Kingdom of mirror curves


Who of those who participated in the March 2018 presidential race in March would you vote for if such elections were held this Sunday?

Sergey Baburin - 13 (4.83%)
Pavel Grudinin - 145 (53.9%)
Vladimir Zhirinovsky - 19 (7.06%)
Vladimir Putin - 75 (27.88%)
Ksenia Sobchak - 7 (2.6%)
Maxim Suraykin - 7 (2.6%)
Boris Titov - 3 (1.12%)
Grigory Yavlinsky - 0 (0%)
We do not need the sun, the party shines for us,
We do not need pensions - let's work.
We will ask the party, she will answer us,
And honestly share a big loaf.

At the request of workers

Recently, a lot of very sharp articles have appeared on the VO website concerning the internal problems of the country. It is noteworthy that they are increasingly sharp criticism of the president. It is also noteworthy that in their comments, many readers are aware of the situation and ask themselves: what then to do?

In my opinion, this is one of the simplest questions, if not the simplest. In my opinion, it is simple to ugliness, and I will answer it at the end of this article.

What has happened lately that has stirred the public so much (including us)?

The main thing is the plans of the country's leadership to raise the VAT to 20% and, most importantly, increase the retirement age. Plus rallies occurred. It affects the vast majority of the population, and people are indignant.

We argue that the economic program of the government is wrong and we offer our programs, that there is no money in the pension fund, but they are in the budget, and we had to do everything differently, discuss a great number of other, certainly, important issues. .

It seems, it is necessary to look at the essence. As they say, look into the root. Actually, nothing new has happened - only the method has changed. Yes, now it is too brazen, in a boorish way, trying to get into our pocket. But in principle, what's new?

What do we demand from the current government? Basically, only that she led herself less arrogantly, and, having seized upon material wealth, she would have shared with us. There are, of course, appeals to stop the orgy, for example, in education and culture, including from the regular authors of “VO”, but on the general background they look like a voice crying in the desert. Even many of us write in the comments that “everything is paid for,” “working out the fee”, “weeping Yaroslavna”, “do not like it - a suitcase, train station ...”, “all propalschiki”, etc. Although even if someone for writing a good correct article, being guided by his conscience, would receive a fee (I’m not silently, I’m not a journalist), he is “unworthy” of all those who are completely free, from servile motives, out of a sense servility and humanity in front of the powerful of this world, guided by slave psychology, sings praise to these strong, despite their immoral behavior ?! How is that even possible?

Look here. May decrees. Executing 16%. But the government works well. Or manually solving problems on the ground in the regions (against the background of those who should be directly involved in this, it looks very respectable). But the governors remain in place. Or "Gazprom - national wealth". But ... Although, of course, folk, whose else?

Or education. Here more. Putin at the All-Russian Popular Front forum in Penza on the topic “Quality education in the name of the country” noted: “Unfortunately, there are examples of states that, unfortunately, have partially lost the educational and humanistic components of education. This still many goes around comes around. What are we seeing today? Splash of nationalism, loss of family, moral values, cultural traditions, identity. This does not end well, as a rule. ” (RIA "News"). Putin also added that today teachers must help develop a position in life, to distinguish truth from lies.

I want to remind you that the former Minister of Education (2012-2016) of Livanov in 2015 began a large-scale reform of the reorganization of universities. (“To cross” a technical university with a pedagogical one is what it is, eh? It’s worth a lot.) I also want to recall what the former Minister of Education (2004-2012 said) Fursenko said: "The disadvantage of the Soviet education system was an attempt to form a man-creator, and now our task is to grow a qualified consumer."

But then the president appoints a new minister - Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva, who almost immediately after taking office announced the termination of the merger of universities until the ministry understands each situation. In addition, she announced the development of a truly revolutionary Federal State Educational Standards, designed to bring us back to the best traditions of the Russian (Soviet) school. For this, she was subjected to indignant criticism of the destroyers of the Russian school, incl. Rector of the Higher School of Economics Kuzminov and Director of the Federal Institute for Educational Development A. Asmolov. In addition, on the site of a certain “Guild of Literary Professionals” is published the “Open Letter of Literature Teachers, Methodists, University Leaders”, in which “The documents prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science cancel the logic of the development of the entire school system over the past decades, depriving the school of variations in building programs, violating the fundamentals of the law on education and the academic freedoms that schools define”.

In short, the criticism of all those who so vehemently introduced this educational system, including along with the gentlemen Fursenko and Livanov.

Those. O.Yu. Vasilyeva took up the decision of what has already been “developed” in the entire school system over the past decades? Are you thinking? Decided to fix it? Perfectly. Well, where are these gentlemen, for example, Mr. Fursenko? And he ... from 21 in May 2012 - Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation.

It turns out that you are there, Olga Yuryevna, carry out the assigned tasks, and if suddenly you start to succeed, we will help you with advisers? Or as an option, the ministry is divided?

Or from the annual message to the Federal Assembly. According to the president, modern civilization changes and decisions taken by Russia today determine the fate of our country for decades to come. Our accumulated enormous technological potential “Allows us to make a real breakthrough in improving the quality of life of people, in modernizing the economy, infrastructure and public administration”. And about the need to take advantage of the energy of the technological revolution: “We will not do this - there will be no future neither with us, nor with our children, nor with our country. And the question is not that someone will come, seize and destroy our land. ... Just the lag is the main threat and our enemy. And if we do not change the situation, it will inevitably intensify ... ” And about the achieved macroeconomic stability as a foundation for a breakthrough in the future:“I repeat: a solid foundation has been created for this”. “We will continue active work on the development of our general education, and at all levels. At the same time, I will stress: modern, high-quality education should be accessible to every child. Equal educational opportunities are a powerful resource for the development of the country and ensuring social justice. ” “Relying on the best practices and experience, we need to quickly modernize the vocational education system, achieve qualitative changes in the training of students, primarily in the advanced directions of technological development ...”

It is said fine, everything is correct. The creation of 20 millions of new high-tech jobs is also correct. Just one question - where is all this? As they say, no comments.

By the way, Patriarch Kirill thanked him in his address to the president. “For correcting the curvature of 90's”including giving the argument that “Russia today is a rich country. The fact that today in Spain, when it is one of the most prosperous countries, the Spanish is massively selling real estate and is being bought by the Russians en masse, is a very good signal to the whole world - a country that is poor and in crisis cannot afford what the rich countries do not allow ". Again - no comments. To be honest, did not expect. Struck, surprised, disappointed.

By the way, the leaders of the so-called "opposition" parties are not far away. (Is it worth this background to be surprised at Mr. Zolotov’s actions. He acts in accordance with his personal moral standards, and in comparison with the others, he seems to be just a more honest person: at least he is not hypocritical, he speaks directly, you all go with your juice, and who are against that bastard, I'm going to you.)

Let's return to the topic of the article. After all, it was all before the plans to increase the VAT and retirement age. What just now all excited? (I apologize for the incorrect word - this is sarcasm, not cynicism.) But the fact is that now is an obvious deception. I'm talking about the retirement age - they promised not to raise, now they are going. And what, hypocrisy is not a lie, not a lie, even if not obvious, but still? By the way, the highest form of lies is just hypocrisy. You know, there is such a good saying about a person who has everything to face.

In my last article I have already cited the terrifying official statistics on the growth of crimes committed against minors in our country every year. Well, now we have taken on the elderly. It is very interesting, what future can a country have that protects its children so much and takes care of its old people in such a way? Why does something happen to us?

We all want to be cared for (I am about the problem as a whole, not about each individual), to solve our problems, to bear responsibility for us, not to steal, to think about the people's welfare, and even not to raise the retirement age.

This is from a fright? After all, those people from whom we demand moral actions did not arise from nowhere, they are not from Mars, or even from the USA. They studied with us in the same school and played with us in the same yard. The reinforced concrete argument of many would have been there, would have acted in the same way. Can anyone explain why there is a dump in practically every congress in the forest, especially near the settlements? Why are the places available on the banks of the rivers dirty? Why are changing cabins on the Russian Black Sea coast littered with used feminine hygiene products? Why nothing can be left unattended, even for a short time? Why are the agreements reached very often unilaterally trying to break? Why is there a lot of places (when applying for a job, when paying for work done, in the auto center, medical center, etc., etc., etc.) they are trying to deceive you? Why intolerant and aggressive to each other? (Whoever doubts, let him look at the situation on the roads, who does not happen on the roads, can read some comments even on this site). Why the “confident” in themselves descendants of the winners allow themselves to go with the inscriptions on the car “In Berlin for the Germans”? (We are so unjustly accused of raping 2 million Germans.) Why does the meme become popular on the Internet “Who doesn’t agree with the results of 2 World War II, we can re-show”? (As practice shows, often, who can, he does not threaten, but threatens those who cannot.) By the way, from the same opera, Kiselev’s words from TV screens say that we are the only country in the world that can turn States into radioactive dust. Oh, and the rocket cartoons, too. It is obvious that the level of intelligence of adhesive stickers such on glass a / m, expressing about radioactive dust and entertaining cartoons about the same. He is probably very tall.

Already heard the opinions (even on this site, the opinions of some authors in articles, commentators) that the power is separate, the people are separate. Or - they are parallel. Whoever thinks so, is very much mistaken. It does not happen. Remember, “Every nation has the government that it deserves,” but then G. de Mestre da S. Montesquieu, that’s their truth. And here is the truth: “There is no authority not from God,” the apostle Paul (the author does not at all consider that the current authority has a divine origin, here about something else). Well, how can you not remember the refusal of Jesus Christ from the temptation of (the first of three) Satan to turn stones into bread and feed everyone. (By the way, the same FM Dostoevsky long ago dismantled the essence of these temptations.)

Do you know why? By the way, this all concerns both members of society and those in power. Because, in principle, it is impossible to feed an immoral person. Feed bread - ask meat, feed meat - ask for beer, give beer - ask for vodka. Look at many of those who are in power - one cannot eat enough (although another word is more appropriate) cannot. And do not fill up.

It is a mistake to think that a moral person (from our surroundings, otherwise, there are only highly moral people among us) when he got into power there “got spoiled”. Because it is a very big mistake to think that money and power spoil a person. Temptations, of course, are, but do not spoil. The moral person overcomes these temptations. Immoral - obeys them. Therefore, if it seems that the money and the power of someone “spoiled”, then it is not so - it was so, just the temptations helped reveal its immorality. I know a lot of people who have power (some kind of, but still), and in the material sense they are quite self-sufficient, but they are also very moral (decent, honest, as you wish) people. And this is not an exception, emphasizing the rule, because there are not a few of them. And it is immoral that there is little power (as in the saying “less power - more than the boss”), that a lot - everything is one.

All our problems are not in the field of economics or politics, etc. They lie in the field of morality.

We demand morality and spirituality where there are none. And it turns out very interesting - we demand moral acts from immoral people. But the result is predictable in advance. He is already there.

Slightly higher is a paragraph with many “why?”. That's when we, no, will not answer these why, and when, in principle, there will be no such questions, then we will have the best authorities in the world, and our authorities will have the most prosperous people. Once again I will say: a happy society is the sum of happy people, not vice versa.

After all, indeed, we can “work out” the elections, we can vote out of spite for almost no one known candidate, or for a candidate who will not pass anyway (after all, others consider), and there is much more that we can. Only confusing is zero. Others may come, who will give their vote for a small bribe, or they can just rightly count the mass options. Think for yourself: whatever each of us individually extraordinary now decides, it will be either ineffective or illegal, but also ineffective. In the meantime - who in that much.

In late August, during my vacation, they gave me a very interesting answer. On the bank of the river, in an inaccessible place, on Monday (!) Four young healthy guys who plow and plow, to my question, “Why, dear, you are not at work, are you, are you not working?”, Laughing, answered: ” And now on P ... nobody wants to work. ” So, some of the people have already gone into deep defense, without any calls and rallies there led by Navalny.

By the way, laziness is also from the moral field. Well, what if we are too lazy to think and too lazy to do. It must be hard and painful. After all, what kind of request in society? We need a king (president / emperor / leader, even though the governor-general or tillage), the main thing is for him to decide everything for us, and we will accept it with gratitude and enjoy the well-being that has fallen from above. It’s for us who decides who will earn and how much, who will vote and how, who and what will teach our children, and where they will go to work later, which TV shows to watch, where and how to spend their leisure time - in libraries or in shopping and entertainment centers old people need to pay so that they don’t be too bent, and so on. etc. Now here's what time they should die.

What do we abuse power? It is ours, dear, flesh of the flesh. And the most legitimate. (77, 146, 400% - this is not a pound of raisins for you.) There is not enough bread for the people - we will give a spectacle. They think differently and do not know how. We ourselves entrusted them with the solution of our problems, well, that’s what they decide. How are able. As they say, who on what studied. Even remember the end of the 80s and the 90s, those “reformers” who now decide everything, were they not supported by the majority ?! Yes, and now supported. Even if not by the majority, then by a sufficient number of people, sufficient because the rest of the people “do not care” - they don’t touch me, and okay.

How are we? Publicly - support for small businesses. In fact - an indication of the tax to collect more taxes. You try to open the PI - even before you earn (if you still earn) the first ruble, you already owe several thousand rubles, in fact they should, and that's it. After all, in principle, everyone should follow the laws, even if they, as it seems to us, cannibalistic, but execute one thing and the other with special zeal, with lick-looking, with a devoted look. Exactly: make the fool to pray, he will hurt his forehead. (That's why I love Russian language and literature - almost all questions have been answered there for a long time.) Make taxes collect - try to rob, force check or control - such a boss immediately turns out that all others (except his boss) are just dust , make support to public order - will be given with a baton, force with a club - they will kick with their feet. Damage, perhaps, with an inferiority complex? Please understand me correctly, I’m not talking about everyone, I still think that there are more good people, I’m talking about a trend. Good for some reason are silent.

So the authorities have nothing to do with it, well, or almost nothing to do with it. Just imagine that a highly moral person was put in the collective of people (not closed) with low morality by the head of this collective from outside. Can he manage them? Yes, they just do not understand. Or vice versa - an immoral person was put in a highly moral team. What do you think will follow him? Changes are possible only if these people appear not from the outside, but within this collective (not closed), and this process will be long and painful (in either of two cases).

After all, think: people in power tell us that they don’t know the salary of their closest officials, heads of state corporations, and they don’t even know theirs (everything comes to the card), when they are told how much, they are told that they cannot pay less because the fact that in Europe such. This is despite the fact that 20 million citizens below the poverty line. Allow them to publicly publicize their divorce, while smiling. Most importantly, the author does not condemn them at all, let them do anything personally. Another thing is incomprehensible: do we have such a low moral standard of our own, that what is listed, plus hypocrisy, is not yet a red line for us? And then what surprised?

Well, let's say, the authorities heard us, and did not raise the retirement age. One question: what next? Universal happiness come? Gazprom will become national wealth? All the oligarchs and all officials, as well as their children, will repent and start thinking about the people? Will return a billion (or two) in Rosgvardiyu? Stop children in schools, and citizens from TV screens to debilitate? Does someone sincerely believe in this? This is all possible only if the listed trends disappear in society and it becomes more moral, thinking and responsible.

Until then, we will continue to boast about how great and invincible we are (no, I understand, our ancestors, and what is our greatness in our country - to Berlin for the Germans? States to dust? Missiles across continents? This is megalomania, aggravated mania of persecution? By the way, before 1945, in 1941, people didn’t have a happy mood, there was a corrupt, powerful oligarchy, but there was a powerful industry, high-quality education, developed agriculture, and people had an idea and the realization that “ Gazprom them. "As a result - Berlin, and then, at what price. But in 1914-o - all the way around, but to Berlin, we have not come down the way, but now with some of these periods as the associated one).?. We will be intolerant to each other, labeling, and trying to accuse others of stupidity. I really wanted to ignore the article “Tsar and boyars”, but this is beyond my strength, with all due respect. “So let's be objective - in politics, Putin is good, and you need to be a completely stupid person not to notice. But in the economy, to our great regret, the selection of personnel is disgusting ”. I also propose to be objective, and remember that politics (as I understand it, it was about external, because in the inner world is generally dark) only a derivative of the economy, but certainly not primitive. “We look pretty good on the external fronts.” The loss of Ukraine, it is not clear that in Belarus, in Syria, the Americans simply inform us (and thanks for that) when they are going to launch a missile attack on our friendly troops (at the time of writing this article - Israel, my deepest condolences to the loved ones of the victims), Japan overcomes with “its own” “disputed territories”, Kazakhstan is switching from Cyrillic to Latin, and Armenia is simply switching - is that all good ?! And then how bad? NATO occupation? And we compare with whom, with Somalia, Pakistan or with the United States or Germany? After all, as I understand it, we position ourselves as a great and mighty power (judging by many reasons), but for a great power, all of the above is good?

