Genetic wars of the future. How Americans clean up Russia

We waited so long for the start of "star wars" that we did not notice how we were on the threshold of a genetic war. While the best minds of mankind dreamed of spaceships and deep space exploration, his worst minds thought about things more mundane, in particular, about teaching biological weapon to distinguish between "their" and "alien", striking the last blow, incompatible with life.

Does this still seem fantastic? Yes, so far exactly. But what seemed fiction just recently (personal computers, mobile communications, 3D printing of human organs or cruise missiles with a nuclear reactor) has already become our everyday reality, or it is just like that before our eyes. And to underestimate the threat of the appearance, for example, of viruses selectively acting on certain categories of people, is by no means impossible.

11 March this year, an example of such a sober assessment was given by Russian President Vladimir Putin. On that day he signed Decree No. 97 “On the Principles of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Field of Ensuring Chemical and Biological Safety for the Period to 2025 of the Year and Further Perspective.” The decree did not cause a strong stir in the media, although many were quick to call it compulsory genetic certification of Russians, and some started a familiar song about the "apocalypse", pale horses and the "number of the Beast." We will try to avoid such extremes and try to figure out what this document actually represents and how strong the threat it is called upon to fight.

First of all, it should be noted that the decree itself is much broader than the topic of genetic passports that caused some confusion. In particular, it is aimed at ensuring safety in the chemical sphere, identifying both some specific threats and ways to counter them. Among them it is worth noting the following:

• widespread occurrence of highly toxic substances and the accumulation in nature of persistent and dangerous chemical compounds;
• the possibility of importation of potentially hazardous chemicals into the country under various pretexts;
• The potential danger of using chemical weapons or carrying out terrorist attacks using hazardous chemicals.

The list of biological calls is also quite wide. Among them is the development of all new biological pathogens, the implementation of dangerous technological activities in the field of genetic engineering and synthetic biology, the possibility of the spread of specific infections to which there is no immunity, etc.

That is, the idea of ​​creating so-called genetic passports is not the main purpose of this document, as some of his critics were quick to say, but just one of the means of countering new threats and challenges. Although the mechanisms of using these same genetic passports are still not entirely clear, and this paragraph has provided enough reasons for criticism.

Genetic passports themselves may appear by 2025. Just let us immediately clarify: “there may appear” and “necessarily appear” - the expressions are different, and in this case we are talking about the possibility. I hope this will calm the witnesses of the close "apocalypse" a little. No, nothing is predetermined yet, we still have chances!

It is also not yet completely clear what they will be. Experts talk about two possible options. This is primarily a conditional forensic genetic passport, which will contain accurate genetic information about a particular person, and some more advanced version that can be compared with the current medical card, which will contain genetic information and specific recommendations for the treatment of this person those or other honey. drugs, treatments, diets, etc.

The second option is certainly more expensive, since it involves not only technical expertise, which is now relatively inexpensive, but also the participation of qualified specialists in the development of recommendations. In addition, nothing prevents this work from being carried out directly at the time a person applies for medical help, when the doctor, having obtained access to the genetic information of a person, can independently or with the help of specialized specialists adjust the treatment as necessary. Well, if someone wants to get some general daily recommendations, then it may be better to contact a specialized clinic, where, based on the available information, they will create at least a "road map" of life, nutrition and treatment for up to a hundred years. Not for free, of course, but here it would be foolish to expect such an expensive charity from our state.

Therefore, let us dwell, perhaps, on the first variant: the genetic passport is unlikely to turn into a solid medical folio, but will contain only the most necessary (but perfectly accurate) basic information. It will be, if you will, a genetic portrait that you can even hang on the wall, even to use for identification.

However, it is already possible to predict some risks in this matter. It is no secret that in recent years, Western intelligence agencies have shown a strange curiosity about the genotype of the Russian people. This information is collected by them both among Russian-speaking migrants in the United States and in Russia itself. Such activity was suppressed by the FSB; both private individuals and some public organizations registered in the territory of the Russian Federation were not always with clear goals. At one time, even V. Putin himself spoke about this threat, stating that in Russia "someone purposefully and professionally collects biological material from different ethnic groups."

