Comrade Lenin did not write that. More about classics and war


So, we have received carte blanche from the readers. Almost 10 thousand views and about a hundred comments are a good reason to continue the topic. "Classics and War"... Let me remind you that the author's choice of classics is completely different than in the textbook collection of the 20s.

Comrade Lenin did not write that. More about classics and war

Wasn't that "our" army yet?

A quarter of a century after the October Revolution, in the days of the war with Hitlerite Germany, the cruel reality forced Stalin to return to his roots, relying on the experience of the great Russian commanders and the Russian army. However, his predecessor Ulyanov-Lenin, following in the footsteps of the founders of Marxism, had no doubt that the revolution needed a completely new army - a workers 'and peasants', that is, a class one.

It is hardly worth reminding here that not only the rank and file, but also the officers of the Russian imperial army, since the times of Peter the Great, were formed from peasants and workers as well. The main thing is that by the end of World War I, of course, almost three quarters of the junior commanders were not nobles or representatives of other exploiting classes.

But back in 1912, the "Military Statistical Collection" stated that among generals, hereditary nobles accounted for 87,5 percent, headquarters officers - 71,5 percent, chief officers - 50,4 percent. However, the share of nobles with land ownership among them was significantly lower, but only the war changed the social composition of the Russian officer corps, one might say, radically.

Isn't that why the bet on military experts, made during the construction of the Red Army at the suggestion of Trotsky, turned out to be absolutely correct. Indeed, even among the senior officers by 1917, the "exploiters" were by no means in the majority. In a multimillion army that suffered colossal losses, this was simply impossible.

Workers and peasants managed to settle in the ranks of generals and admirals. Thus, the notorious General N. Ivanov, whom Emperor Nicholas II instructed to "crush the revolutionary infection" in Petrograd, was a native of peasants. However, an armed people is not yet a people's army; here you cannot argue with Lenin.

Ilyich had no less reason to harshly criticize the tsarist army than Engels. And not only for the sake of turning the imperialist war into a civil war, and not only because the Bolsheviks were consistent “defeatists”.

He did not go into details, unlike Trotsky and Stalin, who knew how to count thousands of soldiers, Tanks and cannons, as well as poods and tons, while remaining strategists. But Lenin is also a true strategist, the overwhelming majority of his military articles, speeches and essays are literally overflowing with strategic analysis, albeit sometimes not too noticeable under the veil of propaganda.

Lenin, already very young, more than once compared both the uprising and the revolutionary war with art, and therefore not only dealt with the analysis of the flights of the old army. It is much more important for the leader of the Bolsheviks to bring out all the best that could and should have been learned from her. After all, it will not be possible to endure that in the new revolutionary army:

The darkness, ignorance, illiteracy, and the downtroddenness of the peasant masses came out with terrifying frankness in the clash with the progressive people in modern war, which just as necessarily requires high-quality human material, as does modern technology. Success in modern warfare is impossible without a proactive, conscientious soldier and sailor.

Who and what will become the foundation of the new army? This worried the irrepressible Ilyich most of all. And it worried even before the first Russian revolution of 1905. The outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War became a strong incentive for all revolutionary propagandists, including Lenin, to take up the pen.

Fortunately, in a country where no more than 15 percent of the population knew how to read, freedom of speech was really not seriously limited. Another thing is that for effective revolutionary propaganda, completely different conditions and unthinkable efforts of the revolutionaries themselves were soon needed.

But in 1905, even they were clearly not enough to raise not only the factory workers of two capitals and a number of other cities. Only on the fronts of the World War a man with a gun, as they say, fell under agitation and became a real representative of the electorate for real revolutionaries: Socialist-Revolutionaries, Bolsheviks and even anarchists.

No reason not to speak

So, there are reasons, I quickly found a reason not only to study, but also to write, write, write. The tragedy of Port Arthur - it seemed that no one would even think of making it a reason to pounce not only on those in power, but on all those who defend it, but also defend their homeland.

However, real Social Democrats, by definition, should be against wars of conquest, and the second issue of the illegal weekly Vperyod, published for only six months in Geneva, publishes Lenin's angry Fall of Port Arthur.

Lenin begins with a lengthy, dramatic quotation from an unnamed European newspaper, a bourgeois one, of course. It says, among other things, not only that "the moral strength of a mighty empire is crumbling," but also that "now the significance of the collapse that has occurred cannot be weakened."

However, a very young still, only 34 years old, but already an experienced revolutionary, this is not enough, brushing aside the hated "class instinct of the bourgeoisie of the old world," smashing tsarism, smashing the tsarist administration, the tsarist army and tsarist generals. And he never misses an opportunity to note that "the bourgeoisie has something to be afraid of," and "the proletariat has something to rejoice in."

As if their heads far from their homeland then laid down not thousands of his compatriots, representatives of not only the backward peasantry, but also the revolutionary (potentially) proletariat, but the wordless slaves of the emperor and his clique.

But why on earth did Lenin decide that the war was not aggressive on the part of Japan, researchers still cannot understand.

Progressive, advanced Asia dealt an irreparable blow to backward and reactionary Europe.

This is exactly what Vladimir Ulyanov, who is still almost unknown as Lenin, wrote then.

Taking for granted Ilyich's contempt and scornfulness towards the Russian imperial army, we admit that his further analysis of flights is simply brilliant. Here is the question of domination at sea, as "the main and fundamental issue of a real war," and a scrupulous analysis of the balance of forces and painfully accurate forecast of the impending collapse of Admiral Rozhestvensky's Pacific squadron.

Autocratic Russia has already been defeated by constitutional Japan, and any delay will only strengthen and aggravate the defeat. The best part of Russian fleet has already been exterminated, the position of Port Arthur is hopeless, the squadron coming to his aid has not the slightest chance not only of success, but even of reaching its destination, the main army with Kuropatkin at its head lost more than 200 people, is exhausted and stands helpless in front of the enemy, who will inevitably crush her after the capture of Port Arthur. A military collapse is inevitable, and with it an increase in discontent, fermentation and indignation is inevitable.

About the war with Japan and the peace that Premier Witte gave Russia, nicknamed the Count Polusakhalinsky for a reason, Lenin will not write much yet: he had to switch to other topics. Revolution and plans for an uprising were on the agenda.

Articles from the emigre "Forward" in the days of the first Russian revolution are actively reprinted at home. The majority of publishers are not revolutionists, but just successful entrepreneurs. They need circulation, and circulation is given by the opposition press, no matter how much it is banned.

The first of the Bolsheviks, like many of his associates, immediately turns to the French experience - from the Great Revolution and, of course, from the very recent Paris Commune. In his short essay "Revolutionary Days", Lenin even cites a plan for the Petersburg battle, but more publicistic than real.

