Russia: the curse of the elites


Photo: Andrey Korzun,

In the light of the events of recent years, many are tormented by the question: why, in the context of the most acute conflict with the West, the Russian elite, instead of decisive retaliatory actions with incomprehensible stubbornness, again and again demonstrates peacefulness and a desire to establish a dialogue with "Western partners"?

1917 − 1990

To understand the logic of her actions, we need to go back to 1917. The February Revolution and the October Revolution led to the outbreak of a bloody civil war, in the fire of which practically the entire old elite of tsarist Russia "burned out", and those who survived had to seek salvation in emigration. The left-wing globalist fanatics, who were brought up by the shadow masters of the world, came to power, headed by Sverdlov, Trotsky and Lenin. They proclaimed a course towards "world revolution", which led to the liberation of the workers oppressed by the capitalists and the victory of communism throughout the world.

In fact, this bombastic chatter disguised the main goal of the globalists - the destruction of Russian civilization and the transformation of the Russian people into a shock fist that could "crack" any national borders for the unhindered movement of capital and goods. Destroyed by the monstrous "red" force, the victim states united in the world Federation of Socialist Republics under the leadership of the Comintern. At the same time, the Russians themselves were destined for the unenviable fate of "burning out" in the fire of this massacre, and all the fruits of their victory and real power went to the global clans that controlled the Comintern.

However, the attempts of "revolutions" in Germany, Bulgaria, Finland and the Polish, Hungarian and Afghan campaigns of the Red Army that followed them were completely defeated. The Red Federation was created only on the ruins of the former Tsarist Russia (excluding Poland and Finland). At the same time, the Bolsheviks generously paid off their foreign patrons of the tsarist and church treasures and did everything to inflict a terrible crushing blow on the Russian civilization. The former unitary state was transformed into a federal Soviet Union, and the Russian people themselves were divided into “Russians-Russians”, “Ukrainians” and “Belarusians”.

But in the leadership of the Communist Bolsheviks, there was a man who sincerely believed in their decorative slogans about the struggle for the happiness of the common people and decided to actually bring them to life. This man turned out to be Joseph Stalin.

In the midst of the new Soviet elite, formed on the principles of fierce Russophobia, rivers of blood and hatred of the civil war, a sharp conflict arises between internationalists led by Trotsky and statesmen led by Stalin. In 1929, Stalin and his supporters win the struggle for power and send the project of the world revolution to the trash heap stories.

A new course is being proclaimed - building socialism in a single country. That is, the creation of a powerful anti-capitalist Red Empire, as the heir to imperial Russia. The alien ideology of the communist international is gradually changing to the values ​​traditional for the Russian world - Motherland, Family, Labor.

A bloodless purge of the state, party, economic and scientific structures of the Soviet state from the international theoreticians and practitioners of left globalism that occupied them began. The point in this process was to be put by the new Constitution of 1936, which provides for free and fair elections with the participation of all segments of the population. After its adoption, the communists and the entire Soviet elite inevitably suffered defeat in the elections and lost their privileged position.

In response, the party elite unleashes a mass terror in the country against its own people, which have always been alien to it and "suspicious" because they did not want to endure the power of the new masters enjoying life over themselves. The bloody whirlwind of the conflict immediately drew into itself both the party, and Stalin's team, and the entire Soviet society. The Great Purge of 1936-1938 began, in the millstones of which everyone fell: the guilty and the innocent.

As a result, Stalin managed not only to survive himself, but also to outplay his opponents - the fanatical communists were partly destroyed, partly they went into the ideological underground. Thus, the road to the future was cleared for the country and society. Industrialization was carried out and a new healthy society was built, which withstood the onslaught of Hitler's European hordes and saved the USSR and its peoples from enslavement and destruction.

Despite the monstrous destructions and victims of the Great Patriotic War, by 1950 the Stalinist USSR received an atomic weapon and the necessary military and economic potential in order to win the world confrontation with capitalism and become the absolute leader of the planet. Relying on the Russian people and their system of values, Stalin offered humanity a model of a bright post-capitalist future - building a society based on social justice.

But not only the capitalist West stood in the way of the implementation of these plans, but the Soviet party elite, overweight and mired in luxury. During the war years, it only strengthened its position, since Stalin simply physically did not have time to engage in its renewal and shaking up. By the victorious 1945, the party firmly merged with the business executives and the military into a single tangle, gradually pushing Stalin away from real power.

Stalin saw the danger and twice tried to remove this "accursed caste" from real power - in 1936 with the new Constitution and in 1952 during the XNUMXth Party Congress. And both times he suffered a severe defeat. After that, the Soviet elite preferred to physically get rid of the elderly leader, replacing him with a completely loyal Khrushchev ...

Immediately after Stalin's death, the elite, with great relief, throws off the obligation to engage in hard creative work to build the society of the future. In order to ensure complete immunity for himself and enjoy all the benefits of power to his heart, at the XX Congress Khrushchev deliberately mixes the name of Stalin with dirt. As soon as any idealist from the CPSU tried to bring to justice a party functionary or an official who was stealing, the protective mechanism of debunking the "personality cult" and the "tragedy of 1937" was immediately activated. This simple and vile method is still actively used by some of the current Russian leaders.

Dreaming of joining the "Western values" by any means, the Soviet party elite returns to the policy of Peter I and the Romanov dynasty to "fit" Russia into the Western world. Within the framework of this strategy, the first "Perestroika" begins - the process of surrendering national interests to please the West.

On the part of the Soviet elite, there are vigorous attempts to come to an agreement with the Anglo-Saxons on disarmament and world peace, for which the confrontation between socialism and capitalism is declared to be a kind of "peaceful competition" between the two systems. Under the slogans of fighting the "personality cult" and "organizers of mass repressions" the Soviet Armed Forces, the Navy, special services, intelligence and the Foreign Ministry are being destroyed. Private entrepreneurship, which had grown stronger under Stalin, is being destroyed, a blow is being dealt to agriculture, and the entire system of trade is disrupted.

The Americans only welcomed these actions of the Soviet elite, headed by Khrushchev, because they waged a cold war with the USSR for complete destruction, well understanding the stakes - the future of humanity.

It was the United States that contributed to the fact that the USSR's oil exports from 1960 to 1986 increased more than 5 times. Even then (and not at all under Putin), our Motherland was put on an oil needle. The Soviet elite began to choke on the flow of petrodollars, the bulk of which immediately invested in the Western financial system and the shadow economy of the USSR. This is how the Western elites allowed the Soviet leadership to be corrupted.

After Stalin's death, his personal property could fit into one suitcase - a pipe, two pairs of felt boots, boots, a uniform and a worn-out suit. But comrade Brezhnev gladly collected expensive cars and orders. His eccentric daughter openly engaged in machinations and collected one of the largest collection of precious stones in the USSR. Not lagging behind the General Secretary and his loyal associates, the party elite and the intelligentsia.

In the new conditions of the late Soviet Union, the longed-for goal of the degraded Soviet elite and the influential "shadowy people" that appeared in the economy was the desire to legalize their capital in the West. For this, it was decided to move from the course of "peaceful coexistence" proclaimed after Stalin's death to an attempt to merge the capitalist and socialist systems into a kind of symbiosis. This made it possible for the Soviet elite to enter the family of "civilized" countries on an equal footing and without fear of stealing, exporting the loot to Swiss banks and squandering the stolen goods in the unrestrained race of the consumer cult, cynically demonstrating their wealth.

However, the North Atlantic elites never intended to accept into their ranks the despised descendants of left-wing globalists with their brains swollen from petrodollars. Launched under Andropov and intensified under Gorbachev, the second stage of "Perestroika" and "Detente", instead of the supposed merging of the two systems, quickly grew into a one-sided surrender of the USSR's positions. The West easily outplayed the Soviet leadership, bringing down world oil prices at a click. In combination with "Perestroika", the war in Afghanistan, the "Star Wars" bluffs and anti-government actions in the countries of the socialist camp, this dealt a heavy blow to the economy and political stability of the USSR.

In December 1989, Mikhail Gorbachev, under further praise and assurances of eternal friendship, signs the USSR's complete and unconditional surrender in the Cold War. This happened during his visit to Pope John Paul II (representing the European part of the global clans) and a meeting in Malta with US President George W. Bush (representing the North Atlantic wing of globalists).

1991 − 2020

After that, the global financial parasites under the slogans of protecting human rights and freedom of the market are destroying the Iron Curtain. A wave of upheavals, national conflicts and uprisings against communist regimes swept across the USSR and the countries of the socialist camp. The end in this bloody process was put in 1991 by the color revolution in Moscow and the signing of the treacherous Belovezhskaya agreements.

Moreover, unlike in 1917, there was no change of elites in Russia... To be convinced of this, the reader just needs to compare what the Bolsheviks and liberals did after they seized power in 1917 and 1991. The fight against the "accursed past" (tsarism or communism), the collapse of the state (the Russian Empire and the USSR), the extermination of Russians (civil war, destruction of the economy and social sphere, vodka, drugs and genocide on the part of "fraternal" peoples), the collapse of the institution of the family ( propaganda of perversion, vulgarity, abortion, "free love", etc.), the destruction of Russian culture and its replacement with cheap Western consumer goods. You will not find any differences, since the Bolsheviks and the liberals had the same goal and the same owners.

Having replaced the communist clothes that were no longer necessary for her for a "democratic" business suit, Trotsky's ideological grandchildren received 15 fragments of the great country to plunder, in which they occupied the comfortable chairs of presidents, governors, mayors and deputies. Led by an alcoholic president, they furiously plundered Russia, dying out of hunger and lack of money, exporting the loot to the West, where there were their children, mistresses, real estate and a bright future. Moscow during this period acted strictly in American interests, easily surrendering everyone and everything for the illusory role of a friend and junior partner of the United States.

However, the end of Boris Yeltsin's rule has put Russia's pro-Western elite in a difficult position. The Russian world did not forget and did not forgive the loss in the Cold War, the collapse of the USSR and the robbery of the country under the guise of privatization. He demanded more and more insistently social justice, restoration of the country's greatness and the right to work. This desire of the lower classes coincided with the intention of the elite to regain control of the economic and political processes in Russia. And in 1999, Vladimir Putin was chosen to be Yeltsin's successor.

On behalf of the Russian elite, he had to achieve what Andropov and Gorbachev did not succeed in - the real entry of Russia into the family of "civilized" capitalist countries, replacing its openly shameful colonial status with the role of a full-fledged junior partner. As a result, the Kremlin stepped on the same rake as all the rulers after Stalin's death: they believed in the opportunity to establish good-neighborly relations with their Western "partners".

Outwardly, Russia's policy in the international arena seemed more patriotic and anti-American. In fact, under the slogan of “getting up from its knees,” Moscow continued Gorbachev's destructive policy of “Razryadka”. For the sake of gaining the coveted status of a junior partner, she made concession after concession to the West, trying to prove her usefulness and increased importance.

First of all, to please the Americans, a reconnaissance center in Cuba was liquidated and the Mir orbital station was flooded, thanks to which up to 70% of intelligence information was obtained. After September 11, 2001, Russia was the first to express its readiness to join the ranks of the international anti-terrorist coalition (although the Americans did not want and did not ask the Kremlin about it). Soon Moscow not only agrees with NATO's eastward expansion, but also expresses its desire to join the organization itself. At the same time, at the behest of Washington, Russia is writing off all Soviet debts to countries in Africa, Asia, the CIS and Europe, not only depriving its budget of huge amounts of money, but also losing effective leverage over the leadership of the debtor countries.

The outcome of Putin's "Razryadka" was sad. Moscow voluntarily surrendered its positions in the international arena and was pushed to the sidelines of the formation of global security structures. And the western "Drang nach Osten" reached Narva, Belgorod and Donetsk, as a result of which the flight time of NATO missiles to Moscow and St. Petersburg was reduced to 15 minutes.

The famous Munich speech of Putin in 2007 became a cry of pain for the Russian elites, "which, having made every conceivable concession, is tired of waiting for its" place in the sun. " Soon after, a new concession is made - Dmitry Medvedev's short-term reign, held under the slogan "If you don't love Putin, here's a real pro-Western liberal Medvedev."

In response, the influential Washington Post recommended that they no longer flirt with the ruling elite of Russia, but put the crooks in their place. A test of strength follows in the form of the 2008 Russian-Georgian war organized by the Americans. Then Europe leaves the "Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation between the EU and Russia", replacing it with the "Eastern Partnership" program, according to which Brussels begins to strengthen cooperation not with Russia, but with a number of former Soviet republics.

In the winter of 2011-2012, taking advantage of the mass dissatisfaction of the population with total corruption and the comedy of the Duma elections, the West tried to organize in Moscow the "White Ribbon Revolution". But since she was frankly liberal in nature, the people did not support her. Nobody wanted to change Putin for very outspoken American puppets.

Instead of decisive actions to restore national sovereignty, Moscow continues to "squeeze" into the Western world. The process of reforming the Russian army to NATO standards is unilaterally launched, a NATO transshipment point is opened in Ulyanovsk, and in 2012 Russia joins the WTO on completely onerous terms.

It is not surprising that when in 2014 the global elites unleashed an open war of destruction against Russia and the entire Russian world, the reaction of the Russian elite was sluggish and cowardly. Instead of liquidating the western geopolitical project "Ukraine", Moscow limited itself to returning only Sevastopol to the country (which it involuntarily had to take along with Crimea).

In an effort to settle the conflict with the West and return the situation to the pre-war 2013, more and more concessions follow from the Kremlin. The power of the bloody Bandera regime is officially recognized, the bleeding Donbass remains at the doorstep of the home, support for the Russophobic regime of Lukashenka in Belarus continues.

Measures are being taken to strengthen the armed forces, but at the same time the position of the liberal fifth column in the economy is strengthening. As a result, this leads to predatory pension reform, regular tax increases, massive impoverishment of the population and undermining the country's defenses.

The entire struggle of the Russian elite after 2014 was reduced to vain attempts to achieve the lifting of Western sanctions and a return to the “holy nineties and zero”, when it was possible to sell oil and not be responsible for anything, choking on the flow of petrodollars.

For the current Russian elite, born of Russophobia and the blood of 1917, who did not lose power after the color revolution of 1991, the sun still rises in the West.

The recent congratulations from the Kremlin to the newly elected American President-Russophobe Joe Biden with the next proposals of "equality and partnership", alas, only confirm this sad truth.
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  1. +28
    20 December 2020 04: 32
    The topic of the alien conspiracy has not been disclosed. Lowers!
    1. +68
      20 December 2020 05: 06
      Quote: Sahalinets
      The topic of the alien conspiracy has not been disclosed. Lowers!

      You did it ... wassat
      Rather, not the curse of the elites, but the cursed elites.
      Here, after all, how to see what is meant by the word "elite". If we consider this elite as the chosen one, the best, then many questions immediately arise, ranging from the criteria of “quality” to the methods and rules of election. Sorry, but we have already seen the competence and genius of the appointed chosen one. It means LADIES. And, by and large, the appointment of judges does not guarantee our observance of our rights.
      Socialism is an economic formation that does not categorically deny private ownership of the means of production. But this is a society of equal rights and social justice (ideally). Keeping the people in eternal expectation of its construction is difficult. And this process is long in time. It is much easier to snatch, grab and get away from this "cattle", from these "stupid rogues" FASTER.
      I spoke, I speak and I will speak (repeat the words of Ostap Bender):

      And in our case, it is pertinent to note the simplest desire of people who have the opportunity to "undertake":

      Draw your own conclusions. I can note that what today calls itself the Russian elite has nothing to do with the best people in the country. Adaptive people and renegades who adopted thieves' laws and concepts for execution, which turned the country into a trash heap, a dump of second-rate goods from abroad, destroyed not only culture and education (name modern writers, playwrights, directors), but also production, turning the labor process into an employee's litigation and the employer, eliminating in this employee the craving for free creative labor.
      1. +18
        20 December 2020 05: 29
        Damned, in the literal sense of the word, perhaps the elites are actually not such, but self-proclaimed. Moreover, this curse accompanies them both with their contemporaries and with their descendants.
        1. +15
          20 December 2020 06: 32
          Quote: Profiler
          the elites become, in fact, not such, but self-proclaimed ones.

          I liked very much.
          1. +47
            20 December 2020 08: 06
            The entire text of the article is the clearest example of the concept of "resentment", when the reasons for one's own failures are attributed to the intrigues of enemies, so that it is not so sad. And in order to avoid the natural question of why the enemy is plotting successfully for us, but we are not for him, he is declared to be absolute evil, which does evil for the sake of evil.

            This is a comfortable psychological defense mechanism, but it leads nowhere. In particular, it makes it completely impossible to understand the motives of the other participants and the reasons why they choose one side and not the other. For example, people are completely honestly surprised, how is it that we give this or that money and cheap gas, but they still consider the West a more attractive model of development, this is impossible, the West is evil!

            The rational way is to be able to distinguish an adequate analysis of the situation from the illusions created by the mechanisms of psychological defense, and by oneself to build a country with which the "partners" will reckon and with which the allies will want to go along the same path.
            1. +7
              20 December 2020 10: 57
              The word must be remembered. But here such arguments are given that raise doubts about the correctness of the conclusions by their mere presence. Private property under Stalin and his planned economy, yes, yes.
              1. -14
                20 December 2020 12: 16
                Great article! I completely agree with the author!
              2. +11
                20 December 2020 12: 55
                And you take a closer look at the structure of the economy under Stalin and about wages, and after under Khrushchev, I think you will be surprised
                1. +15
                  20 December 2020 14: 43
                  Who are the maniacs? These are mentally ill people, obsessed with a manic idea.

                  The idea of ​​the author of this opus alternative to reality - EVERYTHINGwhat is happening with Russia is a conspiracy of globalists carried out by the servants of the globalists. And the servants of the globalists, according to the author, are all the rulers of the USSR and Russia, from Sverdlov, Trotsky and Lenin to Putin. Except for the light Stalin, who was poisoned by the servants of the globalists. From which we can conclude that the author is a crazy Stalinist.

                  It makes no sense to disassemble all the alternative nonsense that the author has piled up: it will take a lot of time and simply prove that the author's creation is nonsense, far from history and science. Because rare inclusions of facts are interpreted in an incredible way and conclusions that are far from the truth are drawn.

                  If this article is not an editorial joke for Stalin's birthday, then I don't know what to think ...
                  1. +13
                    20 December 2020 14: 56
                    And I very much respect Iosif Vissarionovich and consider him an outstanding figure.
                  2. +16
                    20 December 2020 14: 59
                    transformation of the Russian people into a shock fist that could "crack" any national borders for the unhindered movement of capital and goods

                    Yes, Lenin was worried about the movement of capital and goods ... the author lured him with Obama?
                    1. +5
                      21 December 2020 07: 47
                      Lenin at the time of the October Revolution was the leader (and creator) of a very small and not very popular party in the country. The victory of his (in fact, not at all by his works, accomplished) coup in October 1917 was not the result of strength and better organization (the coup was carried out in coalition with the Left Socialist Revolutionaries), but the result of the weakness and bankruptcy of the February coup d'état.
                      And active participation in the coup of officers and generals of the Russian General Staff and counterintelligence of the Petrograd Military District.
                      Lenin was not at all aware of the details of this plan - he was in Razliv. The preparation was carried out by the General Staff, counterintelligence with the involvement of Stalin and Dzerzhinsky from the Bolsheviks.
                      The main striking / acting force of the coup (those units that seized the Post Office, Telephone, Telegraph, banks and government agencies) were Russian special forces units trained by the General Staff and Counterintelligence at bases in Finland under the legend and external visualization of Stalin and Dzerzhinsky.
                      The coup headquarters was in the counterintelligence building of the Petersburg District, and the reserve headquarters was on Aurora.
                      Lenin was the sign and the leader of that coup — after all, the head of a certain party.
                      But at the beginning of 1917 such odious figures as Trotsky were coapted (introduced) into the Bolshevik party, Sverdlov climbed into the Bolshevik party without soap (and immediately launched a violent activity) ...
                      And after the victory of the coup and the won civil war (thanks to the Russian generals and officers who led and, in fact, created from scratch the Red Army), an internal party struggle began ...
                      Stalin's line (of the Russian General Staff) won, but at a high cost, and therefore barely had time to prepare for war.
                      The author described everything correctly - the elite that we now have is the flesh of the flesh of the Sverdlov-Trotsky bloc and their accomplices. And the surrender of the positions of modern Russia, step by step, led to the present depressing state ...
                      Putin is not the Stalin of our time (as some citizens hoped and dreamed of), but Nikolai II and Gorbachev in one bottle. request
                      And the last two or three years have proven this with irrefutable clarity.
                      And it is very sad.
                      1. +8
                        21 December 2020 14: 07
                        Quote: bayard
                        Putin is not the Stalin of our time (as some citizens hoped and dreamed of), but Nikolai II and Gorbachev in one bottle.
                        The author of the article was accused of disclosing an "alien conspiracy", the topic itself was designated as "the clearest example of the concept of" resentment ".

                        Personally, I still have two questions. First, why did such an intelligent person like Stalin not have worthy companions, trained candidates for succession? Second, and, indeed, why is the West an eternal enemy of Russia?
                        It seemed that Lavrenty Beria should have been loyal to Stalin, but, as it turns out, not without his participation, Iosif Vissarionovich was not provided with medical assistance on time.
                        Also, many Russian emperors helped the "brothers" of the emperors in Europe, but in return for their chivalry, there was black ingratitude and betrayal. This is Paul I, Alexander I, Nicholas I, under whom the West generally acted as a kind of "NATO" against Russia in the Crimean War, and Austria repaid with open betrayal for the actual salvation earlier.

                        Why, having survived the shame of Tsushima, Nicholas II, is harnessed to the Entente (practically for England), despite the fact that almost all Russian queens are German, and the emperors are "half-breeds", many Germans were then in the service in Russia, and "Uncle Wilhelm", in contrast from the same Britain, so he did not incite or arm the Japanese in the Far East ...

                        Perhaps here it is better to recall the words from the speech of Henry John Temple Palmerstoia in the English House of Commons (March 1, 1858), - "We have no permanent allies and we have no permanent enemies; our interests are eternal and constant. It is our duty to protect these interests “To this the key point, which applies both to Britain and, to imperial Germany at that time, is the struggle for world domination.

