Secrets of Russian mobilization of 1914 of the year

One of the myths of the First World War is the myth that the announcement of the general mobilization of the armed forces on July 18 (31), 1914, Russia made war inevitable. Now we know that the real instigator of the war was not Russia, but Germany, which had every opportunity to withdraw the sword of Austria-Hungary brought over Serbia, but did not do it - for a peaceful resolution of the conflict was not part of Germany's plans. The latter is for a simple reason: in the period 1914-1917, after the end of the "Big Program" of building up the armed forces, by 1917 in Russia 140 infantry battalions, 26 regular cavalry regiments and more than 500 artillery batteries (heavy, mortar and lungs), and the number of the latter was brought to 27 per body. And such an increase in artillery power equalized the fire capabilities of the Russian divisions with the German divisions. The formation of new engineering and technical units was planned (especially aviation), the construction of the newest highways: Warsaw - Tula - Ryazan and Kovel - Grishino, the construction of double and even quadruple tracks on the roads, the reform of a number of military factories and arsenals (and then the matter of the combat supply of the Army in the field stood on a more solid basis). The presence of this program largely explained the fact that the leaders of the Austro-German policy, who preferred to conduct a more calculated "preventive war" with Russia in 1914, rather than get involved in a war with unknown consequences in 3-4 years - with the Russian army, reinforced "Big program".

Quartermaster General of the First Headquarters Infantry General Yu. N. Danilov and Chief of Staff of the First Headquarters Infantry General N. N. Yanushkevich

As you know, the main mobilization issues of the Russian Empire at the time when the First World War erupted were in the hands of the head of the General Staff (a little later - the chief of the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief) infantry general N. N. Yanushkevich.

The context of the events in question was as follows.

An insight into the essence of the problem

15 (28) July 1914 Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and 16 (29) July N. N. Yanushkevich presented the Emperor with two alternative decrees for signing: 1) on the private mobilization of the 4 military districts, whose troops were intended for combat actions against Austria-Hungary (Moscow, Odessa, Kiev and Kazan) (2) on general mobilization.

Obviously, the mobilization of the Austro-Hungarian army (both against Serbia and against Russia) forced Russia to take appropriate precautions. It is interesting that Germany, which denied Russia the right to take these measures, itself vigorously implemented pre-mobilization measures - and on a more serious scale. For example, the Germans on 8 (21) of July already announced a pre-mobilization state for troops concentrated in Alsace (in Russia, for comparison, this situation was announced only on 13 (26) of July). And already from the 11 (24) of July, military rail transport began in Germany. The German newspaper Lokal Antseiger 17 (30) July announced the announcement of a general mobilization. This message was then refuted by the German government, but has already been transmitted by Russian agents to Russia.

Based on the foregoing, the tension of St. Petersburg, which was supposed to take measures capable of protecting the Russian borders, is obvious. Moreover, these measures should not have allowed Germany to doubt Russian peace.

The drama of the problem that confronted the head of the Russian state was that, having made private mobilization, Russia could no longer make a general mobilization: the 4 of the southeastern districts were mobilized at the cost of upsetting the 3's (and the most strategically most important) of the northwestern districts. Indeed, the mobilization schedule of the system of European military districts of Russia did not provide for their private mobilization - that is, selective mobilization of individual districts.

But the hope of the Russian emperor to keep the peace, as well as the hope for the peace of William II, were so great that, in spite of everything, Nicholas II on that day 16 (29) July signed a decree on private mobilization.

Nicholas II and his Foreign Minister S. D. Sazonov, sincerely striving to maintain peace, did not want the measures taken by Russia to be interpreted as aggressive and anti-German. That is why the Tsar’s decision is made to privately mobilize only the 4 military districts: Odessa, Kiev, Kazan and Moscow — and this peaceful and half-hearted decision largely went against the interests of state defense. Obviously, since the emperor and the minister did not see another way out as mobilization, the chief of the General Staff, General N. N. Yanushkevich, was simply obliged to insist on mobilization, moreover, general, and not private.

Secrets of Russian mobilization of 1914 of the year
N. N. Yanushkevich

The problem was that the latter had to mix all the calculations for the call for spare and the implementation of strategic rail transport. Russia risked joining the war in a strategically unbalanced and “crumbling” state. So, when N. N. Yanushkevich requested documents providing for private mobilization against Austria, the head of the mobilization department of the Main Directorate of the General Staff Major General S. K. Dobrololsky reported that there was no question of private mobilization, if only because her plan was not developed in the General Directorate of the General Staff. The order was repeated - which made S.K. Dobrorolsky urgently develop a plan for private mobilization. But, of course, for 24 - 48 hours it was impossible to successfully complete the work that required weeks and months in peacetime. It was, therefore, a dangerous improvisation.

S. K. Dobrorolsky

On the other hand, having mixed the prepared calculations, private mobilization inevitably destroyed, from the point of view of mobile equipment, the possibility of successful implementation of the general mobilization - in the event that the changing foreign policy situation requires the announcement of the latter.

Strategically mobilizing against Austria (i.e., only 4 military districts, despite the fact that the Warsaw military district remained unmobilized) was senseless - after all, after concentration, the armies of the Two-Empire Empire went on the offensive, directing the main efforts to the Warsaw Military District. The interfluve between the Vistula and the Bug was strategically important - it was here that the operational routes of the advancing Austrian armies passed. By the way, after the outbreak of the war, this was fully confirmed: the Austrian 1 Army operated precisely in the area which the proposed private mobilization had bypassed in order to assure Germany of Russian peace.

Obviously, if the duty of the chief of the Russian General Staff was to submit to the head of state his ideas that private mobilization does not meet the goals of the state’s defense, his duty to the Fatherland was to do everything possible to ensure that, despite the most laudable humanitarian considerations, Russia did not enter into a war bound hand and foot by ill-conceived decisions.

Nevertheless, the decision on private mobilization was made, and the day of its implementation was appointed 17 (30) July.

On the same day, July 17, as we noted above, the publication of the German semi-official newspaper Lokal Antseiger announced the mobilization of the German army. This fundamentally changed the situation - and in the 19 hours the Highest decree on universal mobilization followed. The first day of the last was appointed 18 (31) July.

At the same time, the German government refutes the message “Lokal Antseiger” and detains the telegram of the Russian ambassador in the mail, reporting this refutation. St. Petersburg did not know about this fact, and a decree on mobilization was already sent to the headquarters of the military districts. On the 18 of July, Germany in an ultimatum form demands from Russia the abolition of mobilization - threatening if the ultimatum is rejected by war.

Nicholas II invites William II to refer the Austro-Serbian conflict to the arbitration court in The Hague. The answer was the declaration by Germany of the war of Russia - at 19 hours of the 19 of July (1 of August).

