On another "drain" of Turkey by the West and the war between Russia and Turkey


Recently, I began to try not to watch political talk shows at night and read military-political analytics. In order to maintain their own mental health. And healthy sleep too. How many times has it already happened that after watching some TV show in the evening, I wake up at night from the fact that a miserly man's tear makes its way to the pillow on an unshaven cheek. The body reacts to the next "surrender" of NATO of its wayward member Turkey.

In general, the insolence of the Turkish president towards everyone and everything is off scale. That is naughty in the north of Syria. It helps Azerbaijan by supplying weapons to liberate its territories from the Armenian occupation. It will face our military in Syria, or the Americans. Well, the idea of ​​the Great Turan is generally out of the ordinary. As well as the public "sending" of the president in France to ... a mental hospital for treatment.

You will sit in the silence of the night. Look at the impudent, coldly indifferent face of the Moon, turn your mind's eye to the west and calm down. And what, in fact, is the difference between Erdogan, for example, from Duda? Except for charisma, of course? I wanted to compare with the presidents of the Baltic states, but there is too obvious a difference. Physiological.

How does Polish military aid to Ukraine differ from Turkish military aid to Azerbaijan? How does Great Turan differ from Poland "from sea to sea"? How is the impudence towards Russia of all these Young Europeans different from Erdogan's statements? Microbe Estonia announces territorial claims against Russia. And the Turks, at every opportunity, recalls the Turkish Crimea and some other territories that "the Russians brazenly took away from the poor Turkish people in the XNUMXth century."

Turkey is "poured, poured", but not "merged"

The next confrontation between "freedom in French" and Islamic radicalism, and President Macron's routine statement about France's commitment to some ideals of this very freedom, the speech of the Muslim Erdogan looks quite logical. Yes, somewhat pretentious according to the oriental custom, somewhat harsh according to the Turkish custom, this is the only way the ruler of an eastern country should act, somewhat rudely, in accordance with Erdogan's temperament.

How many analysts jumped in their chairs from yet another unexpected joy. Everything! Europe will not forgive the Turks! Europe gives carte blanche to destroy Erdogan's regime! Gives to whom? Russia? Do we need it? Again with Russian hands to drag chestnuts out of the fire for Europeans?

I do not quite understand some of our political analysts, for example, on the issue of the ownership of Jerusalem. Somehow we bashfully “did not notice” Erdogan’s statement that “Jerusalem is ours”. How so? After all, this is a direct hint to Israel that the Jews should prepare for a great war with the Turks. But the funny thing is, in Tel Aviv, this performance was also not noticed. The dog howls, the wind blows, and the caravan ... Maybe that's why they didn't notice that they know the eastern mentality very well. A good slap in the face perfectly brings to life any active fighter for their territories.

Why is Ankara behaving this way towards Europe and at the same time being very restrained towards Russia and Israel? Yes, simply because Recep Erdogan is not afraid of those who are afraid of their own shadow. The polemic with Macron is nothing more than a warning. Warning that disregard for Turkey will intensify the weapons Ankara. Those very refugees, most of whom fought in Syria and will now be able to fend for themselves in Europe.

Perhaps the United States or Russia will become a brake on the Turkish president? Are Russians or Americans interested in this? Honestly, it's doubtful. What happened in Syria? The Americans actually cleared the north of the country for the Turks. The Russians simply indicated the line through which crossing is harmful to health. The Americans "put the EU in its place," make it pay for everything, while the Russians use the Turkey-EU contradictions to promote their own projects.

NATO enemy of Turkey

The question arises about NATO. After all, the alliance has the strength and means to moderate the ardor of the Turkish president. But the headquarters of this military bloc are far from idiots. When the alliance managed to get Turkey into its ranks, it was perceived as a huge victory over the USSR. The NATO bloc got the opportunity not only to have a "knife" in the underbelly of the Soviet Union, but also to actually control the Black Sea straits and the Black Sea Fleet of the USSR.

Suppose the alliance makes an idiotic decision to withdraw the Turkish army from the bloc. What is the end result? The collapse of the entire system of blocking Russia. In fact, Turkey's withdrawal from the alliance will turn NATO into a fiction. Who will defend Europe from the south? Microorganisms with "great armies"? The mighty army of the Independent? Or those battalion groups that can be deployed along Russia's borders?

Of course, the deployment of missile launchers in areas bordering Russia is a serious challenge for the Russians. We will react. But the question is, how much more dangerous is a rocket with a flight time of 10 minutes than a rocket with a flight time of 11 minutes? And how many launches, taking into account the modern military doctrine of Russia, will all these installations produce?

So it turns out that not the Turks need the NATO bloc, but the NATO bloc needs Turkey. From here everything looks quite simple. The alliance will not get involved in a political showdown between the leaders of individual countries. The French president will walk around with a formidable face for some time, and then everything will be forgotten, as has already happened many times.

Will Russians and Turks face off in another war?

How do some politicians want to confront Turkey and Russia in the next Russian-Turkish war. Historical memory! Regardless of who won in such warriors, the Europeans were always the winner. Oh, how I want to repeat it. Moderate ardor and put either Turkey or Russia in place.

I recently read a very "optimistic" scenario for starting a war. USA kicks out "nasty Erdogan" from NATO. At the same time, a massacre of Russian tourists is being organized in Turkish resorts, who cannot be thrown out of Turkish beaches even with a coronavirus. They immediately remember the temple of St. Sophia, which Erdogan turned into a mosque. Moscow is forced to send troops in order to protect its own citizens and protect Christianity from Islamists. Begins "messing" all against all. And Europe and the United States are rubbing their hands to the side.

Dreams of idiots. Fantasies that speak of a misunderstanding of the way of thinking of an oriental person. Erdogan has a wonderful memory. He remembers not only evil, but also good. Paradox? Not at all. Look at how the Chechen military police battalions are fighting in Syria. Here is the answer to the question about the memory and gratitude of Eastern people. And who was the first to support Recep Erdogan during the 2016 coup attempt? Putin!

Today, the Russian president is probably the only politician who can stop Erdogan. The only world leader whose opinion the Turkish president reckons with. This is especially noticeable in the events in Karabakh.