So for now, it only remains for us that comparing the president with a sick tooth, calming at the thought that the patient is more likely alive than dead, even if he is sick, but he is stable (!).

Everything is clear, welcome to the United Kingdom of crooked mirrors and Mirror. Probably, only in such a kingdom the supporters of one leader, who himself confirms that he is a liberal, who declares that there will be only a liberal economy in Russia, which appoints and supports a liberal government, calls for a vote for a liberal party, does not even know the s / n of his liberal supporters, can opponents of his opinion called liberals! And based on the logic of curved mirrors, his supporters are patriots. What is it? As the unforgettable Mr. Kiselyov, mentioned to the night, says that he is always healthy, is it a coincidence? I do not think!

And you can still, all lulling, aggressively accuse others of “rocking the boat”, while quietly sawing out the transom yourself, even if it does not matter, consciously or by thoughtlessness. I would like to note that in the first case it’s not a fact that it will turn over (everything depends on the motives), maybe it will also take the right course, but without a transom it will go to the bottom, regardless of any motivation there. The argument is striking: "The cat left the kittens - this is ...!" Yes, everyone has long understood that Trump and Merkel are to blame. Yes, anyone, everyone is guilty, except for “I” - I love myself and I hope that this is mutual. It is only in the Looking Glass that it makes sense to talk about a poor animal, which even the kittens never abandoned, unlike people.

The author mistakenly hoped that after the new old government was appointed, no one would have any illusions. And there is a belief, as opposed to some opinions, that the overwhelming majority of those left with illusions are not "paid for." By the way, do you know why they say that a naive fool is worse than a traitor? Because he captivates others with his sincerity. (Although, maybe, just afraid to admit that they were wrong. Or based on the reasons mentioned at the beginning of the article.) For in this opinion (if only there was no war / Maidan / as in Ukraine) almost everything, in principle, could be reconciled and explain everything.

Ugliness in the economy, machine tool industry, the construction industry, science, and many more - it does not matter, we will fix it. Social inequality - it does not matter, we will share. Ugliness in health care - we will also fix it (although, those who left untimely will not be returned).

But what to do with education ?! How many years do you need to fix it? Do we have them? Or, as in the 30-th century 20, run for ten years, the distance that the West has overcome for decades? Remind mileage? Do the people agree to “repeat” (“re-display”)? If ready, the possible price does not bother? If confused, is not it time to think now? It was still technology provided to us. Now, too, just give? And give the opportunity to "re-show"?

And the army, even armed with the most modern weaponsWith high morale, with the necessary mobilization resources (suppose that Lieutenant-General Sobolev and Colonel-General Ivashov, and even some respected authors of the articles on this site, are mistaken), how long can it be combat-ready in a weak economy? What army can fight without a reliable rear? The army of Napoleon, for example, in Moscow could not. Yes, and the army of the Russian Empire collapsed after the collapse of the rear. Opposite examples are there?

In the meantime, all these disgraces will continue, awarding orders and medals to special people, assigning sports titles to the “best” team in the world that failed to reach the semi-finals will continue.

Our misunderstandings about the willingness of many people to vote for the power they hate will continue.

Our expectations of beautiful moves by a horse (well, or a horse), cunning cunning plans will continue, and in return we will again see a banal feint with our ears.

Our surprise will continue in the comments on the topic of the possibility of assigning "such" titles to the deputy. to the minister and others. (By the way, not wanting to throw a stone in the minister’s garden, with all due respect to him, you ask too many questions in the comments. After all, it is possible to assign the Major General right after the lieutenant of the reserve (after the military department), the ministries are different. for these questions, apparently, we have to correct the same, for example, Wikipedia, appending the “missing” titles, however, with the mark “source not indicated.” Although, I repeat, I have nothing against this in this case.)

It is interesting to two respected authors already in September, what will be the December greeting. Personally, I was also interested in May, but now it’s not even interesting, there are no questions left, except for a personal nature.

Yes, but you can also try, as in a recent article and in some comments to her, to blame women for everything (or very much). What is not an option? I will only note that a woman is always a reflection of a man, and that only a man bears full responsibility for all decisions, both women and men. For my own - it is clear why, for the decisions of a woman - because she allowed a woman to make a responsible (not the color of the wallpaper in the children's room) decision that she had to make. How we behave - so women and reflect. Nothing to blame on the mirror, if the mug curve. Well, what to do if we have a large number of men have forgotten how to think soberly, very often feel sorry for themselves, and can not stand the pain and hardships, blame everything on women? Then it remains only to wait when they themselves will save Russia.

In general, we have a society (I hope it will be soon) "great." The main thing is “stable” “great”. Like a bad tooth. And indeed, a considerable number of people (in their own words) for the feeling of complete freedom (I’m not talking about the very fact of being able to use it, namely about true freedom) need a trunk. Hard in the village without revolver? And then! We drove our city towards the village! No words.

Note to another considerable number of people, and not children, to raise their own self-esteem, probably, “inflated titles” are necessary (I’m talking about the Order of Torquemada on the site, at first didn’t even immediately enter, although I usually grasp the information on the fly, what the respected authors write April 1. I, too, Ku Klux Klan). And then what are we talking about ?!

Let's check our understanding of the situation and our attitude towards it. Bearing in mind the results of the voting on the VO website after the March elections, I request: “Dear VO editorial, if you consider it possible, please vote among the site visitors. Question:“ For whom of the earlier participants in the presidential race in March, 2018, you would have voted if such elections were held next Sunday? "

At the beginning of the article there was a promise to answer a simple question: what to do? It's simple. Yes, nothing needs to be done, in the sense of, nothing new, it is necessary to work as before. Is that start to think and improve. The author does not offer to put up with obscurantism, I just want to note that, as one respected author already said to me, I should do everything with "the mind and understanding of the situation", and relying only on moral principles.

Here, I think, another question is more pertinent: what should not be done?

No need to be indifferent ("it doesn't concern me"), callous ("my hut is on the edge"), greedy ("the main thing is money", "everyone steals"), envious ("he has, but I don't" “Is he better than me ?!”), lazy (“nothing depends on me anyway”), aggressive (“now we will tear everyone,” “beat your own, so that others would be afraid”), proud (“I love only myself and I hope that this is mutual "), and in general, take care of the surrounding nature and each other. This can each individually. Carry your part of the contribution to the moral piggy bank, or - to the piggy bank of besovstvo and hypocrisy. Or or. A little pregnant can't be done. And for society as a whole, to realize that it is a people, not a population. That is when the consolidation of a healthy society will take place, and its worthy members will pass upstairs, not swindlers, thieves and hypocrites.

And while we sleep, time is less and less. I would not want the awakening to be hungover. And this is realism, not pessimism of the author, because all is not lost. For too long, with our participation (not important, active or passive), we reduced the true norms of morality, and what was once unacceptable is now acceptable, and sometimes welcome.

Let's at least for the sake of the future of our children and grandchildren realize our mistakes and correct them. It will be very hard, but not impossible. And the fact that we succeed, if we really want this, I personally have no doubt.

All strength, health and patience.
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  1. 3vs
    2 October 2018 06: 15
    "The author does not offer to reconcile himself to obscurantism, I just want to note that, as one respected author has already said before me, do everything with" intelligence and understanding of the situation ", well, relying only on moral principles."

    And here's how to put up with it:
    In the Saratov region, an unemployed mother of two children was convicted of fraud (one of them has a serious illness). The woman was charged with the fact that she washed the floors of the cafe several times, while at the same time receiving unemployment benefits. The local police instituted criminal proceedings against women under Article 159.2 of the Criminal Code of Russia - “Fraud in receipt of payments”. Earning money by mopping, according to the investigation, with which the court agreed, she simultaneously illegally, according to law enforcement authorities, received unemployment benefits - 4,9 thousand rubles a month. The punishment for this crime can vary from a fine of up to 120 thousand rubles to an arrest for a period of four months. The court of Olga appointed 120 hours of compulsory work.

    Here is the plot!
    1. +49
      2 October 2018 06: 18
      Well, what can I say ... In judicial society, there are more and more representatives with reduced social responsibility ... And both women ... And men ...
      1. +47
        2 October 2018 07: 02
        . I'm talking about retirement age - they promised not to raise it, now they are going. But what, hypocrisy is not a lie, not a lie, albeit not obvious, but still? By the way the highest form of lies is just hypocrisy.[B] [/ b]

        Indeed, the Orthodox Church claims that hypocrisy is the highest form of lies. Well, it's hard to disagree! In full measure, its hypocritical position in relation to its people, the GDP showed in the elections.
        . Don't you think that the voters were very mean? Putin did not say a word, what an unpleasant surprise he is preparing for the people immediately after the election! But 76% of voters, if they are not lying to the electoral commission, entrusted him with the future, their own and the country as a whole. Not at all what people expected from their choice! And Putin knew that very well! But he didn’t act honestly, insidiously, verified and meanly ... he fit everything, even used the mundial, to tell this unpleasant news!
        1. -18
          2 October 2018 07: 06
          Quote: Stas157
          And Putin knew that very well! But he didn’t act honestly, insidiously

          Yes, they deceived you again, for the hundredth time. Maybe it's time to draw conclusions, and understand that you can’t go to the polls, because you ...... wink
          1. +20
            2 October 2018 07: 16
            Quote: Chertt
            and understand that you should not go to the polls because you ......

            Are you talking about the population of Russia? wink
            1. +1
              2 October 2018 07: 31
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              Are you talking about the population of Russia?

              I wanted to categorically answer "no". Then I thought, maybe you are right, about the population of Russia wink
          2. +28
            2 October 2018 07: 17
            Quote: Chertt
            Yes, they deceived you again, for the hundredth time. Maybe it's time to draw conclusions

            Why are you all translating into personalities (go over)! If you are so interested in my person, I can tell you that I never voted for Putin and his predecessor Yeltsin. He voted only for Zyuganov and Grudinin.
            Quote: Chertt
            you cannot go to the polls because you ......

            1. -14
              2 October 2018 07: 29
              Quote: Stas157
              Why are you all translating into personalities

              You, too, write from a significant part of the citizens, aren't you
              Quote: Stas157

              ... a layman or something. No offense . In general, people of such views and emotions as yours need the country. It’s bad when they wave all the others
          3. The comment was deleted.
          4. +16
            2 October 2018 15: 38
            What do we demand from the current government?

            The author has written so much correct and egregious. I agree, yes. Only in vain did he do it. Let us turn to the classics of Marxism-Leninism:
            "Power expresses the interests of the ruling class."
            That’s the answer to the moan of the author. Under capitalism, it DOESN’T HAPPEN differently !!!!!!!!!
            Such questions can and should have been raised during the building of socialism (communism). You will laugh, they were raised, they were solved. The path for the people and the authorities was unknown, but they went along it to the goal. The goal was clear, fair and clear. Now there is no goal and will not be, except for enrichment, robbery and humiliation of your neighbor. This is a goal for tada animals, not for humans. Good luck to the author in finding the answer to the question "What to do?" You have your whole life ahead of you.
            1. dSK
              3 October 2018 01: 07
              Quote: AKuzenka
              Now there is no goal and never will be

              Quote: Stepan
              No need to be indifferent, callous, greedy, envious, lazy, proud ....
              if everyone lived according to 10 "God's commandments" on the planet there was a paradise for a long time.
              "Therefore, in everything that you want people to do to you, so do you also to themfor this is the law and the prophets. Come in close gates because the gates are wide and the path leading to perdition is wide, and many go by them; because the narrow gates and narrow paths leading to life, and few find them. Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, and inside they are predatory wolves. Every tree that does not bear the fruit of good is cut down and thrown into the fire.
              (Matthew 7: 12-19)
            2. +1
              5 October 2018 01: 22
              This is the answer to the questions and groans of the author, "Power expresses the interests of the ruling class."
              Under capitalism, it DOESN’T HAPPEN differently !!!!!!!!! And will not be. As long as capitalism exists, there will be a seizure of surplus product, its private appropriation and exploitation of wage labor. This is an axiom of a capitalist society.
        2. -30
          2 October 2018 07: 37
          Quote: Stas157
          Putin did not say a word, what an unpleasant surprise he is preparing for the people immediately after the election

          And it (surprise) - exactly Putin personally prepared? wink

          Quote: Stas157
          didn’t act honestly, insidiously, verified and meanly ... he fit everything, even used the mundial to inform this unpleasant news

          When it finally comes to you that "above" (as, indeed, everywhere ... right up to the district hospital) there is an incessant struggle between "beaver and donkey" - life will become easier and more understandable for you. There is little to do - to understand such a seemingly simple thing. laughing
          1. +17
            2 October 2018 07: 43
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            And it (surprise) - exactly Putin personally prepared?

            He was not in the know? belay
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            there is an incessant fight between "beaver and donkey"

            Donkeys usually win, because they are not burdened with moral rules.
            1. -15
              2 October 2018 09: 33
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              He was not in the know?

              You really do not catch up in the morning, or pretend to be?

              Quote: Golovan Jack
              When it finally comes to youthat "above" (as, by the way, everywhere ... up to the district hospital) there is an incessant struggle between "beaver and donkey" - life will become easier and more understandable for you

              Perhaps this applies to you even more than to Stas157.

              Why did you draw Vysotsky here, are you our truth-maker, truly worthless? negative
            2. +4
              2 October 2018 15: 40
              Oh, colleague. In a dispute between a donkey and a beaver, loot always wins. It’s time to understand.
            3. +1
              3 October 2018 11: 53
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              Quote: Golovan Jack
              And it (surprise) - exactly Putin personally prepared?

              He was not in the know?

              This is an olga troll, do not answer him, albeit without zp sits!
              I heard, kissed by Putin, they do not serve prices here by any day.
          2. +13
            2 October 2018 08: 33
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            And it (surprise) - exactly Putin personally prepared?

            Putin was furious when he found out.
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            there is an incessant struggle between "beaver and donkey" - life will become easier and clearer for you

            There were, they say, contradictions between Comrade. Berry and comrade Yezhov, (or, if you want, Mr. Chubais and Mr. Soskovets), but it didn't get any easier for anyone.
            1. Alf
              2 October 2018 16: 43
              Quote: Cherry Nine
              Putin was furious when he found out.

              And then I would say, I won’t sign it. But ... please accept with understanding.
          3. +35
            2 October 2018 08: 38
            Oh, Golovan has come! What is it today - in the morning and without rudeness! Does the "bathhouse" have a beneficial effect on you?
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            When it finally comes to you ... ... life will become easier and more understandable for you. The point is small - to understand such a seemingly simple thing

            But you did understand! Well, thank God! And let me call black black and white white. I will not justify hypocrisy and meanness by the fact that:
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            "above" ... there is an incessant struggle between "beaver and donkey"
            1. -27
              2 October 2018 09: 35
              Quote: Stas157
              let me call black black and white white

              Yes, even bare laughing

              Only you color constantly sometimes confused. Well okay at least not pedals wink
            2. 0
              2 October 2018 11: 46
              Before you open your eyes, you need to figure out how to please yourself today. And never forget that no one is obliged to take care of you except yourself.
          4. -9
            2 October 2018 12: 23
            Are you sure that this extrovert and talker today, which is completely different from the introvert and the little speaking real V.V. Putin, is V.V. Putin. Yes, and comparisons of the skull, growth, even age do not match ... V.V. Putin since 2005 was ill with a progressive malignant tumor of the ridge, the diagnosis is definitely fatal ... And of which we have a false Putin today, they are shown several, and for various reasons ... First, to understand what forces act under the dummy GDP, then further clearer will be ......
          5. +12
            2 October 2018 12: 38
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            there is an incessant struggle between "beaver and donkey" - life will become easier and more understandable for you.