The problem with the alleged genetic certification is that we ourselves can do the tremendous work needed by our so-called partners. We don’t need to tell about how such databases are stored in us: most likely, in some market, these databases will appear before they can be accessed by specialized universities and research centers. And one such threat, if we, in principle, highly appreciate the threat of the appearance of selective genetic weapons, outweighs the many potential benefits of this work.

And are there any chances for the appearance of the corresponding weapon? Alas, probably no one will be able to answer this question. But even if he answers ...

Remember, more recently, dozens or even hundreds of "specialists" in one voice argued that the Ilona Mask rocket with the return first stage is a complete profanation? Now they are flying, the steps are returning, the cost of launches is falling, and we finally began to perceive it as a real threat.

And shale? Also, at first they seemed like a whim and wilderness. But the oil and gas is produced there by the partners, and a lot of it is mined. Perhaps soon this bubble will burst, but he created a lot of problems to our oil and gas industry workers, agree.

Approximately the same is with genetic weapons. Of course, there are experts who, with all their scientific authority (and sometimes considerable), push the idea that this is impossible, people are too similar, that there can be no selective biological weapons, etc. But even offhand, not being a geneticist or a biologist, one can notice large differences in skin color from different races. And if some guys from a closed laboratory create a virus capable of interacting with melanin to the detriment of a biological host, one can confidently predict the death of, for example, blacks or Asians. But even these very melanins have a different nature, are in different parts of the body, sometimes contain different chemical formulas, etc. That is, even on this narrow section of the front there is a huge space for maneuver.

Also now, as far as I know, work is underway to create genetically modified viruses that can distinguish between cancer cells and selectively destroy them. Perhaps in this way we will soon receive a vaccine that can be injected in early childhood - and forget about cancer forever. But how many associated discoveries will be made when developing such a vaccine? And will they all be useful or at least harmless to humans? Alas, the answer is no: most likely, the majority will be just very insecure.

That is, it would be quite logical to assume that there is a corresponding threat. Perhaps the Americans already see it, and they need only the most detailed information about our genotype in order to “clean up” Russia as efficiently and selectively as possible. Or perhaps they don’t know the appropriate ways to create a selective genetic weapon, but they are just hoping to find it by systematizing vast amounts of data about our genome.

In any case, such a call should be taken seriously. Yes, it could be a bluff, Americans are masters of such things. But here, as they say, it is better to be safe.

On the other hand, I am much more concerned not with the issue of creating genetic passports as such, but with the question of ensuring the safety of these data. Agree, it would be foolish to dig up for yourself a genetic grave, into which we will only have to push.

Therefore, we leave tantrums. We always have time to stick our head in the sand, it’s a simple matter. Still, it is necessary to work in the field of ensuring biological and chemical safety, including in order to make appropriate discoveries ourselves. As they say, the best defense is attack. And genetics is no exception here, as the practice shows, the threat of mutual annihilation works better than collective agreements.

But caution in this matter is still worth it. Otherwise, these passports are really only for mass identification and will be useful to us ...
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  1. +2
    April 11 2019 06: 51
    How could this "exceptional" quickly get rid of our planet ...
    1. +7
      April 11 2019 07: 02
      Quote: 210ox
      How could this "exceptional" quickly get rid of our planet ...

      Someone else will take their place exceptionally, we just have to be one step ahead! Since we have grabbed a lot, according to the world ...
    2. +1
      April 11 2019 07: 10
      "Exceptional" became sick with measles! Why is that ? They also have biolaboratories like in Georgia, Ukraine, etc. did not build! crying
      1. 0
        April 15 2019 13: 32
        Quote: Uncle Lee
        "Exceptional" became sick with measles! Why is that ? They also have biolaboratories like in Georgia, Ukraine, etc. did not build! crying

        Yeah, in the USA (in general) and in New York (in particular) the measles epidemic. And what does the horror story with biological laboratories in Georgia and Ukraine have to do with it?
        1. +1
          April 15 2019 15: 16
          This is not a horror story, but a vile reality.
    3. +4
      April 11 2019 07: 41
      To dump where? To the moon? Humanity is scorching its knowledge, but nothing has been invented to
      reach other planets safely.
      1. +2
        April 11 2019 20: 38
        But caution in this matter is still worth it. Otherwise, these passports are really only for mass identification and will be useful to us ...

