Inquisition in the united kingdoms of Castile and Aragon and Tommaso de Torquemada


As we recall from the article “Pupil of Torquemada”Inquisitors have been operating on the territory of Aragon since 1232, and in Valencia controlled by Aragon since 1420, but their influence on the affairs of this kingdom was insignificant. Now, the powers of the new Tribunal of the Holy Chancellery of the Inquisition also extended to Castile and Leon.

Inquisition in the United Kingdom before the appointment of Torquemada

On September 17, 1480, the first inquisitors were appointed. They were the Dominicans Miguel de Morillo, formerly the inquisitor in Aragonese Roussillon, and Juan de San Martin. Juan Ruiz de Medina, abbot of the church in Medina del Rio Seco, was identified as adviser to them, and Juan Lopez del Barco, chaplain of Queen Isabella, became the prosecutor of the tribunal.

Coat of arms of the Spanish Inquisition

One of the banners of the Spanish Inquisition, XVII century

Shield of the Holy Office of the Inquisition

The first inquisitors began their activities in Seville, where there was a large community of conversos - Jews converted to Christianity. The “New Christians” were well aware of the actions of the Inquisitors in other countries. And so some of them tried to change their surnames, others emigrated or moved from the crown territories to lands belonging to the "private owners" (the possessions of the Duke de Medina Sidonia, Marquis de Cadiz, Count d'Arcos and some others). All of them were immediately declared heretics - “because of the fact of their desire to escape from the observation and power of the Inquisition by flight” (Juan Antonio Llorente). The aforementioned giants, threatened with excommunication and confiscation of property, were ordered to deliver conversos fleeing to their lands in the Dominican monastery of St. Paul, which became the first headquarters of the Inquisition Tribunal, within two weeks. But the number of those arrested was so great that the Inquisitors soon moved to the castle of Trian.

Eugenio Lucas Velazquez. Convicted by the Inquisition

The first sentences were not long in coming. Already on January 6, 1481, the first six people were burned. At the end of January - three more. March 26, 17 people were burned. In total, 298 heretics were executed in the first year.

Burning the Heretic

Such executions were called “auto da fé”: literally translated from Portuguese - “an act of faith”. The original meaning of this phrase is the solemn ceremony of the announcement of the sentences of the Inquisition court. Later, the act of the execution of the sentence of the Inquisition court began to be called so.

Inquisition in the united kingdoms of Castile and Aragon and Tommaso de Torquemada
Henry Linton. "Autodafe of the Spanish Inquisition" - the burning of heretics in the market square

According to Jean Seville, the auto-da-fe was "a great religious and popular holiday, which included prayer, mass, sermon, a demonstration of the faith of those gathered, the announcement of the sentences, the expression of remorse of the condemned."

Autodafe on De la Plaza Mayor de Madrid, engraving

The population of cities was notified in advance of the impending burning of heretics. Here is the text of one of these posters:

“Residents of the city of Madrid are informed that the holy court of the Inquisition of the city and the kingdom of Toledo will solemnly perform a general auto-da-fe on Sunday, June 30 of this year, and that all those who will somehow take part in the commission or will be present at the said auto-da-fe will take advantage of all spiritual the graces at the disposal of the Roman high priest ”
And many people with pleasure attended these executions, went to them with the whole family as a holiday performance.

Procession of priests in front of the autodaf, engraving

Anonymous author. "Autodafe in Valyadolid"

Lyon Feuchtwanger wrote:

Inquisition to lose
They didn’t want at all, for
She gave them to God.
True, that god was universal,
But especially in Spanish.
And they are with stubborn faith
Stupidly, earnestly, submissively
They held on to her the same way
As for his monarch.

In Seville there was even a whole area for the burning of heretics - El Quemadero (Kemadero, "area of ​​fire"), decorated with stone statues of the prophets, which were made with funds allocated by a certain Mesa. These statues were somehow used to carry out executions: some believe that the convicts were placed in these statues, others that they were simply tied to them. In the middle of the square, a common fire was made (firewood was saved in this way), and the unfortunate were literally roasted over an open fire. It soon became clear that the zealous Catholic Mesa was actually conversos, hiding his origin. This fact turned out to be enough for his arrest and burning in the "square of fire."

Very soon the central council of the Inquisition and four local tribunals were created. Then the number of provincial tribunals was increased to ten.

The actions of the Spanish inquisitors shocked not only the subjects of the Catholic kings, but even Pope Sixtus IV (former general of the Franciscan order), who wrote to Isabella and Ferdinand at the beginning of 1482 about numerous abuses and neglect of established procedures, as a result of which many innocent people were condemned.

Jean-Paul Laurent. “Papa and the Inquisitor” (Sixtus IV and Torquemada). Bordeaux Museum of Fine Arts

On February 11 of the same year, Sixtus appointed 7 Dominican inquisitors to Castile, among whom was Tommaso Torquemada. But the Catholic kings, who had previously been granted the right to appoint the inquisitors themselves, answered the pope: "Entrust us with care of this matter."

Signatures and seal under the letter of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic, who donated property confiscated from heretics to the monastery

Grand Inquisitor of Torquemada

It was not until 2 August 1483 that the Supreme Tribunal of the Holy Inquisition in Castile (Supremo Tribunal de la Santa Inquisition) was established by the new bull, for the administration of which the post of general (grand, supreme) inquisitor of the Castile kingdom was introduced. Formally, the Grand Inquisitor was appointed by the pope, but Isabella and Ferdinad put forward his candidacy, and he was accountable only to the Catholic kings. The first great inquisitor of Castile became Tommaso Torquemada. But already on October 14 of the same year, the territory of Aragon fell under its jurisdiction, and then (in 1486) - Catalonia and Valencia.

It was an amazing time in stories Of Europe. Dante’s Comedy has already been published, Nicolo Machiavelli (1469), Nikolai Copernicus (1473) and Martin Luther (1483) were born, Aristotle Fiorovanti arrived in Moscow, Bartolomeu Dias in 1488 reaches the southern tip of Africa ... Far in the east in 1483 appeared into the world Zahireddin Muhammad Babur - a descendant of Timur, who will become the founder of the Mughal state. Soon Ignatius Loyola, Thomas Münzer and Hernan Cortes will come to this world. And in 1483, Torquemade turned 63 years old, but he is still healthy and strong.

