Dumb and Dumber: The United States incorporates the effect of a monkey with a grenade

American high-ranking officials seem to be competing in who among them will make the most ridiculous aggressive statement addressed to Russia.

This “contest” was opened by US Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, who announced that the US Navy was ready to declare a naval blockade of Russia and Iran in order to stop selling Russian oil and gas to the countries of the Middle East. That is, the region where most of the energy is extracted. That is almost equivalent to taking measures to curb the supply of samovars to Tula. And this is in addition to the absurdity of the measures by which Zinke intends to solve this extremely important task (we recall that the declaration of a naval blockade is equivalent to the beginning of the war).

But the world community did not have time to digest this amazing message and understand how to respond to such statements, as sounded like Kay Bailey Hutchison, US Permanent Representative to NATO, comparable with the effect of a bombshell.

Dumb and Dumber: The United States incorporates the effect of a monkey with a grenade

An American diplomat accused our country of violating the 1987 Treaty on the Elimination of Medium and Small-Range Missiles (DSMR), saying that Russia was allegedly working on the production of new missiles prohibited by this document.

Although, according to her, the USA is committed to a diplomatic settlement of the issue, but they are ready to consider a military solution if Russia continues to violate the indefinite treaty concluded between the USA and the USSR. “At this stage, we will consider the possibility of destroying a (Russian) rocket that will be able to hit any of our countries,” she said. “In the future, the moment may come when America decides: it is necessary to proceed to the development phase (of our own missiles), which right now, according to this agreement, is not allowed.”

Together with Hutchison, the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made accusations against Moscow in violation of the INF. He stressed that the alliance is concerned about Russia's actions, which, in his opinion, put the treaty at risk.

“All members of the alliance agree that Russia is violating this agreement. According to the US, which they shared with NATO, Russia is violating the INF Treaty, starting to deploy the Novator 9М729 missiles. I cannot go into the details of this intelligence, ”the NATO Secretary General said.

Although he did not threaten Russia with military measures, his speech increased the effect of Madame Hutchison’s statement. Which was regarded as the announcement of "lightning disarming global strike" - a favorite military concept of the American hawks.

According to her, the US armed forces are delivering a preemptive massive strike with non-nuclear (or nuclear) means on nuclear-missile facilities, air defense systems, communications centers and command posts of the enemy, which radically undermines its defenses. After that, the enemy is given an ultimatum, which he will be forced to accept.

If we consider that 27 on April 2017, the representative of the General Staff of the Russian Federation stated that the US is preparing for a sudden nuclear attack on Russia, and the US missile defense bases in Europe and anti-missile ships near Russian territory "create a powerful hidden component" for a possible nuclear missile strike, It is not difficult to understand exactly how the statement was perceived.

Namely: Washington, based, as always, on unsubstantiated accusations and without going into the details of this intelligence, began information preparation for the implementation of the “quick strike”.

Thus, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Zakharova, qualified Hutchison’s speech as “aggressive rhetoric,” which should be assessed by military experts.

“It seems that people making such statements do not realize the degree of their responsibility and the danger of aggressive rhetoric. Who authorized this lady to make such statements? American people? Are ordinary people in the United States aware that so-called diplomats paid out of their pockets are aggressive and destructive? ”- quotes RIA“News»Zakharov.

According to her, it's just “to break and destroy everything,” however, it is difficult to “repair and repair”.

“American diplomacy has a lot to do to recover from the consequences of inherent errors,” she said.

It is possible that the US Permanent Representative heard the speech of Zakharova and hurried to comment on her own statement in the spirit of "I was not misunderstood."

In her Twitter, Kay Bailey Hutchison wrote that she did not talk about how to deliver a preemptive strike on Russia.

What she only noted was that Russia “should return” to abide by the provisions of the INF Treaty, otherwise the US will have to take into account the potential capabilities of the Russian side to protect its own interests and the interests of the North Atlantic Alliance, and will shoot down Russian missiles.

