In the US, they thought about the training aerial combat of a fighter and UAV


The US Air Force Command came up with an interesting idea to arrange a training aerial battle between a manned fighter and an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A drone with an artificial intelligence-based control system will battle a plane that will be manned.

Air Force Lieutenant General Jack Shanahan, head of the American Joint Center for Artificial Intelligence (JAIC), said the Pentagon is planning to hold the event in July 2021. Recall that the structure headed by Shanakhan was established two years ago, in 2018, and aims to develop artificial intelligence and its use for American defense and security.

Speaking to reporters, General Shanahan, however, did not reveal details about the design of the unmanned aerial vehicle and the planned capabilities. drone. Apparently, the development of an autonomous drone.

Expert Joseph Trevithick of The Drive believes that the overall concept of a fully autonomous aerial combat drone capable of conducting combat in mid-air has great potential. If it is implemented in practice, it can radically change the whole character aviation battles of the future.

Controlled by artificial intelligence, drones will be able to perform most of the functions of manned aircraft, but at the same time, firstly, the speed of making key decisions and information processing will increase, and secondly, combat effectiveness will increase in groups when compared with manned aircraft. Finally, and very importantly, the risks of human loss that are inevitable in manned combat aircraft will disappear.

There are other differences. Thus, the design of the drone can be significantly reduced, since it will not be necessary to place the pilot, and the shape of the aircraft should be optimized for maneuvering.

The UAV will be able to withstand heavy loads during flights, which are not always possible if the pilot is inside the machine. Finally, drones will also cost much less to maintain and operate than manned fighters. During the battle as part of a group, they will act in a uniform manner, since the influence of the human factor will be excluded.

In aerial combat scenarios, including virtual ones, which American analysts are now thinking about, some drones will be able to carry out radar reconnaissance tasks, possessing radars and infrared search and tracking systems to detect and track threats, while other drones will perform missile-carrying tasks and hit detected targets.

At the same time, no one is talking about the complete abandonment of manned aviation, so the US Air Force command is exploring the possibility of interaction between autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles and manned combat aircraft. It also discusses the introduction of artificial intelligence systems in manned aircraft, which would greatly facilitate the decision making of the pilot, as well as reduce the fatigue of pilots by transferring AI part of the airplane control functions.

By the way, back in 2015, the U.S. Air Force conducted an interesting test called Have Raider. During this test, a self-propelled F-16 Viper and a manned F-16 Viper in virtual mode worked together. In the subsequent Have Raider II test, the unmanned aircraft managed to break away from the manned “colleague” and complete the task independently. Interestingly, in this case, an unmanned aircraft was controlled not by specialists from the ground, but by a leading group of manned aircraft.

There is no doubt that the idea of ​​conducting a “man versus machine” test looks very promising, since for decades it was this issue that has occupied the authors of science fiction and military science fiction works. And now what science fiction films were shot about can become a reality.
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  1. +2
    5 June 2020 10: 09
    Training is most often good.
    1. +1
      5 June 2020 10: 23
      Ha, this is always the case ... but it is also a RESEARCH! This is much cooler!
  2. +2
    5 June 2020 10: 17
    Many people like to say that AI does not exist.
    But in fact, the opposite is true.
    1. +4
      5 June 2020 10: 22
      Quote: Carte
      Many people like to say that AI does not exist.
      But in fact, the opposite is true.

      All the hack in TERMS!
      AI is that? and how does it differ \ coincides with the combat, control device (computer)?
      1. +6
        5 June 2020 11: 04
        "AI is what?" ///
        AI is self-learning software. Where programmers write only
        base code, and then the software itself completes itself without intervention
        a person right in the process of his "run".
        Example: before the first battle of fighter software, for example, 100,000 lines of code,
        after the first battle - 150,000 lines, after the second - 170,000, etc.
        1. +2
          5 June 2020 11: 36
          Well, you described it extremely simplistically, but about self-learning software it is absolutely true, it is.
        2. +3
          5 June 2020 20: 59
          What you are talking about is called machine learning. As for AI itself, disputes are still being fought about what can be called artificial intelligence and from what moment, because one of the main conditions is the ability to be creative in solving a problem, which is what neural networks are trying to teach. These are fundamental questions about artificial self-awareness.
          1. 0
            7 June 2020 01: 36
            That's right, intelligence is ONLY in a person. Dot. Everything else is machine learning, based on logic 0 or 1.
    2. -1
      5 June 2020 10: 32
      Quote: Carte
      Many people like to say that AI does not exist.

