The US military called the shortcomings of the "smart" stabilizing platform AimLock

In the United States, they continue to work on creating a “smart” rifle weapons. One of the areas of improvement is sights and ergonomics, which can reduce weapon vibrations during aiming.

The US military called the shortcomings of the "smart" stabilizing platform AimLock

Photo Citizen-soldier magazin

A few years ago in the US, RMS introduced the AimLock stabilization platform for rifles. The platform with the electromechanical principle of operation allows for adjustment when aiming based on the stabilization of small arms.

A smart gyro-stabilizing device allows the rifle to minimize vibrations due to arrow movements to a minimum, which should ultimately lead to an accurate shot.

Presented scheme:

After several years of combat-operational exploitation of AimLock, a number of complaints arose among the US military. The main one: the stabilizing platform turns small arms into a bulky system that, when used outside a training shooting range, quickly becomes clogged.

It is also noted that the center of gravity of the weapon system is shifted forward from the shooter, which leads to the inconvenience of using a rifle with AimLock soldiers with relatively small stature: less than 170 see. But that is not all.

It turns out that with intensive use of the system, additional power supply is needed. If the batteries run out, then AimLock turns into an additional load, which reduces the capabilities of the special forces soldier. There are two options: either continue to carry the "smart" AimLock that has lost functionality with you, or get rid of it. The second is unacceptable, since the enemy can easily take over the system and “borrow” technology. The last statement looks somewhat strange, because for some reason the US Army is not considering the option when the enemy can borrow AimLock and, as the famous Soviet film said, "from a lifeless body."
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  1. +2
    22 October 2019 10: 07
    What do not do the mericatos, just do not do a normal shooting. laughing
    1. +6
      22 October 2019 10: 12
      Yes, everything is fine with the arrow!
      It’s just that progress cannot be stopped.
      Such a device may not interfere with a sniper, but it’s nonsense on a soldier’s rifle (automatic).
      1. 0
        22 October 2019 10: 15
        Victor_B (Victor Petrovich) Today, 10: 12
        Yes, everything is fine with the arrow!

        If it was normal, the mericatos would not twitch to replace both pistols for the aircraft (Beretta, and rifles / machine guns.
        1. +2
          22 October 2019 10: 17
          Quote: aszzz888
          If it were normal, the mericatos would not twitch

          ONLY BUSINESS!
          Nothing personal. (Thinking) Nothing state ...
          1. +2
            22 October 2019 13: 06
            Quote: Victor_B
            Yes, everything is fine with the arrow!
            It’s just that progress cannot be stopped.
            Such a device may not interfere with a sniper, but it’s nonsense on a soldier’s rifle (automatic).

            Personally, I think the sniper of the future looks like this:
            The operator is aiming the shooting platform approximately in the direction of the target. Then it uses a complex of both platform sensors and a swarm of micro-UAVs, finding the target and pointing it to the computer. A ballistic computer evaluates coordinates, wind direction, density of air currents, obstacles, planet rotation, and makes a shot.
            And "hand" snipers, no matter how hard they screw up the electronics, beyond 1,5 - 2 km only unique ones will be able to hit the target. As you know, the war is won not by the only ones, but by those who can be produced in large quantities.
            1. +1
              22 October 2019 15: 26
              Great description. And the target that hour will use its camouflage complex, pseudo-generators, electronic warfare ... Everything will be so, of course. EW one fighter ... But you have to do it!
            2. 0
              22 October 2019 16: 47
              Complicated. And again, after all the tricks, a mistake is not excluded.
              A sudden gust of wind near the target and - oops ...
              It’s time to remodel the bullet into a mini-rocket with GOS.
              A sniper - in a complex mini-ATGM.
              Pointed about. Traced to halfway. And then - capture the target and hit.
              Expensive? - Yes.
              And how much does training a professional sniper cost?
              And their guns are worth its weight in gold.
              Any soldier will take possession of the mini-ATGM in two or three short lessons.
              1. 0
                22 October 2019 16: 55
                Of course, there will be jet bullets accelerating to hyper speeds, while correcting the flight. But who, in your opinion, will drive the data into the bullet computer for the instant before the shot, entering the latest data? All the same ballistic computer.
                Such snipers will hit the target for tens of kilometers.
                1. 0
                  22 October 2019 17: 03
                  To "kill" a sniper, it is enough to hit a person from 2.5-3 km. This is where you should focus.
                  A pencil with folding wings with a diameter of 12 mm (half an inch) and a length of 25-30 cm will provide both range and lethal force. Mini-IR video of this size is already used on drones. The entire guidance system is from a conventional ATGM.
                2. 0
                  25 October 2019 02: 13
                  Quote: Shurik70
                  hyper speed rockets

