture. It says (in English) "True or not?" Next "This figure has two right angles." And the mathematician is frozen :-))
      1. +2
        27 February 2021 20: 45
        I saw it. But the evidence seems to have led, but controversial request
        Yes, I brought this picture not as a problem, but as an example
    6. +2
      28 February 2021 00: 19
      Quote: Lipchanin
      Children decide elementary

      children can be shoved into frivolous things.
      Whereas adults are tuned in to serious questions.
      The numbers are upside down. Car. 87th place.
      Serious children will also give the wrong answer.
  2. +10
    27 February 2021 15: 39
    among hooligans and alcoholics children themselves and quickly become the same hooligans and alcoholics, but among smart and advanced peers - they literally grow wiser before our eyes.

    Well, this is not noticed today. In a gray-bearded century ago, the saying was already "with whom you will lead, from that you will gain", now anyone can remember a lot of examples, both positive and negative. Previously, children were always in front of their parents, they could and praise for something, they could unscrew their ears as I did in due time, so that he knew that apples in our garden are no worse than neighbors, and now mothers and fathers have to spend more time at work with part-time jobs, so the street "brings up" children with the internet.
    1. +3
      27 February 2021 15: 45
      There is a more concise version)
      1. +3
        27 February 2021 16: 02
        Quote: carstorm 11
        There is a more concise option) With whom you lead, so you need)

        I am surprised at myself - but I gave you a plus sign for the post !!! good One of my favorite and my life sayings)))
    2. +2
      27 February 2021 16: 25
      Quote: Destiny
      so that he knows that apples in our garden are no worse than those of our neighbors,

      No, it's always tastier in the neighbor's. Proven by practice.
  3. +7
    27 February 2021 15: 49
    Soul and consciousness are pure energy, but why is it black for some and not for others !? winked
    1. Fat
      27 February 2021 19: 12
      This is a question for Master Yoda. Most of my colleagues are not Jedi)))))
  4. +3
    27 February 2021 16: 04
    whoever plans to add to the family, let it be too late to tell their wives to look at the white snow and leaf through albums with works of art.

    I understand that Vyacheslav Olegovich's wife was in a position when he studied Marxism-Communism. Or he’s lying and actually listened to the BBC. The question arises, what is it really about:
    Does grandma know?
    1. Fat
      27 February 2021 19: 17
      Perhaps this should be considered deeper and broader. Small scope won't help tongue stop laughing
  5. +6
    27 February 2021 16: 04
    we don’t need Chinese tests, return normal education
    1. Fat
      27 February 2021 19: 23
      It will become normal when the normal ones return to this business.
      So far bad very, very ((((((
  6. +5
    27 February 2021 16: 44
    Quote: Ryaruav
    we don’t need Chinese tests, return normal education

    And this Chinese test is obvious to their children! That is, there is a field of consciousness in which each child will answer correctly within 20 seconds. Otherwise, he will be considered unprepared for the first (!) Grade. When I was learning Chinese, I was sometimes amazed at the descriptive and semantic combination of hieroglyphs, especially in the technical field ...

    And here we have the same examples, I remember books like "300 tasks for quick wits" for schoolchildren. We solved them easily, knowing our culture and thinking, but American children would fall into a complete stupor!
    At the same time, their American and British textbooks are perceived by us as overly simplified in the style of "infotainment" (learning-entertainment). And, interestingly, they also work and allow you to master the base well, even a little better than ours ... It's just that few people take the next-level book there. And we are immediately taught more seriously.
    1. +3
      27 February 2021 17: 47
      That is why the Chinese civilization existed for 5 thousand years and the Chinese, despite their many tribes, remained Chinese? While many great civilizations have gone into oblivion. But because they have such a writing. We have letters for sounds. The sound wave went into space and disappeared into it without a trace. I don’t remember exactly, but something like - "a spoken thought is a lie." Sounds do not fully convey the meaning. We often do not understand each other.
      Chinese hieroglyphs are not so much sounds as whole picture-concepts that have been passed down from one generation to another over the millennia, put into the heads of the growing up, leading to the immutability of the worldview. A kind of constitution. Therefore, each new life phenomenon is linked by the Chinese with some of his own hieroglyph-picture as with an article of the constitution. And since the hieroglyph is unchanged, the phenomenon is brought by the Chinese to such an understanding that allows the new to fit into the system of conceptual coordinates of the hieroglyph, and the Chinese, even a very advanced, very modern, nods his head, says "Aha, this is how it should be!" and remains Chinese)))
      Well, for example, our child, in order to depict a family, with the help of sticks, circles and dots, portrays himself, dad and mom. Another child, older, will draw more realistically and can also add a dog or a cat or both. In general, who in what way. The Chinese probably have a character for family, and it is many thousands of years old.
      1. Fat
        27 February 2021 19: 29
        Europe is discrete, Asia is monolithic.
        The alphabet is the basis of European civilization. Therefore, the European is a letter. An Asian is an image.
        1. 0
          27 February 2021 19: 50
          Quote: Thick
          The alphabet is the basis of European civilization

          I read this information-
          The first alphabet, proto-Sinai writing, appeared around the middle of the XNUMXth century BC. e., it was intended for the language of the Semites who worked in Egypt.

          Are they European or Asian?
          1. Fat
            27 February 2021 20: 26
            If a! Writing will decide a lot.
            Each word, broken down into phonemes, is later defined in the alphabet for European history. Words are not images, Bro!
            1. +2
              27 February 2021 21: 02
              Quote: Thick
              Writing will decide a lot.

              Bro! Here they write that writing is also Asia feel -
              The history of the alphabet began in ancient Egypt more than a thousand years before the invention of writing.

              Two well-preserved writing systems have survived to the end of the XNUMXth millennium BC: Mesopotamian cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphs. Both were well known in that part of Asia Minor, where the first widely used alphabet, the Phoenician, was later invented. There are indications that cuneiform predetermined some of the features of the alphabets that arose in the countries where it was used (this influence can be seen, for example, in ancient Persian cuneiform).

