Hamas group wanted to make peace with Israel?

Last week, one of the most implacable leaders of the Palestinian group Hamas-based Yahya Sanouar, who is based in the Gaza Strip, gave a public interview for the first time to a foreign media outlet, one of the leading European publications, Italian newspaper La Republica, with the analysis of the fragments of which we propose to become acquainted. Most likely, this “appearance” of the Hamas leader literally in the deep underground is a kind of PR move aimed at drawing attention to his organization, because against the background of the recent change of the leader of another Palestinian jihadist organization, the Islamic Jihad in Palestine , interest in its structure began to fade.

Hamas group wanted to make peace with Israel?

Hamas militants on a recent parade in Gaza

In the beginning, we should note that the name Hamas is an acronym for the Arabic Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya (Islamic resistance movement), and the word Hamas itself in Arabic means “zeal”, “enthusiasm”.

This organization of Palestinian Islamists is considered to be Israel, the EU, the USA, Canada, Japan and a number of other states (for example, Egypt and Jordan) terrorist, but in Russia it is not officially recognized as such. In our country, it has been from the Soviet period (at least its non-military - the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, and the political wing) is considered a relatively legitimate partner in the Palestinian settlement process, and its leaders during the negotiations for Moscow was not arrested or transferred to countries demanding their arrest.

A group of countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, etc., which consider the political wing of Hamas to be an eligible partner in negotiations with Israel, and its terrorist wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, considered a terrorist entity.

The leadership of Israel has officially declared that it is disappointed with both the position of the UK and its dominions, and Russia; The meeting in 2010, Dmitry Medvedev, the President of Russia at that time, and Khaled Mashal, the head of the Hamas political bureau, was particularly harsh. Israel declared to this that “the militants of this organization are no different from the Chechen terrorists, and Mashal from Shamil Basayev, and that it is impossible to divide terrorists and jihadists into“ good ”and“ bad ”according to geographical affiliation”.

Finally, recently, in 2014, Saudi Arabia, known for its support of Islamist associations, recognized the Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia) as a terrorist organization and banned all of its branches and subsidiaries, including Hamas.

In general, Hamas officially emerged as an independent structure in 1987, like many other Palestinian jihadist organizations, based on the Sunni Salafi Muslim Brotherhood movement and the Islamic Jihad organization. However, Mujama al-Islamia, the Islamic religious and charitable organization founded in 1978 by Sheikh Ahmed Ismail Yasin, who became the head and spiritual leader of Hamas (killed by Israeli security forces in Gaza in 2004), was the main underlying principle of this organization. Originally formed as a more radical movement than Yasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization, Hamas became a direct competitor of the Arafatists, along with the Islamic Jihad of Palestine.

The coat of arms of Hamas: it shows two crossed swords against the background of the Jerusalem Dome of the Rock of Creation mosque. On two Palestinian flags are inscriptions in Arabic with the Islamic "shahda": "There is no god except Allah" and "Mohammed is the prophet of Allah." Above - the outlines of the Palestinian state as Hamas imagines it - it should include the entire territory of modern Israel, the west bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip. Under the figure signature "Fylystyn" ("Palestine"). The inscription on the green ribbon in white letters at the bottom of the emblem: “Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas”

And for more than 30 years, Hamas has been leading an armed confrontation with Israel, committing numerous attacks and even occasionally provoking the IDF to large-scale military invasions. Currently, this organization has provoked and organized the “Great March of Return” - a campaign of aggressive demonstrations of Palestinians, lasting for several months in 2018 on the Gaza border with Israel, during which almost 200 people died.

In the course of the many years of civil war in Syria, all branches of the movement Muslim Brotherhood supported by the Saudis, Qatar and Turkey actively participated in the armed struggle against the government of Bashar al-Assad. And, surprisingly, but among them, despite the many years of support for Assadi, there was also a jihadist Hamas movement.

Militants from the Sunni radicals of this organization turned out to be not only one of the most combat-ready, but even became responsible for the military training of the “Syrian Free Army” and to a large extent the entire so-called moderate Syrian opposition. Their "moderation" caused a mass uprising of ordinary Syrians from among the Sunni Arabs, which managed to lead ... already the "Islamic state" (banned in the Russian Federation).