            Well, that’s it. From this understanding, life has become easier. laughing
            1. +3
              2 October 2018 22: 06
              Vladimir, I believe that the author is right. You need to start with yourself. drinks
              1. +4
                2 October 2018 22: 42
                Quote: Mikado
                Vladimir, I believe that the author is right. You need to start with yourself.

                So Yes. But, when everyone is on the drum, then the result is as follows. Into the sky. fellow
        3. The comment was deleted.
          1. 0
            2 October 2018 11: 50
            Well are you so about all? People should be treated kinder: do not judge and you will not be judged.
            1. +5
              2 October 2018 13: 35
              Well then they judge. Maybe they also need to be kinder?
              Although unlikely
              1. +2
                2 October 2018 15: 35
                It is necessary. But you should not be compared.
        4. +32
          2 October 2018 09: 19
          Quote: Stas157
          The Orthodox Church claims that hypocrisy is the highest form of lies.

          1. The comment was deleted.
        5. +3
          2 October 2018 16: 03
          Quote: Stas157
          The Orthodox Church claims that hypocrisy is the highest form of lies.

 возможно заинтересует
        6. +5
          2 October 2018 16: 42
          Quote: Stas157
          . Don't you think that the voters were very mean?

          It’s mean not only in the election campaign, but even before this wonderful event, many immediately spoke about the retirement age for women, which will reduce GDP to 60 years, this was his plan)))) And to be honest, I’ll open many eyes, read carefully, and draw conclusions as we are shamelessly bred.
          In simple words, democracy is a system of government, in which the people themselves are the source of power.
          we go further, according to Gref, no one will give power to the people, and do not dream.
          So what is our system, I think, rather, I am convinced that we
          Aristocracy - (from the Greek. Aristos - the best) - a form of government, in which power belongs to representatives of the clan nobility. They paid attention to representatives of the clan nobility, and nothing else.
          Fuck us in a brazen way.
          Now, on the topic, for whom I would vote, not for anyone, for if we have an Aristocracy, then all parties from this family are in power. Dust the eyes of the people. Zhirik, by the way, shares the same opinion as Gref, only with foul language, he drove out a woman who wanted to see YouTube for help. So there’s no one to choose from. Alas((((((((((((((
          1. -4
            2 October 2018 19: 58
            Gref will wave when he will retire - this moment is just around the corner.
        7. VB
          5 October 2018 22: 02
          Personally, I have not seen an officer in Putin a long time ago
        8. 0
          5 October 2018 22: 58
          "The Orthodox Church claims that hypocrisy is the highest form of lie." - and the lawyers of this church assert and the court admitted that: "" The exchange of goods for money is not trade, but gratuitous mutual gifts at the recommended price "what next?
        9. +1
          7 October 2018 18: 51
          The Russian Federation (however, like all the CIS), is a raw materials appendage of the West. Compradors and sellers of resources are the elite of the Russian Federation and determine the policy. All that the president read in the messages was the public relations writers invented in order to calm the population like -
          Our accumulated huge technological potential "allows us to make a real breakthrough in improving the quality of life of people, in modernizing the economy, infrastructure and public administration."
          But if you look away from the TV, the reality is sad. The president had to read out the norms of spending on science in different countries, and then unparalleled and breakthroughs would be the same as the "world chess tournament in Newvasyuk" In China and in the West, investments in science are enormous. One Stanford University, funded several times higher than all Russian science. Against this background, the messages look like a mockery.
      2. +1
        5 October 2018 22: 52
        I once ran into one of the future "lawyers" in a sauna - it was about 12 years ago - probably already a judge ...... - 2 4th year students in the trash with 6 men .. to the question of who you will be, the answer is a judge ... question - why not a lawyer or a prosecutor? - the answer is simpler by a judge - listened and decided - and that's it ...
    2. -15
      2 October 2018 06: 27
      Well, in fact, the law is violated?
      1. +12
        2 October 2018 06: 44
        Have you tried to find out the details? At a minimum, that after our law enforcement officers found out about this, they still pulled - in order to increase the amount received and increase the severity of the deed, is that normal, in your opinion?
        1. Ham
          2 October 2018 06: 57
          for garbage - it's normal ... the cop will do the same in any country in the world, in Greenland, in Chinaland ...
          1. +8
            2 October 2018 07: 12
            I never belonged to this category, and I ask the rest, not this category ...
        2. -11
          2 October 2018 07: 17
          I am not talking about that. Is the law broken or not?
          1. +12
            2 October 2018 07: 32
            But I’m talking about this - such laws are in the furnace, and also the fact that such laws, or laws on retirement age are passed by those, well, who in no way does the question of pension occupy, doesn’t it bother you?)
            1. -12
              2 October 2018 08: 04
              Why are these tricks? Is the law broken? It is necessary to answer. And then in this patriotic rhetoric you go around this all the time. Yes, I am also against the fact that this woman would be punished. But the law is the law. Do you think this is an isolated case? I will disappoint you. Thousands of cases when people with prosperity are quite normal survive and get what they did not deserve. Speak in the firebox?
              1. +13
                2 October 2018 11: 18
                It is these - in the furnace, we are likely to be planted for theft of products from the boutiques than for the theft of millions and billions ...
                is this normal, in your opinion?
                1. +5
                  2 October 2018 15: 46
                  And what is capitalism in our yard, and at the same time the social order is the norm, nothing?
                  Go down to our sinful land. It's like that. For the theft in the store, they will imprison, for the theft of billions, no. Especially if you share or steal to whom it should and is allowed. I repeat - CAPITALISM. If it’s hard to understand, read Adam Smith, about civil society, a scary book, all horror movies and bloodthirsty monsters, you seem like cute creatures.
                  1. +4
                    2 October 2018 17: 05
                    It’s not difficult to understand, but to agree that this is normal, there is no desire, the conclusion is that I consider such legal norms to be an abnormal phenomenon ...
                2. Alf
                  2 October 2018 16: 48
                  Theft of food is when the sausage is in your pocket and past the checkout counter to the exit. It is a crime.
                  We do not have theft of billions, there are a bunch of intermediaries belonging to a granddaughter, daughter, bug of a certain person. But at the same time, everything is absolutely legal, because with this chain a penny has disappeared.
              2. +12
                2 October 2018 20: 33
                Quote: Bull Terrier
                Is the law broken? Need to answer

                only these laws work against ordinary people, not against thieves.
                Laws written by a party of thieves and crooks for themselves
              3. 0
                5 October 2018 23: 00
                and in what way did she break the law?
                1. 0
                  6 October 2018 15: 47
                  Having got a job, she loses the right to receive unemployment benefits. Therefore, I must inform the employment center about employment, after which the payment of benefits ceases.
                  Most likely, she was constantly employed in the cafe. If she “washed the floors in the cafe several times”, without official employment, there would be no crime. And so:
                  Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Article 159.2. Payout fraud
                  1. Fraud upon receipt of payments, that is, theft of money or other property upon receipt of benefits, compensations, subsidies and other social payments established by laws and other regulatory legal acts, by providing knowingly false and (or) false information, as well as by default on facts entailing the cessation of said payments -
                  shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to one hundred and twenty thousand rubles or in the amount of the convict's salary or other income for a period of up to one year, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year, or restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years, or forced labor for up to two years, or arrest for up to four months.
          2. +13
            2 October 2018 08: 38
            Quote: Bull Terrier
            Is the law broken or not?

            Do you mean that the claims are not against the "law enforcement officers", but, God forgive me, the "legislator"? You are right, but only partially. In the processes of denazification, such arguments were not very popular.

            By the way. In such stories, for some reason, few people remember the role, God forgive me, "judge".
          3. +9
            2 October 2018 12: 42
            Quote: Bull Terrier
            I am not talking about that. Is the law broken or not?

            As Ilyich said, in fact, everything is correct, but essentially a mockery.
      2. +13
        2 October 2018 07: 33
        Quote: Bull Terrier
        Well, in fact, the law is violated?

        And honestly, though conscience is probably not about our government.
        1. +17
          2 October 2018 09: 41
          Quote: albert
          And honestly, though conscience is probably not about our government.

          There is nothing to do with conscience. The judge is obliged to take into account all circumstances, including the social danger of the act and the ensuing consequences. Under such conditions, it is completely clear that the conditional Uthman, who receives unemployment benefits and a mother with many children, who washed the floors for 500 rubles, are essentially different deeds. The judge EASY could admit, taking into account the harm done to the state and other circumstances, the crime was insignificant.
          1. Alf
            2 October 2018 16: 50
            Quote: forty-eighth
            The judge EASY could admit, taking into account the harm done to the state and other circumstances, the crime was insignificant.

            "You can't create a precedent." "The judge must be impartial, it's not in vain that Themis is blindfolded."
        2. +6
          2 October 2018 14: 40
          Quote: albert
          And honestly?

          We somehow got a cleaner. Five children. I worked for a month, and quit working with such matyugans that I heard a couple of new words. I lost all benefits while working.
        3. -3
          2 October 2018 15: 48
          I will disappoint you. "By conscience" is about a mythical government, a mythical country.
      3. +14
        2 October 2018 10: 52
        Quote: Bull Terrier
        Well, in fact, the law is violated?

        lol Well, yes, yes ...
        Some of the increase in VAT to 20%, others - the abolition of taxes - they were "offended" by the sanctions! laughing
        So it turns out that in our country the law is like a rod, where I turn there and it came out. Especially if they are "turned" by the Guarantor himself. And all "this" is especially interesting from the side of the government's declared idea of ​​a free market and competition of "equal" conditions on the basis of the WTO, where this couple dragged the country. Now, when they were given sanctions on the cap, where can we compensate for the losses in the destroyed industrial base of the country, as conditions for integration into the global "market"? Hallelujah! There is also a "cash cow" in the form of his own "peep". We will feed him less and milk more. Well, what? There are a lot of them, so let them pay, but the "offended" should be cared for and cherished, and not with loans at interest, as for the rest of the "mortals", but the abolition of taxes.
        So it turns out: "Well, in fact, the law is violated, or not?" lol
        1. +12
          2 October 2018 12: 53
          Quote: Sovetskiy
          Some of the increase in VAT to 20%, others - the abolition of taxes - they were "offended" by the sanctions!

          Today, the news announced that they are seriously discussing the lifting of the ban on selling beer in stalls if it is beer in an aluminum can. And this is in order to support RusAl and Deripaska. laughing
          1. +1
            5 October 2018 06: 04
            Plus, the Ministry of Construction approved the return from March 19 to the use of aluminum wires in construction instead of copper ones (there was a ban in PUE-7 p.7.1.34, SP 31-110-2003 p.14.3). "Rusal initiated the return of aluminum alloys." Assured that "new" cables are safe for use in construction
            1. 0
              5 October 2018 06: 45
              What attacked the Rusal? Do you really want him to bend? Let me remind you for the most zealous "borsoff with allegarhame" - Rusal means taxes to the budget, jobs, and much more, and only then - palaces and yachts of the same Deri-Pasque.

              Quote: Azis
              Assured that "new" cables are safe for use in construction

              Luminium, for example, is standing in Khrushchev. Which under 70 years already, EMNIS. And nothing - everything works, no one complains.

              Although everything was done there (I saw it, picked it personally) well, very much through ... one place)))
              1. 0
                5 October 2018 23: 05
                you compare the number of consumers and the current capacity and in those years when the luminium was mounted on the wall ... well, if of course 4 square mm lumin to be dragged around the apartment, then it will withstand
                1. 0
                  5 October 2018 23: 25
                  Quote: Leshy74
                  ... you compare the number of consumers and the current capacity and in those years when the luminium was mounted on the wall ...

                  What for? I have Khrushchev-five-story buildings - across the street, in a straight line, 100 meters maximum ... people live in them, they don’t particularly limit themselves to anything.

                  The point, IMHO, is not in the permissible power, but in the fact that the old lumin is the old lumin ... he loves to break, dog, but he doesn’t bend.

                  Quote: Leshy74
                  Well, if of course 4 square mm lumin drag along the apartment

                  To every point? belay

                  It’s lazy to count now, but, IMHO, this is too much request
        2. -3
          2 October 2018 20: 01
          Outside the WTO, it will be difficult to trade - since most of the world is in the WTO.
          1. +5
            2 October 2018 20: 35
            Quote: Vadim237
            Outside the WTO, it will be difficult to trade - since most of the world is in the WTO.

            Trade it yes lol , but to produce at least for yourself loved ones? Is it troublesome, "exhaust" is not the same? laughing So they "forged" the industrial power into one big bazaar by massive money-grubbing.
            1. -8
              3 October 2018 11: 33
              The country lives off of exports, and exports consist of what we extract and produce, and we produce the whole thing, including products under foreign brands, which also goes to both the domestic market and for export. Unlike the USSR, in Russia, inventors and engineers can implement all promising ideas with state support or private business, in the same technology parks, instead of putting them on the shelf of oblivion.
              1. +3
                3 October 2018 16: 21
                Come on, really? belay lol
                And then I think why in our city most of the factories were ditched and brought to the state of "after the bombing". And scientific centers were "optimized" to the state of laboratories. It turns out this is all for the sake of promising (?) Ideas? "realized" in unprofitable industrial parks of Chubais and Co.?
                Yes, and about the realized engineers "in the language" that no one is spinning, the acre of Kaspersky ... Is this the price of your "freedom of flight of a creative personality"?
                1. -5
                  3 October 2018 17: 45
                  And what did this major part of the plants do - didn’t it work for the USSR defense industry until 91? - In your city they closed, and in another place they opened a new one - there are no eternal plants. Promising developments are now in full swing, it’s enough to take the creation of the Russian MRI, medical equipment, the guys have succeeded, 3D printers for metal and construction, the latter are exported.
                  1. +2
                    3 October 2018 19: 17
                    Quote: Vadim237
                    And what did this major part of the plants do - didn’t it work for the USSR defense industry before 91?

                    Space, is it a defense industry?
                    Quote: Vadim237
                    They closed it in your city, and opened a new one in another place - there are no eternal plants.

                    And where are so many factories that have been opened up, tell us.
                  2. +1
                    5 October 2018 23: 07
                    Well, tell me where the tractor is produced instead of the Volgograd tractor?
          2. +1
            5 October 2018 07: 10
            Quote: Vadim237
            Outside the WTO, trading will be difficult

            it is estimated that if Russia closes its borders and produces everything it buys, then production growth will increase by 40 times
            1. 0
              5 October 2018 07: 19
              Quote: aybolyt678

              Who, I wonder, "calculated"?

              Quote: aybolyt678
              production growth will increase

              What is it like??!

              Quote: aybolyt678
              if Russia closes its borders and produces everything it buys

              When it will be able to "produce whatever it buys," then it will "close the borders." May be.
        3. +7
          2 October 2018 20: 36
          Quote: Sovetskiy
          There is also a "cash cow" in the form of his own "peep". We will feed him less and milk more.

        4. +7
          2 October 2018 20: 43
          Quote: Sovetskiy
          where this couple dragged the country.

          1. +6
            2 October 2018 20: 55
            When a "cow" is milked and not fed, it does not get thicker from this, for that those who milk it become "thicker". Axiom? lol hi
            Over the past two years, the number of dollar billionaires in Russia has increased by 29 people, follows from the new Forbes rating.
            ... The poverty level in the country is still high, said the head of the Accounts Chamber Alexei Kudrin, speaking in the State Duma ...

            Strange, why is this happening? request lol
            1. Alf
              2 October 2018 21: 12
              Quote: Sovetskiy
              Strange, why is this happening?