              Something like this... request
              Tolstoy (Pestrikov Andrey Borisovich)
              Today, 19: 29

              The alphabet is the basis of European civilization... Therefore, the European is a letter. And an Asian is an image

              What does Europe have to do with it? wink
              1. Fat
                27 February 2021 21: 44
                And what has to do with the kind of Homo sapiens in general?
                I noted the difference in the perception of words.
                And symbols.
                It took Champollion a long time to realize the Rosette Stone
                We are already different, in figures everything!
                Write 2021 in code XNUMX, I've been doing this tricky.
                This is despite the fact that there are 10 fingers for counting.
                So where does the binary come from, Bro?
                60 minutes an hour, from where?
                1. +1
                  27 February 2021 22: 06
                  Quote: Thick
                  And what has to do with the kind of Homo sapiens in general?
                  I noted the difference in the perception of words.
                  And symbols.
                  It took Champollion a long time to realize the Rosette Stone
                  We are already different, in figures everything!
                  Write 2021 in code XNUMX, I've been doing this tricky.
                  This is despite the fact that there are 10 fingers for counting.
                  So where does the binary come from, Bro?
                  60 minutes an hour, from where?

                  Thanks for your answer, Bro. hi
          2. 0
            27 February 2021 22: 49
            Quote: Tank Hard
            Are they European or Asian?

            Egyptians are a culture and a nation that does not belong not to Europeans, not to Asians .. not even a nation, but a civilization to which modern Egyptians have no relation at all .. modern Egyptians are Arabs .. well, this is of course my opinion .. which is not true laughing
            1. Fat
              27 February 2021 23: 53
              That's it. Arabs were conquerors, and later. And the young people brought nothing new into the culture of the World. They robbed what they could, kept something.
              The Europeans were already plundering the North African civilization.
              I'll get better. Britain is not Europe.
      2. +4
        27 February 2021 21: 21
        Quote: depressant
        The Chinese probably have a character for family and are many thousands of years old.

        There is and is a depicting house and it is also unchanging! Moreover, the hieroglyph for home and contentment are the same. That is, having a home and having pleasure are identical things.
        1. 0
          27 February 2021 21: 27
          Quote: kalibr
          Moreover, the hieroglyph home and contentment are the same.

          Not really the same
          1. +3
            27 February 2021 22: 33
            I read about it at Claywell ... I didn't check it myself.
      3. +2
        27 February 2021 22: 27
        That is why the Chinese civilization existed for 5 thousand years and the Chinese, despite their many tribes, remained Chinese? T

        Lyudmila Yakovlevna, hi You gave an interesting theory .. but it looks like that owl that is being pulled over the globe .. Although it is certain that hieroglyphs have more information in one symbol than letters .. But the Chinese remained Chinese, for one reason, they are healthy nationalists .. exactly healthy or sane ..
      4. +2
        27 February 2021 22: 54
        Quote: depressant
        That is why the Chinese civilization existed for 5 thousand years and the Chinese, despite their many tribes, remained Chinese?
        Don't be jealous of the Chinese. They survived because the Europeans were far away. When transport technologies allowed at least a handful of European forces to reach them, the Chinese almost died out, they were saved only by the previously accumulated numbers (I'm talking about the opium wars). At the same time, in the Middle Ages, they were 200 years ahead of Europe in terms of development.And they could not fight off a handful of Europeans because they actually had a ban on development at the level of Confucianism (Only a teacher, the founder of a school can invent something new, the rest must perfectly reproduce teachers ). Plus the de facto ban on resettlement: what cannot be controlled from the palace is of no interest. Because of this, they formed a vicious circle (prosperity - population growth - lack of everything - banditry - the fall of the dynasty and a bunch of disasters - the extinction of the population - a new dynasty - prosperity) from which only Mao could pull them out.
      5. +1
        28 February 2021 13: 07
        It is strange but true - in the Chinese "ancient" chronicles, solar and lunar eclipses are mentioned. But alas and ah these eclipses were not observed on the territory of China during the mentioned times, but were observed on the territory of Europe. Proven at the end of the 19th century.
        As for the hieroglyphs, this is simply a complicated drawing writing. Brought to the territory of China by Europeids. "Great civilization" and their writing was never invented. With the invention of something New in China, it is difficult - to improve something or copy it please.
    2. +4
      27 February 2021 22: 35
      The book by G.S. Read Alshuller's "A month under the stars of fantasy"!
      1. +1
        27 February 2021 23: 52
        Founding Father of TRIZ?
        1. +2
          28 February 2021 07: 46
          Quote from Korsar4
          Founding Father of TRIZ?

          Yes. The book is very interesting!
  7. +11
    27 February 2021 17: 13
    An interesting paradox. The author strenuously struggles with ignorance in the field of his professional activity - history, stigmatizing fans of all kinds of folk sects and bars with a unit, but he is quite calmly engaged in the creation of a similar folkzoological sect "witnesses of transpersonality in the animal world."
    Vyacheslav Olegovich, read the literature on zoopsychology, adaptive zoopsychology, zoointelectology, consolidate your knowledge with a couple of modern studies on the energy-informational unity of the world and you will understand that each object of the universe is not local, but infinitely widespread in space and time at the quantum-field level of organization of matter, and the principle of holonomy, which is confirmed by the effect of "quantum correlation" allows scientists to understand all those ontological changes in animal behavior that you described.
    1. +5
      27 February 2021 19: 03
      Here is another of the eternal questions of biology about discreteness and continuum. But here specific questions are important: what are we talking about, what are the methods, etc.
    2. +1
      27 February 2021 19: 25
      About transpersonality in the animal world. I suppose it's more comfortable for cats to sleep on their backs by nature. This is when animals have complete confidence in the safety of the environment - safety, obviously and repeatedly confirmed. I doubt that in ordinary habitats of people, such as my Khrushchev, filled with the suffering of some, fears and troubles of others - so, I doubt that in such an environment cats sleep on their backs. With their sensitivity to voice intonations, this is unrealistic. And cats sleep on their backs where they are cared for from infancy, cherished and do not say bad words to them, and even feed them with an expensive product, buy them expensive scratching posts and toys (they lived their life and did not know that cats and dogs need toys and scratching posts, yes more varied!). So judge for yourself how not to soften up and fall asleep on your back! And since this attitude towards cats is widely replicated and promoted on the Internet with pleasant bonuses to the owner in the form of earnings for advertising on a blog - in a blog with photos and videos of favorite animals sleeping on the back, it becomes clear that the further, the more cats will sleep on the back, without telling each other anything about it.
      1. +8
        27 February 2021 19: 50
        I didn't follow the cat, but our Labrador likes to doze up on the sofa with its paws.
        1. +2
          27 February 2021 20: 34
          Viktor Nikolaevich, that's it! Your dog is confident that he is an equal member of the family, just like the rest. Therefore, she sleeps on the couch as she is comfortable. She thinks she has the right. You can't lie like that in the wild, it's dangerous, and the skin and fur on the abdomen, meanwhile, are in dire need of sunlight. But the dog does not know that ultraviolet light does not pass through glass)))
          1. +6
            27 February 2021 20: 49
            Your dog is confident that he is an equal member of the family
            I think that this experienced manipulator even counts some family members as "lesser brothers". Grandson and niece for sure. But the cat builds it as he wants.
            1. +4
              27 February 2021 22: 04
              But the cat builds it as it wants
              Viktor Nikolaevich, it became interesting how you cope with power sharing? My little creature even managed to "five" the cabbage from the porpoise cage.
              1. +4
                27 February 2021 22: 08
                I told the Labrador that eating from a cat's bowl is not good. He agreed.
                1. +3
                  27 February 2021 22: 19
                  Hmm. My power of persuasion was only enough for the fact that with dirty paws it was impossible to move beyond the hallway.
                  1. +5
                    27 February 2021 22: 46
                    By the way, the pit of the stomach is, apparently, also a feature of the breed. Moreover, it develops with age.
                    1. +4
                      27 February 2021 23: 01
                      Moreover, it develops with age.
                      Yes, a peculiarity of the breed, I read a lot on this topic. The origin of the genetic twist is inexplicable. I do not believe in the age-related increase in atrophy of the saturation center in animals. These are human troubles.
          2. +2
            27 February 2021 22: 29
            Quote: depressant
            Your dog is confident that he is an equal member of the family, just like the rest.