                  Quote: Shurik70
                  Such snipers will hit the target for tens of kilometers

                  We need a trampoline number 2, a hypersound near the ground is impossible, but we don’t need it near the ground - there’s not enough horizon for dozens of kilometers, I jumped, spotted, and hit the second jump. In the desert, you can hundreds of kilometers, but you will still need a magnifying glass. Although I won’t be surprised if you are flat-earth.
      2. +1
        22 October 2019 10: 17
        Quote: Victor_B
        Such a device can not hurt a sniper

        Especially on "Vintorez" and "Val" feel It’s what you need.
        1. +1
          22 October 2019 10: 25
          Quote: Observer2014
          Especially on "Vintorez" and "Val"

          Well, on them something like a hare stoplight!
          This device costs like two Vintorez yes heavier than him, probably.
          1. +1
            22 October 2019 10: 33
            Quote: Victor_B
            This device costs like two Vintorez yes heavier than him, probably.

            And this is not being created for economically poor countries. And not for everyone and everyone. For special forces. For one, a couple of soldiers in the department ..
            1. +3
              22 October 2019 10: 40
              Quote: Observer2014
              One, a couple of fighters in the squad ..

              Sorry, but Vintorez - conditionally sniper rifle.
              The machine is good, but highly specialized.
              Her firing range is small. Therefore, the usual PIC is enough for her.
              1. -1
                22 October 2019 10: 52
                Quote: Victor_B
                Her firing range is small. Yes Therefore, the usual pic is enough for her
                And it will be even better. I saw. Aim at the target. The system corrected the shot. I took into account that the shooter can forget in the heat of battle. bully Shot. And yours is enough. Turns into almost 100% target damage. What is bad for the special forces? Carry excess weight? So then something else.
                By the way, the Americans have long been experimenting with correctable in-flight bullets. Also look and combine these things.
      3. +1
        22 October 2019 10: 45
        Such a device may not interfere with a sniper, but it’s nonsense on a soldier’s rifle (automatic).

        just the opposite. Firstly, the dispersion of a sniper rifle is influenced by such imperceptible evolutions as breathing, pulse, minor muscle tremors, etc. The AimLock sensitivity is not enough to compensate for these fluctuations. Secondly, the sniper shoots with a time bonus giving him time to prepare to shoot. An ordinary shooter often fires "on the move", from an awkward position, in a state of stress, with a minimum of time to aim.
        Another thing is that the system is bulky and requires maintenance in greenhouse conditions. What is the reason that the project is still raw
        1. +1
          22 October 2019 11: 12
          The sensitivity of the stabilization devices of the cutter at the processing complexes from which this system was copied is hundreds of thousands of times higher than all the factors you listed. Thanks to this, the current metalworking makes it possible to do things in ordinary cars that, half a century ago, could not be realized even in airplanes. So the question, of course, is not the point.
          Here everything is as always, you have to choose what to spend money on. To improve the system, or to receive fat contracts from the Pentagon. Today, these tasks practically contradict one another.
          1. -1
            22 October 2019 12: 33
            The sensitivity of the stabilization devices of the cutter at the processing complexes