After this brief digression into the question, we finally turn to the subject of the article.

Yanushkevich Jr about father, the July crisis and mobilization

We want to shed light on some of the nuances of these events by citing the testimonies of the son of N. N. Yanushkevich - having historical meaning and directly related to the life of his father. Nikolai Yanushkevich Jr. received this information at the age of 17 first-hand - from his father.

The first interesting fact, cited by the son of the general, suggests that in the spring of 1914 the then Chief of the General Staff N. N. Yanushkevich received from Switzerland a letter addressed directly to him, written in French and signed with the pseudonym: “Caesar le Vainqueur”. The mysterious author of this letter predicted a war between Russia and Germany in the near future, the consequence of which would be a revolution and the fall of the existing regime in Russia - and the general was advised not to oppose these events. This letter the recipient immediately brought to the attention of the detective police - to conduct a proper investigation. But subsequently, he heard nothing more about this strange prediction.

As we noted above, N.N. Yanushkevich was responsible for enforcing general mobilization. As you know, the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and the German Emperor William II conducted personal negotiations before the war, and the Russian Tsar was convinced that war could be prevented by these negotiations. Wilhelm, in turn, tried to convince Nicholas that until universal mobilization in Russia had begun, there would be no war.

On the other hand, N. N. Yanushkevich knew (thanks to the work of Russian intelligence) that the German war plan was based on a surprise attack - without declaring war. Nicholas II did not believe this information, and categorically forbade Yanushkevich to begin mobilization without his personal permission. The latter was aware of the danger of the emerging international political situation, as well as his enormous responsibility for the success of the mobilization and, consequently, for the successful start of the war. He spent these critical days almost exclusively in his office, surrounded by telephones, one of which was connected by direct wire to the Tsar’s office in Tsarskoye Selo. Over the past few days, the future Chief of Staff of the Stavka has literally turned gray (although before that, as his son notes, he had not a single gray hair).

In the evening, on the eve of mobilization, N.N. Yanushkevich was informed that, according to intelligence, the German fleet left Kiel and was heading for the Russian Baltic coast at full speed in order to land troops, realizing a plan for a surprise attack. The only solution to save Russia was an immediate order for general mobilization, the first step of which involved mining the Gulf of Riga and Finland, as well as the coast.

The next few hours were, according to the general, the most critical of his life. He knew that it was impossible to convince the Emperor of the correctness of the information. On the other hand, if the German fleet landed troops before mobilization was announced, its plan would be so frustrated that it would have to be improvised. In addition, after the order on mobilization, it can no longer be stopped and, if intelligence reports are incorrect, the mobilization order will serve as an official occasion for the Germans to start the war - and, therefore, having given the order for mobilization, Yanushkevich will become the instigator of the war.

The general assumed responsibility and, without reporting to the Tsar, ordered the general mobilization. He later told his son that from that moment he was sitting at his desk, having a revolver at hand - with the intention of committing suicide if his decision turned out to be wrong. At about 2 at night, he was informed that one German warship had exploded on the mines just set up - and the German fleet turned.

In the morning, N. N. Yanushkevich went to the Tsar and reported on the incidents of the night and that the mobilization was in full swing. The emperor approved the decision of the general, kissed him, said that he had saved Russia, and signed a decree on universal mobilization. This incident, as noted by N. Yanushkevich Jr., remained the personal secret of the Tsar and his father.

In his memoirs about the war, Wilhelm, although he mentions an incident related to the actions of the German fleet, considers N. N. Yanushkevich the instigator of the war - referring to his personal order to start mobilization.

Neither Germany nor Russia, as the memoirist noted, had at that time the intention to disclose this incident, because the German step, thanks to the decision of N.N. Yanushkevich, failed, but on the Russian side it should have been kept secret, because a general who exceeded his authority was subject to trial. And the latter took the word from his family members in the strictest manner to keep this secret. Only later, after the revolution, he wrote about this in his memoirs, but, as his son notes, they were buried in an estate in the Chernigov province and they must be considered lost.

N. N. Yanushkevich

It is worth mentioning the last days of the life of the person who played such a significant role in the crisis events of July 1914. After the revolution, as noted by the eldest son of the general, N. N. Yanushkevich lived first in an estate in the Chernigov province, and then, after the seizure of the estate by peasants, Chernihiv itself - with the whole family. In early February of the 1918 of the year, two commissars came for him on a special train (in one carriage), arrested and brought to the headquarters of the then commander-in-chief of the Active Army N.V. Krylenko. The latter suggested that N. N. Yanushkevich become his chief of staff - and the general categorically refused. Then, by the same train, he was sent to Petrograd in the Peter and Paul Fortress, but an order was given along the way - not to bring alive.

The general was killed sleeping - shot at point blank range, to the head. His body was given to relatives for burial at the Mikhailovsky cemetery. The corpse was in a dressing gown, with one mustache burned (from a shot) and a cut off finger on his hand (on which he wore a diamond ring).

Later, the wife of the victim received a personal telegram from L.D. Trotsky, in which the sender said that he considered the murder of the general an irreparable mistake and a great loss for Russia.
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  1. +1
    11 October 2019 06: 37
    The latter is for a simple reason: between 1914 and 1917, after the end of the “Big Program” for the construction of the armed forces, by 1917 in Russia 140 infantry battalions, 26 regular cavalry regiments and more than 500 artillery batteries (heavy, mortar and lungs), and the number of the latter was brought up to 27 per case.

    It is not only a matter of strengthening the army: Germany was losing the FUTURE to Russia and was afraid of this, trying to stop the course of history, stop Russia.

    German Chancellor Betman-Hollweg, 1914:
    " FUTURE - belongs to RUSSIA, which is growing and growing and which is with everything puts more pressure on uslike some kind of dark spirit. "

    Therefore, the war and, yes, yes, Moltke declared in May, 1914:
    We must start hostilities, in two years Russia will be stronger than us.

    Therefore, war is inevitable.
    1. -6
      11 October 2019 08: 36
      One of the myths of the First World War is the myth that by declaring the general mobilization of the armed forces July 18 (31), 1914, Russia made war inevitable.

      Olgovich (Andrey)
      Therefore, war is inevitable.
      Here it is not necessary only to breed pink snot. The Russian Empire was no better than everyone else. Everyone in that war pursued his own bloody interests, including RI. Russian capitalists were no better than German or English. For 300% of the profit, they will strangle their own mother. And they made money on military supplies so that they did not already know where to put the money.
      So this war was beneficial to ALL powerful people, only ordinary people lost in this war, both in our country and in any other country participating in this wild massacre.
      1. +2
        11 October 2019 08: 58
        Quote: Alexander Suvorov
        The Russian Empire was no better than everyone else. Everyone in that war chased their own bloody interests, including RI. Russians capitalists were no better than German or English. For 300% arrived they will strangle their own mother. And on military supplies they profitedso that they didn’t already know where to put the money.
        So this war was beneficial to ALL powerful people, only ordinary people lost in this war, both in our country and in any other country participating in this wild massacre.