        An idiotic article, the author, as it were, to put it mildly, vaguely presents the topic itself, the only thing from real life is the reliability of storage of all samples and analyzes, well, of course, the results of research.

        Here's how to make a hydrogen bomb widely known, well, and in how many places have it really been made?
  2. +16
    April 11 2019 06: 58
    Perhaps the Americans already see it, and they need only the most detailed information about our genotype in order to “clean” Russia as efficiently and selectively as possible.
    ... I then think that this free medicine is getting worse and worse, but there is not enough money for paid medicine .. but it turns out that Americans clean up the Russian population ...
    1. +9
      April 11 2019 07: 11
      Quote: parusnik
      but it turns out that the Americans are cleaning up the Russian population ...

      Based on the fact that we are governed by their governors, and the whole confrontation is nothing more than a spectacle - then yes, Americans. Although there are not even Americans, but another, more ancient nation. hi
      1. 0
        April 11 2019 09: 21
        Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution - after all, there is such a book and it was not published today
  3. +13
    April 11 2019 07: 08
    Perhaps this way we will soon get a vaccine that can be injected in early childhood - and forget about cancer forever
    Yes, the great "specialist" Malysheva is already rubbing from the screen that a vaccine against cervical cancer should be given even to boys (!).
    And of course, no one will tell us about the side effects of the vaccine. Although not so long ago, WHO almost caught the arm when vaccinating against tetanus in Latin America. And everything would be fine if it were not for the side effect of this vaccine - sterility.
    1. +6
      April 11 2019 07: 19
      Back in the 70s, South Africa and Israel were engaged in genetic weapons against the black population (infertility). And how it all ended is unknown ... Yes, and testing of "foreign" vaccines has been going on for several years, and in a FORCED order and support at the highest level
      1. 0
        April 15 2019 13: 44
        Quote: knn54
        Back in the 70 years, South Africa and Israel were engaged in genetic weapons against a black population (infertility). And how it all ended is unknown ...

        It is frankly annoying when articles on narrow professional topics are written by people who have nothing to do with them. Like: "the waves fell with a rapid jack." Hence the apocalyptic pictures and uncritical attitude to information. If you talk to experts, it turns out that this is just PR and artificial fanning of hysteria. So, I once talked with a professional biologist on this topical topic. So he simply pointed out to me one serious fact: as a result of many wars / revolutions / cataclysms, etc. there was a massive migration of the population. Thus, the gene pool is so mixed that a hypothetical virus directed, say, against the Slavs, will wipe out half of the Western world. There are, of course, relatively isolated communities: "black" Africa and China, but there are also processes of mixing of different races.
    2. +2
      April 11 2019 11: 20
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      Perhaps this way we will soon get a vaccine that can be injected in early childhood - and forget about cancer forever
      Yes, the great "specialist" Malysheva is already rubbing from the screen that a vaccine against cervical cancer should be given even to boys (!).
      And of course, no one will tell us about the side effects of the vaccine. Although not so long ago, WHO almost caught the arm when vaccinating against tetanus in Latin America. And everything would be fine if it were not for the side effect of this vaccine - sterility.

