US Air Force F-22 fighters climbed to intercept Russian missile carriers


To escort Russian missile carriers, the Americans took off their fighters. Russian Tu-95 flew over the Pacific, as well as over the Bering, Chukchi and Okhotsk seas.

This was reported in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Russian strategic missile carriers Tu-95 conducted a long 11-hour flight over neutral waters. On some sections of the route of our aircraft, they were accompanied by American F-22 Raptor fighters.

As the Russian Ministry of Defense emphasizes, such flights are common practice and are conducted by the aerospace forces of the Russian Federation on a regular basis. They do not contradict international law and pass in compliance with all the rules established in the world.

Russian flights aviation pass over the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, as well as the Black and Mediterranean Seas.

The practice of mutual interception of bomber or reconnaissance aircraft by fighters of other states has already become a tradition. Russian planes likewise intercept and escort American bombers and reconnaissance aircraft. For example, on April 20, the Su-35 of the Russian Aerospace Forces successfully intercepted a U.S. Air Force reconnaissance scout moving toward military facilities in Syria.
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  1. -52
    10 June 2020 13: 47
    I have no doubt that next to the Tu-95, F-22 looks enchanting ..
    Why are we driving this rare technique so far? Not even an hour will refuse something over the Pacific Ocean and there will be shame ..
    1. +5
      10 June 2020 13: 52
      Russian strategic missile carriers Tu-95 conducted a long 11-hour flight over neutral waters.
      Neutral waters are California. feel
    2. +30
      10 June 2020 13: 52
      please tell me, this is against the backdrop of the B-52 .. is our Tu-95 a rarity ??
      1. -33
        10 June 2020 14: 35
        Why are they trying to compare any of our nonsense with the American? These planes fly at them in local wars, and on a regular basis - here, these planes flew a couple of times to Syria and before that they had been saving the sky for decades - now you get them streaming the United States, contain, for what?
        For the sake of the horror of the US Air Force’s flight from the West Coast? In order to once a couple of years to work on adobe homemade barmaley in Syria?
        1. +11
          10 June 2020 14: 40
          For the sake of the horror of the US Air Force’s flight from the West Coast?

          For the sake of a clear sky above your head, if you live in Russia of course ..
          1. +5
            10 June 2020 14: 51
            Quote: ApJlekuHo
            if you certainly live in Russia ..

            no, it's not ours. our SO do not write.
            1. -16
              10 June 2020 15: 45
              Well, if "our" and "our" are synonyms for you, then yes, I certainly am not from "your".
            2. -2
              10 June 2020 19: 02
              Quote: rocket757
              Quote: ApJlekuHo
              if you certainly live in Russia ..

              no, it's not ours. our SO do not write.

              A lot of such people got divorced, and on other sites. Sometimes you wonder where they all came from .. And they teach us how to live with maliciousness here! negative
          2. -19
            10 June 2020 15: 44
            Do you really think that flying a couple of times a year with a couple of rarities will change something in geopolitical constellations? :)
            1. +1
              10 June 2020 15: 46
              Do you really think that flying a couple of times a year with a couple of rarities will change something in geopolitical constellations? :)

              Do you certainly have any more radical suggestions? But I hope, not with the desire to start a war?
              1. -18
                10 June 2020 16: 32
                Unification of our extremely extended arms fleet of the least important part of the triad. Here is my suggestion. There is nowhere more radical.
                1. +2
                  10 June 2020 16: 38
                  I wonder what else you are doing for this, you are an aircraft constructor? Maybe an avionics specialist or were they standing nearby? Or are you just a "proposer" of everything radical? Ie a pea jester.
                  1. -16
                    10 June 2020 16: 39
                    And you are probably a question generator for the Armenian radio? :)
                    1. The comment was deleted.
                    2. +2
                      10 June 2020 16: 50
                      No, we are not colleagues.
                      1. -14
                        10 June 2020 17: 00
                        Well, of course, not colleagues, your work is enough there, I have no doubt.
            2. 0
              10 June 2020 16: 25
              Quote: Knell Wardenheart
              Do you really think that flying a couple of times a year with a couple of rarities will change something in geopolitical constellations? :)

              Listen, aren't you tired yet?

              - these "rarities" rarely fall
              - these "rarities" are capable of carrying nuclear weapons. And apply it, in which case - they are also capable

              Quote: Knell Wardenheart
              Do you really think ...?