        Empty dull general CHAT from the mossy rotten agitation of the past .....

        Who else needs this? belay request
        1. -2
          11 October 2019 09: 12
          Olgovich (Andrey)
          Empty dull general CHAPTER
          Here in empty boltology I still have to grow and grow up to you ... laughing
        2. -4
          11 October 2019 09: 52
          Where is the empty talk in Russia there were no capitalists and their interests?
      2. +7
        11 October 2019 09: 57
        You forgive me for the harshness, but you make a fool of yourself, and based on agitation a hundred years ago. Russia did not need this war. The All-Russian Emperor did his best to prevent its beginning. He pressed the Serbs to accept the Austrian conditions of the investigation. He bombarded William with telegrams in which he urged him to moderate the warlike ardor and refer the dispute to the Hague Arbitration. But William did not care about all this. He needed a war, and not least - a war with Russia.
        1. -7
          11 October 2019 10: 07
          Lieutenant Teterin
          You forgive me for the harshness, but you make a fool of yourself, and based on agitation a hundred years ago.
          I have to you with Olgovich in terms of agitation oh how far!
          Russia did not need this war.
          I wouldn’t be needed, no one would have climbed into it.
          But William did not care about all this. He needed a war, and not least - a war with Russia.
          And what did Willy win from the war on two fronts? The Germans, in turn, needed resources and markets. So he fought primarily with colonial England and France. But Nikolashka, with his thoughtless policy, allowed himself to be drawn first into the Entente, and then into the slaughter that we did not need.
          So your Teterin does not dance ...
          1. -5
            11 October 2019 13: 55
            But Wilhelm really declared "The future of Germany lies on the seas (overseas)" and built the largest civil and military fleet in the history of Germany.
            And most importantly, Germany began the great railway construction of Hamburg-Basra (Baghdad Railway) and she did not need any war.
          2. 0
            11 October 2019 19: 01
            Quote: Alexander Suvorov
            I wouldn’t be needed, no one would have climbed into it.

            Learn history. It will come in handy. Russia did not "fit" into WWI. Russia stood up for an ally and tried to delay the beginning of the war to the last. And it is not Russia's fault that Wilhelm gave the order to declare war with Russia.
            Quote: Alexander Suvorov
            And what did Willy win from the war on two fronts?

            I repeat: learn history. Schlieffen’s German plan was designed to quickly defeat France and deploy troops eastward before the end of Russian mobilization. But Schlieffen could not have foreseen that the Russian army would attack East Prussia on 15, and not on the 40th day of the outbreak of war, not to mention the fact that Austria-Hungary would be defeated by Russia in a grand Galician battle in three weeks.
            Quote: Alexander Suvorov
            But Nikolashka, with his thoughtless policy, allowed himself to be drawn into the Entente first

            Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich thoughtful politics led Russia to the inevitable (and its inevitability was understood by everyone at the beginning of the 20th century) pan-European war to an alliance with two powerful powers and managed through this alliance to divert the first, most powerful blow of the cadre German army from Russia. This is already a lot.
            Quote: Alexander Suvorov
            So he fought primarily with colonial England and France.

            If that were the case, William would not have declared war on Russia.
          3. 0
            12 October 2019 09: 53
            It was these Rezones that inspired me to write the article:
        2. -5
          11 October 2019 13: 22
          Why, then, Nicholas 2 did not comply with the Borg Agreement, guaranteeing peace to Russia?
          1. +3
            11 October 2019 19: 03
            Because this agreement did not eliminate German claims to the Russian Baltic states and allocated Russia a place in the market for products of German industry.
      3. +1
        11 October 2019 19: 28
        Quote: Alexander Suvorov
        Everyone in that war pursued his own bloody interests, including RI.

        And for you, the news is that politics always pursues its goals?
        The difference is that RI tried to agree on a good one.
      4. +2
        11 October 2019 19: 38
        Explain in more detail what predatory plans in 1914 with respect to Germany from Russia are known to you? Who made them up and what final result did they expect? And if you just start to hysteria about all kinds of capitalists, the Communists didn’t hide their plans for the world revolution after a while, so on this basis your namesake Suvorov-Rezun is also right - are the Communists to blame for the beginning of World War II?
    2. -3
      11 October 2019 12: 00
      Quote: Olgovich

      It is not only a matter of strengthening the army: Germany was losing the FUTURE to Russia and was afraid of this, trying to stop the course of history, stop Russia.

      Lost ???? and by what parameters? Can I ask in more detail? And how much Germany remained to live according to your scenario?
      1. +2
        11 October 2019 12: 26
        Quote: apro
        Lost ???? and by what parameters? Can I ask in more detail? And how much Germany remained to live according to your scenario?

        Ask the REICH SCANZLER of Germany Bethmann-Hollweg, he said: " THE FUTURE belongs to RUSSIA "

        The leader of Germany knew what he was talking about. The growth rate of the population, industry, science, army, etc ...

        And he said this to justify the war with Russia.
        1. -3
          11 October 2019 12: 38
          Quote: Olgovich
          Ask German Reich Chancellor Betman-Holweg about this.

          I think he won’t answer me ....
          And it would be interesting to read your thoughts about comparing Germany and Russian empire. The last passage about the superiority of RI over the USSR in the field of freedom and happiness amused me greatly. I thought I would see a new pearl ...
          1. +3
            11 October 2019 12: 56
            Quote: apro
            And your thoughts on comparing Germany and Russian Iperia would be worth reading

            Take the trouble yourself. This is not so difficult. But you can chancellor-just Turk consider: it's even easier hi
            Quote: apro
            the superiority of ri over the USSR in the field of freedom and happiness amused me greatly
            You did not answer me then a SIMPLE question ....

            Nothing, I suppose? There is nothing....
            1. -5
              11 October 2019 13: 24
              Quote: Olgovich
              Take the trouble yourself.

              Not a problem ... but an unbiased look at Germany speaks only about one thing. An unconditional European leader. And only the United Kingdom and the United States competed with them. Russia did not pull on the role of a competitor either then or now ...
              1. -5
                11 October 2019 14: 09
                "Russia did not pull the role of a competitor .." moreover, it depended on German technologies and all high-tech enterprises of the then RI belonged to German business.
                About the main trading partner of Russia, Germany, which in exchange for raw materials supplied it with equipment and there’s nothing to say. It’s a shame not to know basic things.
                1. +1
                  11 October 2019 19: 29
                  Quote: Karabut
                  who in exchange for raw materials supplied her with equipment

                  Something it reminds me of ... Oh! Industrialization in the USSR!
                2. +4
                  11 October 2019 19: 45
                  And that the USSR did not supply raw materials (Germany, wheat, oil, etc.) to Germany in exchange for how do you say technicians (machine tools, engines, etc., etc.)? Shame on not knowing basic things!
              2. 0
                11 October 2019 14: 26
                Quote: apro
                It's not a problem ... but an unbiased look at Germany speaks only about one thing. An unconditional European leader. And only Great Britain and SGA made competition for them. Russia did not pull on the role of a competitor either then or now ...