      This is the first time I've heard about this. Who is saying this interestingly?
      1. +2
        5 June 2020 11: 39
        Sorry, I am commenting here recently, I just read it before, but I allowed myself to say "here" meaning the discussion here on VO.
        I read a lot of such comments that AI can never be created, in the sense of being able to independently complete the task in the style of "fly there, kill this and that".
        But he turns out to be there, and now a training battle is planned with a man.
    3. -3
      5 June 2020 10: 42
      Even more can be said! Some of our leaders (put in positions to “feed” themselves and members of families close to the “darkest”) have an artificial intelligence ... But its orientation works towards “sitting” and “getting” ... produced ...
      1. SOF
        5 June 2020 10: 52
        Quote: Invoce
        "sit" and "receive".

        wassat ..... you were mistaken by the door - here they say about planes ....... negative
    4. +2
      5 June 2020 10: 54
      Quote: Carte
      But in fact, the opposite is true.

      It only remained to determine: But what is considered artificial intelligence?
      1. +1
        5 June 2020 11: 42
        Well, obviously.
        Here above Alexey wrote correctly. The ability to fulfill the task in a changing environment through self-learning and adaptation to them.
        1. +3
          5 June 2020 13: 13
          The ability to fulfill the task in a changing environment through self-learning and adaptation to them.

          A crow from birth learns, finds grub, a female, runs away from predators, builds a nest, interacts in a flock .... And it flies so that no pilot could dream of it.
          We do not call a crow an intellectual.
          Caching from processor to disk, memorizing external constants, even an independent search for external programs in the internet by your computer - "self-learning"
          I do not call a box an intellectual. While I do not call.
          In my opinion, the word "intelligence" is stupid. It seems to mean some level of difficulty. And it turns out, like a monkey in a cartoon about a boa constrictor "Two is a bunch?"
          1. +1
            5 June 2020 14: 22
            No one requires human intelligence from AI.
            At least the raven’s ability to achieve is already good.
        2. 0
          7 June 2020 01: 43
          Obviously, to complete the task, enough program code with the optimal solution is enough. AI is a decision-making algorithm when a person cannot be distinguished from a machine. And then what is the use of AI if he refuses to complete the task? And if you can’t refuse, then this is no longer AI.
  3. +2
    5 June 2020 10: 20
    The U.S. Air Force command came up with an interesting idea to arrange a training aerial battle between a manned fighter and an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

    This is normal, even cool !!! They will test equipment and create tactics.
    UAVs, this is already a reality and PROSPECT !!! Malas good
    ALL EXAMPLE, in general, that.
    1. +4
      5 June 2020 10: 35
      Quote: rocket757
      This is normal, even cool !!! They will test equipment and create tactics.

      They say that the last military pilot was already born. We will see.
      1. +1
        5 June 2020 11: 13
        Quote: Marconi41
        They say that the last military pilot was already born. We will see.

        Fantasies come true or not ... someone really has to see this, eh.
        I do not envy, I simply state the obvious.
    2. +2
      5 June 2020 10: 43
      And "Alice" works for us ... If they introduce it into the on-board computer, it won't seem to anyone! angry
      1. +1
        5 June 2020 11: 17
        Quote: Invoce
        And "Alice" works for us ... If they introduce it into the on-board computer, it won't seem to anyone! angry

        Talkative, but ... removed immediately, did not roll.
        I read a fantasy about the conflict between the crew of a spaceship and a talkative, romantic AI ... really amused!
        1. +5
          5 June 2020 11: 45
          Alice is a huge distributed computing power.
          And you just need a device that is limited in size and weight. But will not a drone use a high-speed communication channel to apply for payments to a stationary CC? This is unreliable, and no transmission speed is enough.
          Actually, this is the main problem. Because both algorithms and neural networks already exist and work. It remains to shove this thing into a relatively small box.
          Here the Americans may have succeeded, but this is inaccurate.
          1. 0
            5 June 2020 12: 26
            normal guys, for specific purposes, they create a highly specialized control device ... with AI elements, as they like to say now.
            It’s not necessary to push the congress library into a drone ... it’s enough to combine several special functions ... it will be smaller than Alice, in terms of tasks and all other parameters.
  4. +4
    5 June 2020 10: 21
    There is no doubt that the idea of ​​conducting a “man versus machine” test looks very promising ...