            Rather a member of the pack .. and obviously this dog considers himself dominant .. laughing
            1. +8
              27 February 2021 22: 52
              No, he does not consider himself dominant. First, this behavior is not typical for Labradors. Secondly, if the dog considers itself dominant, this is a serious mistake of the owner and it is simply dangerous to keep such a dog in the house.
              1. +2
                27 February 2021 22: 57
                Quote: Undecim
                No, he does not consider himself dominant. First, this behavior is not typical for Labradors. Secondly, if the dog considers itself dominant, this is a serious mistake of the owner and it is simply dangerous to keep such a dog in the house.

                It is absolutely not dangerous if the dog considers you to be a member of the pack. She just considers herself more important .. when the dog is allowed to sleep in the owner's place, it is an honor for the dog, but the dog does not know such a concept, she considers it a privilege, which means she considers herself a dominant. It's another matter with wolves, it is really dangerous here. But a man with a wolf can only be on an equal footing, if otherwise, then a person always runs the risk of being killed.
                1. +5
                  27 February 2021 23: 02
                  How many and what kind of dogs did you have, did you deal with wolves, or are you a theorist?
                  1. 0
                    27 February 2021 23: 07
                    Quote: Undecim
                    How many and what kind of dogs did you have, did you deal with wolves, or are you a theorist?

                    There were also dogs .. a German shepherd .. a Doberman .. there was a wolf .. or rather a wolf cub, he died of the plague, having lived a year old. I do not consider my opinion about dogs and wolves to be unconditional, but based on my own experience and literature, I think that I am not mistaken.
                    1. +5
                      27 February 2021 23: 19
                      You are wrong. That a dog considers others to be his pack is obviously true, a dog is a pack animal. Like the wolf. But if the domestic dog considers himself dominant, it is dangerous for others. Therefore, the choice of a breed for keeping in the house is a responsible process. There are breeds that are difficult to keep within the framework. There are plenty of cases when the dogs began to "pump rights", including those with a tragic outcome.
                      Last year, my brother and I had to shoot two neighboring Alabai on this basis, although it was a pity to tears. But the animals under 90 kg decided that they dominated, although I told the owner many times that the dogs must be brought up, otherwise there will be trouble.
                      1. +2
                        27 February 2021 23: 31
                        Quote: Undecim
                        But if the domestic dog considers himself dominant, it is dangerous for others. Therefore, the choice of a breed for keeping in the house is a responsible process.

                        That's right, it all depends on the breed ... but the fact that the dog considers itself a dominant when lying in the place of the owner is an absolute fact. Any mongrel can dominate, this is only the psycho-emotional state of the dog, but the manifestation is different in different breeds.
                        There are plenty of cases when the dogs started to "pump their rights", including those with a tragic outcome.

                        Certainly. And there are two reasons. The first and most common, the dog was mentally traumatized or deviated, as the fighting dogs ruled .. and the second, when the dog considered himself the main .. but again, it all depends on the breed .. the cat, for example, always considers himself the main .. only he alone knows about it, and some dog breeds can prove it ..
                      2. +4
                        27 February 2021 23: 35
                        Obviously, I did not indicate one point, which somewhat led the discussion aside. This is not the master's sofa. He doesn't even come to my couch. This is his sofa.
                      3. +2
                        27 February 2021 23: 37
                        Quote: Undecim
                        Obviously, I did not indicate one point, which led the discussion somewhat aside. This is not the master's sofa. He doesn't even come up to my couch. This is his sofa.

                        Well then it changes everything laughing
                      4. +2
                        27 February 2021 23: 43
                        It is generally difficult with shepherds. Too smart, too independent, too individuals. Once they introduced me to an old "Caucasian woman", the procedure is worthy of the accession of a cardinal to the Holy See
                      5. +1
                        28 February 2021 00: 04
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        Too smart, too independent, too individual

                        In my opinion, the peculiarity of the shepherd dog is "too smart", other qualities are present in all guard, hunting and fighting dogs .. although smart dogs are no less intelligent .. perhaps even smarter than shepherd dogs ..
                      6. +1
                        28 February 2021 00: 16
                        Undoubtedly! The potential IQ of huskies is difficult to dispute. But I have never been a hunter, and more often I observe dogs in an anthropomorphic environment.
                        On the other hand, where would all these "canis" be if the "homo" did not happen ..
                      7. +1
                        28 February 2021 14: 12
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        It is generally difficult with shepherds

                        Germans with Caucasians, and even more so with Central Asians, I would not put on the same level at all, too different breeds.
                        I myself am a huge fan of the Germans. hi
                      8. +1
                        28 February 2021 14: 26
                        Hello Igor!
                        I actually don't. For I understand the difference between Alabai and Collie, although both are shepherds by the name of the breed.
                  2. +2
                    27 February 2021 23: 57
                    There is an interesting book "One among the wolves". The man took a place in the pack, but clearly not on an equal footing. The alpha and beta seats were securely taken.
                    1. +1
                      28 February 2021 00: 20
                      The man, in this case, initially behaved like a stray, he was allowed to survive within the pack.
                      1. +1
                        28 February 2021 06: 27
                        Yes. He brought his lack of place among people to the wolves.
                        But the book came out interesting.