After the defeat of the majority of jihadist groups in Syria, thanks primarily to Russia's help, fearing the invasion of the Islamic State into the Gaza Strip and the execution by ultra-radical caliphatists of all Hamas activists, this movement formally stopped the armed struggle against the PLO and Israel. Moreover, it largely lost its strength during the battles in Syria, even submitted to the authorities of the Palestinian National Authority, but in recent years has taken a number of steps to prove the rating of these actions, and since then has been trying to revive its influence in the Palestinian territories.

As we have said, last week the Italian journalist Francesca Bori was able to get a meeting with the leader of the "irreconcilable" in Hamas, and, having repeatedly talked with Ihie Sanoyar, even accompanied him throughout the Gaza Strip.

Structure of various Hamas representative offices and offices in the Middle East.

In the course of his communication with the Italian journalistic leader, Hamas noted that “a new historical an opportunity for change ”and that“ no one is interested in a new large-scale war in Gaza or in other Palestinian territories ”.

“We understand that we will not be able to win a new full-scale war with a regional nuclear power,” Sanoir told her, “but Netanyahu will also gain nothing from the new confrontation. This will be our fourth war with the Zionists, and Israel will not be able to achieve the same results as in the first three. To achieve victory, they will have to occupy Gaza again. I don’t think that Netanyahu is striving for this, because 2 million people live in the Sector ”.

When asked why he had invested heavily in the construction of the tunnels, while half of the population of Gaza was actually starving and dying from a shortage of medicines and medical care, Sanoir replied: “Actually, it’s great that Hamas has and has these tunnels otherwise not half, and we would all be starving and dying. ” Here is such a practical and realistic in its horror response from the leader of one of the Palestinian jihadist movements.

F. Bori also asked if Sanoir feels its responsibility and the responsibility of Hamas as a whole for the fact that difficult humanitarian conditions arose in Gaza. And one of the leaders of this organization said that only Israel is responsible for this. He also added that the lifting of the complete blockade of Gaza is an important element of a possible cease-fire with Israel. “If a cease-fire means stopping the bombings, but without water, electricity and everything else, then this makes no sense,” Sanoir said. - The cease-fire can be extended again and again, but there is no peace agreement without justice and freedom. I do not want peace for the dead. "

The next question asked by an Italian journalist concerned new means of influencing Israel from this terrorist movement: kites and balloons transporting conventional and incendiary bombs to the territory of the Jewish state. Sanwar responded to this: “You cannot treat snakes and balls as arms. This is not a weapon, but simply signals. And their meaning is as follows: you are much stronger than us, but you will never win, we will resist in all possible ways. ”

Regarding the situation of acute confrontation between Hamas and Fatah in the Palestinian territories, Sanouar said that the Israeli blockade of Gaza by Israel, I understand very well Fatah, our Arab brothers who sold themselves to the Zionists. After all, if they had agreed to the creation of a government of national unity with Hamas, they would no longer receive any aggression from the Israelis. ”

Recall that the “leader of the irreconcilable” Hamasians spent almost 25 years in Israeli prisons and was released as part of the exchange deal Gelad Shalit. At the same time, he admits that from an everyday point of view, he was better in an Israeli prison than in his underground bunker in Gaza, because in Israel he received "unlimited light, water and almost any books."

Also from the side of the Italian journalist, there was a question that Hamas still holds the bodies of Israeli soldiers Adar Goldin and Oron Shaul in Gaza, as well as perhaps two more living Israelis, Abraham Mengistu and Hisham al-Said. And that in exchange for the return of the bodies and the living Israelis, Hamas, despite all the laws of the war, demands that thousands of Palestinians be released from Israeli prisons. Sinuar responded vaguely to this, stating, inter alia, that “your readers may think that these prisoners whom we ask for release are terrorists, and this is not so, they are fighters for the freedom of the Palestinian people ...”

In the opinion of the “leader of the irreconcilable” Hamas, the current little differs from the one that was before the summer-autumn of 2005, that is, before the separation of Israel from the Gaza Strip: “In 2005, the Zionists left, but only transformed the occupation: , and then they simply sealed the border, taking away the rest of our lands ... After Hamas won the 2006 election of the year, the world isolated us, and this led to even greater suffering for our people. Understand that even the best surgeon will be helpless when all he has is a knife and fork to do his work ... ”

As before, Sanouar confirmed the fact of his non-recognition of the peace agreement on the Palestinian issue in Oslo. He called this agreement "a way to distract the world community, while the expansion of Israeli settlements threatens the creation of a Palestinian state as such."