As we see, the comment turned out too-so. After all, according to his logic, the US armed forces will shoot down only those missiles that, in Washington’s opinion, violate the INF. And those that do not come into conflict with the provisions of the treaty, so let them fly farther where they want to go.

Such a selective approach causes serious and well-founded fears about the mental health of the permanent representative.

Apparently, the appointment of people to positions of responsibility is not just incompetent, but with obvious signs of dementia, becoming a trend. And against the background of the current administration, the name of the unforgettable Jen Psaki does not sound so bad.

However, no matter how idiots they look, they solve the tasks set for them. So, in the speech of Hutchison, the main thing was not the destruction of Russian missiles, but the fact that the United States would be forced to begin production of similar systems. That is, unreasonably accusing our country of violating the treaty (as testified by the chairman of the Committee on Security and Defense of the Federation Council Viktor Bondarev, 9М729 does not violate the contract, since the maximum range of the missile is 480 km) to legitimize in the eyes of the allies its own violations of the INF.

Suffice it to recall that in the military budget for the 2019 year, they have already pledged funds to create a cruise missile, which will fly from 500 to 5500 kilometers.

However, this is not the only goal pursued by the United States, allowing its representatives to use this kind of rhetoric. By provoking international tension and militaristic hysteria, they exercise pressure on their European allies. Using it as a universal tool in order to get them to increase allocations for the maintenance of NATO, even greater purchases of American weapons and, if possible, force them to abandon Russian energy.

At the same time, a fair amount of "crazy" in the speeches of the American representatives creates an inimitable effect of a monkey with a grenade, considerably enhancing the desired effect.

Recall, October 3 press secretary to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov, at the awarding ceremony for the winners of the Russian MediaTEK contest announced that our energy projects were directly threatened by presidents of other countries, and despite this, these projects are being implemented.

Returning to DRMSD, we note that in December 2017, Vladimir Putin stated that the United States had actually withdrawn from the treaty.

“They [the US] put the systems - supposedly anti-missile systems - in Romania. And how they set? They put the Aegis launch systems, removed them just from the sea and set them up. But in these systems, anti-missiles can be easily replaced simply with medium-range missiles, ”the Russian president said.

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  1. +5
    4 October 2018 12: 06
    The Americans simply forgot (or do not know) about who shouts the loudest: "Stop the thief!"
    1. +17
      4 October 2018 12: 45
      Quote: Yrec
      The Americans simply forgot (or do not know) about who shouts the loudest: "Stop the thief!"

      Americans are simply ready to comply with the treaties under two conditions:
      1. The contract is beneficial to the United States.
      2. The opponent is strong enough.
      In this case, the US agreement is not beneficial, Russia is not considered a strong rival. At the expense of "international law" and other blah-blah-blah, this is for gentlemen liberals.
      1. +6
        4 October 2018 13: 32
        Quote: Serge Gorely
        Americans are simply ready to comply with the treaties under two conditions:

        amended TEMPORARILY. as soon as one conditions are changed, by agreement, sorry, wiped
        1. +1
          4 October 2018 13: 51
          American high-ranking officials seem to be competing in who among them will make the most ridiculous aggressive statement addressed to Russia.
          in the states, there can be smart people, but today’s policy is that it’s better to pretend to be down, then write off IT is easier (consumables). the world is laughing, the states are bending their ... they don’t care ... the end justifies the means.
          1. 0
            4 October 2018 14: 53
            posts of envoys, envoys who do not know, in the states are either bought directly, or given in the form of a bribe or for merit in lobbying.
            people get all kinds of different on them.
        2. 0
          4 October 2018 19: 14
          Under no circumstances are staffers going to comply with any agreements! And they will calm down only when the Bikini attol remains from North America ...
      2. +1
        4 October 2018 16: 55
        In general, there is only one condition - the first, and everything else fits into it
      3. 0
        4 October 2018 19: 20
        Almost any country does just that, just those who do not have more powerful opponents, there are not so many, perhaps their units, including the United States. The right of the strong has not disappeared.
    2. +2
      4 October 2018 21: 03
      Apparently they think that the war with Russia will be for them, like a war with Germany. That they will land in the summer of 1944, and the USSR will support them in difficult times and they will win the war. What abilities they have seen in Vietnam. How to send them can be seen in North Korea. They intimidate the fifth column, which will sell, as Karl Marx wrote, a country with giblets.
  2. +3
    4 October 2018 12: 09
    Hysteria from impotence, the world begins to ignore the "greatest" ..
    1. +4
      4 October 2018 13: 08
      Quote: Svarog
      Hysteria from powerlessness

