In the USA: The world has suddenly entered the era of laser warfare


On the prospects of laser weapons the world has spoken for a long time. But until recently, discussions about the use of directed energy for military purposes were regarded by many as fantastic.

However, time is making its own adjustments: now the creation of laser weapons is one of the most important areas for the American military industry. Along with the development of hypersonic weapons, directed energy development is recognized as key to American defense and security.

According to Rob Afzal, senior researcher at Lockheed Martin for laser and sensor systems, the world has suddenly entered an era where laser weapons can be used in real combat situations. Dr. Afzal recalls that the laser was invented "around 1960", but for almost 60 years it has not been used in combat. This is due to two main reasons.

First, it was originally intended to use laser weapons for defense purposes, including to protect US territory from enemy ballistic missiles. The use of laser weapons in conventional combat was not paid attention, or was paid to a much lesser extent.

The second reason is the size of the equipment for using the laser beam. Such equipment was very bulky, it was impossible to install it on a combat vehicle, aircraft, or even on a warship. The apparatus would take up a lot of space, and more compact systems for using the beam have not yet been developed.

Currently, the United States has moved from building a strategic defense system to tactical defense. Consequently, the attitude towards laser weapons has also changed: now the Pentagon needs them not so much to counter ballistic missiles of a potential enemy, but to use them in conventional combat. Moreover, the market for conventional non-nuclear weapons is also developing: today there are a large number of inexpensive and at the same time very effective types of weapons, such as unmanned aerial vehicles and various types of mortars.

The ground for a new era in the development of laser systems has been paved, according to Dr. Afzal, by a technological revolution associated with the widespread adoption of fiber-optic communication technology. Following this area, lasers began to be actively used in industry, including for metal cutting.

Innovation has significantly changed both industry and the military, with Lockheed Martin being one of the pioneers in this direction, Afzal says, although it is clear that as a spokesman for the company, he is interested in adding its credibility.

At the same time, it cannot be denied that it is Lockheed Martin that has been working on the development of a laser beam control system for about 40 years. So, it was this company that began to implement the Airborne Laser program, then the capabilities were created for controlling the beam, tracking it. Moreover, work is now underway to reduce the size of laser energy control systems, which allows them to be installed on warships and aircraft. The smaller the installations become, the wider opportunities for their use will open up for the American armed forces.

According to Afzal, in modern conditions, combat laser weapons are acquiring another meaning. This is not only about combat effectiveness, but also about saving money: it hardly makes sense to use against numerous dronesmoving in swarms, expensive kinetic missiles. But laser weapons just have low operating costs once installed, and their use in such situations will save expensive missiles for more serious threats.

At the same time, it may be difficult to fight modern hypersonic missiles for laser weapons, but it is quite justified to destroy inexpensive enemy weapons such as UAVs or rocket shots. The first combat laser system introduced into the air defense system is the Russian "Peresvet", not so long ago put on alert.
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  1. sav
    26 November 2020 10: 27
    Progress cannot be stopped. Many will soon have lasers.
    1. +9
      26 November 2020 10: 31
      Quote: sav
      Progress cannot be stopped. Many will soon have lasers.

      Progress-progress, but there are also laws of nature - the law of propagation of e / m waves in the atmosphere, as well as the efficiency of lasers.
      This is overcoming these (sometimes erroneous) limitations and allowing the use of lasers for weapons.
      But still, the required power remains far beyond the "rifle" blaster!
      1. sav
        26 November 2020 10: 32
        But you must admit that the technology of production and use will become cheaper and spread
        1. +2
          26 November 2020 10: 34
          Quote: sav
          But you must admit that the technology of production and use will become cheaper and spread

          It is both getting cheaper and spreading.
      2. 0
        26 November 2020 13: 07
        Nowadays, it is not even the destruction of high-precision missiles that is promising, but their blinding, and the blinding of the aiming systems of drones and aircraft.
      3. 0
        27 November 2020 10: 25
        No one has yet been able to challenge the law of conservation of energy.
  2. +4
    26 November 2020 10: 29
    So far, this weapon works in very greenhouse conditions. Try to catch up with our hypersound))
    1. +10
      26 November 2020 10: 32
      Compared to the speed of light, a hypersonic missile "stands still".
      1. +15
        26 November 2020 10: 36
        Quote: voyaka uh
        Compared to the speed of light, a hypersonic missile "stands still".

        But to keep the "spot" of the laser on a hypersonic target with effective thermal protection for quite a long time is simply fantastic today!
        1. +2
          26 November 2020 10: 39
          1. +8
            26 November 2020 10: 41
            Quote: Cyril G ...

