COVID-19. This is not flu!


The claims that the new type of coronavirus is not so scary that it is like a new type of flu do not really convince us when we see the applied sanitary-epidemiological measures and hear reports from the fronts of the war from around the world with this disease. Not a single type of flu, including SARS, has been associated with such effects.

How is coronavirus different from ordinary flu virus?

Both our and not our medical luminaries tell us how to protect ourselves from the new virus, but they say little about this virus itself. We are not doctors, but still not without higher education, as one expert humorist said, and we managed to get some of the simplest, innocent information about this virus from sources close to the sanitary and epidemiological services, and, of course, to the services The Internet.

Compared to the influenza virus COVID-19, it’s just a giant, Gulliver in the country of midgets. Therefore, conventional medical masks delay him, unlike ordinary flu viruses. Therefore, people with suspected coronavirus, as experts advise, masks really need to be worn: they will delay it.

The large size of COVID-19, of course, greatly increases its "viral" weight, so it "flies badly" in the air and settles somewhere relatively quickly. Related to this is the recommendation to stay at a distance of at least one meter from each other: the coronavirus from the potential carrier will simply “not reach you”.

However, the heavy COVID-19 settles well on various surfaces, so we can pick it up with our hands from some surfaces or objects, past which the coronavirus carrier simply passed. Therefore, we see stunning imagination footage of disinfection of public transport and entire streets and cities. Therefore, they urge us, and quite rightly, to wash our hands more often and thoroughly and to disinfect everything that you reach. And what a potential carrier of coronavirus can reach.

In this regard, the mask on the face protects us not so much from inhaling the coronavirus, it will not reach you, but from the instinctive touching of the face with your own hands, with which you can, somewhere passing by, touch infected surfaces.

The most unpleasant

Still, it’s important to understand why all this needs to be done. Because there is another extremely unpleasant characteristic of COVID-19: it retains vitality and pathogenicity, according to sources, on cardboard - up to three days, on metal and plastic - up to several weeks ...

This property, in our opinion, allows us to consider it still as biological weapon whatever origin. Therefore, military medical equipment for disinfection from COVID-19 is used, and our sanitary special forces brought KamAZs to Italy for sanitizing Italian streets.

The high survivability of COVID-19 in the environment strongly distinguishes it from ordinary flu, therefore this coronavirus is not influenza: they did not and do not do similar treatment for influenza due to the lack of such a need, military medical quarantines are not introduced.

All this, taken together, raises big questions about the origin of the new type of coronavirus, not to mention its pathogenicity and ways to combat it. Here we can only improve our discipline and immunity and hope for the success of our virologists.

Experience son of difficult mistakes

American and British scientists recently issued a joint statement on the natural origin of the coronavirus COVID-19 as a result of a bat or snake meeting in nature or in the Huanan wildlife market in Wuhan. In some form.

In general, meeting a bat and a snake can be relatively easily reproduced in the laboratory. Perhaps the Chinese virologists in Wuhan are already doing this.

If, as a result of this experiment, it is possible to isolate COVID-19, then the US-British hypothesis about its natural origin will be brilliantly confirmed, but what if it fails or something else happens?

Then there will be natural-scientific questions to US-British virologists, and not only to them.
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  1. -3
    25 March 2020 15: 05
    Today in the news feeds slipped information that in China 1 person died with a new type of virus: hantavirus.
    According to the same source: the virus is carried by small rodents and it seems like a chance to get a person to get it - is negligible.
    1. +9
      25 March 2020 15: 49
      Yes, it is insignificant if you do not eat live mice.
      1. +6
        25 March 2020 19: 27
        if you do not eat live mice.

        We will be exact. You can get infected if you eat freshly died. laughing
    2. 0
      25 March 2020 15: 58
      Quote: Honest Citizen
      Today in the news feeds slipped information that in China 1 person died with a new type of virus: hantavirus.

      Well, it's not a fact that the "newbie" is destined to develop into an epidemic or even a pandemic.

      We have not really figured out the "old man" -coronavirus yet. So let the newly-minted virus ran into the queue, wait.
    3. +5
      26 March 2020 09: 47
      Why did you write this at all? Millions of viruses live in your and in my body. They are all around us. Judging by the diversity and prevalence of viruses on earth, we can assume that they are the main inhabitants of our blue ball, and not us. Now you can panic.
      1. +1
        27 March 2020 08: 34
        Quote: Engineer
        Judging by the diversity and prevalence of viruses on earth, we can assume that they are the main inhabitants of our blue ball, and not us.

        do not confuse viruses and germs. These are different things.
        1. Wow
          28 March 2020 18: 18
          Scientists think differently. “Researchers in medicine claim that even healthy people can be carriers of 5 to 15 types of viruses in the body. "Viruses can easily dwell in several places of the human body - on the skin, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, the mucous membrane of the nose, the mucous membrane of the vagina, in feces.”
          1. +1
            28 March 2020 20: 20
            Quote: wow
            Viruses can live in several places in the human body.

            don't puff up smile relax smile this property is called tropism, the process is called virus carrier, do not confuse with persistence and replication. In addition, there are no perfectly healthy people, rather, there is a balance in the body between infectious agents and antibodies .... This topic is very long, judging by your statements, you will still have many discoveries in life! good luck to you! and plus sign +++ smile
      2. 0
        29 March 2020 21: 52
        To a point, and were sick, get sick and will be sick further
    4. +2
      27 March 2020 11: 14
      In the Korean War, this virus mowed down American soldiers.
    5. +1
      27 March 2020 11: 36
      Quote: Honest Citizen
      what's in china

      Speaking of China!
      China will be responsible for coronavirus in US court

      The United States intends to sue the Chinese authorities and recover from the PRC losses caused to the American economy by the coronavirus. We can talk about a colossal amount - six trillion dollars.
      Two influential US law firms (in other words, a real army of highly professional lawyers) sued the government of the PRC, accusing it of intentionally and selfishly hushing up the problem of coronavirus in the first stage of the epidemic. As a result, according to their logic, US companies engaged in foreign trade operations suffered significant losses, which now need to be compensated.
  2. +17
    25 March 2020 15: 13
    I will express seditious opinion. The hype surrounding this virus, like seasonal flu, is bloated. If we take statistics on the same cardiovascular, AIDS, and cancer diseases, then all of these viruses will turn out to be midgets in the country of giants. I completely agree with the recommendations of doctors and twist my finger at the temple, listening about the processions of the cross, and the manipulation of torches. Science does not stand still and I have more faith in doctors than in mantras.
    1. +4
      25 March 2020 15: 37
      It is not necessary to declare quarantines, but think how to save the most vulnerable social groups, this infection will go for walks until any immunity is established in the quarantines, and quarantines will destroy our economy and the consequences will be worse than from the epidemic
      1. 0
        26 March 2020 07: 59
        quarantines our rulers will ruin the economy and the consequences will be worse than from the epidemic

        probably in your fictional worlds the economy will not experience stress during massive epidemiological crises. This is foolish - put on a foil hat and live in peace. The astounding amount of cap-throws is simply amazing. And it’s strange that for some reason everyone who really works in this problem, and does not sit on the couch, has the opposite opinion laughing
      2. +2
        27 March 2020 12: 56
        Friend, agree - these are FUNNY times !! Who could have imagined such a time before ?! When, in the country, it will be easier to pick up the infection, not from homeless people, but from "people with chains" who returned to the country from Courchevel !!!
      3. 0
        29 March 2020 21: 55
        Yes, no quarantines are needed, swollen out of the blue. I'm a doctor if that
    2. +2
      25 March 2020 15: 45
      For example, I believe in bells ringing (“ringing all bells.” Proven by life and substantiated by physicists.
      With influenza, the upper respiratory tract is affected, with coronavirus, the lungs .. In fact, pneumonia. If you start, then there will be swelling and death.
      1. 0
        29 March 2020 21: 56
        With what a fright swelling?
    3. +8
      25 March 2020 17: 30
      Bioweapons - disable the enemy, not necessarily forever.
      Half the population of a country for 2 weeks - and here's minus 1/52 of GDP, and money for treating patients.
      Oh, and a lot of it !!!!