But when a harsh reaction follows after the first revolutionary outburst, Lenin writes the most important article "Two Tactics", which says that the Bolsheviks should not support the impatient appeal of the Socialist-Revolutionaries and anarchists for an immediate uprising. Simply because it is still very poorly prepared.

Nevertheless, the fact that the Bolsheviks, as well as a number of other revolutionary parties, are preparing for an uprising simply at a frantic pace, is reflected in the publications of the same Vperyod, even in the smallest details. Thus, the weekly publishes detailed and very specific notes by General Clusere "On street fighting." With Lenin's preface "From the Editor".

The notes of Gustave-Paul Cluseret, a participant in the Crimean campaign and the American Civil War, a Garibaldian and one of the commanders of the Commune, are titled “Advice of the General of the Commune”. And although Ilyich is forced to confine himself to general phrases and a short biography of the author, this passage seems to the author extremely important in itself, even today:

For the Russian proletarian, the original thoughts of Cluseret should serve only as material for an independent, in relation to our conditions, processing of the experience of Western European comrades.

On the eve

Lenin practically never abandoned the military theme, at least for a long time. She came up with him even when writing key works on economics and politics. Lenin, pardon the repetition, like his teacher, bowed to Clausewitz for the fact that he called the war a continuation of politics by other means.

Lenin did not miss the fight between Italy and Turkey, but he has no more than five or six works on the Balkan Wars, and with distinctly political accents. The Balkan problems are the subject of Trotsky, about which a little below. But for a world war, which he always considered inevitable, Ilyich prepared, as he himself admitted, badly.

No, for Lenin, the clash of the great imperialist powers did not come as a surprise - it was unexpected that the terrible flywheel of the worldwide massacre was spinning “only” because of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the Hapsburg throne. Only - it was thrown by Ilyich in a conversation with Y. Ganetsky and recorded in one of Lenin's collections.

The puncture had to be worked out in full, and Lenin wrote his programmatic works "The Collapse of the Second International", "Socialism and War", as well as the legendary "Imperialism as the Highest Stage of Capitalism". How not to remember that it was in this book, a popular essay, as the author himself called it, among other things, it was about the division of the world between the great powers.

In addition, Lenin wrote there not only about the betrayal of the working class by the Western Social Democrats who spoke out for the war, but also about Russia's goals in the war, and about pacifism. World war, at that time the most terrible in storiesLenin and his associates immediately accurately described as "the war of the slave owners for the preservation of slavery."

In the fall of 1916, just six months before the February events in Russia, Lenin wrote his "Military Program of the Proletarian Revolution." It is quite detailed, and the depth of the study of the topic can be judged by at least three key theses of this Leninist "program":

First, socialists have never been and never can be opponents of revolutionary wars.
The bourgeoisie of the "great" imperialist powers has become thoroughly reactionary, and the war that this bourgeoisie is now waging, we recognize as a reactionary, slave-owning and criminal war ...
Secondly, civil wars are also wars. Whoever recognizes the class struggle cannot but recognize civil wars, which in any class society represent a natural, under certain circumstances inevitable continuation, development and intensification of the class struggle. All great revolutions confirm this ...
Third, the victorious socialism in one country by no means excludes all wars at once. On the contrary, he assumes them. The development of capitalism is proceeding extremely unevenly in different countries. It cannot be otherwise with commodity production. Hence the immutable conclusion: socialism cannot win simultaneously in all countries. He will win initially in one or several countries, while the rest will remain bourgeois or pre-bourgeois for some time. This should cause not only friction, but also a direct desire of the bourgeoisie of other countries to crush the victorious proletariat of the socialist state. In these cases, the war on our side would be legal and just. It would be a war for socialism, for the liberation of other peoples from the bourgeoisie.

History testifies that the Bolsheviks adopted it as a real program much later, and the work was directed primarily against the pacifist idea of ​​general disarmament. But it was with this work that the leader of the world proletariat, as it were, threw the bridge in 1917, when tsarism would collapse, and after it the dubious democratic power without power.

And from the imperialist war with its millions of senseless victims, Russia will emerge with the Brest-Litovsk Peace, yes, separate, yes, "obscene" - according to Lenin. And then the war, exactly according to Lenin, will turn into a civil war - fratricidal, but let us be objective, at least here, not as bloody as the world war.

Short, but honest

It is characteristic that from the very beginning Lenin's works on a military topic were for the most part not as voluminous as those of his teachers. Ilyich was not ordered to report, he did not cooperate with encyclopedias. The leader of the semi-legal RSDLP (b) had to publish mainly in the left, and most importantly, in his own, social democratic press.

The authors-compilers of the two-volume book "Lenin on War, the Army and Military Science" from the "Officer's Library" can be understood: they had to attract articles and speeches there that were very indirectly related to military affairs. However, to reduce the matter to a single volume, and even less in volume than Engels's, could simply not be understood in the communist Central Committee.

It is believed that the first volume of the collection should have completely included the famous program article, more precisely, the book "What is to be done?", But someone at the top, either M. Suslov, or B. Ponomarev, realized in time that it would be overkill ... It was decided to confine ourselves to lengthy excerpts and quotations.

Lenin would be able to write his great works, such as Marxism and Uprising or War and Revolution, only much later, after the February coup and the fall of the monarchy. The famous and bright, but at the same time scrupulous "All for the fight against Denikin" will be released after the Great October Revolution in the midst of the battles between the Reds and Whites.

The need to fight for peace by all means, albeit a separate and annexationist one, recognized a little later and completely "obscene", became the reason for writing a whole series of articles and even a special publication of the "Position" of the Bolshevik Central Committee on the question of peace.

The rapid arming of the workers and peasants begins during the formation of the Red Army, and the head of the first Soviet government backs this up with the "Report on War and Peace", theses for the VII Congress of the RCP (b) in parallel with the constant control over the replenishment of the Red Army with soldiers and command personnel.

All this is interspersed with numerous speeches, lengthy speeches at congresses of Soviets and party plenums, as well as concrete military work at the head of the Council of People's Commissars. It is especially remarkable, and today as never before, from the point of view of an analysis of the realities and prospects of the civil war, Lenin's "Letter to American Workers" is relevant.

Here are just a few lines from it, which are especially relevant today, when only the lazy does not frighten the world with predictions about the coming civil war in the United States:

... in the era of revolution, the class struggle inevitably and inevitably always and in all countries took the form of a civil war, and a civil war is inconceivable neither without destruction of the gravest kind, nor without terror, nor without the constraint of formal democracy in the interests of war.

However, even today the main thing remains that Ilyich, who solved a lot of military issues and wrote so much about them, categorically did not want and did not allow himself to be considered an expert in military affairs. He is a revolutionary, he is a politician-practitioner, if someone wanted to, a philosopher, and finally a lawyer by profession.