              And ask yourself this question. And answer, only honestly Yes
              1. -16
                10 June 2020 16: 35
                When will fall, what will you say?) Will you also be "kind of malicious"?
                His ability to fly in peacetime does not raise my doubts (as well as the ability to fall apart in the air), but the value and the ability to perform a combat mission in wartime causes. Of course, you came to joke here to joke, but just like you brave jokers patched the jambs of our military construction / planning in 1941, so it’s probably worth being more serious.
                1. -2
                  10 June 2020 16: 55
                  Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                  His ability to fly in peacetime does not raise my doubts (like the ability to fall apart in the air)

                  Clear. Well then, catch:
                  1. -11
                    10 June 2020 17: 04
                    And ...? A plane about the same period of operation falls, and you say that this cannot happen to ours, because .. why by the way?
                    1. +1
                      10 June 2020 17: 21
                      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                      And ...? Aircraft about the same lifespan falls

                      - serviceable the plane falls solely out of the stupidity of the "pad"
                      - I just wanted to illustrate that everything that is heavier than air can fall
                      - also, subject to certain rules - that heavier than air - does not fall.

                      It's simple.

                      Tie already troll, tire.
        2. +3
          10 June 2020 14: 44
          And you probably want them to work as intended, or you won’t hear the containment
          1. -18
            10 June 2020 15: 47
            You know, there is such a phenomenon called "Cargo Cult". Read it, you may be interested. There are natives who really believe that if you build a model of an airfield and perform certain rituals, then a "big bird" will fly in and drop "supplies" to them. Now, our blind belief that all these shocks by the equipment of the times of N.S. Khrushchev are part of effective containment - this is akin to a cargo cult, in fact ..
            1. 0
              10 June 2020 21: 41
              Well, what do I and Su27 like and the Bear, and if they work like that, let it be so, and after a century they may not have aircraft or cars, they will all fly on plates
        3. +3
          10 June 2020 14: 50
          Quote: Knell Wardenheart
          For the sake of picture horror, US Air Force

          Ha, theirs because they don’t fly, where it’s forbidden, because REALLY it is impossible.
          For any of theirs, we have a "Dichlorvos"!
          And to those who did not have "dichlorvos", they come to visit, it is easy ... and they bring different "gifts"!
        4. +3
          10 June 2020 15: 30
          "For the sake of picture horror" - there are blacks in the USA! wink
        5. +3
          10 June 2020 16: 06
          Quote: Knell Wardenheart
          contain for what?

          Can even dissolve the whole army? We’re not fighting anyone, or are you suggesting you become like the Yankees and stir up a few local wars?
          They have these planes play in local wars, and regularly
        6. -2
          10 June 2020 17: 34
          Quote: Knell Wardenheart
          Why are they trying to compare any of our nonsense with the American?

          when you have enough brains to create such "nonsense", then you will be clever
          1. -10
            10 June 2020 17: 45
            Well, you are clever without this?) Maybe you are some kind of "special"? :)
    3. +14
      10 June 2020 13: 53
      Not even an hour will refuse something over the Pacific Ocean and there will be shame ..