      And what is happening in Italy is not at all a joke or a fake! Even if it's cynical to talk about "only the elderly"
      1. +14
        25 March 2020 19: 20
        Colleagues, do not compare what cannot be compared. Let’s say, I have coronary heart disease, from which far more people die every year than from coronavirus. And here I am in the crowd. Am I infecting the crowd with ischemia? Of course not. And if someone who I walked past and sneezed at him would soon die of ischemia, then it was not my fault. Now let’s say I have a coronavirus, but, unaware of it, I cheerfully jump in the crowd like that, pushing people with shoulders and elbows, and coughing and culling everyone along the way. There is a difference?
        Is there a difference between a rapidly mutating flu giving a short outbreak of death, fading due to a fast mutational attenuation of the virus, and a slowly, very slowly mutating covid, with a correspondingly slow, very slow loss of killing properties? There is a difference. Two big differences.
        1. +2
          26 March 2020 20: 07
          .... coronary disease, ....
          Lyudmila? love it’s better to be at home more, right now.
        2. 0
          29 March 2020 21: 57
      2. -2
        27 March 2020 08: 32
        Quote: Yarr_Arr
        And what is happening in Italy is not at all a joke or a fake! Even if it's cynical to talk about "only the elderly"

        In Italy, the mafia is traditionally strong. Therefore, creating statistics and panic there is the easiest.
    4. Dog
      25 March 2020 22: 20
      Quote: Leader of the Redskins
      listening about religious processions

      Where did you hear that? You must be experiencing some unhealthy craving for the torsion process at the temple, if you find the same somewhere you can hear it in connection with the coronovirus.
      1. +1
        26 March 2020 12: 01
        Quote: Dog
        Quote: Leader of the Redskins
        listening about religious processions

        Where did you hear that? You must be experiencing some unhealthy craving for the torsion process at the temple, if you find the same somewhere you can hear it in connection with the coronovirus.

        I was sent a WhatsApp video yesterday from the Krasnodar Territory (license plate number 23 in the region) with a religious procession.
    5. +4
      26 March 2020 07: 57
      If we take the statistics for the same cardiovascular, AIDS, cancer

      stupid from the point of view of logic argument. Reference to cancer, heart disease and other diseases is in no way justified in relation to a viral infection, because neither cancer, nor ischemia, nor other common diseases occur in the forms of uncontrolled mass epidemics with high pathogenicity. What the usual seasonal flu can do, if preventive measures are not taken, the Spanish flu demonstrates well: 550 million people fell ill in a short time, or 29,5% of the world's population. Died approximately 50-100 million people, or 2,7-5,3% of the world's population. Moreover, the high mortality rate was in all age groups - from children to old people. So much for the "bloated excitement".
      1. +3
        26 March 2020 12: 04
        Quote: Ka-52
        a stupid argument in terms of logic. The link to cancer, heart disease and TP diseases is not justified in relation to a viral infection, because neither cancer, nor ischemia, nor other common diseases occur in the form of uncontrolled mass epidemics with high pathogenicity.

        What will cause the death, the coronovirus itself or the complications of a chronic disease caused by a virus? I do not see the difference.
    6. +3
      27 March 2020 09: 21
      There is one fundamental difference. Cancer and stroke can not be infected in transport and simply in everyday life, but it is possible to become a coronovirus. And unlike the viruses we know, this one is quite tenacious in the environment. And low mortality in this case is only a matter of time. If you stop fighting the new virus, then the number of cases will quickly go up exponentially. Italy is an example. And then cancer, speed taken together will seem like flowers.
    7. 0
      30 March 2020 10: 58
      I, too, was sure that it was bloated. So far, from all over the world, disinfection of streets has not begun to come. Simple flu is not washed so .... it does not happen. military kamaz, yeah. Simple flu. And it's strange that everyone is being driven from the streets and parks. And why the parks were closed first, and then shopping centers, cinemas and gyms.
      In theory, he does not particularly fly on the street. Then what happens?
  3. +2
    25 March 2020 15: 16
    The virus is dangerous because it can deceive the immune system.
    1. +4
      25 March 2020 17: 17
      Quote: Balu
      The virus is dangerous because it can deceive the immune system.

      This virus is dangerous in that it is primarily spread around the planet with human idiocy.
      1. +4
        25 March 2020 17: 46
        Quote: NEXUS
        Quote: Balu
        The virus is dangerous because it can deceive the immune system.

        This virus is dangerous in that it is primarily spread around the planet with human idiocy.

        Andrei, Russia is surrounded by American bio labs funded by the FSA Ministry of Defense. Our neighbors, the Kazakhs, warmed one such one, in which, according to open sources, a few years ago, the theme of the coronavirus and other misfortunes spread by small animals such as gophers and hamsters was discussed. Of course, while there is vodka and moonshine, the devil himself is not afraid of us. However, everything is much more serious. Yes, Russia has had real experience since the days of the USSR in the fight against especially dangerous infections. Coronavirus has always been, but this Chinese is the worst. I wish you do not get sick. drinks
        1. +2
          27 March 2020 09: 23
          It is worth watching the statistics of diseases in the USA. If there is a high incidence with low mortality - this is an occasion to think. In the meantime, all conspiracy theories are nothing more than theories.
          1. +1
            27 March 2020 13: 20
            Even if the half-track dies out, those who initiated this muck do not care at all. They are rebuilding the world. The population of the States in itself, the Masons, respectively.
            1. -2
              30 March 2020 15: 04
              Quote: Essex62
              Even if the half-track dies out, those who initiated this muck do not care at all. They are rebuilding the world. The population of the States in itself, the Masons, respectively.

              It certainly doesn’t give a damn, but why are they building a huge hospital in Moscow? And Shoigu is building infectious cases too. In my opinion 16. In all regions. Great food is coming. Where there will be many deaths. Health care at the highest level has been largely destroyed. That is optimized. And it has already been shown why mortality depends. The following patterns are identified in connection with coronavirus: mortality from it is lower in countries where quantitative health factors are higher - more than doctors, hospitals and hospital beds, etc. Italy and Spain, hurried after 1991 to radically reduce the number of hospital beds, are now reaping the consequences of this move.

              Russia, despite the fact that it destroyed hospitals and hospital beds all these years, still maintained a rather high level of provision of beds. Approximately at the level of Germany, and 4 times more per 10 thousand population than in Italy.
              1. -1
                30 March 2020 15: 15
                But infectious beds are extremely important. Take off the big problem.
                Because according to the forecast and calculations, the main "fun" will come very soon.
                We have in central Russia a huge number of small towns and villages, generally deprived of hospital facilities. Caught under optimization. Our old women and old men will quietly die at home. In the thousands.