    Promisingly so far. And how cars learn, it will not be promising, but terrible. All this will open unprecedented opportunities for a certain small group of people in the destruction of all others with the help of trouble-free fighting vehicles.
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. +2
    5 June 2020 10: 23
    I’ll clarify ... I’m not drowning for the striped ones, this topic is INTERESTING to me!
    We, too, need to develop this topic FULL !!!
    1. +4
      5 June 2020 12: 00
      Ours also work.
      Only as always they can’t tell about it clearly and easily.
      1. 0
        5 June 2020 12: 28
        Less words, more work ... I’m quite happy with that. good luck, success to them.
  7. +2
    5 June 2020 10: 42
    Well, it’s clear that the idea has long been on the surface. A hitch in the implementation. At least the adversaries are moving fast ...
  8. 0
    5 June 2020 10: 49
    In the US, they thought about the training aerial combat of a fighter and UAV
    What is there to think? Shake it! (Student joke)
    Or hint that there are brains in the Pentagon? request feel
  9. -1
    5 June 2020 10: 53
    The idea is not new. In chess, there have long been "meetings" between humans and computers. This allows you to develop software (and hardware too). So, we buy popcorn and see how it all ends. At this stage, I personally bet on the person. But, let's see ...
    1. +4
      5 June 2020 12: 04
      The first "chess" programs worked stupidly on the principle of enumerating options and using ready-made templates for different classical chess games.
      Then the misconception arose that this is AI. And since it became clear that even in the extremely simplified "space" of a chess game, impressive computing power is required, then in the case of a real space with a huge number of conditions, an absolutely unimaginable computer is required.
      Fortunately, another approach to analyzing situations was found, in addition to simple enumeration.
      1. 0
        5 June 2020 13: 04
        So long live the author of breakthrough technologies - the immortal Charles Darwin!
      2. +2
        5 June 2020 15: 01
        If you are talking about neural networks, then someone should train them. Learning to recognize a dog in a picture is not difficult, but teaching a dogfight is much more difficult. We also take into account that a person often acts on a hunch, not giving himself a count in his actions, as well as about their consequences. And often, such actions lead to victory. And any automaton has first place logic, it doesn’t know how to act differently. So some questions ... how many buoyant battles will be driven into a drone computer? And what freedom of decision-making will give?
    2. 0
      5 June 2020 12: 18
      Quote: Normal ok
      The idea is not new.
      I will say more, it has been implemented in computer games about aviation for several decades (I'm talking about flight simulators).
      1. +2
        5 June 2020 14: 25
        Aviasims work in a "sandbox" where the set of conditions is extremely limited. More, of course, than in chess, but still there is no comparison with reality.
      2. 0
        5 June 2020 15: 02
        How long does a virtual pilot hold against a person?
        1. +6
          5 June 2020 18: 44
          The virtual pilot begins to win stably after the first two or three
          losses. Aces-fighters played against virtual "pilots" on
          identical planes with the same weapons. First, the Asam managed
          outwit the virtual pilot, but he quickly learned techniques and never
          did not come across a second time. Despite the fact that the reaction speed of a virtual pilot
          many times higher than that of a person, the aces did not have a chance of winning.
          1. +1
            6 June 2020 23: 25
            Quote: voyaka uh
            The virtual pilot begins to win stably after the first two or three losses. At first, the aces managed to outwit the virtual pilot, but he quickly mastered the tricks and never came across a second time

            It turns out after the first real battle with a person, there will be no one to quickly learn techniques! A bunch of burnt scrap metal will remain on the ground without a chance for a second time! After all, AI will not be able to jump with a parachute and return to their own! So sho mankind has a chance!
            1. +4
              7 June 2020 11: 57
              "It turns out that after the first real fight with a person, there will be no one to quickly learn the techniques!" ///
              ABOUT! You correctly grasped the AI ​​problem.
              + from me. good
              We need a transfer of experience. Without information transfer in real time, "self-learning" of AI is impossible.
              Therefore, a second drone should fly next to the fighting drone, not taking part in the battle. And catch the info "on the fly".
              When the first is knocked down, the second "gains experience." But organizing this is not easy technically.
              1. 0
                7 June 2020 12: 10
                So people after a couple fly, there will be two piles of scrap metal on the ground smile
                1. +4
                  7 June 2020 12: 28
                  This is also true. Therefore, drones will be launched in flocks. In the expectation that a part will certainly be shot down. But the survivors will gain valuable experience from the "lost" newcomers. On all new ones (from the factory), they will no longer install the basic (minimum) software, but the most enriched with combat experience.
                  They’ll throw a flock into battle again ... And so on.
                  1. 0
                    7 June 2020 12: 30
                    People will come up with something, in the terminators we win!
  10. +2
    5 June 2020 11: 07
    I am a complete layman in aviation, I will not talk about overloading and maneuvering, but there is one fact: the speed of decision-making in a car will be several orders of magnitude higher than a human. Sooner or later, the "firmware" of the drones will allow them to operate without operator participation, including maneuverable air battles, this is obvious. But this is a matter for the foreseeable future. While I'm betting on homo sapiens.
  11. 0
    5 June 2020 11: 53
    machines win chess in humans. no doubt that in ten years they will win an air battle with great overloads. without fear and fatigue. bringing the doomsday closer.
    even my drone in hover mode, holds the height better than me :) so inject a powerful computer (quantum). and end leather ....
  12. -1
    5 June 2020 14: 03
    In theory, a drone should beat a plane with a pilot. Other things being equal, it is lighter, there are no pilot control and monitoring systems and life support systems and there are no such overload requirements, only structural strength.
  13. 0
    5 June 2020 14: 55
    Will missiles and shells be real?
  14. 0
    5 June 2020 16: 54
    Nda. Apparently, frames from the terminator are becoming a reality. What is sad.