Marlon Brando as Torquemada, film "Christopher Columbus: The Conquest of America", 1992

It is enough to say that, having learned of his appointment, he came to the courtyard from Segovia on foot and, as usual, traveled all the way without shoes. He will rule over the united kingdoms for almost 15 years - and sometimes it will seem that in terms of influence he is on a par with the crowned persons. It is he who will be destined to become the main symbol of the omnipotence of the Inquisition, terror and arbitrariness. Here is a typical opinion about our hero:

Among them was Torquemada, like a great husband,
But with a cheated wife.
He was jealous of any other
To the unreachable God - and immediately his pliers
He pulled out of his pocket, heated in incense,
He approached his victim and closed them on a trembling body,
Trying to get the truth out of the curve of human nature,
Knowing that the truth lies in a person, like a nail in a boot.

(Sergey Tashevsky.)

Of course, this was not quite so. Torquemada was a man of ideas and spent almost all his personal funds on the construction or repair of monasteries and on “works of mercy”. He demanded from the judges “not to fall into anger”, “remember mercy”, and considered the goal of his activity to be the fight against sin, and not against sinners. However, subordinates of Torquemada turned out to be completely different people and "work with heretics" imagined themselves completely differently. It must also be remembered that the Inquisitors were persons who were materially interested, since a significant part of the property of the convicted persons came at their disposal. The Catholic kings were also interested in the “effective” work of the Inquisition Tribunal, since a third of the funds received from the sale of “heretics” property went to the state treasury. And therefore, Isabella and Ferdinand not only did not try to stop the arbitrariness of the Inquisition Tribunals, but secretly demanded the intensification of the activities of the Inquisitors. And therefore, the practice of the posthumous condemnation of rich people who could no longer refute the accusations or defend their honor became widespread in Castile and Aragon. The deceased rich man was declared a heretic, the corpse was torn out of the grave and burned, his property was confiscated. The heirs revered for luck, if they themselves managed to avoid the charges of complicity and complicity.

The Catholic kings had another, no less significant benefit: the right to control the tribunals of the Inquisition, made these courts a powerful tool to suppress and intimidate opponents of the central government. The tool is so effective that the Spanish kings were forced to abandon it only in the middle of the XIX century. And therefore, the resistance initially shown to the Inquisitors Cortes on the ground was quickly and brutally suppressed.

According to the “Code” compiled by Torquemada in 1484, upon the arrival of the inquisitors in the city, a “grace period” of one month was set during which the “heretics” were to appear before the tribunal. Denunciations were encouraged (premiums from the confiscated property of the revealed "heretic" were paid). The volunteers who came to the tribunal were required to give the names of other “apostates”, but everything ended, as a rule, with torture, accusations of insufficient repentance, attempts to deceive the investigation, hide “accomplices” and conviction.

The people against whom the investigation began had little chance of acquittal. Franciscan friar Bernard told the King of Castile Philippe the Beautiful that if they indicted the heresy of St. Peter and Paul, they would not be able to defend themselves because, according to article 16 of the Torquemada Code, the inquisitors did not make specific charges, inviting the accused to confess to their sins. In addition, they do not allow to get acquainted with the testimonies of witnesses and hide their names. Article 14 established that the accused, who persisted in denying his guilt after the testimony was announced, was to be condemned as unrepentant. The confession obtained under torture, according to article 15, was the basis for the conviction of the defendant as “convicted”. The refusal of such a confession was the basis for the repeated use of the same torture, or for the imposition of “emergency punishment”.

Museum of the Inquisition in Cordoba, wooden stake

Inquisition Museum in Cordoba, wooden stake, drawing

Museum of the Inquisition in Cordoba

Museum of the Inquisition in Cordoba, wheelchair, drawing

Museum of the Inquisition in Cordoba, saw for sawing the body of a sinner

Here is the woman convicted by the Inquisition court in the movie The Inquisitor (The Well and the Pendulum):

Shot from the film "The Inquisitor" ("The Well and the Pendulum"), 1991

But it must be admitted nevertheless that neither the Spanish inquisitors nor the German "witch hunters" thought of it before torturing women with thongs.

Any sympathizer for the accused himself was accused of sympathy for heresy. At the same time, no one limited the time of the father-inquisitors, and the investigation on one case could go on for years. All this time the defendant was in prison.

The defendant, accused of heresy, but not confessing to it, was usually excommunicated and handed over to the secular authorities to decide on the execution (which was a simple formality). The admitter should have fully recognized the truth of the charges (no matter how absurd they may be), extradite “accomplices” (usually members of their family, friends, business partners) and publicly renounce the heresy attributed to him.

Even the most “soft” punishments imposed by subordinates of Torquemada, in fact, turned out to be incredibly difficult. The same penance often did not consist of prayers at bedtime and not bowing of the earth before the icons, but a public flogging on Sundays for several months and even years. The pilgrimage was also deprived of a romantic halo: a sinner convicted of a “small pilgrimage” was obliged to visit up to 19 local holy places, in each of which he was whipped with rods. The “big pilgrimage” involved a trip to Jerusalem, Rome or Santiago de Compostello and lasted from a year to several years. This journey required considerable funds, during this time the heretic’s affairs fell into decay, his family often went bankrupt.

Jean Gerson, Chancellor of the University of Paris, during a pilgrimage. Frontispiece of his works published in Strasbourg in 1488

The standard ban on the use of gold, silver, pearls, silk and thin cloth also meant the inevitable ruin of any person related to trade or banking operations.

It is not surprising that Manuel de Maliani calls the “Code” Torquemada “bloody”, Beau Laporte “terrible”, Jose Amador de los Rios - “code of terror”.

At the same time, a number of authors believe that this tough and cruel "Code" still somewhat limited the arbitrariness of the inquisitors. For example, people who “collaborated with the investigation” could be allowed to leave prison on Saturdays to complete the procedure of repentance, and on Sunday to attend church. Inquisitors were forbidden to accept gifts. A part of the heretic’s property was now left to his underage children. One can imagine what was going on in Castile before Tommaso Torquemada took over as Grand Inquisitor. The arbitrariness of the provincial inquisitors can be illustrated by the story of Pedro Arbuez.