Many are now talking about the need to save Armenia. Ancient Christian country. Country, member of the CSTO and so on. And did someone attack Armenia? Are there hostilities on its territory? And then, try to find differences in attitudes towards Russia and Russians today in Armenia and Georgia. The attitude of politicians and the people in general. Both countries are anti-Russian. Both countries by hook or by crook are striving to the West. Both countries clearly want to be "friends of the United States."

Suppose Russia introduced peacekeepers to Karabakh. Several dozen coffins were sent to Russian cities and towns. Patriots on both sides continue to shoot at each other and at our peacekeepers at night. And what will this change in the military-political situation? The Azerbaijanis, offended by the Russians, who were deprived of their victory, and on the other hand, the same offended Armenians, simply because the Russians arrived late. And both countries are turning their backs on Moscow. Do we need it?

Another question is the appearance of Syrian militants in the ranks of the Azerbaijani army. We cannot allow this to happen. We have an understanding of the fact that after the end of the war in Karabakh they will try to penetrate our territory. It seems to me that this problem will be the subject of a serious conversation between Putin and Erdogan. A friendly conversation, which, if it does not bring positive results, will lead to the disappearance in northern Syria of a couple of camps of Turkish supporters from the attacks of the Syrian army.

There will be no war or even just military clashes between Russia and Turkey. The Turkish president has put too much on the line. Erdogan will continue to strengthen the role of his own country in regional politics.


Today we can already talk about the formation of a new system of political equilibrium in the Asian region. Traditionally, Israel remains one of the centers of power. Iran is opposed to it. A reborn Syria is also in a corresponding position, even though internal problems persist. Well, and Turkey, which, thanks to the rather bold policy of Erdogan, without hesitation sending its troops to other countries, has taken its rightful place.

Periodic "earthquakes" in the region are caused primarily by the fact that all these countries, perhaps with the exception of Israel and Syria, are now pursuing a fairly independent policy. Which leads to periodic clashes with the powerful. Wars like the one in Karabakh are just part of a strategy for creating a balance of power in the region.

All the talk about some kind of drain on Turkey by the West, about the confrontation between Russia and Turkey, about the contradictions between Turkey and France, and so on, are just talk. The world is changing and this change is sometimes very painful. Like a surgery. It hurts, a lot of blood, but necessary ...
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  1. +13
    5 November 2020 05: 57
    There will be no war or even just military clashes between Russia and Turkey.

    With pro-Turkish proxies there will be ... this happens regularly ... dozens of Erdogan's jihadists are regularly sent to the gurias ... who knows, maybe Erdogan will lose his nerve and he will decide to take revenge on Russia in a mean way ... this comrade always holds a well-sharpened dagger behind his back so that thrust it into a friend.
    1. +9
      5 November 2020 06: 31
      How does Polish military aid to Ukraine differ from Turkish military aid to Azerbaijan?

      Apparently, while nevertheless, the level of interaction between Poland and Ukraine in this area does not reach that between Azerbaijan and Turkey.

      Until,I emphasize, Poland did not transfer or sell such modern systems as, for example, strike UAVs to Ukraine.
      Although, a couple of years ago, information appeared about the intentions to purchase a batch of kamikaze shock drones from Poland. But how much the case has moved is not known.
      Therefore, for example, the purchase in Poland of a BU BMP-1, which was also accompanied by a scandal, cannot be considered a level of cooperation ...
    2. +8
      5 November 2020 07: 32
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      Erdogan ... who knows, maybe Erdogan will lose his nerves and he will decide to take revenge on Russia in a vile way ... this comrade always holds a well-sharpened dagger behind his back in order to thrust it into a friend.

      Greetings, Alexey! And who and from what hangover came up with the idea that Erdogash is our friend?
      1. +1
        5 November 2020 07: 34
        Hello Stropcutter! smile
        1. +3
          6 November 2020 00: 03
          Quote: The same LYOKHA
          Hello Stropcutter!

          Greetings, Alex! hi drinks
          I trolled you here a little laughing You, too, sometimes burn, be healthy, not podtski, immediately Vysotsky's song was remembered about a Guinean friend laughing
          Something "oldies" can not be seen request And Yurich, what got on your lip?
      2. +16
        5 November 2020 23: 56
        Quote: Stroporez
        Who and from what hangover came up with the idea that Erdogash is our friend?

        All of the guarantors are our "partners". As I understand it, his word "partner" is equivalent to "friend."
    3. +4
      5 November 2020 12: 57
      Erdogan he is not on the side of the West or Russia in the current Cold War 2, he is on the Turkish side. As it will be beneficial to him and will do it. But Turkey has both feet in NATO.
  2. +11
    5 November 2020 06: 16
    The Turks and Erdogan are definitely not our friends.
    1. +12
      5 November 2020 06: 32
      Unpleasant topic! And who is Russia's friend? From any neighbor you can get a pod!
      1. +9
        5 November 2020 08: 12
        Quote: ASAD
        And who is Russia's friend?

        Do you need these friends?
        1. +6
          5 November 2020 09: 06
          I have long come to the conclusion that there can be no friends at the interstate level, it cannot because the situation is constantly changing and internal interests will always be a priority, it is only Russia, to the detriment of itself, can continue to help a "friend" will throw. At the interstate level, there can only be fellow travelers, for the time being they coincide with our interests ...
          Good time! hi
          1. +7
            5 November 2020 11: 07
            Приветствуем! hi
            Quote: cniza
            there can be no friends at the interstate level

            Completely in the hole, Vitya!
            If a friend was suddenly
            And not a friend, not an enemy, and so
            Vysotsky back in the distant 65th warned ...
            1. +1
              5 November 2020 12: 16
              Vysotsky is eternal!
              And we already have a lot of our own experience, how many times they threw, profit and continue to profit from us ...
        2. +7
          5 November 2020 12: 14
          Not friends, but at least allies should be?
          Comrade Stalin at one time understood this truth very well. Especially in the critical 40s.
          Look around you. In whom to poke your finger to call at least an ally? Not fake, but real? The number of fingers on one hand will clearly exceed the number of even potential allies.
          Just don't need the old song about the army and the navy, the only allies. The USSR spared nothing for them. Did it help him a lot at the time of his death? Doesn't matter for what reason?
          1. +13
            5 November 2020 12: 42
            Quote: Cosm22
            Comrade Stalin at one time understood this truth very well.