              Sanctions are to blame. And the general unfavorable situation in the world. laughing
      4. +4
        2 October 2018 18: 59
        “... Olga Zhuravleva turned to the media and her case received a wide response. After the public discussion began, the situation changed radically.

        The very next day after the first publications, the regional prosecutor's office appealed to the Pugachevsky District Court.

        - The prosecutor's office has initiated the issue of canceling the sentence and terminating the criminal case due to the insignificance of the crime, - Olga Fedorova, senior assistant to the regional prosecutor for media relations, told Komsomolskaya Pravda ... "(c) - how everything changed as soon as the publicity appeared) )) was there a boy ???)))
    3. Ham
      2 October 2018 06: 41
      oh what a heartbreaking story!
      I don’t understand what is wrong with her ... was she illegally convicted?
      note: the judge and so she assigned the mildest punishment that exists under this article, he simply could not give less according to the law
      he could not "understand and forgive" her either - the corpus delicti on the face ...
      there was no need to sign pieces of paper (written with a pen - you can’t cut it with an ax, yeah) and give evidence to yourself ...
      95% of Russia's population is not legally competent, hence the problems
      1. +24
        2 October 2018 06: 51
        And who makes such laws in our country? And the population will never be legally literate, ask what happens even with jurisprudence in universities - "smart are not needed. Loyal are needed ..." (c)
        1. Ham
          2 October 2018 06: 59
          "" "And the population will never be legally literate, ask what happens even with jurisprudence in universities"
          buy uk with comments (and better yet!) and everyone can figure it out without universities ...
          1. +16
            2 October 2018 07: 10
            And also the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Civil Code, the GPK, and the merchant shipping code, too, will not hurt, why should it be trifled with), but the question is - why the state then?
            if you yourself need to understand everything?)
            1. -13
              2 October 2018 07: 39
              Quote: kitt409
              the question is - then why the state?
              if you yourself need to understand everything?)

              Um ... so you can get to the point that the state is obliged to teach you not to urinate on the sidewalk, for example ...

              Although it does it already - try, understand laughing
              1. +12
                2 October 2018 08: 00
                Well, if you think that the state is only and precisely for this purpose, this is purely YOUR Wishlist and opinion)
                P.S. A TIPS SUCH TO ANOTHER OFFER)))
                1. -10
                  2 October 2018 09: 21
                  Quote: kitt409
                  if you think that the state is just for this purpose

                  The state is designed ... for a lot. Including - and for leveling especially "bright" Yes

                  But the presence of the State does not at all replace the presence of one's own head on shoulders, believe me request
                  1. +4
                    2 October 2018 10: 22
                    Of course, this aunt was so bright, right?)
                    1. -7
                      2 October 2018 12: 13
                      Actually, I had in mind you. With your mega-question:

                      Quote: kitt409
                      and then why the state? if you yourself need to understand everything?)

                      I gave the answer:

                      Quote: Golovan Jack
                      the presence of the State does not at all replace the presence of one's own head on shoulders

                      Take it, use it Yes
                      1. +4
                        2 October 2018 12: 52
                        Well, you think that you gave an answer, in fact, it is not)
                        Yes, and use what? The fact that even without your participation is not known for the first decade))
                        And the question is quite natural, but alas, not everyone understands this.
                        and although you wrote earlier that it is impossible to "transfer" to a system without another system, but it is not so, and it can be done in very different ways - the consequences of the fact that a considerable number of people are disappointed will haunt the same system, even if not tomorrow, but they will come back to haunt - I will not decipher the details, everything has its time ...
                  2. +1
                    2 October 2018 17: 29
                    "... The state is intended ... for many things ...."
                    But far from all this is a lot! laughing
        2. +6
          2 October 2018 20: 45
          Quote: kitt409
          And the population will never be legally literate

      2. 3vs
        2 October 2018 08: 26
        And you didn’t ask yourself a question - how to live on 4900 rubles a month with two children and even with a seriously ill patient

        And there in the subject:
        Russian billionaires have become richer by $ 13,9 billion since the beginning of the year
        The total fortune of the 24 Russian dollar billionaires in the Bloomberg Billionaires Index since January has grown by $ 13,956 billion.

        Read more at RBC:
        1. dSK
          2 October 2018 09: 26
          Quote: 3vs
          how to live on 4900 rubles a month with two children, and even with a seriously ill child?

          1 October 2018 23:55 / TV "Tsargrad" /
          "Before our eyes, the pro-Israeli, pro-American lobby dictates the terms of Russia " - Konstantin Malofeev
          “Our pro-American lobby, which is also pro-Israeli, feels quite at ease and takes advantage of opportunities, for example, to manage our financial policy. And, unfortunately, neither direct sanctions against our country, nor this plane are the last straw that will overfill the patience with this American-Israeli lobby, which is still dictated to the whole country in finances and in the liberal media where we find a variety of estimates of what is happening, but never find Russophile».
          Lobbyists are constantly present in our lives, 24 hours a day.
          «They speak Russian, are in Moscow. But at the same time they are the most perfect Russophobes. We all put up with it. And until we endure it? Unfortunately, I can’t answer this question. ”
        2. The comment was deleted.
          1. +2
            2 October 2018 13: 53
            Just think, in the 17th the bourgeoisie was expropriated a little ...
            What a horror !!!
        3. -13
          2 October 2018 11: 59
          And why didn’t she provide child benefits? And how did you bring your life situation to this? And the law is correct!
      3. +17
        2 October 2018 08: 43
        Quote: Ham

        People like you write "law" in caps and think that this is the end of the conversation.

        Anyone who has been in the process knows that the law is an empty piece of paper. Is it bad, is it good, but it is.
        Quote: Ham
        he could not "understand and forgive" her either

        Could. He has the authority for this.
      4. +4
        2 October 2018 19: 00
        “... Olga Zhuravleva turned to the media and her case received a wide response. After the public discussion began, the situation changed radically.

        The very next day after the first publications, the regional prosecutor's office appealed to the Pugachevsky District Court.

        - The prosecutor's office has initiated the question of canceling the sentence and terminating the criminal case due to the insignificance of the crime, - Olga Fedorova, senior assistant to the regional prosecutor for media relations, told Komsomolskaya Pravda .... "(c)
      5. +5
        2 October 2018 23: 43
        Quote: Ham
        note: the judge and so she assigned the mildest punishment that exists under this article, he simply could not give less according to the law

        Now this phrase applies to Vasilyeva, who has not been in the zone for a day, then let's talk about the LAW !!
    4. +28
      2 October 2018 08: 26
      Quote: 3vs
      Here is the plot!

      The logic of power is such that women who falsify elections in Primorye need not be judged. An unemployed single mother with sick children to improve the accountability of the precinct-NADO!
    5. -10
      2 October 2018 09: 41
      About mother a swindler and there’s nothing to talk about - this is all about that fool who made Bioga pray! Although formally! .. Everyone must abide by the law.
      1. +15
        2 October 2018 16: 20
        Quote: sib.ataman
        About mother a swindler and there’s nothing to talk about - this is all about that fool who made Bioga pray! Although formally! .. Everyone must abide by the law.

        tell this to Serdyukov, Vasilyeva, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Guard (invented a position for himself) and so on. If the upper ones use the law as toilet paper, what do you want from the lower ones?
    6. +8
      2 October 2018 14: 28
      Quote: 3vs
      And here's how to put up with it:
      In the Saratov region, an unemployed mother of two children was convicted of fraud

      these are problems from poverty .. But Mints Borya escaped from the money of Non-State Pension Funds from wealth. He was already a billionaire. Condemned for poverty, not to get wealth in London. I understand that the rules of the game were as follows: you pay the ruble to an NPF (non-governmental pension fund) the state pays the ruble. This is a system. If there was state money HOW did they allow that a private person can dispose of it completely? why there was no control from the state? And in general, why there are no executions for failure to fulfill state tasks ???
      1. +4
        2 October 2018 16: 27
        Quote: aybolyt678
        If there was state money HOW did they allow that a private person can dispose of it completely?
        but how do you like that state. Private insurance companies manage the compulsory health insurance fund? They come to control you, who graduated from school the day before yesterday and don’t have any medical knowledge at all, and their salaries are more than yours? Each private owner wants money from you, because the state has given us to them.
        1. +2
          3 October 2018 19: 31
          Quote: akunin
          but how do you like that state. is a compulsory health insurance fund managed by private insurance companies?

          resentful, with you. I understand the whole insanity and legalized theft
      2. Alf
        2 October 2018 16: 54
        Quote: aybolyt678
        And in general, why there are no executions for failure to fulfill state tasks ???

        Command our authorities to shoot themselves?
        1. +1
          3 October 2018 19: 32
          Quote: Alf
          Command our authorities to shoot themselves?

          thin out
    7. The comment was deleted.
  2. -31
    2 October 2018 06: 23
    Personally, my opinion and my Wishlist. I’ll never vote for a person from the Communists in my life. This is a party of traitors. After the humiliation that was with my family, I can’t even get behind the red flag to hide from the rain. Now I live as I want, my family does not need anything. I can afford a lot, including more children (you really can persuade your figs wife)) and I don’t really care about talkers with a red flag who slept through a huge country and allowed millions of people into poverty.
    1. +23
      2 October 2018 07: 13
      Quote: Bull Terrier
      I’ll never vote for a person from the Communists in my life. This is a party of traitors.

      And I vote for the man, not the party. And so it turns out that I, a man with monarchical views, who considers Lenin part of a conspiracy against Russia, vote for the Communists. Because to every caring person who knows how to compare facts and achievements, the choice of a candidate is obvious.
      A question for you to backfill - who is better in your opinion? Who is your candidate? hi
      1. -11
        2 October 2018 07: 18
        I agree with you. It is necessary to vote for people. But on the ground. In the regions. But not for the president.
      2. -28
        2 October 2018 07: 20
        My president is quite happy with me. My life with his appearance has improved many times. I do not convince him, just the facts.
        1. +22
          2 October 2018 07: 34
          Quote: Bull Terrier
          My life with his appearance has improved many times.

          Compared to what has improved? The life of the bulk of the population worsened at times with the collapse of the USSR, after which the drunk brought the country to a state of insanity. After that, Putin lifted her slightly. Rather, it slightly loosened the noose. But to the level of the 70s of the era of the Union, we never came out. On TV, they still rule Malakhov, Pugachev with Kirkorov and Volochkova. The author correctly noted the loss of morality by the people. We do not have propaganda of morality and morality, the process of degeneration of creators into consumers is almost finished. The country is becoming more like Brazil. hi
          1. -10
            2 October 2018 08: 08
            You tell me more about the starving in Africa. In 90 years, I graduated from college. Going nowhere. 90 percent of the officers in my unit were getting ready to quit. Guarded parking, taverns. Compare with now ?!
            1. +23
              2 October 2018 08: 39
              Quote: Bull Terrier
              Compare with now ?!

              And with 70 years comparable? wink Or with the beginning of the 80s? Comparing now with the 90s, do not forget that you need to compare not with the worst years, but with the best.
              About the 90s is not necessary, for them EBN in Eburg erected a palace-monument, and Putin and the LADY there sang praises at the opening. And about Chubais, VVP said that he is an "Effective manager". Only without quotes. The whole country knows where Chubais SHOULD be, but Putin does not know.
              No one was punished for violating the elections in Primorye, they just put forward a new Edross, rolling back the elections. Zolotov never reported on the facts in the Navalnovsky film, however, like DAM. This is despite the fact that we have article 128.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (slander and clause).
              1. -12
                2 October 2018 10: 03
                I am talking about my life. And I also judge about my life.
              2. -15
                2 October 2018 12: 08
                Quote: Ingvar 72
                Quote: Bull Terrier
                Compare with now ?!

                And with 70 years comparable? wink Or with the beginning of the 80s?

                Igor, and if an elephant hits a whale - who will collect whom? (c) Leo Cassille.

                You are calling to compare the elephant with the whale. USSR and RF. It's different animals states living in completely different conditions and at different times. Do you want to compare them? Well, it’s free to beat your head against the wall ...

                Quote: Ingvar 72
                you need to compare not with the worst years, but with the best

                You need to compare comparable values. It is at least Yes
                Quote: Ingvar 72
                No one was punished for violating the elections in Primorye, they just put forward a new Edross, rolling back the elections. Zolotov never reported on the facts in the Navalnovsky film, however, like DAM

                A typical troll trick, by the way. It is called "blurring the theme". Igor, where did you learn such a badge? negative
                1. +8
                  2 October 2018 13: 05
                  Quote: Golovan Jack
                  USSR and RF. These are different animals of the state.

                  The USSR is Russia until 1917. wink And Russia, with the collapse of the Union, became the successor of the USSR. So the comparison is in topic.
                  Quote: Golovan Jack
                  A typical troll trick, by the way. Called - "blurring the theme"

                  And what is it, blurring? I cited as an example the shortcomings of a "suitable" president, and this is precisely on the topic. wink
                  1. -5
                    2 October 2018 13: 33
                    Quote: Ingvar 72
                    The USSR is Russia to 1917th

                    Are you raving?

                    Quote: Ingvar 72
                    With the collapse of the Union, Russia became the successor of the USSR ...

                    ... in terms of USSR debts. And the property of the USSR for rub hedgehog. And only request

                    So this "argument" of yours is also "nothing".

                    States (USSR and RF) are polar different. The conditions of existence of these states are also not comparable. Your

                    Quote: Ingvar 72
                    you need to compare not with the worst years, but with the best

                    - the essence of either delirium or trolling. IMHO is still the second.

                    Quote: Ingvar 72
                    And what is it, erosion?

                    Igor, yes, you all perfectly understood ... and now you are trying to portray yourself, um, a virgin.

                    Bored with you, Igor negative
                2. +8
                  2 October 2018 15: 18
                  Quote: Golovan Jack
                  USSR and RF. These are different animals of the state, living in completely different conditions and at different times. Do you want to compare them? Well, it’s free to beat your head against the wall ...

                  Well, this is the same country! And the history of your own country, in different years, you need to know, and of course to compare. After all, most of us lived in the USSR, and lived in modern Russia. There is something to compare! For example, there are such individuals who put their own, philistine well-being above all other people:
                  Quote: Bull Terrier
                  My president is quite happy with me. My life with his appearance has improved many times.
                  1. -8
                    2 October 2018 15: 35
                    Quote: Stas157
                    Well, this is the same country ...

                    USSR and RF? Allow ... not to believe? laughing

                    And the speech was not about "country" at all:

                    Quote: Golovan Jack
                    States (USSR and RF) are polar different

                    That's when you understand the difference between "country" and "state" - come in, we will talk wink

                    In the meantime, there’s nothing to talk to you about, unfortunately request
                    1. +11
                      2 October 2018 16: 46
                      Quote: Golovan Jack
                      That's when you understand the difference between "country" and "state" - come in, we will talk

                      And you are in your role! You juggle everything with concepts, try to find contradictions in formalities.
                      Quote: Golovan Jack
                      In the meantime, there’s nothing to talk to you about, unfortunately

                      Do not regret, Golovan, even if I answer your comment, then first of all I am writing not for you and not for you, but for forum visitors. Where did you get such arrogance and pomp?
                      1. -6
                        2 October 2018 17: 17
                        Quote: Stas157
                        I am writing not for you and not for you, but for forum visitors

                        Your next question is more suitable for you, IMHO:

                        Quote: Stas157
                        Where did you get such arrogance and pomp?

                        How did you get the idea that your epistolary exercises here are generally interesting to someone? wink

                        Quote: Stas157
                        You juggle everything with concepts, try to find contradictions in formalities ...

