Chrysostom confessor. As the Soviet "bug" listened to the US Embassy

For eight years, Stalin received secret information from the US embassy in Moscow faster than the American president himself. This was made possible thanks to the brilliant work of the Soviet Chekists, who undertook the unprecedented operation Confession.

"Bug" Leo Termen

At the end of 1943, the outcome of World War II was already obvious to the leadership of the countries allied with the anti-Hitler coalition. And in these conditions, the questions of the structure of the post-war world acquired the utmost importance. Stalin was well aware that the British and American partners in the anti-Hitler coalition could not be trusted - the union with them was only forced, caused by the common struggle against Nazism, and as soon as Hitler was defeated, the USSR would again become the worst enemy for the West. Therefore, intelligence activities were actively conducted not only against Germany and its satellites, but also against the United States and Great Britain.

It was at this time that Stalin received information about the ingenious inventions of the Soviet scientist Lev Termen — the endovibrator “Chrysostom”, and the “Buran” system. Invented them by Lev Theremin in one of the closed "sharashki", where he was in 1939 year after his arrest by the Soviet special services. Theremin was arrested shortly after he returned to the USSR from the USA, where he spent ten years - from 1928 to 1938.

Chrysostom confessor. As the Soviet "bug" listened to the US Embassy

A hereditary nobleman, Lev Termen was a cello graduate of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, and he also studied at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Petrograd University. When the First World War began, Lev Termen was drafted into the army, where he received training at the Nikolaevsk Engineering School and at electrical engineering officer courses.

As a electrical engineer, Termen served in the reserve electrical battalion serving the radio station in Tsarskoe Selo. Then Theremin worked as head of the laboratory at the Physicotechnical Institute. He is the author of the world-famous musical instrument "Theremin."

In 1928, Theremin went to the United States, where he was engaged in the development of alarm systems for US prisons. Apparently, it was at this time that he was recruited by Soviet foreign intelligence, taking an active part in the creation of Soviet trade missions in the United States.

Invented by Leo Theremin device was really advanced for its time. The "bug" worked without additional power sources, and was activated by radiation from a remote source. That is, the power source of "Zlatoust" could be located a few hundred meters from the place where the "bug" was installed. This invention radically changed the whole system of organization of listening to the necessary objects.

Choosing a gift is difficult

After Stalin received information from Lawrence Beria about the invention of Theremin, he ordered to audition the upper floors of the American Embassy in Moscow. It was there that were the most secret negotiations of American diplomats. And if the lower floors of the embassy were long and tightly “stuffed” with Soviet listening devices, then Soviet security officers could not get to the upper floors of the embassy for a decade.

Lavrenty Beria began to think about how to put the listening equipment on the upper floors of the embassy. In the end, he came to the conclusion that the only way was to give the US ambassador to the Soviet Union, Mr. Averell Harriman, some souvenir gift. Subordinates delivered a large variety of souvenirs to the study of Lawrence Pavlovich - from the Scythian black alder shield to the wastebasket from the elephant's foot.

But besides Beria, technical specialists also studied souvenirs. They were not impressed by any of the potential gifts - special conditions were required for “Zlatoust”, which allowed to establish the “bug” and to achieve its action with maximum efficiency. In addition, there should have been a guarantee that Averell Harriman would not give the souvenir to his subordinates, would not throw it in the room for gifts, but order him to install it in his office on the top floor of the embassy.

Throughout 1944, Soviet intelligence agents studied the tastes and preferences of the American ambassador. In the end, it was possible to establish that Averell Harriman loves expensive souvenirs made of precious wood. It was the diplomat's passion for collecting wooden objects that could have become the fishing rod to which Mr. Harriman could have been hooked. Therefore, it was decided to build a “bug” in one of the wooden objects, and to transfer the object itself as a gift. But a simple gift would have caused legitimate suspicions among Americans. And the Soviet security officers came up with how to hand it to Harriman without any questions.

Mister Ambassador from the Soviet Pioneers

From 4 to 11 February 1945 was held in Yalta, the famous Yalta Conference. There were the most distinguished guests in the city, which one can imagine - US President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. And just by coincidence, 9 February 1945, in the pioneer camp "Artek" located in the Crimea, was to celebrate its opening after the German fascist occupation and in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the camp itself. Therefore, the head of the Soviet diplomatic department, Vyacheslav Molotov, invited Roosevelt and Churchill to attend the solemn event.