But the authority of his closest comrade-in-arms, with whom he really got along only in 1917, Trotsky, as an expert in military affairs, Lenin recognized very quickly. His appointment as People's Commissar for Military Affairs and Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the republic happened at the suggestion of Lenin.

How could it be otherwise, Trotsky did not only write about the war, really knowing it as a war correspondent for Kievskaya Mysl. It was he, Trotsky, who went through two Balkan campaigns and was under fire more than once. Some of Trotsky's biographers noted that he “wrote a series of“ heartbreaking ”articles dedicated to the suffering of ordinary participants in the war and“ war atrocities ”."

Another thing was more important: back in 1905, Leiba Bronstein, who had recently adopted a pseudonym by the name of his prison warden, turned out to be one of the leaders of the uprising in St. Petersburg. The uprising did not develop to a real battle with tsarism, as in Moscow, it did not come to guns, machine guns and the massive construction of barricades.

Nevertheless, even the fact that Trotsky took the high post of one of the three co-chairmen of the Petrosovet clearly faded before this. He became its de facto leader instead of Khrustalyov-Nosar, who was then no less popular than the priest Gapon. The arrest and exile, and then the escape, bold in its impudence, only added to Trotsky's whists.

Read about the military prose of Trotsky and his main enemy Stalin, as well as about the works of Frunze and Mao, which, in the author's opinion, cannot but be recognized as classics, read in the following notes of the cycle "Classics and War".
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  1. +27
    2 November 2020 15: 09
    You can write any nasty thing about Lenin “fearlessly” - he will not stand up and will not give in the face.
    I would like to see the author's "works" with an impartial analysis of today's "breakthroughs".
    1. +23
      2 November 2020 15: 14
      Quote: lexus
      I would like to see the author's "works" with an impartial analysis of today's "breakthroughs".

      I am afraid that then today's "breakthroughs", for the most part, will not look like breakthroughs at all.
      1. +17
        2 November 2020 15: 24
        Alexey hi ,
        that is why the "Lilliputians" merged into a "multi-arm" to "finally" defeat the already dead Gulliver. He, even lying, is unattainably higher than them and their hidden "sun".
        1. +15
          2 November 2020 15: 34
          Quote: lexus
          precisely because the "Lilliputians" rallied to "finally" defeat the already dead Gulliver. After all, he, even lying, is unattainably higher than them and their hidden "sun"

          I have been tormented by vague presentiments lately that they will scratch at him, get through, with their "carry-overs", "reburials." Places then will not be enough for all of them.
          1. +14
            2 November 2020 15: 47
            On the eve of the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, their "itch" is always intensifying. That is why they "fight" in all ways with his "INTOLERANCE". Because it is no longer possible to wash off your own dirt.
            1. +11
              2 November 2020 15: 57
              Wrong, they wake up itching twice: on the eve of April 22 and November 7 smile
              1. +6
                2 November 2020 16: 06
                Daniel hi good,
                Naturally, there is a clinic of off-season exacerbation of mental disorders.
                1. +6
                  2 November 2020 16: 12
                  hi The clinic of off-season exacerbation can be clearly traced .. But here the author acts as an attending physician, conducts de-Sovietization and decommunization of the brain. So that the brain is virgin and does not think about anything but social partnership .. smile
                  1. +5
                    2 November 2020 16: 16
                    Such "pills" do not heal the brain, but fill the "voids" with "substance".
                    1. +5
                      2 November 2020 16: 37
                      I would like to see an analysis of the article "On the defeat of his government in the imperialist war"... Where "The revolutionary class in a reactionary war cannot but wish defeat for its government" and that's it.
                    2. +1
                      2 November 2020 22: 58
                      Quote: lexus
                      Such "pills" do not heal the brain, but fill the "voids" with "substance".

                      Duc, in the best traditions!
                    3. +5
                      3 November 2020 10: 57
                      Well, on the contrary, in the course of my "treatment" something else intensified - my interest in the topic "Lenin and the War" I'm not a connoisseur of the classics. Therefore, it was a reason for surprise: it turns out that Vladimir Ilyich paid great attention to the problem of war, both external and internal. And suddenly, after reading the article, the greatness of what happened in October 17th appeared before me with all clarity. Terrible breath of the era! Let us renounce the old world, shake its dust from our feet ... Lord, it was! It was ... A tectonic plate shift. What my country has experienced! The old slabs shifted with a huge rattle, cried out from pain, fear, anger and inspiration, millions of voices, and amid painful groans, bubbling through streams of pouring blood, a brilliant era of bright hopes was born - one that had to be loved and cherished, strengthening for centuries. ..
                      Deceived, sold. Betrayed.
        2. +17
          2 November 2020 16: 01
          finally "defeat the already dead Gulliver

          Old man Ecclesiastes was wrong - a lion, even a dead one, is much, much better than a pack of jackals still alive ...
          1. +9
            2 November 2020 16: 10
            Paul hi,
            especially when jackals degenerated into rats and worms.
      2. +12
        2 November 2020 15: 27
        “The bottom has not yet been broken and the world will never be the same” - modern ideology. sad
        1. +10
          2 November 2020 15: 37
          Dmitriy hi,
          in search of profit, "crooks and thieves" are constantly updating the "horizon" with a "minus" sign.
      3. +15
        2 November 2020 15: 31
        Quote: aleksejkabanets
        I am afraid that then today's "breakthroughs", for the most part, will not look like breakthroughs at all.

        Today's breakthroughs already look like they are not breakthroughs ... and there is nothing to compare with at all .. Zero with what can be compared ... but now it's not even zero ... but minus .. minus in demography, science, education ... in general on fsem fronts minus .. Plus only in the number of billionaires.
        1. +10
          2 November 2020 15: 36
          Quote: Svarog
          Plus only in the number of billionaires.

          Well, they are still embarrassed to show it as a "breakthrough".
          1. +8
            2 November 2020 15: 57
            If you pull off the whole blanket on a sick "head"
            to hide the bare "ass" will not work.
        2. +12
          2 November 2020 15: 54
          Quote: Svarog
          Quote: aleksejkabanets
          I am afraid that then today's "breakthroughs", for the most part, will not look like breakthroughs at all.

          Today's breakthroughs already look like they are not breakthroughs ... and there is nothing to compare with at all .. Zero with what can be compared ... but now it's not even zero ... but minus .. minus in demography, science, education ... in general on fsem fronts minus .. Plus only in the number of billionaires.