      2. +6
        26 March 2020 08: 01
        This virus is dangerous in that it is primarily spread around the planet with human idiocy.

        fully support
      3. +1
        29 March 2020 22: 00
        That's right, not even the virus itself, but the actions of the authorities and the media
    2. 0
      27 March 2020 08: 29
      Quote: Balu
      The virus is dangerous because it can deceive the immune system.

      more about that, please!
      1. -1
        27 March 2020 09: 16
        Quote: aybolyt678
        Quote: Balu
        The virus is dangerous because it can deceive the immune system.

        more about that, please!

        one of 4 inserts from hiv
        1. +3
          27 March 2020 10: 21
          Quote: Balu
          one of 4 inserts from hiv

          I am a veterinary virologist, the most vile thing in the Human Immunodeficiency Virus is its gene expressing a protein code-named CP-41 of which the membrane consists. This protein is close to certain proteins of goblet cells of the intestine, mast cells of the skin and the surface of lymphocytes. Therefore, the human immune system does not see him. But she perfectly sees the coronavirus, in its shell there are 3 antigens with any of which you can make a vaccine ... you can even trivalent with all three.
    3. -1
      27 March 2020 13: 04
      Quote: Balu
      The virus is dangerous because it can deceive the immune system.
      the world is so arranged that everything mutates and adapts ... therefore, the human immunity (especially if it is critically not weakened at the time of infection), will be able / able to adapt to the virus, and begin to urgently and sufficiently develop antibodies !! I think so...
      1. 0
        27 March 2020 13: 36
        Quote: Nemchinov Vl
        Quote: Balu
        The virus is dangerous because it can deceive the immune system.
        the world is so arranged that everything mutates and adapts ... therefore, the human immunity (especially if it is critically not weakened at the time of infection), will be able / able to adapt to the virus, and begin to urgently and sufficiently develop antibodies !! I think so...

        Something does not work with HIV
        1. 0
          28 March 2020 13: 19
          Quote: Balu
          Quote: Nemchinov Vl
          Quote: Balu
          The virus is dangerous because it can deceive the immune system.
          the world is so arranged that everything mutates and adapts ... therefore human immunity (especially if, he is not critically weakened at the time of infection), can / have time to adapt to the virus, and begin to urgently and sufficiently develop antibodies !! I think so...

          Something does not work with HIV

          you’re just inattentive ... upon careful reading, - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, the answer would be noticeable already from the name ?!
  4. +11
    25 March 2020 15: 18
    If, as a result of this experiment, it is possible to isolate COVID-19, then the US-British hypothesis about its natural origin will brilliantly be confirmed, but if it does not succeed or something else is obtained

    if it does not succeed and something completely different happens, then we will have a pandemic more dangerous than various epidemics of the past, but this is only my assumption.
    1. +8
      25 March 2020 16: 10
      Quote: Gene84
      if it does not succeed and something completely different happens, then we will have a pandemic more dangerous than various epidemics of the past,

      Everyone was waiting for World War 3, accumulated millions of tons of weapons, and then it came unexpectedly that something imperceptible and invisible and began to mow without weapons. Now there is time to think that life is short without weapons and without wars.
      1. +4
        25 March 2020 17: 34
        Quote: tihonmarine
        Everyone was waiting for World War 3, accumulated millions of tons of weapons, and then it came unexpectedly that something imperceptible and invisible and began to mow without weapons.

        And it doesn’t mow, it’s still really massive. So, only ...
        1. +1
          25 March 2020 18: 02
          Quote: Insurgent
          And it doesn’t mow, it’s still really massive. So, only ..

          Yesterday I looked about the Spanish hospitals, as it was reminiscent of a military hospital.
          1. 0
            26 March 2020 12: 08
            Quote: tihonmarine
            Yesterday I looked about the Spanish hospitals,

            Saw. Here is what they write from Italy:
            I think everyone knows that I live in Italy.
            Therefore, thanks to everyone who remembered, wrote, phoned this difficult hour for us. Because I can’t personally tell everyone what is going on here, I am writing here. I’m rather screaming. Of the last forces I try to reach out to at least those who are dear to me.
            My dears! You have no idea what awaits you in a few weeks! And how in such a short time your life changes, turning into a film - a catastrophe in reality.
            So, if you still hang out, go to visit, to work, take your children to kindergartens and schools, just know: 2 weeks ago we had the same thing. I also laughed, and tried to save my business, which, as you know, depends on tourist inflows. Now this is no longer relevant. Now for us, only one thing is relevant - to survive.
            I didn’t want to frighten for a long time, but maybe my description of the current situation will change something in the minds of my Russian (and not only) friends, and even save someone’s life.
            So, our reality today:
            Closed everything except grocery stores and pharmacies. We leave the house once a week for groceries, masks and gloves. You need to have permission to exit, the store is only next to the house within a radius of 1 km. They can be tracked by GPS (your phone number is specified in the permission). Otherwise - a fine of 206 Euros and criminal liability. There are many posts, they check everyone in a row, both by car and on foot. If you have 1 small shop under the house, and dear, and you want to go to the one where you are used to buying, nobody is interested.
            Everything that can be rebuilt as a hospital, like during the war. Today, a cruise ship was opened under the hospital in Genoa.
            Patients are accepted only by those between life and death, while those who are hopeless are allowed to simply die. If they bring two, a 30-year-old and a 50-year-old, they will save a 30-year-old, because often there are no respiratory devices. Patients are everywhere - in the corridors, passageways. Doctors themselves work without shifts, just as long as they stand on their feet. Doctors themselves die like flies.
            In the north, the bodies are taken out by truck. There are not enough trucks. If your relative was taken away with the crown, and he could not recover, then you will never see him again. They don’t say goodbye to the body, but take it directly to the crematorium. 700-800 people a day are dying. For little Italy, this is a huge figure.
            Not only old people die, but also 30-year-olds and 40-year-olds. They die very quickly, in a few days, from the moment you realize that you have a crown. And even powerful, strong, like bulls men with strong immunity. And even the children. Yes, they are less in percentage terms, but what do you care about numbers if your child dies?
            I never heard a bell ringing on the dead. Now I hear constantly. And this sound eats into your ears, I want to shrink and hide in the farthest corner of the apartment.
            So, if you still think that it doesn’t concern you, where is Italy and where are you, here’s the story of how everything calmly began with us:
            - January 30. A virus-infected pair from China was discovered and isolated in Rome. Air communication with China is canceled. Everyone is calm. Nothing changes in life.
            - February 23. About 100 infected were detected. Hearths are small towns in northern Italy with quarantine. The rest of Italy walks. Everything is open.
            - March 4. Finally, schools and universities are closing down. (Doesn’t it remind me of anything?) All children and students pour out onto the street, the weather is good.
            - March 8. Nearly 6000 infected. Tests are done by everyone, then they change tactics, because the numbers are too scary, and accept the method of most European countries: only with symptoms. Looking ahead, I’ll say: now the tests are done only for those who are at risk of death.
            The entire Lombardy was quarantined. Museums, cinemas, theaters, sports and shopping centers were closed. Bars and restaurants until 18.00 with the need to maintain distances.
            In Rome, they continue to walk. Without masks, of course. The southerners working in the north rushed to relatives in the south, often carrying the virus without knowing it.
            - March 11th. All Italy becomes a red zone. Almost 13000 infected. They close everything except grocery stores, pharmacies and factories. A pandemic is being declared. You can still do it alone on the street, go shopping, but with a piece of paper for permission. Already scary, but not very. We joke and post jokes in vets up.
            - March 23. About 60000 are infected, of which about 6000 are dead. All factories and plants are closing. You can go to the store one at a time every 3 days within a radius of 1 km from the house. Going beyond your commune is strictly prohibited. Sports outside the home are prohibited. You can move around only for food and if you die (no urgent visits to the doctor are prohibited). Patrols fine everyone without exception for violations. Penalty + criminal liability.
            Military equipment in Bergamo does not cope with the removal of corpses, because there are no more places in the local cemeteries, and the stoves cannot cope.
            The Prime Minister of Italy announces a crisis of the level of World War II in the country. It really looks like a war. Every family has someone you know, someone who has either died or is fighting for life. No longer a joke.
            All this happened in 1 month.
            I do not urge to panic, but I beg you: you need to change your habits now, because in a couple of weeks it will be late. Do not leave home, do not accept guests, relatives, do not go to work, school, university. (Of course, it mostly depends on the state, but still ..) Wear masks, wash your hands. Treasure your loved ones. Leave home rarely, and at an emergency. Trainers, books, films to help you.
            1. +2
              26 March 2020 13: 42
              Quote: major147
              Trainers, books, films to help you.

