Insects on the warpath


Detachment of insects ready for battle!

The effectiveness of insects is very ambiguous. On the one hand, they can cause serious epidemics and kill a lot of people, and on the other hand, it is scary to scare. So most likely it happened about two thousand years ago, when the Romans threw Hart's fortress in Mesopotamia with clay pots with scorpions. In other sources, scorpions were used not by the besiegers, but by the defenders. The psychological effect, of course, was, but there is no mention of the victims of scorpions. Able to sow panic in the ranks of the enemy and honeybees - they have enjoyed success for centuries as a “biological weapons". So, the fighters from the Nigerian nationality tiva shot bees from wooden air tubes at the enemy.

Insects on the warpath

The flea is one of the most effective weapons of entomological warfare.

In medieval England, bee colonies were settled under the walls of castles, creating a reliable defensive shield in case of assault. Embittered bees, protecting the hives, stung both ordinary fighters and knights in steel armor. The latter had more problems with poisonous insects - a few bees or wasps under the armor were able to permanently take the knight out of battle. Insects were used during the siege of castles. Several thousand wasps and bees, capable of disorganizing the defense of the townspeople, were often launched into the excavated trench. Legend has it that the German city of Beyenburg (Pchelograd) got its name during the Thirty Years War, when a gang of deserters approached this village. In the convent of the town there was a large apiary, the beehives which the resourceful nuns turned upside down and hid in the chambers of the monastery. The failed robbers and rapists came under a massive bee attack and left the city untouched.

Jeffrey Lockwood, in the book The Six-Legged Soldiers, writes about bee troops:
“We know about throwing beehives during the wars of the Spanish Reconquista. In the XIV century, even a special throwing machine, resembling a windmill, was developed. Its crosspiece rotated, and each of the connected bars served as a throwing arm. With the help of such a machine, it was possible to launch many stones at once into the enemy — or hives with bees, as was sometimes the case. ”

The author also mentions hives on ships (wasp nests) that were fired at the enemy. In general, bees are not only useful honey, but effective tactical weapons.

The most massive "fighting" insects of antiquity

Surprisingly, even in the XNUMXth century, bees were used to wage war. In East Africa, on the territory of modern Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda, during the First World War battles, “bee mines” were used against Entente soldiers. A string was pulled across the path, attached to a clay pot with bees or wasps. What happened in the event of an "explosion", I think, is understandable. But the bees were capable of much more. In the Italian war with Ethiopia, local Aborigines threw Italian hatches tanks packages with bees. As a result, several tanks fell off a cliff, and many tankers left their vehicles in a panic.

Italian tanks, as it turned out, were defenseless against Ethiopian bees

However, much more serious consequences from the use of entomological weapons occurred in 1346 during the siege by Khan Janibek of the Genoese city of Kaffa (modern Theodosia). A plague broke out in the Khan's army, and the commander ordered that catapults throw the bodies of the dead into the besieged city. Obviously, plague fleas, which later became the cause of a deadly epidemic in Europe, got into Kaffa along with the corpses. Janibek after unsuccessful attempts at assault left the city walls, which saved his army from the plague epidemic. According to Jeffrey Lockwood, it was this incident of the unconscious use of entomological weapons that caused many millions of Europeans to die from the black plague.

Insect vectors

In the 20th century, entomologists and epidemiologists joined forces to transfer insects to a qualitatively new level of combat use - infection of the enemy with infectious diseases. We will not retell history the well-known Japanese “731 Squad”, whose specialists became famous for the hellish work with plague fleas and cholera flies. Modern historians believe that the Japanese killed at least 440 thousands of people with the help of artificially caused epidemics in China. It is important that Ciro Ishii, the detachment commander, received immunity from the US authorities and continued to engage in "science" at Fort Detrick. He became one of the ideological inspirers of the entomological warfare program of the United States in 50-70's. In accordance with it, facilities for reproducing 100 million mosquitoes infected with yellow fever and aimed against the Soviet Union were developed. The fact is that there was no vaccination campaign against the causative agents of this serious disease in the USSR, and this fact was taken into account in the United States.

