Trap for Russia. 105 years ago the First World War began

105 years ago, 28 July 1914, the First World War began. Blaming Belgrade for Serbs behind the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary attacked Serbia. Russia declared that it would not allow the occupation of Serbia, and began mobilization. 1 August Germany declared war on Russia.

Trap for Russia. 105 years ago the First World War began

Nicholas II announces the beginning of the war with Germany from the balcony of the Winter Palace. 20 July (2 August) 1914

Wolf Pit for Russia

By the beginning of the First World War, the crisis of the capitalist predatory system began. The system crisis of the West. The great powers of the West divided the whole world among themselves, the new “living space” was no longer there. Both America, Asia, Africa, Australia, the big islands were mastered. Western parasites (financial and banking houses) of the West controlled most of the planet. Created the most effective parasitic system of global robbery of countries and peoples. Financial International built its world order — the global slave-owning system.

Everybody got into slave dependency on the global parasite. Including the Ottoman Empire (the core of the then Muslim world), Indian and Chinese civilizations, Korea and Japan. Only autocratic Russia, the Russian civilization, in which the networks of global parasites were weak, remained. This did not suit the masters of England and the USA (in London and Washington the “command center” of the Western world was located).

The first serious crisis of capitalism began. To maintain the existence of the parasitic system (vampire, predatory) it was necessary to constantly expand, to draw into the "financial pyramid" new victims, donor clients, new countries and peoples. And those no longer left. The gigantic pyramid cracked at the seams. The parasite urgently needed a new “living space”. A victim was assigned to Russia, the Russian people, who had successfully resisted the West for a thousand years. The collapse and plundering of the Russian Empire allowed the West to continue to exist. Also, the owners of London and Washington decided to eliminate competitors within the most western project - to destroy and rob the German world, the Austro-Hungarian and German empires. In addition, the Balkans and the Ottoman Empire were destroyed.

To foment war, they used Germany and Austria-Hungary. In this way, World War solved several important problems.

First, the West solved the “Russian question” - destroyed, dismembered Russia, destroyed and crossed out stories Russian, the most rebellious and dangerous people on the planet. A nation that bears an alternative to the global slave-owning civilization is life based on conscience and justice, co-flourishing of peoples and tribes.

Secondly, it was possible to forget about the crisis of capitalism at the expense of the total robbery of victims and the restructuring of the world system.

Thirdly, the owners of the USA and England destroyed the competitors inside the western project. Destroyed the German world, put him in the position of "junior partner." They destroyed the monarchies, introduced "democracy" (in fact, plutocracy - the domination of the rich oligarchs, bank houses). The Islamic world was subjected to the same destruction and robbery.

Fourth, by destroying Germany and Russia, the Anglo-Saxons could build their world order. Sustainable global slave pyramid. The world of gentlemen- "chosen" and "two-legged tools", slaves-consumers.

Thus, the First World War was a trap, a trap for Russia. Russian society had a lot of internal problems, contradictions, but in order to blow up the empire, a fuse was needed, a detonator. This detonator and became a world war. The best minds of Russia like Stolypin, Durnovo, Rasputin understood this very well. Warned about this. The Russian people did not need this war. It was necessary to fight for the interests of the United States, Britain and France. Russian used as "cannon fodder". We had no fundamental contradictions with Germany, the Germans and the Russians could live very well in peace, friendship and cooperation. At the same time, the strategic alliance of Russia and Germany was mortally dangerous for the owners of Paris, London and Washington. Russians and Germans (German and Slavic worlds) could create a huge continental zone of prosperity.

Our external enemies and internal ones (Westerners, Freemasons, the “fifth column”) thwarted all attempts to bring Russia and Germany closer. They torpedoed the Björk 1905 Treaty of the Year. A huge role in this matter was played by the Western agent of influence, the Russian Westernizer-reformer Witte. In return, Russia in 1907 was finally dragged into the Entente. From this point on, meaningless, insane and suicidal war for us has become a matter of time and technology. Russia was cynically used by the masters of the West in their strategic interests. Strain Russian with the Germans. Formally, Russia was the "ally" of England and France, in fact, from the very beginning it was prepared as a victim, sentenced to destruction.

The alignment of forces

The crisis of capitalism, of the Western world, predetermined all the major military-political, economic, and national-historical contradictions between the leading powers. By the beginning of 1914, there were major contradictions: Anglo-German, French-German, Russian-Austrian, Russian-German, and Austro-Italian. A whole tangle of contradictions took shape in the Balkans: the interests of the Balkan countries, Turkey, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Germany, France and England were tied up there.

These contradictions were manifested by two military-political blocs: the Triple Alliance - Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy (Rome gradually settled down from the Germans), created back in 1879-1882, and the Entente - the union of England, France and Russia. In 1891-1893 The Franco-Russian alliance was issued. In 1904-1907, after the resolution of a number of mutual contradictions, the Anglo-French and Anglo-Russian agreements were signed.

World War was also preceded by a series of conflicts and local, regional wars, which set the stage for a major war. So, in the 1870-s, Russia did not allow Germany to finish off France. In response, in 1878, Russia did not receive the support of Germany at the Berlin Congress following the outcome of the next Russian-Turkish war. Cooling begins between Berlin and Petersburg. Germany makes an alliance with Austria-Hungary (its former traditional enemy) to create a counterweight to Russia. Germany makes a number of colonial seizures. A young German colonial empire is being created, a German fleet is being built, which is disturbing Britain. Germany was late for the division of the colonial "pie" and dissatisfied. The interests of the German and British colonialists clash in Africa and Turkey. The German capitalist predator needs a new “living space”.

The British fought in Afghanistan. Russia conquered Turkestan. Russian and British interests clashed in Central Asia and Persia. Against the background of the growing threat from the German Empire, France is making every effort to ally with Russia. Russia because of the Balkan crisis, the contradictions with Austria-Hungary, the Russian-German economic contradictions and the collapse of the Union of Three Emperors (Russia, Austria and Germany), is coming closer to France.

In Asia, a new predator is emerging - the Japanese Empire. She is pursuing a policy of enslaving Korea, claiming her share of the pie in China. In 1894 - 1895 Japan is smashing China. However, the West, using the Japanese to “hack” Korea and China, does not allow it to receive all the fruits of victory. Japan’s interests are limited. At the same time, the West substitutes Russia. Russian and Japanese bleed. In Japan, they believe that the main offender, who did not allow the Japanese to end the seizure of Chinese territories and Korea, is Russia. Japan begins preparations for war with Russia. In this case, her full support was provided by England and the USA. The owners of London and Washington use Japan as a "ram" against Russia. Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905 becomes a kind of rehearsal of world war. The masters of the West were able to weaken Russia's position in the Far East and again turn its attention to Europe and the Balkans.

In 1898, the US is ravaging the old colonial power - Spain. Americans capture Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. In doing so, the US is strengthening its strategic position in the Caribbean and the Pacific. Americans seize the Isthmus of Panama, pushing the European powers in South America. In 1899, Washington proclaimed the “Open Door” policy (Hay Doctrine) in China. Americans demand free trade and free entry of capital in China. With a powerful economy, the United States offered "free trade", so they could force out other Western predators and Japan. The United States begins global politics in preparation for the seizure of world leadership. For this they need a world war that will weaken the old great powers, including Britain. At the same time, Washington planned to use the war in Europe for enrichment (the United States during the war turned from a world debtor into a world creditor), and intervene in it at the final stage in order to get the maximum benefit.

London, fearing the rapid economic, military and naval strengthening of Germany, begins to look for "cannon fodder" for the war in Europe. Against the background of the threat from Germany, the Anglo-French Entente was created in 1904. The British and French forget about their past and modern contradictions in order to resist the Germans. Attempts of Russia and Germany to get closer at the end of 1904 (Berlin rendered a number of signs listening to Russia during the war with Japan) in 1905 were thwarted. In 1907, Russia entered into agreements with England. Petersburg recognized the protectorate of Britain over Afghanistan; both sides recognized China’s sovereignty over Tibet and abandoned attempts to establish control over it; Persia (Iran) was divided into three zones - Russian in the north, British in the south and neutral in the center of the country.

The situation in the Balkans is getting worse. The seizure of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary in 1908 caused the Bosnian crisis, which almost caused a big war. Serbia and Montenegro are willing to start a war against the Austrians. Berlin is willing to support Vienna. Austria-Hungary is preparing a war against Serbia. Under pressure from Russia, which is not ready for war with Germany and Austria-Hungary on two fronts, Belgrade is inferior. Russia is suffering a major diplomatic defeat in the Balkans. Thus, a rehearsal of the explosion of the “powder magazine” of Europe was held. In 1909, the war was avoided. In particular, the head of the Russian government, Stolypin, spoke out categorically against the war with Germany and Austria-Hungary, stating that "to unleash a war is to unleash the forces of the revolution." In 1911, Stolypin will be killed and there will be nobody to reason with Nicholas II in 1914.