                Nonsense. hi
        2. -5
          11 October 2019 13: 47
          This is a lie Reich Chancellor of Germany Betman-Hollweg, never when he said
          "THE FUTURE belongs to RUSSIA" - you are lying again.
          After the war, he even wrote a book "Thoughts about the War", he called Russia the instigator there and did not talk about any future there.
          1. +6
            11 October 2019 14: 46
            Quote: Karabut
            This is a lie Reich Chancellor of Germany Betman-Hollweg, never when he said
            "THE FUTURE belongs to RUSSIA" - you are lying again.

            Ignoramus and ignoramus, you are disgraced again, read the Germans themselves:
            Am Abend des 6. Juli 1914 führte Reichskanzler Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg eine lange Unterhaltung auf der Veranda seines Schlosses in der Mark Brandenburg Wenige Stunden zuvor hatte die deutsche Reichsleitung der österreichisch-ungarischen Regierung grünes Licht für ein rasches Losschlagen gegen Serbien gegeben. Was der Kanzler an diesem Sommerabend offenbarte, hielt sein Gesprächspartner Kurt Riezler - Legationsrat im Auswärtigen Amt und enger Vertrauter - in seinem Tagebuch fest: "Eine Aktion gegen Serbien kann zum Weltkrieg führen." Der Reichskanzler war sich also bewusst, dass er mit dem "Blankoscheck" für Wien ein hohes Risiko eingegangen war, und er verschwieg auch nicht das Hauptmotiv für dieses Spiel mit dem Feuer: "Die Zukunft gehört Rußland., das wächst und wächst und sich als immer schwererer Alb auf uns legt "

            Deutschlands Griff nach der Krim

            Where is the Chancellor's phrase: "Die Zukunft gehört rußland translates as: "THE FUTURE belongs to RUSSIA

            You’re also a liar .... No.
            1. -4
              11 October 2019 22: 46
              Who would doubt that you could not lie?
              Because if you translate the whole phrase, which by the way is not Betman himself (he lied again), then the phrase in Russian will be- "Vramya works for Russia, which is becoming more and more a heavy yoke for us"
              1. -1
                12 October 2019 07: 14
                Quote: Karabut
                to Russia, which is becoming more and more a heavy yoke for us

                I wonder how it could be a yoke for Germany?
                The word Alb is translated as pasture.
                The word Albtraum translates as a nightmare.
                1. 0
                  12 October 2019 09: 58
                  Then your version of the translation into literary Russian?
                  1. 0
                    12 October 2019 10: 04
                    Quote: Karabut
                    translation into literary Russian

                    become for on a heavy nightmare
                    1. 0
                      12 October 2019 12: 13
                      It is possible and so in the article on the link olgovich, there is a piece of direct speech Betmanav Reistage,
                      "The Reichsleitung in July 1914 could no longer withstand this pressure. Soon," Russia's growing demands and enormous explosive power [...] will not be repelled, especially if the current European constellation remains, "Bethmann Hallweg said on July 20." --- "constellation" is I think the Entente.
                      In any case, Betman speaks about the growing pressure of Russia, and not about the future.
                      1. 0
                        12 October 2019 14: 44
                        Quote: Karabut
                        It is possible and so in the article on the link olgovich, there is a piece of direct speech Betmanav Reistage,
                        Well read:
                        But the more obvious that the great war can hardly be stopped, the more the chancellor focused his efforts on accusing Russia of war. In a telegram to Kaiser Wilhelm II of July 26, 1914, Betman Hollweg demanded that the country be "ruthlessly deceived."

                        History repeats itself, you again try to quote not to the end.
              2. +1
                12 October 2019 07: 19
                Quote: Karabut
                Who would doubt that you could not lie?

                Poke yourself, ignoramus.
                Quote: Karabut
                Because if you translate the whole phrase, which by the way not Betman himself(lied again)

                Betman-German teach. AND the Germans say it, brought it about YOUR chancellor and who
                Quote: Karabut
                Vramya works for Russia, which is increasingly becoming a heavy yoke for us "

                No, "THE FUTURE belongs to RUSSIA
                is a translation of both a car and a professional translator.
                Zukunft - the future
                Rußland-translate yourself? lol lol
      2. +5
        11 October 2019 17: 48
        It is possible to argue about whether or not she outplayed, but the fact that Germany WAS NECESSARY then was a fact. When Serbia accepted the ultimatum of Austria-Hungary on almost all counts, the German chancellor wrote in his diary: "WHERE IS THE REASON FOR WAR *? They planned the war in advance.
  2. +14
    11 October 2019 06: 38
    We see the answer to many questions related to Russian mobilization. Including regarding that nuance to which the Germans and Austrians became attached at one time. And the son of General Yanushkevich reports a number of very interesting additional facts.
    Thank you!
  3. +5
    11 October 2019 06: 48
    the then commander of the army in force N.V. Krylenko. The latter suggested that N. N. Yanushkevich become his chief of staff - and the general categorically refused. Then, by the same train, he was sent to Petrograd in the Peter and Paul Fortress, but an order was given along the way - not to bring alive.

    The general was killed sleeping - shot at point blank range, to the head. His body was given to relatives for burial at the Mikhailovsky cemetery. The corpse was in a dressing gown, with one mustache burned (from a shot) and a cut off finger on his hand (on which he wore a diamond ring).

    Well, what else to expect from a subject hiding from the front in an infirmary with a "combat" diagnosis ..." pubic eczema" (from fear, apparently combed)
    1. +9
      11 October 2019 07: 47
      And from the subject, during the war with Austria, hiding in Austria
      1. +7
        11 October 2019 10: 47
        Quote: Hunghouse
        And from the subject, during the war with Austria, hiding in Austria

        This ak was arrested there (a gun was found from him).
        But ... released quickly at the request of the Austrian socialists, addressed to the authorities. The appeal indicated a valid reason that convinced them: "He always fought with Russian government ".