            And they are all impulse!
            The ones for weapons.
            And a gigawatt pulse lasting a femtosecond is a cat sneezing.
            But the source of energy, it will require an honest gigawatt!
            (RBMK-1000 Chernoblsky is just 1 GW)
            1. -3
              26 November 2020 11: 30
              And a gigawatt pulse lasting a femtosecond is a cat sneezing.
              But the source of energy, it will require an honest gigawatt!

              If a gigawatt consumes, then the output is an honest gigawatt .. (excluding efficiency)
              And what's the difference, what will be the duration. The shorter the pulse time, given the same total output power, the more powerful this pulse itself ..
              1. +4
                26 November 2020 11: 33
                Quote: Roman070280
                (excluding efficiency)

                Wouldn't the venerable don deign to voice this very efficiency?
                (Grumble on the nose ... aha, excluding!)
              2. +3
                26 November 2020 15: 05
                Quote: Roman070280
                If a gigawatt consumes, then the output is an honest gigawatt .. (excluding efficiency)
                And what's the difference, what will be the duration .. The shorter the pulse time,

                Okay, let's count. A femtosecond is 10 ^ -15 seconds, a gigawatt is 10 ^ 9 watts. In total, for a gigawatt laser we have 10 ^ -6 J per pulse. This energy is just enough to heat 0,001 grams of water by 0,00024 degrees. Don't you think that this won't shoot down a drone? So power is powerful, and tens and hundreds of kilowatts are needed in continuous mode - otherwise there will be no sense. And let's speak in concrete numbers, and not "a lot" or "a little".
        2. +1
          26 November 2020 10: 55
          It depends on what environment. In a vacuum in space, you can. But a laser in space has a problem with heat dissipation.
          No heat-conducting medium.
          It's difficult in the atmosphere. The atmosphere itself and the plasma around the apparatus interfere with the laser.
          And thermal protection too, of course.
          Therefore, the Americans are still considering the laser as a tactical weapon in short-range air defense and aviation.
          1. +3
            26 November 2020 10: 56
            Quote: voyaka uh
            Therefore, the Americans are still considering the laser as a tactical weapon in short-range air defense and aviation.

            Essentially to burn out pilots' eyes.
          2. +1
            27 November 2020 02: 45
            "There is no heat transfer medium."
            Has already!
            Carbice Corp., an Atlanta-based startup, has developed Carbice Carbon, a thermal control material for spacecraft and other applications. “Carbice Carbon, a carbon nanotube material designed to reduce device temperature and dissipate heat, has been integrated into geostationary communications satellites and synthetic aperture radar satellites. The company calls Carbice Carbon “the world's most thermally conductive material”. "Carbice Carbon removes the biggest headache and risk factor the satellite industry has faced in 35 years - hot melt."
      2. +2
        26 November 2020 10: 51
        Quote: voyaka uh
        Compared to the speed of light, a hypersonic missile "stands still".

        wassat And a stone in the forehead from a "slingshot" will bring immeasurably more damage than a beam from a laser pointer ...
        1. +1
          26 November 2020 10: 59
          Absolutely. good Therefore, all missile defense is based on "head-on with a slingshot" -
          kinetic head-on collision with an interceptor vehicle ("stone").
          And the laser won't help here.
      3. +3
        26 November 2020 12: 11
        Try to concentrate the beam on an object flying in a cloud of plasma in the most unpredictable way beyond the horizon, well, well))
        1. +1
          26 November 2020 14: 10
          Try to hit a ground target with an object flying in a plasma cloud
          in the most unpredictable way laughing Oh well))
          1. +2
            26 November 2020 17: 19
            Jewish sarcasm? Oh well tongue
            1. 0
              27 November 2020 23: 04
              "Jewish sarcasm?"
              No, Russian boasting - they started it up, but the hit is poorly shown, and this is not the first time !!!
              “... the Russian Ministry of Defense, commenting on the second test of the Zircon, word for word, repeated the message about the first missile test, which took place in early October this year, except for one phrase -“ direct hit ”. In addition, the moment of hitting the target was not shown. "
    2. +2
      26 November 2020 10: 55
      Quote: Lord of the Sith
      So far, this weapon works in very greenhouse conditions.