                        So you didn’t take the trouble to see how the country differs from the state? Sadly ... albeit predictably laughing
            2. +6
              2 October 2018 21: 20
              Quote: Bull Terrier
              90 percent of the officers in my unit were getting ready to quit. Guarded parking, taverns. Compare with now ?!

              and all the officers in the country?
              Kudrin already speaks to you - 20 million BEETERS! Can you pick up a machine gun and solve the issue of poverty, help Kudrin, Putin and Medvedev with Co.? You succeeded, you can do everything.
              1. -5
                2 October 2018 21: 23
                Quote: Silvestr
                Kudrin says - 20 million beggars

                Lying is not good No.
                1. +4
                  2 October 2018 21: 31
                  Quote: Golovan Jack
                  Lying is not good

                  Are you about Kudrin, Jack?
                  - at a speech at a meeting of the lower house of the Parliament of the Russian Federation, Kudrin said that at the poverty level in our country are 19,3 million people, that is 13,2% of the population. The income of citizens of this category is lower than the subsistence level established in 2018 in Russia at around 9489 rubles per person.
                  1. -5
                    2 October 2018 22: 38
                    Quote: Silvestr
                    you about Kudrin

                    No. About you.

                    Quote: Silvestr
                    Kudrin said that at the poverty level in our country are 19,3 million people, that is 13,2% of the population. The income of citizens of this category is lower than the subsistence level established in 2018 in Russia at around 9489 rubles per person

                    Compare with yours:

                    Quote: Silvestr
                    Kudrin says, 20 million beggars!

                    , and find three differences.

                    A beggar is the one on the porch.

                    By the way: it was with me, and not with you, that I had (not so long ago) almost two years of survival experience - without any work, and without any income whatsoever. So I don’t need it here - about the poor negative
                    1. +4
                      2 October 2018 22: 41
                      Quote: Golovan Jack
                      A beggar is the one on the porch.

                      yes, the criterion is tough. There is another: poverty leaves a person hope. Poverty is a state where there is nothing and there is nothing to hope for. Nothing to lose.
                      All these differences are very arbitrary.
                      1. -5
                        2 October 2018 22: 51
                        Quote: Silvestr
                        yes, the criterion is tough

                        And the only correct one.

                        Quote: Silvestr
                        There is another ...

                        But this, excuse me, is a chatter ... besides, it has already been said a million times that the official data do not provide complete information. Example: I personally know a couple of "dalnoboi" (father and son), officially - they do not work anywhere, but loads (rather big, "on the farm" two hefty trucks) are hauled regularly and very hard.

                        In official statistics, they are beggars, og.

                        In general ... stop you already strumming, doctor Yes
                      2. 0
                        5 October 2018 06: 14
                        So they are not officially unemployed, i.e. are not registered as such. And the car in the ownership, the sole proprietors themselves, lease the car or with the carrier under a one-time employment contract, otherwise nothing.
                      3. 0
                        5 October 2018 06: 23
                        Quote: Azis
                        So they are not officially unemployed, i.e. not registered as such

                        What is this for you? Golikova (and Kudrin) spoke not about those who are “registered”, but those whose official income is below the subsistence level.

                        This is what poor Sylvester calls them (for some reason) "beggars."

                        Quote: Azis
                        car owned


                        Quote: Azis
                        SP themselves


                        Quote: Azis
                        cars are rented out or with a carrier under a one-time employment contract

                        Yeah. Only the amount in the contract is slightly different from the one that they really pay)))

                        Quote: Azis
                        no other way

                        Yes, how ... You won’t believe)))
                      4. 0
                        2 November 2018 19: 30
                        I agree, I don’t know all the dark gray transportation patterns. I judge on customs transit - there all documents are required from top to bottom. And according to internal Russian documents, it is necessary to show the relationship of the carrier-owner of the car, the contract of carriage, etc., otherwise the gayts and others like them will make the whole journey paid.
                      5. +6
                        3 October 2018 01: 28
                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        Example: I personally know a couple of "dalnoboev" (father and son), officially - they do not work anywhere, but loads (rather big, "on the farm" two hefty trucks) are hauled regularly and very for nothing.

                        I also know such people, so what? Do you think all unemployed are actually secretly making millions? You read and it seems that the petty bourgeoisie has one training manual for all. These fabulous stories about unemployed millionaires are already tired of the horror.
                      6. -4
                        3 October 2018 09: 21
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        I also know such people, so what? Do you think all unemployed are actually secretly making millions?

                        No need to ascribe to me your thoughts. Moreover, a thought, specifically this one, is specifically stupid.
                        No i "So" I do not think so. I said exactly what I said:

                        Quote: Golovan Jack
                        official data do not give full information

                        And he gave a concrete example. No more, no less.

                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        You read and it seems that the petty bourgeoisie has one training manual for all

                        I am a hired labor force. Expensive, yes. To the "bourgeoisie" - no sideways.

                        Reading you, all-scribblers, thoughts about a certain training manual come too ... but I don’t blame you for this - everyone works as best he can laughing
        2. +8
          2 October 2018 07: 34
          Do you convince us with facts from your biography?)
          1. -7
            2 October 2018 08: 08
            I am just a living person who lives in this country. My opinion doesn't matter?
            1. +5
              2 October 2018 10: 25
              A comparison in any way ?? not only their own but also those around them, too, within reasonable limits, of course?
              1. -9
                2 October 2018 10: 53
                OK. Compare. My father has a pension of 40000 from my mother 15000. They live in an apartment that they received under this power. My wife is a doctor, receives 100-150 thousand per month. I more. My family has two expensive cars, three children. Children travel to Thailand twice a year. They like it there. My brother runs a construction company in which 1500 people work. And in my house there lives a man who hides from the former, does not pay alimony, runs away from children, but the authorities blame him all the time! Do you want to compare it?
                1. +15
                  2 October 2018 11: 14
                  You honor and the question arises - where is this oasis of capitalism? Where should a doctor live and work in order to receive 100, and such pensions - where?
                  And to get an apartment now - how realistic is it?
                  pension sizes are also inspiring)
                  But even without questioning the reliability of the information, the question still arises - how typical and mass is such a situation?
                  1. -6
                    2 October 2018 14: 34
                    Private clinic. The fact is that many have such an opportunity, but not all seek this. She still studies at the age of 33. Strives to be better. They choose her. Pensions? Father is an officer from here and retirement.
                    1. +7
                      2 October 2018 15: 04
                      Your example is understandable, BUT not everything, and not everywhere, was so simple - a friend was going to years ... to make his own clinic about the same, kind people almost immediately explained that there was nothing to catch on this plot - a relative opens her own ... more precisely, even several, so figs to you, not the clinic ...
                      So, everything depends not only on desire, but also on study ...
                2. +16
                  2 October 2018 11: 33
                  Quote: Bull Terrier
                  My father has a pension of 40000

                  Quote: Bull Terrier
                  mom has 15000

                  Quote: Bull Terrier
                  They live in an apartment that they received under this power.

                  Father military or silovik.
                  Quote: Bull Terrier
                  My wife is a doctor, receives 100-150 thousand per month

                  Dentist, private clinic or at least a department. It seems that we are talking about Moscow or the city of the top ten.
                  Quote: Bull Terrier
                  I more

                  Congratulations. The top 10% in Moscow, the top 1% beyond the Moscow Ring Road.
                  Quote: Bull Terrier
                  Do you want to compare it?

                  Compare with your own mother, for example. If without a father, and you and your brother were imprisoned. Will the apartment be rented?
                  1. +12
                    2 October 2018 11: 37
                    Part of the problem is that these exceptions are rather likely to be issued, well, or they want to be passed off as the usual option, is that so?
                    It is clear that no - this is rather an exception to the rule ...
                  2. -7
                    2 October 2018 14: 31
                    So funny. And alien if they steal ?!
                  3. -7
                    2 October 2018 14: 39
                    Yes, I like lilac. I gave you a personal example of how you can live normally. It is for this reason that I will not go under the red flags.
                    1. +10
                      2 October 2018 15: 14
                      Quote: Bull Terrier
                      So funny. And alien if they steal ?!

                      Planted more often. Especially when you consider that your brother, with all due respect, violates the law more than once every day. The law is for this purpose written so that people like him could be handled at any time.

                      By the way, you did not comment. Moscow?

                      In Russia, you can really live quite pleasantly if you have money, health, and there are no misunderstandings with garbage. But if you have problems, you’re hit.

                      Yes, and for a wealthy person. If you are not interested in activities related to breaking the law, you live worse than a person lives with your income in a developed country. If you look a little further tomorrow.

                      What follows from all this? First, if you were miraculously given a choice in which country (the USA or Russia) to achieve comparative success, ahead of 90% of fellow citizens by income, feel free to choose the USA: you will live incomparably better. Secondly, if you are lucky, the employer is ready to pay you and your wife 100 thousand dollars per year of salary, and offers a choice - live in Russia or the USA, feel free to choose the USA: you will live, if not dramatically, but better. And finally, when they tell you that “life is more expensive in the USA”, you can safely answer: “Yes, and since my life is dear to me, I want to live there.” Life there is not more expensive, but its quality is higher.

                    2. +1
                      2 October 2018 19: 52
                      Quote: Bull Terrier
                      It is for this reason that I will not go under the red flags.

                      And this is quite logical. smile And it will also be logical when the inexorable course of history multiplies the petty bourgeoisie in your and not only your face by zero. laughing
                    3. 0
                      6 October 2018 11: 57
                      Quote: Bull Terrier
                      I gave you a personal example of how you can live normally. It is for this reason that I will not go under the red flags.

                      That is, under which flags they pay more, and under those you will go?
                3. +9
                  2 October 2018 20: 49
                  Quote: Bull Terrier
                  My wife is a doctor, receives 100-150 thousand per month. I more.

                  where is this oasis of capitalism?
            2. +8
              2 October 2018 21: 22
              Quote: Bull Terrier
              I am just a living person who lives in this country.

              in which country? You remind this person ..

              living in a parallel world
        3. +6
          2 October 2018 16: 29
          Quote: Bull Terrier
          My president is quite happy with me. My life with his appearance has improved many times. I do not convince him, just the facts.

          Abramovich, is that you? wink
          1. -5
            2 October 2018 20: 10
            Putin suits me the same way - we are developing steadily, in spite of problems in all areas of society, which will always exist under the Russian mentality, regardless of changes in power.
            1. +6
              2 October 2018 21: 27
              Quote: Vadim237
              we are developing steadily

              that's for sure...

              wait-s-s-s .........
              1. -6
                3 October 2018 11: 37
                GDP growth of 2–3% per year is a stable development, but since you are dependent on the budget, you play the most insignificant role in GDP growth.
                1. +1
                  3 October 2018 19: 20
                  Quote: Vadim237
                  GDP growth of 2-3% per year - stable development,

                  every year the dollar loses 2-3 percent of purchasing power, and sometimes more in times of crisis. This is inherent in emissions. The change in the exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar, this is the change in purchasing power. You can simply have a piece of gold and declare the growth in value of this piece, and that would be more than the growth of our industry.
                2. +5
                  3 October 2018 20: 12
                  Quote: Vadim237
                  GDP growth of 2-3% per year - stable development,

                  In the 1st half of 2018, India demonstrates GDP growth of 8,2%, for the whole of 2017 - by 7,7%.

                  Tajikistan - 7,2% and 7%, respectively;

                  Georgia - 5,5% and 5% respectively;

                  Kazakhstan - 4,1% and 4,1% respectively:

                  Belarus - 3,9% and 5,2% respectively;

                  Ukraine - 3,8% and 3,1% respectively.
                  Russia - 1,9% for the 1st half of 2018 and for 2017 - 1,3%.
                  GOOD FELLOWS !!!!!!!!!!
              2. 0
                3 October 2018 14: 19
                on the account of two years he lied, we remember: "they wait for the promised three years" (just in time for the evon demobilization will we wait?)
            2. 0
              3 October 2018 14: 16
              Quote: Vadim237
              Putin suits me the same way - we are developing steadily, in spite of problems in all areas of society, which will always exist under the Russian mentality, regardless of changes in power.

              Deripaska? Is that you? wink
              1. -6
                3 October 2018 17: 47
                No, it’s just a businessman who can compare what was and what has become, it's me about the 90s and 2000s.
      3. -16
        2 October 2018 07: 24
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        to every caring person who knows how to compare facts and achievements

        Is that how you characterize yourself? Well, you won’t praise yourself - figs wait, essno laughing

        Quote: Ingvar 72
        candidate selection is obvious

        And who is it for today?

        Quote: Ingvar 72
        I vote for a person, not a party

        Stupid. Not a single person in the system determines anything. More precisely, the higher his position, the person in the system, the less he can be guided by his Wishlist and the more forced to follow the vector specified by the system. Do you want to - challenge.
        1. +18
          2 October 2018 07: 38
          Quote: Golovan Jack
          Is that how you characterize yourself?

          Yes. My understanding of the word Homeland doesn't end on the doorstep of the apartment.
          Quote: Golovan Jack
          And who is it for today?

          Grudinin. During the election, a bucket of mud and piles of charges were poured on him. Has at least one reached the court? wink
          Quote: Golovan Jack
          Stupid. Not a single person in the system determines anything.

          People create a system. Stalin proved it.
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. +14
              2 October 2018 08: 52
              Quote: Bull Terrier
              To us, at the head of the country, the collective farmer is simply necessary under the red flag. We just crave it)))

              By your logic, is the shifter (!) KGBshnik better? wink And yes, Grudinin is better, because he spends his personal money on improving the lives of his collective farmers, and does not buy palaces / yachts.
              1. -7
                2 October 2018 12: 32
                Which Grudinin collective farmer tell me? How much arable land and land there are under strawberries ?? tears! Stop calling him who he is not ... strawberries have earned, I beg you ... tell the children ..... about 90 e and then its vigorous activity is better to be silent altogether ... in the archive of the former 16th interdistrict department of the RUBOP, a lot of interesting things are stored ... both on a typewriter and by hand written
                1. +14
                  2 October 2018 13: 11
                  Quote: Andrey VOV
                  about 90 e and its boisterous activity

                  In the 90s, who was different? Deripaska, Usmanov, Patriarch Kiril (Gundyaev), and the entire Sobchakov team - all are anointed, and much stronger .. But years have passed since the 90s, and it’s clear who has disposed of money (land). Gdudinin worked at this state farm until the collapse of the Union, and perhaps (!) He warmed his hands on privatization. But his actions do not stand next to the affairs of Chubais, who, according to GDP, is an effective manager. And Grudinin created a social paradise in a single microdistrict of Moscow. hi
                  1. -4
                    2 October 2018 20: 14
                    For 11 years I haven’t raised a billion in high-tech production - and Grudinin has grown 20 billion in 8 years - on strawberries, continue on about his honesty to compose fairy tales.
                2. +1
                  2 October 2018 13: 11
                  Quote: Andrey VOV
                  about 90 e and its boisterous activity

                  In the 90s, who was different? Deripaska, Usmanov, Patriarch Kiril (Gundyaev), and the entire Sobchakov team - all are anointed, and much stronger .. But years have passed since the 90s, and it’s clear who has disposed of money (land). Gdudinin worked at this state farm until the collapse of the Union, and perhaps (!) He warmed his hands on privatization. But his actions do not stand next to the affairs of Chubais, who, according to GDP, is an effective manager. And Grudinin created a social paradise in a single microdistrict of Moscow. hi
                3. +7
                  2 October 2018 20: 50
                  Quote: Andrey VOV
                  about the 90s and its boisterous activity then it is better to be silent altogether.

                  take an interest in what GDP has been doing in these years - be surprised
            2. +6
              2 October 2018 14: 00
              We are yes.
              Better is the former chairman of the collective farm than Major GB. He is in the economy, and that makes a lot more sense.
              Are you not Your problems.
              1. -7
                3 October 2018 17: 49
                In microeconomics, he understands, but in macroeconomics - vryatli.
          2. -16
            2 October 2018 10: 01
            Quote: Ingvar 72
            My understanding of the word homeland does not end on the doorstep of an apartment

            This does not mean that you are a person,

            Quote: Ingvar 72
            ... able to compare facts and achievements ...

            Your speeches here are more likely to indicate the opposite Yes

            Quote: Ingvar 72
            Grudinin. During the election, a bucket of mud and piles of charges were poured on him. Has at least one reached the court?

            Clear. I have no comments.