      I will throw information
      Website RIA Katyusha
      Digital lobbyists against personal and state security
      “Gattaka” comes true: genetic passports of the population may appear in Russia
      These are the things that are looming.
      1. +1
        April 12 2019 01: 28
        And if passports are needed for cleaning the other way? Is it a little? The world is changing ...
  4. +19
    April 11 2019 07: 31
    Why is it necessary to cleanse Russians or Slavs? Perhaps the author should have started the article with this question. There are not many Russians in the world and their population is declining. But the Asians seem to breed and multiply! Maybe this is the Asians working in American laboratories are cleaning up? Why not? Why should the Slavs be destroyed? What about blacks? What to do with them? In general, in the world there are many peoples adapted to geographical places. The same Latinos. How to deal with them? What about the Afghans? And the Eskimos? Are they Russian or not? And who are the Libyans? The article seems to be interesting, but controversial. Although it intersects with the theme of restricting the world's population. And the policy of restricting population growth works. Contraception, transgender, vaccinations. Why should the author not touch on the topic of vaccinations. Today, many young women cannot become pregnant. There is a suspicion that this is the work of the pharmaceutical companies conducting vaccinations. The increase in the number of cancer patients why? Is medicine better to detect, or an increase in disease? These topics are simply an unplowed field for journalists and for discussion. And I think it fits very well with the military theme of the site. Public health is the defense and prosperity of a country. But our medicine today is subject to optimization. In free clinics, doctors are not a set. You can wait in line for two weeks. If you take tests, then you can wait six months. Is the US Department of Health led? Yes, Putin said something about increasing life. But somehow it turns out strange. The president says, and the states do (in their favor). If our stores are in ball accessibility, then the medical centers are moving away. Why is this done? You can certainly visit a paid clinic. But will it pull financially? Or do you need to create a Medbank for lending visits to doctors? Why shouldn’t the author write an article on this subject, but to us it
    to discuss? I'm quite serious, without irony. hi
    1. +5
      April 11 2019 10: 30
      Quote: Mister Creed
      Why should the author not touch on the topic of vaccinations.

      quoting an old anecdote: "because of people like you, we are in third place ..." dear, we will die out without vaccinations. a whole generation of people not vaccinated against smallpox has grown, a smallpox outbreak - half of the country will die out. test vaccines for side effects - yes, refuse vaccination - no. male and female infertility has always been, both genetic (God did not give), and from previous urinary infections. Who can a woman give birth between her legs, unless the crocodile does not live? or the man who pushed this woman? lack of exercise, obesity, quality of food and honey. maintenance is a problem. remember Roosevelt got polio at 39 and hello a wheelchair. (there was no vaccine).
      Public health is the defense and prosperity of a country. But our medicine today is subject to optimization
      and the Duma and the president do not care. medicine is being reformed by people who are far from it and who do not understand the essence of the reforms.
    2. +2
      April 11 2019 11: 18
      all your questions have answers, something populist, something rational. mopping up the Slavs? so, progressive Europe, led by the West, has openly dealt with this problem for decades. vaccines? definitely needed. recent measles outbreaks in Ukraine are just the result of a refusal policy. are there any side effects of vaccines (including reproductive function) yes, yes. I believe that it is necessary to fully domestic production and all stages of control / verification and auxiliary. substances. free medicine? she’s practically gone now. with the exception of quota drugs probably. paid medicine? only through good dating. for analyzes in special centers, in vitro blood test, and preferably not in any one for reliability.
      By the way, infertility is now a big problem, we had two days of lectures on this topic. there are a lot of reasons, including quality of life and how you spend it. the Ministry of Health works like all other ministries in the country) this is the order, or rather the mess: + negligence, minus responsibility.
    3. +4
      April 11 2019 11: 30
      Quote: Mister Creed
      Today, many young women cannot become pregnant. There is a suspicion that this is the work of the pharmaceutical companies conducting vaccinations.

      But doctors have an opinion that at least half of cases of infertility are the consequences of promiscuous sexual activity. Some STDs do not manifest themselves in any way, and among ladies / gentlemen changing partners two days later on the third, almost everyone is present. For for chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and ureoplasma, latex, read a condom, is not an obstacle at all. That's a surprise, right? Chlamydia and female infertility that have not been treated for 2-3 years are actually synonyms. And the only one hundred percent protection against this piquant sore is one sexual partner.
      So maybe it’s not worth building the conspiracy theories of pharmacists? For starters, maybe try to live by the rules of millennia worked out?
      1. +4
        April 11 2019 15: 33
        Quote: Lannan Shi
        So maybe it’s not worth building the conspiracy theories of pharmacists?