In Berlin, they are inclined to believe that it is necessary to defeat France and Russia in order to take dominant positions in Europe and in a large part of the world. At the same time, the German ruling circles were completely convinced that Britain would remain neutral. The British did everything that the Germans retained this illusion until the very beginning of the war. In Austria-Hungary, the “war party” was confident that a victorious war would calm the society, preserve the “patchwork empire”, and allow it to make new conquests in the Balkans. Especially in Vienna, they wanted to crush Serbia. The murder of the heir to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, who was opposed to the war, led to the victory of the "war party".

Meanwhile, the Balkans are still seething. During the First Balkan War 1912, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro and Greece are ravaging Turkey. Turks lose almost all their possessions in Europe. Then the allies can not divide the prey (in particular, the Macedonian question). In 1913, the Second Balkan War begins. Bulgaria begins the war for Macedonia with Serbia, Montenegro and Greece. Romania and Turkey are also opposing Bulgaria, wishing to profit at the expense of the Bulgarians. Bulgaria defeated, loses all the territories captured during the First Balkan War and, moreover, Southern Dobrudja. In the Balkans, there are new controversial issues. As a result, Turkey and Bulgaria, wanting to take revenge, are leaning towards the German bloc.

Military-political alliances in Europe before the beginning of the First World War. Source:

The need for blitzkrieg for Germany

All the great powers were preparing for war. Russia recovered from the war with Japan, carried out a number of changes in the armed forces. But its military and naval programs were not completed. Russia had a good cadre army, a strong officer corps. The problem was in trained reserves. After the destruction of the personnel core of the army, its fighting qualities plummeted. In addition, the Crimean War, the war with Turkey 1877-1878. and the Japanese campaign 1904-1905's. showed the depressing quality of the generals, high command. The big problem, especially after it became clear that the war would be protracted, was the situation with the military-industrial complex of the empire. Russia did not have time to become an industrial power. During the war, all major types weapons and equipment will have to be purchased abroad, becoming dependent on the "allies", wasting the gold reserves of the state.

Germany was best prepared for 1914. Her army was stronger than the Russian and French. The Germans had the advantage in heavy field artillery, in military equipment and the organization of the army. The German Empire, unlike opponents, could set up fairly well-trained reserves. The high degree of training of reserve parts was caused by the presence of a powerful officer and non-commissioned officer corps, the presence of a stock of weapons and the corresponding organization. Also, the Second Reich had the most developed network of railways best prepared for military transport and could quickly maneuver forces from the Western to the Eastern Front and vice versa. The military industry of Germany surpassed the Russian and French, taken together, not yielding to the military potential of the entire Entente, together with England.

The Austro-Hungarian military potential was low. However, it was believed in Berlin and Vienna that it would be enough to occupy the Balkans (defeat Serbia) and hold back Russia until the approach of the German divisions, which in the first stage of the war divided France.

France had a strong army, powerful fortresses on the border. The colonies had a large amount of manpower. However, the French wanted revenge, overestimated their forces, prepared for a decisive offensive, and not for active defense. Although they had to wait for the active offensive of Russia on the Eastern Front, the arrival of British troops, reserves from the colonies, complete the restructuring of the economy and the rear on military tracks. The British expeditionary mission was small (only six divisions), but of good quality. In general, the British planned to use Russians, French, Serbs, etc. as cannon fodder on the continent. There was also their own cannon fodder - in the colonies and dominions there was a large supply of manpower, but little or no training. In India there was a native army (about 160 thousand people). Part of these forces could be transferred to Europe, but this took time. Britain's strength was in her navy, which made it possible to block the German Navy in ports and cut off the Second Reich from sources of raw materials and resources. This allowed the capture of isolated German colonies. British industry made it possible to equate the potential of the Entente's military industry with that of Germany.

On the sea, the Entente, despite the best efforts of Germany, possessed considerable superiority. The British fleet was still the most powerful in the world. The British had 30 dreadnoughts, France and Russia - on 7. Germany and Austria could set the 24 dreadnought. The combined fleet of the Entente had even greater advantage over obsolete armadillos, armored cruisers, high-speed light cruisers. The superiority of the Entente at sea allowed Germany and Austria-Hungary to be blocked, to cut off their sea communications, colonies, sources of raw materials and resources. The German bloc had to rely only on its resources, accumulated reserves and raw materials, food resources of South-Eastern Europe and the Ottoman Empire. The Entente also had enormous human and material resources of Russia, the colonial empires of Britain and France, and the whole world was at their service. Dominion of the sea, sea communications turned the United States into a logistical base, arsenal and treasury of the Entente.

Thus, in a protracted war, full advantage was on the side of the Entente. True, in 1914, very few people thought about it. The governments and general staffs of all great powers counted on a short war. Germany was in a hurry to start a war before Russia completed the modernization of the armed forces. In Berlin, they planned to crush France with a powerful blow while Russia was still going to war. Then, together with Austria-Hungary to solve the Russian question. The Germans relied on the superiority of their training and speed of action. At the same time in Berlin, they counted on the help of Italy, or at least on friendly neutrality, and on the fact that England would not enter the war. For France and especially Russia, it was advisable to wait a few years to complete the military programs. It took time for the advantage of the Entente in human and material resources to affect the fronts.

On the whole, Russia generally had to avoid entering into a big war that was strategically beneficial to the masters of the West. The war led to the death of the cadre army — the last support of the autocracy, provoked the hatred of the people who did not need this war, and led to the intensification of a heterogeneous “fifth column”, to revolution.

Russian poster 1914 of the year

To be continued ...
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  1. +7
    28 July 2019 15: 01
    On the whole, Russia generally had to avoid entering into a big war that was strategically beneficial to the masters of the West. The war led to the death of the cadre army — the last support of the autocracy, provoked the hatred of the people who did not need this war, and led to the intensification of a heterogeneous “fifth column”, to revolution.
    We understand all this now, from the height of our position, but did we really understand this then? The ancestors counted on victory, if not easy, but victory, in which the autocracy could intensify
    1. +2
      28 July 2019 15: 07
      Quote: svp67
      The ancestors counted on victory, if not easy, but victory, in which the autocracy could intensify
      Yes. It was. War to a victorious end. The only question is who proclaimed this slogan ....
      1. -2
        28 July 2019 15: 10
        Quote: sabakina
        The only question is who proclaimed this slogan ....

        Are there any options?
        1. 0
          28 July 2019 15: 14
          Sergey, hi Well, we know that !!! wink
          1. +1
            28 July 2019 15: 15
            Vyacheslav hi
            Quote: sabakina
            Well, we know that !!!

            Oh, not one pogrom started with such a slogan
            1. +1
              28 July 2019 15: 20
              Quote: svp67
              Oh, not one pogrom started with such a slogan
              In addition to bread, I do not remember. Do you have other reliable sources?
              1. +1
                28 July 2019 15: 26
                Quote: sabakina
                Do you have other reliable sources?

                There are no exact ones, but how else to excite the "unstable popular masses." Any thesis thrown into the crowd was clearly supported by this, not by a slogan, but by this UNSPECIFIED ...
                Like: "But the king is not real" (We know that)
                "They sold Christ" (We know that)
    2. -1
      28 July 2019 15: 16
      [quote = svp67] [quote] ... but did you really understand that then? The ancestors counted on victory, if not easy, but victory, in which the autocracy could intensify [/ quote]
      That's it, they calculated and did it right. Obviously, militarily, the victory would be for Russia, if not for the betrayal of the political elites of that time, including and from this autocracy.
      1. +5
        28 July 2019 16: 33
        Victory in World War I; of the winners, only the US profit brought all the others only lost
    3. +10
      28 July 2019 15: 18
      I agree, only the imbecile elite - rode the Empire! Having lost up to forty million of His Citizens !!! ... having lost Poland, Finland, Tribaltov. I still have five coins of 2 Finnish stamps, with the Imperial double-headed eagle ... from my great-grandfather, like the Clock - For excellent Shooting!
      I would not want history to repeat itself. May God give Russia - the Real, Imperial Elite ... and not the Temporary workers - waiting to be blamed for Ibiza, swearing is prohibited sad
      1. +11
        28 July 2019 15: 39
        Any revolution is first and foremost a degradation of the elites. When the Grand Dukes wore red bows in February seventeenth, government ministers persuaded Nicholas II to abdicate, and in the army awarded George Crosses for the murder of a direct commander. (M. Rodzianko personally awarded the ensign of the Volyn regiment, Kirpichnikov with the St. George Cross for killing his commander before the front.) I want to say that sooner or later, these people would lead the country to collapse.
        1. -2
          28 July 2019 16: 34
          Any revolution is a qualitative transition to a more advanced device
          1. +3
            28 July 2019 16: 45
            You tell the Cambodians. About a more advanced device from the communist Pol Pot.
            1. +4
              28 July 2019 18: 12
              Quote: AS Ivanov.
              You tell the Cambodians.