731 Squad Results

Americans have given an important place in this work to the practical part of research. In 1954, they organized the “Big Itch” exercise at the Daguay range, during which they used non-infected Xenopsylla cheopis flea. Insects were packed in cluster bomb-containers like ЕNNUMX and Е86, which were dumped over experimental animals at the test site. Despite the fact that during the next flight fleas bit the crew. Tests recognized successful. A year later, they conducted tests on civilians in the state of Georgia. For this, about a million females of the Aedes aegypti mosquito were bred, which in the event of a conflict with the USSR was supposed to be a carrier of yellow fever. More than 77 thousands of uninfected mosquitoes were sprayed with E330 ammunition from airplanes flying at an altitude of 14 meters. Next, we investigated the estimated viability of individuals, their “appetite” and dispersion range, which was about 100 km. In general, the result of the operation was positive. Later, almost every year, the military dumped uninfected mosquitoes in different parts of Georgia, increasingly honing the art of biological warfare. With the appearance of deeply echeloned air defense in key areas of the Soviet Union, such tests became absurd. Therefore, in 6, they launched Operation Magic Sword, during which mosquitoes were sprayed over the sea a few kilometers off the southeast coast of the United States. Evaluations of the effectiveness of such an entomological war have shown that it can lead to a real genocide - one massive discharge of mosquitoes with yellow fever can kill more 1965 thousands of people. Data on such studies became irrelevant over time, and in 600, the US Department of Defense partially declassified the information.

Colorado potato beetle - a massive disaster in Eastern Europe during the Cold War

During World War II, the Germans tried to cause food problems in the UK by dumping containers with a Colorado potato beetle onto potato fields in the 1943 year. According to some reports, in the Frankfurt area, the Germans carried out mass tests of potato infection with the Colorado potato beetle. The French also planned to use their striped beetles against the Germans, but they did not have time - the potential victims occupied the country. After the war, the Eastern bloc countries accused Americans of biological sabotage with the Colorado potato beetle. Polish newspapers wrote about this:
“American candidates for atomic war criminals today showed a sample of what they are preparing for humanity. Only murderers can resort to such horror as the deliberate destruction of peaceful human labor, the destruction of the crop by the Colorado potato beetle. ”

USSR Minister of Agriculture Ivan Benedict wrote to Suslov in 1950:
“Creating favorable conditions for the mass reproduction of the Colorado potato beetle, the Americans simultaneously carry out atrocious acts of dropping the beetle in mass quantities from aircraft over a number of areas of the German Democratic Republic and in the Baltic Sea region in order to infect the beetle and the Polish Republic. The USSR Ministry of Agriculture daily receives information about the massive influx of the Colorado potato beetle from the Baltic Sea to the shores of Poland. This is undoubtedly the result of Anglo-Americans sabotage work. ”

With the malaria mosquitoes, the Germans worked in concentration camps, and in the autumn of 1943, near Rome, the previously drained marshes, into which the larvae of the anopheles mosquito were launched, were purposefully flooded. The work was led by German entomologist Erich Martini. The Anglo-American troops were planning to infect, but because of the vaccination of the military, civilians were hit. More than 1200 cases among 245 000 people were recorded in 1943 year and almost 55 000 in 1944 year.

In the modern world, insects become tools in the hands of terrorists and genetic engineers. But more about that in the next article.
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  1. +1
    21 June 2019 06: 56
    Insects on the warpath
    Today, 04: 53