                        Although you cannot agree with some passages.
                2. +4
                  27 February 2021 23: 26
                  Dangerously. With shepherd dogs, for example. I met a situation when the dog considered people to be a herd.
              2. +3
                27 February 2021 23: 20
                That's right!
                My regular customers have mastiffs. The old one was even more or less socialized (he died already, the larger the dog, the less he lives), the young upbringing bypassed him. When I come to them, the first thing I do is give the dog a couple of slaps, then I go into the house.
                1. 0
                  27 February 2021 23: 36
                  Quote: 3x3zsave
                  When I come to them, the first thing I do is give the dog a couple of slaps, then I go into the house.

                  This behavior is possible with a dog, but highly undesirable with a wolf .. actually this is their difference. But you can't beat the dog. If you want to show the dog that you are a "leader", then just lift it by the scruff .. This will put any dog ​​in its place right away .. A dog, like a wolf, feels with whom he is dealing .. if the "leader" has a character, then even you don't need to lift the scruff, the dog will feel it ..
                  1. +6
                    27 February 2021 23: 43
                    If you want to show the dog that you are the "leader", then simply lift it by the scruff of the neck.

                    And if she is you? Good advice, but not universal. Difficult to do with some breeds.
                    1. +4
                      27 February 2021 23: 49
                      Quote: Undecim
                      And if she is you? Good advice, but not universal. Difficult to do with some breeds.

                      This should be done in the process of upbringing, when still a puppy .. it is clear that this trick will not work with a 50-60 kg dog laughing
                    2. +2
                      28 February 2021 00: 45
                      Quote: Undecim
                      And if she is you?

                      Here is exactly the same dog with the owners as they entered the entrance, and there they removed the muzzle from her. I followed them. This beast turned around, and silently flooded me. I had to slam the door, and have a smoke, wait until they left there higher. Such a hog will raise whoever you want.
                  2. +3
                    27 February 2021 23: 57
                    If you want to show the dog that you are the "leader", then just lift it by the scruff of the neck ..
                    Uh-huh. There is only one moment. For 50 years now, this method does not work for service dogs. Even puppy females are discouraged from this instinct.
                    1. +1
                      28 February 2021 00: 08
                      Quote: 3x3zsave
                      Only there is one moment. For 50 years, this method does not work for service dogs.

                      Why has the method not worked for only 50 years .. have dogs evolved? laughing
                      Works as well .. for all dogs and even wolves. The fact is that it is so accepted in the pack, when the mother brings up the puppy, she takes the puppy by the scruff of the neck .. This is at the instinct level. And 50 years is an extremely short time to get rid of the instinct that has existed since time immemorial.
            2. +2
              27 February 2021 23: 05
              Rather a member of the pack
              I agree with this.
              and clearly this dog considers himself dominant
              With this, no.
        2. +4
          27 February 2021 21: 59
          Perhaps this sleeping position is a peculiarity of the breed. Having a "selfish interest", he communicated a lot with the owners of Labradors. The vast majority claim that their dogs are not averse to sleeping this way.
      2. +3
        27 February 2021 20: 31
        Quote: depressant
        I doubt that in ordinary habitats of people, such as my Khrushchev, filled with the suffering of some, fears and troubles of others - so, I doubt that in such an environment cats sleep on their backs.

        We slept and slept, Lyudmila Yakovlevna. Moreover, when I had a bad dream, I somehow jumped half a meter from the bed, and the poor cat sleeping on my chest (probably he, the bastard, was the cause of my bad dreams) almost jumped to the ceiling, and got away.
        1. +4
          27 February 2021 20: 50
          Vladimir ... Well, you yourself showed the reason why your cat felt the opportunity to sleep on its back! ))))
          Why doesn't he do it if he sleeps on your chest? You love your cat! )))
          1. +3
            28 February 2021 01: 03
            Quote: depressant
            You love your cat! )))

            He got hit by a car twenty years ago. Here it is, back in the 90s.
            1. +4
              28 February 2021 01: 28
              I deeply sympathize hi
              Surprisingly similar to my untimely deceased Kandey.
    3. +2
      27 February 2021 21: 30
      Quote: Undecim
      Vyacheslav Olegovich, read the literature on zoopsychology, adaptive zoopsychology, zoointelectology, consolidate your knowledge with a couple of modern studies on the energy-informational unity of the world and you will understand that each object of the universe is not local, but infinitely widespread in space and time at the quantum-field level of organization of matter, and the principle of holonomy, which is confirmed by the effect of "quantum correlation" allows scientists to understand all those ontological changes in animal behavior that you described.

      I have nothing else to do, how to read all this, when I can write an article of interest to many. Have you read the comments? 80% are in favor. And ALL, this is the main thing. And there is still a reason for people to speak up. Show your zeal, virtue, sharpness of mind and intellect. The main thing is the reason. In this case, informational.
      1. +5
        27 February 2021 21: 50
        I have nothing more to do, how to read all this, when I can write
        Somewhere I have already met such a position, like someone is not a reader, someone is a writer.
        1. +3
          27 February 2021 22: 29
          It all depends on the circumstances, dear Viktor Nikolaevich. Sometimes it is better to know, sometimes to know and to do, sometimes only to do. Circumstances decide everything. And we weigh them and act in accordance with them and with what we have.
      2. +1
        27 February 2021 22: 31
        Quote: kalibr
        Have you read the comments? 80% are in favor. And EVERYTHING, this is the main thing. And there is still a reason for people to speak up. Show your zeal, virtue, sharpness of mind and intellect. The main thing is the reason. In this case, informational.

        Here you are honest .. and that's how I understand your articles .. but there is still a nuance that can be read between the lines .. sometimes you are afraid to voice your own conclusions .. this is of course an experience .. which allows you to balance .. but not burn))
        1. +3
          27 February 2021 22: 38
          Quote: Svarog
          sometimes you are afraid to voice your own conclusions.

          What for? Here the very intrigue is not to voice them!
          1. +4
            27 February 2021 22: 44
            Quote: kalibr
            What for? Here the very intrigue is not to voice them!