When an Italian journalist with Sanouar traveled around Gaza, this Palestinian jihadist leader showed how the conflict with Israel affected the overall situation of the residents and the economy of the Sector. According to Sanhua, one of his advisers lost an arm during the attack by the IDF, and although the injury was initially simple, the infection was not possible due to the lack of full treatment and he had to amputate his arm. “Or your translator,” he added, “he lost two of his children, simply because there was nothing to treat them. But the man who served us tea, you know, he suffered a tragedy - his wife died from an infection: it was a small wound, but there were no antibiotics, there was a blood infection. Do you think we can just forget all this? But at least let's start with a cease-fire, let's give our children a life that we did not have. ”

Fighting squad "maneuvering compounds" groups of Palestinian jihadists Hamas

At the end of the interview, the leader of the “irreconcilable” wing of Hamas emphasized that if the Israeli forces attacked its people, they would strike back, because “armed resistance to the aggression is our right.”

In addition, he criticized the international community and noted that Gaza is paid attention only when there is a surge of violence and new mass bloodshed, and no one pays attention to the daily constant killings, not to mention the suffering of the Palestinian people as such. “The problem is not our resistance, but the occupation of our lands,” he said, “you have seen the video where the Zionist soldiers are shooting at us and laughing ... Once upon a time they had people like Freud, Einstein and Kafka; they have gained worldwide fame for their achievements in mathematics, physics, philosophy, and now they have only Dronesbringing death to civilians from the air. What a shame… But we are ready to change all that, we are ready for the world.”
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  1. +5
    8 October 2018 16: 15
    Well, now the answer is Israel ... let's see how the Israelis respond to this. The hostility didn’t appear yesterday, and with one statement you can’t settle anything.
    Even after the end of the war in Syria, I think little has changed in BV, because there is still a group of ISIS in Iraq ... and Afghanistan is teeming with this evil spirits. Add to this the confrontation of Iran with Israel and it turns out the oil painting ... there will be Hamas, there will be something else ... that’s my opinion.
    1. SOF
      8 October 2018 18: 14
      Quote: NEXUS
      let's see how the Israelis will respond to this

      ... they won’t answer in any way .... since for a conversation it is necessary to recognize, by right of a strong one, that mutually spilled blood, it’s time, it’s time to put aside, fed by the states, ambitions and start a conversation with someone who, on the other hand, is contractable and has the power, and then, together, treat the vendetta hydra ......
      ... this is NOT possible, because the Israelis insist only on their superiority .... and all references to the fact that Egypt and others in the peace treaty are nothing more than a banal dominance, reinforced by an older brother behind him ..... ... only.....
    2. 0
      8 October 2018 19: 16
      Quote: NEXUS
      Well, now the answer is Israel ... let's see how the Israelis respond to this.

      They will bomb! They always answer the same. In addition, flying over Syria is still problematic, and flying hours for pilots are needed.
      1. +5
        9 October 2018 07: 23
        Quote: the most important
        Quote: NEXUS
        Well, now the answer is Israel ... let's see how the Israelis respond to this.

        They will bomb! They always answer the same. In addition, flying over Syria is still problematic, and flying hours for pilots are needed.

        And they’ll do it right .... How can we negotiate with those who do not even recognize your right to exist? And if there is at least someone who believes that Hamas is good, remember whose side they were in Syria and at least that's why we are not on the way ...
  2. 0
    8 October 2018 17: 47
    Hamas wants to make peace with Israel
    What are you guys? We believe in you, maybe the machine guns there or the missiles are over, so you tell me, you can’t go to extremes so quickly.
  3. 0
    8 October 2018 20: 44
    That was the difference between the PLO and Hamas, in that the former were the first, and quite adequate negotiators. Hamas is the brainchild of Mossad. Let them deal with them. And speaking on behalf of the Palestinians, their native organization is Hezbollah now. By the way, it is also popular in the Gaza Strip. And Hamas, its officials, feel better in the West Bank ...
    1. -1
      8 October 2018 20: 48
      Well, still the position is good. You can not defeat the enemy, make him your friend.
      And we will defeat common enemies.
      1. 0
        8 October 2018 20: 54
        Well then you have to pay. That would be a "friend". I don't know if the Knesset will allocate funds, but the Saudis will have to be persuaded or "seduced" ...
        1. 0
          8 October 2018 20: 55
          That would pay "friend" of Israel.
        2. +2
          9 October 2018 20: 55
          Quote: rruvim
          I don’t know whether the Knesset will allocate funds

          This is not Chechnya. Peace in exchange for peace, not in exchange for money.
    2. 0
      9 October 2018 10: 32
      Quote: rruvim
      That was the difference between the PLO and Hamas, in that the former were the first, and quite adequate negotiators. Hamas is the brainchild of Mossad. Let them deal with them. And speaking on behalf of the Palestinians, their native organization is Hezbollah now. By the way, it is also popular in the Gaza Strip. And Hamas, its officials, feel better in the West Bank ...