        All the arguments that you cited are correct, but I think that one does not exclude the other. hi
      2. +2
        April 12 2019 10: 57
        most guys will only support legibility in "young women" ties,
        but now the decomposition of morality has already reached some kind of game. A bunch of aggressive RSPs and a bunch of men who live alone without a family. And it is profitable only for a handful of rich buratin who stupidly buy "meat". But the state should also change the family code so as not to provoke the destruction of families - to make the rights of men real, otherwise they only have responsibilities.
        1. +3
          April 12 2019 11: 21
          Quote: yehat
          But the state should change the family code

          First of all, the question is about the morality of society. With her, everything is not that bad, but just complete. You know, there is such a book site, literally com. Specialization - romance novels. I read it sometimes, still a girl. Yeah) So. I write on some coma books, in style - respected authors, what are you doing, why did your heroines get fucked like basement cats. your opuses and girls 15 years old can read, what will you teach them? Result? The reaction of the readers is that you are a bigot, you are a moralist, you are a fanatic, etc. The heroine's lifestyle - I live alone, I go once a week to sleep, for "health", is perceived with a bang. The audience is mainly young ladies from slightly over 30 to deeply over 60. I don’t even want to think about how they will bring up their daughters / granddaughters, despite their immoral appearance. This is where you start, not the codes.
          1. +2
            April 12 2019 11: 31
            no, it is from the codes. Previously, it was not books that protected women from the "fall of morality", but the elementary inevitability of punishment - by the husband, society, and the church.
            And they behaved like in a fable about a fox and grapes, and that was enough.
            See how women in Saudi Arabia behave. They did not abolish the punishment for treason - stoning.
            1. +1
              April 12 2019 12: 03
              Quote: yehat
              no, it is from the codes. Previously, it was not books that protected women from the "fall of morality", but the elementary inevitability of punishment - by the husband, society, and the church.
              - Offers to flog publicly on the square? Or fine? Or not publicly reins at home?
              Quote: yehat
              See how women in Saudi Arabia behave. They did not abolish the punishment for treason - stoning.
              -they cannot cancel written in the Qur'an (stoning to death for fornication of a woman). But the trick is that women 1200 (!!!!!!!!!!!!) years already beaten to death for fornication - and they продолжают.....
              1. +2
                April 12 2019 12: 07
                continue, but not as we have now.
                now it’s not easy to find an 18 year old virgin
                and by 30, many women are already changing dozens of partners.
                for comparison, the Germans in 41 wrote with surprise that an 18-year-old girl was likely to be a virgin.

                morality certainly influences, but morality itself is also formed and rigid enough.
                1. +3
                  April 12 2019 13: 03
                  you went aside ...
                  They continue to beat them - despite for the whole previous story.

                  With us, up to a certain point, a girl could no longer marry without being a girl at all, and this is not only because the priest smashed the reins, but also because the men were very picky. The past WWII, Civil and WWII very much thinned the male population and the remaining could choose from the best. Naturally they chose .....
                  Grandmother when she married 1943 for her grandfather (he was injured), she said that they were very jealous of her. Very many men left the district - 4600 returned .....