      The likelihood that something will fail in the Tu-95 is no more than that of the F-22. You are not worried about the B-52.
    4. +11
      10 June 2020 14: 01
      This rarity in the amount of two pieces went from five fighters in the Norwegian Sea. He was able to hide from modern fancy fighters
      1. -2
        11 June 2020 08: 46
        What do you mean? Who left whom and hid in the Norwegian Sea?
        How to hide, under water or under ice? Tell me.
    5. +3
      10 June 2020 14: 05
      next to the Tu-95, F-22 looks enchanting ..
      Immediately I imagined the eyes rolled up to the sky, the author’s hands twisted in ecstasy on the F-22. And what's the extravaganza itself? A fighter against a turboprop strategic bomber from far away and you will not notice.
      1. -26
        10 June 2020 14: 28
        What ecstasy is it - a modern stealth flies in the direction of a screw can with a deadly EPR, this is definitely what we aspired to in the 21st century
    6. 5-9
      10 June 2020 14: 16
      The oldest Tu-95MS is younger than the newest US missile carrier - the V-52N for 16 years ...
      1. -25
        10 June 2020 14: 23
        People, are you inhabitants of a parallel world ?! We have regular accidents of equipment which is much younger - on domestic routes. I understand that the desire to amuse one’s patriotic feelings - but turn on your head - is that really what will happen to this rarity - will it be pleasant for you personally?
        Imagine how much shame it will be when such a colossus collapses somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, how sadly our attempts to save people will look, how the same Americans will sail and save them ..
        Are all these flabby muscle games worth it? Isn't it better to wait for PAK YES and not spend money on flying museums.
        1. +9
          10 June 2020 14: 30
          be sure to communicate these arguments to the head of the Pentagon .. they risk using their museum exhibits ..
          1. 5-9
            10 June 2020 16: 13
            In YUS AF, a black man was put in charge of some kind of boss ... with cries of "black livez matte" it is necessary to forbid flying on flying coffins created during racial segregation!
        2. 5-9
          10 June 2020 14: 35
          Once again, for alternatively gifted ones, there are no newer missile carriers outside the Russian Federation in the world.
          B-52N is on average 20+ years older ..... how do they fly then sickly, eh?
          Tu-95MS is a completely new aircraft for its class and will fly for another decade ..
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. 5-9
              10 June 2020 15: 42
              Yeah .. Tu-160 or B-52 right quietly ....
              By the way, and a mile away is more than 3500-5000 km (range of Tu-95 missiles) or less?
          2. -16
            10 June 2020 15: 49
            "Soviet means excellent!"
            And they say atheists were in the USSR)
        3. +5
          10 June 2020 14: 50
          and when in USA new 22nd and 35th break up, is nothing new technology worked out?
        4. +1
          10 June 2020 14: 51
          go smart you go to strategic planning command
        5. +2
          10 June 2020 17: 04
          Stop muttering, a striped fan. They cannot save themselves from the crown, playing with their flabby muscles and kneeling in front of various morons. Admire they are world champions
          Country: USA
          Infected 2 046 514 + 7145
          788 885 cured
          Critical 16952
          Killed 114 185 + 241
          These are the numbers for today, what’s the plus, this is an increase for today.
          So who and where will swim and who will save whom, this grandmother said in two.
          By the way, why don’t you worry if the B-52 crashes and we have to save the striped?
          So calm down and do not shine. negative
      2. -10
        10 June 2020 15: 19
        The main thing to remember is that sometimes the newest Su-27/30 is rustier than the oldest F-15. It is also important maintenance, storage, and regular repairs, and operating conditions, and fuel, and overhaul life. Remember the hungry 1990s and the very beginning of the zero, when the VKS were still the Air Force.
        But the main problem when comparing the B-52 and Tu-95 is that everyone mistakenly pays attention to age.
        Although the B-52 engines have a slightly higher accident rate than the Tu-95 engines, there are two important points:

        1. The B-52 has 8 engines, versus 4 for the Tu-95, which reduces the risks in case of failure of a single power plant; a critical failure of 4 B-52 power plants at once is less likely, from the point of view of mathematics, than a simultaneous failure of 2 Tu-95 power plants.
        2. Due to the design features, engines Tu-95 (NK-12, if I am not mistaken) have a more "destructive" effect on the airframe, center section and wing in particular. Anyone who at least once watched the takeoff of a Tu-95 or An-22 will understand what I am talking about, and if you look at it from close up, then without protective equipment you can go deaf or get an inner ear injury. These engines well very noisy and, in addition, create a lot of vibrations, which negatively affects the design resource, and since the B-52 is obviously larger in size, it turns out that the center section, due to its overall dimensions, is more massive and the engines create less "destructive" effects, which has a positive effect on the absorption of vibrations by the glider.