        Other Russians who found themselves at the beginning of the war in Germany and Avangria were beaten, persecuted, and thrown into camps.
        The fate of the Russian chess players (including A. Alekhine), whom the war found in Mannheim, where the international chess took place, is indicative. tournament.
        ..they were held in prison, where German soldiers abused them, in their savagery beating them with butts. They will have to stayI'm in Germany until the end of the war and only Alekhine, with a risk to his life, managed to escape from there. One friend gave him his passport, with the help of which a young Russian maestro crossed the border, knowing that if everything opens, he will be shot on the spot. In a roundabout way he arrived in London

        This is the difference in handling.
        1. +2
          11 October 2019 17: 51
          Do double standards last forever?
  4. +12
    11 October 2019 07: 51
    Yanushkevich is an underrated and undeservedly forgotten general. We see how great his merits are in mobilization.
    I thank why Russia did not remain defenseless as on June 22, 1941.
    It is interesting that Trotsky recognized the authority of Yanushkevich, even though they planned the assassination of the general before that. Recognizing a monster like Trotsky is expensive ...
    1. +5
      11 October 2019 10: 34
      Regarding June 22, 1941 - the Bolshevik Yanushkevich was not found in the USSR and there was no one to take responsibility on, because everyone was afraid of the owner .....
      1. +3
        11 October 2019 18: 08
        * everyone was afraid of the owner "you know, but I almost thought so 4 years ago, and then, to put it mildly, doubts appeared. When I read Kremlev," Beria is the best manager of the 20th century, "and then Martirosyan. If you find it, read 'Beria's Diaries "there he quotes Zhukov's words:" it seems that Guderian is behind his back "stomp the leak came from the very top
    2. +6
      11 October 2019 16: 49
      And by the way, General Lukomsky was also awarded for his merits in mobilizing the award, and quite rare
  5. +11
    11 October 2019 08: 11
    I read this article and the previous one with great interest. The author clarified many interesting points related to mobilization and declarations of war.
  6. -2
    11 October 2019 08: 46
    In the evening, on the eve of mobilization, N.N. Yanushkevich was informed that, according to intelligence, the German fleet left Kiel and was heading for the Russian Baltic coast at full speed in order to land troops, realizing a plan for a surprise attack.

    At about 2 o’clock in the morning he was informed that a German warship had exploded on the mines that had just been put up - and the German fleet turned.

    And you can link to documents, since the memories of the person concerned cannot be accepted as the main source of information. But the Germans do not remember something about the plans described by the author ...
    1. +4
      11 October 2019 09: 19
      If you have not forgotten how to read in Russian, then this fact is reported by the son of Yanushkevich, N. Yanushkevich, Jr.
      So ask him this question
      1. +3
        11 October 2019 09: 24
        Amused smaug78 "I don't remember the Germans' plans"
        Who are you to "remember" ???
        Probably Moltke?
        Or another participant in the events?
        The Yanushkevichs can remember, but not the Internet characters.
        This is clear.
        And another nuance. Are you a respected bearer of truth in the last resort? Again no. You don’t remember much and don’t know much
        1. -3
          11 October 2019 09: 31
          Dear you on the topic have something to say or just went to hysteria? laughing
          And to the account
          The Yanushkevichs can remember, but not the Internet characters.

          I do not remember such German plans in books on the history of WWI.
          Quote: Hunghouse
          You don’t remember much and don’t know much

          You are undoubtedly aware of German plans, share links to documents ...
          1. +4
            11 October 2019 09: 34
            I’m not hysteria, but I’m clearing the brains of the next troll.
            You don’t know much and don’t remember even more. This is also a historical fact)
            And as for the plans, we will still somehow communicate with you.
            According to Schlieffen’s planning, I remember that you somehow drove into the bushes. It was a deal)
            1. -4
              11 October 2019 09: 44
              I’m not hysteria, but I’m clearing the brains of the next troll.

              That is, there is nothing to say on the topic, a rather weak trolley)))
              And as for the plans, we will still somehow communicate with you.

              Why do something like that? I’m very interested in the German plan described by the article, and you are such an expert ... Let's now
              According to Schlieffen’s planning, I remember that you somehow drove into the bushes. It was a deal)

              Remind me when please ...
              1. +3
                11 October 2019 10: 47
                I said everything above and below. Having adjusted your unreasonable and imaginary claims.
                As for the discussion of Schlieffen’s plan, you were in a different guise.
                We will definitely discuss this plan, how will the article on this subject
        2. +3
          11 October 2019 09: 31
          The article, as I understand it, introduces the reader to interesting facts reported by Yanushkevich.
          Learn to read headings and subheadings.
          He wanted documents here. True poor fellow other documents, except those that are laid out in the internet, this smaug did not hold in his hands.
          Memoirs, for reference, are the same source as the document.
          1. -5
            11 October 2019 09: 45
            He wanted documents here. True poor fellow other documents, except those that are laid out in the internet, this smaug did not hold in his hands.

            Funny hooray-patriotic, Ayrapetova osil first. And then get smart laughing
            Memoirs, for reference, are the same source as the document.

            If they do not contradict the documents and the memoirist is always an interested person ..
            Go study, victim of the exam wassat
            1. +3
              11 October 2019 10: 17
              It so happened that he didn’t know anything and didn’t even anticipate it. It will be necessary to re-read more than once.
              I have a question for the topic of the beginning of 1MB. In different places I met words that none of the parties thought, did not assume that the war could last so long. For some reason they were counting on 3-4 months ....
              Austria-Hungary ....
              The Russian Empire....
              I wonder on the basis of whose words such conclusions and how other countries "thought". Although, the question is not quite to the topic, you never know who thought, provided. ...
              1. -5
                11 October 2019 13: 42
                The Germans counted on the "Schlieffen plan" - to drive out the revanchist France.
                Russia on its "steam roller" on the western border has 8 armies, against one German and three Austrian, it was easy to arrange a "blitzkrieg" and become a winner, grab territories and reparations from the Germans.
                The British planned a naval blockade to destroy the rival Germany, which France and Russia were exhausting on land.
                But AB didn’t have a choice at all, or she would crush Serbian terrorism, under the auspices of Russia, or she would be destroyed.
                1. +5
                  11 October 2019 14: 07
                  Yes Yes Yes
                  The plan of the campaign of 1914 in a clumsy exposition of Karabut)) In a vulgarly exaggerated form
                  more precisely how he imagines it)))
                  revanchist France))) The Germans wanted to gobble up the floor of Europe)))
                  That's who the paramour is paramount, and not the trembling defending French
                  1. -4
                    11 October 2019 14: 13
                    Ger Manfred can justify his tantrum with facts?)) Or, as always?
                    - The Germans wanted to gobble up the floor of Europe--
                    1. The comment was deleted.
                      1. -1
                        11 October 2019 14: 28
                        "Read about the German plans. About the project of Central Europe, France, moved to the Vosges and Russia to the Dnieper" - let me read.
                        You constantly refer to your fantasies, because there is nothing like it.
                      2. +4
                        11 October 2019 14: 37
                        Fantasy only in your head
                        if you are a fan of Internet links - then for example
                      3. The comment was deleted.
                      4. The comment was deleted.
                      5. -2
                        11 October 2019 22: 49
                        So you also anti-Semitic Albatroz (Manfred, this explains a lot.
                        I no longer communicate with you. I just ignore it.
                      6. +3
                        12 October 2019 09: 03
                        This is you anti-Semite
                        For this topic does not interest me)
                      7. 0
                        12 October 2019 18: 25
                        "I just reflected the facts - Jews are hysterical and cruel." ////