            And what did the Allies do in 45?
            And the fraternal socialist countries? For example, brotherly Poland, which in 46 did not allow to die of hunger from its citizens while taking out a piece of bread from their mouths?
            Allies are always temporary, no matter how you welcome them!
            1. +10
              5 November 2020 13: 17
              The allies did a lot already in the 41st.
              Think about how many T-34 tanks could have been fired without any help at all?
              And it's not just the supply of armor steel. Check out the list of lend-lease supplies, you might be surprised.
              And ask yourself a question: what would have stopped the Germans at Stalingrad and Kursk without them?
              And, by the way, not only the United States and Britain were allies. Mongolia was also one of them. And when we admire the best winter outfit of our fighters in the winter of 41 near Moscow, it will not be superfluous to remember what these army short fur coats were made of. Or will you reproach Mongolia with the 45th year too?
              Allies themselves do not arise out of nothing. You need to find them, you need to pursue a competent international policy. In order not to end up in a ring of enemies one on one with these enemies.
              In general, when they shout from every iron that everyone around is bad, and only we are good, the question involuntarily arises - is this really so?
              1. +5
                5 November 2020 14: 10
                Quote: Cosm22
                The allies did a lot already in the 41st.

                The conversation is not about that, but about the fact that the allies were temporary! As long as it was profitable for them, they allied and thanks them for that, but as the benefit passed, the allies disappeared!
                Mongolia was essentially the 16th republic and I'm not going to reproach it!
                Quote: Cosm22
                You need to find them, you need to conduct a competent international policy

                At the moment, China is considered an ally, but of course I understand that I would like to have the United States as allies wink .... but does the USA want this? what
                1. +6
                  5 November 2020 19: 18
                  Does Serg65 consider China an ally? Or the Kremlin?
                  It is clear that you always want to lean against the stronger and declare him your ally. Not from a good life.
                  But does China know that it is among Russia's allies? Hardly, judging by the way he dictates his gas prices to Russia and predatorily exterminates the Siberian taiga. Allies don't do that.
                  1. 0
                    6 November 2020 07: 26
                    Quote: Cosm22
                    Does Serg65 consider China an ally?

                    Yes Vladimir, I personally consider China to be an ally at this point in time!
                    Quote: Cosm22
                    you always want to lean against the stronger one and declare him your ally

                    what Then maybe Estonia should be declared an ally?
                    Quote: Cosm22
                    Not from a good life

                    what Those. USA declared Ukraine exclusively from a good life?
                    Quote: Cosm22
                    Does China know that it is among Russia's allies?

                    He knows very well that the growth of trade is growing, scientific cooperation is on the rise, it does not support sanctions against us, it supports Russia at the foreign policy level.
                    Quote: Cosm22
                    he dictates his gas prices to Russia

                    He dictates not only to Russia, because he is the largest consumer in the world!
                    Quote: Cosm22
                    predatorily destroys the Siberian taiga

                    How do you feel about Furgal?
                    Quote: Cosm22
                    Allies don't do that.

                    Are these allies who are only for money?
                    1. +4
                      6 November 2020 12: 00
                      Oh, how everything is laid out on the shelves! Even enviable.
                      I will limit myself to repetition. The desire of a weaker partner to lean against a stronger one is quite understandable, there is nothing wrong with that. All that remains is to convince China that it is Russia's ally.
                      And what about the "ally-money" link - try to remember which of the so-called allies Russia supports NOT for money. Perhaps you yourself will answer your own question.
                      When you remember which countries and why the Russian Federation suddenly generously writes off state debts with huge numbers, builds on credit (which no one will ever give, and the Kremlin knows it very well) nuclear power plants, gives weapons practically for nothing, etc. etc.
                      1. +4
                        6 November 2020 13: 51
                        Quote: Cosm22
                        try to remember

                        I can remember starting with Comrade Stalin ... we have such an ancient tradition to buy for Allies' pies wink
      2. -6
        5 November 2020 23: 54
        Quote: ASAD
        And who is Russia's friend?

        Alexander III answered this question long ago:
        "In the whole world we have only two loyal allies - our army and navy"
        1. +3
          6 November 2020 10: 29
          Well, you can't insert a royal dictum into every article.
    2. +1
      8 November 2020 01: 42
      Quote: Pessimist22
      The Turks and Erdogan are definitely not our friends.

      the one that constantly pushes us into war? or some other rubbish ...
      so now, whining and whining of these "fraternal" Armenians, they want to persuade us to run to the Transcaucasus and fight to the last drop of blood for the "Great Armenian Ideas" and this at a time when their representatives are killing Russians Belyankin in the Moscow region and the other day in Volgograd father alone ...
      and the representatives of the "ancient people" who have settled on the warm Black Sea coast, represented by some Grigoryans, intend to declare Sochi or Adler their capital and to announce the secession from Russia and the creation of a new Great State on Russian lands from sea to sea ...
  3. 0
    5 November 2020 06: 20
    It seems to me to speak about the revival of Syria is premature! Should Russia leave and hold out for a short time the regime, namesake!
    1. +5
      5 November 2020 06: 39
      Quote: ASAD
      Should Russia leave and hold out for a short time the regime, namesake!

      Obviously, Khmeimim and the growing Tartus indicate that we are in Syria for a long time.
      In addition, they talked about our intentions to get another airbase there "under the wing".
      1. 0
        5 November 2020 06: 43
        Of course we will not leave Syria anywhere! I hope this is not even discussed! The revival of Syria will take a lot of time and effort! And Turkey on the border is completely superfluous!
        1. +6
          5 November 2020 06: 48
          Quote: ASAD
          Turkey on the border is completely superfluous!

          You cannot easily erase Turkey from the map, but in borders of Syria, on the territory of the SAR, they really have nothing to do.
          Actually, the decision to “close our eyes”, at one time, to their presence there, on our part, was, to put it mildly, a short-sighted step.
          1. +1
            5 November 2020 06: 51
            I agree, I put it wrong!
        2. +8
          5 November 2020 07: 29
          Quote: ASAD
          Of course we will not leave Syria anywhere! I hope this is not even discussed! The revival of Syria will take a lot of time and effort!