      1) The PLOs became adequate negotiators only after the Jews dragged them out of Tunisia - all forgotten and no one needed in the early 90's, after the collapse of the Union.
      2) Hamas at first enjoyed the support of Shabak (Mossad is foreign intelligence), while it was engaged in the construction of mosques and charity. With the advent of the military wing of this organization, Jews began to hammer it.
      3) Hezbollah - until 2011, was an ally of Hamas. Actively spoke for him in 2006, which led to the Second Lebanon War. After which support remained only in words. The Hezbollons no longer dared to fight for Gaza.
      4) Hamas officials in the West Bank are being arrested by the PA administration and operating semi-underground.
      5) Feel good in Qatar - yachts, villas, jets, offices in skyscrapers.
    3. -2
      9 October 2018 12: 22
      Well, hardly a brainchild. They have a relatively equal partnership, allowing each group to milk its half of the world. Arabs - rich oil workers, Jews - the world Jewish lobby and Germans. But all this hat is already very boring to the world, as noted in the article.
      In general, the symbionts decided to shake off the dust from the old "problems", besides, the Palestinian "resistance" is very offensive - the Jews ride like cheese in butter, and the poor "patriots" are included in all terrorist lists and practically will not use phony money.
      So the Palestinians will rebrand and start legally consuming Estonian girls in French brothels, without fear of any anti-terrorist units there. And for the role of the horror story, we are waiting for new (young and hungry) children, whom the Jews now probably have carefully prepared so that they are not caught too quickly.
      And soon something really awful beautifully and spectacularly bangs! So slamming that everyone is imbued with sympathy for the poor offended Jews and hatred for the brand new, demon-pierced, demons of terrorist evil! Waiting, waiting ....
      1. 0
        10 October 2018 17: 29
        Quote: Mikhail3
        Well, hardly a brainchild. They have a relatively equal partnership, allowing each group to milk its half of the world. Arabs - rich oil workers, Jews - the world Jewish lobby and Germans. But all this hat is already very boring to the world, as noted in the article.
        In general, the symbionts decided to shake off the dust from the old "problems", besides, the Palestinian "resistance" is very offensive - the Jews ride like cheese in butter, and the poor "patriots" are included in all terrorist lists and practically will not use phony money.
        So the Palestinians will rebrand and start legally consuming Estonian girls in French brothels, without fear of any anti-terrorist units there. And for the role of the horror story, we are waiting for new (young and hungry) children, whom the Jews now probably have carefully prepared so that they are not caught too quickly.
        And soon something really awful beautifully and spectacularly bangs! So slamming that everyone is imbued with sympathy for the poor offended Jews and hatred for the brand new, demon-pierced, demons of terrorist evil! Waiting, waiting ....

        read two times. everything is equally incomprehensible to the flow of your thoughts.
        1. 0
          10 October 2018 20: 27
          I love that your mentors haven't forgotten the classics. It's cool to see a clean as a tearful reception as much from "the ability to lead a discussion." What can I say? I didn't understand so I didn't understand ...
        2. -1
          11 October 2018 16: 25
          Quote: Maki Avellievich
          read two times. everything is equally incomprehensible to the flow of your thoughts.
          And this is by standard, the flow is there are no thoughts. Left thinking that. Remained - further on Zhirinovsky.
  4. +2
    11 October 2018 16: 15
    I recalled the bearded anecdote of 80's:
    An Arab is running across the desert, shooting back from a Kalashnikov, and an Israeli tank is following the Arab. Finally, the Arab runs out of cartridges, he stopped running, stopped. The tank also stopped, an Israeli gets out of it and asks the Arab: "Well, are you out of cartridges?" He takes out a box of cartridges and says: "Maybe sell?" In my opinion, this is a vivid illustration of what is happening on BV.
    Well, the world is not ready for "new thinking", no matter how anyone wants it.