                  and then there was an understanding (already somewhere with 50-60's) - that you can also lure a man with a furry wallet + the development of society (when it became indecent to flog women) + weakening of the church + the influence of the West.
                  This led to the fact that we now have
    4. 0
      April 16 2019 18: 15
      The answer is simpler: there are few Russians, but many territories! All hi
  5. +1
    April 11 2019 07: 46
    Man has always been wary of everything new. And if you think that unscrupulous people will take advantage of these technologies, he will take a rash. Only popular science literature can put
    everything in its place.
  6. 0
    April 11 2019 07: 52
    As they say, the best defense is an attack. And genetics is no exception, the threat of mutual destruction, as practice shows, works better than collective agreements.
    Defense can be held in an asymmetric way, universal and traditional nuclear missile. There is no need to monkey-play ..)
  7. +3
    April 11 2019 08: 09
    Russian is a state of mind, and the virus penetrated this soul in Soviet times in order to use it.
  8. +8
    April 11 2019 09: 01
    All this fuss, from "biometric passports" to TV shows with genetic checks, has one single purpose. Finally, the creation of a genetic databank with a global sample. Do not wash by rolling. Not by deception by the sovereign's decision about "passports."
    In turn, these data banks have two goals.
    The first and foremost is the selection of organ donors for the "elite". And then a man drank his liver, and he is not just a man, he is an elite! Why should he, at best, sit on immunosuppressants all his life ?! But with the help of really large databases, you can choose a donor so compatible for him that the body will hardly notice the substitution! Of course, this donor will still be alive ... until the moment when its compatibility is determined. Knowing the customs of the current "elites", how long will such a person live before a completely random accident happens to him? Nobody is insured. Nobody at all ...
    Well, the second goal. As soon as such a bank starts to be created in our country, the data from it will flow abroad. Instantly. Direct entry terminals will have two portals - the Ministry of Health and the NSA, and if the channel of the Ministry of Health keeps failing and falling, then the data will go to the NSA instantly and without distortion! We have whole battalions of people at the top who will take care of this, and at the bottom there are no less. And then, on the basis of these data, the targeted weapon will be created accurately, without any doubt.
    1. +1
      April 11 2019 17: 55
      Yes, in fact, people are being sorted out for European transplantology, as they started in the 90s and everything continues, only now the roof is at the highest level.
      1. +1
        April 11 2019 20: 26
        You just can’t imagine how different these things are, when you can transplant a kidney somehow, or this kidney is ideally compatible with your body. Life on immunosuppressants is not much different from hell ...
  9. +5
    April 11 2019 09: 01
    America smelter of nations. There is enough Russian genetic material there. Another thing is that Americans are masters of fake. Once they launched a fake program to create a space shield, such as using laser beams to destroy rockets and tanks, and ours were led into it. Although these lasers required energy sources of mass from the railway carriage, so no America could handle this. Remember the Nico 3 movie with Stephen Seagal? there was just such a laser.
    The fact that Putin drew attention to this is somehow not impressive, like all his deeds lately.
    1. +3
      April 11 2019 17: 56
      Yes, no one was seduced by space weapons. They gathered specialists, consulted and answered the Americans. You spend dollars there even by railcars, but we will disable all your space weapons with penny costs! This meant launching into orbit a portion of a fraction that would rid all of their lasers and disable them. The Americans understood the hint.
      1. +1
        April 12 2019 07: 38
        Quote: Mister Creed
        Yes, no one was seduced by space weapons. They gathered specialists, consulted and answered the Americans.

        you probably misunderstood. It was the Gorbachev period, he supported the Americans and signed disarmament agreements. But the point is that the need to collect genetic material in Russia is a fake organized by special services and supported by our government, just like that.
  10. +2
    April 11 2019 09: 05
    Reading this article, I am amused a little, remembering "anti-vaccines".
    No scary viruses are needed, naive people themselves will become infected and infect the rest with banal flu.
    The author burns, as they said in ancient times.
    1. +4
      April 11 2019 16: 08
      Quote: Diminisher
      naive people themselves will become infected and will infect the rest with common flu.