              And so live on for the next 50 years. What you couldn’t return.
            2. +2
              27 March 2020 08: 28
              Quote: major147
              Here's what they write from Italy

              write that they write ... Where are the messages about the effectiveness of the blood of the ill? The Chinese use it very efficiently! Where is the blood sampling from the recovered? One way lighting sad a feeling that we live in the Middle Ages!
        2. 0
          26 March 2020 10: 37
          Quote: Insurgent
          And it doesn’t mow, it’s still really massive. So, only ..

          It shoots very accurately.
          Yesterday 743 people died in Italy, multiply by any number of days that you think this will continue and add to the 6820 already dead.
      2. +1
        27 March 2020 09: 52
        and then it came unexpectedly
        Suddenly, this is so, but what has come, and even so on time is a big question.
    2. +3
      25 March 2020 17: 00
      In general, meeting a bat and a snake can be relatively easily reproduced in the laboratory. Perhaps the Chinese virologists in Wuhan are already doing this. If, as a result of this experiment, it is possible to isolate COVID-19, then the US-British hypothesis about its natural origin will brilliantly be confirmed

      Let's be honest - if, as a result of this experiment, it is possible to isolate COVID-19, then fans of the version of biological weapons will double-claim that the coronavirus was obtained in the laboratory by crossing toads and vipers.
      1. +4
        27 March 2020 08: 20
        the natural origin of the virus is just a fake to evade responsibility
    3. +2
      25 March 2020 21: 24
      Quote: Gene84
      If, as a result of this experiment, it is possible to isolate COVID-19, then the US-British hypothesis about its natural origin will brilliantly be confirmed, but if it does not succeed or something else is obtained

      if it doesn’t succeed and something completely different happens, then we will have a pandemic more dangerous than various epidemics of the pastbut this is just my guess.

      Who knows what "hello" can come from this very past? The "Spanish flu", which roamed at the beginning of the 20th century, mowed down up to 50 million people, while this coronavirus has not yet collected 10 thousand, despite the fact that the geography of its distribution is much wider than that of the "Spanish flu". Although it must be admitted that at that time there were no antibiotics yet and it (coronavirus) has not yet been stopped and continues its harvest.
      PS -Meanwhile, we must not forget that there is an active thawing of permafrost, and therefore, along with thawing the bones of mammoths, woolly rhinos and bison, carcasses of lemmings and other living creatures, some prehistoric viruses dozing in permafrost is several hundred thousand years old that can be carried by birds during seasonal migrations from northern nesting sites around the world. The death of these animals in connection with the onset of the ice age is just the most suitable version, but in fact, who knows why it happened and whether their death is a consequence of an epizootic caused by some kind of virus, which then froze with the fallen carriers.
  5. 9PA
    25 March 2020 15: 29
    In 2015, there were still experiments with coronovira.

    It is logical to assume that a vaccine against it also already exists, and who needs it
    1. 0
      26 March 2020 12: 02
      Quote: 9PA
      In 2015, there were still experiments with coronovira

      I will try to explain as briefly as possible about the experiments
      In Israel, employees of the MIGAL Research Institute in Galilee over the past four years have developed a vaccine against chicken coronavirus in a project funded by the ministries of economy and agriculture. Coronaviruses have a similar structure, and the proteins that are their active part, developed for poultry vaccination of chickens, have a similar structure with the active protein of coronavirus, which caused the current epidemic. And since the vaccine has already successfully passed clinical trials on chickens, it was decided to direct efforts to develop a vaccine against today's coronavirus that infects humans. At the moment, we have begun to optimize the process of protein synthesis in industrial quantities.
      Now the stage is before clinical trials. these are animal tests. And if this stage is completed successfully, clinical trials in humans will begin.
      If the vaccine is approved, it will not be a regular shot shot, but an aerosol spray spray.
      The institute has already applied to the Ministry of Health for clinical trials of the vaccine. According to experts, in case of success in a few months it will be possible to begin its industrial production.
    2. 0
      27 March 2020 08: 18
      Quote: 9PA
      It is logical to assume that a vaccine against it also already exists, and who needs it

      There was a report 2 weeks ago that the NGO Vector started testing the vaccine to determine the dosage. That is, there is a vaccine! Only this does not fit into the general informational NOISE. Most likely they bend.
  6. +2
    25 March 2020 15: 33
    All this taken together raises big questions about the origin of a new type of coronavirus,

    If, as a result of this experiment, it is possible to isolate COVID-19, then the US-British hypothesis about its natural origin will be brilliantly confirmed, but what if it fails or something else happens?

    It seems to me that this is the work of the United States .. and the bacteriological war began .. one can only guess about the goals .. but it is possible that someone wants to get rid of debts ..
    1. +15
      25 March 2020 16: 26
      Quote: Svarog
      It seems to me that this is the work of the United States

      According to the Laboratory of Vaccine Prevention and Immunotherapy of Allergic Diseases, the Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums named after I.I. Mechnikov, doctor of medical sciences Mikhail Kostinov, the virus arose in China, naturally: climate, fauna, population. That is, in this case the United States has nothing to do with it.
      1. +13
        25 March 2020 16: 32
        Quote: Gene84
        Quote: Svarog
        It seems to me that this is the work of the United States

        According to the Laboratory of Vaccine Prevention and Immunotherapy of Allergic Diseases, the Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums named after I.I. Mechnikov, doctor of medical sciences Mikhail Kostinov, the virus arose in China, naturally: climate, fauna, population. That is, in this case the United States has nothing to do with it.

        And the United States is always nothing to do with ... then for what purpose do they have laboratories around the world? Probably in the noble .. Papuans help ..
        1. +12
          25 March 2020 16: 36
          Quote: Svarog
          for what purpose do they have laboratories around the world?

          US biological laboratories around Russia are an integral part of the biological war against us. But in this particular case with coronavirus, the states have nothing to do with it.
          1. +1
            25 March 2020 16: 44
            Quote: Gene84
            Quote: Svarog
            for what purpose do they have laboratories around the world?

            US biological laboratories around Russia are an integral part of the biological war against us. But in this particular case with coronavirus, the states have nothing to do with it.

            Gennady .. I wouldn’t say so confidently .. But you don’t know this professor, who he is, what he is .. I look at who is profitable and who has the opportunity to realize .. I don’t believe in coincidences .. and there’s still and the price of oil fell ..
            1. +15
              25 March 2020 17: 04
              Quote: Svarog
              I do not believe in coincidence

              I also do not believe in coincidence.
              Quote: Svarog
              who benefits and who has the opportunity to implement

              Many have. And in China, and in the USA, and even, you will laugh in Russia
              Quote: Svarog
              I would not say so confidently

              What is the US benefit in this case?
              1. +2
                25 March 2020 17: 12
                Quote: Gene84
                What is the US benefit in this case?