                        You only reflected the painful state of your own nervous
                        system and brain. sad
                2. +1
                  11 October 2019 19: 31
                  Quote: Karabut
                  Russia on its "steam roller" on its western border

                  And to the last, she tried to persuade the Germans to peace.
                  1. -1
                    11 October 2019 22: 53
                    If you have a brain, put yourself in the place of the Germans and understand that they don’t need a war with RI,
                    if only because they sent 7 armies out of 8 to the west and are simply not ready to fight with the Republic of Ingushetia until they defeat the French. Well, that's elementary! Why would they endanger Prussia and Silesia and ruin them? Turn on the brain.
                    1. +2
                      12 October 2019 07: 00
                      Quote: Karabut

                      Do not recall how many times it was written here about how Nicholas II tried to avoid the outbreak of war by proposing an international trial?
                      Quote: Karabut
                      If you have a brain, put yourself in the shoes of the Germans and understand that
                      If you have a brain, put yourself in the place of the Germans and understand that if they wanted to agree, without a fight, they would not start to rattle with weapons.
                      1. -1
                        12 October 2019 10: 17
                        "international legal proceedings" - what cases did it investigate?
                        What decisions would be applied by countries that it made?
                        Well, do not beat the crap in 1914, such a wish was considered as direct mockery and suppression of the customers of the murder. Also, Vili reacted to the promise not to attack after the completion of the mobilization, he remembered Bjork.
                        But both Purtales and Wilhelm agreed, to the point.
                      2. 0
                        12 October 2019 11: 35
                        Quote: Karabut
                        Well, do not beat the crap in 1914, such a wish was considered as direct mockery and patronage of the customers of the murder

                        That is, we return to the fact that the Germans instead of negotiations wanted to fight. And by the way, it was they who benefited from the killing, so where to look for customers is an interesting question.
              2. +2
                11 October 2019 18: 16
                I myself had such thoughts: for some reason, in St. Petersburg or Berlin or in London, EVERYTHING suggested a quick war?
                1. +2
                  11 October 2019 19: 07
                  As far as I understand, the staffers of all countries took the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 and the Balkan wars of the early 1910s as an example: these conflicts were really fleeting.
                2. +1
                  13 October 2019 01: 35
                  1) The Germans thought they would be able to repeat the defeat of France, as in 1870.
                  2) The French thought that they had leaned against Germany on two sides
                  France, England and Russia will quickly crush it
                  3) The Russians thought that with more than 3/4 of the entire army in the west, Germany did not
                  able to withstand the onslaught of a large Russian army.
                  4) The British were not at all sure of a quick war, remembering the long
                  Napoleonic wars.
            2. +5
              11 October 2019 10: 50
              I understand that you are not able to master something more than the Ayrapetov and non-Lipovic laughing
              This is truly a child of modern "history" and a true victim of the USE.
              Do not lie. Memoirs are an independent group of sources.
              Sometimes inaccuracies in documents and vice versa, the memoirist is right.
              Go child of Racean historical science, learn the hierarchy of sources wink
              1. +4
                11 October 2019 10: 51
                This is me smaugu78
                Another ignoramus
              2. -4
                11 October 2019 11: 09
                Funny, will you confirm your words about the Germans plan? Or just wanted to cheat cheeks, balabol? laughing laughing laughing
                Do not lie. Memoirs are an independent group of sources.
                Sometimes inaccuracies in documents and vice versa, the memoirist is right.
                Go child of Racean historical science, learn the hierarchy of sources

                References to documents from the Russian and German sides, confirming the words of Yanushkevich, please. While you only puff out your cheeks loudly, cheers laughing
                1. +4
                  11 October 2019 14: 05
                  Nobody owes you smaug78 (Boris). Once the article is based on a memoir source.
                  You and provide once itch.
                  You smaug78 (Boris) flaunting everything pointing to some documents.
                  Have you ever been to the archive yourself?
                  1. -4
                    11 October 2019 16: 09
                    Once the article is based on a memoir source.

                    It’s immediately obvious that you are teaching the history of the Second World War from the memoirs of fascist generals laughing
                    You smaug78 (Boris) flaunting everything pointing to some documents.

                    Where do I flaunt or do you have dyslexia?
                    Have you ever been to the archive yourself?

                    Is he able to provide documents from the Russian and German side confirming the words of Yanushkevich? Or are you an ordinary balobok, not able to answer for your words?
                    1. +3
                      11 October 2019 16: 13
                      I do not teach WWII. laughing
                      it's you doing it
                      And about documents always the one who squeals with them is never more screaming. Just like a thief hold the thief himself the loudest)
                      [quote] [Itself is able to provide documents from the Russian and German sides, confirming the words of Yanushkevich / quote]
                      And why should I provide some kind of troll with some documents, can you tell me? laughing
                      1. The comment was deleted.
                      2. The comment was deleted.
                      3. +7
                        11 October 2019 16: 48
                        What is the point of arguing with Karabut (smaug78) Albatroz (Manfred)?
                        From all his posts, he is overwhelming with superficiality and thoughtlessness. But with what aplomb!
                        Aplomb, characteristic of modern ball, under-educated and underdeveloped. But this is not their fault, but their misfortune! For the state systematically destroys the education system.
                        Otherwise, he would have known that memoirs are equivalent sources.
                        From personal experience. Gurko’s memoirs in figures and facts, for example, coincide with the ZhVD of the 6th AK, which the general commanded and even the data of the Reichsarchive (in relation to the operation of Volia Shidlovskaya).
                        And, yes, the Second World War is taught, including by attracting memoirs of Soviet and fascist generals - after all, they created it. Another thing is that everything needs to be double-checked and clarified. Sometimes there are serious lacunae in the document, sometimes the memoirist forgot something or presented as his memory prompted him. Not without it.
                        However, the task of the article is not to analyze the campaigns of the German fleet, but to acquaint readers with little-known material.
                        And we see that the main person involved in the article acted decisively and professionally, not allowing the "lukewarm" Germans and Austrians to take Russia, who, playing on the peacefulness of the Russian government, tried to manipulate on the mobilization issue.
                        And everything worked clearly and on time, which, unfortunately, can not be said about the tragic days of later history. That is why even Trotsky
                        he said that he considered the assassination of the general an irreparable mistake and a great loss for Russia.