            Quote: Ingvar 72
            People create a system. Stalin proved it

            How long (in time) did Stalin create "his" system? And how long did it take for the system to self-destruct after his death?
            1. +5
              2 October 2018 14: 41
              Quote: Golovan Jack
              How long (in time) did Stalin create "his" system? And how long did it take for the system to self-destruct after his death?

              Stalin 1919 - People's Commissar for Nationalities, then the secretary (a secondary position in the party) then he was given a ride at the plenum of the Central Committee in 1936 (there were no repressions until 36) in 1937 he had great power. In 1939, the repression almost stopped. From 1937 to 1953 = 16 years. Given that he built his system not from scratch, but after formatting the mass consciousness (Land to the peasants ....), we can say that it’s about 20. Any way to break the Stalinist system (Khrushchev, etc.) has run into opposition to the mass consciousness for almost 35 years.
        2. +11
          2 October 2018 08: 45
          Quote: Golovan Jack
          More precisely, the higher his position, the person in the system, the less he can be guided by his Wishlist and the more forced to follow the vector specified by the system. Do you want to - challenge.

          Try to expand your thought on the example of Comrade Stalin and Comrade Khrushchev.
          1. -10
            2 October 2018 10: 08
            Quote: Cherry Nine
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            More precisely, the higher his position, the person in the system, the less he can be guided by his Wishlist and the more forced to follow the vector specified by the system. Do you want to - challenge.

            Try to expand your thought on the example of Comrade Stalin and Comrade Khrushchev.

            Unformatted for comment, hard. This article must be written, and for this I have neither the time nor the desire.

            In short - like this:
            1. Remove Khrushchov from the list laughing Putting this devil next to Stalin is blasphemy.
            2. Even Stalin was not completely free to make decisions. Although he was already acting in the System, personally (and "for himself") rebuilt.
            1. +4
              2 October 2018 10: 22
              You did not understand. Is it bad, is it good, but the reversal of the system vector in the mid-50s was quite obvious.
              1. -4
                2 October 2018 11: 09
                Quote: Cherry Nine
                Is it bad, is it good, but the reversal of the system vector in the mid-50s was quite obvious

                It was originally laid down in the System. IMHO.
                1. +4
                  2 October 2018 11: 20
                  Quote: Golovan Jack
                  It was originally laid down in the System. IMHO.

                  But it could have happened 10 years earlier or 10 years later, as in China. In the DPRK, it is still not for everyone. You should not fall into determinism.
                2. +1
                  2 October 2018 16: 11
                  Quote: Golovan Jack
                  It was originally laid down in the System. IMHO.

                  Are you talking about the utopianism of communism? laughing
                  1. -4
                    2 October 2018 20: 40
                    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                    Quote: Golovan Jack
                    It was originally laid down in the System. IMHO.

                    Are you talking about the utopianism of communism? laughing

                    By. For you, so be it, I’ll chew in more detail:
                    Stalin set such a pace of work that the people of Sistema could hardly stand it. With the departure of Stalin, the pace gradually began to fall, and the people - "cogs of the System" - began to relax. More and more, and so we got to Leni Brovenos and beyond.

                    The principle of the pendulum: swing it to the left - it will swing to the right, then again to the left, and so on by decaying.

                    Nothing like? wink
                    1. +1
                      3 October 2018 01: 02
                      Quote: Golovan Jack
                      Nothing like?

                      Cuckoo-clock. laughing Come on, open your mind. Of course, metaphors are good, beautiful, always fashionable and even attracted to some intelligence, but in this case, nichrome is not clear, and I have not yet learned to read thoughts.
                      1. -5
                        3 October 2018 06: 20
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        I have not yet learned to read thoughts

                        Hike, the word "thoughts" is superfluous here laughing

                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        open your mind

                        Once. WITH PHANTOM, ugh ... Talk to Sylvester, he’s a doctor, he’s exactly in the subject. In short: the pendulum is a very widespread mechanism in nature. Your, by example, organism also lives by this, ahem, rule: after a working day, he wants to sleep, after a booze - hangover ... well, and so on.

                        The state consists of people-"cogs". Each of the cogs obeys the law of a pendulum; it cannot do otherwise. As a result, the state machine itself, oddly enough, is also subject to this principle.

                        The consequences of this, I have already described above, sapienti sat Yes
                  2. +1
                    3 October 2018 19: 58
                    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                    Are you talking about the utopianism of communism? laughing

                    There was no utopianism of communism. Communism is real. An experiment was carried out on the island of Svalbard: the store began to give any quantity of any product or product free of charge. At first, this caused a boom, everyone tried to collect more for the future, but no matter how much they took, the goods were carefully reported. People got used to it and in the end began to take for free even for less than money. the problem is different. There was no development of the Marxist-Leninist doctrine after Stalin's death. Since 1948, the Ideological Department of the Central Committee was headed by Aleksandrov. A man far from labor and the front. Who recruited the same people into his department. Glorification and swagger. A talented opportunist. Great power and lack of responsibility. Stalin had a problem: he worked all his life on the political economy of socialism. He said: - "Without a theory, we are dead." The textbook on the political economy of socialism, which Stalin considered "raw", came out 2 months after the death of the leader, castrated, repainted and painted. Lenin Marx's quotes were made dogma. Sakharov, for trying to imagine the development of socialism in the era of the information boom, was exiled. and equated to dissidents .. Pay attention to the figure of Suslov. He took off Khrushch, but left his "achievements". Under Suslov, Yakovlev appeared. Yakovlev, on the eve of perestroika, I had a six-month business trip to Canada !!! What can the head of the Department of Ideology and Propaganda do in the Country of HER Majesty the Queen ??? There was a betrayal. The elite wanted inherited privileges! for free!
            2. +4
              2 October 2018 14: 44
              Quote: Golovan Jack
              Even Stalin was not completely free to make decisions. Although he was already acting in the System, personally (and "for himself") rebuilt.

              Stalin set an example for the system. At least as a symbol. A personal example. What about our leader? How many power holders follow Putin’s public show?
      4. +2
        2 October 2018 14: 30
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        that I, a man with monarchical views, who considers Lenin part of a conspiracy against Russia

        Lenin did everything at first to destroy the Monarchy, but then everything to save the state
        1. Alf
          2 October 2018 17: 05
          Quote: aybolyt678
          Lenin first did everything to destroy the Monarchy,

          The monarchy collapsed in February, when the Communist Party was not even in nature.
          Quote: aybolyt678
          but then everything to save the state

          He turned in a frying pan, but he kept the state.
    2. 0
      2 October 2018 14: 54
      Quote: Bull Terrier
      I don’t even bother with talkers with a red flag who overslept a huge country and allowed millions of people into poverty

      And what is so violent - are you all right !? You should pray for them! laughing
    3. Alf
      2 October 2018 16: 55
      Quote: Bull Terrier
      After the humiliation that was with my family

      Have the candle factory been taken away?
  3. +22
    2 October 2018 06: 45
    And then the consolidation of a healthy society will take place, and its worthy members will go upstairs, not a crook, a thief or a hypocrite
  4. +7
    2 October 2018 07: 04
    Wangyu article minus, it is not customary to discuss the sun-like and the behavior of our people. And on the topic I agree, I was also always surprised by one question, ok, the Soviet Union power and an island of morality, since how were Yeltsin, Birch, Chubais and others born and raised there ?!
    1. +23
      2 October 2018 07: 13
      Quote: Nix1986
      so how were Yeltsin, Birch, Chubais and others born and raised there ?!

      According to statistics, in any society there is a certain, fairly stable percentage of sociopaths, geniuses, autists, homosexuals, creators, etc. The question is which group forms the elite.
      1. +18
        2 October 2018 07: 21
        Quote: Chertt
        The question is which group forms the elite.

        According to the theory of Grigory Klimov, one of the groups you mentioned has a pathological complex of power, trying to penetrate into it, regardless of system. And having reached her, they carry their views to society, almost completely repeating the process of development of a cancerous tumor. And the treatment in this case is only surgery with resection of the affected part of the body.
        1. 0
          2 October 2018 07: 41
          Quote: Ingvar 72
          According to the theory of Grigory Klimov

          ******* are a clear indication of the presence of degeneration - "if it is not in order between the legs, then it is not in order in the head", (c)
        2. +5
          2 October 2018 14: 09
          Cut ... cut to hell without waiting for peritonitis ... good
          And it is right
      2. +7
        2 October 2018 14: 52
        Quote: Chertt
        The question is which group forms the elite.

        First, put the right question, what is the elite? in general, only a service person can be an elite. The elite must be educated. The social function of the elite is to set an example of how to live, work and die. If everything that has surfaced to the top is called the elite, then there will be a substitution of concepts. And the substitution of concepts is fraught with ... if freedom is confused with permissiveness, then impunity will lead to banditocracy. As it was in the 90s ... it is this group or close to it that forms the "elite" right now
      3. +4
        2 October 2018 20: 53
        Quote: Chertt
        The question is which group forms the elite.

        a group of crooks, thieves, people deprived of honor, social justice, shifters, careerists, etc.
        1. +1
          3 October 2018 20: 01
          Quote: Silvestr
          Quote: Chertt
          The question is which group forms the elite.

          a group of crooks, thieves, people deprived of honor, social justice, shifters, careerists, etc.

          I repeat: not everything that came up is the Elite
  5. +4
    2 October 2018 07: 20
    author hi 1-Putin was talking not about 20, but about 25 million new highly qualified jobs, 2-based on your conclusions, you yourself don't know what to do, otherwise you would not have written `` what to do, but nothing to do '' .. and further in the text. only one question - why write such an article, not having your own way out of this situation am
    1. -4
      2 October 2018 20: 22
      To create 25 million high-tech jobs - you need to find 25 million highly skilled workers, at the moment there are only 500000 - and they all already work.
      1. Alf
        2 October 2018 21: 20
        Quote: Vadim237
        To create 25 million high-tech jobs - you need to find 25 million highly skilled workers, at the moment there are only 500000 - and they all already work.

        So what's the problem ? Re-create a network of vocational schools and technical schools. After the 91st year, the authorities intensively collapsed this system, and now with honest eyes it speaks of a lack of personnel.
        Vadim, I already asked you a question, how many students did you take to your enterprise? You did not answer. You argued that the functions of the state under capitalism are reduced only to defense against an external enemy, everything else should be regulated by itself. So who should train these highly qualified personnel? Industrialists-capitalists? They will not invest in the educational process, it is long and expensive. They only need highly skilled workers with experience. Where to get them? Should a mythical "someone" cook them?
        1. -5
          3 October 2018 11: 41
          I have five of them and they are already with experience on machines - not CNC. Already invested in training and everything else.
      2. 0
        3 October 2018 05: 58
        Quote: Vadim237
        To create 25 million high-tech jobs, you need to find 25 million highly skilled workers

  6. +25
    2 October 2018 07: 39
    Yes .... modern "school" is "something" with "something". I found this on the Internet here:

    School in 10-15 years:
    "I went to school, showed the test results, vaccination card, a certificate of no criminal record and bad thoughts at the entrance.
    He signed that he came, signed that he arrived on time, made a fingerprint that he came.
    In the teacher's room I signed in a daily report card that you did not disclose personal data. He took the magazine, signed there that he took the magazine.
    Before the lesson I came to class. The students signed that they have no complaints against the teacher. We listened to daily briefing on the proper washing of the board, wetting a rag and using chalk. The students signed up. I sent a daily report to the RONO on the number of children.
    The lesson has begun. The lesson is broadcast on the Ministry’s website, in electronic diaries, on the school’s website, on a resource for outside observers.
    Homework is not asked, because you can’t ask without the student’s free will. Grades are given with the written consent of the student.
    After the lesson, the video is sent by the expert to the Supervision. Pupils put a list that they listened to the lesson in full and have no complaints about educational services.
    At the break, the teacher draws up an analysis of the lesson, confirms it with a seal from the director and a painting from the head teacher, sends a report to the RONO.
    At the beginning of the break, students are instructed on the rules of conduct during the break. Sign up.

    Six lessons are over. Students are instructed in the rules for moving outside the school. Students sign, go home.
    The teacher writes a report on the day spent, makes an analysis of the grades, writes a plan for the next day, a diagnostic performance card is compiled, and sent to RONO.
    The teachers' council is going to follow the results of the day. The protocol of the teacher council is sent to the Ministry.
    The teacher calls the parents of the students to see if the children have reached. Reminds them of a daily photo report of children's leisure.
    The phone call record is stored in the school database.
    At the exit from the school, the teacher is checked for chalk in his pockets, money in his wallet, unregistered removal of school notebooks.
    At home, the teacher consolidates the parent's photo reports into a single report and sends them to the department. In the evening, he conducts a compulsory online lesson in his subject. Makes a report on class attendance, analyzes his mistakes, plans self-education. Sends a report to RONO.
    Goes to bed with good and happy thoughts. In a dream, he dreams of a dream within the law. "

    My wife, a teacher with experience (already two years retired), sent this to her still working colleagues and received an answer from them that everything is going exactly according to this "scenario", not only that almost half of what has been described is already introduced into the "school educational process". This is due to the fact that there has been a shift in society from the productive forces engaged in the real production and distribution of the national product, towards its parasitic part, which is not directly involved in this production, but does everything to show its importance and necessity. Hence the emergence of all sorts of different managers, regulators, auditors, law-making, fiscal organizations, offices and commissions. People who, like, "work" there are trying to ensure their constant reproduction, to make society feel their need, so they try to push through and legislate their "need" in the largest possible spheres of society and the state. At the same time, all these "parasitic" structures often lack imagination - how can one justify the need to create new parasitic structures and impose laws and rules that are not necessary for society. Hence, the so-called "not ordinary vision" is welcomed in such structures. Now the trend is the so-called "creativity" that is, the "abnormality" of the vision of everything specially imposed on society. The danger of creativity is that it destroys traditional values, the usual perception of things, leads to the creation of new structures that are unnecessary for society and the adoption of absurd laws and regulations.
    1. dSK
      2 October 2018 09: 48
      Quote: Snail N9
      The danger of creativity is that it destroys traditional values, the usual perception of things

      01 October 2018 19:15 / TV "Tsargrad" /
      Nobel Prize for contribution to Russophobia. Nominees from Russia
      Liberal publications, citing Reuters, are triumphantly reporting that this year the Novaya Gazeta and the Memorial Society were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize from Russia
      In addition to a beautiful medal, the laureate also receives a serious monetary reward - more than one million dollars. In the West they know how to count money and certainly want to leave everything, as they say, “in the family”, that is, give a prize to their own. Back in 2016, Russian journalists found that Novaya Gazeta received direct state financial support from the Dutch government, and 10% of the newspaper's shares belong to Nobel laureate Mikhail Gorbachev.
      1. +13
        2 October 2018 10: 42
        Well, how else can "Judas" pay, legally, his "30 pieces of silver"?
    2. 0
      5 October 2018 23: 33
      I congratulate your wife on the day of the teacher, all the best
    3. The comment was deleted.
  7. -6
    2 October 2018 07: 53
    By the way, Patriarch Kirill in his address to the president thanked him .......... Amazed, surprised, upset., end of author’s quote.
    The author, Stepan, you struck, surprised, and upset you.
    It was no appeal His Holiness to the President, and speech Patriarch in 2012 at the meeting Prime Minister Putin V.V. with leaders of traditional religious communities in Russia.
    1. +9
      2 October 2018 07: 59
      Quote: bober1982
      This was not an appeal from His Holiness the Patriarch to the President, but a speech by the Patriarch in 2012 at a meeting of Prime Minister Putin V.V. with leaders of traditional religious communities in Russia.

      So did Cyril say thanks to Putin, or did he appeal to everyone? wink
      1. -3
        2 October 2018 08: 12
        This was a speech by the Patriarch and he, among other things, thanked the head of the Government.
        The author, as they say, took the quote out of context, especially since this speech was in 2012, and the respected Stepan seems to be walking all this time surprised and distressed.
    2. +5
      2 October 2018 20: 55
      Quote: bober1982
      By the way, Patriarch Kirill thanked him in his address to the president ..

      there is something ...