          Another plus in the fleet of yachts of Russian oligarchs, whose yachts are more expensive than the Russian Navy.
          1. +6
            2 November 2020 16: 16
            in the fleet of yachts of Russian oligarchs, whose yachts are more expensive than the Russian Navy
            ... Here, you just do not understand. During the war, the fleet of oligarchs will become a fleet with supernova weapons, which is still unknown. Enemies will be surprised. The fleet of oligarchs, the secret weapon of modern Russia. laughing
        3. +4
          2 November 2020 15: 57
          Quote: Svarog
          Plus only in the number of billionaires.

          And all this, somehow not according to Lenin.
          1. +13
            2 November 2020 16: 05
            According to Lenin, that's how it was .. in 5 years the giant was planted .. and the city grew up in an open field ..

            and now this is what is happening ..
            1. +4
              2 November 2020 16: 18
              Quote: Svarog
              According to Lenin, that's how it was .. in 5 years the giant was planted .. and the city grew up in an open field ..

              Thanks for the video. Impressive!
              1. +14
                2 November 2020 16: 39
                Quote: tihonmarine
                Quote: Svarog
                According to Lenin, that's how it was .. in 5 years the giant was planted .. and the city grew up in an open field ..

                Thanks for the video. Impressive!

                This is my hometown, which my parents built .. I perfectly remember the atmosphere when we were friends with entrances, and celebrations were celebrated almost by the whole house .. when the doors were not closed and the children were walking quietly without parental supervision .. Last night, nostalgia prevailed)) revised ..
                1. +6
                  2 November 2020 17: 49
                  Quote: Svarog
                  This is my hometown, which my parents built .. I remember very well the atmosphere when we were friends with entrances, and celebrations were celebrated with almost the whole house.

                  I remember how they started to build it. A new city, a new life, my friends also went there to the MADI field, all young, perky. It was a golden time.
            2. +10
              2 November 2020 16: 21
              Vladimir hi ,
              protozoa / parasites are incapable of creation.
    2. +10
      2 November 2020 16: 53
      Quote: lexus
      You can write any nasty thing about Lenin “fearlessly” - he will not stand up and will not give in the face.

      It's true.
      Didn't see "any nasty things" in the article. On the contrary, this is a rare article like this in our time. In the form of theses. Nothing about the world revolution, nothing about "syphilis ..". But about world wars, the socialist revolution in a separate country, the inevitable attack on Soviet Russia, the "obscene" world ....
    3. +5
      2 November 2020 18: 42
      Autocratic Russia is defeated by the already constitutional Japan

      1. What's wrong? Tsushima and Port Arthur are not these proofs of Lenin's correctness?
      2. But under Soviet rule, the Japanese raked hard and to the point.
      3. Who returned the Kuriles and South Sakhalin? Is it not the state of workers and peasants built by Vladimir Ilyich?
      4. During the restoration, Tsar Boris surrendered how many Soviet conquests? Yes, a joke with him with Turkestan, but Belarus, Ukraine, medicine, education, just confidence in the future. This is all the restored autocracy with an exhibition parliament.

      PS. You can throw as many cheap propaganda articles as you like. This will not change history.
    4. +3
      2 November 2020 19: 13
      Breakthrough sewers, if only
    5. +2
      2 November 2020 23: 26
      And where did you actually see the nasty things? The author writes on the case and respectfully about Lenin
    6. 0
      29 December 2020 12: 00
      And where did you see the "muck" about Lenin?
  2. +16
    2 November 2020 15: 22
    The author, and where in his works V. I. Lenin is wrong, what is wrong ..? Do you think that now, in case of "hush up", brother will not go against brother? And do you know who will be terrorized from one side or the other? The likes of you, who run from side to side and say, maybe it is not necessary, or maybe you will all come to your senses?
    1. +4
      2 November 2020 15: 58
      Quote: Daniil Konovalenko
      The author, and where in his works VI Lenin is wrong, what is wrong ..?

      Even the ideologues of anti-communism have not yet found such a thing.
      1. +1
        2 November 2020 16: 04
        So the author did not find ... The essence of two articles of the author of this and the previous classics of Marxism was poorly written about the Russian army and the policy of the Russian Empire. All the quotes that they cited in their articles are not criticized, they say this is not so and it is not so .. .Just throws it out in public, with a caustic remark, look how badly they responded. As they say, shoot, shoot, and do not tell how you are going to shoot.
    2. +3
      2 November 2020 17: 47
      Thank you, of course, but the author did not run, not Kerensky he, but tried to remind how Lenin's works on military topics always appeared to the point ...
  3. +13
    2 November 2020 15: 37
    So, sir ... I read to General Ivanov ... I'll say right away that even before that I had huge doubts about the class statistics of officers, but I didn't check it, but take Ivanov and check it out. We are talking about a general whose name was Nikolai Iudovich Ivanov. We open the "List of nobles included in the noble genealogy book on October 1, 1908 and the list of persons who have held positions in the elections of the nobility since 1785. - Kaluga, 1908. - 444 pp. Sec. Pag., 1 sheet. Diagr." - He is a hereditary nobleman. Further reading this ... daub ... did not ... everything is clear ...
    1. +12
      2 November 2020 16: 07
      But this phrase did not bother you:
      the officer corps of the Russian imperial army since the times of Peter the Great was formed, among other things, from peasants and workers
      ... I am even very ..
    2. +3
      2 November 2020 17: 54
      It is only according to official data that General N.I. Ivanov came from the hereditary nobles of the Kaluga province, but he is also the son of a staff captain, who had served as a soldier on long-term service. According to other sources, he is actually the son of a cantonist officer. And according to some sources, he is generally the son of a convict

      But according to the testimony of contemporaries, he behaved in life like a real native of peasants
      1. +6
        2 November 2020 19: 21
        brilliant ...
        you know ... officially I'm kind of like a human, but according to some sources, a giraffe, and according to others, it's just a penguin ... but according to the testimony of my contemporaries, I behave like a real dolphin ...
        I drew an analogy on myself so as not to offend anyone, but the meaning, I hope, is clear ...
        1. 0
          28 December 2020 07: 49
          Quote: TAMBU
          you know ... officially I'm kind of like a human, but according to some sources, a giraffe, and according to others, it's just a penguin.

          Faced on work with old people born in 1923,1924,1926 in the neighboring area. All had a date of birth - January 01.
          To my surprise belay the old people answered that in 1927 the building of the village council with all the services burned down. Nobody poked around and looked for dates of birth - it was just that they were all born on 01.01 ..easier so the books were rewritten ...
          All their dates have grown by a year ...

          Here the book of 1925 was taken out - and those born then were left with real birthdays ...
          But not from shit written ...