            Write some nonsense. We compared a CNC machine or shooting from a sniper rifle.
            1. +1
              22 October 2019 13: 18
              Tighten up a bit, okay? Compared, yeah. I am like that. When solving engineering problems, the first step is to see if such or SIMILAR task was solved elsewhere. It is necessary to stabilize the barrel on a certain straight line, compensating for vibration, tremors and inertial moments. How does this task in general differ from the need to stabilize the cutter in the machining center? In general terms - absolutely nothing. You just need to adapt the existing solution to other conditions. Being an engineer is fate ...
        2. 0
          22 October 2019 11: 55
          Quote: Ka-52
          just the opposite. firstly, the dispersion of a sniper rifle is affected by such inconspicuous evolutions as breathing, pulse, small muscle tremors, etc. AimLock sensitivity is not enough to compensate for these fluctuations.

          You fundamentally do not understand the operation of this "device". He simply fires a shot when the weapon approaches the target designation point. Marine guns, when rolling, work in the same way ...
          1. 0
            22 October 2019 12: 33
            Quote: Genry
            You fundamentally do not understand the operation of this "device".
            You basically do not understand the operation of the device described in the article. It is in order to compensate for the described fluctuations, he was invented. It works well on drones, stabilizing cameras, for example. Thanks to this device, it just became possible to get high-quality shooting from the drone, suitable for studio processing and launching on the air.
            So the Americans want to use the same technology for weapons.
            1. 0
              22 October 2019 12: 40
              Quote: Mikhail3
              It is in order to compensate for the described fluctuations, he was invented. It works well on drones, stabilizing cameras, for example.

              This is called a "stabilized platform" where regardless of the carrier, the equipment is clearly directed to its target.

              But "AimLock" works in a different way. When the weapon dangles, at some point, it can be precisely aimed at the target - you just need to automatically fire a shot ..
              1. 0
                22 October 2019 13: 22
                That is, you randomly shake the barrel, and the system picks up the moment to shoot itself when the barrel accidentally rolls over? If so, then this is not a system but an honorary inhabitant of the garbage can ...
                1. 0
                  22 October 2019 13: 31
                  Quote: Mikhail3
                  That is, you randomly shake the barrel, and the system picks up the moment to shoot itself when the barrel accidentally rolls over?

                  Well, it depends on the condition of the shooter. If, for example, you have a breakdown or tremor, then you can never shoot at all.
                  Quote: Mikhail3
                  If so, then this is not a system but an honorary inhabitant of the garbage can ...

                  An army with more advanced weapons is what sends opponents to ....
                  1. 0
                    22 October 2019 13: 47
                    In the version described by you, this is not advanced weapons, but simply rubbish.
                    1. 0
                      23 October 2019 14: 06
                      Quote: Mikhail3
                      In the version described by you, this is not advanced weapons, but simply rubbish.

                      You did not say anything serious about the topic. Only an empty set of words ....
                      1. 0
                        24 October 2019 11: 29
                        Have you brought the schemes? Hehe ... I try not to say anything serious, why not do it on a public resource.
    2. +2
      22 October 2019 10: 13
      Such a development is good to milk the budget! wink A lot can be traced.
      1. 0
        22 October 2019 13: 33
        Quote: bessmertniy
        Such a development is good to milk the budget! wink A lot can be traced.

        And where did you get such experience? Or maybe the wife is a milkmaid?
    3. 0
      22 October 2019 10: 14
      What do not do the mericatos, just do not do a normal shooting.
      More precisely, in order not to learn to shoot lol
      1. +1
        22 October 2019 10: 36
        Quote: stalki
        More precisely, in order not to learn to shoot

        Well, about shooting - in this matter the states have a little more order than ours ... Alas ...
        Shoot since childhood. Most. From military weapons. (Well, with some limitations)
        We are far from them. Yes, and to hell do not need to get close!
    4. Mwg
      23 October 2019 11: 27
      "... so as not to make a normal shooter" - you can add: so as not to learn to shoot
  2. +1
    22 October 2019 10: 11
    to the inconvenience of using a rifle with AimLock soldiers with relatively small stature: less than 170 cm. But that is not all.
    Why do they need this rifle in a tank? bully laughing Joke. And so the first time I read about this system. Very interesting. Thank you for the new info. hi
    The American has long had the idea of ​​a fix in his head. One shot. One hit on target.
    1. 0
      22 October 2019 10: 20
      The American has long had the idea of ​​a fix in his head. One shot. One hit on target.