          Why are you more concerned with the revival of Syria and not at all concerned with the revival of Russia?
          And tell me, what are we doing in Syria and why?
          Leave the tales that we are holding back bearded devils there for schoolchildren, bearded men are already in NKR.
          1. +6
            5 November 2020 23: 01
            The most dangerous devils not "out there", but in "high" offices and a "dyposcope" live.
        3. +1
          5 November 2020 13: 07
          Quote: ASAD
          The revival of Syria will take a lot of time and effort!

          And funds. Where do they come from bombed Syria? Will we give back the last shirt?
          It looks like it.
          Russia will send $ 20 million to provide food aid to Syria.

          They need it more. All our problems have been solved ...
      2. -4
        5 November 2020 17: 28
        Yeah, yeah. The Syrian military is asking our people more and more often, why are you pulling this horror endlessly? And the portraits of Putin disappear from the streets.
    2. +16
      5 November 2020 23: 56
      Quote: ASAD
      Should Russia leave and hold out the regime for a short time

      But the Syrian regime held out until the appearance of Russia in Syria for several years, like 3 or 4 years.
      That is, it has proven its viability.
  4. +5
    5 November 2020 06: 34
    To put it simply, Turkey considers itself a European power and aspires to the EU, 50 years since their application has been lying there and they have not been allowed in for about so many years, they are considered third-class Europeans. Turkey under Erdogan reacts "nervously" to this delay in Turkey's admission into a single European family peoples.
    1. +3
      5 November 2020 18: 20
      They are not accepted in the EU, because there are much more Asians in them than "Europeanness". If not for Ataturk's reforms, they would not even have been included in the list of candidates. And even then, soon all their achievements will be squandered in the current Islamic frenzy.
  5. +19
    5 November 2020 06: 59
    Lately, I've started trying not to watch political talk shows at night.

    I haven't watched these "performances" for ten years negative
    1. +6
      5 November 2020 07: 42
      Quote: Koval Sergey
      Lately, I've started trying not to watch political talk shows at night.

      I haven't watched these "performances" for ten years negative

      That is why you think and speak in a normal language, and the daily pumping of clips with nightingale droppings is a hellish propaganda machine, hammering a distorted picture of the world into immature brains, their guru Dr. Goebbels applauds his faithful disciples in the grave.
      1. +17
        5 November 2020 23: 59
        Quote: Stroporez
        Daily pumping of nightingale droppings is a hell of a propaganda machine

        Buddy hi
        The methods and methods of the ideological enemy must be known and able to resist them.
    2. +15
      5 November 2020 23: 58
      Quote: Koval Sergey
      I haven't watched these "performances" for ten years

      Paradox. No one has watched political talk shows for several years, but everyone knows what they are talking about, the same with RenTV laughing (This is not addressed to you, just your comment came to the end.)
      P.S. I look sometimes.
  6. +2
    5 November 2020 07: 22
    and Russians use the Turkey-EU contradictions to promote their own projects
    What is this ???
    Today, the Russian president is probably the only politician who can stop Erdogan
    Well, I would doubt it. Did you stop strongly? In what places, can I get more details? Although, you read such a phrase - and it immediately becomes clear whose authorship this opus is.
    it seems to me
    A. But this is key. Although, when it seems - it is necessary to be baptized, they say.
    And the fact that NATO will not merge Turkey, as well as the fact that there will be no war between Russia and Turkey in the near future, it is not necessary to convince any of the sane. To me, too, binomial Newton, as a certain Korovyi used to say, he is also Fagot
  7. +11
    5 November 2020 08: 21
    Against the background of the Kremlin's actions, Erdogan commands respect. He wrested part of the Kurdish lands in southern Turkey. Now it is not the north of Syria, but the south of Turkey. Azerbaijan bends under itself. Why does he need northern oil, gas, when he will have everything of his own in Azerbaijan.
    The Kremlin is offended by everyone. Wasted Russian lands, which stupid people call the country 404, now they want to quarrel with Belarus. The Chinese are sawing the Russian forest in the vastness of Russia.
  8. -4
    5 November 2020 09: 56
    I do not quite understand some of our political analysts, for example, on the issue of the ownership of Jerusalem. Somehow we bashfully “did not notice” Erdogan’s statement that “Jerusalem is ours”. How so? After all, this is a direct hint to Israel that the Jews should prepare for a great war with the Turks. But the funny thing is in Tel Aviv this performance was also not noticed. The dog howls, the wind blows, and the caravan ... Maybe that's why they didn't notice that they know the eastern mentality very well.

    Not in Tel Aviv, but in Jerusalem. Please do not use mossy political clichés and cliches.
    It's not about mentality. Jerusalem, in fact, was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire for 600 (six hundred!) Years.
    Erdogan has not only good, but excellent memory!