      Well, powerless, Vladimir, the United States cannot be called even with a big stretch, they have a huge toolbox against everyone, they are powerless only against our Strategic Missile Forces. There is a combination of several "without" - irresponsibility, impunity, illiteracy, indifference to the fate of the world and peoples, ruthlessness, recklessness.
      1. 0
        4 October 2018 21: 04
        Their dollar crushed. If Russia drops the dollar, it will fall on the Americans.
  3. +4
    4 October 2018 12: 09
    Why are they blaming us all the time, and are we making excuses? Is it not time for us to poke a finger?
    1. +5
      4 October 2018 13: 10
      Quote: zyzx
      Why are they blaming us all the time, and are we making excuses?

      Because for some people in our country the "privatized" trillion dollars can be "de-dollarized".
      1. 0
        4 October 2018 15: 58
        Can you specify?
    2. 0
      4 October 2018 16: 56
      We have a weak media effect, that's the whole difference. You need to poke so that everyone can hear and see, and without this, the game is not worth the candle.
  4. +3
    4 October 2018 12: 10
    At the same time, a fair amount of "crazy" in the speeches of the American representatives creates an inimitable effect of a monkey with a grenade, considerably enhancing the desired effect.
    The question of their insanity is their problem. If they do not solve it, then it is necessary to kill them and their allies.
    In short, I will support Putin if he decides to deliver a preemptive strike to the insolent states and their allies.
    1. +2
      4 October 2018 14: 15
      Are you science fiction? But what about close relatives, bank accounts and other, acquired by the overwhelming milking of the Motherland, and located there?
      How many years can you live in such bliss?
      1. +1
        4 October 2018 15: 06
        Are you science fiction? But what about close relatives, bank accounts and other acquired
        But what about the relatives of those who resemble a "monkey with a grenade", their accounts and everything they have acquired?
        Z.Y. If successful, our oligarchs will become world oligarchs bully
  5. +4
    4 October 2018 12: 13
    All this clowning is dictated by the sharpest conflict between the two rival factions of the American monopoly bourgeoisie and the degree will increase as the midterm congressional elections approach in a month. Democrats at all costs need to take a majority in the House of Representatives and politically paralyze Trump.
    1. +2
      4 October 2018 13: 32
      Quote: anti-zombie
      All this clowning is dictated by the sharpest conflict between the two rival factions of the American monopoly bourgeoisie and the degree will increase as the midterm congressional elections approach in a month. Democrats at all costs need to take a majority in the House of Representatives and politically paralyze Trump.
      For the same reason, in order to paralyze the Democrats, Trump will scold some "decisive" attack and drag "by the ears" some "victory" in order to please the voters with the Republicans' successes. Where? whom? And How? he will "win", somewhere behind the political world curtains, specially trained people will agree.
      1. +1
        4 October 2018 17: 08
        Trump has graduated already
  6. +7
    4 October 2018 12: 20
    Suffice it to recall that in the military budget for the 2019 year, they have already pledged funds to create a cruise missile, which will fly from 500 to 5500 kilometers.