          And you are "giraffe, penguin" ....
          1. 0
            28 December 2020 09: 11
            It is one thing for the peasants and the rural Soviet registration of the first half of the 20th century, and another for the nobles with their noble genealogical books of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They tried to follow these people much more carefully than other subjects.
            1. 0
              28 December 2020 12: 10
              A burned-out unit of the OGPU in a village with a population of 6 people (there are now almost 000 in it) according to your trifle ??? Ledgers (exactly!), perhaps forms / seals / stamps / operational files / archive .....
              Yes, here the whole range of crimes against the state of the Criminal Code of 1926 could be drawn. Here the tower looms right ...

              For noble registration - as if the execution did not shine. lol

              Z. Y. They were at one time a settlement, but they quickly realized that it was extremely unprofitable. Benefits, states, length of service, surcharges, OSAGO are 40% cheaper, they even have lunch for 2 hours.
              And we have almost the same number - a city crying
              1. 0
                28 December 2020 14: 41
                did I say something about pettiness? I was talking about being scrupulous ...
  4. 0
    2 November 2020 15: 38
    It is very strange ... An article about Lenin, and all the commentators demand "an analysis of today's breakthroughs" ... But they don't even mention Lenin out of decency ...
    1. +1
      2 November 2020 16: 00
      Quote: Lesovik
      And they don't even mention Lenin out of decency ...

      One can speak well about V. I. Lenin, or keep silent.
      1. 0
        2 November 2020 20: 59
        Mortui sunt, aut bonum, aut nihil est veritas, sed
        Only here's something of a problem with this
        1. +1
          3 November 2020 09: 07
          Quote: frog
          Only here's something of a problem with this

          Problems, yes. Capitalism still exists, Lenin is like a pistol to his temples.
          1. +1
            3 November 2020 12: 28
            Well, I wouldn't be so categorical. Capitalism - it can be different. As well as socialism. Which, purely IMHO, we didn’t have. It’s not at all a fact that it was bad. Bo, as well as with democracy, it is necessary to grow up to these. From just not raised, for some reason. But this is a separate, long, muddy and something forming theme ...
            1. -1
              3 November 2020 14: 34
              Quote: frog
              Capitalism - it can be different. As well as socialism.

              Well, so far, decent capitalism has not appeared anywhere, even in Russia. It is a stretch to recognize only the Scandinavian countries, and then Denmark and Norway are NATO members.
              1. 0
                3 November 2020 16: 14
                even in Russia

                It inspires wink Or is it autumn? feel
                It is a stretch to recognize only the Scandinavian countries, and then Denmark and Norway are NATO members.

                To begin with, what is the connection between the socio-economic formation and the military bloc ?? Or do you divide the gophers by the same criteria? Well, we just won't talk about decent models of socialism. To the delight of certain)))
                1. -2
                  3 November 2020 16: 50
                  Quote: frog
                  Or do you divide the gophers by the same criteria?

                  That's why I shoved the "gophers" from NATO, because the entire economic policy of these countries depends on this organization, and even the same sanctions. If we take Suomi and Sweden, then they have room for maneuver. Although I went over the bad capitalists. An ordinary capitalist producer, he works and allows people to live humanly, but "parasitic capitalism" is bad capitalism (imperialism).
                  1. 0
                    3 November 2020 17: 28
                    That is, if it weren’t Nata, we would be with the Norwegians in the gums ??))
                    Very much I doubt it. Well, very much .... The Swedes are neither in front nor behind, but somehow I don’t see any special friendship))) Although it would have been possible to do a lot with them even in the days of the Soviets. I am in a good economic sense feel
                    1. 0
                      3 November 2020 23: 33
                      Quote: frog
                      Swedes are neither in front nor behind, but somehow I don't see much friendship

                      There is no friendship and there was no, but although not enemies, and sanctions are not introduced at the behest of the states.
                      1. 0
                        3 November 2020 23: 35
                        Me so-called. friendship is of little concern. But normal profitable economic relations are quite. But as it was not, so it is not. As for the sanction - that's how to say. It's just that they don't sell us any high-tech stuff, for some reason ...
                      2. -2
                        3 November 2020 23: 44
                        Quote: frog
                        It's just that they don't sell us any high-tech stuff, for some reason ...

                        When did they sell? Why Stalin was selling church gold and bread. For this, we only received technology. And at the time of the Second World War, we had technologies 10 times lower than the United States. Throughout our history, we were not given technology, and now they will not.
                      3. 0
                        3 November 2020 23: 56
                        You see, what's the matter ..... The same Finns built a lot of things for us. And even under sanctions for this case fell, but built. And not only the Finns .... And with the same Swedes there was something ..... to do. Only somehow it didn't go. Although not in here)))) In general, "whatever they call you a fool - do not commit stupid acts." This, of course, is not about you))) There is such a saying. And when everyone doesn’t like me))), probably, the point is not only that everyone around is “well stupid” ....
    2. +3
      3 November 2020 18: 21
      Quote: Lesovik
      And they don't even mention Lenin out of decency ...

      1) the bloody executioner of the Russian people, who suggested:
      "Unity is basically, fundamentally, not fundamentally violated, but is ensured by diversity in details, in local peculiarities, in methods of approach to business, in ways of exercising control, in ways of exterminating and neutralizing parasites (rich and crooks, slovens and hysterics from etc.).
      "Diversity here is a guarantee of vitality, a guarantee of success in achieving a common common goal: clearing Russian land of all harmful insects, from fleas - crooks, from bedbugs - rich and so on and so forth. In one place a dozen rich men, a dozen crooks, half a dozen workers who shirk from work (just as hooligan as many typesetters in St. Petersburg, especially in party printing houses, shirk from work) will be jailed. "
      2) a German agent sent in a sealed carriage, who stole the fruits of WW1 in Russia, plunged it into the Civil War, and all for the sake of his thirst for power ... request
      3) A mediocre politician who came to the complete collapse of his ideals by 1921, but did not leave power, but introduced the NEP ... hi
  5. +4
    2 November 2020 16: 09
    Quote: lexus
    Alexey hi ,
    that is why the "Lilliputians" merged into a "multi-arm" to "finally" defeat the already dead Gulliver. He, even lying, is unattainably higher than them and their hidden "sun".