    And so, the slogan for the Turks:
    " ...... our!"
    (Insert any of the following items instead of ellipsis.)
    Albania (1478 — 1912)
    Ottoman Bulgaria (1393 / 1396 — 1908)
    Bosnia and Herzegovina (1463 — 1878 / 1908)
    Wallachia - vassal state, (1412-1456; 1462-1476; 1476-1594; 1601-1877)
    Ottoman Hungary (1541-1699)
    Herzegovina (1481 — 1878 / 1908)
    Ottoman Greece (1460-1832)
    Dodecanese (1522 — 1912)
    Cyprus (1570 — 1878 / 1914)
    Crete (1669 — 1898 / 1913)
    Crimean Khanate (1475-1774) - vassal state
    Cyclades Islands (1566-1830)
    Macedonia (1371 / 1395 — 1912)
    Moldavian principality - vassal state, (1455-1473; 1503-1572; 1574-1600; 1601-1877)
    Otranto (1480-1481)
    Podolia (1672-1699)
    Rhodes (1522 — 1912)
    Saronic Islands (1460-1830)
    North Aegean Islands (1677 — 1912)
    Serbia (1459-1804 / 1878)
    Slavonia (1592-1699)
    Sporades (1538-1830)
    Transylvania (principality) - vassal state, (1541-1699)
    Montenegro (1496 / 1499-1878)
    Epirus (1479 — 1912)
    Abadan (1514-1529, 1543-1623, 1639-1847)
    Abkhazia (1578-1810)
    Aden (1538-1839)
    Eastern Armenia (1514-1618)
    Georgia (1516-1603, 1620-1683, 1727-1735)
    Western Armenia (since 1514)
    Jordan (1516 — 1918)
    Iraq (Baghdad, Basrah, Mosul districts) (1534 — 1917)
    Yemen (1517 — 1636, 1872 — 1918)
    Qatar (1871 — 1916)
    Cilicia (since 1515)
    Kuwait (1534 — 1914)
    Lebanon (regions of Beirut, Acre, Sidon) (1516 — 1918)
    Luristan (1587-1639)
    Oman (1550-1551, 1581-1588, 1659-1741)
    Palestine (1516 — 1918)
    Saudi Arabia (Asher region) (1871 — 1914)
    Saudi Arabia (Nejd region) (1817 — 1902)
    Saudi Arabia (Hejaz region) (1517 — 1916)
    Saudi Arabia (Al-Hasa district) (1871 — 1913)
    Syria (Damascus and Aleppo) (1516 — 1918)
    Hamadan (1721 — 1730, 1916 — 1918)
    Under the Ottoman protectorate was the Sultanate of Ache (1566-1873), to which in the 1560s she sent a sea expedition.
    Algeria (area of ​​the city of Algiers) (1536-1830)
    Algeria (Constantine region) (1637-1830)
    Algeria (Oran region) (1708-1732, 1792-1831)
    Ottoman Egypt (1517 — 1798, 1801 — 1914)
    Libya (Cyrenaica region) (1521 — 1911)
    Libya (Tripolitania Region) (1551 — 1912)
    Libya (Fezzan region) (1842 — 1912)
    Sudan (Nubia region) (1553-1885)
    Tunisia (1534-1881)
    Eritrea (Massawa / Habesh region) (1557-1884)
    1. 0
      7 November 2020 02: 10
      Linden map, there were no Turks in the Caspian, Iran has always been there,
      1. -1
        7 November 2020 08: 50
        Quote: Petro_tut
        Linden map, there were no Turks in the Caspian, Iran has always been there,

        Do not fool yourself or fiercely, my dear. Part of the South-Eastern Caucasus (most of Azerbaijan), as well as Western Iran, were under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. hi
  9. 0
    5 November 2020 10: 20
    Quote: "... The world is changing ... It hurts, a lot of blood, but necessary ..." End of quote.
    "Philosophers have only explained the world in different ways; but the point is to change it" (Karl Marx Theses on Feuerbach (1845, publ. 1888). These words are carved on the pedestal of the monument to Karl Marx in the Highgate Cemetery in London.)
    Movement is a form of existence of matter. Movement is life. And the "world" (social systems) is changing. Who is the beneficiary? Who will be robbed and shot? Who changes? Who is standing and waiting? AND? It’s interesting.
  10. +1
    5 November 2020 10: 37
    Today we can already talk about the formation of a new system of political equilibrium in the Asian region. Traditionally, Israel remains one of the centers of power. Iran is opposed to it.

    Quite right. In the Middle East, the system of political equilibrium has been significantly strengthened. Israel has normalized relations with the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan. A number of Arab states are on the way.

    However, it would be a mistake to say that "Iran opposes Israel." For what reason? Israel has no territorial, material or economic claims against Iran. (in fact, like Iran to Israel.)
    Yes, Israel has publicly declared that Russia's main and completely uncontrollable geopolitical competitor in the Middle East and North Caucasus, an economic rival of Russia on a global scale, hiding behind tales of a "peaceful atom", enriches and accumulates uranium to create nuclear weapons (IAEA confirms). At the same time, it very seriously increases its capabilities in relation to conventional weapons. Many countries should think about this, and a number of them have already thought about it.

    Imagine that Iran has created nuclear weapons. Who will he use it against? Against Israel?
    Ayatols are drowning very loudly for the "Palestinian brothers". Where will they hit with nuclear weapons? Jerusalem, where 200 Arabs live? In Tel Aviv with another 000? Through the reactor in Dimona, 150 Bedouins will instantly go to the heavenly booths. In Israel, almost 000/100 of cities with a mixed population!
    The nuclear excess will surely affect Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt, and turn a real piece of the Mediterranean into a radioactive swamp. For what? Well, Israel bombed several objects of pro-Iranian militias in Siri. Well, half a dozen more sheds where they say that precision weapons were kept for Hezbollah. To start a nuclear war for this? Iran is by no means an Israeli problem. hi
    1. +2
      5 November 2020 16: 35
      The eastern slogans of the Ayatollahs about the liberation of Palestine from the Zionists were happily picked up by Israeli politicians in the mid-90s, finding a new horror story for the electorate, concerned about a peace process with the Palestinians that is really dangerous for Jews.
      1. +2
        5 November 2020 16: 56
        There was a case. We slurp to this day. fool
    2. -2
      6 November 2020 04: 03
      If Iran is screwed to the wall, then it may well use Yao if it is, you see, and the partial order on the BV will direct a couple of blows where necessary, in any case it will not be worse.
    3. -1
      6 November 2020 09: 39
      Quote: A. Privalov
      To start a nuclear war for this?
      IMHO, you are very mistaken trying to give Iran your interpretations, the Iranians think differently and on occasion no amount of dead Sunnis will stop them from the planned actions. They were stopped by the complete destruction of Sunni Syria in order to turn it into an Iranian enclave? Not for a second.
      1. +1
        6 November 2020 11: 44
        Quote: karima
        Quote: A. Privalov
        To start a nuclear war for this?
        IMHO, you are very mistaken trying to give Iran your interpretations, the Iranians think differently and on occasion no amount of dead Sunnis will stop them from the planned actions. They were stopped by the complete destruction of Sunni Syria in order to turn it into an Iranian enclave? Not for a second.

        In this case, you only confirm the thesis that Iran is a global problem. hi
    4. 0
      8 November 2020 00: 36
      Quote: A. Privalov
      In Tel Aviv with another 150?