        The result is that a direct comparison of the B-52 and Tu-95 in no case unacceptable... Since it turns out that the oldest Tu-95 is newer than the newest B-52, but at the same time the B-52 has a clearly greater margin of safety, due to its size, and also receives less "destructive" vibrations during operation.
        Here you need to look at the average indicators for the fleet of these vehicles, for example: average raid on one side, the number of take-off and landing cycles, the number of medium and major repairs, the number of flights with maximum combat load, typical operating conditions, etc. etc. All this directly affects the reduction in the resource of airborne vehicles; therefore, it is not correct to evaluate the resource and accident rate of these aircraft by the years of their production.
        Do not, airplanes are also sad and sad ( crying
        1. -14
          10 June 2020 16: 00
          I don’t know here the avalanches of patriots began this stupid comparison of our antediluvian planes with the American. I really defend a very simple point of view - Americans fly their own junk because they have at hand bases and NATO territories, rescue helicopters, 100500 airfields and so on. He turned around, reached out - no one could even notice the inconsistencies.
          We are on machines that, frankly speaking, with corpses of not the first freshness, even fly to the other half of the globe, where we have NO allies (just do not need about Cuba and Venezuela), NO bases, NO airfields, NO helicopter rescue teams and operational forces.
          The real defense value of such flights is near-zero. Because at "X-hour" these Tu-95s will fly to the missile launch lines dozens of times discovered and shot down. Crews, high-precision and expensive weapons will be lost. In peacetime, we are making PAK YES and "sort of modernizing" the Tu-160 - we continue to roll these aircraft and keep their crews - on equipment that has long served its purpose, which we keep for a real war, and which for a real war is no longer at any gate ...
          1. +4
            11 June 2020 15: 05
            I don’t know here the avalanches of patriots began this stupid comparison of our antediluvian planes with the American.
            I will put my 3 kopecks as well, as a man who has served in the Air Force for 30 years, including the chief of staff of the Tu-95MS squadron. First, a feature of strategic aviation is that it fulfills its objectives without entering the enemy's air defense zone. Thus, the Tu-95MS can drop a cruise missile where there is absolutely no Raptor. Given the range of use of this type of ammunition and the specifics of building a route, a missile launcher dropped somewhere (figuratively) in the Laptev Sea will hit a target on the Pacific coast of the United States. Modern cruise missiles only require that they be raised to the line of attack. And where he (the line) is located is a special conversation. The Tu-95MS is perfect for this purpose for several reasons: the success of the design and the amazing survivability of the vehicle, the ability to take on board a really large amount of ammunition, and the prohibitive time spent in the air at a relatively high (about Mach 1) speed. Well, now let's imagine, a regiment of Tu-95MS took off, dispersed in different directions in neutral waters. For what purpose? Where? What for? What ammunition is on board? It is unrealistic to track each side, even considering that the ship has no RCS. Yes - the plane is noisy, yes - vibro-loaded, yes - it was created 70 years ago. But the belief, apart from the fuselage of the modern Tu-95 MS and those of the 50s, has nothing in common. Engines, avionics, electronic warfare equipment - everything is modern. You think that the ship was built in the last century, so it flies. And he and it is he who is suitable for performing certain types of tasks. Tu-160, for example, is intended for other purposes. The Tu-95MS has its own niche. That is why the ship still flies and will fly. Today it perfectly fulfills the functions assigned to it.
            Well, the fact that "strategists" fly off the coast of America or along the west coast of Europe, then everything is extremely simple, the crews need to be trained, including psychologically. The pilot must understand that the car will not fail. And make sure of this.
            And yes, please - statistics on accidents Tu-95 MS - in the studio! Answers such as "if" or "for example", "what if" are not accepted.
            1. -1
              11 June 2020 16: 25
              It’s nice to read a solid answer to my questions. Without these bile highs or cheers-patriotic mooing.
              You are a supporter of the fact that this machine is quite suitable for adequately performing its task in the event of a large-scale conflict (hypothetical), I doubt it - and this is not at all about statistics. The devil is in the details - if everything was so cool and easy in the question "I flew to the missile launch line, I shot and it's in the bag" - then I don't think that we would have accepted some kind of replacement for the Tu-95, maybe PAK YES would not develop. He flies himself and flies, everything is wonderful - the speed is about 1M, etc.
              Or maybe the picture is slightly different, and we have another set of technical samples that loom in the sun in order to mask the quantity and status of the product, our real rapid lag behind the potential enemy. But on paper - here they are, strategists, in metal. Actually, this question bothers me - is not it all analogous for a long time to our glorious aircraft-carrying cruiser with the letter K, which already decent time does not meet any needs, eats a bunch of resources and doesn’t pay for itself in case of military operations, let’s say so.