      Alexy did not go like that, Rasputin came to the capital barefoot
      1. -4
        3 October 2018 09: 44
        You reason like a Pharisee, if you speak the biblical language. You, a hypocrite and a hypocrite.
  8. -10
    2 October 2018 08: 06
    The author is personally ready to head the state tomorrow (has his own competent prime minister with a Cabinet, a Duma composed of ideal lawmakers, a Federation Council, etc., and a magic wand or pike) and in a day create paradise on one sixth of the land? No? Then what is so much text about?
    Everyone imagines himself a strategist, seeing the battle from the side. Take care of your family, children, household. Society consists of families. The more healthy families, the healthier the society and no king, and no boyars, by any laws, can do what the head of the family can do. And there is nothing to blame for school.
    A transom chopped on command, but in a different situation.
    1. +18
      2 October 2018 08: 24
      Quote: FANTOM-72
      Everyone imagines himself a strategist, seeing the battle from the side.

      Believe me, the mistakes of fighters, much more experienced than you, are more visible from the outside.
      Quote: FANTOM-72
      Take care of your family, children, household. Society consists of families.

      You are an idealist. It is more difficult to maintain a family from year to year. The average resident of Russia is forced to spend more time at work, and the street, TV and the Internet are engaged in children. And the values ​​there are different. And still it is necessary to blame the school, it is the school that is the place where children should receive knowledge, including morality. And do not be an incubator where broiler consumers are artificially grown.
  9. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      2 October 2018 14: 17
      Ooh, have you updated the training manual? Was there a hint of humor?
      Not funny
      Take the example of Dmitry Anatolyevich, he is a famous joker, sparkling
      1. 0
        2 October 2018 17: 42
        oh, the smell of adventure, go down!
  10. +24
    2 October 2018 08: 21
    Actually, nothing new happened after all - only the method has changed. Yes, now it’s too brazen, rude, trying to get into our pocket
    Yes, the pension robbery has put all the points, if before he believed that there was some kind of plan, even the smallest one, now everything is clear, they will rob. Chubais with nanotechnology, Putin with 20 million new high-performance jobs and other bureaucrats, their task is to snatch themselves and how to live off Skrynnik abroad. Therefore, they don’t shoot for corruption like in China, they don’t confiscate the loot like the USSR, but they give Vasilyeva a month to trample the zone, and her lover is not judged. Our hungry old woman is more likely to sit down for a packet of milk.
    1. +7
      2 October 2018 08: 58
      So she didn’t seem to trample - she shot different clips, then in slippers, then without ... And Anatoly was not sick at the state job. Maybe he is not guilty at all. And the fact that he is married to Yulia Pokhlebenina, the daughter of Viktor Zubkov, has nothing to do with it - lucky the guy, and you are jealous, mediocre ...
  11. +8
    2 October 2018 08: 27
    Thanks to the author for the chic analysis hi . He came to the same conclusions in June, so for the first time in his life he found it possible for him to take part in the protests. And precisely for the sake of the future of children.
    Putin also added that today teachers must help develop a position in life, to distinguish truth from lies.

    Perhaps this is why Rosobrnadzor began checking the competence of Russian teachers back in 2015. Then the first participants in the test were about 6 thousand teachers of history and social studies. The history and understanding of the foundations of the functioning of society must be "class-correct", otherwise, you understand, in the presence of children, doubts about the historical value of the museum of B.N. Yeltsin.
    Former Minister of Education (2004-2012): Fursenko: The disadvantage of the Soviet education system was an attempt to form a creator-man ...

    and that's why the vast majority of people were able to "fit into the market" - they were prepared for this. Will they fit in now?
    By the way, Patriarch Cyril ... I was amazed, surprised, disappointed.

    I take a note - and said everything that thinks, and felt sorry for the feelings of believers hi
    up will be held its worthy members, not crooks, thieves and hypocrites.

    But here I disagree - as long as there are municipal filters and the "ministry of truth" represented by the state media, this will not happen.
  12. +2
    2 October 2018 08: 49
    What are we scolding power? She is ours, dear, flesh from flesh

    Looked up to this point. Further there is no point in reading. Solid verbiage. negative
  13. BAI
    2 October 2018 09: 04
    Before the article vote. Voting passes, but does not show results.
    1. +4
      2 October 2018 09: 09
      We must vote, then you will see the results.
  14. -16
    2 October 2018 09: 30
    Article about # all-propropolymers. Horses, people, and volleys of thousands of Oruli mixed in a heap.

    For VO - just the flame is provided. Minus request
  15. +9
    2 October 2018 09: 36
    why is everyone so excited then? phrase: ,, the government lives on another planet. ,, heard, but did not understand? and many have long understood everything, because the arm bent at the elbow and the PFR and the Federal Reserve and the exit to the city community work day ... well, there is no desire to participate in the balcony experiments of under-education with good family ties, can you take it by force? take it, there are all the mechanisms, but to voluntarily cooperate with the authorities, habits reminiscent of the invaders (and these are the same faces for twenty years or so) and even with the cops (the glory of the next worthless and endless reform) yes. with its stupidity, callousness and impotence, the government narrowed the interests to the near circle of relatives and relatives, endless changes in the rules of the game do not allow the sane person (excuse me for subjectivity) to believe in all these nonsense, and even throw off the declining income, and you can sculpt any label, even Call it an unpatriot, the Motherland and the state are now not together again, and what can this lead to for the country? for the third time in a hundred years.
  16. LIB
    2 October 2018 09: 50
    Wow, more than a third is still for Putin. We have seriously damaged the gene pool of the nation, we need serious cleaning.
    1. -10
      2 October 2018 10: 21
      Quote: LIB
      We have seriously damaged the gene pool of the nation, we need serious cleaning.

      Start with yourself.

      PS: State service ... how much, ahem, must be inadequate to a write recourse
      1. -1
        2 October 2018 10: 33
        Mikhail Yuryevich Artemyev, the glory of the handshakes haunts.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. Alf
      2 October 2018 17: 14
      Quote: LIB
      more than a third are still for Putin.

      And these are those who, on Putin’s path to the feeding trough, and those whom they hired to work, praise around the clock.
      1. -7
        2 October 2018 20: 28
        And what kind of feeder I sucked on - just wondering, according to your statement above.
        1. -7
          3 October 2018 17: 50
          The answer seems to be no and never will be.
  17. +11
    2 October 2018 10: 05
    Quote: FANTOM-72
    Take care of your family, children, household. Society consists of families. The more healthy families, the healthier the society.

    This is all only partially correct, it is not necessary to take all the problems into the bourgeois swamp.
  18. +12
    2 October 2018 10: 09
    Quote: vanavate
    The homeland and the state are now not together again, and what can this lead the country to? for the third time in a hundred years.

    The country is in fact occupied, we have become tenants in our native land. We are ruled by people who pit us and regularly rob us under patriotic slogans. Now they have decided to try the open genocide of the indigenous population under the guise of pension reform, in fact a wide range of economic noises.
    1. Alf
      2 October 2018 17: 17
      Quote: Altona
      Now they have decided to try the open genocide of the indigenous population under the guise of pension reform, in fact a wide range of economic noises.

      Today there was news about the introduction from the 19th year of package tariffication of electricity consumption for citizens. Up to 300 kW for an apartment is the base price, from 300 to 500 is an increased rate, over 500 is "economically justified". Apartments with electric stoves will be removed from the preferential rates.
      1. -7
        2 October 2018 17: 44
        Quote: Alf
        Today the news came about the introduction of packet charging of electricity consumption for citizens since the 19th year.

        A reference would have been given or something ... I honestly searched - it is not looked request
        1. +2
          2 October 2018 17: 54
          Quote: Golovan Jack
          A reference would be given

          I mean this

          But everything is incomprehensible there.
          1. -6
            2 October 2018 20: 12
            Quote: Cherry Nine
            I mean this

            Thank you.

            Quote: Cherry Nine
            But everything is incomprehensible there

            I agree.

            Quote: Alf

            Thanks too. But, as the comrade correctly noted Cherry nine, everything is still very ... ambiguous:

            ... in Russia may try again to enter social norm of energy consumption for the population, when tariffs rise sharply when the limit is exceeded. The scheme was approved by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, departments are required to submit draft documents in January 2019...

            In general - we will reap - we will see request
            1. Alf
              2 October 2018 21: 09
              Quote: Golovan Jack
              ... in Russia they may once again try to introduce a social energy consumption rate for the population, when tariffs rise sharply when the limit is exceeded. The scheme was approved by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, departments should submit draft documents in January 2019 ...

              In general - we will reap - we will see

              When in Russia the government says "They can", it means the issue has been resolved and it is only a matter of timing.
              1. -6
                2 October 2018 21: 15
                Quote: Alf
                it means the issue is resolved and the matter is only in terms

                Maybe. But vanging and stuffing a la "information passed" (while "information" is really about nothing) - all this somehow sickened me.

                They tried to introduce the "scheme" once ... but they did not. That's why I say:

                Quote: Golovan Jack
                chew - see
                1. Alf
                  2 October 2018 21: 28
                  Quote: Golovan Jack
                  They tried to introduce the "scheme" once ... but they did not.

                  Kozak admitted that there were "ambiguous results" back then, but, to put it simply, the people in these regions became obsessed. And Vovan is now serving his last term, will sign anything, he doesn't care, there is nothing to be afraid of.
            2. +3
              3 October 2018 01: 11
              in Russia may again try to introduce a social energy consumption rate for the population

              Again? In fact, in some regions she has long been there and hasn’t gone anywhere.
              1. -6
                3 October 2018 05: 46
                Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                in some regions it’s been quite a long time ago and hasn’t gone anywhere

                Can I have examples? With a distinct link, preferably.
                1. +3
                  4 October 2018 13: 53
                  I look quite lazy erpeshniki. Well, here's to you from my royal majesty. Keep the link boyar. laughing
        2. Alf
          2 October 2018 18: 29
          Quote: Golovan Jack
          Quote: Alf
          Today the news came about the introduction of packet charging of electricity consumption for citizens since the 19th year.

          A reference would have been given or something ... I honestly searched - it is not looked request

      2. -5
        2 October 2018 20: 30
        "Today there was news about the introduction of package tariffication of electricity consumption for citizens since 19". - The amendment is just a sentence, in words.
  19. +4
    2 October 2018 10: 12
    Quote: Golovan Jack
    Horses, people, and volleys of thousands of Oruli mixed in a heap.

    Yes Jack, today I agree with a couple of your points, even outraged by others. One of them is that you can’t argue against the current system without the support of an alternative system. Here, more of my own emotions and observations spilled out in the article, which drowned out the attempts of analysis. Although the problems raised by the author require a separate substantive consideration.
    1. -5
      2 October 2018 10: 32
      Another system is where we go to build and are afraid to say a word?)
    2. -5
      2 October 2018 10: 38
      Quote: Altona
      no arguing against the current system without the support of an alternative system

      Exactly. A plus belay

      Quote: Altona
      Here more of my own emotions and observations spilled out in the article

      Well, for "here" - IMHO just right. Comments under two or three hundred will be, me guarantee laughing

      Quote: Altona
      problems raised by the author require a separate substantive consideration

      There are dozens of articles there. IMHO.
  20. +9
    2 October 2018 10: 26
    Quote: sib.ataman
    About mother a swindler and there’s nothing to talk about - this is all about that fool who made Bioga pray! Although formally! .. Everyone must abide by the law.

    The woman was in a desperate financial situation and turned out to be a convenient target for "investigation". According to the law, it was quite possible for her to return the received unemployment benefit to the budget and she would be removed from the register. All! Here is a normal, humane and ethical solution to the problem. And it would also be possible to accept her legally in the organization where she carried out the cleaning, and pay her extra from the employment service to a minimum wage of approximately 11200. In fact, it was so, there she received 7000 and in the employment service, probably, there the maximum allowance is 4900.
    1. -1
      8 October 2018 10: 17
      But what if someone is in a hopeless situation - is this now an occasion for amnesty? And the fact that some thieves in power have not yet been imprisoned means that now, in general, there is no need to fight crime? Great invented. As soon as I find myself in a hopeless situation, I’ll go and get someone around. I hope that they will protect me on Topvar with the same zeal. At the same time, by the way, you can protect some thread of the rapist. It’s not his fault, he’s just too poor to have a woman, and love is for him. Understand and forgive. Aunt stabbed the state for some money, why is she better than a thief official? The difference is only in scale.
      1. -1
        8 October 2018 10: 22
        Quote: Molot1979
        But what if someone is in a hopeless situation - is this now an occasion for amnesty?

        A stalemate is not an abstract situation, but the threat of physical starvation. That's all. That is, a complete lack of funds for the most necessary things. And what you say is not about that at all, and in your opinion it is necessary to chop off anyone's head. The woman was left without work, by the way, due to the fault of her native state, which does not give an incentive to create jobs. Yes, and she "pinned" the state not by 7 thousand, but by a maximum of 4900 (and most likely by 2200 in 2 weeks) - this is the amount of the monthly unemployment benefit.
  21. 0
    2 October 2018 10: 42
    Stepan! Well screwed, well clocked! Do not haunt the laurels of Damantsev or Kaptsov? Although the question itself is clear and relevant. It is hard to disagree that to continue living without moral principles is suicidal! Some drunken brawls in the transport of what are they worth ?! But here's the reason: our power-the flesh of the flesh of the people-do not agree! There are no random people! Positions have long been, since deeply Soviet times, transferred to power on the basis of the Kumov or Kumov principle! This is a long, long-standing closed caste that will not allow anyone in your circle to live and work according to other rules that are not accepted in this circle! And they are losing their posts and posts not because someone decided to put things in order, but in order to free up a place for their man! Hence the uncontrolled rudeness and arrogance on their part in any way, or even without it! They never mix themselves with the people in anything! Believe me, alas!, My bitter experience! Of course, there are rare exceptions, but the white crow in this pack is not a tenant! Until the first suitable occasion! And for their places they hold on with their teeth and claws, and with all four limbs!
    But our people, unfortunately, copy and repeat the actions, and even the moral principles of these same officials, either out of ignorance, or out of stupidity! Or maybe in protest? Or maybe according to the principle: they can, but are we red-haired? But they still copy the worst, because the authorities are on top, and their negativity is everywhere to be seen! But no one wants to think about the consequences of this crooked reflection in a crooked mirror! It is appropriate expression-feast during the plague!
    And about the transom! It certainly does not affect the stability of the boat in any way, since it serves to mitigate the impact of the side against the wall of the pier when mooring! It is made of rope with a small knot and weight, because, sometimes it is used as a weighting agent at the end of the rope to throw the end of the rope onto a pier, or an adjacent side.
    1. +7
      2 October 2018 12: 33
      And about the transom! It certainly does not affect the stability of the boat, as it serves to mitigate the impact of the side against the wall

      You have confused "transom" and "fender". winked
    2. +1
      2 October 2018 14: 41
      Quote: sib.ataman
      But here's the reason: our power-the flesh of the flesh of the people-do not agree! There are no random people! Positions have long been, since deeply Soviet times, transferred to power on the basis of the Kumov or Kumov principle! This is a long, long-standing closed caste that will not allow anyone in your circle to live and work according to other rules that are not accepted in this circle! And they are losing their posts and posts not because someone decided to put things in order, but in order to free up a place for their man! Hence the uncontrolled rudeness and arrogance on their part in any way, or even without it! They never mix themselves with the people in anything!

      But can we say that we did everything (or something) to change this?
    3. +3
      2 October 2018 14: 44
      Quote: sib.ataman
      And about the transom! It certainly does not affect the stability of the boat in any way, since it serves to mitigate the impact of the side against the wall of the pier when mooring!

      You confused it with fenders.
  22. +1
    2 October 2018 11: 00
    ... Here, I think, another question is more appropriate: what should not be done?

    Do not be indifferent ...