            Not intrigue, but benefit ... from the number of discussions ... while you remain on the sidelines, identifying only an interesting topic ... But if you are claiming to be a thinker ... and judging by your conceit it is so ... it would be nice to confirm it .. It is not difficult to pull out the facts, especially since they can be different .. but to make a conclusion .. this is already a thinker's business .. but then courage is needed .. courage will come and recognition .. You just miss it .. It's free advice)) hi
            1. +2
              27 February 2021 22: 53
              Quote: Svarog
              But if you pretend to be a thinker.

              Here I will write about the knights ... then we will "think". And then ... just interest. I came across interesting facts on the path of life, and I picked them up. Even not everyone can do this. And to put it in words, and even more so. And then there was an opportunity. Why do something more? I don't see the point. Will you please, perhaps? So there is no sense in this either ...
              1. +2
                27 February 2021 23: 00
                Quote: kalibr
                Why do something more? I don't see the point. Will you please, perhaps? So there is no sense in this either ...

                Of course there is .. the topic is really interesting .. and you also have thoughts on this topic .. another question is that it is dangerous to voice them .. a fine line .. the audience may not perceive correctly ..
                1. +2
                  28 February 2021 07: 47
                  Quote: Svarog
                  another question is that voicing them is dangerous .. fine line .. the audience may not perceive correctly ..

                  You see. You yourself perfectly understand everything. So what's the use of the extra words?
      3. +5
        27 February 2021 22: 31
        Sorry, Vyacheslav Olegovich, but in this matter I am completely on the side of Viktor Nikolaevich.
        Thank you!
        1. +2
          27 February 2021 22: 39
          And I'm on his side! Only I have neither the time nor the desire to follow his advice.
          1. +5
            27 February 2021 22: 47
            Then, it makes sense to consider this article in line with your lectures on ufology.
            1. +2
              28 February 2021 07: 50
              Quote: 3x3zsave
              Then, it makes sense to consider this article in line with your lectures on ufology.

              Exactly, Anton. If you were to be taken 40 back and given a listen ...
              And the end of the lecture ... "We are still flying back-oh-oh!" One long, drawn-out sigh was heard in the audience ... So people were ... yes? But the time has passed. Now I do not write about "them" even in "Secrets of the XX century". But, something interesting remains ...
              1. +4
                28 February 2021 10: 44
                Here are two topics. One - Vyacheslav Olegovich, and the second, following her - Roman Skomorokhov. And both are intended to clarify how correctly we perceive the fabric of time. How accurately we are able to interpret the sequence of events proposed by time.
                The novel is more frank: a monument to Dzerzhinsky! What is it that got the public so excited? And this is a test. But are we able to see it? Everyone expressed their opinion. Relentless statistics gave an answer that someone took note of.
  8. +6
    27 February 2021 18: 22
    He started with cats, then moved on to rats and ended up with a granddaughter. I did not forget to remember myself and my wife. It's a pity there was no bug, and so is the classic plot of the Russian folk tale "The Turnip".
    The meaning of "what you plant is what you reap"? Or somehow wider? It is not without reason that the author dragged telepathy here. So you have to dig deeper?
    I am surprised by the almost mystical topic of the article, which is practically nothing. If we take lines from Pushkin as a conclusion, then all that remains is to look at white.
    I am sincerely sorry for the author "In my childhood, the attitude of adults towards children was quite consumerist." (C)
    And it sounds somewhat dubious.
    Maybe all the same to the doctor?
    1. Fat
      28 February 2021 11: 37
      Telepathy? Dubious
      Empathy is an objective reality. And you will have to turn to the doctor when a flock of stray dogs is not for character, but for a tooth
      The "violator" will try.
      Sometimes we have to defend "our territory" Not only with a grin, but also with a weapon. (((((
      I regret.
  9. +2
    27 February 2021 18: 27
    Nobody is going to teach. But they will issue a certificate of education. Not free, essno ... And knowledge is what is needed to get this tugament.
  10. Fat
    27 February 2021 18: 47
    An excellent attack on the cognizance of the World.
    I myself am the same.
    Someone smells profit for many miles.
    And we have an affinity with both business and relatives ...
    And you don't have to do anything. Let the grandchildren sit on your lap.
    Is it gene memory?
    Not? Maybe eidos or egregor?
    How It's not easy.
    Thank you.
    1. +3
      27 February 2021 19: 04
      Or maybe just happiness in the minds of the Chinese: a family of three generations.
      1. Fat
        27 February 2021 20: 11
        We are already in the fifth, of the literate, sorry it happened
        1. +3
          27 February 2021 20: 53
          Andrey Borisovich, you are sad and ironic these days love ))))
          1. Fat
            28 February 2021 11: 54
            Little. It's just that my grandchildren's great-grandmother is so alive and active that she began to suspect that I would become closer to the Last Judgment before this wise woman (((
            Excellent durability. May God grant her health to marry these too. love
            1. +2
              28 February 2021 14: 14
              Patience to you, courage and perseverance! ))))
              Go around sharp corners and cut off any conversations with businesslike concern, they say, an urgent matter. My mother was like that, then another generation!)))
              And I watched the film "Bluff" - a serene, naive era! How naive we will seem to our descendants in 100 years. This is if civilization survives. For some reason, the Romans and the inhabitants of the Middle Ages seem to me much smarter than us today. And they disappeared anyway. Didn't pass the history exam. Hmmm ...
              1. Fat
                28 February 2021 14: 59
                Methuselahs like Brezhnev, Trump, Biden ...
                Who are they? They are made by their environment IMHO.
                There is always a smart and obedient referent.
                I think not at all.
              2. Fat
                28 February 2021 15: 58
                Psalm 90 from the Old Testament
                Faith and protection. Sometimes it is useful to reproduce in your mind. I will not quote the text.
                Yours is necessary only for you, your business
  11. +1
    27 February 2021 19: 27
    The topic by Vyacheslav Olegovich touched upon an interesting one - about a single Information Field and telepathy, but somehow, indeed, too childish, with careful hints, groping and only a tip request - Probably, it is difficult for the Author to break the "patterns of thinking", cemented by the canons of "materialistic philosophy" of the Department of "History of the CPSU" ?! wink
    Vyacheslav Olegovich, no offense!
    Your visionary dreams do not seem to me to be something unusual - this is reality, because we are all subconsciously "connected" to a common info-energy field, in which there are no secrets and secrets, "past", "present" and "future" occur "online", not "unfolding in time", huge distances and spaces are insignificant at all, because speeds are instantaneous and these are not all "miracles" ... and yes, I agree with the Author and wrote about this before (on VO-Reporter) - whoever can get reliable access first, he will get an advantage, especially, intelligence services that can freely and freely draw all conceivable and unthinkable secrets!
    Although this advantage is not for long, after all, for access-contact with the Universal Reason, only an ordinary human brain is needed, its development and the ability to use it in the right direction, that's all!
    I am sure that in the future, with purposeful work, such a contact will be available to every person, unless, of course, our human civilization, another on Earth, before that time does not have time to bury itself, leaving all its "developments" to also hover in informational "empyrea" "space-time ....