              Many people here, judging by their comments, do not in the slightest doubt that the propeller-driven aircraft will be "like a glove" in the global war of the 21st century, I just cannot agree with this when I read about the American layered air defense.
              Of course, God forbid that we do not find out who is really right in this discussion, but I think that the endless, dogmatic belief in the ageless genius of Soviet designers is more evil than good. And such a phenomenon as "metal fatigue" has not yet been canceled.
              1. +1
                15 June 2020 12: 48
                Or maybe the picture is slightly different, and we have another set of technical samples that loom in the sun in order to mask the quantity and status of the product, our real rapid lag behind the potential enemy .
                Of course, it is foolish to pass off an airplane from the 50s as a model of flight perfection. I just want to once again, with regard to the Tu-95MS, say only that it occupies a certain niche in the implementation of the general plan of state defense. And in this niche he fulfills his task, from the word "enough". Reasonable sufficiency. But there are other niches: the supersonic Tu-160, the high-altitude and high-speed MiG-31 with a hypersonic missile, the multifunctional Tu-22M3M, the promising PAK YES ... And yes, I am by no means claiming that the Tu-95MS is an irreplaceable machine. ... I am well aware of her age and I understand that, other things being equal, she loses to modern ships on many issues.
                As regards the fatigue characteristics of the ship's glider, today, those aircraft that take off into the air are rather tightly controlled. And no one will take the responsibility of giving the go-ahead for a round-the-corner flight in an untested car. Believe me, the leadership of YES, the Air Force, Moscow Region knows very well what the resonance will be if the board falls apart in the air somewhere over the Atlantic.
                1. 0
                  15 June 2020 12: 57
                  And yes, love for the ship still says in me. Grandiose car with non-standard, special beauty good
      3. -2
        10 June 2020 19: 10
        Quote: 5-9
        The oldest Tu-95MS is younger than the newest US missile carrier - the V-52N for 16 years ...

        This comment needs to be written in bold text! And then there began a cry and cries .. hi
        The main thing here. That in his "belly" is laid .. And the distance is not important. The main thing is to take off!
    7. +2
      10 June 2020 14: 28
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      I have no doubt that next to the Tu-95, F-22 looks enchanting ..
      Why are we driving this rare technique so far? Not even an hour will refuse something over the Pacific Ocean and there will be shame ..

      F-22 look in flight with a V-52N no less enchanting? Tu-95MSM will still serve before the arrival of the PAK DA troops. Even surely, along with PAK D.A., the Americans decided that they would operate their B-52N until their 100th birthday.
      In December 2017, the American magazine Jane's Missiles & Rockets informed that the state armament program for 2018-2027 provides for the supply of X-50 operational-tactical missiles (X-SD, "product 715") for long-range aircraft. The dimensions of the newest ammunition will be more modest than the Kh-101 / Kh-102, so the Tu-95MSM will be able to take off with 14 such missiles.

      The X-50 range will be 1,5 thousand km, weight - 1,6 tons. The rocket will be equipped with a turbofan engine ("product 37-04"). The flight will be carried out at subsonic speed (up to 700-950 km / h). However, high-precision ammunition will be inconspicuous for missile defense systems.
      Tu-95MSM will fly on the modernized power plant NK-12MPM with propellers AV-60T, which is currently being tested. New engines have more traction. The brainchild of PJSC "Kuznetsov" will increase the payload of the Bear and improve its takeoff characteristics.
      Dmitry Drozdenko believes that the modernization of the Tu-95MSM is a significant contribution to ensuring guaranteed US nuclear deterrence. New avionics, missile weapons and engines will increase the combat radius of the turboprop “strategist”.
    8. +10
      10 June 2020 14: 30
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      I have no doubt that next to the Tu-95, F-22 looks enchanting ..