              As Professor Sok said, about two years ago, a survey was conducted among students at Phnom Penh University. They were asked to name the most prominent personalities in the history of Cambodia. About a third named Pol Pot.
          2. +1
            29 July 2019 19: 21
            Any Revolution is a management collapse and rapid degradation of all spheres of the state’s society and the destruction of such a country. It was, is and will continue to be - those who conceive and arrange it.
    4. -1
      28 July 2019 16: 00
      Quote: svp67
      We understand all this now, from the height of our position, but did we really understand this then? The ancestors counted on victory, if not easy, but victory, in which the autocracy could intensify

      And what were the ancestors mistaken? What revolution happened? So this, in my opinion, happened not without the help of the Germans.And if not for the revolution, Russia was among the winners. Let's talk without the phrases "but at what cost", because the red terror, white terror, the civil war, the Soviet-Polish war, all of this together drove Russia into the abyss, from which it was slowly (or shock) pull out the communists (however, their fault that we fell into that abyss has been proven, I'm not talking about the fact that only they are guilty, no, they are only one of the actors of the tragedy), it is a pity that after 53 years everything went down the drain again ... and then again in 90s ... So yes, you need to look for an external enemy, he obviously is and obviously does not sleep .. but the internal enemy (a synonym for the word simpleton) is very active with us.
      1. +2
        28 July 2019 16: 06
        Quote: Sunstorm
        And what were the ancestors mistaken?

        Do you think that the losing side is right in everything?
        1. -8
          28 July 2019 16: 18
          I believe that they were mistaken with the revolution. It was worth the wait, endured for 1-2 years and the war would have ended and the life of the country would have returned to its previous normal course, reparations and new lands would have been quite possible ... (why guess about what was not and will not be)
          Do you think that the revolution has brought unambiguous benefit to Russia?
          1. 0
            28 July 2019 16: 22
            Quote: Sunstorm
            I believe that they were mistaken with the revolution.

            I believe that they were mistaken with the waiting time for that war and as a result were not ready. But still they decided to aggravate. Although Russian counterintelligence and intelligence could influence the Serbs and prevent a shot at Ferdinand at that moment
            1. +4
              28 July 2019 18: 22
              Sergei, I honestly doubt that Russian intelligence could have influenced the Serbs. To do this, it was necessary to know about the upcoming shot. It is unlikely that "Young Serbia" about its plans to notify everyone
              1. -1
                28 July 2019 18: 38
                Quote: vladcub
                It is unlikely that "Young Serbia" about its plans to notify everyone

                This organization was under the full control of the intelligence of Serbia and directly of its chief Dragutin Dimitrievich (Apis)
                1. 0
                  31 July 2019 13: 07
                  And everywhere I see dirty London paws !!!
                  1. 0
                    31 July 2019 13: 57
                    Quote: Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko
                    And everywhere I see dirty London paws !!!

                    Not a fact, but maybe. You won’t ask Apis now. Like many of his supporters.
                    P / S. Not in the subject, but your last name is beautiful.
                    1. 0
                      31 July 2019 14: 38
                      Thank ! But you do not notice the machinations of the Anglo-Saxons in vain ... Even in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, I saw their deeds. Yes, everywhere, everywhere and everywhere! ...
                      1. +1
                        31 July 2019 14: 40
                        Quote: Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko
                        Even in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, I saw their deeds. Yes everywhere, everywhere and everywhere

                        You apparently have VERY good eyesight ... Well, VERY.
            2. 0
              28 July 2019 18: 26
              Quote: svp67
              and intelligence could affect the Serbs and prevent a shot at Ferdinand at that moment
              As far as I read this Serb was under the supervision of the Austrian special services, by the way there is a very interesting study that the Austrians specially leaked Ferdinand (since he was a supporter of the Slavs, so to speak)
              1. 0
                28 July 2019 20: 51
                Quote: Sunstorm
                As far as I read this Serb was under the supervision of Austrian secret services

                I don’t think, he was a very ardent opponent of them, but also an ardent supporter of Great Yugoslavia - the country of all southern Slavs
                1. +2
                  28 July 2019 21: 36
                  well, you know he was used "in the dark" is a common, often used technique, for example, it seems to me that Gorbachev was also used in the dark (he still does not understand what he did)
                  1. +1
                    28 July 2019 22: 31
                    Quote: Sunstorm
                    well, you understand it was used "in the dark" is a common frequently used technique

                    It is not excluded, but this is again a "minus" of Russian intelligence and counterintelligence.
                    1. 0
                      29 July 2019 09: 39
                      it is, but Serbia even at that time was quite far from Russia, which imposes a number of difficulties for work
            3. 0
              28 July 2019 20: 44
              Do you think Hartwig and the Belgrade residency did not know? Everyone knows that the Archduke is on the gun. But UTB beloved Serbia and everything is allowed)))
            4. 0
              12 August 2019 15: 10
              Yes, BUT !!! The Serbs were greatly influenced by British intelligence.
          2. 0
            28 July 2019 16: 35
            Yes has benefited
            1. -2
              28 July 2019 18: 33
              And what do you see this particular benefit? If possible on points. I’ll immediately single out to you once again 1) the revolution turned the winner into the loser 2) the revolution divided the country into parts 3) caused civil war and terror (as a result of falling living standards, hunger, etc.) 4) became the reason for the Entente invasion, 5) the reason for the Soviet Polish, Finnish war 6) caused emigration (Chaliapin, Sikorsky, etc.) I want to see what plus revolution is for you?
          3. +7
            28 July 2019 17: 17
            The only trouble is that millions of men in overcoats understood that even if (IF!) Russia is in the ranks of the winners, they will get only a donut hole from these reparations. But the revolution gave them the opportunity to return home and get land. Barskaya. Why in the GV Bolsheviks were supported mainly by front-line soldiers.
            1. 0
              28 July 2019 18: 23
              Quote: Sahar Medovich
              Why in the GV Bolsheviks were supported mainly by front-line soldiers.

              Not a fact, let’s say that some part of it would otherwise make no sense to mobilize
              1. 0
                29 July 2019 14: 34
                Quote: svp67
                part of it

                Supported (or opposed), of course, not all entirely - to the taste and political sympathy, as you know ...
                I say: of all the Russians, the Bolsheviks were supported mainly by soldiers, mostly front-line soldiers. I don’t remember which of the White Guards I read about the Ural Cossacks: at the beginning of the civil war, the old and the rich stood against the Reds, the demobilized front-line soldiers. About the same was with others.
                1. 0
                  29 July 2019 17: 09
                  Quote: Sahar Medovich
                  I say: of all the Russians, the Bolsheviks were supported mainly by soldiers, mostly front-line soldiers.

                  Is it very doubtful? The Bolsheviks put so much effort into the disintegration of the Imperial Army that a very significant part of it, at the first opportunity, simply went "home, home." Both in St. Petersburg and in Moscow, the Bolsheviks were supported by the rear units. But the rebellion of Koledin, like the offensive of Yudenich, was carried out by the front-line soldiers who were opposed by the Red Guard.
                  Quote: Sahar Medovich
                  I don’t remember which of the White Guards I read about the Ural Cossacks: at the beginning of the civil war, the old and the rich stood against the Reds, the demobilized front-line soldiers.

                  Excuse me, but now the number is called in 20% of the Cossacks who fought for the Reds, it turns out that exactly so many Cossacks went to the front?
                  1. 0
                    30 July 2019 09: 12
                    Quote: svp67
                    A very significant part of it, at the first opportunity, just went "home, home"

                    They left to leave, but at home they told which parties had fought for the war to a victorious end, and which - for world peace without annexations and indemnities. Therefore, as is known from literature, it was demobilized soldiers who often established Soviet power on the ground. In St. Petersburg and Moscow, yes, the Bolsheviks were supported by the rear units. And committees were created at the front.
                    It was the front-line Cossacks who did not support Kaledin. Therefore, his rebellion ended with what is known. And Kaledin himself, therefore, did what is known as.
                    About the Cossacks: I specifically specified - at the BEGINNING of the Civil War. Then the situation changed many, many times for a great many reasons. One of the most important is the old principle: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Cossacks, as you know, in the civilian behaved very differently. Nepazaki too.

                    Quote: svp67
                    now called the figure of 20% of the Cossacks who fought for the Reds,

                    What is it called? And 20% of what? The total number of Cossacks throughout Russia? And in general, for a civil war or at some period? How is this number -20% obtained?
                    “On January 1, 1919, there were 21 Cossack divisions in the Don Cossack Army. According to the Red Intelligence, as of August 1, 1919, there were 50900 sabers in the Denikin’s army, 1 sabers as of September 48700 of the same year, and only 1 on the South Front on October 1919, 46 on the South and Southeast Fronts. not always absolutely true. Sometimes they are hypothetical.
                    The data indicate that on the Southern Front by October 15, 1919 there were already 37694 sabers in the Red Cossack units. At that time, the Red Cossack (mainly) units totaled 10 divisions of 34, 14 separate cavalry brigades (in late August - early September 1919), 28 regiments. If we take into account that this did not include data on the 12th army, then the number of sabers should be increased to 39982, i.e. total number of sabers 40692 ” The ratio of white and red is almost 50/50. These are the Dons. Others were even more diverse.
                    And Yudenich is you about 1919? So it is with him as well. There were front-line soldiers in his army; they were in the opposing army. The thing is common.
            2. 0
              28 July 2019 18: 36
              "Veterans" with very interesting Surnames .... Latvian for example. And then suddenly these "happy" front-line soldiers separated Latvia from the country of victorious communism ...
              By the way, I do not agree with your thesis about the "front-line soldiers", I would say "rear officials" and "nationalists"
              And according to statistics, there was a massive desertion in Trotsky’s troops, by the way, the penalty companies were invented there.
              1. +2
                29 July 2019 14: 36
                Quote: Sunstorm
                I would say "rear officials" and "nationals"

                And the rear lines too. In order not to get to the front. And front-line soldiers to leave the front. And all together - from ordinary to generals - to end the war.
                And with the nationalities it is more difficult - they often supported their newborn governments against the Russians. What is red, what is white.
              2. 0
                29 July 2019 14: 40
                Quote: Sunstorm
                And according to statistics, there was a massive desertion in Trotsky’s troops, by the way, the penalty companies were invented there.