      They will go to heaven, you get the idea.
  11. 0
    5 November 2020 11: 44
    what a "bad" Turkey ...
    For his interests in the region he does, then, this, and most importantly "to spite the Russian Federation !."
    Emotionally, but without a mental component. For which there are reasons for the action.
    When the Russian Federation does something for its own interests (more precisely, the Kremlin), in other countries, they try to explain in the same way (preferably emotionally so that it is clear to fragile brains) that it is "bad"
    For the developed, it is better to explain the cause and effect. And start with yourself. Why "bad" is for us. Why did we allow / did not / do not do.
    And only the author. The hand of the West, Turkey is bad, but we smart ones will watch.
    They pumped up the region with weapons, tried to skim the cream, and someone came to "our" ate the cream.
    UU .. bad uncle Erdogan .. and we .. warmed him .. we took him ... oh .. we picked him up
    Well, nothing. We will build TP999.
    Turkey has set an example by the way. But RF examples are not needed.
    Not Hungarian for diplomatic, nor Turkish for military support of an ally.
    We need some kind of special Russian way .. sado mazo .. Sell all allies, cry that all are bad and the hand of the West.
  12. +2
    5 November 2020 15: 46
    M-dya. Israel is the only developed country that has not imposed sanctions against the Russian Federation because of Crimea - but its policy is not independent laughing
    Regarding the Karabakh Conflict, no matter who is on both sides, Russia should stay away from this showdown. Based on the results, you can talk with Aliyev and Erdogan about the withdrawal of proxy-shmoxy and others from the territory of Azerbaijan
    1. -2
      5 November 2020 17: 05
      I agree with you. The big question is whether Israel is pursuing a pro-American policy or vice versa - the United States is pro-Israel
    2. +2
      5 November 2020 17: 33
      Yeah, stay away and then come and demand something. Brilliant plan.
  13. -7
    5 November 2020 16: 53
    Friends need to be kept close, and enemies even closer. I think Russia has such a tactic in relation to Turkey!
    Someone really wants to play us off .. It didn't work out in Syria, now they started a mess in Karabakh ..
    It was not in vain that Soros whispered with Pashinyan, and Aliyev with Rhodsheld .. Everything is very strange in this bloody conflict.
    1. +2
      5 November 2020 17: 15
      And Rockefeller and Assad - he treated his eyes in his London clinic ... and how it turned out ... what
      1. -4
        5 November 2020 17: 47
        Quote: Krasnodar
        And Rockefeller and Assad - he treated his eyes in his London clinic ... and how it turned out ... what

        Assad probably regrets that he accidentally "did not flinch" ... laughing I had to retrain from a professional doctor of the highest category to the head of state in order to protect my people of Syria from the encroachments of one small but cunning territory ... ))
        And someone is sitting out in Russia and pouring dirt on it and the Syrian people .. This is the main problem wink
        1. -2
          5 November 2020 18: 02
          At the military department of the Institute of Cutting and Sewing, the most powerful subject was political information fellow
          And who took the capitals of ISIS - Masul and Raqqa, after the bombing to smithereens - do the graduates of the military department know? ))
          And in which country are the Nazis legal, Vitas also knows? wink
          Defender of the Russian people lol
          1. -1
            5 November 2020 19: 21
            Quote: Krasnodar
            And in which country are the Nazis legal, Vitas also knows?
            Defender of the Russian people

            I made 18 thousand comments in a couple of years. wassat What else can I say, if you don’t wash so by rolling without soap, you will fit anywhere .. Well done! Keep it up "Krasnodar" (it's probably warm and satisfying to live there))))
            1. +1
              5 November 2020 19: 40
              Where they can get in without soap? Well, you know better, you live in this place all your life. Moreover, regardless of geography lol
              1. -3
                5 November 2020 19: 45
                Quote: Krasnodar
                Where they can get in without soap? Well, you know better, you live in this place all your life. Moreover, regardless of geography lol

                I didn’t expect any other answer ..))) Go ahead, you’re doing well with your hakhanks and ohans .. wink
    2. -1
      5 November 2020 17: 34
      Well, yes, we passed it in Syria, now we will surrender it in Armenia. The main thing is not to quarrel with Erdogash.
      1. +1
        5 November 2020 18: 05
        And who was passed in Armenia? Monument to Garegin Nzhdeh? ))
        1. -1
          5 November 2020 18: 14
          Karabakh. And Armenians. As well as their geopolitical and economic interests.
          1. 0
            5 November 2020 18: 22
            Karabakh is a disputed territory, from which there is more than a sense of fire. The Armenians were lost even before Pashinyan came to power - it is necessary to change the corrupt local kings to less pro-Western ones and on their own initiative, without waiting for strong popular discontent and the interception of the initiative by the West. Economic losses - there was no sense in Armenia.
            1. -1
              5 November 2020 18: 31
              You understand that from your correct and faithful words my words did not become
              less correct and faithful? Well, we will punish the fascist Armenians, and what next? And I will tell you, further pipelines from Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan to Turkey and the strengthening of Turkey's influence in Central Asia.
              NATO member. Well, we will lose the Armenians. Like the rest of the Transcaucasus. One more step back.
              Just don’t bother me to post pictures with posters like about Russian occupants and don’t tell me stories about how Turkey will be kicked out of NATO.
              1. 0
                5 November 2020 18: 48
                I am not going to post pictures with posters of Armenians about the Russian occupiers - and now there are no pipelines to Turkey? ))
                The Pashinyan administration banned the purchase of Turkish goods by ARMENIA not long ago - they are already there, and for a long time.
                How will the alleged Azerbaijani victory bring the presence of the Turks closer to the region, in which they already dominate?
                1. 0
                  5 November 2020 19: 06
                  There is, and there will be more, such that you cannot fire from South Ossetia, but you
                  I did not understand, the pipeline is important and some experts estimate the losses of Russia in billions. But the most important thing is the land route to Central Asia. And what does it mean to dominate? You cannot dominate without land or sea communication. Do you know how our people get to the base in Gyumri? Iran. This is how stupidity 08/08 comes back to us. Let us surrender ar-no one else will have business with us. However, already.
            2. 0
              5 November 2020 18: 33
              Economic losses? And the surrender of transport control over Azerbaijani oil and Turkmen gas? Do you understand what this means?
              1. -2
                5 November 2020 18: 48
                Are you talking about pipes going through our friendly Georgia?
                1. +1
                  5 November 2020 19: 09
                  And this too. But mainly about transport corridors. You know the dynamics? So it doesn’t please.
                  1. +1
                    5 November 2020 19: 34
                    Quote: Drago
                    And this too. But mainly about transport corridors. You know the dynamics? So it doesn’t please.