      And I’m burning over the nearness of fans of flu shots. The influenza strains of group A are only known to science 198 (and there are also strains of groups B and C), it provides protection (in fact, it only reduces the likelihood of complications) from two strains of type A virus and one type B strain. It is necessary to vaccinate MINIMUM per month before the epidemic. Count for yourself what is your chance to guess the flu strain in a month and get vaccinated against it?
      Interesting information for people like you -
      If domestic health care so successfully provides influenza prevention, then where did the epidemic come from in early 2018? The experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) were to blame. This season, they have not guessed which strains of influenza will cause the greatest number of diseases. And they missed not with the most common and dangerous flu A, but with a less pandemic influenza B.
      The strain of line B / Victoria - B Brisbane / 60/2008 entered the trivalent vaccine. Phuket / 3073/2013 from the B / Yamagata line was also added to tetravalent. And it was precisely the strain that entered only the tetravalent vaccine that was in second place in incidence this season. Therefore, those people who received the trivalent vaccine - and this is almost all Russians - were defenseless against a type B strain.
    2. +2
      April 11 2019 19: 56
      Diminisher ... Vaccinations can be divided into those necessary against possible most dangerous and deadly pandemics, like smallpox, polio, etc., and not mandatory. as from the flu and other frequent, without large passing consequences of diseases ... Vaccination, you need to hack to death on the nose, is an INFECTION and DISEASE with an easy stage and obtaining immunity. Adverse development of the disease from vaccination is not excluded, which has happened more than once, but is only concealed. Accordingly, it is necessary to distinguish between what is necessary and what can be abstained from. Because your body should not be "loaded for survival" in vain .. According to the article, the author of the rights, as if under the guise of protection from biological and genetic aggression, did not receive the aggression itself in reality, - did not receive a stab in the back from the current state of the Russian Federation, its rule , after all, many of the main institutions of the state - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the government, obviously do not work for the Russian Federation and its citizens ... So why will it be different in this direction ...
  11. +9
    April 11 2019 10: 16
    oh, what conspiracy theories, don’t worry, no super technologies are needed to clean up Russia, the process is already underway by the Russian workers, everything is elementarily solved by purely economic means, as in any colonial country hundreds of years ago, you will remember what you ate for lunch and dinner remembered? and then estimate that if there are more than 20% of modern processed foods in the human diet, the rate of development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract increases by 12 times, the number of chronic pathologies in people after 50 years from 1990 to 2015 increased by 18 times, you saw how many drugs pensioners eat ? Russia is already on the needle, and it will only get worse
    1. 0
      April 11 2019 16: 19
      Do you offer retirees to the cemetery?
      1. +2
        April 11 2019 17: 51
        I can only state that I’m not sitting in the Duma and I don’t propose laws
        1. 0
          April 12 2019 11: 21
          So what to state then? The fact that people maintain their health with medicines without which they are khan?
          1. +2
            April 12 2019 11: 24
            the fact that there are an endless amount of grub that is harmful to health on the markets, and it doesn’t shake anyone, and there aren’t any super-mega-weapons to clean up a third world country like Russia, the economic situation when people eat dangerous grub and get disgusting honey help (the very quality of life) will cope stripping all unnecessary
            1. +2
              April 12 2019 11: 33
              ... ah, so you are talking about this ... well, we have developed capitalism in the yard, what did you want? I was recently in a pharmacy here, the pharmacist expressed the opinion that drugs that help very well replace those that help well but do not last long, but at the same time they are naturally sold in large volumes ...
              1. +1
                April 12 2019 11: 42
                I’m talking about the fact that in such a situation as we are screaming about evil healers who create biogenetic super-weapons to destroy us is somewhat strange in terms of healthy thinking
                1. 0
                  April 12 2019 13: 02
                  ... well, why doesn’t it interfere with one another, there are external threats, there are internal ...
  12. +5
    April 11 2019 12: 24
    Here the topic is more complicated than ... Research in this area has been and will continue. but an adequate state to develop weapons of this type. with reference to some genetic characteristics - it will not be, it is impossible. The problem is. that we HAVE a country in which the word "adequate" is not applicable to my defense projects, Zumvolt with the F-22 / F-35 will not lie, these cretins can launch the plague - and do not even understand why they themselves died.