      So strategists are eternal. smile
      The last of the B-52s was produced in 1962. And the "fifteen hundred" will fly until 2050 ... if not longer.
      And about the interception of the "bear" by "lightning" - there was a good caricature: "grandfather" F-4 and "father" F-15 show an F-22 standing next to a Tu-95 flying in the background with a gray beard: "Now it's your turn to chase him".
    9. 0
      10 June 2020 15: 00
      Megillah. Either their B-1/52 will fly over us under the control of Sushki, then our Tu-160/95 will fly over them under the control of F-15/16/22 ... The same thing every week. This is the same routine as the sunrise every day.
    10. 0
      10 June 2020 15: 10
      What is the shame that the carcass can be in the air for more than one hour without the need for extra time and the newest Efki super duper can not last long without additional adjustment or replacement laughingOnly they will lose control, and then the KR will go on target, and even with nuclear warheads laughing
      1. -14
        10 June 2020 16: 09
        1) We train crews on obsolete equipment, which it’s too late to upgrade fully in time.
        2) We spend resources on the support of this equipment - fuel, spare parts, equipment parts, training of repair teams.
        3) Due to the speed parameters of such aircraft - this is a highly predictable and detectable potential. enemy target. Given the progress in missile weapons - these aircraft with a high degree of probability will be shot down even before the combat mission.
        4) In the case of "X-Day" - this will be the most inhibited part of the nuclear triad - with predicted deployment routes. Due to the size of such aircraft, hiding them from the satellite constellation is an unfeasible task, therefore, before "X hour" their location will be well known and a plan to neutralize them will be thought out.
        5) Funds for the maintenance of these samples and everything that is attached to them could speed up the work on PAK DA (unless of course we also have no geniuses who believe that this machine can be a huge one before 2050).
        1. 0
          10 June 2020 19: 36
          Whatever it is, but the part of the triad that in any case will draw the resources of aggression onto itself and partially still realize the answer.
        2. 0
          11 June 2020 16: 03
          I have a proposal to VO admins
          This comrade ...Knell wardenheart he said here heaps of diarrhea and verbal and smelly ....
          So why not programmatically cut ban on such individuals? .... got 100 minuses for ... (some time) a ban on writing in this article ..... got 500 minuses for a day (for example) an eternal ban
          And then you are throwing respectable users in a ban for the fact that their nerves can not stand to communicate with such "cultural and fluffy" trolls ...
          1. -1
            11 June 2020 16: 10
            You do not like when someone defends his position? Immediately I want to get rid of such a person, right?) Join the NKVD, restore order = ^ ___ ^ =
            1. 0
              11 June 2020 16: 42
              You’re just being insolent here ...
              This is how one must be near-minded so as not to understand that only nothing worthless diarrhea of ​​words comes from you ....
              People have given you so many well-founded arguments, and you stupidly ignored their words and continued to heat up ... wait until someone breaks down and doesn’t say nasty things, and they throw him in a ban .... and you will be happy and rub your sweaty pens ... ..
              1. -2
                11 June 2020 16: 44
                Well, now I'm reading a meaningless diarrhea of ​​words from you, for example) A fighter for the truth))
                1. 0
                  11 June 2020 16: 46
                  A fighter for the truth))

                  Well, thanks for at least understanding this ....
                  and here you are a Fighter for LIES ....
                  and how can I call you a troll?
                  1. -2
                    11 June 2020 16: 50
                    It is immediately clear that you have very vague ideas about trolling, or maybe a little paranoia, because you always think that you are being trolled or the West is weaving some intrigues and pays me, for example, so that I write on "Military Review" what a good B-52 plane ... With such imagination, I would not be surprised if a five-turret tank enters you, and what, 5 turrets, 5 times more fireover Oo
            2. +1
              11 June 2020 16: 44
              when someone defends his position

              And remember .... you don’t have any position ..... only if under your masters because of a puddle ....
              Since their B-52s are excellent planes, but our "bears" are old ...
              so, litter .... but you stupid Troll ....
              1. -1
                11 June 2020 16: 47
                It's nice to know that among schoolchildren there are patriots too! No, really, it's nice) There will be someone to attack in a banzai
        3. +2
          11 June 2020 17: 13
          Quote: Knell Wardenheart
          1) We train crews on obsolete equipment, which it’s too late to upgrade fully in time.

          The main thing in the Tu-95MS is not the plane, but the filling. The plane itself is just a wagon for the guns missiles, his task is to go to a given area and launch. Moreover, when working on the main profile The air defense of a likely enemy will be pretty plucked by the first warhead ICBMs that arrived.
          Quote: Knell Wardenheart
          3) Due to the speed parameters of such aircraft - this is a highly predictable and detectable potential. enemy target. Given the progress in missile weapons - these aircraft with a high degree of probability will be shot down even before the combat mission.