Bloody chess player Pedro Arbues

Monks of Ramsgate. "Peter of Arbues." Book of Saints, 1921

The future inquisitor was a nobleman educated in Bologna. After returning from Italy, he became a monk of the Order of the Augustinians and was elected canon in Zaragoza - the capital of the kingdom of Aragon. In 1484, Torquemada appointed Arbués the inquisitor of Aragon (Dominican Gaspar Hooglar became his partner). The main blow, of course, was inflicted on a large and influential community of descendants of baptized Jews, who received many denunciations from ill-wishers. In matters related to the inquiry and investigation, the new inquisitors acted according to the standard scheme, but the procedure for punishing heretics surprised many. The fact is that Arbuez turned out to be a passionate chess lover, and, according to legend, appropriately dressed prisoners before execution executed the role of living chess pieces. The "eaten" heretic was killed by the executioner - and those who could consider themselves lucky, because the survivors in this terrible game were sent to "cleansing by fire."

Israel von Menekem. "Death playing chess"

The second inquisitor of Zaragoza, Gaspar Hooglar, soon died, and of course, conversos, who allegedly poisoned the incorruptible judge, were accused of his death. Quite satisfied with the activities of Arbuez (and with the means that now flowed continuously into the royal treasury), the Catholic kings carefully advised him to increase protection. Arbues did just that - they said that even in the “right place” he now went with bodyguards. And for reliability, he also put on chain mail under the cassock, and a steel helmet under the cap. But he did not stop the atrocities, either because he was a very responsible person, or simply loved his work very much. Security did not help - on September 15, 1485, Arbues was attacked in the church. The Inquisitor received two wounds: in the shoulder and in the head (it was a blow to the head that turned out to be fatal), and died two days later.

Bartolome Esteban Murillo. “The assassination of Inquisitor Pedro de Arbues”

Outraged by the cancellation of the next chess game, the Aragonese found consolation in a large-scale Jewish pogrom, during which they gloriously got hold of the property of the wicked conversos. From complete extermination they were saved by the Archbishop of Zaragoza Alfonso of Aragon (illegitimate son of King Ferdinand). The revenge of the Catholic kings was terrible: not only thousands of ordinary conversos, but also numerous representatives of noble families from Zaragoza, Calatayud, Barbastro, Huesca and Tarazon suffered public penance and life imprisonment. To condemn it was considered sufficient to prove the fact of friendship or just a close acquaintance with the participants in the conspiracy. Among the repressed were the chief treasurer of King Ferdinand Gabriel Sanchez, the royal secretary Luis González, don Jaime Diez de Ochs Armendaris, the lord of the city of Cadreita, the vice-chancellor of Aragon don Alfonso de la Cavalieria, the chief secretary of the high court of Aragon don Felipe de Clemente. And even the native nephew of Ferdinand of Aragon, don Jaime of Navarre (heir to the throne of Navarra!), Did not escape arrest. It is believed that the king of Aragon Ferdinand simply took the opportunity to crack down on disagreeable aristocrats.

Many of those who were not executed died from the consequences of torture almost immediately after the sentencing. The execution of those sentenced to death was carried out with particular cruelty: having tied to horses, they were dragged along the streets of Zaragoza, then their hands were chopped off and then hanged (they were not burned, since they were considered not heretics, but traitors). Then their bodies were cut into pieces, which, mounted on stakes, were exposed along all the roads leading to Zaragoza.

One of the sons of Gaspard de Santa Cruz, who fled to France and died in Toulouse, was forced to public repentance, after which, with a copy of the sentence, his father was sent to the Toulouse Dominicans. Based on this letter, the monk brothers dug up the corpse, burned it and handed over to their Aragonese colleagues a detailed report on this shameful execution.

And the body of Pedro Arbuez was buried in Zaragoza for a week, his funeral amazed everyone with its splendor. The inscription on the tomb informed that Arbuez is “a stone that removes all Jews by its own strength”. After the reburial of his body, another stone was erected in the chapel of La Seo Cathedral near the new tomb, the inscription on which declared Arbuez "for his jealousy of the hatred of the Jews and of them killed."

In 1661, he was recognized as a martyr by Pope Alexander VII, and in 1867, Pope Pius IX even ranked him as a saint. This canonization aroused indignation even among some Christians, it was then that Wilhelm von Kaulbach wrote with charcoal the drawing “Pedro de Arbues condemns the heretic family to death”:

After the death of Arbuez, Torkvemada, on the orders of Queen Isabella, was guarded by 250 soldiers: 200 foot soldiers and 50 horsemen. There is evidence that he himself was burdened by this guard. On the other hand, it is reported that Torquemada was afraid of poisoning, and each dish was tasted in his presence before serving, and on the table in front of him there was always something that looked like a unicorn horn, which, according to the then doctors, could neutralize the effect of any poison.

In the next article we will talk about the famous "Granada Edict" and the fate of the Sephardic Jews, as well as the end of the life of the Grand Inquisitor.
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  1. +11
    3 March 2020 06: 25
    Thanks. The details are thought out system. One is a fire, and the audience is entertained.
    1. +5
      3 March 2020 06: 42
      troubled times ... everywhere it was like that, even later, to remember our "native" saltychikha, so hair on end ... and "on a stake" was also fun, again streltsov
      executed gracefully .. (Surikov). what it was.
      1. -3
        3 March 2020 07: 56
        Quote: Aerodrome
        what was it was.

        This year we will celebrate the 400th anniversary of Habakkuk (November 25, 1620) ...

        1. +10
          3 March 2020 10: 19
          Myasoedov pretty lied in this picture, because in Russia they burned in log cabins, including Avvakum's father as well. Not that this served as an excuse, but our ancestors did not begin to turn such an execution into entertainment.
          1. +5
            3 March 2020 20: 10
            Indeed, the Orthodox Church here was "more humane" than the Catholic.
            Perhaps I am confusing, but in Russia they showed less fantasy in torture compared to Europe. In Russia, there was an unwritten rule of three tortures: rears or batogs. Although there is little joy in this, compared to the Inquisition, "humanity"
            1. +1
              4 March 2020 11: 24
              Quote: vladcub
              Indeed, the Orthodox Church here was "more humane" than the Catholic.
              Perhaps I am confusing, but in Russia they showed less fantasy in torture compared to Europe. In Russia, there was an unwritten rule of three tortures: rears or batogs. Although there is little joy in this, compared to the Inquisition, "humanity"