Naturally, both Molotov, and Stalin, and Beria perfectly understood that Roosevelt and Churchill would not go to Artek - they had nothing more to do. But instead of themselves, according to the rules of etiquette, they had to send some high-status guest. And with a probability of 90%, the American ambassador to the USSR, Averell Harriman, could represent the American side (in the photo).

9 February 1945, the pioneer camp "Artek" met foreign guests. For the ceremony, fresh roses from Sukhumi were specially delivered. The children's choir sang the “Star Banner” in English and at that moment the pioneers brought the sparkling coat of arms of the United States of America into the hall.

US Ambassador Averell Harriman was delighted. The emblem was accompanied by a certificate signed by Mikhail Kalinin. The translator translated the text after the text - the emblem was made of the most precious wood species: boxwood, sandalwood, sequoia, black and mahogany, black alder, Persian parrotia, ivory palm. And the gift was made, allegedly, by the pioneers of “Artek”.

Enthusiastic Harriman immediately began to say in a low voice: “Where am I going to go to his day? What a beauty!". And here the Soviet translator Berezhkov, who translated the contents of the certificate to an American diplomat, advised: “Hang the emblem in your office. The British will simply die of envy. ” The USA and Great Britain were allies, but why not pin up the British? In addition, Harriman was truly amazed by the chic gift. And a few days later, the workers had already fastened the coat of arms of the United States of America from the most valuable types of wood right in the office of Averell Harriman.

The embassy staff, who closely monitored the situation around the building, did not pay attention to the change of tenants in several apartments of residential buildings located in close proximity to the diplomatic mission itself. Yes, and no suspicion the most ordinary Soviet inhabitants did not cause. No one could have imagined that in the shortest possible time in several apartments there were equipped workplaces for state security technicians who received and recorded the information coming from Chrysostom.

Seven years of "wiretapping"

One of the most brilliant operations of the Soviet Chekists allowed the leadership of the Soviet Union to obtain very important information directly from the building of the American Embassy in Moscow. For seven years, from 1945 to 1952, invented by Lev Theremin, Chrysostom regularly passed on secret information to Soviet security officers. During the time when the Soviet state security intercepted the American embassy, ​​four US ambassadors in Moscow changed. But the "bug" continued to work properly.

Interestingly, the ambassador’s office was regularly examined by American counterintelligence agents for the presence of listening equipment. Studied the Americans and the coat of arms, presented in 1945, by Averell Harriman. But he didn’t arouse any suspicions in them - Zlatoust was hidden in the emblem in a masterful manner, and even the highest-class American specialists could not find it.

Only in 1952, the American counterintelligence managed to accidentally detect the wave on which Zlatoust operated. But to establish the location of the "bug" was not possible. A large-scale search began in the embassy under the guise of general cleaning. Counterintelligence surveyed all square meters of the diplomatic mission, checked any items that were in the offices, including in the office of the ambassador.

Naturally, we paid attention to the coat of arms of the United States. He was carefully removed from the wall and began to explore. Inside the shield, which depicted the coat of arms of the United States, counterintelligence was discovered a very strange device - a small metal wire, a hollow chamber - a resonator and a membrane. But there were no batteries or radio components. None of the counterintelligence inspecting the coat of arms believed that this was precisely the listening device. Experienced officers decided that in front of them was a dummy that the Soviet security officers had specially installed in their coat of arms in order to divert attention from the true “bug” and to let counterintelligence agents on the wrong track.

But in any case, the subject had to be sent for examination. British scientist Peter Wright, having familiarized himself with the device, told American experts what was the matter. Washington was literally shocked by the invention of Theremin - the American counterintelligence never came across such devices. No less a shock was the fact that the device worked on the territory of the embassy for seven years. And what were these years? Nuclear creation weapons, the formation of the NATO bloc, the beginning of the “Cold War”, the civil wars in China and Korea, the division of “spheres of influence” in Central and Eastern Europe ... And it turns out that all the secret information from the office of the American ambassador lay on the table to the Soviet leadership even faster than it did to the american president himself!

The shame of American counterintelligence

For the American special services, the seven-year job “bug” in the US embassy in Moscow was a real disgrace. And for obvious reasons, Americans chose to hide all this history from the world community. Even claims about the organization of listening to the diplomatic mission did not show anyone. It did not work for the Americans and the British to repeat in detail the product of Lev Theremin. But the British bug worked at a distance of about 30 meters, and the Soviet - at a distance of 300 meters.