                        Such people were needed by the country, and their new rulers killed and drove out - without trial. On his own as it turned out to be his head.
  7. +5
    11 October 2019 09: 46
    Wonderful article. Previously, he did not know about the dangerous and largely provocative maneuver of the German fleet. The author - my sincere gratitude for the work done!
    1. -4
      11 October 2019 13: 27
      And how many days would the German fleet sail from Kiel with a landing? Where was he going to land it?
      General Yanushkevich to such questions should have known the answer.
      1. +5
        11 October 2019 14: 03
        Yes, he didn’t wait for the karabut to report to him under the visor))
        1. -3
          11 October 2019 14: 16
          That is, if the Germans transported a couple of their divisions by sea to OWN Koenigsberg, Russia should immediately announce mobilization? Are you again exposing yourself as inadequate?))
          1. +5
            11 October 2019 14: 19
            That is, if the Germans transported a couple of their divisions by sea to HER Kenigsberg, Russia should immediately announce mobilization?

            Oh really. After such twists do you expose yourself as a deco?))
      2. 0
        11 October 2019 19: 10
        Two, on the strength of three days. And here are the landing options - the entire Baltic coast, from Riga to St. Petersburg. If you do not mine the approaches to the capital, then even one brigade, with the support of the battleships fire, is capable of causing such troubles ...
        1. 0
          11 October 2019 22: 57
          "One brigade with the support of battleships' fire is capable of doing such misfortunes ..." - and then there is a whole 6 Russian army in the Baltic States and you will bring a couple of divisions simply into captivity. This is not a computer toy.
      3. +2
        11 October 2019 19: 32
        Quote: Karabut
        And how many days would the German fleet sail from Kiel with a landing?

        The date of his departure, please.
        1. 0
          11 October 2019 22: 58
          This will be told to you by N. N. Yanushkevich, his idea of ​​scaring Nikolai with a landing party.
          1. 0
            12 October 2019 07: 16
            Quote: Karabut
            It will tell you

            I ask you, you do not agree with Yanushkevich.
            1. 0
              12 October 2019 10: 03
              Quote: Dart2027
              You do not agree with Yanushkevich

              And you do not agree. So you know better? And from where?
              1. +2
                12 October 2019 10: 35
                Documents from German sources and Russian sources, confirming the words of Yanushkevich, can you provide or links to them? Without this, Yanushkevich’s words are all just words, an attempt to justify retroactively ...
                1. 0
                  12 October 2019 11: 33
                  Quote: smaug78
                  Documents from German sources and Russian sources confirming the words of Yanushkevich can be cited

                  Should I prove your theory? It is you who are outraged that the article is supposedly wrong, so prove it.
                2. +1
                  13 October 2019 01: 58
                  Nowhere is the exit of German ships from Kiel eastward described
                  in the summer of 1914. The Russians thought that the landing would be and set mines.
                  No German ship was blown up on them.
                  11 minutes exploded during their production.
                  From the archive of the navy:
                  "July 31. Placing a central minefield of 2119 mines in the Gulf of Finland on the Nargen-Porkalaud line by a detachment of minelayers - Ladoga, Amur, Narova and Yenisei - under the cover of the fleet to prevent the penetration of the German fleet with a landing party. When set, it exploded for 11 minutes.

                  With the outbreak of war, the Baltic Fleet was subordinated to the commander-in-chief of the 6th Army, which was defending the approaches to Petrograd. In the operational order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Baltic Fleet, the task was set: “... by all means and means to prevent the landing in the Gulf of Finland. Land forces and fortresses to provide the fleet with full assistance in this task "{1652}."
            2. +1
              12 October 2019 10: 20
              I do not agree with him on two points. 1. He invented the landing party, so there is no date.
              2. The loading by Germans of troops on transport was not a threat to RI.
  8. 0
    11 October 2019 11: 27
    In the morning, N. N. Yanushkevich went to the Tsar and reported on the incidents of the night and that the mobilization was in full swing.

    ,, not all contemporaries shared the correctness of actions in that period.

    Anyone who will ever find out the behind-the-scenes history of the outbreak of war will have to pay special attention to the days of Poincare’s stay in St. Petersburg, as well as the subsequent time, approximately 24 - 28 July. I am firmly convinced that during this time a solution to the war or peace took place, with Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, Sazonov and Poincare conspiring to paralyze at any cost any attempt at a peaceful outcome.

    The Grand Duke first of all undertook to militarily tune the sovereign and support him in this mood. Sazonov acted in accordance with the directives that he received through Izvolsky, and, as can be seen from the manipulation of the Berlin telegram by Sverbeev, in an environment that also gave the possibility of a peaceful outcome.
    The Grand Duke, just like Sazonov, knew that I had in my possession solid arguments for upholding peace in the summer of 1914. Therefore, they tried by all means to make sure that I did not present them at the appropriate moment. They did it very well! The role that Yanushkevich played on the night of 29 on the 30 of July was still unclear to me. Now I am fully convinced that, in super-agreement with the Grand Duke, if not under the direct instructions of the latter, he did not give the Emperor the slightest hope of the possibility of maintaining peace.

    V.A. Sukhomlinov.
    1. -5
      11 October 2019 13: 32
      Yes, the group of arsonists of the war managed to deceive Nikolai2 and neutralize the Minister of War.
    2. +5
      11 October 2019 14: 02
      Do you see a fan of Sukhomlinov?
      In the course regarding the activities of this character?
      1. 0
        11 October 2019 14: 19
        In the course regarding the activities of this character?

        ,,,when it was created automobile parts and the navy, which is useful during the First World War. In addition, he achieved the integration of all systems and bodies of military command. Under him, a system of "hidden personnel" was created, in which the core of additional infantry battalions was made up of officers and soldiers recruited from reservists. As a result, by 1914, a third of the mobilized army were reservists. Sukhomlinov gradually prepared for a great war, which was predicted more than once. In 1910, 1913 and 1914, the army was rearmament. Sukhomlinov achieved an increase in the country's military budget by 33%. On his orders, military counterintelligence was created.
      2. -1
        11 October 2019 14: 21
        Are you a fan of Yanushkevich, Sazonov and Izvolsky? Are you aware that thanks to them we now live, not in the monarchy, but in the republic))
        1. 0
          11 October 2019 14: 35
          Just a couple, goose and eider))
          With him, not with him))
          A frivolous man who has not done much. That's who your apologist is, although there’s a lot to say
          Enough of the fact that thanks to such sukhlinovyh and your beloved krasnyuk, we now live in Putin's nobric - the Russian analogue of the Latin American banana republic
          1. 0
            11 October 2019 14: 50
            Enough of the fact that thanks to such dry
            ,,, in this case, how does the same N. N. Yanushkevich differ from him?
            In March 1914, he was appointed chief of the General Staff, although, according to contemporaries, he did not fit this position, and the appointment was only due to the personal location of Emperor Nicholas II to him.