    ... moreover, EMNIS began to develop them in 2012, I read somewhere such Old, now I will not mention it ...
    The bottom line is that the INF Treaty was concluded in the interests of mainly Europe - they are critical for them, they don’t cover all of Russia in any way - there will be an answer, the United States generally side, but Europe with them, launching in Kaliningrad - and in Berlin-Paris have time to run to the toilet.
    Those. The United States simply throws the Europeans under the hammer for the sake of their show-offs and drinks. Well, so that Russia could constitute a threat.
    1. +5
      4 October 2018 12: 53
      Quote: Jerk
      The United States simply throws the Europeans under the hammer for their show-offs and cuts

      And when was the striped people interested in the problems of the "Indians", the gay Europeans?
      They feel themselves beyond the sea-okey norms .... not everyone remembers. sho the flight time of our "Topol" is not so great. They will have time to consume coffee with big poppy, but there is no way to process it.
      the costs of education or dermocracy, it doesn’t matter anymore, it simply doesn’t reach many people that such a terrible and final hut is for EVERYONE!
    2. 0
      4 October 2018 18: 04
      Europeans have no problems. It is clear to everyone that there will be no war, and if it rolls - Europe, Africa - all the same. Not the point - the Americans decided to strangle the Russians by all possible means and impose their policies on them. Sanctions, army spending, which will inevitably increase, local wars on Russian borders, Syria - all in the already well-known repertoire. And with this financial resource and allies I will be surprised if they do not have time.
      1. -1
        4 October 2018 19: 54
        Quote: Keyser Soze
        Sanctions, army costs, which will inevitably increase, local wars on Russian borders,

        That's the joke that our couch experts and warriors break template - Why do not we make weapons of all kinds, different and more! -
        It is NECESSARY to re-equip, but the guns instead of oil, they won’t bring us to good ... therefore I assess limited costs, limited intervention on external interests as a reasonable act! Still, the domestic economy should be implemented correctly !!! Then the devil himself is NOT SCARED !!!
  7. +6
    4 October 2018 14: 16
    Just in case: the general joyful gesture in the photo in the article is the sign of Satan folded from the fingers.
    1. 0
      4 October 2018 23: 37
      Yes, and I want to understand why no one says that the entire US elite is in the open cult of Satan. Our confrontation is not with this country, but with Satan.
      1. 0
        4 October 2018 23: 45
        Quote: Anton
        Our confrontation is not with this country, but with Satan.

        Last week, an American public organization called The Satanic Temple announced its readiness to open Satan worship clubs in elementary schools throughout the United States. The fact that this phenomenon is supported and encouraged by the American state itself, and the satanic clubs in this country already operate in some educational institutions, speaks about the extent of the passion for Americans with Satanism, while adherents of this sect actively promote their passion among Americans.
        1. 0
          4 October 2018 23: 51
          At the Pentagon, along with other faiths, the main chaplain of the Church of Satan was represented, under whose leadership about a hundred Satan chaplains served in the US armed forces. In October, the 2004 Royal British Navy officially registered the first Satanist in public service, Chris Kranmer, a technician on the frigate Cumberland.

          For his followers, Lavei formulated nine main principles:

          1) Satan offers indulgence in carnal desires instead of limitation!

          2) Satan offers a full-blooded life instead of spiritual dreams!

          3) Satan offers perfect wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deception!

          4) Satan offers kindness to the worthy instead of a meaningless love of the ungrateful!

          5) Satan offers the right of revenge instead of the principle of forgiveness!

          6) Satan offers responsibility for responsible people instead of caring for psychic vampires!

          7) Satan represents a person as an ordinary animal species, whose behavior is sometimes better, but usually worse than the behavior of animals that walk on four legs. Because of his "divine, spiritual, and intellectual development," he has become the most cruel of all existing animals!

          9) Satan has always been the best friend of the Church, because thanks to him, for many years she had something to do!
          In, Naryl. The nuthouse is crying for them.
  8. +4
    4 October 2018 14: 28
    Well, how can we not remember our legendary Mikhail Zadornov, "well ... stupid." In my opinion, it is necessary to put a monument to him in full height opposite the striped embassy in Moscow, and take the above phrase as an epigraph.
    1. +1
      4 October 2018 15: 12
      Quote: Ros 56
      In my opinion, it is necessary to put a monument to him in full growth opposite the striped embassy in Moscow, and take the above phrase as an epigraph.