                Here you can only put forward conspiracy theological versions ... and assume ..
                We’ll wait and see .. but one thing is certain, the virus kills pensioners .. and the least protected sectors of society .. Analysts can analyze how fast it spreads and what the consequences may be .. let's say from a more serious issue.
                In general, I will not argue .. but over the past 80 years, the bulk of the troubles for humanity came from the United States ..
                1. +1
                  27 March 2020 08: 15
                  Quote: Svarog
                  over the past 80 years, the bulk of the trouble for humanity came from the United States ..

                  and once again no one called to account ......
              2. 0
                29 March 2020 22: 12
                For the past few years, the states have had a big shit among the elites. The common people were a little fucking. Things were moving towards civil war. Now the question is: what is needed to unite the people and elites? That's right, a war with an external enemy. But traditional warfare is weird. So let's make a bakwar with China, and unite and bend down with China. Isn't it an option?
            2. +15
              25 March 2020 17: 07
              Quote: Svarog
              You do not know this professor, who is he, what is he

              I think you can trust him:
              Mikhail Petrovich Kostinov (b. 1956) - professor, doctor of medical sciences, Russian doctor allergist-immunologist, vaccinologist, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, head of the laboratory for vaccine prophylaxis and immunotherapy of allergic diseases of the I. Mechnikov Research Institute of RAMS.
              The author of more than 600 scientific works, including 5 monographs, 9 books, 10 manuals, 14 guidelines and manuals for doctors, 10 patents for inventions, 6 popular science brochures. Member of the editorial board of the journal Epidemiology and Vaccine Prevention, the newsletter Vaccination.
              1. +3
                25 March 2020 18: 36
                Good day. I think you can trust and believe such a well-deserved person, but to consider him the ultimate truth - no.
        2. +1
          27 March 2020 08: 16
          Quote: Svarog
          then for what purpose do they have laboratories around the world?

          not only laboratories but also prisons ..
        3. 0
          27 March 2020 11: 00
          Quote: Svarog
          then for what purpose do they have laboratories around the world? Probably in the noble .. Papuans help ..
          One of such British laboratories in India was later renamed as a sign of gratitude to the Mumbai Central Institute of Immunology named after Havkin - because they developed vaccines against plague and cholera that were used to treat locals. But at that time, surely there were also mothers of geopolitics, who believed that from the laboratories they were poisoned by the plague of the damned colonialists.
      2. Alf
        25 March 2020 19: 29
        Quote: Gene84
        the virus originated in China,

        It is APPLIED there, but where is it DESIGNED?
        1. +14
          25 March 2020 20: 22
          Quote: Alf
          Quote: Gene84
          the virus originated in China,

          It is APPLIED there, but where is it DESIGNED?

          Human coronavirus was first isolated in 1965 from acute respiratory viral infections. Subsequently, coronaviruses almost did not attract the attention of researchers, until an outbreak of SARS or severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was detected in China in 2002-2003.
      3. Dog
        25 March 2020 22: 26
        Quote: Gene84
        the virus arose in China, naturally: climate, fauna, population

        You could say this: the virus "arose" in China naturally - an economic war with the United States, a powerful growing production, claims to world leadership in the future, flirting with Europe and Russia, the seizure of new and new sales markets ...
        This and that are just words. This is not an evidence chain.
    2. +2
      25 March 2020 19: 30
      I think that this is the work of the USA ..

      Already baptized?
    3. +2
      25 March 2020 20: 46
      Quote: Svarog
      It seems to me that this is the work of the United States ..

      Yeah, that's just with the return after the shot did not calculate, or what?

      Another 5 days, overtake both Italy and China in the number of recorded cases.
      And according to how cool they took, m. and by the number of fatal.

      Quote: Svarog
      bacteriological war began

      As far as I have met, geneticists consider bacteriological weapons, in principle, unrealizable at the current level of biotechnology. In the sense that either the effect is not the same, or the consequences for the loved ones are not calculated. You can't shoot and forget. "And what for a goat accordion?"
    4. 0
      27 March 2020 09: 55
      But first, from the arrogant and not willing to die early retirees.
  7. +6
    25 March 2020 15: 47
    You can wind yourself up as much as you like, hide even under a mask, even under a gas mask, but with a coronovirus we will be ill with everything, because painfully it spreads easily. The most interesting thing is the instructions for the behavior of the sick - the main requirement is self-isolation, i.e. the authorities are well aware that the situation is simply artificially inflated. From ordinary flu, orders of magnitude more people die.
    1. +5
      25 March 2020 18: 57
      As a percentage of the flu (or complications after it), about 0,1% dies, from coronavirus, according to various sources, 2-4% (in the number of deaths in Italy, it seems that up to 4-8%) of the number of cases. You are right only in the fact that the flu has been ill with the flu within a year or two, and accordingly even 0,1% of this amount is a lot. The desire to push the coronavirus infection into the longer term is a rather logical move, the further it is, the more it is studied, more effective countermeasures, treatment methods, etc. appear.
      1. +1
        25 March 2020 19: 40
        Mortality from the new coronavirus COVID-19 at 2,4 p.p. (three times) higher than seasonal flu mortality. This was announced at a briefing by the Director-General of WHO, Tedros Gebreyesus.

        Do not pump 10 times the mortality of Ilyas - 3 times this is about 1 percent, not 0,1
        1. +1
          25 March 2020 19: 52
          Quote: Level 2 Advisor
          Mortality from the new coronavirus COVID-19 at 2,4 p.p. (three times) higher than seasonal flu mortality.

          This is a filkin letter. We will find out what mortality from this virus will be when the epidemic passes. At present, there is no point in counting some%. The epidemic is only flaring up. The numbers go around and change every day. Each country thinks differently. Italy considers everyone who had the virus at the time of death, even if they died from a blood clot or heart attack. Spain, too. France gives only the numbers of the deceased in hospitals, but does not consider the deceased at home or in hospices (and most of the deceased in Italy, it is in hospices for the elderly). Germany gives only the numbers of deaths from pneumonia.
          The Chinese figures were considered by the Central Committee of the Communist Party and no one has any faith in them. But for 3 months they denied the fact of the virus and how many died during these 3 months, even they do not know.
          What can I really say, in the focus of infection in Italy-Bergamo, Brescia, Lodi-mortality jumped ten times compared to 2019
          1. -2
            25 March 2020 21: 00
            Mortality is almost 15 percent according to OF data. For unofficial think more.
          2. 0
            25 March 2020 22: 51
            Quote: Liam
            We’ll find out what mortality from this virus will be when the epidemic passes. Now, there’s no point in calculating some%.

            Everything is correct, and WHO has already explained that this is not mortality, but calculations based on current figures. The difference is fundamental.

            But consider the meaning. A very good indicator of what is happening in a particular region.
            1. 0
              25 March 2020 23: 07
              Quote: Zaits
              A very good indicator of what is happening in a particular region.

              And a very good warning to those who yelled that garbage is all not an epidemic. If these foci are not localized by total quarantine and the epidemic spreads throughout the countries, millions will die
        2. -1
          25 March 2020 20: 59
          Mortality is 15 percent. Count how many times it is.
          1. 0
            25 March 2020 21: 05
            At the epicenter of the epidemic - Bergamo - on average, less than 4 people per day died before it began. In the first 18 days of March 2020 in this city with a population of 122 thousand people. the epidemic claimed the lives of 957 people, or an average of 53 people per day (a 15-fold increase in mortality). On March 21, 2020, 226 people died in Bergamo, or 64 times more than before the epidemic.
            A spokesman for the Bergama funeral home said that during "peacetime" his office buried about 100 people a month. For 18 days in March 2020, they had to bury 611 people. On a monthly basis, this is 1018 people, or ten times more than before the epidemic
            1. 0
              25 March 2020 21: 15
              I meant about other diseases and the same flu in particular. A mortality rate of 1 percent is already considered high. And here almost 15 percent. How much worse?
        3. 0
          25 March 2020 22: 47
          As far as I remember, in WHO mortality is considered to be due to the flu, and in the states and we are falling into a heap along with other SARS, that’s the difference by an order of magnitude. At the same time, the people for some reason create a completely false impression of the flu.
      2. -1
        25 March 2020 20: 58
        Lord's mortality according to official figures is almost 15 percent.
      3. 0
        25 March 2020 22: 41
        Quote: il-z
        As a percentage of the flu (or complications after it), about 0,1% dies, from coronavirus, according to various sources, 2-4% (according to the number of deaths in Italy, it seems that up to 4-8%)

        Everything is correct, "but there are nuances."
        0,1% is the average for the hospital, in the sum of all recorded and unaccounted for cases of SARS + influenza A and B. The most dangerous are influenza A and B. There are no more than 20% of all recorded cases together with SARS. In this case, only influenza A can produce an epidemiological outbreak. All the rest is smooth seasonal fluctuations, with which nothing special can be done.