      There is a limitation on the power density in the atmosphere. Air breakdown. Moreover, the threshold for this breakdown is reduced due to dust particles, droplets ... Particles of soot and smoke. It is possible to burn a slowly flying drone over the sea in clear weather ... A shell or a rocket is not yet possible ...
  3. +1
    26 November 2020 10: 38
    Has the problem with the scattering of the laser beam in the atmosphere been solved?
    1. +1
      26 November 2020 10: 46
      Something there is wise with the "leading" ray ..., for example.
    2. +1
      26 November 2020 12: 12
      Beam system in the beam - the primary beam protects the main beam, thereby increasing the efficiency by 10% protecting it from dust fumes, etc.
  4. +1
    26 November 2020 10: 51
    Progress is good, physics is bad. Because she says that it is impossible to dissipate large heat powers in small volumes. Therefore, you need either a 50-ton trailer or an aircraft of the same carrying capacity to carry this thing. Everything else of a smaller size can only blind people and optics!
    1. +1
      26 November 2020 12: 15
      The United States has such aircraft in 2010, an airborne laser was tested.
      1. +1
        26 November 2020 16: 15
        such aircraft were still in the USSR, modern shtatovskie not far from them.
  5. -2
    26 November 2020 10: 54
    Does our army have analogues?
    1. 0
      26 November 2020 11: 14
      1. -2
        26 November 2020 12: 42
        The operator, I suppose, will be the robot Ferdor?
        1. 0
          26 November 2020 12: 48
          I suppose the robot Ferdor will be his operator? ©
          I approve of humor! But it really was googled to my painful bewilderment on the search.
  6. +6
    26 November 2020 10: 56
    As they have experimented for 60 years, they continue. Yes, the dimensions are smaller, but not dramatically. Energy consumption is also understandably not gone anywhere.
    And suddenly, "The world has suddenly entered the era of laser warfare."
    Didn't join. And it is not a fact that it will enter the next 50 years.
    Hype in American style.
    The world has entered, aha.
  7. 0
    26 November 2020 12: 20
    Probably all the same, this American concept is not devoid of critical flaws, because no modern gadgets have helped the American military in Afghanistan. They so cheerfully scramble out of the country, under the cries of the superiority of American weapons ..................
  8. 0
    26 November 2020 14: 22
    In the age of drones and guided missiles, yes, the world has entered. In the era of combat lasers nope.
  9. 0
    26 November 2020 15: 16
    I think in 10-20 years, laser weapons will be quite real, given the pace of scientific progress.
  10. 0
    26 November 2020 20: 46
    As far as I understand the topic there is a problem in several things. Rapid accumulation of energy and its release. All other problems are generally resolved. Against drones, mortar rounds, this works fine, but its price is still very high, about 20 million. I think they will start including shells in systems, only instead of cannons a laser.
    1. -1
      27 November 2020 10: 34
      Yes Yes.
      1.Diffusion of the beam, especially in cloudy, foggy, dusty conditions.
      What did you decide from this?
      1. 0
        27 November 2020 13: 53
        1. Watch the video how long it takes and how long it takes to hit a small drone. In fogs, dust storms, drones do not fly too much (compare the Karabakh war)
        2. And what are the problems with efficiency, it can be powered by the engine. At the shell, Kamaz has a 294 kW engine. To confidently hit a target such as a small drone, it is necessary to focus the beam on a target of 10 kW. In fact, it is in combat lasers up to 20,6%, and this is not the limit. Within the framework of the RELI program, it is planned to raise the efficiency to 25%. Fiber lasers, which Raytheon adapted for military tasks, already have an efficiency of about 30%. Firearms have 20-40%. At a cannon firing distance (3 km), the loss to the atmosphere will be negligible.
        1. -1
          2 December 2020 00: 59
          10 kW ???????
          Is it at a distance not exceeding 1 meter, probably?
          Well, give me the performance characteristics of combat lasers with a consumption of 10 kW, capable of burning at least a cardboard box at a distance of 500 meters.
          1. 0
            3 December 2020 21: 45
            Well, look for yourself. If you don't have enough brains to count and communicate normally
            1. -2
              11 December 2020 02: 35
              Of course not enough!
              It's difficult to communicate with a genius like you.
              You, in a parallel universe, the laws of physics work differently.
              Although if you look, then your genius is only enough for one minus.
  11. -2
    27 November 2020 01: 51
    Electronic warfare and beam weapons are beyond competition.
  12. 0
    27 November 2020 10: 23
    We are exceptional - said the Americans - we were playing with the laws of nature.
    At this time, nature twisted its finger at the temple.
  13. 0
    27 November 2020 23: 09
    Quote: Victor_B
    Quote: voyaka uh
    Therefore, the Americans are still considering the laser as a tactical weapon in short-range air defense and aviation.

    Essentially to burn out pilots' eyes.

    Explain to an amateur ... how difficult is it to put a light filter in a pilot's helmet? What are the problems with this?