    Detachment of insects ready for battle!
    I knew !
    states, you scum !!! (just kidding)
    1. +1
      21 June 2019 10: 20
      And what can we oppose the USA and NATO, are we currently developing any developments?
  2. 0
    21 June 2019 07: 09
    However, much more serious consequences from the use of entomological weapons occurred in 1346 during the siege by Khan Janibek of the Genoese city of Kaffa (modern Theodosia). A plague broke out in the Khan's army, and the commander ordered that catapults throw the bodies of the dead into the besieged city. Obviously, plague fleas, which later became the cause of a deadly epidemic in Europe, got into Kaffa along with the corpses. Janibek after unsuccessful attempts at assault left the city walls, which saved his army from the plague epidemic. According to Jeffrey Lockwood, it was this incident of the unconscious use of entomological weapons that caused many millions of Europeans to die from the black plague.
    The commitment of some modern scholars to quoting de Mussey, who in his conclusions was based on ideas about the contagious (miasmatic) origin of epidemics and modern medieval medicine, is completely incomprehensible.
    1. +3
      21 June 2019 07: 52
      They do not quote de Musse, but Wikipedia.
      1. +3
        21 June 2019 08: 12
        In fact, in serious studies, the episode with Kafa is never cited as an example of the deliberate use of insects as a biological weapon. It is cited as the probable cause of the pandemic of the plague in Europe in the fourteenth century. Naturally, no one at the time of insects - carriers of disease and did not suspect.
        Well, Wikipedia researchers (today's article is from there) have already translated the episode into the category of examples of the use of entomological weapons.
        1. -1
          23 June 2019 01: 20
          Quote: Undecim
          In fact, in serious studies, the episode with Kafa is never cited as an example of the deliberate use of insects as a biological weapon. It is cited as the probable cause of the pandemic of the plague in Europe in the fourteenth century. Naturally, no one at the time of insects - carriers of disease and did not suspect.

          I will disappoint you - to think that medieval doctors were dullards and charlatans is a big oversimplification of the issue; let's just say - those were just those who were not directly doctors (a simple example regarding the plague pandemic - many, very many, doctors of that era believed that the cause was the miasma rising from the contaminated land - and the latest research just speaks about this - the spread of "irsinia pestis" is often through heavy airborne particles saturated with moisture). And inhalation of such (as well as from a sick coughing person) just leads to the most severe forms - fulminant and pneumonic plague. And contact methods of infection (through fleas through mice and rats and through the use of contaminated objects) - lead to bubonic and asymptomatic forms, relatively less lethal.
          1. +2
            23 June 2019 01: 28
            You will not disappoint me, I have seen everyone, so someone's delusions that do not affect me in any way cannot serve as a source of disappointment.
            I wonder how you imagine a particle of air?
            1. +5
              23 June 2019 07: 58
              Partly Michael is right. The causative agent of the plague is indeed a soil bacterium whose habitat covers almost the whole of Eurasia.
              The rest is .....
              It is enough to say that the mechanism of the transition of the microorganism into a pathogenic form remains unknown.
              1. +1
                23 June 2019 08: 16
                The plague causative agent is indeed a soil bacterium
                And was it already known to doctors in the XNUMXth century?
                1. +2
                  23 June 2019 08: 20
                  Of course not. Yes, and they were doctors ...
                  1. +1
                    23 June 2019 10: 42
                    “Do not touch the distant antiquity.
                    You cannot break her seven seals.
                    And the fact that they call the spirit of the time -
                    There is a spirit of professors and their concepts,
                    Which these gentlemen are inappropriately
                    They give out for true antiquity ”(c).
      2. +1
        21 June 2019 08: 15
        I actually meant the authors of the monographs. The history of the plague pandemic in Western Europe is well documented, but chronicles cannot be based on such an interdisciplinary matter. By the way, the origin of the de Mussi records themselves is quite artifact.
    2. 0
      21 June 2019 08: 46
      Not the point. According to modern ideas, the same story - it is the Genoese trading city that is best suited to the primary focus, with their trade throughout Europe, and there were always rats on ships, and fleas on rats ...
      1. -1
        23 June 2019 01: 26
        Quote: Cowbra
        Not the point. According to modern ideas, the same story - it is the Genoese trading city that is best suited to the primary focus, with their trade throughout Europe, and there were always rats on ships, and fleas on rats ...