          Nevertheless, the likely adversary extended the life of his even older strategists right up to 2050. And he is not going to abandon them, despite the size, EPR, "slowness" and other shortcomings. smile

          Nobody needs a massive super-duper strategist - even the United States did not pull it (more than once). The task of breaking through the air defense is now entrusted to the ALCM, and not to their carrier. Therefore, the basis of strategic aviation will be the old people B-52 / Tu-95MS, who will be pulled to the last, changing only the combat load on them.
          1. -2
            11 June 2020 17: 28
            And I would agree with you if it weren’t for a couple of points - the United States has a lot of military bases around our country suitable for basing or transit of these planes - this makes it possible to strike on a wide front in a fairly short time, where there will be no lay defense side. Yes, at least with the same B-52. They have a quantitative and qualitative advantage and allows them to keep this archaic, as well as all these convertiplanes and ganships that we would have been driven away with well-known brooms long ago.
            In our case, due to the lack of external bases, we determine the impact of our air component to a certain extent - I mean the direction. Our front is much narrower, and we can do something about it only in the direction of the range of autonomous flight (with stealth), the speed at which the missile launch lines reach, the number of vehicles simultaneously in the air (economically impractical).
            Based on this reasoning, I understand that the Tu-95 cannot be an excellent option for these parameters - because the quantitative, high-speed and EPR characteristics of this machine do not play into his hands when he acts on a well-known front (and the enemy will be able to think ahead of time counter measures).
            How would we fly to the USA? Across the east or north-north are the vast expanses of Canada literally filled with detection tools and air defense missiles, not to mention the fact that flying through the pole of these aircraft is an additional problem.
            The eastern direction remains - there we will be "accepted" by the darlings, and there will be no surprise.
            Japan, Korea - have enough American detection equipment to determine the route of such a "good" ahead of time - leaving us less front on which we will be forced to use such aircraft. On this front, the United States, before "X-Day", will concentrate resources capable of knocking out our air component - that's all. The fairy tale is over.

            So it’s incorrect to compare our strategists and US strategists. We have different conditions and need a different approach - we are in unequal configurations.
    11. +6
      10 June 2020 15: 31
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      Why are we driving

      their cockroaches on the clave? But who knows you? request
    12. +3
      10 June 2020 15: 57
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      Why are we driving this rare technique so far

      I don’t even know why you’re spending the rest of your rare raptors’s resource .. and the Tu-95 airframe’s resource is one hundred years old ... it will fly, and the Raptor will fall apart ...
    13. -3
      10 June 2020 17: 07
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      Why are we driving this rare technique so far? Not even an hour will refuse something over the Pacific Ocean and there will be shame ..

      purely sporting interest otkel such "specialists" in the VO come from ?!
      I'm not talking about modernizing cars, but the bear is, as it were, younger than the B-52
  2. +8
    10 June 2020 14: 01
    such flights are common practice and are conducted by the aerospace forces of the Russian Federation on a regular basis
    Both sides trained. Everyone is healthy, everyone benefits. True, when ours are intercepted by the latter, the latter for some reason constantly complain and show discontent, especially in high offices.
    1. -17
      10 June 2020 14: 39
      The Americans, at least in case of non-staff, can go to almost any of the carriages of their bases. In such a situation, we will go to visit SpongeBob, and then they will talk about some kind of shizu about the "mysterious rocket" that shot down our plane or something like that.
      It is necessary to test new products and not this is all, because the real role of our air component of the triad "if something happens" - it will be ceremonial at best ..
      1. +4
        10 June 2020 15: 04
        We need to test new products and not just that.

        You will certainly not believe it, but new "products" are tested without informing you personally.
      2. 5-9
        10 June 2020 15: 46
        The role of our air component will be higher than that of the American ... due to the fact that we have new missiles with a range of 3500-5000 km, and they have 80s with a range of 2500 km .... well, useless B- 2A with cast iron bonbs ...
  3. -2
    10 June 2020 14: 10
    “For example, on April 20, the Su-35 Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation successfully intercepted a US Air Force intelligence officer”
    Is there an unsuccessful interception? When did the enemy go into the clouds?
    When did he hide between the pines?
    1. +2
      10 June 2020 14: 22
      Quote: eklmn
      Is there an unsuccessful interception?

      This is when on the ground they check the work of the interceptor pilot, how he performed the interception, then they determine what the interception was like and evaluate the work.
    2. +4
      10 June 2020 14: 35
      Quote: eklmn
      Is there an unsuccessful interception? When did the enemy go into the clouds?
      When did he hide between the pines?

      It happens.
      Attempts by the Norwegian Air Force to approach the Russian Tu-160 and carry out a conditional interception were unsuccessful, the reason for which was the presence of Russian MiG-31 fighter interceptors near the rocket carriers.