            Having no serious combat and combatant experience, he did not enjoy operational authority in this position. According to the recollections of the Quartermaster Yu.N. Danilova, "his unpreparedness for taking up the responsible post of chief of staff of the Supreme was well known to everyone, not excluding himself." Realizing his inability to play any role in command and control, Yanushkevich dealt mainly with administrative and political issues.
            1. +5
              11 October 2019 16: 10
              Do you like yourself?))
              What is the difference?
              The fact that Sukhomlinov was the Minister of War. And omissions in terms of supply, weapons and combat training are its punctures.
              Yanushkevich was the chief of the General Staff. Those. responsible for strategic planning. Which was adequate, allowing the Entente to win as a result of the WWII
              1. 0
                11 October 2019 18: 09
                Those. responsible for strategic planning.
                ,,, what a strategist of this was sent to the Caucasus.
                Brusilov about Yanushkevich:
                "The man is very sweet, but rather frivolous and a poor strategist."
                1. +5
                  11 October 2019 19: 39
                  Those. responsible for strategic planning.
                  ,,, what a strategist of this was sent to the Caucasus.

                  Firstly, he was sent to the Caucasus with Nikolai Nikolaevich, whose team he was a member of. Only.
                  However, Russia's best strategist, PMV Yudenich, was also in the Caucasus, and did not feel oppressed.
                  Brusilov about Yanushkevich:

                  Whose used as they say mooing. Comrade - a careerist, comrade - who was crying after one of the thrashing in WWI (he quickly lost his presence of mind, as eyewitnesses noted), who surrendered Przemysl "out of harm's way" and made a number of mistakes in the offensive, A. Brusilov, who was undeservedly named after him, is not particularly valuable here. His opinion, caused by personal friction.
                  1. +4
                    11 October 2019 19: 40
                    You can read what other generals write about Brusilov. For a change)
                    1. 0
                      12 October 2019 07: 53
                      Quote: Albatroz
                      other generals write about Brusilov

                      In the Red Army, they entrusted him already ... check the teeth of the horses) beginning-to pre-conscription training of cavalrymen) lol laughing
  9. +7
    11 October 2019 14: 20
    Very, very.
    Interestingly, moreover, about the little-known.
  10. +5
    11 October 2019 16: 51
    They remembered another bright worthy name in the galaxy of the Russian generals of the Great War.
    Thank you!
  11. -3
    11 October 2019 18: 44
    Later, the wife of the victim received a personal telegram from L.D. Trotsky, in which the sender said that he considered the murder of the general an irreparable mistake and a great loss for Russia. author, what are you writing nonsense?
    1. +3
      11 October 2019 19: 21
      Later, the wife of the victim received a personal telegram from L.D. Trotsky, in which the sender said that he considered the murder of the general an irreparable mistake and a great loss for Russia. the author is that you write nonsense

      Seeker, are you looking for something there, but don’t know how to read Russian?
      This is written by the SON OF YANUSHKEVICH. Who probably already knew more than yours, for he talked with his still living mother, and he himself was there
  12. -2
    11 October 2019 23: 33
    About General Yanushkevich
    Russian historian M.K. Lemke described Yanushkevich in this way: “A living man, soft to the root, where the wax and lack of will are the same as on the surface, turned out to be the chief of staff of the Headquarters.”

    Former Minister of War Sukhomlinov in his Memoirs also writes:
    “If now it turns out that in addition to me, the chief of the General Staff was planning to launch a general mobilization instead of a partial one, then for me this news is a circumstance artfully hidden at the time. Yanushkevich was an intelligent and cautious person - he could not decide on such a criminal case on his own. ”

    All historians note that Yanushkevich had neither a strategic outlook, nor the practice of managing the headquarters of a multimillion-strong army. He did not show due decisiveness, did not use the influence necessary for such a high position in government spheres and authority in the troops

    Therefore, I very much doubt that a person with such a characteristic could take responsibility for full mobilization. All that is given in the article on this subject is sheer fantasy.

    The question of the need for full mobilization was discussed by three of them War Minister Sukhomlinov, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sazonov and Chief of General Staff Yanushkevich, after which Sazonov was sent to Nikolai the Second, and he managed to convince the tsar to declare general mobilization.

    And with the death of Yanushkevich, too, not everything is clear. There are different versions. The first is stated in the article, the second - Yanushkevich was arrested in Tiflis, where he lived after resignation, was killed by escorts, buried in the same city, and not in February 1918, but on October 18, 1918.
    1. +3
      12 October 2019 09: 14
      Russian historian M.K. Lemke described Yanushkevich

      Who is Lemke himself ?? Just a staff captain, a spiteful critic, then served the new owners who published his "memoirs". There can be no serious confession on this part.
      Former Minister of War Sukhomlinov
      , his competitor, tra.nzhira and henpecked, who was kicked out of the army.
      Therefore, I very much doubt that a person with such a characteristic could take responsibility for the full mobilization

      Someone there Alexander Green doubts. But the facts show the opposite. Took this responsibility.
      What is the price of such "doubting" Aleksandr Greens, evidenced by our correspondence with him about the First Horse. When this Alexander Green could not even determine the location of the 1st Cavalry Army, undertaking to judge it.
      So here - it judges what it does not understand.
      And with the death of Yanushkevich, too, not everything is clear. There are different versions. The first is stated in the article, the second - Yanushkevich was arrested in Tiflis, where he lived after resignation, was killed by escorts, buried in the same city, and not in February 1918, but on October 18, 1918.

      No, dear Green. Now everything is clear. Or were you there lol
      And do you know the situation better than the son and wife of the deceased?
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
  13. +3
    12 October 2019 01: 15
    In the evening, on the eve of mobilization, N.N. Yanushkevich was informed that, according to intelligence, the German fleet left Kiel and was heading for the Russian Baltic coast at full speed in order to land troops, realizing a plan for a surprise attack.

    The funniest thing about this is that at the same time the German fleet was sitting in its base and was expecting that "the British fleet had left the Metropolis and was heading at full steam to the German coast - with the aim of destroying the German fleet with one blow, implementing a plan of surprise attack. . "
    In general, everyone sat and were afraid.
    1. +1
      12 October 2019 09: 06
      Nevertheless, some part of the German fleet left, moving to the Baltic. What is testified by Wilhelm. So the alarm was not false.
      However, this in any case has benefited, allowing mobilize on time.
      1. 0
        12 October 2019 12: 09
        I read it all again. Of course, dear comrades are interested in the topic of 1MB for a long time and seriously .... But interestingly (although not very on the topic of the article) about the note Durnovo ....
  14. The comment was deleted.