        This is a stamp, and it is ABSOLUTELY incorrect. The primary focus of the 14th century pandemic is unknown, probably these are generally the lands of Central Asia \ the Great Steppe - from which two "languages" of infection came - to the west and east of Eurasia. But the fact remains - the plague was also where there was no Genoese trade, and in those cities that were far from seaports. The problem is precisely in the "miasms" exuded by the soil (the basis of the habitat of Y. pestis, the spores of which, in general, are found almost everywhere, and are activated only for reasons that are still unclear (possibly in cases of sharp global climatic changes)).
        1. 0
          23 June 2019 04: 20
          The word "pandemic" was used by YOU, tell us what is critical for a pandemic? How to distribute, right?
          PiSi: Plague epidemics were not pandemics winked There is nothing to cover the ball, the transport is mute, America is not even open yet
  3. +3
    21 June 2019 07: 44
    I say, a person shows excessive imagination in creating / using ways to "annoy" his own kind from another pack!
    By the way, it's a shame to even run into the natives, the most, the most, these are the most "civilized"! And "zhentelmeny" and finally in the forefront!
    1. +2
      21 June 2019 07: 55
      Quote: rocket757
      And "zhentelmeny" and finally in the forefront!

      Anglo-Saxons and guardians, yes, they cleverly "cleaned" the Indians in America.
      1. +2
        21 June 2019 08: 17
        They are not easy to clean, and staged a genacide against the indigenous people. Yes, and now they continue to do it, they infringe upon their rights and oppress them in every way.
        1. -4
          23 June 2019 01: 28
          Quote: SERGEY SERGEEVICS
          They are not easy to clean, and staged a genacide against the indigenous people. Yes, and now they continue to do it, they infringe upon their rights and oppress them in every way.

          Of course, I apologize, but did you read something on the issue other than Soviet political educational brochures of the last century? Do you know, for example, that the indigenous peoples of the United States and Canada have MUCH more rights and MUCH large bank accounts than average white Americans? Not ? Well, now found out. At least sometimes try to think objectively.
          1. +3
            23 June 2019 07: 58
            Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
            Quote: SERGEY SERGEEVICS
            They are not easy to clean, and staged a genacide against the indigenous people. Yes, and now they continue to do it, they infringe upon their rights and oppress them in every way.

            Of course, I apologize, but did you read something on the issue other than Soviet political educational brochures of the last century? Do you know, for example, that the indigenous peoples of the United States and Canada have MUCH more rights and MUCH large bank accounts than average white Americans? Not ? Well, now found out. At least sometimes try to think objectively.

            And you probably have not heard about the fact that the indigenous people of America live on a reservation and do not have the right to leave it and go abroad. And what rights can be discussed then. Looks like you once thought objectively.
  4. 0
    21 June 2019 08: 23
    Such weapons are much more effective, and there will be less casualties among personnel.
    1. +1
      21 June 2019 08: 45
      Any weapon is a "double-edged" blade.
      You should never call a weapon safer .... at any time it can become dangerous more than!
      1. -1
        21 June 2019 09: 04
        That's right you wrote. But this weapon (you can call it that) is much more effective than the same blade.
        1. 0
          21 June 2019 09: 09
          The selectivity of such weapons is very arbitrary! And indeed, the danger to one's own - a stranger, can turn out to be real and catastrophic! Mocking mother nature does not pass ANYONE for nothing!
      2. -1
        21 June 2019 09: 29
        Quote: rocket757
        Any weapon is a "double-edged" blade.

        Greetings, Victor! hi fellow The right words.
        On this occasion, I remembered the Soviet cartoon about the Indians Mochik and their Gods. There, too, was about a superweapon presented to people by the enemies of the Gods. am with the aim of destroying the World and destroying humanity. There the weapons turned against their "masters".
        1. 0
          21 June 2019 10: 09
          Hi Dmitry soldier
          Quote: Reptiloid
          the weapons turned against their "masters".

          There are enough examples in life, but in the literature this topic is not forgotten for a moment !!!
          Those. people, in principle, understand how dangerous it is! So where do the Idi-Yota come from, who conduct this "experiment" over and over again?
          1. +1
            21 June 2019 10: 46
            Quote: rocket757
            ....... So where do the Idi-Yoty come from, who conduct this "experiment" over and over again?