              Yes, and Avakuma literally persuaded for many years to renounce, and did not deny. In Spain, everything is simpler - to the bonfire immediately and the whole family after
    2. +12
      3 March 2020 06: 52
      Meal'n'Real! This is only the outside of the coin, the main third of the riches of the condemned autodafe !!!
      Good day everyone!
      1. +7
        3 March 2020 09: 58
        Good morning .
        Before retiring, I worked with a Spaniard for many years, he pretty well knew the history of Spain and told me a lot about his homeland.
        Naturally, he knew about the Inquisition that was taught at school, and that told the older generation. Many hundreds of thousands of people were accused of heresy.
        And even in the years 60-70 (under Franco) ALL Spaniards were Catholics. And those who were of a different faith were looked askance, but there were an absolute minority of them.
        The church in Spain had great power, only in recent years it has been cut.
    3. +5
      3 March 2020 07: 01
      Yeah, he pointed a finger at a neighbor saying a heretic and that’s all ... there’s no neighbor ... his soul ascended to the fire to God ... oh, little people ... used faith for their own selfish purposes.
      It’s as if I watched a horror film ... after reading an article ... and this enlightened Europe teaches us how we should live.
      Thanks to the author for the article, albeit terrible in content. hi
      1. 0
        4 March 2020 08: 53
        Outside of Europe, they did about the same. It’s just that in Europe, awareness of wildness began to gradually come.
    4. +2
      4 March 2020 08: 51
      And the property itself. Actually, the entire Inquisition is the 1937th year stretched out for centuries, when diligently wrote denunciations against each other, out of spite or out of self-interest.
  2. +14
    3 March 2020 07: 09
    Inquisitors ... Sadists and perverts were always and everywhere, but only in Spain they thought of calling the country's main sadist the Great.
    1. -1
      3 March 2020 07: 25
      Quote: Sea Cat
      Inquisitors ... Sadists and perverts were always and everywhere, but only in Spain they thought of calling the country's main sadist the Great.

      a lot of people from different countries will not agree with you.
      1. +5
        3 March 2020 07: 35
        Quote: Aerodrome
        Quote: Sea Cat
        Inquisitors ... Sadists and perverts were always and everywhere, but only in Spain they thought of calling the country's main sadist the Great.

        a lot of people from different countries will not agree with you.

        And more specifically?
        Our "art" they seem to have a bright emotional color and were the result of internal upheavals.
        Inquisition in Spain banal distribution of resources, with elements of the show!
        1. 0
          3 March 2020 07: 39
          Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
          And more specifically?

          well ... what can I say ... from Christ, Caligula to Romanov, and the present minutes. all over the globe, it has always been like that. "Good" no one remembers, "satraps" everyone remembers.
          1. +11
            3 March 2020 08: 46
            Elizabeth (daughter of Peter the Great) is not one death sentence throughout the reign!
            By the blood of Romanov, so what?
            A stick always has two ends! Times itself manners and foundations. In ancient Sparta, they were engaged in eugenics, dropping from the cliff "enthusiastic babies"! In a number of Scandinavian countries they did not disdain stereltization. Between these events almost three millennia !!!
            On Bartholomew’s night, the king of France shot from an arquebus at his subjects! After three centuries of his descendants (though not direct), the descendants of his subjects will humanely decapitate on the guillotine!
            There is only one casual question: for what purpose did this wahhanalia happen!
            1. VLR
              3 March 2020 09: 11
              Regarding "Mother Elizabeth", let me disagree. There were no official death sentences, but punishments were imposed, after which it was impossible to survive. People were simply beaten to death. And in the sentences it was absolutely officially stated:
              "By punishing the criminals, hang their corpses at the crime scene."
              Everyone understood how the punishment would end.
              And here is the famous resolution of Nicholas I on the report about two sentenced to death: "The guilty should be driven through 1000 people 12 times. Thank God, we have never had the death penalty, and it is not for me to introduce it."
              What do you think were the chances of surviving after 12 thousand hits with gauntlets?
              Maybe it’s better to immediately on the chopping block?
            2. VLR
              3 March 2020 09: 13
              Regarding Sparta:
              The stories that weak or ugly children were thrown off a cliff are black PR of her opponents. In Lacedaemon there was a special class - “hypomeions”, which included physically inferior children of the citizens of Sparta. They did not have the right to participate in the affairs of the state, but they freely owned property that was supposed to them by law, were engaged in economic affairs. The Spartan king Agesilaus limped from childhood, this did not stop him from not only surviving, but also becoming one of the most prominent commanders of Antiquity.
              By the way, archaeologists have found "the very gorge": in it, indeed, the remains of people dating back to the 46th-18th centuries were found. BC e. - but not children, but 35 adult men aged XNUMX to XNUMX. This ritual was carried out in Sparta only against state criminals or traitors.
              1. +10
                3 March 2020 09: 32
                Valery, thanks for the cycle!
                Regarding Elizabeth, her “humanity” is directly related to the vow.
                About Sparta! I wouldn’t say so unequivocally. For example, Plutarch speaks of “crippled from birth,” I think even after the execution, the newborns were buried, but there are no criminals! By the way, the Xerox ambassadors were also thrown into the abyss.
                About gimpomeons, there are a lot of questions. Still, these are those who have not been trained or injured during it.
                Agesilaus is no exception, you went through all the stages of training, you are a full-fledged citizen. Many of the Spartans were injured. It was from them that the saying went: scars adorn a man.
                1. +6
                  3 March 2020 10: 38
                  People were simply beaten to death.

                  Vladislav, he is right. A competent executioner could burn with a whip, and kill the spine ...
                  Doroshevich describes how they spotted the Sakhalin cannibal Gubar. He and another prisoner on the run ate a third ...
                  The episode is long, but it makes you understand the whole situation. Forgive me the administration! hi