    I would like to ask the author: and which of all the people listed by him (
    What are we scolding power? She is ours, dear, flesh from flesh.
    ) will "... take good care of the environment and each other"? Who! If power is a continuation of the people, and the people look at power, then how to get out of the circle?
    Full of hungry ...- Is there really a need to continue?
    I always remember: the chief eats meat, and I cabbage, but on average in the country everyone eats stuffed cabbage.
  23. 0
    2 October 2018 11: 50
    No need to be indifferent ("it doesn't concern me"), callous ("my hut is on the edge"), greedy ("the main thing is money", "everyone steals"), envious ("he has, but I don't" “Is he better than me ?!”), lazy (“nothing depends on me anyway”), aggressive (“now we will tear everyone,” “beat your own, so that others would be afraid”), proud (“I love only myself and I hope that this is mutual "), and in general, take care of the surrounding nature and each other. This can each individually. Carry your part of the contribution to the moral piggy bank, or - to the piggy bank of besovstvo and hypocrisy. Or or. A little pregnant can't be done. And for society as a whole, to realize that it is a people, not a population. That is when the consolidation of a healthy society will take place, and its worthy members will pass upstairs, not swindlers, thieves and hypocrites.

    Dear Stepan, if you want to change the world, start with yourself.
  24. +11
    2 October 2018 12: 09
    Quote: Bull Terrier
    Another system is where we go to build and are afraid to say a word?)

    And now we are not building, of course, but our word is much lower than the boyar's. This situation is apparently much better. The United Russia party is de facto a branch of the US Democratic Party, at least pursuing the same policy. There is also the path of partial, like Trump, or complete isolationism, like Eun. There is a variant of a socially equilibrium system, as we had before 1991, but such a system must be built within the framework of several countries and, of course, taking into account the mistakes of the USSR, CMEA and VD. She alone is too fragile for external influences.
  25. +8
    2 October 2018 12: 11
    Quote: barsuk
    Dear Stepan, if you want to change the world, start with yourself.

    Rich is not the one who has a lot, but who has enough. If you constantly increase the level of requirements for your life, then it can grow indefinitely.
  26. +9
    2 October 2018 12: 38
    Those three, what kind of Sobchak, answer? Have a clean laugh together laughing
    1. +1
      2 October 2018 14: 43
      It’s also interesting who it is! laughing
    2. +2
      2 October 2018 14: 44
      Have a clean laugh together

      Above oneself ? This is useful ... Those who just wanted to show for Sobchak - will they give up power through the elections to "Potanin"? And the author, instead of this "populist" education of the "peasants" of the times of Chernyshevsky, would be nice to look at the remaining monuments from the times of the 1905 revolution. Then the workers knew, and even without the Bolsheviks, how to make them reckon with.
      Where can we have even the smallest strikes, demonstrations, even the tiniest unity in even one lousy factory? Whom, it would be interesting to understand, did Grudinin want to represent? All, all offended? So they are different, they also offend Vasilyeva. You have to start by yourself, if you have finished. And then there will be your own "Grudinin". So I'm probably for Ksenia. To watch the hunt, how the real powers that be will perceive this circus.
      1. +5
        2 October 2018 16: 22
        So an organization needs to protest soldier
        And here the Authorities trampled down a political clearing for almost 20 years, and bought it up with discontent with money from the growing income from the sale of raw materials. Then they covered themselves with patriotic rhetoric. So the people were inactive - first bribed, then deceived.
        But the deception ends and there seems to be no money to bribe.
        I wonder how they will get out further?
        But the leaders will not get up, everything has its time.
        1. Alf
          2 October 2018 17: 23
          Quote: Beringovsky
          I wonder how they will get out further?

          Why get out? They’ll just say at one awesome moment. There are no more opportunities to support you, so we’ll just gut you. And for those who are against the gold and the National Guard.
  27. 0
    2 October 2018 13: 09
    Lots of letters and reflections. Was it worth it to write so much if there is a simple rule of life: "If you want to change the world, change yourself" .. But in this field, various obstacles await. You can change so that you will either become a vegetable, or you will go into the category of hysterical all-fledged people.
    = and relying only on moral principles. =, I dare to inquire which ones?
    But without this strong support on these, nothing can be squeezed out and improved. To get up, you need to rely on something. I was lucky, I have something. So I live, parallel to the mess around the creator, taking care of the survival of myself and my loved ones. The good news is that these loved ones are becoming more.
    Apparently a strong support good
  28. -5
    2 October 2018 13: 59
    [quote = Ingvar 72] [/ quote]
    The average resident of Russia is forced to spend more time at work, and the street, TV and the Internet are engaged in children. And the values ​​there are different. . [/ quote]
    And you try to sprinkle fewer comments on the Internet, then there will be enough time to increase family well-being and raise children. Only in this thread of your comments under twenty percent of the total. Do you earn it? Do you have a team here? Was one order replaced by another?
  29. +4
    2 October 2018 14: 39
    Thanks to the author! I will not try to disassemble in details, I read it as a manifesto!
  30. +1
    2 October 2018 15: 24
    The whole point of the article is that the people are to blame for everything. Bravo!
  31. +4
    2 October 2018 15: 39
    I would vote for any of the list except Putin, because. none of the list have done anything to me yet, and Putin has already done.
  32. +1
    2 October 2018 16: 15
    "Can anyone explain why practically at any exit to the forest, especially near settlements, there is a dump? Why are the accessible places on the river banks dirty? Why are the changing cabins on the Russian Black Sea coast strewn with used feminine hygiene products? Why nothing can be left without Why do they often try to violate the agreements reached unilaterally? Why are there many places (when applying for a job, when paying for work performed, in a car center, medical center, etc., etc.) deceive? Why are intolerant and aggressive towards each other? "

    From impunity. "This is not our 37th year." If a misconduct is not punished, then a crime will follow.
  33. -2
    2 October 2018 17: 45
    1. -6
      2 October 2018 20: 37
      This is called wasting time in vain - writing an article for one day, the author did not have anything to do to see.
  34. +1
    2 October 2018 17: 51
    "to do everything with" intelligence and understanding of the situation ", well, relying only on moral principles" - the road to hell was sent with good intentions, or, in New Russian, they wanted the best, but it turned out as always.

    Morality lags behind the development of society (because of the principle of its formation). You don't live according to "Domostroi" and don't eat the enemy physically? But once such principles were highly moral.

    I mean that morality is not enough for the equitable development of society. And the author himself is mistaken, and offers the other a false path. Not for nothing that many dashing things were done under high moral words, well, remember the current slogans - the defense of democracy, etc.

    At a minimum, you first need to decide on the goal - what kind of morality you are. And then with real cases on which you can report, and not offer the vague "do everything".
  35. +7
    2 October 2018 19: 07
    “... Olga Zhuravleva turned to the media and her case received a wide response. After the public discussion began, the situation changed radically.

    The very next day after the first publications, the regional prosecutor's office appealed to the Pugachevsky District Court.

    “The prosecutor’s office has initiated the question of canceling the sentence and terminating the criminal case due to the insignificance of the crime,” Olga Fedorova, senior assistant to the regional prosecutor for media relations, told Komsomolskaya Pravda ... "(c)
    as soon as publicity - where does everything go ???))))
  36. +1
    2 October 2018 22: 33
    Quote: Silvestr
    Quote: Chertt
    The question is which group forms the elite.

    a group of crooks, thieves, people deprived of honor, social justice, shifters, careerists, etc.

    You are mistaken, the winners form the "elite" and rewrite history for themselves ... ;-)
    But losers become all named.
  37. +5
    2 October 2018 23: 28
    Quote: Golovan Jack
    And the only correct one.

    Quote: Silvestr
    There is another ...

    But this, excuse me, is a chatter ... besides, it has already been said a million times that the official data do not provide complete information. Example: I personally know a couple of "dalnoboi" (father and son), officially - they do not work anywhere, but loads (rather big, "on the farm" two hefty trucks) are hauled regularly and very hard.

    your personal observations are only your observations. study the works of current ministers, do not trust your own feelings, and do not strum, otherwise you’re tired. Your megalomania and high self-esteem do not decorate you
  38. +3
    3 October 2018 04: 29
    We all want to be cared for (I am about the problem as a whole, not about each individual), to solve our problems, to bear responsibility for us, not to steal, to think about the people's welfare, and even not to raise the retirement age.

    This is what a fright? After all, those people from whom we demand moral deeds did not arise from nowhere, they are not from Mars and not even from the USA. They studied with us in the same school and played with us in the same yard.

    We all want the one who committed the crime against us to answer for this in all severity.

    This is what a fright? After all, those people who commit crimes in our relation did not arise from nowhere, they are not from Mars and not even from the USA. They studied with us in the same school and played with us in the same yard.

    So what - to understand, forgive and cancel nafig UK? laughing

    Do not be indifferent, callous, greedy, envious, lazy, etc. - it is right.

    But this in no way eliminates the need to beat the presumptuous children with state duties, who studied with us at the same school and played with us in the same yard.

    It does not cancel, first of all, because the meaning of the expression "every nation deserves the power that it has" is synonymous with the meaning of the expression "silence is a sign of consent."
  39. -1
    3 October 2018 11: 10
    Putin, like the Russian people, was deceived by the liberals-traitors - the fifth column, which the State Department pays. Going on a new term, Putin planned to raise the salary, add benefits, build airplanes / steamboats .. but the State Department does not allow him to do this, and the fifth column is set up to exterminate the population, they began with pensioners !!!!! Everything is just so, I swear to you, I watched on Ren TV and confirmed nightingales !!!!!
    1. 0
      3 October 2018 19: 29
      Quote: Semen1972
      Putin, like the Russian people, were deceived by the liberals-traitors - the fifth column

      Stalin out, try to deceive sad and Putin .... if he is so easily deceived ... on all matters of domestic politics ... He would have hired someone or appointed someone who is difficult to deceive. Putin’s acting on shooting issues.
      But people can’t be fooled. The people over there are writing ... while .... complaining to each other ... quietly dreaming that Putin will read.
    2. +1
      3 October 2018 20: 14
      Quote: Semen1972
      Putin, like the Russian people, was deceived by the liberals-traitors - the fifth column, which the State Department pays. Going on a new term, Putin planned to raise the salary, add benefits, build airplanes / steamboats .. but the State Department does not allow him to do this, and the fifth column is set up to exterminate the population, they began with pensioners !!!!! Everything is just so, I swear to you, I watched on Ren TV and confirmed nightingales !!!!!

      I guess. what was sarcasm?
      1. 0
        4 October 2018 09: 21
        Quote: Silvestr
        I guess. what was sarcasm?

        Everyone decides for himself.
  40. +1
    3 October 2018 20: 48
    The article is good, and there is something to think about. But it's just a pity that those who SHOULD think about it, for the most part, will not read it, and suddenly reading it - they are unlikely to think. By the way, it is a pity that even in the voting on the site there is no column "Against all". As the saying goes - choose the sort of shit ...
    The problem is quite important, it is "only a man bears full responsibility for all decisions", but I often come across a situation that many men and women are very often the "master" of their word - they wanted to say, said, and then quickly changed their shoes. Today I laughed in the face of one such, and the process of changing his shoes. And in a situation where the word of the majority of the country's population is worthless, when people have no honor - what can we talk about? Where to look for a normal government, if honor is just a word for many without a special semantic and moral load? You need to educate your children correctly and then something will change. To educate not a consumer, but a creator.
  41. -1
    5 October 2018 19: 51
    Well, really, for the “Communists" it only remains to vote and bring them to power, because they still can’t finish their main business with Russia. Flag you hands guys as they say
  42. +3
    6 October 2018 10: 57
    Quote: Golovan Jack

    But the presence of the State does not at all replace the presence of one's own head on shoulders, believe me

    Hello, long time no see. Are you, of course, about having your own head? That's what I look at you in the avatar, the face does not fit into the format, I mean, of course, dog. Probably fed. good

    Quote: Cherry Nine

    And it (surprise) - exactly Putin personally prepared?

    Putin was furious when he found out.

    Yeah and bit all the "Politburo" laughing
  43. +1
    7 October 2018 17: 10
    First you need to nationalize (patriotize) the so-called. elite, that in conditions when they themselves and the government headed by the "guarantor" went over to an open struggle with their people and country for destruction, accelerating and actively resolving, on instructions from the overseas metropolis, according to their methodology, the "Slavic question" finally and without swivel, for the remaining 6 years. In power, people who killed the state, who betrayed all kinds of oaths and oaths in their time solemnly given in front of their comrades with weapons in their hands and (or) receiving Komsomol and party cards. Purely logically, how can a person without conscience and honor, who betrayed his ideals, his country and people, consciously or unconsciously (which is unlikely, there are no fools there) for various reasons, who began to serve and ensure the interests of a foreign and hostile state, to a constructive, creative work to develop and strengthen their homeland? Coming to the last term of his activity, knowing the future prospects, he did not even begin to hide and pretend again, and having received an unprecedented credit of people's trust for future development and progress, he immediately gave a mouthful twice and defecated into the collective face of his people. Appointing the old government (colonial administration), which for 30 years destroyed all the best that was in the country, according to the instructions of the gazdep, organized and controlled the robbery of the state unprecedented in the history of mankind, surrendering all conceivable and inconceivable interests of its country, dividing the people into inherited classes, depriving even development prospects. What is the difference from non-brothers, who are ridiculed by all the media, just as there, the management of a semi-colony follows the same instructions and instructions, according to exactly the same laws and regulations written overseas, a graduate of a Yale school with her hubby is generally from the same gang with all branches of the Fed in the post-Soviet space and are managed from one center across the ocean. It is easier to say which of the ministers and the entourage of the "guarantor" has no relatives and real estate abroad, garbage-media, so all polls, therefore, on the screens terry anti-Sovietism, wretched and immoral programs with dances on graves, with ostentatious and disgustingly vile details of personal life once like artists, with grandmother Katya, who does not understand how funny she is, mean, ekaty, second-hand party-goer Malakhov, etc. squalor. The decline of morality, depravity of power and irresponsibility for their decisions, a sense of permissiveness, low professionalism bordering on sabotage, a complete lack of political will, does not give hope for any significant revival of Russia's former role in the world.
  44. -2
    8 October 2018 10: 12
    As for education: at 20-30 there was also a period of endless throwing and brutal experiments. Then everything returned to the proven classic system. I dare to think that in our case it will all end exactly the same. Judging by the echoes, there, fellow scientists themselves can not decide how to form further, everyone has a bunch of degrees, scientific papers, regalia and up to the penis of the FNM. Until they reach a consensus among themselves, do not expect any improvement in schools. And there is no one to intervene, because apart from the high-browed eggheads, nobody in the problem has either an ear or a snout, and the academic officials are crushing with authority.
    As for the great leap forward, like the Stalinist one, it is needed anyway. Wants his people, whether he agrees to "repeat", but will have to. We'll have to anyway. Putin is there, or not Putin is in power. So does it really matter who conducts it? Nobody will ask the people, because it is pointless. 99,9% of people are arranged in such a way that even though the whole Universe is burned up, I would have to live my own peace, and eat sweeter. So they will prefer to lower the retirement age fivefold to the saving leap for the country and hard work, and to increase salaries and pensions "somehow" 10 times.
    I’m only surprised how many there turned out to be those who would replace Putin with a complete oligarch, all of whose merit was only in that he coughed up Zyuganov and the company. Do you seriously think that he would have pleased the people? Would you raise salaries, reduce taxes? Would you raise the retirement age? Is this an oligarch then? Truly, nothing has changed in the world since the Neanderthals, the majority are still fools. Ukrainians out there, too, dreamed of changing their Yanukovych to at least anyone. Well, at least someone came, it became easier? How are you, gentlemen, different from non-brothers?
  45. 0
    10 October 2018 04: 19
    Here, the comments are unnecessary - I completely agree with the author, one could add, and even so it is already quite sour ...
    But on the next branch ("WarHiard" I can't comment there, because the entrance there is only through social networks, which I do not accept) someone, like the historian Isaev, diligently working out grants, like a boy from the North, calls to understand the West when unleashing VM2 ...
    I just never read such impudent lies and hypocrisy - it’s at least splashed out here ....