It was only in 1960, when Soviet air defenses shot down the American spy plane Harry Powers, that Washington made a response statement about the use of a listening device by the USSR state security agencies at the US embassy in Moscow. At the UN meeting, the representative of the United States showed the audience the emblem of the United States and the microphone mounted in it.

Then the coat of arms and microphone were shown at a meeting of the UN Security Council. And it didn’t do without another shame - the representative of India asked the American representative to make a duplicate of the microphone in order to show it to friends during stories about the story with listening. These words of an Indian diplomat finally repulsed the American representatives with a further desire to recall the history of listening to the embassy.

It is known that at present the coat of arms of the United States, once donated to Harriman by the pioneers in Artek, and Zlatoust itself are in the CIA Museum in Langley.

In 1992, under strange circumstances, the laboratory of Lev Termen in Moscow was destroyed and looted. Criminals have not been found. The great inventor himself died on November 3, 1993, at the age of 97, at the same time that the Americans were actually dictating foreign and domestic policy to the then Russian leadership, and there was no question of any serious confrontation with the United States.
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  1. +4
    2 August 2019 05: 00
    Stalin said: A microphone at the American embassy! You have marshall epaulettes! Lawrence. No sooner said than done !
    1. +4
      2 August 2019 06: 18
      So much for bastard Russia.
      The Americans probably had a gap pattern. They were told from childhood that in Russia there were only matryoshkas with balalaikas around, and bears walk in the streets - and here it is ..
      1. +2
        2 August 2019 09: 09
        "Let us lapotnoy Russia
        Calls Washington.
        We launched today
        "Lapot" over 5 tons. "
        Rudakov and Nechaev.
        [media = https: // v = -oIXGPfoUQE]
      2. 0
        3 August 2019 18: 44
        The term is by no means lapotnik, colleague. In this case, "we will instantly show up to you with shovels and pitchforks ..." (C) does not work. smile
    2. +1
      2 August 2019 20: 15
      The Internet tells: from 30.01.41 Beria was in the rank of General Commissioner of State Security. On July 9, 1945, during the recertification of special state security ranks to military ones, he was awarded the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union. About the story with the bug - not a letter!
      1. 0
        3 August 2019 18: 46
        About the story with the bug - not a letter!

        But who will tell about this ?! The disclosure of state secrets and, as a result, the execution on the spot.
  2. +17
    2 August 2019 05: 40
    The USSR / Russia listened, are listening and will listen to whom they can. The Americans listened, are listening and will listen to everyone. The British, Germans, etc. do the same.
    Unfortunately, only one idiot was found all over the world - party leader Bakatin V.V., who voluntarily transmitted to the Americans all the data on the wiretapping system of the new American embassy. How much the USSR / Russia lost on this money and technology no one knows. request request
    1. +4
      2 August 2019 07: 29
      This happens when good neighborhood is confused with cretinism.
    2. +2
      2 August 2019 08: 45
      Quote: Amateur
      all over the world there was only one IDNUMXt - party leader Bakatin VV, who voluntarily transmitted to the Americans all the data on the wiretapping system of the new American embassy.

      This is not, but a TRAITOR. Like the rest after I.V. Stalin's "top"
    3. +2
      2 August 2019 08: 47
      Quote: Amateur
      unfortunately all over the world there was only one idiot - a party leader ...

      Unfortunately, there were many such "party leaders" - enemies of the people then, and there are a lot of people still living now.
      1. +2
        2 August 2019 11: 32
        Athos, I read Beria's diaries (prepared for publication by the Kremlin., Available on the net) is a very interesting book. When I read it I thought: "If this is not treason, this is not treason, then what?
    4. +1
      2 August 2019 17: 13
      We somehow forget that the transfer was made with the sanction of Gorbachev and Yeltsin.
      1. +1
        2 August 2019 17: 21
        the transfer was authorized by Gorbachev and Yeltsin.
        Gorbi from Elsa would not even sit next to satisfy a great natural need. So someone is one of them. And I think on Gorby.
  3. +1
    2 August 2019 09: 01
    After Stalin received information from Lawrence Beria about the invention of Theremin, he ordered the organization of an audition on the upper floors of the American embassy in Moscow.
    Lavrenty Beria began to ponder how to put listening equipment on the upper floors of the embassy. In the end, he came to the conclusion that the only way was to give the US ambassador to the Soviet Union, Mr. Averell Harriman, some kind of souvenir gift.