                  Gubar hated hard labor. It was the most disgusting and formidable of the Ivanovs, the fear and awe of the whole prison. Moreover, as I already said, it was rumored that he had eaten people on the run.
                  On Sakhalin, everyone unanimously said that penal servitude, penniless, paid the executioner Komlev 15 rubles so that he lifted Gubar to death.
                  Executioners - artists, virtuosos in the art of wielding the whip - and no most experienced boss's eye can distinguish with what force the executioner beats. It seems all the time the same with terrible power. But in fact there are hundreds of shades.
                  The fact is that Vasiliev and Gubar were sentenced to the same number of lashes. Komlev punished them on the same day. Vasiliev endured all the punishment in full and remained uncorrupted. Gubar, after the 48th blow, was taken to the infirmary in an insensitive state, and three days later he died. He was quilted to the groin. Necrosis formed.
                  I asked Komlev whether it was true that he received fifteen rubles for killing Gubar to death.
                  The old executioner did not answer “yes” or “no”, he only said:
                  - Well, I'm a poor man!
                  And, after a pause, he cited an excusing reason:
                  - Sakalin!
                  I was told by a doctor who, according to the duties of the service, was present at this terrible punishment.
                  Komlev is his wandering nickname, received later; he himself, from a clerical rank, had once studied at a theological school, - Komlev appeared to “solve” a person, and he drew and posed. In general, he was a little “romantic” and liked to have some fun during the “business”. He appeared in a red shirt, a black apron, in some kind of black hat that he himself composed.
                  Preparing to strike, he rose on tiptoe to appear taller. With a gloomy, always gloomy face, with watery gloomy eyes and sore eyelids, small, sinewy, muscular, he really should have been scary and disgusting.
                  - Already solemnity Komleva said that "something" will happen special! - the doctor told me. - He so barked at his traditional “support”, before delivering the first blow, that I trembled and turned away.
                  Komlev “laid” the blows slowly, with the arrangement, “less often”, “stronger”, so that the punishable “felt” every blow.
                  - More often! Hurry up! - the doctor shouted several times.
                  More often not so painful. A stunned person does not have time to feel each hit individually.
                  But Komlev was in no hurry ... After 48 blows, Gubar was "ready."
                  - But to withstand 48 such attacks. What a hero was!
                  “After that, fear attacked me,” Vasiliev said.
                  - After the punishment?
                  “No, sir, not from punishment, but from what I ate.” Such fear attacked - he was afraid of the light.
                  Vasiliev went crazy. Horror seized him. He got the persecution mania in its most violent form.
                  He did not sleep at night, assuring that he hears the prisoners conspiring to kill him and eat him. When they put him in a punishment cell for a riot, he broke off the board from the wall and stood there for twelve hours in a row, without changing his position, with the board held high above his head, shouting in a wild voice:
                  - Do not give up! I'll kill who comes in!

                  Something like that!
                2. +6
                  3 March 2020 12: 02
                  Also inclined to the traditional version of the treatment of babies in Sparta.

                  But I can’t get past how the computer intervened - Xerox Ambassadors. This is a conspiracy of cars.
                  1. +6
                    3 March 2020 12: 20
                    But I can’t get past how the computer intervened - Xerox Ambassadors. This is a conspiracy of cars.

                    Xerox: "I'll be back ..." bully ...I need your clothes, your glasses and your motorcycle ... bully and indeed, get everything that is, Sergey! drinks
                    1. +4
                      3 March 2020 17: 54
                      Wow feel paws are crooked! winked
                      1. +7
                        3 March 2020 18: 01
                        paws are crooked!

                        Cat - Terminator, or rebellion of cats? belay
                      2. +3
                        3 March 2020 18: 10
                        And the tail says, the tail of the fish in the drive, the greasy greasy tail of the Norwegian-Dutch herring !!!
                      3. +5
                        3 March 2020 18: 41
                        Nothing like that, we, Cats, are peaceful people, well, we like to have a little sybarnost, and that's all. smile
                      4. +5
                        3 March 2020 19: 33
                        Here for something similar, the administrators and I cut Pan Kokhanka two years ago !!!
                        As we later did not prove that on the roof in March, a couple by the chimney under the moon sang patriotic songs “To the Glory of the VO administration, glory, glory, glory !!!” They did not believe us and drove a couple more, for tolling !!!
                        How many slippers have been capitalized since then? !!!
                      5. +4
                        3 March 2020 19: 39
                        So after all, now and in fact, March is in the yard, but I still the Cat and I know what I'm talking about, what is trolling here? smile
                      6. +4
                        4 March 2020 00: 23
                        On the "roof" it was true it was the end of October, and acute respiratory disease of the central nervous system in all parties to the conflict ...
                    2. +4
                      4 March 2020 00: 18
                      And here it is you, dear brethren in the protein-carbon formation of the mind, who are very vain and reckless to stubble!
        2. +3
          3 March 2020 20: 17
          They showed "" care "about citizens: Juan or Isabella, look at the free performance, and tomorrow you yourself may be in this square
      2. +4
        3 March 2020 18: 29
        Inquisitors ... Sadists and perverts were always and everywhere, but only in Spain they thought of calling the country's main sadist the Great.

        a lot of people from different countries will not agree with you.

        You pray, not one pervert will ever admit that he is a sadist. laughing
  3. +12
    3 March 2020 07: 23
    Cruel time. Inquisitors are sadists. Enlightened Europe. It was a time of rampant lawlessness and we can say a bacchanalia of murder. And they call us barbarians.
    1. +5
      3 March 2020 07: 41
      Well, Ivan the Terrible was also experimenting with us, either with a stake in “w” or with a barrel of gunpowder under “w”! The only thing was that it was not so pragmatic, even with Novgorod. Although we also did not pass by sowing the bowl - a split!
      Three more centuries remained before the humane guillotine! The same Pugachev was quartered, and this is the 18th century!
      1. +14
        3 March 2020 07: 53
        Our Ivan the Terrible is far from the fantasies of the Holy Inquisition. And it wasn’t customary for us to execute people by burning them alive ... In any case, we will never beat them in sadism.
      2. +2
        3 March 2020 15: 03
        In Russia, we loved having fun squeezing our eyes out, but also not ours, came from enlightened Byzantium ... Remember Vasily Trebolovsky, the district prince ... Ivan the Dark ... hence the expression: eye on w ... pull laughing About Spartan children .... I think that PR ... I just did not see in literature how birth was given in Sparta and how a beautiful baby was determined or not beautiful .. all of us when we are the same seconds ...
        1. +7
          3 March 2020 17: 53
          Quote: parusnik
          In Russia, we loved the fun was squeezing eyes

          Is that the kind of humor you have?
          Quote: parusnik
          Cornflower Trebolovsky, county prince

          In Russia, the princes were called "appanage".
          Quote: parusnik
          Ivan the Dark ..