                        So, Russia initially did not have a struggle for world domination (there is a lot of its own land). If you don't want to be the master of the world, someone else will become one. This was the problem, plus the legacy of Byzantium, Orthodoxy, alien to the West. Therefore, Russia was too honest and even naive, when the struggle for world leadership was in full swing, and we missed our chance even under Alexander I, when Russian troops were stationed in Paris. At the same time, they preserved an ungrateful Poland, which could be done away with once and for all.

                        The West created an antipode against the USSR - Hitler's Germany. Hitler fulfilled his bloody order, but the Soviet country not only resisted, but its army occupied half of Europe. Stalin used his chance, a new pole of world power was created, a bloc of socialism in the world. Our misfortune is flirting with the West, no matter whether tsars, liberals or communists are in power in Russia, Russia is good for the West, if not dead, then weak and dependent. These are the laws of geopolitics, and not any "world conspiracy".

                        "Bolivar will not take out two", there can be only one leader at his pole of power. The Anglo-Saxons won in capitalism, our "reformers" picked up capitalism from the dustbin of history. There is no "multipolar world", even China has what the West has allowed it with its "national communists".

                        Further, according to Brzezinski, - "Russia may have any number of nuclear suitcases and nuclear buttons, but since the 500 billion dollars of the Russian elite are in our banks, you still figure it out: is it your elite or already ours?". Our government can puff up its cheeks to raise the internal rating, but despite the fact that we have it, it will endlessly wipe itself off and chew snot, keeping" acquired by back-breaking labor "from Russia's enemies, in foreign banks and foreign currency. "The Central Bank under the IMF and the Fed. That's the whole" oil painting ".

                        Can Russia revive its pole of power? Yes, but not in capitalism under the Anglo-Saxons.
                      2. +2
                        21 December 2020 14: 49
                        Why is the West an eternal enemy of Russia?

                        Because it is called by a single word - the West, it has long been a common house with different apartments in which inadequate people can live (Hitler's Germany), but they are still their own, like an alcoholic neighbor in a communal apartment.

                        We are strangers from another district, just like China and the rest
                      3. +6
                        21 December 2020 15: 03
                        Quote: Per se.
                        Personally, I still have two questions. First, why did such an intelligent person like Stalin not have worthy associates, trained candidates for succession?

                        Stalin had them, and he really thought about a successor, but his opponents were ... sophisticated, his closest associates / potential successors were regularly knocked out. And Stalin overlooked Khrushchev, perceiving him as a narrow-minded upstart and not foreseeing his revenge for the shooting of his traitorous son ... and for his second son too ...
                        And of course the illness - after the war, Stalin suffered a heart attack (already the third) and retired from work was recovering in his country house since 1950.
                        And when he saw that his "comrades-in-arms" had done a lot without him, in early 1953 he returned to business and tried to correct their disgusting ... But he was killed. Those whom he decided to remove from power were killed by introducing about hundreds of young communists into the Central Committee ... They were kicked out of the Central Committee immediately after the death of the Leader.
                        Quote: Per se.
                        Second, and, indeed, why is the West an eternal enemy of Russia?

                        Its nature is such - genetic parasites.
                        And Russia is an alternative option and way of civilization development.
                        Ideological, political and ideological competition, regardless of the social system in Russia.
                        Genetics. request
                        Quote: Per se.
                        It seemed that Lavrenty Beria should have been loyal to Stalin, but, as it turns out, not without his participation, Iosif Vissarionovich was not provided with medical assistance on time.

                        This is a lie of Khrushchev - the killers of Stalin and Beria.
                        Beria was fatally overloaded with work - he oversaw a number of projects: nuclear, missile, anti-aircraft missile, supervised and actually created several new industries from scratch ... and also oversaw foreign intelligence.
                        He had no time for intrigue.
                        And there is no time for intrigues with young women "caught on the streets of Moscow". These fables were spread skillfully after the murder (everyone was told - the arrest) of Beria, with the help of the MGB, through special departments - they summoned officers from the major and above, and under a non-disclosure agreement they brought "terrible things" about the moral decay and maniacal addictions of Stalin's comrade-in-arms ... I talked with the officers who were told this nonsense, and they were absolutely sure that they would not dare to spread the lie in this way ... Everything was thought out very subtly.
                        Brezhnev also participated in the conspiracy - he was attracted by Zhukov during the elimination of Beria ... and he, too, was tied by his blood and the blood of Stalin, albeit indirectly. Therefore, having partially restored the good name of the leader, he did not go to discredit the Khrushchev conspiracy.
                        He himself was part of this conspiracy.
                        And this was the hook with which both Khrushch and Brezhnev were kept by the British and American special services ... under the threat of publicizing the true story of Stalin's assassination.
                        Partially Domoklov's sword with the threat of exposure Brezhnev withdrew after the capture of the Apollo 13 "descent capsule" by the Soviet Fleet and the disclosure of the "Lunar scam".
                        The Americans were caught hot, and they had to pay.
                        But it was only a tactical success - by offering us "Razryadka", "Soyuz-Apollo", cheap grain, a gas pipeline to Europe and the purchase of our oil ... they bought and bred the Soviet "elite" like suckers ... Which is like the last .. a woman with reduced social responsibility, fell under the United States, destroyed the Socialist Camp, the Warsaw Pact, the Comecon and her own country ... she plundered herself and gave it to the enemy.
                        And she herself was thrown by the "boyfriend".
                        About the role of Putin - as an attempt to negotiate with the West again on a junior partnership, the author described well and correctly.
                        Quote: Per se.

                        Can Russia revive its pole of power? Yes, but not in capitalism under the Anglo-Saxons.

                        This requires ... "AN ORDINARY MIRACLE".
                        But Russia is a wonderland ...
                        In any case, one cannot hope for a "revolution from above".
                      4. +2
                        21 December 2020 17: 06
                        Quote: bayard
                        In any case, one cannot hope for a "revolution from above".
                        Perhaps, when the upper classes cannot, and the lower classes do not want to ... However, in Russia everything was decided in the capitals. If they start to play that it will come to a frank ultimatum for Russia, even a new demonstrative "Hiroshima", and the power is wiped out "in the name of peace, humanism and tolerance," it is the military who will determine the fate of Russia, arresting or executing traitors and cowards.

                        About the Moon, you have a like-minded person, I think that at that time the question of the world victory of socialism was generally resolved, but, as I said earlier, our Kremlin "natives" exchanged the pure gold of the victory of socialism in space for bourgeois "glass beads". It was then that our nomenclature tasted the forbidden fruit, being anointed with the Soyuz-Apollo joint scam. The states could have been mixed with mud, brought down their golden idol, but they brought down Soviet morality and gave birth to a fetish of the West after this "victory" in space by American "astralonauts." Ultimately, the USSR fell, not the United States.

                        Nevertheless, wishing evil to Russia (and not only to Russia), the Anglo-Saxons are somewhat like Mephistopheles from Goethe, in Pasternak's, -
                        "Part of the strength of that which is without number
                        He does good, desiring evil for everything. "
                        Maybe it is with COVID-19, they will be "credited".

                        Capitalism does not have a bright future, their world economic pyramid should expand at the expense of new colonies, but they are over (the former socialist countries have already been eaten). Competition is no longer necessary for transnational monopolies, here the positives of capitalism ended. In addition, consumer morality and the cult of money breed dependents and degenerates, this also has no worthy prospects for civilization.

                        There will be what should happen. The whole question is who wrote the program for our planet and why.
                    2. The comment was deleted.
              3. +5
                21 December 2020 00: 03
                Quote: Plate
                The word must be remembered. But here such arguments are given that raise doubts about the correctness of the conclusions by their mere presence. Private property under Stalin and his planned economy, yes, yes.

                And the artels? Which could even produce high-tech products?
              4. 0
                22 December 2020 16: 22
                It was under Stalin that the artel movement flourished naturally, implying the presence of other / non-state property. In a sense, it can be argued that the flourishing of small business was precisely under Stalin, and not under the NEP, Gorbachev and the current state of affairs. The murderer of the artels was Khrushchev N.S.
                A planned economy in itself is not a stop factor for the development of private initiative.
              5. 0
                23 December 2020 12: 26
                And by the way, under Stalin, until the end of his reign, artels and cooperatives, the means of production, were preserved in which specifically belonged to the members of these collectives and were legalized legally (not formally) and banned by Khrushch after his death. In fact, it was private ownership of the means of production.
            2. +1
              20 December 2020 12: 57
              Elites are the concentrated essence of any society. In a society with a paradigm of cannibals, opinion leaders will be the best cannibals, in an innovative society, people looking beyond the horizon, but in a thieving society, the biggest thieves will take leading positions. “I’ll carry my own mother through our checkpoint” - the slogan of developed socialism. What elite could grow up in a society where everyone who could steal something was stolen.
              1. +2
                20 December 2020 17: 48
                Quote: Bourgeois 1963
                "Through our checkpoint I will carry my own mother" - the slogan of developed socialism

                In our country it was the late developed socialism.
                1. +2
                  20 December 2020 19: 22
                  Well, in general, yes.
                  I worked at ZIL, bolts and nuts were not stolen for the garage ...
                  And most importantly, that was enough for everyone!)
                  1. +3
                    20 December 2020 22: 16
                    1986, worked as a CNC adjuster at a military plant. At the behest of the party, the chepeushniki worked in three shifts in order to fully load the expensive equipment. We had Japanese machining centers, Swiss lathes, and often failed Soviet machine tools. On the night shift, we reprogrammed the machines, increasing the processing speed by 150-200%, fulfilling the plan, and at about an hour or two we went to bed, to the previously prepared places. Another night shift. I wake up from the rumble. I go out from the site to the workshop. In a long and wide workshop span, two workers from our site are throwing some pieces of iron into the distance. I come closer and ask what kind of a commotion they have made. One holding a two-meter shiny pipe in his hands says:
                    - We are training.
                    - For the Olympic Games? - I ask.
                    -No. Twenty pipes must be thrown over the fence. Cool stainless steel, ideal for plumbing.
                    Our plant was fenced with a solid fence six meters high with a thorn on the top, with a seven-meter lighted strip of asphalt road along the perimeter. The guys trained for a long time and successfully threw pipes through the open gates of the workshop, without going out into the light. “We want to give names to all our records.” Small pieces of iron, tools, radio parts, turning and milling hack-work were routinely carried out as in the order of things.
                    1. 0
                      21 December 2020 09: 33
                      Why was it impossible to organize the production of such water pipes for people? In fact, there is a demand, since they stole. In my opinion, the problem in the USSR was the lack and low quality of public goods. Somehow they did not care about this. They made all kinds of tanks, nuclear reactors, planes and satellites, but there were no good water pipes.
                      1. +3
                        21 December 2020 10: 07
                        Quote: vindigo
                        Why was it impossible to organize the production of such water pipes for people? In fact, there is a demand, since they stole. In my opinion, the problem in the USSR was the lack and low quality of public goods. Somehow they did not care about this. They made all kinds of tanks, nuclear reactors, planes and satellites, but there were no good water pipes.

                        What do you mean it was not? My house was built in 1986, so the pipes began to be replaced only 30 years later.
                      2. +1
                        22 December 2020 16: 27
                        Previously, the state was not able to entrust people to independently implement their initiatives in the form of entrepreneurship. And then finally trusting, he did it as stupidly as possible, instead of investing in the real manufacturing sector, they limited themselves to trade and not even services.
            3. -8
              20 December 2020 13: 08
              The entire text of the article is the clearest example of the concept of "resentment", when the reasons for one's own failures are attributed to the intrigues of enemies,

              No, it's just that the author almost called things by their proper names)))
              And in order to avoid the natural question of why the enemy is plotting successfully for us, but we are not for him, he is declared to be absolute evil, which does evil for the sake of evil.

              It's like a mother-in-law intrigues an unloved son-in-law. But with you - no, no, only he himself is to blame for all the mistakes of a person, that what kind of manipulation you are is all fiction.
              Yes ? ))))
              1. +5
                20 December 2020 15: 10
                As for the analogy between states and a son-in-law with a mother-in-law - you, of course, came straight from the trump cards. I have a way to object even within the framework of this analogy, but I do not consider it correct to support such an anti-intellectual approach.
                1. -3
                  20 December 2020 19: 48
                  I have how to argue even within this analogy,

                  Yes Yes ...
              2. +1
                20 December 2020 18: 29
                Quote: lucul
                No, it's just that the author almost called things by their proper names)))

                his own, in the sense he came up with? smile True, my friend is not a concept identical to Truth. An easy shuffling of facts, a slight change in interpretation, and here's some fried material in the interests of globalists. Information virus.
            4. 0
              20 December 2020 23: 18
              Well, this is understandable - the Russian lazy drink but just unlucky (and these roads and stupid people) Not - the mosaic does not add up, but it does add up in the article Let it be as written in the article In general, it is true Of course, without the details of documents and tools, although they are even in the public domain, but this is a separate topic (two or three years ago I was digging, and then the computer suddenly burned out, apparently by chance) And this is the secret of Punchinel In any case, there is no effective solution to the problem, and in general, I don’t provide evidence to support the article because it makes no sense and it’s not worth it, but you never know (I’m just a commentator) But I wrote the same way as you, and outside the window there is snow like yesterday, nothing has changed
        2. +17
          20 December 2020 06: 58
          "Elite" ... "Bolsheviks" and "Liberals" ... The author politically bypassed the fact that in everything one can trace the fuss of one cunning, well-known nation .... But this is taboo. Yes This is, firstly, secondly, between the "Bolsheviks" of the first flood and the "liberals" there really is not much difference in global goals - the former made a world revolution to bring the whole world to one denominator, the latter do the same thing, they are building a "new brave world ", the same under a common denominator .... The devil, as usual, is in the details. But this is a topic for another conversation.
          1. -4
            20 December 2020 08: 28
            Quote: Snail N9
            The author politically bypassed the fact that in everything one can trace the fuss of one cunning

            But he encroached on the sacred, on the very ... Leader of the world proletariat! -
            The left brought up by the shadow masters of the world came to power fanatical globalistsled by Lenin.

            In fact, this bombastic chatter disguised the main goal of the globalists - destruction of Russian civilization and the transformation of the Russian people
            And Stalin, according to the author, it turns out, all the time fought against the elite of the party, the very party that he himself ... led! -
            The Great Purge began 1936–1938 years
            As a result, Stalin managed Not only survive yourself, but also to outplay their opponents - the fanatical communists were partly destroyed, partly went into the ideological underground.
            How did it work, if only ... 8 years after cleaning:
            fat and mired in luxury the Soviet party elite. During the war years, it only strengthened its position, since Stalin simply physically did not have time to engage in its renewal and shaking up. To the victorious 1945 the party has grown tightly with business executives and the military into a single tangle, gradually pushing back Stalin from real power.

            I don’t understand anything: what kind of party is this, which generated with fantastic speed not the best, but only the “fat” ones - in place of the previously destroyed fat ones? belay
            Dreaming of joining the "Western values" by any means, the Soviet party elite returns to the policy of Peter I and the Romanov dynasty to "fit" Russia into the Western world. Within the framework of this strategy, the first "Perestroika" begins - the process of surrendering national interests to please the West.
            Again the party.

            And further, Brezhnev, Andropov, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, criticized by the authors are all from one party.

            What is it?! belay request
            1. +20
              20 December 2020 11: 15
              What it is?
              This is bullshit.
              It is unclear why such game should be published in VO at all? From this the image of the resource only loses.
              The article is an example of absolute nonsense.
              One absurdity is piled on top of another, one paragraph contradicts another, one "fact" sucked out of the thumb completely refutes the other.
              Well, if you want to specifically create such a verbal "masterpiece" - it will not work, after all. The author somehow succeeded.
              1. -7
                20 December 2020 13: 13
                Quote: Olgovich
                But he encroached on the sacred, on the very ... Leader of the world proletariat! -
                The left-wing globalist fanatics, led by Lenin, who were brought up by the shadow masters of the world, came to power.
                In fact, this bombastic chatter masked the main goal of the globalists - the destruction of Russian civilization and the transformation of the Russian people
                And what, Olegovich, is wrong with the author? That's right! Namely.

                Together with the Great October Socialist Revolution and the administrative division of the Bolsheviks of Soviet Russia on the basis of the so-called. "titular" nationalities in Russia and there was also a geopolitical nationalist coup - under the leadership of the Trotskyists and Lenin himself.
                Moreover, if Russia as a state was historically formed initially as a state of the Russian people, which took under its patronage other peoples seeking protection and support from it, then as a result of the administrative division of the territory of Soviet Russia by the Bolsheviks by nat. sign after Vel. Oct socialist. revolution, the state of the Russian people ceased to exist - Russia, according to the law of social isomerism, turned into a state of national minorities.

                Moreover, the development of Soviet Russia is the first socialist in the world. the state was twofold - CONTRADICTIVE - including the class character.
                On the one hand, the Russian people, who believed in communism. the idea of ​​the Bolshevik-Leninists, and. being the bearer of the HOLD, and not the shtetl-marginal national mentality, on all fronts is public. Construction really built up socialism throughout the country as its entire multinational. Homeland. In principle, he had nothing left to do.
                But at the same time, on the other hand, in the former tsarist nat. outskirts, where feudal relations and their own nat. the proletariat was absent (there were no bearers of the proletarian mentality there), power from the Bolshevik-Leninists and under their control received the petty national bourgeoisie and former local feudal lords.
                National industry was built by the hands of Russian and Russian-speaking peoples.
                In this case, everything that was created truly national for the years of the Council. power in the once backward tsarist nat. suburbs - it is only the local national party and Soviet bureaucracy, as well as the national creative intelligentsia that serves it (social scientists, writers, artists, etc.).
                This nac. the party and Soviet bureaucracy and the intelligentsia objectively retained the national bourgeois-feudal mentality not only in relation to their own working people, but also in relation to those who came, in their opinion, to "hump the Russians on them" up to the time of the so-called Gorbachev "new thinking".

                TOTAL National problems in the USSR not only were from the very beginning of Soviet power, but also were of a national-bourgeois class character in relation to the Russian people. And the counter-bourgeois coup of 1991 in the USSR as a whole only raised national bourgeois deformations that had already taken place from the bottom to the surface during the construction of socialism in Russia, which the Soviet leadership tried not to publicize.
                1. +1
                  20 December 2020 20: 37
                  Quote: Tatiana
                  All right

                  Support. drinks
              2. 0
                20 December 2020 19: 28
                It is so difficult to write from abroad, no matter how hard you try, absurdities will still come out ... (
            2. +1
              20 December 2020 12: 15
              Quote: Olgovich
              I don’t understand anything: what kind of party is this, which generated with fantastic speed not the best, but only the “fat” ones - in place of the previously destroyed fat ones?
              Name another, non-fatty party or government, if there is anything to compare.
              1. -14
                20 December 2020 12: 44
                Quote: sniperino
                Name another, non-fatty party or government, if there is anything to compare.

                the crime rate in the party in 1937-39 was 50% (in the country 1%).

                Will you show me where in History it was like that?

                As for the "fat", let me remind you that it was cut successively by Yagoda, Yezhov Beria, Abakumov - also becoming cut fat.

                Again, where was that?
                1. +3
                  20 December 2020 13: 15
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Again, where was that?
                  Non-greasy power? The question about the political elite (or the ruling party, especially under a one-party system), and not about how they were cut, is understandable.
                2. +8
                  20 December 2020 14: 02
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  the crime rate in the party in 1937-39 was 50% (in the country 1%).

                  Wouldn't it be nice to explain what these numbers are? Every second communist was convicted of a felony? And where did they come from. A source?
                  1. Alf
                    20 December 2020 14: 41
                    Quote: victor50
                    And where did they come from. A source?

                    Olgovich said. Isn't that enough for you?
                  2. -7
                    20 December 2020 16: 41
                    Quote: victor50
                    Wouldn't it be nice to explain what these numbers are? Every second communist was convicted of a felony?

                    For politics, mostly.

                    At the time of the XVII Congress (February 1934), the party had (1) 872 488 members and 935 candidates, for 298 years must be 2 .

                    At the February-March plenum of the Central Committee of 1937, Stalin announced that there were 1,5 million expelled from the party since 1922

                    The exception is almost always arrest

                    Only a few tens of thousands of all repressed communes survived
                    1. +5
                      20 December 2020 19: 07
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      1,5 million expelled from the party since 1922

                      Brilliant logic!
                      And how many were convicted in the country over the same 15 years? Maybe 1% will not work, but a little more will be. This is, firstly. Second: for what crimes were 1,5 million communists convicted? Third: What source are you referring to? Believe: "Stalin said" - this is, excuse me, not with your reputation. Fourth: from the legal point of view, even arrest is not equal - he committed a crime. Fifth: even if we assume that your figures are reliable, you understood perfectly well when you wrote that the crimes that, in your opinion, determined the level of crime in the country, and those committed by the communists, are completely different categories ... Criminal and political.
                      1. -6
                        20 December 2020 20: 37
                        Quote: victor50
                        Brilliant logic!
                        And how many were convicted in the country over the same 15 years? Maybe 1% will not work, but a little more will be. This is, firstly.

                        First, it's just ARITHMETICS, not "logic.
                        ONCE AGAIN for tankers
                        : At the time of the XVII Congress (February 1934), the party had 1 members and 872 candidates, at the time of the XVIII Congress (March 1939) 1 members and 888 candidates.

                        By the XVIII Congress there should be 2,8 million members

                        Admission to the party, discontinued in 1933, was resumed on November 1, 1936. From that time until March 1939, about 300 thousand hundreds of thousands of people who were not candidates for the XNUMXth Congress became party members.

                        Total: 1,5 million "disappeared" members of the item, i.e. repressed.
                        Quote: victor50
                        1,5 million communists?

                        What is the sex difference? I was talking about "crime". This is it, regardless of the division.
                        Quote: victor50
                        Third: What source are you referring to? Believe: "Stalin said" is, excuse me, not with your reputation.

                        Rudeness? I'm not sorry. No one has ever caught me thinking up.

                        2. According to sources:

                        At the February-March plenum of the Central Committee of 1937 Stalin informed

                        This is WHAT, not the source? Open the transcript and go ahead!
                        The same for 17,18 congresses
                        Quote: victor50
                        You understood perfectly well when you wrote that the crimes that, in your opinion, determined the level of crime in the country, and those committed by the communists, are completely different categories. Criminal and political.