            How ----- where? Proverb ---- they do not sow, they do not plow, they themselves will be born !!!!!!! Everyone thinks that he is smarter than all previous sages and that he will succeed !!!!! Fool everyone !!!!! Hang noodles !!! He will rub pink glasses !!! You don’t need a knife for an asshole --- you’re lying to him from 3 boxes, and do whatever you like with it !!! tongue wassat angry
    2. +4
      21 June 2019 09: 54
      In Novosibirsk, biologists have a strong belief that a tick with encephalitis is the result of an attack by the Japanese.
      1. +1
        21 June 2019 10: 13
        There are many different rumors .... What is your evidence?
        Nothing can be ruled out, BUT, with proper preventive measures, caution, mother nature will regulate everything as it should ... only if various changes, violence against her by a "reasonable" person did not go too far !!!
        Then the "furry revenge" may come .... you must remember that ALWAYS!
      2. +3
        21 June 2019 10: 51
        Sergei, solidarity. Encephalitis became a problem in the Far East ONLY in the mid-30s, when Detachment 731 appeared in Harbin. Before that, there were epidemics only in Okinawa. By the way, already in this century, there was an outbreak on the island, but the Japanese suppressed it in just a couple of days.
        PS In the UK, there is practically no Colorado potato beetle
        1. +2
          21 June 2019 11: 06
          We, too, did not become a "striped aggressor" .... to say that there were no more potatoes from that! her bear eats !!! I completely stopped planting, because how to deal with it, poison, it's even worse!
          1. +2
            21 June 2019 18: 12
            Moles eat it! But they are uncontrollable.
            1. +2
              21 June 2019 20: 03
              Moles do not live with us! The climatic zone is not the same, and the SAND ground.
              1. +1
                21 June 2019 20: 05
                Ndaaa! But the bear does not live on clay! Picky pad la!
          2. +1
            23 June 2019 18: 07
            Quote: rocket757
            We, too, did not become a "striped aggressor" .... to say that there were no more potatoes from that! her bear eats !!! I completely stopped planting, because how to deal with it, poison, it's even worse!

            By the way, yes, the beetle in recent years is much smaller, sometimes we do not even hurt even once in a season, but the bear became full
            1. +1
              23 June 2019 20: 28
              A holy place is never empty!
              They also said about cockroaches that they don’t have anything!
              However, I have not seen it for a long time !!!
              And before always, when repairing radio equipment, anti-cockroach cleaning had to be done, be-ee!
        2. 0
          23 June 2019 01: 30
          Quote: knn54
          Encephalitis became a problem in the Far East ONLY in the mid-30s, when Detachment 731 appeared in Harbin. Before that, there were epidemics only in Okinawa.

          Yes, that's a fact. Unfortunately, not all "echoes of war" can be stopped by time; sometimes the consequences only grow.
  5. +2
    21 June 2019 09: 00
    Thanks to the Author, a good article. Unique useful material.
  6. +8
    21 June 2019 09: 02
    I'm afraid that insects (biological weapons) will be in the first echelon of hordes of the future aggressor.
    And after all, almost all the cracks can climb!
    1. +1
      21 June 2019 09: 06
      Tsuzy gum, but they don’t touch their own? Nobody has managed to do this yet; in the foreseeable future, the prospects are not clear.
    2. +1
      21 June 2019 13: 07
      Quote: Adjutant
      I'm afraid that insects (biological weapons) will be in the first echelon of hordes of the future aggressor.
      And after all, almost all the cracks can climb!

      Yes, not only insects, unfortunately. The mass of invertebrates of other groups that can be used for this. And invisible to humans without a microscope ---- worms, crustaceans, protozoa, larvae, parasites of all kinds, of course bacteria, fungi and viruses .........
      There are the so-called Root-headed Crustaceans. They are at an extreme degree of involution (in adulthood --- parenchymella). They cause something like oncology in sea crabs. If the crab is a young male, it can even change sex. Who knows, with sufficient refinement, it is POSSIBLE able to infect the king of nature ...
  7. 0
    21 June 2019 09: 09
    In the St. Petersburg Museum of Hygiene, of course, there are stuffed animals --- peddlers of diseases and arthropods. But about bees и axis no word was said there !!!
    Shoot the bees from the tube ---- it's super! But it’s interesting that a similar technique was described in the 2nd half of the last century by American science fiction writers --- Paul Anderson and especially Ray Bradbury. I wonder if they knew about Nigerian technology ???
  8. 0
    21 June 2019 09: 14
    About the war in Mesopotamia using living scorpions. I remember the movie --- THE KING OF SCORPIO.
    1. +4
      21 June 2019 09: 34
      About the war in Mesopotamia using live scorpions. I remember the movie --- THE KING OF SCORPIONS
      It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of such an attack in areas where everyone is familiar with scorpions. In Southeast Asia, such a shelling would be perceived as supplying the besieged provisions. And where to get scorpions in such large quantities?
      I think that throwing hives is much more effective.
      1. +1
        21 June 2019 10: 17
        Quote: Reptiloid
        About the war in Mesopotamia using live scorpions. I remember the movie --- THE KING OF SCORPIO.