          You still forgot about the blinding of Vasily Kosy shortly before Vasily the Dark. So, everything is limited to these cases.
          At the same time, the prince who organized the blinding of Vasilka was deprived of his inheritance at the princely court, and the performers were extradited to the relatives of Vasilka and executed.
          Vasily the Dark was blinded for the fact that before that he also blinded his cousin Vasily the Skew, that is, it was revenge on the principle of "eye for an eye" in the literal sense. Shemyaka avenged his brother.
          And these three cases in the history of Russia were enough for you to say that this was your favorite pastime? Do not slander the ancestors.
          1. +4
            3 March 2020 19: 05
            Quote: parusnik
            In Russia, we loved having fun squeezing our eyes out, but also not ours, came from enlightened Byzantium ... Remember Vasily Trebolovsky, the district prince ... Ivan the Dark ... hence the expression: eye on w ... pull laughing About Spartan children .... I think that PR ... I just did not see in literature how birth was given in Sparta and how a beautiful baby was determined or not beautiful .. all of us when we are the same seconds ...

            I counted three facts of blinding princes on the territory of Russia! Everyone had a wide public and political resonance! Moreover, Vasily the Dark was used in retaliation for this!
            Yes, we had cruel judicial punishments for the modern layman, and the inquiry system itself clearly corresponded to times and customs!
            For example, one rack was worth it! Or tear the nostrils of the "thieves"! What can I say one of the first decrees of Peter, said what to do with unfaithful wives. Everything is strictly according to the canons of the Orthodox Church and with the approval of the patriarch - bury it up to the neck !!!
            According to Sparta. The mistake of contemporaries is to hang Christian values ​​on the societies of ancient Hellas. In short, incest is the scourge of Lacidemon. The basic and ancient laws were sharpened precisely to prevent the appearance of children from closely related marriages. So, as a vestige of old problems, this custom could take place.
            1. +3
              3 March 2020 19: 44
              Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
              Everyone had a wide public and political resonance!

              That is why almost everyone knows about them. It was not just unusual, but unheard of. It is not necessary to say that it was entertainment, moreover, a favorite, from the word "absolutely". With the same reason, one can accuse the ancestors of rampant bestiality - there is, after all, the Novgorod birch bark letter № 954
              A letter from Girochka and from Tyushka to Vadovinou. Molvi Shiltsevi: “Why are you hitting pig chyuzh? And Nosderka suffered. And if you put an end to the whole of Lyudin: from that floor, the letter about horses was quick, but he created

    2. +4
      3 March 2020 07: 43
      Quote: Arlen
      . And they call us barbarians.

      Moreover, these people forbid us to pick our nose! wassat
    3. 0
      3 March 2020 07: 46
      Quote: Arlen
      Enlightened Europe

      It was still far from enlightened Europe - Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Diderot and the Encyclopedias and, as a result, the rejection of Christianity.
      Guillotine, mass executions of people, debauchery, rampant Satanism, the great inquisitor Torquemada had worthy students. Only the polarity has changed.
      1. +13
        3 March 2020 08: 00
        Quote: bober1982
        Enlightened Europe was still far away

        But there were Dante and Petrarch, Shakespeare and Cervantes.
        1. -1
          3 March 2020 08: 04
          Quote: Arlen
          But there were Dante and Petrarch, Shakespeare and Cervantes

          But, after all, this is a completely different era, to enlightened Europe, all of them are irrelevant.
          1. +13
            3 March 2020 08: 29
            Despite the fact that the era of enlightened Europe begins around the 18th century, the first wave of moderate or rational Enlightenment is called the era of 14-15 centuries. It, the first wave (phase), is a continuation of the era of humanism, as a purely secular cultural trend, characterized by individualism and a critical attitude towards traditions. hi
            1. +1
              3 March 2020 08: 30
              Maybe so, and you my respect.
    4. +4
      3 March 2020 08: 13
      Quote: Arlen
      It was a time of rampant lawlessness, and we can say the orgy of murders. And they call us barbarians.

      After the death of Quiet, many Old Believers had a hope for the cancellation of the curses (anathemas) of the Great Moscow Cathedral of 1666-1667 on the "old faith". But it was Sophia who issued on April 7, 1685, the bloodiest decree, against her people. Historian L.N. Gumilyov calls "Twelve Articles" one of the most ruthless legalizations in Russian punitive practice ...

      You can easily find their list on the internet ... the war between the faith of ancestors and the newcomer continues to this day.
      1. 0
        3 March 2020 08: 26
        Quote: Boris55
        the war between the old faith and the new continues to this day.

        So, reconciled, there is no war, no one oppresses.
        As for all these medieval cruelties, such times were dark.
        In Russia, for the first time, I tried to stop all these livelihoods - Elizaveta Petrovna, when she asked one of the old courtiers ........ why so much cruelty?he replied innocently ......such times were, mother.
        1. +1
          3 March 2020 08: 42
          Quote: bober1982
          So, reconciled, there is no war, no one oppresses.

          "Civilized" Europe (USA) and the Pope of Rome ask for forgiveness in the same way, but only when the goals achieved by them become practically irreversible ...

          On the bill met ... let's see how we will celebrate the anniversary of Avvakum ...

          Quote: bober1982
          As for all these medieval cruelties, such times were dark.

          Not. Christianity, was implanted with fire and sword everywhere and to write it off for a while, it means to evade responsibility of the freaks who burned people in crowds ... We all know Khatyn, but how many of those burned for living in houses, whole villages, throughout Russia, cannot be counted ...

          There are no unmanaged processes. Behind each of them is a specific person (non-human).
          1. +3
            3 March 2020 10: 10
            So would you say how many of these villages were there in Russia? And then they like to talk about 50 million people executed by Stalin, now about countless villages.
            There were, of course, executions and persecutions by the then authorities, but this concerned the leaders of the Old Believers, who themselves weren’t quick-witted and actively fought with the new faith. All the same, these cases are far from being compared with the centuries-old mass terror of the Inquisition.
            The Old Believers were engaged in self-burning, "baptism with fire," so the blame for this savagery lies entirely with them.
            1. -2
              3 March 2020 11: 21
              Quote: Moskovit
              The Old Believers were engaged in self-burning, "baptism with fire," so the blame for this savagery lies entirely with them.

              Watch this video:

              About Pyzhikov:
              Doctor of Historical Sciences (1999).
              He graduated from the History Department of the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute. N.K. Krupskaya (1989).
              Candidate dissertation in historical sciences "Socio-political development of Soviet society in 1953-1964." (M., 1998).
              Doctoral dissertation in historical sciences "The historical experience of the political reform of Soviet society in the 50s - 60s" (M., 1999).
              In 2000-2003, the assistant to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.
              From June 5, 2003 to June 18, 2004 - Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation.
              1. +1
                3 March 2020 12: 09
                I’ll look later, but the author does not inspire confidence. Due to not its specialization. Yes, he worked in the government))
    5. +1
      3 March 2020 10: 17
      Quote: Arlen
      Cruel time. Inquisitors are sadists. Enlightened Europe. It was a time of rampant lawlessness, and we can say the orgy of murders. And they call us barbarians.