    Greetings, colleague. hi Strange things are happening in our ... "kingdom" - I hover the cursor over the results of the evaluation of your comment, it shows 12 - "for", 1 - "against", and the picture shows only +1. belay bully
    1. +5
      2 November 2020 16: 33
      Greetings! hi
      Refresh the page and everything will be brought to the current figures. It's just that the visualization and the counter are written in different scripts - the first retains its appearance for a long time at the time of opening, and the second works in real time. However, after the "fabulous" elections and "voices" I will not be surprised at anything. As a lie, do not embellish it - it will never become true.
  6. +10
    2 November 2020 16: 29
    From childhood he grew up under socialism, which was launched by Lenin. And he considered it to be the best formation. And the more I live under capitalism, the more I am convinced that it is so.
    1. +4
      2 November 2020 16: 46
      And it is right . In just 30-40 relatively peaceful years after the October Revolution, and with the deduction of the two wars unleashed by the enemies of the Bolshevik-communists, and the restoration of the country after three wars, including the First World War, Lenin's supporters created a much better state, both in development and for the majority of the people what the Russian Empire was, became the "independence-self" of Lenin's enemies on the territory of the captured USSR, and 80 percent of the capitalist countries of the world. And those raging against Lenin and Stalin, neither from the pre-revolutionary, nor from their anti-Soviet period, could not present a single better leader of the State than Lenin and Stalin.
      1. +5
        2 November 2020 17: 07
        You may disagree, but in my humble opinion, Brezhnev was also not bad. Of course, he is not Lenin and not Stalin, not the scale, but under him the country also developed, the country was respected. Well, then, the bright years of my childhood probably left their mark on my good attitude towards him))
        1. +5
          2 November 2020 17: 13
          I completely agree that the Brezhnev period is probably the most calm, peaceful, good time for the country and people, in all centuries.
          1. +4
            2 November 2020 17: 21
            "God, how long ago it was, remember only the muddy river water" (c)
      2. +6
        2 November 2020 17: 20
        A friend of mine has regularly traveled over the past 15 years to China, to the same scientific center. And I wrote a note about how China has changed a lot in 15 years. We are also changing, maybe not so much, but not where China is changing.
      3. +2
        3 November 2020 18: 15
        Quote: tatra
        the best State for development

        the level of yield in RI was reached in the USSR in 40 years ... request
  7. +5
    2 November 2020 16: 31
    A great man, but like all great leaders, starting with Grozny, they throw mud at him. The scoundrels, however, are exalted, especially with the prefix to the name Great, behind the tinsel and outward splendor, hiding the true essence of the results of the rule of Russia.
    1. +1
      2 November 2020 17: 19
      It is both funny and disgusting to watch how the enemies of the communists who have seized Russia, for the sake of profit in their false and hypocritical anti-Sovietism, which they have the only justification for their capture of Russia in 30 years, praise strictly one Russian monarch - only because he was the latter, to create one more of the heap of their anti-Soviet myths - "how everything was wonderful before the communists." And those who were called the Great - both in the Russian Empire, and in the USSR - Peter I, and Catherine II, they do not care.
  8. +3
    2 November 2020 17: 56
    Progressive, advanced Asia dealt an irreparable blow to backward and reactionary Europe.
    ... And where in this phrase that the war is not an invasion of Japan ..
  9. BAI
    2 November 2020 18: 02
    that not only privates, but also the officers of the Russian Imperial Army are still from the times of Peter the Great was formed including from peasants and workers.

    Where did the author see workers in the Petrovskaya army?
    Progressive, advanced Asia dealt an irreparable blow to backward and reactionary Europe.

    Yes, Asia (Japan) in relation to Russia was advanced, it was developing, emerging from under "colonial dependence" on the European powers, and Russia was reactionary in this respect, and even a backward country.
    1. +2
      3 November 2020 18: 13
      Quote: BAI
      and Russia was reactionary in this respect,

      a Marxist is visible ... bully
      Quote: BAI
      and even a backward country.

      which built the EBR for itself, unlike Japan, which bought them in England wink
  10. +2
    3 November 2020 18: 11
    "but let's be objective at least here, not so bloody as the world one."
    if we compare the demographic losses in the territory of the former Republic of Ingushetia from the GV even for 1918-22, then 1 MV is just babble ... request The loss of RI in WW1 is about 1,8 million, "During the Civil War, from hunger, disease, terror and in battles (according to various sources) from 8 to 13 million people, including about 1 million Red Army soldiers, died. countries up to 2 million people. "
  11. 0
    4 November 2020 02: 38
    Quote: Civil
    ... But under Soviet rule, the Japanese raked hard and to the point.
    3. Who returned the Kuriles and South Sakhalin? Is it not the state of workers and peasants built by Vladimir Ilyich?

    There is no need to compare soft to warm.
    What does the syphilitic Lenin have to do with it? "Thanks" to him, Russia lost vast territories, came out with monstrous shame from the war in which it won. Because of the sad ambitious Lenin, the country was choked with the blood of the civil war.
    Stalin got the country in a terrible situation.
    Lenin pr. Shit everything that was possible.
    Stalin returned most of the territories, including those transferred after 1905.
    Under Stalin, the population grew, and food prices have been declining since 1947.

    Lenin did as much harm to our Great country as Gorbachev.
  12. -1
    7 November 2020 05: 30
    The author is unsystematic ... and superficial, and does not understand anything either in revolution or in history ... one might say - an intellectual in Lenin's definition of this state. The author needs to get serious about his education and stop messing with paper.
  13. 0
    8 November 2020 12: 05
    Time goes by there were peasant masses and in the future they will become cyborgs. Foresight is not given to everyone, and copying and pasting is a common thing for agents.
  14. 0
    22 November 2020 18: 21
    If you take an impartial attitude to Lenin, then all his actions led to collapse. He wrote brilliantly, theorized, fought for power with his associates. But practical matters, from work as a lawyer to government reforms, all ended in nothing or catastrophes.
    Lenin wrote for a reason that there is nothing better than a good theory. But his theory turned out to be good only for seizing power. She could not give something to the people and the state. The false provisions of this theory hypnotized both Lenin and the people. also in the 80s and 90s. Once again, we believed false theories and again almost lost the country.
  15. 0
    25 November 2020 18: 33
    The author is very jealous of Lenin's printed fertility. So let the author of the article write his own books about modern war. Lenin was neither a military nor a military theorist, therefore he assessed the situation in the world and in Russia from his civilian shoulder. But anyone can easily assess any war simply by reading reports from the front. Now, for example, Russia is the main villain in the whole world. Advice to the author - stop wasting time on Lenin, go out into the international arena and stigmatize modern imperialism in Europe and the United States. This is a better task - to defend our Motherland from the slanderous attacks of Western imperialism.
  16. -2
    10 December 2020 11: 52
    what kind of strategists are they ??
    Lenin is a JOURNALIST by profession, surrendered a third of Russia to the Germans by the Brest-Litovsk surrender, i.e. he is not a strategist, but a capitulator
    Dzhugashvili - Georgian Urkagan
    1) Deciding to incite Hitler to the West, Dzhugashvili concluded a Pact with him and began to divide Europe.

    2) The Germans scored trophies in the West. They captured their military-industrial complex. Then they turned around calmly, refueled their planes with gasoline from the USSR and hit the Red Army, which was also preparing for an attack, but as usual unprepared to the end, it was forbidden to think about the defense by the order of a mustache. , just to advance ... Soviet troops were driven into the "Belostotsk ledges." where it was easy to surround and destroy them.