                        I also meant the criminals determined by the sentences. What difference does it make?
                      2. +4
                        20 December 2020 22: 34
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        No one has ever caught me thinking up.

                        ??? It's just you think so.
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        I also meant the criminals determined by the sentences. What's the difference for what

                        Did you talk about convicted communists? Where? You only reported those expelled from the party and assumed that they were all (almost) arrested. Not even about the sentences. In general, you are trying to manipulate numbers, slightly substituting concepts. Well, your further figures from the same area. There must be so much, and there must have been so much, therefore they are criminals. Even in the figures given (already different!) There is no logic.
                        It would be necessary to take the number of those expelled from the CPSU in its entire history (or better for the period of the most massive exclusions, call them criminals, compare with the crime rate for the most prosperous year - maybe the figure would have come out even better ?!
                        It seemed that you were gradually getting rid of this "fun" - to play freely with numbers. It seemed ... request
                      3. -4
                        21 December 2020 09: 16
                        Quote: victor50
                        It's just you think so.

                        Give the facts to the contrary, false.
                        Quote: victor50
                        Did you talk about convicted communists? Where? You only reported those expelled from the party and assumed that they were all (almost) arrested.

                        Above. I did not suggest, but gave a FACT: take the cases of ALL repressed and find there at least one NON-expelled from the VKPb
                        Quote: victor50
                        Well, your further figures from the same area. There must be so much, but there was so much, therefore they are criminals

                        Yes, candidates are INEVITABLE to become members.
                        Therefore 2,8 million
                        And they are NOT,
                        Quote: victor50
                        Even in the cited (already different!) Figures there is no logic.

                        If you don't get it, it's your problem with understanding.
                        What are the "others"?
                        Quote: victor50
                        We ought to take the number of those expelled from the CPSU in its entire history (or better for the period of the most massive exclusions, call them criminals, compare with the crime rate for the most prosperous year - maybe the figure would have come out even better?

                        What kind of bullshit?

                        Half of the party from 1934 to 1939 was planted / shot. In the country in terms of population, less than a percent.
                        What's not clear?
                        Quote: victor50
                        It seemed that you are gradually getting rid of this "fun" - play freely with numbersand. It seemed ..

                        You give examples, not chatter
            3. +10
              20 December 2020 13: 38
              Olgovich, this party, as you say, at a fantastic speed generated not the best, but the "fat" ones because the party elite had to be generated from the most active people who had just emerged from the tsarist era with its firmly entrenched concepts and ideas about how to achieve the best position in society. Of those especially protruding, those who, possessing fantastic adaptability to anything, were ready to serve with zeal, again, anyone and anything - any idea, slogan and any supreme leader for the realization of their material or immoral needs. And this pack was great, her pressure was great, her ability to hide her true essence was great.

              The revolution was seen as a window of opportunity. And everyone poured into him - both saints and devils. But the saints are modest, and the devils are arrogant. Try to stop the devil when he's up to something. You will begin to mow the devils, and they will join the mowing and, putting on the mask of the righteous, mow down the righteous. Which it was.
              1. -7
                20 December 2020 17: 02
                Quote: depressant
                the party elite had to be generated from the most active people, just emerged from the tsarist era with its firmly rooted concepts and ideas about how the best position in society is achieved. Of those especially protruding, those who, possessing fantastic adaptability to anything, were ready with zeal to serve, again, anyone and anything - any idea, slogan and any supreme leader for the realization of their material or immoral needs. And this pack was great, her pressure was great, her ability to hide her true essence was great.

                Eck you on the old elite Bolsheviks and a sharp sword!

                I remind that the entire 1st composition of the SNK. The entire composition of the Politburo Oct 17g, 80% CC 34 g, etc., etc. - were shot.

                Wow, snuggled up! belay

                Only you have a discrepancy: you can't say about the elite of the party of the 50-90s that it was spoiled by tsarism - that's all the purest product of the new government (and she brought up the rules alone). And the quality ... is even more disgusting.

                And then who to blame? belay
                1. 0
                  20 December 2020 19: 33
                  Pagoda, Did the Party take them from the incubator?
                  She worked with the material she was.
                  1. -2
                    21 December 2020 09: 29
                    Quote: yasher
                    Pagoda, Did the Party take them from the incubator?
                    She worked with the material she was.

                    The concentration of criminals in the party is 50 times higher than in the country - see. 1934-1939
            4. +1
              20 December 2020 18: 34
              Quote: Olgovich
              What is it?!

              There is such a scientist Sergei Saveliev. He considers all political issues from the point of view of biological laws. Behavioral laws, patterns of brain development. Look at YouTube at your leisure, I think you will find the answer in a non-political plane
              1. 0
                20 December 2020 19: 34
                Quote: aybolyt678
                There is such a scientist Sergei Saveliev. He considers all political issues from the point of view of biological laws.

                Sergei Soveliev is a morphologist who studies the structure of the brain and imagines himself to be a neurobiologist. The words of such a specialist must be approached with caution.
          2. 0
            20 December 2020 13: 07
            Quote: Snail N9
            "Elite" ... "Bolsheviks" and "liberals" ... The author politically bypassed the fact that in everything one can trace the fuss of one cunning, well-known nation ...

            So since the 70s, apart from the only supply manager Dymshits, from the cunning nation in the elites of the CPSU, no one was observed, but the country with leaps and bounds went to collapse due to the rule of mediocrity with the correct fifth column)).
            1. +15
              20 December 2020 13: 50
              Quote: Krasnodar
              So since the 70s, apart from the only supply manager Dymshits, from the cunning nation in the elites of the CPSU, no one was observed, but the country with leaps and bounds went to collapse due to the rule of mediocrity with the correct fifth column)).

              Andropov? And if we scrape, then under many Russian names we will see real Palestinian Cossacks, and now there are especially many of them.
              Jews rightly believe that it is impossible to rule Russians with the name kulman.
              1. -4
                20 December 2020 14: 54
                And if you scrape even more, you can find a Tatar, Kalmyk, Polovtsian, Pecheneg and some kind of Norman laughing
                1. +19
                  20 December 2020 16: 22
                  Quote: Krasnodar
                  And if you scrape even more, you can find a Tatar, Kalmyk, Polovtsian, Pecheneg and some kind of Norman

                  I have a question! And why under the USSR, having Russian surnames, did you dress up as Russians and suddenly, a little later, you began to be proud of your Palestine? winkWhat's up, Brother? laughing
                  1. 0
                    20 December 2020 17: 37
                    No one of my relatives and friends dressed up as Russians lol probably due to the fact that for photographers, teachers, workshop foremen, crane operators and workshop workers, a party or public career, impossible with a Jewish surname during the "international" USSR, didn't give up laughing And to be proud of your origin .. well, this is from the category of being proud that you are brown-haired, for example fellow Your merit in this is not)).
                    1. +3
                      20 December 2020 18: 38
                      Quote: Krasnodar
                      that for photographers, teachers, workshop foremen, crane operators and workshop workers, a party or public career, impossible with a Jewish surname during the "international" USSR, did not give up in FIG

                      what are you talking about ?! any career for a Jew was also available, at least in the RSFSR. I do not know, maybe somewhere in Ukraine, But not in Russia.
                      1. -1
                        20 December 2020 19: 28
                        Yeah .. the chairman of the regional executive committee or the regional committee, for example lol
                      2. +5
                        20 December 2020 22: 23
                        I do not know how at the regional level, but Berkovich was the chairman of the Omsk veterinary institute's party committee, I forgot his name, but he definitely did not hide that he was a Jew. he also headed the Department of Radiology. The chairman of the party committee of the district hospital where my mother worked was also a Jew. She was a dental technician and my mother was a doctor. Do you remember Stalin's Yagoda? and the leaders of the Khazar Kaganate? laughing Why was a career in the USSR unavailable to Jews? I see only competition with Ukrainians - they didn't like them wassat Do you know at least one document on the bans on professions for Jews? And I know that in tsarist times there was a law on the percentage rate, according to which children were admitted to higher educational institutions according to the percentage of their nationality in the country's population. So, they made an exception for the Jews! they were taken according to the marks. That is why their share in the educated part of society is traditionally higher. There were more of them in the Soviet government. The nation is oriental, more temperamental, actively moving.
                      3. -3
                        20 December 2020 23: 01
                        I will answer in order:
                        1) Jews were the chairmen of party committees of hospitals, universities and even political officers of some military units - but higher, after 1967, no one allowed them to rise, with very rare exceptions.
                        2) The communist project was very Jewish from the beginning, and not only in Russia, but in the USSR, the equality of Jews to advance along the party and leadership line was first slowed down in 1953, the second time - in 1967.
                        3) There was not a single official document - there were oral instructions on the percentage rate in the capitals of the republics and Leningrad on the percentage rate of admission of students of Jewish nationality after the break in diplomatic relations between Israel and the USSR in 1967. As well as the admission of Jews to various organizations and institutions.
                        4) There were only three of them in the first Soviet government)). And it was the most Jewish hi
                      4. +2
                        21 December 2020 07: 17
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        There were only three of them in the first Soviet government)). And it was the most Jewish

                        And what are you dissatisfied with?
                        Don't you think that there were and are Russians least of all in the supreme power, based on the percentage?
                        and thirdly
                        but in the USSR, the equality of Jews to advance
                        and that the equality of Jews differs from the equality of other nations ?? somehow the rumor struck ... I repeat, since 1953 the Ukrainians ruled in power, they have their own moral
                      5. 0
                        21 December 2020 15: 39
                        1) Am I unhappy? I am happy with everything ))
                        2) About relatives abroad - I agree
                        3) My children have even more fun - dad is Jewish, mom is Greek and on each side there is a Russian grandmother. Grow up as normal Kuban ahperes (brothers in Armenian) laughing
                        4) Russians were least of all in the supreme power? The same "Ukrainians" Khrushchev and Brezhnev are Russians, Andropov too, albeit with Jewish impurities.
                        5) It was impossible for the Jews to advance in several directions on a par with others - it was easier for the halves bearing Russian surnames (Primakov, for example). This does not mean that the Jews were bad in the USSR. There was simply no absolute equality.
                        6) About Ukrainians answered in point 4
                      6. +1
                        21 December 2020 16: 34
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        My children have even more fun

                        at the same time, nationality by mom and surname by dad laughing ?
                      7. +1
                        21 December 2020 17: 09
                        This is the whole joke, by the way laughing In fact, my Russian grandmother is my mother's mother, but I consider myself a Jew))
                      8. +7
                        21 December 2020 12: 21
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        any career for a Jew was also available, at least in the RSFSR. I do not know, maybe somewhere in Ukraine, But not in Russia.

                        They didn't need "any". There are very few crane operators or workers among them.
                        They needed culture, money, preferably in the capital.
                      9. -1
                        21 December 2020 15: 40
                        It's like with a girl - everyone wants a beautiful, educated, with a good family. ))
                  2. 0
                    20 December 2020 19: 36
                    But they fought not badly, for the USSR!
                    1. -1
                      21 December 2020 15: 40
                      No better and no worse than others
          3. The comment was deleted.
          4. The comment was deleted.
          5. +6
            20 December 2020 18: 31

            ! 991 Austria. Pets of Primakov's nest.
          6. 0
            21 December 2020 13: 35
            Hmm .. it would be interesting to debate, "abandon" the facts ... perhaps it is for the trees that we do not see the forest ..
        3. +13
          20 December 2020 09: 29
          That's right - self-proclaimed. The term "elite" is imposed from above. It is more pleasant for them to designate themselves.
          The actual terms will be very different. These are the ruling elite, the near-government camarilla (various confidants) and the ruling class (bureaucracy). negative
          1. +14
            20 December 2020 12: 46
            Quote: populist
            ruling class (bureaucracy)

            I agree with your comment, only the ruling class is not "bureaucracy", but the oligarchy that emerged as a result of criminal privatization. And officials are appointed by them. Either directly or based on the results of the so-called elections.
            1. +13
              20 December 2020 13: 45
              Quote: aleksejkabanets
              I agree with your comment, only the ruling class is not "bureaucracy", but the oligarchy that emerged as a result of criminal privatization. And officials are appointed by them. Either directly or based on the results of the so-called elections.

              There is a channel "Sharp corner", I highly recommend that you watch the series "Brotherhood" and you will understand who is at the top of power now.
              You will be scared.
              1. +11
                20 December 2020 14: 05
                Quote: Malyuta
                There is a channel "Sharp corner", I highly recommend that you watch the series "Brotherhood" and you will understand who is at the top of power now.
                You will be scared.

                Yes, I've watched it before. Everything that is happening to the country today is quite natural and logical. I see that we are rolling into the abyss. I now cannot understand people who still continue to believe. They are endlessly deceived, but they, with some stubbornness incomprehensible to me, still continue to believe. I can't understand why, because there are intelligent people among them.
                1. +15
                  20 December 2020 14: 46
                  Quote: aleksejkabanets
                  They are endlessly deceived, but they, with some stubbornness incomprehensible to me, still continue to believe. I can't understand why, because there are intelligent people among them.

                  And it already seems to me that these are not people, but zombies. hi
            2. +2
              20 December 2020 17: 09
              aleksejkabanets (Alexey)
              ... only the ruling class is not "bureaucracy", but an oligarchy,

              Perhaps one can and agree with this definition. But it depends on what to put into the concept of "oligarchy". Generally speaking, we have a political-oligarchic (politicalarchy) system, where the politicalarch "appoints" top officials who become oligarchs by their position.
              This system is typical for the countries of Latin America. For example, Argentina under Peron or Chile under Pinochet. The structure itself and the connections within it are a separate big topic.
              1. +3
                20 December 2020 17: 46
                Quote: populist
                This system is typical for the countries of Latin America. For example, Argentina under Peron or Chile under Pinochet. The structure itself and the connections within it are a separate big topic.

                You are right, not so long ago our "liberals" of all stripes admired Pinochet and his "economic miracle". Although the word "liberal" has been greatly perverted recently, it is quite correct to call Marx and Lenin liberals.
              2. +2
                20 December 2020 18: 43
                Aristotle said: - any aristocracy degenerates into an oligarchy, which uses the apparatus of the state for its own enrichment. This is where we came to in over 2300 stories since him. laughing
                1. +3
                  20 December 2020 19: 59
                  Sociologist Robert Michels discovered in 1911 the "iron law of the oligarchy." According to which a democratic organization is reborn into an oligarchy. And we had nothing to be reborn. Immediately, "from the cradle" the oligarchy was born - with the "pinochet" in 1993.
        4. +18
          20 December 2020 13: 42
          Quote: Profiler
          The damned, in the literal sense of the word, perhaps become elites who are actually not such, but self-proclaimed. Moreover, this curse accompanies them both with their contemporaries and with their descendants.

          When I look at the faces of the modern elite, there is a feeling of deep disgust, well, what the hell is an aristocrat from a patrol. There is a wonderful Russian saying "from rags to riches".
          1. Alf
            20 December 2020 14: 48
            Quote: Malyuta
            There is a wonderful Russian saying "from rags to riches".

            Lives in a village with the telling name of Gryazi ...
            1. +17
              20 December 2020 14: 56
              Quote: Alf
              Lives in a village with the telling name of Gryazi ...

              Coincidence? I do not think so! laughing laughing laughing
              I deliberately looked at the dried food with a prez, though I only held out for about forty minutes, it turned out that this citizen also had megalomania, and he just pointed out that you are coming to me with your investigations, but I am, damn, great. Ugh!
            2. 0
              20 December 2020 17: 52
              Quote: Alf
              Lives in a village with the telling name of Gryazi ...

              Digressing from the topic. I was in practice in Kursk, so it was unusual to hear the name of Russian villages, such as: Khalino, Nazdrachevo, Durnevo, etc. after our Kuban villages Otvazhnaya, Peredovaya, Persistent, etc. I understand where the names of the villages came from, but where did the names of the villages come from? Curiously simple.
              1. +3
                20 December 2020 19: 14
                Quote: aleksejkabanets
                Where did these village names come from? Curiously simple.

                The landlords were so joking.
                1. +6
                  20 December 2020 19: 36
                  Quote: Mordvin 3
                  The landlords were so joking.

                  Putin: "We have the most open electoral system in the world"
                  Today they are joking. Nothing changes.
                  1. Alf
                    20 December 2020 20: 15
                    Quote: aleksejkabanets
                    Putin: "We have the most open electoral system in the world"

                    "There is no problem for US to" correct "the results in it."
                    1. +3
                      21 December 2020 12: 50
                      Well, then, among yours, everyone knows that the best system was in the USSR, from one candidate, and the second after it, honestly, is now in the United States.
        5. +2
          20 December 2020 14: 35
          I completely agree with you and people like Chubais are an example of this.
        6. +1
          21 December 2020 19: 58
          Quote: Profiler
          Moreover, this curse accompanies them both with their contemporaries and with their descendants.

          You are definitely right! Our "elite" in the first generation, I hope, will stop at this generation because the current mixture of thieves, embezzlers, Russophobes and spiritual plebeians has never been the national elite of our country!
      2. +9
        20 December 2020 08: 03
        Elite - translated from French - "the best".
        First of all, he is aware of his responsibility to the people and the country.
        As a result of the Great Zionist Revolution, inspired and funded from outside, the old elite perished or emigrated.
        And the new one? It just hasn't formed.
        The British have an expression that, in an adapted form, can be translated as follows: "in order for you to consider yourself a part of the high society (elite), your grandfather must have a higher education. The British know what they are talking about: the English nation was formed from garbage, but it had time to form an elite.
        It takes ninety years to get the first generation of the elite.
        Calendar years. It's simple: one generation - 25 years, three generations (from grandfather) - 75 years.
        But at twenty-five years old, a person is not yet able to realize his responsibility to the country.
        Based on Western Research. even the age of the "ideal soldier" is 35 years.
        And the age of "management" begins after 40 years. The peak "age of management" is 55 years. And then everything depends on the state of health.
        Therefore. by the age of 75 we add 15 years (up to the age of 40).
        Total 90 years. to create the first generation of the elite.
        The Soviet Union did not have these years. The elite has not formed.
        There is no it now.
        What we have now are compradors. Who perceive Russia as a colony of the West.
        And myself as a colonial administration.
        1. +12
          20 December 2020 08: 56
          What we have now are compradors. Who perceive Russia as a colony of the West.
          And myself as a colonial administration.
          It is most important. If they were patriots, they would find where to make Switzerland for themselves. I would have joined Abkhazia, if not Italy, but still. They don't even want to do anything for themselves. Well, they are not allowed to the West, so develop Russia.
        2. -1
          20 December 2020 10: 39
          Quote: ignoto
          Elite - translated from French - "the best".

          Anyone can be the best, but not everyone wants to be.

          1. -3
            20 December 2020 12: 37
            Quote: Boris55
            Anyone can be the best, but not everyone wants to be.

            To demand "that the training of state administration be carried out by conscientious workers and soldiers" and to learn how to effectively run the state are two big differences.
      3. +7
        20 December 2020 11: 51
        Elite is actually an agricultural term, grain, livestock. In everyday life, it has long acquired a contemptuous and negative semantic meaning along with liberalism and reform, not to mention perestroika and reset. The personalities of the 50s and late 80s, the environment of the "combiner" and "foreman", the Family, were firmly entrenched in the memory of the people for many years and in our history, as well as the personalities of the Time of Troubles, on a par with the Godunovs, False Dmitry and Shuisky and their entourage. And the present times are essentially not much different from those times, i.e. there is nothing new for our people, all this was, we have been killed and destroyed for many centuries, which is a shame, usually by the hands of our own leaders and poor elites, Was the dead, but not stupid American Pole so wrong, speaking about our elites, etc. ... business?
        1. +1
          20 December 2020 12: 05
          Quote: seacap
          Elite ... In everyday life, it has long acquired a contemptuous and negative semantic meaning

          And this is not correct. The elite is, first of all, managers.
          Those who rob the country and the people cannot be the elite - they are parasites.
          1. -1
            20 December 2020 13: 16
            And this is not correct. The elite is, first of all, managers.

            The elite is a leader, whom the people will follow - not for sweet promises (not to work and live well enough), but according to their deeds. In our country, these are usually physically eliminated by the Anglo-Saxons even in adolescence. Shows hope? Remove.
            1. +2
              20 December 2020 13: 53
              Vitaly, I agree with you. And if you think about whose hands they are cleaning in the country, sad thoughts appear on the topic "who controls whom and how independent we are"
              1. -1
                20 December 2020 17: 13
                Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                And if you think about whose hands they are being cleaned in the country, sad thoughts appear
                Who was removed, councilor, what leader? Alexey is alive! Or are you talking about Nemtsov? ..
                1. +1
                  20 December 2020 18: 32
                  Most likely, the Kremlin's Navalny project ... especially if after Putin's accusation nothing special will happen to him .. Nemtsov is not one of the "greats" at all .. It's about those who even appear in front of the electorate, so that they are not allowed to be chosen .. Therefore, there is no one to vote for, except for GDP .. they remove, they do not always kill ..
                  1. -1
                    20 December 2020 18: 38
                    Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                    We are talking about those who even appear before the electorate, so that they are not allowed to be chosen.
                    Intriguing? Or advisors at level 2 are not paid for specifics, but for hours of work.
            2. +5
              20 December 2020 14: 12
              Quote: lucul
              In our country, these are usually physically eliminated by the Anglo-Saxons even in adolescence.

              Let's not make the Anglo-Saxons a "universal evil", I understand that they, like the Germans, are our eternal geopolitical opponents. But the sooner we stop blaming someone else for our troubles, the faster our affairs will go smoothly.
              1. -1
                20 December 2020 18: 07
                Quote: aleksejkabanets
                But the sooner we stop blaming someone else for our troubles, the faster our affairs will go smoothly.
                I'm not mistaken, is someone else Putin? What kind of business will go well ... The retirement age under 45 will be thrown off ... Or we will live like in paradise, but you cannot say anything concrete yet, surprise. They accused, overthrew, and then what? From what cracks will these wise statesmen crawl out, who will not let the country fall, but will lead it straight forward from victory to victory? Or are you talking about personal matters.
                1. +2
                  20 December 2020 19: 07
                  Quote: sniperino
                  I'm not mistaken, is someone else Putin?