      Cool idea, colleague! Just a monument is enough, without a phrase, passers-by will smile more often, bypassing the embassy of mattress. smile
    2. 0
      4 October 2018 16: 01
      And it will be fun !!!
    3. 0
      4 October 2018 20: 12
      Another striking phrase is a US diplomat: when attacking one of our countries
      If the translation is correct stupid is not the right word.
  9. 0
    4 October 2018 15: 45
    Please pay attention: more and more such statements are made by the inhabitants of perches in chicken coops. One word, brains are chicken.
  10. 0
    4 October 2018 15: 45
    but with clear signs of dementia

  11. +2
    4 October 2018 16: 40
    The author has achieved his goal. It remains only to write an "answer to Chamberlain." If you look into history, then we
    We will see statements abruptly than this. When we turn into a calm country, confident that our army will
    Protect. We will calmly do our work, and the military our own. There is an interesting story with Zadornov. Some residents of Vladivostok are so carried away by business that they did not notice the natural beauty. And
    when the Satirist led them to the hills, they exclaimed in admiration "wow!"
  12. +1
    4 October 2018 17: 53
    Quote: flicker
    Are you science fiction? But what about close relatives, bank accounts and other acquired
    But what about the relatives of those who resemble a "monkey with a grenade", their accounts and everything they have acquired?
    Z.Y. If successful, our oligarchs will become world oligarchs bully

    Ha! Ha! And you, indeed, are a dreamer. Our oligarchs are stupid, greedy and cowardly. Maybe you see equals to the Rhodschilds or Morgan? They are not suitable for them. They got rich at the expense of the USSR and the same Americans, Property was created by the Soviet people , and the Americans held loans-for-shares auctions. They just happened to be in the right place at the right time. If we ourselves do not demolish our oligarchs, then the Americans will demolish them, only with us. And how do you imagine the war, oligarchs in Bali, are waiting for what will end , and we and our children "For the Motherland! For Putin!", and in case of victory they are the world's oligarchs.
    1. 0
      4 October 2018 19: 23
      Ours are nouveau riche, not oligarchs, because. This needs to be changed for several generations so that they learn far-reaching plans to build. By the way, while the trend towards strategic thinking is visible, those who knew how to steal and run away already either fled or found their sad end in London.
  13. 0
    4 October 2018 19: 22
    All this fuss is very reminiscent of Orwell Animal Farm
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. 0
    5 October 2018 20: 56
    The United States did not include this effect since this effect has always been the norm for them in cases where this is consistent with the opinion of the United States.
  16. 0
    6 October 2018 11: 13
    I am sure that among our elderly women there are also abruptly amateurs to speak only against the United States and some Americans in particular. Maybe give them a podium?
    In general, the trend is disgusting. All this Anglo-American and other European trash is just waiting for the coming of Gorbachev-2.0, and, in my opinion, they have already outlined who can be quickly upgraded to this level from Russian citizens. American old men and women all the time blur out that they are waiting for the liquidation of Russia. After all, they have little time left, the recent magnificent funeral of their comrade, of course, inspires, but everyone wants to see someone else's funeral. But there are plenty of young growths there, not with altered hearts and brains. And they think that in this case they will liquidate Russian nuclear weapons and calmly finish off Russia, delaying the universal crisis for another 50 years. It is a pity that today there are no Kukryniksy with their posters. Otherwise, they would have clearly seen all this pack of ghouls and ghouls.
  17. 0
    6 October 2018 21: 24
    The Yankees are going more and more crazy. The burden of their debt weighs on them more and more. According to the American administration, the rest of the world should pay their debts, because the United States is "ahead of the rest of the planet," and whoever disagrees should taste the winged democracy.