        I, too, fantasy - I watch fiction! I’ve only taken into account for a long time that the imagination of the director, screenwriter, writers is unlimited! This is interesting, but it is not necessary to accept it as a very reliable source of information.
        1. 0
          21 June 2019 10: 40
          and by the way, the article is devoted to insects, and scorpions, although similar to them, are still not insects, but arachnids.
          1. 0
            21 June 2019 11: 36
            Quote: alebor
            not insects, but arachnids.

            Yes, arachnids (arachnids). Like encephalitis ticks, and poisonous karakurt, and poisonous relatives of scorpions ---telephones!
        2. +1
          21 June 2019 11: 32
          Quote: rocket757

          I, too, fantasy - I watch fiction! I’ve only taken into account for a long time that the imagination of the director, screenwriter, writers is unlimited! This is interesting, but it is not necessary to accept it as a very reliable source of information.

          Well, yes, well, yes, you can’t, but sometimes reality can be worse than any fantasy !!! am
          1. +1
            21 June 2019 12: 27
            Quote: Reptiloid
            Well, yes, well, yes, you can’t, but sometimes reality can be worse than any fantasy !!!

            There are a lot of assumptions. Some of them may be right to the point ..... just poke a finger, we will not choose. Schaub to take countermeasures, it is enough to know the fact that there is an infection, "and then just wait for a boom, whoever gets to the bottom of the truth.
      2. 0
        21 June 2019 11: 00
        Quote: abrakadabre
        ....... such shelling would be perceived as supplying the besieged food.

        You are right, comrade! The siege and famine always go near. What just did not eat in difficult moments in napiness! Depending on the possibility of eating everything that contains proteinregardless of the "expiration date" ". Remember the Bible, the Old Testament, the siege of Jerusalem. First, they ate the supplies, and during 7 years of hunger they already ate what they usually do not eat.
        1. +1
          21 June 2019 13: 11
          What just did not eat in difficult times in antiquity!
          In southeast Asia, scorpions, spiders and cockroaches eat like seeds in everyday life.
  9. +1
    21 June 2019 10: 43
    I immediately remembered how a few years ago on one of the TV channels "widely known in narrow circles" economist Mikhail Delyagin accused Japan of deliberately infecting the Soviet Far East in the 30s with encephalitis ticks.
    1. +1
      21 June 2019 11: 16
      Quote: alebor
      I immediately remembered how a few years ago on one of the TV channels "widely known in narrow circles" economist Mikhail Delyagin accused Japan of deliberately infecting the Soviet Far East in the 30s with encephalitis ticks.

      Perhaps something turned out? 30s --- USSR assistance to China against Japanese aggression
      1. +1
        21 June 2019 11: 23
        Battles took place periodically since 1931, and a full-scale war began in 1937. And the Chinese died ~~ 35 million, 1945, as was said back in 1995.
    2. 0
      23 June 2019 01: 32
      Quote: alebor
      I immediately remembered how a few years ago on one of the TV channels "widely known in narrow circles" economist Mikhail Delyagin accused Japan of deliberately infecting the Soviet Far East in the 30s with encephalitis ticks.

      Not everything agrees with him, but it is precisely in this that he is absolutely right. Tick-borne encephalitis in the Far East before the beginning of the 20 century was not - and not at all from the fact that they allegedly could not isolate it; it really was just not.
  10. +1
    21 June 2019 13: 07
    All bullshit except bees laughing wassat
    1. +4
      21 June 2019 13: 35
      Yes, and bees, to be honest, also garbage good smile