    The summarizing, beautiful-minded, human part of the Article is very good, although besides the "white snow" there are still many Beauties that expectant mothers have been advised to look at since ancient times ... Yes

    By the way, I think that the ruling "elites" (neither capitalist nor communist) are not at all interested in the comprehensive education of the "plebs" and the popularization of Knowledge, so they will try with all their might to monopolize and restrict access to a single Information Field if such a contact takes place! request
    1. +5
      27 February 2021 20: 44
      we are all subconsciously "connected" to the general info-energy field, in which there are no secrets and secrets, "past", "present" and "future" occur "online" without "unfolding in time"

      Colleague Pischak! As a person closely engaged in mathematics, I confirm your idea. Take at least the simplest case in the form of Pascal's triangle: past, present and future numbers form a finite number in the present. But not everyone can distribute the final result into components in time.
      1. +2
        27 February 2021 21: 56
        hi All these Knowledge and Possibilities of the Universal Energy Information Field exist and "automatically", without effort and labor, become 100% available to each of us only after death.
        Therefore, alas, the information of eyewitnesses is fragmentary, only from those who have safely survived clinical death and are able to clearly tell about this state, briefly "flying away", their Soul (but, alas,
        more "storytellers" of all sorts of fables come across who themselves did not die, but for some reason, "image" or materialistic, they want to appear as such - even in the "collection" of Dr. Moody, similar "scientific works" of other authors, I came across "posthumous revelations "absolutely obvious inventors, for some reason" powdering the brains "of documentary writers with their" incredible adventures in the afterlife "! request ).
        I am sure that in past civilizations, intelligent beings, like individual people (or even entire "castes of priests-magi") in the past epochs of our civilization, already had access to the Universal Reason, and in modern times we have examples of "creative insights" and examples real "mediums", although they are lost among the powerful "information noise" of the host of all imitators-charlatans.

        The task of mankind, while we have not irrevocably killed, have not worn out ourselves at the root, is to find reliable approaches to our subconsciousness and energy-informational outputs to the Universal (Universal) Reason.
        If we together solve this difficult and very labor-intensive task, then this human civilization will live ... but no, it will be necessary (Nature does not like emptiness and monotony!) There will be another Intelligent life on this planet and, perhaps, it will subsequently reach great heights of development than ours. winked
        PS Mathematics is, in general, a very Beautiful Science, I adore and love it too, aka Depressant! Yes
    2. Fat
      27 February 2021 21: 23
      Don't social media have the same goal ...
      To deprive us of an emotional connection with our family, with the community?
      Wrapped it up clearly. But while the toilet in the house does not become a cyborg))))
      A friend's handshake, the touch of a loved one, whose state is not known as a feeling for thousands of kilometers. ..
      It's not a romance fact.
      It is unknown who created the neural connection between the genetically related biological environment.
      But it works!
      Here you are right.
  12. +2
    27 February 2021 19: 38
    How does today's youth differ from us? They know how to sift through information. What a young man does not need, he does not remember. Often in primary school, the emphasis is on gifted children. But it often happens that the middle peasant suddenly shot in his development. In my life there are such examples.
    1. Fat
      27 February 2021 20: 41
      Naively, Bro fixes everything powerfully. Every gesture, every look, movement, turn, hand - foot.
      Spoken language is not the basis of communication, only a part. 80 percent body language
      Any reasonable person can remain silent. And the body reports the truth.
      Emotions are almost impossible to hide.
      1. +2
        27 February 2021 22: 33
        Quote: Thick
        Emotions are almost impossible to hide.

        Emotions can be hidden behind emotions .. any intelligence school will confirm))
        1. Fat
          28 February 2021 00: 24
          Deception will not last long. Everything is temporary.
          In addition, the school knows the school by handwriting.
          How, when, where?
          You can be silent as a partisan, but the specialist will still get info, not all of course))))
          You shouldn't have mentioned intelligence schools.
          An experienced trader from the market is enough!
          He senses any client nuhom.
          Learn to bargain, good skill.
          1. +3
            28 February 2021 00: 29
            Quote: Thick
            Deception will not last long. Everything is temporary.

            How to say .. first you need to understand that there is deception .. understanding .. it is easy to believe that this is not deception at all .. Well, when you believe yourself, others will believe too ..
            You can be silent as a partisan, but the specialist will still get info, not all of course))))

            Only with the help of chemistry ..
            An experienced trader from the market is enough!
            He senses any client nuhom.
            Learn to bargain, good skill.

            Good .. but this is only a tiny part of human psychology .. and the root of trade lies in profit, if you understand that they want to fuck you .. but in today's reality it is always so .. then you need to learn not to bargain, but to have .. this is the problem .. for me ..
            1. Fat
              28 February 2021 00: 51
              It's never too late to learn. Observe
              And learn to distinguish a swindler from a competent merchant. The merchant has an upper request and, according to the case, a benefit. The whole market stands on this.
              Honest money is paid for the case not for screaming (((((
              Much We have forgotten how to do it, unfortunately
            2. +2
              28 February 2021 11: 42
              Quote: Svarog
              This is the problem with me ..

              Go to the market to shop and bargain like a shoemaker.
              1. Fat
                28 February 2021 13: 40
                Vyacheslav Olegovich!
                Well, you can't do it right away, with your face on the table.
                At least 10 stitches from the skin of a ram hats, but you will only get flawed gloves, not a headdress)))))
                1. +2
                  28 February 2021 17: 44
                  I am writing from my own experience. I'll try smoked meat and sauerkraut ... if the market is big, it's a great lunch! And then, sellers who bargain well are respected.
                  1. Fat
                    28 February 2021 18: 05
                    Right! And there is always a discount and assistants do half the business for the delivery of purchases ...
                    This, as you know from science - marketing. In translation is not a Russian mark on the buyer. wassat
                    1. +2
                      28 February 2021 18: 21
                      Quote: Thick
                      This, as you know from science - marketing. In translation is not a Russian mark on the buyer.