      This is the time of wild and barbaric Europe, plunged into darkness and rolled far back from the times of Antiquity.
  4. 0
    3 March 2020 10: 20
    There was nothing particularly cruel or beyond the usual for that time in the actions of the Inquisition. In subsequent times, it was the Sephardim who launched the black legend of the terrifying bloodthirstiness of the Inquisition.
    1. +1
      3 March 2020 10: 30
      Quote: smaug78
      In later times

      The era of the Reformation began as a response of the Protestants against the cruelty and unscrupulousness of the Catholics, and it all ended in the end, even more bloodthirsty and dirty, already from the side of the protesters themselves and thirsting for justice.
      1. -1
        3 March 2020 13: 42
        thanks, how I forgot about the Protestants feel a shame fool
        1. +2
          3 March 2020 13: 47
          And, thank you, reminded of the Sephardim, forgot about them, shame (to Viktor Perestukin)
  5. +11
    3 March 2020 11: 41
    The article, of course, is creepy ...
    If it were published at five in the morning and at six in the evening, I would have to ask my wife to hold my hand in order to fall asleep. smile
    I am pleasantly surprised by the absence of comments about "the righteous anger of the Spanish people and their struggle against the Jewish bankers, representatives of world capital." Probably, the author has described the horrors of the inquisitorial "amusements" too colorfully to find a clever man who is ready right now to express the idea of ​​the "folk nature of the Inquisition." Although I have come across such idiots before.
    Actually, I repeat, for me the Inquisition is an instrument with the help of which the redistribution of material wealth took place.
    If we consider the Catholic, and any other church as a commercial enterprise aimed at making a profit (and I adhere to this point of view on this issue), then the Inquisition is making a profit, brought to a certain absolute. The most honest and clean marketing policy, without ado, advertising, PR, etc. "We need your money. We will not persuade you to give it to us. We will not even threaten you. We will not provide you with any or a choice, even formally. We'll just publicly kill you and take your money and share it. Come here. "
    Valery, for the material, as always, thanks. hi
    1. +7
      3 March 2020 12: 20
      "the righteous anger of the Spanish people and their struggle against the Jewish bankers, representatives of world capital"
      With this - to Grigulevich! wassat
      Thanks to the author - join !!!
      1. +10
        3 March 2020 13: 09
        Something was remembered for no reason.
        There is a widespread legend that when, in 1491, their Catholic majesties Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile deigned to besiege the last stronghold of the Moors in the Pyrenees - glorious Granada, the queen, in anticipation of the imminent victory to come, publicly vowed not to change her linen until the city was taken. The siege, contrary to expectations, lasted more than six months. The Queen, like a true Catholic, kept her oath. Since then, the gray-yellow or pale yellow-brown color is called "isabelline color", because this is exactly the exotic shade acquired by the Queen's underwear during this triumphant siege. smile
        There is a version associated with this legend about why the defenders of Granada eventually decided to give up. In connection with this version, the question arises: should not the successful and glorious ending of the Reconquista be recognized as the merit of only one Isabella? smile
        1. +5
          3 March 2020 13: 33
          But there is a version that it was another Isabella.

          So - events are mixed up, but the name of the color remains.
          1. +6
            3 March 2020 13: 53
            Quote from Korsar4
            there is a version that it was another Isabella.

            Is. smile
            But for me personally, "Isabella" is a fragrant red wine. At one time I liked to use it with a barbecue. smile
            1. +7
              3 March 2020 14: 03
              What about Peter Blood’s ship?
              1. +6
                3 March 2020 14: 26
                Peter Blood’s ship is still the Arabella.

                But I like the train of thought.
                1. +4
                  3 March 2020 14: 29
                  "Something has become of my memory" (C) fool
                2. +6
                  3 March 2020 19: 10
                  "Black brig, gunfire thunders,
                  Gold rings in pockets ... "(C)
                  1. +4
                    3 March 2020 21: 38
                    On land,
                    On land a palm tree
                    On the palm tree is a cat
                    Sits and sees:
                    (from childhood)
                    1. +5
                      3 March 2020 23: 22
                      And then Tank comes around the corner ... request
                      1. +2
                        3 March 2020 23: 42
                        "You and I are not the same for a long time,
                        And we do not live in sinful deeds,
                        We sleep in the heat, do not believe the dark,
                        And swords are hung on the wall "
                      2. +3
                        3 March 2020 23: 46
                        "Raindrops on the roof
                        Quiet in the village
                        I bought a revolver yesterday ... "
                      3. +3
                        3 March 2020 23: 47
                        "Is it hard in the village without a revolver"?
                      4. +3
                        4 March 2020 00: 25
                        "Lyuska - Charnota will sell a revolver.
                        Charnota - Lyusenka, I’ll sell my pants, I’ll sell everything, just not a revolver! I can't live without a revolver! "(C)
                      5. +3
                        4 March 2020 00: 29
                        "I will give a horse, I will give a dagger ...
                        Mortar, helicopter,
                        And replace then
                        You are a spetsnaz platoon "
                      6. +3
                        4 March 2020 00: 36
                        This is because of what special forces, another can not be replaced. smile
              2. +7
                3 March 2020 14: 40
                Quote: 3x3zsave
                What about Peter Blood’s ship?

                The second association is Isabella the French Wolf. smile
                And the third is wine again. And so in a circle. Wine is a she-wolf, wine is a she-wolf ...
                And if you repeat this cycle many times, then sometimes the interruption occurs here:
                She-wolf you, I despise you ...
                You want to surrender lust with him ...

                But this is a completely different story ... (c)
                1. +5
                  3 March 2020 14: 56
                  A young lady with that name came across. From a family of winemakers.

                  A wolf’s theme can be very ramified.

                  Not a single cycle is perfect. There is some feedback loop.
            2. +6
              3 March 2020 14: 24
              This, if Crimean. In other places, somehow not so.