        If we "separate the flies from the cutlets" and evaluate it in its pure form just influenza A, it turns out (I studied the CDC statistics for the 2017/18 season in detail, and it was a surprise for me too) that the mortality rate for influenza A is about 1% (0.5 -2.5% depending on the country and season), but no more than 1% of the population get sick with it in the worst year. In the states, for the 2017/18 season, it is possible to estimate the approximate number of influenza A patients at 3 million, and deaths from it at 45 thousand. Probably, there are more accurate numbers in the depths of the CDC, but try to find them. And why do they count everything to the heap, try to guess. Most likely, it is more convenient to do business on vaccinations this way.

        Judging by what is happening in Italy, the coronavirus can cover much more than 1% as soon as possible. Already now in Lombardy (~ 10 million people), this is already approximately 0.3% of the total population of registered sick / infected people and more than 13% of deaths from those registered due to the actual absence of honey. relief for most patients:
        What is really there, one can only guess. But when compared with influenza A, then this is approximately equivalent to 2-3% of the total population of Lombardy. And how it all ends there, no one has yet to say.
    2. 0
      29 March 2020 22: 16
      Not only were ill, but also hurt more than once. And situevina is definitely inflated. People, see the figures for the crown and flu at least this year !!!
  8. +4
    25 March 2020 15: 51
    Quote: Svarog
    it is possible that someone wants to get rid of debt.

    and parts of humanity
  9. +11
    25 March 2020 16: 00
    Victor you wrote such nonsense just some game. The virus is "huge", "heavy on this flies badly" damn it, you have to tell people such nonsense. Well, it's his job to hang people on the ears.
  10. +1
    25 March 2020 16: 10
    Quote: Honest Citizen
    and it’s kind of like a chance to get a person sick with them - is negligible.

    if you pick your mouse shit, you can get infected, but the Wuhan Institute of Virology could modify it
  11. 0
    25 March 2020 16: 14
    Quote: Lynx33
    From ordinary flu, orders of magnitude more people die.

    Rosstat info:
    The main cause of deaths of Russians is various diseases. Only 5% of the population dies from old age, 7,9% from external causes, in particular 1% from transport accidents, of which 0,8% from road accidents.
    1. +2
      25 March 2020 19: 28
      Only 5% die of old age

      What is this cause of death? What is the code for a single classifier? wassat
    2. +1
      26 March 2020 07: 02
      Yes, this is not flu, but pneumonia, i.e. pneumonia, hence mortality is higher
    3. 0
      27 March 2020 10: 03
      Doubtful table, if thoughtfully go to the top and bottom lines. Only the column of digestive organs is true, since it reflects a drop in food quality.
  12. -4
    25 March 2020 16: 29
    Well, if you fail or succeed
    Then it is necessary to launch a nuclear missile strike on the United States and England.
  13. +4
    25 March 2020 16: 30
    It seems that they are not telling us. And so I have such questions. Why children don't get sick. Immunity? And why do the kids have fever so that you have to take them to the institute where you won't hear anything intelligible. More than this, we can’t get away from him, this is the first wave (or maybe not the first), and then it will be even more curious and maybe even more terrible. In fact, there is a "cleansing" of humanity and an instruction to us to stop dealing with showdowns and crap on our planet! Further, it seems that this is only an introductory part of the disaster, then gangrene in the economy will begin ...
    Why do not finish? If you find out the whole truth, it will be like during the Chernobyl in nearby cities .. Who was he who knows when people have the idea that there is nothing left to lose! So Americans seem to believe in the zombie apocalypse! I don’t know, and it’s probably dangerous to know, especially since the leaders behave insecurely!
    1. 0
      25 March 2020 19: 01
      Read what they do not agree about the Spanish. Mostly young and healthy individuals died from her. And the kids about whom you write temperature from the coronavirus?
      1. 0
        27 March 2020 08: 07
        Quote: il-z
        Read what they do not agree about the Spanish. Mostly young and healthy individuals died from her

        the cells of the young body have a higher metabolism, therefore, the viral DNA in them replicates faster, as a rule, young people are more difficult to tolerate the first encountered disease.
        An old person has less of such an antiviral factor as interferon, and therefore more often dies from coronavirus
    2. +2
      27 March 2020 08: 10
      Quote: lithium17
      It seems that we do not finish.

      ++++ the right feeling. Where is the message about the work on the vaccine? where are the messages about the creation of immunoglobulin ?? These are the main things to win. Our "elite" and we are victims of information technology
  14. -1
    25 March 2020 16: 33
    The term COVID19 refers to a disease, the virus itself is called SARS-COV2, i.e. the second version of the famous SARS SARS virus that raged in 2002-2003 in Southeast Asia.

    Scientists have confirmed the transmission of SARS virus from bats to humans. Unlike it, the SARS-COV2 virus was not detected in any animal, moreover, attempts to find at least one species of susceptible animals for vaccine testing failed. The Chinese at the moment had to develop a special kind of genomically modified mice.

    The SARS-COV2 genome was published back in 2015 when it was patented in the United States as an artificially synthesized virus. Its developers are Chinese scientists from Wuhan and American scientists from North Carolina.

    SARS-COV2 (COVID19) entered most likely as a result of an accident in a laboratory in Wuhan, as it is difficult to suspect the governments of the PRC or the USA of knowingly infecting their population and destroying their economy.
    1. +1
      25 March 2020 23: 25
      Quote: Operator
      SARS-COV2 genome was published back in 2015

      Proof will be, or as always in such cases?
      1. 0
        26 March 2020 00: 07
        The British journal Nature for 2015 and the Internet database of the US Patent Office.
        1. +1
          26 March 2020 01: 26
          I have already met this song, it won’t pull on the proof. And you cannot find links to officials based on this song. It was about SARS-COV2, right?
          Including, it turns out "as always".
    2. -1
      26 March 2020 10: 06
      I’m wondering, did you compose it yourself or did you spy on the same conspiracy theology somewhere on the Internet?
      SARS-COV2 virus not detected in any animal

      Are snakes not animals? And the man?)
      The Chinese had to develop a special kind of genomically modified mice.

      Voles or volatiles? Do our virologists test genome-modified cats vaccines? What about the Germans?
      SARS-COV2 (COVID19) penetrated most likely

      Most likely, probably, Hiley Likely, Hiley Likely, Hiley Likely ...
    3. 0
      27 March 2020 08: 04
      Quote: Operator
      because it is difficult to suspect the governments of the PRC or the USA

      why is it difficult to suspect "or the US" ??? the population of the United States for a globalist is the same as any other population. It's just more convenient with him, but control over them is needed
  15. +3
    25 March 2020 16: 37
    Under the guise of coranavirus, there is a rework of the world order.
    1. 0
      27 March 2020 07: 58
      Quote: Razvedka_Boem

      depressing that our "elites" are dancing to the tune of globalists
      1. +2
        27 March 2020 10: 07
        We are dancing to the tune of these, God forgive me, instead of bringing them to the promised land.
        1. 0
          27 March 2020 10: 35
          Quote: NordUral
          bring them to the promised land.