      In addition, if you intercept a target at a great distance, then it can begin to leave, and the interceptor simply does not have enough fuel to intercept it and return to base.
      1. 0
        10 June 2020 15: 06
        and the interceptor simply does not have enough fuel to intercept it and return to base.

        this is classified information, do not give your opponent extra chances.
        1. -5
          11 June 2020 01: 17
          “And the interceptor just doesn't have enough fuel to intercept it and return to base.”
          “This is classified information, do not give your opponent extra chances.”
          This “secret information” about fuel shortages once tragically ended for a South Korean flight. Whether this is true or not, I don’t know, but such a cartoon. After the flight of Belenko to Japan on the MiG-25 in 1976, Soviet aircraft in the Far East began to refuel only for flights from their airport to the border and back.
          Korean Boeing 747 flight KE007 in 1983 for some reason, during the flight from Alaska to Seoul, deeply went into the territory of the USSR and passed over military facilities. The Su-15 accompanied him, but when the Boeing was to leave the territory of the USSR, the Su-15 could not accompany him further due to lack of fuel. The destruction team followed.
          1. 0
            11 June 2020 02: 49
            Whether this is true or not, I don’t know

            let's summarize this
    3. 0
      10 June 2020 15: 38
      Quote: eklmn
      Is there an unsuccessful interception?

      Matias Rust
      1. -2
        10 June 2020 16: 29
        Quote: Tuzik
        Matias Rust

        This is a completely different topic. Pure politics, domestic. With me, the portrait of Sokolov was filmed at the Lenkomnat ... under the leadership, naturally, of the political laughing
        1. -3
          10 June 2020 21: 05
          Quote: Golovan Jack
          Pure politics, domestic.

          What the hell policy - it didn't even smell like it, but there was ordinary corruption at the level of the minister, which could not be hidden, and which everyone knew in the Ministry of Defense, except for those who saw how portraits were taken in the Lenkomnat. When Sokolov's one son became a lieutenant general, deputy commander of the district, and the second at 32 already became a major general - is that also politics? The younger, after "mozhaiki", suddenly became the commander of a motorized rifle platoon, and then "accidentally" went uphill along the commander's line. When Gorbachev was informed about this, even he was indignant, and as some knowledgeable people said, he asked the question - "Are there too many generals in one family?" And here Rust turned up, so they put Sokolov out under a plausible pretext so as not to engage in the CCP.
          Quote: Golovan Jack
          filmed in the lenkomnat ... under the direction of, naturally, the political officer

          And this is the estate of the political leader, which is surprising here. Why are you spinning, helping to shoot?
          1. -3
            10 June 2020 21: 37
            Quote: ccsr
            Why are you spinning, helping to shoot?

            At that time I was on the shelf laughing

            Quote: ccsr
            and what everyone knew in the Ministry of Defense, except for those who saw how they were taking portraits in the lenkomnat

            Have you ever been told that you are somewhere hamly? Well, so I tell you this Yes
            1. -3
              11 June 2020 10: 53
              Quote: Golovan Jack
              Have you ever been told that you are somewhere hamly? Well, so I tell you this

              So you are an excellent trepak, so get what you deserve, help on the shelf. By the way, what the hell did the duty officer let you go - were they themselves eager to serve the political?
              1. -2
                11 June 2020 11: 48
                Quote: ccsr
                What the hell did the duty officer let you go - were they themselves eager to serve the political?

                The task was set to control the execution.

                Throw rude. I will punish Yes
  4. 0
    10 June 2020 14: 12
    Which article, such is the comment ... about nothing ...
  5. +1
    10 June 2020 14: 46
    Did the Bear go unaccompanied, otherwise Sushki would also train at F22
  6. 0
    11 June 2020 15: 36
    Quote: 5-9
    The role of our air component will be higher than that of the American ... due to the fact that we have new missiles with a range of 3500-5000 km, and they have 80s with a range of 2500 km .... well, useless B- 2A with cast iron bonbs ...

    A very controversial option. Physically, the role of our air component cannot be higher due to the smaller number of carriers. The new Kh-101 / Kh-102 missiles are so far only on 6 Tu-160M1 and 16 Tu-95MSM bombers (?). All in all, the fleet of our strategists is about 76 vehicles. The United States, on the other hand, can supply "under arms" a total of about 2 hundred vehicles of the B-52H, B-1B, B-2A and B-52G types.
    Moreover, if the V-2A is currently not able to use strategic missiles, this does not mean that in the very near future it will not be able to do this after launching the LRSO cruise missile series