    The author is still held captive by the cult of personality. About the true authors of the idea and hundreds of performers tactfully not mentioned.
  4. 0
    2 August 2019 09: 20
    "Lev Theremin invented them in one of the closed" sharashki ", where he ended up in 1939 after his arrest by the Soviet special services. Theremin was arrested shortly after he returned to the USSR from the USA, where he spent ten years - from 1928 to 1938." /////
    The usual story of those years ...
    1. 0
      5 August 2019 14: 48
      Quote: voyaka uh
      "Lev Theremin invented them in one of the closed" sharashki ", where he ended up in 1939 after his arrest by the Soviet special services. Theremin was arrested shortly after he returned to the USSR from the USA, where he spent ten years - from 1928 to 1938." /////
      The usual story of those years ...

      This is what would thoughts on how to make meanness to a colleague, as well as women did not interfere with the Creation! laughing
  5. +3
    2 August 2019 09: 20
    I still remember the extraterrestrial sounds of the ensemble of electric musical instruments under the direction of Theremin, whose performances were often broadcast in Soviet times on radio and TV.
    Virtually nothing is known about the arrest of Theremin by the Cheka authorities in 1919 for participating in a counter-revolutionary conspiracy in Petrograd during the Yudenich offensive. After his arrest, he was expelled from Petrograd. Rehabilitated only in 2001 during the mass rehabilitation of conspiracy participants.
  6. +4
    2 August 2019 11: 19
    Actually, this eagle was presented not to Harriman, but to Mrs. Roosevelt. There is a d / f, where it is shown how the pioneers present a gift to Mrs. Roosevelt.
    The Americans, perhaps, would not have known for a long time where the bug was, but in 1952 they received information from one of their "moles" in Moscow. It seems this information was "leaked" by Penkovsky
    1. 0
      2 August 2019 21: 20
      Quote: vladcub
      but in 1952 they received information from one of their "moles" in Moscow. It seems this information was "leaked" by Penkovsky

      Penkovsky had nothing to do with it - it was long before he offered cooperation to the Americans.
      1. 0
        3 August 2019 14: 43
        In not claiming that this is Penkovsky, I say: "it seems"
  7. val
    2 August 2019 20: 06
    February 9, 1945 pioneer camp "Artek" met foreign guests

    . ... give a gift to the US ambassador to the Soviet Union, Mr. Averell Harriman.

    But in my opinion this is disgusting. Then they talk about Russophobia :-)
    Invited to visit and slipped a pig.
    1. +1
      3 August 2019 08: 40
      To live with wolves - howl like a wolf. Big politics is a priori dirty business, and there is no time for gentlemen, especially when you know how "decent" your "partners" are - sworn friends. wink
      1. +1
        5 August 2019 14: 51
        Quote: Lexa-149
        With wolves live - wolf howl.

        Otherwise, they will bite! (with)
      2. +1
        12 September 2019 09: 57
        A variant of the wolf.
        Take amers and deliver a discharged penicillin according to Lend Liz. Which does not cure.
        Will it be gentlemanly or not?
        Or ship rotten legs, which left Russia in the 90s?
        This is a natural meanness disguised as an imitation of friendship.
    2. +2
      3 August 2019 18: 55
      Well, yes, of course, you just had to ask them to report to Lavrenti themselves about their secrets. laughing
      The fact that we stole the "secret of the atomic bomb" from them will you also call meanness? We are all, I am sure, and are still alive, because we also have it (BOMB). You are reasoning in a strangely childish way, in politics such reasoning is simply inappropriate, it will be devoured.

      PS I put you a plus because in purely human relations you are absolutely right. But there is no such relationship in politics! hi
      1. +1
        12 September 2019 09: 58
        We are alive because larceny has been put in the ideology of the country.
        Pretty, pretty.
  8. 0
    4 August 2019 17: 43
    A brilliant man was, of course!
  9. 0
    4 August 2019 17: 46
    Quote: voyaka uh
    "Lev Theremin invented them in one of the closed" sharashki ", where he ended up in 1939 after his arrest by the Soviet special services. Theremin was arrested shortly after he returned to the USSR from the USA, where he spent ten years - from 1928 to 1938." /////
    The usual story of those years ...

    For those years - a normal story. Otherwise, Isail, for example, would definitely not have been.
  10. 0
    25 September 2019 11: 41
    to the competition ,, Are you weak? .. ,,