                  Maybe we will try to think systematically? Maybe we will finally stop placing the blame on one person, no matter who it is, Yeltsin, Trump, Putin, Biden?
                  Maybe you should approach the problem from a class position? What is the difference between the above figures? All four are just dolls pulled by the strings of the ruling class. And they are dancing not in the interests of you or me, but in the interests of the big bourgeoisie, or am I wrong?
                  1. -1
                    20 December 2020 19: 41
                    Quote: aleksejkabanets
                    All four are just puppets pulled by the strings of the ruling class ... or am I wrong?
                    Only half. About Putin and even Trump - frank nonsense, based on false conclusions, nothing more. And the half-truth, it is - you know.
                    1. +1
                      20 December 2020 20: 26
                      Sound your version.
          2. +3
            20 December 2020 18: 52
            Quote: Boris55
            And this is not correct. The elite is, first of all, managers.

            And I want to argue with you with specific reasons, so as not to be unfounded.
            Managers are the establishment: those in power, the ruling circles, the political elite. A set of people occupying key positions in the socio-political system, being the backbone of the existing social system and shaping public opinion ...
            As for the elite, it can be called: the cream of society, the top, foam, scale ...
            Or maybe so: the salt of the earth, the best of the best, the chosen ones ...
            What is more convenient for you?
            As for managers, then this word can also be called anyone who works in management. No matter what it is called, but (in my opinion), before you manage someone, you yourself have to become a doy in this matter, and not be born with a “silver spoon in the priest”.
      4. +3
        20 December 2020 18: 33
        Quote: ROSS 42
        Adapters and renegades who have adopted thieves' laws and concepts for execution, which have turned the country into a trash heap, a dump of second-rate goods from abroad, destroyed not only culture and education ...

        Dear site visitors! Sorry, I could not hold back laughter and tears ... Now you will see everything for yourself. So one more time about love about culture:
      5. +2
        20 December 2020 20: 02
        ROSS 42. You also thought the same thing as me. At first I thought it was Solzhenitsin's inventory with his inventions. Then the thought came that the author is a little not that, and maybe that. He inflated an elephant out of a fly. And he began to inflate further, but apparently he did not manage to increase the size of the elephant, holes appeared here and there and the elephant began to settle due to the fact that the air of the notion began to leak out of the elephant and it looked like a fly in the fall. But nothing can be done, freedom of speech. But usually houses for such gentlemen are built in the depths of the hospital, or in the forest, so that people do not hear the screams. These houses are equipped with strong bars on the windows, orderlies and special shirts. But apparently, someone brought the computer to this establishment. But due to the fact that Sportloto did not accept this essay, it was accepted on this site.
        1. 0
          21 December 2020 00: 53
          Quote: zenion
          But due to the fact that Sportloto did not accept this essay, it was accepted on this site.

          good good good laughing
      6. 0
        21 December 2020 21: 56
        The elite are not the best, but they have an influence on the country, on making the most important decisions.
  2. +16
    20 December 2020 04: 37
    The article contains a lot of controversial theses, which can be analyzed for a very, very long time. I can only say one thing. Courage and decisiveness in foreign policy must be supported by a strong, stress-resistant economy and stable demographics, with which, after the collapse of the USSR, enormous problems have obviously arisen. That is why China feels so confident, and so does India. Just think about what a colossal hole in the budget Ukraine, or most of it, would have made if it was annexed to Russia. We pull out the Crimea with tension.
    1. +5
      20 December 2020 06: 31
      Very capacious comment
    2. +20
      20 December 2020 06: 42
      Quote: redsun
      Courage and decisiveness in foreign policy must be supported by a strong, stress-resistant economy and stable demographics, with which, after the collapse of the USSR, enormous problems obviously arose.

      Quote: redsun
      Just think about what a colossal hole in the budget Ukraine, or most of it, would have pierced by being annexed to Russia. We are pulling out the Crimea.

      Let's think together why any accession to today's Russia will be associated with “tension”. We cannot even build a union state with a country whose population is equal to half the population of Moscow. This is probably because in the absence of production (anything) inside the country, the inhabitants turn into the most ordinary parasites. You can't live "happily ever after" without producing anything on handouts from the master's table.
      That is why the demographic problems of the country will soon yield results. Why do you need a cow that has not been giving milk for 30 years? So here ...
    3. -13
      20 December 2020 08: 43
      Courage and decisiveness in foreign policy must be underpinned by a strong, stress-resistant economy

      I agree, "on clothes, stretch your legs." And this is reasonable.
      Quote: redsun
      stable demographics, with which after the collapse The USSR obviously had huge problems.

      Not after, but to collapse: in 1990, a third of Russia's regions had an absolute decline in population (extinction), and the DEPopulation began in 1964: the USSR was the FIRST country in Europe to "achieve" this. (DIN Denisova, Beznin, Perevedentsev, etc.)
      Quote: redsun
      Just think about what a colossal hole in the budget Ukraine, or most of it, would have pierced by being annexed to Russia. We are pulling out the Crimea.

      Poor Russian Empire: for some reason, when joining the Wild Field, it was not afraid of "holes" in the budget. And she did not miscalculate, becoming richer in a fantastically blooming land!
      1. 0
        20 December 2020 18: 54
        Quote: Olgovich
        Depopulation began in 1964: the USSR was the FIRST country in Europe to "achieve" this.
        This is not an achievement of the USSR, but of its enemies, since during the war few children were born in the USSR, but many died. In 1964, their generation began to have families, and depopulation began. And it is not necessary to disgrace the USSR in front of Europe for this. It is on their conscience
        1. -5
          20 December 2020 21: 11
          Quote: sniperino
          This is not an achievement of the USSR

          The great abortion revolution, more than ten million deaths from hunger, millions of them maimed, millions of deaths in camps / executions. millions of those who sat there (correspondingly nulliparous), the demographic CATASTROPHE of the 1930s (14 million "disappeared"), the birth rate is lower and lower, where is it?

          And yes: the rural population in just 20 years since 1965 in the Non-Black Earth Region has decreased by 44%, which is why MILLIONS of hectares of arable land, patches, hayfields, HALF MILLION of empty houses have been abandoned.

          Who is this?
      2. +2
        20 December 2020 19: 10
        Quote: Olgovich
        Not after, but before the collapse: in 1990 already a third of Russia's regions had an absolute population decline (extinction)

        stop Source of information in the studio ...
        I'll just give you the data to expose your lies:
        Tomsk region:

        Volgograd region:

        Chelyabinsk region:

        Amur region:

        And here - in Russia as a whole:

        And you will search and find ... Do not forget to acquaint us ...
        1. -4
          20 December 2020 21: 53
          Quote: ROSS 42
          And you will search and find ... Do not forget to acquaint us

          Yes, I don't need to look, I already know. And I have ALREADY acquainted you with the authors of the monograph sources DIN Denisova, Beznin, Perevedentsev.

          In addition, see: "Bulletin of statistics" 1991, M. No. 7 P 18-24

          But you did not bother to familiarize yourself, persisting in ignorance

          If you read the monographs, you will find that by 1988 the Pskov, Tver, Tula, Ivanovsk, and Tambov regions had already died out.

          "By 1990, a THIRD of the population of Russia were in these conditions of extinction." (Denisova)
          1. 0
            21 December 2020 04: 33
            I suspected you of some kind of "invincibility", but you turned out to be extremely not sharp ...
            You just write that "in some regions of Russia", but not "a third of the population" ... fool
            Give me the sources of some monographs, some people who used census data in their writing ... There are no sources-monographs in the population statistics. There are dry figures for the birth rate, mortality, profit and loss of the population ... Do not put a shadow on the fence. Disgusting ... No.
            1. -3
              21 December 2020 09: 27
              Quote: ROSS 42
              I suspected you of some kind of "invincibility", but you turned out to be extremely not sharp ...

              Yes, you won't cut yourself lol
              What's missing AGAIN?
              Quote: ROSS 42
              You just write that "in some regions of Russia", but not "a third of the population" ...

              What hasn't come AGAIN?

              I will repeat the FACT: "
              By 1990 A THIRD of the population of Russia was in these conditions of extinction."(Denisova)
              Quote: ROSS 42
              Give me the sources of some monographs, some people who used census data in their writing ... There are no sources-monographs in the population statistics. There are dry numbers for counting births, deaths, and population gains and losses.

              Incoherent nonsense ...

              Figures and showed extinction of indigenous Russia in dynamics. Which has been running since 1964.

              What led to the Russian Cross.

              Do you deny?
              Quote: ROSS 42

              fool negative
    4. +12
      20 December 2020 10: 33
      Russia: the curse of the elites

      The correct, correct title of the article, but I agree with the authors above that
      a lot of controversial theses

      1. The author intentionally/unintentionally, out of forgetfulness or ignorance, jumped over one of the stages of Russia's development at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, and therefore the chronology of the movement of elites in Russia turns out to be contradictory and incomplete.
      It was not necessary to start from October 1917 - the coming of the Bolsheviks to power, from February 17 = from the coming to power in Russia of liberals, as they now call such figures, liberals, when in February 17 a coup d'etat took place in Russia, which predetermined the fate of Russia in the XX century. and all its subsequent development. Russia is still feeling the consequences of this coup d'état. By October 1917, the power in Russia had degraded so much that, in Lenin's words, it was lying underfoot and it was a sin not to raise it, which the Bolsheviks did. In other words, the coming of the Bolsheviks to power was predetermined by the coup d'etat in Russia in February 1917, the displacement of the legitimate, legally elected government in Russia and we came to power of impostors - the saviors of Russia from tsarism. Hence, it was in February 17 that the disintegration of Russia began, ending with the complete collapse and collapse of the state, the disintegration of Russia into many appanage principalities, each of which formed its own government. As a result, a civil war began - a war of all against all, in which the "Red = Bolsheviks" won.
      Russia paid a huge price for this victory.
      - Was lost part of the territory of Russia - Finland, the Baltic states, western Belarus and Ukraine. This loss came back to haunt the USSR in 41, and now it is felt in the constant threat of the West to block Russia's access to the Baltic Sea.
      - A wedge was driven into the nation forming the Russian state - the Russian people, which was divided into separate ethnic groups: Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians abroad. This division has not yet been overcome and is unlikely to be overcome in the future. In this vein, the war in the Donbass can be viewed as a consequence of the division of the Russian people into ethnic groups.
       There has been a change in the territorial structure of Russia from the regional to the national principle. This time bomb constantly worked in the USSR and works in modern Russia. Any slip in the internal national policy immediately leads to a nationalist explosion. The latest example: the Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. How many examples have there been before?
      But for all the losses paid for the coup in February 1917, Russia under the Bolsheviks was reborn in a new form - in the form of the USSR. And this is the merit of the Bolsheviks, who managed to collect, torn apart, torn apart by bloody internecine strife, the country into a single state, with losses, but gathered the country.
      The Bolsheviks can be blamed for anything, they made many mistakes: in a bloody civil war, in mistakes in national and economic policy, in the destruction of the intelligentsia, the church, etc., etc., but having gathered a country torn apart by the revolution and civil war, the Bolsheviks thereby left an indestructible memory of themselves among the people. That is why in the dashing years and now the people are turning to that memory, to the country that the Bolsheviks built. This is the history of Russia in the XNUMXth century. and the place of the Bolsheviks in this story.
      1. +8
        20 December 2020 10: 34
        And now about the elites of Russia.
        2. You can talk as long and loudly as you like about democracy, about the power of the people, but these are just words to cover up the essence of governance, the fact that any state is not controlled by the people, but by a separate stratum separated from the people - ELITE, to which the people delegate the authority to govern the country, the state. This applies to any state, including Russia. Therefore, for any state, it is of fundamental importance not who sits on top and governs the state, but whether or not the people trust their elite. This is of fundamental importance for Russia as well. Russia could never be defeated by external enemies if the people of Russia trusted their rulers Russia, and the elites of Russia were united and bound by a common goal - the prosperity of Russia, and each time Russia fell apart as soon as the elites separated from Russia, from its people, from its goals and objectives, betrayed the interests of Russia. So it was in the 1917th century, when Rus', torn apart by the struggle of the appanage princes, fell under the onslaught of the Mongols; in the 90th century, when the betrayal of the boyars and the principality led to turmoil, and Rus, Russia almost ceased to exist as a result of the Polish invasion; twice in the XNUMXth century: in XNUMX and in the XNUMXs, when the collapse of the Russian Empire, and then the USSR, was due to the decay and betrayal of the elites, in the first case, Freemasonry, liberalism, deeply climbed into the upper floors of state power, in the second, the decay and corruption of the party and bureaucratic apparatus of the USSR.
        Hence, the question of whether the elite of Russia belongs to Russia itself, to its people is the most important, fundamental issue of power in Russia: either the elite is nationally oriented and works for Russia, contributes to the prosperity of the Fatherland, or the elite is an element that has come to Russia, governing Russia in the interests of foreign capital, in interests of the West. Moreover, both in one and in another case, the elite itself may be corrupt, it may not be corrupt, this is not essential. Most importantly, is the elite working for Russia or against it !?
        Menshchikov A.D., the closest associate of Tsar Peter, was beaten by the tsar for embezzlement more than once, but he always remained in power. The reason - Menshchikov, even filling his own pockets, remained a statesman who cares about Russia and its prosperity. In contrast, Prince Gagarin, the governor-general of Siberia, who also filled his own pockets, was executed. The reason is a betrayal of Russia's interests, a desire to separate Siberia from Russia. Likewise with Potemkin, the Orlov princes, etc. All of them, filling their own pockets, first of all thought about Russia, about the welfare of Russia.
        The situation is different now, when bribe-takers, corrupt officials immediately take all the money they have acquired by criminal means to the west, where, in the wake of the money, their relatives immediately leave. It's good if the state manages to detain such a criminal at the border. But in most cases this does not happen, and thieves, robbers of our national wealth continue to lead a luxurious life in the West, pouring mud at Russia and investing the resources stolen from the people in the fight against Russia. The corrupt elite of Russia is not the fifth, not the sixth, but the first column of the West in Russia, shaking Russia from the inside and ready to betray Russia's interests at the first opportunity. For such an elite, national interests are an empty phrase, their interests are where their capital is located, where their children study, where relatives exported from Russia live. For such an elite, the people of Russia, their needs and aspirations do not exist in principle, for them there is only something that allows them to fill their own pockets even tighter and have time to hide behind the hill and in offshore areas. The development of education, medicine, art, science for such an elite is only important insofar as it allows them to thrust the dirty thieves' paws into the national budget even deeper.
        Hence, the task of the state is to cleanse the Russian elite as much as possible from bribe-takers, embezzlers, from all those for whom Russia is only a feeding trough that ensures existence. And this process, 30 years after the collapse of the USSR, finally began with the adoption of amendments to the Russian constitution. I would like to hope that these first steps will be continued, and Russia, the elite of Russia, will finally be cleared of the westerners - traitors, liberals ... corrupting Russia from the inside. If Russia is able to cope with the cleansing of the elites, it will rise like a phoenix from the ashes and shine in all its glory; if it cannot, it will disintegrate with all the ensuing consequences. But, obviously, cleansing the Russian elite of traitors is the most difficult, most important and not a quick task that takes time.
        History does not know the subjunctive mood, but it knows the historical parallels and perfectly masters them. I. Grozny, relying on the oprichin, cleaned up the elite and thereby laid the foundations of a unified state. Stalin in the 30s before the war cleaned out the elite of the USSR from the 5th column and thus did not allow the Nazis to stab us in the back. In order to understand what Stalin saved the country from by cleaning up the elite in the 30s, it is enough to turn to the 90s to devastation, to the destruction of the Russian people. If Stalin had not cleaned out the elite, then there would not have been any feat of the Soviet people in the war, more precisely, it would have been, but it would have been the last blow of the Russian people going to the scaffold ... Thank God that this did not happen. The country was lucky that the head of state was a leader who cleaned out the state elite before the bloody Patriotic War.
        With this in mind, everything that is happening in Russia must be perceived as a struggle between the national responsible elite of Russia, with the comprador elite betraying Russia for the sake of its own interests that lie outside of Russia.
        1. +4
          20 December 2020 10: 34
          3. In conclusion about Ukraine.
          Now, from the standpoint of what is happening in Ukraine, we can say for sure that Russia's policy towards Ukraine after 2014 leaves many questions:
           whether it was worth recognizing the power of Banderlogs in Ukraine is a question…;
           was it worth stopping the offensive of the Donbass army on Kyiv after 2 boilers - this is a question ...
          But one way or another, Russia will have to resolve the issue of Ukraine. And the further, the more painful the medicine will be. In this regard, there is another historical parallel.
          After the collapse of the Russian Empire, Ukraine declared its independence. And what kind of power did not exist then in Ukraine: the Germans, the Poles, the Directory, the Central Council, Petliura. not to mention Makhno and other Makhnovists ... How did it all end ?! The Bolsheviks came to Ukraine and bloodlessly established Soviet power. You can read about this in detail in the writings of M. Bulgakov, an eyewitness to those events, for example, in Days of the Turbins.
          1. -5
            20 December 2020 10: 48
            Quote: The Truth
            But one way or another, Russia will have to resolve the issue of Ukraine. And the further, the more painful the medicine will be. In this regard, there is another historical parallel.

            As you know, there is no loss in war ...
            In this case, I recall the words of Ulyanov-Lenin, said on another occasion ".. The worse, the better .."
            It would be better if the Ukrainians dealt with their problems on their own. But given the influence from the outside on the leadership of Banderostan, Russia will also have to influence the situation in the country of non-brothers from the outside. This will require patience and Chinese wisdom in relation to Taiwan.
          2. 0
            20 December 2020 19: 22
            Quote: The Truth
            But one way or another, Russia will have to resolve the issue of Ukraine.

            I disagree. Russia must solve its own problems, and in Ukraine it can only worry about the problems of the Russian-speaking population and the territories historically belonging to the Republic of Ingushetia. It is time to resolve the issue of the "dowry", with which Ukraine entered the Union in 1922, in a legal manner. Stop giving gifts to ungrateful sisters and brothers.
          3. +2
            20 December 2020 20: 10
            But the Jews are to blame for this. They knew that the USSR would collapse, so they did not warn the people, but built a country for themselves and began to swing fishing rods from the USSR. And they got away. There remained those who, being with Jewish surnames, in fact turned out to be faithful to Hitler's order.
        2. -4
          20 December 2020 10: 40
          Quote: The Truth
          With this in mind, everything that happens in Russia should be perceived as a struggle between the national responsible elite of Russia, with the comprador elite, betraying Russia for the sake of its own interests that lie outside of Russia.

          I agree. On all principal points.
          The fact is that today there is no "quick solution" to cleanse the comprador elite. The GDP said 10 years ago that the 37th year will not be repeated.
          1. +13
            20 December 2020 11: 41
            With this in mind, everything that happens in Russia should be perceived as a struggle between the national responsible elite of Russia, with the comprador elite, betraying Russia for the sake of its own interests that lie outside of Russia.

            There is no such "national, responsible elite" in Russia, it is all comprador, only divided into a "handshake" by the "West" and "not a handshake." And they are not at all fighting among themselves, not for the "interests of Russia", but for a place in the first row at the "state feeder" and for who is the first to "lobby and legislatively consolidate their interests" ...
            1. -6
              20 December 2020 19: 22
              Quote: Snail N9
              There is no such "national, responsible elite" in Russia, it is all comprador, only divided into a "handshake" by the "West" and "not a handshake." And they are not at all fighting among themselves, not for the "interests of Russia", but for a place in the first row at the "state feeder" and for who is the first to "lobby and legislatively consolidate their interests" ...

              Well, how else can someone who did not get the mentioned place answer?
          2. 0
            20 December 2020 20: 19
            Who is talking about executions. There are many unused lands in Russia, which they can use, develop and be needed in one way or another. But it won't. Due to the fact that one person needs to take the pioneer drum in his hands, and the other needs to take the horn and lead the column.
        3. 0
          20 December 2020 13: 00
          Quote: The Truth
          It was not necessary to start from October 1917, when the Bolsheviks came to power, from February 17.
          In a parallel thread, I started with Peter I and would like to read the objection (this is an excuse for self-citation on the motive "we are ours, we will build a new world")
          The division of the Russian world into separate "worlds", which was actually begun by Peter I, contributes to the fragmentation of the historical consciousness of Russians, turning them not into a state-forming, but into a state-destroying people. Then we received not only the navy, but also the Church schism, and Westernism, a readiness to destroy our own, so that later we could scratch our turnips, how to build something new according to someone else's patterns. And the Russian people do not fit well into them, and they begin to scroll it like in a meat grinder. Instead of progressive - project ("evolutionary") - development, we periodically have a situation when at the top there is a desire to destroy everything to the ground, and the base does not care, its fragmented historical consciousness ceases to resist and turns into minced meat.
          1. +1
            20 December 2020 14: 20
            Quote: sniperino
            Then we got not only the fleet, but also the church schism,

            We received the Church schism before Peter, in fact, during the "accession" of the Romanovs.
            1. 0
              20 December 2020 19: 21
              Quote: aleksejkabanets
              We received the Church schism before Peter, in fact, during the "accession" of the Romanovs.
              Before Peter - a conditional condemnation to the Nikonians at the Council of 1667, and after Peter - anathema under the direction of the Synod. For the Old Believers, Peter himself is the "Antichrist on the Throne", not the Quiet One. His Westernism is still a mine for centuries.
              1. +1
                20 December 2020 19: 40
                Quote: sniperino
                Before Peter - a conditional condemnation to the Nikonians at the Council of 1667, and after Peter - anathema under the direction of the Synod. For the Old Believers, Peter himself is the "Antichrist on the Throne", not the Quiet One.