                General desertion was in the troops of the opponents of Trotsky. Therefore, the penal companies did not come up with it at all. And not then. But Trotsky still had a mass appearance of deserters, which others did not notice.
                1. 0
                  29 July 2019 14: 46
                  Quote: Sugar Honeyovich
                  Quote: Sunstorm
                  And according to statistics, there was a massive desertion in Trotsky’s troops, by the way, the penalty companies were invented there.

                  General desertion was in the troops of the opponents of Trotsky. Therefore, the penal companies did not come up with it at all. And not then. But Trotsky still had a mass appearance of deserters, which others did not notice.
                  This is for you "Penal formations during the Great Patriotic War"
                  IN. Dines
                  "One of the first documents, which became the basis for their creation, can be considered the order No. 262 of the Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic (RVSR) LD Trotsky (Bronstein), sent on January 13, 1919 to the Revolutionary Military Council of the 9th Army." In the Kamyshin group, 1 - the Kamyshin regiment of local natives, mostly kulaks, - it was noted in the order. - I have ordered deserters to extract, search for and, after punishing the most guilty, make up penal companies or a penal battalion from the rest, depending on the number. Experience has shown that such penal units are conditionally convicted deserters fight, then bravely and even become exemplary units. But it is necessary to transfer the aforementioned units from Kamyshin to another front. I consider it most expedient to transfer them to the Balashov front, as the nearest one, so that you remove the corresponding units from here at the disposal of the Kamyshin commander, according the possibility of penal companies. I propose to come to an agreement with the command of the Kamyshin group ". {1}" June 3, 1919 Deputy Chairman of the RVSR E.M. Sklyansky signed order number 997, which stated:

                  "1. To approve and put into effect the Regulation on the penalty parts and the state of the separate penalty company attached hereto.

                  2. The formation of penal companies to produce as needed.

                  3. In the area where front-line units are located, the formation of penal companies is assigned to the headquarters of the fronts by order of the PFR fronts, in the internal military districts - to the district military commissariats.

                  4. To enroll the military personnel convicted of criminal acts of a military nature, including desertion, into the variable composition of the penal companies.

                  5. To introduce for the deserters in the penal units a special sign in the form of a black strip sewn on the left sleeve - 2 cm wide and 3 points in length. ”
                  1. 0
                    29 July 2019 16: 27
              3. +1
                29 July 2019 15: 58
                There were a total of approximately 30 Latvian riflemen. The number of the Red Army in the spring of 000 was 1918, and in the spring of 200 it was already 000.
            3. 0
              28 July 2019 18: 39
              "they wanted a lordly" and got a "collective farm" surprise ... and part of it was also dispossessed ... (but they were hidden enemies, right?)
              1. +1
                29 July 2019 14: 38
                Quote: Sunstorm
                but then there were hidden enemies, huh?

                Why hidden? They talked about growing hostility in the village long before 1917.
                1. 0
                  29 July 2019 14: 51
                  because the irony
            4. +2
              29 July 2019 07: 20
              Lenin promised land and bread. Finally, peasant mushrooms became essentially serfdom.
            5. 0
              29 July 2019 11: 17
              Yes, the choice is an interesting "donut hole" or the collapse of the empire and death tumbled from greatcoats to very small ones. Revolution is the loss of technology, resources and people. Let such revolutions be made in their West even behind the "puddle" as well. But, something doesn't hurt to want to be useful.
              1. 0
                29 July 2019 14: 42
                Quote: Konstantin Shevchenko
                interesting choice "donut hole" or the collapse of the empire

                Judging by the primary sources, nobody then regretted the collapse of the empire. With a meager exception.
                1. 0
                  29 July 2019 15: 31
                  In 91g. it was also only without a civil war, not very much regretted. What was good? Devastation, loss of technology, gang warfare and war in Chechnya.
                  1. 0
                    29 July 2019 16: 20
                    However, on March 17.03.1991, XNUMX, the majority voted for the USSR ...
                    1. +2
                      29 July 2019 17: 07
                      Yes, and then after the coup everyone had only blah blah blah, those who regret disappeared somewhere. If before the revolution 17 there would be a referendum on the preservation of the Republic of Ingushetia, the result would be the same as on March 17.03.1991, XNUMX with the exception of Poland and Finland, and that is not a fact.
                      1. +1
                        29 July 2019 19: 25
                        The society was poor-spirited and spineless - cowards and housekeepers will always lose - the strong win, the weak die.
          4. 0
            29 July 2019 13: 58
            Would you explain this to my grandfather, a rider, a participant in the Brusilov breakthrough and the Kovel deadlock. "We are at war, we are at war - there is no sense, and there - the land is divided!"
          5. 0
            29 July 2019 16: 54
            Quote: Sunstorm
            I believe that they were mistaken with the revolution. It was worth the wait, endured for 1-2 years and the war would end and the life of the country would return to its previous normal course

            as they say - you can wait, but the time of troubles in Russia is on schedule.
        2. +3
          28 July 2019 18: 12
          "Woe to the vanquished" two thousand years ago it was said that all dogs can be caught on the vanquished
    5. -12
      28 July 2019 16: 46
      Russia expects the same in the war with Ukraine. It will not be an easy walk, as the brave generals and the near population think. Plus, 20-25 million Russian Ukrainians live in Russia. It is not known how they will lead - here you are the 5th column.
      1. +3
        28 July 2019 16: 55
        Quote: kuz363
        It will not be an easy walk, as the brave generals and the near population think.

        And you, like your no less brave military and much more near-by, a certain part of the population, dream of a war with Russia?
        Quote: kuz363
        Plus, 20-25 million Russian Ukrainians live in Russia. It is not known how they will lead - here is the 5 column.

        Something tells me that you there are somewhat overestimating this factor and greatly underestimating the fact that you have enough there who will take the Russian parish positively. And according to the latest census, in 2010, 1 927 988 people called themselves Ukrainians in Russia. or 1,35% of the population.
        1. +1
          29 July 2019 14: 15
          KUZ363 writes everything correctly. Do you know that 99% of the population of Uraina under the age of 45 HATES Russia. People who still retain sympathy for the USSR and Russia are mostly people of pre-retirement and retirement age. Do you know why MONUMENTS TO Lenin WAS ANYWAYED IN Ukraine. .The fallen Soviet voynam. Yes, because they simply did not have anyone to defend them, a lot of you at the age of 60 swing with 20-year-old foreheads. Besides, enjoying the comprehensive UNAUTHORIZED SUPPORT of the authorities. By the way. The Ukrainian diaspora in Russia is not a joke. . if it is organized correctly by emissaries from Kiev and Washington. Yesterday 3.5 thousand suckers brought a grandiose nix to you. And there are tens of millions of them. Believe me, there will be a couple of million scum. Chance or not. But the class teacher from the idiot who apologized to the POOR GERMANS " was a Western Ukrainian who has lived in Russia for many years.
      2. +2
        28 July 2019 17: 17
        Quote: kuz363
        Russia expects the same in the war with Ukraine. It will not be an easy walk, as the brave generals and the near population think

        What the "gallant generals" think - neither you nor I know for certain. It is so?

        The population in the Russian Federation is not all that "close-minded".

        And, the funny thing is - as I understand it, RF and is not going to fight with Ukraine. You bummer, hike request
      3. +1
        28 July 2019 18: 26
        You are going to fight, or V.V. notified you what is going to?
        1. +1
          28 July 2019 20: 54
          Quote: vladcub
          You are going to fight, or V.V. notified you what is going to?