      They already developed a child prodigy, an XM-25 smart hand grenade launcher, but something didn’t work)))
  3. +2
    22 October 2019 10: 15
    Good stuff. They just do not use it where necessary.
    For example, a rangefinder-designator with such a "stabilizer" will allow you to accurately measure the range "from your hands" and illuminate the target again from your hands at normal ranges
    1. 0
      22 October 2019 12: 03
      There are advanced optical sights with electronics, which automatically calculates corrections for the wind, range, derivation and lead. You only need to hold the sight marker on the target.
      But the "partners", in this device, still want to control the shot, at the moment when the weapon is precisely aimed at the target.
      1. -1
        22 October 2019 12: 07
        Quote: Genry
        There are advanced optical sights with electronics, which automatically calculates corrections for the wind, range, derivation and lead. You only need to hold the sight marker on the target.

        And it is precisely "holding the marker" when working with hands is very, very difficult, and the further the goal, the more difficult.
        With a tripod, no questions asked. With hands, a problem. And the usual image stabilization will not do anything. After all, it is necessary to stabilize the laser emitter.
        1. 0
          22 October 2019 12: 32
          Quote: Spade
          And it is precisely "holding the marker" when working with hands is very, very difficult,

          Therefore, the Americans want their "AimLock" so that when the weapon is bumping, if the electronic marker and the target are likely to coincide, a shot is automatically fired (the moment is caught).
          Quote: Spade
          With a tripod, no questions asked. With hands, a problem. And the usual image stabilization will not do anything. After all, it is necessary to stabilize the laser emitter.

          Why all this???
          1. -1
            22 October 2019 12: 38
            Quote: Genry
            Why all this???

            For the use of ammunition with LGSN.
            We have aviation and artillery precision munitions.
            For example, highlighting a target for a one and a half-ton KAB-1500 is better to be away from it
            1. 0
              22 October 2019 12: 45
              Quote: Spade
              For the use of ammunition with LGSN ....

              This is a different topic. In this case (article) we are talking about portable small arms with an unguided projectile (bullet).
              1. -1
                22 October 2019 12: 46
                Quote: Genry
                This is a different topic.

                Quote myself
                Quote: Spade
                They just do not use it where necessary.
                1. 0
                  22 October 2019 12: 50
                  Quote: Spade
                  They just do not use it where necessary.

                  What's wrong?
                  Do you want to embed electronics in each bullet, and launch rockets in uncontrolled mode?
                  1. -1
                    22 October 2019 12: 56
                    Quote: Genry
                    What's wrong?
                    Do you want to embed electronics in each bullet, and launch rockets in uncontrolled mode?

                    Uh ...
                    What bullets are in a stump?
                    Stabilize the target rangefinder. There are no differences from the rifle
                    1. 0
                      22 October 2019 13: 10
                      Quote: Spade
                      Stabilize the target rangefinder. There are no differences from the rifle

                      Can you control the atmosphere and mirages (Syria)?
                      Guided projectiles, unlike a rifle, can adjust their trajectory. Despite the curvature of the "atmosphere", you can see the error between the target and the projectile and give the command to correct.
                      In small arms, you have to fire a second shot, adjusted for the relative previous shot (plus a change in conditions ...).
                      The key difference is that in small arms you have to accurately shoot a bullet, and in a heavier projectile with correction it is not necessary exactly at the target.
                      1. -1
                        22 October 2019 15: 06
                        Quote: Genry
                        Can you control the atmosphere and mirages (Syria)?

                        Uh ...
                        I'm generally in prostration.