          Is it Magadan ?? smile
          1. +1
            27 March 2020 11: 21
            The best option! But I agree that anywhere, if only from Russia.
  16. +4
    25 March 2020 17: 42
    "Because there is another extremely unpleasant characteristic of COVID-19: it retains its vitality and pathogenicity, according to sources, on cardboard - up to three days, on metal and plastic - up to several weeks ..."
    Well, like Trotsky ... A virus is a protein, a protein needs moisture. He will die in 3 hours on any non-hygroscopic surfaces. Coronavirus needs a special protein to enter the cell. Children have very few of them (I'm sitting with my daughters like children are ill only weakened, asthma, vitamin deficiency, etc.). In order for the virus to turn into pneumonia, one must try: to smoke, to move a little, to love condoms. In general, for a temperature of 1-10 degrees above 0, the virus will die earlier. Wash your hands more often!
  17. The comment was deleted.
  18. +3
    25 March 2020 18: 48
    A very controversial article.
    The author focuses on supposedly phenomenal survivability, despite the fact that all open sources, including the epidemiological service and the Ministry of Health, say otherwise, the virus remains in danger for hours on smooth surfaces (metal) and up to a day in porous (cardboard) .
    Also, from the article it is completely not clear what is worse than ARVI.
    The large size of COVID-19, of course, greatly increases its "viral" weight, so it "flies badly"

    I don’t even know if I have to laugh or cry
    1. +1
      25 March 2020 19: 31
      I don’t even know if I have to laugh or cry

      And it depends on how you feel about the fact that everyone on the Internet is not lazy about anything.
    2. 0
      27 March 2020 07: 56
      A very controversial article.

      Smile! smile Article shit! general, camouflage, noise background of world digitalization.
  19. +4
    25 March 2020 19: 22
    Sorry, I can't document it, but from the correspondence with my friend, a childhood friend, whom I will conditionally call a "virologist in uniform" (I don't want any troubles for a person, he lives in the capital of the Russian Federation), I made a strong conviction about the artificial origin of the virus. In his expert environment, they are confident that there are foreign insertions (loci) in the virus genome that are not characteristic of any of the known coronaviruses.I repeat, the infa is not documented, but the friend was always honest and consistent in his judgments ...
    1. +1
      25 March 2020 19: 32
      Similarly, completely. BUT this is not the ultimate truth.
    2. +2
      25 March 2020 23: 32
      There are foreign inserts from HIV and a completely abnormal amount of protein on the surface of the capsid. A strong statement, it turns out ... And the assumptions already about what was created was originally with a tropic towards the Asians, but the little one mutated and flew. request
      1. 0
        27 March 2020 07: 49
        Quote: departure
        And the assumptions already about what was created was originally with a touch of Asians,

        tropism for Asians was only eating mice by them
    3. 0
      26 March 2020 05: 35
      Quote: AK pacifist
      In his expert environment, they are sure that in the genome of the virus there are foreign inserts (loci) that are not characteristic of any of the known coronaviruses

      I would agree with this interpretation, if there was at least some kind of evidence base, and this is not a matter of faith, but research, and ours have already been deciphered by the genome, artificial inserts have not been found, of course, research is still ongoing in laboratories, but there is no evidence of this version yet . And again, if this had a place to be, then really scientists who all over the world are now researching this virus will not see it? But in general, there was already a case of mass infection with influenza in the world, the Spaniard infected 550 million people, 50-100 million people died, and all this in 1918-1919. when there was no talk of any artificial viruses. In 2002, in China, SARS also appeared in a natural way, in those years that China was the leading state in the world did not even mean, and all conspiracy theories at that time were not consistent. And this is not to mention a bunch of other flu and SARS that seasonally appeared and disappeared over almost the entire history of mankind.
      1. 0
        26 March 2020 16: 24
        Good evening, Alexander. Of course there is an evidence base, otherwise where does the smoke come from? This is where it all probably started and + this is But if you go to the home page in the up-to-date information, you will see that the article was withdrawn ... After that, a refutation came out from another group of researchers of the type "we applied modern methods, rechecked and found that they are not there", laughing Читайте, выводы делайте сами.
        Regarding the infections you described, you are right, there are no complaints against them, because the seasonality and cyclical nature of these diseases is predicted, as well as the emergence of new forms. However, it was in this case that questions arose. The first question is the elements of HIV, which is not in the bat. Second question, additional proteins for improved attachment.
        Not all conspiracy theories are. Big questions to Russian flu of 77 years. Good luck to you, do not be sick. crying
      2. 0
        27 March 2020 10: 10
        and this is not a matter of faith, but of research, and ours have already been deciphered by the genome, no artificial inserts were found,

        Not found or did not say - the difference is huge.
    4. +1
      27 March 2020 07: 54
      Quote: AK pacifist
      In his expert environment, they are sure that in the genome of the virus there are foreign inserts (loci) that are not characteristic of any of the known coronaviruses

      it does not change anything, but only proves the artificial origin. The main thing is that there are known sites in the genome and there are known antigens on the capsid that allows you to fight and kill it.
      For 2 weeks now, the NGO has been testing the finished vaccine in order to determine the dose! only for some reason everyone is silent about it! sad
      1. +2
        27 March 2020 10: 13
        I will fill in the gap:
        Rospotrebnadzor Research Center begins testing vaccines against new coronavirus
        Back to the list 20.03.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX
        In Russia, for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic at the State Research Center of the World Bank "Vector" of Rospotrebnadzor, vaccine prototypes based on six different technological platforms were developed in the shortest possible time.

        Researchers were able to create vaccines based on the widely used recombinant viral vectors of influenza, measles and vesicular stomatitis, as well as on the basis of promising synthetic vaccine technologies: mRNA vaccines, peptide vaccines and subunit vaccines. For the design of vaccines, modern bioinformation systems were used, and the construction and upgrading to finished prototypes was carried out using advanced developments, including in the field of reverse genetics.

        When developing new vaccines in modern biology, it is necessary to conduct in vivo studies on sensitive laboratory animals. Most often, laboratory mice and rats are used for such studies, ferrets, lower primates and other special lines of laboratory animals are also used.

        This stage is mandatory, because you need to make sure the safety and effectiveness of the new drug, and studies on cell cultures, unfortunately, can not answer all the questions, because living organisms are much more complicated than cell cultures. In addition, it is impossible or extremely difficult to model many effects in the in vitro system - in particular, the induction of the immune response when creating new vaccines. To answer the question about the effectiveness of a vaccine, it is necessary to test its ability to induce an immune response that can protect sensitive animals from being infected with a deadly virus. At the same time, many important questions arise for researchers - it is necessary to determine the most effective dose and frequency of vaccine administration, the method and scheme of vaccination, and scientists cannot do without the help of laboratory animals.

        As of March 16, scientists of the State Research Center of the World Bank “Vector” of Rospotrebnadzor began research on immunogenicity in sensitive laboratory animals, including the lower primates of all developed vaccine prototypes. In the framework of the studies, the most promising and safe prototypes will be identified that provide the formation of both a cellular and a humoral immune response. The composition, dose, route of administration of the future vaccine will be determined. Scientists expect that the introduction of the vaccine will be possible in the fourth quarter of 2020.

        The information was used from the website of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being.

        1. +1
          27 March 2020 10: 41
          ++ Thank you, Eugene, as I don’t have time to follow everything, however, China has been conducting clinical trials of the vaccine with Chinese military doctors since March 16. It inspires ...
  20. +3
    25 March 2020 20: 55
    Quote: Balu
    Quote: NEXUS
    Quote: Balu
    The virus is dangerous because it can deceive the immune system.

    This virus is dangerous in that it is primarily spread around the planet with human idiocy.