          Yes, they have there about this every "expert" from any iron says that the information is the most accurate, straight "I swear by my mother ..." No.
          1. +1
            29 July 2019 07: 55
            Do they all have irons connected to the tape recorder?
    6. 0
      28 July 2019 17: 06
      The First World War was the crime of Nicholas II against Russia, the consequences are the revolution, the civil war and the intervention of the Entente, not only did he get credits, he also killed millions of people, including my great-grandfather, Lieutenant of the Life Guards Pavlovsky Regiment, he was 22 years old, in August In 1916, in the marshes of Pripyat, the guard supported Russia; a large share of the blame rests with General Brusilov, an order was issued to step on the Austrians' defense in many directions, after which she was not destined to be reborn, and the troublemakers who came to the front corrupted the army.
      1. +1
        28 July 2019 19: 11
        Ancestors from the Don, I largely agree with you, but in the first paragraph: "WWI was a crime of Nicholas 2" here you are wrong: it has already been said a million times that Russia could not sit out .. On the contrary, Nicholas 2 hoped to the last that the war can be avoided .. DENIKIN "The Way of the Russian Officer" provides documents confirming this. Everything was already ready to announce the mobilization, and he pulled: "the tail for the cat, that is, everything in turn (cat Matvey:" New Year's adventures of Vitenka and Mashenka ").
        In any case, Germany would declare war on Russia; their ambassador immediately rushed the notes in a hurry.
        The trouble with Nicholas is that he loved his wife and mother too much.
        Regarding the death of the guards in the Pripyat swamps. Here you are right: "" The guards support of Russia fell, "Shulgin wrote about this in his book:" Days. 1920 ".
        Actually, there’s a dark story about the attack by the guards: someone really needed the guards to go on the attack. And a curious detail: Brusilov in his memoirs somehow bypassed this moment. For example, I could write: I resisted, and this way Nicholas ordered. Why can we only assume
        1. +1
          28 July 2019 21: 30
          "Nikolai's trouble is that he loved his wife and mother too much" Vladkub, do you personally love your loved ones? Before handing out the accusations: he loves his mother, and you think what it was like then?
          I don’t like Nikolay, but his love for his relatives impresses me. In the basement of the Ipatiev House, what was it like for Nicholas and Alexandra to realize that because of their love, their children would die.
          1. 0
            29 July 2019 16: 59
            Quote: Astra wild
            I don’t like Nikolay, but his love for his relatives impresses me.

            Nicholas’s tender feelings are very touching, but you shouldn’t forget about responsibility for the people.
            but it turned out like a Hebrew saying:

            And he ate rotten fish and was expelled from the city.
        2. -1
          29 July 2019 15: 35
          It is necessary to fight for their interests, and not for the margins of French and British bankers.
          In 1914, it was necessary to ignore the Allied demand to attack East Prussia and thereby allow the defeat of France. Only defense and positional warfare.
          The goals of operations in Galicia are not entirely clear, if this does not lead to the complete defeat of Austria-Hungary.
          A promising direction is Turkey, the Straits, the Balkans.
          In such circumstances, Great Britain would flood Russia with ammunition, only to keep the front against the Germans.
          The Italians acted quite competently, delaying entry into the war, and indeed, changing allies.
    7. +1
      28 July 2019 20: 49
      [quote = svp67] [quote] In general, Russia generally needed to avoid joining a big war, [/ quote]
      It is unlikely that we could avoid it, but it was necessary to join it as late as possible, so that Germany and Austria-Hungary and "FRIENDS" in the Entente would exhaust and bleed each other. And this, too, would hardly have happened in view of the allied obligations. IMHO But we have what we have.
  2. +7
    28 July 2019 15: 21
    Thus, the First World War was a trap, a trap for Russia.

    I always talked about this ... this is a foreign war for our people and there was no need to get involved in the world meat grinder for the interests of states and people alien to us.
    In the name of which millions of Russian people were put in the graves ... I still do not see an answer for a Russian person ...
    Now this is a lesson for us ... that's what it costs us to friendship with the Anglo-Saxons and French ... they always deceived us and spoiled us ... the latest example of the Mistral, Salisbury, various sanctions and from the height of today, taking into account past history we must rely only on our own strengths ...
    no one will help us except ourselves ... God is not the King and not the Hero.
    1. +3
      28 July 2019 15: 27
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      I always talked about this ... this is a foreign war for our people and there was no need to get involved in the world meat grinder for the interests of states and people alien to us.

      Yes, the trouble is that we were drawn into it by the BROTHER PEOPLE and the state, far from alien to us then.
      1. +5
        28 July 2019 15: 34
        The people are fraternal, but the world war is not fraternal ...
        if such a brother enthusiastically climbs into someone else’s fight without hesitation, then you just need to keep him from this stupidity by all means and not climb after him into the abyss of war.
        It is clear that Gavrila Principle was a toy in the hands of provocateurs and he framed both Serbia and Russia in the end.
        1. +3
          28 July 2019 15: 35
          Quote: The same LYOKHA
          if such a brother enthusiastically climbs into someone else’s fight without hesitation, then you just need to keep him from this stupidity by all means and not climb after him into the abyss of war.

          Well, then we found a magician ...
          The autocracy was placed in conditions when any step was bad ...
        2. +7
          28 July 2019 15: 42
          see to us these balkans and their not the smartest government tsarist Russia turned out to be an internationalist no worse than Trotsky pan-Slavism for Russians has always been very unprofitable in all respects
        3. +3
          28 July 2019 17: 55
          In Belgrade and Sarajevo monuments to Gavril Princip. National hero. And in my opinion, he is worse than Bandera.
          Kusturica and Gavrila Principle
          1. 0
            29 July 2019 17: 03
            Quote: Nikolay Chudov
            In Belgrade and Sarajevo monuments to Gavril Princip. National hero. And in my opinion, he is worse than Bandera.

            do you think the world war began because of the actions of a loner?
            so you can only initiate a fight near the bar
            1. -1
              29 July 2019 17: 29
              Should I tell you about the consequences of the shots of Gavrila Princip? The Austro-Hungarian Empire attacked Serbia. As a result of the war, the Serbs created the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, for this Kusturica kisses a terrorist monument. And they do not care about our sacrifices and the sacrifices of other nations.
              1. 0
                30 July 2019 06: 51
                Quote: Nikolay Chudov
                Should I tell you about the consequences of the shots of Gavrila Princip? The Austro-Hungarian Empire attacked Serbia.

                do not wash so skating.
                one way or another, there were underlying causes of the conflict in Europe.

                You still say that the Trojan War began because of Lena’s youth.
                1. -1
                  30 July 2019 17: 11
                  No one knows why the Trojan War began, there is no reliable information. Another issue is that he killed the Austrian Archduke Serb in Bosnia, and Germany attacked France.
        4. +1
          28 July 2019 19: 19
          Lech, I agree that Gavrila Principle was a toy in the hands of provocateurs.
          Honestly: I do not know anything about this organization, who is the leader, strength? In my opinion, only Tito rehabilitated them
    2. -1
      28 July 2019 15: 39
      If Russia had held out until the Entente’s victory, it would have acquired territory, but not lost. But what happened happened, the army was decomposed, the empire fell apart.
      1. +7
        28 July 2019 15: 43
        If Russia had held out until the Entente’s victory, it would have acquired territory, but not lost.

        Not a fact ... the Anglo-Saxons would throw us another dirty trick instead of Kerensky.
      2. -2
        28 July 2019 16: 38
        Do you still dream of grabbing more earthlings?
        1. -1
          28 July 2019 17: 56
          Do you still dream of grabbing more earthlings?

          Who? belay
      3. +1
        28 July 2019 18: 17
        Quote: ssergey1978
        If Russia held out until the Entente victory, then it would have acquired territory

        which one?
        Nicholas 2 spoke about the secession of Poland at the beginning of the war.
  3. +6
    28 July 2019 15: 34
    when I read that one of the best minds in Russia then was Rasputin (a semi-literate con man) understood the pen of the Slavophile visionary Fomenkovsky way of Samsonov, naturally he didn’t read nonsense anymore
    1. +2
      28 July 2019 15: 54
      I was also puzzled by the presence of this Siberian macho among the "best minds".
      1. +6
        28 July 2019 16: 18
        Rasputin did not have an analytical mind, but he had a healthy intuition, like "a big war will not lead to good."
        The war against two empires - the German and the Austro-Hungarian - could not be "small and victorious." Anything was supposed to be "big blood".
        And the peasant, who by chance fell into power, could understand this without an academic education.
        1. +1
          28 July 2019 17: 08
          Quote: voyaka uh
          And the peasant, who by chance fell into power

          The fact of the matter is that there was no case - Rasputin was brought closer to the Tsar’s Family consciously, those who wanted to discredit the Tsar and the Tsarina.
          The level of slander and lies against Grigory Efimovich is just going through the roof, and, accordingly, at Alexandra Fedorovna.
          It is characteristic that the great-princely young people, Grand Duke Dimitry Pavlovich and Count Yusupov, who had a low moral character, were to say, to kill Rasputin. And, the murder itself was brutal, under the direction of British intelligence.
      2. 0
        28 July 2019 16: 21
        Quote: Aviator_
        puzzled by the presence of this Siberian macho among the "best minds"

        Let's just say what kind of person he was, it's hard to say for sure, there was a lot of propaganda at that time.
  4. +5
    28 July 2019 15: 35
    The First World War is a historical example for Russia of how a weak and short-sighted leader of the state (a dud Nicholas II) can lead his country to disaster.
    1. +4
      28 July 2019 15: 40
      an example of how a weak and short-sighted leader of the state (a dud Nicholas II) can lead his country to disaster.