                        Let's start with the simplest. How does aiming from a rifle with optics differ from aiming with a rangefinder-target designator
                      2. 0
                        23 October 2019 14: 04
                        Quote: Spade
                        How does aiming from a rifle with optics differ from aiming with a rangefinder-target designator

                        AimLock is the presence of electronics, which IMHO can take into account many factors of the optical distortion of air and the behavior of a bullet in it with different influences.
                        Look, on the tank topic, "ballistic computer ... target tracking." This system performs part of the AimLock functions, which, in addition, catches the moment the weapon is aimed at the target and fires a shot.
                      3. -1
                        23 October 2019 14: 14
                        Quote: Genry
                        It catches the moment of pointing the weapon at the target and firing.

                        Dear, "catching the moment" is TrackingPoint technology. Unlike it, AimLock stabilizes the barrel mechanically. That's why this thing is so bulky.
                      4. 0
                        23 October 2019 14: 31
                        Quote: Spade
                        Unlike her, AimLock stabilizes the barrel mechanically, because this construction is so bulky.

                        What is the mechanics? Do you want to take a tank tower in your hands ???

                        It looks like a bare platform without a weapon.

                        With arms inserted.

                      5. -1
                        23 October 2019 14: 35
                        Quote: Genry
                        What is the mechanics? Do you want to take a tank tower in your hands ???

                        Here's a Japanese "tank tower" mechanically stabilizing smartphone
                      6. 0
                        23 October 2019 14: 41
                        No need to attract all sorts of third-party stabilizers, off-topic and which have long existed in the form of deflecting lenses or mirrors. Where do you see the mechanics in my photos? Show me her!
                        And for a smartphone - this is a step into the past, because there are software correlators - electronic stabilizers.
                      7. -2
                        23 October 2019 15: 16
                        Quote: Genry
                        No need to attract any third-party stabilizers here

                        And what else to do if you are sure that mechanical stabilization is possible only in a tank tower

                        Quote: Genry
                        Where do you see the mechanics in my photos?

                        How does "Mech Trigger" translate from one of "your photos"? And how to ensure "seizing the moment" with a fully mechanical escapement? Electronic control of the user's index finger?
                        By the way, the manufacturer even emphasizes: "This is NOT an electronic or“ guided ”trigger".

                        Quote: Genry
                        And for a smartphone - this is a step into the past, because there are software correlators - electronic stabilizers.

                        Yeah. Only they do not have such stabilization limits. Or the size of the picture is greatly "cut". Because there are no miracles, because the field of view remains the same.
  4. 0
    22 October 2019 10: 35
    The topic is promising, but they took the "short" path and did not use the possibilities of digital technologies, which would significantly reduce the consumption of cartridges.
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. 0
    22 October 2019 10: 57
    bespontovye gadgets. are they still afraid that they will fall into the hands of the enemy? yes you are your own enemies ...
  7. +1
    22 October 2019 11: 07
    The idea itself is great. The execution is only American - a heavy, pointlessly complicated, non-functional contraption for a huge price list. It is necessary that a good engineer undertakes it, instead of money-sawers. But where to get them now, good ones?
  8. -1
    22 October 2019 11: 57
    Quote: Mikhail3
    The idea itself is great. The execution is only American - a heavy, pointlessly complicated, non-functional contraption for a huge price list. It is necessary that a good engineer undertakes it, instead of money-sawers. But where to get them now, good ones?