    Andrei, Russia is surrounded by American bio labs funded by the FSA Ministry of Defense. Our neighbors, the Kazakhs, warmed one such one, in which, according to open sources, a few years ago, the theme of the coronavirus and other misfortunes spread by small animals such as gophers and hamsters was discussed. Of course, while there is vodka and moonshine, the devil himself is not afraid of us. However, everything is much more serious. Yes, Russia has had real experience since the days of the USSR in the fight against especially dangerous infections. Coronavirus has always been, but this Chinese is the worst. I wish you do not get sick. drinks

    Neither vodka nor moonshine has ever helped in the fight against viruses!
    Enough of this popular nonsense already.
    Certain antibacterial properties of alcohol-containing liquids undoubtedly have, and the VIRUS absolutely does not matter how much vodka / garlic / pepper / whatever 'folk' you use there.
    Although pure alcohol, the elbow virus does not care.
  21. +1
    25 March 2020 20: 59
    Quote: Honest Citizen
    Today in the news feeds slipped information that in China 1 person died with a new type of virus: hantavirus.
    According to the same source: the virus is carried by small rodents and it seems like a chance to get a person to get it - is negligible.

    He is not new, he is old. But if he makes a relationship with the coronavirus and you get a hybrid, then it will be fun.
  22. +3
    26 March 2020 00: 48
    "Friend, you must agree - these are FUNNY times! Who could have imagined such a time before ?! When, in the country, it will be easier to pick up an infection, not from a homeless person, but from" people with chains "who returned to the country from Courchevel !!! ...?!
  23. -2
    26 March 2020 02: 02
    Quote: Zaits
    You cannot find a link to the official based on this song

    I gave links to primary sources, links based on ("chewing gum for the mind") look for yourself.
  24. 0
    26 March 2020 04: 00
    I propose to spin off two sections of articles on the site: the opinion of an expert and the opinion of a "teapot". Life time must be protected.
    1. 0
      27 March 2020 07: 47
      Where are the progress reports on the vaccine? Where is the globulin production information? Sheer panic, victims of information technology. sad article shit
  25. 0
    26 March 2020 05: 55
    Quote: il-z
    Read what they do not agree about the Spanish. Mostly young and healthy individuals died from her. And the kids about whom you write temperature from the coronavirus?

    I read, so what? Or 25 or 50 million ... in a word, also at the level of who writes what, in principle, this is understandable. But for the children, at least in our Rostov Region the situation is difficult, the employees often do not leave because of the illness of the children and no one can say what the matter is! They carry ultimately on paid, analyzes ... But this is a separate question, what and how we have developed and in stock! If the topic of coronovirus ... And you yourself go do an analysis yourself, preferably in the state, maybe in big cities there are only peppy reports in district clinics! And now, peppy reports as we began to release protective equipment! And if we are mainly military here, why don’t I hear about the deployment or at least the presence of SES units? Functions transferred to the armies of the RBK? And the property and equipment of these units where? And where is the mobilization reserve? In my city, five years ago, a medical warehouse from this structure was liquidated! The military registration and enlistment office has turned into a teahouse!
    The virus itself is always with us, and we will be sick and sick, only there is some kind of dependence, all this occurs when we ourselves begin to turn into a coronovirus, i.e. dress the crown of the king of nature! So we got what the parade calculations were going for a long time, i.e. the main thing is that the music is beautiful and sound!
    And here's another on the topic of how we are doing with the monitoring of infectious topics 3A% 2F% & utm_campaign = dbr
    1. 0
      26 March 2020 06: 08
      Well, here is our reality, the main thing is that everyone is happy and sure that ...! Hooray!
  26. +3
    26 March 2020 09: 42
    The article was written by a layman and amateur, who imagines himself to be a specialist virologist after half an hour studying Wikipedia on this topic. I’m surprised that the site’s administration did not delete this article as an alarmist amid an epidemic ...
    Not a single type of flu, including SARS, has been associated with such effects.

    In the 20g of the last century, according to the most conservative estimates, over 300 tons of people died from an epidemic of the Spanish flu (flu) in Soviet Russia. And in the world, this figure has exceeded far beyond 40 million. And yes, and this was not close.
    Both our and not our medical luminaries tell us how to protect ourselves from the new virus, but they say little about this virus itself.

    The network is a dime a dozen articles of any kind about the virus, both at your level and from experts in the field.
    Compared to the COVID-19 flu virus, it’s just a giant ... masks really need to be worn: they will delay it.

    Hand face. Most junk viruses have a size of 0,0003 mm. Only such special anti-liquid masks with a protective screen can hold such dimensions. The pores of the tissue mask are usually an order of magnitude larger and they cannot physically delay the virus. In addition, you can see that you have never worn a regular medical mask. Put it on with glasses and you will be surprised why the glasses sweat as you exhale. Masks are worn by patients, so when coughing or sneezing, sputum and saliva spread in which the virus is contained. And the mask catches it.
    The large size of COVID-19, of course, greatly increases its "viral" weight, so it "flies badly" in the air and settles somewhere relatively quickly.

    Dimensions increase viral weight ... Klitschko let a tear go.
    21c ... the patriarch calls the epidemic God's grace, and adult men do not understand why a mask is needed ... obscurantism of the medieval level
  27. -1
    26 March 2020 15: 00
    Quote: Engineer
    Do our virologists test genomically modified cat vaccines?

    On modified engineering laughing
  28. 0
    26 March 2020 20: 56
    I don’t know, I may have been ill with them while I was in Spain ... out of the usual, I had lung pain and pharyngitis, but I was sure that it was my sinusitis that woke up again and therefore treated him strictly, well, ganjubas of course :). Well, I’ll say that if it is more serious, then it won’t seem a little. Upon arrival, having passed the tests, he was considered healthy and nothing was found, and on self-isolation.

    Therefore, if you feel something from the list of symptoms, you’d better sit at home, even if you aren’t feeling too rude, because for some it might not be kamelfo :)
  29. 0
    27 March 2020 07: 47
    Where are the progress reports on the vaccine? Where is the globulin production information? Sheer panic, victims of information technology. sad Article shit
  30. 0
    27 March 2020 09: 43
    Then there will be natural-scientific questions to US-British virologists, and not only to them.

    And what to expect? Just ask. True, they will lie, as always.
  31. +1
    27 March 2020 10: 31
    Psalm 90 from the Psalms.
    Which for centuries has protected us from adversity.
    From invasions, famines, fires, floods.
    And including from epidemics.
    Wail at least once. About myself.
    And then - minus if you want ...
    David's song of praise.
    "He who lives under the roof of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty, rests,
    says to the Lord: “my refuge and my protection, my God, on whom I trust!”
    He will deliver you from the net of a catcher, from a fatal ulcer,
    He will hide you behind His shoulders, and under His wings you will hope that His truth will surround you with arms.
    Do not fear horror in the night, arrows flying in the day,
    an ulcer that walks in the dark, an infection that devastates at noon.
    A thousand and ten thousand at the right hand of you will fall beside you; but it will not come close to you:
    only you will look with your eyes and see the wicked retribution.
    For you said: “Lord is my hope”; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge;
    evil shall not come unto you, and the plague shall not come near thy dwelling;
    for it commands unto His angels about you - to guard you in all your ways: they will carry you in your arms, that you may not stumble upon your stone with your feet; you will tread on Aspida and the Basilisk; You will trample on the lion and the dragon. “Because I loved Me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he has known My name. He will call to me, and I will hear him; with him I am in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him, I will saturate him with the longitude of days, and I will show him My salvation. "
  32. -3
    29 March 2020 22: 27
    Well ... some "conspiracy" events are already taking place, confirming the primary interest of the mattress in the coronavirus.

    In the United States, they decided to implement Marshall’s new plan, respectively, to write off all his debts, and then again tie everyone to his beloved ones ... as it was after the Second World War.