    3) All this led to the death of 20 million men of reproductive age in Russia. That is now a demographic pit.

    Where is the strategy? come to your senses ..
    1. +1
      13 December 2020 09: 10
      "Journalist" Lenin defeated the Entente armies and their vile lackeys, traitors to Russia, the Reds, Denikins, Yudenichs, Kolchaks and other skins. Not bad for a journalist!
      The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was concluded in March 1918, and back in February 1918, the Central Rada of the UPR concluded a separate peace with the Germans and let the German occupation troops in to the Gomel-Kharkov-Donbass line. The German armies were stationed 120 km from the capital, Petrograd, and 500 km from Moscow.
      Poland, the Baltic States and most of Belarus by the end of 1917 were under the Germans. Russia did not have an army, it was destroyed by the SS in March 1917 by order No. 1 on the election of commanders. So Lenin had no choice, either an obscene peace, or the complete occupation of Russia by the Germans.
      "Georgian Urkagan Dzhugashvili" managed in 3 incomplete five-year plans to turn a backward illiterate hungry empire into a highly educated industrial state, and to defeat the army of the Hitlerite EU. Without collectivization and industrialization, there would have been nothing to feed and equip the army, they did not have time to re-equip the army, according to the plan it was 1942. In 1942, Beria completed the rearmament of the Red Army and Hitler's Europe was driven into the den of the German beast.
      Before writing, learn the materiel so as not to look like a complete idiot.
      1. -1
        18 December 2020 15: 30
        And the industrialization in the USSR was carried out by American Jews, not by Dzhugashvili.
        1. 0
          18 December 2020 16: 15
          Quote: Vladimir Volk
          And the industrialization in the USSR was carried out by American Jews, not by Dzhugashvili.

          And these "American Jews" crossed the border to carry out industrialization on a dark rainy night so that the population of the USSR would not see them.
          1. 0
            18 December 2020 16: 26
            Yes, learn here
            1. 0
              18 December 2020 16: 29
              Quote: Vladimir Volk
              Yes, learn here

              CONTRACTOR - A construction organization (or earlier, an individual) engaged in contract work.
              1. 0
                18 December 2020 16: 33
                So what? Let's say a bandit from the 90s has now hired a contractor and built a hotel. Did he build it or maybe the people robbed by him? In our case, these are the serfs of the USSR, convicts and your contractors are American Jews.
                I repeat: what does the illiterate urka Dzhugashvili have to do with it, can you answer?
                1. 0
                  18 December 2020 16: 39
                  Quote: Vladimir Volk
                  I repeat: what does the illiterate urka Dzhugashvili have to do with it, can you answer?

                  Can you, or rather want to understand?
                  What university did illiterate Kahn graduate from?
                  The number of the criminal article under which Stalin became your mayor?
                  1. 0
                    18 December 2020 16: 42
                    What Kahn finished --- read the link.
                    What did Dzhugashvili, who was engaged in the beginning of the 20th century, with the most natural racketeering in Baku, finish, please inform me.

                    163 of the Criminal Code) Punishment for extortion is provided in the form of imprisonment for up to 4 years; for qualified extortion in the form of imprisonment for up to 15 years
                    1. 0
                      18 December 2020 16: 52
                      Quote: Vladimir Volk
                      What Kahn finished --- read the link.

                      Well, if you read it, you would know that nothing. But for a troll, the main thing is to give a link, not read.
                      And I’ll tell you one more secret - to design, it’s not built yet. Although a good project speeds up and reduces the cost of construction ... And only about what to build, on what means, by what forces and for what the customer decides.
                      1. 0
                        18 December 2020 16: 58
                        In 1891, Kahn won a design competition for an American architectural magazine and received a scholarship to study in Europe. Over the next few years, he managed to study in Italy, France, Germany and Belgium.

                        Do you seriously believe that the Kirghiz working on construction sites in Moscow are CREATORS of the level of your Dzhugashvili?
                      2. 0
                        18 December 2020 17: 11
                        Well, did he have a diploma?
                      3. 0
                        18 December 2020 17: 26
                        First, learn to write without mistakes, although you can't read more than 2 pages a day ...
                        Diploma from the Belgian University of Architecture. READ !!!!!
                      4. 0
                        18 December 2020 17: 42
                        Quote: Vladimir Volk
                        First, learn to write without mistakes.

                        And when did I graze the geese with you?
                        "In 1891, Albert Kahn was awarded a fellowship to travel a year in Europe. During his travels, Albert Kahn met the young architect Henry Bacon." - so what university did Kahn graduate from.
                      5. 0
                        18 December 2020 17: 50
                        Over the next few years, he managed to learn in Italy, France, Germany and Belgium.
                      6. 0
                        18 December 2020 17: 53
                        Quote: Vladimir Volk
                        Over the next few years, he managed to learn in Italy, France, Germany and Belgium.

                        He won a scholarship for only one year and studied not at university, but with architects. And Ford did not study anywhere either.
                      7. 0
                        18 December 2020 18: 07
                        How are you with understanding the meaning of words? SOME, means 1 year?

                        Where, where did you get the idea that he did not study at the university ?? Link to the studio
                      8. 0
                        18 December 2020 18: 17
                        Quote: Vladimir Volk
                        Where, where did you get the idea that he did not study at the university ?? Link to the studio

                        And where did you get what you studied? Here the Internet is not in the know. Well, of course, he talks about winning a scholarship from the University of Michigan for a year trip to study in Europe, says that this year Kan has traveled a bunch of countries, met and learned from famous architects, and about diplomas - neither nor. And you so confidently assert about it from the first words so - what diploma did Kahn have?
                      9. 0
                        18 December 2020 18: 37
                        In short Sklifosofsky. Let's say so and conclude the debate. military science,Dzhugashvili studied with NO ONE for a year, or two, or three. During the war he was as a hero of 1 MV, Hitler was not, he did not lead military units. In the civil war he was essentially a political instructor, he had no practical experience in commanding an army, compared with the same Bronstein there is no one who studied with the tsarist military specialists.
                        . Military expropriations, he only learned a lesson.