                    Transport corridors? Dynamics? laughing
                    More specifically, you can? Otherwise it sounds like molecular diagnostics through ultrasound and X-rays.
                    1. +1
                      5 November 2020 19: 46
                      Well, I don’t know. Buy a map or something. There it is clearly. Well, there is the Caspian Sea, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan. Maybe you can understand why there are Caliber in the Caspian Sea. And fighting with TVs tires you.
                      1. +1
                        5 November 2020 19: 53
                        Calibers in the Caspian for the safety of their carriers from the Navy of a potential enemy in the Mediterranean - you better tell me about the logistics laughing
                      2. 0
                        5 November 2020 20: 21
                        About logistics? No, I have too high quality feed.
                        Not in you.
                      3. +1
                        5 November 2020 20: 27
                        I noticed lol
              2. 0
                7 November 2020 04: 53
                Do you understand what this means?

                Of course, this means the beginning of gasification of central Russia at the expense of Gazprom, which in principle has already begun
          2. +1
            5 November 2020 19: 18
            We did not surrender the Armenians, we have a lot of them, and no one accepts, but Karabakh is not even a subject of bargaining. But the Armenians have not yet surrendered Pashinyan and the company to us, they rest with their horns and hooves. Here we only have one way, so that they continue to get on the horns, the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to kick back. In all seriousness, they are going to apply to the UN with a statement about Azerbaijan's aggression and demand from us to fulfill our marital, sorry, allied duty. You see, they consider themselves a state.

            In general, and speaking seriously, until the talking heads in Armenia change their rhetoric, it will be impossible for Armenia to recover after the war, to start building relations with Azerbaijan, and its content will again completely fall on us. I don’t know how many paid attention, but the payment systems are based only on the transfers of migrant workers and migrants. So in the South, in the branches of banks, there are even memos and advertisements in Armenian. This is despite the fact that in our province, unemployment and its own population is vegetating. The outflow of funds to Armenia, for example, is not only a decrease in the incomes of our population, a decrease in its opportunities and horizons, but also a lack of reinvestment of these funds in our economy, our outback is simply dying. I am somehow not interested in Armenia, they wanted to let the West taste it to the fullest, more interested in what is in my own country and region with the economy, education, medical services, etc.
            I have here at my side several hundred thousand Armenians, no one is particularly worried about what is happening in Karabakh, no one goes there and does not bother with this topic more than watch the news, but here half of a large resource and most of Russians are breaking spears about Armenia.
            The same story is with Turkey. Erdogan cannot even utter a word against the GDP, everyone understands this, but the tone of any discussion is set either by all-panders with a traumatized psyche, or by liberals. We have fairly transparent and pragmatic relations with Turkey, we understand the logic of the Turks and their goals. In many ways, we find mutual understanding, and the reasons and meanings are clear to both sides without unnecessary explanations. It is quite natural that the Turks are afraid of us, we will not pressure them so that they less often run to Uncle Sam under the wing, we will build transparent and mutually beneficial relations with them, without especially stepping on their atavism, a stump of Ottomanism, we will have a fairly reliable partner. Many countries are afraid of us and precisely because of the dominance of the liberals and the fifth column in our top, as a result of which there is a lack of firmness and consistency. It is generally accepted that we can throw and substitute at the moment when our liberation gains the upper hand and we, under their influence, begin to crawl on our belly and please the West. Recently, we just thought that certain officials and civil servants, as well as their relatives, cannot have this or that abroad, that relatives cannot be subjects of a foreign state, but for example, look at the same Turks, they have it a long time ago For a long time, the Turks do not like, take the Germans from them it is forbidden to have a second citizenship (not to be confused with dual) in general for all citizens. In our country, the children of the first persons in the state are foreign citizens, they live abroad having rent from the stolen dads in our country. After all, not only Navalny and his FBK know this, how can Cavusoglu speak with Lavrov, knowing that the future of this person has nothing to do with Russia, its continuation has long been over the hill? ...
            Therefore, we need to think less about lofty matters, but to be closer to the earth and the essentials, having solved elementary things in personnel policy, in the principles of forming power structures, government bodies. Then the same Turks will not be afraid of us, if there is a Russian in front of a Turk who does not see his future and his children anywhere except Russia and does not connect with anything except Russia, we will not have problems with Turkey. And to tear off, if not completely, but significantly, the Turks on themselves, if possible, will be expensive.
            1. 0
              5 November 2020 19: 30
              Mriya-do you know such a capacious concept of Ukrainian political newspeak?
              These are unscientific fantasy mriyas based on pleasant illusions.
              1. -1
                5 November 2020 20: 01
                It’s not mriya, it’s our history ...
                Is it the first time we decline and rise? For the first time the same Ukraine is walking a girl frog pid Zakhid?
                All this has already happened, nothing new and we know from our history, and the way out of this situation.
                1. 0
                  5 November 2020 20: 19
                  Nothing new, about weapons of mass destruction and falling demography, or scientific and technological progress?
                  1. -1
                    5 November 2020 20: 46
                    Each period had its own weapons of mass destruction. At one time, the appearance of machine guns was akin to the appearance of weapons of mass destruction.
                    Demography, and here is the same story, the reasons for its decline are not only in material well-being, but in a certain set of values. There were also such periods, the population of Russia has been declining for the first time.
            2. +2
              5 November 2020 21: 01
              And what is such a terrible thing that Putin can do to Erdogan? Tourism, pamidors, no, respected Putin can't do a damn thing, since Erdogan can take us out of Syria by cutting off supplies and keeping our effective ones behind the Turkish Stream.
              1. +1
                8 November 2020 04: 27
                As shown practice, Erdogan can not really do it, otherwise it would have already captured most of Syria. And I had to go to Moscow to bow, just recently it was, so it's silly to write that he can do something there in theory.
                Having cut off supplies, how is it? shooting down planes in the international space, and closing the straits?

                Well, this is actually a declaration of war. And Erdogan has already tried it, checked by shooting down a plane, then turned to NATO. NATO has made it clear that it will not help.
                In one person, Turkey will fight against Russia, and no matter how it lost the straits and so on. And "The world community will be for the Turks, because it loves them very much, the French, for example, the Germans, the British, and the United States generally kisses them passionately." sarcasm.)

                And Putin in general, if he wants to, can wipe Turkey off the face of the earth, just to zero, and he doesn't even need to kick it, just press a button. One can argue here that the likelihood of such an event tends to zero, and Putin will not do that, he is kind and reasonable ..., but it is foolish to deny the possibility of the fact: that Putin, if he gets up on the wrong foot, can erase Turkey to zero.
    3. +15
      6 November 2020 00: 00
      Quote: Turanov
      Friends need to be kept close, and enemies even closer. I think Russia has such a tactic in relation to Turkey!