      Unfortunately, the 1990s, we again stepped on the same rake. hi
  5. +12
    28 July 2019 15: 41
    What does the Masons have to do with it, if our Tsarek got into every g ... but that he could. What plans for the dismemberment of Russia by evil capitalists could be discussed if the Russian empire was part of this system, where the ruling classes sucked all the juice from the country anyway? Who needs these tales about the evil West and good RI? The Romanovs did not spare their people, that's all.
    1. +1
      28 July 2019 15: 47
      I totally agree.
    2. 0
      28 July 2019 15: 51
      What plans for the dismemberment of Russia by evil capitalists could be discussed

      plans were ... smile
      in 1918, the Entente invaded Russia ...
      The Japanese in the Far East ... the French in Odessa ... the Americans and the British in the north of Russia ... the Germans in the west of Russia ... Russia was taken by everyone and sundry ...
      but the evil very evil and very very evil Bolsheviks prescribed an enema with gramophone needles to all invading invaders ... which ultimately cleared the territory of Russia from them.
    3. +7
      28 July 2019 15: 55
      In addition, they grabbed French loans, so I had to fight for the interests of France.
      1. +8
        28 July 2019 16: 03
        What disturbs me in the history of the French is that Russia sent its soldiers to their country as cannon fodder ... the French would have to appreciate this and not demand many years later the return of royal debts.
        Not only did we give our soldiers to them for slaughter, but we also returned the tsar’s debts many years later ... I deeply despise those who did this.
        1. -1
          28 July 2019 16: 25
          France certainly started a world war. As the revenge of Germany for the defeat in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. But they put their soldiers in the name of this revenge more than anyone else. How did Russia get involved? - flattery, loans ... I am more surprised by how cautious Britain allowed herself to be drawn into such a mess.
          1. +2
            28 July 2019 16: 31
            I am more surprised how cautious Britain allowed herself to be drawn into such a mess.

            There is nothing surprising ... British imperial consciousness ... excessive patriotism was not alien to the British ... the people of Britain went to war with enthusiasm, at least for the first time.
            When we went in a never-ending stream of funerals, then everyone realized what a sorrow a bloody war is.
            1. +1
              28 July 2019 16: 35
              Yes, perhaps I agree ... The heavy anti-Napoleonic wars were forgotten for 100 years. Since then there have been only expeditionary campaigns. So they lost caution.
          2. +3
            28 July 2019 16: 41
            Britain, like any imperialist power, sought to expand and destroy competitors.
          3. +1
            28 July 2019 18: 15
            In 1914 everyone went together to fight against Germany. Before WWII, everyone shoved off responsibility and the need to fight against each other, were cautious, and the Germans went to fight, that in 1914, that in 1939, 1940 and 1941, they needed it. All these arguments about offended Germans in favor of the poor. It is always necessary to finish off, as in 1945, and to divide. They did not understand differently, did not even consider themselves defeated in the First World War.
          4. 0
            29 July 2019 15: 44
            No, France is certainly a predator, but not a lion. Great Britain needed to neutralize Germany on the seas, and Russia in Asia. They took a long time to calculate the party, pitted Germany, Russia and France, but everything went wrong. So France with its chauvinism is the same goof as Russia with pan-Slavism.
            1. 0
              29 July 2019 16: 05
              "They calculated the game for a long time" ////
              They did not calculate anything. Blissed out 100 years. Napoleon is defeated. The colonies are full.
              First, the Franco-Russian Union of 1894 was formed.
              The Entente was formed in 1904: France and England agreed on the division of the colonies.
              In 1907, Russia and England agreed on a division of influence in Central Asia.
              There was absolutely nothing against Germany.
              1. 0
                29 July 2019 16: 18
                It is impossible to agree with cheaters.
                The Russo-Japanese War was the first call with the loss of about 400 thousand killed and wounded. Bow from the British and Americans ("red race", as they wrote then).
                The trouble of Nicholas II is that he could not "give up his principles", but believed in all that nonsense about the "union duty", wasting people in the name of other people's interests.
                1. 0
                  29 July 2019 16: 24
                  When help was needed, without hesitation, they turned to the sharpers of the "red race". wink And they got the tanks of Valentiney and Matilda near Moscow - very, very on time.
                  1. 0
                    30 July 2019 12: 26
                    And an abrek with cheaters will be able to settle it. He knows the price for them, they guess about its price - business people!
            2. 0
              30 July 2019 10: 58
              Quote: Victor Leningradets
              No, France is certainly a predator, but not a lion. Great Britain needed to neutralize Germany on the seas, and Russia in Asia. They took a long time to calculate the party, pitted Germany, Russia and France, but everything went wrong

              why then was England itself so deeply involved in the war?
              they would be sitting on the island watching the slaughter, and then on a white horse.
              like America in 1944.
              1. 0
                30 July 2019 12: 24
                Everything went wrong as I wanted!
                Could France and not sodzhuzhat, as in WWII, had to harness. If France fell to the Fritz, they would have to harness for Russia with all its industrial power.
                1. 0
                  30 July 2019 12: 31
                  Quote: Victor Leningradets
                  they would have to harness for Russia with all their industrial power.

                  why did England harness for Russia?
                  in this scenario (as in other things and in real), Russia would capitulate, although Germany would win, but it would be easier for her to blame not much because it was itself worn out by the war.
                  Was the weakening of Russia not beneficial to England?
                  1. 0
                    30 July 2019 15: 47
                    There is a risk that Germany will defeat Russia after France, but it would have turned out more likely, as after 26 years. Russia would be postponed for the spring-summer of 1915, then retreat and a positional war along the front line until about May 1944. From there, in the summer of 1916, a well-prepared offensive by the valiant Russian infantry and cavalry supported by the British tank units, artillery and aviation with access to front line for November 1944 to the end of 1916, plus the defeat of Turkey. Further, I think, peace initiatives, negotiations and peace at the expense of the losers would follow.
    4. 0
      28 July 2019 16: 22
      Quote: shoroh
      What plans for the dismemberment of Russia by evil capitalists could be discussed if the Russian empire was part of this system, where the ruling classes sucked all the juice from the country anyway?

      But in Germany and Austria-Hungary there was no capitalism? Oh, these lovers of the class struggle.
    5. -1
      28 July 2019 16: 41
      However, Alexander ||| managed not to draw RI into any of the wars.
      1. +3
        28 July 2019 18: 25
        And they were not in Europe during his reign. Alexander the Third was a very intelligent king. But he was afraid like the fire of any reforms. And he let down (indirectly) the next tsar - stupid Nicholas. All the abscesses of the Empire spilled onto Nicholas in the form of strikes, revolutions, etc.
        1. +1
          29 July 2019 01: 34
          Well, let's put Alexander 3 did not plan for Nicholas to the throne. He saw George as the successor, even though he was younger than Nicholas. Even Maria Alexandrovna was not enthusiastic about her eldest son, Nikolai ... Alas, history has not a co-direction, we have what we have, namely the collapse of the empire ...
          1. 0
            29 July 2019 07: 10
            Quote: Nehist
            Even Maria Alexandrovna was not happy with her eldest son Nikolai ...

            Maria Feodorovna
  6. +1
    28 July 2019 15: 46
    Good article!
    I took it to my favorites, so that again and again to carefully return to it. It has something to pay attention to today in relation to propaganda by Russian Germans in modern Russia.
  7. +5
    28 July 2019 16: 03
    Thus, the world war solved several important tasks.
    First, the West decided "Russian question"- destroyed, dismembered Russia, destroyed and deleted from the history of Russians, the most rebellious and dangerous people on the planet. A people that carries an alternative to global slave civilization - a life based on conscience and justice, the co-prosperity of peoples and tribes.
    Secondly, it was possible to forget about the crisis of capitalism at the expense of the total robbery of victims and the restructuring of the world system.
    Thirdly, the owners of the United States and England destroyed competitors within the Western project.

    Remained as before
    - Russian question
    - crisis of capitalism
    - competition within the western project
    Will there be a continuation of world wars? Repetition of the passed?

    The world is ruled by capital today and it dictates how the rest of humanity will live.
    The capitalist system in itself is flawed, because there is a redistribution of resources which draws the power of the possessing over the poor to power. However, capitalism depends on the consumption and sales of certain products, which leads to crises and the strongest, or rather the most vile, able to sell everything and everything (for example, part of the high-ranking military under Saddam Hussein) will survive.