                        Albert Kahn worked during the war in the United States, supervised construction departments, had practical experience, and then studied architecture from the best architects of Italy, Belgium and France.
                        Do you agree?
                      10. 0
                        18 December 2020 18: 46
                        Quote: Vladimir Volk
                        and so conclude the debate. On military science,

                        Where did you find the "military science debate"? Well, if it comes to that, then Stalin invited Kan to the union - as a strategist and statesman.
                      11. 0
                        18 December 2020 20: 42
                        Well, for strategists, I want to add. Maybe not in the subject.
                        As you know, the presidential elections in the USA recently ended, where two strange old men started a fun carnival among themselves. laughing Moreover, Biden is clearly more stupid than Trump. He clearly has signs of insanity and he clearly forgets the names of the states.
                        I will say even more, put even a savage from the Yumbo-Dumbo tribe now at the head of the United States, this country will still develop. Tesla will increase the production of electric vehicles, a flight will be prepared to the moon, several of their industrial companies will still surpass the GDP of the Russian Federation in terms of GDP and further build up industrial production.
                      12. 0
                        19 December 2020 14: 35
                        "load oranges in barrels, brothers Karamazov".
                      13. 0
                        18 December 2020 17: 12
                        How much did Stalin read in the course? About lectures and lessons of teachers from the University of the Red Professors in the course?
                      14. 0
                        18 December 2020 18: 10
                        Quote: Vladimir Volk
                        Do you seriously believe that the Kirghiz working on construction sites in Moscow are CREATORS of the level of your Dzhugashvili?

                        Can you explain on the basis of what my words in your head this delirium was formed?
                    2. 0
                      18 December 2020 16: 54
                      Quote: Vladimir Volk
                      who was engaged in the most natural racketeering in Baku at the beginning of the 20th century,

                      Yes, you are more knowledgeable than the investigators of the tsarist secret police - it's so funny.
                      1. 0
                        18 December 2020 17: 01
                        Read here
                      2. 0
                        18 December 2020 17: 13
                        Again -
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        Yes, you are more knowledgeable than the investigators of the tsarist secret police - it's so funny.
                      3. 0
                        18 December 2020 17: 17
                        You can also ask Yuliy Osipovich Martov.
                      4. 0
                        18 December 2020 17: 28
                        Yes, there would be no Martov rule in Russia
                        1) Fratricidal Civil War
                        2) 4 (four) Holodomors
                        3) The very Second World War
                        4) Dull industrialization - they would have built everything themselves 10 years earlier.
                        5) Extermination of the Russian people by the Great Terror and new enslavement.
                      5. 0
                        18 December 2020 17: 45
                        Quote: Vladimir Volk
                        Yes, there would be no Martov rule in Russia
                        1) Fratricidal Civil War
                        2) 4 (four) Holodomors
                        3) The very Second World War
                        4) Dull industrialization - they would have built everything themselves 10 years earlier.
                        5) Extermination of the Russian people by the Great Terror and new enslavement.

                        This is all good, but about Stalin's criminal articles, where? But the matter came to court ...
                        I liked about industrialization ... how it sounded without Kahn ...
  17. +1
    13 December 2020 08: 44
    The purpose of the article is obvious, to present Lenin as such a stupid maniac, a supporter of class war. The author lies and distorts, Lenin did not appoint Trotsky as People's Commissariat for Military Affairs, he was elected to the Council of People's Commissars at the congress. Trotsky never served, did not study military affairs and could not build any army, Lenin called him a Judas and a political prostitute.
    By February 1918, the Red Army was created by His Excellency Lieutenant General of the Imperial Army Mikhail Dmitrievich Bonch-Bruyevich from the scattered units of the former Imperial Army and the workers' detachments of the Red Guard. It was he who headed the armed forces of the Republic before the civil war, from November 1917 to August 1918.
    In August 1918, the post of commander-in-chief of all the Armed Forces of the Soviet Republic was established. He was appointed to this position by his high nobility, Colonel of the Imperial Army Sergei Sergeevich Kamenev (not to be confused with Lev Kamenev (Rosenfeld).
    Bronstein was like a wedding general, he only knew how to puff out his cheeks, push speeches at rallies, mess with former Tsarist officers and get underfoot with professionals. And about the war with the Japanese, Lenin is absolutely right, the Russian fleet technically lagged behind the West, which created the Japanese military fleet. And the tsarist policy in the Far East was aggressive, like that of the Japanese.
  18. 0
    18 December 2020 17: 02
    Quote: mat-vey
    on what funds, by what forces and for what purpose the customer decides.

    So the Soviet specialists-customers see the link. All this was done. Dzhugashvili, only gave Wishlist.Read it all, they were then shot for this - they knew a lot, very smart.
  19. 0
    18 December 2020 17: 36
    Quote: Corsair5912
    Journalist "Lenin defeated the armies of the Entente and their vile lackeys, traitors to Russia, the Reds, Denikins, Yudenichs, Kolchaks and other skins. Not bad for a journalist!
    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was concluded in March 1918, and back in February 1918, the Central Rada of the UPR concluded a separate peace with the Germans and let the German occupation troops in to the Gomel-Kharkov-Donbass line. The German armies were stationed 120 km from the capital, Petrograd, and 500 km from Moscow.
    Poland, the Baltic States and most of Belarus by the end of 1917 were under the Germans. Russia did not have an army, it was destroyed by the SS in March 1917 by order No. 1 on the election of commanders. So Lenin had no choice, either an obscene peace, or the complete occupation of Russia by the Germans.
    "Georgian Urkagan Dzhugashvili" managed in 3 incomplete five-year plans to turn a backward illiterate hungry empire into a highly educated industrial state, and to defeat the army of the Hitlerite EU. Without collectivization and industrialization, there would have been nothing to feed and equip the army, they did not have time to re-equip the army, according to the plan it was 1942. In 1942, Beria completed the rearmament of the Red Army and Hitler's Europe was driven into the den of the German beast.
    Before writing, learn the materiel so as not to look like a complete idiot.

    1) It was not Lenin who defeated the white armies, but the tsarist specialists who deserted to the side of the Reds. In general, prowess is not great, outnumbering by 5 times, weapons (all industrial enterprises in the center are under the control of the Bolsheviks
    2) The army was destroyed by the Bolsheviks, learn materiel
    3) Urkagan did NOTHING, but only pointed with his finger, and without him the Russians would have done everything 10 years earlier.
    4) What kind of collectivization, if the Red Army during the Second World War was fed by American farmers?
  20. 0
    18 December 2020 17: 49
    Quote: mat-vey
    about Stalin's criminal articles where

    And what did Furgal have before 2020 ??
    Have you already read Montefioro's book? So fast ?
  21. 0
    2 January 2021 18: 27
    comrade Lenin recommended to remove comrade Stalin from the general secretaries
  22. 0
    10 January 2021 12: 47
    The professional analysis made by the author is respectable. In particular, Lenin's assessment of the Brest Peace Treaty as "obscene". He understood that a country drained of blood by war needed a respite. The poet's words involuntarily come to mind: "... but Lenin saw far away, for many years to come." What can not be said about the current politicians and court "pestotels", for whom the main thing is to prove the unprovable: how bad everything was, but now it is very good
  23. 0
    23 January 2021 13: 48
    Yesterday on TV in the morning they talked about Lenin, I really thought I'd have to wipe the floors in front of the TV