      This is a very bad tactic. Well, we are keeping Turkey side by side, talking ... And the result?
      1. +11
        8 November 2020 02: 54
        Quote: Arlen
        And the result?

        Bottom line: there will be no war. Our government will not fight with partners. Our authorities forgive everything to partners.
  14. 0
    5 November 2020 17: 03
    "The East is a delicate matter," said Comrade Sukhov. It is unlikely that in the entire Ministry of Foreign Affairs there are a dozen people who really understand the essence of what is happening there. And Mr. Staver is definitely not in the top ten.
  15. -1
    5 November 2020 19: 03

    The Kremlin bots, of course, are tired of it - it is necessary to cover up the negative on brother Erdogan, extinguishing Turkey's interference in our Caucasian patrimony with vague rumors about partnership.
    We, however, who watched live how they killed our ambassador and finished off our pilot, were not tired.
    1. +1
      5 November 2020 19: 21
      It’s something when the Turks climb into Kazakhstan, then there will be a howl that mom don’t cry.
      1. +1
        6 November 2020 00: 10
        Quote: Drago
        It’s something when the Turks climb into Kazakhstan, then there will be a howl that mom don’t cry.

        There, China is already with both feet))) wink
        1. 0
          8 November 2020 21: 32
          The main problem for us Russians is that we do not understand at all what it means to be
          a minority with a tragic history, and we think in terms of our own paradigms.
          always Victory. And your comment from this series. Do not understand. But everything is simple. China
          with both feet? So. But today China is tomorrow NATO. We condemn people who
          in our expression, trying to sit on two chairs, not understanding what is for them
          THERE IS NO other option. But what should the Kazakhs think? First, they will surrender the Armenians, then us? And they are right. And the Turks are an instrument. In general, such a confusion. Think, take your time.
      2. 0
        7 November 2020 04: 56

        It’s something when the Turks climb into Kazakhstan, then there will be a howl that mom don’t cry.

        They are already late, the place is occupied by China
  16. -1
    5 November 2020 21: 45
    Quote: Cartalon
    And what is such a terrible thing that Putin can do to Erdogan? Tourism, pamidors, no, respected Putin can't do a damn thing, since Erdogan can take us out of Syria by cutting off supplies and keeping our effective ones behind the Turkish Stream.
    What can GDP, more precisely Russia? - plunge Turkey into chaos.
    1. 0
      6 November 2020 12: 03
      Quote: Azimuth
      What can GDP, more precisely Russia? - plunge Turkey into chaos.

  17. -1
    5 November 2020 22: 03
    The West has always shown the ability to create a tyrant and send him to war against Russia. This time they decided not to expose their territory to retaliation, and they mold the Fuhrer from Erdo, playing on his wet dreams.
    1. -2
      5 November 2020 22: 14
      My God, all sorts of Fuhrer have already surrounded us. It is enough to give them 50 pieces of nuclear
      charges. Or maybe just do it themselves. Ukraine will master.
  18. 0
    6 November 2020 10: 57
    Today we can already talk about the formation of a new system of political equilibrium in the Asian region. Traditionally, Israel remains one of the centers of power. Iran is opposed to it. A revived Syria is also in a corresponding position, even though internal problems persist. Well, Turkey

    Unshaven Staver crying into his pillow is, of course, a strong picture)), but, nevertheless, one should determine the geography - the territory designated by Staver is traditionally called the "Middle East" in geopolitics. The poles of power in the "Asian region", I think, are somewhat different.
    Regarding "reborn Syria", of course, it's ridiculous ... To endow it with some kind of regional influence at this stage of the chaos there is stupid.
  19. -1
    6 November 2020 17: 23
    Good, correct article.
    Now I will read the comments.
  20. -2
    6 November 2020 17: 31
    Yes, I was not mistaken in the comments. "Ukrainians" and "liberasts" came running, quickly explained to the author. that he is a "yellow earthworm."
    1. +1
      7 November 2020 04: 59

      Again, mythological animals are to blame for everything?
  21. -1
    6 November 2020 19: 55
    Let's support our brothers Armenians. How they supported us during World War II and we must not forget that in terms of the population and the percentage of the Nazis who left to beat the Germans, it is the Karabakh Armenians who are leading in this list. Yes, and which and how many were heroes and marshals generals. Ivan Baghramyan what is our pride worth
  22. 0
    7 November 2020 12: 08
    Draining Pashinyan to the mutual benefit of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Moscow. Nothing personal...
  23. 0
    7 November 2020 22: 23
    The Armenians are transferring mercenaries from Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Kurds, etc. Azerbaijan has an army of more than 120 thousand people and the mobilization is partial, they do not need mercenaries. Armenia has a general mobilization and they are losing in hostilities, therefore, mercenaries are needed, even convicts are already being sent to the front.
  24. -1
    11 November 2020 12: 43
    In general, the insolence of the Turkish president towards everyone and everything is off scale. He's playing pranks in northern Syria. It helps Azerbaijan by supplying weapons to liberate its territories from the Armenian occupation. It will face our military in Syria, or the Americans.

    And you can:
    In general, the insolence of the Russian president towards everyone and everything is off scale. He's playing pranks in northern Syria. It helps Azerbaijan by supplying weapons to liberate its territories from the Armenian occupation. He will either face the Turkish military in Syria, or the Americans.
  25. -1
    11 November 2020 12: 46
    Quote: Andrey Novoseltsev
    Let's support our brothers Armenians. How they supported us during World War II and we must not forget that in terms of the population and the percentage of the Nazis who left to beat the Germans, it is the Karabakh Armenians who are leading in this list. Yes, and which and how many were heroes and marshals generals. Ivan Baghramyan what is our pride worth

    They now have different values ​​- the Nazi criminal Nzhdeh. And Baghramyan was born in Azerbaijan, where Armenians have a different mentality.
  26. -1
    11 November 2020 14: 54
    Quote: Drago
    We will hand over the ar-no one else will have business with us. However, already.

    Quarrel over Armenians with everyone. Not to deal with Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Iran? This is a diplomatic move.