    “Capital avoids noise and abuse and has a fearful nature. This is true, but it is not the whole truth. Capital fears a lack of profit or too little profit, as nature fears emptiness. But once there is enough profit, capital becomes bold. Provide 10 percent. , and capital agrees to any application, at 20 percent it becomes animated, at 50 percent it is positively ready to break its head, at 100 percent it tramples on all human laws, at 300 percent there is no crime that it would not risk, even under fear of the gallows. If noise and abuse bring profit, capital will contribute to both. Proof: smuggling and slave trade "- the phrase belongs to the English publicist of the XIX century T. J. Dunning.
    1. 0
      28 July 2019 16: 08
      Spit it out and cross yourself .... you can get all the troubles of capitalism on our heads.
      1. +1
        28 July 2019 23: 32
        And what does it matter when all this has already been worked out and works. The main big money is made by countries on weapons, drugs and crime. And industry can help all of this.
  8. 0
    28 July 2019 16: 20
    Alexander, thank you, very briefly and clearly. Personally, I would swap the first and third points, the war began a year after the creation of the Fed ...
  9. +6
    28 July 2019 16: 25
    Russia, on the one hand, got bogged down in debts like in silks before Europe, on the other hand, letting the goat into the garden, began to lose control over its economy and foreign policy. This dependence was very convincingly described by Georg Halgarten in his fundamental work Imperialism before 1914 (Moscow, 1961), by the way, translated into Russian. He writes: "French financial imperialism, which before the war mainly controlled the southern Russian heavy industry, at that time not only fought against German participation in Russian railway societies, but even placed new Russian loans in Paris dependent on the construction of Russian strategic railways and a significant increase in the army "
    To this we can add that the already mentioned "Sosieta General", together with one Levantine bank, seized financial control over the shipyards in Nikolaev on the Black Sea, where the Belgians already ruled
  10. +6
    28 July 2019 16: 27
    From this it becomes clear why Russia, which had a higher level of trade relations with Germany (not to mention the friendship between Willie and Nicky), nevertheless sided with the Entente. There was only one reason: the total Anglo-French capital controlled more extensive and large-scale economic spheres than German capital. It is clear whose capital Russia had to serve, being drawn into the war against Germany. Some of the tsarist ministers and Duma leaders did not understand this. So, after the start of the war N. Maklakov and I. Shcheglovitov submitted a note to the tsar, "in which they pointed out the need for an early end to the war with Germany, akin to Russia in political order. On the contrary, they considered rapprochement with our allies dangerous for Russia."
    1. 0
      28 July 2019 19: 18
      And what about the conditions of the world with this kindred Germany, what was not mentioned in that note?
  11. +5
    28 July 2019 16: 30
    From 1900 to 1906, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, Lamzdorf Vladimir Nikolaevich, spoke very clearly about relations with Germany: “We spoiled our relations with neighboring Germany and for a more or less long time eliminated any possibility of common actions with it under conditions of trust: all this is in order to please the French, who are trying to discredit us to the end, chained only to an alliance with themselves and keep depending on their will. ” And about friendship with France: “in a moderate dose, it is useful, but with the slightest exaggeration it becomes poison” laughing
    1. +1
      28 July 2019 19: 16
      Probably Mr. Minister forgot that the Triple Alliance first appeared, and then the Russian-French
  12. +3
    28 July 2019 16: 49
    England in this war decided its goals. Before the war there were 5 empires, after - one.
    1. +1
      28 July 2019 19: 14
      Well, yes, the goal of England in the war was to lose world supremacy at sea, that’s exactly what’s been up for it, tired of controlling the seas
  13. The article is superficial.

    Conclusion from the article:
    1. Smart and treacherous Anglo-Saxons.
    2. Stupid and naive Russians, Germans and Austro-Hungarians (and, probably, Italians, Japanese and other accomplices of 1 MV).
    3. Smart and treacherous Anglo-Saxons, along with stupid and naive Russians and others, fought against stupid and naive Germans, Austro-Hungarians, Italians and others.
    4. The capitalist powers were of two kinds:
    4.1. The great DEVIL powers of the West. which "divided the whole world among themselves, there was no new" living space "."
    4.2. All other small ANGELIC powers, which are DEVILIAN powers of the West 4.1. left no living space. "
    Wow, what an injustice! DEVIL powers did not share with ANGELSKY voluntarily seized territories taken from UNEXPECTED which states and peoples *
    *Well, how, for example, does the Russian Empire fit into the number of states that have not been left with "living space"? All in all, Russia then got 1/6 of the sushi ...
    Germany had its own colonies, Italy had its own colonies, Austria-Hungary had its own, however, much smaller in comparison with the Anglo-Saxon territories, with the colonies significantly lost by Italy and Spain.
    Probably, the Author believes that in the name of justice, those who grabbed "living space" needed to be shared in a brotherly way with offended states ...

    5. "Everybody fell into slaveholding dependence on the global parasite." Including the Ottoman Empire (the core of the then Muslim world), Indian and Chinese civilizations, Korea and Japan. Only autocratic Russia remained, Russian civilization, in which the networks of global parasites were weak. **
    ** The dependence of Russia on "parasites" was enormous: the foreign debt of Ingushetia in 1914 was the THIRD in the world after the external debt of France and Germany. Table 1 - debts of the countries of the world in 1912-1914 Q = node / 359542 & full and the USA, the World Bank, other "parasitic" Anglo-Saxon countries also had external debts to other "parasites" ....
    Up to 70% of the capital in the leading modern industries of Russia belonged to foreign owners, shareholders and investors. This group accounted for more than 70% of the total amount of foreign capital invested in Russian industry. (P.V. Ol. Foreign capital in Russia. M. 1922; P. I. Lyashchenko. History of the USSR national economy. T. II. M. 1948, pp. 377–378, etc.)
    During the period from 1901 to 1911, 184 foreign companies were established in Russia with a capital of 267 thousand rubles. More than half of these companies were in the mining industry (coal, oil, gold and platinum). Here 656 companies were created with a capital of 93 177 thousand rubles, which accounted for more than 345% of all share capital of this industry. (Journal of Industry and Trade, 66, No. 1913, pp. 10–444.)
    If we take into account that the entire fixed capital of the joint-stock industry of Russia as of January 1, 1917 was approximately 3 million rubles [185], then the share of foreign capital falls more than 36%. At the same time, French capital accounts for 50%, English - 32,6%, German - 22,6%, Belgian - 19,7%, American - 14,3% and other countries - 5,2%. (S. G. Strumilin. Problems of industrial capital in the USSR. M.-L. 5,6, p. 1925. P.I. Lyashchenko. Decree. Cit., P. 52; P.V. Ol. Decree. Cit., p. 378.)

    Well, where did the Author's phrase "Only autocratic Russia remain, Russian civilization, in which the networks of global parasites were weak"?
    On the contrary, the "network of global parasites" are very strong! And the networks of "local" parasites, therefore, are weak ...
    6) Lenin attributed Russia to secondary, not entirely independent countries. Russian imperialism entered the First World War not only as a dependent partner of Anglo-French capital, but also as an exponent of the interests of its own imperialist bourgeoisie, which, with the help of the Anglo-Saxons, sought to realize its aggressive pursuits.
    Lenin wrote: “The war was engendered by imperialist relations between the great powers, that is, the struggle for the division of the spoils, for who should eat such and such colonies and small states, and in the first place there are two clashes in this war. The first is between England and Germany Second, between Germany and Russia These three great powers, these three great robbers on the high road are the main figures in a real war, the rest are non-independent allies.
    Both clashes were prepared by the entire policies of these powers over the several decades preceding the war. England is fighting to rob the German colonies and ruin her main rival, who beat her mercilessly with her superior equipment, organization, trading energy, beat and beat so that England could not defend her world domination without a war. Germany is fighting because its capitalists consider themselves - and quite rightly - to have a "sacred" bourgeois right to world supremacy in the robbery of colonies and dependent countries, in particular, fighting to subjugate the Balkan countries and Turkey. Russia is fighting for Galicia, which it needs to own especially for strangling the Ukrainian people (except Galicia, this people have no and cannot have a corner of freedom, comparative of course), for Armenia and for Constantinople, then also for the subjugation of the Balkan countries.
    Along with the clash of the robber "interests" of Russia and Germany, there is no less - if not more - a deep clash between Russia and England ...
    The task of the imperialist policy of Russia, determined by the age-old rivalry and the objective international relationship of the great powers, can be briefly expressed as follows: with the help of England and France, defeat Germany in Europe in order to plunder Austria (take Galicia) and Turkey (take Armenia and especially Constantinople). And then, with the help of Japan and the same Germany, to smash England in Asia in order to take away all of Persia, complete the partition of China, etc. "(Lenin V.I. Complete Works Vol. 30
    1. +1
      28 July 2019 18: 38
      Lenin himself is good ... having concluded a separate agreement with Germany behind the Entente, he practically deprived Russia of the opportunity to participate in the Treaty of Versailles and, accordingly, remove all the cream from Germany’s defeat in the WWII.
      Then he also easily broke the Brest Treaty with Germany ... how he differs in his treachery from the treachery of the three imperialist robbers ... he chose the same methods to achieve the goal ... good grandfather Lenin.
      1. +3
        28 July 2019 19: 35
        Quote: The same LYOKHA
        Lenin himself is good ... having concluded a separate agreement with Germany behind the Entente, he practically deprived Russia of the opportunity to participate in the Treaty of Versailles and, accordingly, remove all the cream from Germany’s defeat in the WWII.