                      Yes, Andrei Borisovich. I have witnessed a lot of funny scenes on the market many times. People are afraid of everything, they are afraid that they will be thought of, that they are poor, they are afraid to sell too cheap, they are afraid that they will be deceived and ... what they are afraid of is what happens to them. The market is a great school of human communication. I would teach schoolchildren there!
                      1. Fat
                        28 February 2021 18: 55
                        I agree. Absolutely but it's in the 12+ category ...
                        But a powerful school of life. That's it.
                        I drive (drove) my eldest grandson .... I went through the cheese. Done but found masters. The grandson can easily distinguish between Cheese and a similar product ....
                      2. +2
                        28 February 2021 19: 26
                        Quote: Thick
                        I am driving (drove) my eldest grandson ..

                        In-oh-from! How to!!! At one time I went to the market with my grandmother. I saw, heard, perceived everything as a duty - everything is better than sitting at home alone. Now I see how useful it was. Now I go to the market with my granddaughter, she is already 18. I have to learn to manage.
                      3. Fat
                        28 February 2021 19: 59
                        Yes it is necessary !! You have substantiated the collapse of the peasantry powerfully. Think about who brings spices to life?
                        You are clever, master, but like 'I'm an old man
                        Let's give time to the young?
                        I think it will cost!
                        Let them prove their (?) Right
                      4. +2
                        28 February 2021 20: 19
                        Quote: Thick
                        Let them prove their (?) Right

                        My granddaughter thinks very cleverly. But ... he does not like and does not know how to write. And who will listen to her? And in my youth I was so ... stupid, which cannot be said. My wife and I constantly remember the "time of missed opportunities." Also with the young today ...
                      5. Fat
                        28 February 2021 20: 51
                        Well, as always .. wait for an answer!
                        If we survive, we will see.
                        I hope Our young have a character and brains stronger than ours ...
                        "Young useless for anything ...." (C)
                        laughing crying
                      6. Fat
                        28 February 2021 21: 22
                        Well? Let's go to the market for a persimmon?
                        Here ... point
                        In short ...
                        I will not undertake to translate Alice again
                        "I and the court, I and the investigation ...
                        Here is your kaput "
                        I sincerely wish you success
                        Well, yes.
                        An admirer might say ...
  13. +2
    27 February 2021 23: 31
    This means that if a gypsy woman is gilded with a handle, that is, her hand, she will say everything that happened, and so on until the grave. She sees everything ... From the very birth she has information about everyone.
    1. Fat
      28 February 2021 00: 06
      Not every gypsy woman. ...
      And the best way is to pass by.
      They lie recklessly
      And with each generation, less.
      It became not easy to read a person.
      Education and mental toughness have multiplied
  14. +2
    28 February 2021 11: 03
    So at the age of seven, I absolutely surely from somewhere suddenly found out that I would have a blonde wife and a daughter
    Somehow earlier there was a certain code of conduct, even in such a profession as a journalist. However, there are practically no journalists left, the girl Katya from Facebook is now the industry standard ...
    Among adults who are not members of a particular sect, it is not customary to share mystical revelations and descriptions of mystical events that happened to a person in life. And if there is no strength to resist, the tongue itches violently in spite of everything, then this is quite unambiguously interpreted. Mr. Shpakovsky, be so kind, go to a psychiatrist .. You definitely need it.
    1. +2
      28 February 2021 11: 39
      Quote: Mikhail3
      You definitely need it.

      And you definitely need to understand that money does not smell! Have you read all the comments? 80% of them say that people are happy, and this is the main thing! For the remaining 20%, you know what?
      1. +2
        28 February 2021 12: 07
        More than 70% of all Internet content is pornographic images and texts. Would you like to join? There will be more money! Of course, stories about encounters with spirits, flies and shl .. are terribly popular and bring money to negligent authors. Small request. Is it possible not to post mystical nonsense on the Voennoye Obozreniye website? Slightly, literally a bit, out of topic, huh? Go with such articles to where the rest of them hang out. And not people like it. You have collected a certain slice from the audience of the site. Ugh, damn it ...
        1. +2
          28 February 2021 12: 11
          Quote: Mikhail3
          You have collected a certain slice from the audience of the site.

          This cut is also people and they have the right to get what they like. As for pornography, I don't like it. Here you need to like the topic. However, I have a very interesting "strawberry" novel "Season of Love" on the Singapore site DREAME and our author. today - you can watch and read. A very popular product. However, I have a lot of purely military topics. Today there was a material about Derringer pistols. Watch and read. All in a military theme!
          1. +3
            28 February 2021 12: 49
            Well ... we are waiting for another article about your communication with your deceased grandmother ...
            1. +1
              28 February 2021 17: 46
              Quote: Mikhail3
              Well ... we are waiting for another article about your communication with your deceased grandmother ...

              What was not, alas, was not. But one more material about paranormal will be required! Come to VO!
  15. +1
    28 February 2021 15: 51
    Well, let's touch on the main thing.

    "Teach everyone and learn about everything!"