                Complex long topic. Let's not discuss it here. Of course, a very interesting topic related to the influence of the church on the state.
          2. 0
            20 December 2020 20: 36
            Digging weakly. There you can safely start with at least Rurik.
          3. 0
            21 December 2020 09: 30
            In a parallel thread, I started with Peter I and would like to read the objection

            Starting with Peter I is a mistake. We need to start with the split in the Russian Orthodox Church that took place under Alexei Mikhailovich. From this came the demarcation of the Russian people and the struggle of the Russians against the Russians.
            For reference: the first and all subsequent revolutions in Russia in the XX century. supported by the Old Believers, for whom the tsar was a worse evil than the consequences of his elimination.
            The civil war in Russia took on brutal forms partly because the Old Believers fought on the side of the Whites, for whom the atheist Bolsheviks were the Antichrists, with whom no reconciliation is possible.
    5. 0
      20 December 2020 13: 21
      I can only say one thing. Courage and decisiveness in foreign policy must be supported by a strong, stress-resistant economy and stable demographics, with which, after the collapse of the USSR, enormous problems obviously arose.

      Frankly, there is such a fable - a swan, cancer, and a pike. So the activities of the elites should be directed in one direction. It can only be directed by ideology / religion. There are simply no other options. Now our elite is dominated by the ideology of worshiping the golden calf. And they blindly believe her, not knowing why and what purposes she serves.
      1. +7
        20 December 2020 15: 33
        In this thread of comments, the arguments of Pravdodel's colleague are shocking with their spaciousness and seemingly validity. I even got emotional and sent + for the first two parts, leaving the third without attention. And the colleague Snitcher N9 was right, putting Pravdodel in an awkward position with a slight stroke of the keyboard.
        Here I am, having come to my senses from the literary skill of Pravdodel, to the same place: when will the "collector of Russian lands", our president, stop destroying the now few remnants of the Soviet legacy, without creating his own production of things at all? Why is the dominance of foreignism in trade? Why is the dominance of foreignism on the boards of directors of enterprises? When will the production sharing law take a pro-Russian form? Why has food self-sufficiency failed? Who is guilty? Who sat down? Where are the complete logistics chains "mining - the ultimate consumer thing"? On what basis is its own population replaced by strikebreakers from Central Asia, who will also receive Russian pensions? Thousands of questions...
        Colleague Pravdodel, you urge to be patient while Putin, under the guise of fighting corruption, clears a clearing for his own "nationally oriented" clan. I may be patient. Russia is not. Because the historical time is no longer boring.
        1. 0
          20 December 2020 19: 23
          Quote: depressant
          Colleague Pravdodel, you urge to be patient while Putin, under the guise of fighting corruption, clears a clearing for his own "nationally oriented" clan. I may be patient. Russia is not. Because the historical time is no longer boring.

          How did they write there before? "Will the paper endure everything?"
        2. -1
          20 December 2020 19: 31
          Quote: depressant
          Why is the dominance of foreignism in trade?
          But Soviet trade was, in fact, an organized criminal group worse than Cosa Nostra and generally without foreigners. The trade is even better today.
          1. +3
            20 December 2020 21: 58
            Is trading better? For whom, excuse me? It is better and even very acceptable for foreign trading multinationals and a small number of local importers who siphon our pitiful pennies from us, converting their mass into dollars, which are immediately exported abroad. Those very pennies that our government gives us in the form of pitiful salaries and handouts, reluctantly unfastening them from their pockets filled with petrodollars coming from abroad. A circulation of dollars in nature is formed, which is deposited by our citizens with only a small part in the form of a meager set of cheap, unstable things of foreign production and family budgets for the minimum possible food. At the same time, I repeat, the government deliberately does not allow the creation of its own production of household items, equipment and food products as a powerful factor in the development of the economy, on which, in fact, China rose. And these are millions of new small enterprises, tens of millions of new jobs. So why?!? Why does the government not allow the people to feed themselves, sheathe, put on shoes, furnish themselves with furniture and household appliances, independently producing all this on the largest scale?
            The key word here is yourself. For the people, not confused by counting meager pennies, not focused on the thought of how to live until their next miserable salary, not thinking about how else they will humiliate themselves in front of the owner, so as not to lose their job, if there is one, what other concessions to make to him - is a free, proud people capable of critically assessing the actions of the government, its capacity for action and moral character. But the main thing is millions of free entrepreneurs, capable of consolidation, which means for concerted actions to sweep out the old rotten "elite" from their familiar political, administrative, economic and other places - "Which are temporary here? Get off! Your time is up!"
            1. +2
              21 December 2020 07: 15
              Lyudmila Yakovlevna, good morning! My congratulations! Your silver, at your request, without praise! love
              1. +1
                21 December 2020 08: 23
                Seryozha, thank you for your kind words! ..
                More worthy comrades are still ahead - for those for whom competitions mean something. I have long since dropped out of real social life, VO is the only circumstance that binds at least to a virtual one. I read my previous comment on the topic we're on and found a logical error. What a shame! I could not cope with the speech turnover (((
        3. +2
          21 December 2020 10: 24
          And the colleague Snitcher N9 turned out to be right, putting Pravdodel in an awkward position with a slight stroke of the keyboard.

          1. Dear colleague Depressant, with all due respect to you, I just don’t understand one thing: is the lightness of the pen an oxymoron, or is it real lightness? ... to. the struggle for a place in the sun, or, in the words of a colleague of the Snitch N9
          for a place in the front row at the "state feeder" and for who is the first to "lobby and legislate their interests"

          is nothing more than a competitive struggle that takes place both among the national and among the comprador bourgeoisie ..
          But, as the Bible says, "By their deeds ... they will know who they are ...... Mt. 7:20 ... the 16th verse." It is on business that it is necessary to separate: the actions of the national bourgeoisie contribute to the revival of Russia, its development, prosperity, the actions of the comprador bourgeoisie contribute to the plundering of Russia, the impoverishment of the people of Russia. You don't have to look far for examples: remember the oligarchs, the seven-bankers, Pugachev, Berezovsky and other fraternity who plundered Russia in the 90s and at the turn of the century. And everything will become clear.
          2. Concerning the dominance of foreignism. I can remind you, dear, colleague Depressant, that exactly the same situation was, for example, under I. Grozny, when the tsar gave control, and, in fact, to the mercy of the British, the way from Arkhangelsk to Persia. Then Russian merchants also shouted about the dominance of foreigners and oppression from them. Everything was resolved later, when the Russian merchant got stronger and was able to oust the British. A similar situation was under Matushka Catherine after the partition of Poland, when Jewish merchants from Poland poured into Russia. Our merchants then wrote to mother "protect us from the Jews, there is absolutely no life from them". In response, matushka introduced a residency requirement, which lasted until the 1917 revolution. So, the dominance of foreigners is a consequence of the underdevelopment and weakness of our national capital. But, rest assured, when our capital gains sufficient strength, it will no longer tolerate any foreigners on its territory, and even on foreign territory. But this is not a quick matter. Capital accumulation is a process that takes time.
          By the way
          complete logistic chains "mining is the final consumer item"
          such a production chain is formed either on the basis of capital accumulation, this process is not fast, or on the basis of cooperation with developed capital that invests in the creation and development of such a chain.
          3. Regarding
          strikebreakers from Central Asia

          Once, I often had to go on business trips to small towns in Russia. So there were no strikebreakers from Central Asia at all. All vacancies for janitors, dishwashers, cleaners, car washers, builders, etc. were busy ours people, there were no aliens. Why is this so? The answer is simple - economic motivation. If in large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, N. Novgorod, etc. Salary of a janitor, cleaner, car washer - not a competitor, then наших you can't get enough of such work, and migrants, strikebreakers, according to you, are happy to take these jobs, tk. The salary for them is much higher than that which they can receive in their homeland. By the way, in connection with the pandemic and the departure of migrants, strikebreakers, in your opinion, there is already a shortage of low-skilled labor in large cities. Wait for the new arrival of migrants.
          4. And, in conclusion, about
          A thousand questions ...

          Dear colleague Depressant, all your thousands of questions find a full logical explanation on the side of the economic and social policy of the state, focused on the prosperity of Russia and its people. If you are not biased about each question, then you can always find the answer. One has only to think, and in case of insufficient knowledge, learn more, read economic literature. Only, God forbid, do not read appeals like "everything is lost, the client leaves, the plaster cast is removed," but read good scientific literature, start, at least with the timeless A. Smith, and you can read Marx. He also has sound thoughts ...
          1. +1
            21 December 2020 10: 48
            Colleague Pravdodel! I have great respect for you and your comments. But I will answer you in another article, not in this one. Let the Authors give an article on domestic economic policy. This article covers too long a period of time. I no longer accept references to the 90s. Let's face the future. In one thing you are right - good things are not done quickly, because it requires a thorough approach, taking into account the nuances. Bad things are done quickly. And the trend towards increased speed is growing. I see signs. In general, we'll talk later. Preferably after the New Year, if I'm alive)))
            1. +1
              21 December 2020 12: 15
              I no longer accept references to the 90s. Let's face the future.

              Dear colleague Depressant, history cannot be neglected ... It is history that teaches and allows you to avoid mistakes both in the present and in the future. If history does not teach, then it turns out, for example, as in Ukraine, where the dominance of Banderlog led a prosperous country to complete collapse and will lead to collapse. Therefore, your dislike for the history of the 90s, the denial of this history is in itself strange for a person trying to understand the economic and political life of the state and the people. Such forgetfulness, for example, is universally observed among liberals ... comrades who would like to erase the 90s from the history of the people, but now, it does not work, and it will not work ... The people, sometimes forgetting the good, remember the bad for a very long time .. .And thank God. It is impossible to forget what the liberals did to the country in the 90s.
              It is not for nothing that there is a proverb among the people: whoever remembers the old will have an eye out, and who will forget it will have two.
              By the way, it is history, the memory of the past that allows us to look into the future, into the correct future, and not into the one into which they dreamed of immersing us in the 90s.
            2. -1
              21 December 2020 13: 14
              Quote: depressant
              I no longer accept references to the 90s.

              who does not remember his past, he has no right to the future ...
              Quote: depressant
              Let's face the future.

              but let's have less fiction!
              Quote: depressant
              And the trend towards increased speed is growing. I see signs.

              perhaps you see what you want to see ...
              1. +1
                21 December 2020 16: 37
                Colleague NEOZ, not possessing telescopic vision, I see from my corner only that wide range of opinions, which we create by a large number of professional analysts of all directions. In turn, subjecting their opinions to critical analysis on the basis of my own life experience, past and daily, I try to catch unfavorable tendencies - those that can acquire a stable character and bring down all the good intentions of the government and the president, become dangerous for the country. I warn you about this here, on VO. That's all )))
                1. +1
                  23 December 2020 11: 44
                  Quote: depressant
                  I warn you about this here, on VO. That's all )))

                  fine! can be more!!!!!!
                  Quote: depressant
                  a large number of professional analysts of all directions.

                  Please give me the names and article of analysts that you should pay attention to
                  Quote: depressant
                  unfavorable trends are those that can become persistent and bring down all

                  indicate the tendencies that seem unfavorable to you, as well as their cause-and-effect relationships.
                  Quote: depressant
                  all the good intentions of the government and the president

                  Do I understand correctly that the government and the president are guided by good intentions?
  3. -3
    20 December 2020 04: 39
    For the current Russian elite, born of Russophobia and the blood of 1917, 

    Well, how can you not kick the red ... trend however.
    I'm wondering. Why should the "elite" be different? They didn't throw it off from a helicopter, but grew up in the Russian environment.
    1. +11
      20 December 2020 06: 56
      Quote: apro
      After all, she was not thrown off from a helicopter. She grew up in the Russian environment. and absorbed all the settings from childhood. She does not do anything not in Russian.

      Let's find out once and for all that all “this” that has surfaced up against the background of a general sinking to the bottom is foam, not the cream of society. And about:
      Quote: apro
      she wasn't thrown off the helicopter

      Let's also wait a little longer. They didn't throw her from the helicopters, but she didn't jump out by itself either:

      I don’t know in what “Russian environment” she grew up, in which Baskovy lanes she acquired the knowledge of courtyard ethics, but she does not fulfill the main law and life and other concepts and statutes:
      "When you give your word, hold on, but when you don't give, hold on."
      To say in public that you need to respect your story, no matter how bitter it may be, and to slander the foundations and events, in the essence of which I had not the slightest idea, is BAD. How can a person judge:

      If there is any doubt that he even saw a live cow in his eyes ...
      1. -9
        20 December 2020 07: 06
        Quote: ROSS 42
        Let's find out once and for all that all “this” that has surfaced up against the background of a general sinking to the bottom is foam, not the cream of society.

        So, but the bulk of the Russians wanted to be richer and freer. And with these they agreed with the "elite". And no one lowered themselves. They went down. By agreeing to play according to their rules. The free market was given the opportunity for Russians, but not guarantees.
        Quote: ROSS 42
        I do not know in what “Russian environment” she grew up

        In an ordinary one.
        Quote: ROSS 42
        Once you have given your word, hold on, but if you have not given it, hold on. "

        And also a thief is not caught .. and his shirt is closer to the body.
        1. +8
          20 December 2020 08: 05
          As a result of numerous studies in the West, they have come to the conclusion that only thirteen percent of the population has the ability to be successful in business.
          1. -4
            20 December 2020 09: 30
            And the remaining 87% can live well in the role of hired workers, and if, succumbing to the black envy characteristic of many, they could not restrain their impulses to rob these 13% (if you want to expropriate the expropriators, which is the same, but sounds nobler), then they die with hunger, continuing to blame everyone for their misfortunes, but not themselves.
            1. +8
              20 December 2020 13: 17
              Quote: UAZ 452
              And the remaining 87% can live well in the role of hired workers, and if, succumbing to the black envy characteristic of many

              For what purpose did you write this "crap"? What are 87%? What is "black envy"? Are you offering the owners of the robbed apartment to envy the thieves who stole property and valuables, who took advantage of the moment and shown negligence in fulfilling their duties as law enforcement agencies?
      2. +5
        20 December 2020 09: 11
        he actually saw a live cow in his eyes ...
        By the way, he says that there was no beef cattle breeding in Russia-Soviet Union. Present him with Parshev's book, "Why Russia is not America." North of Rostov-Volgograd, it is not profitable to raise livestock for meat. If this one really wants Russia to be like the West, then let him create the same climate as in the West.
        1. -11
          20 December 2020 09: 34
          But how can the Canadians still not die of hunger? They generally have practically no territory corresponding to "south of Rostov - Volgograd." "We have oil-gas-diamonds. Come on now, bring my share of the national wealth home!"
          1. +10
            20 December 2020 09: 39
            What about the Canadians
            humorist you my friend. take a latitude and longitude map and see where all the cities in Canada are.
            1. -7
              20 December 2020 11: 09
              Montreal and Ottawa - 45 degrees north latitude. Rostov - 47, Volgograd - 48 degrees. But in Canada, these cities are located in the extreme south of their territory, and Russia has another piece of land to the south - Krasnodar, Stavropol, for example. So, to justify your own idleness, your argument is accepted, but as a justification for real, not sucked out problems, no. Devastation is always in the heads, swollen from the thirst for freebies and the desire to throw all the problems on someone else, and not in the closets, climate and other external insoluble (because they are too lazy to solve them) factors.
              1. +6
                20 December 2020 11: 22
                So to justify your own idleness
                No, you are definitely a humorist. My name is not Brezhnev or Putin. You want me to feed Russia. And yes, my hometown is located at 57 degrees north latitude and it is not yet the most northern. In Soviet times, rye grew in the fields, herds grazed. But by 2010 the fields were overgrown with forest
              2. +8
                20 December 2020 12: 23
                Quote: UAZ 452
                Devastation is always in the heads, swollen from the thirst for freebies

                The "thirst for freebies" have been fulfilled by today's elite with success over the past 30 years, while the common man wanted, and wants at the moment, elementary justice. So do not substitute one concept for another.
        2. 0
          20 December 2020 16: 08
          North of Rostov-Volgograd, it is not profitable to raise livestock for meat
          Has this Parshev ever tasted Finnish cervelat?
    2. +9
      20 December 2020 07: 07
      I completely agree that the "elite" are their own, who came from among the people, most of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Komsomol, the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs continue the work of their ancestors to organize the "master" - "slave" system.
  4. +21
    20 December 2020 04: 41
    Relying on the Russian people and their system of values, Stalin offered mankind a model of a bright post-capitalist future - building a society based on social justice.

    Nowadays there is a very lack of social justice, just justice, and Stalin too - when will there be such a head of a socially oriented state who does not think about personal welfare
    After Stalin's death, his personal property could fit into one suitcase - a pipe, two pairs of felt boots, boots, a uniform and a worn-out suit

    And now the "elites" are just seizing themselves as if not in themselves and wagging their tail in front of the West ..
    For the current Russian elite, the sun still rises in the West.
    1. -11
      20 December 2020 05: 10
      Quote: Crowe
      Social justice is sorely lacking now.

      Why? Now everything is fair. The more socially. The society has completely blended into market relations. Where everything is simple. I was able to raise my material and social situation to the desired level and for you everything is fair. No… I’m guilty myself.
      Quote: Crowe
      And Stalin too

      IVS Stalin will solve your problems for you for nothing? Oh, faith in a good uncle ...
      1. +11
        20 December 2020 07: 21
        Quote: apro
        oh faith in a good uncle ...

        This is not a belief in a "good uncle", these are memories of the statesman, the real head of the Russian state. And in Russia they have always believed in a strong leadership, and only suffered at the same time when outright mediocrities or cunning opportunists appeared in this leadership ("out of nowhere").
        Your belief in the "good tsar" and "bad boyars", in the "worldwide anti-Russian conspiracy" and Russophobia, in "if we would not have interfered with us", has set my teeth on edge.
        You must answer for your own affairs yourself, but:
        1. -8
          20 December 2020 07: 30
          Quote: ROSS 42
          Your belief in the "good tsar" and "bad boyars", in the "worldwide anti-Russian conspiracy" and Russophobia, in "if we would not have interfered with us", set the teeth on edge

          I am not Russian. I am Soviet and I have a different faith. And other tasks.
          Quote: ROSS 42
          these are memories of the statesman, the real head of the Russian state

          Firstly, at the head of the USSR. And this is a slightly different civilizational project. Not Russian. Secondly IVS Stalin built a communist state. Not Russian.
          Quote: ROSS 42
          And in Russia they have always believed in strong leadership;

          In order not to organize ourselves and not make decisions and implement them ... and not be responsible for the results, it's much easier to live.
          1. +9
            20 December 2020 08: 18
            And I am Russian and Soviet ... Stalin relied on the Russian people in all his major undertakings. Without his decisive participation and support, our country would not have had any victories and successes. The current government and the elite are moving further and further away from the interests of the Russian people, building incomprehensible ephemeral projects of a digital future for themselves. Driving the people into a social concentration camp where any dissent and behavior that does not meet the interests of the elite will be viewed as a riot with ensuing consequences. I am very disappointed with the lawmaking of the State Duma and the Kremlin.
            1. +5
              20 December 2020 08: 59
              Quote: Lech from Android.
              Stalin relied on the Russian people in all his major undertakings.

              IVS Stalin in all his undertakings relied on Marxism-Leninism and the Bolshevik Party.
              1. +7
                20 December 2020 11: 03
                IVS Stalin in all his undertakings relied on Marxism-Leninism and the Bolshevik Party.

                And I thought so, and in the textbooks they wrote so. And then, on VO, they opened my eyes - it turns out that the Trotskyists are booming, and good Stalin is baaah, and bad Stalin is duuum, and the world revolution is shaking .... in general, badabum is complete. It turns out that this was not the USSR, but a Latin drama, 70 years long. laughing

                Wow, and Samsonov managed to push his smoke into the masses ... laughing
                1. 0
                  20 December 2020 11: 06
                  Quote: Keyser Soze
                  IVS Stalin in all his undertakings relied on Marxism-Leninism and the Bolshevik Party.

                  And I thought so, and in the textbooks they wrote so. And then, on VO, they opened my eyes - it turns out that the Trotskyists are booming, and good Stalin is baaah, and bad Stalin is duuum, and the world revolution is shaking .... in general, badabum is complete. It turns out that this was not the USSR, but a Latin drama, 70 years long. laughing

                  Wow, and Samsonov managed to push his smoke into the masses ... laughing

                  I didn’t understand your idea. Kaiser ...
                  1. +4
                    20 December 2020 11: 13
                    I didn’t understand your idea. Kaiser ...

                    Yes, the idea is simple - conspiracy theorists and Ren TV so littered the ether that a pure and scientific analysis of history went to the 9th plan. Now communists and monarchists and anarchists and Stalinists will interrupt each other in the comments and go to dinner ... bully
              2. +3
                20 December 2020 11: 29
                Stalin turned directly to the Russian people in 1941 when the question of the existence of the USSR and the Communist Party itself arose ... the Germans tightly pinned the Kremlin along with its Marxism.
          2. +6
            20 December 2020 08: 22
            The point is not in the belief in a strong leadership, but in the fact that the country is huge, there is a large number of nationalities and religions that give rise to national elites, whose interests did not always coincide with the interests of the state. At the same time, we did not set the task of complete assimilation of peoples and nationalities. Add to this the external environment is not always, to put it mildly, loyal to Russia. All this undoubtedly requires strong power and centralization in order to curb internal and external threats.
            Recently I came across an interesting conclusion of the famous historian V.O. that Peter the Great achieved the greatest success in military battles when he was left alone, without allies, who either tried to shift all the burdens onto the shoulders of Russia, including to achieve their goals, or, having solved some of their problems, refused from an alliance, or easily surrendered to the enemy. And then I remembered how boorishly Austria-Hungary behaved, abandoning the Russian troops at Austerlitz, how they concluded agreements with the Turks behind the back of Russia during the time of Gorchakov, how the Anglo-Saxons, fearing the USSR and Stalin, were preparing to deliver a nuclear strike against their recent ally who saved them in the Ardennes.
            1. +7
              20 December 2020 08: 34
              Now, when urgent help is needed, everyone remembers the Russian people, when he himself needs help, it is difficult to find those who want to help him without self-interest. Our selfless help to the whole world is costly for the Russian people themselves.
          3. +8
            20 December 2020 13: 03
            Quote: apro
            First, at the head of the USSR. And this is a slightly different civilization project

            When you are trying to prove something, always remember how the USSR was formed and by what decree the RSFSR joined Uzbekistan ... Then, at your leisure, remember which nation in the USSR was the title nation, the state language. And, finally, read the works of the IVS and its projects in terms of the formation of a socialist state.
            1. -1
              20 December 2020 15: 15
              Quote: ROSS 42
              You, when you try to prove something,

              I'm not trying. Russians, you yourself have proven everything ... over the 30 years of the existence of the Russian state ... that you still remember the IVS of Stalin and the USSR.
      2. +13
        20 December 2020 09: 21
        will solve your problems for you
        Have you studied casuistry at the institute? The leader of the country must and must create favorable conditions for the maximum population. And then this one advocated the invisible hand of the market, first declared a pandemic in the country incompatible with the market, now he is allegedly trying to "contain" prices ...
        1. -4
          20 December 2020 09: 29
          Quote: Gardamir
          The head of the country must and must create favorable conditions for the maximum population

          In what system? In a capitalistic system only in the interests of the leading class. And it is not numerous. All the rest are possible.
          1. +8
            20 December 2020 09: 34
            in the interests of the leading class
            Interestingly, the Kremlin will agree with you that a class society has been recreated in Russia. And they are the ruling class of exploiters.
            1. -2
              20 December 2020 09: 37
              Quote: Gardamir
              in the interests of the leading class
              Interestingly, the Kremlin will agree with you that a class society has been recreated in Russia. And they are the ruling class of exploiters.