    Why is it impossible? But there are no characteristics of the goal. It is necessary to calculate the signs that most of the citizens of your opponent possess - and a negligible percentage of your citizens, well, and allies. Otherwise, even if you kill 50% of the population from the enemy, but you and 5% die with your allies, that’s not to be hidden, and you’ll be buried, if in the USA for the whole WWII only 1% of families faced losses in the war, then 5% of blind men - a family of three people at least ... 20 percent of the population whose president killed relatives? Hello civil war.
    However, even the signs of nationalities that are so remarkable in terms of alignment are simply not in nature. The exhaust of such a weapon is like blowing up a melee grenade - everyone will fall
  13. +4
    April 11 2019 13: 27
    The strange question is HOW ?? Since it is already clearing the Medvedev government, under the presidency of Putin.
  14. +4
    April 11 2019 13: 41
    Why such difficulties? With the destruction of Russian and Putin normally copes.
  15. +9
    April 11 2019 14: 00
    The Americans. viruses ... Ugh. Their rulers declared total genocide to the people and are successfully implementing it. Incomprehensible food, shitty ecology, suspicious flu shots (not to be confused with useful vaccinations against measles and other sores that they began to do back in the USSR), massive depressive states in people who are desperate to survive rather than live. Oncology breaks all records. All hospitals are littered with cancer patients. And even less than those who have vascular diseases and heart problems.
    Go to the cemetery with relatives - look at the new graves and read the dates of life. More than half are young people. That's where the quiet horror is.
  16. 0
    April 11 2019 15: 29
    I don’t know how Ilona Mask’s rockets are, but American experts are writing that Tesla will die soon.
  17. +2
    April 11 2019 15: 59
    For the United States, we are not a threat, we are too few, rather China and our task is to help the United States and the PRC meet, in my opinion for us this would be a very serious respite ... that before genetics, we don’t have to dig so deep, enough A1H1N1 with the absence normal nutrition, vitamins and medicines ... it's good that at least the Soviet vaccination system was not completely broken. Laws, of course, are an important matter, if only they did not turn again into sawing the dough and painting the snow ... how can you not remember the wonderful "how many wonderful discoveries we have" Alexander Sergeevich, I agree with the author - someone dreamed of flying into space, and someone is improving in the methods of murder ...
  18. +4
    April 11 2019 23: 09
    I won’t let this chip in my ass stick, nor even a blood test. All the Yankees will give for the snuff. Yes, and in a concentration camp I do not want to live in either digital or biological-genetic.
  19. +4
    April 12 2019 06: 18
    Why, before our very eyes, there was an attempt (not entirely successful) to create a racial weapon: HIV. The predisposition to which clearly correlates with skin color (the darker, the greater the risk). Apparently, this virus was launched by the South Africans, who seem to have gone crazy on the eve of the fall of apartheid and decided to stop the "black threat" if not with weapons, then at least that way.
    Recently, a Nigerian doctor spoke of HIV as a racial weapon. She, of course, began to be well pressed, and she soon announced that "she was misunderstood." But I think I understood something right ...
  20. 0
    April 14 2019 04: 57
    "...when a doctor, having access to human genetic information, can independently or with the help of specialized specialists adjust treatment as necessary. "

    Author. You yourself, then realized what he said? Which specialized specialists? What kind of treatment?

    By 2025, thanks to Putin, his loyal putinoids, and various Putin's "reforms", such as "Putin's pension genocide" against the background of impoverished doctors, crumbling hospitals and a huge number of closed research institutions, a large part of our population will die out ... to the delight of various rich scum and Putin's hangers-on, who already today want people to eat macaroons, retire as late as possible and whom they did not ask to give birth ...

    Eh, the author ... you live in some other real story ... happy ... without Putin...
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  23. Andruher
    April 20 2019 06: 17
    work is underway to create genetically modified viruses capable of

    The most promising use of genetic information is not war viruses, but genetically specific radiation, capable of changing the human genetics (of the fetus in the womb) so that the newborn loses the ability to think adequately.

    That is, the selection of d. Bilov.

    Similar radiation generators are now in space, with the Americans. Their capabilities so far lie in the plane of mental impact, but it is the genetically specific effect that is the prospect of the development of these systems.

    Years over ... twenty in Russia there simply will not be an intellectually high-quality population - that is the purpose of such weapons.