        On the one hand, it is, and on the other, it was impossible to fight without an army anyway, and the army was banged under the interim government. That is, I do not whitewash Ilyich, but even if he decided to fight, there was no one to do it
        1. +1
          28 July 2019 23: 42
          The film "State Border", like the first series. Plot: a tsarist officer comes to Lenin (like even a general), and in a conversation he complains that the signed peace treaty is contrary to the interests of the state. Lenin asks him if he fought with others as a child? What did you do when you lost? And he did the same as the others: he got up, accepted the bitterness of defeat, gained strength and again entered the struggle.
          Here is an example, he described the policy of the state at that time. And, it seems, the movie is not a fantasy.
      2. 0
        29 July 2019 15: 54
        "Politics is a dirty business" (V. I. Lenin)
        Without an army, you cannot make any honorable peace. This could be done only by Nicholas II in the summer of 1916, before the Kovel dead end.
        The fact that the Germans are bastards, having proclaimed in 1916 "a world without annexations and indemnities", imposed on Russia the "obscene" Brest Peace in March 1918 and received "alaverds" in November 1918 is a very competent move of the Lenin government. The trouble then happened - in the summer of 1920 in Poland.
    2. +1
      28 July 2019 19: 32
      Quote: Lieutenant Colonel of the USSRF Air Force in reserve
      Wow, what an injustice! DEVIL powers did not share with ANGEL

      "At the end of the century, took and refuted,
      Evil man, kind man,
      From a grenade launcher - slap him, goat!
      Hence, Good is stronger than Evil! "
  14. +1
    28 July 2019 19: 20
    God, what nonsense ...
  15. 0
    28 July 2019 19: 39 " Почему мы воевали с Россией ,мемуары кузена Вилли laughing .
  16. Quote: The same Lech
    Lenin himself is good ... having concluded a separate agreement with Germany behind the Entente, he practically deprived Russia of the opportunity to participate in the Treaty of Versailles and, accordingly, remove all the cream from Germany’s defeat in the WWII.
    Then he also easily broke the Brest Treaty with Germany ... how he differs in his treachery from the treachery of the three imperialist robbers ... he chose the same methods to achieve the goal ... good grandfather Lenin.

    As soon as you study the map of the Eastern Front by the beginning of 1917, by the beginning of 1918, you will immediately understand that after 2,5 - 3 years after the outbreak of war, the line of the Eastern Front passed through the territory of the Russian Empire.
    Therefore, talking about cream was premature as the skin of an unkilled bear.
    The Germans were near Petrograd, and you are about victory ...
    Lenin admitted that such a world is "obscene." Germany's requirements were tough, but Russia was not able to fight. The position of the Germans allowed them to dictate any conditions.
    Lenin concluded a separate agreement with Germany because:
    1. The Russian Empire was ruined.
    2. The army and navy were destroyed.
    3. Owls Russia has not yet been framed as a state.
    4. The Red Army was not able to confront the Germans and their allies.
    Briefly about the main provisions of the Brest Peace: liberate the Baltic lands; withdraw troops from Ukraine, recognize the UPR; liberate Kars and Batumi regions; withdraw troops from the Ottoman Empire. The text included other provisions: demobilization of the army; disarmament of the Black Sea Fleet; the cessation of propaganda in the territory of the Central Powers; payment of indemnities. Russia was finally left without an army (imperial) and lost territory.
    When it became apparent that Germany would not abandon the annexations, Trotsky's compromise position was taken as the basis. He was against military operations, but counted on an early revolution in Germany, which would save the Bolsheviks from the need to go to conditions unfavorable to them. Lenin insisted that it was Trotsky who led the delegation. But with the condition: delay to an ultimatum, then hand over.
    Source: ©
    I must say that Trotsky’s position turned out to be true: a revolution took place in Germany. And then, Germany and its comrades surrendered.
    In this case, Owls. Russia ultimately received the territories and population of the Belarusian People’s Republic, Ukrainian People’s Republic, the Republic of Armenia, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the Georgian Democratic Republic in the west and south .... and also received the position of the Entente states on drawing the western border of the USSR along the Curzon Line, which then led to September 17, 1939, with the outbreak of World War II, the Soviet Union sent troops to the territory of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus. The state border of the USSR, established in 1939, as a whole passed along the Curzon line, deviating significantly west only in the region of Bialystok.
  17. -1
    28 July 2019 20: 09
    Quote: naidas
    About a third named Pol Pot.

    Dog loves a stick!
  18. 0
    28 July 2019 22: 02
    To be continued ...
    do not. Do not write any more
  19. +4
    29 July 2019 00: 44
    I did not expect such a weak article from Samsonov; I feel that he has already signed up. A lot of cliches, wrong estimates, generalizations. Here are some of them.
    All that remained was autocratic Russia, Russian civilization, in which the networks of global parasites were weak.

    What does the author write about? Does he really not know that 80% of the capital and industry in Russia belonged to foreigners, and even more external debts.
    The West solved the “Russian question” - it destroyed, dismembered Russia, destroyed and deleted from the history of Russians, the most rebellious and dangerous people on the planet.

    I wonder what the Russian people were dangerous to the planet? The epithet "rebellious" is also not very suitable, it is better: the Russian people harness for a long time, but they are quickly lucky.
    A people that carries an alternative to global slave civilization - a life based on conscience and justice, the co-prosperity of peoples and tribes.

    What alternative to justice could tsarism carry? If it were, then the people would not have made a revolution.
    They destroyed monarchies, introduced “democracy” (in fact, plutocracy is dominated by wealthy oligarchs, banking houses).

    I wonder how the dominance of the rich from monarchist families differs from the domination of the rich from the bourgeoisie.
    The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 becomes a kind of rehearsal of world war.

    Call the Russo-Japanese War a rehearsal of the world? - This is a masterpiece of thought.
    For France and especially Russia it was advisable to wait a few years,

    Second masterpiece; “... It is advisable for Russia to wait a few years ...”, how is it? Should the war wait? But war is not waiting.
    The war led to the death of the cadre army - the last pillar of the autocracy, aroused hatred of the people who did not need this war, and led to the activation of the diverse "fifth column", to revolution.

    Is this the author of the workers and peasants calls the fifth column? Or the Bolsheviks, who, calling for the defeat of their government, almost all were in prison, in exile and in exile. The people ripened for revolution without them.
  20. +3
    29 July 2019 10: 47
    I don’t want to say anything, but in my opinion the author’s main ideas regarding the “masters of the West” and their fatal role in the fate of Russia and its “super-ethnos” somehow suspiciously correspond to the following definition from Wikipedia: “Paranoia is a rare type of chronic psychosis, usually starting in mature age, which is characterized by the gradual development of logically constructed monothematic systematized delusional ideas (sometimes at the beginning - overvalued ideas) ... In the classical view, paranoia sufferers are distinguished by unhealthy suspicion, a tendency to see enemy intrigues in random events, build complex conspiracy theories against themselves, while maintaining in another logic of thinking.With paranoia, the content of pathological situations often includes many elements of reality, formally plausibly associated with the patient's painful ideas, or is based on them.Paranoia is a lifelong chronic condition with periods of exacerbation and abatement of clinical symptoms ov ".
  21. 0
    29 July 2019 11: 00
    Quote: Kronos
    Victory in World War I; of the winners, only the US profit brought all the others only lost
    How to say. After the war, England received mandated control of the oil-bearing Iraq. And over Kuwait, Britain established control before the war. As early as January 23, 1899, a treaty was concluded between Kuwait and Britain, according to which control over Kuwait’s foreign policy and security passed to Great Britain. In exchange, Britain pledged to support the royal family. On October 27, 1913, Sheikh Mubarak signed an obligation to grant Britain monopoly rights to develop oil in Kuwait. In 1914, the British government signed a treaty according to which Kuwait was considered an "Independent Principality under a British protectorate." After the end of World War I and the final defeat of the Ottoman Empire, the protectorate of the British Empire over Kuwait gained international recognition.
    I believe that the British would also like to take our Baku under themselves. What they even did for a short period in 1918.
    And Saudi Arabia was also essentially under the British when they found oil there.
    1. 0
      29 July 2019 22: 22
      Nevertheless, the economy of Britain itself sagged and the revolutionary phenomena gave the beginning of the end of the British Empire
  22. 0
    29 July 2019 11: 07
    Quote: voyaka uh
    I am more surprised how cautious Britain allowed herself to be drawn into such a mess.
    Apparently just gave, because careful. For she understood that France could not withstand the German blow. Then, after the withdrawal of France from the war, Germany negotiates with us, with Russia - and on the map of Europe there is a serious threat to the entire colonial Empire of the British.
    Without the entry of the British war into Germany, shipments by sea both from neutrals and from German colonies would calmly go. And there would not be such a food and resource crisis in Germany.
  23. +3
    29 July 2019 13: 52
    Nicky 2 warned not to get involved in WWI. And besides getting involved, he also violated the Björk contract with Wilhelm.
  24. +5
    16 August 2019 10: 06
    Agitation she is agitation.
    And traditionally far from reality
  25. 0
    29 August 2019 22: 01
    A trap - loudly said, the emperor and his entourage considered this an excellent moment to improve internal affairs at the expense of a small victorious one - as, in fact, the Austrians, Germans and other citizens considered. Even those who were preparing for it were not ready for this war, as a result, all participants naturally sucked the unwashed - so much so that 4 empires collapsed, and the Anglo-Franks survived due to the colonies, otherwise they would have drowned along with everyone. And only America, which entered the end of the war, became a world creditor from the debtor - for nothing that she did not take the chance, as after the second war.