              It doesn't matter, it's all in fact, and there is no need to harbor illusions.
      3. +6
        20 December 2020 12: 41
        Quote: apro
        now everything is fair. the more social

        When lions are full, they can also afford to have a familiar relationship with a potential victim, having conceded not the best part of their prey. But this is only until the moment when he gets hungry again. Will go to everyone who is weaker than him. This is such justice in capitalist society.
        1. +1
          20 December 2020 15: 20
          Quote: WIKI
          This is such justice in capitalist society.

          I am glad that you understand this now ...
    2. +3
      20 December 2020 07: 44
      Here I do not agree. And why, the owner of the country, who possessed power incomparable with any kings, comes to mind because of the abundance of power in his hands, except that Louis "the sun king", some kind of personal property. What for? Cottages-palaces all over the country, food-wine please, the best cooks work at his dachas, cars, trains, everything is at his disposal. He had an entire country at his disposal, and with any inhabitant of this country he could do anything he wanted. Unlimited power, that was his property.
      1. +13
        20 December 2020 08: 11
        Unlimited power is to the present. Try to sue the authorities and you will understand what a grain of sand you are in a huge millstone.
        1. +9
          20 December 2020 10: 56
          I know. Soon, ordeals begin with our respected usurious offices, that is, banks.
          Huckleberry Finn - "- Yes, you know, Huck, black man with a wooden leg Well, this old Negro founded the bank and said that every black man who would bring him one dollar, at the end of the year will have four All negros ran up to him and.?. They brought the money, but did not get anything; only one Jim got a lot, because Jim announced lame Negro, that if he did not give him money, he will lead the same bank lame Negro frightened After two bank money would lacked And... he promised Jim to give him thirty-five at the end of the year for five dollars. Stupid Jim gave five dollars to the bank and decided to use all thirty-five before the end of the year. One negro named Bob fished out of the river a lot of logs on the sly from his master , a whole raft. Jim bought the whole tree and said that Bob could get money for this raft, thirty-five dollars, from the bank at the end of the year. At night this raft was stolen by someone, and the next morning the lame-footed one told us that the bank had burst and nobody will get a penny. So nickname then from us and did not see their money. "
      2. +12
        20 December 2020 08: 49
        Ezoterik - Colleague, tell me, why would an idiot governor need dozens of expensive watches - Huh? And why would a foolish wife of a senior official need a hundred of the most expensive fur coats? You are talking about the powerful from the point of view of common sense - this is not true. A person who has broken through to the highest echelons of power, especially if the "breakthrough" occurred from the bottom, say from a sniffed lieutenant colonel, or to the presidency of the country, deforms his consciousness and his actions defy explanation either from the point of view of common sense or from the standpoint of generally accepted morality. hi
    3. +3
      20 December 2020 08: 08
      Lee Kuan Yew is missing.
      Which saved Singapore from corruption.
      But, it took him forty years.
      1. +3
        20 December 2020 08: 18
        In Russia, Lee Kuan Yew would never have come to power. In Singapore, he organized the economy on a Western model, attracted Western investors and companies - in Russia, even for talking about it on TV and patriotic YouTube channels, he would be branded a "mattress mat", and the entire audience of TV and patriotic YouTube channels would sincerely curse him ...
        1. +4
          20 December 2020 12: 36
          A person who has broken through to the highest echelons of power, especially if the "breakthrough" occurred from the bottom, say from a sniffed lieutenant colonel, or to the presidency of the country, deforms his consciousness and his actions defy explanation either from the point of view of common sense or from the standpoint of generally accepted morality.

          Well, why not. For example, one oligarch who recently bought a yacht for a hundred (or more) million dollars, when asked why he needs such a yacht, honestly said that this is a kind of investment, not entirely profitable, but not so unprofitable, and most importantly, you can sell it, already, get "clean" money ....
        2. +1
          20 December 2020 20: 51
          That is, the 90s were not enough for you? It takes another 10 years of unbridled investments and manipulations of an invisible hand to finally reach through blood and tears sitting on the seashore at a broken trough that this is the way to nowhere?
  5. +10
    20 December 2020 04: 47
    ] A lot of things are mixed and confused ... And the conclusion is only one:
    For the current Russian elite, born of Russophobia and the blood of 1917, who did not lose power after the color revolution of 1991, the sun still rises in the West.
    1. +1
      20 December 2020 04: 58
      Quote from Uncle Lee
      A lot of things are mixed and confused ... But there is only one conclusion

      What article, such are the conclusions.
  6. +2
    20 December 2020 04: 51
    The author is new, and the style of presentation is the same as that of Samsonov, and this article content is very chaotic, to put it mildly.
    About the Stalinist legacy, in the form of a pair of felt boots - this is something new, as well as about a worn suit (?), Which the author told about, Stalin did not wear any suits, what are we talking about?
    1. +10
      20 December 2020 05: 21
      bober1982 - The article is really "chaotic", but for a consistent coverage of this issue, with the justification for the conclusions made, the format of the article is too small. In essence, the article correctly identifies the position of our leadership - with a bent back and a glued smile, trying to look into the "bright" face of the owners.
      Everything happens as in an old anecdote about the Bad Boy, who really, really wanted to be taken into the bourgeoisie - Bad boy sits - "total" knocks, but in total it turns out - they didn't give any cookies, they didn't give them jam, and it turned out to be such a mess with the boys .. ...
      So our "elite" has already handed over everything that can and cannot be handed over to the "owners", but they are not taken into the bourgeoisie, and such a mess has come out with the country ...
      1. -4
        20 December 2020 05: 33
        Quote: Nazar
        Everything happens as in an old joke about the Bad Boy

        The article itself, like an anecdote, the same conclusions.
        1. -1
          20 December 2020 05: 46
          Quote: bober1982
          Quote: Nazar
          Everything happens as in an old joke about the Bad Boy

          The article itself, like an anecdote, the same conclusions.

          Yes, in places it smells like a lampoon.
      2. +9
        20 December 2020 08: 10
        In reality, the actor who played the Malchish - Kibalchish left for the West.
        And the actor who played Plohish remained in the USSR and worked honestly.
        The Irony of Fate...
    2. +5
      20 December 2020 06: 21
      Doesn't meet the author's expectations!
      Look how he started to minus all the criticism in his direction!)))
    3. -6
      20 December 2020 08: 54
      Quote: bober1982
      The author is new, and the style of presentation is like Samsonov

      Style yes, copy. But Samsonov had "Russian communists" and Stalin, and here only Stalin remained - against everyone, alone ...
      Quote: bober1982
      About the Stalinist legacy, in the form of a pair of boots - this is something new, as well as about a worn suit (

      Yeah, but where are the boots he wore all the time?
      Quote: bober1982
      Itself article like anecdote, the same conclusions.

      So I laughed .. lol
      1. 0
        20 December 2020 20: 53
        You generally have a talent for humor. Every time I read your comments, I am convinced of this.
  7. +7
    20 December 2020 05: 05
    I wanted to kill time with a couple of articles in the style of "there are no analogues", so beloved by our Russian partners, but here it is .. the "fantasy" section would not be superfluous here.
  8. +9
    20 December 2020 05: 21
    The author from Ren TV was kicked out. Their button accordion.
  9. +12
    20 December 2020 05: 34
    instead of decisive response
    What actions? Call Biden an earthworm (instead of congratulations)? Arrest Trump's Sberbank accounts? Send tank armies to the English Channel? Or just a vigorous loaf across New York?
    1. +7
      20 December 2020 06: 06
      Quote: t-12
      Arrest Trump's Sberbank accounts?

      You can withdraw your own people from behind the hillocks. That's when you can call Biden an earthworm ...
      1. 0
        20 December 2020 06: 36
        Get yours out of the hills.
        What does "withdraw" mean? Over the hill, currency. You can either spend it (buy something foreign) or store it (ultimately, on correspondent accounts of central banks).
        1. +6
          20 December 2020 06: 42
          Quote: t-12
          Over the hill, currency. It can either be spent

          And it can also be "expropriated" ... and no Basmanny court will help.
          1. +2
            20 December 2020 10: 14
            And here Basmanny will be able to. One has only to throw a pen. Here is where to keep the dilemma of the elite.
            1. 0
              27 December 2020 07: 54
              Quote: Pashhenko Nikolay
              And here Basmanny will be able to. One has only to throw a pen. Here is where to keep the dilemma of the elite.

              "This is the leg, the one who needs the leg!" - they can give one more pen ...
    2. 0
      20 December 2020 06: 20
      Quote: t-12
      Arrest Trump's Sberbank accounts

      Prohibit the use of a public water pump!
    3. +2
      20 December 2020 07: 59
      t-12 (t-12) - What tank armies? What vigorous loaf?
      Here the Serbs presented the icon to Lavrov. and the Ukrainians in the claim - sort of like an icon from Ukraine, they demanded to return it ... so after all, they really were going to give the GIFT (!) icon to the ukram. Now they are already bending before the dill, and you are "tank armies" ...
      In order to move the army, it is necessary to have steel gender characteristics and not jelly in the scrotum.
      1. -1
        20 December 2020 08: 11
        Quote: Nazar
        Here the Serbs gave Lavrov an icon

        Not Serbs, but Bosnians.
        1. +3
          20 December 2020 08: 38
          bober1982 - Bosnia consists of three nationalities - Serbs, Croats and Bosniacs. It was the leader of the Serbs living in Bosnia who presented the icon to Lavrov. But the leaders of the Boshnyaks and Croats did not care about Lavrov and refused to meet with him.
      2. +3
        20 December 2020 14: 41
        The Foreign Ministry said that the icon with the Ukrainian seal will be returned back to Bosnia, and their prosecutor's office is already investigating the case.
  10. 0
    20 December 2020 05: 36
    Even for me, a person who does not suffer from love for any political direction, that it is too much for the left or the right ... but how to get acquainted with the opinion of an individual person
  11. +11
    20 December 2020 05: 51
    Sleep of reason gives birth to monsters. It's even difficult to imagine what kind of hell is going on in the head of an author whose private entrepreneurship, entrenched under Stalin, is dancing Krakowiak with globalists raising Lenin with the insidious goal of creating the World Federation of Socialist Republics, and Brezhnev, investing oil money in the Western financial system, gives a hopak with Stalin to heroically fighting the Communists for the sake of a bright socialist society.
    Of course, you might think that the author forgot to take pills or injected himself with the coronavirus vaccine, but he will not get personal.
    One of the aspects of the crisis in Russia is precisely that people who probably have their worthy talents - knitting with a cross, commanding a company or catching criminals, instead consider themselves specialists in politics and ideology and write articles of cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity.
    1. -1
      20 December 2020 06: 04
      Quote: Odyssey
      One of the aspects of the crisis in Russia is precisely that people who probably have their worthy talents - knitting with a cross, commanding a company or catching criminals, instead consider themselves specialists in politics and ideology and write articles of cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity.

      "Again I will say: no one will embrace the immense!" - especially if you do not know what and where to "hug".
  12. +6
    20 December 2020 05: 52
    I mastered only the first couple of paragraphs, the impression can only be described with a quote from the classics-
    "When you speak, you seem to be delusional."
  13. +3
    20 December 2020 05: 55
    Only it is not clear, but from what hangover, "red-haired Lukashenko", suddenly became Russophobic? Russophobic slogans and deeds, just the same among zmagars.
  14. +10
    20 December 2020 05: 59
    "fanatical communists" - the author is aware of what is "opportunism"? Left deviation? Right deviation? Although there is such a "compote", which is for sure - only aliens are missing.
  15. -10
    20 December 2020 06: 11
    Russia: the curse of the elites

    About the era of the USSR, at the very point, you can immediately read intelligent historians, about Russia from 2000 to 2020 taken from the yellow opposition press, apparently, the one who objectively, without drifts, writes the current era, apparently did not get caught.
  16. -3
    20 December 2020 06: 20
    Just fits under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Article 128.1. Slander. Chot some kind of confusion; in one thing the author is certainly right: the main task of the Anglo-Saxons is the destruction of the Russian civilization. As for the rest, everything is somehow one-sided ... Tovarisch wants to "bang his fist" and show THEM all "kuzka's mother", yeah, and then, apparently: "we will build our own, we will build a new world, who was ... "well, etc.
    Well, the last paragraph is still more, as one heroine from Zoshchenko said: Enchantingly, I will add: masterpiece ...
    1. -1
      20 December 2020 09: 02
      Quote: Mykhalych
      one heroine from Zoshchenko: Enchanting, I will add: masterpiece ...

      К such Ellochka the Ogre with her own is more suitable for the article: "Iron!"
  17. +6
    20 December 2020 06: 28
    There was a party nomenklatura. It enjoyed great privileges. But it gave great guarantees in the social sphere. This demanded large expenses. Malenkov opposed this, canceling party packages. It is worse when the popular strata turn into estates. It does not matter what direction they are. They are similar. - close connection with business. We stole, now let's get down to ideology.
    1. +5
      20 December 2020 07: 19
      Quote: nikvic46
      There was a party nomenklatura, which enjoyed great privileges.

      And there was also:
      ... narrow-minded, with HPS-education, boorish party nomenklatura, which pushed into all spheres of life, ruining the good, but at the same time taking advantage of immunity and privileges.
      1. +3
        20 December 2020 07: 56
        Quote: ROSS 42
        And there was also:
        ... narrow-minded, with HPS education, boorish party nomenclature

        Here I disagree with you, the majority of the party nomenklatura was educated, educated and cultured, they were never rude, in the years of perestroika they were literally hunted down.
        Their privileges were penny, they enjoyed immunity - yes, unless, of course, they were not declared English spies.
        1. -4
          20 December 2020 13: 06
          Quote: bober1982
          , the party nomenclature for the most part was educated, educated and cultural, rude

          They were neither "educated", nor "educated", nor "cultured - it is enough to read the transcripts of the plenums and congresses, this is a giant step back in comparison with the State Duma of Russia, and no moderator will miss the" cultural "turns from there.

          I recommend, for example. Plenum of the Central Committee July 1953.

          But you can take ANY one.
      2. +2
        20 December 2020 09: 25
        Yuri Vasilievich: I agree with the rudeness. But what used to be isolated cases is now becoming the norm. These "boors" did not go to foreign resorts on New Year's Eve. Now many who had bad relations with the law blame the USSR. Or ordinary parasites.
    2. +3
      20 December 2020 08: 17
      The so-called "business" is the third estate.
      And the power should be in the first and second estate.
      In a normal state, power should be separated from property, and property from power.
      All the problems of the modern world are that power is in the hands of the third estate, usurious and commercial, whose main task is to make a profit. And no social responsibility.
      1. +1
        20 December 2020 20: 58
        Quote: ignoto
        In a normal state, power should be separated from property, and property from power.

        In a spherical vacuum. In reality, this does not exist, has not been and will not be.
  18. +4
    20 December 2020 06: 39
    Moscow continues to "squeeze" into the Western world
    I agree with the author. This "squeezing" has already assumed an obscenely shameful look. There are provocations against us, accusations without proof, the use of military force (downed planes, a helicopter ...), deprivation of the right to speak at international competitions under our own flag and listen to our Anthem, and we, in response, "guys, let's live together," regular protocol "concerns "and" we are ready to cooperate. "
    1. +6
      20 December 2020 08: 17
      What do you want from the colonial administration?
  19. +7
    20 December 2020 06: 40
    Everything is not so ... Maybe initially Lenin and others were planned as a kind of instrument for the "destruction of the Russian", but everything immediately went wrong. Lenin simply took advantage of the situation and threw the West, sending him three letters ... For which he was shot.
    Here is Trotsky and the coda. But the latter had, in the end, to flee (although this did not help him in the end).
    In fact, Lenin did not competently emphasize Russian nationalism ... otherwise the USSR could simply never have been born, or this process could drag on until the Second World War.
    "Western friends" would simply endlessly play the card of "oppressed peoples", and given the state of the economy of the 20s and other consequences of the Civil War ...
    It is another matter that after Stalin the nomenklatura rotted on the vine, discarding the principle of selecting the best cadres from the people, replacing it with barbaric nepotism and planting “dear blood near them.” Thus, it turned into a non-noble, with all the resulting shortcomings ...
    Of course, you can hear a lot about the "nobility of the nobility" and other things, but it is enough to read the same Turgenev and Dostoevsky ...
    What is happening today is one to one repeats the life of pre-revolutionary, tsarist Russia
    1. +2
      20 December 2020 06: 45
      Quote: Cottodraton
      Maybe initially Lenin and others were planned as a kind of tool for the "destruction of the Russian"

      By whom?
      1. -3
        20 December 2020 08: 02
        Quote: mat-vey
        By whom?

        The same who organized the French revolution and executed Louis XVI
        1. 0
          27 December 2020 07: 52
          Quote: bober1982
          Quote: mat-vey
          By whom?

          The same who organized the French revolution and executed Louis XVI

          So who are these mysterious personalities?
      2. -4
        20 December 2020 12: 07
        The guys who haunted the opposition in Ingushetia ... Or do you naively believe that they were not there?
        1. 0
          27 December 2020 07: 52
          Quote: Cottodraton
          The guys who haunted the opposition in Ingushetia ... Or do you naively believe that they were not there?

          So who are these mysterious personalities?
    2. -11
      20 December 2020 08: 22
      What Lenin are you talking about?
      In the photo and film materials, the researchers identified FOUR different, albeit similar people.
      The first one is Nikolai Karpov, photo "Lenin in Razliv", the most unlike, but, apparently, the most real. Together with Trotsky, he arrived from the USA on an "opium" ship to make a "revolution."
      Killed in 1918.
      The second is the worker Nikiforov. Most of the official materials are with him. Just an extra.
      The third is Vladimir Ulyanov. Arrived from Germany in a sealed carriage.
      The fourth is Dmitry Ulyanov, the younger brother of Vladimir.
  20. +4
    20 December 2020 06: 45
    The style is very similar to Samsonov's articles.
  21. +2
    20 December 2020 06: 48
    There is a lot of talk now about the influence of the West on our souls, but how do we influence their souls? Everything needs reciprocity. We can supply natural resources to the West, but this does not make it closer to us. The export of spiritual values ​​is a very important thing. Starting from the Internet, we import everything. What programs can we offer them? And of course this should not be done by bronze officials. There can only be two dozen people in a country capable of pulling us out. The time has come, similar to when we created our own nuclear weapons. And without it, we would no longer exist.
  22. +7
    20 December 2020 06: 59
    It looks like the author managed to collect all the shoals over the past 120 years and ... and smoke them. wassat But surprisingly, the author did not completely lose his mind and identified the main thing - the West is the enemy! Still, our man is strong, he doesn't take anything .. good drinks laughing
    1. +1
      20 December 2020 09: 40
      And the enemies of the Bolshevik-Communists that they ran to Grazhdanskaya to grovel before the Anglo-Saxons, that under the USSR they always bowed down to the West, that after they captured the republics of the USSR, they raced to put them under the West. They are pumping huge amounts of money from Russia and sending it to the West.
  23. 0
    20 December 2020 07: 07
    I always say that what "elite" is, so is society. They did not come from Mars, this is you and me, a section of society.
    Need it to be better? Good. Start with yourself and your children. As you bring up children, the society / elite will be such.
    1. +8
      20 December 2020 08: 10
      Yes, yes: "Start with yourself", "push out of yourself a slave drop by drop", "educate correctly" and so forth ... Familiar slogans, already filled with Oskiy and already causing disgust. By the way, this does not concern the elite, they have their own "internal rules" and "slogans" of the type "eat the other himself or he will devour you", "grovel in front of the higher and spit on the lower", "share only with the right people "," clean the environment around you from possible competitors ", etc. I noticed how, under the influence of the objective reality that surrounds me, and the events in my life, there were metamorphoses in my mind. For example, the naive dreams of the early 90s were replaced by outright cynicism. If earlier, in the 90s, I gave all my best at the workplace, tried to do everything as best as possible, and even support others, now I put a bolt on others - "let everyone die alone" and get out as he wants, and at work place I work only the way I need, and not "that guy" and I always look for incriminating evidence and nasty things that can and should be done to the management in the end, upon my dismissal, if this happens .. -Yes this, I now de .. ... mo. Everything, as in that saying: "As the king is with us, so we are with the king" ...Yes
      1. 0
        20 December 2020 08: 25
        Quote: Snail N9
        If earlier, in the 90s, I gave all my best at the workplace, tried to do everything as best I could, and even support others

        Quote: Snail N9
        and I am always looking for compromising evidence and nasty things that can and should be done to the management in the end, upon my dismissal, if this happens

        Quote: Snail N9
        metamorphosis occurred in my mind

        By the way, to squeeze the slave out of oneself drop by drop, recommended A.P. Chekhov
      2. +6
        20 December 2020 10: 36
        ... -yes this, I now de ..... mo

        What, since childhood, the instilled moral norms have gone to dust, and new ones at this age can no longer be acquired? Do not worry, in front of the current generation (40 and less) you are normal. This is their moral Selfishness instead of collectivism, a two-meter fence. And do not care that the neighbor will not go to the river. laughing
        This was the case with old women in the 70s and 80s. They could not take off their headscarves in public, although their daughters could easily.
        So when you look in the mirror, just spit and wave your hand.
        Even in those distant years, 15 percent was what you were forced to become. And they had a head start in climbing. But now everything is fair. Disgusting, but honest.
      3. 0
        21 December 2020 07: 41
        This is called "death" if you began to spit on others under the excuse of hatred for our unfinished king.
        It is unlikely that this can be cured at your age.
        What kind of people, such is the "elite".
      4. 0
        21 December 2020 11: 30
        I saw myself directly. Probably, we just matured, by a certain age realized that the patterns of labor behavior imposed in childhood do not work in our society, we are simply used. And corrected their behavior.
    2. 0
      20 December 2020 08: 24
      It will take time to form an elite. Three generations. Total ninety years. We wait ?
      1. +6
        20 December 2020 08: 39
        From what date to count? smile I'm more interested in who the author will be. I read it twice but didn’t understand my political affiliation request Maybe because in the morning, but on an empty stomach like this ...? wassat
  24. 0
    20 December 2020 08: 07
    Interesting! that's how the turn, for this and like the VO site.
  25. +2
    20 December 2020 08: 14
    I do not agree with the author in everything, but this proposal: "Instead of liquidating the western geopolitical project" Ukraine ", Moscow limited itself to the return of only Sevastopol to the country (which inevitably had to be taken along with the Crimea)." - definitely hit the hit parade of my soul! ++++++++++++++++
    1. 0
      20 December 2020 12: 15
      Do you want to bother with the re-education of Western Ukrainian "vuek"? As practice has shown, even in Donetsk there were local gunners for artillery, and in Mariupol, before its capture, the Armed Forces of Ukraine secretly attacked correspondents ... And even to the west, and even more so ... You need to mess with the processed Bandera
      with speeches with a flyer?
  26. -11
    20 December 2020 09: 05
    Quote: Sergey Rusov
    At the same time, the Bolsheviks paid generously to their foreign patrons ...