              Like Vrungel’s: “Norwegian herring comes across to Norwegians, and Dutch to Dutch”.
              1. +6
                3 March 2020 14: 33
                I wonder who, then, comes across Iwashi? recourse
                1. +6
                  3 March 2020 14: 40
                  Judging by the duet with the same name, things were like this:

                  "When in malicious networks
                  The trawler caught Tanyusha. ”
                  1. +5
                    3 March 2020 15: 03
                    "He even walked past Tanya,
                    The prettiest in the yard "
                    1. +7
                      3 March 2020 15: 39
                      "He even walked past Tanya,
                      The prettiest in the yard "

                      in the topic of the article:
                2. Fat
                  4 March 2020 00: 10
                  Quote: 3x3zsave
                  I wonder who, then, comes across Iwashi? recourse

              2. +5
                3 March 2020 18: 03
                Quote from Korsar4
                This, if Crimean. In other places, somehow not so.

                Like Vrungel’s: “Norwegian herring comes across to Norwegians, and Dutch to Dutch”.

                There are two types of herring!
                1. In a cat-like Kalgushka!
                2. In the logistic process of delivery to the destination - Kaluga catfish!
                Regards, Kote!
                1. +2
                  3 March 2020 23: 06
                  In a cat-like Kalgushka!
                  Skobarsky version: "in a kitty's misanka" laughing
        2. +4
          3 March 2020 21: 06
          As a result, they decided to give up, probably, Isabella sympathized or was there a wild smell from her?
      2. +6
        3 March 2020 13: 16
        Forgot to ask.
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        With this - to Grigulevich!

        Is this Grigulevich? The one who is a scout or is there some other one?
        1. +6
          3 March 2020 13: 25
          Yes he. He is also the author of the two-volume History of the Inquisition, which in Soviet times was considered almost a Christomacy on this issue. The work is ideologized so much that it is impossible to read without a glass. At least I didn't succeed.
          1. +6
            3 March 2020 13: 30
            Quote: 3x3zsave
            I could not get

            Well then I will not ... wink
          2. +6
            3 March 2020 14: 19
            The work is so ideological that it is impossible to read without a glass. At least I didn’t succeed.

            sorry, really sorry. History cannot be replaced with slogans. And with a glass - it read like Stephen King? laughing
            1. +5
              3 March 2020 14: 32
              With a glass, as in a Komsomol meeting, you fall asleep.
              1. +5
                3 March 2020 14: 41
                With a glass, as in a Komsomol meeting, you fall asleep.

                only yesterday I was revising Afonya ... "I propose to declare gratitude to Borshov for the chivalrous attitude towards the ladies!" laughing but, in my opinion, the film is very revealing ... what
                1. +5
                  3 March 2020 18: 04
                  Oh, I love reading our brother!
                  Regards, Honest company !!!
                  1. +3
                    3 March 2020 23: 57
                    "So my brother says that strength is in money, and I think it is in joules!"
          3. +3
            3 March 2020 20: 56
            Anton, where didn’t they put ideologies? Moreover, the Inquisition can be poked here at every step
            1. +2
              3 March 2020 21: 45
              It is not possible to shove ideology into Brodsky and Dovlatov. Despite the fact that both left, such patriots of our country, still look!
  6. +2
    3 March 2020 20: 19
    Quote: Pan Kohanku
    paws are crooked!

    Cat - Terminator, or rebellion of cats? belay

    Otherwise, send to the inquisitors?
  7. +4
    3 March 2020 20: 52
    "as a result of which many innocent people were condemned" one can imagine what happened then, that Sixtus wrote about it, and Ferdinand and Isabella only grinned after reading the letter
    1. +2
      3 March 2020 22: 04
      Vooot !!! I do not know how, but you got the very essence! The silver-lover was this Sixtus (by the way, the Fourth, not the Sixth), and the "most Christian" couple of Korlev reminded him of this sin of acquisitiveness! The Pope, being an intelligent man, realized the scale of the coming catastrophe, and instantly "played back", leaving the Sistine Chapel and the Spanish Inquisition for future generations. Like, the descendants will figure out who is white and fluffy.
  8. +2
    3 March 2020 21: 01
    Quote: 3x3zsave
    "Something has become of my memory" (C) fool

    All that was not with me I remember
    1. +2
      3 March 2020 21: 47
      "I'll get up before dawn today,
      I will insert all those glasses that I broke "
      1. +2
        4 March 2020 13: 26
        I’ll insert all the glass that I broke

        not the first time .... tongue drinks
  9. +1
    3 March 2020 21: 53
    "that neither the Spanish Inquisition, nor the German" witch hunters "thought of the torture of women by the parties" 1) at that time women did not yet know linen in the modern sense.
    2) we voluntarily wear thongs, and sit on the count. NO WOMAN IN THE WORLD WOULD LIKE to sit on a stake.
    I suspect that the author, if you offer a thong or a stake, WANTS a thong.
    1. +3
      3 March 2020 22: 48
      My respect, Beautiful Stranger!
      My wish: less pathos in such matters. None of the men present is a rabid "house builder". Believe us, we adore you, if only because you give birth to us!
      1. +1
        4 March 2020 09: 31
        Believe us, we bow before you

        yep Yes
        I suspect that the author, if you offer a thong or a stake, WANTS a thong.

        I do not even want to try to imagine Valery in a thong, but laughed, and plus Astra set. laughing
        1. 0
          4 March 2020 19: 09
          Yeah. In the discussion of the inquisitor, thongs, this is argumentative !! laughing laughing laughing
        2. +1
          5 March 2020 15: 12
          Hi Nikolay! And so it is tempting to ask if thongs are torture? WHY why wear them ?????? laughing laughing laughing
          1. +1
            5 March 2020 15: 14
            WHY wear them ??????

            I can’t say, Sergey, didn’t wear it. request Perhaps they still interfere with men more than ladies .... laughing
            1. +1
              5 March 2020 15: 18
              No, Nikolay !!!! This is a conditional question for me, Astra asked! From her submission, this topic of torture for women arose! Ha, ha! wassat laughing
              1. +1
                5 March 2020 15: 27
                With her submission, this topic of torture for women arose!

                She, like, did not speak against thongs. Only against stakes! laughing
    2. +1
      4 March 2020 15: 45
      It depends on what number ... Civilization is developing, some descendants - inquisitor-oriented (uh!), Came up with games for adults with various stake and pegs made of modern materials ...
  10. 0
    4 March 2020 15: 25
    Anti-Semitic Spaniards lent a Lohokost, begun 15 centuries before by anti-Semitic ebibtins?