    This is the title of the article. It's like the Chinese test for entering the first grade of school. It needs to be read by display:
    "Learn about everything and teach everyone"
    A clarification suggests itself: "... and teach everyone how it should be." Attached to politics - "... and send everyone where necessary."
    Politicians do not have extrasensory abilities, and elections to the State Duma are just around the corner. And how will the electorate vote? How is it necessary or how will it turn out? It would be necessary to probe. And the public is asked a question about the square, Dzerzhinsky and Nevsky. Everyone answers as they see fit, and the result is testing of public opinion in the capital. And on the basis of this test, an analytical conclusion is made: here in the propaganda to subtract, here to push, and then to the residents of the capital to throw the necessary gingerbread. You look, and they will vote as they should. Well, or at least without yelling and rallies. And if without these excesses, then the election results can be corrected in the right direction with the doors closed from prying eyes.
    But it can be assumed that cries about the elections will be heard in the provinces, for they are already heard: "Why are they not asking us about Dzerzhinsky and Nevsky?" Therefore, the province is not asked what the authorities do not care about. A riot in the provinces is terrorism and separatism, therefore we are suppressed by law enforcement officers in accordance with the law. A capital riot is a revolution that legitimizes provincial riots. A revolution that may be on the side of important government and law enforcement officials. Therefore, a revolt in the capital is unacceptable. To this end, the mood in the capital is being probed with subsequent proactive measures. This is the psychic ability of power, its way to foresee. And no mysticism.
    1. +2
      28 February 2021 16: 52
      Good evening Lyudmila Yakovlevna!
      * And no mysticism. * And this action is called tricky-monitoring of public opinion.
      Now the main question is, how will the report be reported, truthfully or diplomatically, and what the first head of the state will decide.
      1. +3
        28 February 2021 17: 08
        Hello Seryozha! Long time no see)))
        How do you say they will report? It is believed that Putin is being given a digest compiled by an analytical group. They will report it so that he does not worry. Those who are in the group of influence on events, who control those events, will report. But, apparently, there are also such communities that themselves strive for control and the further, the more clearly. If we take the square as an example, then the people responsible for organizing and conducting the voting received a call from the FSB and said, they say, you understand whose monument we want to see on the square. And laughter and sin! I am very worried. I do not want any revolutions or "peaceful" palace coups. I want only one thing: that under the influence of the "mystical" data of the poll on the monument, our government woke up and finally began to move in the way it was supposed to.
        1. +2
          28 February 2021 17: 15
          Lyudmila Yakovlevna! Yes, they do not care about the current polls, public opinion. This is someone's personal initiative, but they quickly gave it up. Whose? My version of the Gauleiter. Why? Perhaps on the basis of this * survey * some other dirty trick is being prepared, good from * these * I don’t believe. A priori.
        2. +3
          28 February 2021 17: 18
          Yes, I haven't seen each other for a long time. I’m all * under the monument on the Lubyanka *. So he asked * Tatra * a direct question about pharmacy number one, and she ... disappeared! belay
    2. +2
      28 February 2021 17: 06
      Oh, how! Congratulations Lyudmila Yakovlevna! And you got a personal * minus from around the corner *. There was a minus, put a plus, it turned out to be zero! Arithmetic however! laughing
      1. +2
        28 February 2021 17: 21
        Seryozha, I have had a personal minus for a long time. Especially on the articles of Vyacheslav Olegovich. But in this case, I admit that the person was simply indignant at my alleged departure from the topic. In fact, there is no care. I not only admit moments of mystical insights from this or that person, but I myself have come across this. I discard only those moments that are not subject to the interpretation of dreams or the results of fortune telling on coffee grounds. For example, now it will not work like this: Julius Caesar went out onto the porch and looked at the clouds. Along the way, I made an analysis of the flight of crows. I sighed and thought: "No, I won't go to battle today - I will lose!"
        Times are different now. They demand to exclude predictions not substantiated by statistics. Mistakes are fraught with pain!
        1. +2
          28 February 2021 17: 28
          Oh, Lyudmila Yakovlevna! That's about seemingly simple things. But how beautiful, how intricate! This skill, this gift, this, this, this! Art! love
          1. +2
            28 February 2021 18: 20
            Come on, Seryozha! Often, reading the comments of my colleagues on the forum, I admire their ability to find it difficult, but to briefly express their thoughts, clothed them in polished phrases, but I am not given it.
            I'm about a friend.
            I am not at all opposed to foresight. A person often falls into such an imprint of a future event that makes him nervous, hesitates and thus avoids danger and even loss of life. It does exist, and this is evidenced by the hackneyed example of regular massive delays for planes that crash.
            I try to exclude anything that can be explained.
            Here's an example. There was a funny incident with me. Leafing through TV about two years ago, I came across a children's channel on which cartoons are constantly shown. I came across, and there is a cartoon about a locomotive, but not our cartoon, but an American one. The locomotive takes part in competitions, some locomotives to it - with mockery, others support, inspire, the locomotive showed courage, perseverance, faith in itself, no musi-pusi and as a result naturally won. And such was the series of events that I watched the whole cartoon! )))
            And only now, on the article by Vyacheslav Olegovich, I thought about the fact that together with me at the same time all over the country it was watched by thousands, or maybe tens of thousands of kids, whom their parents sent off to TVs so that they would not spin under their feet. And these kids - they saw not only a picture, they heard speech, phrases, intonations adopted nowadays, caught the now accepted attitude to this or that phenomenon - in general, they learned the modern way of existence in modern society. That is, what their parents were not taught at one time. A lot of children who will carry the acquired knowledge into their children's environment, forming it. And then adults are surprised: how do they, kids, know all this? And from there they know. Our cartoon about the engine is naive and kind. The people formed on it do not fit well with the current harsh era. Their children are formed by another "train", they fit, and therefore it seems to parents that their children are more developed than they themselves were once at that age.
            It's the same with skates. The granddaughter of Vyacheslav Olegovich could learn to go on skates at home with covers on them. I saw the competition on TV, movement. This was enough to get on the ice with confidence.
            1. +3
              28 February 2021 19: 57
              And I will answer you this way. Many of my generation / born in 1963 / grew up on our cartoons and our cinema. Yes, they are kind and a little naive, but we went out into the courtyard where ordinary life began. And in this life everything happened. , but to say that we were formatted with cartoons and kind Soviet children's cinema, and were naive? No, I probably won't dare. Just there was a certain code of rules for a normal street kid who is lying down, they don’t beat, they don’t beat girls, they don’t beat the fallen one.
              Now about skates. I learned to skate on them at the age of seven. I started on * Snow Maidens *, fell, got up, fell again, got up again. Learned. Learned well. Now about the main thing. Almost simultaneously with me on the ice / well, what kind of ice? asphalt covered with ice in the side streets of Samoteki, near an inactive church. Konstantin * Sea cat * knows where it is. / my then friend came out, but he had two-edged skates, for children, so he really didn't learn how to hold on to the ice well. very individually, it is given to someone, but not to someone. It happens, like many things in our life.
              1. +2
                28 February 2021 21: 13
                And here is mysticism in person!
                It was already scary ...
                I hear the bell on the site is ringing, well, I went to see who left a comment under mine. And I see:
                article "A special invitation to Stalin's funeral" dated December 20, 2020, a colleague must answer 210 okr.
                December 20! ... And the bell. How long did it take for me to hear the ringing! wassat ))))
                Well, not otherwise Vyacheslav Olegovich joked, he certainly has the ability to correct comments.
                Or maybe they sent me greetings from the FSB? So to speak, as a warning, so that your mouth does not open up? Okay, shut up crying
                Guys, I understand you! wassat