    In general, I agree with the author. A little clarification.

    After the 1917 revolution, the number of Trotskyists in the party outnumbered the Bolsheviks by eight times. All decisions are made by a majority vote incl. "It was not the Bolsheviks, but the Trotskyists, who paid generously to their foreign patrons." Only after the "Lenin's call" to the party in 1924 did the numerical superiority become in favor of the Bolsheviks. In the same year, with the coming to power of the Bolshevik Stalin, the civil war ended ... Trotsky himself was removed only in February 1929 - he was deported to Turkey, but his followers were still in leading positions throughout Russia. , which were scoured only in the 38th and then not all. “The cadres decide everything,” and the Bolsheviks were sorely lacking them - this is the problem of all revolutions (including the current ones - colored ones).
  27. +3
    20 December 2020 09: 16
    Pure, unclouded idealism in the article.
    A mixture of resentment and conspiracy

    in fact, it has been known since ancient times.
    Capitalism's Rule - Eat the Competitor. And do not share with him, as many allegedly thought, under the article.
  28. -8
    20 December 2020 09: 19
    In general, one cannot but agree with the description of the situation! "The bright future, promised and still built by the Bolsheviks, has become the Present. All" builders of communism "can enjoy what they have achieved and finally understand: this is not a" mistake ", but the result of their efforts. Attempts to shift their personal blame onto the mythical" liberals and crap crap " , not provided for by the harmonious theory of Marxism-Leninism - miserable and pitiful. But there is a small fly in the ointment in the article ... if not rat poison! So the author confidently expounds "In 1929, Stalin and his supporters win the struggle for power and send a draft world revolution to the dustbin of history "... But this is complete nonsense and a blatant lie! Not to raise the living standards of collective farm slaves, factory laborers and prisoners in the felling was started the monstrous" industrialization-collectivization. "Its only fruit was the creation of the world's largest military-industrial complex, far exceeding the needs of the country's defense. It has long become public knowledge that by the summer of 41, the 5 millionth RKKA was in the last stage of readiness for "released yu Europe "through its violent Bolshevization and only a preventive, belated and suicidal blow by Hitler somewhat delayed this process, allowing Stalin to capture only half of Europe and only for half a century. Subsequent attempts to ignite a world war ("world revolution") also failed!) In Korea and further "support for national liberation movements" and other "struggle for world peace." And the chatter of the Bolshevik elite that had become dangerous about "building communism" was discarded as unnecessary. For the right to survive and preserve their power, the ruling "faithful Leninists" paid off with the interests of the country, at the same time rewarding themselves with the privatization of "national" property taken from the people by Lenins, Stalins and others. Those who built communism for themselves long ago confidently continue to build for themselves nomenklatura capitalism. Do I have to be a genius to understand: it will end very sadly!
    1. -4
      20 December 2020 09: 33
      Quote: nemoXX
      “In 1929, Stalin and his supporters won the struggle for power and sent the project of the world revolution to the dustbin of history” ... But this is complete nonsense and a blatant lie!

      It was in this year that Trotsky fled to Turkey - that's a fact! The author has every right to say so.
  29. +4
    20 December 2020 09: 23
    In terms of style, Samsonov's emphasis is felt.
    But the literary "negro" (pseudonym) Rusov must take a blow on Himself.
    There are a lot of strains and distortions in the article. Too lazy to list.
    "Why do you think we are idiots ?!" (C) Putin V.V.
  30. +3
    20 December 2020 09: 34
    How much malice and hatred, lies, and groveling admiration for the rich and noble parasites on the neck of the Russian people in the Russian Empire. And due to mental deceit and low intelligence, the enemies of the USSR and the Soviet people always confuse revolution with a coup
    February revolution and October coup
    It was just the February Revolution that was, de facto, a coup - a change of power without a change in the socio-economic system. And officially there was no Russian people in Ingushetia, but there were Great Russians, It was the Bolsheviks who officially called them Russians.
    1. +2
      20 December 2020 09: 46
      Dear Tatra, I disagree. The February revolution is all the same, the remnants of feudalism are killed, and power flowed over to the capitalists.
    2. 0
      20 December 2020 10: 42
      Quote: tatra
      And due to mental deceit and low intelligence, the enemies of the USSR and the Soviet people always confuse revolution with a coup

      Quote: tatra
      It was the February revolution that was, de facto, a coup

      You are not very familiar with the sources of Marxism-Leninism, if you know anything at all.
      The Bolsheviks themselves called the seizure of power a coup, and the February Revolution is precisely a revolution, no matter which side you look at.
      1. +3
        20 December 2020 10: 55
        Quote: bober1982
        The Bolsheviks themselves called the seizure of power a coup

        The seizure of power and a coup. But the construction of a socialist state is a revolution. Passed to the next stage of development. The Bolsheviks took power for this very purpose. All the more, there was no material base in the PP for socialism. It still had to be created.
      2. -2
        20 December 2020 11: 06
        Then explain how a revolution differs from a coup, if the intellect of the enemies of the October Revolution is sufficient for this.
        1. -3
          20 December 2020 12: 30
          Quote: tatra
          Then explain how a revolution differs from a coup, if the intelligence of the enemies of the October Revolution is enough for this

          This is when Lenin puts on an old coat, a wig and a heavily oiled cap, ties his cheek, as if with a toothache, and travels by tram to Smolny to lead the seizure of power.
          And, this is a coup.
  31. +1
    20 December 2020 09: 40
    We live in an interesting and dangerous time; some are satisfied with this time, others are not. The fact that the prices for basic foodstuffs have been frozen is not bad, but this is all temporary. enterprises producing these products will continue to be so. These new productions should be competitors in price and quality. And managers should not be employers, but directors. And so, running through the swamp from bump to bump.
  32. -1
    20 December 2020 09: 43
    The most universal principle of life is that elites, government and people are always worthy of each other. No elite can rule long enough if it really opposes the people. And the elite comes from the people, especially in our country, where 100 years ago the hereditary elite was multiplied by zero. After that, on a smaller scale, this was repeated many times (1930s, 1990s, and not only) there was little sense - in place of the "baked" people came "from the common people", with the same habits - black envy, love for freebies, the classic psychological symptom complex "from rags to riches", the habits of petty theft, which in a new place with great opportunities soon became not petty at all. Very soon, this native of the people, who often rose up just on the wave of denouncing the corruption and abuse of his predecessors, became their exact, if not worsened copy. The circle is complete. The dragon slayer became a dragon. So we have been living running in a circle in a squirrel wheel for centuries. Maybe someone from Mars will be delivered? What if there are also the same Russian people there? They will be brought here, and how they will get there ...
  33. -2
    20 December 2020 09: 45
    Article = another proof that the enemies of the Bolshevik communists have nothing and no one good for Russia and the Russian people. All 103 years after the October Revolution, they have been malignant against the Bolshevik Communists and their supporters, and 30 years after their capture of Russia, they have also been against each other.
    1. +2
      20 December 2020 17: 12
      An article about the fact that the commies in the USSR have rotted in the majority, becoming like capitalists and monarchists, which led to the disappointment of the population ...
      It has come to the full what the same Mayakovsky warned about in verse. The country was ruined by the "mule of the bourgeoisie" ... There is no need to be angry, everything is visible anyway ... The biggest enemies for the Bolsheviks are themselves, their conscience and decency. They were flattered by the privileges, believed that they were "special", began to use their marital status - they surrendered the country and got shit in their pants ... Why look for "enemies", you should look at them in the mirror, first of all
  34. +2
    20 December 2020 10: 02
    Does anyone else consider this "elite" besides them? do not confuse the elite of the country in the N-generation with ordinary and most often dishonest people who have become rich by chance and acquaintances, who have children / grandchildren without parents for some reason, oops .. and no longer the elite .. because the money on the account is elite do not become .. it is at the level of genes of many generations ..
    1. +5
      20 December 2020 13: 04
      And why, then, in 1917, this "multigenerational" elite was massacred, and under the full approval of the entire people? Such a factor as the gradual degeneration of the elites has long been known, so that without an influx of fresh blood, without the possibility of losing everything, the elite always and everywhere begins to lord, turns into useless parasitic drones, and simply forces itself to cut.
      1. 0
        20 December 2020 13: 44
        well, in 1917, it was primarily a class enemy from whom it was necessary to take power and only then degenerate, etc. and now there are elites similar to Bagration, Suvorov, Stolypin with Mendeleev and Lermontov and many others .. there simply aren’t .. or rather, there are some elites, of course, but they don’t influence the government and the course of the country .. and parasitic drones "- immeasurably and they think about the country only sometimes .. But basically, UAZ, I agree with you)
  35. +1
    20 December 2020 10: 24
    The main thing today is not to slip into primitive useless discussions about the past, present and future. It should be remembered that when, in the late 1980s, we all, to a greater or lesser extent, read articles in the same socio-political journal, believed in all these "investigations", "accusations", "perestroika", "detente" Gorbachev's "new thinking", etc., hated bribe-takers with party membership cards, tried to get food and manufactured goods for the family because of the shortage they created, in such a hated "Western world" they quietly and peacefully created affordable personal computers, introduced the Internet into society, moved to a new technological level, increased the well-being of their peoples. True, they did the latter mainly due to our collapse. But this lesson must be learned so as not to repeat past mistakes. You cannot slide into another war for the Dardanelles, a thoughtless faith in the "Slavic peoples", faith in a "good tsar" and evil boyars, although a new seven-boyarism cannot be allowed, and even more so, "the coming of a new messiah" or "... a martyr" ... And everything should work out.
  36. +5
    20 December 2020 10: 38
    author since when these scum are considered the elite ??? you even took them in quotes !!!
  37. +2
    20 December 2020 10: 44
    We have lost the best in this war. And this will certainly affect.
    I. Stalin ....... At the beginning of March 1953, Stalin phoned a member of the newly elected Presidium of the Central Committee, D.I. Chesnokov: “... We can confuse something in the economy, but one way or another we will correct the situation. If we mess up the theory, we will ruin the whole matter. Without a theory, death, death to us! "......... Here are two quotes that answer the main questions. The war, do not say anything, hit us hard. When you walk through our military graves, you immediately draw on the dates death of our soldiers. 1920-25, almost all of them are knocked out. This is the first generation brought up by the Soviet power, these are young people who were supposed to build the USSR in the future, as it was conceived and they were supposed to become a new "elite of the union". But it turned out what happened. As a result, careerists of all stripes appeared, opportunists, for whom joining the party was viewed as an opportunity to eat deliciously and sleep sweetly, and at the same time, there is nothing not to answer for, for example, to be a lecturer, or a propagandist, as, for example, we had such a T.V. Svanidze. At the same time, my grandmother was a communist with pre-revolutionary experience, and my mother was a doctor and professor at Moscow State University, but they hated Soviet power, and everything connected with it. And there were enough of them at all levels of the power of the CPSU to secretly discredit the USSR and the system of power in it. After the war, comrade STALIN realized that these fables about the world revolution and the solidarity of the working class would not lead to anything good, something new, national, was needed, and there were some plans. Here some accuse I.V. STALIN in Russophobia, and other sins, and yet he created internal labor migration in the USSR, and the Russians went to the same Baltic states, Moldova, to Central Asia, the Caucasus to build factories and plants. And where there is industry, there are mixed marriages, kindergartens, schools, vocational schools, technical schools and universities. And most importantly, they spoke and communicated with each other in RUSSIAN. Yes, there were signs in stores, passports and others, in the native language of those republics, but nearby in Russian. It is not for nothing that at the dawn of perestroika, the Balts and Moldovans screamed, “Mother tongue is under threat! We are dying out, our people do not give birth, there are many mixed marriages, and even children do not know the language of grandparents. Another ten years and that's it, there will be only songs and dances of peoples. But Gorbachev came, and with him collapse, all that is possible is such an "elite".
  38. -5
    20 December 2020 11: 17
    USE is true !!!
  39. +12
    20 December 2020 11: 38
    "The left-wing globalist fanatics brought up by the shadow masters of the world came to power, headed by Sverdlov, Trotsky and Lenin".

    You can not read further.
    1. +7
      21 December 2020 13: 08
      Quote: hermit
      Then you can not read

      Can. I even wanted to do that. But I read it to the end. Neighing over propaganda)))
  40. +8
    20 December 2020 14: 46
    Today's Russian “elites” are mostly crooks and thieves. And our President VVP from his entourage is the same globalist liberal as in the West.
  41. +6
    20 December 2020 14: 47
    In general, the whole point of the article boils down to the favorite propaganda move of our government - The Bolsheviks are to blame for everything !!!
    According to the last paragraphs of this work, apparently ordered by its elite who, as a result of the split of the XNUMXs, were left behind, but I want to go to the trough
  42. +2
    20 December 2020 15: 41
    As Black Jack said back in 1987:
  43. +2
    20 December 2020 16: 10
    I do not agree with the conclusions of the author, there are a lot of unfounded proclamations (globalists-Bolsheviks), insinuations, generalizations and, at the same time, artificial division, in general, pulling the facts onto their untenable version. Regarding our elites, it is no secret that the elites want to legalize themselves in the West and join the ranks of the world elite, but the huge capital illegally acquired here is clearly not enough. Nobody in the world recognizes them as their own, as well as the Young Chinese capitalists. I won't write much, but according to my observation, Putin is a regulator and a representative of a large orbit of our elite, which is being ruined (and we are still being saved from complete annexation) - by banal GREEDE. Realizing the possession of the nuclear button of the once Great Power, our elite just dreamed of entering the West in the late 90s on their OWN terms, and not as the author claims - "at least on any terms" and at any cost. After all, there are no guarantees of recognition of our Elite in the West, except for words, with this guarantee the elite chose nuclear status, the status of a power joker in their pocket and a representative in the form of a strong leader - Putin, and of course they lost, lost in their wet fantasies, and we, thank God, thanks to them greed and stupidity - received a postponement of complete and unconditional occupation for some time. Our elite cannot understand one thing, and in terms of collective intelligence, I refuse them - before being legitimized in the West, you first need to legitimize within RUSSIA, which, incidentally, is a mutually exclusive circumstance for the WEST in terms of recognizing Russia's elites. This is a dead end, an absolute dead end, since the dull elites will not understand in any way that the CONTINUATION and INHERITANCE of their capital and power can only legitimize at a time distance only the multinational people of the Russian world, the so-called elite - cattle and peasants) and exclusively on opposite terms - to share and be puzzled by social justice for example ... Only through the construction of a SEPARATE TAKEN COUNTRY (the plan of Comrade Stalin), the PEOPLE and ITS FUTURE - can the current elite save power and capital and it is time to forget about their wet fantasies about the surrender of the Russian world in exchange for a place under the sun ( by the way, the guarantee problem cannot be solved with the West in principle) and direct your efforts to the people, to their prosperity, development and restoration of the country, social justice, traditional for pre-serf Russia as a community or its imitation in the USSR, which means to finally enter into a REAL confrontation with the West a single WHOLE, and not as now, perceived by the world capital of Russia - as a bunch of stupid, rocked to the teeth insolent tycoons (an organized group of persons controlling power) who rob a huge country, still having the audacity to offer counter conditions to the victorious world capital, and world capital really sincerely believes that the riches of the Russian world are their LEGAL prey ...
    1. +1
      20 December 2020 20: 13
      Great, colleague lubesky! hi
  44. +4
    20 December 2020 16: 40
    Samsonov began to read understood, looked at the signature, someone Rusov ?!
    I really do not understand!
    1. +4
      20 December 2020 18: 01
      This is from the same "artel of fighters against reptilians for Rus-Hyperborea"
    2. +9
      21 December 2020 13: 05
      This is not Samsonov. Samsonov writes differently. He doesn't need to change his last name to a pseudonym. You thought it was Samsonov, most likely due to the fact that the article is saturated with the ideas of KOB, at least I think so.
  45. +1
    20 December 2020 17: 56
    The author mixed in a bunch of truth and fiction, his conjectures and outright fraud ... request
    For example, from his version of the history of the USSR, collectivization disappeared and 4,5 million dispossessed under the leadership of the kind of a good IVS hi If we take the present, then the author did not notice any import substitution, or the development of agriculture, even new types of weapons ... request The author likes the like-mindedness of the times of the IVS, and life is more difficult ...
  46. +2
    20 December 2020 18: 01
    "These are the glorious fairy tales that turn out when, instead of studying history, they read Prokhanov before bedtime" :)
    1. +8
      21 December 2020 13: 00
      This is not Prokhanov, here is General Petrov with KOB
      1. 0
        21 December 2020 14: 39
        Yeah. and Ratnikov with "torsion yildirma", and "nooscope" Vaino.
  47. +1
    20 December 2020 18: 13
    In the struggle for power, Khrushchev not only handed over Crimea to Ukraine. He did some more things that are little talked about and even less thought of. In 1955, an amnesty was announced to the accomplices of the occupiers in the Great Patriotic War. According to this document, only punishers and those convicted under Article 58 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (and the corresponding articles of republican laws) for terms of more than 10 years did not fall under the amnesty (those who received long sentences were reduced by half). The convictions and disabilities were immediately removed from those released. The amnesty also extended to collaborators abroad. Based on the memorandum of Nikita Khrushchev to Joseph Stalin on the fight against Bandera in Western Ukraine (the document is dated August 4, 1945), the head of the Ukrainian Republic Khrushchev immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War ordered to declare an amnesty for the representatives of the gangs if they voluntarily lay down their arms. From June 1 to August 1, according to this note, more than 5 thousand Bandera supporters surrendered. In 1947-1948, amnesties were again announced for the Banderaites in Ukraine. The RBC edition names a figure of 55 thousand released as a result of the 1955 Khrushchev amnesty. St. Petersburg historian Igor Zhidov cited data that in 1955-1958 alone, about 50 thousand Ukrainians who were recognized as accomplices of the Nazis returned to their homeland from abroad (and until the end of the 60s - the same number). According to the author of the book “Anatomy of the collapse of the USSR. Who, when and how destroyed the great power ”of the publicist Alexei Chichkin, Khrushchev, carrying out this amnesty, purposefully strengthened the leadership and party cadres at the expense of former collaborators. The freed and rehabilitated former accomplices of the Nazis, in contrast to other categories of those released from the GULAG camps, were compensated for the value of the property expropriated upon arrest. According to Igor Zhidkov, 20 years after the amnesty, at least 1/3 of former Ukrainian collaborators and members of their families received leading positions in the government of the western, central and southwestern regions of Ukraine, starting from the regional party committees and ending with republican ministries and departments ... By the 1980s, the percentage of “former” members of the leadership of the Western Ukrainian authorities in Ukraine had grown significantly and in some cases reached 50%.
    Now we are unraveling the consequences of the actions of the natives of Ukraine over the years of ruling our large country. And we are also surprised at the behavior of people who, historically, for centuries, were Russophobes and Judeophobes. It's not just about the "external control" of this country. The fact is that Nazism and socialism are incompatible. The development of nationalism in the power structures of the Union republics, fueled back in the days of Gorbachev, led to the collapse of the USSR. It is no accident that the first secretaries of the Central Committee of the Communist Parties of the Union republics became the presidents of the new states. Russia was not lucky - we did not have one, and therefore we got what we got.
    1. -2
      20 December 2020 22: 18
      You've read ideological nonsense and are trying
      broadcast it (as adepts of Jehovah's Witnesses).
      Until September 1939 on the lands occupied by spacecraft (up to Brest)
      lived population, subjects of Austria-Hungary, Poland,
      Czechoslovakia. They served in the armies of these countries, worked
      in government agencies, factories and factories and in one day
      the military came, hung up a red flag and announced who
      against-that bandit. I emphasize that these people were not citizens
      USSR, Ukraine and did not swear allegiance to these states.
      Some of them immediately came to ask for service, and some went into the forest.
      So the Indian took it and went into the forest and until his last breath fought with
      punitive (he thought so) sent by the English or French
      crown - is he a bandit ?. The bandits were caught and thrown into prisons, and when
      I had to urgently flee in June 1941, they were simply shot en masse
      in the courtyards of prisons, they simply threw grenades at the cells. what
      then allowed the Germans to arrange for the population "open day
      doors. ”We say that they freed - from whom, from the Austrian cisar?
      And someone asked about it, called? It was a seizure, and all the natives who
      he did not accept this, he was destroyed like bandits until 1954.
      But this is not even the Vlasovites (these have sworn, they are traitors),
      lokot republic. These are people who, by their convictions, do not
      they wanted communists and their order on their own and their grandfathers' land.
      We ended up doing the same thing - eliminating
      the communist party and the power of the communists and all this rubbish
      Komsomol, party committee, only a few decades later. Glory
      God, no one was thrown into jail or shot. Yes they are in the forest and not
      let's go-junk little people turned out to be no match for Bandera.
    2. -1
      20 December 2020 22: 43
      Now about Bandera.
      1.Stepan Bandera - POLISH citizen,
      POLISH bandit - terrorist, bomber and POLISH convict.
      I have never been a citizen of the USSR, I did not take an oath, but
      he had the right to live and act according to his convictions
      He shouldn't have done anything to the USSR, but he had the right to hate.
      Well, his dad and mom raised him. Like Sasha Ulyanov, for example.
      2. Stepan Bandera spent the whole war in prison, where they killed
      his two brothers and other family members and he did not fight.
      Those. did not command a platoon, a company, or an army, and in general on
      I was not in the war and did not shoot.
      3. These so-called. there were many different Bandera supporters, including those
      that Bandera was not celebrated (OUN.UNSO, UPA, etc.) and did not have
      nothing to do with him, but the NKVD detachments they drenched hard.
      As a boy, I ended up in a cemetery in Uzhgorod and could not believe my eyes-
      "K.A. Petrov, died in a battle with Ukrainian (!?) Nationalists
      (once again - these were citizens of different states, but not Ukraine)
      in 1948 (!) "- and there are whole rows of such graves. We did not teach this at school.
      4. No clichés needed, no dead propaganda needed - some came
      capture ("free", from whom?), others fought with them as best they could
      and as much as they could - this is how they saw their mission on their land -
      they did not call anyone, they were against it, they were at home!
      But it was so in America (scalps were removed), so it was in India
      (they tied to the muzzles of the guns), this was the case in Lviv (a grenade
      into the camera)
    3. -2
      20 December 2020 23: 11
      Now about the seizure of power in the USSR by immigrants from Ukraine.
      1. In the USSR, every Ukrainian kid knew if there was
      speak Ukrainian, in the army will be a battalion.
      In the USSR army, commanders of divisions, regiments, battalions
      and even platoons DO NOT SPEAK ON UKRAINIAN.
      Learn Russian - the path is open to the General Staff, to the attaché in the USA
      And forget that you are Ukrainian.
      2. In the USSR, every kid knew - if you talk and
      think in Ukrainian, your ceiling at the factory is a foreman
      turners. Learn, speak, think in Russian - the path is open to the director
      Yuzhmash, to the deputy. Minister of the USSR.
      3. In the USSR, every kid and every girl knew - you will talk
      and think in Ukrainian - in theater, opera, cinema - your ceiling -
      the role of Boruli or Naimychka in the regional theater. Speak, think, sing
      in Russian - you will play in "The Great Patriotic War", you will receive
      Lenin Prize and you will live on Kuznetsky or like Rotaru
      ("liberated" Bessarabka) - you will live in the Baths of the Sultan
      in his own estate in the Crimea.
      This is a completely different type of people, they will not go into the forest with a sawn-off edge.
      There are whole nations like that. For example the Czechs, they had power and they
      served in the army and went to work. Woke up - new government - Hitler,
      As if nothing had happened, they served in another army for five years and went
      to factories and factories. In 1945 they woke up - a new government (with new
      tanks) -and served in the new (in the third!)
      armies and went to party meetings and subbotniks (Lenin with a log).
      Compare with the Belarusians - the Nazis started with them on 22.06 and finished with them,
      they were under war the longest, and all, up to 12-year-old girls
      they got these fascists everywhere, behind every tree.
      You guessed it - the Germans called them BANDITS and shot them.
      Two peoples, two stories in the same war.
      That's just - IT WAS, no slogans, no dead propaganda,
      without clichés and conspiracy theories. And the Lokot republic WAS.
      And Pavlov's House WAS.
    4. 0
      20 December 2020 23: 52
      Executives with Ukrainian roots
      were in the USSR since its inception and is
      today in Russia (Matvienko, for example)
      Just don’t drag nationalists here
      Vasil Stus, only sings, sat and was tortured
      sick in the camp already under Gorbachev.
      in the USSR there was not until the very death of this USSR.
      Next, have you ever heard "Ukrainian"
      dialect of residents of western Ukrainian regions
      (or think that the nationalists lived in Kharkov,
      Nikolaev, Odessa) - Lemkos, Hutsuls. Yes even
      in the Vinnitsa region they have half of the Polish words,
      tongue twister with unthinkable stresses and intonations,
      as if a wasp had bitten them at the last word.
      Yes, no one could really understand them in Poltava,
      neither in Kiev, nor even more so in Kherson.
      You can't even imagine (and I can't,
      and today, and I'm 70, I can speak the Ukrainian newspaper out loud
      read in Russian) CONDUCTOR from Mukachevo in Odessa!
      I can say for sure - one to one with the Vietnamese.
      There, you know what's the matter, they are PHYSIOLOGICALLY
      can't, that's how their speech apparatus works!
      What executives, what secretaries of city committees,
      regional committees - there are plenums !!!, reporting and election conferences!
      Reports for 4 hours !! And also show on TV,
      well, at least in the local?
      What do you think, in Soviet Lviv, where there is a huge garrison,
      headquarters structures, academies, schools - yes there is exactly that
      50% was - only khaki on the streets and avenues,
      was the secretary of the regional committee Levko Lukyanenko ?? in an embroidered shirt!
      Yes, this secretary of the Lvov regional committee, who was there, fled
      on bent to a meeting to the commander of the BORDER
      district, oh yes, I forgot, but you claim that there the GENERAL
      Chornovol was sitting, also wearing an embroidered shirt over his tunic.
      Chernovol was really sitting at that time, but not in the office of the district headquarters,
      and in the cab ... ugh ... punishment cell in the zone and not in an embroidered shirt, but in a striped robe.