    can engineers among * effective managers * search ?? lol
    1. 0
      22 October 2019 12: 53
      Duc and there are looking! And engineers were fired for a long time - an engineer is expensive! Give him a salary, send him to study all the time, and he, ungrateful, spends all the time the project money! And the materials to him, and equipment, and research all the time ...
  9. 0
    22 October 2019 12: 15
    A smart gyro-stabilizing device allows the rifle to minimize vibrations due to arrow movements to a minimum, which should ultimately lead to an accurate shot.
    For example, I’m driving on a bester along a road that is far from the German autobahn ... I’m driving myself, shaking on potholes from the previous shelling, I fastened myself with a soldier’s belt to some bracket on the armor, a Kalash at the shoulder and in the direction of an extremely suspicious greenback. .. Here they start to grumble from small mortars, to hell with RPG like a ball on the head behhe, but for me .. yes .. the machine corrects my errors in aiming .. beautifully, but I do not believe, at least in the described situation, I would have this the nefig system would not help - yes, I think any normal person too ... then the intelligence saved, accidentally came out to the side of the ambush and entered the battle, as far as I know without an order ...
    1. +1
      22 October 2019 12: 55
      He pointed the marker at the light of a shot from greenery, and your sight clung to the marked point, stabilizing the barrel on it as much as possible until you cancel the target designation. In total, this thing will not do, but it can help hard.
      1. 0
        22 October 2019 13: 01
        Quote: Mikhail3
        and, and your sight clung to the marked point,

        The first rule - do not sit in one trench - he shot - went to the next place. In general, snipers have a system - you will break your head - one tried to explain to me like a chapaev on a squat drunk - I did not understand anything, except "the longer you are in position after the shot, the more likely you are a corpse ..
        1. 0
          22 October 2019 13: 13
          Right. Do you know how many bullets in the battle fall from all fired? In Afghanistan, the overall ratio of bullets to one killed gave 250000. Two hundred and fifty thousand. Nothing like that, right? That is, the bulk simply goes to white light like a penny. Of course, a real soldier will begin to move almost immediately after a shot, changing position. But there are a lot of nuances)
          Firstly - does he always have such an opportunity? Secondly - you noticed the first shot, and he shoots, for example, from AK or M16, that is, there will be two minimum shots. But rather 3-5, right? You pulled the barrel at the shooter, pressing the trigger stabilizes your barrel at the selected point. That is, somewhere in the third pool released by the enemy you start firing, and not anywhere (as usual, 250000, remember?), But in about the place where he sits! Even if he begins to move quickly, it will still take time, and the enemy will remain in the affected area.
          I repeat - this system will not do everything. But it can very, very greatly increase the effectiveness of shooting. By the way, the special forces practically do not need it. But an ordinary soldier ...
          1. 0
            22 October 2019 13: 31
            Quote: Mikhail3
            Firstly - does he always have such an opportunity? Secondly - you noticed the first shot, and he shoots for example from AK or M16, that is, there will be two minimum shots. But rather 3-5, right? You pulled the barrel on the shooter, pressing the trigger stabilized

            Were you under fire? For some reason, it seems to me that it is easy to talk about the penetrating ability of a bullet and theorize about the "funny" role of an armored personnel carrier or an infantry fighting vehicle on a modern battlefield, but it is more difficult to fall from an armored vehicle correctly without falling under a caterpillar or a wheel to start shooting in the right direction. to correctly take a position, to crawl out correctly in order to rumble out of the grenade launcher into the target area (!) (believe me, this achievement is not given to everyone) - all this is not enough? Therefore, it seems to me that "smart systems" are ridiculous that other music plays in battle - luck and instincts ...
            1. 0
              22 October 2019 13: 45
              Was. How can you not understand that ... It's an instinct! It is the instinct that is proposed, so to speak, the first electronic-mechanical) "Instinctive" retention of the barrel in the target area, more accurate and for a time longer than the fighter himself can! You are right in your description (although read the books more, the syllable will straighten out), but the idea is good, just the performance is lame. WHILE lame. Soon the battlefield will change ...
              1. 0
                22 October 2019 14: 03
                So I still didn’t understand what my salvation from the shelling was supposed to be, like I clearly licked that aiming in such situations does not smell ...
                1. 0
                  22 October 2019 14: 07
                  What does salvation have to do with it? Only now it has come. Ask the question more precisely) Your salvation is not supposed in anything here! "Do you want to live forever ?!" Hehe ... This is a system that helps to hit the enemy! It will interfere with your movement, trying to keep the barrel in an effective position. But it will allow you to hit the enemy. At least it will greatly increase the chances of doing this.
                  1. +1
                    22 October 2019 14: 15
                    Mikhail, don’t fall under fire, once and for you to see who is aiming, two .. my wishes for you in the war .... PS - I thought a lot, but not a single situation in the war meant survival for me, if only I knew where to aim ... maybe my specialization played a role .. I don’t know .. the principles of survival were always the same - even the group could drag me like a load ..
                    1. 0
                      22 October 2019 15: 17
                      Thank. Soon, such systems will begin to appear (unfortunately, I was blabbed again, and apparently the American manufacturers will take into account my comments. It’s too late to recall back). And multichannel battlefield analyzers will appear, thanks to which it will become much easier to see the enemy. They would have appeared long ago, according to my observations, someone was apparently slowing them down. But this is not an eternal process; progress cannot be delayed forever.
                      The battlefield will change. Will have to fundamentally change the approach to camouflage equipment, position equipment, movements, cover ... Previous skills will stop working. Progress is a damn thing ....
  10. +1
    22 October 2019 12: 50
    Oh, in vain the mericos don’t listen to our experience! But even at the beginning of the 20 century, Russia knew these shortcomings ....
  11. -3
    22 October 2019 13: 04