      Tie you up with this sectarianism, life is really a difficult thing.
      But it, like everything, consists of simple elements.
      Pick up an apple and loudly call - APPLE!
      And then you are carrying nonsense with many zeros and not related
      words among themselves.
      Given these Ukrainians, then they will dig the sea, then the whole Central Committee of the CPSU
      usurp. Well, leave something to the Russians! Well they did
      they are something all this time, not all Russians are called Emelya, and
      no Musk could make that many stoves.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. 0
          21 December 2020 15: 23
          Not a historian (pure techie), but I read somewhere,
          that under some Russian queen there was a Ukrainian chancellor
          with the highest international authority and she is all
          led only through him and he steered this business until old age.
          And I wound up because the author of the post suffered a frank trash,
          straight ukromassonstvo some secret, insidious, ruined the USSR.
          In Ukraine, like any nation, of course there were nuggets
          on a global scale both in tsarist and Soviet times. But in that
          and the whole fact that only under conditions when she was part of the GREAT.
          And the events of 1918 and the period 1990-2020 are the most convincing
          prove - not only statesmen - leaders
          ZHEKs for 30 years have not grown in the required number and WILL NOT GROW
          God did not give. He gave such land that few people on the planet have a stick
          put it on and it will bloom, but what you didn't give, you didn't give it - at least all through
          Drive Sorbon out.
          And then we must have caught the semi-literate men in the Carpathian forests,
          passed through Sorb, ... ugh GULAG and UKROELITA grew up, climbed
          into all the cracks of the USSR and ditched the USSR! And the poor, the poor, the POOR !!
          Russians (150 million people) are so helpless, naive, like babies
          and they were so bitterly deceived, they suffered-and-and ... until now (30 years)
          crying, tears dripping.
          Terrible delirium and provocation. Shame on IN.
  48. +5
    20 December 2020 19: 13
    .... In fact, this bombastic chatter disguised the main goal of the globalists - the destruction of Russian civilization and the transformation of the Russian people into a shock fist that could "crack" any national borders for the unhindered movement of capital and goods ....

    Further, this nonsense even did not have enough strength to read it. fool
    One test question for a patient of ward No. 6: "Under what system was the Russian Federation dragged into the WTO, which, in fact, broke into any national borders for the unhindered movement of capital and goods?"
  49. -2
    20 December 2020 19: 18
    And yet you have to build in. Russia alone cannot overcome the collective west. You will have to pay a lot to forgive Russia for the Crimean demarche. The Georgian war, the Munich speech, the rush to Pristina - you have to pay for everything. And just to approach the level of Egypt on the eve of the Arab spring - that is, the West has no claims to the country and personally to the ruler, even formal ones. I call this level zero. And only after that, start to take the relationship into a plus. The desired target is the level of Finland or Japan, when the country is not threatened with sanctions even in the wildest sleep. And imports are no longer a problem.
    1. +1
      20 December 2020 21: 05
      Quote: Basarev
      And yet you have to build in. Russia alone cannot overcome the collective west. You will have to pay a lot to forgive Russia for the Crimean demarche. The Georgian war, the Munich speech, the rush to Pristina - you have to pay for everything. And just to approach the level of Egypt on the eve of the Arab spring - that is, the West has no claims to the country and personally to the ruler, even formal ones. I call this level zero. And only after that, start to take the relationship into a plus. The desired target is the level of Finland or Japan, when the country is not threatened with sanctions even in the wildest sleep. And imports are no longer a problem.
      Yes, you hit the market liberals in full. For attempts to "build in" will have both front and back. In front are the Anglo-Saxons and behind their own people, and their own people use a large pointed stake. That will be your, zero, level and rightly so!
  50. -1
    20 December 2020 19: 27
    naive and shallow article ... although the topic is very serious. It is impossible to disagree with many facts, but their interpretation by the author is very controversial ... The author is absolutely right that there was no change of elites after perestroika, but the country was ruled by the same communists, employees of the same bodies ... The country was under external control. this is how it is ... since the time of the Romanovs ... Stalin was never able to get rid of the influence of the Comintern, and the International Department of the Central Committee was a conductor and agent of influence, most likely it still exists ... Russia was never able to become An empire from the inside, although it was outwardly similar ... and it is very doubtful that it will be an independent country ... the supporters of Eugenics were right, speaking of the total purge of the elites ... Stalin was not decisive enough and too conservative ... and completely unfree in solutions. The current leadership ..., is tied hand and foot and is absolutely impotent ...
  51. -1
    20 December 2020 19: 38
    Quote: Malyuta
    Quote: aleksejkabanets
    I agree with your comment, only the ruling class is not "bureaucracy", but the oligarchy that emerged as a result of criminal privatization. And officials are appointed by them. Either directly or based on the results of the so-called elections.

    There is a channel "Sharp corner", I highly recommend that you watch the series "Brotherhood" and you will understand who is at the top of power now.
    You will be scared.

    Oh, and you think that we don’t know)))
  52. -1
    20 December 2020 19: 40
    Quote: aleksejkabanets
    Quote: Malyuta
    There is a channel "Sharp corner", I highly recommend that you watch the series "Brotherhood" and you will understand who is at the top of power now.
    You will be scared.

    Yes, I've watched it before. Everything that is happening to the country today is quite natural and logical. I see that we are rolling into the abyss. I now cannot understand people who still continue to believe. They are endlessly deceived, but they, with some stubbornness incomprehensible to me, still continue to believe. I can't understand why, because there are intelligent people among them.

    That's how you understand, then Zen will come)))
    But get to the point, educate yourself, and then you will understand the essence of our people.
  53. 0
    20 December 2020 19: 44
    Quote: Nazar
    Ezoterik - Colleague, tell me, why would an idiot governor need dozens of expensive watches - Huh? And why would a foolish wife of a senior official need a hundred of the most expensive fur coats? You are talking about the powerful from the point of view of common sense - this is not true. A person who has broken through to the highest echelons of power, especially if the "breakthrough" occurred from the bottom, say from a sniffed lieutenant colonel, or to the presidency of the country, deforms his consciousness and his actions defy explanation either from the point of view of common sense or from the standpoint of generally accepted morality. hi

    Yes, there is one ...
    And a lot, especially at the local level(
  54. 0
    20 December 2020 19: 48
    The text resembles the author's attempt to catch a fish in troubled waters. Once again, under the pretext of "bad government" to undermine the statehood of our country.
    1. +6
      21 December 2020 12: 55
      Quote: WertGan
      The text is reminiscent of the author's attempt to catch a fish in troubled waters

      I agree.
      Quote: WertGan
      Once again, under the pretext of "bad government" to undermine the statehood of our country.

      I disagree.
      It is not he who is shaking the situation in the country, but the government itself, by adopting anti-people laws.
  55. -2
    20 December 2020 20: 48
    How tired of these clique conspirators - Khazin, Delyagin, Girkin, and their name is legion. your time is up, you are just informational garbage with your eternal ones, everything is in vain and we all know..... Losers, like the author. a normal, successful person would not write such a thing. But embittered, yes.
  56. 0
    20 December 2020 22: 02
    Along the way, the author tried to divide the “ilites” into lambs and goats, but without a deep analysis of “who was who” in reality.
    What happened was that, bogged down in the imposed stamps, he inadvertently began to break pots, trying to stack all the dishes in the shop.
    Let's start with the fact that Nikolai Milutinovich “Stalin” was not born on the territory of the Russian Empire, but was imbued with the idea of ​​the “Russian civilization of justice” after he had drank the freedoms of Western civilization and was completely disillusioned with the values ​​and attitudes of American society, in particular. And when he was the richest man on the planet, thanks to his talents and knowledge, he directed all his capital to Soviet industrialization. And since he himself was a man of knowledge, key competencies in Soviet production were paid according to the degree of their contribution to success (that is, there was no salary cap). And equalization came already under Khrushchev.
    Where did the author get the ideas about "Stalin's eccentric daughter"? Again, imposed cliches of history. After she refused to slander her father, she was simply eliminated, and in her place “the eccentric comrade Major Alliluyeva” went abroad with a completely understandable mission. Stakhanov, Shostakovich and others who refused to expose Stalin suffered no less. But the history of the formation of Soviet Russia is pure blood and lies.
    And until the real truth is voiced, understanding these events will be impossible. And, as always, all sorts of Solzhenitsyns will continue to hang pasta on their ears as if they never lie, and the Nevzorovs will describe it as if they saw everything personally.
    1. +7
      21 December 2020 12: 53
      Quote: Anchorite
      Nikolai Milutinovich "Stalin" was not born on the territory of the Russian Empire

      Quote: Anchorite
      instead of her, “the eccentric comrade Major Alliluyeva” went abroad with a completely understandable mission

      Well, you damn it (c)
      Could you please tell me the source of your “knowledge”, it would be interesting to read...
  57. +2
    21 December 2020 02: 23
    In Russia there is no curse of the elites, but there is a real one who has seized power...., thieves also have their own “aristocracy”, they are all screwed.....
  58. 0
    21 December 2020 08: 50
    I support the TRUTH that was written by the respected Sergei Rusov, that’s how it all happened, I saw it myself .. Unfortunately, Putin does not want to draw conclusions from the fate of Milosovich Hussein and Gaddafi, who were all loyal partners of the US Federal Reserve and its structures NATO IMF WTO, etc.
  59. The comment was deleted.
  60. +3
    21 December 2020 10: 10
    Globalists in 1917, the author was crazy already in the first paragraph, didn’t read further.
    1. +8
      21 December 2020 12: 50
      In vain. I should have read it. I finished reading, the article made me smile)))
      Bad anti-communist propaganda reminiscent of KOB)))
  61. 0
    21 December 2020 10: 26
    Quote: MyVrach
    Quote: aybolyt678
    There is such a scientist Sergei Saveliev. He considers all political issues from the point of view of biological laws.

    Sergei Soveliev is a morphologist who studies the structure of the brain and imagines himself to be a neurobiologist. The words of such a specialist must be approached with caution.

    Is it offensive to listen to the truth about yourself?
  62. 0
    21 December 2020 10: 40
    How funny it is to read the words and lines of the author of this article, imbued with pathos and jingoism... You really feel like a patriot according to Schopenhauer: “A poor little man, who has nothing of which he can be proud, grabs the only thing possible and is proud of the nation to which he belongs... "
    1. +6
      21 December 2020 12: 48
      I don’t agree with Schopenhauer’s statement. It doesn't belong here. We have something to be proud of. We have a Great Country and a Great People.
      1. 0
        22 December 2020 08: 14
        And you? you are great? Do you personally, regardless of the country and people, have anything to be proud of?
        This is exactly the point here.
      2. 0
        22 December 2020 08: 55
        I don’t want to offend you or get personal, it’s just that these are the issues that matter.
        If a conscious person understands his value to society, to his family and friends, if he sees the result of his labors...
        then there is no, often imposed, inferiority complex. Therefore, he will try to peacefully change, bring the best to the state and country in which he lives and works.
        And if something happens, it won’t be pointless to shout in the streets that he is a patriot... or as in Armenia recently - a few went to the front as volunteers, but when the news of the defeat broke - a bunch of people took the government building and shouted about national shame...
        where were these “patriots” before?
  63. +1
    21 December 2020 10: 47
    I am forced to note that the author writes only on emotions, not a single fact, half-hints and verbal fluff. Lenin turns out to be bribed by the world behind the scenes. Bolsheviks and liberals are twin brothers. And so on. What are the claims based on? But on nothing. With articles like this, you need to go to the Comedy Club, and not to the pages of a serious site.
    1. +9
      21 December 2020 12: 45
      Quote: roosei
      What are the claims based on?

      Based on the personal opinion of the author. Yes
      Quote: roosei
      the author writes only on emotions, not a single fact, half-hints and verbal fluff

      Propaganda is not based on facts, but on words that are not supported by anything.
      I think that the article should be considered as anti-communist propaganda.
  64. +1
    21 December 2020 11: 58
    Quote: military_cat
    The entire text of the article is the clearest example of the concept of “resentiment”, when the reasons for one’s own failures are attributed to the machinations of enemies... to build a country that will be taken into account by “partners”.
    you write one thing and think another. Everything is correct, you write that the West is evil and enemies, but we solve it, it seems
    1. +9
      21 December 2020 12: 43
      Quote: Arabfun
      the west is evil and enemies, but we solve it it seems

      Absolutely right, the West is the enemy of our country and people. But here’s the problem... Our “elite” calls the age-old enemies of our state “partners,” while the West calls us its opponents and competitors.
      1. +2
        21 December 2020 21: 12
        The West, of course, is evil. Remove all evil from your life: Western cars and trucks, telephones, household appliances, computers, software, clothing, the Internet, medicines that actually help, fertilizers, turbines and drilling rigs, airplanes, docks, food, machine tools and almost ALL technology. Moreover, by Western we mean Japan and South Korea. Forget the hell out of Hollywood products, McDuck and Burgerking. Throw tires, sports equipment, and seeds out of your head. I'm not saying that you won't survive without this, but whether you, and especially your children, will like such a life - that's the question.
  65. -1
    21 December 2020 12: 52
    For our so-called “elites” the priority is before Western partners rather than before their own people who feed them
  66. -1
    21 December 2020 13: 45
    I would like to ask how the moderators let such garbage onto the site?
  67. The comment was deleted.
  68. +2
    22 December 2020 15: 22
    Quote: Olgovich
    Quote: Snail N9
    The author politically bypassed the fact that in everything one can trace the fuss of one cunning

    But he encroached on the sacred, on the very ... Leader of the world proletariat! -
    The left brought up by the shadow masters of the world came to power fanatical globalistsled by Lenin.

    In fact, this bombastic chatter disguised the main goal of the globalists - destruction of Russian civilization and the transformation of the Russian people
    And Stalin, according to the author, it turns out, all the time fought against the elite of the party, the very party that he himself ... led! -
    The Great Purge began 1936–1938 years
    As a result, Stalin managed Not only survive yourself, but also to outplay their opponents - the fanatical communists were partly destroyed, partly went into the ideological underground.
    How did it work, if only ... 8 years after cleaning:
    fat and mired in luxury the Soviet party elite. During the war years, it only strengthened its position, since Stalin simply physically did not have time to engage in its renewal and shaking up. To the victorious 1945 the party has grown tightly with business executives and the military into a single tangle, gradually pushing back Stalin from real power.

    I don’t understand anything: what kind of party is this, which generated with fantastic speed not the best, but only the “fat” ones - in place of the previously destroyed fat ones? belay
    Dreaming of joining the "Western values" by any means, the Soviet party elite returns to the policy of Peter I and the Romanov dynasty to "fit" Russia into the Western world. Within the framework of this strategy, the first "Perestroika" begins - the process of surrendering national interests to please the West.
    Again the party.

    And further, Brezhnev, Andropov, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, criticized by the authors are all from one party.

    What is it?! belay request

    Why is the list incomplete - did you stumble on the fingerless one? Or was this next one originally sent and recruited, and could not, by definition, be a communist? wassat lol tongue
  69. +1
    22 December 2020 15: 57
    Quote: stalkerwalker
    Quote: Snail N9
    There is no such "national, responsible elite" in Russia, it is all comprador, only divided into a "handshake" by the "West" and "not a handshake." And they are not at all fighting among themselves, not for the "interests of Russia", but for a place in the first row at the "state feeder" and for who is the first to "lobby and legislatively consolidate their interests" ...

    Well, how else can someone who did not get the mentioned place answer?

    Did you like it? winked
  70. 0
    22 December 2020 19: 24
    Quote: aleksejkabanets
    Quote: Malyuta
    There is a channel "Sharp corner", I highly recommend that you watch the series "Brotherhood" and you will understand who is at the top of power now.
    You will be scared.

    Yes, I've watched it before. Everything that is happening to the country today is quite natural and logical. I see that we are rolling into the abyss. I now cannot understand people who still continue to believe. They are endlessly deceived, but they, with some stubbornness incomprehensible to me, still continue to believe. I can't understand why, because there are intelligent people among them.

    Try to understand them.
    Once you understand, then you will see the light...
  71. SID
    23 December 2020 12: 27
    Great article. Capacious, everything is to the point, complete and accessible, Topchik. Like.
  72. -1
    23 December 2020 20: 31
    Correct until the last word. Elite abomination has covered all power as an amoeba.
  73. 0
    25 December 2020 21: 16
    We are in trouble because in 91 we needed strict lustration from the Gebni and the party nomenklatura, and while Yeltsin was fighting for his seat, he colluded with the special services and today we have complete zugzwang.
  74. The comment was deleted.