    I went to the cinema. Had seen. Invented! (only while without a hole in the head)
  12. 0
    22 October 2019 15: 44
    I will not get into the discussion, but as, in the past, an engineer specializing in "gyroscopic devices and devices", to be honest - I do not understand the principle of operation of this device. I understand that the only way is to use a gyro-stabilized platform. That's not news. Tank guns have been stabilized like this for a long time. There are no technical problems to stabilize cameras on, say, large UAVs. But the rifle ???? This is technically impossible. The fighter must run, crawl, roll and shoot quickly. Understand - the tank is big-oh, and then before the battle it takes time to activate and configure the gyro platform. And here? Sorry, I don’t believe it. A beautiful picture is about nothing. For show at the training ground, I can still admit it, but not.
  13. 0
    22 October 2019 15: 51
    That's who really goes to war, throws all this iron into a ditch and pick up more ammunition.
  14. 0
    22 October 2019 15: 52
    Quote: Mikhail3
    Duc and there are looking! And engineers were fired for a long time - an engineer is expensive! Give him a salary, send him to study all the time, and he, ungrateful, spends all the time the project money! And the materials to him, and equipment, and research all the time ...

    someone from * effective managers * put a minus to me, well, a kindergarten and nothing more. Sandbox. Hey Admins, are you not funny with this psi / minus yourself?
  15. 0
    22 October 2019 16: 26
    Quote: basal
    I will not get into the discussion, but as, in the past, an engineer specializing in "gyroscopic devices and devices", to be honest - I do not understand the principle of operation of this device. I understand that the only way is to use a gyro-stabilized platform. That's not news. Tank guns have been stabilized like this for a long time. There are no technical problems to stabilize cameras on, say, large UAVs. But the rifle ???? This is technically impossible. The fighter must run, crawl, roll and shoot quickly. Understand - the tank is big-oh, and then before the battle it takes time to activate and configure the gyro platform. And here? Sorry, I don’t believe it. A beautiful picture is about nothing. For show at the training ground, I can still admit it, but not.

    in the sense, the tank was brought about by an aiming complex with a gyro stabilizer, and then it goes and jumps along the hills and pits, while holding the object in sight just due to the stabilizer. Ah, well, if you think logically, it seems I understood your idea. this device together with the gun should be mounted on the fighter’s helmet and synchronized with its field of view .. well, or mounted on a shoulder-mounted stabilized servo mount like a predator)) and the aiming system in the helmet is synchronized with the gun. something like this winked
  16. 0
    22 October 2019 19: 48
    From a scientific point of view, this is useful, but practically such a scheme has no future.
    A good sight, combined with a thermal, smart filling and strong as a sledgehammer. Nothing more is needed.